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This kind of glasses manufactured by experienced craftsmen( )comfortably.

【答案】:B考查动词的主动形式表示被动意义。当不及物动词与副词连用表示主语的性格特征时,使用主动语态表达被动含义,如The essay reads smoothly.(这篇文章读起来非常流畅)。分析选项可知,B项正确。故本题选B。句意:这种由经验丰富的工匠制作的眼镜戴起来很舒服。

yes,you control the information age.welcome to your world

The "Great Man" theory of history is usually attributed to the Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle, who wrote that "the history of the world is but the biography of great men." He believed that it is the few, the powerful and the famous who shape our collective destiny as a species. That theory took a serious beating this year. To be sure, there are individuals we could blame for the many painful and disturbing things that happened in 2006. The conflict in Iraq only got bloodier and more entrenched. A vicious skirmish erupted between Israel and Lebanon. A war dragged on in Sudan. A tin-pot dictator in North Korea got the Bomb, and the President of Iran wants to go nuclear too. Meanwhile nobody fixed global warming, and Sony didn"t make enough PlayStation3s. But look at 2006 through a different lens and you"ll see another story, one that isn"t about conflict or great men. It"s a story about community and collaboration on a scale never seen before. It"s about the cosmic compendium of knowledge Wikipedia and the million-channel people"s network YouTube and the online metropolis MySpace. It"s about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes. The tool that makes this possible is the World Wide Web. Not the Web that Tim Berners-Lee hacked together (15 years ago, according to Wikipedia) as a way for scientists to share research. It"s not even the overhyped dotcom Web of the late 1990s. The new Web is a very different thing. It"s a tool for bringing together the small contributions of millions of people and making them matter. Silicon Valley consultants call it Web 2.0, as if it were a new version of some old software. But it"s really a revolution. And we are so ready for it. We"re ready to balance our diet of predigested news with raw feeds from Baghdad and Boston and Beijing. You can learn more about how Americans live just by looking at the backgrounds of YouTube videos—those rumpled bedrooms and toy-strewn basement rec rooms—than you could from 1,000 hours of network television. And we didn"t just watch, we also worked. Like crazy. We made Facebook profiles and Second Life avatars and reviewed books at Amazon and recorded podcasts. We blogged about our candidates losing and wrote songs about getting dumped. We camcordered bombing runs and built open-source software. America loves its solitary geniuses—its Einsteins, its Edisons, its Jobses—but those lonely dreamers may have to learn to play with others. Car companies are running open design contests. Reuters is carrying blog postings alongside its regular news feed. Microsoft is working overtime to fend off user-created Linux. We"re looking at an explosion of productivity and innovation, and it"s just getting started, as millions of minds that would otherwise have drowned in obscurity get backhauled into the global intellectual economy. Who are these people? Seriously, who actually sits down after a long day at work and says, I"m not going to watch Lost tonight. I"m going to turn on my computer and make a movie starring my pet iguana? I"m going to mash up 50 Cent"s vocals with Queen"s instrumentals? I"m going to blog about my state of mind or the state of the nation or the steak-frites at the new bistro down the street? Who has that time and that energy and that passion? The answer is, you do. And for seizing the reins of the global media, for founding and framing the new digital democracy, for working for nothing and beating the pros at their own game, TIME"s Person of the Year for 2006 is you. Sure, it"s a mistake to romanticize all this any more than is strictly necessary. Web 2.0 harnesses the stupidity of crowds as well as its wisdom. Some of the comments on YouTube make you weep for the future of humanity just for the spelling alone, never mind the obscenity and the naked hatred. But that"s what makes all this interesting. Web 2.0 is a massive social experiment, and like any experiment worth trying, it could fail. There"s no road map for how an organism that"s not a bacterium lives and works together on this planet in numbers in excess of 6 billion. But 2006 gave us some ideas. This is an opportunity to build a new kind of international understanding, not politician to politician, great man to great man, but citizen to citizen, person to person. It"s a chance for people to look at a computer screen and really, genuinely wonder who"s out there looking back at them. Go on. Tell us you"re not just a little bit curious.


London, the capital of British is a famous city with a long history and colorful cultures. There are some great wonders in London, such as Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, Big Ben, Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, Stonehenge, and so on. They are so wonderful and great.伦敦是英国的首都,是一个具有悠久的历史和丰富多彩文化的著名的城市。伦敦有许多名胜古迹,如白金汉宫,大英博物馆,大本钟,伦敦桥,伦敦塔,巨石阵等等。他们是如此的奇妙和伟大。Buckingham Palace is the place where the Queen lives in. There you can always see the guards.白金汉宫是女王生活的地方。你总是可以看到警卫。The British Museum is a museum with human history and culture. There is a great deal of objects from all over the world in it.大英博物馆是一座收藏着人类历史和文化的博物馆。在里面有大量来自世界各地的物品。Big Ben is one of the most famous clocks in the world. It"s the symbol of London. It"s 150 years old and it still works well.大本钟是世界上最著名的钟。它是伦敦的象征。它已经150岁了,却仍然能正常工作。Tower Bridge is a famous bridge over the River Thames in London. It"s close to the tower of London. Every day thousands of people use it to cross the river.塔桥是横跨伦敦泰晤士河的一座著名的桥。它靠近伦敦塔。每天有成千上万的人用它来过河。The Tower of London was once a prison for kings, queens and some important people, many of whom were executed here. But now, it"s just a historical site. Every day, many people come here and take pictures of it.伦敦塔曾是国王,皇后,一些重要的人的监狱,他们中的很多人都是在这里处决。但是现在,它只是一个历史古迹。每天有很多人来这里拍照。Stonehenge dates back to about five thousand years ago. The usage of it still remains a mystery.巨石阵的历史可以追溯到大约五千年前。它的使用仍然是一个谜。What interesting sites in London. If I have a chance to go abroad, I"ll travel to that city. I am sure I will be joyous there.在伦敦有什么名胜古迹。如果我有机会出国,我会去那个城市。我相信在那里我会玩的很开心的。更多优秀英语作文尽在:分享君英语作文网 原文地址: 跪求里面的歌

歌手:Ying Yang Twins 歌曲: Jack It Up 歌词:Ha haha hawoahying yangcolliparkget backget backladiesyo yo yo yo jack it up[ chorus ]do you like what you see bet you want a piece of me, do you like what you see, what you see, what you see [ hell yeah ]do you like what you see bet you want a piece of me, do you like what you see, what you see, what you see [ hell yeah][ verse 1]collipark come down and watch there mother fuken jaws hit the ground now jack yo ass up, jack yo ass up, jack yo ass us, jack yo ass up, thick thick mamma jammas all in there, booty booty booty booty rockin everywere, drunk little people they stop and stare, drunk little people dont come in there, naked skin is all they wear, how they new everything is bear, playing with the girl, baby hair, leanin on back in the chair, say **** you know that chick is fine, you get that one, this ones mine, watch you call big booty girls in line, *********, chain thats what there working, ever since the game bout girls been twerkin, ying yang twins know that to do, if u dance in the club they"d be workin you.[ chorus ]do you like what you see bet you want a piece of me, do you like what you see, what you see, what you see [ hell yeah ]do you like what you see bet you want a piece of me, do you like what you see, what you see, what you see [ hell yeah][ verse 2]collipark come down and watch there mother fuken jaws hit the ground now jack yo ass up, jack yo ass up, jack yo ass us, jack yo ass up, baby you know u look good in dem clothes, let me take a picture with my camera fone, the way u poppin and droppin, shawty of the chain, so wibble wobble shake it and move that thang, so back it on up like a ***** truck, girl u know i love it how u stretch yo stuff, i like that so baby do what u do, aint no body else look as gud as u, coz u a bad mamma jamma with a big behind, so bring that thang up for me one more time, and shake it like a salt shaker [ shake it like a salt shaker], girl work ur mind and make u do that thang, thats it right there girl i love it when u do that move, ooo u got a big booty on you, **** dance floor and show em how we get down wid it, follow me lets get it get it. [ chorus ]do you like what you see bet you want a piece of me, do you like what you see, what you see, what you see [ hell yeah ]do you like what you see bet you want a piece of me, do you like what you see, what you see, what you see [ hell yeah][ verse 4]collipark come down and watch there mother fuken jaws hit the ground now jack yo ass up, jack yo ass up, jack yo ass us, no money, no honey, no cash, no ass, no gucci, no couchie, so dont even ask, no fine ass, no romance, no dough, no hoe, if u aint got no **** then u cant go to bed, you look like a super model wit alot of class, girl look at yo booty wat u doing wit all that, girl i no this might through ya off but can i touch yo booty and see if its soft, shake that thang like a tamberine, move it round and round like a washing machine, girl u no u look gud to me, yes i do like wat i see. [ chorus ]do you like what you see bet you want a piece of me, do you like what you see, what you see, what you see [ hell yeah ]do you like what you see bet you want a piece of me, do you like what you see, what you see, what you see [ hell yeah]


首先是看模特的广告代言!然后再看最近的曝光度。曝光度就是指最近杂志封面,大片呀什么的!当然T台的走秀场数也是一个次要因素!还有一点就是模特的出道时间! 出道时间长,又没有什么大单的!排名要稍微靠后一些!












turn 和become 都有成为的意思。但是become注重过程,表示逐渐变成。例子:It becomes bigger and bigger.它变得越来越大。 turn表示结果,如:He turned a writer two years later.

英语谚语:Joy often comes after sorrow, like morning after night 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Joy often es after sorrow like morning after night 中文意思: 暮去必将朝至,苦尽常会甜来。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Glory honour wealth and rank such things are nothing but shadows 富贵如浮云。 Glory is the shadow of virtue 光荣是美德的影子。 God defend me from my friends; form my enemy I can defend myself 防友靠天,防敌靠己。 God helps those who help themselves 自助者天助之。 God never shuts one door but he opens another 天无绝人之路。 God sends fortune to fools 蠢人有蠢福。 God sends meat and the devil sends cooks 鲜肉由天次,劣厨乃鬼遣。 Go farther and fare worse 一动不如一静。 Go for wool and e home shorn 求得反失。 Gold will not buy everything 黄金不能购买一切。 英语谚语: Joy often es after sorrow like morning after night 中文意思: 暮去必将朝至,苦尽常会甜来。




我也记得那个马盖特, 虽然整个公司普遍充满了这类人,他们是公司不错的选择却是很难相处的。 每周都有船驶往伦,装载着鲭鱼和鲱鱼,并载人返回。这廉价的运输工具对死鱼和充满活力的人群同样宽敞 。所以,也许,您的孤独在拉姆斯盖特可能产生另一优势;至少我认为它是的。

英语谚语:Dexterity comes by experience 中文翻译是什么?

英语谚语: Dexterity es by experience 中文意思: 熟练来自经验。 随机推荐10条英文谚语: Adversity makes a man wise not rich 患难使人聪明,但不能致富。 Adversity makes strange bedfellows 身处逆境不择友。 Adversity successfully overe is the highest glory 成功地克服困难是最大的光荣。 A fair death honours the whole life 死得光明,终身荣耀。 A fair face may hide a foul heart 人不可貌相。 A faithful friend is hard to find 益友难得。 A fall into the pit a gain in your wit 吃一堑,长一智。 A father is a treasure a brother is a fort but a friend is both 父亲是财富,兄弟是安慰,朋友兼而有之。 A fault confessed is half redressed 承认错误,等于改正一半。 Affairs that are done by due degrees are soon ended 事情要安步就班地做,就会很快地做完。 英语谚语: Dexterity es by experience 中文意思: 熟练来自经验。

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含有up with的短语,比如come up with 这样的,越多越好,急!!!!

keep up with ...跟上;catch up with ...赶上;be fed up with...厌腻; come up with...提出; put up with...忍受; fill up with ...挤满了;speed up with...; end up with...结束; meet up with...偶遇;split up with...与.分手(断交); tie up with... 把…与…密切联系起来.build up ...with... 用...建造...

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求:剑七 Test3 雅思口语Part2 a competition 解析 题目: Describe a competition (e.g. TV, colle

1.题型分类:事件题2.参考内容Describe a competition (e.g. TV, college/work or sports competition) that you took part inType of competition: talent/skill/strengthBefore the competition: preparationDuring the competition: feelings/performanceAfter the competition: award/prize3.可用句型:Municipal/provincial/national/internationalOnline/Bulletin board/advertisement/handoutContestant/candidate/judge/hostThe rule of the competition is simple…All contestants are asked to…I received more than just an award.I learnt a lot through the game.

ethical compass


西安有common projects吗


opponent, competitor, contestant 有什么内涵的区别?

opponent, competitor, enemy, foe, rival这些名词均有“对手,敌手”之意。opponent : 最常用词,通常指在争论、辩论、竞选或竞赛以及其它各种矛盾冲突中站在对立面的“对手”或“敌手”。competitor : 指为同一目标或目的竞争者,一般无感情色彩。enemy : 多指充满敌意的仇敌。foe : 语气较强,多用于书面文字和诗歌中。指不仅敌对,而且很危险,怀有很深的敌意。rival : 指与某人目标一致而想赶上或超过他的人。contestant 用得较少,指参赛选手、持反对观点的人等。

common projects是什么意思


最奢侈的球鞋common projects怎么读

common projectscommon英[u02c8ku0252mu0259n]美[u02c8kɑ:mu0259n]adj.普通的; 通俗的; [数学]公共的; 共有的n.普通; [法律](对土地、水域的)共有权; 公共用地; 平民projects英[p"ru0259du0292ekts]美[p"ru0259du0292ekts]n.项目( project的名词复数 ); 课题; (政界领导人的)长期目标; 有组织的任务v.计划; 投射( project的第三人称单数 ); 提出; 展现网络企划; 企划; 工程

the computers made in china are cheaper than that made in America

the computers WERE made in china are cheaper than that was made in America被动语态祝你开心 望采纳




When he was combing his hair by a tomb, a bomb came in.

这首歌叫什么名字? 很好听 或者能听出几句歌词也可以

小精灵洛特(Pixie Lott)-榜单歌曲Cry Me Out Cry Me Out 我哭了 I got your emails 我曾受到你的邮件 You just don"t get females 你说你还没有女伴 Now, do you? 现在呢?是否也一样 What"s in the heart 在你心中的那个人 Is not on your head 你还没有忘记 Anywhere 无论在哪里都没有 Mate, you"re too late 伙伴 ,你来得太晚了 And your weren"t worth the wait 并且你一直不值得去等待 Now, were you? 现在呢?你值得去等待了吗? It"s out of my hands 我的感情已经不受我控制 Since you blew your last chance 自从你放走了你最后的机会 When you played me 当你玩弄了我的感情以后 You"ll have to cry me out 你注定让我哭泣 You"ll have to cry me out 你注定让我哭泣 The tears that I"ll fall 我掉下的眼泪 Mean nothing at all 什么也不代表 It"s time to get over yourself 现在是时候忘记你了 Baby, you ain"t all that 亲爱的,你并不是所有 Maybe, there"s no way back 也许,已经没有回去的路了 You can keep talking 你还在前行 But, baby, I"m walking away 但是,亲爱的,我已经走远 When I found out 过去当我发现 How you messed me about 你对我是那么不认真 I was broken 我的心碎了 Back then I believed you 但是我依然相信你 Now, I don"t need you 现在,我已经不需要你 No more 再也不需要 The pick on your phone 你手机的来电 Proves you weren"t alone 表明你并不孤单 She was with you, yeah 她和你在一起, Now, I couldn"t care 现在我并不关心这个 That you weren"t aware 然而你却未意识到 We"re through 我们的关系已经结束 You"ll have to cry me out 你注定让我哭泣 You"ll have to cry me out 你注定让我哭泣 The tears that I"ll fall 我掉下的眼泪 Mean nothing at all 什么也不代表 It"s time to get over yourself 现在是时候忘记你了 Baby, you ain"t all that 亲爱的,你并不是所有 Maybe, there"s no way back 也许,已经没有回去的路了 You can keep talking 你还在前行 But, baby, I"m walking away 但是,亲爱的,我已经走远 Gonna have to cry me out 想要让我哭泣 Gonna have to cry me out 想要让我哭泣 Boy, there ain"t no doubt 你,毫无疑问的 Gonna have to cry me out 想要我哭泣 Won"t hurt a little bit 是否有一点点心痛 Boy, better get used to it 你需要习惯这样的心痛 You can keep talking 你可以继续前行 But, baby, I"m walking away 而我已经走远 Listen, I got the emails 记住,我收到了那封邮件 I got the text 也看到了你的问题 The answer"s still the same 答案现在还是一样 It"s the way it is 就像是注定的一样 I got to go 我必须离开(如果是在打电话的话)意思是 我要挂了 You"ll have to cry me out 你注定让我哭泣 You"ll have to cry me out 你注定让我哭泣 The tears that I"ll fall 我掉下的眼泪 Mean nothing at all 什么也不代表 It"s time to get over yourself 现在是时候忘记你了 Baby, you ain"t all that 亲爱的,你并不是所有 Maybe, there"s no way back 也许,已经没有回去的路了 You can keep talking 你还在前行 But, baby, I"m walking away 但是,亲爱的,我已经走了远 You"ll have to cry me out 你注定让我哭泣 You"ll have to cry me out 你注定让我哭泣 The tears that I"ll fall 我掉下的眼泪 Mean nothing at all 什么也不代表 It"s time to get over yourself 现在是时候忘记你了 "Cause baby, you ain"t all that 因为亲爱的,你并不是所有 Maybe, there"s no way back 也许,已经没有回去的路了 You can keep talking 你还在前行 But, baby, I"m walking away 但是,亲爱的,我已经走远 这里面的第二首是什么歌 跪求了

歌手:Timbaland 歌曲:Apologize歌词:I"m holding on your rope我紧紧握住你给的希望 Got me ten feet off the ground 它让我双脚悬空 I"m hearing what you say but I just can"t make a sound 听懂了你的言意我却只能绝望沉默 You tell me that you need me 爱我要我曾是你山盟海誓 Then you go and cut me down, but wait 伤心于你的离去我却只能空虚等待 You tell me that you"re sorry 不说你的歉意是那么苍白无力 Didn"t think I"d turn around, and say... 可你不会想到我要重新向你致意 It"s too late to apologize, it"s too late 你说的对不起已是太迟,真的太迟 I said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late 我说过现在已是太迟,真的太迟 I"d take another chance, take a fall 我想我还会努力,宁愿再次被你伤害 Take a shot for you 也再给你一次让我接受你的机会 And I need you like a heart needs a beat 我需要你就像我的心要跳动得一次又一次 But it"s nothing new 其实这并无新意 I loved you with a fire red曾经对你炉火样的热情 Now it"s turning blue, and you say... 现已变得那么纯青,可你还在迟疑 "Sorry" like the angel heaven let me think was you 你天使般的道歉对我而言恰似来自天堂的妙音 But I"m afraid... 于是我想 It"s too late to apologize, it"s too late 对不起你说得太迟,真的太迟 I said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late 我说过现在为时太迟,真的太迟 It"s too late to apologize, it"s too late 你的道歉来得太迟,真的太迟 I said it"s too late to apologize, it"s too late 我说过现在为时太迟,真的太迟 It"s too late to apologize, yeah 对不起你说得来得太迟,真的太迟 I said it"s too late to apologize, yeah- 我说过现在为时太迟,真的太迟 I"m holdin on your rope, got me ten feet off the ground... 让你每句话语留在我的记忆,让我的心向你飞驰

Helen,come and help me是什么时态?


come on!try again是什么意思



cache名为【高速缓冲存储器】其原始意义是指存取速度比一般随机存取记忆体(RAM)来得快的一种RAM,一般而言它不像系统主记忆体那样使用DRAM技术,而使用昂贵但较快速的SRAM技术,也有快取记忆体的名称。cache是存在于主存与CPU之间的一级存储器, 由静态存储芯片(SRAM)组成,容量比较小但速度比主存高得多, 接近于CPU的速度。作用:缓和中央处理器和主存储器之间速度不匹配的矛盾。原理:当中央处理器存取主存储器某一单元时,计算机硬件就自动地将包括该单元在内的那一组单元内容调入高速缓冲存储器,中央处理器即将存取的主存储器单元很可能就在刚刚调入到高速缓冲存储器的那一组单元内。效果:中央处理器绝大多数存取主存储器的操作能为存取高速缓冲存储器所代替,计算机系统处理速度就能显著提高。cache组成结构:1、Cache存储体:存放由主存调入的指令与数据块。2、地址转换部件:建立目录表以实现主存地址到缓存地址的转换。3、替换部件:在缓存已满时按一定策略进行数据块替换,并修改地址转换部件。 谁知道这个视频的背景音乐叫什么名

满意请采纳 谢谢曲目:Hot Stuff 作者:幸田来未(Koda Kumi)幸田来未(1982年11月13日),本名神田来未子,日本流行音乐女歌手,出生于日本京都府宇治市,其妹misono(神田美苑)为日本乐团“近未来”(day after tomorrow;已于2005年停止活动)的主唱。毕业于京都精华女子高等学校。所属唱片公司为日本艾回公司旗下品牌rhythm zone。性感的启示,开起了‘幸感狂潮",而“性感歌姬”也成了幸田来未的代名词。

英语翻译用以下词组a couple of .keep in touch with . com

Keeping in touch with absent friends is never easy, especially for me. I have been away from the old neighborhood and the friends there for a couple of years. During these years, I have been trying to write to them. However it seemed that I could hardly find the time since there was something coming up from time to time. Now, as a result, I have lost contact with them. But they are always on my mind. I believe that I will try to keep up some kind of correspondence with them.

求一首舞曲,高潮部分一直重复"come baby come baby......"

Come On Baby

look,the bus is coming,the boy is( ) 括号里为什么填"in danger" 而不填"dangerous"

dangerous是形容词in danger是动词词组(形容词不放在句末)


输入 电子邮件。 someone 是你的用户名,后面 是你注册的邮箱,如你的QQ邮箱就可以用。


1、点击左下角开始菜单按钮,然后点击设置。2、点击帐户。3、点击你的帐户,找到注册 Microsoft 帐户(或者可能是添加 Microsoft 帐户)的字样后点击。图中显示的由于我已注册过帐户,所以显示成改用 Microsoft 帐户登录,请忽略。4、点击创建一个。5、这个example的中文意思为示例,举例。说白了就是一个提示你的内容而已。这个example.com的邮箱是不存在的。因此在这里要填写你自己拥有的邮箱地址,比如QQ邮箱,163邮箱,谷歌邮箱等。而不是以example.com结尾的邮箱地址。


PS.凡是灌水都将予以举报! 补充: 不知道的人不要回答!无意义灌水! 满意答案Mōkey 万俟3级2008-09-22其实那时候我也一直以为这是一个邮箱,但上网查看了百度之类的,发现其实不是,不过@example.com虽然不是一个邮箱,但是你注册时仍然有效的!我当时注册的ID仍然是可以使用的!可为了方便我还是注册了hotmail,作为另外一个ID!康了 的感言: 哦,这样啊,谢谢ING 2008-09-22其他回答(1)WHY8级2008-09-22那不是一个邮箱地址,example的意思是让你随便填一个邮箱,比如sina、163等,事实上你根本就没有注册成功










您好 没有办法注册的

This is my kingdom come. 这是个什么句式?歌词里看到的。


请问comedic relief什么意思


come to say hi还是come say hi

口语无所谓的,不用那么认真。 I just come to /and say hi

Look, the paint is starting to come off _____the wall is damp. A,where B,when C,if D.once

b,when 状语

com offer是什么意思

意思是:商业报价。com全称是:commercialization,意思是:商业。重点词汇:commercialization。英[ku0259mu025c:u0283u0259lau026a'zeu026au0283n]释义:n.商品化,商业化。短语:commercialization of public housing公房商品化;商品化。例句:用作名词(n.)Hardly anyone can escape the influence of commercialization.几乎没有人能逃脱商品化的影响。A treatment method for carbazole violet commercialization is presented.介绍了咔唑紫商品化处理的一种方法。

come and look in the lost and found box!这句子里的介词短语做什么成份?look后的介不应该是at吧?


come and look in the lost and found box

欢迎大家回到学校!首先,来看一下失物招领箱!里面有许多东西.这是谁的书包?噢,对不起!是我的.我的蜡笔也在那里吗?这些蜡笔是你的吗?是的,是我的,这块橡皮也是(我的).这些磁带是谁的?是我的.这儿有一个紫色的钱包!是我的.看!这儿有我的名字“托尼”!不客气!看这块漂亮的手表.大明,这也是你的吗?不,不是我的,我想它是贝蒂的.是的,是她的.同学们,从现在开始请仔细保管你们的物品.这儿有一些漂亮的手套.它们是谁的手套 让我看看······噢,是我的!

平明百姓是ordinary people 还是common people

前取普通之意 后面的取一般 大众之意

He flew into a rage and common sense went by board.

去掉a rage 里面的arage 的意思是愤怒,表示一种情感,是不可数名词

LG电视没有VGA模式 只有component模式 怎么连接笔记本电脑?


__ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question. A.Each B.Any


_____ with any common sense can tell the difference between the two.

anyone与any common相呼应

古驰丅恤common sense is not that common是什么意思?

古驰丅恤:common sense is not that common.意思:常识并非是那么寻常。常识并非那么普遍。(常识并非人人知晓)。

英语common sense is not common怎么翻译?

common sense is not common常识不常识

英文“Common Sense”是什么意思?

英文“Common Sense”的意思的常识。例句:1、She hasn"t an ounce of common sense.她一点儿常识也没有。2、Knowledge without common sense counts for little.光有学问而无常识,则这种学问无甚价值。词汇搭配:in the name of common sense 究竟

common sense什么意思?


use common sense是什么意思

use common sense使用常识

who that has common sense will do such a thing?


who_has common sense will do such a thing A,which B,who C,whom D,that 为何选D,求语法解析

先行词who, 这里是that引导定语从句,that在从句中做主语

TPO18套 empirical近义词为什么是based on observation而不是based on common sense

急!!求LG棒棒糖PC套件 我的那个光盘不见了。哪里可以下载的吗?发我邮箱吧!!谢谢!!


Thomas Paine, _____, wrote Common Sense


Who _____ has common sense(常识) will do such a thing?


with any common sense can tell

whoever是“无论谁”,引导主语从句,有时也引导宾语从句,类似的有“which”与“whichever” whoever (pron).谁 连接代词,引导名词性从句(=anybody that) Whoever comes will be welcome.谁来都欢迎. Give it to whoever you like.你喜欢给谁就给谁. anyone=anybody


a measure of common sense常识的衡量标准Scientists" contempt for common sense has two unfortunate implications. One is thatpreposterousness, far from being a problem for a theory, is a measure of itsprofundity; 科学家对常识的鄙视有两种令人遗憾的意义:一种是一个理论的荒谬性不但不是理论自身的问题,反而成了这个理论具有深度的标志。

关于no common sense的一些用法

首先第一句不能用a beautiful,第二句应该这样理解,如果你没有这方面常识的话,咱们再谈谈,第二句应该要配合语境才能理解,直接翻译的话确实不通。仅供参考,共同提高


it is common sense that 这是常识

《Common Sense,》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine》(Thomas Paine)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 9hqy书名:Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine作者:Thomas Paine出版社:CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform出版年份:2009-4-16页数:474作者简介:托马斯u30fb潘恩,生于英格兰诺福克郡一个裁缝,上过几年学,先后做过学徒、鞋匠、英语教师、收税官,在富兰克林帮助下到达北美大陆,投身于争取北美独立事业,1776年以“一个英国人”名义发表《常识》,成为了北美人民明确的战斗纲领,并随后被吸收为《独立宣言》的精华,并随后被吸收为《独立宣言》的精华,除了《常识》,潘恩还应邀参加起草了《人权宣言》,出版过极具启蒙意义的《人的权利》、《土地正义论》、《理性时代》等著作,晚年回到美国,潘恩一生都在跟独夫民贼以及君主制等强大的“传统”作战,并终身宣扬激进的民主共和思想--这些思想至今还闪耀着穿透历史迷雾的耀眼的光芒。

make common sense什么意思

make common sense符合常理。 例句筛选1.What he does doesn"t make common sense and is against the rules of thereferees.他完全没有常识,违反了一个裁判的准则。2.And the challenge for anyone who would reclaim the right to cultivate ourculture is to find a way to make this common sense open its eyes.对于想重新获得培养自身文化的权利的人来说,其挑战在于如何找到一种方法,使这种常理重获光明。

ounce of common sense

bit 用于修饰可数名词,common sense(常识)不可数,所以选B ,a bit of 是形容可数名词的,a little of才是不可数的

这句英文名言Common sense is that layer of prejudice laid down prior to the age of sixteen怎么翻译?


Common sense is not so common.是什么意思

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