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some children come to school by ferry是什么意思?

Some Kidsgotoschool byderry


compus是一个名词,解释为(大学)校园、大学或其分校短语 compus manager 拓扑服务 compus life 校园生活(大学可以分好些校区,这里compus可以理解为某某校区) microsoft compus(微软校园)、acorn compus (美国橡子园创投公司) compus walk圆规步行 Compus Network校园网 off-compus在校外住的学生每天乘班车上学和回来 eg.: 1、Compus life makes me depraved , what is my aim?今天确立的是我一生的航向,我,志在必得! 2、How are you these days! I hope I know about you. you are on compus now, right? 这些日子你怎么样,我希望能了解你。你在校区,是吗?3、Dorm culture is the constitutional part of compus ethics. 一个学校的宿舍文化是校园文化的一个重要组成部分。

come up with与catch up with都当赶上时可以互换吗? 一个句子什么时候用不定式,什么时候用过去分词?




come up with作为“赶上”的意思时,和keep up with,catch up with有什么区别?


put down放下 shut down把…关上 cut down砍掉 come down下来、落下 sit down坐下 writ




come up with作为“赶上”的意思时,和keep up with,catch up with有什么区别?


come up with作为“赶上”的意思时,和keep up with,catch up with有什么区别?

comeupwith作为“赶上”的意思时,和keepupwith,catchupwith的区别 keepupwith (已经走出来的半路上)跟上,不落在…后面: catchupwith (有一定的距离的追上赶上)赶上,追上;

come up with作为“赶上”的意思时,和keep up with,catch up with有什么区别?

comeupwith作为“赶上”的意思时,和keepupwith,catchupwith的区别keepupwith (已经走出来的半路上)跟上,不落在…后面:catchupwith (有一定的距离的追上赶上)赶上,追上;

come up with 与keepupwith,catchupwith有何区别

1.come up with :赶上;(针对问题等)想出,提出;准备好(钱等)2.keep up with:跟上,不落后于;保持与...同样的速度;和...保持联系3.catch up with:追上,超过;对...产生预期的坏影响(或恶果)作为“追上,赶上”的意...

catch up with与come up with的区别

catch up with赶上某人或进度 come up with想出办法

come up with 与keepupwith,catchupwith有何区别

Come up with 突然想到(办法等等)keep up with 保持一同前进Catch up with 追赶上(学习工作方面)

Advantages and disadvanges of online communication 求此英语作文一篇 100-500字

The Internet has created a means for people to come closer together. Rather than spending money on phone services, people in different states or even different countries can hop on messenger services, social networking or email to communicate. The Internet allows people to find old friends, classmates, and family members, or meet new people.With the growing popularity of the Internet more and more people are communicating via email. This fast and efficient method of communication is perhaps the preferred method of online communication at the present with thousands upon thousands of emails being sent each day. The many uses of email are what make it so appealing and so versatile. Whether you are sending a greeting to a grandparent or sending files to a coworker, you can easily utilize email to do so. Email has come quite a long way since its introduction, yet it is still used for many of the same reasons. Basic electronic communication has essentially evolved into a more resourceful tool as one has the ability to do much more now then they once could. Along with the usual sending of files and text messages through email, one can send greeting cards, manage their emails by assigning them to folders or classifying them as junk and even organize and manage their daily tasks on some email servers. This wonderful tool is not without its downside however. Some people choose to send worms and viruses via email and in the process infect and damage quite a lot of computers. A virus email can often be very difficult to detect, especially to someone with very little knowledge of computer viruses and how they work. If you notice that you have an anonymous email or an email with a name foreign to you then you may not want to open this email as may likely be a viruses and the mere act of opening the email makes your computer susceptible to infection. Along with the abovementioned problems privacy has also become an issue with email activity. Virtually every email that you send has to go through a number of computers before it reaches the inbox of the intended receiver and along the way there exists a distinct possibility that an individual could hack into your email and read it. Thus it is imperative that you have a bullet proof password. Online communication does not allow users to see one another or speak face-to-face. Though the use of video chat can allow users to speak face-to-face virtually, chat programs and email do not always allow it. An online friendship does not have the same contact as a physical one, such as meeting up in person, contacting over the telephone, and having a conversation, nor does it allow you the physical experience and comfort of having a friend by your side.

gross Increase 和 net income 的区别

  gross income总收入;毛收入  net income净收入  1)毛收入=主营业务收入-折扣与折让-营业费用-主营业务成本-主营业务税金及附加  2)净收入=主营业务利润+其他业务利润-管理费用-财务费用+投资收益+补贴收入+营业外收入-营业外支出  gross income总收入;毛收入;总收益  Chinese farmers" property income is derived from their property and constitutes a gross income of farmers together with rural household business income, wages income and transfer income, etc.  财产性收入是由其财产带来的,我国农民的财产性收入与农民的家庭经营收入、工资性收入、转移性收入等,共同构成农民的总收入。  Property income of fanners makes up a comparatively small proportion of gross income, usually at 3% or lower.  农民的财产性收入在总收入中所占的份额相对较小,一般不超过总收入的3%。  As for Em$,the output,gross income,and net income of modeⅠwere respectively 50%,102.6%,and 136.4% higher than those of modeⅡ.  以能值-货币价值计算,模式Ⅰ的产投比、毛收入和净收入分别高于模式Ⅱ50%、102.6%和136.4%.  net income  [会计]净收入;收益净额  1.The second-quarter improvement in net income was the smallest gain in nearlytwo years, according to the FDIC.  据联邦存款保险公司数据,第二季度净收入增幅为接近两年来最低。 2.Net income climbed to 2.8 trillion yuan ($438 billion), the National Bureau of Statistics said on its website today.  国家统计局今天在其官网上说其净收入攀升至2.8万亿人民币(约合438亿美元)。


completely和thoroughly的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.completely意思:adv. 彻底地; 完全地; 完整地;2.thoroughly意思:adv. 非常; 极其; 彻底; 完全; 仔细; 缜密;二、用法不同1.completely用法:表示动作或状态。例句:I understand completely.我完全明白。2.thoroughly用法:常用作谓语。例句:The police made a search of the room thoroughly.警察彻底地搜查了这房间。三、侧重点不同1.completely侧重点:completely强调广义上的全面性。2.thoroughly侧重点:thoroughly强调具体方面、细节方面的彻底性。



按英语习惯,如何称呼论文答辩中的提问老师?respected professors? all the appraiser committee members

respected professors,简单为佳!

construction company是什么意思

construction company[英][kənˈstrʌkʃən ˈkʌmpəni][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən ˈkʌmpəni][法]建筑公司;

我的台球杆上有comprss custom是什么意思


signed/company stamp是什么意思啊

company stamp 公司盖章; signed stamp 签署盖章

God helps those who help themselves, skill comes. 中文是什么意思


以The Aduantages and Disaduantages of playing computer games为题写一篇80词以上的英语作文

以下是一篇範例 請參考: Along with the time development, computers come to our life; meanwhile, computer games become a part of our dailylife. Everything comes with two sides. Playing computer games have its advantages and disadvantages. I know many people relax themselves by playing computer games. There is too muchpressure form many part of life, like family, studying, job and so on. So we search for ways to relax ourselves and computer games play a important role in this part. There are many disadvantages of playing computer games. Many people take too much time to play computer games, which is very bad for the study, job and health. I heard many students died of computer games. Even worse is that some student steal money to play computer games. In my opinion, you can like computer games, but can not drop in it. We should make use of its advantages and avoid the disadvantages. 同時請注意正確串法為advantage而不是aduantages 望採納 謝謝!求采纳

picc property and casualty company limited 怎么翻译

PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited网络释义PICC Property and Casualty Company Limited:中国人民财产保险股份有限公司|中国人民保险公司


company 英["kʌmpənɪ] 美[ˈkʌmpəni] n. 公司,商号;作伴,伴侣,客人;连队,中队;(社交)集会,聚会 名词复数:companies [例句]Company officials declined to comment.公司管理人士拒绝置评。2.Is this world trading company? 你是不是世界贸易公司?3.How is your company performing? 你的公司情况怎样?4.Both loved the company of women. 二人都喜欢有女人陪伴。5.Bravo company has suffered a staggering 28 casualties in two months,though luckily nobody has been killed. 连在两个月内有28人负伤,尽管很幸运美军并没有人丧生。

they have to come to terms with the resulting

1. 句子直译是:他们不得不对失败感妥协。大概意思是:他们不得不承认失败了。2.come to terms with 是一个词组不能分开翻译 意思是:妥协/达成协议

unless, of course, the resulting indigestion(消化不良) leads to complaints.


How too Touch aa Woman and Get Her Excited.www-nu26-com


writing competition是什么意思

writing competition写作比赛

slightlt, completely probably各是什么意思



come1. as good as they come极好的,非常棒的2. Come again?[俚语]再说一遍,我也许听错了。3. Come and get it![口语]饭准备好了,来吃吧!4. come and goa. 来来往往c. 忽来忽去;时隐时现;变化不定;瞬息即逝5. come apart at the seams(因极度喜悦而)忘乎所以6. come clean[美国俚语]全盘招供,坦白承认;说出实话7. come into being(或existence)出现,形成;产生;成立8. come ita. [俚语]b. 尽本分c. 获得成功d. 拿出钱来e. 摆阔,卖弄f. 骗人;吹牛g. 【拳击】示弱h. 向警察告密;泄密9. come it overa. [俚语]b. 对…作威作福,称王称霸;对…摆威风;凌驾于…之上c. 欺骗,哄骗;愚弄;占…的便宜10. come neara. 走近;接近b. 不亚于,可与…相比,可以和…媲美[一般多用于否定句]c. 几乎(做出某事);险些儿(遭不幸等)[后接动名词]11. Come off it![美国俚语]别装蒜了!别骗人了!别胡诌了!别吹牛了![多用于祈使句]12. come out of the red[口语]【经济学】扭亏为盈,扭转亏损13. come to school[口语]改邪归正14. come true(希望、理想等)实现;达到15. come up roses[口语]结果完美,结局很理想16. come up to the standards达标17. come what may (或will)不管发生什么事,不管怎样,无论如何18. coming up[口语](饭菜等)准备好啦;这就端上来啦19. How come…?[美国口语]怎么会…?怎么搞的?怎么回事?20. if it comes to that如果事情到那种地步;假如那样的话;既然如此21. not know whether(或if) one is coming or going[口语]完全不知所措,晕头转向22. This is where we come in.这就是我们原来的起点。(指转了一圈又回到原地)23. to come未来的,将到来的[用于名词后作定语]24. Where do I come in?a. 我该干什么啦?b. 我从什么地方能捞到好处?25. where one is coming from某人的利益、态度或感情的根源come aboutv. 发生;产生;改变方向come acrossv. 偶遇;无意中发现;讲得清楚明白;[口]给人…印象come back回来;记起;恢复原状,重新流行come down下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;落泊,失势come onv. 快点;开始;上演;跟着来;要求;突然产生come out出现;出版;结果是come over过来;顺便来访;抓住come through经历;安然度过;获得成功come tov. 想起;共计come to the point直截了当地说;扼要地说come true实现,成真;成为现实come up发生;上升;发芽;被提出;走近;开始come up with赶上;提出;想出get,1. can"t get it up for[美国口语]缺乏劲头;对…不感兴趣2. can"t get there from herea. [美国口语]b. 从这里到那里路难走且远c. 无法解决那难题3. get a bead on[俚语]向…瞄准4. get above oneself[口语]变得狂妄自大,自傲5. get a charge out of因…而感到兴奋6. get a clobbering尝到了失败的滋味,受到了挫折;遭到严厉的谴责(或惩罚)7. get acquainted with见 acquaint8. get a jerk on something[俚语]赶快干某事,使劲干某事9. Get along (或away, out)(with you)!a. [口语]b. 滚开!走开!c. 去你的!别胡扯!(表示不相信)10. get anywherea. (使)到达某地b. [口语](使)有些结果(或成就、进展);使行得通[美国英语亦作 get anyplace][常用于否定句或疑问句]11. get a rise out of惹某人恼怒12. get away from it all[口语]一走了之;(以度假等方式)逃避都市生活(或生活中的某些烦恼)13. get away special project附加开放实验计划14. get away with it做了错事(或坏事)而不被发觉(或不受处罚);逍遥法外15. get away with murder见 murder16. Get away with you![口语]别胡扯!去你的!(表示不相信)17. get back at someone[口语]向某人进行报复18. get back into circulation恢复正常生活(或工作)[见circulation]19. get back into harness(病后)重新工作[见harness]20. get back to the grindstone[口语](不情愿地)重新工作[见grindstone]21. get behind hand拖延;拖欠;耽搁22. get beyond a joke[口语]超出开玩笑的限度,十分严肃的事23. get beyond caring[口语]不再操心;不再关心24. get beyond endurance[主英国英语]忍无可忍25. get clear of离开;避开;摆脱;还清(债务等)26. get clipped受骗上当;被敲竹杠27. get down on someone[美国口语]对某人产生不满(或敌意、怨恨等);申斥某人28. get down to a fine art见 art29. get even with somebody(由于恶意而)冤枉某人;[俚语]报复30. get hitched[俚语]结婚31. get his (或 hers, mine, theirs)受罚;强行索取(自认为应得的东西)32. get hold of见 hold33. get in by the back door走后门34. get in on the ground floor(对与自己有利的事)一开始就参加35. get in one"s blood很受某人所喜欢;成为某人生活的一部分36. get in touch with (oneself)自省;自我内部感情的了解37. get it across[口语]使为观众所欣赏;使…被人理解38. get it all togethera. [美国俚语](保持)沉着冷静;胸有成竹;对人生抱积极的态度b. (受惊吓等后)恢复镇定c. (女子)身材匀称39. get it in for someone对…生气;想对…进行报复40. get it in the neck被恋人(或朋友)抛弃;被解雇41. get it offa. [美国俚语]b. 射精达到性欲高潮c. 性交d. 手淫42. get it ona. [俚语]b. 变得有精神;处于激动兴奋状态c. 做爱,与…性交d. 勃起,性欲亢奋e. 玩个痛快43. get it out[口语]消除紧张情绪;轻轻松松44. get it together[美国俚语]圆满地处理(或组织)某事;振作;集中精力;调和精神,调和身心状态[亦称get your act together]45. get it up[美国俚语]勃起46. get next toa. [美国英语]b. 接近,亲昵;讨好(有权势的人)c. 了解(或知道)某事d. 擅用;随手拿走47. get next to oneself[美国俚语]恍然大悟;意识到(受骗等)48. get nowhere[口语](使)无结果;(使)无效;(使)一事无成49. get off ita. [口语]别吹牛了;算了吧;别糊弄人了[亦作 come off it]b. “增强意识自我实现训练”的良好结果50. get off (on) (doing) somethinga. [美国口语]b. 因服用毒品而兴奋;被毒品麻醉c. 因(做)某事而兴奋;乐于做某事51. get off one"s back不再扰乱某人;不再批评某人52. get off one"s case[美国俚语]让人独自呆着;不要打扰某人53. get off on the wrong foot开头不顺利54. get off scot free (或 scot-free)安然逃脱;逍遥法外;未受损害55. get off the dime积极采取行动;不再拖延56. get off the ground使…开始;(使得)开始有进展57. get off the hook使某人摆脱困境;使某人免遭失败[见 hook]58. get off the mark开始,出发[见 mark]59. get off with (someone)a. [口语]b. (未经介绍)与(异性)亲热起来;打得火热c. 使与(异性)交上朋友60. get off with something没遭受比…更大的不幸(更严厉的处罚)61. Get off with you!去你的!滚开!62. get one"sa. [美国口语]得到应有的惩罚b. [美国口语]发财;得到应有的报酬c. [英国俚语]被杀死63. get one"s back up见 back64. get one"s comeuppance遭到应有的报应;受到应有的处罚65. get oneself together[口语]控制住自己的感情66. get one"s gage upa. 喝醉酒b. 盛怒之下打人,摔东西;激怒;发怒67. get one"s goat激怒某人;嘲弄某人;挫伤某人68. get one"s own back on someone[主英国口语]以牙还牙,报复69. get on the sticka. 积极行动起来,开始精神饱满地工作b. [俚语]控制局面70. get on with it抓紧干;提高效率71. Get on with you!去你的吧!(表示不信和怀疑)72. get out from under还清债务;卷土重来73. Get out of it![俚语]别胡扯了!别吹了!74. get out while the going"s good[口语]趁有利时机溜走;趁机溜掉75. get (someone) at it[口语]取笑(某人),拿(某人) 开玩笑76. get someone going见go77. get someone in乘某人在家时找到他78. get someone off the hook[美国俚语]将某人搭救出来79. get screwed受到不公正待遇;吃亏,上当80. get someone where one wants him迫使某人赞同自己的意见81. get something down cold (或pat)[美国俚语]知道(或了解)得一清二楚82. get something on someone[口语]抓住某人的把柄83. get somewhere[口语](使)有一些进展;(使)有一些成果84. get the bit between one"s teeth[口语](工作中、意见上等)执著,一心一意85. get therea. [口语]b. (使)到达那里c. (使)达到目的;(使)成功d. 明白其用意86. get the worst of it(在比赛、竞争中)遭到惨败87. get up and dig (或 dust)[美国英语]惊慌离开,匆匆离去88. get up and get (或 go)a. [美国英语]b. 尽快;赶快走c. 雄心;进取精神[亦作 get-up-and-get,get-up-and-go]89. get up early(in the morning)a. 早起b. [口语]精明,机警,清醒90. get what"s coming(to one)自作自受91. get well in with someone[口语]同某人相处很好92. get wise见 wise93. get with ita. 使自己适应b. 警觉,留神c. [俚语]赶上时髦,赶潮流,顺应新潮流,不落伍94. get yours受到惩罚;自作自受95. got up to kill穿得花哨(或时髦、讲究)96. have got it bad(或 badly)[俚语]得了相思病97. have got to[口语]不得不,必须98. tell someone where to get off[口语]使某人碰一鼻子灰;严厉斥责某人99. you (或 we) get[口语]有,存在1. be hard put to it (to do something)(做某事)有很大的困难2. not put it past someone[口语]相信某人会做出(某种不寻常或不名誉的事)(与 would 连用)3. put a bug (或flea) in one"s ear[美国俚语] 见bug4. put a crimp in (或 into)[美国俚语] 见crimp5. put a half-Nelson on[美国英语]把对方带到不利的地位6. put a large number of runs together推断 [亦作 put two and two together]7. put asunder分开,拆散8. put (someone) at his ease使宽心(放心、安心)9. put behind one (或 someone )拒绝考虑(某事);把(某事)置之脑后,不受(某事)干扰10. put down asa. 认为(某人)是…b. 以…名义登记;以…项目进账(往往意在蒙混欺骗)11. put down for登记(入学、认购、认捐等)12. put down in black and white白纸黑字写下13. put down the drain[口语]浪费14. put down toa. 把(开支)记在…账上b. 把(某事)归因于…,认为(某事)是由于…15. put grit in the machine见 grit [亦作 put a spoke in someone"s wheel]16. put hairs on someone"s chest[口语]喝酒(使某人胆壮)17. put heart into鼓舞(某人),给(某人)以勇气18. put…homea. 戳进;撵走b. 坚持到底19. put in a fix (或hole)使某人陷入绝境20. put in a nutshell简明扼要地说,一言以蔽之21. put in fora. 提出(要求、申请等)b. 申请,请求c. 推荐d. (使)报名(参加比赛等)22. put in force实施23. put in hand着手,动手24. put inside[警察俚语]把…关入监狱,关押,拘留,拘禁25. put into a junk吓(某人)26. put it across someonea. [口语]b. 向某人报复c. 严厉惩罚(或斥责)某人d. 哄骗(或捉弄)某人27. put it mildly说得婉转些;毫不夸张地说;往小处说;往轻处说 [常作插入语]28. put it ona. 夸张,吹牛b. 要高价,要价过高c. [俚语]装腔作势;假装(生病等)29. put it on the street泄漏秘密30. put it overa. [美国俚语]b. 获得成功;得到推广c. 考试及格d. 【棒球】(投手)投出一个好球31. put it (或 something) over on[口语]欺骗,捉弄,愚弄,利用32. put it past认为与(某人)性格相矛盾;对(某人)可能做的事情感到惊奇 [用于否定句]33. Put (或 Stick) it (right) there![俚语]来同我握手吧! [表示同意、讲和等用语]34. put on airs见 air35. put on dog见 dog36. put one over on[口语]对(某人)耍诡计,让(某人)上当,欺骗(某人) [亦作 put over on]37. put one"s (或 the) best foot forward (或foremost,first)[亦作 put one"s (或 the) best leg foremost] 见 foot和leg38. put oneself out[口语]作出努力;费力,不辞辛苦,不怕麻烦39. put on flesh (或 weight)见 flesh 和 weight40. put on lugs[美国俚语]装腔作势,摆架子41. put on steam见 steam42. put on style见 style43. put on the pan[美国俚语]骂,责备44. put out for要求45. put out of action见 action46. put out of service关,停止47. put (someone) out of the way除掉(某人);把(某人)关进牢房48. put over on欺骗,占…便宜 [亦作 put one over on]49. put paid to见 paid50. put right订正;医治(病人)51. put someone next to见 next52. put someone on toa. 使某人同…接触,使某人与…会见,使某人与…谈话b. 告诉某人有关…的消息,向某人送有关…的情报c. 向某人告密(或告发),通知某人捉拿…53. put someone through it[口语] 严厉地审讯某人;对某人(的能力或勇气)进行严峻的考验54. put someone up为某人提供住宿55. put someone up to somethinga. 把某事告诉(或通知)某人;把某事教给某人b. 挑唆(或唆使、煽动)某人做(坏事)56. put someone wise (to)见 wise57. put that (或 this) and that together做出合理的推测;根据现有的材料(或事实)得出结论58. put the acid ona. 见 acidb. [美国俚语]试59. put the bee on[美国俚语] 见 bee60. put the finger on[美国俚语] 见 finger61. put the heat on[美国俚语]见 heat62. put togethera. 编辑;拼拢b. 比较考虑,合计c. 使结婚63. put to it使为难(或苦恼) [常用过去分词形式作定语]64. put to rights[美国英语]整理,整顿65. put (someone) to the door辞退,解雇某人66. put two and two together根据事实推断,推理67. put up or shut upa. [美国俚语]b. 要么拿出钱来打赌,要么闭嘴c. 要么拿出行动来证实你的话,要么就不要开口68. put (someone) wise[美国俚语]使(某人)想某事;点醒,点悟69. stay put[美国口语] 保持不变;停在原处70. well put说得好put asidev. 撇开;储存…备用put away放好;抛弃;储存put down记下;镇压;制止;贬低put forwardv. 提出;拿出;放出;推举出put in提出,提交;放入;使就职;种植put into practice实行,实施;落实put off推迟;扔掉;阻止put on穿上;上演;假装;使…上场;增加put on airs摆架子;装腔作势put option出售选择权;卖出选择权;卖出期权put out出版;熄灭;伸出;使不方便,打扰put the cart before the horse本末倒置;前后颠倒put throughv. 接通;完成;使穿过;使从事,使经受put up建造;举起;提供;推举,提名;供给…住宿put up withv. 忍受;容忍turn1. About turn!【军事】[用作口令]向后转!2. a hand"s turn一臂之力,一举之劳;一点体力劳动,一点工作3. at every turn事事,处处;每次,经常,老是4. at the next turn of the wheel在下次好运气来的时候5. a turn of fortune"s wheel命运的转变6. a turn of phrase措辞,表达方式7. be turned (of)年逾,年在…以上8. by turns轮流;轮班;交替地;时而…时而…9. call the turna. [美国英语](成功地)预测,预测得很准b. 定调子;发号施令;操纵,指挥,左右着10. do someone a bad (或 an ill) turn做有损于某人的事,危害某人,使某人吃亏11. done to a turn煮熟,烧得恰到好处12. do someone a good turn做(一件)有利于某人的事,做好事,为某人效了一次劳13. Even a (或 the)worm will turn.见 worm14. give a new turn to给…另一种说法,对…给予新的说法15. give someone a bad turn使某人吓了一跳16. give (someone) another turn of screw对(某人)施加压力17. give someone (quite) a turn[美国英语]把某人吓了一跳,使某人大吃一惊18. go for a turna. 溜达溜达,散步b. (坐车等)兜一圈,玩一玩19. in one"s turna. 这一回b. (依次)轮到时20. in the turn of a hand顷刻之间21. in turna. 反过来b. 依次,挨个c. 交替地,轮流地22. Left turn!【军事】[用作口令]向左转!23. make a turn转变,转24. make someone turn (over) in his grave使某人在九泉之下也不得安宁25. not do a hand"s turn一点活儿都不干,不费举手之劳26. One good turn deserves another.[谚语]以德报德。27. on the turna. 正在转变(或变化、好转);就要转变b. (牛奶正在)变酸28. out of turna. 不依顺序地,不遵守轮次地b. 不合时宜地;(尤指)轻率地,鲁莽地[亦作 out of one"s turn]29. Right about turn!【军事】[用作口令]向后转![亦作 About turn!]30. Right turn!【军事】[用作口令]向右转!31. serve one"s (own) turna. (一段时间内)合用,管用;(紧急时)能起作用;能应急b. 满足个人的需要,适合个人的要求(或目的)[亦作 serve the turn 或 serve a turn]32. serve someone the good turn (of)(在…方面)对某人有好处33. serve someone"s good适合某人的需要;对某人有用34. short turns(音乐会等的)短小节目35. take a turna. 转弯,转b. (情况、形势等)转变c. (驾车、乘船、骑马)兜一兜风,玩一玩d. 溜达溜达,散步e. 做一会儿(工作)36. take a turn for the better(情况等)好转,变好37. take a turn for the worse(情况等)恶化,变坏38. take turns依次,轮流(说、做等),轮班39. the turn of life【医学】(妇女)更年期,绝经期40. the turn of the tide形势(或舆论、运气等)的转变(一般指好转)41. to a turna. (指食物的煮、烤等)正好,恰好,恰到好处(常与动词 do, cook, roast 连用)b. 尽善尽美;精确地42. to the turn of a hair恰好;不差毫厘;非常精确,惟妙惟肖43. turn againa. 回到,返回b. 回顾c. 言归于好,和好44. turn and rend攻击(朋友),突然责骂某人45. turn and turn about依次,轮流地[亦作 turn about]46. turn in on (或 upon) oneselfa. 离群索居;与他人断绝来往b. (国家)采取孤立主义47. turn it ina. [俚语]b. 停止(做使人厌恶或生气的事情),住嘴,别说了,别搞了[用于祈使句中]c. 放弃(或辞去、停止工作),停止干;停止说(令人不愉快的话语、事情等)48. turn it up= turn it in49. turn loosea. 释放;松开,放掉[亦作 let loose]b. 使不受拘束;放纵[亦作 let loose]c. 开火;开(枪等);发射(子弹等)50. turn of events事态发展的变化,形势的变化51. turn of expressions表达方式,措辞,口吻52. turn of mind才能,倾向;气质,性情53. turn of speech说法,口吻54. turn one"s back on (或 upon)a. 掉转脸去不理睬(以表示轻蔑、愤怒等)b. 对…置之不理;拒绝帮助;抛弃55. turn pale见 pale56. turn someone adrift见 adrift57. turn the (或 one"s) back (on 或 upon)逃走;离开58. walk a turn来回地走走urn around船只留港turn down拒绝;向下转折turn in归还;交上;拐入;告发;[口]上床睡觉turn intov. 变成;进入turn leftv. 向左转turn off关掉,关闭;拐弯,使转变方向turn on打开,发动turn out结果是;生产;关掉;出动;驱逐turn over把…翻过来;翻阅;发动;移交给;营业额达到;反复考虑turn rightv. 向右转turn to转向;求助于;变成;致力于;开始行动turn up出现;发生;开大;发现;卷起;使仰卧

come adrift是什么意思

come adrift英[kʌm əˈdrɪft]美[kʌm əˈdrɪft]释义(船等)随波逐流,脱节,离题双语例句Part of the car"s bumper had come adrift.汽车的保险有一处松动了.

above,king,come,old,food,too,reply,another,life,see A boy found an eagle"s(鹰) egg an

小题1:came小题2:food小题3:older小题4:saw小题5:above小题6:replied小题7:king小题8:another小题9:1ife小题10:too 试题分析:一只小鹰出生在鸡窝里。所以他认为自己是一只鸡,和其它的鸡一样咯咯地叫,在泥土里找食吃,他看到一只鹰在高高的天上飞,希望自己也能像他那样,可是其它的鸡笑话他痴心妄想,所以他抱怨生命的不公,最后死去,还认为自己是一只鸡。你天生是鹰,就要有高远的目标。小题1:蛋壳破了,应从蛋壳里出来了。come out出来,全文用一般过去时,所以这里用came。小题2:小鸡在土里刨食吃。所以这里用food(食物)。小题3:一点一点地这只鹰长大一些了。所以这里用older(更大)。小题4:一天,他和他的鸡朋友们看见一只美丽的鸟正在空中飞。小题5:这只美丽的鸟在空中,在高高的山上飞翔。所以这里用above(在…上)。小题6:鹰说:“哦,我希望我能像它那样飞!”。鸡回答说:“别再想了”。 所以这里用replied(reply的过去式形式)。小题7:这就是大鹰,所有鸟的大王。你永远不可能像他一样!所以这里用king(王)。小题8:鹰没有再想。所以这里用another(另一个)。小题9:他咯咯咯地抱怨着生活的不公。最后他死了,还以为他是一只鸡。所以这里用1ife(生活、生命)。小题10:朋友们,你也天生是一只鹰,想文中的那只鹰一样。所以填too。

reply,welcome, throw的过去式

replied, welcomed, threw

common knowledge什么意思?是公共常识还是…?在句中的用法?哪个是可数名词?

common knowledge就是我们常说的”常识“的意思,其中knowledge是不可数名词。

英语学习:it is common knowledge that…. ( ……..是常识)。。这个需不需要在it is 后加上a 啊?

It is a common knowledge that...是正确的

knowledge 可数吗? common knowledge (常识)可数吗? 造2个句,谢谢。

有这样的用法: a good knowledge of 意为:通晓,对、、很了解,常与 have/acquire/obtain/develop 等动词搭配但是knowledge它本身是不可数的common knowledge同样不可数This is common knowledge, but a lot of people tend to ignore it.It is common knowledge that fish can"t live without water.


get作为“变的”时通常是非谓语 Outside it was getting light.外边天已经发白了turn为使动 The wheels were turning swiftly.轮子飞快地转动着become是“变为” Mr.Jones became headmaster last year.琼斯先生去年当了校长grow常指逐渐地变成新状态,强调渐变的过程 The company has grown rapidly in the last five years.这家公司近五年来迅速地发展壮大go作为连系动词,通常与形容词连用,指进入某种状态,从而发生变化,多指不好的状态 Fruit quickly goes rotten in hot weather.在热天, 水果会很快变质go down是下降的意思另外再补充一个 “come”侧重变化的经过或过程,多用于不良情况 This great prediction is coming true.这一伟大的预言即将成为事实

C++ VS2008 error C2039: “CommandBar_AlignAdornments”不是“`global namespace"”的成员 求大神指导

你去找一下你这个函数的声明或者定义,CommandBar_AlignAdornments显然是系统不认识这个函数,你前面写了 :: 表示它是一个全局的,但是编译器找不到全局的这个函数所以报错了

《The Cassandra Compact》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Robert Ludlum"s the Cassandra Compact》(Ludlum, Robert; Shelby, Philip;)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: dbcj书名:Robert Ludlum"s the Cassandra Compact作者:Ludlum, Robert; Shelby, Philip;出版年份:2011-3页数:454内容简介:Colonel Jon Smith, currently working as a medical researcher, is contacted by a Russian colleague with an urgent request that they meet in Venice in ten days. When they meet, however, his colleague is killed almost instantly in a hail of automatic gunfire but not before he passes on to Smith the vital intelligence--someone is out to steal Russia"s store of the smallpox virus. Completely eradicated, smallpox is the deadliest of viruses and could well cause an epidemic of unheard of proportions should it be unleashed on the population at large. Smith, with the help of his colleagues at Covert-One, must prevent the virus from being stolen. But his adversaries are several steps ahead of him and now he must find and stop the conspirators before they loose Armageddon upon the world.

what is "cassandra complex"

[希神]卡珊德拉, 凶事预言家, 不为人所信的预言家。cassandra 一般就指代凶事预言complex这里是“情结”应该是有凶事预言情结。

required reviews completed 多久

  这个就是是有足够的审稿意见,不是审稿已经结束,编辑可能还再等别的审稿人意见。所以一般一周到一个月都是有可能的。如果超过了一个月,楼主可以发邮件和编辑部联系一下。   我投的这个期刊这种状态表明审稿结束。我投的期刊是这样说明的:   ‘Required Reviews Completed" – The reviewing process of your paper has been competed. The Editor will be in touch as soon as they have made a decision on your paper. It is our aim that authors will receive a first decision on their submission within 60 days of submission. In some case where the referees" comments conflict, it may be necessary to seek further opinion. As a result this may delay the review of your submission. ​



扑克英文术语翻译:whist, speculation, quadrille, casino, all-fours, loo, commerce等


淘宝的正常页面, 木马个鬼, 付帐的时候网页看清楚,

compliance policy是什么意思

compliance policy 法规政策; [例句]Security and regulatory compliance policy reviews are mandatory for all IT projects所有IT项目都必须进行安全性和法律遵从性策略检查

commercial artist什么意思


composer artist是什么意思


fireflies back come to me

《fire fly》----a teens 歌词:  When I said go I never meant away 当我说离开时我从不打算离开   You ought to know the freaky games we play 你应该知道我们玩的任性游戏   Could you forgive and learn how to forget 你可以原谅而且学习该如何忘记吗   Hear me as I"m calling out your name 听到我呼唤你名字的时候   Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边   make the night as bright as day 使夜晚像白天一样明亮   I"ll be looking out for you 我会凝视着你   Tell me that you"re lonely too 告诉我你也很孤单   Firefly come lead me on 萤火虫过来指引我   follow you into the sun 跟随你接触太阳   that"s the way it ought to be 我们应当这样做   Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边   You and me 你和我   we shared a mistery 我们分享朦胧的感觉   We were so close 我们是如此接近   like honey to the bee 像是一对亲密的蜜蜂   And if you tell me how to make you understand 而且如果你告诉我该如何使你了解   I"m minor in a major kind a way 就能让我在混乱中找到属于自己的路  Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边   make the night as bright as day 使夜晚像白天一样明亮   I"ll be looking out for you 我会凝视着你   Tell me that you"re lonely too 告诉我你也很孤单   Firefly come lead me on 萤火虫过来指引我   follow you into the sun 跟随你接触太阳   that"s the way it ought to be 我们应当这样做   Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边   Fly firefly through the sky 萤火虫飞越天空   come and play with my desire 过来与我的渴望嬉戏   Don"t be long,don"t ask why 不要太久,不要问为什么   I can"t wait another night 我不可以等到下一个夜晚   Wait another night 等到下一个夜晚   Don"t be long 不要太久 萤火...虫   Firefly come back 萤火虫飞回我身边   Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边   make the night as bright as day 使夜晚像白天一样明亮   I"ll be looking out for you 我会凝视着你   Tell me that you"re lonely too 告诉我你也很孤单   Firefly come lead me on 萤火虫过来指引我   follow you into the sun 跟随你接触太阳   that"s the way it ought to be 我们应当这样做   Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边

蔡玮瑜(Noella Choi)亲自填词既英文原创曲 - Fireflies 能发给我一份么?非常感谢~


fireflies back come to me

《fire fly》----a teens 下载地址: 歌词:  When I said go I never meant away 当我说离开时我从不打算离开   You ought to know the freaky games we play 你应该知道我们玩的任性游戏   Could you forgive and learn how to forget 你可以原谅而且学习该如何忘记吗   Hear me as I"m calling out your name 听到我呼唤你名字的时候   Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边   make the night as bright as day 使夜晚像白天一样明亮   I"ll be looking out for you 我会凝视着你   Tell me that you"re lonely too 告诉我你也很孤单   Firefly come lead me on 萤火虫过来指引我   follow you into the sun 跟随你接触太阳   that"s the way it ought to be 我们应当这样做   Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边   You and me 你和我   we shared a mistery 我们分享朦胧的感觉   We were so close 我们是如此接近   like honey to the bee 像是一对亲密的蜜蜂   And if you tell me how to make you understand 而且如果你告诉我该如何使你了解   I"m minor in a major kind a way 就能让我在混乱中找到属于自己的路  Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边   make the night as bright as day 使夜晚像白天一样明亮   I"ll be looking out for you 我会凝视着你   Tell me that you"re lonely too 告诉我你也很孤单   Firefly come lead me on 萤火虫过来指引我   follow you into the sun 跟随你接触太阳   that"s the way it ought to be 我们应当这样做   Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边   Fly firefly through the sky 萤火虫飞越天空   come and play with my desire 过来与我的渴望嬉戏   Don"t be long,don"t ask why 不要太久,不要问为什么   I can"t wait another night 我不可以等到下一个夜晚   Wait another night 等到下一个夜晚   Don"t be long 不要太久 萤火...虫   Firefly come back 萤火虫飞回我身边   Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边   make the night as bright as day 使夜晚像白天一样明亮   I"ll be looking out for you 我会凝视着你   Tell me that you"re lonely too 告诉我你也很孤单   Firefly come lead me on 萤火虫过来指引我   follow you into the sun 跟随你接触太阳   that"s the way it ought to be 我们应当这样做   Firefly come back to me 萤火虫飞回我身边

Corporate compliance是什么意思

兄弟,这样的话答案太多了不信你看CPP C Plus Plus CPP 3,3-(2 Carboxypiperazine-4-yl)-Propyl-1-Phosphonate (NMDA receptor antagonist) CPP C Preprocessor CPP Cable Patch Panel CPP Cal Poly Pomona (a California State university in Pomona, California) CPP California Plant Protection CPP Calling Party Pays (Cellular) CPP Cambodian Peoples Party CPP Camouflage Pattern Printing CPP Canada Pension Plan CPP Canadian Public Policy CPP Capital Purchase Program CPP Carcinogenic Potency Project CPP Card Protection Plan CPP Card Punching Printer CPP Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Physiology CPP Career Pilot Program CPP Career Planning Program CPP Career Preparation Program CPP Carefree Personal Protection CPP Caribbean Policy Project CPP Casein Phosphopeptides CPP Casted Polypropylene CPP Celebrity Protection Program CPP Cell Physiology and Pharmacology CPP Center for Photographic Projects CPP Center for Public Policy CPP Central Precocious Puberty CPP Centralized Protection Policy (Cisco) CPP Centre for Public Participation CPP Centre Professionnel de Porrentruy (Switzerland) CPP Cerebral Perfusion Pressure CPP Certain Places Pay CPP Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product CPP Certification Program Plan CPP Certified Packaging Professional CPP Certified Payroll Professional CPP Certified Point-Of-Purchase Professional CPP Certified Prevention Professional CPP Certified Pricing Program CPP Certified Professional Photographer CPP Certified Professional Purchaser (Purchasing Management Association of Canada) CPP Certified Program Planner CPP Certified Protection Professional (American Society for Industrial Security) CPP Characters Per Page CPP Characters Per Pica CPP Chemical Production Process CPP Chicken Pot Pie (band) CPP Chinese Philosophy Page CPP Chinese Postman Problem CPP Choroid Plexus Papilloma CPP Chronic Pelvic Pain CPP Circuit Pack Power (Lucent) CPP Citrus Pulp Pellet CPP Civilian Personnel Pamphlet/Policy CPP Claimant Program Proposal CPP Clean Petroleum Product CPP Cloud Photopolarimeter CPP Coalition for Progress Party (Sierra Leone) CPP Coarse Production Planning CPP Codice di Procedura Penale (Italian legislation) CPP Código de Processo Penal (Brazilian Code of Criminal Procedure) CPP Collaboration Protocol Profile (ebXML) CPP College of Public Programs CPP College Partnership Program CPP Color Picker Pro CPP Columbus Pro Percussion, Inc CPP Combinet Proprietary Protocol (Cisco) CPP Comité de la Prévention et de la Précaution CPP Command Post Platform CPP Commercial Package Policy (insurance) CPP Communications Protocol Processor CPP Communist Party of the Philippines CPP Competitive Placement Plan CPP Competitive Pricing Plan CPP Compiler Preprocessor CPP Complete Price Protection CPP Complex Privatization Plan CPP Compliance Policy & Planning CPP Comprehensive Performance Partnership CPP Comprehensive Personality Profile CPP Computational Particle Physics CPP Computational Physics Project (College of Wooster) CPP Computer Platform Planning (Sprint) CPP Computer Program Package CPP Computer Purchase Program CPP Concept Position Papers CPP Concrete Power Pole CPP Configurable Port Processor CPP Constrained Production Planning (supply chain management) CPP Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. CPP Content Protection Parity (EMC) CPP Continuing Planning Process CPP Controllable Pitch Propeller CPP Convention People"s Party (Ghana) CPP Coolant Pumping Power CPP Cooperative Purchasing Program CPP Copyproof Positive Paper CPP Core Python Programming CPP Corporate Partner Privacy CPP Cost Per Page (printers) CPP Cost Per Point CPP Creating Profitable Partnerships (UK) CPP Creative Parallel Processing CPP Crime Prevention Program (California) CPP Critical Process Parameter CPP Crop Protection Programme (UK) CPP Crumpler Plastic Pipe Inc. CPP Cuba Poster Project CPP Cure Parkinson"s Project CPP Current Purchasing Power CPP Currently Permitted Program CPP Customer Preview Program (Microsoft beta testing) 行业不同,翻译觉得不同计算机里面就是CPP C Plus Plus 航海里面就是CPP Controllable Pitch Propeller 可变螺距桨其他,兄弟你自己看吧

英译汉:outgoing,funny,athletic,serious,quieter,in common,be different from,in public。

outgoing ["aut,ɡəuiŋ] adj. 外出的;即将离职的;乐于助人的n. 外出;流出;开支v. 超过;优于(outgo的ing形式)funny ["fʌni]adj. 有趣的;滑稽的;奇异的n. 滑稽人物athletic [æθ"letik]adj. 运动的,运动员的;体格健壮的serious ["siəriəs, "si:r-] adj. 严肃的,严重的;认真的;庄重的;危急的serious about 严肃;认真对待 quieter ["kwaiətə] n. 消音装置;消声器adj. 更安静的(quiet的比较级)n.消音装置;消声器in common 共同享有的,公有,共用;共同,(与…)有共同处be different from 与……不同in public 公开地,当众

请问大家off-the-shelf companys是什么意思


Cadinot 这个法国G company有谁还记得

Cadinot,法国的G片制作公司。Jean Daniel 是其导演。1. Gamins de Paris导演: Jean-Daniel Cadinot Gamins de Paris  (1992)编剧: Jean-Daniel Cadinot主演: Elyes Ardini / David Bauman / Damien Carrey类型: Adult制片国家/地区: 法国语言: 法语上映日期: 19922,神学院 Sacré Collège  (1983) 神学院 Sacré Collège  (1983)导演: Jean-Daniel Cadinot编剧: Jean-Daniel Cadinot / Maud Manuichez类型: Adult制片国家/地区: 法国语言: 法语片长: 58 分钟3,Charmants cousins  (1983) Charmants cousins  (1983)导演: Jean-Daniel Cadinot编剧: Jean-Daniel Cadinot主演: Franck Emmanuel / Philippe Amar / Frédéric Lemaire类型: Adult制片国家/地区: 法国语言: 法语上映日期: 1983又名: Becoming Men4,Le garçon près de la piscine  (1986) Le garçon près de la piscine  (1986)导演: Jean-Daniel Cadinot编剧: Jean-Daniel Cadinot主演: Hank Reisner / Didier Bertin类型: Adult制片国家/地区: 法国语言: 法语上映日期: 1986又名: Touch of magic5,缱绻少年人 Tendres adolescents  (1980) 缱绻少年人 Tendres adolescents  (1980)导演: Jean-Daniel Cadinot编剧: Jean-Daniel Cadinot主演: Jean-Paul Deval / Ange Dominique类型: 短片 / Adult制片国家/地区: 法国语言: 法语片长: France: 30 分钟上映日期: 1980又名: 缱绻少年人,6,流浪爱侣 Minets sauvages, Les  (1984) 流浪爱侣 Minets sauvages, Les  (1984)导演: Jean-Daniel Cadinot编剧: Jean-Daniel Cadinot主演: Pierre Buisson / Jacques de Rives类型: Adult制片国家/地区: 法国语言: 法语上映日期: 1984

computer monitor是什么意思



请写出下列单词的同根词 :compete;interview;employ;power;host;hope;harm;perform;admit;add;

v. n. adj. adv.compete competition competitive competitivelyinterview interview n/a n/a employ employee employed n/apower power powerful powerfully host host n/a n/a hope hope hopeful hopefullyharm harm harmful harmfullyperform performance n/a n/aadmit admit admitted admittedlyadd addition added addedly



关于admit的用法 the company admitted their fault to the customer. 为什么要加ted.

admit vi.承认;容许 vt.承认;准许进入;可容纳 整句话意思是 这家公司向客户承认了他们的错误. 正常动词加ed 表示过去式,由于admit单词中,t前面的字母是元音i,所以admit变为过去式时要双写t再加ed


compete [kəm"pi:t] vi.竞赛;竞争;对抗:About 800 athletes competed in fifteen events.大约有800名运动员参加了15个项目的竞赛。注意:Compete指两个(或一些)人或派别之间,为达到某种目标而进行的竞争。例如: Only two men are competing for the cup (只有两人在争夺奖杯)。The US and Iraqi armies were competing for victory in the battle (美伊两军打仗时各自在争取胜利)。 admit常见用法 见:希望我的回答对你有帮助 如有疑问 请在线交谈 祝你新年快乐 心想事成 O(∩_∩)O

英语the Admissions Committee怎么翻译?

The admission committee =资格审查委员会。


加入委员会的 admission,允许进入,加入权;committee委员会。

How come、 Guess what、 So what、 Why not 分别是什么意思

















comic strip是什么意思


求划分下这英语的结构 Given the opportunity,he might well have become an outstanding cartoonist.





comic 日本动漫carton 卡通

The court judged him tobe quilty of committing a felony.

是be guilty of


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