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美国警队中的watch commander怎么翻译


Come And Get It的歌词

come~~~~~~~~~ N get it~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i know you so come"n get iti see ur lips are wet she"ll come"n get it i"ve nothing guarantee that u want me get it i"m taking ***** credit so come"n get iti"m down at chinatown see shorty walking aroundshe gots the the chick soundi keep a low down she puts her nose downshe smells i cooking so she ********** i ******* in beijing i chill w/ yao mingi"m just chichichi chickinglalalalalalalalala yeah***********************lalalalalalalalalacuz in the far east we always got peacei know u so come and get iti see ur lips are wet so come and get iti"ve nothing guarantee that u want me get iti"m taking credit so come"n get it

关于Total Commander的两个问题

1、首先把窗口最大化,调整各栏宽度至你想要的宽度,单击菜单栏上的“配置”-“保存位置”-“保存设置”,然后重启Total Commander就可以了。2、打开你想要的文件夹后,按下快捷键“Ctrl+A”,全选文件夹里的所有文件,单击菜单栏上的“选择”-“复制文件名”,然后打开notepad,粘贴剪贴板上的内容就可以了。以上都是根据Total Commander自带的中文菜单来操作的,请参考。


进入YesCommander文件夹,启动程序,以此检查其运行环境。如果提示需要Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0,去下载安装。如果下载到的dotNetFx40_Full_x86_x64.exe文件,安装时提示你已经安装,果断卸载已经安装的,用从微软官网上下载的这个重新安装。如果什么都不提示,出现一个黑底色软件界面,上面只有两个按钮,说明软件正确启动。开游戏,选人物的那个界面,检查下插件,确定FollowerExport已经启用。进入游戏,聊天框里输入“/FE”,回车。打开一个大窗口,里面密密麻麻的文字,不用多看,鼠标点在文字中间,Ctrl+A,Ctrl+C。切出游戏,启动YesCommander软件,点击“Input”按钮,鼠标点进打开的文本框,Ctrl+V,点OK。







commander td2 配置

commander td2 配置如下:需要 64 位处理器和操作系统操作系统: Windows 7处理器: Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz.内存: 8 GB RAM显卡: nVidia GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600DirectX 版本: 9.0c网络: 宽带互联网连接存储空间: 需要 2 GB 可用空间声卡: DirectX Compatible

UiBot Commander是干什么的?


Commander和commanding officer有什么区别?


the chief of staff 跟commander 以及general 有什么区别


Bartender10.1 里的commander的命令-文档文件浏览不能打开电脑文件夹?

企业版本才有功能,这是使唤命令:Commander是一种软件实用工具,包含在BarTender企业版中。如果无法使用命令行或ActiveX自动操作,或者其使用成本很高,则可以借助于该工具,使用 BarTender来执行自动标签打印。Commander可作为应用程序或Windows服务运行。利用软件中的套件——Commander功能可以实现与其他软件的同步通信打印,当不方便或无法使用BarTender SDK控制BarTender时,可让你从其他软件控制BarTender。其他软件将需要打印的信息存放在某个文件里,Commander自动检测该文件,并“唤醒”BarTender,然后自动根据排版好的格式自动打印






释义:n. 指挥官,长官;海军中校;英国高级警官指令长(Commander),是载人航天飞行器中的专用称呼,包括航天飞机、宇宙飞船等。指令长负责接收地面指令或向地面传输指令,并对载人航天器中其他成员发出指令,有时兼任驾驶员(Pilot)的工作。其职责类似于航海活动中的船长。以美国航天飞机的乘务组为例,指令长( Commander)是一次特定飞行乘员组的领导和负责人。在飞行中负责飞行任务的安排、实施、飞行指挥、通信联络和飞行安全等,有时兼任驾驶员的工作。驾驶员( Pilot)则主要负责监视、操纵和控制航天器的飞行,负责航天器的检测和维修。协助指令长工作。如果指令长无法履行职责,驾驶员有权接替指令长的工作。任务专家( Mission Specialist)则要求受过航天器各系统和载荷操作的全面训练,精通所有飞行任务实施要求及载荷任务的目的、要求及其运行管理。参与飞行任务的计划并负责协调所有载荷实验与航天器之间的相互关系。

歌词come from a single world ,my heart is open

breathe againHave you wounder how it feels when it"s all over.你是否想过一切结束时会是怎样的感觉?Wound how it feels when you just have to start?a new.想过要重新开始又会是怎样的感觉?Never knowing?where you"re going.从不知道你往哪里去?When you face a brand new day.当你面对崭新的一天?It used to be that way.过去曾经是这个样子?Now I just close my eyes and say.而现在我只闭上眼睛,说?I just want to?breathe again.我只不过想再一次呼吸?Learn to face the?joy and pain.学习面对那份快乐与痛楚?Discover how to laugh a little,cry a little,live a little more.探索怎么多去欢笑一点,多去哭泣一点,多活出自己一点?I just wanna face today.我只想活在今天Forget about?the woes of?yesterday.遗忘昨天的伤悲?Maybe if I hope a little,try a little more.或许如果我多期盼一点,多尝试一点?I"ll breathe again.我就能够真正再次呼吸?Starting out again is never easy.重新再出发从来就不是易事?Disappointments come and go but life still moves on.失望来来去去而人生依然继续?With a bit of luck.拥有那么一点运气It"s a brand new start.就会是个崭新的开始?That might?just work my way.那也许是适合我的方式?No need to walk away.不需要逃避?Don"t want to?live on life?replay.不想活在过往的重复里?Things will work out fine.事情自然会迎刃而解?If you can find the courage to look past the night.只要你能找到度过今夜的勇气?To see the break?of down.就会看见明日的破晓曙光

Computers are (wide) used in the world


A man comes to this world with his hand clenched,but when he dies,his hand is open翻译



group 指某个公司集团,一群,一伙,一组,一队等community指一个社区,或有组织的社会团体。


无聊,这样也能推广网站?提高注册人数?提高PV? 大家别上当。。。



优酷视频 想下这个视频是怎么制作的?用的什么软件?


天下三高手进 为什么这个号有10%明思 英雄榜链接:



1300 到 1600 顶多这个数 背景攻击是有了 可是会心重击差老远了。。

react里这句是什么意思,为啥这么写呢const { component: Component, } = this.props;

其实就相当于 {post} = this.props

vue 全局组件component 获取props值

关键点:通过:id="getId(info)"将info属性(props)值传递到方法,然后再设置值,网上的watch方法试了无效,这个方法实测有效 源码如下: <page v-bind:info="paginationVo" ></page> // 注册 - 名字不能大写 分页组件<page v-bind:info="paginationVo" ></page> Vue.component("page", { // 声明 属性 props: ["info"], template: "<ul :id="getId(info)" class="c_page"><li v-if="isShowPreBtn"><button v-on:click="btnHandler(-1)">上一页</button></li><li v-if="isShowNextBtn"><button v-on:click="btnHandler(-2)" >下一页</button></li></ul>", data: function() { return { counter: 0, paginationVo:{}, isShowPreBtn:false, isShowNextBtn:false, } }, mounted() { console.log("-------mounted:"+JSON.stringify(this.paginationVo));

以“My Community"为题写篇英语作文


This is our home Please come后面填什么?

后面填写介词: inThis is our home.Please come in.

求蛊惑之刻汉化的游戏(不要动漫或各种补丁),有类似的游戏更好,谢谢啦~发至131 5560 951@q


Welcome to our house.其中的house改用home行吗?

Welcome to our house的意思是欢迎来到我们的房子。Welcome to our home的意思是欢迎来到我们的家。主要要看你前面写了什么,后面要怎么连接。两句话都是可以的。

welcome to ( ) home.选择填空 a i b our c /


Welcome to our home是什么意思?

欢迎光临我家欢迎光临寒舍Welcome欢迎our home我们家

Welcome To The Cruel World 歌词

歌曲名:Welcome To The Cruel World歌手:Ben Harper专辑:Welcome To The Cruel WorldWelcome to the cruel worldHope you find your wayWelcome to the cruel worldHope you find your wayIt"s a cruel worldTry to enjoy your stayYes it is a cruel worldWhen you"re tryin" to get byIt"s a cruel worldWhen you"ve seen the look in their eyeMakes life hard livingBut i"m so scared to dieWelcome to the cruel worldWelcomeWelcomeDon"t know howWe"ve lasted here so longThere must be more good than badOr we"d already be goneAnd if you get up to heavenBefore i doI"m gonna tell yaIt"s gonna be cruel there tooYou can"t hide from this cruel worldCause there is no place to runYou can"t hide from the cruel worldThere just is no place to runIt"s been cruel from the beginningIt will be cruel when we"re doneSo when i"m goneI will gladly say goodbyeWhen i am goneI will gladly say goodbyeAnd if you want to feel mePut your hands up to the skyWelcome to the cruel worldWelcomeWelcomeHope you find your wayTry to enjoy your stay

手机显示“ com/iphone/restore”怎么办?




Support苹果出现这个 怎么解决呀!谢谢

仅显示呢?如果是的话,请您参考以下操作步骤:强制重启iPhoneiPhone 7 或 iPhone 7 Plus:同时按住睡眠/唤醒按钮和调低音量按钮至少十秒钟,直到您看到 Apple 标志。iPhone 6s 及更早机型、iPad 或 iPod touch:同时按住睡眠/唤醒按钮和主屏幕按钮至少十秒钟,直到您看到 Apple 标志。恢复模式1.将iPhone连接至电脑,然后打开 iTunes。2.在连接iPhone的情况下,强制重新启动iPhone。3.在看到 Apple 标志时,不要松开按钮。一直按住这两个按钮,直到您看到恢复模式屏幕,显示为iTunes图标以及Lightning线缆。4.当看到“恢复”或“更新”选项时,请选取“更新”。iTunes 将尝试重新安装 iOS,但不会抹掉您的数据。*请注意,iTunes 将下载适用于您设备的软件。如果下载时间超过 15 分钟,设备将退出恢复模式,您需要重复执行第 2 步和第 3 步。如果您尝试连接 iTunes “更新”您的 iPhone 以后依然不能正常使用,请您将 iPhone 上的数据备份后,重复以上步骤,但在 iTunes 中选择“恢复”,而非“更新”。这将抹掉您 iPhone 上的所有媒体和数据。



求 comprehensive meta-analysis注册码 版本2.0version


CMA (Comprehensive Meta Analysis) 2.0 急需注册码。或者谁有XP系统,帮我试下能否用注册机生成注册码



估计你是问作为名词的时候这3个词的区别.3个词都有“结果”的意思,其中: 1)result泛指结果本身,使用频率高 例一:The result of the game was five-nil. 比赛结果是五比零. 2)consequence强调因果关系和前因后果的逻辑性 例二:As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to bee a nurse. 由于在医院的缘故,谢莉决定当一名护士. 3)oute强调一件事情的结局 例三:The oute of the election was in doubt then. 当时大选的结果还看不准. 比较起来result和oute跟接近一些,很多情况下result和oute可以通用,比如例一和例二.另外惯用法也不可忽视,例如可以说as a result, ...(结果……),但不能用as a oute, ...,8,




result 可以作为名词和动词用,而outcome只有名词词性resultvi.1. 发生,产生[(+from)]His failure resulted largely from his laziness.他的失败主要是懒惰所致。2. 结果;导致[(+in)]The accident resulted in ten deaths.这次事故造成十人死亡。n.1. 结果;成果;效果[C][U][(+of)]They worked without result.他们徒劳无功。2. 战绩;比赛结果[C][(+of)]The result of the match was 2-1 to Chicago.比赛结果芝加哥队以二比一获胜。3. (计算的)答案[C][(+of)]4. 【美】(议院等的)决议;决定5. 【英】【口】(足球比赛中的)赢,获胜[C]outcomen.1. 结果;结局;后果[S1][(+of)]I think there can be but one outcome to this affair.我认为这件事只可能有一种结局。She was satisfied with the outcome of her efforts.她对自己努力的结果很满意。中文意思差不多,英文词典的释义比较有区别。【outcome】:The outcome of an activity, process, or situation is the situation that exists at the end of it;or the result or effect of an action or event.这里给出了一些outcome对应适用的一些具体事项,比如一项活动,一个过程,或一种状况,outcome是在这项活动、过程、状况结束时的状态;或者可以是一次行动或事件的结果。【result】:A result is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened。这里指出了result由于某事发生而导致的结果。跟outcome比较:outcome of sth虽然也是某事的结果和后果的意思,但不一定是这个sth引起的,只是说出sth的结局。而result of sth,则很明确的带有这个result是sth的结果,是由这个sth引发。


估计你是问作为名词的时候这3个词的区别。3个词都有“结果”的意思,其中: 1)result泛指结果本身,使用频率高 例一:The result of the game was five-nil. 比赛结果是五比零。 2)consequence强调因果关系和前因后果的逻辑性 例二:As a consequence of being in hospital, Shelly decided that she wanted to become a nurse. 由于在医院的缘故,谢莉决定当一名护士。 3)outcome强调一件事情的结局 例三:The outcome of the election was in doubt then. 当时大选的结果还看不准。 比较起来result和outcome跟接近一些,很多情况下result和outcome可以通用,比如例一和例二。另外惯用法也不可忽视,例如可以说as a result, ...(结果……),但不能用as a outcome, ...


Result n. 后果; 结果 (含义广泛, 侧重因某种原因所产生的最终结果, 而不是眼前的结果.)例句: She died as a result of her injuries. 她由于受伤而死亡.Outcome n. 结果.( 多指事物经过一系列发展变化所导致的最终结局, 而不是某种原因的直接结果.常可与result通用.)例句: We are confident of a successful outcome.我们相信会有圆满的结果.中文意思差不多,英文词典的释义比较有区别。【outcome】:The outcome of an activity, process, or situation is the situation that exists at the end of it;or the result or effect of an action or event.这里给出了一些outcome对应适用的一些具体事项,比如一项活动,一个过程,或一种状况,outcome是在这项活动、过程、状况结束时的状态;或者可以是一次行动或事件的结果。【result】:A result is something that happens or exists because of something else that has happened。这里指出了result由于某事发生而导致的结果。跟outcome比较:outcome of sth虽然也是某事的结果和后果的意思,但不一定是这个sth引起的,只是说出sth的结局。而result of sth,则很明确的带有这个result是sth的结果,是由这个sth引发。


DataGridTemplateColumn dataGridComboBoxTemplateColumnObj = new DataGridTemplateColumn();dataGridComboBoxTemplateColumnObj.Header = column.Header;FrameworkElementFactory comboBoxFactory = new FrameworkElementFactory(typeof(ComboBox));Binding bindingItemSourceObj = new Binding(column.ItemsSourcePropertyName);comboBoxFactory.SetValue(ComboBox.HorizontalAlignmentProperty, HorizontalAlignment.Stretch);comboBoxFactory.SetValue(ComboBox.ItemsSourceProperty, bindingItemSourceObj);comboBoxFactory.SetValue(ComboBox.SelectedValuePathProperty, column.ValuePropertyName);Binding selectedValueBindingObj = new Binding(column.PropertyName);selectedValueBindingObj.Mode = BindingMode.TwoWay;selectedValueBindingObj.UpdateSourceTrigger = UpdateSourceTrigger.PropertyChanged;comboBoxFactory.SetValue(ComboBox.SelectedValueProperty, selectedValueBindingObj);dataGridComboBoxTemplateColumnObj.CellTemplate = new DataTemplate();dataGridComboBoxTemplateColumnObj.CellTemplate.VisualTree = comboBoxFactory;dataGridColumnObj = dataGridComboBoxTemplateColumnObj


2个词都有“结果”的意思,其中:1)result泛指结果本身,使用频率高例一:The result of the game was five-nil. 比赛结果是五比零。)outcome强调一件事情的结局例二:The outcome of the election was in doubt then.当时大选的结果还看不准。比较起来result和outcome跟接近一些,很多情况下result和outcome可以通用,比如例一和例二。另外惯用法也不可忽视,例如可以说as a result, ...(结果……),但不能用as a outcome, ...


满意请采纳result “结果”,指做某事产生的直接结果,或指某抽象概念的结果。 1) The students are intensely anxious to know the result of the entrance examination. 学生们非常渴望知道入学考试的结果。 2) As a general rule, the rise in unemployment is usually the result of inflation. 通常情况下,失业人数增加是通货膨胀的结果。consequence “后果”、“经过”,多指某物产生的不良后果,但也可用于表示指 某抽象概念的结果,此时可与 result 互换。 1) It terrifies me to contemplate the consequence of your action. 想到你行动的后果就让我害怕。 2) If you behave so foolishly, you will be ready to bear the consequence. 如果你行为是如此的愚蠢,你就准备好承担后果吧。 3) This rise in price is an inevitable consequence / result of both demand and supply trends. 这种价格上涨是供需两方面的发展趋势不可避免的结果。outcome “结局”、“结果”,指有待见分晓的结果或结局。 1) We are fully confident that negotiation between the two countries on trade will have a happy outcome. 我们有充分的信心,两国之的贸易谈判会有一个愉快的结果。 2) The vote has been completed, but the result/outcome will not be announced before next Wednesday. 投票已经结束,但结果要到下个星期三才会宣布。

put into use 和 come into use 的差别

都是固定词组,投入使用,区别在于put into use “开始使用”和 come into use “开始被使用”例:他们开始使用这个方法。they put this method into use。this method comes into use。this method is put into use。那辆新车将于下月开始使用。The new car will come into use next month.The new car will be put into use next month.

Perhaps the days will come________people will be able to breathe clean air in cities.


clean up , cheer up ,come up with ,call up ,hand

most of us always do care for what is going to happen in the future,someone could make a difference for changing their lives,but the others might choose a negative way that nothing is to be done. so,how to call up the spirit of this group?from my perspective,several ways could be came up with rightly,yet suspended at the top of the list are the following two aspects,to begin with,we are good at giving ourselves suffcient excuses to what we always do in our daily life

求英文歌词 clean bandit---come over

Never said any of this was gonna be simpleSometimes all it takes is just a simple oh-oh-ohBecause the place you want to reach is right in front of youYou"re getting strongerSo just keep on that bit longerRap-pa-pumGirl come overMe want you closerI"m tired of the rainy daysYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sun-shineYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sun-shineSo before the nights overI want you to know thatI"m willing to change my waysYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sun-shineYou bring meSun, sun, sun, sun-shineCome over, Come overCome over, C-Come overCome over, Come overCome over, C-Come over

写出下列动词的第三人称单数和现在分词形式 ask clean watch come read eat write sing wake talk


Come To Me (Featuring Nicole Scherzinger) (Clean Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Come To Me (Featuring Nicole Scherzinger) (Clean Version)歌手:P. Diddy专辑:Come To Me林依晨 - Come To Me作词:深白色 作曲:深白色当你有无法抗拒的忧郁虽然天气晴 心里在下雨眼看着来来往往的人群世界很拥挤该怎么呼吸只能够躲在自己的空间没有人了解没有人关心转过头看看外面的风景有我在阳光下等着你快来到我这里 看到蓝天就忘掉了忧郁就来到我这里 微笑让心情变得很干净快来到我这里 跟着风吹的方向去旅行就来到我这里 看世界用有快乐的眼睛come to me当你有无法抗拒的忧郁虽然天气晴 心里在下雨眼看着来来往往的人群世界很拥挤该怎么呼吸只能够躲在自己的空间没有人了解没有人关心转过头看看外面的风景有我在阳光下等着你快来到我这里 看到蓝天就忘掉了忧郁就来到我这里 微笑让心情变得很干净快来到我这里 跟着风吹的方向去旅行就来到我这里 看世界用有快乐的眼睛come to me快来到我这里 看到蓝天就忘掉了忧郁就来到我这里 微笑让心情变得很干净快来到我这里 跟着风吹的方向去旅行就来到我这里 看世界用有快乐的眼睛come to me

Clean come ugIy的反义词?

dirty depart;go;leave;go away,go forth等beautiful




as they come 按照原来的样子 [口]非常, 极其Easy come easy go. (=Light come, light go; Lightly come, lightly go. )[谚]来得容易去得快(常指财物)。Everything comes to him who waits. [谚]耐心等待,必有所得。First come first served. [谚]先到先招待; 先到先供应。How come? [口]为什么? 怎么会? 怎么搞的?How comes it that? (=How is it that...?) [口]为什么? 怎么回事?How comes it about that? (=How is it that...?) [口]为什么? 怎么回事?if it comes to that 如果事情到了那种地步Let"em all come. 让他们都来吧 (对大家的挑战, 表示自信、蔑视)。Let them all come. 让他们都来吧 (对大家的挑战, 表示自信、蔑视)。to come 未来的, 将要到来的come about<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 发生; (风等)改变方向; 转帆, 转航向come across<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 偶然碰见; 无意中找到 出现于, 想到 [口]有效果, 使人能理解 [俚]付欠款, 捐(款), 交钱 相认, 照办, 吐露实情come after 跟着...来, 跟在...后面 来取, 寻找; 争取 追赶 继承come again 再说一遍 (从昏迷中)清醒过来 [方]死后现形come alive 活跃起来; 显得象真的似的come along<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 一起来, 一道走; 同意, 赞成, (祈使语气)请过来, 快一点儿; 进展; 进步come amiss 不称心, 不合适, 不受欢迎come and get it [美口](饭预备好了)请过来吃吧!come and go 来来往往; 作短暂访问; 变化不定come and go upon 信赖, 信任; 有行动自由come apart 裂开; 破裂; 垮下来, 崩溃come at<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 攻击, 扑向; 达到; 得到come away 脱开; 断开; 离开, 发芽, 生长; [方]跟我一起走; [苏]到屋里来come away none the wiser 结果还是一点也不明白而归come back<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 回来; 忆起, 恢复原有地位[健康]; (风尚)又流行起来; [美俚]还嘴come before 位于...之前; 被交付处理[审判]; 被提出come between 在...中间; 离间; 使分开; 妨碍某人做某事come by 弄到, 获得 偶然搞到, 偶然得到 经过, 从旁边过去 [美方]来串门, 拜访come clean [美俚]全盘招供, 坦白交代; 修完课程(大学毕业)come down<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 下来, 倒下; 倒塌; 砍伐[倒]; 下(雪, 雨等); 降落; 拿出钱来接济; (从城市)来到(乡下); 大学毕业;【戏】走出戏台口; 从兴奋剂作用中醒过来; [美俚]发生come down on 向...索取(钱等); 申斥, 严厉惩罚; 强烈反对come down upon 向...索取(钱等); 申斥, 严厉惩罚; 强烈反对come down hard on 向...索取(钱等); 申斥, 严厉惩罚; 强烈反对come down hard upon 向...索取(钱等); 申斥, 严厉惩罚; 强烈反对come down to 下垂到, 达到; 流传下来, 可归结为; 屈尊; 被迫come down with [口]出钱; 得(病), 付款come for 为某种目的而来取; 来接; 向...冲来; 对...进行袭击come forth 出来; 涌现; 被公布; 出世come forward 被提出; 自愿效劳; 主动响应; 增长come from<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 是...地方人; 产自 来自, 是...结果, 起因于 出身于, 生于come home 回家;【航海】锚脱掉; 打中; 说得正对; 刺中(...心病); 打动人心; 被理解, 影响深远come in<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 进来; 到达; 开始; 开始使用...; 开始生产; (潮水)升涨; (火车)进站; (船舶)进港; 到成熟季节; 当选, 就任, 执政, (党派等)上台; (钱)到手; 起作用; 【信】(对对方的呼唤进行)回话; 回复; 流行起来; 干涉; [美俚](母牛)下仔come in for 得到; 领取(份儿); 受到(处分); 吸引; 适用于, 对...有用come in handy 将来(可能)有用come in on 参加, 参与come in upon 参加, 参与come into 进入; 得到;继承(财产等)come it ?痉? 拿出钱来; 泄密; (拳击)示弱; 卖弄; 吹牛; 获得成功come it over 胜过, 骗过, 对...摆威风come it strong [俚]做得过份; 过于夸大come near 不劣于, 不亚于, 及得上; 几乎, 差一点就come of 出身于; 由...引起; 是...的结果; 是在...生长大的come from<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 出身于; 由...引起; 是...的结果; 是在...生长大的come off (从...)离开, 走开 从...跌下, 从...下来 分离, 脱落 发生, 举行 [口]实现, 成功, 有效果 表现(好、坏), (事情)进展得 逃脱, 结束, 摆脱come off it [口]别装蒜了, 别胡诌[胡闹, 吹牛]了, 别骗人了come off well 运气好, 走运, (事情)有满意的结果come off with 发表(言论), 宣布come on<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 偶然遇见(某人), 无意中发现(某物) 来临, 袭来 (雨、雪等)开始下; 出现 跟着来, 跟上来 进餐, 进展, 成长, 滋长 登场, 上演 表现出来; [美俚]留下印象; 产生效果 (问题等)被提出来 得啦, 快点, 别胡扯啦come upon 偶然遇见(某人), 无意中发现(某物) 来临, 袭来 (雨、雪等)开始下; 出现 跟着来, 跟上来 进餐, 进展, 成长, 滋长 登场, 上演 表现出来; [美俚]留下印象; 产生效果 (问题等)被提出来 得啦, 快点, 别胡扯啦come out<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 出来 出现 (芽)生出来, (花)开 出版 暴露; 传出 初次露面, 初次登台, 初入社会 发展, 进展, 结局 (考试、比赛等)结果是..., 名列第... 表露, 呈现 (污点等)被去掉, (颜色)褪去 (题目, 公式等)被解出来 罢工 出狱come out against 出来反对; 反抗come out at (总数、平均数等) 达, 共计come out flat-footed [美口]打开天窗说亮话come out for 声明支持; 表示同意, 赞同; 出去(散步, 野餐, 远足等)come out in (部分皮肤)发出(红斑, 丘疹等)come out of 出自, 生自; (冲破...)出来; 脱离, 摆脱C-out of that! [俚] 走开! 滚蛋! 住手come out with 被伴随着; 透露; 说出; 公布come over<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 顺便访问; 发生; 侵占; 占上风; 过来, 从远方来; 转到...方面来; (感觉, 影响等)攫住; 支配; [口]欺骗come round<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 到来; 再度来; 来访; 绕道而行; [口]息怒; 消气; 苏醒过来; 恢复知觉或健康; 回心转意; 屈服, 让步; 哄; 改变方向come around 到来; 再度来; 来访; 绕道而行; [口]息怒; 消气; 苏醒过来; 恢复知觉或健康; 回心转意; 屈服, 让步; 哄; 改变方向come round to [口]经过一段时间耽搁以后又着手(做某事)come round to doing sth. [口]经过一段时间耽搁以后又着手(做某事)come short home 遭到不幸; 遭到失败come through 经受(困难)而活过来; 脱险; 完成, 胜利; (消息)传出; (电话)接通; 通行; [美俚]资[捐]助; [美俚]招供; 照办; 拿出(钱等); [美]改变信仰, 变节come to<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 达到, 总计为; 终于; 结果是; 苏醒(过来);把船朝着风头; 停泊; 继承(财产); (马, 牛群等)迅速向左转come to oneself<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> (昏迷后)苏醒过来; 恢复理性, 停止胡闹come to pass 发生; 实现come to sb. (事情)临到某人头上; (财产)遗留给某人come to stay 留下不走, 住下来; 长久存在; 已成定局come to that (=if it comes to that) 如果事实是那样的话; 无论如何come to think of it [口]我想起来了come to this 等于这样说, 就是这样 达到这种地步; 出现这种情况come together 集[会]合; 夫妇同居生活; (对立双方)消除分歧come under 归入, 纳入 受到(影响, 支配等) 属于...职权范围come up<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 走近; 上(楼)来; (从土中)长出, 发芽; 被提出; 流行起来; [英]进大学; 进城(尤指去伦敦); 上升; 抬头; [俗]呕吐; 快! (驱使牛、马行走或前进时的吆喝)come up against 遇到(困难); 遭到(反对); 与...矛盾come up smiling [口](遭到挫折, 失败之后)以勇敢和乐观的姿态出现come up to 并驾齐驱; 达到; 数到; 不负(期望); 合乎(标准等)come up with 追及; 呈出; 供给; 复仇; 责罚; 提出(建议); [口]找到(答案, 解决办法)come upon 偶然碰见(某人) (灾难, 寒潮等)突然向...袭来 突然产生于... 成为...的负担 要求(支持或帮助)come on<SPAN onclick=UClickCount(55); ;> 偶然碰见(某人) (灾难, 寒潮等)突然向...袭来 突然产生于... 成为...的负担 要求(支持或帮助)come what may 不管发生什么事情, 不管怎样come what will 不管发生什么事情, 不管怎样come with 伴随...发生; 与...一起供给come within 进入(听力、视力、射程等)所及的范围; 属于, 归入Coming up! [口](指饭菜)准备好了!这就端上来了!</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN>

come clean about是什么意思

come clean about的意思是:坦白,和盘托出,彻底交代

i am ready to come clean的意思是 我准备把我的想法和盘托出,此处clea


Coming Clean 歌词

《Coming Clean》歌手: Chase Coy所属专辑:《Picturesque》发行时间:2010-05-31 流派:民谣 Chase Coy - Coming CleanI"m a coward.I hide behind all of these delicate lies that I sing;But I"m trying to come clean.I"m so lonelySurrounded by people who know mebut don"t know a thing,so I"m trying to come clean.And every relationship I"ve ever been in,And every relationship I"ve ever been in,has fallen apart at the seems.has fallen apart at the seems.And I"m just afraid I"ve been singing about love but ill,And I"m just afraid I"ve been singing about love but ill,never find out what it means.never find out what it means.And if I was honest aboutAnd if I was honest aboutwhat the problem is I"d have to admit that it"s me.what the problem is I"d have to admit that it"s me.I"m just trying to live up to all that you want me to be.I"m just trying to live up to all that you want me to be.I"m a liarI sing pretty things but I never quite say what I mean.So I"m trying to come clean.I"m so sorry.I know that I can"t take it back no I can"t change a thing.So I"m trying to come clean.

谁有come clean - Hillary Duff的歌词?

HILARY DUFF LYRICS"Come Clean"Let"s go backBack to the beginningBack to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned"Cause perfect didn"t feel so perfectTrying to fit a square into a circlewas my lifeI defy[Chorus:]Let the rain fall downAnd wake my dreamsLet it wash awayMy sanity"Cause I wanna feel the thunderI wanna screamLet the rain fall downI"m coming clean, I"m coming cleanI"m sheddingShedding every colorTrying to find a pigment of truthBeneath my skin"Cause differentDoesn"t feel so differentAnd going out is betterThen always staying inFeel the wind[Chorus]I"m coming cleanLet the rain fallLet the rain fallI"m coming...[Chorus x2]Let"s go backBack to the beginning

用英语怎么说:坦白承认和别担心,别着急 come clean & no sweat (109)

(Highway & traffic SFX)LL: Hey, Li Hua, did you hear that? The president of that corporation finally came clean about stealing several million dollars.LH: 什么什么?我刚才没注意听,你说那个公司总裁怎么啦?他来上班的时候干干净净?这和偷几百万美元有什么关系呀?LL: No, I said, “He finally came clean about stealing several million dollars.” It means “He finally admitted he stole several million dollars.” To come clean about something is to admit to it.LH: 噢,to come clean about something 原来就是”坦白承认”。你刚才是说那个公司总裁最后终于承认他偷了几百万美元。这么说,Larry, 要是我做错了事,然后承认做错了,那我就是come clean 喽?LL: That"s right. If you cheat on a test and then tell the professor because you feel guilty, then you are coming clean about your mistake.LH: Hey, Larry, 你可别瞎说,我考试从来不作弊,心里没鬼,更不用去教授那儿认错。你刚才闯了红灯,我看呐,你还是干脆承认你的开车技术不怎么样吧!LL: What? You want me to come clean about my bad driving? What stop light? There wasn"t a stop light. Don"t tease me like that.LH: 我知道没有红绿灯,我只不过是逗你玩儿呢!LL: Speaking of coming clean about things, did your roommate ever come clean about stealing your CD?LH: 没有!我那个同屋偷了我的CD死活都不承认,可是我敢肯定是她偷的。LL: How do you know?LH: 有一天我看见她的CD夹子在桌上开着,我那张CD明明就在里面。LL: Well, if she"s not going to come clean about it, then maybe you should just take it back.LH: 那可不行,她不愿意承认是她的问题,我可不想乱翻她的东西。LL: Then you really need to find a new roommate. You should just come clean and admit that you made a mistake when you moved in with her.LH: 你说得对,Larry,我真该换个同屋,早知道这样,一开始就不该和这个人搬到一起。******LH: 哎哟,Larry, 你刚才拐弯的时候开这么快,我把可乐撒在车座上,把你的车给弄脏了。LL: No sweat. I"ll stop at that gas station and we can get some stuff to clean it up.LH: 那我们赶紧开到前面那个加油站擦擦干净吧!可是你还说 – No sweat – 别出汗?噢,你的意思是让我别着急,是不是?LL: That"s right! No sweat means “don"t worry about it” or “it"s okay.” Don"t worry about the coke. We can clean it up.LH: 你以前还教过我一个类似的短语,是Don"t sweat it! 也是”别担心,别着急”的意思。除了可以说Don"t sweat it, 也可以说No sweat。可是,Larry, 我还是挺不安的,你看我撒了这么多可乐,这能擦干净吗?LL: As I said, no sweat. The seats are leather, so they are really easy to clean.LH: 噢,这种皮制的车座很容易擦干净啊?这我就放心了。哎,Larry, 你能不能再给我举个 no sweat 的例子?LL: Well, if someone accidentally bumps into you in the hallway and they say, “sorry,” you can tell them, “no sweat.”LH: 嗯,要是有人在楼道里不小心撞到我,他如果说sorry, 我就可以说,No sweat! 也就是没关系的意思。Larry, 昨天我和一个朋友约好一起吃午饭,可是他没来。我估计是忘了,我下次见到他能不能也对他说No sweat呢?LL: Well, personally, that would upset me, but if he comes clean about the fact that he has forgotten to meet you, then you can tell him no sweat.LH: 对,让我白等是挺让人恼火的。你说得对,要是他承认是把约会给忘了,那我就会告诉他 No sweat – Don"t worry about it 。今天李华从Larry那儿学到了两个常用语。一个是come clean, 意思是”坦白承认”。另一个常用语是 no sweat, 意思是”别着急,别担心”。

用英语怎么说:坦白承认和别担心,别着急 come clean & no sweat (109)

(Highway & traffic SFX)LL: Hey, Li Hua, did you hear that? The president of that corporation finally came clean about stealing several million dollars.LH: 什么什么?我刚才没注意听,你说那个公司总裁怎么啦?他来上班的时候干干净净?这和偷几百万美元有什么关系呀?LL: No, I said, “He finally came clean about stealing several million dollars.” It means “He finally admitted he stole several million dollars.” To come clean about something is to admit to it.LH: 噢,to come clean about something 原来就是”坦白承认”。你刚才是说那个公司总裁最后终于承认他偷了几百万美元。这么说,Larry, 要是我做错了事,然后承认做错了,那我就是come clean 喽?LL: That"s right. If you cheat on a test and then tell the professor because you feel guilty, then you are coming clean about your mistake.LH: Hey, Larry, 你可别瞎说,我考试从来不作弊,心里没鬼,更不用去教授那儿认错。你刚才闯了红灯,我看呐,你还是干脆承认你的开车技术不怎么样吧!LL: What? You want me to come clean about my bad driving? What stop light? There wasn"t a stop light. Don"t tease me like that.LH: 我知道没有红绿灯,我只不过是逗你玩儿呢!LL: Speaking of coming clean about things, did your roommate ever come clean about stealing your CD?LH: 没有!我那个同屋偷了我的CD死活都不承认,可是我敢肯定是她偷的。LL: How do you know?LH: 有一天我看见她的CD夹子在桌上开着,我那张CD明明就在里面。LL: Well, if she"s not going to come clean about it, then maybe you should just take it back.LH: 那可不行,她不愿意承认是她的问题,我可不想乱翻她的东西。LL: Then you really need to find a new roommate. You should just come clean and admit that you made a mistake when you moved in with her.LH: 你说得对,Larry,我真该换个同屋,早知道这样,一开始就不该和这个人搬到一起。******LH: 哎哟,Larry, 你刚才拐弯的时候开这么快,我把可乐撒在车座上,把你的车给弄脏了。LL: No sweat. I"ll stop at that gas station and we can get some stuff to clean it up.LH: 那我们赶紧开到前面那个加油站擦擦干净吧!可是你还说 – No sweat – 别出汗?噢,你的意思是让我别着急,是不是?LL: That"s right! No sweat means “don"t worry about it” or “it"s okay.” Don"t worry about the coke. We can clean it up.LH: 你以前还教过我一个类似的短语,是Don"t sweat it! 也是”别担心,别着急”的意思。除了可以说Don"t sweat it, 也可以说No sweat。可是,Larry, 我还是挺不安的,你看我撒了这么多可乐,这能擦干净吗?LL: As I said, no sweat. The seats are leather, so they are really easy to clean.LH: 噢,这种皮制的车座很容易擦干净啊?这我就放心了。哎,Larry, 你能不能再给我举个 no sweat 的例子?LL: Well, if someone accidentally bumps into you in the hallway and they say, “sorry,” you can tell them, “no sweat.”LH: 嗯,要是有人在楼道里不小心撞到我,他如果说sorry, 我就可以说,No sweat! 也就是没关系的意思。Larry, 昨天我和一个朋友约好一起吃午饭,可是他没来。我估计是忘了,我下次见到他能不能也对他说No sweat呢?LL: Well, personally, that would upset me, but if he comes clean about the fact that he has forgotten to meet you, then you can tell him no sweat.LH: 对,让我白等是挺让人恼火的。你说得对,要是他承认是把约会给忘了,那我就会告诉他 No sweat – Don"t worry about it 。今天李华从Larry那儿学到了两个常用语。一个是come clean, 意思是”坦白承认”。另一个常用语是 no sweat, 意思是”别着急,别担心”。

谁能提供come clean的歌词 先谢谢了

come clean歌词 Let"s go back Back to the beginning Back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned Cause perfect didn"t feel so perfect Tryin" to fit a square into a circle Was no life I defy Chorus: Let the rain fall down And wake my dreams Let it wash away my sanity Cause I wanna feel the thunder I wanna scream let the rain fall down I"m coming clean,I"m coming clean, oh I"m shedding, shedding every color tryin to find a pigment of truth beneath my skin Ohhhhhhhhhhh Cause different doesn"t feel so different And going out is better than always stayin" in Feel the wind Chorus I"m coming clean I"m coming clean Ohhhhhhhh I"m coming clean Let the rain fall Let the rain fall I"m coming clean Chorus Let"s go back Back to the beginning

Hilary Duff的《Come Clean》 歌词

歌曲名:Come Clean歌手:Hilary Duff专辑:Mtv Presents Laguna Beach - Summer Can Last ForeverCome CleanLet"s go backBack to the beginningBack to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned"Cause perfect didn"t feel so perfectTrying to fit a square into a circleWas no lifeI defyLet the rain fall downAnd wake my dreamsLet it wash awayMy sanity"Cause i wanna feel the thunderI wanna screamLet the rain fall downI"m coming clean, I"m coming cleanI"m sheddingShedding every colorTrying to find a pigment of truthBeneath my skin"Cause differentDoesn"t feel so differentAnd going out is betterThan always staying inFeel the windI"m coming cleanLet the rain fallLet the rain fallI"m coming cleanLet"s go backBack to the beginning

go,turn,get,become 有什么区别


Out Of The Grey的《Come Clean》 歌词

歌曲名:Come Clean歌手:Out Of The Grey专辑:See InsidereEdit by rance from the net(add the time tag)Artist: Audrey AssadTitle: Come CleanAlbum: The House You"re BuildingHow did I get here standing in a mess that I have made?Little by little adding to the chaos everydayI know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanI know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanBoxes full of things I"ve shuffled and shifted place to placeAll the years of me, everything I want to keep and throw awayI know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanI know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanI empty out the piecesAnd I put them where they goBut where do they go?Where do they go?Does anything in me know?Where do they go?I"m finding what I"ve covered and holding it up to the morning lightI"m opening my life a little at a time and it"s all right"Cause it takes time, it takes time to come cleanYeah, and I know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanI"m picking up the piecesAnd I put them where they goBut where do they go?Where do they go?Does anything in me know?Where do they go?Where do they go?I"m picking up the piecesSo where do they go?Where do they go?I wanna know just where do they go?Where do they goBecause I need to knowJust where do they go? Where do they go?I"ve got to know just where do they go?Where do they go? Will I ever know?theEnd

Come Clean Hilary Duff(谁帮翻译一下)

让我们回去回到开始支持到当地球、太阳,全部被排列的星"引起完成式没有觉得这么完美尝试适合一个正方形进入一个圆周生活不是我藐视让雨秋天落下而且守护我的梦让它冲走我的神智健全"引起我想要感觉雷电我想要尖叫我来了干净的我正在流出使每种颜色流出尝试找事实的色素在我的皮肤之下"引起不同的不觉得这么不同而且出去比较好超过总是停留在感觉风让雨秋天把秋天下雨下来与嗨下降与(让雨秋天下来)hoh, 我正在过来干净的(让它冲走)(我的神智健全)("引起 i 想要感觉雷电)(i 想要尖叫)我正在流出使每种颜色流出尝试找事实的色素在我的皮肤之下"引起不同的不觉得这么不同

翻译:tell a story( ) hot air( ) come clean( )

tell a story( 诉说一个故事)come clean( 让我们回去吧) hot air( 热空气)

Hilary Duff的come clean

let"s go back back to the beginning back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned "cause perfect didn"t feel so perfect trying to fit a square into a circle was no life i defy let the rain fall down and wake my dreams let it wash away my sanity "cause i wanna feel the thunder i wanna scream i"m coming clean i"m shedding shedding every color trying to find a pigment of truth beneath my skin "cause different doesn"t feel so different and going out is better than always staying in feel the wind let the rain fall rain fall down with hey go down with (let the rain fall down) hoh, i"m coming clean (let it wash away) (my sanity) ("cause i wanna feel the thunder) (i wanna scream)让我们回去吧 回到最初 回到当地球,太阳和群星还排成一线的时候。 因为我不曾认为我们的完美是完美的 尝试着让一个方形去适应圆形 那是没有生机的 我抗的住 就让大雨倾盆吧 摇醒我的梦 并将它冲走 我的理智 因为我想要感受雷电 我想要大喊 我开始变的洁净无负担。 我在脱落 蜕掉每一种颜色 尝试寻找一种真实的颜料 在我的皮肤之下 因为不同的 并不觉得不同 走出来也许比一直待下去会好一些吧 感受着风 和飘落的雨 雨在飘落 在降落……

come clean翻译


come clean 中文

照搬的不过我是有心人呢让我们回去吧 回到最初 回到当地球,太阳和群星还排成一线的时候。 因为我不曾认为我们的完美是完美的 尝试着让一个正方形去适应三角形 那是没有生机的 我抗的住 就让大雨倾盆吧 摇醒我的梦 并将它冲走 我的理智 因为我想要感受雷电 我想要大喊 我开始变的洁净无负担。 我在脱落 蜕掉每一种颜色 尝试寻找一种真实的颜料 在我的皮肤之下 因为不同的 并不觉得不同 走出来也许比一直待下去会好一些吧 感受着风 和飘落的雨 雨在飘落 在降落……

come clean的歌词

Cleanin Out My Closet 清空壁柜 Eminem 歌手: 阿姆内 歌手:Hilary Duff专辑:MetamorphosisCome Clean Intro: 前奏: Where"s my snare? 我的耳机夹子在哪里? I have no snare on my headphones 我的耳机上没有夹子 There you go 现在开始了 Yeah 耶 yeah 耶 Yo yo 哟 哟 yo yo 哟 哟 Verse 1 第一段 Have you ever been hated, or discriminated against? 你曾经遭人讨厌还是歧视? I have, I"ve been protested and demostrated against 我有,我曾经就被抗议和歧视过 Picket signs for my wicked rhymes, look at the times 纠察员签收到我的有恶意的文(类似“信”)看看时间 Sick as the mind, of the mothafuckin" kid that"s behind 在这混乱后面的全部是孩子,生病的是他妈的心" All this commotion, emotions run deep as oceans explodin" 混乱的象爆炸似的海洋一样深的运转的情感 Tempers flarin" from parents just blow "em off and keep goin" 脾气发火就作为家长把EM吹走,一直走 Not takin" nothin" from no one, give em hell long as I"m breathin" 不接受任何人的什么,当我正呼吸时,长时间惩罚厄门 Keep kickin" ass in the mornin", and takin" names in the evenin" 在早晨踢屁股,并且晚上扣留他人的动产 Leave them with a taste sour as vinegar in they mouth 在他们的醋装腔作势地说且留给他们一酸的口味 See they can trigger me, but they"ll never figure me out 看见他们能引发我,但是他们绝不会理解我 Look at me now, I betcha prolly sick of me now 现在看着我,现在我厌恶这该死的 Ain"t you mama, I"ma make you look so ridiculous now 不是你妈妈,你现在让我看起来如此可笑 妈妈 Chorus (2x) 第二段 I"m sorry mama 对不起妈妈 I never meant to hurt you 我从未想伤害你 I never meant make you cry 我从未想使你哭泣 But tonight, I"m cleanin" out my closet 但是今晚,我清洁我的房间 One More Time 再一次 I said, 我说 I"m sorry mama 对不起妈妈 I never meant to hurt you 我从未想伤害你 I never meant make you cry 我从未想使你哭泣 But tonight, I"m cleanin" out my closet 但是今晚,我清洁我的房间 Ha! 哈! HA 哈 Verse 2 第二段 I got some skeletons in my closet 在我的房间里找到一些纲要 And I don"t know if no one knows it 我不知道是否没有人知道它 So before they throw me inside my coffin and close it 因此在他们在我的棺材里面扔我并且关闭它之前 Imma expose it, I"ll take you back to "73 暴露它,我将把你带回" 73 Before I ever had a multi-platinum sellin" CD 在我有多铂金的出售CD之前 I was a baby maybe I was just a couple of months 我是个婴儿,也许我仅仅只有几个月大 My faggot father must"ve had his panties up 我忘记父亲一定已经有了他一群短裤 "Cause he SPLIT , I wonder if he even kissed me goodbye 结果他劈开,我想知道他是否吻我(说)再见 No I don"t, on second thought I just fuckin" wished he would die 我不是没有,进一步考虑过我只他妈的希望他死 I look at Hailie, and I couldn"t picture leavin" her side 我看着Hailie,并且我不能想象从她身边离开 (的样子) Even if I hated Kim, I"d grit my teeth and I try to make it work 即使我憎恶KIM(他老婆),我将咬紧牙关,我努力使它工作 With her at least for Hailie"s sake I maybe made some mistakes 由于她至少Hailie我或许犯一些错误 But I"m only human but I"m man enough to face "em today 但是我只也是个人,但是我有胆量面对今天的EM(EMINEM)

用英语怎么说:坦白承认和别担心,别着急 come clean & no sweat (109)

(Highway & traffic SFX)LL: Hey, Li Hua, did you hear that? The president of that corporation finally came clean about stealing several million dollars.LH: 什么什么?我刚才没注意听,你说那个公司总裁怎么啦?他来上班的时候干干净净?这和偷几百万美元有什么关系呀?LL: No, I said, “He finally came clean about stealing several million dollars.” It means “He finally admitted he stole several million dollars.” To come clean about something is to admit to it.LH: 噢,to come clean about something 原来就是”坦白承认”。你刚才是说那个公司总裁最后终于承认他偷了几百万美元。这么说,Larry, 要是我做错了事,然后承认做错了,那我就是come clean 喽?LL: That"s right. If you cheat on a test and then tell the professor because you feel guilty, then you are coming clean about your mistake.LH: Hey, Larry, 你可别瞎说,我考试从来不作弊,心里没鬼,更不用去教授那儿认错。你刚才闯了红灯,我看呐,你还是干脆承认你的开车技术不怎么样吧!LL: What? You want me to come clean about my bad driving? What stop light? There wasn"t a stop light. Don"t tease me like that.LH: 我知道没有红绿灯,我只不过是逗你玩儿呢!LL: Speaking of coming clean about things, did your roommate ever come clean about stealing your CD?LH: 没有!我那个同屋偷了我的CD死活都不承认,可是我敢肯定是她偷的。LL: How do you know?LH: 有一天我看见她的CD夹子在桌上开着,我那张CD明明就在里面。LL: Well, if she"s not going to come clean about it, then maybe you should just take it back.LH: 那可不行,她不愿意承认是她的问题,我可不想乱翻她的东西。LL: Then you really need to find a new roommate. You should just come clean and admit that you made a mistake when you moved in with her.LH: 你说得对,Larry,我真该换个同屋,早知道这样,一开始就不该和这个人搬到一起。******LH: 哎哟,Larry, 你刚才拐弯的时候开这么快,我把可乐撒在车座上,把你的车给弄脏了。LL: No sweat. I"ll stop at that gas station and we can get some stuff to clean it up.LH: 那我们赶紧开到前面那个加油站擦擦干净吧!可是你还说 – No sweat – 别出汗?噢,你的意思是让我别着急,是不是?LL: That"s right! No sweat means “don"t worry about it” or “it"s okay.” Don"t worry about the coke. We can clean it up.LH: 你以前还教过我一个类似的短语,是Don"t sweat it! 也是”别担心,别着急”的意思。除了可以说Don"t sweat it, 也可以说No sweat。可是,Larry, 我还是挺不安的,你看我撒了这么多可乐,这能擦干净吗?LL: As I said, no sweat. The seats are leather, so they are really easy to clean.LH: 噢,这种皮制的车座很容易擦干净啊?这我就放心了。哎,Larry, 你能不能再给我举个 no sweat 的例子?LL: Well, if someone accidentally bumps into you in the hallway and they say, “sorry,” you can tell them, “no sweat.”LH: 嗯,要是有人在楼道里不小心撞到我,他如果说sorry, 我就可以说,No sweat! 也就是没关系的意思。Larry, 昨天我和一个朋友约好一起吃午饭,可是他没来。我估计是忘了,我下次见到他能不能也对他说No sweat呢?LL: Well, personally, that would upset me, but if he comes clean about the fact that he has forgotten to meet you, then you can tell him no sweat.LH: 对,让我白等是挺让人恼火的。你说得对,要是他承认是把约会给忘了,那我就会告诉他 No sweat – Don"t worry about it 。今天李华从Larry那儿学到了两个常用语。一个是come clean, 意思是”坦白承认”。另一个常用语是 no sweat, 意思是”别着急,别担心”。

you gotta come clean with Ma! This is not right是什么意思

这是一句美国式的俚语,标准的表达是you have (got) to come and clean with Ma! ....你得过来帮妈打扫,你那么做不对。gotta词典里的解释是have to,但生活中也可以说成have got to come clean 省略了and,and 在口语中往往不发音,但是在正规书写中要写出来。

come clean 中文歌词?

let"s go back back to the beginning back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned "cause perfect didn"t feel so perfect trying to fit a square into a circle was no life i defy let the rain fall down and wake my dreams let it wash away my sanity "cause i wanna feel the thunder i wanna scream i"m coming clean i"m shedding shedding every color trying to find a pigment of truth beneath my skin "cause different doesn"t feel so different and going out is better than always staying in feel the wind let the rain fall rain fall down with hey go down with (let the rain fall down) hoh, i"m coming clean (let it wash away) (my sanity) ("cause i wanna feel the thunder) (i wanna scream)让我们回去吧 回到最初 回到当地球,太阳和群星还排成一线的时候。 因为我不曾认为我们的完美是完美的 尝试着让一个方形去适应圆形 那是没有生机的 我抗的住 就让大雨倾盆吧 摇醒我的梦 并将它冲走 我的理智 因为我想要感受雷电 我想要大喊 我开始变的洁净无负担。 我在脱落 蜕掉每一种颜色 尝试寻找一种真实的颜料 在我的皮肤之下 因为不同的 并不觉得不同 走出来也许比一直待下去会好一些吧 感受着风 和飘落的雨 雨在飘落 在降落……

英文句子理解!!!Learn how to come clean and stay clean. 这句话翻译成中文是什么意思?


Audrey Assad的《Come Clean》 歌词

歌曲名:Come Clean歌手:Audrey Assad专辑:The House You Re BuildingreEdit by rance from the net(add the time tag)Artist: Audrey AssadTitle: Come CleanAlbum: The House You"re BuildingHow did I get here standing in a mess that I have made?Little by little adding to the chaos everydayI know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanI know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanBoxes full of things I"ve shuffled and shifted place to placeAll the years of me, everything I want to keep and throw awayI know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanI know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanI empty out the piecesAnd I put them where they goBut where do they go?Where do they go?Does anything in me know?Where do they go?I"m finding what I"ve covered and holding it up to the morning lightI"m opening my life a little at a time and it"s all right"Cause it takes time, it takes time to come cleanYeah, and I know it"s time, it"s time to come cleanI"m picking up the piecesAnd I put them where they goBut where do they go?Where do they go?Does anything in me know?Where do they go?Where do they go?I"m picking up the piecesSo where do they go?Where do they go?I wanna know just where do they go?Where do they goBecause I need to knowJust where do they go? Where do they go?I"ve got to know just where do they go?Where do they go? Will I ever know?theEnd

英语口语900句之Come clean坦白承认篇

LL: Hey, Li Hua, did you hear that? The president of that corporation finally came clean about stealing several million dollars. LH: 什么什么?我刚才没注意听,你说那个公司总裁怎么啦?他来上班的时候干干净净?这和偷几百万美元有什么关系呀?LL: No, I said, "He finally came clean about stealing several million dollars." It means "He finally admitted he stole several million dollars." To come clean about something is to admit to it. LH: 噢,to come clean about something 原来就是“坦白承认”。你刚才是说那个公司总裁最后终于承认他偷了几百万美元。这么说,Larry, 要是我做错了事,然后承认做错了,那我就是come clean 喽?LL: That"s right. If you cheat on a test and then tell the professor because you feel guilty, then you are coming clean about your mistake. LH: Hey, Larry, 你可别瞎说,我考试从来不作弊,心里没鬼,更不用去教授那儿认错。你刚才闯了红灯,我看呐,你还是干脆承认你的开车技术不怎么样吧! LL: What? You want me to come clean about my bad driving? What stop light? There wasn"t a stop light. Don"t tease me like that. LH: 我知道没有红绿灯,我只不过是逗你玩儿呢! LL: Speaking of coming clean about things, did your roommate ever come clean about stealing your CD? LH: 没有!我那个同屋偷了我的CD死活都不承认,可是我敢肯定是她偷的。 LL: How do you know? 更多信息请访问: LH: 有一天我看见她的CD夹子在桌上开着,我那张CD明明就在里面。 LL: Well, if she"s not going to come clean about it, then maybe you should just take it back. LH: 那可不行,她不愿意承认是她的问题,我可不想乱翻她的东西。 LL: Then you really need to find a new roommate. You should just come clean and admit that you made a mistake when you moved in with her. LH: 你说得对,Larry,我真该换个同屋,早知道这样,一开始就不该和这个人搬到一起。


让我们回去 回到开始 支持到当地球、太阳,全部被排列的星 "引起完成式没有觉得这么完美 尝试适合一个正方形进入一个圆周 生活不是 我藐视 让雨秋天落下 而且守护我的梦 让它冲走 我的神智健全 "引起我想要感觉雷电 我想要尖叫 我来了干净的 我正在流出 使每种颜色流出 尝试找事实的色素 在我的皮肤之下 "引起不同的 不觉得这么不同 而且出去比较好 超过总是停留在 感觉风 让雨秋天 把秋天下雨下来与 嗨下降与 (让雨秋天下来) hoh, 我正在过来干净的 (让它冲走) (我的神智健全) ("引起 i 想要感觉雷电) (i 想要尖叫) 我正在流出 使每种颜色流出 尝试找事实的色素 在我的皮肤之下 "引起不同的 不觉得这么不同

come clean是什么意思

come clean的意思是:坦白吧扩展资料:英语是西日尔曼语的一个分支,最早由中世纪的英国使用,由于其广阔的殖民地,英语已成为世界上使用最广泛的语言。盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛的日尔曼部落之一,被称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的安格利亚。该语言与弗里斯语和下撒克逊语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),主要用拉丁语和法语书写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是五世纪盎格鲁-撒克逊移民带到英国的一组英格瓦方言,统称为古英语。中世纪英语始于11世纪末,当时诺曼人征服了英国;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机引进英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响。17世纪以来,在英美两国的广泛影响下,现代英语在全世界传播开来。通过这些国家的各种印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为世界领先语言之一,在许多地区和专业环境中也发挥着主导作用,例如科学、航海和法律。
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