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catch/put/keep/come/up with 这四个词组的用法和意思

catch up with为“赶上(某人或某事)”,有追上并可能超过的含义。如: We"ll do out best to catch up with the advanced industrial countries. 我们将尽力赶超先进的工业国家。 keep up with作“不落后于(某人或某对手)”解,有与之并驾齐驱的含义。如: The girls had to run to keep up with the boys. 这些女孩子不得不加快脚步以赶上男孩子们。put up with1. 忍受,容忍(讨厌的人)2. 容忍,承受,忍受 3. 忍受,忍耐come up with 想出(计划、回答);作出(反应);产生 He couldn"t come up with an answer. 他答不上来。 He couldn"t come up with an appropriate answer just at the time. 那时他想不出一个合适的答案。






complement英 ["ku0252mplu026am(u0259)nt] 美 ["kɑmplu026amu025bnt]n. 补语;余角;补足物vt. 补足,补助网络释义补集⑷ 补集( Complement ):称为A关于全集U的相对 补集,或称为A的绝对 补集,简称为A的 补集,定义为.补语“宾语”和“补语”的各种成分之间的区别如下: 宾语(OBJECTIVE):间接宾语、直接宾语 补语(COMPLEMENT):主语补语、宾语补语 不论什么时候,如果一个句子中有两个宾语,前面一个通常是间接宾语,后面一个是直接宾语。补体补体(Complement)是哺乳动物血清蛋白的复杂系统,在血清中以无活性的前体形式存在,是机体非特异性体液免疫因素中的最重要成分.补足...照加入人数的多少(How much)和猜比照分人数的多少来均匀分派彩池里的彩金,假使彩池彩金不足6868元,来博娱乐城补足(Complement),并不是说才对波胆(Correct)最低奖金(Bonus)是6868元,异想天开。短语Complement graph 补图subject complement 主补 ; 主语补语 ; 主语补足语 ; 主词补语Two complement 补码


基因组,是指一个细胞或者生物体所携带的一套完整的单倍体序列,包括全套基因和间隔序列。可是基因组测序的结果发现基因编码序列只占整个基因组序列的很小一部分。因此,基因组应该指单倍体细胞中包括编码序列和非编码序列在内的全部DNA分子。说的更确切些,核基因组是单倍体细胞核内的全部 DNA分子;线粒体基因组则是一个线粒体所包含的全部DNA分子;叶绿体基因组则是一个叶绿体所包含的全部DNA分子。



请问在哪里可以查到Come Pioggia的歌词?

Inaspettatamentecome pioggia d"estateora seipresenza indispensabile per meOltre quel profondoche ha il cielo di nottetu già sei nello sguardoche t"insegua dove vaiSei l"eccezione che oramaiche mi appartiene come sefossi mia da sempre.Sei la vita che ripartel"universo che si espandela necessitàMentre guardi assorta al mareL"amore che non ha domandela mia terra sull"atlantela felicitàse apri quella portae già sei quasei già qua.Oltre le coseche pensa la gentehai scelto mefiorendo questo inverno immobileCome uno stormoche vola e vola viasento il bisogno dirompentedi sentirti mia.Perchè ogni azione che tu faiè un"emozione che mi daiche mi fa gridareSei l"amore mio più grandel"universo che si espandela necessitàMentre guardi assorta al marel"amore che non ha domandela mia terra sull"atlantela felicitàche mi sorprende già.E mi sento così fragilecosì forte e vulnerabilese ci seiperchè oramaiSei comunque e nonostantel"universo che si espandela necessitàmentre guardi assorta al maresei la luce mai distantela mia terra sull"atlantela felicitàse apri quella portae già sei quasei già qua 亲爱的。我找不到中文的歌词大意,也不会意大利文。只有上面的意文歌词了。PS:这首歌还真的不错耶~~~

区分complaisant complement compliment compliance compliant

这几个词汇主要可以通过词根来区分: pliance pliant都是从ply作为词根衍生出来的,都是有顺从的意思,pliment我个人认为可能也是这个词根出来的,毕竟恭维也就是曲意逢迎,顺从,其实是差不多的,但pliment形式还是差的比较大的,单独记一下吧; plement 表示互补的东西,是由plete作为词根衍生出来的,相应的还有一个形容词形式的plementary也一并记住好了; 至于plaisant我觉得好像还好吧,跟其他几个没什么相似的了. 你要真懒得记,直接只记住plement,然后其他几个都作为顺从记住好了,反正意思确实也差不多. GRE词汇嘛,反正都是这么背过来的,加油吧.


您好,SVC 和 SVOC 中的 Complement 在汉语译为(补足语)。所以1)SVC 中的 C 通常是(主语补足语)2)SVOC 中的 C 通常是(宾语补足语)而补足语又可以是很多种,可以是名词、形容词,不定式短语,非谓语动词等单词或是结构。



经济学中substitution 和 complement的区别

substition是替代的意思,替代效应里会用到。complement是互补的意思,互补品里会用到。gross complement vs pure complement是 名义互补 VS 净互补 的意思。


不是。completeness是complete的名词形式complement n. 补充的东西




complement和compliment,一个是“赞扬”,一个是“补充”complement是由complete构成的,complete意为“完整,完成”,所以complement就是“补充”——“补充”的结果就是“完整”嘛。所以compliment就是“赞扬”了。两个单词发音完全一样,其实最初拼写也是一样的,大约1650年才有了compliment,说的时候不用担心说错,不过写的时候可别弄错了,A complement completes something, but I like getting compliments.


Complement的意思:v.补充;补足;使完美;使更具吸引力n.补充物;补足物;足数;足额;补足语;补语Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well. 肉豆蔻、西芹和苹果酒都能很好地突出这些豆子的味道。There will be a written examination to complement the practical test 会有笔试作为实践考试的补充。The green wallpaper is the perfect complement to the old pine of the dresser 绿色的墙纸完美地衬托出衣橱那年代久远的松木。


complement 英["ku0252mplu026ament] 美[u02c8kɑmplu0259mu0259nt] n. 补充;补足语;补充物;补集(数) vt. 补足,补充;补助 第三人称单数:complements;过去分词:complemented;名词复数:comple... [例句]Others that can deliver the required policy complement are politically constrained at both the national and multilateral levels.其他机构能应要求为央行提供补充性政策,但它们在国家和国际层面都受到了政治因素的束缚。如果您认可我的答案,请采纳。您的采纳,是我答题的动力,O(∩_∩)O谢谢


n.补充; 补足语; 补充物; (数) 补集; vt.补足,补充; 补助;

The designer of the Apple Computer, Steve Jobs, w


外企offer不太明白,高分求详解。 1。annual target compensation。2。annual target incentive 7k。

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必假无疑!这个价格的LBJ X,绝对是假鞋来的,这款鞋原价1699元,现在这店铺是它原价的十分之一左右,鬼才相信它是真鞋啦!这种店铺看看就算了,千万别买,到时你绝对会后悔的~~!=====================================================若有其它问题欢迎继续追问,对此回答满意请及时采纳~~!=====================================================



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extjs GridPanel怎么添加ComboBox,TextField等form控件?


里面please come back and lead me on后面是什么

fire fly come back to me making the night as bright as dayi"ll be looking out for youtell me that you lonely toofire fly come lead me onfollow you into the sun that"s the way it ought to be fire fly come back to me


不可以 在美国信用卡是极度的普及,无论在在线购物还是超市买菜都能使用信用卡。但俗话说“人在江湖走,哪能不湿鞋”,令人头痛的是很多网站安全漏洞频出,导致用户的信用卡信息泄露和盗刷 ,最后用户还得自己校对账单、dispute盗刷交易、打电话锁卡和换卡,费时又费力。现在订阅服务呈爆炸式增长,比如NetFlix, Spotify, Apple Music, Apple News, Amazon Prime, ClassPass, AMC Alist等,万一有一天这些服务多收你个手续费,或者毫无征兆地提价,由于你绑定了信用卡,往往是被扣了钱以后几个月才发现这种订阅服务过度收费问题。



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亲~ 已发。。发件人:dialun如有疑问。。请追问望采纳。。。

stereo hearts 求jason chend 翻唱的版本~~~邮箱音质好一点的~~~谢谢~~~


Come And Let Me Look In Your Eyes 歌词

歌曲名:Come And Let Me Look In Your Eyes歌手:John Denver专辑:Spiritby EliteleeI guess growing isnt hard to doJust stand against the wallOnce I was just two feet highToday Im six feet tallBut knowing who to listen toIs something else againWords just whistle round my headLike seasons in the windAll across the water the clouds are sailingThey wont let me look at the skyAll I want to do is try and find myselfCome and let me look in your eyesIn searching for the way to goIve followed all the rulesThe way they say to chooses betweenThe wise men and the foolsI listen to the words they sayI read what I should readI do whatevers right to doTry to be what I should beSomeone let me in I think the sky is fallingSeems Ive gotten lost on my wayAll I want to do is try and find myselfCome and let me look in your eyesCome and let me look in your eyesby EliteleeAh, but wisdom isnt undergroundNor on a mountainsideAnd where am I to take myselfTheres no place here to hideAll across the universe the stars are fadingSeems weve gotten lost on our wayAll I want to do is try and find myselfCome and let me look in your eyesCome and let me look in your eyesCome and let me look in your eyes

Let me come in.的句子成分?

这是一个省略主语的祈使句。谓语let …come in宾语 me祈使句的主语一般为you。

You let me come in 宾补是哪个?

是come in

Never Had A Dream Come True的歌词


动感 激情乐曲(歌曲也可) come on,推荐了!!

Don"t come any closerBY Claude Kelly我就经常拿这个做我跳舞的背景音乐~~



Jay—Z的kingdom come的歌词

i dont know what what life will be in h.i.p.h.o.p. without the boy h.o.v.not only nyc i"m hip hop"s saviorso after this flow you might owe me a favorwhen kingdom come, you ready?the king will come, i"m readyi"m readynow everywhere i go they like hovi backup out the corner office of cul-de-sacwhere"s iceberg slim he was the coldest catget your swag back daddy where your focus at?got to admit a lil" bit i was sick of rapbut despite that the boy is backand i"m so evolved,i"m so involvedi"m showin" growth i"m so in chargei"m ceo and yeah goin" godi"m so indebted i should of been debtedsellin" blow in the park this is knowin" my heartnow i"m so enlightened i might glow in the darki been up in the office you might know him as clarkjust when you thought the whole world fell apart, itake off the blazer loosen up the tiestep inside the booth superman is alive[chorus:]i will be... king of new yorki will be... new yorknot only nyc i"m hip hop"s saviorso after this flow you might owe me a favorwhen kingdom come, you ready?when kingdom come, uh-huhnot only nyc i"m hip hop"s saviorso after this flow you might owe me a favori hear "hurry up hov" when i"m out in the publicthese niggas like that you love it you be it your of ityou breathe it we need it bring it back for the hustlershave you dust off the hammer dance can"t touch thisc"mon playboys bring your cars back outcause your boy hov is back you know them broads comin" outgot "em dancin" on the banquett like they from bankheadfuck crystal so they ask what we drinkin"i thought dudes were marquess rudoqueso i moved on to donand it"s much bigger issues in the world i knowbut i first had to take care of the world i knowi"m from the bottom so i still feel im from the bottomunderdog before my cake and still couldn"t stop himflash gordon bring my cords and spark the light in the darkpeter park spider-man all i do is climb the charts art[chorus]just when they thought it was all overi put the whole world on my back in broad shoudlers the ball hoverwho you know took over tracks like thatguess what new york new york we backand i ain"t never been afraid of a droughtsince i was 6 17 they gettin" money down southbout it-bout it master pask the nigga pimp c ask my homie bun bi run the streets the streets don"t run wey"all run we chill still waters run deepi repeat sing along with mei run the streets the streets don"t run weladies sayin" where you been supermanwhen niggas spendin" 10 million and media on my handsthe bruce wayne of the game have no fearwhen you need me just throw your roc signs in the air, yeah

求东方幻想乡目前全人物的符卡中文名称 跪求...需要这些资料啦.... 请发到,谢谢啦。


First i wish for us,of course,the simple common s


this 不同,是指示代词其它是动词

The products the company produces are __.


这个视频是音乐是什么 在线等

requiem for a dream

这道题怎么做:Complete the dialogu

1. Could you tell me where the nearest restaurant is?/Which is the way to the nearest restaurant?/Where is the nearest restaurant?/Can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant ?/Can you tell me how I can get to the nearest restaurant? 2. How far is it from here?/How far is it?/How far? 3. What would you like (to eat/ have)?/What can I do for you?/Can I help you?/May I take your order? 4. How do you like the food?/What do you think of the food? 5. No, thanks./No, thank you./No, thanks a lot./No, thank you very much.

The Best Is Yet To Come的原版歌词

爱尔兰语歌词(原版):An cuimhin leat an grá crá croí an ghráNíl anois ach ceol na h-oíche táim sioraí i ngráLeannáin le smálLeannáin le smálLig leis agus beidh leatLig leis agus beidh gráCulmhne leat an t-amNuair a bhí tú sástaAn culmhne leat an t-amNuair a bhí tú ag gáireTá an saol iontachmá chreideann tú annTug aghaidi ar an saol is sonas sioraí inár meascCéard a tharla do na laethanta sinCéard a tharla do na h-oícheanta sin an culmhin leat an t-amNuair a bhí tú faol bhrónAn cuimhin leat an t-amGo sioraí sileadh na ndeor an ormsa nó orainne a bhí an lochtAg mothú caiite s"ar fánCén fáth an t-achrann is sileadh na ndeorTá áilleacht sa saolMá chuardaíonn tú eTá gliondar sa saol cuardaimís e英文翻译:Do you remember the timewhen little things made you happy?Do you remember the timewhen simple things made you smileLife can be wonderfulif you let it beLife can be simpleif you tryWhatever happened to those days?Whatever happened to those nights?Do you remember the timewhen little things made you sad?Do you remember the timewhen simple things made you cry?Is it just meoris it just us?Feeling lost in this world?Why do we have to hurt each other?Why do we have to shed tears?Life can be beautifulif you tryLife can be joyfulif we tryTell meI"m not aloneTell meWe are not alone in this worldfighting against the windDo you remember the timewhen simple things made you happy?Do you remember the timewhen little things made you laugh?You knowlife can be simpleYou knowlife is simpleBecausethe best thing in life is yet to comeBecause...the best is yet to come中文翻译:可曾记得以前吗?当小事让我们高兴可曾记得过去吗?当简事使我们微笑生命可以是美好的如果你让它那样生命可以是简单的如果你努力尝试不管在以前的白昼里发生过什么无论在过去的黑夜里发生过什么可曾记得以前吗?当小事让我们悲伤可曾记得过去吗?当简事使我们哭泣只是我而已吗?或者还是我们?感觉到迷失在这个世界里为什么我们要互相伤害呢?为什么我们要流出热泪呢?生命可以是美丽的如果你们去努力生命可以是欢快的如果我们去争取请告诉我我不是唯一的请告诉我我们不是孤独的 在这个世界里和狂风搏斗可曾记得以前吗?当简事让我们开心可曾记得过去吗?当简事使我们欢笑你知道生命可以很简单你明白生命可以很容易因为最美好的事情即将到来因为。。。。。。。。美好即将到来”

qq @扣扣号.com这是什么邮箱啊


外国人眼中的community involvement是指什么?

,企业community 社团involvement 参与,涉及就叫企业慈善吧



international journal of cement composites and lightweight concrete是sci吗






composite part a几区

中科院2区top期刊。补充:复合材料方向知名的几个期刊就是composites science and technology,composites part a 和b,还有composite structures。查了JCR分区,前三个期刊都是一区Top,composite structures是二区,非Top。四个期刊影响因子都在差不多。

Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 投稿求助

期刊名 JOURNAL OF REINFORCED PLASTICS AND COMPOSITES缩写:J REINF PLAST COMP 这是英国的一个期刊! 出版周期 Semimonthly 出版ISSN 0731-6844 Total Cites 1881 2013Impact Factor 0.902 5-Year Impactor Factor 0.973 Immediacy Index 0.161 Articles 149 Cited Half-life 5.8 EigenfactorTM Score 0.00408 Article InfluenceTM Score 0.238 通讯方式 SAGE PUBLICATIONS LTD, 1 OLIVERS YARD, 55 CITY ROAD, LONDON, ENGLAND, EC1Y 1SP 在线投稿网址

求助:Composites:Part A的影响因子


Polymers and Polymer Composites这个期刊怎么投稿

直接到他们的主页看投稿须知,其中一段话Papers should not normally exceed 10,000 words, with allowance made for tables and illustrations. All submissions should be made by email to: kmevans@smithers.com即通过邮箱投稿

composites part b的special issue是SCI收录吗


composites part a是二区还是一区




composites conmunications怎么找论文所在刊物封面

1、找到你论文的网页:可以看出,这篇文章有年卷页的。2、右边红色框有个期刊卷和时间 Volume 100, Issue 12,点进去,就到了这卷的页面了。3、往下拉,分两个封面,前封面(cover image)和后封面(back image),看你需要哪个。如果你需要前封面,点击前封面(cover image)下的 PDF:可以看到这就是这个卷的封面,点击右上角的下载选项,就可以保存了。目前国内很多的基金或者人才项目,或者参与某些奖励计划,都需要填写自己的主要著作和科研成果(中文或者英文)的论文,其中大多数大的项目会需要你文章发表的杂志封面和目录,查找方法如下:中文期刊:中国知网找到对应的期刊,对应的年份,期刊号,之后不论是截图还是虚拟打印机打印成pdf都可以。中文期刊大多数情况下找到目录和封面都没问题。英文期刊:大家最常用的方式就是上官网去查找,这也是最简单便捷的一种,但是有些官网上找不到对应年份的期刊,推荐使用下面的方法。首先你需要确定,你这个期刊是否有订装成册的版本,如果没有,那么就不会有单独封面和目录,比如说我们常见的Nature的子刊,Nature communications就是网络发布,没有封面和目录,很多人找了半天也找不到。这里推荐一种方式查找该期刊是否订装成册:直接拨打中科院文献情报中心电话010-8262 6611 转分机号6315,可以请工作人员替你查看,简单便捷。如果有对应的纸质版,可以付费让工作人员替你扫描,价格很便宜,可以开发票,之后会发到你的邮箱。你也可以直接发邮件申请,邮箱是

Composites Part B好中吗


composites part b投稿要求

composites part b的投稿要求是必须有独创性。首先,论文发表很强调独创性,得是自己独家研究出来的学术成果,我们可以引用参考文献,但不可以大段地剽窃别人的学术成果,这样的情况在查重的环节上通过不了。独创性的另一层含义,在学术上我们的论文要有一定的新意,可以在前人研究成果上继续前行,但也要有自己的深入发现,如果只是重复一些前人早已研究出来的成果和结论,那么尹没有任何意义。论文和其它文章,比如诗歌小说散文都不同,要求是比较规范和严谨的,论文的格式也是有严格要求的,论文的语言词汇也要规范表达的,例如不能使用缩写词,有关数字和计量单位的标注也要规范使用等等,这些都是作者写论文时必须要注意的。



composites做主语 后面的谓语动词是was还是were


composite worker是什么意思

composite worker 复合工composite 英[u02c8ku0252mpu0259zu026at] 美[ku0259mu02c8pɑ:zu0259t] adj. 混合成的,综合成的; [建] 综合式的; [数] 可分解的; [植] 菊科的; n. 合成物,混合物,复合材料; [植] 菊科植物; [例句]Galton devised a method of creating composite pictures in which the features of different faces were superimposed over one another.高尔顿发明了一种把不同人的五官相互叠加在一起的制作合成照片的方法。[其他] 复数:composites


意思不同,competence是能力的意思,而performance是表现的意思。Competence是名词,作名词时意为“能力,胜任;权限;作证能力;足以过舒适生活的收入”。Performance也是名词,意思是“性能;绩效;表演;执行;表现”。 Competence的例句 Would you say you had the competence for handling money? 您认为您有理财的能力吗? She added her name to the list on the noticeboard. 她把自己的名字加在了布告栏上的名单里。 It has beyond the competence of the court. 它已经超出法院的权限。 Performance的例句 We have looked grand sight performance of firework at New Year"s Eve. 除夕我们观看了壮观的烟火表演。 He failed completely in the performance of his duty. 他完全没有履行他的职责。 The performance of such an analysis is very complicated, but the results are simple. 要完成这样一个分析是极为复杂的,但所得结果却是简单的。

there are some n_____ on the noticeboard of the communite cenyre.

There are some (notices) on the notice board of the community centre.It tells us many things. If you don"t (feel) well these days, you can ask good doctors and (nurses) for help. They will make you feel better.



long live the Communist party of china?的语法问题。

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 问题描述: long live the Communist party of china为什么不说成the Communist party of china long live?????里面有什么语法吗?? 解析: 祈使句中出现的倒装,就是这个用法。。

welcome dear guests from continental corporation这句话是什么意思?还有每个单词的意思。

热烈欢迎来自内地公司尊敬的嘉宾们欢迎 尊敬的 嘉宾 来自 内地的 公司

common law和continental law的区别

common law[英][u02c8ku0254mu0259n lu0254:][美][u02c8kɑmu0259n lu0254]习惯法; 不成文法; Canadian libel law is based on English common law.加拿大的诽谤法是以英国的习惯法为基础的。continental law[英][u02ccku0254ntu0259u02c8nentl lu0254:][美][u02cckɑntu0259u02c8nu025bntl: lu0254]大陆法; Stiftung mainly present itself in continental law system.财团法人制度主要存在于大陆法系。

failed to connect to port 443: timed out

1、连接超时,首先找到git的安装目录,找到/etc/ssh/ssh_config文件 2、用notepad++打开,复制这几句到该文件最后 Host User git Hostname PreferredAuthentications publickey IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa Port 443 3、解决

communication protocol是什么意思


用英语介绍Coca-Cola Company

The Coca-Cola Company engages in the manufacture, distribution, and marketing of nonalcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups worldwide. The company offers nonalcoholic beverages, principally carbonated soft drinks, as well as noncarbonated beverages. Its beverage products comprise bottled and canned soft drinks and beverages products. The company"s products also include beverage concentrates, such as flavoring ingredients and sweeteners; syrups, the beverage ingredients produced by combining concentrates, sweeteners, and added water; and fountain syrups that use equipment for mixing the syrups with carbonated or noncarbonated water for immediate consumption, and are sold to fountain retailers, such as restaurants. The Coca-Cola Company also produces and markets noncarbonated beverages, including waters and flavored waters, juice and juice drinks, sports drinks, and teas and coffees. The company sells its finished beverage products primarily to distributors. It sells its beverage concentrates and syrups to bottling and canning operators, distributors, fountain wholesalers, and fountain retailers. The Coca-Cola Company was founded in 1886 and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. mr.simple shipin

亲需要滴资源已送至亲的邮箱啦...O(∩_∩)O如有问题就及时回复我哦...或者百度HI我也OK拉..O(∩_∩)O若没啥问题滴话...亲呐 ...表忘了采纳吖...~~~~(>_<)~~~~ ---baby don"t cry just give me your smile.---


Because You Naughty,Naughty.Hey!Mr.Simple.Because You Naughty,Naughty.SuJu kan da!sai sang yi nai ma dai lou an dwin da gou hua man nai miao an duai kri lao pi liao o`b ji~gao jiao dou pa jia da qia gen yi lai nao mu yang yang ha ji .mao mai jiong ji a na~sao jiao gi jiong a da ga na ba da ga kri liao gao ji mao hen~xi jiao gi yao la da ga dao lao jiao da kri lao dai dou yi ji~ao jiao miao guan cha na sao ao ka nri gao dou zhou a .mao den gao xi dai dai dai dai dai ga yi nen gao ni ga~kri dai ga nam jia la miao qin gu man na su han jia nai tao liao bao li gou~(Alright)Alright~kri dai ga yao jia la miao qin gu man na su da dao liao na liao bao li gou~(Alright)Alright,Alright~bua la Mr.Simple,Simple.kri dai nen kri dai nen kri dai lou mao jiao ~bua la Miss Simple, Simple kri dai nen kri dai lou ye bao(SJ Call!)bua la Mr.Simple,Simple kri dai nen kri dai nen kri dai lou mao jiao~bua la Miss Simple,Simple kri dai nen kri dai lou ye bao(SJ Call!)2011-08-02 21:29 回复海妖 兎_小卷62位粉丝3楼ka jia ka jia ao sao ka jia ma giao sri dan dou la ka jia gou ji a pa zhu gai da miao you nen ha lu man nou gu bou jia~an kri laidou gao jin sai sang zhu gao la dao miao na man ji qiao kri da liao bua a giao dao bua nao yi na li gou wo ta ni ga~Blow Your Mind ka la Mr.Simple~Blow Your Mind dai ga wa jia na tu liao wo man gou~Blow Your Mind ka ja Mr.Simple~Blow Your Mind dai ga wa jia na zhun pi duai jia na~sao sao nen yi li han du ga ji an nin sai sang ye wu lin sa la kri gao ai dou a la~mao yi lao kai ao liao na wu li jia mao gou jia jia gou dou jia la miao kri lao gai ha miao dui ji~kri dai ga hua ga ma miao qin gu man na dao da hua lou pu lao bao li gu~(Alright)Alright~kri dai ga gao lou da miao lou lai pu lao sao li ji lao na liao bao li gu (Alright)Alright,Alright~Dance zha you lan gai mao kri li piao gao yi da Just Get It,Get It~sao sao han yi ta li zhai mi tong tong tong kong kong kong~sa la yi nen kri dai nri gi gou xi na Just Grab It,Grab It~ka si`m dao nen nai ku dri li ai gi tong tong tong kong kong kong~Because You Naughty,Naughtyyi jae gao jiao ha ji ma a pai zhou hen na li ao gao ya xi ga han ai gin ta dao lou mi lao du gu~ao nen en pa gai wu sao bua kri dai yi huan han wu sri mai mou du ki bun zhou a jiao~Blow your Mind ka la Mr.Simple~Blow your Mind dai ga wa jia na tu liao wo ma gou~Blow your Mind ka jia Mr.Simple~Blow your Mind ka la Mr.Simple~

求这个视频背景音乐 另求此类歌曲 大神们多谢

pop danthology 2012set fire to the rainpart of methtanium 视频中的音乐如上这段视频中的超赞49人高中生歌曲串烧的歌单

组曲名:Pop Danthology 2012 - Mashup of 50 Pop Songs歌曲列表:1.Payphone – Maroon5 & Wiz Khalifa2.Glad you came – The Wanted3.Whistle – Flo Rida4.Your Body – Christina Aguilera5.Ass Back Home – Gym Class Heroes feat. Neon Hitch6.Scream – Usher7.Lights – Ellie Goulding8.Dance Again – Jennifer Lopezfeat. Pitbull9.Don"t Wake Me Up – Chris Brown10.Sorry for Party Rocking – LMFAO11.Some Nights – Fun.12.Stronger – Kelly Clarkson13.Live My Life – Far East Movement & Justin Bieber14.Let"s Go – Calvin Harris feat. Ne-Yo15.Domino – Jessie J16.Turn Up the Music - Chris Brown17.One More Night – Maroon18.Call Me Maybe – Carly Rae Jepsen19.Blow Me (One Last Kiss) – P!nk20.Wild Ones – Flo Rida feat. Sia21.How We Do (Party) – Rita Ora22.Set Fire to the Rain – Adele23.Part of Me – Katy Perry24.Let Me Love You – Ne-Yo25.Give Your Heart a Break – DemiLovato26.We are Young – Fun. Feat. JanelleMonáe27.Wide Awake – Katy Perry28.Big Hoops (Bigger The Better) –Nelly Furtado29.Boyfriend – Justin Bieber30.Want U Back – Cher Lloyd31.Starships – Nicky Minaj32.Good Time – Owl City & RaeJepsen33.Gangnam Style – Psy34.Too Close – Alex Clare35.Climax – Usher36.As Long As You Love Me – Justin Bieber feat. Big Sean37.Die Young – Ke$ha38.What Makes You Beautiful – OneDirection39.Diamonds – Rihanna40.Pound the Alarm – Nicky Minaj41.Where Have You Been – Rihanna42.Turn Me On - David Guetta feat.Nicky Minaj43.Skyfall – Adele44.Titanium – David Guetta feat. Sia45.Live While We"re Young – OneDirection46.This is Love – Will.I.Am feat.Eva Simons47.International Love – Pitbullfeat. Chris Brown48.I Can Only Imagine - David Guettafeat. Chris Brown & Lil Wayne49.Don"t You Worry Child – SwedishHouse Mafia50.Somebody That I Used To Know -Gotye feat. Kimbra51.Finally Found You - EnriqueIglesias feat. Sammy Adams52.Spectrum -Zedd feat. Matthew Koma53.Give Me All Your Luvin" - Madonnafeat. M.I.A. & Nicky MinajPS:还有两首歌只是作为背景音乐,并没有出现过MV的镜头,一首是Brokenhearted – Karmin,从let me love you 开始混入伴奏音乐,直到We are young 这首歌开始后结束。另一首是Rack City – Tyga 在Boyfriend这首歌出现的中段作为背景音乐混入伴奏参考资料:


1.Payphone – Maroon5 & Wiz Khalifa2.Glad you cam..dfslkjglkusid


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这里embeded是过去分词 是形容词词性 用BECAME因为是已经发生的事啊


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