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马克笔touch color是什么牌子的?与touch有关么?

马克笔touch color是国产牌子,是与touch无关。国产touch里,质量参差不齐。而且马克笔Touch是韩国品牌,采用酒精性、纤维型笔头,双头结构,小头为软笔,每支价格大概10~20元。扩展资料:马克笔类型:按笔头分1、纤维型笔头纤维型笔头的笔触硬朗、犀利,色彩均匀,高档笔头设计为多面,随着笔头的转动能画出不同宽度的笔触。适合空间体块的塑造,多用于建筑、室内、工业设计、产品设计的手绘表达中。纤维头分普通头和高密度头两种,区别就是书写分叉和不分叉。2、发泡型笔头发泡型笔头较纤维型笔头更宽,笔触柔和,色彩饱满,画出的色彩有颗粒状的质感,适合景观、水体、人物等软质景、物的表达,多用于景观、园林、服装、动漫等专业。按墨水分1、油性马克笔油性马克笔快干、耐水、而且耐光性相当好,颜色多次叠加不会伤纸,柔和。2、酒精性马克笔酒精性马克笔可在任何光滑表面书写 ,速干、防水、环保,可用于绘图、书写、记号、POP广告等。主要的成分是染料、变性酒精、树脂,墨水具挥发性,应于通风良好处使用,使用完需要盖紧笔帽,要远离火源并防止日晒。3、水性马克笔水性马克笔则是颜色亮丽有透明感,但多次叠加颜色后会变灰,而且容易损伤纸面。还有,用沾水的笔在上面涂抹的话,效果跟水彩很类似,有些水性马克笔干掉之后会耐水。马克笔这种画具在设计用品店就可以买到,而且只要打开盖子就可以画,不限纸材、各种素材都可以上色。参考资料来源:百度百科-马克笔

英语going cold turkey won’t work怎么翻译?

going cold turkey won t work戒烟是行不通的


TPANS:制冷制热模式转换。LOUVER:风速。FAN:风量1,2,3,4,自动。TOO COLD:太冷,就是快速制冷。TRANS:制冷制热模式转换。空调遥控器使用过程中注意事项:1、空调长时间不用,将遥控器内电池取出。2、当遥控器出现花屏失灵时,用一尖状物按一下“复位”键即可。3、当遥控器显示字符暗淡或无显示时,请及时更换电池。扩展资料:松下空调遥控器中文说明书:Panasonic 松下空调CS-PC12MKF/CS-PC18MKF/CS-PC24MKF通用。一、显示屏区域:AIR CONDITIONER:空调遥控器。AUTO:自动模式,空调会检测环境温湿度,自动调节适宜的运作模式。COOL:制冷。 DRY:除湿。FAN SPEED:风速调节。AIR SWING:风向选择。二、功能区域:ECONAVI:节能导航功能,空调会自动感应室内人体活动量、活动方位,智能调节风向、风量、温度和角度。OFF/ON:开关,运行/停止。AUTO COMFORT:舒适性(空气)自动调节。MODE:模式,功能选择。TEMP:温度设置,上升/下降。FAN SPEED:风速。AIR SWING:风向调节。三、定时区域:TIMER:定时。ON:定时开机。OFF:定时关机。▲:增加10分钟。_:减少10分钟。SET:(开关机)双定时功能。CANCEL:取消。四、调试区域:SET:设置。CLOCK:时间设置。RESET:遥控复位。




TPANS:有没有写错吗?LOUVER:叶片的意思,吹风上下摇动FAN:风量选择,常见3档或5档和自动风量模式TOO COLD:很冷的意思,你感觉很冷时按这键,大概目标温度提高一点。 应该对方的位置TOO HOT也有。TRANS:应该是显示板的温度表示转换,确认按键时显示内容。





Mercedes-Benz Collection 是什么牌子的手表




Coldplay的《Trouble》 歌词

歌曲名:Trouble歌手:Coldplay专辑:Trouble Norwegian Live Ep (Import)TroubleOh no, I seeThe spider web is tangled up with meAnd I lost my headAnd thought of all the stupid things I"d saidOh no, what"s this?A spider web and I"m caught in the middleSo I turn to runAnd thought of all the stupid things I"d doneAnd I never meant to cause you troubleI never meant to do you wrongAnd ah, well if I ever caused you troubleOh, no I never meant to do you harmOh no, I seeThe spider web and it"s me in the middleSo I twist and turnBut here am I in my little bubbleSinging outI never meant to cause you troubleI never meant to do you wrongAnd ah, well if I ever caused you troubleOh, no I never meant to do you harmThey spun a web for meThey spun a web for meThey spun a web for me


columnn.[C]1. 圆柱The dome was supported by nine columns.这圆顶由九根柱子支撑。2. 圆柱状物[(+of)]3. (报纸的)栏,段He always read the sports column in the Times.他总是阅读《泰晤士报》的体育栏。4. (报纸,杂志的)短评栏,专栏5. (士兵的)纵队;小分遣队;(船舰,车辆等的)纵列[G]6. 【数】行(台湾),列(大陆)editoriala.1. 编辑(上)的;编者的;主管的Hearst expanded his editorial staff.赫斯特扩大了他的编辑部。2. 社论的;社论式的n.1. (报刊的)社论;(电台,电视台的)重要评论He writes editorials for the newspaper.他为这家报纸撰写社论

英语中研究生院为什么用graduate school,大学有college和university,

自动化系,清华大学研究生院,M.E. M.E 词典释义 abbr. Master of Education 教育学硕士;Mechanical Engineer 机械工程师重点词汇释义 automation自动化,自动操作 graduate school研究所 tsinghua university清华大学

colour skirt yellow通顺吗?

黄色裙子的意思吗?那不通顺啊,不如直接yellow skirt

DNF里面的COL是什么意思 啊

俗称“废材指数”这个指数越高,你做任务所出的物品的概率就会减少。。(如果你100%的话。。。)PS: 注意只是和任务物品掉落概率有关 和 你爆装备没有关系的哦1、怎么样才会提高呢,被高你7级以上包括7级(而且不是你所属工会或你师傅)的人带的时候会提升(大概是每带过一副图就会提升0。3%-0。5%不定)2、怎么样才会降低呢,这个简单,你每升一级废材值就会降低的。。 (大概0。1%-0。2%把)所以被高手带也不一定是一种好事!被带前应该看看他是否你公会(国服公会系统没开放)或者你师傅,不然废材值会提高咯



The United Negro College Fund has been reminding Americans that “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to ...

句子成分分析:The United Negro College Fund主语 has been reminding谓语 Americans间接宾语 that “A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste,”直接宾语(为从句) since 1972时间状语. UNCF主语 has raised谓语 over $1.4 billion宾语, and helped谓语 more than 300,000 minority students宾语 graduate from college宾语补足语(第二句中,1、graduate from college为动词不定式短语,因为前面有help,help sb do sth为固定用法,动词前的to省略了;2、has raised over $1.4 billion与helped more than 300,000 minority students graduate from college并列)。翻译:自1972年以来,联合黑人学院基金一直在提醒美国人“浪费头脑是一件恐怖的事情”,联合黑人学院基金已经募集了14亿美金,并且已经帮助超过30万个少数民族学生从大学毕业。

off. colour. socks 中o 的读音不同的是?

[ɒf] [ˈkʌlə(r)][sɒks]这是这三个单词的音标,colour中o的发音和其他两个不一样

王菲女儿就读的学校College Alpin Beau Soleil,为何只提供250个入学名额?




Ray Charles with Natalie Cole的《Fever》 歌词

歌曲名:Fever歌手:Ray Charles with Natalie Cole专辑:Genius Loves CompanyLyricist&composer:Greg Fitzgerald/Tom NicholsI"ve been bitten by the bug and I am coming downwith ohSomething that can"t be curedThere aint a doctor in this town who is nore qualified than youYeah to be so adoredSo tell me what do you prescribe for these symptomsA heart beating faster and work is a disasterI"m lovesick when you"re not aroundCheck me overWhen strong hands are healingI"m dancing on the ceilingFever sure has got me goodWhat you do when fever takes holdI can"t help but need this drugDon"t you feel the fever like I doFeel the feverFever feverI am ready for the news so tell me straightHey doctor just what do you diagnoseThere aint a surgeon like you any place in all the worldSo now shall I remove my clothesSo tell me what do you advise for these symptomsA heart beating faster and work is a disasterI"m lovesick when you"re not aroundCheck me overWhen strong hands are healingI"m dancing on the ceiling

large hadron collider是什么意思

大型强子碰撞型加速装置例句:1·Scientists succefully start the Large Hadron Collider.科学家们成功开动大型强子对撞机。2·The first protons were circulated around the Large Hadron Collider.第一批质子正围绕强子对撞机旋转。3·Is the Large Hadron Collider being sabotaged from the future?是大型强子对撞机的破坏来自未来?4·Buried underground the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is about to be switched on.埋在地下的大型强子对撞机即将被开启。5·Many physicists are now preparing for the next energy frontier at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN.许多物理学家现在正为位于CERN的大强子对撞机(LHC)的下一个新能量领域做准备。6·According to AP, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), is expected to begin operations this summer.美联社报道,大型强子对撞机(LHC)将于今年夏季正式启动。


可乐(cola)的全称是可口可乐(coke cola)。我这样写能明白吗?

Leeds的color science怎么样? Long Lin这个导师如何?希望能够有关于他组内的一些情况,包括近期的文章。


Ornette Coleman的《Compassion》 歌词

歌曲名:Compassion歌手:Ornette Coleman专辑:Tomorrow Is The Question!守りたいものがある 你是我要守护之人この场所で强くなるから 为了你我要变得更加坚强にぎりしめたこぶしをまた にぎりしめた 於是我再次紧握了那坚定的双拳compass「海贼王剧场版第八弹」作词/作曲:川嶋あい编曲:宗本康兵唱:川嶋あいby:草帽仔^_^本当に大事なことは 真正重要的东西言叶では伝わらない 是难以用语言来表达的ゆっくりと ゆっくりと今 渐渐地 渐渐地その背中を见つめていたんだ 我在你的背影中找到了答案どう生きるかは自分で 自己人生的路要自己走决めることだとわかった 决定好的事就别再迷惘本当の勇気はきっと 真正的勇气就是优しさだったんだね 温柔对吧泣かないことを 决めたはずなのに 明明决定了不再哭泣涙あふれて止まらなかったよ 可却还是止不住泪滴淋しいんじゃない 并非寂寞悲しいんじゃない 并非悲伤勇気をくれたからなんだ 而是因为你给了我勇气旅立ちを决めた朝 在你决定远行的早晨止めることできなかったよ 我并没能阻止道のつづき违うけれど 虽然将要分道扬镳信じてるよ 但我始终坚信胜つことや 负けることは 胜利是什麼 失败又是什麼何の意味もないんだよ 这些已经都没任何意义了大切な人守るとき 戦えばいいんだ 重要的是保护心爱的人 不断的战斗人と人との摩擦を感じて 感受著人与人的摩擦的心情押しころしてた 深い伤迹を 把强行抑制的陈旧伤痕梦に変えて 爱に変えて 变成梦想 变成爱全部抱きしめて生きたい 全部都抱在心中大切なものがある 真正重要的东西是あの时に誓った约束 那个时候约定的誓言离れても どんなときも 忘れないよ 离别後 到了谁也不在的地方 也别忘记谁もが孤独の数だけ 心痛めつけ合うんだろ 谁都曾经孤独而心痛不已何度も何度も叫んでいるよ 我一次又一次的呐喊命を包む爱と 绊を忘れないっで 只要别忘了爱 别忘了友情依旧ありがとぅ 感谢你ありがとぅ 感谢你一人じゃないんだ 我并不是一个人守りたいものだから 我有想要守护的东西この场所で守り通して 我会在这裏保护到底前を向いて 顽强らなきゃ 如果不向前前进 不变得更坚强たどり着けない 就不能达到目的地负けないで 负けないで 不要认输 不要认输いつの日か また合えるときまで 一直到我们重逢的那一天あきらめない 何があっても 无论如何也不放弃歩いてゆこう 让我们向前走草帽仔^_^

my college sweetheart英语作文

Hello,my name is li ming.My parents and I have a wonderful journey to beijing on my summer holidays. I will share what I have experienced with you.The first day when we got there ,we went to the Great Wall. we were very excited when we got to the top of it .The next day, we went to the Imperial Palace. There are so many palaces and they are very beautiful. We also visited the Summer Palace、Temple of Heaven and the North Sea on the rest of days.I have a wonderful time on my journey to beijing .



It was a cold day.怎么读

as we go along.

True Colors的翻唱版本

翻唱:Phil Collins中文名称: 原色外文名称: True Colors所属专辑: ...Hits歌曲时长: 4:34发行时间: 1998年10月26日填 词: Tom Kelly, Billy Steinberg编 曲: Babyface音乐风格: 流行音乐,轻爵士音乐歌曲语言: 英语 Lea Salonga、陈慧琳 、杨宗纬、David Archuleta、Eva Cassidy、蔡健雅、藤田惠美、三浦大知、万芳、Fiona Fung、James Massone、M.Y.M.P、土屋安娜、Jules Larson、Joanie Bartels、Olivia Ong、Robin Meade、Alyssa Reid、Caroline Larsson、Josefine Cronholm & IBIS 、林志美、A Capella、Zach Svoboda、アンジェラu30fbアキ、Ryszard Rynkowski、Gyptian、Amber Lily 、Leanne Weatherly 、Caroline Herring 、Solveig Slettahjell、传田真央、Michelle Chamuel、sweet velvet 、Shane Filan、高垣彩阳 、Emily West、元ちとせ、Amanda Fondell、Ane Brun、Marina And The Diamonds。 JUJU、仓木麻衣 、西野加奈、Fantasia 、Faith Evans、Kelly Price、Glee Cast

constraint failed column id is not unique是什么意思

constraint failed column id is not unique约束失败的列标识不是唯一的如有疑问追问,如满意记得采纳,如果有其他问题也可点我名字向我求助答题不易,如果没有回答完全,请您谅解,请采纳最快回答的正确答案!!谢谢!


what colour.前后单词辅音相遇,第一个t省略不读。


wow,so many colourswow,so many colours 哇,这么多的颜色so 英[su0259u028a] 美[sou028a] many 英[u02c8meni] 美[u02c8mu025bni] colours 英["ku028clu0259z] 美["ku028clu0259z]

英语作文going to college

Going to college is utterly worthless. Through the vicissitudes of history, men have not learnt that education of the soul cannot be attained solely through mundane textbooks offered in equally mundane colleges. Supposedly a place of “higher learning,” college is merely a place of blatant capitalistic exploitation. The courses offered are all vocationally attuned, aligned with conformity. There is no room for the growth of the students" soul and mind. No sooner after the students proudly receive their piece of paper certifying they"ve been psychologically and physically tortured for four years in the college, they are faced with backbreaking debt that locks them into a few more decades of “proud contribution” to society through a dead-end job. 这是我个人理解,得啦帮你写一篇较为正常水准的作文I think college is very important for students. Students have to learn new things every day, and by understanding the sciences and maths, students can excel in their studies and get into a good college. By going to a good college, students can learn more things about life, and then they can use these things to benefit society and the world. Going to college allows students to get a good paying job, and this will make them happier. Higher education also gives moral and cultural fulfilment; everyone will become more reasonable and understanding of one another. 纯原创,望采纳。



求助Food Hydrocolloids 的投稿要求

期刊名 food hydrocolloids 出版周期: Bimonthly近四年影响因子 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 4.28 3.494 3.473 2.659 中科院杂志分区 食品科技分类下的 2 区期刊 这个杂志比较专业,审稿周期一般是4-6周,主编非常负责任,如果文章做的很有新意或者比较深入的话,可尝试投稿,毕竟机会还是不小的。出版社或管理机构 杂志由 ELSEVIER SCI LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0268-005X 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Food Hydrocolloids publishes original research in basic and applied aspects of the properties, functionality and use of macromolecules in food systems. Hydrocolloids in this context include polysaccharides, modified polysaccharides and proteins acting alone, or in mixture with other food components, as thickening agents, gelling agents or surface-active agents. Included within the scope of the journal are studies of real and model food colloids - dispersions, emulsions and foams - and the associated physicochemical stability phenomena - creaming, sedimentation, flocculation and coalescence. In particular, Food Hydrocolloids covers: the full scope of hydrocolloids behaviour, including isolation procedures, analytical and physicochemical characterization, through to end use and analysis in finished food products; structural characterization of established food hydrocolloids and new ones ultimately seeking food approval; use of cellculture and bacterial fermentation science and technology in the production of food approved or potentially food-approvable hydrocolloids, and other novel procedures for the extraction and work-up of food hydrocolloids; gelling mechanisms, syneresis and polymer synergism in the gelation process; rheological investigations where these can be correlated with hydrocolloids functionality, colloid stability or organoleptic properties; theoretical, computational or simulation approaches to the study of colloidal stability, provided that they have a clear relationship to food systems; surface properties of absorbed films, and their relationship to foaming and emulsifying behaviour; phase behaviour of low-molecular-weight surfactants or soluble polymers, and their relationship to food colloid stability; droplet and bubble growth, bubble nucleation, thin-film drainage and rupture processes; fat and water crystallization and the influence of hydrocolloids on these phenomena, with respect to stability and texture; direct applications of hydrocolloids in finished food products in all branches of the food industry, including their interactions with other food components; and toxicological, physiological and metabolic studies of hydrocolloids including associated legislative considerations

求助Food Hydrocolloids 的投稿要求

你好,投稿要求如下:期刊名 food hydrocolloids 出版周期: Bimonthly近四年影响因子 2013年度 2012年度 2011年度 2010年度 4.28 3.494 3.473 2.659 中科院杂志分区 食品科技分类下的 2 区期刊 这个杂志比较专业,审稿周期一般是4-6周,主编非常负责任,如果文章做的很有新意或者比较深入的话,可尝试投稿,毕竟机会还是不小的。出版社或管理机构 杂志由 ELSEVIER SCI LTD 出版或管理。 ISSN号:0268-005X 杂志简介/稿件收录要求 Food Hydrocolloids publishes original research in basic and applied aspects of the properties, functionality and use of macromolecules in food systems. Hydrocolloids in this context include polysaccharides, modified polysaccharides and proteins acting alone, or in mixture with other food components, as thickening agents, gelling agents or surface-active agents. Included within the scope of the journal are studies of real and model food colloids - dispersions, emulsions and foams - and the associated physicochemical stability phenomena - creaming, sedimentation, flocculation and coalescence. In particular, Food Hydrocolloids covers: the full scope of hydrocolloids behaviour, including isolation procedures, analytical and physicochemical characterization, through to end use and analysis in finished food products; structural characterization of established food hydrocolloids and new ones ultimately seeking food approval; use of cellculture and bacterial fermentation science and technology in the production of food approved or potentially food-approvable hydrocolloids, and other novel procedures for the extraction and work-up of food hydrocolloids; gelling mechanisms, syneresis and polymer synergism in the gelation process; rheological investigations where these can be correlated with hydrocolloids functionality, colloid stability or organoleptic properties; theoretical, computational or simulation approaches to the study of colloidal stability, provided that they have a clear relationship to food systems; surface properties of absorbed films, and their relationship to foaming and emulsifying behaviour; phase behaviour of low-molecular-weight surfactants or soluble polymers, and their relationship to food colloid stability; droplet and bubble growth, bubble nucleation, thin-film drainage and rupture processes; fat and water crystallization and the influence of hydrocolloids on these phenomena, with respect to stability and texture; direct applications of hydrocolloids in finished food products in all branches of the food industry, including their interactions with other food components; and toxicological, physiological and metabolic studies of hydrocolloids including associated legislative considerations.

信用证46A: air waybills consigned to 开证行名 for account of applicant marked freight collect

你好,你的问题是怎么解决的? 怎么写才对呢?我这个LC 跟你的一样

oracle report 开发怎样加formula column

  Oracle Reports Building Reports 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) B13895-01之前装了个这软件用起来发现问题多多,下了个文档一页一页的看咯。先从概念开始。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界刚装完之后,运行时发现窗口都是中文。后来在图形report时,出现了一大堆乱码。后来网上查了下解决了:Windows下修改注册表NLS_LANG。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界 Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界英文版:  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界言归正传,开始看书咯!概念分为基本概念和高级概念。  1. 基本概念  Section 1.1, "Reports Builder"  报告生成器,一个强大的企业报表工具,使您能够迅速开发和部署先进的网络和纸报告对任何数据源(包括Oracle数据库Oracle报表开发(Oracle开发套件的一个组成部分)的报告建设的组成部分, JDBC,XML,文本文件,和Oracle OLAP)。利用最新的J2EE技术,如JSP和XML,您可以以一个可伸缩的,有效的方式发布各种格式(包括HTML,XML,PDF格式,分隔的文本,后记,PCL,和RTF)您的报告中的任何目的地(包括电子邮件,Web浏览器OracleAS Portal中,和文件系统)。  Section 1.2, "Reports"  一 报告由集体定义报表的对象:  数据模型对象(查询,组,列,链接,用户参数)布局对象(重复帧,帧,领域,样板,锚)参数表单对象(参数,字段,样板)  PL / SQL对象(程序单元,触发器)  任何外部的PL / SQL库的引用,  在Web源视图显示代码(基于JSP的Web报告)  使用属性检查器,您可以定义报表的属性。该文件分类(分类)的属性(标题,作者,主题,和关键词)协助编目和检索的一份报告文件。  当您首次启动报表生成器,你可以选择打开一个现有的报告,使用报表向导创建一个新的报告,或手动创建一个新的报告。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Section 1.3, "Report Styles"Tabular reports: 是最基本的类型的报告。每列对应于从数据库中选择一个列。  Group above reports: 包含其数据模型中的多个组。这是一个“主/详细信息”的报告,其中可能有大量的信息在主组。每个主组,相关的详细信息组(S)值是从数据库中提取,并低于主信息显示。  Group left reports: 包含多个组,其数据模型划分的基础上,共同的价值在一列一个表中的行。使用这种类型的报告限制一列,而相关的列改变值多次重复相同的值。以上的组和组的左侧报告的数据模型是相同的,但布局不同;组上述报告显示在顶部的主信息而离开的报告显示侧面打破列。  Form-like reports: 报告的形式显示一条记录,每页显示字段值的字段标签的权利。  Form letter reports: 包含在样板文字嵌入式数据库中的值(任何文本输入或导入到报表编辑器)。  Mailing label reports: 打印邮寄标签,在每一页上的多个列。使用报表向导,您可以指定您的邮件标签的格式。  Matrix reports: 是交叉制表的四组数据:  有一组数据显示在页面上。  有一组数据显示页面。  有一组数据是跨产品,这就决定了所有可能的位置,跨越上下数据与地方一个细胞,在这些地点。  有一组数据显示为“填充”的细胞。  Matrix data model: (查询数、组结构、Summary中的设置)Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Section 1.4, "Wizards"Report Wizards:  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Report Block Wizard:  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Data Wizard:  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Graph Wizard:  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Section 1.5, "The Object Navigator"对象导航器提供了一个报告或模板,包括附加的库和程序单元中的所有对象的分层显示。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Section 1.6, "The Report Editor"报告编辑工作区,您可以在其中操纵在您的报告中直接或通过改变在Property Inspector的属性的对象。在报告编辑器“窗口,您可以浏览不同的看法,您的报告:数据模型视图,纸版式视图,皮书”设计“视图,纸张参数表视图和Web Source视图之间。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界 Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Section 1.7, "Data Model Objects"Query: Single-query reports、Multiquery reports(Multipart unrelated query reports 、Multipart related query reports )对于一个单一的查询报告,报告生成器打开只有一个光标来获取所有的主,并详细记录。对于两个查询报告,报告生成器打开两个游标 - 后附加明细查询的链接到明细查询子句 - 为每个查询之一。因此,在主查询中提取每个主记录,报表生成器必须重新绑定,执行,并从明细查询获取数据。  Groups:创建组用来组织在报告中的列。组可以做两件事:单独成组查询的数据,和过滤查询的数据。  Break groups: produce subtotals, print columns in a different direction, create breaks, and so on. A break group suppresses duplicate values in sequential records.  Cross-product groups: to perform mathematical cross products, which are generally used to create matrix reports.  Group filters: 过滤器可让您有条件地删除您的查询选定的记录。组可以有两种类型的过滤器:  1)报告生成器包装的过滤器:首先,要显示只有第一个N组记录(例如,第5条记录 ) 最后,显示只有最后N组记录2)用户创建的过滤器,使用PL / SQL。  Database columns:数据库列代表一个查询选择的列,包含报表中的数据值。对于每一列,您选择在您的查询,报表生成器自动创建一个列在您的报告中的数据模型。如果你想进行汇总和数据库列值的计算,你可以手动创建新的列数据模型中的视图(汇总和公式列),或通过使用报表向导(摘要列)。您还可以重新分配一个或多个列一组或您已创建的组。  除了传统的列类型(例如,日期,数字,字符),报告Builder也支持图形或图像列,文件名。  Data links:可以建立关系-一个查询的列和另一个查询的列之间;之间的一个查询组和另一个查询的组。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Section 1.8, "Layout Objects"Frames: 环绕其他对象和保护它们防止被覆盖或其他对象推掉Repeating frames: 环绕的一组创建的列所有领域。每次打印组的一条记录。  Frame and repeating frame sizing: 对于每一个对象或记录, 帧或重复帧的大小,可扩展,缩小,变量,或固定(水平弹性和垂直弹性属性指定)。  Fields: 字段参数,列和页码,当前日期等的占位符。如果一个参数或列没有一个相关的领域,它的值不会出现在报表输出。一个领域是拥有它周围的对象,这是第一个封闭的对象(无论帧或重复帧)。当你默认报表布局,报表生成器为每列生成一个字段,并将其放在每个领域内的重复帧。  Boilerplate objects: 样板对象是在一份报告中每次运行时出现的任何文字,线条或图形。  如果您有文字,图形,或HTML文件,你想作为样板在报告中显示,你可以链接到文件。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Section 1.9, "Parameter Form Objects"Parameters: 参数是一个变量,其值可以在运行时设置。报告生成器在运行时会自动创建一个系统参数设置,但你可以创建自己的。您可以创建参数,以取??代在查询的任何部分,无论是单一的文字值或整个表达式。您可以参考参数在报告的其他地方,如在PL / SQL结构,提供报告的条件逻辑。  Parameter Form fields: 作为参数的占位符。  Parameter Form boilerplate: 指在每次运行时的运行参数表中出现的文字和图形。样板,可以自定义运行参数表格。默认情况下,一个样板标签生产运行参数表格中出现的每个领域。  Parameter Forms for Web reports:  Section 1.10, "The Property Inspector"  属性检查器是一个窗口,使您能够访问对象导航器,报表编辑器,和模板编辑器中当前选定的对象的属性。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Section 1.11, "Runtime Views"Runtime Parameter Form:是一个对话框,可以在运行时,您可以在其中覆盖默认的参数值显示。  Previewer:在屏幕上会看你的报告的印刷版。在预览器,您可以滚动虽然单页的报告输出,通过整个报告的页面,并分割屏幕,同时,以查看在同一报告的不同部分。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Section 1.12, "Executables"可执行文件说明  rwbuilder  启动报表生成器。  rwrun  进程内服务器使用Oracle应用服务器报告服务运行报告。  rwclient  解析和传输命令行来指定(或默认)的报表服务器。  rwcgi  翻译和提供Web服务器或J2EE容器(例如,OC4J)和报表服务器之间的信息,使您能够运行Web浏览器(支持Oracle Reports的先前版本的向后兼容性)的一份报告动态。  rwserver  调用 报表服务器。  rwservlet  翻译和提供Web服务器或J2EE容器(例如,OC4J)和报表服务器之间的信息,使您可以从您的Web浏览器运行的一份报告动态。  rwconverter  转换一个或多个报表定义从一个存储格式到另一个或PL / SQL库。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界2. 高级概念Section 2.1, "Reports"  Report titles: 手动和自动添加。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Report sectioning and sections: 使您在同一报告中定义多个布局,每个都有不同的目标受众,输出格式,页面布局,页面大小,或方向。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Report unit of measurement: 报告可以被定义使用英寸,厘米或点。计量单位是独立的设备上建立报告。因此,可以设计报告,将报告生成器运行在任何平台上运行。你可以改变一个报告在这些方面的测量单位:  Report dimensions: 报告页面可以有任何的长度和任何宽度。因为打印机的页面可能较小或较大的比你的论文报告的“页面”的概念是物理和逻辑的页面使用。一物理页的页面是由打印机输出的大小。一逻辑页是一个报告的页面的大小,可能是由一个逻辑页多个物理页。每一份报告的部分包括header, main, trailer。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Fonts in reports: 包括字体配置文件,字体别名,字体问题的故障排除,字体类型。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Conditional formatting:使用条件格式和格式异常对话框,您可以指定输出格式为选定的布局上存在的条件的对象属性(字体和颜色)。您所定义的被称为format exceptions。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Nested matrix reports: 嵌套矩阵的报告是一个矩阵报告,其中网格内至少有一个父/子关系矩阵出现。嵌套矩阵报告有两个以上的层面,因此,它具有跨或下页的多个层面。  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Matrix with group reports:  Oracle Report Builder 10g 学习-概念 - 香生 - 香生的世界Section 2.2, "Web Reports"JavaServer Pages (JSPs) and servlets: 使用JavaServer Pages(JSP)的技术是由Sun Microsystems的Java servlet技术的扩展到一个简单的编程工具,它提供了一个网页上显示动态内容。一个JSP是嵌入式Java源代码的HTML页面,在Web服务器或应用服务器执行。HTML提供返回到Web浏览器的页面布局,Java提供了业务逻辑。  由于JSP的动态应用程序的逻辑区分于静态HTML内容,谁拥有有限或没有Java编程经验可以修改,而不影响其内容的生成JSP页面的外观,简单地用HTML或XML标签来设计和格式化的网页设计师动态生成的网页。  JSP中有.jsp扩展名。这个扩展通知Web服务器应当由JSP容器处理页面。JSP容器解释JSP标记和脚本,编译成一个Java servlet的JSP并执行它,从而产生所需的内容,并将结果发送回HTML或XML页面浏览器。  Previewing JSP-based Web reports: 您可以预览基于JSP 网站通过点击在工具栏上,或通过选择“运行”Web版式“ 按钮计划的报告>“运行”网络布局,运行Web源。报告生成器显示在您的默认浏览器的Web 的报告。

All Lincoln had wanted-and needed-was a friendly,



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以“What should we learn in college?”为题,写一篇英语作文!谢谢啦

What should we learn in college is my topic concern Perhaps, each senior high school student is anxious about what to learn in college , and for some of us college students, they are also puzzled about this problem. Helping you to be aware of what to do and how to do it is the intention of my speech. Anyway, study comes first. Now we are far away from our parents, nobody will always push us to study. We should study without other"s leadership. In addition, furthermore learning takes much more effort, and calls for motivation, commitment, time management, and good learning skills. We should find out what we need to know and how it fits into our life, because we are expected to be responsible for our own success on being a good learner. As a student, it is most important to have good study skills . The more skillful we become at studying, the more efficiently we will behave in our study life. Moreover, good students can keep both physical and mental interest in learning. We should choose our major, may it be maths or philosophy, it should be something that we are fond of. It is important to make our study interesting and captivating so that it will be a kind of our favourite hobby. Last but not least,good students always set goals, it indicates that something needs to be done to improve our study habits. We need to establish reasonable goals that achieve without being discouraged. What"s more, we must set long term and short term goals to generalize what we want to learn. Once we enter the college, we are considered as adults who should start preparing to face the world, or the so-called society. In our socity ,everyone needs to communicate with others , so it is very important for us to improve our communicative ability. As we all known, there are mass organizations and a Student Union in college. On my part, participating in some of them is absolutely helpful because we will meet all kinds of people in it, including teachers, elder students, younger students and so on. To give them perfect impressions is a great challenge of our communicative ability. Then, how can we achieve the difficult goal? The following advice will be helpful. Firstly, we should be polite and friendly to others. Then we will become the ones that everyone wants to make friends with . Secondly, we had better be willing to hear others talk to we what happened to them. But we need not to offer advice sometimes, because what they want is that there is someone who would like to listen to them. The things they want to do is to share their happiness or sadness with us. So listening to them silently is OK. Thirdly, we need to have encouragement to communicate with others, especially the shy persons. And we also need to find out what is his interest , then we can start our conversation with the same interest. If we do like that , I believe we will get our communicative ability improved. College is a place where we can act as we want as long as we don"t break the rules. One we must keep in mind is that neither study nor communication can be ignored. After we graduate, we will find that we can deal with most of the things on our own through both knowledge and communicative ability. And that may be the meaning of the further learning in college.

summarize summarizecolummns 区别


卫兰【Chocolate Ice】 中文翻译

Chocolate ice 听身体唱歌,中英对照歌词:)~ bring me to the sea of sugar and spice Reminiscing through some chocolate ice take time, take time to be gentle and kind you sweat cause you run and run all day in my mind 带我来到甜蜜的海洋 冰淇淋唤起我的回想 滴当 温柔和友爱尽享 你流汗了 因为你在我脑海不停奔闯 fly to the moon and the sun and lets go have some fun (come and take my hand and free your soul again) fly to the moon and the sun and lets go have some fun 飞向月亮和太阳 让我们快乐去爽 (过来 拉着我的手,重释你心网) 飞向月亮和太阳 让我们快乐去爽 lets one-- two--three my love is to plain to see what i do for you, baby do for me 1-2-3 我的爱清晰可赏 宝贝,我为你付出 你一样给我补偿 let me serenade your soul when your feeling down and low let the music come alive let s tenderness arrive 让我对着你的心浅唱 当你情绪跌宕 让音乐苏醒 让柔和到港 let me serenade your soul when your feeling down and low boy, you make me feel so high together we can fly. 让我对着你的心浅唱 当你情绪跌宕 男孩,你让我如此昂扬 我们相拥着快要飞翔 let me serenade your soul when your feeling down and low boy, u make me feel so high together we can fly! 让我对着你的心浅唱 当你情绪跌宕 男孩,你让我如此昂扬 我们相拥着快要飞翔

chocolate ice的中文歌词是什么?

Chocolate ice 听身体唱歌,中英对照歌词:)~ bring me to the sea of sugar and spice Reminiscing through some chocolate ice take time, take time to be gentle and kind you sweat cause you run and run all day in my mind 带我来到甜蜜的海洋 冰淇淋唤起我的回想 滴当 温柔和友爱尽享 你流汗了 因为你在我脑海不停奔闯 fly to the moon and the sun and lets go have some fun (come and take my hand and free your soul again) fly to the moon and the sun and lets go have some fun 飞向月亮和太阳 让我们快乐去爽 (过来 拉着我的手,重释你心网) 飞向月亮和太阳 让我们快乐去爽 lets one-- two--three my love is to plain to see what i do for you, baby do for me 1-2-3 我的爱清晰可赏 宝贝,我为你付出 你一样给我补偿 let me serenade your soul when your feeling down and low let the music come alive let s tenderness arrive 让我对着你的心浅唱 当你情绪跌宕 让音乐苏醒 让柔和到港 let me serenade your soul when your feeling down and low boy, you make me feel so high together we can fly. 让我对着你的心浅唱 当你情绪跌宕 男孩,你让我如此昂扬 我们相拥着快要飞翔 let me serenade your soul when your feeling down and low boy, u make me feel so high together we can fly! 让我对着你的心浅唱 当你情绪跌宕 男孩,你让我如此昂扬 我们相拥着快要飞翔


思卡尔半导体公司(Freescale)扩展了其32位ColdFire USB设备系列,以便为多种工业应用提供灵活的USB连接。飞思卡尔ColdFire USB系列扩展包括带有Full-Speed USB On-The-Go(OTG)的MCF5221x微控制器(MCU)系列和采用Hi-Speed USB OTG的嵌入式MCF5253处理器。利用专门为低运行电压设计的优化体系结构,这些ColdFire器件的功耗非常低而且不会降低性能。USB OTG使开发人员可以将芯片USB模块用作USB器件或USB主机。USB OTG还允许多个USB器件在不需要主机界面的情况下进行通信,因此非常适合系统间通信应用。ColdFire USB控制器还在芯片上集成了USB收发器,因此可以降低系统成本,减少所占的板卡空间并简化基于这些设备的系统设计。MCF5221x微控制器系列MCF5221x MCU系列提供了一种经济高效的单芯片嵌入式控制解决方案。它实施带有集成USB收发机的USB 2.0 Full-speed Host/Device OTG。MCF5221x系列可以提供向带有USB连接的其它更高性能ColdFire器件移植的平滑路径。MCF5221x产品的其它功能包括:ColdFire V2内核,可以在80兆赫的频率上提供76 Dhrystone 2.1 MIPS的高性能128K字节的最大闪存空间16K字节的SRAM最多56路通用输入输出(GPIO) 两信道定期中断定时器两个I2C总线接口模块支持DMA的四信道32位定时器带32kHz晶体的实时时钟12位模数转换器(ADC)最多三个芯片UART速度:66兆赫到88兆赫MCF5253嵌入式处理器MCF5253是一款经济高效的高性能嵌入式控制解决方案,带有高速USB OTG和集成的USB PHY。它带有128K字节的静态随机访问存储器(SRAM),可以实现对关键数据或控制功能的单一循环接入。MCF5253还包括一个增强的乘/加(eMAC)模块,不需要片外DSP就可以完成信号处理或过滤任务。MCF5253产品的其它功能包括:ColdFire V2内核,带有集成eMAC模块,可在140兆赫的频率上提供125 Dhrystone 2.1 MIPS的高性能8K字节的数据缓存SDRAM控制器两个CAN 2.0B模块I2S接口(Rx x2/Tx x3) 带有流量控制功能的三个UART专用的ATA硬盘接口闪存媒体卡接口实时时钟模块带有4个DMA信道的4信道DMA控制器六信道12位A/D转换器节能设计:1.2V内核,3.3V I/O,140兆赫时的电流低于40毫安

Freescale的Power Architecture和ColdFire这两个系列在工业控制方面具体的区别?

ColdFire继承的是传统经典的68k内核,在国外有几十年的悠久历史,是与x86齐名的经典,计算机领域的许多标准都是针对x86和68k这两者来树立的,比如little endian、总线等等。Power架构相对于ColdFire来说,虽然都是32位,但它要更加强大也更加复杂一些,上至苹果电脑、通讯设备、下至嵌入式应用都有它的身影。今天来说,Power内核控制在Freescale(原Motorola)和IBM两家,高端的除了计算机、服务器,主要是PowerQUICC构架,以多核(8个、16个)做高带宽的通讯设备。在工业控制中,Power用的并不少,低端的Power核无论跑RTOS(比如MQX)还是linux都是不错的选择。ColdFire虽然有悠久的历史,但是因为国内的嵌入式工程师大多不是从那个时代过来的,对齐没什么感情。而且近年来ColdFire的在性能和价位上受到高性能16位和低端Power的挤压,感觉前景不妙。建议学习Power,或是关注一下Freescale新出的Kinetis系列(ARM Cotex M4内核)

求cheryl cole的parachute中文歌词!


Coldplay parachute 歌词

Love is like an aero plane爱情像只飞机You jump and then you pray你祈祷着想跳离The lucky ones remain幸运者们得以躲避In the clouds for days在白日的云层里If life is just a stage如果生命只是一个舞台Let"s put on the best show让我们上演最好的戏剧And let everyone know响遍世界每一个角落[chorus]Cause if I have to die tonight如果我今晚将会死去I"d rather be with you我希望身边的那会是你Cut the parachute before the dive剪断降落伞的线 在我们坠地之前Baby don"t you cry亲爱的 别哭泣You have to bring me down请将我牢牢抓紧We had some fun before we hit the ground让我们微笑着去拥吻大地Love is like a hurricane爱情像一场暴风雨You know it"s on the way你知道它正在来临You think you can be brave你觉得你无所畏惧Underneath the waves对于那些藏在风浪之底If life is just a dream如果生活只是一场梦境Which of us is dreaming我们之中谁正在梦游幻境And who will wake up screaming谁又哭喊着从梦中惊醒Cause if I have to die tonight如果我今晚将会死去I"d rather it was you我希望身边的那会是你Cut the parachute before the dive剪断降落伞的线 在我们坠地之前Baby don"t you cry亲爱的 别哭泣You have to bring me down请将我牢牢抓紧We had some fun before we hit the ground让我们微笑着去拥吻大地 不知道对不

Cheryl Cole的《Parachute》 歌词

歌曲名:Parachute歌手:Cheryl Cole专辑:The Brit Awards Album 2011Cheryl Cole - ParachuteI don"t tell anyone about the way you hold my handI don"t tell anyone about the things that we have plannedI won"t tell anybodyWon"t tell anybodyThey want to push me downThey want to see you fallWon"t tell anybody how you turn my world aroundI won"t tell anyone how your voice is my favourite soundWon"t tell anybodyWon"t tell anybodyThey want to see us fallThey want to see us fallI don"t need a parachuteBaby, if I"ve got youBaby, if I"ve got youI don"t need a parachuteYou"re gonna catch meYou"re gonna catch if I fallDown, down, downI don"t need a parachuteBaby, if I"ve got youBaby, if I"ve got youI don"t need a parachuteYou"re gonna catch meYou"re gonna catch if I fallDown, down, downDon"t believe the things you tell yourself so late night andYou are your own worst enemy, you"ll never win the fightJust hold onto meI"ll hold onto youIt"s you and me up against the worldIt"s you and meI don"t need a parachuteBaby, if I"ve got youBaby, if I"ve got youI don"t need a parachuteYou"re gonna catch meYou"re gonna catch if I fallDown, down, downI don"t need a parachuteBaby, if I"ve got youBaby, if I"ve got youI don"t need a parachuteYou"re gonna catch meYou"re gonna catch if I fallDown, down, downI won"t fall out of loveI won"t fall out of,I won"t fall out of loveI won"t fall out of,I won"t fall out of loveI won"t fall out of,I won"t fall out of loveI"ll fall into youI won"t fall out of loveI won"t fall out of,I won"t fall out of loveI won"t fall out of,I won"t fall out of loveI won"t fall out of,I won"t fall out of loveI"ll fall into youI don"t need a parachuteBaby, if I"ve got youBaby, if I"ve got youI don"t need a parachuteYou"re gonna catch meYou"re gonna catch if I fallDown, down, downI don"t need a parachuteBaby, if I"ve got youBaby, if I"ve got youI don"t need a parachuteYou"re gonna catch meYou"re gonna catch if I fallDown, down, down

Niccolo Fabi的《Lunedi》 歌词

歌曲名:Lunedi歌手:Niccolo Fabi专辑:Sereno Ad OvestLuneQui là-haut s"allumeSurLes toits de ParisVoisComme un hommePeut souffrir d"amourBelAstre solitaireQui meurtQuand revient le jourEntendsMonter vers toiLa chant de la terreEntends le criD"un homme qui a malPour quiUn million d"étoilesNe valentPas les yeux de celleQu"il aimeD"un amour mortelLune------------LuneQui là-haut s"embrumeAvantQue le jour ne vienneEntendsRugir le c?urDe la bête humaineC"est la complainteDe QuasimodoQui pleureSa détresse folleSa voixPar monts et par vauxS"envolePour arriver jusqu"à toiLune !VeilleSur ce monde étrangeQui mêleSa vois au ch?ur des angesLuneQui là-haut s"allumePouréclairer ma plumeVoisComme un hommePeut souffrir d"amourD"amourD"amour

职场英语:Collaborative Principled Negoti

职场英语:Collaborative Principled Negotiation(2)   of the involved parties are contradictory, an objective criterion should be applied to.  1. System of collaborative principled negotiation  职场英语我收集整理有关negotiation范文,免费提供给大家交流参考,感谢原作者的范文分享。  1.1 Four fundamental principles   It is very important to view each other as cooperators rather than adversaries in international business negotiation. The process of negotiation is not simply considered as competing but mutual communicating and seeking for common development. Otherwise, they will attack and blame each other, protect and defend habitually each partyu2019s utmost interests and make no concession, which would inevitably lead negotiation into impasse or failure. Instead, they should stand side by side to generate mutual gain and improve their relationship. The interest---based approach of collaborative principled negotiation advocates four fundamental principles of negotiation: 1) separate the people from the problem; 2) focus on interests not positions; 3) invent options for mutual gain; 4) insist on objective criteria.   1.1.1 Separating the people from the problems   Every negotiation has two basic components: people and problems. Separating the people from the problems means separating the relationship issues (e.g. perceptions, emotions, communication, reliability and so on ) from the substantive issues (e.g. terms, dates, figures and so on ) and dealing with each set of issues on its own merits, donu2019t make substantive concessions in the hope of improving relations.   Human beings are not computers. We are imperfectly skilled in communication, we perceive the actions and words of others differently and we are creatures of long memories and strong emotions. Emotions, personalities, feelings and so on become entangled in the substance of the problem. And so we will tend to take responses to the issues as personal attacks.   Itu2019s generally understood that in negotiations problems will be discussed and resolved if talks are going on in a friendly and sincere atmosphere. Unfortunately more often than not high tension is build up due to negotiatorsu2019 prejudice against the other partyu2019s intention. It is conceivable that negotiations would be directed to personal disputes and both sides say something hurting each other when such prejudice or misunderstanding exists. As a result negotiatorsu2019 personal feeling is mingled with interests and events to be discussed. For example, you may feel very uncomfortable when your counterpart appears arrogant and superior, so you probably throw out something to knock off his arrogance, which may further irritate him and make him take retaliation action. The focus of negotiation is shifted from interests and issues of both parties to personal dignity and self—respect, thus the attacks and quarrels end up with nothing. In other cases your counterpart may misunderstand your intention and openly show his emotion when you make comments on his opinion and events he has described.   People problems often mainly tend to involve problems of perception, emotion, and communication. Perceptions are important because they define the problem and solution. While there is an “objective reality”, the reality is interpreted differently by different people in different situations. When different parties have different understandings of their dispute, effective negotiation may be difficult to achieve. This is what we have been calling framing problems—the problems that people see or define a situation differently, depending on who they are and what their situations are. So it is crucial for both sides to understand the othersu2019 viewpoints. There are seven basic ways for handling the problems of perception.   First, try to see the situation from your opponentu2019s perspective. The parties should try to put themselves in the shoes of the other to understand that partu2019s constraints of the situation. You donu2019t have to aGREe with their perceptions of the situation. But it is important to understand what they think and feel, and why they think and feel as they do.   Second, donu2019t deduce your opponentu2019s intentions from your own fears. It is common to assure that your opponent plans to do just what you fear they will do. This sort of suspicious attitude makes it difficult to accurately perceive your opponentu2019s real intentions; whatever they do you will assure the worst.   Third, avoid blaming your opponent for the problem. Blame, even if it is deserved, will only make your opponent defensive. Even worse, your opponent may attack you in response. Blame is generally counter--productive. 更多negotiation范文尽在 ;

请求大师英文回答:你觉得办公室同事怎么样?what do you think of your collegues?求职英语教师用,谢谢

It"s my honored to be a member of the office and know so many kind collegues. All of them are very enthusiastic and kind-hearted for me. I was a little bit nervous at first for I"m a new recruit, haven"t rich experience in teaching, and know little about the new work environment. But my collegues" enthusiasm removed all my anxieties.

英文作文开头是同事应该怎么写,dear colleague?


英文作文开头是同事应该怎么写,dear colleague?


Color Can affect my feeling,英语作文




Chocolate Milk的《Milky Way》 歌词

歌曲名:Milky Way歌手:Chocolate Milk专辑:Milky Waymilky way作词 ken 作曲 kenL"Arc~en~Cielhoshi furu yoru kimi ni aitakuteyoake o matazu machi o nukedashitatsuki akari no shita no kimi...... ima modays hashaide aruiteta ano koro gamaze itsu made mo tsuzuku you na ki ga shitetanaze hitomi no oku kimi wa mayoi toomawari suru?hora kokoro no doa hirakeba sugu mukae ni yuku yoafureru omoi kaze ni nagasareteakiramenai to chikatta ano basho efurisosogu hoshi ni dakare...... futarilies ano koro ga uso ni naru wake janakuteeyes me o tojite tada omoide ni nigeteru dakedemo koko ni itemo nani hitotsu kawari wa shinaisou daiji na no wa kako janakute kagayaku miraiafureru omoi kaze ni nagasaretefumidasu koto sukoshi tamerattamou mayowanaihoshi furu yoru kimi ni aitakuteyoake o matazu machi o nukedashitatsuki akari no shita no kimi......zutto

Coldplay的《What If》 歌词

歌曲名:What If歌手:Coldplay专辑:X & YWhat IfWhat if there was no life?Nothing wrong, nothing right.What if there was no time?And no reason or rhyme.What if you should decide,that you don"t want me there by your side.That you don"t want me there in your life.What if I got it wrongand no poem or songCould put right what I got wrongOr make you feel I belongWhat if you should decidethat you don"t want me there by your sideThat you don"t want me there in your life.Oooh, that"s rightLet"s take a breath jump over the sideOooh, that"s rightHow can you know it if you don"t even tryOooh, that"s rightEvery step that you takecould be your biggest mistakeIt could bend or it could breakBut that"s the risk that you takeWhat if you should decideThat you don"t want me there in your lifeThat you don"t want me there by your side.Oooh, that"s rightLet"s take a breath jump over the sideOooh, that"s rightHow can you know it when you don"t even tryOooh, that"s rightOhhhhhOooh, that"s rightLet"s take a breath jump over the sideOooh, that"s rightYou know that darkness always turns into lightOooh, that"s right

Colbie Caillat的《What If》 歌词

歌曲名:What If歌手:Colbie Caillat发行时间:2013-08-27所属专辑:《All Of You》歌词:I see you standin" over there,You look around without a care.I"ll pretend you notice me,I"ll look in your eyes and I"m what ya see.Is it made up in my mind?Am I just wastin" time?I think this could be love, I am serious.What if we were made for each other,Born to become best friends and lovers?I wanna stay, right here in this moment with you,Over and over and over again.What if this could be real love, love, love, yeahI write our names down in the sand,Picturin" all our plans.I close my eyes and I can seeYou and you ask "Will you marry me?"I don"t know what to thinkIs this real or just a dreamIn my heart is where you"ll beI"ll keep waiting till we meetBoy, you know you really make my heart stop, stop, stopOh, what if this a real loveWhat if this a real loveOh, boy, you make my heart stopYou make my heart stopYou make my heart stop, yeah歌手简介:寇比·凯蕾(Colbie Caillat),1985年5月28日出生于美国加利福尼亚马里布海滩,美国创作女歌手。2007年,寇比凭借单曲《Bubbly》一曲成名。


歌词翻译(分数过低,此为词典翻译):如果没有任何根据没有错,没有什么权利如果没有时间并没有任何理由或韵如果你决定你不想让我在那里你身边你不想让我在那里你的生活如果我错了没有诗歌或歌曲可以把什么权利我错了或让你觉得我是属于如果你决定你不想让我在那里你身边你不想让我在那里你的生活哦 ,这是正确的让我们休息,尽量放在一边哦 ,这是正确的我不能忽视它,如果你甚至不会尝试 ,哦, 这是正确的当每走一步,你考虑也可以是您最大的错误它可以弯曲,也可以打破那么这就是风险,你如果你决定你不想让我在那里你身边你不想让我在那里你的生活哦 ,这是正确的让我们休息,尽量放在一边哦 ,这是正确的哦,这是正确的英文歌词:What if there was no lightNothing wrong, nothing rightWhat if there was no timeAnd no reason or rhymeWhat if you should decideThat you don"t want me there by your sideThat you don"t want me there in your lifeWhat if I got it wrongAnd no poem or songCould put right what I got wrongOr make you feel I belongWhat if you should decideThat you don"t want me there by your sideThat you don"t want me there in your lifeOooh, that"s rightLet"s take a break, try to put it asideOooh, that"s rightI can"t ignore it if you won"t even tryOooh, that"s rightWhen every step that you takeCan be your biggest mistakeAnd it could bend, or it could breakWell that"s just the risk that you takeWhat if you should decideThat you don"t want me there by your sideThat you don"t want me there in your lifeOooh, that"s rightLet"s take a break, try to put it asideOooh, that"s rightOooh, that"s right

跪求chocolate disco罗马音歌词【完整版,重复部分也是】

CHOKOREITOu30fbDISUKO (Repeatedly)Keisan suru onna no koKitai shiteru otoko no koTokimeiteru onna no koKi ni shinai furi otoko no koBARENTA-IN ga chikazuiteDEPAATO no chika mo yureruKeisan suru onna no koKitai shiteru otoko no koOnegai Omoi ga todoku yo u ni neTottemo Kokoro kometa amai noOnegai Omoi ga todoku to ii naTaiketsu no hi ga kitaチョコレイトu30fbディスコ(くりかえし)CHOKOREITOu30fbDISUKO (Repeatedly)Keisan suru onna no koKitai shiteru otoko no koTokimeiteru onna no ko Ki ni shinai furi otoko no koOnegai Omoi ga todoku you ni neTottemo Kokoro kometa amai noOnegai Omoi ga todoku to ii naNaze ka Kyoushitsu ga DANSU FUROA niCHOKOREITOu30fbDISUKO

Nicole Scherzinger 的" Whatever You Like"歌词

(Whop Whop Whop Whop)(Whop Whop)Sean Garrett:Ladies and gentlemen (Whop Whop)I know what you want (Whop Whop)She hot as a stove (Whop Whop)Her name is NicoleNicole:(Ha, Hu, Ha, Hu, Ha, Hu, Ha, Hu)I"ll do whatever you likeI"ll do whatever you likeI can do, I can doI"ll do, I"ll do whatever you likeWhat you want?(Ha, Hu, Ha, Hu, Ha, Hu, Ha, Hu)I"ll do whatever you likeI"ll do whatever you likeI can do, I can doI"ll do, I"ll do whatever you likeBoy, you want my bodyWanna ride it like a HarleyOnce or twice around the blockI bet I"ll have you saying ‘woh woh"(Beep Beep)First stop, make me popDrop like a helicopPay attention on meWhile I show you the scenario(Beep Beep)You"re charming me boyYou know you"re charming meJust like this beat is gonna doon the radio(Beep Beep)Damn I thought you knew meby way you"re talking to meYou get any closer to meThen I might just have to let it go(Beep)Something bout that cocky thing,You got me wanna see what"s really going on(Ladies an gentlemen) I "ll do the thing, I"ll do the thing you wanna(I know what you want) I"m gonna do, do anything you wanna(She hot as a stove) I"ll do the thing, I"ll do the thing you wanna(Her name is Nicole) I"m gonna do, do anything you wanna(Whop Whop)I"ll do whatever you likeI"ll do whatever you likeI can do, I can doI"ll do, I"ll do whatever you likeI"ll do whatever you likeI"ll do whatever you likeI can do, I can doI"ll do, I"ll do whatever you like(Whop Whop Whop Whop)Yeah Yeah YeahWork it out girl(Beep Beep)Make a betYou put the cat in the napI"ll tell you what daddy getAll night lover(Beep Beep)See the cheekWanna see me make it speakWatch it while mommy teach itI won"t stutter(Beep Beep)I can tell you ain"t never had a touchOrder a bottle, I"ll show this much, I"ll do that for ya(Beep Beep)Baby saidPromise I can make it rainLemme see that sugar caneYou like that, don"t cha(Beep)Something bout that cocky thingYou got me wanna see what"s really going on(Ladies an gentlemen) I"ll do the thing, I"ll do the thing you wanna(I know what you want) I"m gonna do, do anything you wanna(She hot as a stove) I"ll do the thing, I"ll do the thing you wanna(Her name is Nicole) I"m gonna do, do anything you wanna(Whop Whop)I"ll do whatever you likeI"ll do whatever you like (There it go your dealing with the real deal baby)I can do, I can doI"ll do, I"ll do whatever you like (I"m not one of those rapper guys)I"ll do whatever you likeI"ll do whatever you likeI can do, I can do (Hold up you better tell em)I"ll do, I"ll do whatever you likeTI:See me in the backChick like thatGet you to run aroundBut I can hit it like thatAsk anyone aroundI"m the shit like thatEat it, beat it, till it"s swollenYou gonna need an icepackI"ll tell her big thang poppin"Let me hear you say thatLay back, play that,Purp Kush blowing in the MaybachWith my companyThree and them be one of meImagine what they done to meOn top of me, up under meAccept no imitation babyOther cat be hatin"They be all in ya faceI mean all in the wussySee, I can take you on vacationOr we can ball in the AYou hit me up four in the mornin"What you callin" to stay shawtyNicole:Something bout that cocky thingYou got me wanna see what"s really going on(Ladies an gentlemen) I"ll do the thing, I"ll do the thing you wanna(I know what you want) I"m gonna do, do anything you wanna(She hot as a stove) I"ll do the thing, I"ll do the thing you wanna(Her name is Nicole) I"m gonna do, do anything you wanna(Whop Whop)I"ll do whatever you likeI"ll do whatever you likeI can do, I can doI do, I do whatever you likeI"ll do whatever you likeI"ll do whatever you likeI can do, I can doWait a minute, motherf**kerSean Garrett:I"ve been looking all night,Wanna kiss it one timeMommy do what you likeGo head pull it pull it pull it pull itNicole:First you gotta get rightI can love you long timeI become a big crimeThen I"ll pull it pull it pull it pull itSean Garrett:Once she wind it uptightI promise a goodnightGirl, you"re gonna sleep tightWhen I pull it pull it pull it pull itNicole:Wanna look at your eyesWhen you get the big prizeGonna give it up kindWhen I pull it pull it pull it pull it

light color plain MDF是什么意思啊

MDF:中密度纤维板 HDF:高密度纤维板



求Coldplay的something just like this中英文歌词。

中文名称简单如此/想要的仅仅如此外文名称Something Just Like This所属专辑Memories...Do Not Open歌曲时长4:08发行时间2017.2.22/2017.4.7歌曲原唱The Chainsmokers,Coldplay(Chris Martin)填 词Andrew Taggart,Chris Martin谱 曲Andrew Taggart,Christopher Martin, Guy Berryman, Jonny Buckland ,Will Champion,Alex Pall编 曲Andrew Taggart,Alex Pall音乐风格电子,Future bass歌曲语言英语LRCI"ve been reading books of old我曾饱览古老的书籍The legends and the myths那些传说与神话Achilles and his gold阿喀琉斯和他的战利品Hercules and his gifts大力神与他的天赋Spiderman"s control蜘蛛侠的控制力And Batman with his fists和蝙蝠侠的铁拳And clearly I don"t see myself upon that list显而易见我未能名列其中She said, where"d you wanna go?她说,你想去何方?How much you wanna risk?你能承担多大的风险?I"m not looking for somebody我并不渴求With some superhuman gifts那些超人类的天赋Some superhero那种超级英雄Some fairytale bliss那些童话般的天赐之福Just something I can turn to只是一些我能力所能及的事情Somebody I can kiss吻到我爱的人就好I want something just like this我想要的不过是这些Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooOh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooOh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些I want something just like this我只想要这些I"ve been reading books of old我曾饱览古老的书籍The legends and the myths那些传说与神话The testaments they told他们所讲述的圣约The moon and its eclipse月亮的阴晴圆缺And Superman unrolls还有超人展示A suit before he lifts他飞天前的装束But I"m not the kind of person that it fits但我不是这样的英雄She said, where"d you wanna go?她说,你想去何方?How much you wanna risk?你能承担多大的风险?I"m not looking for somebody我并不渴求With some superhuman gifts那些超人类的天赋Some superhero那种超级英雄Some fairytale bliss那些童话般的天赐之福Just something I can turn to只是一些我能力所能及的事情Somebody I can miss吻到我爱的人就好I want something just like this我想要的不过是这些I want something just like this我我想要的不过是这些Oh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooOh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-dooDoo-doo-doo, doo-doo-dooWhere"d ya wanna go?你想要到何方?How much you wanna risk?你能经受得住多少风险?I"m not looking for somebody我并不渴求那些With some superhuman gifts超人类的天赋Some superhero那种超级英雄Some fairytale bliss那些童话般的天赐之福Just something I can turn to只是一些我能力所能及的事情Somebody I can kiss吻到我爱的人就好I want something just like this这就是我想要的Oh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些Oh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些Oh I want something just like this噢 我想要的不过是这些

Coldplay的《Yellow》 歌词

歌曲名:Yellow歌手:Coldplay专辑:Parachutes作词:Coldplay作曲:Coldplay 歌词:Look at the stars; look how they shine for youAnd everything you doYeah, they were all yellowI came along; I wrote a song for youAnd all the things you doAnd it was called yellowSo then I took my turnOh what a thing to have doneAnd it was all yellowYour skin, oh yeah your skin and bonesTurn into something beautifulD"you know?You know I love you soYou know I love you soI swam across; I jumped across for youOh what a thing to do"Cos you were all yellowI drew a line; I drew a line for youOh what a thing to doAnd it was all yellowAnd your skin, oh yeah your skin and bonesTurn into something beautifulD"you know?For you I bleed myself dryFor you I bleed myself dryIt"s trueIt"s trueLook how they shine for youLook how they shine for youLook how they shine for?Look how they shine for youLook how they shine for youLook how they shineLook at the starsLook how they shine for youAnd all the things that you do

Coldplay的《Yellow》 歌词

《Yellow》演唱:Coldplay填 词:Guy Berryman,Chris MartinLook at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And everything you do,Yeah, they were all Yellow.I came along,I wrote a song for you,And all the things you do,And it was called Yellow.So then I took my turn,Oh what a thing to have done,And it was all Yellow.Your skinOh yeah, your skin and bones,Turn into something beautiful,You know, you know I love you so,You know I love you so.I swam across,I jumped across for you,Oh what a thing to do.Cos you were all Yellow,I drew a line,I drew a line for you,Oh what a thing to do,And it was all Yellow.Your skin,Oh yeah your skin and bones,Turn into something beautiful,And you know,For you I"d bleed myself dry,For you I"d bleed myself dry.It"s true,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine for you,Look how they shine.Look at the stars,Look how they shine for you,And all the things that you do.



coldplay 的yellow的歌词!!~~跪求~~!!

yellow - coldplay look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and everything you do, yeah, they were all yellow. i came along, i wrote a song for you, and all the things you do, and it was called yellow. so then i took my turn, oh what a thing to have done, and it was all yellow. your skin oh yeah, your skin and bones, turn into something beautiful, you know, you know i love you so, you know i love you so. i swam across, i jumped across for you, oh what a thing to do. cos you were all yellow, i drew a line, i drew a line for you, oh what a thing to do, and it was all yellow. your skin, oh yeah your skin and bones, turn into something beautiful, and you know, for you i"d bleed myself dry, for you i"d bleed myself dry. it"s true, look how they shine for you, look how they shine for you, look how they shine for, look how they shine for you, look how they shine for you, look how they shine. look at the stars, look how they shine for you, and all the things that you do.



求 Coldplay的yellow Mp3格式




-- It’s a bit cold. Would you mind my ________ all the windows?--- Do as you like ,please. A..


colbie caillat - i do 中文歌词

I Do - Colbie Caillat It"s always been about me myself and I 曾经 我是个单身主义者 If all relationships were nothing but a waste of time 爱情只会浪费我的时间 I never wanted to be anybody"s other half 我从没想过要成为别人的另一半 I was happy to say that our love wouldn"t last 爱上我 不会有结果 That was the only way I knew to that you 这就是我 直到我遇见了你 You make we wanna say 我想告诉你 I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真的 我真的愿意 Yeah, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 耶……我真得 我真的愿意 因为你 Cause every time before we spend like 这要是在以前 Maybe yes and maybe no 我就爱理不理 I can live without it, I can let it go 可现在我放不下你 我真的放不下 Ooh, I did, I get myself into 唉 我到底是着魔了还是怎么? You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, 我想告诉你 我真的真的 Tell me is it only me 告诉我 Do you feel the same? 你只对我有过这种感觉 You know me well enough to know that I"m not playing games 你会了解 我没和你开玩笑 I promise I won"t turn around and I won"t let you down 我绝不会离你而去 我不会抛弃你 You can trust and never feel it now 我真的不会再有这种感觉了 Baby there"s nothing, there"s nothing we can"t get through 只要我们在一起 有啥大不了的? So can we say 所以我说 I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真的 真的真的愿意 Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真的 真的真的 愿意 Cause every time before we spend like 这要是在以前 Maybe yes and maybe no 我就爱理不理 I won"t live without it, I won"t let it go 可现在我放不下你 我真的放不下 Wooh Can I get myself into 唉 我到底是着魔了还是怎么? You make we wanna say 我想告诉你 我真的真的 Me a family, a house a family 我 一个家庭 一个房子 Ooh, can we be a family? 噢~ 我们在一起 有个温馨的家 And when I"m old and sit next to you. 直到 我们都老了 坐在你身边 And when we remember when we said 那时我们都还记得 I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真的 我真的愿意 Oh baby, I do, I do, I do, do do do do do do doo 我真得 我真的愿意 因为你 Cause every time before we spend like 这要是在以前 Maybe yes and maybe no 我就爱理不理 I won"t live without it, I won"t let it go 可现在我放不下你 我真的放不下 Just look at what we got ourselves into 我们 唉 无药可救啦! You make we wanna say I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, I do, 我想告诉你 我真的真的 Love you 只爱你 基本信息:中文名称:我愿意外文名称:I Do所属专辑:《all of you 》发行时间:2001-07-07歌曲原唱:colbie caillat歌曲语言:英语歌曲·简介:《i do 》是美国歌手colbie caillat在2011年演唱并发行的歌曲,收录在其专辑《all of you》中。此歌节奏欢快,歌词赏心悦目,所以常被用在婚礼上播放。试听:

Ant Design - Table Columns中dataIndex的含义

在Ant Design中,如果我们要使用table,可以到官网文档中查看详细的例子。 但是在例子中,你会发现类似以下的数据结构: 可以看到,数组的object中有key,dataIndex,title,render这些keys。 title以及render都好理解,title指的是thead中每个th的显示字段,render指的是用什么样的方式来显示数据(通常为一个返回ReactNode的函数)。 那么dataIndex指的是什么意思呢? 我们先来看一下官方文档怎么说: 由于英文文档解释的很潦草,这里我把中文文档中的解释也加了进去。 我们看到,假设我们dataIndex为name,那么我们在table的dataSource中指定的每一个数据中,都必须包含有name为key的对象,而显示出的数据就是相应key对应的数 假设我们的数据结构更为复杂一些,例如name: {firstname: "Eagle", lastname: "Luo"},那么我们需要将dataIndex改为name.firstname或name.lastname来获取下一层级的数据。 结合以上例子来看,dataIndex的含义就比较明确了。需要注意的一点,如果我们已经使用了唯一的dataIndex,那么我们就不再需要给每个column加上key了。

Coldplay的《For You》 歌词

歌曲名:For You歌手:Coldplay专辑:ShiverIf you"re lost and feeling low,Circumnavigate the globe,All you have is hope.And the way you seem to flowCircumnavigate the globe,I never seem to lose control,With you.Everyone of us is high,Everyone of us is low,Everyone of us is here,How about you?Your eyes are closed,Your head held low,Your eyes are closed.Everyone of us is high,Everyone of us is low,Everyone of us has hope,For you.~~~




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