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chilled 和 cold 的区别

cold 冷的chilled 冰冻的


一、词义辨析不一样1、chill adj. 寒冷的,冷飕飕的〔辨析〕指天气或地方冷得让人不舒服的,程度介于 cool 和 cold 之间。〔例证〕There is no heater in the room, so you may feel chill.屋内没有暖气,你会感觉冷飕飕的。2、cold adj. 寒冷的〔辨析〕最普通用词,指温度很低的,可用于形容天气或事物。〔例证〕It"s a cold winter.这是一个寒冷的冬天。3、cool adj. 凉爽的,凉快的〔辨析〕指温度偏低但让人感到舒服的。〔例证〕We spent a cool night together.我们一起度过了一个凉爽的夜晚。二、词义广泛性不一样1、chill英 [tʃɪl]  美 [tʃɪl] n. 寒冷;寒意;寒心adj. 寒冷的;冷漠的;扫兴的vt. 冷冻,冷藏;使寒心;使感到冷vi. 冷藏;变冷2、cold英 [kəʊld]  美 [kold] adj. 寒冷的;冷淡的,不热情的;失去知觉的n. 寒冷;感冒adv. 完全地3、cool英 [kuːl]  美 [kul] adj. 凉爽的;冷静的;出色的vt. 使?冷却;使?平静下来vi. 变凉;平息n. 凉爽;凉爽的空气adv. 冷静地三、变形词不一样1、chill第三人称单数: chills 复数: chills 现在分词: chilling 过去式: chilled 过去分词: chilled2、cold复数: colds 比较级: colder 最高级: coldest3、第三人称单数: cools 现在分词: cooling 过去式: cooled 过去分词: cooled 比较级: cooler 最高级: coolest


Incoloy825 是奥氏体镍铁铬合金,耐腐蚀镍基合金材料。Incoloy825特性及应用领域概述:该合金是一种通用的工程合金,在氧化和还原环境下都具有抗酸和碱金属腐蚀性能高镍成份使合金具有有效的抗应力腐蚀开裂性。在各种介质中的耐腐蚀性都很好,如硫酸、磷酸、硝酸和有机酸,碱金属如氢氧化钠、氢氧化钾和盐酸溶液。合金的综合性能表现在腐蚀介质多样的核燃烧溶解器中,如硫酸、硝酸和氢氧化钠都在同一个设备中处理。应用于各种使用温度不超过550℃的工业领域,如:硫酸酸洗工厂用的加热管、容器、筐及链等、海水冷却热交换器、海洋产品管道系统、酸性气体环境管道、磷酸生产中的热交换器、蒸发器、洗涤、浸渍管等、石油精炼中的空气热交换器、食品工程、化工流程、高压氧气应用的阻燃合金等。Incoloy825相近牌号:NS142(中国)、NO8825、NC21FeDu (法国)、W.Nr.2.4858 NiCr21Mo (德国) NA16 (英国)Incoloy825 金相组织结构:该合金具有稳定的面心立方结构。化学成分和恰当的热处理保证了耐腐蚀性不受敏化性的削弱。Incoloy825工艺性能与要求:1、合金加热环境含有硫、磷、铅或其他低熔点金属,Nicrofer 6023/6023H 合金将变脆。杂质来源于做标记的油漆、粉笔、润滑油、水、燃料等。燃料的硫含量要低,如液化气和天然气的杂质含量要低于0.1%,城市煤气的硫含量要低于0.25g/m3,石油气的硫含量低于0.5%是理想的。2、合金合适的热加工温度为1150-900℃,冷却方式可以是水淬或快速空冷。3、采用钨电极惰性气体保护焊、等离子弧焊、手工亚弧焊、金属极惰性气体保护焊、熔化极惰性气体保护焊,其中脉冲电弧焊是首选方案。Incoloy825主要规格:Incoloy825无缝管、Incoloy825钢板、Incoloy825圆钢、Incoloy825锻件、Incoloy825法兰、Incoloy825圆环、Incoloy825焊管、Incoloy825钢带、Incoloy825直条、Incoloy825丝材及配套焊材、Incoloy825圆饼、Incoloy825扁钢、Incoloy825六角棒、Incoloy825大小头、Incoloy825弯头、Incoloy825三通、Incoloy825加工件、Incoloy825螺栓螺母、Incoloy825紧固件


相同:都发的是 [tʃ] [tʃɪk]--chick[ˈtʃɒklət]--chocolate



求宇多田光 colors 歌词

宇多田光 - Colors作词者名 宇多田ヒカル作曲者名 宇多田ヒカルミラーが映し出す幻を気にしながらいつの间にか速度上げてるのさどこへ行ってもいいと言われると半端な愿望には标识も全部灰色だ炎の揺らめき 今宵も梦を描くあなたの笔先 渇いていませんか青い空が见えぬなら青い伞広げていいじゃないか キャンパスは君のもの白い旗はあきらめた时にだけかざすの今は真っ赤に 诱う闘牛士のようにカラーも色褪せる蛍光灯の下白黒のチェスボードの上で君に出会った仆らは一时 迷いながら寄り添ってあれから一月 忆えていますかオレンジ色の夕日を隣で见てるだけでよかったのにな 口は灾いの元黒い服は死者に祈る时にだけ着るのわざと真っ赤に残したルージュの痕もう自分には梦の无い絵しか描けないと言うなら涂り溃してよ キャンパスを何度でも白い旗はあきらめた时にだけかざすの今の私はあなたの知らない色终わるMIRAA ga utsushidasu maboroshi woki ni shinagara itsunomanika sokudo ageteru no sadoko e ittemo iito iwarerutohanpa na ganbou niwa hyoushiki mo zenbu haiiro dahonou no yurameki koyoi mo yume wo egakuanata no fudesaki kawaite imasenka ?aoi sora ga mienu nara aoi kasa hirogeteiija naika KYANBASU wa kimi no monoshiroi hata wa akirameta toki ni dake kazasu noima wa makka ni sasou tougyushi no you niKARAA mo iroaseru keikoutou no motoshirokuro no chessboard no ue de kimi ni deattabokura wa hitotoki mayoinagara yorisottearekara hitotsuki oboete imasuka ?ORENJI iro no yuuhi wo tonari de miteru dake deyokatta noni ahh kuchi wa wazawai no motokuroi fuku wa shisya ni inoru toki ni dake kiru nowazato makka ni nokoshita RUJU no atomou jibun ni wa yume no nai e shika kakenai to iu naranuritsubushite yo KYANBASU wo nando demoshiroi hata wa akirameta toki ni dake kazasu noima no watashi wa anata no shiranai iro注意著镜中映照的幻影不知不觉间 我已在加速被告知去那儿也很好即使不认真的热望中充满的 全是灰色的交通讯号火在摇晃 今夜你也在绘梦你的笔尖 是否已经乾涸?如果看不到蔚蓝的天空 开一把蓝色的伞没问题的 帆布是你的东西白色的旗 是否你在放弃时手握的东西?像一个现在以深红诱惑的斗牛士一样色彩皆消失无踪的萤光灯下我在黑白色的棋盘上跟你会面我们曾在一时迷茫中拥抱一个月过去了 记忆还在吗?只是看在你身旁的橙色日落已很好 口里出来的是邪恶穿著黑色的衣服时你是否只为死者默哀?残留的胭脂是为了些什麼而深红的如果说你只描绘没有梦的画再在帆布上重覆涂上直至你满意白色的旗 是否你在放弃时手握的东西?现在的我 是你所不知道的颜色

cold alignment是什么意思

cold alignment 冷态对中cold alignment 冷态对中1.Taking the rich gas compressor group of Zhenhai Refinery as an example, this paper describes the application of thermal expansion calculation in solving the numerical validation problem of cold alignment during equipment installation in order to ensure the good alignment of compressor group under hot state.文章以镇海炼化富气压缩机组为例,介绍运用热膨胀量的计算解决在设备的安装过程中碰到的冷态对中数值验证的实际问题,以确保机组在热态时的良好对中。


我们就快要失去家园钻石吞没无线电蔓延滋长在那静寂的夜我们留下照片 留下一些让历史有东西去讲述发掘然后以飞机的飞行速度拼命往前孩子们悲伤呜咽若那是你所需要的哭也没关系的若你需要可以抱住我抱紧我那样一个外星之物我们徘徊着 徘徊着 无家可归着数以百万计的UFO怀着希望定点盘旋着 盘旋着终见那光芒时念念有词说若你想飞就飞吧没关系的但若你决定了记得打给我打这个号码给我那样的一个外星之物我们仅仅只是外星之物仅仅只是想要再次回到家中告诉你的长官那位先生或是夫人我们会平和降临我们无意去制造危机在远离此地的某处那未知之境里所有的外星人都在联络着家里纵观我的生命在那天际线上看它穿过你的眼睛却将毕生穷尽那样一个外星之物一个活动中的目标在即定的运动轨迹里一小片地域 或是某个角落里在那时空之境向前翻转行进翻过时间的扉页越过亚洲之顶穿越过岁月痕迹我们仅仅只是外星之物仅仅只是想要再次回到家里去


pink 粉红色salmon pink 橙红色baby pink 浅粉红色shocking pink 鲜粉红色brown 褐色, 茶色beige 灰褐色chocolate 红褐色, 赭石色sandy beige 浅褐色camel 驼色amber 琥珀色khaki 卡其色maroon 褐红色green 绿色moss green 苔绿色emerald green 鲜绿色olive green 橄榄绿blue 蓝色turquoise blue 土耳其玉色cobalt blue 钴蓝色, 艳蓝色navy blue 藏青色, 深蓝色, 天蓝色aquamarine blue 蓝绿色red 红色scarlet 绯红, 猩红mauve 紫红wine red 葡萄酒红purple, violet 紫色lavender 淡紫色lilac 浅紫色antique violet 古紫色pansy 紫罗兰色white 白色off-white 灰白色ivory 象牙色snowy white 雪白色oyster white 乳白色gray 灰色charcoal gray 炭灰色smoky gray 烟灰色misty gray 雾灰色




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collision of worlds中文歌词

ROBBIE WILLIAMS Feat. Brad Paisley - Collision Of Worlds 罗比·威廉姆斯的壮举。布莱德-世界的冲突At the first sign of the morning light 在第一次签署的晨光Old glory"s in the sky 天空中古老的光荣的Across the pond it"s afternoon and the Union Jack flies high 现在是下午,在池塘和工会杰克飞得高We"re on our first cup of coffee 我们在我们的第一杯咖啡We"re on our third cup of tea 我们在我们的第三杯茶And we can"t pretend to live on different planets you and me 我们不能假装居住在不同的行星你和我In this collision of worlds 在这个世界的冲突Watch the new day dawn on a distant shore 看新的一天的黎明时分,在一个遥远的海岸In this collision of worlds 在这个世界的冲突Oh you can sit this out no more 哦,你可以坐在这一点没有更多的Abbey road, Route 66 艾比路,66号公路CIA to the MI6 情报局军情六处的Right lane, left lane 右车道,左车道Metric, imperial, pounds, dollars, howdy, cheerio! 公制、英制、英镑、美元,你好,再见!VA growl to a v12 scream 弗吉尼亚州的咆哮声一v12尖叫Hail to the Cheif 冰雹来以Well God save the Queen 好上帝保佑女王Cops, bobbies, tobasco, wasabi, pistachio ice cream 警察,警察,tobasco、芥末、开心果冰淇淋In this collision of worlds 在这个世界的冲突It"s too late you can"t stop it now 太晚了,你不能阻止它现在In this collision of worlds 在这个世界的冲突Yeah find you a place and just watch it now 是的你找到一个位置,只看它现在Watch it now 看它现在Yeah you"re a good ol" boy 是的,你是一个好的不可思议的男孩Well you"re a decent bloke 你是一个好人I say it"s irony 我说这是讽刺I say it"s a joke 我说这是一个笑话When I look around now I can see 当我环顾现在我可以看到We ain"t so different 我们不是如此不同You and me 你和我Meat and potatoes 肉和土豆Bangers and mash 香肠和土豆泥Dollars, pounds, dosh, cash 美元、英镑、食物、现金Autobahn to the rising sun 高速公路到太阳的升起the I10 to the M1 凭借I10到M1Congress, parliament, President, the Queen 国会,议会,总统,女王Petrol you say gasoline 汽油你说汽油Now grab your bird, and get your girl 现在抓住你的鸟,并使你的女孩Now it"s a small world 现在这世界真小Collision of worlds 世界的冲突Watch the new day dawn on a distant shore 看新的一天的黎明时分,在一个遥远的海岸In this collision of worlds 在这个世界的冲突No you can sit this out no more 不,你可以坐在这一点没有更多的It"s a collision of worlds 这是一个世界的冲突It"s too late you can"t stop it now 太晚了,你不能阻止它现在Collision of worlds 世界的冲突Find you a place and watch it now 你找到一个地方,看着它现在

Collision of Worlds歌词

ROBBIE WILLIAMS Feat. Brad Paisley - Collision Of WorldsAt the first sign of the morning lightOld glory"s in the skyAcross the pond it"s afternoon and the Union Jack flies highWe"re on our first cup of coffeeWe"re on our third cup of teaAnd we can"t pretend to live on different planets you and meIn this collision of worldsWatch the new day dawn on a distant shoreIn this collision of worldsOh you can sit this out no moreAbbey road, Route 66CIA to the MI6Right lane, left laneMetric, imperial, pounds, dollars, howdy, cheerio!VA growl to a v12 screamHail to the CheifWell God save the QueenCops, bobbies, tobasco, wasabi, pistachio ice creamIn this collision of worldsIt"s too late you can"t stop it nowIn this collision of worldsYeah find you a place and just watch it nowWatch it nowYeah you"re a good ol" boyWell you"re a decent blokeI say it"s ironyI say it"s a jokeWhen I look around now I can seeWe ain"t so differentYou and meMeat and potatoesBangers and mashDollars, pounds, dosh, cashAutobahn to the rising sunthe I10 to the M1Congress, parliament, President, the QueenPetrol you say gasolineNow grab your bird, and get your girlNow it"s a small worldCollision of worldsWatch the new day dawn on a distant shoreIn this collision of worldsNo you can sit this out no moreIt"s a collision of worldsIt"s too late you can"t stop it nowCollision of worldsFind you a place and watch it now

《高分〉catch my teardrop-----Coldplay中英歌词


What do you think of some college students cheating on tests?

Cheating in Exams Nowadays, many students tend to cheat in exams. Some students copy answers from others. It is obvious that the phenomenon of cheating in exams becomes very serious. There are many remarkable factors contributing to the cheating in exams. First of all, some students just play time away and want to pass the exams without efforts. They don"t make efforts in their study time and they don"t have a good knowledge for what they have learned, and it is hard for them to pass the exams, therefore they choose to cheat in the exams. In addition, some students are under great pressure from their parents or teachers, and they fear to fail in the exams. Thirdly, many even cheat to get higher scores and scholarship. In this case, they not only get praise or admiration but also reputation from others. Frankly speaking, the common reason for cheating in the exams is that they want to pass the exams or get higher score. As a result, those who usually cheat in exams will never treat study seriously again because they believe they will always get good marks without hard-working. Besides, exams certainly become unfair for non-cheating students. They may think study is no more necessary. In order to avoid this bad phenomenon of cheating in exams, both students and school should make efforts. First of all, students should give his priority to study and form a good habit to finish the homework independently. Secondly, school should educate the students to realize that cheating in exams is an immoral behavior. We should get the students to form the ideas of being honest, both in study and if life. Last but not least, a strict discipline for exams should be carried out. School should take some effective measures to give a suitable punishment to the students who cheated in exams. And I believe that, cheating in exams, this situation will be improved better through our efforts in coming days.

Cheating on exams is popular in colleges and statistics show that it has risen dramatically dur...

小题1:Present situation/ Phenomena小题2:not feeling ashamed小题3:adopting/using mobile phones小题4:Reasons/Causes/Factors小题5:more easily小题6:graduation and jobs小题7:make sense小题8:cheat on exams小题9:Solutions/Suggestions/Advice/Measures/Ways小题10:to be honest 试题分析:小题1:Present situation/ Phenomena  细节题。根据第一段第一句Cheating on exams is popular in colleges and statistics show that it has risen dramatically during the past score years.说明作弊现在很流行。小题2:not feeling ashamed         细节题。根据第一段第2行. Students don"t feel ashamed to cheat on exams.小题3:adopting/using mobile phones 根据第二段第三行some adopted mobile phones as a way to cheat on exams.小题4:Reasons/Causes/Factors 总结归纳题。根据文章第三段说明本段是学生作弊的原因分析。小题5:more easily 细节题。根据第三段第一句technology had made cheating easier。小题6:graduation and jobs 细节题。根据第三段最后一句in order to graduate from school and land jobs.小题7:make sense 同义词转换。根据第四段第2行they think studying isn"t meaningful.小题8:cheat on exams 同义句转换。根据第四段最后people cheating on exams小题9:Solutions/Suggestions/Advice/Measures/Ways 总结归纳他。根据倒数第二段内容可知是解决这个问题的建议。小题10:to be honest 根据倒数第二段第一行honesty is an important part of American character.点评:考查考生对文章的篇章结构的理解和同义词近义词的词性词形的转换。

求英语作文一篇。题目: cheating in college

With the development of the society, people pay more and more attention to education. As a result, thousands of students take part in various examinations. However, some students have been found cheating on their exams. Some of them copy from each others, some took out their textbooks or reference books to copy, some copied from small pieces of paper on which they had prepared for the exam, still some used the modern communication tools such as BP, mobile phone as a way to cheat on exams. Then, what"s the effect of cheating on exam? There are three factors for this. First, it results in an unfair competition and will destroy the creativity of those bright students. Second, it will ruin the students" self-confidence in the long run. Third, under that kind of circumstances, the students graduated from the schools will not be the one who can meet the need of the society. However, how to stop cheating on exam? In my opinion, there are two ways we can adopt. First, a severe punishment should be put into effect to prevent students from cheating. Second, great effort should be made to make students understand what kind of person the society needs and try to improve their self-confidence



Charon - Colder中文歌词


charm"s college翻译

魅力的大学。college读法英 [ˈkɒlɪdʒ]  美 [ˈkɑːlɪdʒ] n. 大学,专科学校;学院,分院;公学;学会,社团;学院的全体师生[ 复数 colleges ]词汇搭配:at college 在大学;在大学读书college life 大学生活college library 大学图书馆词语用法:college一般指综合大学中的学院或高等专科学校,既可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。在英式英语中,college可指规模较大的中学,也可指学院的建筑物或学院的全体师生。college常可用在名词前作定语。词义辨析:college,institute,school,academy这些名词均含有“学院,大学”之意。college多指大学内的学院,分科学院或科目较少的高等学校。institute指设立有专门学科的学院,如外语学院、地质学院、建筑学院等。school指大学所属的学院或系。academy指(高等)专科院校或研究专门学术的学校。



外贸提单中freight&charge 还有revenuet tons 还有rate 还有prepaid还有collect这些都是什么意思

freight&charge运杂费revenuet tons运费吨rate费率prepaid预付collect到付

在英语中,solution, suspension, colloid & emulsion的区别是什么

1. solution[C, U] liquid in which sth is dissolved; state of being dissolved 溶液; 溶解状态: a solution of salt in water 盐的水溶液 * salt in solution 溶解状态的盐. [U] process of dissolving a solid or a gas in liquid 溶解过程: the solution of sugar in tea 糖在茶中的溶解. 2. suspension[C, U] (state of a) liquid containing tiny particles of solid matter floating in it 悬浮(液): medicine in powder form held in suspension, ie to be taken by drinking 药粉悬浮剂(口服用). 3. colloid 胶体; 胶质 4. emulsion n [C, U] creamy liquid in which particles of oil or fat are evenly distributed 乳状液. medicine or paint in this form 乳剂; 乳漆: [attrib 作定语] emulsion paint, ie paint that has a matt rather than a glossy finish when dry 乳状漆(乾後无光泽的漆). light-sensitive substance on the surface of photographic film 感光乳剂. 无法区别的时候,就用英文解释英文。



university of utah,university of nebraska lincoln, university of alabama这三所大学应该怎么选?


求AKON的 what colby歌词 意思!


Chandler: Wow! Aren"t you gonna be cold?


medical college是什么意思

medical(医学)college (学院) medical college :医科大

歌曲《youths a so cold》的歌词


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你的错误看起来是列名重复了。删除表"taaa"的列"collll",sql如下:alter table taaa drop collll;

coli是什么意思?外贸中一个伊朗客户这样写到the gross weight of each coli.

是指某个外尺寸包装(一般后面会附上包装的尺寸)例如:这批货物有3个包装,如下:1 coli 50cm*30cm*30cm2 coli 100cm*30cm*30cm他说each coli ,意思是每个包装的外尺寸都一样。

colour-describe什么意思 美术术语

色彩表达 顺便问一下是油画用语么?直译的意思应该是色彩-描述,用色彩来描述自己的感觉或是感受,应该就是色彩表达,我觉得在这里侧重的不是造型,而是颜色感知与表达,这是我自己的理解

【天天英语幼儿英语绘本】——《A Colorful Chameleon》

A Colorful Chameleon 变色龙带你认颜色 I am a happy chameleon. Because…… 我是一只快乐的变色龙, 因为—— when I am passing through the green grassland…… 我走过一片绿油油的青草地, I change into GREEN . 我就变成了—— 绿色 。 When I am swimming in the blue ocean…… 我游过一片蓝汪汪的大海, I change into BLUE . 我就变成了—— 蓝色 。 When I am crossing the yellow wheat field…… 我穿过一片黄澄澄的麦田, I change nto YELLOW . 我就变成了—— 黄色 。 When I am swinging among the red flowers…… 我在红艳艳的花朵间荡来荡去, I change into RED . 我就变成了—— 红色 。 Growling! Growling! I am so hungry! 咕噜噜!咕噜噜! 肚子饿了怎么办呢? Let me jump into an orange to have a nice meal. 钻进橙灿灿的橘子里,去大吃一顿吧。 I change into OPANGE . 我就变成了—— 橙色 。 When the night comes, and everywhere is dark…… 当夜幕降临,黑暗笼罩大地, I change into BLACK . 我就变成了——黑色。 Suddenly …look,fireworks! 突然……看,烟花! Oh ,my ! I am as colorful as fireworks. 天哪!我竟然变成了烟花的颜色。 How amazing! 这,是不是很神奇? 天一天教育 ,更懂中国孩子的教学专家!(4-16岁) 您给我们一次机会,也是给您最爱的孩子一次机遇! 明智的选择即将改变命运!


cold colder coldesthot hotter hottestheavy heavier heaviestthin thinner thinnestfriendly more friendly most friendly

collection chamber是什么意思

collection chamber[英][kəˈlekʃən ˈtʃeimbə] [美][kəˈlɛkʃən ˈtʃembɚ] 简明释义集合室,集气室


cold colder coldest hot hotter hottest heavy heavier heaviest thin thinner thinnest friendly more friendly most friendly



documents collection是什么意思

documents英 ["dɒkjumənts]美 ["dɑkjumənts]n. [计] 文档(document的复数形式)v. 记载(document的第三人称单数形式)[网络短语]Documents 证件,文件,单据shipping documents 装运单据,装船单据,运输单据Halloween Documents 万圣节文件,万圣节文档,万圣节档案

急需一篇关于Challenges and opportunities for college students 的英文三分钟演讲稿

Challenges and Opportunities for college students Life is full of challenges.School has to be the most challenging obstacle in the lives of youth today. Elementary school brings about a few challenges characteristic of those years spent there.There"s the challenge of coloring in the lines,a very real problem to any youngster.Or how about the challenge of remembering to raise one"s hand before one speaks?There are hundreds of rules and regulations that govern these young children.The one thing that keeps these children in line is the hope of reward.Yes ,this is the brass ring.The reward for a clean desk is an extra five minutes of recess!The prize for having all homework done,a shiny-new pencil topper!These small wonders keep small people in line.They make the children love challenge. Middle schoolis not so easy.It is not easy for the students,and it also isn"t easy for the teachers.The challenge of staying out of trouble,or wrinting that research paper---these are the new confrontations of an older,wiser guoup.This clan has outgrown the recess and pencil-topper tricks.They know that their efforts have to bring them something really usefull,so mom and pop are pulled onto the scene.How does five,ten dollars for each “A” sound?Or ,how about no telephone if one doesn"t do good in school?Need I say more? By the time high school arrives,a student"s place in academic excellence or else their unlikelihood to even graduate has been established.Little can be done now to make life"s challenges seem interesting ,especially where school comes in.The slothful are rewarded with a nice job at a gas station,a pregnant girlfriend,and a fifteen-year-old Ford.The diligent are rewarded with an SAT score of over 1100,acceptance into Yale University,and a ticket to life.By meeting the challenges of school,sicking it out,and pulling through,they are given their greatest reward:success.

求一篇英语演讲稿Challenges and opportunities for college students in today`s competitive world?

Good morning /afternoon /evening, ladies and gentlemen, sorry, ”boys and girls” may be better .It"s really a challenge for me to stand here today and you can see that clearly from my trembling voice .So there is no doubt that giving a speech fluently is a bigger challenge for me, who used to be a shy boy during my past 20 years.Today I choose to face it, because I know this is just the beginning of my challenging college life .Many challenges are still waiting for me ahead .As a freshman, I have already feel the pressure from studying .Classmates and friends around me study hard just like our past senior middle school period . The dreamy college life is still in my dream. We have to admit that more students are gaining access to college with the help of expanded enrollment, but we can not fail to see the fact that the competition is much fiercer than before .Besides, the competitive world today has also brought the “Knowledge Economy”, which requires the effective use of knowledge for economic and social development, and also requires skilled and multi-oriented students with a marketable vocational sense.But when we consider the problem in another point of view, we will find many opportunities for us college students. When a multitude of young men ,keen , open-hearted, sympathetic, and observant, come together and freely mix with each other, they are sure to learn one from another; the conversation of all is a series of lectures to each, and they gain for themselves new ideas and views, fresh matter of thought. In addition, the growing dimension of knowledge sources, such as the World Wide Web, library and multimedia sources provide us with opportunities for bringing out the creativity and talent that we have within us.Ladies and gentlemen, as Charles Dickens once commented upon the time of the French Revolution, "It was the best of times; it was the worst of times." So it is with our time. I believe, if we can make full use of the opportunities and deal with the challenges correctly, we will make it sooner or later. Thank you!

关于what will you do after graduation from college,do youhave any plans?的对话

A(teacher):Hey, you know time flies, we have been sophormore already, do you guys have any plans about future or what do you wanna do after graduation?B:Yeah, point taken, i "ve already 20, but so far i am still comfused about that, and you -C?C:Actually i have got a clear plan for my dream, i want to be a translator, i think the job is amazing and challengeable, i like it absolutely.D:Oops, that sounds nice, how do you make it come true?C:Oki, because the job requires comprehensive linguistic ability, i need to study hard as possible as i can to lay solid foundation for it. Secondly, i need to collect translation skills as well.A: I"ve also heard that it is very important for a translator to know multiple domain knowledge, it is not easy to be a translator, hah?B: Yeah, i agree with you, in addition, one of my sisters also want to engage in this job, she once grumbled at me that how many exams for translation she needed to prepare. But C, you are capable i feel, so just go for it. D: Yeah, you are really capable, i believe you can do that^^C:Thank you guys for your information, i will do my best in order to live up to your expectations. And -D, do you have any plans about your dream?D: You know i have great interest in novels, so to be a writer is my dream.A: Wow, pretty good, How much have you done for your goal?D:I"ve read many kinds of novels already, I have been collecting some beaitiful expressions, I even published my original novels to Internet. And you know what is my next step?B: wow, I don"t know you have published novels, so great you are. A: participating in competion for outstanding novels?D:Exactly, in a word, i will do my best to attain my goal.B:All of you have got plans, except me......i am a loserA:Hey, come on, who are you? You are **(name), you are not sutable for complainning, just get ones for yourself is ok. We three have faith in you, right?CD: Absolutely...go goBBB,it is over......

collecting society是什么意思

collecting society 收集社会

跪求各种军衔制的英语翻译(如Colonel 上校 )

Army 陆军General of the Army 五星上将General 上将Lieutenant General 中将Major General 少将Brigadier General 准将Colonel 上校Lieutenant Colonel 中校Major 少校Captain 上尉First Lieutenant 中尉Second Lieutenant 少尉Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉Warrant Officer 二级准尉Master Sergeant 军士长Sergeant First Class 上士Sergeant 中士Corporal 下士Private First Class 一等兵Private 二等兵Basic Private 三等兵Air Force 空军General of the Air Force 五星上将General 上将Lieutenant General 中将Major General 少将Brigadier General 准将Colonel 上校Lieutenant Colonel 中校Mayor 少校Captain 上尉First Lieutenant 中尉Second Lieutenant 少尉Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉Warrant Officer 二级准尉Master Sergeant 军士长Technical Sergeant 技术军士Staff Sergeant 参谋军士Airman First Class 一等兵Airman Second Class 二等兵Airman Third Class 三等兵Navy 海军Fleet Admiral 五星上将Admiral 上将Vice Admiral 中将Rear Admiral 少将Commodore 准将Captain 上校Commander 中校Lieutenant Commander 少校Lieutenant 上尉Lieutenant Junior Class 中尉Ensign 少尉Commissioned Warrant Officer 一级准尉Warrant Officer 二级准尉Chief Petty Officer 军士长Petty Officer First Class 上士Petty Officer Second Class 中士Petty Officer Third Class 下士Seaman First Class 一等兵Seaman Second Class 二等兵Apprentice Seaman 三等兵Marine Corps 海军陆战队General 上将Lieutenant General 中将Major General 少将Brigadier General 准将Colonel 上校Lieutenant Colonel 中校Major 少校Captain 上尉First Lieutenant 中尉Second Lieutenant 少尉Commissioned Warrant Officer 一级准尉Warrant Officer 二级准尉Master Sergeant 军士长Technical Sergeant 技术军士Staff Sergeant 参谋军士Sergeant 中士Corporal 下士Private First Class 一等兵Private 二等兵

Complete Collection翻译成中文是什么意思


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follow,trace,and color是什么意思

follow 跟随trace 跟踪,踪迹color 颜色,给什么上色


1、trace [treɪs] n. 痕迹,踪迹;微量;[仪] 迹线;缰绳vt. 追踪,查探;描绘;回溯vi. 追溯;沿路走2、color ["kʌlə(r)] n. 颜色;肤色;颜料;脸色vt. 粉饰;给...涂颜色;歪曲vi. 变色;获得颜色3、draw [drɔː] n. 平局;抽签vi. 拉;拖vt. 画;拉;吸引

lincoln"s birthday是什么意思

lincoln"s birthdayn.林肯诞辰纪念日; 例句:1.The new president travelled to springfield this week tocelebrate lincoln"s birthday. 本周,新上任的总统将再度造访斯普林菲尔德,庆祝林肯的生日。2.President obama will return to illinois to celebrate abrahamlincoln"s two hundredth birthday at a big dinner in springfieldthis thursday. 奥巴马总统将于周四返回伊利诺斯州,出席在斯普林菲尔德举行的盛大庆祝宴会,庆祝林肯的二百岁诞辰。

rose-colored glasses是什么意思

rose-colored glasses 乐观看问题 透过玫瑰色的眼镜看问题,或者英雄中的意思是不要总把一切看得太美好吧 凡事不可太过乐观

college degree是什么意思


indeed,can"t stand the bitter coldness,I was afraid of the cold 。是什么意思?


colorado river是什么意思


cold cereals

cereal n.谷类食品, 谷类cold cereals 凉的谷类食品

cold cereal什么意思

冷麦片 Instead of your usual cold cereal, try substituting a warm bowl of whole oats. 尝试着用一碗温和的全麦粥代替平时的冷饭。

cold cereal 和hot receal的区别

cold cereal冷麦片约50克麦片,添加100毫升牛奶、酸奶、豆浆、咖啡、水或果汁。可立即食用或浸泡五分钟,味道浓厚,麦片松脆。hot cereal热麦片微波炉:约50克麦片,100毫升的水、牛奶等。然后放进微波炉两分钟加热,味道浓香,麦片松软,冷却后即可尽情享用!煮:约50克麦片,100毫升的水、牛奶等,均匀搅拌,把它烧开。从火上移开,让它冷却,即可尽情享用!或者和粥一起吃!

scolding glove什么意思


在线翻译Everybody loves a fat rise.Yet pleasure at your own can vanish if you learn that a colleagu



Protocol:一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案.比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”.Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法.大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名.比如:Security Agreement (担保协议),Deposit Account Control Agreement (帐户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议).Contract:指法律上“合同”的概念.比如:The document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties.商务环境里一般不会用Contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如Agreement来的委婉.Agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利.而用到Contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方.国内一些银行用Loan Contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的.正确的翻译是Credit Agreement.Draft:一般指草稿.例如:Draft Share Subscription Agreement = 认股协议草稿.

Protocol, Agreement, Contract, Draft几个词有何区别?

Protocol: 一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案。比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”。Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法。大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名。比如:Security Agreement (担保协议), Deposit Account Control Agreement (帐户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议)。Contract: 指法律上“合同”的概念。比如:The document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties。 商务环境里一般不会用Contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如Agreement来的委婉。Agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利。而用到Contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方。国内一些银行用Loan Contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的。正确的翻译是Credit Agreement。Draft: 一般指草稿。例如:Draft Share Subscription Agreement = 认股协议草稿。

Protocol, Agreement, Contract, Draft几个词有何区别?

首先,Agreement这个词一般不用作正式的书面合同这种说法,很大程度上是用于描述那种非书面的“合同”如 He has an agreement with me.Contract和前者最大的区别就是该词是个非常正式的词汇正式翻译为契约,合同(书面),具有法律意义的证明文件,正式性是三者中最高的.以下是详细对比Protocol:一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案.比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”.Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法.大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名.比如:Security Agreement (担保协议),Deposit Account Control Agreement (帐户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议).Contract:指法律上“合同”的概念.比如:The document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties.商务环境里一般不会用Contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如Agreement来的委婉.Agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利.而用到Contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方.国内一些银行用Loan Contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的.正确的翻译是Credit Agreement.Draft:一般指草稿.例如:Draft Share Subscription Agreement = 认股协议草稿.


Protocol:一般指为某种可能发生的事件或情况而准备的行动方案.比如:Emergency Response Protocol就是中国报道灾难新闻时一定会提到的“某政府启动了应急预案”. Agreement:是协议/合同最常用的叫法.大多数的英文合同都以“Agreement”命名.比如:Security Agreement (担保协议),Deposit Account Control Agreement (帐户控制协议)以及Share Subscription Agreement(认股协议). Contract:指法律上“合同”的概念.比如:The document constitues a binding contract upon the signing parties.商务环境里一般不会用Contract来命名合同,因为这个词带有对抗性,不如Agreement来的委婉.Agreement创造的语境是双方合作,互惠互利.而用到Contract这次词时,一般都是出了问题,一方想用合同这个概念制约另一方.国内一些银行用Loan Contract来命名贷款协议是会被人鄙视的.正确的翻译是Credit Agreement. Draft:一般指草稿.例如:Draft Share Subscription Agreement = 认股协议草稿.


Agreement仅仅是“共识”,也就是说如果一句话说, "we have an agreement"意思就只是“我们有共识”。Contract却是“合同”,也就是官方合法需要签名的那份合同!Draft纯粹就只是“草稿”而已,没有盖章也无效。-此答案来自玛丽英语写作

be left out in the cold用法和例句

be left out in thecold 是遭…冷落,吃闭门羹的意思。例句有:People in this industry say that their business can survive, although with reduced profits, but the workers in these factories may be left out in the cold by job losses. 从业人员表示,即使利润有所下降,他们的企业仍然能够存活下去,但是工厂的工人就会因为失业而遭到冷落。用法:主语+be left out in the cold+(状语)

agony column什么意思

agony column 英[ˈæɡəni ˈkɔləm] 美[ˈæɡəni ˈkɑləm] n. <主英口>(报刊上登载的寻人、寻物、离婚等启事的)私事广告栏; [例句]The question to the dear Lucy agony column ( right) this week set me thinking about the overlooked function of personal assistants and their value.问答专栏《亲爱的露西》(dear lucy)的问题,让我想到了私人助理被人们忽视的职能及价值。[其他] 复数:agony columns

怎么解释By collecting as many typical samples as were necessary?

怎么解释By collecting as many typical samples as were necessary?By collecting as many typical samples as were necessary通过收集尽可能多的典型样本

Color the balloon orange是什么意思


法语 Cela m"a fait plaisir de voir Nicole hier. 这句话语法不太懂。Cela m"a 是怎么个语法?

That makes me happy to see Nicole yestoday.

unusual collections是什么意思?


collaborative effort是什么意思


in a collective effort是什么意思

inacollectiveeffort的中文翻译  inacollectiveeffort  集体努力  双语例句  1  SuccessinIraqwilldependonacollectiveeffortbytheentireinternationalcommunity.  伊拉克的成功将取决于整个国际社会的集体努力。  2  Ihopethat,inacollectiveeffort,wecanreachsuchasubstantiveagreement.  我希望,我们通过集体努力可以达成这样的实质性协议。

I"m a male college student aged 21.这里aged为什么要加用过去式


怎样理解tick a lot of boxes和afterward和brought out a bit more color about her as a person

actually ur first question is the one the answer of which I"m looking for and if I"m not mistaken, the phrase "tick a lot of boxes" means "focus on many issues",which indicates that a lot of topics had been mentioned in her speech.He said her speech was "very well scripted" in which means he thought Palin had done a good homework and well prepared on the issues she delivered on her speech. What she needed to do was merely limited to articulate her ideas and insights on those issues by reading the already prepared papers, which made her a perfect speaker and thinker.As is known to all,the Q&A session is the session full of questiones the majority of which ppl are unable to predict in advance,especially the tough ones. so her performance on dealing with those unexpected tough questiones made her less considerate, thoughtful and coherent when it compares with the her previous performance on speech delivery and that"s why ppl said she"s a person after all.



coldand hothammer是什么意思?

cold and hot hammer冷热锤双语对照例句:1.They were going at it, hammer and tongs. 他们就像互相跟着对方,好比榔头和钳子。2.Summers are typically hot and humid. 而夏天则是典型的湿热气候。

百度知道提问进不去了 显示The requested URL cold not be retrieved 怎么回事啊?


找一首英文歌曲,歌名好像是colorful days,前几天在电台里听到的~

歌词:If your mind seeds so many questions,Misery is never gone astray.Your trail, my thought, what an awkwardSystem to be playing on the brain.My make-up, the pillow when I wake up,Stains in a way that seems to drown me.It"s rude to point but attention"s what I want,And she told me that I look like David Bowie.ChorusIt"s all in my mind now,But I can"t help thinking why it"s so so quiet.When I woke up it was like this,What a colourful day I have been welcomed withIn the focus I wanted you to noticeEverything I"m trying to improveUp early, I"m telling you a storySo look at me when I"m talking to youA private number, I"m curiously underThe impression that I"m subject to surveillanceSo tragic, I"m mixed up in the magicAnd everybody"s trying to make a differenceChorusIt"s all in my mind now,But I can"t help thinking why you"re so so quiet.When I woke up it was like this,What a colourful day I have been welcomed with.You never wanted anything more,Are you, so clever, wanted everything more.ChorusIt"s all in my mind now,But I can"t help thinking why you"re so so quiet.When I woke up it was like this,What a colourful day I have been welcomed with歌手简介:Alan Pownall is a singer-songwriter from North London, UK. He is signed to Mercury Records and released his debut single, Chasing Time, on 22 March 2010.Alan studied art in Italy before moving to London to concentrate on his music. He supported London singer Adele on her debut headline tour, after meeting her at a gig and contacting her through her MySpace profile. Soon after that, Alan moved into a flat with friend and fellow singer/songwriter, Jay Jay Pistolet. The flat downstairs was occupied by Winston and Marcus of Mumford and Sons. Alan has revealed that he was once in a band named "Sex Face" with Ted of Mumford and Sons.

英语词性互相转化 。比如color(名)↣colorful(形)……这类的规律。比如t结尾的东词根

词性的转换   英语词性是可以相互转化的。词性的转换有两种方法:现代构词法中的转化法和缀合法。两种方法的特点是不一样的。   (一)转化法。   转化法是由一个词类转化为另一个词类的方法,即某一个词早期迁移定型为某一个词义和词类,后来通过词义扩大或比喻等方法把它活用为其它词义和词类的方法,一般在转化义和原义之间有明显的联系。转化法一般多用于简单音节的词汇中。转化法主要分为如下四种类型:   1、名词转化为动词。这类词多与名词所具有的特殊动作有关,也是修辞。例如:   ⑴He wolfed down three bowls of rice.他狼吞虎咽地吃了三大碗饭。wolf.原为名词“狼”,[偏正]缠裹或吞地(wol)消灭事物者(f),或吞食事物(wol)的(f);转化为动词“狼吞”、“象狼一样地吃”,[偏正]缠裹或吞没地(wol)消灭(f)掉(down)事物,或象狼一样地(wolf)消灭(f/d)掉(down)事物。   ⑵He insisted on staying up to nurse the child.他坚持不睡觉来护理这个女孩。nurse.原为名词“护士”,[偏正]摆布或调理事物的(nur)缠绕维护者(s),[连动]网上(nur)而维护事物的(s);转化为动词“护理”,[连动]网上(nur)而维护(s)事物-护理(nurse)事物。   2、形容词转化为动词。   ⑴He had blacked his face with soot.他已经用煤灰把脸抹黑了。black 原为形容词“黑色的”,[偏正]能摭盖地(bla)抓住事物的(ck);转化为动词“抹黑”,[主谓]以黑色(bla)抓住(ck)事物,或以黑色(black)作用或染上(d)事物。   ⑵My father is emptying a box of rubbish into a rubbish-cart.我爸爸正将垃圾倒入垃圾车。empty原为形容词“空的”,[主谓]容纳物(emp)离开或流出(ty)的,或[偏正]全部地(emp)离开或流出的(ty);转化为动词“倒空”,[主谓]容纳物(emp)离开或流出(ty)事物,或[偏正]使事物全部地(emp)离开或流出(ty)。   3、形容词转化为名词。即用性质来指代这种性质的事物。例如:   ⑴My mother likes red.我妈妈喜欢红色(的)。red原为形容词“红色的”,[动补]强暴(re)而破坏事物的(d);转化为名词“红色”或“红色的事物”,但结构不变,[动补]强暴(re)而破坏事物的(d)。   ⑵The chinese are working-hard and brave people.中国人勤劳而勇敢。 chiness 原为形容词 “中国的”,[主谓]中国(chi)发出的(nese);转化为名词“中国人”、“汉语”,但结构不变。[主谓]中国(chi)发出的(nese)。   4、动词转化为名词。多用来表示一次性动作,或与动作相关的事物。   ⑴We stopped there for a swim.我们在那儿停下来游了一会儿泳。swim原为动词“游泳”,[动宾]连续不断地(s)摆动(wi)胳膊(m),或[偏正]连续不断地划动着或冲破着(swi)前进(m);用作名词“游泳”,仍表示动作行为结构也不变,[动宾]连续不断地(s)摆动(wi)胳膊(m),或[偏正]连续不断地划动着或冲破着(swi)前进(m)。   ⑵Xiao Liu"s answers is perfectly right.小刘的回答是完全正确的。answer原为动词“回答”,[动补]发射(an)出(swer)事物而包缠(swer)事物;转化为名词“回答”,表示动作或相关事物,[动补]发射(an)而出(swer)的,或[连动]发出(an)而包缠事物(swer)(的)。   词性的分类中,各非独立词类所具有的双词性实际上也是转化法的一种体现。比如:介词同具名词性和动词性,是它由动词性转化成了名词性;副词同具动词性和形容词性,是它由形容词性转化成了动词性;代词同具名词性和形容词性,是它由形容词性转化成了名词性;连词同具动词性和名词性,是它由名词(更准确说是代词)性转化成了动词性。   (二)缀合法中的词性转化。   缀合法中也伴随有词性的转化,当给一个词加上后缀时常常可以改变一个词的词性。从本质上看,缀合法是合成法的简化形式,其特点主要在构成词表义的变化,而词性的变化是次要的,但因为词缀的特殊性--不能独立存在以及具有一定的词性,所以又常常把它看作是转化词性的手段。当然,这种看法是不完全正确的,我们在学习缀合法时同时学习词义和词性的双重变化,有时学习词义的变化比学习词性的变化更重要,这是我们学好缀合法的根本所在。   缀合法中词性的转化主要有以下六种形式:   1、动词加缀转化为名词。例如:   collection.n.[偏正]收集事物的(collec)行为或过程(tion),或[动补]收集事物(collec)形成的或抓住的(tion)——收集品。   development.n.[偏正]发展的(develop)行为(ment)——发展,或[动补]发展(develop)造成的(ment)——发育或新的发展。   2、形容词加缀转化为名词。例如:   difficulty.n.[偏正]困难的(difficul)显示(ty),或[动补]困难(difficul)造成的(ty)。   goodness.n.[偏正]美好的(good)表现(ness),或[宾动]放出(ness)美好(good)的一-美德。   3、动词加缀变为形容词。例如:   receivable[rI5sI:v[bl]a.[宾动]能被(bl)接受(receiva)的。   attractive[[5trAktIv]a.[宾动]能(tive)吸引事物(attrac)的。   4、名词加缀转化为形容词。例如:   fruitful.a.[宾动]具有(ful)果实(fruit)的。   doubtless.a.[宾动]没有(less)疑问(doubt)的。   5、形容词加缀转化为动词。例如:   deepen.v.[偏正]深(dee)化(pen)事物,或[偏正]向下不停地(dee)推进(pen)事物;   simplify.v.[偏正]简单(simpli)化(fy)事物。   6、名词加缀转化为动词。例如:   classify.v.[偏正]类别(classi)化(fy)事物。   hospitalize.v.[宾动]使事物进入(lize)医院(hospita),或[主谓]以医院(hospita)来对付(lize)事物。   学好了词的分类,我们就可以自如地使用英语单词了,尤其是对那些词性复杂多样的单词。词的分类是我们学习英语拼音解字法最重要的应用之一。

x-rite color assistant是什么?

x-rite color assistant意为爱色丽公司颜色助理。重点词汇解释:1、colorn. 颜色;肤色;颜料;脸色vt. 粉饰;给某物涂颜色;歪曲vi. 变色;获得颜色双语例句:Purple is her favorite color. 紫色是她最爱的颜色。2、assistantn. 助手,助理,助教adj. 辅助的,助理的;有帮助的双语例句:The assistant pursed her lips. 那女助手噘起了嘴。assistant的用法:assistant的基本意思是助手,指不独立承担任务,只协助别人进行工作的人。assistant是可数名词,在句中可用作主语,宾语,介词as的宾语。assistant用作形容词时意思是助理的,指协助主要负责人办事的,引申可表示有帮助的。assistant在句中多用作定语,修饰其他表示职称的名词。assistant可接介词to引起的短语。


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