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辅助脚公式:asin+bcos=(a^2+b^2)^(1/2)sin(阿尔法+arctan b/a

a<0asin+bcos=√(a^2+b^2)^sin(α-arctan b/a)





x=Acos(ωt+φ) y=Bcos(ωt+θ) 消去时间t后得轨道方程 (x/A)²+(y/B





将x=2013代入得:f(2013)=asin(2013π+α)+bcos(2013π+β)=-asinα-bcosβ=-1, 整理得:asinα+bcosβ=1, 则当x=2014时,f(2014)=asin(2014π+α)+bcos(2014π+β)=asinα+bcosβ=1. 故答案为:1






数学问题asinα-bcosβ=??如题 谢谢了

其中的φ有这样的关系tanφ=b/a,且a≠0。 asinα±bcosα=√a^2+b^2sin(α±φ);tanφ=b/a,且a≠0 故asinα-bcosα=√a^2+b^2sin(α-φ);记得采纳啊




设 △ABC 的内角 A,B,C 所对的边长分别是为 a,b,c ,且 acos B - bcos


Acos(wt + u) +Bcos(wt + z)

Acos(wt + u) +Bcos(wt + z) ={A2+B2+2ABcos(u-z)}1/2*cos{wt-π/2+arctan-(Acosu+Bcosz)/(Asinu+Bsinz)}


C = sqrt(A * A + B * B + 2AB*cos(a - b))c = arc tg((Asina + Bsinb) / (Acosa + Bcosb))还望高人指点!

在△ABC中,求证: a=bcos C+ccos B; b=ccos A+acos C; c=acos B+bcos A.

证明:由正弦定理指导:a=2Rsin A,b=2Rsin B,c=2Rsin C∵在△ABC,A+B+C=180°∴sinA=sin(180°-B-C)=sin(B+C)则:bcosC+ccosB=2RsinBcosC+2RsinCcosB=2R(sinBcosC+sinCcosB)=2Rsin(B+C)=2RsinA=a即:a=bcosC+ccosB同理:ccosA+acosC=2RsinCcosA+2RsinAcosC=2R(sinCcosA+sinAcosC)=2Rsin(A+C)=2RsinB=b可证:b=ccosA+acosC。同理:acosB+bcosA=2RsinAcosB+2RsinBcosA=2R(sinAcosB+sinBcosA)=2Rsin(A+B)=2RsinC=c可证:c=acosB+bcosA。


%例如如下a=2;b=3;w=pi;t=0:0.01:4;c=a*sin(w*t)+b*cos(w*t); plot(t,c); %画出函数曲线图c_max=max(c); %最大值c_min=min(c); %最小值


解答:f(x)=x+bcos(x)是奇函数是b=0的充要条件。理由:(1)b=0, f(x)=x,显然f(x)是奇函数(2)f(x)是奇函数,则f(-x)=-f(x)恒成立∴ -x+bcos(-x)=-[x+bcos(x)]恒成立∴ bcosx=-bcosx恒成立∴ b=0综上f(x)=x+bcos(x)是奇函数是b=0的充要条件。


解:∫cos(x)/A+Bcos(x)=∫(1/A+B)cos(x)=(1/A+B)∫cos(x)=(1/A+B)sin x+C



在ABC中求证a= bCOS c +cCOS b



aCOS(B+C)+bCOS(A+C)=cCOS(A+B)即-asinA-bsinB=-csinC所以asinA+bsinB=csinC由正弦定理a/sinA=b/sinB=c/sinC=2R所以sinA=a/2R sinB=b/2R sinC=c/2R代入上式 a²/2R+b²/2R=c²/2R即a²+b²=c²所以三角形ABC是直角三角形





BCos 共享办公空间有哪些特点?

在空间自定义方面,BCos共享办公空间通过办公区的创意设计,让每一个空间隔板都可以自由组合。根据不同场景、不同时间段的多元办公需求,Bcos办公区可实现从开放空间到私密办公室的自由切换。 希望帮到百度题主




等于 (√a^+b^)sin(α+φ) 其中φ=b/a

fisco bcos开发的软件可以是c++写的吗

fisco bcos开发的软件可以是c++写的。FISCO BCOS是一个区块链底层平台,由金融区块链合作联盟(深圳)(以下简称:金链盟)开源工作组以金融业务实践为参考样本,在BCOS开源平台基础上进行模块升级与功能重塑。特点:深度定制的安全可控、适用于金融行业且完全开源。FISCO BCOS 2.0版本在原有基础上进行架构升级和优化,在可扩展性、性能、易用性等方面取得了重大突破,其中包括:实现群组架构,在多个节点组成的一个全局网络中,可以存在多个节点子集组成的子网络,这些子网络维护一个独立的账本。这些账本之间的共识、存储都是相互独立的,具备良好的扩展性和安全性。在群组架构中,可以更好地实现平行扩展,满足金融级高频交易场景的需求。同时,群组架构可以快速支持组链需求,极大降低运维难度,真正能够实现企业间建链就像建“聊天群”一样简便。支持分布式存储,使存储突破单机限制,支持横向扩展。计算和存储分离,提高了系统健壮性,即使节点执行服务器故障,数据也不会受影响。分布式存储定义了标准的数据访问CRUD接口,可以适配多种存储系统,同时支持SQL和NoSQL两种数据管理方式,可以更简便地支持多种业务场景。实现预编译合约框架,突破EVM性能瓶颈。支持交易并发处理,大幅提升交易处理吞吐量。预编译合约采用C++实现,内置于底层系统中,区块链自动识别调用合约的交易互斥信息,构建DAG依赖,规划出一个高效的并行交易执行路径。最佳情况下,性能提升N倍(N=CPU核数)。


Z=acosθ1+bcosθ2 ∂z/∂θ1=-asinθ1 ∂z/∂θ2=-bsinθ2




2cos(1200t-62°)+1.2cos(1200t+28°) =2sin(1200t-62°+90°)+ 1.2cos(1200t+28°) =2sin(1200t+28°)+1.2cos(1200t+28°) =√[2^2+(6/5)^2]sin(1200t+28°+a) =2√34/5sin(1200t+28°+a) a=arcsin(3√34/34)

如何根据x=acos(wt+q1) y=bcos(wt+q2)求出椭圆方程(消去t)

x/a=coswtcosq1-sinwtsinq1 y/b=coswtcosq2-sinwtsinq2 以coswt,sinwt为未知数,解此二元一次方程组,得: 记d=-cosq1sinq2+cosq2sinq1=sin(q1-q2) 则有coswt=(-x/asinq2+y/bsinq1)/d sinwt=(-y/bcosq2+x/asinq2)/d 再利用(coswt)^2+(sinwt)^2=1得: (-x/asinq2+y/bsinq1)^2+(-y/bcosq2+x/asinq2)=d^2



broccoli和 carrot有单数复数吗









BCos共享办公空间打造“智能中台”和“职能中台”两大办公新基建,通过打造全链路的智能办公生态体系,可将入驻客户的办公流程节点减少60%以上,大幅提升办公效率、办公安全和办公体验。 百度谢邀








我在别的上面抄的,不知道是不是?我也不是很懂 非营利组织是指不是以营利为目的的组织,它的目标通常是支持或处理个人关心或者公众关注的议题或事件。非营利组织所涉及的领域非常广,包括艺术、慈善、教育、政治、宗教、学术、环保等等。非营利组织的运作并不是为了产生利益,这一点通常被视为这类组织的主要特性。然而,某些专家认为将非营利组织和企业区分开来的最主要差异是:非营利组织受到法律或道德约束,不能将盈余分配给拥有者或股东。非营利组织有时亦称为第三部门(thethirdsector),与政府部门(第 一部门)和企业界的私部门(第二部门),形成三种影响社会的主要力量。非营利组织还是必须产生收益,以提供其活动的资金。但是,其收入和支出都是受到限制的。非营利组织因此往往由公、私部门捐赠来获得经费,而且经常是免税的状态。私人对非营利组织的捐款有时还可以扣税。   慈善团体是非营利组织的一种,而非政府组织(NGO)也可能同时是非营利组织。 非盈利组织的发展是现代社会发展的必然趋势。非盈利组织兴起的主要原因源于第一和第二部门职能和力量的欠缺。随着市场经济的发展,市场机制触及到社会生活的各个角落,但是,社会问题的多重性、复杂性是市场机制难以招架的,更谈不上合理地解决。同时,市场机制本身造成的贫富差距,增加了新的社会问题。对残疾人、城市贫困人口的救助,对社区中老年人的照顾等,也是单一的市场机制所无能为力的。同时,政府不是万能的,政府的力量是有限的。单独依靠政府力量已不能解决众多的社会问题。而非盈利组织的兴起,恰恰弥补了第一、二部门在解决社会问题上的不足,因此,受到人们的高度重视。祝你好运。






百度谢邀,智慧会议。MAXHUB智能会议平板集高清电视、数字化白板和音视频会议设备功能于一身,搭载Android9.0/Windows10系统,轻松拓展,满足会议演示、书写和协同的需求,为企业打造一个智能科技的会议环境,提升会议效率。智慧机器人。豹小秘具有导览、导购、问询、远程控制和自主充电等功能,搭载猎户星空Robot OS,还可根据需求场景个性化定制。S2是一种灵活具有良好环境适应性能的配送机器人,它具有定位精准、越障稳定、安全高效等特点,有优越的通过性,还具有一定的运行能力,可以满足写字楼、商场等不同场景的密集配送需求。







broccoli和 carrot有单数复数吗



carrot 英[ˈkærət] 美[ˈkærət] n. 胡萝卜; 〈非正式〉好处,回报; 不能兑现的报酬; [例句]They will be set targets, with a carrot of extra cash and pay if they achieve them会给他们设定目标,如果能达到,就能得到额外的现金和报酬。[其他] 复数:carrots popcorn 英[ˈpɒpkɔ:n]美[ˈpɑ:pkɔ:rn]n. 爆米花; 保护物品的小片:大量用于包装及运输中保护物品的一种小片,如聚苯乙烯; 淡黄色;[例句]He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn.他仍站在收银机后,嘴里塞满了爆米花。breakfast 英[ˈbrekfəst] 美[ˈbrekfəst] n. 早餐,早饭; 早餐食物; vi. 吃早餐; vt. 供给…早餐; [例句]What"s for breakfast?早餐吃什么?[其他] 第三人称单数:breakfasts 复数:breakfasts 现在分词:breakfasting过去式:breakfasted 过去分词:breakfasted

BCL cotton是什么面料?

应该是BCI棉花不是BCL,是Better Cotton Initiative的缩写。网上都可以搜到相关信息的,现在很多品牌都要求用BCI棉花的。

翻译“it could be argued that a dam might actually increase the risk of flooding”

这个问题有可能引起“大坝有可能增加洪灾危险”的 争论

It could be argued是什么意思



argue 着重“说理”、“论证”和“企图说服”, 如: I argued with her for a long time, but she refused to listen to reason. 我和她辩论了好久, 但她还是不听。 debate 着重“双方各述己见”, 内含“交锋”的意思, 如: We have been debating about the issue. 我们一直在就这个问题进行辩论。 dispute 指“激烈争辩”, 含有“相持不下”或“未得解决”之意, 如: Whether he will be elected as chairman is still disputed. 他是否当选为主席, 仍然有争论。

bcl easyconverter sdk 3 是什么软件?

BCL easyConverter SDK是一款转换软件,能将pdf文档转word文档。BCL easyConverter SDK允许程序员将Adobe Acrobat兼容的PDF文档转换成Microsoft Word兼容的RTF文件。这些Word兼容的文件中的文本,图片,表格和列表能被编辑,修改或利用。BCL easyConverter SDK的使用方法和一般得转换器相似,先导入所需转换的pdf文件,然后根据导出的word文档所需的要求进行设置,最后导出文档即可。软件可免费试用,但试用只能转换五页,其后需要收费,是英语软件。

It could be argued是什么意思

可以争辩 或 可以说


scrollView在iOS11新增的两个属性:adjustContentInset 和 contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior。 adjustContentInset 表示 contentView.frame.origin 偏移了 scrollview.frame.origin 多少;是系统计算得来的,计算方式由 contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior 决定。有以下几种计算方式: 当 contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior 设置为 UIScrollViewContentInsetAdjustmentNever 的时候, adjustContentInset 值不受 SafeAreaInset 值的影响。



adjustment cost是什么意思



fast vessel是快艇或是固定船只 sail schedule是航行时刻表 carrier是快递或运输公司,运送者 仅供参考,望采纳~

adjustment cost是什么意思

adjustment cost 英[əˈdʒʌstmənt kɔst] 美[əˈdʒʌstmənt kɔst] [词典] 理算费用; [例句]Because economic adjustment cost of Intra-Industry Trade ( IIT) is relatively small during the course of trade liberalization.在贸易自由化的进程中,产业内贸易发展的经济调整成本相对较小。

cost-of-living adjustment是什么意思

cost-of-living adjustment生活成本调整adjustment[英][əˈdʒʌstmənt][美][əˈdʒʌstmənt]n.调解,调整; 调节器; 调解,调停; (赔偿损失的)清算; 复数:adjustments例句:1.This analysis lies behind any discussion of global adjustment. 任何全球调整讨论的背后都是这种分析逻辑。

Failed artists may find comfort in knowing that many great artists never found fame until well a

主体:artists+find+comfort 主谓宾in knowing+that从句,修饰comfort,在哪方面,后边的的 in konwing可去掉后边两个方面由or连接可翻译为:落魄的画家画作(/艺术家)或许可以得到些安慰,事实上很多伟大的画家生前没有名气直到逝去才变得被大家了解,或者他们(画作)没有被出售。


调整类账户(Adjustment Accounts) 调整类账户是指用来调节和整理相关 账户 的账面金额并表示被调整账 户的实际余额数的账户。 1、此类账户应与被调整账户结合起来, 才能提供管理上所需要的某些特定指标;

Various Artists的《Coconuts》 歌词

歌曲名:Coconuts歌手:Various Artists专辑:Mystical Moods: Nature"S BountyCoconutHarry NilssonBrother bought a coconutHe bought it for a damn sisterHe said to hide another oneShe paid him for the limeShe put the lime in the coconutShe drank em both upShe put the lime in the coconutShe drank em both upShe put the lime in the coconutShe drank em both upShe called a doctorWalk mother said, DoctorShe put the lime in the coconutAin"t there nothin" I can takeShe said, DoctorTo relieve this belly acheShe said, DoctorAin"t there nothin" I can takeShe said, DoctorTo relieve this belly acheNow let me get this straightPut the lime in the coconutYou drank em both upPut the lime in the coconutYou drank em both upPut the lime in the coconutYou drank em both upPut the lime in the coconutYou called your doctorWalk mother said, DoctorIs there nothin" I can takeYou say, DoctorTo relieve this belly acheYou say, DoctorAint there nothin" I can takeYou say, DoctorTo relieve this belly acheYou put the lime in the coconutAnd you drink em both togetherPut the lime in the coconutAnd then you feel betterPut the lime in the coconutAnd drink em both upPut the lime in the coconutAnd you called me in the morningHoo hoo hoo...Brother bought a coconutHe bought it for a dimeHe said to hide another oneShe paid him for the limeShe put the lime in the coconutShe drank em both upShe put the lime in the coconutShe called the doctorWorkmother said, DoctorAin"t there nothin" I can takeShe said, DoctorTo relieve this belly acheShe said, DoctorAin"t there nothin" I can takeShe said, DoctorLet me get the straightShe put the lime in the coconutShe drank em both upShe put the lime in the coconutShe drank em both upShe put the lime in the coconutShe drank em both upShe put the lime in the coconutSuch a silly womanShe put the lime in the coconutShe drank em toghterShe put the lime in the coconutThe you feel betterShe put the lime in the coconutShe drank em both upShe put the lime in the coconutAnd you called me in the morningHoo,hooAin"t there nothin" I can takeHoo,hooTo relieve this belly acheHoo,hooAin"t there nothin" I can takeHoo,hooTo relieve this belly acheAh,ahAin"t there nothin" I can takeWa,ahTo relieve this belly ache,doctorAin"t there nothin" I can take,doctorAin"t there nothin" I can take,doctorAin"t there nothin" I can take,doctorYou"re such a silly womanPut the lime in the coconutDrank em toghterPut the lime in the coconutThen you feel betterPut the lime in the coconutDrank em both upPut the lime in the coconutAnd called me in the morningIf you called me in the moringWhat the hell you want to doIf you called me in the moringWhat the hell you want to doIf you called me in the moringWhat the hell you want to doIf you called me in the moringWhat the hell you want to do

兄弟打印机出现Bck Cover Open Close the Back Cover网上的甚么方法都试了还是不行


sas中adjusted Canonical Correlation是怎么计算的

以sashelp数据库里的stocks数据为例,cancorr数据里面有adjusted canonical carrelation统计量:proc cancorr data=sashelp.stocks all; var open ; with high low; ods output CanCorr=cancorr;run;

Artists Colony 和 Military Garrison是什么意思

Artists Colony艺术家群体Military Garrison军营



adjusted multiple correlation coefficient是什么意思


Good artists copy;Great artist steal具体指的是什么

  picasso的原话其实是"Bad artists copy;Good artist steal"现在搞艺术的都传为"Good artists copy, great artists steal"不管老毕具体怎么用词,重点是他以一个大师的身份点出了艺术风格与技巧上的"抄"和"偷"对现今的时代,其实这条箴言适用于所有需要创新的范围,引申理解为三个层次:一,入门.所有的学习最开始都一样,需要摹.把大师的作品详细分解仔细研究,反复临摹深刻体会.二,自我提升.这部分的"偷"主要不是对别人而是对自己.也就是从自己过往未完成或已成功的旧作里挖掘出更多可以发挥的成分.很多设计师就是不断从自己以前的作品来获得新作品灵感的---最典型就是搞服装的.这是很关键的一个飞跃过程,练好了会对自身的水平有很大的提高.三,小心的偷.什么意思呢?这时候说的就是你已经有不错的基础了,可以开始拣拾"慧海遗嘱"了.不懂的话就再说白一点:偷没申请过专利,不受法律保护,几乎没人发现却很有用的原始资料.爱因斯坦说:创造的一大秘诀是要懂得如何隐藏你的来源.看,大师都这么说了,谁还会害臊呢.对搞艺术的来说,最方便的办法就是偷"死人"的.再伟大的艺术家也不会因为他们的作品"偷"了被世人废弃遗忘的一些灵感而受到职责.当然,最关键的是因为只有伟大的艺术家才懂得如何拾人牙慧却能融会贯通,再创新高.所以,想要到达这个层次,除了过硬的技术,翻箱倒柜找资料的精神是一辈子不能少的,只有时时温故,你才有可能知新.总而言之言而总之,"抄"不是原罪,毕大师都含蓄表达了"抄"的重要性.天才毕竟是世间稀罕的,每一个人走向成功的道路都是从"抄"开始的,这就是学习.就象你"抄"妈妈的口型才学会说"妈妈".但这抄不单单是拙劣的模仿,这是为了成长所做的准备,要从模仿中大胆得出自己的想法.连小孩都能从"专卖店"的发音中创造出"专卖电的地方"之类可爱的童言.所以不能抄死了,抄僵了,抄到最后被众人唾弃为小偷了,那你就是小四小花了.记住:伟大的艺术家和可耻的剽窃者只有精神上的一线之差.

2018-01-05英语新闻一则The next frontier Using thought to control machines

Brain-computer interfaces may change what it means to be human TECHNOLOGIES are often billed as transformative. For William Kochevar, the term is justified. Mr Kochevar is paralysed below the shoulders after a cycling accident, yet has managed to feed himself by his own hand. This remarkable feat is partly thanks to electrodes, implanted in his right arm, which stimulate muscles. But the real magic lies higher up. Mr Kochevar can control his arm using the power of thought. His intention to move is reflected in neural activity in his motor cortex; these signals are detected by implants in his brain and processed into commands to activate the electrodes in his arms. An ability to decode thought in this way may sound like science fiction. But brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) like the BrainGate system used by Mr Kochevar provide evidence that mind-control can work. Researchers are able to tell what words and images people have heard and seen from neural activity alone. Information can also be encoded and used to stimulate the brain. Over 300,000 people have cochlear implants, which help them to hear by converting sound into electrical signals and sending them into the brain. Scientists have “injected” data into monkeys" heads, instructing them to perform actions via electrical pulses. As our  Technology Quarterly  in this issue explains, the pace of research into BCIs and the scale of its ambition are increasing. Both America"s armed forces and Silicon Valley are starting to focus on the brain. Facebook dreams of thought-to-text typing. Kernel, a startup, has $100m to spend on neurotechnology. Elon Musk has formed a firm called Neuralink; he thinks that, if humanity is to survive the advent of artificial intelligence, it needs an upgrade. Entrepreneurs envisage a world in which people can communicate telepathically, with each other and with machines, or acquire superhuman abilities, such as hearing at very high frequencies. These powers, if they ever materialise, are decades away. But well before then, BCIs could open the door to remarkable new applications. Imagine stimulating the visual cortex to help the blind, forging new neural connections in stroke victims or monitoring the brain for signs of depression. By turning the firing of neurons into a resource to be harnessed, BCIs may change the idea of what it means to be human. That thinking feeling Sceptics scoff. Taking medical BCIs out of the lab into clinical practice has proved very difficult. The BrainGate system used by Mr Kochevar was developed more than ten years ago, but only a handful of people have tried it out. Turning implants into consumer products is even harder to imagine. The path to the mainstream is blocked by three formidable barriers—technological, scientific and commercial. Start with technology. Non-invasive techniques like an electroencephalogram (EEG) struggle to pick up high-resolution brain signals through intervening layers of skin, bone and membrane. Some advances are being made—on EEG caps that can be used to play virtual-reality games or control industrial robots using thought alone. But for the time being at least, the most ambitious applications require implants that can interact directly with neurons. And existing devices have lots of drawbacks. They involve wires that pass through the skull; they provoke immune responses; they communicate with only a few hundred of the 85bn neurons in the human brain. But that could soon change. Helped by advances in miniaturisation and increased computing power, efforts are under way to make safe, wireless implants that can communicate with hundreds of thousands of neurons. Some of these interpret the brain"s electrical signals; others experiment with light, magnetism and ultrasound. Clear the technological barrier, and another one looms. The brain is still a foreign country. Scientists know little about how exactly it works, especially when it comes to complex functions like memory formation. Research is more advanced in animals, but experiments on humans are hard. Yet, even today, some parts of the brain, like the motor cortex, are better understood. Nor is complete knowledge always needed. Machine learning can recognise patterns of neural activity; the brain itself gets the hang of controlling BCIS with extraordinary ease. And neurotechnology will reveal more of the brain"s secrets. Like a hole in the head The third obstacle comprises the practical barriers to commercialisation. It takes time, money and expertise to get medical devices approved. And consumer applications will take off only if they perform a function people find useful. Some of the applications for brain-computer interfaces are unnecessary—a good voice-assistant is a simpler way to type without fingers than a brain implant, for example. The idea of consumers clamouring for craniotomies also seems far-fetched. Yet brain implants are already an established treatment for some conditions. Around 150,000 people receive deep-brain stimulation via electrodes to help them control Parkinson"s disease. Elective surgery can become routine, as laser-eye procedures show. All of which suggests that a route to the future imagined by the neurotech pioneers is arduous but achievable. When human ingenuity is applied to a problem, however hard, it is unwise to bet against it. Within a few years, improved technologies may be opening up new channels of communications with the brain. Many of the first applications hold out unambiguous promise—of movement and senses restored. But as uses move to the augmentation of abilities, whether for military purposes or among consumers, a host of concerns will arise. Privacy is an obvious one: the refuge of an inner voice may disappear. Security is another: if a brain can be reached on the internet, it can also be hacked. Inequality is a third: access to superhuman cognitive abilities could be beyond all except a self-perpetuating elite. Ethicists are already starting to grapple with questions of identity and agency that arise when a machine is in the neural loop. These questions are not urgent. But the bigger story is that neither are they the realm of pure fantasy. Technology changes the way people live. Beneath the skull lies the next frontier.

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