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come up with作为“赶上”的意思时,和keep up with,catch up with有什么区别?

comeupwith作为“赶上”的意思时,和keepupwith,catchupwith的区别 keepupwith (已经走出来的半路上)跟上,不落在…后面: catchupwith (有一定的距离的追上赶上)赶上,追上;

come up with作为“赶上”的意思时,和keep up with,catch up with有什么区别?

comeupwith作为“赶上”的意思时,和keepupwith,catchupwith的区别keepupwith (已经走出来的半路上)跟上,不落在…后面:catchupwith (有一定的距离的追上赶上)赶上,追上;

come up with 与keepupwith,catchupwith有何区别

1.come up with :赶上;(针对问题等)想出,提出;准备好(钱等)2.keep up with:跟上,不落后于;保持与...同样的速度;和...保持联系3.catch up with:追上,超过;对...产生预期的坏影响(或恶果)作为“追上,赶上”的意...



catch up with与come up with的区别

catch up with赶上某人或进度 come up with想出办法

come up with 与keepupwith,catchupwith有何区别

Come up with 突然想到(办法等等)keep up with 保持一同前进Catch up with 追赶上(学习工作方面)



Advantages and disadvanges of online communication 求此英语作文一篇 100-500字

The Internet has created a means for people to come closer together. Rather than spending money on phone services, people in different states or even different countries can hop on messenger services, social networking or email to communicate. The Internet allows people to find old friends, classmates, and family members, or meet new people.With the growing popularity of the Internet more and more people are communicating via email. This fast and efficient method of communication is perhaps the preferred method of online communication at the present with thousands upon thousands of emails being sent each day. The many uses of email are what make it so appealing and so versatile. Whether you are sending a greeting to a grandparent or sending files to a coworker, you can easily utilize email to do so. Email has come quite a long way since its introduction, yet it is still used for many of the same reasons. Basic electronic communication has essentially evolved into a more resourceful tool as one has the ability to do much more now then they once could. Along with the usual sending of files and text messages through email, one can send greeting cards, manage their emails by assigning them to folders or classifying them as junk and even organize and manage their daily tasks on some email servers. This wonderful tool is not without its downside however. Some people choose to send worms and viruses via email and in the process infect and damage quite a lot of computers. A virus email can often be very difficult to detect, especially to someone with very little knowledge of computer viruses and how they work. If you notice that you have an anonymous email or an email with a name foreign to you then you may not want to open this email as may likely be a viruses and the mere act of opening the email makes your computer susceptible to infection. Along with the abovementioned problems privacy has also become an issue with email activity. Virtually every email that you send has to go through a number of computers before it reaches the inbox of the intended receiver and along the way there exists a distinct possibility that an individual could hack into your email and read it. Thus it is imperative that you have a bullet proof password. Online communication does not allow users to see one another or speak face-to-face. Though the use of video chat can allow users to speak face-to-face virtually, chat programs and email do not always allow it. An online friendship does not have the same contact as a physical one, such as meeting up in person, contacting over the telephone, and having a conversation, nor does it allow you the physical experience and comfort of having a friend by your side.


求150字英语作文:advantages of taking libertal arts cour

In our school, quite a few students who major in the humanities are required to take liberal arts courses. Some of them hold the view that those courses are often useless when they take their next steps into the world in the future. In my perspective, taking liberal arts courses benefits students in several ways but two stand out.Firstly, liberal arts students usually have a good ability of writing which is an advantage of employment. Many companies have requirements for writing. Students should not only have the ability to write documents, but also to write a summary report. Of course, it"s also a good way that liberal arts students gain multi-disciplinary knowledge to enhance their core competitiveness because the information in the job market shows that more and more employers favor of arts and science complex talent.Another important advantage is that student can learn a lot about how to be in harmony with others from liberal arts courses. In modern society, the ability of communicating with others is indispensable. For example, students majoring in liberal arts usual make more friends than science students.In brief, writing and communication are the two primary advantages that only arts students own. Moreover, by exchanging experiences with the seniors they can acquire more useful skills that will benefit them in the future.

advantages of a college degree

Most people attend college to get an education and pursue a field in which they are interested.College students study hard and learn about a variety of subjects,often expanding on what they learned in high school.Additionally,college students have many social experiences in college as they broaden their horizon on potential career choices.Consequently,there are a variety of advantages to having a good education. (1) More Job Opportunities A person with a good education or degree is most always qualified for more jobs than the average high school graduate.Each year,it seems that more employers are seeking college graduates for careers in retail management,sales and other jobs that at one time did not require a degree.Also,during economic downturns,college-educated students may have an advantage over other people for the fewer available jobs. (2) Higher Earnings A person with a college education typically earns more during her lifetime than someone with only a high school education. (3) People with an education are more likely to work in a field they enjoy.People go to college to specialize in a certain field that they choose.Those without an education have fewer options and often choose higher-paying labor jobs to support their family.However,some people without degrees have to settle for minimum wage jobs. (4) Cognitive And Communication Skills A person with an education generally has more cognitive skills than someone that does not.College courses can be challenging.Professors expect the college student to think,often including essay questions on exams that test the student"s practical knowledge beyond the scope of the textbook.People with a college education also tend to have better writing and communication skills,which are highly desired skills in the employment world. (5) Social Experiences People who have a good college education likely have better social skills than those who joined the workforce right out of high school.Many college students have to learn to live with roommates that they do not know which teaches them how to compromise and get along with others.Additionally,a number of college students are also members of social groups like sororities and fraternities,which can enhance their social skills and better prepare them for future working relationships.

Catch Copy什么意思?

传说是日式英语。跟catch-phrase 同意。广告的宣传标语之类的意思。

coca colorization 是什么意思?

古柯着彩色 coca ["kəukə]基本翻译n. [植]古柯,古柯叶网络释义Coca:古柯|古柯叶|王文娟coca family:高卡科|古柯科Oscar COCA:部长奥斯卡·科卡colorization ["kʌləri"zeiʃən]基本翻译n. 着彩色网络释义Colorization Method:色方法

constant returns to scale怎么判断

规模报酬又叫做规模收益(returns to scale):指在技术水平和要素价格不变的条件下,当所有要素都按同一比例变动时,产量(收益)变动的状态.例如,假设一座月产量化肥10万吨的工厂所使用的资本为10个单位,劳动为5个单位.现在将企业的生产规模扩大一倍,即使用20个单位的资本,10个单位的劳动,由于这种生产规模的变化所带来的收益变化可能有如下三种情形:(1)产量增加的比例大于生产要素增加的比例,即产量为20吨以上,这种情形叫做规模收益递增.(2)产量增加的比例小于生产要素增加的比例,即产量为小于20吨,这种情形称为规模收益递减.(3)产量增加的比例等于生产要素增加的比例,即产量为20吨,这种情形称为规模收益不变.规模报酬存在着递增,不变和递减三个阶段,规模报酬变化的原因是由于规模经济或规模不经济.规模经济(economies of scale)是指由于产出水平的扩大,或者说生产规模的扩大而引起的产品平均成本的降低。

Advantages and disadvantages of a market economy

Advantages: 1) Capital flows to where it will get the greatest return, expanding the total size of the economy to its maximum level. 2) Supply and demand are closely linked: Someone who has a good idea or product can quickly put it into the market so that it is available to those who want it. Conversely, when a certain type of product is desired by enough people, it is a simple matter for someone to provide it. 3) In a market economy, it is easier for someone with initiative and virtue to create a better life for themselves and their family; economic freedom makes it easier to transform hard work and perseverance into material wealth. (It is hard to think of any actual disadvantages, but here goes:) Disadvantages: 1) Because the free market is a quasi-mirror of nature, those who are stupid, lazy, or just tragically unlucky are often relegated to poverty and misery. To redress this, it is necessary to create institutions outside of, or in addition to, the market so that the least valuable people do not become so poor and desperate that they drag down the rest of society. 2) A market economy promotes trust and openness, which leaves a society possessing it vulnerable to enemies who wish to take advantage of that society"s good will. it is the responsibility of the government to be watchful against such subversion even when the general public is not. 3) With a market economy and the freedom of choice it brings, people are able to make choices that are harmful to themselves. When parents do not teach their children to make intelligent choices, the total level of moral and physical disease, and vice in general will increase in a society. Each person can be their own worst enemy, and in a market economy, every citizen must be on guard against personal foolishness and irrationality, if they do not want to suffer the negative consequences of wrong action.

maybe he couldn"t catch his flight翻译一下!


gross Increase 和 net income 的区别

  gross income总收入;毛收入  net income净收入  1)毛收入=主营业务收入-折扣与折让-营业费用-主营业务成本-主营业务税金及附加  2)净收入=主营业务利润+其他业务利润-管理费用-财务费用+投资收益+补贴收入+营业外收入-营业外支出  gross income总收入;毛收入;总收益  Chinese farmers" property income is derived from their property and constitutes a gross income of farmers together with rural household business income, wages income and transfer income, etc.  财产性收入是由其财产带来的,我国农民的财产性收入与农民的家庭经营收入、工资性收入、转移性收入等,共同构成农民的总收入。  Property income of fanners makes up a comparatively small proportion of gross income, usually at 3% or lower.  农民的财产性收入在总收入中所占的份额相对较小,一般不超过总收入的3%。  As for Em$,the output,gross income,and net income of modeⅠwere respectively 50%,102.6%,and 136.4% higher than those of modeⅡ.  以能值-货币价值计算,模式Ⅰ的产投比、毛收入和净收入分别高于模式Ⅱ50%、102.6%和136.4%.  net income  [会计]净收入;收益净额  1.The second-quarter improvement in net income was the smallest gain in nearlytwo years, according to the FDIC.  据联邦存款保险公司数据,第二季度净收入增幅为接近两年来最低。 2.Net income climbed to 2.8 trillion yuan ($438 billion), the National Bureau of Statistics said on its website today.  国家统计局今天在其官网上说其净收入攀升至2.8万亿人民币(约合438亿美元)。


gross英 [grəʊs] 美 [groʊs] adj.总的; 粗俗的; 显而易见的; 恶劣的n.总额vt.总共收入They had a commercial on the other night for Drug Free America that was so gross Ithought Daddy was going to faint. 他们前几天晚上为“美国远离毒品”组织播的那则广告非常恶心,我觉得爸爸看了都快晕过去了。coarse英 [kɔ:s] 美 [kɔ:rs] adj.粗糙的; 粗鄙的; 粗野的; 粗制滥造的The soldiers did not bother to moderate their coarse humour in her presence.她在的时候,士兵们还是照样说粗俗的笑话,都懒得收敛。

gross consumer surplus是什么意思



favorable["feivərəbl, "feivərəbəl] adj. 有利的, 顺利的, 良好的, 赞同的conducive[kən"dju:siv] adj. 有助的, 有益的advantageous[.ædvən"teidʒəs] adj. 有利的, 有助的, 有益的


completely和thoroughly的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.completely意思:adv. 彻底地; 完全地; 完整地;2.thoroughly意思:adv. 非常; 极其; 彻底; 完全; 仔细; 缜密;二、用法不同1.completely用法:表示动作或状态。例句:I understand completely.我完全明白。2.thoroughly用法:常用作谓语。例句:The police made a search of the room thoroughly.警察彻底地搜查了这房间。三、侧重点不同1.completely侧重点:completely强调广义上的全面性。2.thoroughly侧重点:thoroughly强调具体方面、细节方面的彻底性。



English is the largest of the four countries ,and for convenience it is divided roughly into three

英国是这四个国家中最大的一个,为方便起见,人们把她大致分为三个区域。 副词修饰动词可以放在动词前也可以放在后面。

如何catalyst(tm) control center


catalyst control center可不可以删除?

catalyst control center 可调整图形设置、启用或禁用已连接的显示设备,及更改桌面的方向。许多功能在应用更改前会显示预览。   必须安装 microsoft .net 1.1 或 2.0 以支持 catalyst control center 的全部功能。   catalyst control center 可提供两种软件视图:   标准视图是一种简化视图,包括指导无经验用户入门的向导。   高级视图可使高级用户访问并配置软件的完整功能集。   可自定义 catalyst control center,以轻松地访问最常用的功能。 建议不要删除!

catalyst control center卸载


Catalyst Control Center是什么东西啊、?

Ati catalyst control center (下面简称CCC)是一种提供对显示功能(包含在已安装的 ati 硬件和软件中)访问的图形用户应用程序。CCC可调整图形设置、启用或禁用已连接的显示设备,及更改桌面的方向。许多功能在应用更改前会显示预览。CCC是Ati卡驱动效果的设置中心,它是类似一种控制中心的软件,不是驱动,但却以驱动为基础。比如说,1.0版本的CCC可同时支持1.0至3.0的显卡驱动程序,不在这个范围内的驱动程序是不能被CCC识别出来的。所谓更新,就是程序版本的升级,你现在没有特殊需要的话不用改变。更新后也不会对现有系统造成影响。

开机Catalyst Control Center报错


Catalyst Conctrol Center

Catalyst Control Center的运行需要Microsoft Windows .Net Framework。先安装了.Net Framework的话,再安装Catalyst Control Center的话,就会出现以上的问题。解决以上问题的方法,先卸载.Net Framework和Ati的所有相关内容,然后先安装.Net Framework 3.0 (2.0也可以),然后再安装Catalyst Control Center就可以了,注意顺序。

关于如何关闭Catalyst Control Center自动启动问题

优化大师可以做到,或是在 开始--运行 中键入msconfig进入开机加载项 选“启动”项 把不需要开机启动的项目前的钩去掉就OK拉

catalyst交换机与普通的Cisco1900 2900系列有什么区别?


去掉鼠标右键显示ATI CATALYST(R) Control Center等字


在桌面单击右键,会出来一个ATI CATALYST(R)Control center,那是个什么东西呀?


catalyst control center...这是什么问题。

你要打开控制中心必须先装个NET FRAMEWORK 4.0以上的版本阿.....去下载一个安装好就可以了阿

catalyst(tm) control center。怎么做?

花屏的话,很有可能是你的显卡出问题了,大部分情形都是由于驱动(Drive)原因,你说的这个catalyst control center也就是俗称的CCC,是ATI显卡的驱动(Drive)程序,建议你先用鲁大师之类的查看一下你的显卡形号,之后去AMD的官网下载(DownLoad)1个新的驱动(Drive)安装,安装之前把原来的驱动(Drive)完全卸載以免出现问题 = = 你去华硕(asus)的官网,之后选取服务与支持,选取你的形号就可以了,至于AMD的话,打开(OPEN)AMD官网之后,在右侧有一个“驱动(Drive)下载(DownLoad)”,你选取你电脑(PC)相对应的显卡形号(用鲁大师,或Everest看),操作系统(System)选取好,之后选取“查看结果”,或自动跳转页面,选取里边的驱动(Drive)程序,点击download就可以了

Catalyst Control Center打不开?

检查是否安装以下软件,这些是正常运行所必需的:Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0  XP系统必装Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5  win7必装Microsoft .NET Framework 4 .5 win8必装,    NET可以根椐系统下载VC++2005 可再发行组件包VC++2008 可再发行组件包VC++ 2010可再发行组件包   VC++2005希望都安装一下卸载掉当前的驱动文件,WIN7系统进入 控制面板程序程序和功能  卸载AMD catalyst lnstall Manager  请最好用系统自带的卸载功能 不要用第三方卸载软件,再删掉C:Program Files (x86)ATI Technologies,C:Program FilesATI   ,C:Program FilesATI Technologies 目录 把之前的安装文件都清空  再打开C:Windowsinf目录,找出OEM开头的文件全部删除 ,完成以上步骤后重启电脑Catalyst Control Center是一种新的控制台使用者介面。不必再按一下 [显示内容] 上的进阶内容来存取控制台,您可以从 [显示内容] 将 Catalyst Control Center 当成应用程式来执行,从桌面上或“程式集”群组中的捷径执行,或是从系统匣执行。这个介面有新的外观与样式,不同于旧有的控制台,以 Microsoft 的 .NET 架构为基础,采用用户端伺服器模型。Catalyst Control Center 有个执行阶段元件,发挥伺服器的作用,而使用者介面就当成用户端(透过这个介面的任何其他外挂程式也是用户端)。Microsoft 的新一代作业系统 Longhorn 未来也会建立在 .NET 架构上,这就可以允许 ATI 在新的“控制台”推出之后轻松接轨,也能够早一步建立相关知识及了解。需要搭配 ATI 产品(Radeon、All-in-Wonder 或 FireMV)、Radeon 8500、Radeon 9x00、Radeon X100 系列、Radeon X1000 系列。以上产品的所有 AIW 变化形式也都有提供支援

CISCO catalyst OS系统 是什么?

IOS cisco自己的操作系统 思科网络技术交流群:100084542

怎样打开catalyst control center

操作步骤如下:1、点击开始,点击运行,输入msconfig,点击确定;2、点击启动选项卡,去除Catalyst Control Center的勾选,点击确定;3、弹出对话框提示重启后生效,点击重新启动即可。

如何去掉电脑桌面右键的Catalyst(TM) control center

有以下途径: ATI Catalyst Tm Control Center是ATI的显卡驱动设置工具,简称ATI CCC,加入鼠标右键的功能是为了方便使用。 不过我们用到它时候并不多,而且多余的右键菜单会导致弹出菜单缓慢。这个右键菜单项是通过一个DLL动态链接库文件 atiacmxx.dll 文件实现的,如果想去掉这个右键菜单项,可以用 Regsvr32 命令卸载相关的DLL链接库,在运行中输入 regsvr32 atiacmxx.dll /u ,回车就可以了。如果想还原这个右键菜单项,输入 regsvr32 atiacmxx.dll ,就可以重新加载这个 dll 文件,重启后这个右键菜单项就会恢复。 二:借助软件 您可以安装Windows优化大师,系统优化→系统个性设置→最上边右键设置中的更多设置,在这里你可以根据你的需要来删除或者添加右键菜单!! 三:通过注册表 进入注册表 开始--运行--regedit-- HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTDirectoryBackgroundshellexContextMenuHandlers 把分支下面的ACE文件夹删掉就OK啦 新建文本,复制以下内容: 另存为 1.bat 然后合并该注册表文件,无须重启,立刻见效.

在桌面单击右键,会出来一个ATI CATALYST(R)Control center,那是个什么东西呀?


catalyst(TM) control center 拿来干嘛的?怎么删掉?

你好,ATI Catalyst�6�4 Control Center 使用可扩展的 Microsoft�0�3 .NET 客户服务器体系结构,使开发人员和高级用户很容易开发和整合自己的软件功能。ATI Catalyst�6�4 Control Center 的运行时(可以包括第三方插件)可做为服务器组件,它在显示器驱动程序和 Control Center 用户界面客户组件之间提供接口。.NET 结构允许以众多程序设计语言(包括 C#、C++、C、Visual Basic、Java 以及其它语言)快速创建 ATI Catalyst�6�4 Control Center 的新功能。 简单来说是显卡应用的控制中心,删除了一般没有直接影响,应为这是附加的显卡辅助工具

电脑右击多了一个Catalyst Control center 这么去掉

微软徽标键+R打开运行 输入regsvr32atiacmxx.dll/u然后回车就隐藏了 要显示的话把后面的/u去掉再来一次这是常识



roughly coarsely有什么区别吗?

roughly 声音、动作方面粗鲁,大多指教养的欠缺,天性粗鲁coarsely 言语方面粗鲁,常含有主观故意。

Catalyst Control Center是什么东西啊

catalyst control center 可调整图形设置、启用或禁用已连接的显示设备,及更改桌面的方向。许多功能在应用更改前会显示预览。 必须安装 microsoft .net 1.1 或 2.0 以支持 catalyst control center 的全部功能。 catalyst control center 可提供两种软件视图: 标准视图是一种简化视图,包括指导无经验用户入门的向导。 高级视图可使高级用户访问并配置软件的完整功能集。 可自定义 catalyst control center,以轻松地访问最常用的功能。 启动catalyst control center 您可以从以下任意访问点启动 catalyst control center windows“start”(开始)菜单 桌面快捷方式 预定义的热键 使用“start”(开始)菜单 从windows 任务栏,依次单击“start”(开始) “all programs”(所有程序) “ati catalyst control center” “ati catalyst control center”。 使用桌面快捷方式 当您安装 catalyst control center 时,安装向导将提供是否将快捷方式放在桌面上的选项。如果选择该选项,则您可以双击桌面快捷方式来启动 catalyst control center。




不知道 感谢有你 今天是感恩节


construction[英][kənˈstrʌkʃn][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建筑物; 建造; 解释; 建造物; 复数:constructions


construction [英]kənˈstrʌkʃn [美]kənˈstrʌkʃən n. 建筑物;建造;解释;建造物 [例句]The question is where does the construction industry fit into this picture?问题是,建筑行业的情况到底怎么样?


含有 建设;建筑物;解释;造句的意思


construction[美] [kənˈstrʌkʃən]  [英] [kənˈstrʌkʃn]  n. 建筑物; 建造; 解释; 建造物复数:constructions为你解答,敬请采纳,如果本题还有疑问请追问,Good luck!



construction industry是什么意思

construction industry [英]kənˈstrʌkʃən ˈindəstri [美]kənˈstrʌkʃən ˈɪndəstri 建筑工业 [例句]The question is where does the construction industry fit into this picture?问题是,建筑行业的情况到底怎么样?请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力


construction[英][kənˈstrʌkʃn][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建筑物; 建造; 解释; 建造物; 复数:constructions易混淆单词:Construction例句:1.But some experts think construction may slow down. 但是一些专家担心建设速度会慢下来。






construction 英[kənˈstrʌkʃn] 美[kənˈstrʌkʃən] n. 建造; 建筑物; 解释; 建造物; [例句]But some experts think construction may slow down .但是一些专家担心建设速度会慢下来。保证正确率,望采纳如有疑问,请追问


construction建设双语对照词典结果:construction[英][kənˈstrʌkʃn][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建筑物; 建造; 解释; 建造物; 复数:constructions例句:1.But some experts think construction may slow down. 但是一些专家担心建设速度会慢下来。


construction[英][kənˈstrʌkʃn][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建筑物; 建造; 解释; 建造物; 复数:constructions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But some experts think construction may slow down. 但是一些专家担心建设速度会慢下来。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


construction英-[kən"strʌkʃ(ə)n]美-[kən"strʌkʃən]释义n. 建设;建筑物;解释;造句


construction[英][kənˈstrʌkʃn][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建筑物; 建造; 解释; 建造物; 复数:constructions例句:1.The question is where does the construction industry fit into this picture? 问题是,建筑行业的情况到底怎么样?2.In 2010, construction on that cost him another$ 2.6 million. 为了建造那栋房子,2010年伍兹又额花外了260万美元。


construction[英][kənˈstrʌkʃn][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建造; 建筑物; 解释; 建造物; 复数:constructions 1Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.像这样的海底建造技术很复杂,与尝试在水下建桥有些相似。










construction[英][kənˈstrʌkʃn][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建筑物; 建造; 解释; 建造物; 复数:constructions例句:1.But some experts think construction may slow down. 但是一些专家担心建设速度会慢下来。2.Next year we have three stores that are already under construction. 计划在明年开业的三家门店正在建设之中。


出货检验(Outgoing Quality Control,OQC)或称为:成品出厂检验、出厂质量控制 出货检验(OQC)是指 产品 在 出货 之前为 保证 出货产品满足客户 品 质 要求所进行的检验,经检验合格的产品才能予以放行出货。 出货检验一般实行 抽检 ,出货检验结果记录有时根据 客户 要求提供给 客户。






您好:建设双语对照词典结果:construction[英][kənˈstrʌkʃn][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建筑物; 建造; 解释; 建造物; 复数:constructions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The question is where does the construction industry fit into this picture? 问题是,建筑行业的情况到底怎么样?----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


construction建设双语对照词典结果:construction[英][kənˈstrʌkʃn][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建筑物; 建造; 解释; 建造物; 复数:constructions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But some experts think construction may slow down. 但是一些专家担心建设速度会慢下来。

bennett construction什么意思

bennett construction 全部释义和例句>> 班尼特建筑construction 英[kənˈstrʌkʃn]美[kənˈstrʌkʃən]n. 建造; 建筑物; 解释; 建造物;[例句]Marine construction technology like this is very complex, somewhat analogous to trying to build a bridge under water.像这样的海底建造技术很复杂,与尝试在水下建桥有些相似。[其他] 复数:constructions 形近词: restruction destruction substruction


construction yard施工场地请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


construction英-[kən"strʌkʃ(ə)n]美-[kən"strʌkʃən]释义n. 建设;建筑物;解释;造句


construction 英[kənˈstrʌkʃn] 美[kənˈstrʌkʃən] n. 建造; 建筑物; 解释; 建造物; [例句]But some experts think construction may slow down.但是一些专家担心建设速度会慢下来。

construction site是什么意思

construction site[英][kənˈstrʌkʃən sait][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən saɪt]工地; 双语例句1We found your prints on theport-o-waste at the construction site.我们在建筑工地的厕所上发现了你的指纹.2Maybe it"s a tool fromthe construction site?可能是建筑工地的工具?


construction建设双语对照词典结果:construction[英][kənˈstrʌkʃn][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建筑物; 建造; 解释; 建造物; 复数:constructions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But some experts think construction may slow down. 但是一些专家担心建设速度会慢下来。-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


construction[英][kənˈstrʌkʃn][美][kənˈstrʌkʃən]n.建筑物; 建造; 解释; 建造物; 复数:constructions以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But some experts think construction may slow down. 但是一些专家担心建设速度会慢下来。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

construction site是什么意思

construction site 英[kənˈstrʌkʃən sait] 美[kənˈstrʌkʃən saɪt] [释义] 工地;
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