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collecting society是什么意思

collecting society 收集社会


大会共主席co... ... 3. Summit Co-Chairs: 大会联合主席 General co-Chairs : 大会共主席 Organizing Co-chairs : 执行主席 ...满意请采纳~!


保费收入(Income of Premiums,Premium Income) 保费收入是保险公司为履行 保险合同 规定的义务而向 投保人 收取的对 价收入。

chairman of our company 前面不加the

表示类似职务的名称都不加the,比如班长,He is moniter of our class.

basketball court是什么意思



tooth /tuːθ/ oo读音/uː/cook /kʊk/ oo读音/ʊ /hoop /huːp/ oo读音/uː/

domestic supercoppas什么意思

The ex-Italy international won five Serie A titles with AC Milan and Roma, as well as one Champions League, one European Super Cup and four domestic Supercoppas during a 17-year managerial career in Italy.只能看出是一个 足球奖项,domestic是国内的意思。one Champions League, one European Super Cup and four domestic Supercoppas一个欧洲冠军杯冠军,一次欧洲超级杯和国内的...奖项




thought, should, stood, took, gave, caught, ate, came, drove

急需《穿靴子的猫》英文台词 上英语课用 谁有发到328583689@qq.com这个邮箱 在线等 谢谢!!!

穿靴子的猫在金鹅之后的冒险日子里.In the days following my adventures with the Golden Goose,我走到了一个人生的十字路口I found myself at a crossroads.我注定要成为亡命之徒 还是英雄?Was I destined to be an outlaw... or a hero?我不得而知I did not know.我只能确定一件事Only one thing was certain.我是剑客靴猫I am Puss In Boots!你是剑客靴猫吗Are you Puss In Boots?我是I am...不是No.剑客靴猫萌猫三剑客真是没天理了 我到底犯了什么法This is outrageous! What am I charged with, anyway?你们肯定捉错猫咪了Because I"m pretty sure you got the wrong gato.亚历山德拉·贝拉冈巴公主驾到Presenting Princess Alessandra Bellagamba!公主殿下 草民恳求您的宽恕Your Majesty, I throw myself upon your mercy.肃静Silencio!我的心被偷走了My Heart has been stolen.草民冤枉啊 草民与您素昧平生I am innocent. I"ve never seen you before in my life.不是 靴子先生No, Signore Boots.熔火之心红宝石 不见了The Heart of Fire ruby is missing.它是我王冠上的宝石It is the crown jewel of my kingdom.现在王冠上只剩下个洞了Now there is only a hole where the Heart once was.我想雇你把宝石找回来给我I want to hire you to find the Heart and bring it back to me.您想雇我You want to hire me?是的 你勇敢无惧 威名远播Yes. Your reputation is that of a cat who fears nothing.没错 正是在下Yep. This is me.闪开Back off!那么 好好跟我说说So, tell me more.宝石是被那个臭名昭著的法兰西盗贼偷的The Heart was stolen by the notorious French thief,-Le Chuchoteur -啥- Le Chuchoteur. - Le what?Chuchoteur指喜欢窃窃私语的人Le Chuchoteur 耳语大盗Le Chuchoteur. The Whisperer.我们为啥要耳语Why are we whispering?那是他的名字That is his name!你一定要找到他You must find him.你想要什么都行I"ll pay you anything.不错Yeah.您的泪水足以支付我的费用了Your tears are payment enough.谢谢 谢谢Grazie! Grazie!靴子先生 耳语大盗作案时Signore Boots, during the robbery我们捉获了他的三个跟班we captured three of The Whisperer"s henchmen.只有他们才知道他的秘密巢穴在哪They are the only ones who know the location of his secret hideout,但他们守口如瓶but they will not talk.我是专业开瓶器啊I will make them talk.食物Food.水Water!厕纸Toilet paper.我得提醒你I must warn you,他们是我们遇到过的最穷凶极恶的佣兵these are the most vile and ferocious mercenaries we have ever encountered.我是无所畏惧的 剑客靴猫 I am Puss In Boots. I fear nothing!开门Open up!-开玩笑吗 -没开玩笑 他们是魔鬼- Is this a joke? - It"s no joke! They are devils.这些家伙These guys?先生 要是这三个魔头帮你Signore, if these diablos help you找到了耳语大盗的秘密巢穴find The Whisperer"s secret hideout,我就赐予他们自由I will grant them their freedom.怎么样 猫咪们 愿意帮忙吗So, kitties, will you help Puss?公主 您的宝石如探囊取物了Princesa, your ruby is as good as found.你们给猫叔我指出耳语大盗住在哪里You show Uncle Pusswhere The Whisperer lives.稍后 我们就去吃炸鱼排Later, we will all go out for fish sticks!我知道你想玩儿 但是I know you want to play, but...你在干什...Hey, hey, what are you...?不No!等等 这是我的东西Wait! Those are mine!别No!快停下 猫猫们Stop it! Gatos!我的名声要臭了This is very bad for my reputation.祈求上帝保佑吧 魔头们Pray for mercy... diablos!什么What?有没有搞错Why did you do that?你们别想吃炸鱼排了No fish sticks for you!天一亮 你们就会重归牢狱 永无天日In the morning, you are going back to jail forever.想想你们的妈妈 她会多么失望Think of your mama. She"s going to be very disappointed.你们没有妈妈You have no mama.我早该想到 你们是孤儿I should have known. You are orphans.小家伙们 其实我也是Well, little ones, so am I.身边没有可信之人I know it"s hard to grow up成长很艰难when you don"t know who to trust.相信我Believe me.我曾被最好的朋友背叛I was betrayed by my very best friend.他是个蛋He was an egg.他把我引上歧途He led me down the wrong path...就像耳语大盗对你们做的一样...just as this Whisperer has done to you.小家伙们 你们需要的What you need, pequenos,是有人给你们指引正确的方向is for someone to point you in the right direction...像我这样的人...someone like me.我将称你为珍珠 独一无二的珍宝And I shall call you Perla, because you are one of a kind.而你 叫战And you, Gonzalo,因为你争强好胜的性格for your scrappy temper.而你就叫And you will be...蒂莫泰奥·蒙特纳哥三世爵士...Sir Timoteo Montenegro the Third.有时候 你只需要一个头衔Because sometimes a title is all you need.现在集合 你们有很多要学的 Now gather around, for you have much to learn from...靴猫剑术...Puss In Boots.从那以后 藤蔓长啊长啊And after that, the vine grew and grew,直上云霄 一直到达巨人之地straight up into the clouds... to the Land of Giants.今晚的故事就是这样了 我的小家伙们And that is all for tonight, my pequenos.秘密巢穴The secret hideout.我就是耳语大盗I am The Whisperer.什么?Qué我就是I am The...再说一次 行吗 伙计One more time, OK, buddy?-我就是耳语大盗 -你就是耳语大盗- I am The Whisperer. - You are The Whisperer?是的 我是Yes, I am.很好 我是来要回熔火之心红宝石的Good. I"ve come to take back the Heart of Fire ruby.什么What?你们把他带来这You brought him here.你们会为背叛我付出巨大代价You will pay dearly for betraying me,你们这些不听话的猫咪you naughty cats.先过了我这关再说You have to get through me first!快跑 小猫们 别回头Run, kittens, and don"t look back!坏猫咪Bad kittens.不No!坚持住Hang on!好吧 就这样了Oh, well. That"s that.我们成功了We did it!现在 咱们吃炸鱼排去吧Now, it is time for fish sticks!靴子先生 我代表王国感谢您Signore Boots, the kingdom thanks you.赏Reward him.不 不 太多了Oh, no, no. This is too much.你弄掉了一个 蠢货Hey, you dropped one! Idiota.我有一份礼物要送给您And I have a gift for you.您的全新私人卫队Your new personal guard.没事的 他们现在变得好多了It"s OK. They are much better now.谢谢Thank you.现在 我得走了Now, I have to go.谢谢 我的小小朋友 你们让我明白Gracias, my little friends, for you have shown me伸张正义荣耀无比there is glory,有时还能得到金币and sometimes gold, in doing the right thing.你 蒂莫And you, Timmy,定会在猫砂盘里找到金币的will definitely find gold in your litter box.保重 我的小剑客们Be good... my kids in boots.只是过敏Allergies.再见Arrivederci!我不会忘了你们的I will never forget you,就像我知道你们不会忘了这个名字一样just as I know you will never forget the name剑客靴...Puss In...

welcome to the hood 怎么翻译?

hood - neighborhood 的缩写欢迎来到这个地区,这个小区...NEIGHBORHOOD就是居住地区的意思.




You are completely out of the way 什么意思?


i m a loser completely dying in my hearts 是什么意思?


You are completely out of the way 什么意思

你好 out of the way这里是解决、处理的意思。就是说最重要的事情已经处理了意思是你完全能自己解决

if you let go completely,you will have complete peace是什么意思

if you let go completely,you will have complete peace如果你完全放手,你就有完全的平安

be shocked completely的意思


i am completely tared and heavy"s annoy.是什么意思


you are completely full of shit 是什么意思?


(Want to see you naked and completely) 是什么意思


I completely lose的意思


I am complete with you 什么意思

I am complete with you我和你一起完成I am complete with you我和你一起完成

All is only you completely这句话是什么意思


什么意思?comply with your requirement completely

”完全合乎你的要求“comply with sb./sth."和。。。一致"“合乎要求”

Completely over Not see什么意思?


be made completely of什么意思

be made completely of完全是

get completely lost是什么意思

get completely lost 彻底迷失

a completely different reality是什么意思?


go pop and died completely什么意思


COMPLETELY verified是什么意思?


completely insane什么意思


live beautully,dream passionately,love completely是什么意思

live beautifully,dream passionately,lo...的中文翻译live beautifully,dream passionately,love completely 活得完美,充满激情,爱完全

All is only you completely 的意思


If yes, please let me disappear completely 是什么意思 ?

如果可以 请让我彻底消失

All is only you completely是什么意思?


completely 的同义词是什么?




completely knock down中文是什么意思

completely knock down完全击倒

completely的形容词是? 去掉ly?

形容词:completive (副词:completely 形容词比较级:completer 最高级:completest 名词:completeness 动词过去式:completed 过去分词:completed 现在分词:completing 第三人称单数:completes)


完整的英文:completeintact参考例句:Relics in their integrity保持完整状态的遗物It is learning by heart the potential of an undivided self.  潜在的完整的自我需要用心记住。 Need to use a comprehensive approach that integrates data, appraisal, billing, and collection.需要使用完整的方法,综合数据、评估、报价和收税。The arms and legs are integral parts of the human body ; they are integral to the human body.手臂和腿是人体的组成部分, 是构成完整的人体必不可少的。You proceed with the purification using the supernatant fraction that contains mostly intact mitochondria.你继续用含大多为完整的线粒体的上清液纯化。For the fullest flavor, take them out about 30 minutes before serving.为得到最完整的美味,在上菜前大约30分钟把它们取出。 The definition in ISO/IEC Guide 2 is not self-contained, but based on the so-called “Building Block” system.ISO/IEC指南2中的定义未采用完整定义方式,而是建立在所谓“板块”系统之上的。A complete meal完整的一顿饭A full account完整的叙述Scalable to a full data warehouse·可升级到完整的数据仓库 complete是什么意思:adj. 完整的,完全的;彻底的;完成的v. 完成,使完满Complete power corrupts completely.绝对的权力造成绝对的腐败。completive interjection补足叹词 The task is complete.任务完成了。It is completely unverifiable.这个完全无法核实。It is the first complete revision of the dictionary since it was completed in 1928.也是该词典于1928年编纂完毕后的第一次完整的修订。intact是什么意思:adj. 完整无缺的;原封不动的;未受损伤的Camera will render objects with perspective intact.相机将用完全透视的方式来渲染对象。Most of the unearth relics remain intact.大多数出土文物仍保持完整无损。The church was destroyed in the bombing but the statue survived intact.轰炸使教堂毁于一旦,但是塑像却安然无恙。An intact egg has lower entropy than a shattered one.比起一颗破蛋来说,一颗完整的蛋的熵值要更低。He can scarcely survive this scandal with his reputation intact.他经此丑闻名誉很难不受损。

in a completely uniformed manner 是什么意思?


perfectly /// fully ///completely 这三个词表示完全时的区别是什么```

perfectly在表示:十分地,完全地时候,表达的语气通常是比较不耐烦的,尤其用于对某事表示讨厌的时候例句:1.You know perfectly well what I mean.(不耐烦的语气)你再清楚不过我什么意思!2.I think we should stay away from each other perfectly 我认为我们应该完完全全地远离对方!fully:完全地,充分地,彻底地强调程度和态度,比如:We are fully responsible for this 我们对此事全权负责。completely:这个用法和fully区别差不太多,也是指程度,态度例句:I want to do something completely different.我想做些完全不同的事情I felt completely relaxed. 我觉得完全放松下来了(指放松程度)所以归类的话,perfectly单独一类,fully和completely用法近似,归为另一类希望解释清楚了~祝好运~



Well, completely all right的中文意思是什么






completely round是什么意思


totally fully entirely completely 的区别

entirely强调一个整体的“完全”; totally强调数量上的“完全”。fully的程度最深,可翻译为完全地彻底地十分地completely可翻译为十分,完全地1. The army made a completely successful attack on the enemy capital.军队攻击敌人首都的行动非常成功。2. But they forget it completely.但他们完全忘了这个事实。3. It completely slipped my mind.对此,我一点也记不起来了。1. I don"t fully understand his reasons for leaving.我不完全理解他离开的理由2. I fully agree with your views.我完全同意你的观点。3. I"m afraid he"s fully engaged.恐怕他会很忙。


completely[英][kəmˈpli:tli][美][kəmˈpliːtli]adv.完全地; 完整地; 完全,彻底,全部,一干二净; 很,非常,充分,十分,万分; 双语例句1Puree the apricots in a Liquidiser until completely smooth.用榨汁机将杏打成糊状,直至完全搅匀。



completely awake什么意思啊?么么哒~


completely knock down中文是什么意思

completely knock down中文是什么意思完全击倒,全拆散knock down: 把……击倒; 拆除;拆卸;打倒,撞倒 ...

relay completely on是什么意思

rely completely on完全依赖。In turn, the latter rely completely on the provision of this service for theirsustainability. 反过来,后者完全依赖于他们的可持续发展而提供这项服务。completely英 [kəmˈpli:tli] 美 [kəmˈpliːtli] adv.完全地; 完整地; 完全,彻底,全部,一干二净; 很,非常,充分,十分,万分

upset completely是什么意思?!

根据以上句子【upset completely】是 使.....心烦意乱 的意思

completely indifferent是什么意思

completely indifferent无动于衷双语对照例句:1.Why were those male service staff standing there completely indifferent! 为什么那边的男服务员站在那里无动于衷!2.I don"t have any feelings toward him. I"m completely indifferent. 我对他没有任何感觉,我完全不感兴趣。

I completely lose的意思


谁来告诉我fairly quite very completely之间的区别?


(1)It"s up to him 什么意思 (2)completely 和exactly 什么区别

It"s up to him 他说了算。completely 完全的,全部的exactly 准确的




应该是completely吧adv. 完整地, 完全地

love compieteiy什么意思

你把字母 l 敲成了 i。love completely 的意思是“百分之百地爱......”。但是,真正讲英语的人恐怕不会这么说,而说 love wholeheartedly



exhausted completely是什么意思


completely用法:i don"t understand you completely.


Yourwound iscompletely是什么意思


completely certain是什么意思



我认为形容的物体有区别,completely是形容一些东西可以被complete的,比如工程,或者作品等等,totally是形容一些跟数值有关的物体,比如说一些数字3个苹果,4个橘子,总共7个东西,就可以用totally.而absolutely主要是形容思维上的一些东西,比如你可以说他绝对的错了;他绝对的正确,就可以用到absolutely,不过还要记住一点,怎么中这些词语主要是语言习惯的问题,有很多时候这些还是可以通用的比如就说He is completely wrong,用三个词都对。

perfectly /// fully ///completely 这三个词表示完全时的区别是什么```

perfectly在表示:十分地,完全地时候,表达的语气通常是比较不耐烦的,尤其用于对某事表示讨厌的时候例句:1.You know perfectly well what I mean.(不耐烦的语气)你再清楚不过我什么意思!2.I think we should stay a...


不要太纠结中文意思,多放在例句里考虑。very这个词,一般就是用在very much里的,有时候也会形容名词,如a very party,通常是用来表示说话者的某种情绪completely呢,就一般用来形容 形容词,如completely wrong,completely well-done等等

completely 是形容词,他修饰后面的这个词应该在这里是什么词性?动词吗


well,much,little, completely分别是什么意思



completely和thoroughly的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同一、意思不同1.completely意思:adv. 彻底地; 完全地; 完整地;2.thoroughly意思:adv. 非常; 极其; 彻底; 完全; 仔细; 缜密;二、用法不同1.completely用法:表示动作或状态。例句:I understand completely.我完全明白。2.thoroughly用法:常用作谓语。例句:The police made a search of the room thoroughly.警察彻底地搜查了这房间。三、侧重点不同1.completely侧重点:completely强调广义上的全面性。2.thoroughly侧重点:thoroughly强调具体方面、细节方面的彻底性。


Completely 是什么意思


completely 英[kəmˈpli:tli]美[kəmˈpliːtli]adv. 完全地;完整地;完全,彻底,全部,一干二净;很,非常,充分



completely怎么读 completely的意思

1、completely的炖:英[kəmˈpliːtli]美[kəmˈpliːtli] 2、adv.彻底地; 完全地; 完整地; 3、[例句]The enemys defence line collapsed completely.敌人的防线彻底地崩溃了。

跪求各种军衔制的英语翻译(如Colonel 上校 )

Army 陆军General of the Army 五星上将General 上将Lieutenant General 中将Major General 少将Brigadier General 准将Colonel 上校Lieutenant Colonel 中校Major 少校Captain 上尉First Lieutenant 中尉Second Lieutenant 少尉Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉Warrant Officer 二级准尉Master Sergeant 军士长Sergeant First Class 上士Sergeant 中士Corporal 下士Private First Class 一等兵Private 二等兵Basic Private 三等兵Air Force 空军General of the Air Force 五星上将General 上将Lieutenant General 中将Major General 少将Brigadier General 准将Colonel 上校Lieutenant Colonel 中校Mayor 少校Captain 上尉First Lieutenant 中尉Second Lieutenant 少尉Chief Warrant Officer 一级准尉Warrant Officer 二级准尉Master Sergeant 军士长Technical Sergeant 技术军士Staff Sergeant 参谋军士Airman First Class 一等兵Airman Second Class 二等兵Airman Third Class 三等兵Navy 海军Fleet Admiral 五星上将Admiral 上将Vice Admiral 中将Rear Admiral 少将Commodore 准将Captain 上校Commander 中校Lieutenant Commander 少校Lieutenant 上尉Lieutenant Junior Class 中尉Ensign 少尉Commissioned Warrant Officer 一级准尉Warrant Officer 二级准尉Chief Petty Officer 军士长Petty Officer First Class 上士Petty Officer Second Class 中士Petty Officer Third Class 下士Seaman First Class 一等兵Seaman Second Class 二等兵Apprentice Seaman 三等兵Marine Corps 海军陆战队General 上将Lieutenant General 中将Major General 少将Brigadier General 准将Colonel 上校Lieutenant Colonel 中校Major 少校Captain 上尉First Lieutenant 中尉Second Lieutenant 少尉Commissioned Warrant Officer 一级准尉Warrant Officer 二级准尉Master Sergeant 军士长Technical Sergeant 技术军士Staff Sergeant 参谋军士Sergeant 中士Corporal 下士Private First Class 一等兵Private 二等兵
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