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本教程操作环境:windows7系统、Dell G3电脑。 cookie有多种意思,可以是储存在用户本地终端上的数据、英语单词“饼干;小甜点”、兼容Arduino标准的硬件开发平台等等。 cookie (储存在用户本地终端上的数据) Cookie是一些网站为了识别用户和跟踪会话而存储在用户本地终端中的文本数据(通常是加密的) Cookie是保存在客户端的纯文本文件。比如txt文件。所谓的客户端就是我们自己的本地电脑。当我们使用自己的电脑通过浏览器进行访问网页的时候,服务器就会生成一个证书并返回给我的浏览器并写入我们的本地电脑。这个证书就是cookie。一般来说cookie都是服务器端写入客户端的纯文本文件。下面我们来看一下一般网站写给我们的cookie 文件如下: Cookie 文件必须由浏览器的支持,在浏览器中可以设置阻止cookie。这样服务器端就不能写入cookie 到客户端了。目前,大多数浏览器都支持cookie。如谷歌、IE、火狐等。一般来说cookie都不能阻止,因为,有时访问网站时必须使用cookie。否则网站将不能被访问。 cookie (兼容Arduino标准的硬件开发平台) Cookie是一个开源的,基于32位ARM CortexM0/M3/M4 MCU,并且兼容Arduino标准的硬件开发平台和其配套软件。CooCox推出了基于Nuvoton M051系列的Cookie NuMicro版本。 Cookie NuMicro是CooCox推出的第一款开源兼容Arduino的ARM原型设计平台,该原型设计平台包括硬件和软件两个方面。 硬件方面,除了Cookie板,这款设计平台有大量开源的Arduino Shields(外围扩展板)“即插即用”,丰富开发的灵活性和扩展性。 软件方面,CoIDE(CooCox推出的免费集成开发工具)开放的组件平台对海量开源复用的组件进行高效的管理,组件向导式开发方便用户快速构建工程。 基于CoX库开发的Shield驱动可以在任意ARM Cortex-M MCU上移植使用,这使得驱动组件最大程度的得到复用。 CooCox推出的一套完整的开发工具链(硬件、软件平台都有)均可支持基于Cookie的开发,这个工具链包括CoIDE,CoFlash,ColinkEx,CoSmart,CoAssistant 以及CoX, CoOS。 主要特征 免费提供硬件设计的原理图和PCB 完全兼容Arduino,Arduino的几百个Shields均兼容可用 使用32位的单片机,速度快 板载ColinkEx调试器 CooCox提供一系列的免费开发工具 CoIDE提供组件平台便于分享代码 日本漫画杂志《Cookie》 Cookie(クッキー)杂志是集英社1999年创刊的月刊少女漫画杂志,原为每月26日发售,后改为隔月26日发售。 英文单词“饼干;小甜点” cookie,英语单词,名词,意思是“饼干;小甜点”。 示例: Cookie Jam碎碎曲奇 ; 饼干消除 ; 碎碎直奇 ; 饼干消除电脑版 Sugar Cookie糖果曲奇 ; 曲奇饼干 ; 砂糖曲奇 ; 糖果密码 butter cookie奶油曲奇饼 ; 牛油曲奇饼 ; 黄油小甜饼 ; 牛油曲奇 cookie (世界著名TNA摔跤选手) cookie,女,1982年2月3日出生于美国佛罗里达州坦帕,世界著名TNA摔跤选手。








Cookie指某些网站为了辨别用户身份、进行session跟踪而储存在用户本地终端上的数据。但是你知道它具体的用处吗? Cookie的简介 Cookie是基于Internet的各种服务系统应运而生的,是Web服务器保存在用户浏览器上的小文本文件,它包含相关用户的信息,是用户获取、交流、传递信息的主要场所之一,无论何时用户链接到服务器,Web站点都可以访问Cookie信息。 Cookie的作用 Cookie可以翻译为小甜品,小饼干,Cookie在网络系统中几乎无处不在,当我们浏览以前访问过的网站时,网页中可能会出现:你好XXX。这会让我们感觉很亲切,就好像吃了一个小甜品一样。这其实是通过访问主机中的一个文件来实现的,这个文件就是Cookie。 通常情况下,用户结束浏览器会话时,系统将终止所有的Cookie。但是当Web服务器创建了Cookies后,只要在其有效期内,用户访问同一个Web服务器时,浏览器首先就会检查本地的Cookies,并将其原样发送给Web服务器。这种状态信息就被称作Cookies。 总的来说,Cookie就是某些网站为了辨别用户身份、进行session跟踪而储存在用户本地终端上的数据啦。

验光纸上写的 V/A corrected什么意思? 两个眼睛的数据都是 20/20



cookie 英[u02c8ku028aki] 美[u02c8ku028aki] n. 饼干; 小甜点; 吸引人的年轻妇女; 甜面包; [例句]She fed him a cookie她给他吃了一块饼干。[其他] 复数:cookies

I Stand Corrected是什么意思

  I stand corrected 中文译作:我承认我错了。这是美国俚语,等于I admit that I was wrong。例如:I stand corrected - the company was established in 1927,not 1926,as I had mistakenly thought.原句中stand为动词,意思是:站立,起立; 竖直放置; 保持看法;例如:  1. You have to know where to stand for a good viewpoint.  你得知道站在哪里观察角度比较理想。  2. He ran a newspaper stand outside the American Express office.  他在美国运通公司办公大楼外经营一家报摊。

Bad links in lost chain at cluster ...corrected 是什么意思啊?

数据丢失,找不到XXX模块。 具体出了什么问题你要问行家的

corrected course中文翻译

By measuring the angles beeen the stars and the missile, instruments at all times determine the correct course . 通过测定恒星与导弹之间的夹角这种方法,这些装置随时在确定著正确的航线。 Can you hear me ? i m correcting course . now 你们听得到吗?我正在更改航道 The correct course of action when seriapzing a 时的正确操作过程是调用 I " m correcting course . now 我在改正航程 I am sure that by charting out a correct course and moving forward together hand in hand , we should be able to carry our economic partnership to a new realm and attain mutual prosperity 本人希望,只要我们大家认准了方向,大家携手合作,就一定能够推动两地的经济关系走向新的境界,促进两地共同繁荣。 The paper is intended to *** yze o of the translation - theories , explore their corresponding advantages and . disadvantages from a dialectical perspective , together with the approaches of universal connection , development and contradiction thereby , it holds that they also have theoretical bias / prejudice and pmitation , besides reasonable interpretation therefore , it is the correct course to pursue translation studies from an ontological and dialectical perspective 摘要从辩证思辨的视角,运用联系、发展、矛盾的观点,文章对目前译界两种众说纷纭的理论流派逐一透视,并分析其利弊得失,认为各种理论都有其合理性和阐释力,同时也存在理论偏向(见)和理论缺陷。



they are corrected

1.有人会定期修理它. 2.他已经被定期修理过了. 3.有人会定期更正他们. 4.他们已经被定期更正过了. 5.今天早上有人再车站遇见他了. 6.有人把这个窗户关上了吗?


"Correct" 是英文中一个形容词,意思是正确的、准确的、恰当的。它也可以作为一个动词,意思是改正、纠正错误。例句:Please ensure the information is correct.(请确保信息是准确的。)The teacher corrected my mistake.(老师纠正了我的错误。)I have used the correct password.(我已经使用了正确的密码。)此外,“Correct”还可以作为名词用来描述人或事物是正确的或准确的状态。例如,在进行科学实验的时候,好的实验结果显然比误差大的实验结果要更加正确。因此,科学实验通常需要精密操作和正确计算,以确保实验结果的准确性。总之,“Correct”这个词在英文中是一个非常常用的词汇,可以用来描述各种情况中的正确性、准确性和恰当性等。



Excel 2007中如何设置条件格式?如图,要求C选择Corrected时,这一横行的所有表格都显示绿色。

楼上正解 VBA可以解决

英语单词反义词 1.absence 2.bright 3.corrected 4.sad 5.near 5.borrow

1.absence 反义词:presence 2.bright 反义词:dark 3.corrected 反义词:uncorrected 4.sad 反义词:glad 5.near 反义词:far 5.borrow反义词:lend


介词in可以表示在某个方面,后面接人称代词宾格、名词或动名词充当宾语。My sister is interested in cooking.我妹妹对烹饪感兴趣。


correct的读音是:英[k?"rekt]。correct的读音是:英[k?"rekt]。correct的例句是用作形容词(adj.)Your answer to the question is correct.你对这个问题的回答是正确的。correct【近义词】accurate。一、详尽释义点此查看correct的详细内容adj.(形容词)正确的,不错的,对的恰当的,合适的,适合,符合(公认准则)的,得体的,端庄的,有礼貌端正的确有其事一本正经的,道貌岸然有礼貌准确无误的,精确的v.(动词)修正,改正,纠正,更正,订正,补正,修改校正,校准,校订,使符合标准矫正惩治,惩罚,训斥,责备调整制止使中和解(毒),消解改(错),纠正错误修理精确扭转弥补批改指出错误,找出差错抵制,克服医治,治愈(疾病)n.(名词)遮瑕膏二、英英释义Adjective:free from error; especially conforming to fact or truth;"the correct answer""the correct version""the right answer""took the right road""the right decision"socially right or correct;"it isn"t right to leave the party without saying goodbye""correct behavior"in accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure;"what"s the right word for this?""the right way to open oysters"correct in opinion or judgment;"time proved him right"Verb:make right or correct;"Correct the mistakes""rectify the calculation"make reparations or amends for;"right a wrongs done to the victims of the Holocaust"censure severely;"She chastised him for his insensitive remarks"adjust for;"engineers will work to correct the effects or air resistance"punish in order to gain control or enforce obedience;"The teacher disciplined the pupils rather frequently"go down in value;"the stock market corrected""prices slumped"alter or regulate so as to achieve accuracy or conform to a standard;"Adjust the clock, please""correct the alignment of the front wheels"treat a defect;"The new contact lenses will correct for his myopia"三、网络解释1.correct:corr; 抵消四、例句Your answer to the question is correct.你对这个问题的回答是正确的。So far no correct conclusion has arrived at.到目前为止,还没有得出任何正确的结论。Such casual dress would not be correct for a formal occasion.这样的便服不宜在正式的场合穿。Correct the errors in the following sentences, if any.如果下列句子中有错,请改正。She criticizes him. She is trying to correct his bad habits.她批评他,想纠正他的坏习惯。五、常用短语用作动词(v.)correct to (v.+prep.)把…改成… change sth into sthcorrect sth to sthPlease correct a to the .请把a改成the。You should correct the small letter i to capital letter I .你应该把小写的i改为大写的I。六、经典引文Mr. Hunt is..quite correct in saying that [etc.]出自:Ld MacaulayTrying to open a safe without knowing the correct combination.出自:. G. GordonHaving made a mistake..he went back and corrected it.出自:W. S. Churchill七、词源解说☆ 14世纪中期进入英语,直接源自拉丁语的corrigere:cor (强调) + regere (规则),意为改进,使符合规则。correct的相关近义词accurate、exact、proper、right、true、precise、chasten、chastise、rebuke、rectify、remedy、reprove、set rightcorrect的相关反义词incorrect、inexact、wrong、imprecisecorrect的相关临近词correction、corral、corrected、corrector、correctly、Correct.、correct to、correctant、correct for、correctness、correct use、correct oil点此查看更多关于correct的详细信息


释义:adj. 正确的,无误的;恰当的,合适的;(行为)合乎礼节的,得体的;(行为)被人认可的,赞许的v. 改正,纠正;批改;指出错误;(医疗)矫正词组短语:correct operation正确动作correct time正确时间correct pronunciation正音;正确发音correct errors改正错误politically correct政治上的正确(立场)stand corrected认错quite correct完全正确correct exposure正确曝光;适度曝光例句:If these scientists are correct, we may soon be on our way to Mars in a spaceship powered by water.如果这些科学家是正确的,我们可能很快就可以乘坐由水驱动的宇宙飞船飞往火星。Only one of the answers is correct.这些答案中只有一个是正确的。Put the following into correct order according to the passage.根据短文把下列内容按正确的顺序排列。





corrected 、correctionnal、correctable有什么区别

n. v. adj.

Tom is a cook.He is cooking now.的cook和cooking的词性和意义


she is cooking dinner中cook为什么用ing?

ing 正在进行时

为什么做饭要用do the cooking?cooking


I can cook还是I can cooking

I can cook.

I love cooking their favorite meals为啥这里用cooking?

love后面可以跟不定式to do,也可以跟动名词doing,都是喜欢做某事的意思,但love后面不能跟动词原型。所以:I love cooking their favourite meals. I love to cook their favourite meals. 这两句都是对的。但没有I love cook their favourite meals. 这种用法。




cook的ing形式是:1. [名词]: 烹调;烹调术;饭菜todothecooking做饭tobegoodatcooking长于庖厨Chinesecooking中国菜2.[形容词]:烹调用的cookingwine烹调用的葡萄酒3. [现在进行时]或[过去进行时] lunchiscooking正在做午餐

cooking作名词时 是可数还是不可数?

通常会说do some cooking。不可数。




Cooking     On sunday,I was very happy ,so I decided to make a lunch for my parents. Frist Icooked the rice.     Second Icooked food Icooked vagetables and meat looking at them Iwas very pround I think my parents was pruund of me.     I asked my parents to eat them when Iopen the pot.Oh!My god!The rice couldn"t be eat.Because I didn"t cook it well. I was very disoppointed my father and my mother told me that they were very happy.     So we needed to eat noodles for lunch.I didn"t like eating noodles at all.But today it was     delicous.Oh!very good!give a smile to myself. 

I like cooking 的cook为什么要加i ng?

like 后面加动词作宾语有两种形式:doing和to do.doing 表经常性的动作, to do 表一次性的动作。此处,你喜欢做饭吗?所以用cooking



the cooking和cooking

do cooking 是词组,是固定用法. 所以不能为does to cook do 是动词,cooking 是名词,做宾语.cook 是动词,不能做宾语. can ,can not 是情态动词,后面的动词要用原形,所以用cook.

cooking 为了对父母示爱所以想做饭给父母吃。(英语作文)

  How to Cook For Your Family as a Child  Are you sick of the same food night after night? Want to help your parents out by making dinner? Maybe you do, but you just don"t think you"re that great of a cook. Don"t worry, this article can help.  Ad  Steps  1  Choose the recipe you want to use. If you are preparing a meal choose a few different recipes.  Ad  2  Make sure the dish or meal is something that everyone or mostly everyone in your family will enjoy.  3  If it is your first time cooking:  Ask for permission to use the kitchen  Ask one of your parents to explain the basics to you and watch while you cook (in case you need any help)  Make sure you know how to use all the utensils  4  Before you begin cooking:  Wash your hands  If you have long hair put it in a ponytail  Make sure your surface is clean  Ensure that you have all necessary ingredients  5  Read through your recipe before you begin. Make sure understand it.  6  If necessary, preheat your oven before you begin to mix your ingredients.  7  Prepare the recipe. If it is your first time cooking, follow the directions exactly. Once you are more experienced you can try adding your own ingredients or spices to the dishes you make.  8  When you finish preparing the recipe, take it to the table, let it cool, whatever you need to do.  9  Be sure to go grocery shopping with your parents. It is a sign of maturity when you choose your own healthy foods and don"t have to rely on your parents to make everything for you.  10  After you have cooked and eaten your meal, always clean the kitchen. It shows that you are independent and your parents will thank you for it.


My mother likes cooking after work (what) (does) (your) mother (like) (doing) after work 因为like是实义动词,所以要借助助动词does来提问,又因为cooking提问,所以问的话要问干什么


你好,很高兴在这里回答你的问题: .cook mealsmake meals两个都可以基本上不用do


cook的现在分词 cook的现在分词是cooking 它不符合重读闭音节的要求,一个母音字母跟一个子音字母才行 ee 发长音 ar 发长音 or 也是长音 help,swim,cook,eat现在分词 这些英语单词的现在分词分别是: helping; swimming; cooking; eating. 改现在分词 write swim sit move cook take s mind write ->writing 英[u02c8rau026atu026au014b] 美[u02c8rau026atu026au014b swim ->swimming 英[u02c8swu026amu026au014b] 美[u02c8swu026amu026au014b] sit ->sitting 英["su026atu026au014b] 美[u02c8su026atu026au014b] move->moving 英["mu:vu026au014b] 美[u02c8muvu026au014b] cook ->cooking 英[u02c8ku028aku026au014b] take ->taking 英["teu026aku026au014b] 美[u02c8teku026au014b] s ->sping 英["stu0252pu026au014b] 美["stu0252pu026au014b] mind ->minding 英 [mau026and] 美 [mau026and] 需要注意的是,cooking和去掉e的不双写。 动词改现在分词:snow rain make live run study cook wear snow snowing rain raining make making live living run running study studying cook cooking wear wearing cook,visit,watch,piay,live,worry,leave,read,sing,buy,take的现在分词 cooked visited watched played live worried left read sang bought taken sing play cut dance run cook e climb的现在分词形式 所谓现在分词即动词ing形式 按顺序来 sing--singing play--playing 注意不能去y,这个是特殊的 cut--cutting 注意双写t dance--dancing 注意去掉e run--running 注意双写n cook--cooking e--ing 注意去掉E climb--climbing give的现在分词 given tell的现在分词 telling excited的现在分词 excited 现在分词 exciting 例句 This film is exciting . 这部电影是激动人心的。 exercise的现在分词 exercising 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)


用作“做饭”的意思时,cooking dinner和making dinner是一样的意思。就好像我们可以说做饭,烧饭,烹饪等,都是一样的意思。


He"s a dab hand at cooking spaghetti.x05 他是煮意大利面条的高手. The cookies will flatten slightly while cooking.x05 曲奇烤时会略微变平. What"s cooking in here?You all look very guilty! 这儿是怎么回事?你们一个个都鬼鬼祟祟的! Cooking for forty would be frankly impossible without my new assistant. 没有我的新助手,我确实无法给40个人准备饭菜. I like cooking dinner for my family我喜欢给家人做饭. I want to learn some cooking skills.我想学习做饭技巧 His cooking is really something to write home about. 他的烹调技术确实了不起. 基本用法就是这些,自己可以根据用法改变大意,很简单. 希望能够帮到你!【ABC.Snap】



cooking cook cooks tocook用法的区别

cook是动词原形 cooking是动名词 用于现在进行时 例如 he is cooking now cooks 是接在第三人称主语后面 he cooks meal to cook 是不定式 表示目的 he went to the house to cook

《I like cooking》英语作文

Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.Cooking is interesting.

cooking 和making food有什么分别?

Cooking is 煮食 做菜 (煮ue80b). Generally cooking is making dishes which are ready to serve. Making food is 制做(作)食品. 非做完后即可吃的那种 例如包云吞 批著仔皮 或 洗米 等工序 英文亦有make dinner的说法 = 煮晚饭 (做饭) 2009-02-20 11:53:09 补充: 忘了看 如果说自制食物(整野食)应该用那个 还是什么selfmake??? 一般外国人只会说 "home made" 参考: Own

翻译:Cooking is 是一种基本的生活技能。每个人最好都应该学习如何做饭

Cooking is a basic life skill, so is best for everyone to learn how to cook.

求HCAD绿化设计教程 入门教程 哪位大哥 大姐有给发下 发送到邮箱 兄弟想学 谢谢


英语作文: cooking

CookingI like cooking very much.Cooking brings me a lot of fun and some benefits as follows:First,I believe that cooking makes contributions to our health.I regard cooking as a sport.I feel very good when I am cooking.Second,I can get a lot of fun when I am cooking.I think cooking is very interesting,it is like doing research,you can "invent" something.You can cook a delicious and special food for someone who you like, or rather,you love.Doesn"t that sound interesting?Last but not least,I am accstomed to cooking at home,I want to cook for my family because I love my families as well as cooking.

be best or first in a competition为什么best和first前不加the

best 前要加the 除非有 your our 等


  cook与cooking的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 扩展资料   一、指代不同   1、cook:烹饪,烹调。   2、cooking:(用某种方法烹制的)食物,饭菜。   二、用法不同   1、cook:cook的"基本意思是“烹调,煮,烧”“做饭菜”,泛指通过加热把食物做熟。引申可指“筹划,篡改”等。cook也可表示某事“在筹划中或经筹划而发生”,此时常用于进行体。   2、cooking:既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语,用作不及物动词时常以物作主语,主动形式常可表示被动意义。   三、侧重点不同   1、cook:是动词原形。   2、cooking:是动名词,cook的现在分词。




cooking的用法包括用作名词、用作形容词、用作动词等。 扩展资料 cooking的用法包括用作名词、用作形容词、用作动词等,cooking用作名词的.意思是烹饪术; 如火如荼地进行等,用作动词是烹调( cook的现在分词); 编造等意思。






cook与cooking的区别为:指代不同、侧重点不同,具体解释如下:一、指代不同1、cook:烹调、厨师、筹划等。2、cooking:(用某种方法烹制的)食物,饭菜,烹饪、食物、适于烹饪的、煮等。二、侧重点不同1、cook:是动词原形。2、cooking:可作名词、形容词和动词,后面可接双宾语,也可接介词for。cooking用法:1、作为名词时,意为烹饪;烹调;(用某种方法烹制的)食物,饭菜。例句有:My husband does all the cooking.我丈夫把做饭全包了下来。They serve good French cooking.他们供应美味的法国菜。They are giving away free of this new kind of cooking oil.他们免费发放这种新型食物油的样品。2、作为形容词时,意为适于烹饪的。例句有:Finely slice the cooking apples.把烹调用的苹果切成薄片。3、作为动词时,意为烹饪;烹调;煮(或烘烤、煎炸等);密谋;秘密策划。例句有:When it comes to cooking, I"m not in her league.提到烹饪,我的水平远比不上她。When you use oil or fat for cooking, use as little as possible.烹调时不论是植物油还是动物油,都要尽量少用。




cooking 英[u02c8ku028aku026au014b] n. 烹饪术;如火如荼地进行;热火朝天;在干什么 adj. 烹调用的(水果,锅,炉等) v. 烹调( cook的现在分词);编造;篡改;密谋 [例句]Cooking is my favorite form of stress relief.我最喜欢的减压方式是烹饪。




cooking 没有复数形式

Learn American cooking 为什么用cooking,不用cook

learn sb doing sth~你说呢~

Cooking 的同义词是什么

同义词:cookery,preparation; 有两个 满意请满分




cook的现在分词是cooking。cooking作名词时的意思是烹饪,烹调,(用某种方法烹制的)食物,饭菜。作形容词时的意思是适于烹饪的(不宜于生吃或直接饮用的)。作动词时的意思是烹饪,烹调,煮(或烘烤、煎炸等),密谋,秘密策划。 扩展资料 cooking的例句:I don"t like you standing over me while I"m cooking(我不喜欢做饭时你在一旁盯着我);I tie back my hair when I"m cooking(我做饭时把头发束在后面)。








Cooker cook


i am cookingJack"s cooking skills is fantastic






cooking的原型是cook u261e u2667手工翻译u2600尊重劳动u2600欢迎提问u2600感谢采纳u2667 u261c

cooking作名词时 是可数还是不可数?

通常会说do some cooking.不可数.

It’s a cooking pot.” 句中动名词“cooking”是作什么成分?


cooking cook cooks tocook用法的区别

cook是动词原形 cooking是动名词 用于现在进行时 例如 he is cooking now cooks 是接在第三人称主语后面 he cooks meal to cook 是不定式 表示目的 he went to the house to cook


cook 厨师 cooker 出局 cooking 厨艺






名词: 烹调;烹调术;饭菜[U]形容词 :烹调用的


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