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become和turn into都是变成的意思,请问两者分别在什么情况下使用

1.become 它是一个中性词,用于意义好、坏两方面的变化都可以.可与形容词和名词连用.What do you have to do to become a pilot?人们需要做些什么才能成为飞行员?Richard became aware of the gravity of the situation.理查德开始意识到情况的严重性.(1)通常不用become来谈论有目的的行动.Please get ready now.现在请作好准备.(不能说:Please become ready now.) (2)表示将来之事的"成为…",在口语中常用be来表示.He wants to become a doctor.=He wants to be a doctor.(3)"演变到,终于……"不用become而用come to do来表示.She has come to like rock music.她终于喜欢摇滚乐了.2.turn 大多用于看得见的或人人注目的状态上的变化.常用在表示颜色的词之前(在文体上比go较为正式).She turned bright red and ran out of the room.她的脸一红,就跑出了屋子.He turns nasty after he"s had a couple of drinks.他喝了几杯酒后就开始胡来.(1)turn into用在名词前,谈论某人性格或某事性质发生了重大变化.He"s a lovely man,but when he gets jealous he turns into a monster.他是个讨人喜欢的人,但是当他嫉妒起来时,就成了一个恶煞.A girl has to kiss a lot of frogs before one of them turns into a prince.女孩还要亲吻很多青蛙,才能使其中的一个变成王子.(2)turn to和turn into两个词组都可用在表示事物的名称之前.His worry turned into fury.他由烦恼变成了大怒.Everything that King Midas touched turned into gold.迈达斯国王用手碰什么东西,那东西就变成金子.They stood there as if they had been turned into stone.他们一动不动地站在那儿,那东西就变成石头人了.(3)谈论人们变换职业,宗教信仰,政治观点等等,有时候turn(后面不跟介词或冠词)加上名词或形容词.He worked in a bank for thirty years before turning painter.他在银行工作30年以后才改行画画.Towards the end of the war he turned traitor.战争快结束的时候,他成了叛徒.At the end of her life she turned Catholic.她在临终时信起天主教来.(4)turn(in)to也可以用作带有宾语的及物动词,表示引起某种变化.In the Greek legend,Circe turned men into pigs.在希腊传说里,咯耳刻把人便成猪.

become into与turn into的区别

Become into自己变成。into into,别人使变成。

如何运行 phalcon cli 程序

创建引导(Creating a Bootstrap)?普通的MVC程序中, 启动文件用来启动整个应用。 和web应用不同, 此处应用中我们使用cli.php来作为启动文件。下面是一个简单的启动文件示例:?1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738394041424344454647484950515253545556575859606162<!--?php use PhalconDIFactoryDefaultCLI as CliDI, PhalconCLIConsole as ConsoleApp;

有一首歌· 男的唱的 歌词里有很多句 OH baby baby come on

Go 2《Looka Bomba》 Risin" flame feelin" hot in your heart I got my mind oh baby still jumpin" apart Is the game you play, blowin" boys away Right into the night you can explode this fire! You look to me Wild and so free Baby come on, to me you looka bomba Ooh baby baby come on Looka bomba Ooh baby baby right on Looka bomba over you Ooh baby baby come on Looka bomba Ooh baby baby right on Looka bomba over you Feel the tide, every time reachin" high Your body sending out a new message to mine Bomb into my soul, fire no control I don"t wanna run, don"t wanna fight this feelin"



Count Basie的《Right On》 歌词

歌曲名:Right On歌手:Count Basie专辑:King Of SwingANTI-FLAG LYRICS--Right On"punk rock?!?!?!isn"t that the type of musicwhere kids cut each other withrazor blades and knives?""you guys were so awesome tonight.well actually, i"m so drunki can"t remember your set,but you"re my favorite band...ha-ha"抵制日货从我做起!!!小日本去死吧!!"right on", that"s the phrase,to the fucked up stupid things you say,we say: "right on! right on! right on! right on...!"抵制日货从我做起!!!小日本去死吧!!"you know, if you guys think america"s so bad,why don"t you move to russia?""what do you mean you don"t drink?drinking"s my entire"ve gotta start drinking!""right on", that"s the phrase,to the fucked up stupid things you say,we say: "right on! right on! right on! right on...!""anti-flag?that doesn"t mean anti the american flag,does it...?"right on!!!抵制日货从我做起!!!小日本去死吧!!"right on", that"s the phrase,to the fucked up stupid things you say,we say: "right on! right on! right on! right on...!"

一首英文歌,开头第一句,oh baby baby come on 中间有一句好像是baby wai

你说的应该是...Baby One More Time

Core Competence

Core Competencies are the high ability in acquiring rare resources and distinctive capability, if both are failed to be imitated or copied by rivals in the industry. Core petency is a central set of knowledge in a pany that when applied allows the pany to create superior value relative to petitors and deliver it to customers that they are being delighted. Superior value of product and service can be created is due to the pany"s remarkable performance such as superior innovation (likes 3M & Sharp), superior responsiveness (likes FedEx & Seven Eleven), superior quality (likes Toyota & GE) and superior efficiency (likes Wal-Mart & Dell) The outes of the four superiors are therefore could be extremely low cost while extremely differentiated product and service in offering The agenda of Core Competence varies in the four situations as follow according to G Hamel & CK Prahalad Competing for the Future, HBR Press Boston 1994, and p.227: (1) Fill-In-The-Blanks, if a pany can apply its Existing Core Competence for the Existing Product or Service Market, then continuous improving business position and opportunity against the rivals that superior efficiency( and low cost) can be realized (2) Premier Plus-10 (Years), if a pany can apply its New Core Competence for the Existing Product or Service Market, then it can be building, protecting and extending its franchise in current markets and might be lasting for 10 years, that it will be always the market leader of innovation (3) White Spaces, if a pany can apply its Existing Core Competence for the New Product or Service Market ten it can be redeploying or rebining its core petence for the untapped product or markets—highly differentiated (4) Mega-opportunities, if a pany can apply its New Core Competence for the New Product and Service Market, then it can be the long term market leader such as Viagra—with this disruptive technology is able to monopolize the market.,参考: G Hamel & CK Prahalad Competing for the Future, HBR Press Boston 1994, and p.227,Thanks. I"m also interested in this topic. Anymore idea? 2006-11-25 14:20:29 补充: Any HK examples? Thanks a lot.,the core petence definition is is a unique capability that affords some type of petitive advantage. It corresponds to a business process, and involves underlying skills, functions, systems and knowledge. (clarity-consulting/developing_a_core-petence_strategy_summary) the example will be Fed-EX core petence is superior logistics system and short delievery cycle time. The other example is Windows sofare, I believe the core petence of Window sofare is user friendly and cost effective.,






你确定是英文的么, 你要找的那首会不会是英文跟日语混合的【TOOKY京崎广告歌】,跟你的描述很相似:(女声,高潮部分有cookie发音的单词,还唱了好几遍)【TOOKY京崎广告歌】---《私のTOOKY》听听看,满意望采纳哈!


集装箱的标准 就是 船公司的标准 反过来说也一样你直接收船公司的标志就可以了





run on coffee啥意思

run on coffee喝咖啡

comma splice和run on sentence怎么区分

Run-on sentence意思是不间断句子流水句;溶合句;不间断句子;缺乏连接词或标点符号的长句Run-on sentence; Run-on sentence. Uninterrupted sentences; The lack of connection words or punctuation long sentencescomma splice意思是逗号粘连逗号粘连;逗号叠加,逗号结合The comma adhesion; Superposition of comma, comma






代表了集装箱所属的船公司,常见的有:COSCO 中国远洋;OOCL 香港东方海外;MAERSK 丹麦马士基;EVERGREEN 台湾长荣;NYK 日本邮船。



would you take a gap year if you could如何回答?

Would you take a gap year if you could回答:I won"t take a gap year because I want to continue my education in college straightly.

orient overseas container line是什么意思


给个天龙号~ 就寒假玩玩~ 好点的~ 发到


scott forstall何时离职

scott forstall史葛福斯特



怎样区分 weather / climate / condition / environment. 这4个单词的用法的怎样的?

weather单指自然界各种天气像风雨雪等0 climate指一个地区常年的气候condition名词1状况2环境(状况)形势及物动词:调节一般指抽象的物如『天气』状况不容乐观;他是在『苦难』的环境中长大的。 environment名词单指自然环境(生态环境)

section headlines和table of contents的区别是什么?

1. section headlines文章等每小节的标题,节标题Section-level headlines should appeal to engaged readers who are interested in that section"s topic, helping them scan stories to findwhat they want.类别级别标题应该能吸引那些对某一内容类别或话题感兴趣的读者,帮助他们更好的浏览你的文章,快速找到所需内容。ou can get a good idea about the material by taking afew moments right off to read the title, chapter headings, sectiontitles and headlines.快速游览——拿到阅读材料先用极短的时间马上看看标题、篇章题目、小节的题目及文中的大号字体,以便能抓住这份材料的主要思想内容。2. table of contents目录,内容表(section headlines的目录表)You can see how the topic map is like a table of contents containingfour sections.下面您可以看到主题图是多么类似于一个包含四部分的目录表。Therefore, this XSLT will not work if you have split your table ofcontents across multiple files.所以,如果您已经将您的目录拆分为多个文件,这个 XSLT 将失效。

西数移动硬盘里自带的wd discovery是什么?

WDDiscovery是WD的一个新的应用程序,可使您能够:管理您连接的WD设备,如MyPassport和MyBook驱动器。化繁为简,如使用密码保护驱动器或管理驱动器设置。下载、安装和将WD及其合作伙伴提供的软件保持在最新状态。注册您的设备并接收重要的软件更新。扩展资料特性:它允许连接的WD设备如WDMyPassport以及其他支持的驱动器在一个应用程序下进行管理。它简化了许多复杂的作业,例如使用密码保护驱动器或管理驱动器设置。它允许对设备进行注册以便接收重要的软件更新和通知。它可以显示设备状态,如容量、可用空间、驱动器安全性等。有关尚未通过WDDiscovery本身注册表单链接注册的设备的通知。有关软件更新的通知。从WDDiscovery中可以启动和更新的已安装的WD应用程序列表。WD和WD合作伙伴提供的其他应用程序列表。到WD网站的链接,例如产品文档支持18种语言。[][][][][][][][czhjaq.c o][][]

Leonard Cohen 的 In My Secret Life中文意思

In My Secret Life 在我心底In My Secret Life 在我心底,I saw you this morning 今晨我看到了你,You were moving so fast 您走的如此匆忙,(注意,这很可能是作者的梦境!)Can"t seem to loosen my grip on the past 对过往仍旧念念不忘。And I miss you so much, There"s no one in sight 我如此想念你,眼里再无他人。And we"re still making love,In My Secret Life 在我心底,我们一直在相爱。In My Secret life 在我心底。I smile when I"m angry 我愤怒时微笑,I cheat and I lie 我欺骗和撒谎。I do what I have to do To get by 我做必须做的,只为活下去。But I know what is wrong 但我知道什么是错And I konw what is right 我也知道什么是对的And I"d die for the truth In My Secret Life 在我心底,我可为真理而牺牲。In My Secret Life  在我心底。Hold on Hold on my brother ,My sister hold on tight 坚持,兄弟,坚持,我的姊妹。I finally got my orders 我终将得到启示,I"ll be marching through the morning 我将穿过黎明。Marching through the night 穿过黑夜。,Moving cross the borders of my secret life 穿越心底的桎梏。 Looked through the paper 看着新闻信息,Makes you want to cry 令你伤怀。Nobody cares if the people live or die 无人在意人民的生死And the dealer wants you thinking,世界需要你去思考,That it"s either black or white 不管黑与白。Thank God it"s not that simple ,in my secret life 感谢上天,在我心底,它没那么简单。  I bite my lip 我谨慎语言,I buy what I"m told From the latest hit To the wisdom of old 我默默忍受着新鲜或古老的知识所告知我的一切。(全盘接受,不管您喜不喜欢,你都得买buy下。)But I"m always alone 但我一致独行,And my heart is like ice 我心如冰雪。And it"s crowded and cold,in my secret life 在我心底,它是拥塞和寒冷的。in my secret life 在我心底。in my secret life 在我心底。

求Nat king cole的所有专辑及曲目

  Night Nights  歌曲 01. Night Lights  02. I Got Love  03. Stay  04. Mr. Juke Box  05. I Just Found Out About Love  06. Dame Crazy  07. Too Young To Go Steady  08. Love Me As Though There Were No Tomorrow  09. The Shadows  10. Believe  11. To The Ends Of The Earth  12. Never Let Me Go  13. I Promise You  14. The Way I Love You  15. Once Before  16. Make Me  17. Sometimes I Wonder  18. I Need A Plan  19. I Am Willing To Share This With You  20. The Story"s Old  1998年《The Legendary》  歌曲 01. Ramibilin" Rose  02. Pretend  03. Ungorgetable  04. Nature Boy  05. Smile  06. (I love Yoy) For Sentimental Reasons  07. Those Lazy, Hazy, Crazy Days of Summer  08. Mona Lisa  09. Answer Me, My Love  10. Too Young  11. Darling, Je Vous Aime Beaucoup  12. A Blossom Fell  1998年《When I Fall In Love》  歌曲 01. When I fall in love  02. Unforgettable  03. Love is here to stay  04. Autumn leaves  05. Smile  06. Stardust  07. A nightingal sang in berkely square  08. Love is mang spendored thing  09. Tenderly  10. Blue gardenia  11. Waklin my baby back home  12. Love letters  13. Let"s fall in love  14. There goes my heart  15. Let there be love  16. The more I see you  17. When you"re smiling  18. Dear lonely hearts  19. Too young  20. The very thoungt of you  21. For all we know  22. Darling je vous aime beaucoup  1970年1月1日《20 Golden Greats》  歌曲 01. Sweet Lorraine  02. Straighten Up And Fly Right  03. Nature Boy  04. Dance Ballerina Dance  05. Mona Lisa  06. Too Young  07. Love Letters  08. Smile  09. Around The World  10. For All We Know  11. When I Fall In Love  12. The Very Thought Of You  13. On The Street Where You Live  14. Unforgettable  15. It"s All In The Game  16. Ramblin" Rose  17. Portrait Of Jennie  18. Let There Be Love  19. Somewhere Along The Way  20. Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer  2000年《The Essential Nat King Cole》  这张2000最新发行的精选辑中,收录了12首Nat King Cole在1950年至1962年间大家耳熟能详的作品,可说是将他璀璨的歌唱生涯,作了一个最佳的回顾。  歌曲 01. Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days  02. Unforgettable  03. Pretend  04. Ramblin" Rose  05. Smile  06. A Blossom Fell  07. It"s All In The Game  08. Stardust  09. Nature Boy  10. Red Sails In The Sunset  11. Too Young  12. Mona Lisa  13. When I Fall In Love  14. Love Letters  15. Answer Me My Love  16. He"ll Have To Go  17. Sweet Lorraine  18. It"s Only A Paper Moon  19. Somewhere Along The Way  20. Darling Je Vous Aime Beacoup  2000年《Rockin" Boppin" & Blues》  歌曲 01. I"m An Errand Boy For Rhythm  02. Straighten Up And Fly Right  03. Gee Baby, Ain"t I Good To You  04. Easy Listenin" Blues  05. (Get Your Kicks On) Route 66  06. The Frim Fram Sauce  07. Baby, Baby All The Time  08. Chant Of The Blues  09. I Think You Get What I Mean  10. Ooh, Kickeroonie  11. Blues In My Shower  12. If I Were You, Baby, I"d Love Me  13. Walkin"  14. Send For Me  15. Beale Street Blues  16. Wee Baby Blues  17. Joe Turner Blues (Live)  18. Mr. Cole Won"t Rock & Roll (Live)  2000年《 Best of Nat King Cole》  歌曲 01. Unforgettable  02. You Stepped Out of a Dream  03. It"s Only a Paper Moon  04. Somebody Loves Me  05. The End of a Beautiful Friendship  06. The Sand and the Sea  07. When You"re Smiling (The Whole World Smiles With You)  08. Mona Lisa  09. Autumn Leaves  10. Cuba  11. Crazy Rhythm  12. Thou Swell [Live]  2000年《[font title="Canta Espanol /26 Grandes Exitos"]Canta Espanol /26 Grandes Exitos[/font]》  歌曲 01. Aquellos Ojos Verdes  02. Cachito  03. Ansiedad  04. Te Quiero, Dijiste  05. Tres Palabras  06. Quizas, Quizas, Quizas,  07. Acercate Mas  08. Solamente Una Vez  09. Vaya Con Dios  10. Nao Tenho Lagrimas  11. Maria Elena  12. Las Mananitas  13. El Bodeguero  14. Adelita  15. Fantastico  16. Perfidia  17. Las Chiapanecas  18. Ay, Cosita Linda  19. Noche De Ronda  20. Nadie Me Ama  21. La Feria De Las Flores  22. Adios Mariquita Linda  23. Suas Maos  24. Capullito De Aleli  25. La Golondrina  26. No Me Platiques  2006年2月1日《Nat King Cole-The Pianist》  歌曲 01. Cole Capers  02. Blues In My Shower  03. Three Little Words  04. How High The Moon  05. Penthouse Serenade  06. Somebody Loves Me  07. Laura  08. Down By The Old Mill Stream  09. If I Should Lose You  10. Rose Room  11. Honeysuckle Rose  12. The Man I Love  13. Body And Soul  14. Bop-Kick  15. I Know That You Know  16. What Is This Thing Called Love  17. All Aboard  18. Sweet Georgia Brown  19. Lester Goose Chase  20. Wild Goose Chase  21. Swingin" The Blues  22. Miss Thing  23. Rib Town Shuffle  24. Fudge Wudge  在参考资料里有他相关的传记(包括在哪个公司录音)但是却没有每张专辑所属的公司,sorry是什么意思翻译一下


harbeth compact 7 es-3怎么样

  Harbeth(雨后初晴)  雨后初晴——英国著名音箱品牌。  终于谈到著名的“BBC音箱”了。Harbeth正是一间典型的BBC小厂。它的创始人正是当年3/5A的设计者之一Dudley Harwood。 曾供职于英国广播公司BBC扬声器研究发展部的两位主设计师达德利·哈伍德(Dudley Harwood)和斯宾塞·休士(Spencer Hughes),各自创出了两个知名的音响品牌,哈伍德创办的雨后初晴(Harbeth),休士的思奔达(Spendor)。时至今日,依然忠实继承BBC监听音箱传统的莫过于雨后初晴这个老厂了。目前除了取得BBC授权继续生产LS5/12a音箱外,雨后初晴的监听音箱系列从Monitor 20、30到40其实都分别是原来BBC的LS3/5a、LS5/9和LS5/8的克隆版本,连音箱的体积大小都几乎完全相同,当然不同的是雨后初晴的监听音箱改用了更现代的材料及更精密的零组件。

make it count meet me at the clock 什么意思

make it count meet me at the clock什么意思这是电影《泰坦尼克号里》 杰克给露丝的纸条上写的内容,需要结合上下文对话来理解。电影中上下文是:Jack在吃饭的时候说:Make each day count!过好每一天!Rose重复:Make it count! = Make each day count!后来JACK邀她约会,引用这句话作提示.(自己身份)make it count, meet me at the clock即:(我是此前说)过好每一天(的人),在大钟底下碰面(电影场景楼梯边的那个钟)

make it count meet me at the clock 什么意思?


make it count meet me at the clock 什么意思?

make it count meet me at the clock什么意思这是电影《泰坦尼克号里》 杰克给露丝的纸条上写的内容,需要结合上下文对话来理解。电影中上下文是:Jack在吃饭的时候说:Make each day count!过好每一天!Rose重复:Make it count! = Make each day count!后来JACK邀她约会,引用这句话作提示.(自己身份)make it count, meet me at the clock即:(我是此前说)过好每一天(的人),在大钟底下碰面(电影场景楼梯边的那个钟)

为什么是make every day count而不是make every day counts呢?

make every day count 翻译为: 让每天过得有意义count 在这里是作为动词(v.) 这里的句式是 make somebody do something.所以要使用动词原型count , 不能使用第三人称单数counts.主要词汇:1, count 英 [kau028ant] 美 [kau028ant] n.总数;数数;罪状;论点v.数数;计算总数;把…算入;重要例句: When I first came to college I realised that brainpower didn"t count for much 当我初上大学的时候,我认识到智力并不太重要。The friend you can call before dawn is the one that count. 凌晨,你打电话给一个人,他就是对你真正重要的人。2, every day每一天例句: People used to come and visit him every day. 人们过去每天都来拜访他。He works every day except Sunday. 除星期天外,他每天都工作。

以 Each Day Count 写一篇演讲稿急!!

Good morning everyone,I"m glad to talk here. Today my topic is “each day count”.I always think there is not enough time. For example, I have just taken a three-day holiday. But when I look back, I just feel that it"s only one day. There goes a proverb, “Time is money”. Now I want to say, time is more precious than money, because when money is spent, we can earn some more again. However, when time is gone or lost, never will it return.Perhaps, in your opinion, each day looks like the same. Have class, records the note, do homework. Just like three points make a line . But, what life is true meaningful? How can we do to make each day count? Well, That is a question.I was once told by someone that I should end each day by crossing it off my calendar and saying out loud. There goes another day of my life, never to return again. Try this for yourself, and notice how much it sharpens your focus. When you end a day with the feeling that you would have lived it the same if you had the chance to repeat it, you gain a sense of gratitude that helps you focus on what"s really important to you. When you end the day with a feeling of regret or loss, you gain the sense to try a different approach the next day.In a word, the set is used an advertisement language, never give up, just do it. Let us make each day count.Thank you for your listening.

to make each day count 请问Jack这句话是在Titanic什么地方出现的?


To make each day count中文是什么?


make each day count是什么意思

make each day count珍惜每一天

make a day count是什么意思?

  中文意思:让每一天都有所值,或者过好每一天。  该句子出自《泰坦尼克号》  You jump, I jump  你跳我就跳  To make each day count.  要让每一天都有所值。  例句参考:  To make each day count=Make each day count.  珍惜每一天!使每一天过得都有意义!  Vivi: You are negative, we should make each day count.  你太消极了,我们应该让每一天都有所值。  JACK: To make each day count.杰克:珍惜每一天。  To make each day count.奇迹每天都在发生。  "You looked for treasure in the wrong place, Mr Lovett. Only life is precious, and making each day count."如果泰坦尼克只是一支普通的歌,它不会令我沉吟至今。

make each day count什么意思?

  中文意思:让每一天都有所值,或者过好每一天。  该句子出自《泰坦尼克号》  You jump, I jump  你跳我就跳  To make each day count.  要让每一天都有所值。  例句参考:  To make each day count=Make each day count.  珍惜每一天!使每一天过得都有意义!  Vivi: You are negative, we should make each day count.  你太消极了,我们应该让每一天都有所值。  JACK: To make each day count.杰克:珍惜每一天。  To make each day count.奇迹每天都在发生。  "You looked for treasure in the wrong place, Mr Lovett. Only life is precious, and making each day count."如果泰坦尼克只是一支普通的歌,它不会令我沉吟至今。

make each day count中文是什么意思?

  中文意思:让每一天都有所值,或者过好每一天。  该句子出自《泰坦尼克号》  You jump, I jump  你跳我就跳  To make each day count.  要让每一天都有所值。  例句参考:  To make each day count=Make each day count.  珍惜每一天!使每一天过得都有意义!  Vivi: You are negative, we should make each day count.  你太消极了,我们应该让每一天都有所值。  JACK: To make each day count.杰克:珍惜每一天。  To make each day count.奇迹每天都在发生。  "You looked for treasure in the wrong place, Mr Lovett. Only life is precious, and making each day count."如果泰坦尼克只是一支普通的歌,它不会令我沉吟至今。

to make each day count是什么意思


泰坦尼克号中“make it count”在国语版中翻译的是什么? 是“把握光阴”,还是“享受每一天”



corporate-headquarters公司总部;集团总部;企业总部例句:The new corporate headquarters came to be known as "The Tower. "新公司总部来到被称为“塔”。希望帮到你

To make each day count.和To making it count.哪个对?泰坦尼克号上Jack说的前一个,r


each day count什么意思


To make each day count,Desting take a hand 什么意思?请个位大师帮帮忙!谢谢!


To make each day count




英语to make each day count怎么翻译?

to make each day count翻译之后,他的意思就是:要让每一天都有所值

make each day count什么意思

  中文意思:让每一天都有所值,或者过好每一天。  该句子出自《泰坦尼克号》  You jump, I jump  你跳我就跳  To make each day count.  要让每一天都有所值。  例句参考:  To make each day count=Make each day count.  珍惜每一天!使每一天过得都有意义!  Vivi: You are negative, we should make each day count.  你太消极了,我们应该让每一天都有所值。  JACK: To make each day count.杰克:珍惜每一天。  To make each day count.奇迹每天都在发生。  "You looked for treasure in the wrong place, Mr Lovett. Only life is precious, and making each day count."如果泰坦尼克只是一支普通的歌,它不会令我沉吟至今。

to make each day count什么意思




We are now living in a high-tech age ____ easy things are becoming complicated


But the average young female in this country now is stylish and remarkably confident.


We are in a world full of competition.任务型阅读

76.Yes,we are77.Don"t give up in the face of competition. Don"t look at things from a single point of view.Try to discover your own advantages,and believe that you can do better than others in those ways. Don"t be afraid of competition78.why can"t we do better than others?79.记住自信是迈向成功的第一步80. Success is based on confidence in the world full of competition.

we are living the same community这句话是对的吗?

这句话不对。应改为:We are living in the same community.因为live一般做不及物动词。接同源宾语时,才是及物动词。比如,及物: I live a wonderful life.不及物:She lived in Shanghai.

how come 与 what for的用法区别?

切,学过了,还不会!what for = come 用于口语中! 没what for 正式。


Recovery - Justin Bieber重新开始-贾斯汀·比伯First, I"ll acknowledge首先,我得承认All trust has been broken我们之间所有的信任已经支离破碎A successful recovery让我们成功地重新开始I pray for us at night我每天晚上都在为我们祈祷Grants me with a second chance给我一次机会Never thought I"d see your face again我从没想到我会再见到你的脸Learning life through trial and error通过生活中的磨难与挫折Just try make it right.试着让它更好Make it right让它更好Make it right让它更好Make it right让它更好This time i"ll do you right我正在让它更好Missing your good intentions想念你的好Missing you from a distance在离你距离很远的地方想着你Hope you did the same希望你也一样I know that I caused a problem我知道我造成了麻烦Know that I left you你知道我离开你Pushed you far away推开你Learned it don"t pay to lie学会说谎言Cause i don"t wanna see you cry因为我不想看到你哭泣Sayin nothin gets you nowhere fast不想说会让你不快的话I"ma hold it back inside我会带着它回去But now that i"m back around ya但现在我回头了Nothing else really matters没有什么让我在意Hope you feel the same希望你有同样的感觉First, I"ll acknowledge首先,我得承认All trust has been broken我们之间所有的信任已经支离破碎A successful recovery让我们成功地重新开始I pray for us at night我每天晚上都在为我们祈祷Grants me with a second chance给我一次机会Never thought I"d see your face again我从没想到我会再见到你的脸Learning life through trial and error通过生活中的磨难与挫折Just try make it right.试着让它更好Make it right让它更好Make it right让它更好Make it right让它更好This time i"ll do you right我正在让它更好I"m going through all the motions我在用我的行动Trying to find a reason尝试找到一个理由That we ended that way来解释我们结束的方式Nothing in life is perfect因为生活中没有什么是完美的We"ll be changing like the seasons That"s what they used to say他们说我们像季节般变化If it"s going to sleep alone at night如果晚上一个人睡觉I don"t wanna close my eyes我不想闭上我的眼睛Wanna give you all I have to give想为你付出我的所有I"m not holdin back this time这段时间不再回来了But now that i"m back around ya但现在我回头了Nothing else really matters没有什么让我在意Hope you feel the same希望你有同样的感觉First, I"ll acknowledge首先,我得承认All trust has been broken我们之间所有的信任已经支离破碎A successful recovery让我们成功地重新开始I pray for us at night我每天晚上都在为我们祈祷Grants me with a second chance给我一次机会Never thought I"d see your face again我从没想到我会再见到你的脸Learning life through trial and error通过生活中的磨难与挫折Just try make it right.试着让它更好Make it right (make it right, make itright)让它更好(让它更好,让它更好)Make it right (make it right, make itright)让它更好(让它更好,让它更好)make it right (make it right, make itright)让它更好(让它更好,让它更好)this time i"ll do you right我正在让它更好You know I"ma do you right你知道我正在让它更好You know I"ma do you right你知道我正在让它更好You know I"ma do you right你知道我正在让它更好I"ma do you right我正在让它更好Youknow I"ma do you right你知道我正在让它更好

how come 与 what for


how come和what for的区别


"how come"与“what for“区别

固定用语吧 外国的语境可能更适合C 吧

求Ricardo Arjona的歌《te conozco》的歌词,是一首西文歌...

Edgar Ricardo Arjona Morales, (born 19 January 1964, in Jocotenango near Antigua, Guatemala), known as Ricardo Arjona ,is a Guatemalan singer. He has won two Grammy Awards from three nominations: The 2007 Grammy for Best Latin Pop Album and the 2006 Latin Grammy for Best Male Pop Vocal Album, both for his album Adentro, (2005).

why ?how come? what for?有什么区别吗?


why ?how come? what for?有什么区别吗?






英语中Recount 和narrative proper的区别区别(详细)


使用沙盘(sandboxie control)运行EXE程序、提示 该内存不能为 read 如何解决?

"该内存不能为read/应用程序错误的原因1.病毒木马造成的,在当今互联网时代,病毒坐着为了获得更多的牟利,常用病毒绑架应用程序和系统文件,然后某些安全杀毒软件把被病毒木马感染的应用程序和系统文件当病毒杀了导致出现应用程序错误。2.应用程序组件丢失,应用程序完整的运行需要一些系统文件或者某些ll文件支持的,如果应用程序组件不完整也会导致应用程序出错。应用程序自身的bug引起的应用程序发生异常,人没有完人,程序也一样的,程序员只能做到尽量让bug出现少点,出现一个就解决一个bug。3.应用软件与操作系统或其他应用软件发生不兼容造成应用程序发生异常。4.操作系统自身的问题,操作系统本身有bug ,也会导致出现崩溃 应用程序错误 该内存不能为read。5.电脑硬件兼容性也会引起的,还有散热不好,超频等也会出现应用程序错误的。该内存不能为read/应用程序错误解决办法先排除是不是病毒木马引起的,请使用金山卫士进行木马查杀,⑴、进入主界面进入【查杀木马】⑵、然后点击【快速扫描】即可2.用金山卫士进行漏洞修复,解决系统本身造成的应用程序发生异常。⑴、进入主界面进入【漏洞修复】⑵、然后点击【立即修复】即可3.如果是单一某个应用程序引起的应用程序错误,那就尝试重新卸载该软件进行重新安装。如果还是无法解决,就关闭其他软件看是否能解决。4.以上方法还是无法解决,那就肯能是硬件问题引起的,那就分别检查内存条,主板,散热器等等。这个建议找专业硬件维修商解决,不推荐大家自己手动解决。"按照我的方法操作解决问题,不行再问我。 这个视频,从中间开始放的那首曲子叫什么名字??

SORRY 听不懂是日语还是韩语


CORRESPONDANT BANK相应的银行;代理行CORRESPONDANT相应的代理行.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

correspondre是什么意思 《法语助手》法汉

v. t. indir. (+ à) 符合, 适合, 和…相符, 和 …一致与 …相称, 与 …对应:correspondre aux lois objectives 符合客观规律Cette nouvelle correspond à ce que l"on m"avait dit. 这个消息和别人对我讲的是相符的。 v. i. 1. 通信:correspondre avec des amis 和朋友们通信2. 相通, 相连:Ces deux pièces correspondent. 这两间房间是相通的。 3. (在学术 或商业上)有来往, 有联系4. (交通工具的)衔接:Ce train correspond avec l"express Paris-Bordeuaux. 这趟车衔接巴黎至波尔多的快车。 常见用法correspondre avec qqn与某人通信下次用法语助手自己查吧 挺方便的············

correspond with 与consistent with 都有与....相一致,相符合的意思,他们有什么区别?


could you tell me which one is right.这个句子联词为啥是which ?

原因:which在这里充当了is的主语。“which”……“哪……”、作定语、起连接作用。句意:你能告诉我哪一个是对的吗?一、could1、含义:aux. 可以;能;可能;can的过去式。2、用法:could为助动词can的过去式,其后可接不带to的动词不定式。could有两种否定形式,即couldnot和could not,其缩写形式为couldn"t。这两种否定形式英美均通用,当使用could not时,特别强调not。We could relax the procedure slightly in your case.我们可以根据你的情况通融一些。二、you1、含义:pron. 你;你们;(泛指)任何人。2、用法:you是第二人称代词,意为“你,您,你们”,用作主语或宾语或用于介词之后,也可单独使用。you也可与名词或形容词连用,用于生气地称呼某人时,作“你这个,你们这些”解。You must all listen carefully.你们都必须仔细听着。三、tell1、含义:v. 告诉;吩咐;讲述;表达;辨别;判断;泄露;告发;产生效果。2、用法:tell的基本意思是用语言或文字“告知”“告诉”“讲述”某事,强调思想的表达,而不强调表达的方式。引申可表示“吩咐”“嘱托”“命令”“确定”“区分,辨别”“泄露秘密”“猜测”“产生效果”等。Let me tell you some details about clearance.让我告诉你一些通关的细节。四、which1、含义:adj. 哪一个;哪一些。pron. 哪一个;哪些。2、用法:which用作关系代词,可引导限制性定语从句或非限制性定语从句,引导非限制性定语从句时which可以用整个主句作为其前行词,相当于and that,有时还可引导不定式短语从句。It"s hard to say which is better.很难说哪一个好些。五、right1、含义:adj. 正确的;对的;右边的;合适的;重要的;完全的。2、用法:right的基本意思是“正当的,适当的,合法的”,指某人做某事符合法律的规定,具有合法性,也可指某人做某事或选择某物是“对的,正确的”。right也可指“右边的,右方的”,与其相对应的是left。right还可指“切合实际的,最适宜的,最恰当的”“良好的,正常的”“真实的,完全的”等。I have the right to ask for an explanation.我有权要求一个解释。

transfer correspondence为什么翻译成中转处?correspondence是一致的意思

correspond 作为 vi. 指1. 相符合, 相一致2. 相当, 相类似 还有“通信”的意思.相应地,correspondence 作为 n. 也有“通信, 通信联系”的意思.所以transfer correspondence 译成“中转处;中转柜台”的意思.另外,在...


!correspond的名词是correspondence,n. 信件,信函;通信;相似,关联和形容词是corresponding,adj. 相应的,相关的 The word is made up of different slots, each corresponding to a particular portion of meaning.这个词由不同的小节构成,每个小节对应特定的意思。

Sandboxie Control是干什么的?

Sandboxie隔离病毒木马 上网下载安装再无忧  你经常上网或从网上下载软件安装吗?怕不怕被安装时被植入木马、病毒什么的?现为您介绍一款预防软件:Sandboxie。  Sandboxie(下载地址:中文含义是沙盘。它安装后会在系统和程序之间简历一个隔离层,当我们运行程序的时候,就会将程序直接调入该隔层中,此后,程序对系统所做的修改,都会被限制在这个隔离层中,而不会真正地去触及系统。这样的话,就算程序带有病毒和木马,也不会对系统造成真正的伤害。是不是跟影子系统很像?No,它们之间还有一个很大的区别,影子系统是对整个系统进行保护,而Sandboxie是对电脑的局部进行保护。因此,对普通用户来说,Sandboxie的局部保护功能更方便。  Sandboxie安装完之后,就会在任务栏中显示图标,在图标上按鼠标右键,选择“打开主窗口”就可以开始用用它来保护系统 一、上网无忧  然后选择“运行沙盘→IE浏览器”,这时候会自动弹出标题栏中有两个“[#]”符号的IE浏览器,这就说明IE已经处于保护状态。去掉保护之后,历史记录连同IE之间安装过的流氓插件、下载的文件都会随之消失。  提示:Sandboxie本身只能对第一个IE浏览器进程进行保护,不过用桌面上Sandboxie的保护IE的快捷方式来上网,无论打开多少个IE浏览器,都在保护状态下。 二、安装危险程序  木马和病毒总是比杀毒软件抢先一步。所以我们在安装程序的时候,即时杀毒软件没有报毒,也存在一定的风险。但使用Sandboxie,就会将风险降低为零。  选要安装或解压的不明程序,按鼠标右键,选择“用沙盘运行”(图3),就会以保护的形式来安装或解压该程序。同样,在程序的安装窗口中会发现标题栏上有两个“[#]”符号代表受保护。笔者在安装一个捆绑木马的程序时做了保护措施。恢复系统之后,发现在这期间安装的程序包括木马都消失了,相当的安全。  三、保护整个电脑  Sandboxie还提供整个电脑的保护,在Sandboxie中选择“功能”菜单,然后“选择运行沙盘→Windows 资源管理器”,就会自动弹出有两个“[#]”符号的“我的电脑”窗口。之后对整个电脑进行任意操作,包括格式化分区、删除文件、拷贝文件等都很安全。恢复的方法很简单。在Sandboxie主界面选择“配置 →沙盘设置→设置自动清理选项”,将隔离层中的内容清除即可。  另外,在最新的Sandboxie3.0版本中,它提供了多用户管理功能和多种独立保护方案。

correspond to是什么意思

相当于;相符;契合;副 [例句]Yet these high private returns do not correspond to their real contribution. 但这些人的高收益与他们的实际贡献并不相符.
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