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介绍几首像阿姆的《till i collapse》这种节奏的歌.........

how come Welcome To Detroit run rabbit run Big Weenie Never Enough (Feat. 50 Cent & Nate Dogg) Amityville (feat Bizarre from D-12) The Way I Am 3 a.m Insane Bagpipes from Baghdad Medecine ball Old time"s sake (feat. Dr. Dre) Must be ganja Deja vu 太多了~~这些只是阿姆的~~其他人的真的有很多

找些金属的,押韵的,向上的歌。例:Till I Collapse

rolling in the deep中文 松松 不爱请闪开 super girl 爱无畏 受够了这些都是萧亚轩的 你可以听下闹翻天舞极限wow这些事罗志祥的

科比视屏 背景是阿姆的歌till i collapse

EMINEM 阿姆内 "Till I Collapse" 直到我崩溃 (feat. Nate Dogg) (伴唱.纳特·多狗) [Intro:] [前奏] "Cause sometimes you feel tired, feel weak, 你有时疲惫,有时虚弱, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up. 力不从心的时候,你会想到要放弃。 But you gotta search within you, 但你必须不断寻觅, you gotta find that inner strength 寻觅内心的力量 and just pull that shit out of you 把所有烦恼都抛弃 and get that motivation to not give up 得到永不放弃的动力 and not be a quitter, 不要半途而废, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse. 无论你多想倒下,濒临崩溃边缘。 [B/W Intro:] [前奏] Yo left, yo left, yo left right left 左,左,左右左 Yo left, yo left, yo left right left 左,左,左右左 Yo left, yo left, yo left right left 左,左,左右左 Yo left, yo left, yo left right left 左,左,左右左 [Verse #1:] [第一段] Till I collapse I spilling these raps long as you feel em 在我崩溃之前,我一直唱饶舌歌,希望你们感觉到。 Till the day that I drop you"ll never say that I"m not killing them 在我放弃之前,你永远不会那么说,毕竟我没害他们。 Cause when I am not then I am stop pinning them 因为我没有,所以不再信任他们。 And I am not hip-hop and I just not Eminem. 我不跳街舞,也不是阿姆内。 Subliminal thoughts when I"m stop sending them women are caught in webs spin and hauk venom 当我不再发送潜意识,女人就困在蛛网和毒液里。 Adrenaline shots of penicillin could not get the illing to stop. Amoxacilin is just not real enough. 注射肾上腺素青霉素也不能解毒,阿莫西林也不够。 The criminal cop killing hip-hop filling minimal swap to cop millions of Pac listeners. 刑警谋杀说唱乐,赶走百万名听众。 Your coming with me, feel it or not you gonna fear it like I showed you the spirit of god lives in us. 跟我来,你将感觉到上帝的精神与我们同在。 You hear it a lot, lyrics the shock is it a miracle or am I just a product of pop fizzing up. 歌词听得越多,震撼越多。它是奇迹吗,我是流行音乐的产物吗? For shizzle my whizzle this is the plot listen up you bizzles forgot slizzle does not give a fuck. 这是自己的事,情节如此,听自己的话,忘记一切,微不足道。 [Chorus - NateDogg] [合声 - 纳特多狗] Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out 直到屋顶塌下来,直到灯火都熄灭。 Till my legs give out, can shut my mouth. 直到双腿都报废,那时我才会闭嘴。 Till the smoke clears out - am I high? Perhaps 直到烟火散尽 - 我很拽吗?也许吧。 I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse. 我要毁掉这一切,直到有天我崩溃。 Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out 直到屋顶塌下来,直到灯火都熄灭。 Till my legs give out, can shut my mouth. 直到双腿都报废,那时我才会闭嘴。 Till the smoke clears out and my high burn out 直到烟火散尽,名誉扫地。 I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse. 我要毁掉这一切,直到有天我崩溃。 [Verse #2:] [第二段] Music is like magic there a certain feeling you get when your real and you spit and people are feeling your shit. 音乐就象魔法,当世人鄙视你的时候,只有它让你感觉真实。 This is your moment and every single minute you spend trying to hold onto it 这是你的时间,每分每秒都要紧紧抓住。 cause you may never get it again. 因为此刻时光一去不返。 So while you in it try to get as much shit as you can 当你陶醉其中,就要尽情享受。 and when your run is over just admit when its at its end. 当你挥霍一空,就要面对现实。 Cause I"m at the end of my wits with half this shit that gets in. 我已绞尽脑汁,骑虎难下。 I got a list here"s the order of my list that it"s in. 我有一份榜单,排名顺序如下。 It goes, Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and Biggie, Andre from Outcast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me. 上面写着,里基,杰仔,图帕克和比基,流浪汉安德鲁,贾达,库拉普特,纳司,还有我。 But in this industry I"m the cause of a lot of envy, 但我身在这行,难免引人嫉妒, so when I not put on this list the shit does not offend me. 如果我不上榜,就不会犯众怒。 That"s why you see me walk around like nothing"s bothering me. 所以我常闲逛,看似无忧无虑。 Even though half you people got a fucking problem with me. 但你们这群鸟人,总要找我麻烦。 You hate it but you know respect you got to give me 就算你讨厌我,那也得尊重我。 The press"s wet dream like Bobby and Whitney. Nate hit me. 就象狗仔对缠着波比和惠妮。纳特打了我。 [Chorus - NateDogg] [合声 -纳特多狗] [Verse #3:] [第三段] Soon as a verse starts I eat it at MC heart 一段歌声响起,我在麦当劳总店吃东西 what is he thinking? How not to go against me? Smart. 他在想些什么?不是要整我吧?算他聪明。 And its absurd how people hang on every word. 人们每个字的发音都相当古怪 Il probably never get the props I feel I ever deserve 我永远得不到支持,这也是活该 But Il never be served my spot is forever reserved 永远轮不到我,我的观点无处表达 If I ever leave earth that would be the death of me first. 如果逃离地球,那我肯定得死 Cause in my heart of hearts I know nothing could ever be worse. 因为在我内心,我知道没有什么比死更糟糕的了。 That why I clever when I put together every verse 我把歌词连起来,显得自己更聪明 My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I an addict 我思维断断续续,行为象个瘾君子 I rap like I addicted to smack like I Kim Mathers. 我唱饶舌歌上瘾,风格酷似金·马瑟 But I don want to go forth and back in constant battles 但我不想在无休止的战争中翻来覆去 The fact is I would rather sit back and bomb some rappers. 事实上我宁愿养精蓄锐,然后炸死一群说唱歌手 So this is like a full blown attack I launching at them 所以这是我对他们的预谋袭击 The track is on some battling raps who want some static 出路就是那些战斗歌词,给他们点颜色瞧瞧。 Cause I don really think that the fact that I Slim matters 因为我不知道,这关他们什么事。 A plaque of platinum status is whack if I"m not the baddest. 白金唱片在打造,只要我不是最差。 [Chorus - NateDogg] [合声 - 纳特多狗] [Outro:] [尾声] [Eminem & Natedogg Echo:] [阿姆内和纳特多狗 回声:] Until the roof 直到屋顶 The roof comes off 屋顶坍塌 Until my legs 直到双腿 give out from underneath me 全都报废 [Eminem:] [阿姆内:] I will not fall, 我也不会倒下 I will stand tall, 我要引人注目 Feels like no one could beat me. 我要无人能敌

求eminem 的till i collapse歌词翻译。

"Till I Collapse" 直到我崩溃 (feat. Nate Dogg) (伴唱.纳特·多狗) [Intro:] [前奏] "Cause sometimes you feel tired, feel weak, 你有时疲惫,有时虚弱, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up. 力不从心的时候,你会想到要放弃。 But you gotta search within you, 但你必须不断寻觅, you gotta find that inner strength 寻觅内心的力量 and just pull that shit out of you 把所有烦恼都抛弃 and get that motivation to not give up 得到永不放弃的动力 and not be a quitter, 不要半途而废, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse. 无论你多想倒下,濒临崩溃边缘。 [B/W Intro:] [前奏] Yo left, yo left, yo left right left 左,左,左右左 Yo left, yo left, yo left right left 左,左,左右左 Yo left, yo left, yo left right left 左,左,左右左 Yo left, yo left, yo left right left 左,左,左右左 [Verse #1:] [第一段] Till I collapse I spilling these raps long as you feel em 在我崩溃之前,我一直唱饶舌歌,希望你们感觉到。 Till the day that I drop you"ll never say that I"m not killing them 在我放弃之前,你永远不会那么说,毕竟我没害他们。 Cause when I am not then I am stop pinning them 因为我没有,所以不再信任他们。 And I am not hip-hop and I just not Eminem. 我不跳街舞,也不是阿姆内。 Subliminal thoughts when I"m stop sending them women are caught in webs spin and hauk venom 当我不再发送潜意识,女人就困在蛛网和毒液里。 Adrenaline shots of penicillin could not get the illing to stop. Amoxacilin is just not real enough. 注射肾上腺素青霉素也不能解毒,阿莫西林也不够。 The criminal cop killing hip-hop filling minimal swap to cop millions of Pac listeners. 刑警谋杀说唱乐,赶走百万名听众。 Your coming with me, feel it or not you gonna fear it like I showed you the spirit of god lives in us. 跟我来,你将感觉到上帝的精神与我们同在。 You hear it a lot, lyrics the shock is it a miracle or am I just a product of pop fizzing up. 歌词听得越多,震撼越多。它是奇迹吗,我是流行音乐的产物吗? For shizzle my whizzle this is the plot listen up you bizzles forgot slizzle does not give a fuck. 这是自己的事,情节如此,听自己的话,忘记一切,微不足道。 [Chorus - NateDogg] [合声 - 纳特多狗] Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out 直到屋顶塌下来,直到灯火都熄灭。 Till my legs give out, can shut my mouth. 直到双腿都报废,那时我才会闭嘴。 Till the smoke clears out - am I high? Perhaps 直到烟火散尽 - 我很拽吗?也许吧。 I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse. 我要毁掉这一切,直到有天我崩溃。 Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out 直到屋顶塌下来,直到灯火都熄灭。 Till my legs give out, can shut my mouth. 直到双腿都报废,那时我才会闭嘴。 Till the smoke clears out and my high burn out 直到烟火散尽,名誉扫地。 I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse. 我要毁掉这一切,直到有天我崩溃。 [Verse #2:] [第二段] Music is like magic there a certain feeling you get when your real and you spit and people are feeling your shit. 音乐就象魔法,当世人鄙视你的时候,只有它让你感觉真实。 This is your moment and every single minute you spend trying to hold onto it 这是你的时间,每分每秒都要紧紧抓住。 cause you may never get it again. 因为此刻时光一去不返。 So while you in it try to get as much shit as you can 当你陶醉其中,就要尽情享受。 and when your run is over just admit when its at its end. 当你挥霍一空,就要面对现实。 Cause I"m at the end of my wits with half this shit that gets in. 我已绞尽脑汁,骑虎难下。 I got a list here"s the order of my list that it"s in. 我有一份榜单,排名顺序如下。 It goes, Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and Biggie, Andre from Outcast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me. 上面写着,里基,杰仔,图帕克和比基,流浪汉安德鲁,贾达,库拉普特,纳司,还有我。 But in this industry I"m the cause of a lot of envy, 但我身在这行,难免引人嫉妒, so when I not put on this list the shit does not offend me. 如果我不上榜,就不会犯众怒。 That"s why you see me walk around like nothing"s bothering me. 所以我常闲逛,看似无忧无虑。 Even though half you people got a fucking problem with me. 但你们这群鸟人,总要找我麻烦。 You hate it but you know respect you got to give me 就算你讨厌我,那也得尊重我。 The press"s wet dream like Bobby and Whitney. Nate hit me. 就象狗仔对缠着波比和惠妮。纳特打了我。 [Chorus - NateDogg] [合声 -纳特多狗] [Verse #3:] [第三段] Soon as a verse starts I eat it at MC heart 一段歌声响起,我在麦当劳总店吃东西 what is he thinking? How not to go against me? Smart. 他在想些什么?不是要整我吧?算他聪明。 And its absurd how people hang on every word. 人们每个字的发音都相当古怪 Il probably never get the props I feel I ever deserve 我永远得不到支持,这也是活该 But Il never be served my spot is forever reserved 永远轮不到我,我的观点无处表达 If I ever leave earth that would be the death of me first. 如果逃离地球,那我肯定得死 Cause in my heart of hearts I know nothing could ever be worse. 因为在我内心,我知道没有什么比死更糟糕的了。 That why I clever when I put together every verse 我把歌词连起来,显得自己更聪明 My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I an addict 我思维断断续续,行为象个瘾君子 I rap like I addicted to smack like I Kim Mathers. 我唱饶舌歌上瘾,风格酷似金·马瑟 But I don want to go forth and back in constant battles 但我不想在无休止的战争中翻来覆去 The fact is I would rather sit back and bomb some rappers. 事实上我宁愿养精蓄锐,然后炸死一群说唱歌手 So this is like a full blown attack I launching at them 所以这是我对他们的预谋袭击

想找一个科比集锦是以EMINEM的Till i collapse为背景音乐的这个是吗?

Till I collapse随便选

有一首节奏感很强英文歌有一句歌词是come on 摔,糊呃river,适合做跳舞做热身运动的,叫什

Purple Lamborghini (Explicit) (《X特遣队》电影插曲) - Skrillex/Rick RossWritten by:Rick RossBiggest boss and I been the trillestI"m a bigger problem when I click with SkrillexMurder on my mind it"s time to pray to godMy revolver is that religion"s the revolution"s bondYou wanna know my name then go and tell them SargYou wanna know my gang suicide squadPistol on my waist I might make a mistakeDead shot head shot oh my god am I crazyDrugs every corner this is Gotham cityKiller Croc came to kidnap you to cut out your kidneyAin"t no mercy got that purple Lamborghini lurkin"Rozay don"t you know that pussy worth itFlooded Rolex at the Grammy awardsThey still sellin" dope that"s those Miami boysKillers everywhere it ain"t no place to runForgive me for my wrongs I have just begunAin"t no mercy a ain"t no mercyGot that purple Lamborghini purple Lamborghini lurkin"Ain"t no mercy a ain"t no mercyGot that purple Lamborghini lurkingDon"t be beggin" for your life cause that"s a lost causeHigh stakes body armor suicide boyThere"s a time for games and there"s a time to killMake up your mind baby there"s no time to chillCapital murder capital lettuceYeah she catchin" my vibe but can"t fathom my cheddarNeed a couple gang members for these new endeavorsFrom this point on whenever we do we do togetherBody on the corner million in the trunkSeven figures I will spend that every other monthKillers on the corner talons in the clipVilla Palisade and Paris just to fill with bitchesSay my name and I"m coming with the gun squadEverybody runnin" homie there"s only one godCocaine white Ferrari I"m in the fast laneEvery day was life and death that"s when the cash cameCount money drug residue even blood on "emHe had a driver "til I put my cause on itKicking in the dope boy suicide squadNeedle in my arm so I"m do or die for itAin"t no mercy a ain"t no mercyGot that purple Lamborghini purple Lamborghini lurkin"Ain"t no mercy a ain"t no mercyGot that purple Lamborghini lurkin" RozayPrideGreedDeviousNeedsHighstakesCash moneyDope boyRap moneyReal hipForgive me for my wrongs I have just begunRozay

《till i collapes 》,阿姆的一首歌来着= = ,哪位行行好给我中文和听闻对照的歌词啊

  Intro: Sometimes you just feel tired, feel weak  有时你会感到疲倦,感到虚弱  When you feel weak, you feel like you just wanna just give up  当感到虚弱时,你觉得干脆放弃算了  But you gotta search within you,  但是你将深入了解自己,  try and find that inner strength  试着探求那内在的力量  And just pull that shit out of you, and get that motivation not to give up  并把那些垃圾挤出你的身体,又有了动机不再放弃  And not be a quitter no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face.  不论你脸上表现出的失败有多么严重都不要成为懦夫。  Verse 1  Till I collapse I"m spillin" these raps long as you feel "em 直到我粉身碎骨,你仍能感受到这节奏  Till the day that I drop you"ll never say that I"m not killin" "em  直到我放过你那天你也决不会说我不会干掉他们  Cuz when I am not, then I"ma stop pinnin" them and I am not hip-hopand I"m just not Eminem  因为到我不(干掉他们)的那个时刻,我就不再阻碍他们,并且不再HIP-HOP,也不再是EMINEM  Subliminal thoughts, when I"ma stop sendin""em, women are caught in webs, spin "em and hock venom  潜意识告诉我,当我不再驱走他们,女士们就会被蜘蛛网住,包起,注入毒液  Adrenaline shots of penicillin could not get the illin" to stop, amoxacillin"s just not real enough  青霉素注射也不能制止这疾病,羟氨苄青霉素也不够用  The criminal cop killin" hip-hop villain a Minimal swap to cop millions of Pac listeners  罪恶的警察干掉最少的说唱痞子却换来了数百万的PAC听众  Your comin" with me, feel it or not you"re gonna fear it  你们跟随我,无论是否对它有感觉都将对其产生敬畏  Like I showed ya the spirit of God lives in us  就像我展示给你的在我们中间存在的上帝的灵魂  You hear it a lot lyrics to shock,  你听到那些歌词感受震惊  Is it a miracle or am I just a product of pop fizzin" up?  那是个奇迹吗还是我只是个流行的产物?  Fa shizzel my wizzel, this is the plot Listen up,  shady就是我的智慧(本句为猜测),这就是情节,听好  You bizzels forgot slizzel does not give a ****  你大概忘了SLIM不会刁这些  [Nate Dogg]  Chorus: Till the roof comes off,  直到屋顶掀掉  Till the lights go out  直到灯光熄灭  Till my leg give out  直到我的腿精疲力竭  Can"t shut my mouth  也不能闭上我的嘴  Till the smoke clears out  直到烟雾飘散  And my high burn out  我又在人间蒸发  I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse  直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾  Till the roof comes off  直到屋顶掀掉  Till the lights go out  直到灯光熄灭  Till my legs give out  直到我的腿精疲力竭  Can"t shut my mouth  也不能闭上我的嘴  Till the smoke clears out  直到烟雾飘散  Am I high, perhaps?  是否我也蒸发了?也许吧  I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse  直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾  Verse 2  Music is like magic, theres a certain feelin"  音乐就像魔术,有确定的感觉  You get when you"re real,  当你真实的时候你会感受到它  And you spit and people are feelin" ya shit  人们会感受到你喷出的话  This is your moment and every single minute  这是你的时刻,每一分钟  You spend trynna hold on to it  你要尽力坚持住  "cuz you may never get it again  因为也许你再也不会有机会了  So while you"re in it try to get as much shit as you can  所以在你还在其中的时候就要尽全力去争取  And when your run is over  当你的时间完结  Just admit when it"s at its end  那就去接受这结局  "Cuz I"m at the end of my wits with half the shit gets in  因为我用尽了我的能力得到了我的那一半  I got a list  我有个名单  Here"s the order of my list that it"s in -  这是我名单上的顺序  It goes Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and Biggie  上面有Reggie,Jay-Zz,Tupac和Biggie  Andre from Outkast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me  还有从Outkast来的dre,Jada, Kurupt, Nas 然后是我  But in this industry, I"m the cause of a lotta Envy  但是在这个产业里,我带来了很多嫉妒  So when I"m not put on this list  所以当我还没有添到名单上  The shit does not offend me  这些话也没有得罪我  That"s why you see me walkin" around like nothin"s Botherin" me,  这就是为什么你看到我溜弯就像是没有什么惹到我,  even though half You people gotta ****in" problem with me  即使你们一半的人都要给我带来麻烦  You hate it but you know respect you got to give me  你很它但你还是知道应该尊敬我  The press" wet dream like Bobby and Whitney Nate hit me  像是Bobby和Whitney Nate针对我一样的噩梦  Chorus (2x)  Chorus: Till the roof comes off,  直到屋顶掀掉  Till the lights go out  直到灯光熄灭  Till my leg give out  直到我的腿精疲力竭  Can"t shut my mouth  也不能闭上我的嘴  Till the smoke clears out  直到烟雾飘散  And my high burn out  我又在人间蒸发  I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse  直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾  Till the roof comes off  直到屋顶掀掉  Till the lights go out  直到灯光熄灭  Till my legs give out  直到我的腿精疲力竭  Can"t shut my mouth  也不能闭上我的嘴  Till the smoke clears out  直到烟雾飘散  Am I high, perhaps?  是否我也人间蒸发了?  I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse  直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾  [Eminem]  Verse 3  Soon as a verse starts I eat at an Emcee"s Heart,  当歌一开始的时候我就在困扰主持人的心  what is he thinkin", how Not to go against me smart  他在想什么,如何才能机灵地不得罪我  And it"s absurd how people hang on every word  人们怎么会渴望着每一个词,这多么可笑  I"ll probably never get the props I feel I ever deserve  又或许连一个我认为曾经支持我的人也没有  But I"ll never be served, my Spot is forever reserved  但我永远不会被服务,我的污点将永远存在  If I ever leave Earth That would be the death of me first  如果我离开这里那就先要我的命  "cuz in my heart of hearts I know nothin" could Ever be worse  因为在我心中我明白没什么会比这更糟  that"s why I"m Clever when I put together every verse  这就是为何在我把歌词拼合得这么好  My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I"m an addict  我的思想零零散散,我装成是个上了瘾的  I rap like I"m addicted to smack,  我说唱的时候总是很沉迷  Like I"m Kim Mathers  就像我成了Kim Mathers  But I don"t wanna go forth and back in constant battles  但是我并不会在坚定的比赛中前后摇晃  The fact is I would rather sit back and bomb some rappers  事实是我会坐在后面引爆那些说唱歌手  So this is like a full blown attack I"m launchin"  所以这就像  On them, the track is on some  Battlin" rap who wants some static  "Cuz I don"t really think that the fact that  I"m Slim matters  A plague and platinum status is whack if I"m not the baddest so  Chorus (2x)  Chorus: Till the roof comes off,  直到屋顶掀掉  Till the lights go out  直到灯光熄灭  Till my leg give out  直到我的腿精疲力竭  Can"t shut my mouth  也不能闭上我的嘴  Till the smoke clears out  直到烟雾飘散  And my high burn out  我又在人间蒸发  I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse  直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾  Till the roof comes off  直到屋顶掀掉  Till the lights go out  直到灯光熄灭  Till my legs give out  直到我的腿精疲力竭  Can"t shut my mouth  也不能闭上我的嘴  Till the smoke clears out  直到烟雾飘散  Am I high, perhaps?  是否我也人间蒸发了?  I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse  直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾  [Eminem & Nate Dogg]  Outro: Until the roof, (Until the roof)  直到屋顶  the roof comes off (The roof comes off)  屋顶掀掉  Until my legs, (Until my legs)  直到我的腿  give out from underneath me,  在我身下精疲力竭  I, I will not fall,  我,我不会倒下  I will stand tall  我会高高站立  其实你去百度百科搜一下就有了,有的时候多搜一会就能得到你想要的

谁能将 EMINEM的 till i collapse 的歌词大意给我讲下 谢谢

就是他很爱Hip hop,很爱说唱,无论什么也无法阻止他!

要阿姆《till i collapse》歌词,完整的

歌手Eminem 册页The Eminem Show 歌曲的名字 "Till I Collapse 歌曲信息 (4:57) Performed by Eminem and Nate Dogg 歌词Intro Sometimes you feel tired, feel weak, When you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up. But you gotta search within you, find that inner strength And just pull that shit out of you, and get that motivation not to give up And not be a quitter no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face?and collapse Verse 1 Till I collapse I"m spillin" these raps long as you feel "em, till the day, that I drop you"ll never say that I"m not killin" em Cuz when I am not, then I"ma stop pinnin"em and I am not hip-hop and I"m just not Eminem subliminal thoughts, when Ima stop sendin" em, women are caught in webs, spin "em and hock venom, adrenalin shots of penicillin could not get the illin" to stop, amoxacillin"s just not real enough The criminal cop killin", hip-hop villain a minimal swap to cop millions of Pac listeners your comin" with me, feel it or not you"re gonna fear it like I showed ya the spirit of God lives in us you hear it a lot, lyrics to shock. Is it a miracle or am I just product of pop fizzin" up? Fa shizzel my wizzel, this is the plot listen up, you bizzels forgot, slizzel does not give a fuck Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out, till my legs give out, can"t shut my mouth Till the smoke clears out and my high burns out, I"ma rip this shit till my bones collapse. Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out, (Until the roof) till my legs give out, can"t shut my mouth (The roof comes off) Till the smoke clears out and my high burns out, (Until my legs) I"ma rip this shit till my bones collapse.(Give out from underneath me) Verse 2 Music is like magic, there"s a certain feeling you get when you"re real and you spit an people are feelin" ya shit This is your moment and every single minute you spend tryin" to hold on to it, cuz you may never get it again so while you"re in it try to get as much shit as you can and when your run is over just admit when it"s at its end/ cuz I"m at the end of my wits with half the shit gets in, I got a list here"s the order of my list that it"s in It goes Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and Biggie, Andre from Outkast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me But in this industry, I"m the cause of a lot of envy so when I"m not put on this list, the shit does not offend me That"s why you see me walkin" around like nothin"s bothering me, even though half you people gotta fuckin" problem with me you hate it but you know respect you got to give me. The press"s wet dream like Bobby an Whitney Nate hit me...记得采纳啊

Till I Collapse 歌词

歌曲名:Till I Collapse歌手:Eminem&Nate Dogg专辑:The Eminem Showtill i collapseeminem、nate dogg Sometimes you just feel tired, feel weakWhen you feel weak, you feel like you just wanna just give upBut you gotta search within you, try and find that inner strengthAnd just pull that shit out of you, and get that motivation not to give upAnd not be a quitter no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face.Till I collapse Im spillin theseraps long as you feel emTill the day that I drop youll never say that Im not killin emCuz when I am not, then Ima stop pinnin them and I am nothip-hop and Im not just EminemSubliminal thoughts, when Ima stop sendinem, women are caught in webs, spin em and hock venomAdrenaline shots of penicillin could notGet the illin to stop, amoxacillins just not real enoughThe criminal cop killin hip-hop villianaMinimal swap to cop millions of Pac listenersYour comin with me, feel it or not youre gonna fear itLike I showed ya the spirit of God lives in usYou hear it a lot lyrics to shock,Is it a miracleOr am I just a product of pop fizzin up?Fa shizzel my wizzel, this is the plotListen up,You bizzels forgot slizzel does not give a fuck Till the roof comes off,Till the lights go outTill my leg give outCant shut my mouthTill the smoke clears outAnd my high burn outIma rip this shit till my bone collapseTill the roof comes offTill the lights go outTill my legs give outCant shut my mouthTill the smoke clears outAm I high, perhaps?Ima rip this shit till my bone collapseMusic is like magic, theres a certain feelinYou get when youre real,And you spit and people are feelin ya shitThis is your moment and every single minuteYou spend trynna hold on to itcuz you may never get it againSo while youre in it try to get as much shit as you canAnd when your run is overJust admit when its at its endCuz Im at the end of my wits with half the shit gets inI got a listHeres the order of my list that its in It goes Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and BiggieAndre from Outkast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then meBut in this industry, Im the cause of a lottaEnvySo when Im not put on this listThe shit does not offend meThats why you see me walkin around like nothinsBotherin me, even though halfYou people gotta fuckin problem with meYou hate it but you know respect you got toGive meThe press wet dream likeBobby and WhitneyNate hit meTill the roof comes off,Till the lights go outTill my leg give outCant shut my mouthTill the smoke clears outAnd my high burn outIma rip this shit till my bone collapseTill the roof comes offTill the lights go outTill my legs give outCant shut my mouthTill the smoke clears outAm I high, perhapsIma rip this shit till my bone collapseSoon as a verse starts I eat at an Emcee"sHeart, what is he thinkin", howNot to go against me, smartAnd it"s absurd how people hang on every wordI"ll probably never get the props I feel I ever deserveBut I"ll never be served, mySpot is forever reservedIf I ever leave EarthThat would be the death of me first"cuz in my heart of hearts I know nothin" couldEver be worse that"s why I"mClever when I put together every verseMy thoughts are sporadic, I act likeI"m an addictI rap like I"m addicted to smack,Like I"m Kim MathersBut I don"t wanna go forth and back in constant battlesThe fact is I would rather sit back and bomb some rappersSo this is like a full blown attack I"m launchin"On them, the track is on someBattlin" rap who wants some static"Cuz I don"t really think that the fact thatI"m Slim mattersA plague and platinum status is wack if I"m not the baddest soTill the roof comes off,Till the lights go outTill my leg give outCan"t shut my mouthTill the smoke clears outAnd my high burn outI"ma rip this shit till my bone collapseTill the roof comes offTill the lights go outTill my legs give outCan"t shut my mouthTill the smoke clears outAm I high, perhaps?I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapseUntil the roof, (Until the roof)the roof comes off (The roof comes off)Until my legs, (Until my legs)give out from underneath me,I, I will not fall,I will stand tallFeels like no one canbeat me

求EMINEM的《till i collapse 》翻译

Till I Collapse(feat. Nate Dogg) 直到我崩溃 (伴唱.纳特·多狗) Intro: Sometimes you just feel tired, feel weak 有时你会感到疲倦,感到虚弱 When you feel weak, you feel like you just wanna just give up 当感到虚弱时,你觉得干脆放弃算了 But you gotta search within you, 但是你将深入了解自己, try and find that inner strength 试着探求那内在的力量 And just pull that shit out of you, and get that motivation not to give up 并把那些垃圾挤出你的身体,又有了动机不再放弃 And not be a quitter no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face. 不论你脸上表现出的失败有多么严重都不要成为懦夫。 Verse 1 Till I collapse I"m spillin" these raps long as you feel "em 直到我粉身碎骨,你仍能感受到这节奏 Till the day that I drop you"ll never say that I"m not killin" "em 直到我放过你那天你也决不会说我不会干掉他们 Cuz when I am not, then I"ma stop pinnin" them and I am not hip-hop and I"m not just Eminem 因为到我不(干掉他们)的那个时刻,我就不再阻碍他们,并且不再HIP-HOP,也不再是EMINEM Subliminal thoughts, when I"ma stop sendin""em, women are caught in webs, spin "em and hock venom 潜意识告诉我,当我不再驱走他们,女士们就会被蜘蛛网住,包起,注入毒液 Adrenaline shots of penicillin could not get the illin" to stop, amoxacillin"s just not real enough 青霉素注射也不能制止这疾病,羟氨苄青霉素也不够用 The criminal cop killin" hip-hop villain a Minimal swap to cop millions of Pac listeners 罪恶的警察干掉最少的说唱痞子却换来了数百万的PAC听众 Your comin" with me, feel it or not you"re gonna fear it 你们跟随我,无论是否对它有感觉都将对其产生敬畏 Like I showed ya the spirit of God lives in us 就像我展示给你的在我们中间存在的上帝的灵魂 You hear it a lot lyrics to shock, 你听到那些歌词感受震惊 Is it a miracle or am I just a product of pop fizzin" up? 那是个奇迹吗还是我只是个流行的产物? Fa shizzel my wizzel, this is the plot Listen up, shady就是我的智慧(本句为猜测),这就是情节,听好 You bizzels forgot slizzel does not give a **** 你大概忘了SLIM不会刁这些 [Nate Dogg] Chorus: Till the roof comes off, 直到屋顶掀掉 Till the lights go out 直到灯光熄灭 Till my leg give out 直到我的腿精疲力竭 Can"t shut my mouth 也不能闭上我的嘴 Till the smoke clears out 直到烟雾飘散 And my high burn out 我又在人间蒸发 I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse 直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾 Till the roof comes off 直到屋顶掀掉 Till the lights go out 直到灯光熄灭 Till my legs give out 直到我的腿精疲力竭 Can"t shut my mouth 也不能闭上我的嘴 Till the smoke clears out 直到烟雾飘散 Am I high, perhaps? 是否我也蒸发了?也许吧 I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse 直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾 Verse 2 Music is like magic, theres a certain feelin" 音乐就像魔术,有确定的感觉 You get when you"re real, 当你真实的时候你会感受到它 And you spit and people are feelin" ya shit 人们会感受到你喷出的话 This is your moment and every single minute 这是你的时刻,每一分钟 You spend trynna hold on to it 你要尽力坚持住 "cuz you may never get it again 因为也许你再也不会有机会了 So while you"re in it try to get as much shit as you can 所以在你还在其中的时候就要尽全力去争取 And when your run is over 当你的时间完结 Just admit when it"s at its end 那就去接受这结局 "Cuz I"m at the end of my wits with half the shit gets in 因为我用尽了我的能力得到了我的那一半 I got a list 我有个名单 Here"s the order of my list that it"s in - 这是我名单上的顺序 It goes Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and Biggie 上面有Reggie,Jay-Zz,Tupac和Biggie Andre from Outkast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me 还有从Outkast来的dre,Jada, Kurupt, Nas 然后是我 But in this industry, I"m the cause of a lotta Envy 但是在这个产业里,我带来了很多嫉妒 So when I"m not put on this list 所以当我还没有添到名单上 The shit does not offend me 这些话也没有得罪我 That"s why you see me walkin" around like nothin"s Botherin" me, 这就是为什么你看到我溜弯就像是没有什么惹到我, even though half You people gotta ****in" problem with me 即使你们一半的人都要给我带来麻烦 You hate it but you know respect you got to give me 你很它但你还是知道应该尊敬我 The press" wet dream like Bobby and Whitney Nate hit me 像是Bobby和Whitney Nate针对我一样的噩梦 Chorus (2x) Chorus: Till the roof comes off, 直到屋顶掀掉 Till the lights go out 直到灯光熄灭 Till my leg give out 直到我的腿精疲力竭 Can"t shut my mouth 也不能闭上我的嘴 Till the smoke clears out 直到烟雾飘散 And my high burn out 我又在人间蒸发 I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse 直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾 Till the roof comes off 直到屋顶掀掉 Till the lights go out 直到灯光熄灭 Till my legs give out 直到我的腿精疲力竭 Can"t shut my mouth 也不能闭上我的嘴 Till the smoke clears out 直到烟雾飘散 Am I high, perhaps? 是否我也人间蒸发了? I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse 直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾 [Eminem] Verse 3 Soon as a verse starts I eat at an Emcee"s Heart, 当歌一开始的时候我就在困扰主持人的心 what is he thinkin", how Not to go against me smart 他在想什么,如何才能机灵地不得罪我 And it"s absurd how people hang on every word 人们怎么会渴望着每一个词,这多么可笑 I"ll probably never get the props I feel I ever deserve 又或许连一个我认为曾经支持我的人也没有 But I"ll never be served, my Spot is forever reserved 但我永远不会被服务,我的污点将永远存在 If I ever leave Earth That would be the death of me first 如果我离开这里那就先要我的命 "cuz in my heart of hearts I know nothin" could Ever be worse 因为在我心中我明白没什么会比这更糟 that"s why I"m Clever when I put together every verse 这就是为何在我把歌词拼合得这么好 My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I"m an addict 我的思想零零散散,我装成是个上了瘾的 I rap like I"m addicted to smack, 我说唱的时候总是很沉迷 Like I"m Kim Mathers 就像我成了Kim Mathers But I don"t wanna go forth and back in constant battles 但是我并不会在坚定的比赛中前后摇晃 The fact is I would rather sit back and bomb some rappers 事实是我会坐在后面引爆那些说唱歌手 So this is like a full blown attack I"m launchin" 所以这就像 On them, the track is on some Battlin" rap who wants some static "Cuz I don"t really think that the fact that I"m Slim matters A plague and platinum status is whack if I"m not the baddest so Chorus (2x) Chorus: Till the roof comes off, 直到屋顶掀掉 Till the lights go out 直到灯光熄灭 Till my leg give out 直到我的腿精疲力竭 Can"t shut my mouth 也不能闭上我的嘴 Till the smoke clears out 直到烟雾飘散 And my high burn out 我又在人间蒸发 I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse 直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾 Till the roof comes off 直到屋顶掀掉 Till the lights go out 直到灯光熄灭 Till my legs give out 直到我的腿精疲力竭 Can"t shut my mouth 也不能闭上我的嘴 Till the smoke clears out 直到烟雾飘散 Am I high, perhaps? 是否我也人间蒸发了? I"ma rip this shit till my bone collapse 直到我粉身碎骨,仍要劈开这些垃圾 [Eminem & Nate Dogg] Outro: Until the roof, (Until the roof) 直到屋顶 the roof comes off (The roof comes off) 屋顶掀掉 Until my legs, (Until my legs) 直到我的腿 give out from underneath me, 在我身下精疲力竭 I, I will not fall, 我,我不会倒下 I will stand tall 我会高高站立

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commencement date是(合同)生效之日effective date是正式履行(合同)之日

come α gaⅰn αn other day是什么意思?


公司收到员工resignation letter既confirmation letter ?

1) 公司收到员工既resignation letter 通常都唔好出confirmation 架u359e ? 只要个员工俾咗信, 当然要系上面写清楚递信日期啦. 咁收咗就叫做confirm 架啦. 不过如果你真系要写confirmation 都得既, 大致上内容如下: (Date) (Re: Resignation ) Mr.Chan, (e.g.) Being confirmed that your resignation letter was well received on 17th July, 2007. Your last working day will be on 16th August, 2007. Due to your leaving, the final payment would be calculated after 7days of the last day 22nd August, 2007. ........... 2) 如 17/7 系effective date, 咁佢既 last day 即最后上班日应该系 16/8/07 先啱. 2007-07-18 10:58:19 补充: 唔好意思, misunderstand 咗你个问题. 如果佢u358a日俾信, effective date 应该系u358a日, 但系要confirm 佢封信上面个date 系咪同佢俾信系同一日, 如果唔系最好当面叫佢改番, 签番名咁就冇数"坳", 因为effective date 唔同咗 last day 都会唔同.,你可以看一看员工的信件上是什么日期. 如正常来说是计昨天, 如果员工的信日期是今天, 则计今天.,


Recovering - Celine DionI am recovering我渐渐恢复The faith of a child孩子般的纯真信仰By a part of my heart心底的某个角落I was reckless and wild充斥着不安与疯狂I am recovering我渐渐恢复The hope that I lost我失去的希望The part of my soul我灵魂的一隅That paid the cost都以付出代价Little by little day by day一点一滴 日复一日One step at a time一步一步 扎扎实实Shake off the devil oh摆脱欲望的纠缠Take back my piece of mind重新拼凑支离破碎的心I am recovering我渐渐恢复Anxiety addict焦虑成瘾A broken perfectionist绝望的完美主义者Somewhat erratic某个漂泊无依的浪者I am recovering我渐渐恢复A constant regret时常惋惜Hold it against her抱紧她At least till forever至少直到永远Little by little day by day一点一滴 日复一日One step at a time一步一步 扎扎实实Shake off the devil oh摆脱欲望的纠缠Take back my piece of mind重新拼凑支离破碎的心Hold me紧拥我As I fall apart baby在我绝望崩溃时Hold me紧拥我Here in the dark无边的黑暗里Cause the old me因为曾经的我Run just as far as I could from my heart逃离我的心飞向的远方Well I"m going back to the start我会回到最初Little by little day by day一点一滴 日复一日One step at a time一步一步 扎扎实实Shake off the devil oh摆脱欲望的纠缠Take back my piece of mind重新拼凑支离破碎的心Tell him I love him yeah告诉他 我爱他Take back my piece of mind重新拼凑支离破碎的心

use only under competent supervision什么意思

use only under competent supervision的中文翻译use only under competent supervision 只能在主管的监督下使用

求翼年代记里的ship of fools 如题,有的话请发到邮箱


could you show me another one还是could you say me

A.不定数目中的另一个用 another B.other加复数C.通常是the rest of 译为:剩下D.做后置定语 所以选A


Occur occur vi. 发生;出现;存在。常见结构有: sth. occurs to sb. = sth. strikes sb. = sth. comes to sb. 某人想起某事 It occurs to sb. to do sth. 某人想起做某事 It occurs to sb. that = It strikes sb. that某人想起某事 [例句] The disease occurs most frequently in rural areas. 这种病常见于农村地区。 A good idea occurred to him when he was asked to solve the problem. 当被叫到解决这个问题的时候,他突然想到一个好主意。 I suppose it never occurred to you to phone the police. 我想你压根儿就没想到给警 察打电话吧。 It occurred to her that she should adopt the homeless child. 她突然想到她应该收养 这个无家可归的孩子。 [辨析] occur; happen; take place ※ happen 与 occur 都可以表示 “偶然发生” , 但 occur 还可以表示 “按计划发生” 。 如: The accident happened / occurred yesterday. 事故是昨天发生的。 His birthday occurs on 15th October. 他的生日是 10 月 15 日。 ※ take place 通常表示计划、安排之内的“发生” ,偶尔也表示计划、安排之外 的发生。如: The dance will take place on Saturday night. 舞会将于星期六晚上举行。 The accident took place only a block from his home. 事故就发生在离他家一个街区的地方。 ※ 此外,happen to do sth. 指“碰巧干某事” 。 sth. happens to sb. 指“某人发生 了某事” 。如: He happened to be chasing Jack when the teacher came in. 当老师进来的时候他碰巧在追赶 Jack.

take place ,happen, occur, come about, break out这些单词用法有什么区别

(1). take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如:Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing.(2) .happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,例如:What happened to you? (一般不说:What did you happen?)Maybe something unexpected happened.I happened to see him on my way home.= It happened that I saw him on my way home.(3). occur作“发生、想到、突然想起”解,其意义相当于happen,例如:What has occurred? (=What has happened?)A big earthquake occurred (=happened) in the south of China last month.It occurred to me that she didn"t know I had moved into the new house.(4). come about表示“发生、产生”,多指事情已经发生了,但还不知道为什么,常用于疑问句和否定句,例如:When Mother woke up, she didn"t know what had come about.I"ll never understand how it came about that you were late three times a week.Do you know how the air accident came about?(5). break out意思为“发生、爆发”,常指战争、灾难、疾病或者争吵等事件的发生,也可以表示突然大声叫喊等,例如:Two world wars broke out last century.A fire broke out in the hospital in the mid-night.After the flood, diseases broke out here and there.She broke out, “That is too unfair!”

英语。Her sister has become a lawyer,-she wanted to be be


求listen to the stereo(家庭教师)钢琴谱 要全的 发

happen,take place,come about,occur的区别

分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: take place, happen, occur, e about和break out用法区别 这些词或短语都有“发生”的意思,但用法各不相同,区别如下: (1). take place 表示“发生、举行、举办”,一般指非偶然性事件的“发生”,即这种事件的发生一定有某种原因或事先的安排,例如: Great changes have taken place in our hometown during the past ten years.The Olympic Games of 2008 will take place in Beijing. (2) .happen作“发生、碰巧”解,一般用于偶然或突发性事件,例如: What happened to you? (一般不说:What did you happen?) Maybe something unexpected happened. I happened to see him on my way home. = It happened that I saw him on my way home. (3). occur作“发生、想到、突然想起”解,其意义相当于happen,例如: What has occurred? (=What has happened?) A big earthquake occurred (=happened) in the south of China last month. It occurred to me that she didn"t know I had moved into the new house. (4). e about表示“发生、产生”,多指事情已经发生了,但还不知道为什么,常用于疑问句和否定句,例如: When Mother woke up, she didn"t know what had e about. I"ll never understand how it came about that you were late three times a week. Do you know how the air accident came about? (5). break out意思为“发生、爆发”,常指战争、灾难、疾病或者争吵等事件的发生,也可以表示突然大声叫喊等,例如: Two world wars broke out last century. A fire broke out in the hospital in the mid-night. After the flood, diseases broke out here and there. She broke out, “That is too unfair!”

求家庭教师所有角色歌打包下载 MP3式

  片头曲  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP1-Drawing days/SPLAY》(1~26)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP2-BOYS & GIRLS/LM.C》(27~51)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP3-DIVE TO WORLD/CHERRYBLOSSOM》(52~73)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP4-88/LM.C》(74~101)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP5-last cross/光冈昌美》(102~126)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP6-EASY GO/加藤和树》(127~153)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP7-Funny Sunny Day/SxOxU》(154~177)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! OP8-LISTEN TO THE STEREO!!/GOING UNDER GROUND》(178~203)  片尾曲  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED1-道标/橘庆太》(1~12)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED2-ONE NIGHT STAR/the ARROWS》(13~29)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED3-Echo again/SPLAY》(30~38)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED4-friend/アイドリング!!!》(39~51)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED5-Sakura addiction/云雀恭弥VS六道骸》(52~62)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED6-friend/笹川京子VS三浦ハル》(63)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED7-STAND UP!/Lead》(64~76)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED8-アメあと/w-inds.》(77~89)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED9-CYCLE/CHERRYBLOSSOM》(90~101)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED10-すべり台/森翼》(102~114)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED11-桜ロック/CHERRYBLOSSOM》(115~126)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED12-Smile for.../上户彩》(127~139)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED13-青い梦/森翼》(140~153)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED14-梦のマニュアル/CHERRYBLOSSOM》(154~165)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED15-gr8 story/SuG》(166~177)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED16-ファミリア/D-51》(178~190)  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! ED17-キャンバス/+Plus》(191~203)  插曲  OST专辑:  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! オリジナル サウンドトラック~标的1~》  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! オリジナル サウンドトラック~标的2~》  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! オリジナル サウンドトラック~标的3~》  《家庭教师ヒットマンREBORN! オリジナル サウンドトラック~标的4~》(已发售)

apply to be considered



1.apply to申请去……2.apply for应用于……

我想看.《华尔街》(Wall Street)(1987)中英双字幕的,知道的发我邮箱,谢谢

提供本片RayFile网盘下载链接,需要安装RaySource客户端,新建任务,在下载链接(URL)这里把下面的地址粘贴上去,就可以下载了。第1部: fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTcucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvZDZlZjI3MzFkOGVmNzdmNzcyNTI1NTEzZDc1OTVjYmIvJUU1JThEJThFJUU1JUIwJTk0JUU4JUExJTk3LldhbGwuU3RyZWV0LjE5ODcuQkQuMkF1ZGlvLk1pbmlTRC1UTEYubWt2fDg5NzA0ODEzOQ==第2部:提供本片RayFile网盘下载链接,需要安装RaySource客户端,新建任务,在下载链接(URL)这里把下面的地址粘贴上去,就可以下载了。fs2you://Y2FjaGVmaWxlMTcucmF5ZmlsZS5jb20vemgtY24vZG93bmxvYWQvZDZlZjI3MzFkOGVmNzdmNzcyNTI1NTEzZDc1OTVjYmIvJUU1JThEJThFJUU1JUIwJTk0JUU4JUExJTk3LldhbGwuU3RyZWV0LjE5ODcuQkQuMkF1ZGlvLk1pbmlTRC1UTEYubWt2fDg5NzA0ODEzOQ==

“come true”是什么意思?

come true实现,成真;成为现实I"m afraid his hope won"t come true easily. 他的希望怕很难实现。If he returns, all of my wildest dreams would come true! 跟读如果他回来,我所有的最疯狂的梦想都将实现!

请问 现在音乐帝国也就是www.50888.com用的DJ舞曲叫什么~~

smile - golden skyhttp:// us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It"s the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah Welcome to the wonderland, a place for you and me If you treat me right then maybe you will have a key This world is very special and I"ll show it just for you All you have to say is "Yes, I do" Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It"s the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah There are many secrets that I"d like to share with you I will show you magic if the words you say are true Imagine that the wildest dreams are in this mystery It"s a perfect place for you and me Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It"s the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It"s the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah Let us fly-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay... Let us fly-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay... Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It"s the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It"s the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah Let us fly-ay-ay-ay la-di-da-di-da-di-dah To the golden sky It"s the paradise of Smile Where the sun will always shine La-da-di-da-di-da-di-dah

英国的Tory 和 conservative party是同一个政党吗?如果不是,区别在哪里?

世界最古老的政党——英国保守党(Conservative Party) 创建于 1679 年,是全世界第一个政党,其前身为英国托利党(Tory)

However,conservative voters question his policy on North Korea and criticize him as being weak


《 completed 》艾薇儿这首歌的歌词

Avril Lavigne - Complicated Uh huh, life"s like this生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh, that"s the way it is 那是它是的方式 Cause life"s like this生活就是这样 Uh huh, uh huh that"s the way it is 那是它是的方式 Chill out安静 whatcha yelling" for? 你在笑什么 Lay back回想 It"s all been done before 我们都做了些什么 And if you could only let it be 如果你放轻松, You will see 你会看见 I like you the way you are 我喜欢你和你的方式 When we"re drivin" in your car 当我们做在你车里时 And you"re talking to me one on one你同我一遍又一遍的诉说 But you"ve become 但是现在你变了 Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。 You"re watching your back 你时刻注意你的形象, Like you can"t relax 总是很拘束。 You"re tryin" to be cool 你想装酷, You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。 Tell me 告诉我 Why you have to go and make things so complicated?你为什么让事情变的这么复杂? I see the way you"re acting 我能看出你在伪装 Like you"re somebody else gets me frustrated 这让我烦透了。 Life"s like this生活就是这样, And you fall and you crawl and you break 你会跌倒,你会挣扎,你会崩溃, And you take what you get 你想得到你想得到的 And you turn it into honesty 你要接受现实 You promised me你答应过我 I"m never gonna find you fake it No no no You come over unannounced 没有事先通知你就来了, Dressed up like you"re someone else 打扮的象另外一个人, Where you are and where it"s sad you see 你就像一出悲剧。 You"re making me 你装出很酷的样子, Laugh out when you strike your pose 却让我大笑不止, Take off all your preppy clothes 脱掉你那身怪衣服, You know you"re not fooling anyone 你知道你骗不了任何人。 But you"ve become 但是现在你变了 Somebody else round everyone else 跟其他人没有区别了。 You"re watching your back 你时刻注意你的形象, Like you can"t relax 总是很拘束。 You"re tryin" to be cool 你想装酷, You look like a fool to me 但在我看来你却像一个傻瓜。



求艾薇儿的complicated 的音译歌词


英语senior Conservative MPs怎么翻译?

senior Conservative MPs高级保守党议员

cfx中conservative interface flux是什么意思

conservative interface flux保守的界面通量conservative interface flux保守的界面通量



Never in my wildest dreams ________these people are living in such poor conditions. A.I cou.

B 试题分析:本题考察的是部分倒装句。部分倒装中考查较多的有:(1) 含有否定意义的词never,seldom,little. hardly,not,scarcely,nowhere,by no means(决不)等置于句首时。(2)以only修饰作为状语的副词、介词短语或从句,且放在句首时。 注意:only 修饰状语从句放在句首时,状语从句不需要倒装,只能倒装主句部分。(3)当so置于句首意为“也如此”,neither,nor置于句首意为“也不”时。当so表示对前句内容的肯定和附和,译作“确实,正是”时,用自然语序。(4)当not only…but also, so/such…that, not… until, no sooner… than, hardly… when等连词置于句首时。(5)在as引导的让步状语从句中(名词/形容词/副词/动词+as+主谓结构)。(6)虚拟语气的条件状语从句省去 if时,须将were,had,should提到句首构成倒装句。(7)频度副词often, always, once, now and then, every other day, many a time等放在句首时。(8)为了使句子保持平衡,为了强调表语或为了使上下文紧密衔接时,常使用倒装语序。本题考察的是第一种用法,把否定词never放在了句首,后面使用部分倒装的形式。句义:我从来都没有想到这些人生活在如此贫穷的情景之中。AC项没有使用部分倒装,D项中多了否定词。故B正确。




conservative英 [ku0259nu02c8su025c:vu0259tu026av] 美 [ku0259nu02c8su025c:rvu0259tu026av] n. 保守的人;(英国)保守党党员,保守党支持者adj. 保守的;(英国)保守党的;(式样等)不时新的

英语:Can their dream come true?中的梦想一词为什么不用复数?


什么是conservative force


conservative vector fields

更新1: y do u say the potential function of G can be negative too..? thanks^^ 更新2: shouldnt ∫_C Fu2219dr be π^4 / 4...? (a) Curl(F)=(0 0 3x^2-3y^2) ≠ (0 0 0) so F is not conservative. (b) G=grad( xyz/√(x^2+y^2+z^2) ) so G is conservative. The potential function of G is -xyz/√(x^2+y^2+z^2) + c or xyz/√(x^2+y^2+z^2) + c according to the definition G=-grad(P) or grad(P). (c) ∫_C Fu2219dr=∫[0~p/2] ( (sint)^3 (cost)^3 8t^3 )u2219(-sint cost 2) dt =∫[0~π/2] [(cost)^4-(sint)^4+16t^3] dt =∫[0~π/2] [ cos(2t)+ 16t^3] dt= (1/2)π^3 ∫_C Gu2219dr= xyz/√(x^2+y^2+z^2) sub. (x y z)=(1 0 0) to (0 1 π) =0 2011-05-19 22:11:16 补充: (1) Conservative force may be defined as F=grad(P) or -grad(P) (2)Sorry! ∫[0~π/2] [ cos(2t)+ 16t^3] dt= (1/4)π^4





conservative和 conventional有什么相似和区别

conservative是保守的 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 conservative /ku0259nu02c8su025cu02d0vu0259tu026av/ CET4 TEM4 ( conservatives )1. ADJ Someone who is conservative has views that are toward the political right. In the U.S. the Republicans are more conservative than the Democrats, who are more liberal. 持政治右倾观点的例:...counties whose citizens invariably support the most conservative candidate in any election.…公民们在任何选举中都千篇一律地支持最保守的候选人的县。2. N-COUNT Conservative is also a noun. 右倾人士例:The new judge is 50-year-old David Suitor who"s regarded as a conservative.这名新法官是50岁的、被视为右倾人士的戴维·休特。3. ADJ Someone who is conservative or has conservative ideas is unwilling to accept changes and new ideas. (观点) 保守的例:People tend to be more liberal when they"re young and more conservative as they get older.人们在年轻时常常更开放,年纪越大就越保守。4. ADJ If someone dresses in a conservative way, their clothes are conventional in style. (衣着) 守旧的例:The girl was well dressed, as usual, though in a more conservative style.这个女孩像平常一样穿着得体,但式样则更守旧。conventional传统的conventional英 [ku0259n"venu0283(u0259)n(u0259)l] 美 [ku0259n"vu025bnu0283u0259nl] adj. 符合习俗的,传统的;常见的;惯例的网络释义专业释义英英释义 常规如某家听牌时打出了8条,按组牌成顺子的常规(Conventional)推理,他拆的是搭,即6、8嵌搭或8、9边搭,7、8两面(Both sides)搭子的可能性极小,所以这家极可能(May)是吊6条或9条的将牌。基于604个网页-相关网页 传统的 惯例的 俗套短语conventional weapon 常规武器 ; 常规兵器conventional lending 传统放款 ; 常规放款 ; 传统放款;常规放款conventional tariff 协定关税 ; 协定税则 ; 协定税率 ; 约定税率 更多网络短语21世纪大英汉词典 柯林斯英汉双解大词典 conventional /ku0259nu02c8vu025bnu0283u0259nu0259l/ CET4 TEM41. ADJ Someone who is conventional has behaviour or opinions that are ordinary and normal. (行为观念等) 传统的例:...a respectable married woman with conventional opinions.…一个可敬的观念传统的已婚妇女。2. conventionally ADV 传统地例:Men still wore their hair short and dressed conventionally.男人还是留着短发,着装传统。3. ADJ A conventional method or product is one that is usually used or that has been in use for a long time. 传统的 (方法或产品等)例:...the risks and drawbacks of conventional family planning methods.…传统计划生育方法的风险和缺陷。

liberal conservative是什么意思

liberal conservative保守派 拼音 双语对照 双语例句1It This is not an argument between left or right, liberal or conservative. 这不是左派或右派、自由派或保守派之间的一次斗争。


n.保守的人; (英国)保守党党员,保守党支持者;adj.保守的; (英国)保守党的; (式样等)不时新的;复数:conservatives比较级:more conservative最高级:most conservative形近词:preservativeconservatoryconservation1He surveys American politics with a conservative world view.他用一种保守的世界观审视美国政治。2JPMorgan has a history of being conservative about losses.该行历史上就有过对亏损估算采取保守做法的先例。1It is essentially a narrow and conservative approach to child care.这实质上是一种狭隘的、因循守旧的照顾孩子的方法。2JPMorgan has a history of being conservative about losses.该行历史上就有过对亏损估算采取保守做法的先例。


conservative[英][ku0259nu02c8su025c:vu0259tu026av][美][ku0259nu02c8su025c:rvu0259tu026av]n.保守的人; (英国)保守党党员,保守党支持者; adj.保守的; (英国)保守党的; (式样等)不时新的; 复数:conservatives比较级:more conservative最高级:most conservative

请列举带ser词根的单词及汉语。像conservative 保守的…多多益善。谢谢

service servey

地质学里conservative margins怎么翻译??


什么是conservative force

中文翻译为:conservative force[英][ku0259nu02c8su0259:vu0259tiv fu0254:s][美][ku0259nu02c8su025avu0259tu026av fu0254rs]守恒力例句:1、An investigation on conservative force and portential energy of system保守力与系统势能研究2、Gravity is the only force that to use the conservation of mechanical energy because gravity is a conservative force.重力是唯一起作用的,可以用,机械能守恒定理,因为重力恒定。3、And this is always the same, independent of the angle of theta, because gravity is a conservative force.它一直相同,和角度θ无关,因为重力是常量。

conservative and liberals译文


什么是conservative force ?

conservative 保守党人,保守派,守旧的;force暴力,逼迫




这个没什么窍门,不过可以帮你一点: serv这个词根有储藏,保守意思,比如reserve,储存,保留,con前缀,有共同的意思,然后conservative,共同保留,共同储存,保守的,守旧的.




con ser va tive 保守 一口气读十遍,你再问自己conservative是什么意思,肯定记住了

conservative和 conventional有什么相似和区别?







conservative [ku0259n"su025cu02d0vu0259tu026av] n. 保守派,守旧者adj. 保守的

assorted chocolates是什么意思

assorted chocolates 各色巧克力


subtotal函数序号都代表1到11代表包含手动隐藏的值。101到111是不包含手动隐藏的值,暨以可见单元格为统计对象。指定使用何种函数在列表中进行分类汇总计算,1到11包含隐藏值或101到111忽略隐藏值。其中103为计数函数,可以计数所选单元格范围内的非空单元格的数量。日常中最常见到的是在分类汇总中,返回列表或数据库中的分类汇总。通常,使用数据菜单中的分类汇总命令可以容易地创建带有分类汇总的列表。一旦创建了分类汇总,就可以通过编辑SUBTOTAL函数对该列表进行修改。SUBTOTAL的特点如果在ref1, ref2,中有其他的分类汇总,嵌套分类汇总,将忽略这些嵌套分类汇总,以避免重复计算。也就是在数据区域中有SUBTOTAL获得的结果将被忽略。当function_num为从1到11的常数时,SUBTOTAL函数将包括通过格式菜单的行子菜单下面的隐藏命令所隐藏的行中的值。当您要分类汇总列表中的隐藏和非隐藏值时,请使用这些常数。当function_num为从101到111的常数时,SUBTOTAL函数将忽略通过格式菜单的行子菜单下面的隐藏命令所隐藏的行中的值。当您只分类汇总列表中的非隐藏数字时,使用这些常数。但不论使用什么function_num值,SUBTOTAL函数都会忽略任何不包括在筛选结果中的行。而SUBTOTAL函数不适用于数据行或水平区域。隐藏某一列不影响分类汇总。但是隐藏分类汇总的垂直区域中的某一行就会对其产生影响。

republique du congo 属于哪个国家

Republique Du Congo 是刚果共和国

一硬币上有“PIASTRE DE COMMERCE”1906年收藏价值如何


求Natalie Cole的leavin‘歌词,谢谢

  我完全是听译的,因为真的找不到歌词。  有些词可能不太对,不好意思。  They say that love is a two way street  But you can prove that for me  lately just seems like I had it down  lonely,woundly high way  well it"s the same oh same, same oh same oh  same as i have been here a thousand times before  but this time is different  cause this time I"m not taking it no more  Chorus  Hey, I"m leaving  Hey, this time is for good  You should"ve treat me  for way you said you would  Hey, I"m leaving  Hey, you can"t make me stay  I"m tired of being hurt  hurt ain"t no good anyway  Now I it could be hard on you  What exist i"m going  and all those pretty things that you"ve bought for me  you can keep them  cause they don"t make up for the damnest chief down  or you"ll be all right,you"ll be fine  and just want me to death  and acts for me: I"m doing better all ready  but what the hell of price to pay  Chorus  Hey, I"m leaving  Hey, this time is for good  you"ve never treat me  for way you said you would  Hey I"m leaving  and you can"t make me stay  I"m tired of being hurt  and it ain"t no good ain"t no good anyway  While it"s 4 o"clock in the morning  and my bags are packed and I"m ready to go  Don"t know what I was thinking  But I should"ve left you long time ago  and though it hurts me baby  nothing"s gonna make mistake  And I"m tired, tired of hurting anyway  love is supposed to hurt  that"s right  And you"ve gotta know your words  and I finally believe up with the liars  you"re not the first, and you probably won"t be the last  It hurts so much inside  You"re no the one to blame  And i"m trying not to blame myself  cause you"re hanging over the shame  But I let you don"t know  take a good look, and you know that you never come in last  no never, no never  Hey I"m leaving  Hey this time is for good  You"ve never treat me for way you said you would  I"m leaving baby,bye bye

英语翻译New York City CopsHere in the streets so mechanisedRise

在这里的街道是如此的机械化 Rise to the bottom of the meaning of life上升到生命的意义底部 Studied all the rules didn"t want no part研究了所有的规则不希望任何部分 But I let you in just to break this heart不过,我只是让你打破这个心 Even though it was only one night尽管这只是一个晚上 It was *** ing strange这是他妈的怪 Nina"s in the bedroom尼娜在卧室 She said time to go now她说,现在的时间去 But leavin" it ain"t easy但要走"这是不容易 I got to let go我得放手 I got to let go我得放手 And the hours they ran slow而昨天他们跑慢 I said everynight she just can"t stop sayin"我说每个夜晚她不能停止的言谈 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 They ain"t too *** art他们是不是太聪明 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 They ain"t too *** art他们是不是太聪明 Well,kill me now,I let you down那么,杀我,我让你失望 I swear one day we"re gonna leave this town我发誓一天我们要离开这个小镇 Stop停止 Yes I"m leavin"是的,我要离开 "Cause it just won"t work因为它只是将无法工作 They act like Romans他们像罗马 But they dress like Turks但他们穿得像土耳其人 Sometime,in your prime有时,在你最 See me,I like the summertime见我,我喜欢夏天 Nina"s in the bedroom尼娜在卧室 She said time to go now她说,现在的时间去 But leavin" it ain"t easy但要走"这是不容易 I got to let go我得放手 I got to let go我得放手 Oh!哦! Trapped in an apartment被困在公寓 She would not let them get her她不会让他们得到她 She wrote it in a letter她在一封信中写道它 I got to e clean我得坦白 The authorities they"ve seen他们已经看到当局 darling I"m somewhere in between亲爱的,我现在在两者之间 I said everynight every night,I just can"t stop sayin"我说每个夜晚每个夜晚,我忍不住说的了 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 They ain"t too *** art他们是不是太聪明 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 New York City cops纽约市警察 They ain"t too *** art他们是不是太聪明

window7激活码没成功。怎么办也快到期了 跪求 有会的请发

nt6 oem loader v3.01 在网上下载这个工具就能用了

和平,安定,统一能极大地促进一个民族的发展用contribute to翻译?

和平,安定,统一能极大地促进一个民族的发展Peace, stability and unification can substantially contribute to the development of a nation.



寻歌名 一首轻快的英文歌 女的唱的 歌词里依稀听到if i could 求大侠帮忙~~

寻歌名 一首轻快的英文歌 女的唱的 歌词里依稀听到if i could 求大侠帮忙~~ if i could find love ~~~~ 曲婉婷的jar of love 求英文歌歌名,女的唱的……听到有句歌词i wish i could start the time to love you day and night… sarah conner - one more night 有一首轻快的英文歌歌词tubimaile tubimaiyou Busy Doin" Nothin - Ace Wilder I am, not made for working overtime And you know don"t even like the nine to five I wish all those lazy days were everyday And you know wouldn"t want it any other way Although some might say I throw life away I just ain"t got time to save I might be insane And I may plain Don"t believe no pain no gain I"m busy, busy, busy Doing nothin" at all I"m stressin" over nothing Don"t bother to call I"m busy, busy, busy Doing nothin" at all Don"t bother to call I"m doing nothin" at all Don"t wanna work, work, work I wanna make money while I sleep Don"t wanna work, work, work I wanna make money while I dream Don"t wanna work, work, work I wanna make money while I sleep Don"t wanna work, work, work I wanna make money while I dream I am, always almost there in five And it"s, always the night before deadlines You know, don"t bother calling before noon Even when, you say later it"s still too soon Although some might say I throw life away I just ain"t got time to save I might be insane And I may plain Don"t believe no pain no gain I"m busy, busy, busy Doing nothin" at all I"m stressin" over nothing Don"t bother to call I"m busy, busy, busy Doing nothin" at all Don"t bother to call I"m doing nothin" at all Don"t wanna work, work, work I wanna make money while I sleep Don"t wanna work, work, work I wanna make money while I dream Don"t wanna work, work, work I wanna make money while I sleep Don"t wanna work, work, work I wanna make money while I dream You may, not approve of my lifestyle And while, you working I"ll be living life So you, can call me lazy if you like Don"t care, this is the story of my life Cause I"m busy, busy, busy Doing nothin" at all I"m stressin" over nothing Don"t bother to call I"m busy, busy, busy Doing nothin" at all Don"t bother to call I"m doing nothin" at all Don"t wanna work, work, work I wanna make money while I sleep Don"t wanna work, work, work I wanna make money while I dream Don"t wanna work, work, work I wanna make money while I sleep Don"t wanna work, work, work Don"t wanna work 求首英文歌 女的唱的 歌词中间貌似是i could be a teacher you could be my boy friend 求歌名 SEX-ED - Doctor Rosen Rosen (feat. Anjulie) 【还挺好听的~】 求一首轻快的英文歌全程用假声唱的 Say Something - A Great Big World Say something, I"m giving up on you I"ll be the one, if you want me to Anywhere, I would"ve followed you Say something, I"m giving up on you And I am feeling so *** all It was over my head I know nothing at all And I will stumble and fall I"m still learning to love Just starting to crawl Say something, I"m giving up on you I"m sorry that I couldn"t get to you Anywhere, I would"ve followed you Say something, I"m giving up on you And I will swallow my pride You"re the one that I love And I"m saying goodbye Say something, I"m giving up on you And I"m sorry that I couldn"t get to you And anywhere, I would have followed you Oh-oh-oh-oh say something, I"m giving up on you Say something, I"m giving up on you Say something... 求一首轻快的女生的英文歌 歌词里好像有what can I do to believe what I say 谢谢啊 (Kelly Price) What can I do? What can I do, to make it better? Yeah, yeah (Scarface) I thank the Lord, for every morning, he allows me to rise And though the sun is shining, there"s a cloud in the sky Lettin" me know, that at any moment, there could be rain And as beautiful as life is, there still can be pain Down the park, I hear the sirens, just screamin" away And then the unevitable happens, the end of them days As sad as it sounds, but that"s the price we all gotta pay And the whole world knows God giveth, will taketh away (will taketh away) I live and I learn, I sit and watch my cigarette burn Down to the ash, it remindes me of the now and the passed I say a little prayer, "cause eventually I"ll stand in the path Of the souls and dark rows that lead to rest (Chorus) Do you hear them, crying? Waiting for someone to e and dry their tears (someone like you and me) Take away their fears Scarface And then a child is born Bloody legged, clingin" to life Unaware of his surroundin"s or breathin" is right In the arms of his mother as he looks in her eyes He takes his first breath and he screams (baby"s alive) At the same time, another mother, murders her kids And the unbarable thought of this hear, just" brings me to tears It"s hard enough we gotta raise our kids to live in this world So full of hate with no faith, and killin" your pearls And sometimes, I sit it down, and wonder myself But then again, I ain"t Jesus, and I can"t help All I can do, is hope I never live with the fact That if I heard one of my seeds is dealin" with that That"d be the hardest thing, I"d ever have to do in my time I"d have to take my own life too, and I couldn"t glide Instead what he"d, what you hear me singin" bout it in my ride And a parent hurtin" his kid ain"t decidin" the time I know it"s truth, the next day, we just livin" to die But I believe if you livin" right, you"ll live in the sky Lookin" down on the good and the bad, the world as a whole And hopefully you did what you did, before you had to go (Chorus) Do you hear them, crying? Waiting for someone to e and dry their tears (someone to dry their tears) Take away their fears Can I make it, better? (I want to make it better) What can I do? What can I do? I say "goodbye" to your cruel world I see peace to the red sky I see these are where the dead die, leavin" my head high And if the streets up ahead crowd with the heat from the lead fly But the grief when I said "Bye," pull the sheets on my bed dry We"re turnin" the table, we tellin" a tale That the destruction of human flesh, and it not so great Long list of the John Doe"s, and Kauntly the spirit With them jails of souls lost, we hope that God hears it Resurection very harsh, crowdin" in the room Muffle sounds on the outside, echo the tomb But I"m cold (Kelly Price) Do you hear me? I"m cryin" (Chorus) Do you hear them, crying? (x2 to fade) Waiting for someone to e and dry their tears (someone to dry their tears) Take away their fears (take away their fears) Can I make it, better? (gonna make it better) Can I ease the pain that they are goin" through? (everything they"re goin" through) What can I do? What can I do? 一首轻快的英文歌的名字```` 舞动精灵王国的SHE那首吗?因为你的歌词是大概的,要的话去听听吧 Groove Coverage - She She hangs out every day near by the beach Havin" a harnican fallin" asleep She looks so sexy when she"s walking the sand Nobody ever put a ring on her hand Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea She is the story the story is she She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky Shining from high above you shouldn"t ask why She is the one that you never fet She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world She puts the rhythm, the beat in the drum She es in the morning and the evening she"s gone Every little hour every second you live Trust in eternity that"s what she gives She looks like Marilyn, walks like Suzanne She talks like Monica and Marianne She wins in everything that she might do And she will respect you forever just you She is the one that you never fet She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world She is so pretty all over the world She is so pretty She is like you and me Like them like we She is in you and me She is the one that you never fet She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh, she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world (She is the one) She is the one (That you never fet) That you never fet She is the heaven-sent angel you met She"s the reason (oh she must be the reason) why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world (oh...) Na na na na na ... to my pretty boy~_* Lyrics by rummyjulia Groove Coverage - She 求一首英文歌,女生唱的,歌词里有wake up,wake up和my soul,my soul,节奏轻快 一:Wake Up My Soul 二:WAKE UP MY SOUL 作词:岸本早未 作曲:小岛久尚 编曲:R.E.D Wake up my soul 小さくて无力な私も ここに居るんだ いつでも急ぐように Time"s River 流されて辿り著くような 感覚も身に付いたような 街のざわめきに消えてく たくさんの笑い声さえも 眩しくて目をふさいでた すごく远い世界のようで あてもなくいつものstreet でもここ(今)から作り出すstory 急に响いた著信に ちょっと救われた気がして 寂しくて溶けるくらいに 强がる私が居るのに 谁にも见せたくない表情(カオ)も 贵方だけに见せたいから Wake up my soul 小さくて无力な私も ここに居るんだ いつでも急ぐように Time"s River 流されて辿り著くような 感覚も身に付いたような 夜の静けさに消される たくさんの作り笑いも 逃げるように目をそらしてた すごく狭い世界の中 进まなきゃ変わらないのに 止まる足动かないlonely 昨日笑ってた自分に 戻りたいのに戻れない 寂しさも感じない程 何かに梦中になれたら 谁にも见せたくない心 マイクの中に响くかも Wake up my soul 小さくて无力な私も こうして歌うの いつでも梦のような Stage on my time いつだって一つしかない Wake up my soul 小さくて无力な私も ここで歌うの いつでも少し远い Dream"s River 手をのばし掴み取るような 感覚を身に付けたような 求一首英文歌,男的唱的,歌词里有什麼水的房间什麼的,轻快的歌曲 The Salater Room 绝对是!不会错的,owl city 的歌,这年头咋回事,啥答案都推荐?? 有一首英文歌前边是轻快的喊的,中间是,爱桑吗乃,爱桑吗带, 女的唱的,求歌名? Seasons In The Sun - Westlife Goodbye to you my trusted friend 别了朋友,我的挚友 We"ve know each other since we were nine or ten 我们已相识很久,那时我们还是孩子 Together we"ve climbed hills and trees 我们曾一起爬过无数山丘、树丛 Learned of love and ABC"s 一起学会了爱,还有许多等等 Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees 也曾一起伤过心,一起破过皮 Goodbye my friend it"s hard to die 别了,我的朋友,友情是不死的 When all the birds are singing in the sky 到了鸟儿们一起飞到天空中歌唱的时候 Now that spring is in the air 春天就弥漫在那空气中 Pretty girls are everywhere 到处都会有可爱的女孩 Think of me and I"ll be there 想起我,我就会在那春天里 We had joy we had fun 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐 we had seasons in the sun 我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the hills that we clim! 但我们爬过的那些山 bed were just seasons out of time 却早已经历了多少沧桑啊 Goodbye Papa please pray for me 别了,爸爸,请为我祈祷吧 I was the black sheep of the family 我曾是家里的害群之马 You tried to reach me right from wrong 你总是试图教我改邪归正 Too much wine and too much song 太多的酒,太多的歌 Wonder how I got along 真不知我是如何过来的 Goodbye papa it"s hard to die 别了,爸爸,亲情是不死的 When all the birds are singing in the sky 到了鸟儿们一起飞到天空中歌唱的时候 Now that the spring is in the air 春天就弥漫在那空气中 Little children everywhere 到处都会有淘气的孩子 When you see them I"ll be there 当你看见他们时,我就会在那春天里 We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐 我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone 但那酒与歌,就像那些季节早已流逝而去啊 We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐 我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone 但那酒与歌,就像那些季节早已流逝而去啊 Goodbye Michelle my little one 别了,蜜雪儿,我的小宝贝 You gave me love and helped me find the sun 你给了我爱,使我找到了阳光 And every time theat I was down 每当我消沉的时候 You would always e around 你总是会来到我身边 And get my feet back on the ground 让我重新站起来 Goodbye Michelle it"s hard to die 别了,蜜雪儿,爱情是不死的 When all the birds are singing in the sky 到了鸟儿们一起飞到天空中歌唱的时候 Now that the spring is in the air 春天就弥漫在那空气中 With the flowers everywhere 到处都会有美丽的花儿 I wish that we could both be there 我希望我们能一起徜徉在那春天里 We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐,我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone 但那酒与歌,就像那些季节早已流逝而去啊 We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐 我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone 但那酒与歌,就像那些季节早已流逝而去啊 We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐 我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone 但那酒与歌,就像那些季节早已流逝而去啊 We had joy we had fun we had seasons in the sun 我们曾欢喜,我们曾快乐 我们曾拥有那些阳光下的季节 But the wine and the song like the seasons have all gone 但那酒与歌,就像那些季节早已流逝而去啊

win7 专业版 密钥 哪个有哦,速度给我哦 好像注册机也可以激活哇 求可用的激活码 邮箱


portal name should contain[a-z][0-9][a-z] only

(The) Username you have chosen contains invalid characters. 你选择的用户名包含无效字母. Usernames can only contain A-Z,a-z,0-9 and -,and cannot start or end with -. 用户名只能包含字母"A-Z,a-z"(就是26个字母的大小写),数字"0-9"和"-"(就是横杠),而且不能用"-"作为开始或结尾. Please,do not forget to retype your password before submitting. 请记住要在重新递交前重新输入你的密码. 真的很鄙视那些用翻译软件的,还不如不做.乱七八糟的.



Are you _____ to go to the concert with me?

这里可以填很多种啦,不知道你是多少年级的学生呢?可以填willing, 你愿意和我一起去听音乐会吗?可以填going, 你要和我一起去听音乐会吗?可以填free, 你有空和我一起去听音乐会吗?可以填availble, 你有空和我一起去听音乐会吗?等~

Are you completely ___(truth)with me?

true作表语, 用形容词如不明白请追问,如果满意请【采纳】祝学习进步

人民网的视频怎么下载啊! 有那位高人帮我一下。谢谢

万用视频下载器:pp加速器打开加速器只要是能看到的视频全都给下下来,连广告也不放过!还能视频加速!具体吓下到哪,安装时自己设置,默认的是ppvadonwload文件夹自己找把也可以打开加速器再点右键选视频下载——输入你看视频时的网站——分析——下载——ok也可以浏览器——工具 --> IE选项 -->Internet选项——常规——临时文件——删除文件——删除脱机文件——确定——再打开那个网页,刷新一下,把视频看一遍之后,浏览器——工具 --> IE选项 -->Internet选项——常规——临时文件——设置——查看文件夹——找其中的flv的格尺,或者都打开看一下是那个,一般情况下视频都是比较大的那个。另外如果视频大了就会被分成好几段

Are you < >to go to the concert with me ?此处为什么填free而不是freely?

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