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邮政编码的英文单词是postcode,如果我表达成postal code,外国可以看懂不?


ZIP/Postal code中文意思是什么

postal code的意思是邮递区号,是指用来表明住址的一系列的数字和字母


下面回答的 , 你们自己在去好好听下,我觉得跟内个不像

zip/postal code是什么意思

Zip or Postal Code 两者的翻译都可以称为邮政编码,只是前者在国外被理解为地区区域编号,效用与我们的邮政编码相同 这个网站的战歌名字是啥子 知道的说下 是背景音乐

Danzel - You Spin Me Round试听: 下载:

best 2002上面的英文歌,好像有40多首,只要名称,那是磁带上面的歌,应该是DISCO

我找到了一张,你看看是不是你要的: Back To 2. Because The NightLife3. Close Cover4. Country Road5. Daddy DJ6. Forever Young 20027. Freed From Desire8. Get The Party Starte9. Hard To Say I"m Sorry10. Heaven Is A Place On Earth11. Hero12. I like It13. Let U Go14. Like A Prayer15. No timw For Lie16. Over The Mountain17. Rapture18. So Lonely19. Whenever Whenever20. You Spin Me Round


有的。网易的yeah邮箱的登陆网址是 http://www.yeah.net补充介绍:一、YEAH邮箱是网易公司在2007年5月份推出的新款邮箱,相对于网易的免费163,126邮箱来说,网易YEAH邮箱界面显得更清爽,邮箱免费容量为512兆。二、高级功能有双克隆、通讯录、过滤器、安全登录、黑白名单、瞬间抵达、邮箱锁屏、邮件撤回、安全锁、邮件加密。


有@yeah.net没有。网易邮箱是。net是一级国际域名,net即Network operations and service centers, 代表的是互联网络、接入网络的信息中心(NIC)和运行中心(NOC)。就像域名com是代表工、商、金融等企业,域名edu代表教育机构一样。大部分邮箱域名是com,而也有相当一部分邮箱域名并不是com,比如新浪的,微软的,outlook.kr等。2012年8月,网易邮箱人脸识别系统率先在网易邮箱旗下的免费邮箱品牌yeah实验室正式发布,逐步在网易邮箱163、126旗下发布。YEAH邮箱是网易公司在2007年5月份推出的新款邮箱,相对于网易的免费163,126邮箱来说,网易YEAH邮箱界面显得更清爽,邮箱免费容量为512兆。



count in twos count in threes是什么意思


ZIP/Postal code:是什么意思?


注册 match 的时候zip postal code 怎么填



就是123报数,一队人一个接一个,报123123123123……这样,适用于分成三组的情况。想要分四组,就是count in fours,以此类推。

You Spin Me Round (Like A Record) 歌词

歌曲名:You Spin Me Round (Like A Record)歌手:王若琳专辑:Joanna王若琳 The Adult Storybook大人故事书 亚洲巡回演唱会影音全纪录If I, I get to know your nameWell if I, could trace your private number, babyAll I know is that to meYou look like you"re lots of funOpen up your loving armsI want some,want someI set my sights on you (and no one else will do)And I, I"ve got to have my way now, babyAll I know is that to meYou look like you"re having funOpen up your loving armsWatch,out here I comeYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round round roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round round roundI got to be your friend now, babyAnd I would like to move in a little bit closerAll I know is that to meYou look like you"re lots of funOpen up your loving armsWatch out, here I comeYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round round roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round round roundAll I know is that to meI got to be your friend now, babyYou look like you"re having funAnd I would like to move in a little bit closerOpen up your loving armsWatch,out here I comeYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round round roundYou spin me right round, babyRight round like a record, babyRight round round round

你好,上次采纳过你的问题,还想请你帮帮忙,请问加拿大甘露市的postal code是什么,还有。。。

V2C 0C8 是 postal code (邮政编码)加拿大的邮政编码 都是 英文字/数字/英文字 数字/英文字数字 (共6个字合成的)

任天堂postal code怎么填


059108 postal code singapore

电子客票   收到旅客行程   完善的旅行(99)私人有限公司   日期:2011年8月11   1公园路   代理:2010   人民公园# 03-21复杂新加坡059108   陈女士/ LONGZHU名称:   电话:6538 - 6812   航空公司中国国际航空公司发行.   机票号码   ETKT 999—2784146333.   参考:阿马戴乌斯·预订:7 BGWI7,   航空:CA / MV0TGT   从/到飞行CL环保局的票价基础日期N

Your Postal Code:什么意思


CIF Toronto Canada M4V 2H7 postal code.是什么意思

CIF 加拿大 多伦多 M4V 2H7 邮政编码

请问北京的postal code是多少啊


在外网填写地址,国家边上是Postal Code是填写国家邮编还是城市或者地区邮编?


什么是negative control 什么是positive control

negative control:负控制,消极性管制;反控制positive control:完全控制,正控制

谁知在英文网站注册时Zip/postal code咋填?


post code和postal code有区别吗?

post code 和postal code 并无区别,都指“邮政编码”,意思是一样的,可放心使用. 注意,如果指美国的邮编,通常用 Zip Code 不明白可继续提问. 若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮.

zip postal code是什么意思


怎么填写Postal / Zip code

postal是邮政编码 下面的选一个 对应填入一,你的城市(city)和州(state),以及邮政编码(zip code)邮编 城市(city) 州(state)12201 Albany NewYork(NY)30301 Atlanta Georgia(GA)21401 Annapolis Maryland(MD)21201 Baltimore Maryland(MD)35201 Birmingham Alabama(AL)14201 Buffalo NewYork(NY)60601 CHICAGO Illinois(IL)45201 Cincinnati Ohio(OH)44101 Cleveland Ohio(OH)43085 Columbus Ohio(OH)71953 Dallas Arkansas(AR)80002 Denver Colorado(CO)99701 Fairbanks Alaska(AK)19019 Philidelphia pennsylvania(PA)96801 Honolulu Hawii(HI)46201 Indianapolis Indiana(IN)32099 Jacksonville FLORIDA(FL)64101 Kansas City Missouri(MO)90001 Los Angeles California(CA)89101 Las Vegas Navada(NV)55199 Minneapolis Minnesota(MN)10001 New York NewYork(NY)70112 New Orleaans Louisana(LA)68046 Omaha Nebraska(NE)85001 Phoenix Arizona(AZ)15122 Pittsburgh pennsylvania(PA)84101 Salt Lake City Utah(UT)94203 Sacramento California(CA)92101 San Diego California(CA)94101 San Francisco California(CA)95101 San Jose California(CA)55101 Saint Paul Minnesota(MN)63101 Saint Louis Missouri(MO)98101 Seattle Washington(WA)33601 Tampa FLORIDA(FL)ssn:Alabama 416-424Alaska 574American Somoa 586Arizona 526-527600-601764-765Arkansas 429-432676-679California 545-573602-626Colorado 521-524650-653Connecticut 040-049Delaware 221-222District of Columbia 577-579Enumeration at Entry 729-733Florida 261-267589-595766-772Georgia 252-260667-675Guam 586Hawaii 575-576750-751Idaho 518-519Illinois 318-361Indiana 303-317Iowa 478-485Kansas 509-515Kentucky 400-407Louisiana 433-439659-665Maine 004-007Maryland 212-220Massachusetts 010-034Michigan 362-386Minnesota 468-477Mississippi 425-428587-588752-755Missouri 486-500Montana 516-517Nebraska 505-508Nevada 530680New Hampshire 001-003New Jersey 135-158New Mexico 525-585648-649New York 050-134North Carolina 232237-246681-690North Dakota 501-502Ohio 268-302Oklahoma 440-448Oregon 540-544Pennsylvania 159-211Philippine Islands 586Puerto Rico 580-584596-599Railroad Board 700-728Rhode Island 035-039South Carolina 247-251South Carolina 654-658South Dakota 503-504Tennessee 408-415756-763Texas 449-467627-645Utah 528-529646-647Vermont 008-009Virgin Islands 580Virginia 223-231691-699Washington 531-539West Virginia 232-236Wisconsin 387-399Wyoming 520美国共有50个州.美国各州的邮政缩写,英中文全称以及首府,按英文缩写排列:AL Alabama 亚拉巴马州 蒙哥马利AK Alaska 阿拉斯加州 朱诺AZ Arizona 亚利桑那州 凤凰城AR Arkansas 阿肯色州 小石城CA California 加利福尼亚州 沙加缅度CO Colorado 科罗拉多州 丹佛CT Connecticut 康涅狄格州 哈特福德DE Delaware 特拉华州 多佛FL Florida 佛罗里达州 塔拉哈西GA Georgia 佐治亚州 亚特兰大HI Hawaii 夏威夷州 檀香山ID Idaho 爱达荷州 博伊西IL Illinois 伊利诺州 斯普林菲尔德IN Indiana 印地安那州 印地安那波利斯IA Iowa 艾奥瓦州 得梅因KS Kansas 堪萨斯州 托皮卡KY Kentucky 肯塔基州 法兰克福LA Lousiana 路易斯安那州 巴吞鲁日ME Maine 缅因州 奥古斯塔MD Maryland 马里兰州 安那波利斯MA Massachusetts 马萨诸塞州 波士顿MI Michigan 密歇根州 兰辛MN Minnesota 明尼苏达州 圣保罗MS Mississippi 密西西比州 杰克逊MO Missouri 密苏里州 杰弗逊市MT Montana 蒙大拿州 海伦那NE Nebraska 内布拉斯加州 林肯NV Nevada 内华达州 卡森市NH New Hampshire 新罕布什尔州 康科德NJ New Jersey 新泽西州 特伦顿NM New Mexico 新墨西哥州 圣大非NY New York 纽约州 奥尔巴尼NC North Carolina 北卡罗来纳州 罗利ND North Dakota 北达科他州 俾斯麦OH Ohio 俄亥俄州 哥伦布OK Oklahoma 俄克拉何马州 奥克拉荷马市OR Oregon 俄勒冈州 塞勒姆PA Pennsylvania 宾夕法尼亚州 哈里斯堡RI Rhode Island 罗得岛州 普罗维登斯SC South Carolina 南卡罗莱那州 哥伦比亚SD South Dakota 南达科他州 皮尔TN Tennessee 田纳西州 纳什维尔TX Texas 得克萨斯州 奥斯汀UT Utah 犹他州 盐湖城VT Vermont 佛蒙特州 蒙比利埃VA Virginia 弗吉尼亚州 里士满WA Washington 华盛顿州 奥林匹亚WV West Virginia 西弗吉尼亚州 查尔斯顿WI Wisconsin 威斯康星州 麦迪逊WY Wyoming 怀俄明州 夏延

zip postal code是什么意思

zipcode 和 postal code 一个意思,都是邮编 。

马来西亚的postal code 是多少



那就应该是 Dr. Congo,刚果医生(或者博士)祝你开心。

Postal Code Country是什么意思

postal code 是邮政编码 country 是国家,也可以是偏僻的意思



postal code是什么意思

邮政编码: postal code

在外网填写地址 国家边上是Postal Code 是填写国家邮编还是城市或者地区邮编


纽约的zip/postal code


中国的postal code是多少?


上海地区的zip/postal code是多少?

上海市合共有16个市辖区,上海市的邮区编码. (Postal Code)是200000,而其16区的邮政编码如下:黄浦区200003 静安区200040 徐汇区200030 闸北区200070 虹口区200080 普陀区200063浦东新区201200 闵行区201100 嘉定区201800 宝山区201900 金山区200540 奉贤区201400松江区201600 青浦区201700 崇明区 202150杨浦区200090

解读什么是Postal code / ZIP code以及两者的区别


postal code填什么

如实填写,首先选对国家, 如果是寄中国就选CHIAN,邮编比如你是武汉,就写430000,pstal code(邮编)非常重要,填错了肯定收不到货的!



"Zip/Postal Code:"这个我应该怎样填写呢?




中国的postal code是多少


解读什么是Postal code / ZIP code以及两者的区别

首先,postal code和 zip code 都是多字符编码,广泛用于邮件的排列和递送过程中,都有着非常重要的作用。Postal code是这种编码的通用名称。英国本国内就使用Postal code,比如说,SW16 3RE、BN24 8LY等等。一般来说,Postal code是会比Zip code细致精准的,而在英国Postal code更是细分很多,几乎每10户人家就有一个邮政编号,有些甚至会精确到2-3个住户。除此之外,大型的企业或是组织还会有他们自己的邮政编码。因此,小小的英国,其邮政编号数目非常可观,成千上万的可以跟中国一拼。ZIP Code,即Zone Improvement Program Code,是美国邮政服务(United States Postal Service,USPS)使用的一种邮政编码。可以看得出,它是一个仅适用于美国地址的邮政编码。ZIP Code暗示邮件可以以更有效率及快捷地送到目的地。最基本的ZIP编号包括五个号码,随后增加了四个号码,使邮件可以更精确地传送到目的地。增加号码后的ZIP编号称为”ZIP+4″。

postal code是什么意思


postal code什么意思


postal code什么意思

postal code邮政编码双语对照词典结果:postal code[英][u02c8pu0259u028astu0259l ku0259ud][美][u02c8postu0259l kod]n.邮递区号; 例句:1.Enacting postal code rules standard to satisfy society development needs. 邮政编码规则规范时,应该充分思量社会形态和公众的接。2.What is the postal code here? 这儿的邮政编码是多少?

postal code是什么意思中文 postal code意思解答

1、postal code un.邮政编码。 邮编;邮递区号;邮政编号。 2、例句(1)City or town, state or province. Include postal code where appropriate. 城市或乡镇、省,包括邮政编码。(2)Korea shipment is required to provide accurate destination postal code. 韩国件需提供准确的目的地邮政编码。(3)Should numbers in the postal code field represent a correct postal code? 邮政编码字段中的数字是否表示正确的邮政编码?(4)This property contains the postal code of the user or contact. 此属性包含用户或联系人的邮政编码。(5)Search by city or postal code for a store near you. 按城市或邮递区号搜寻附近的店铺。

postal code是什么意思


Submission Code 什么意思

Submission Code提交代码submission[英][su0259bu02c8mu026au0283n][美][su0259bu02c8mu026au0283u0259n]n.投降; 屈服,服从; 谦恭,柔顺; 提交,呈递; 复数:submissions例句:1.Industry lobbyists are still preparing the industry"s case for submission. 行业游说人士仍在准备提交支持行业立场的报告。

Trust Me (Vasco & Millboy Radio Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Trust Me (Vasco & Millboy Radio Edit)歌手:United Dj S Vs. Pandora专辑:Celebration「Trust Me」作词:荘野ジュリ 作曲&编曲:中村仁歌:松下优也TV アニメ 「デュラララ!!」 EDI"m here そばにいるから call me 仆(ぼく)がいるからtrust me もう何(なに)もおそれないでmy dear 见(み)えない糸(いと)で trust me 繋(つな)がっているからただ感(かん)じていて このぬくもりちゃんと闻(き)こえている 君(きみ)の心(こころ)の声(こえ)小(ちい)さな不安(ふあん)さえ 仆(ぼく)が摘(つ)み取(と)ってあげる何度(なんど)も伝(つた)えたい 君(きみ)はひとりじゃない変(か)わることのない 爱(あい)はきっとここにある泣(な)いてみればいい 頼(たよ)ってみればいいそのすべてを 受(う)け止(と)めると决(き)めたI"m here どこにいたって call me ひとつになれるtrust me この想(おも)いほどけないからmy dear 抱(かか)えた荷物(にもつ) trust me おろしてみればいいそう 君(きみ)のために 仆(ぼく)がいるんだどれほどの悲(かな)しみ 君(きみ)は隠(かく)してたの?どれほどの想(おも)いを 胸(むね)に闭(と)じ込(こ)めてきたの?痛(いた)みとひきかえに 手(て)に入(い)れた强(つよ)さをいつか优(やさ)しさへ 君(きみ)は変(か)えてゆけるはず夺(うば)われたって 壊(こわ)されたって大事(だいじ)なのは 君(きみ)らしくいることI"m here たとえ世界(せかい)が call me 终(お)わるとしてもtrust me 繋(つな)ぐ手(て)を离(はな)さないからmy dear 伪(いつわ)りのない trust me 未来(みらい)へ歩(ある)き出(だ)そうそう 君(きみ)のために 仆(ぼく)がいるんだI"m here そばにいるから call me 仆(ぼく)がいるからtrust me もう何(なに)もおそれないでmy dear 见(み)えない糸(いと)で trust me 繋(つな)がっているからただ感(かん)じていて このぬくもりいつまでもそばにいる forever 煮诘(につ)まっても离(はな)れない never ever君(きみ)がいれば whatever you do ねえ 仆(ぼく)に教(おし)えて whatever you say (oh!!)辛(つら)いことあれば全(すべ)て饮(の)み込(こ)み もしそれでも无理(むり)ならば call me call meyou"re my love, you"re my shine, you"re my dear 世界(せかい)敌(てき)に回(まわ)しても trust me泣(な)いてみればいい 頼(たよ)ってみればいいそのすべてを 受(う)け止(と)めると决(き)めたI"m here どこにいたって call me ひとつになれるtrust me この想(おも)いほどけないからmy dear 抱(かか)えた荷物(にもつ) trust me おろしてみればいいそう 君(きみ)のために 仆(ぼく)がいるんだI"m here そばにいるから call me 仆(ぼく)がいるからtrust me もう何(なに)もおそれないでmy dear 见(み)えない糸(いと)で trust me 繋(つな)がっているからただ感(かん)じていて このぬくもりwith me もう离(はな)れないで give me 心(こころ)をひらいてfeel me すべてを伝(つた)えて yeah, yeah, yeah, yeahwith me 言叶(ことば)はいらない give me 见(み)つめ合(あ)えばいいfeel me すべてを预(あず)けて yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah エンド的打开方法是什么?

访问步骤如下:1.打开网站, 选择你要安装到的浏览器(例如百度浏览器),或者打开你的浏览器的“扩展中心或者应用中心”不同的浏览器叫法不同。2.找到“谷歌访问助手”,然后安装。3.安装好后会跳出一个设置指导页面,点击“永久免费激活”。4.安装要求设置下主页即可,设置完后重启浏览器。5.重新打开浏览器后等等数秒即可。



一首NBA放过的歌 歌词貌似有句seasons coming go

written in the star么 歌词如下 Oh written in the stars A million miles away A message to the main Ooooh Seasons come and go But I will never change And I"m on my way Lets go... Yeah You"re listening now They say they aint heard nothing like this in a while Thats why they play my song on so many different dials Cause I got more hits than a disciplined child When they see me everybody brrrrrap"s, brrrrrraps Man I"m like a young gun fully black Barrack I cried tear drops over the massive attack I only make hits like I work with a racket and bat Look at my jacket and hat So damn berserk So down to earth I"m bringing gravity back Adopted by the major I want my family back People work hard just to get all their salary taxed Look Im just a writer from the ghetto like Malory blackman Where the hells all the sanity at, damn I used to be the kid that no one cared about Thats why you have to keep screaming til they hear you out Oh Written In The Stars A Million Miles Away A Message To The Main Ooooh Seasons Come And Go But I Will Never Change And I"m On My Way Yeah, I needed a change When we ate we never took because we needed a change I needed a break For a sec I even gave up believing and praying I even done the legal stuff and was leaded astray Now money is the root to the evilist ways But have you ever been so hungry that it keeps you awake Mate, now my hunger would leave them amazed Great, it feels like a long time coming, fam Since the day I thought of that cunning plan One day I had a dream I tried to chase it But I wasn"t going nowhere, running man! I knew that maybe someday I would understand Trying to turn a tenner to a hundred grand Everyones a kid that no-one cares about You just have to keep screaming until they hear you out Oh Written In The Stars A Million Miles Away A Message To The Main Ooooh Seasons Come And Go But I Will Never Change And I"m On My Way

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considered a distinctive

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SP_CONFIGURE "SHOW ADVANCED OPTIONS",1RECONFIGUREEXEC SP_CONFIGURE "Ad Hoc Distributed Queries",1RECONFIGURE插入的代码:INSERT INTO dbo.Resources(ResourcesUrl,ResourcesLink,ResourcesText) SELECT * FROM OPENROWSET("Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0","Excel 8.0;HDR=YES;Database=F:Book1.xls", [sheet1$])

当使用IDU COM3接入一台RS232的智能设备时,其跳线应该如何?



苹果笔记本处理器型号:2.26/2.4GHzIntelCore2Duo在笔记本上有,国内都搜不到这个处理器型号,intel Core2 Duo 这个系列处理器属于双核酷睿处理器,52612.4Ghz主频的应该是E6600,这4102款1653常用LGA775接口,基本上都已经淘汰。这款CPU的性能较低,已经不能满足主流游戏的配答置要求了,睿双核处理器,性能低,不能满足任何电脑操作了,最低运行需要的显卡是至度少256M独立显存的显版卡,GT320M性能是不及桌面的X1950显卡的,所以这台电脑是权不够运行这个游戏的条件的。这款cpu应该是Core 2 Duo E6600,是双核处理器2113??Core 2 Quad才是四核的,2.16主频可以判断处理器是T7400,集成显卡GMA945的。扩展资料:iPod classic、iPod、iPod nano、iPod shuffle、iPod mini、iPod Hi-Fi、iPod touch(音乐播放器)。PowerBook、iBook、MacBook、MacBook Pro、MacBook Air(笔记本电脑)。PowerMac、eMac、Mac Pro、iMac(个人电脑)Mac mini(小型台式电脑)。20英寸、23英寸或30英寸Apple Cinema Display(显示器)。24英寸Apple LED Cinema Display(显示器)。Xserve、Xserve RAID(服务器)。iSight(Webcam)(电脑摄像配件)。AirPort Extreme(54Mbps 802.11gbase station)(网络连接设备)。iPhone(移动电话)。Apple TV (家庭电视终端)。参考资料:百度百科-苹果笔记本

nios ii command shell在哪儿

选中NIOS中的工程文件APP,单击右键选择Nios II -> Nios II Command Shell


在网页源代码中,</head>之前,将这个代码加上就行了:<base target="_blank"/>这是说页内所有链接都以新窗口打开,如果只设置某些链接在新窗口打开的话,不加这一句,在需要新窗口打开的超链接代码内加上 target="_blank" 就行了,比如:<a href="链接网址" target="_blank"/>链接</a>

Coordinated Science和integrated science有什么区别

Coordinated (Science)强调相互协调的,合作的,同等的, 并列的Groups A and B are coordinated together in order to achieve a faster output.Integrated (Science)强调结合在一起的,综合的, 完整的Groups A and B are integrated as one team now in order to have a higher efficiency.

Tooling cost什么意思

工装成本, 也可理解成工装费用

怎样使用 Engineer directional compass


Ⅴ.The use of the geological compass

The geologic compass,along with the rock hammer and hand len S,is one of the traditional geological tool S.The compass is used to determine direction,measure topographical slopes and to determine strike and dip of beds,structures and other geological features.There are many kinds of compasses,but most have essentially the same design and usage.Chinese geologists generally use an octagonal brunton-style compass.Following is an introduction for the usage of the DQY-1 geological compass,produced by the Harbin optical instrument factory,(Fig.2-5).Fig.2-5 DQY-1 Geological Compass1.The structure of the oompas SFig.2-6 Chart for DQY-1 geological compass1—short arm;2—cover; 3—ellipticalmirrorhole; 4—hinge connection; 5—compass shell; 6—long arm; 7—mirror and sub-line ; 8—magnetic needle ; 9—level bubble; 10—dial; 11—inclinometer level bubbl ; 12—inolinometer dial ; 13—brake screw ; 14—dial screws correctionThe compass is composed of housing,hinge connection,mirrors,folding arms,magnetic needle,dial,inclinometer scale,inclinometer plate,needle damper and screw dial for correotion of the declination(Fig.2-6).The hinge connects the compass with its cover and the mirror with a graduation line is loaded in the cover.The magnetic needle points to the magnetic North and South Pole-the white end of the needle points north and the blaok end south.The south needle is wrapped in a copper wire because China is in the northern hemisphere.The dial is divided into 360 degrees with the 1 80-degree mark at the hinge.The short and long arms are hinged to the body of the compass.The tips of the arms are aligned with the dial on the face of the oompass.The arms,magnetic needle,and dial can be used to determine the direction of a feature.A bubble level is used to keep the compass level and the second bubble in the inclinometer,can be rotated from the back of the compass to measure dip angles.The needle damper clamps the compass needle when the compass is closed in order to reduce wear and tear.The dial screw on the side is used to set the looal magnetic declination.2.Calibration of the compa SsThe magnetic needle points to the magnetio North and South poles,which are noti n the same location as the geographic poles.Thus,the compass needle must be adjusted so that it aligns with the geographic poles.The difference between the two is called the magnetic declination and it varies from place to place on the globe and changes with time.It is crucial that the needle should be adjusted before the compass is used or all of the measured data will be incorreot.Fig.2-7 Setting the magnetic declination of the compass(a)magnetic declination with 5°to the west;(b)magnetic declination with 5°to the east;(c)an example of magnetic declination in the Beidaihe area,Hebei ProvinceThe angle and direction of the magnetic declination for specific areas are generally given on topographic maps of the region.The declination on a map is for the date at which the map was published,so the declination needs to be calculated for the current date.In most parts of China magnetic north is located to the west of the meridian,and thus one must make a western declination.The procedure for calibration of the magnetic declination is shown in Fig.2-7.If the magnetic declination is to the west,use the screw on the side to rotate the surface plate in a counter-clockwise direction to the proper position(Fig.2-7(a).If the magnetic declination is to the east,make a clockwise rotation(Fig.2-7(b).It is always advisable to check your setting after the adjustment by aligning the compass with some feature whose geographic coordinates are known,e.g.a road running N-S or E-W.If the compass is set properly,it will line up with this feature.3.Use of the compas S for fieldworkIn field work,the compass is used to measure the direction of various features,the dip angle of hill slopes and the strike,dip direction and dip angle of various structural elements.(1)Azimuth measurementTo determine one"s location on a topographic map iti s useful to measure the azimuth to some fixed point of reference,e.g.,a hill top,stream junction or other feature shown on the map(Fig.2-8).By measuring the azimuth of two or more fixed points,one can draw lines from those points and where the lines intersect is the point at which you are located.Fig.2-8 Azimuth measurementsBefore taking a measurement make sure that the needle can move freely.Place the compass at a convenient height(waist or chest level)and align the long arm with the feature to be measured by using the mirror.Make sure that the compass is level by centering the round level bubble.When the needle stops swinging,you can read directly the azimuth of the feature.An azimuth reading can be either north or south,so one needs to know the direction of the reference point in relation to your position.Thus,in Fig.2-8,point A lies to the south of the feature at point B and one must draw a line southward(at the correct angle)from point B to determine the location of point A.The correct angle can be read from the south end of the magnetic needle.When the feature to be measured is low,the l Ong arm should point t O the Observer and the mirr Or should be adjusted until one can see the feature and the compass face with the level bubble.Keep the c Ompass level until the needle st Ops swinging and then press the brake to h Old the needle in p Ositi On.HOlding the brake d Own,turn the c Ompass until you can read the dial and record the angle as before.(2)Measurement of hill slopesHill slopes form an angle between the inclined plane oft he slope and the h Oriz Ontal.The meth Od for measuring this angle is shown in(Fig.2-9).One person stands at the top of the slope and the other One at the b Ott Om makes the measurement.Turn the c Ompass On its side,align the l Ong arm and sh Ort arm with the head of the person at the t Op and r Otate the inclinometer until the bubble is level.Then read the angle.The slope can also be measured from top to bottom,even without a second person if necessary.Fig.2-9 M easurement of a hills lope(3)Measurements for planar features such as bedding orf oliationFor planar feature S,one must measure the strike,dip direction and dip angle.The strike is the direction of an imaginary line formed by the intersection of the plane with the horizontal and the dip direction is perpendicular to the strike(Fig.2-10).The dip is the downward angle between the plane and the horizontal,measured perpendicular to the strike(Fig.2-10).To measure the strike,open the compass and place the long edge against the plane and then rotate the compass until the level bubble is centered.Now read the angle of the compass needle from north.The angle measured by the north and south end of the needle i S the same but,by convention,strike is usually referred to the north direction(e.g.N30°E)or recorded as an azimuth(e.g.120°),which is the same.With practice you will be able to measure the strike without having to place the compass on the rock.This is important because some rocks are magnetic and thi S can cause an incorrect reading.To measure the dip direction,place the compass as shown in Fig.2-10 with the hinge along the line of strike,centering the level bubble and read the angle between the needle and north.Fig.2-10 Diagram showing how to measure the strike and dip of a planar featureTo measure the dip angle,align the edge of the compass with the dipping plane parallel to the dip direction(Fig.2-10),rotate the inclinometer until the bubble is centered and then read the angle.Actually,only the dip direction and dip angle need to be measured,because the strike can be calculated by adding or subtracting 90°from the dip direction.It is important to first measure the dip direction and then the dip angle,not vice versa.If the rock surface is uneven,one can place the field book on the surface and make the measurement on the book.Alternatively,one can estimate the slope and make the measurements without placing the compass on the rock.If the outcrop is incomplete,the dip angle and direction can be measured by the 3-point method.Find two points on the layer at the same level(this is the strike)and one point up or down on the surface perpendicular to the strike.Align the field book with these three points to make a plane and to make the measurements as described above.The section above describes the way to measure any plane and it can be used for rock layers,foliation,cleavage,schistosity,joints or faults.The measured data are usually recorded as follows.For a plane with a dip direction of 30°,and dip angle of 50°,the information would be recorded as 30°∠50°.This shows that the measurement refers to a planar feature.In North America,it would be recorded as Strike N60°W and Dip 50°NE.




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corrinne May 《FLY AWAY》的歌词中文翻译

飞走(蝴蝶重奏)-米凯里-E若望taupin乙-丁莫拉莱斯-不该害怕 飞翼蔓延你打开大门让外界更不该害怕蔓延开飞 苍蝇飞的翅膀,你刚才,飞,只是飞、 怕飞不该不该只是让你死的精神,她说:: 散布翅膀,准备飞你对你已成为你的蝴蝶翅膀,准备飞蔓延 你已成为你的蝴蝶翅膀,准备飞传播给你哟蔓延已成为蝴蝶 乌尔翅膀,准备飞你不该成为蝴蝶飞不该怕怕 刚刚飞你 虚拟不该成为蝴蝶飞蝶蝶怕只是感觉它飞走 飞远的蝴蝶 鳗鱼飞 走飞 远 远 远 远 ( 蝴蝶)蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 蝶 (蝴蝶)

integrated与comlete 有什么区别啊,求详细解释

integrate 使…完整;使…成整体;;表示…的总和n. 集成体;一体化一般强调实物,团体等complete也是完成,但是一般指完成某件事和任务

求Fly away的歌词。Corrinne May 唱的





pacific Ocean是太平洋,不是国家

Japan is a country of i_____ in the Pacific Ocean.


关于澳洲country road品牌的信息

乡村路(country road)是在澳大利亚和新西兰拥有68独立式商店和77个百货品牌专柜的中间市场的服装零售商。 其母公司为南非沃尔沃思控股有限公司。2014年9月4日,该公司股份报价为$ 17每股。该品牌实行客户忠诚度计划,会员可以获得特别优惠和预售购买权。该公司生产女性服装,鞋类及配件;男士服装,鞋类及配件;儿童服装;和家居用品。 1981年,梅尔购买了乡村路品牌,于1987-88年出售和上市。 1984年,乡村路开始生产男装,随后在1986年,乡村路开始生产配件。在1988年,乡村路扩展到家居用品和美国市场。 1998年,沃尔沃斯控股有限公司收购了该公司的控股权。2000-2001年,乡村路关闭了美国的商店,开始生产童装。





buy的你自己找,其他的我告诉你:pay:意为支付或赔偿常与for连用 用法 sb+pay+for+sth sb+pay+somemoney(钱)+for+sth spend (主语为sb)(sb指人)用法 sb spend somemoney on sth sb spend sometime on sth sb spend somemoney(sometime) (in) doing sth cost(主语为sth)用法 sth+cost+sb+somemoney


【答案】:C12.C【解析】构成句型:It takes+time+for sb. /sth. to do sth.意为:做某事花费某人/物多少时间.

co-clinical trials什么意思

co- 英 [ku0259u028a]     美 [kou028a]    pref. 表示“联合;伴同”之意clinical trial 临床试验;诊治试验

present continuous与present progressive有何不同?

看一下英英释义:present progressive: a tense used to express action that is on-going at the time of utterance两者的区别在于:present continuous+tense才能完整表达这是现在进行时态(tense), 而 present progressive可以独立表达是一种时态(tense)
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