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如何设置android textclock 显示自定义时间

(01) 设置12时制格式属性 android:format12Hour方法 setFormat12Hour(CharSequence)上面两种方式都可以。(02) 设置24时制格式属性 android:format24Hour方法 setFormat24Hour(CharSequence)上面两种方式都可以。设置属性值示例(1970/04/06 3:23am)"MM/dd/yy h:mmaa" -> "04/06/70 3:23am""MMM dd, yyyy h:mmaa" -> "Apr 6, 1970 3:23am""MMMM dd, yyyy h:mmaa" -> "April 6, 1970 3:23am""E, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mmaa" -> "Mon, April 6, 1970 3:23am&"EEEE, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mmaa" -> "Monday, April 6, 1970 3:23am"""Noteworthy day: "M/d/yy" -> "Noteworthy day: 4/6/70"


海淀区初三上学期期末学业水平21:35来自刘凯老师听力理解(共40分)一、听后选择(共20分, 每小题2分)听对话或独白, 根据对话或独白的内容, 从下面各题所给的A, B, C三个选项中选择最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。,请听一段对话, 完成第1至第2小题。1. What time is Beth supposed to come?贝丝应该什么时候来?A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00.2. What will the speakers probably do next?说话者接下来可能会做什么?A. Call Beth.B. Wait for Beth.C. Start without Beth.请听一段对话, 完成第3至第4小题。3. What did the man do last Friday?这个男人上周五做了什么?A. He went to a talent show.B. He went to a birthday party.C. He went to a basketball game.4. What is the possible relationship between the two speakers?两个说话者之间可能的关系是什么?A. Teacher and student.B. Mother and son.C. Classmates.请听一段对话, 完成第5至第6小题。5. What can we learn from the conversation?我们能从对话中学到什么?A. The speakers both have watched the movie.B. The movie is really popular and successful.C. Seven Chinese people acted in the movie.6. What does the man think of the movie?男士认为这部电影怎么样?A. Touching. B. Scary. C. Funny.请听一段对话, 完成第7至第8小题。7. What will the boy probably do first?男孩可能会先做什么?A. Work as a guide.B. Give out water or notices.C. Visit the website to get information.8. What are the speakers mainly talking about?说话者主要在谈论什么?A. Being volunteers for the 19`h Asian Games.担任第19届亚运会志愿者。B. Going to high school before the 19`h Asian Games.在第19届亚运会之前上高中。C. Searching for information about the 19"h Asian Games.寻找关于第19届亚运会的信息。请听一段独白, 完成第9至第10小题。9. What might help people to get a good night"s sleep?怎样才能帮助人们睡个好觉?A. Making their rooms quiet and dark.B. Going out to take a long walk.C. Reading an article or a book.10. Why does the speaker give the speech?演讲者为什么要做演讲?A. To explain how to improve reading skills.解释如何提高阅读技巧。B. To tell people how to keep healthy and active.告诉人们如何保持健康和活跃。C. To introduce how to have an effective morning.介绍如何度过一个高效的早晨。二、听后回答(共10分, 每小题2分)听对话, . 根据对话内容笔头回答问题。每段对话你将听两遍。请听一段对话, 完成第11小题。11. How will the speakers book the tickets?演讲者将如何订票?______________________________________________________________________.请听一段对话, 完成第12小题。12. What will the woman buy?女士要买什么?______________________________________________________________________.请听一段对话, 完成第13小题。13. How long will it take the woman to get to the lecture?女士去听讲座要花多长时间?______________________________________________________________________.请听一段对话, 完成第14小题。14. Where did the boy have a short-term art camp?这个男孩在哪里参加了一个短期艺术夏令营?______________________________________________________________________.请听一段对话, 完成第15小题。15. Why is the boy so happy?为什么这个男孩这么高兴?______________________________________________________________________.三、听短文, 记录关键信息和转写短文(共10分)第一节:听短文, 记录关键信息(共5分, 每小题1分)请听一段短文, 根据所听到的内容和提示信息, 将所缺的关键信息坡写在答题卡的相应位置上。短文你将听两遍。第二节:听短文, 根据提示信息转写短文(5分)21. 请再听一遍短文, 根据所听到的内容和第一节中的提示信息, 写出短文的主要内容。短文的开头已经给出。请注意语法正确, 语意连贯。I"ve got some advice from Chris on______________________________________________________________________________________________________初三上学期期末学业水平调研英语答案2020.01听力理解一、听后选择:1. A;2. C;3. B;4. C;5. B;6. A;7. C;8. A;9. A;10. C;二、听后回答11. They will book(buy)the tickets(them)online. 12. She will buy some flowers.13. It will take her 20 minutes to get to the lecture.14. He(The boy)had a short-term art camp in Paris.15. Because his(the boy"s)mom bought him a new bike. /Because he(the boy) got a great gift.三、听后记录信息和转写短文16. subjects;17. interesting;18. latest;19. step;20.attend;21. A possible versionI"ve got some advice from Chris on how to be more cultured. I can firstly read books on lots of subjects. I can read books of different types. I can read about what I find interesting. 我从克里斯那里得到了一些关于如何更有文化修养的建议。我可以先读很多科目的书。我能读不同类型的书。我可以阅读我觉得有趣的东西。Secondly, I can take some time to learn something new every day. I can read an article about an unfamiliar topic each day. I can also take a few minutes to get caught up on latest events. 其次,我可以每天花一些时间来学习新东西。我可以每天读一篇关于一个不熟悉的话题的文章。我也可以花几分钟了解最新的事件。Thirdly, I can get to know people from different backgrounds. To step outside my familiar setting, I can spend more time travelling or connect with a pen pal from another country. 第三,我可以认识来自不同背景的人。为了走出我熟悉的环境,我可以花更多的时间旅行或与来自另一个国家的笔友联系。Finally, I can learn to enjoy the beauty of arts. I can visit a museum or attend a dance performance. I can also take a class on art history.最后,我可以学会欣赏艺术之美。我可以参观博物馆或参加舞蹈表演。我还可以参加艺术史的课程。附件:初三英语听说练习一、听后选择:听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有两个小题, 从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。请听一段对话, 完成第1至第2小题。W: What time is it now, James?M: It"s 8 o"clock already.W: But Beth hasn"t arrived. You asked her to be here around 7:00, didn"t you? I"m wondering what"s happening to her.但是贝丝还没到。你让她7点左右来,是吗?我想知道她怎么了。M: So let me call her right now.W: I called her just now, but she didn"t answer the phone.M: Don"t worry. She must have something important to do.W: Well, we don"t need to wait for her. Let"s start now.请听一段对话, 完成第3至第4小题。W: Mike, why didn"t you go to the basketball game last Friday?迈克,上星期五你为什么没去看篮球赛?M: Oh, I celebrated my grandpa"s birthday with my family.W: You missed a really good game.M: Really? Who won?W: Our class did, and our teacher was there, too.M: Too bad I was busy. I really had wanted to go.W: Guess what, the score was 101-98.M: Man, that was a really close game.W: That"s what made it so great.M: I"ll make sure to watch the next game.请听一段对话, 完成第5至第6小题。W: Thomas, what did you do last weekend?M: I went to see a movie called My People, My Country.W: Wow! What do you think of it?M: It"s very moving.W: No wonder it"s been a hit across all the social media these days. The audience says they were deeply touched.难怪这些天它在所有的社交媒体上引起了轰动。观众说他们深受感动。M: That"s true. You know, it tells seven short stories and draws on important historical moments since 1949.这是真的。你知道,它讲述了七个短篇故事,并借鉴了1949年以来的重要历史时刻。W: I can"t wait to watch it!请听一段对话, 完成第7至第8小题。W: Have you heard that volunteers are needed for the 19th Asian Games in 2022?你听说2022年第19届亚运会需要志愿者吗?M: Yes, but what should volunteers do for the Games?W: They"ll work as guides, give out water or notices, etc.M: Sounds interesting. Can we join them?W: Sure. College and high school students are welcome, and we"ll be in high school then!M: Great! So what can I do first to get the chance?W: You can visit its website for more information. It won"t close until June, 2021.你可以访问它的网站获得更多信息。它要到2021年6月才会关闭。M: OK. I"ll do that right now and keep an eye on it.W: Me, too.请听一段独白, 完成第9至第10小题。Hello, everyone. Would you like to make your morning more effective? In fact, some simple tips can help you make it. Figure out what you need to take with you to school the night before. 你好,每个人。你想让你的早晨更有效率吗?事实上,一些简单的技巧可以帮助你成功。前一天晚上弄清楚你需要带什么去学校。After that, fill your bag with things you need, so you can take it and leave immediately the next morning. What"s more, to get a good night"s sleep, you can make your room quiet and dark, which helps you fall asleep easily. And you"d better sleep seven or eight hours. 之后,把你需要的东西装满你的包,这样你就可以在第二天早上马上离开。更重要的是,要得到一个良好的睡眠,你可以让你的房间安静和黑暗,这有助于你很容易入睡。你最好睡七八个小时。Lastly, you can read an article or a book after getting up. If you like doing exercise, go out to take a long walk. Having a goal to achieve is a great way to get your body and mind active. That"s all. Thank you.最后,你可以在起床后读一篇文章或一本书。如果你喜欢锻炼,那就出去散个步吧。有一个要实现的目标是让你的身体和思想活跃起来的好方法。这是所有。谢谢你!二、听后回答听下面5段对话, 根据所听内容笔头回答问题。每段对话你将听两遍。请听一段对话, 完成第11小题。W: Dad, there"s a soccer game this weekend. I want to watch it.M: A soccer game! I"ll go with you.W: So we can buy the tickets online right now.M: OK. I"ll book them.请听一段对话, 完成第12小题。W: I"ve just got invited to my friend"s house warming party, but I don"t know…M: Don"t worry. We usually take some flowers to such parties.W: Great! I"ll buy some. Thanks a lot.M: You"re welcome.请听一段对话, 完成第13小题。W: Tom, what time is it?M: It"s 7 o"clock now.W: Oh, I"ll be late. The lecture will start at 8 o"clock. And it will take me 20 minutes to get there.哦,我要迟到了。讲座将于8点开始。到那里要20分钟。M: You"d better hurry up.请听一段对话, 完成第14小题。W: Hi, Tony. Did you enjoy your winter vacation?M: Yes. I had a short-term art camp in Paris.W: What do you think of the teachers in the camp?M: They are friendly and humorous.请听一段对话, 完成第15小题。W: Hi, Eric. You look so happy.M: Yeah. My mom bought me a new bike.W: Wow, you"ve got a great gift!M: Thank you and we can ride to school together next week.三、听后记录并转述信息本大题包括两节。第一节:听后填空。听短文, 根据所听内容和提示信息将所缺信息填写在相应位置上。短文你将听两遍。Hello, everyone. I"m Chris. Here"re some ways to be more cultured.你好,每个人。我是克里斯。这里有一些方法可以让你更有文化。First, read books on lots of subjects. Read books of different types, including fiction and non-fiction. You can read about what you find interesting!首先,阅读大量相关主题的书籍。阅读不同类型的书籍,包括小说和非小说类。你可以阅读你觉得有趣的东西!Second, take time to learn something new every day. Try reading an article about an unfamiliar topic each day. Take a few minutes to get caught up on latest events.第二,每天花点时间学习新东西。试着每天读一篇关于不熟悉话题的文章。花几分钟了解一下最新的事件。Third, get to know people from different backgrounds. To step outside your familiar setting, you can spend more time travelling. If you can"t travel, try connecting with a pen pal from another country.第三,了解来自不同背景的人。为了走出你熟悉的环境,你可以花更多的时间去旅行。如果你不能旅行,试着联系来自另一个国家的笔友。Finally, learn to enjoy the beauty of arts. You can visit a museum, or attend a dance performance. You can also take a class on art history.最后,学会欣赏艺术之美。你可以参观博物馆,或参加舞蹈表演。你也可以参加艺术史的课程。With all these tips, you"ll find yourself more cultured and your life more enriched.有了这些建议,你会发现自己更有修养,生活更丰富多彩。第二节:听后转述。请再听一遍短文,根据所听到的内容和第一节中的提示信息,写出短文的主要内容。短文的开头已经给出。请注意语法正确,语意连贯。北京市海淀区初三2020年上学期期末作文书面表达(共10分)八、文段表达(10分)60. 从下面两个题目中任选一题, 根据中文和英文提示, 完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数‘所给提示词语仅供选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。作文题目1:假如你是李华, 你想邀请交换生Peter:在大年初一看电影庆春节。下面是电影院的观影信息, 请你从中选择一部影片和他一起观看、请你写一封信, 告诉他你的选择, 以及你选这部电影的原因, 并约定见面时间及地点。Hongxing Movie Theater (01/25/2020)提示词语:be directed by, act in, cheer up, relaxing, faith(信念), brave提示问题:Which movie would you like to invite Peter to watch?Why do you choose it?When and where will you meet?Dear Peter,I"d like to invite you to watchI"m looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li Hua作文题目2:无奋斗, 不青春!某英文网站正在开展以“越努力越幸福(The Harder I Work, the Happier I Will Be)”为主题的征文活动。请你用英文写一篇短文投稿, 谈谈你在初中生活中的一个小目标是什么, 你是如何努力去实现的, 以及你从中学到了什么。提示词语:strive for(奋斗)/strav/, make a plan, stick to坚持/忠于, satisfied /stsfad/ , pleasure提示问题:What did you do to strive for your goal?你做了什么来争取你的目标?What have you learned from your experience?你从你的经历中学到了什么?书面表达八、文段表达:60. A possible versionSample 1Dear Peter,I"d like to invite you to watch a movie with me on January 25th to celebrate the Spring Festival. I have checked the movie information that day at Hongxing Movie Theater. Among the great movies, I would like to invite you to watch Lost in Russia, a comedy directed by Xu Zheng.《囧妈》我想邀请你在1月25日和我一起看一场电影来庆祝春节。那天我在红星电影院看了电影资料。在这些伟大的电影中,我想邀请你去看徐峥导演的喜剧《迷失俄罗斯》。As a great actor and director, Xu has produced quite a few successful comedies. What"s more, Xu and another famous actor Shen Teng act in it. I believe this pair will surely bring us a lot of fun.作为一个伟大的演员和导演,徐制作了不少成功的喜剧。更重要的是,徐和另一位著名演员沈腾在其中扮演。我相信这双一定会给我们带来很多乐趣。Would you like to join me? Can we meet at 13:00 at the gate of Hongxing Theater? The movie will start at 13:30. It will last for 2 hours. After that, I"d like to invite you to have dinner with me in my home.I"m looking forward to your reply.你愿意和我一起去吗?我们13:00在红星剧场门口见好吗?电影将在13:30开始。它将持续2个小时。之后,我想请你到我家吃晚饭。期待您的回复。Yours,Li Hua写作背景介绍:《囧妈》是徐峥自导自演的喜剧电影,黄梅莹领衔主演,袁泉特约主演,贾冰、郭京飞主演,沈腾特别客串,欧丽娅等出演。该片是徐峥”囧系列”的第三部作品,讲述一趟六天六夜的莫斯科之旅,让徐伊万与卢小花母子回到了最纯粹的相处模式,将于2020年1月24日在中国上映。剧情简介小老板伊万缠身于商业纠纷,却意外同母亲坐上了开往俄罗斯的火车。在旅途中,他和母亲发生激烈冲突,同时还要和竞争对手斗智斗勇。为了最终抵达莫斯科,他不得不和母亲共同克服难关,并面对家庭生活中一直所逃避的问题。题目2 :Sample 2It"s well-knownthat there"s no shortcut to success but hard work. One of my experiences helps me realize the truth again.众所周知,成功没有捷径,只有努力工作。我的一个经历帮助我再次认识到真相。As I entered Grade 9, I found I had difficultyin speaking English freely.Therefore, I decided to improve my oral English by taking the following measures.当我进入9年级时,我发现我很难流利地说英语。因此,我决定采取以下措施来提高我的英语口语。Firstand foremost, I kept on listening to tapes and reading aloud to improve my pronunciation. In addition/Moreover/Furthermore, I tried to read English books where I could learn many native expressions. Although it was quite challengeable, I managed to develop it into a habit. Thanks to my great effort, I am comfortable speaking English now.首先,我坚持听磁带和大声朗读来提高我的发音。此外,我试着读英语书,在那里我可以学到许多地道的表达。虽然这很有挑战性,但我还是把它培养成了一种习惯。由于我的努力,我现在能自如地说英语了。I have learned the great value of hard work through this process. I not only feel a sense of achievementbut also find the pleasure in hard work as it helps me discover my potential. I believe the more hard-working I am, the much happier I will be.通过这个过程,我学到了努力工作的巨大价值。我不仅感到一种成就感,也找到了努力工作的乐趣,因为它帮助我发现我的潜力。我相信我越努力,我就会越快乐。本篇词汇拓展:Shortcut /tkt/ 捷径/快捷Challengeable adj. 挑战性的potential /ptenl/ adj. 潜在的/可能的;势的;n. 潜能,可能性;电势(物理名词)measure /me(r)/ n. 测量;措施;程度;尺寸;vt. 测量;估量;权衡刘凯老师介绍:刘凯,男,蒙古族,黑龙江省齐齐哈尔人。本科为哈尔滨师范大学英语系,硕士为北京理工大学。美国亚利桑那大学访问学者,澳大利亚新兰威尔士大学ESL研修。2018年加州理工学院语言学双学位获得者。北京市优秀青年教师,北京市级重点高中示范校骨干教师,多年高中一线执教经验,高三年级把关教师,多次参

lt"s famous clock,lt"s veny tall and"s in London.What is it?

Big Ben(伦敦英国议会大厦钟楼上的)大本钟


horse 音标[ h?:s ] door 音标[ d?:(r) ] 可见horse中的or发音为[?:]而door中的oor发音为[?:(r)] 考虑到door中oor的[r]音可发可不发,所以可以认为这两个读音是一样的。

the clock strike是什么意思

theclockstrike的中文翻译_  theclockstrike  时钟敲响  双语例句  1  Ihardlynoticedtheclockstrikemidnight.  我几乎没注意到钟已敲午夜12点了。  2  Heheardtheclockstriketen!  才听到钟敲了十下!  3  Sheheardtheclockstrikemidnight.  她听见钟敲子夜12点。

在VHDL中,clock"EVENT and clock="1"表示上升沿,其中的event是什么意思呢?


读书笔记 - Time, Clocks and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System

本文是读完Paper(本文中Paper特指《Time, Clocks and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System》,下同)后的一些感想,不是译文(推荐阅读原文),感想也纯属一家之言,欢迎指正。 本文按照以下结构组织:首先简单总结下本次阅读的Paper的背景、主要内容和影响;其后介绍下本人读完paper后的一些感想。感想部分主要包含了 读过paper的可以直接跳到感想部分。 本Paper是 Leslie Lamport 老爷子在1978年的时候写的,虽然已经是41年前的Paper了,但是Paper挖掘了分布式系统中的时间的本质,并结合 狭义相对论 进行深入的分析,给人一种醍醐灌顶的感觉。Paper中提出的"happened before",Logical Clocks,The Partial Ordering,Replicated State Machine等是目前整个分布式理论的基础。本Paper对于现代分布式理论的意义不亚于狭义相对论之于现代物理学。 本Paper在Google Scholar中的引用数为11231,最早发表于“Communication of ACM”,后分别获得了“2000 PODC Influential Paper Award”以及“ACM SIGOPS Hall of Fame Award in 2007” [1] 本Paper的几项重要贡献 本Paper大致分为如下几部分: 这部分提出了分布式系统中的时间问题。我们生活中感知的事件(Event)发生的先后是依赖于时钟的,而分布式系统 “A distributed system consists of a collection of distinct processes which are spatially separated, and which communicate with one another by exchanging messages.” 中很难包含一个实际的时钟(Wall Clock),同时在多个不同process中的时钟往往不够精确,因此在分布式系统中必须有一套独立的算法来解决时间问题。 分布式系统中如果没有实际的时钟,那么我们能依赖的就只有Happened Before了,即在某些条件下,我们可以确定event A一定在event B之前发生。这里有一个非常重要的理念: 在分布式系统中,我们能依赖的只有这种部分事件之间的Happened Before关系,也就是Partial Ordering 。在分布式系统中有2种情况是可以建立起Happened Before关系的: Figure 1中由下往上是时间的流逝,自左往右是不同的空间中的process。Figure 1中的有些event之间是有直接(p1 -> q2)或者间接(p1 -> r3)的happened before关系的;而有些event之间是没有的(p3和q3),因此我们无法确定p3和q3之间的顺序,所以我们说p3和q3是并发的。 Happened Before的理论和 狭义相对论 中的物理世界中的观念十分的类似,即event的先后是相对的,在实际世界中的不同惯性坐标系下,2个event的先后关系可能发生变化。不过Paper中没有深入的对比,我会在 感想 部分中深入讨论下 其实对Happened Before和Partial Ordering的理解才是最重要和最难的,有了Partial Ordering的概念,我们很容易理解Logical Clocks。即我们指定一个全局的逻辑的时钟规则C(x),以保证 这个时钟的规则也相对比较简单 以上规则分别体现了2个Happened Before关系。 既然知道了我们唯一能确定的就是Happened Before关系,但是我们在解决现实问题的时候,往往会用到全局序(Total Ordering)。那么我们可以预定义一个process之间的顺序,假设当event的逻辑时间相等时,process1的event永远先于process2的,那么我们就可以确定一个全局序。 这里要强调的是Partial Ordering是唯一的,而Total Ordering是不唯一的。 本章举了一个在没有Coordinator的情况下的,分布式临界资源算法。 注意这里的分布式临界资源是指没有统一协调者,没有统一等待队列的,需要多个process互相协商的算法。 这个算法非常重要,因为这是一个无中心的分布式算法(2PC是有中心的,才有block问题)。几乎所有的无中心分布式算法都是从这个算法演化而来的。同时我们可以通过状态机(State Machine)的思想,将该算法演变成一个完整的分布式系统。Lamport在这里提出的State Machine方案是一个被后人忽视的,但是却十分重要的贡献,甚至在很长时间内大家都没意识到paper中有这方面的贡献,老爷子后来的自述中也提到: 篇幅原因,这个分布式临界资源算法的细节大家参考原文的,有问题可以讨论。 上面定义的Logical Clocks有一些反常的行为,例如我们定义的Total Ordering是process 1 < process 2的,那么event a(from process 1)和event b(from process 2)的逻辑时间虽然相等,但是在Total Ordering中是C(a) < C(b)。但是现实生活中event a和event b可能是人操作产生的,而event b的操作员操作完成后打电话给event a的操作员操作的。那么Logical Clocks就显著违背了事实。其主要原因是b happened before a这个关系是在非本系统的外部系统中产生的,本系统不掌握这个情况,所以导致了反常。 为避免这种反常,有2中解法: Paper中基于Logical Clock的整体理论,将逻辑时钟的产生替换为了物理时钟,并处理了2个主要时钟误差和其矫正方法: 从Lamport总结的分布式系统的时空观和狭义相对论中物理世界的时空观有着惊人的相似。 以上理论在所有的洛伦兹变换的惯性坐标系中都是成立的,我们可以以一下的方式直观的理解下: Spanner中的True Time和本Paper中最后的Physical Clocks非常的相似。但是本文中的Physical Clocks是有一些限制的例如时钟不能倒退,同时通过系统内的message进行时钟修正,这也是在当时的硬件条件下的理想方案,而True Time通过系统外的消息进行修正(GPS),同时优化了协议。 同时根据狭义相对论,因为物理的时钟也是偏序的,只有可能在限制物理范围,并且保证event间间隔的情况下才有可能变成全局。 因此完整的True Time理论严格来说应该有这部分的论证。 由此想到的很多经典论文中的方案,可能当时来看是难以实现的,但是随着硬件的发展,稍加优化以后,可能会带来系统性的突破。 从本质上来说文章的Logical Clocks和Physical Clocks本质上是一样的都是 通过消息来产生Happened Before的偏序,再依赖这个偏序确定整个系统的因果序/全序 。虽然我们从狭义相对论中知道,“当2个事件只要在光可到达的时间差外先后发生,那么它们就有因果关系”,但是2个物理时钟并不能因此产生同步,还是需要有外部机制来产生同步,例如:NTP,GPS。可惜的是在1978年 NTP(1988年)和GPS(1989年商用)都还没发用,所以Lamport设计了这个时钟同步的雏形算法。 2者的不同是: 说到这里必须要提HLC了,HLC本质上是Logical Clocks而非Physical Clocks,这个下篇文章详细说吧

o"clock sharp 是什么意思


关于Gun Alarm Clock闹钟也就是手枪闹钟铃声的问题


are there any clocks on the shelf这句话是什么意思?

Are there any clocks on the shelf?这句话意思是架子上有钟吗?

At 5 o"clock workers _out of the factories?A.were poured B.poured C.were rushed D.pouring



英文原文:turn off the alarm clock英式音标:[tɜːn] [ɒf] [ðə] [əˈlɑːm] [klɒk] 美式音标[tɝn] [ɔf] [ðə] [əˈlɑrm] [klɑk]

The class finish at five "clock 。是对还是错?

这个句子是不正确的,主语和谓语不一致。主语是单数,谓语用复数。可以改成,The classes finish at five o"clock.







Advanced Clock Calibration中文是什么意思


Advanced Clock Calibration中文是什么意思


翻译:we are slaves to nothing but the clock是什么意思?


翻译 We are slaves to nothing but the clock. Time

We are slaves to nothing but the clock.我只是时间的奴隶Time is treated as if it were something almost real.时间被当做真实的东西来对待

We are slaves to nothing but the clock什么意思



books,bags,maps这三个单词中的s读音不相同bags中的s 读浊辅音/z/books , maps 中的s读清辅音/s/

the clock strikes是什么意思


the clock strikes at intervals of an hour. 这句话什么意思,然后interval 又是什么意思,


Clock Strikes 歌词

歌曲名:Clock Strikes歌手:ONE OK ROCK专辑:人生×仆=Clock StrikesONE OK ROCK作词︰TAKA作曲︰TAKAWhat waits for you?What"s breaking through?Nothing for goodYour show is true永远なんてないと言い切ってしまったらあまりにも寂しくて切ないでしょ谁もが本当は信じたいけど裏切られれば深く伤ついてしまうもの永久がある世界が理想ではなくそれを信じ続けている姿それこそ仆らが望むべき世界と気づくことができたならWhat will we have?Believe the timeIt"s always foreverAnd I"ll always be hereBelieve it till the endI won"t go awayAnd won"t say neverDoesn"t have to be afraidYou can keep me to the end古、永远なんてないといいけどそしたら希望や梦がいくつ死ぬだろうそれが存在しないことの绝望と存在することの残酷を想像してみて仆は少しまためくるページの手を止めるHow will we have?Believe the timeIt"s always foreverAnd I"ll always be hereBelieve it till the endI won"t go awayAnd won"t say neverDoesn"t have to be afraidYou can keep me to the endBelieve the timeIt"s always foreverAnd I"ll always be hereBelieve it till the endI won"t go awayAnd won"t say neverDoesn"t have to be afraidYou can keep me to the endKeep me to the endYou can keep me to the endAnd time will stayTime goes byYou can keep me to the end


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