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回收箱,回收站, 电脑里的“回收站”, 英文就是那个


recycle 英[u02ccri:u02c8sau026akl] 美[riu02c8sau026aku0259l] vt. 回收利用; 使再循环; vi. 重复利用; [网络] 循环再生; 再造; 资源化; [例句]The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste.目标是对98%的生活垃圾进行回收利用。[其他] 第三人称单数:recycles 现在分词:recycling 过去式:recycled过去分词:recycled




RickyisClown,是众多潮牌中性价比较高的。亮点在于连帽衫和拼接式的夹克。 湖南皑希文化传播有限公司旗下潮流品牌RickyIsClown(RIC)于2014年成立于长沙,以港日街头风为设计理念,融入主理人Ricky对生活的理解,R.I.C缩写自Richy is clown(Ricky是小丑)。品牌表达的是主理人Ricky对自己的嘲讽和激励,同时寓意着生活中每个人都有丑陋的一面。这样的寓意与个人品牌的经历有着密不可分的联系,每一个品牌的塑造历程都是充满荆棘与挑战的,而RIC也不例外。rickyclown衣服属于中高端档次


你是在linux环境安装oracle吧 root登录一个窗口,运行一下语句。 #export DISPLAY=:0.0 #xhost + #su - oracle 然后就在这个窗口运行oracle的安装程序。 不过你要在安装linux的时候装了图形界面,而且现在安装也是在图形界面才行。




divide在oracle中的用法主要就是用来做除法的运算。其中有一个用法为public BigDecimal divide(BigDecimal divisor,int scale,int roundingMode)第一个参数是除数,第二个参数代表保留几位小数,第三个代表的是使用的模式。oracle的文件结构:数据库的物理存储结构是由一些多种物理文件组成,主要有数据文件、控制文件、重做日志文件、归档日志文件、参数文件、口令文件、警告文件等。控制文件:存储实例、数据文件及日志文件等信息的二进制文件。数据文件:存储数据,以.dbf做后缀。日志文件:即Redo Log Files和Archivelog Files。记录数据库修改信息。参数文件:记录基本参数。spfile和pfile。警告文件:show parameter background_dump_dest,使用共享服务器连接。跟踪文件:show parameter user_dump_dest,使用专用服务器连接。以上内容参考:百度百科-Oracle数据库




方案一:1、键盘输入 pl空格2、键盘输入 a空格。这样就能画出曲线了。方案二:arc 空格方案三:以新创建一个菱形花纹钢板图案库文件为例,来说明方法:首先,在CAD中按国标作出菱形花纹图案,并标注各部分尺寸。 参看下面的库文件标准格式: *pattern-name [, description] angle, x-origin, y-origin, delta-x, delta-y [, dash-1, dash-2, ] 第一行为标题行。星号后面紧跟的是图案名称,执行HATCH命令选择图案时,将显示该名称。方括号内是图案由 HATCH 命令的“?”选项显示时的可选说明。如果省略说明,则图案名称后不能有逗号。 第二行为图案的描述行。可以有一行或多行。其含义分别为:直线绘制的角度,填充直线族中的一条直线所经过的点的X、Y轴坐标,两填充直线间的位移量,两填充直线的垂直间距,dash-n为一条直线的长度参数,可取正负值或为零,取正值表示该长度段为实线,取负值表示该段为留空,取零则画点。 然后打开记事本,书写下如下: *custom, steel plate GB/T3277-1991 68.4667, 0, 0, -9.8646, 25, 30.0213, -6.59 111.5333, 0, 0, 9.8646, 25, 30.0213, -6.59 68.4667, -11.0191, 27.926, -9.8646, 25, 30.0213, -6.59 111.5333, 11.0191, 27.926, 9.8646, 25, 30.0213, -6.59 注意事项: 图案定义文件的每一行最多可包含 80 个字符。 AutoCAD 忽略空行和分号右边的文字。根据这一条,可以在文件中添加版权信息、备注或者是想加入的任何内容。例如: ;Copyright (c) 2000 by everyone. All rights reserved. 最后,将文件保存,取名custom.Pat。注意,文件名必须与图案名相同。 掌握了自定义图案的方法。现在,只需一点点耐心,就可以编辑出非常复杂的图案了。










oracle数据库查询时出现乱码,很可能是该数据库的字符集设定不支持中文,但是表中数据含有中文,所以变为乱码。如果是字符集原因,解决方法如下:1、shutdown immediate; 关闭数据库2、startup mount; 开启数据库至挂载模式(只挂实例,不启动数据库)3、alter system enable restricted session;开启会话限制4、alter system set aq_tm_processes=0;修改系统参数5、alter system set job_queue_processes=0;修改系统参数6、alter database open;启动数据库为open7、alter database national character set internal_user (zhs16gbk);修改字符集8、alter system disable restricted session;关闭会话限制括号内可填写字符集类型,zhs16gbk、AL32UTF8等字符集都支持中文。





为什么Oracle数据库适合大型企业 而SQL Server数据库适合中小企业


Era的 《Classics II》 来源于哪些古典音乐?

曲目如下:1、Ave Paternum Deo - 选自: 帕赫贝尔 卡农2、Madeus - 选自:莫扎特 安魂曲3、Abbey Road Blues - 选自:阿尔比诺尼 g小调柔板4、A Brand New Day - 选自: 巴赫 第一号无伴奏大提琴组曲5、Voxifera (Rock Edit) - 选自: 指挥战歌6、Prelude - 选自:前奏曲7、I"m No Angel - 选自:贝多芬 月光奏鸣曲8、Journey - 选自:亨德尔的歌剧《里纳尔多》中的唱段 让我痛哭吧! 9、Thunder Flash - 选自:柴可夫斯基 D大调小提琴协奏曲 10、Outro Madeus - 选自:莫扎特 安魂曲



Mary picked up her childrenu2019s clothes that ____on the floor.uff08u3000u3000uff09




rain,cloud,storm,shower,ice,wind,snow 这几个单词哪些不可数哪些可数,哪些有动词形式?

你好,可数名词: cloud,storm,shower,不可数名词:rain,ice,wind,snowrain解释为雨季时,往往用复数。这些词都可以作动词。

Eric Clapton的《One Chance》 歌词

歌曲名:One Chance歌手:Eric Clapton专辑:PilgrimAllan I - One ChanceMaxRNB - Your First R&B Source(Mmm yeah yeah yeah yeah,)(Mmm yeah yeah yeah yeah,)Allan I, (oh oh), Girl I gotta story to tell,(yeahhhh yeaa,) lets go...Ain"t never had a situation so deep,confused out my mind,girl this ain"t right,wait baby don"t leave,just let me explain,how much I need you girl in my life, (ouuu)so many thoughts have got you twisted,and I needa get em" out your mind,swear I never cheated,this ain"t happening to me, (oh no no no )cause I swear that she ain"t reality...All I need is just one chance,(to prove it to you girl,)All I need is one chance,(that I"m about you,)just one chance,(that I"m everything that you need,)to prove my honesty, please believe...Stop listening (to all these haters,)don"t listen to (none of these haters,)they don"t know half the things we go through, (no no)what makes you think that I would game you? (game you)four years deep, and I know we ain"t this weak, no...So look me in my face,and tell me whats it gonna be,you"re gonna listen to them,or you"re gonna believe me,so girl please understand,all I need is one chance...just one chance,(to prove it to you girl,)All I need is one chance,(that I"m about you,)just one chance,(that I"m everything that you need,)to prove my honesty, please we"re all alone now,think about whats going down,and I feel that nothings changedstill thinking you"re always,and nothings gonna please ya,I might as well just leave ya,alone, to think about who really loves when its time for you to come to your senses,your friends will be the first,to tell you it wasn"t meant to be,and just remember when you miss me,you could"ve had that, one chance...Just one chance,(to prove it to you girl,)All I need is one chance,(that I"m about you,)just one chance,(I"m everything that you need,)to prove my honesty, please believe...Just one chance, (just one)all I need is one chance, (only one)just one chance, (just one chance)to prove my honesty, please believe….(Ohhhh ohh ohhhhh)MaxRNB - Your First R&B Source

Claw coupling是什么,有哪些应用?

中文名叫“爪式接头”“乌鸦脚接头”,类型多样,应用于压缩空气的来连接,但不属于液压接头,很多国家都有属于自己的生产标准。如下梳理一下大致的种类,不做详细的对比:A型:爪距41--42mm, 分为欧洲通用标准和澳洲标准,前者材质为碳钢或不锈钢,后者为碳钢或铸铁B型:也叫芝加哥接头(Chicago coupling), 美国标准,材质为碳钢或铸铁S型: 爪距不一,澳洲A型加强版F型:英文名Express claw coupling,法国标准,材质为黄铜或不锈钢GEKA:GEKA品牌名,德国标准,应用于低压水管连接,材质为黄铜或不锈钢

It is reported that North Korea once agreed to _________its neclear program in exchange for eco...

B 试题分析:句意:据报道朝鲜曾经同意放弃核项目为了交换获得经济援助和安全担保。A投入,奉献;B放弃;C促成,投稿;D适应,改编。根据句意判断选B。

Close To The Edge 歌词

歌曲名:Close To The Edge歌手:Robert Palmer专辑:Essentialshayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"

Close To The Heart 歌词

歌曲名:Close To The Heart歌手:Julie Blue专辑:Heart Of The Rivershayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"

Close To The Edge 歌词

歌曲名:Close To The Edge歌手:Robert Palmer专辑:Honeyshayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"

Close the Door 歌词

歌曲名:Close the Door歌手:soul sirkus专辑:2005 soul sirkus-world.playshayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"

Close To My Fire 歌词

歌曲名:Close To My Fire歌手:Slackwax专辑:Big City Bar 2shayne ward - close to closeIt"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the way(Close to close, this close to close)They say love just isn"t worth itI say you gotta put the work inThat way you"ll always gotta get what you give(Close to close, this close to close)You"re this closeSo stay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust do what you doin"Because you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)So don"t stop now take my breath awayDon"t let your heart try to play it safePlease, you"re this closeLast time love just wasn"t workingThis time I plan to put the work inThat way I"m always gotta get what I give(Close to close, this close to close)Ohh ohh This closeStay right here and don"t hold backI"m into what you"re doin" do it just like thatIt"s me and you forget the worldJust say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doingBecause you"re this close to close(Close to close, this close to close)It"s been a while since I"ve been this wayYou left your mark broken everythingBut don"t stop now take me all the wayInto your heart baby don"t stop me fallin"Stay right here and don"t hold back(Don"t hold back)I"m into what you"re doin"Doin" just like thatIt"s me and you forget the world(Me and you, forget the world)Just say what you"re sayin"Cause it"s the best thing that I"ve heardYou don"t know how far you"ve comeLeave your shield it"s overLet"s just get it doneSo stay with me and don"t let goJust do what you"re doin"


亲爱的 你找到 这首歌了 吗,我也最近也听见了 很喜欢~

WalkinRound In A Circle 歌词

歌曲名:Walkin" "Round In A Circle歌手:Jessica Simpson专辑:A Public AffairLife is a curve ballThrown with the wild armAnd if I"m going to swing in, I must get motivatedInstead of lying in my bedI"m like a train wreck, trucking down a fast hillHeartbreak is overratedIf I dry the tears nowI can get a head start out the doorI never loved the sun until the rainI"ll never get anywhere if I stay in the same placeAlways afraid I"mGonna just get stuck in a dreamWhere the answer"s clear but no one knows itIt"s like a toss up, I gotta get out of here"Cause I"m tired of the motionsI"m blue no moreWalkin" round in a circleDeja vu no moreWalkin" round in a circleBeing redundant is never the one trick I ever want to masterOne quirk can get me focused"Cause the start of a circle is also the endingOne door has to close before the next can openGotta give my own lifeMy whole life is a given one sweet goalI never loved the sun until the rainI"ll never get anywhere if I stay on a same placeAlways afraid I"m...And I just get stuck in a dreamWhere the answer"s clear but no one knows itIt"s like a toss up, I gotta get out fo here"Cause I"m tired of the motionsI"m blue no moreWalkin" round in a circleDeja vu no moreWalkin" round in a circleHow can I be my best, there"s never failHow can I ever find peace if I never yellI gotta be strongerI can"t let cold wind blow me on a cold nightI follow the skyline and I am no longerStuck in a dreamWhere the answer"s clear but no one knows itIt"s like a toss up, I gotta get out of here"Cause I"m tired of the motionsI"m blue no moreWalkin" round in a circleDeja vu no moreWalkin" round in a circle

有谁能给我teenage fanclub 的baby lee的歌词?急啊!英文的(有中翻更好!)

love me leave metake my possessions and gowine me dine mewreck all the things that I knowI"m enchanted I"ve fallen under your spellhow can I resist when you cast them so wellBaby Lee I"m only trying to remind youthey had me in mind oh yeah when they designed youand baby lee I"m always watching from a distanceoh marry marry me oh baby now I am insistingwake me shake meput my emotions on showmake me suffertell everyone that you knowI"m enchanted I"ve fallen under your spellhow can I resist when you cast them so wellBaby Lee I"m only trying to remind youthey had me in mind oh yeah when they designed youand baby lee I"m always watching from a distanceoh marry marry me oh baby now I am insisting

punch the clock是什么意思

考勤打卡to record the time that you start and finish work by putting a cord into a special machine.

Unzip、Run WinZip、Close 、About 、Help是什么意思?

As soon as I tap on the window, I want the car to be stopped immediately

a valuable parcel included diamonds from south africa这话对吗??

from South Africa在句中做定语,在本句中修饰a valuable parcel of diamonds中的diamonds.应该是期盼着来自南非的钻石,重心不在包裹上.


看区别的话,直接对比close和shut这两个单词的区别就可以了1.两者都表示逗关(闭)地,在很多情况下可换用.如:Close [Shut] the door.把门关上.He closed [shut] his eyes.他闭上了眼睛.Shops close [shut] at 5:30 关门.They shut [closed] the door on me.他们把我拒之门外.He closed [shut] his ears to our advice.他对我们的劝告充耳不闻.2.但要注意以下情况:(1) 两者的过去式和过去分词分别是 shut和 closed,都可用作形容词.如:The windows were all closed [shut].窗户都关上了.但 closed 可放在名词前作定语,而 shut 一般不这样用.如:a closed window 已关上的窗户(2) 表示逗结束(会议等)地、逗关闭(交通等)地、逗遮住(表面)地等,通常要用 close (不用 shut).如:The meeting closed at six o"clock.会议 6 点钟结束.She closed her face with her hands.她用手捂住脸.They"ve closed the road for repairs.他们已关闭这条公路,准备翻修.(3)表示逗禁闭地,通常用 shut(不用 close).如:He was shut in the bedroom.他被关在

shup和close的区别如题 谢谢了

其实没有什么很大的区别,但是close的词性要多些,比如说close friend意思是“亲密的朋友”,这里close是形容词;close the door,是动词;I stand close to you,是副词。 shut有固定的用法,比如说,“闭嘴”要说成shut up而不是close up.有时候在电影里面也会看到shut your mouth,但是这种很少出现。也可以说成shut the door=close the door 另外它们还有一个小区别: shut 英文解释是:to move into position to close an opening (关上原本开着的东西)例如:shut the lid盖上盖子 另有自己把自己封闭起来的意思 另有关上,合上的意思,例如:flowers that shut at night晚上会合上的花 close 英文解释是: to move so as to bar passage through something (合上有转柄的东西)例如:close the gate关门

close shut有什么区别呢?

楼上的都说的的很详细了,我只想在补充一点,close比shut更正式一些,shut更倾向于口语化,比如shut up。而且close从语感上也比shut要抽象一些,可以用在一些比喻的句子里,比如The door to my dream of being an adventurer seems closed to me.


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: shut 英文解释是:to move into position to close an opening (关上原本开着的东西)例如:shut the lid盖上盖子 另有自己把自己封闭起来的意思 另有关上,合上的意思,例如:flowers that shut at night晚上会合上的花 close 英文解释是: to move so as to bar passage through something (合上有转柄的东西)例如:close the gate关门 close,shut这两个词的一般含义是“关”或“关闭”。 close 比较普通,有时可以和shut互换使用,但它更强调“不让某人或某物进入或通过”的意思,有时有“不接纳”的意思,但通常表示“关闭”这一动作 It"s Sunday, so all the shops are closed. 今天是星期天,所以这些店铺都关门了。 I felt sure I would never be able to close the case again. 我肯定没有办法再把箱子关上了。 2.shut 与 close 的含义差别在于,shut仅表示“关闭”之状态,不包含“不让进入”或“不接纳”的意思 As soon as he opens the gate from the outside, he es into the garden and waits until the gate shuts. 它一旦从外面把门打开,便走进园子里等着关门。 3.在某些习语中,只有 shut 而不用close。 Shut up! 住口! He found every road to the acplishment of his desire shut against him. 他发现通向实现自己愿望的所有道路都被堵死了。 He shut his eyes to the severs reality. 对于这严峻的现实,他是闭着眼睛不肯看的。


shut: 1、v.关闭;关上;合上;(使)停止营业,关门,打烊 2、adj.关闭;合拢;停业;关门 close: 1、v.关;关闭;闭上;;合上;合拢;(使)关门,关闭(一段时间);不开放 2、n.(一段时间或活动的)结束,终结,终了 扩展资料   变形词不一样:   shut   第三人称单数: shuts 现在分词: shutting 过去式: shut 过去分词: shut   close   第三人称单数: closes 现在分词: closing 过去式: closed 过去分词: closed 比较级: closer 最高级: closest   词义辨析不一样:   close, shut这两个词的共同意思是“关闭”。其细微区别在于:   1、close指把门等关到让人不能出入的程度,只表示关上;   He did not close the door when he left the room.   他离开房间时没有关门。   2、shut指关严并紧紧闩住,强调与外界隔绝。   Shut the door so that the cat won"t get out.   把门关严,别让猫跑出去。


[00:01.89]Drawing[00:02.63]作词/作曲:角野寿和[00:03.58]编曲:角野寿和[00:04.51]歌:ClariS[00:05.39][00:07.01]kagayaku toki no naka shinjiteru fuari no mirai [00:14.65]futa tsuto nai monogatari wo [00:17.90]masshiro na peiji ni kakikomo u [00:25.17][00:29.54]migi poketto shimaikon da [00:33.15]chiisana yume to chiisana fuan [00:37.99]kyou mo tsuyoku nigirishime te [00:43.15][00:44.08]hontou itsumo yosou hazure [00:47.77]tende omou you ni ika nai ne [00:52.45]kimama na kokoro dakishime te [00:57.18][00:58.20]zawameku hoshizora wo miage te mi tara [01:05.00]kane no oto ga kikoe te ki ta [01:08.65]hajimari no yokan da ne [01:12.03][01:12.41]kagayaku toki dake wo tsukuro u yo futari no mirai [01:19.99]orinashi ta omoi no taba [01:23.41]sekai ni mise te age tai na [01:27.29]doko made yuko u? kagiri nai kokoro no oku wa [01:34.59]itsu made mo afure te iru [01:38.14]massugu ashita e aruko u yo [01:45.14][01:49.72]hidari bokebboku tsumekonderu [01:53.15]chiisana kodoku chiisana kibou [01:58.01]itsumo douri uzui te iru [02:03.19][02:04.09]nazotte mi ta yume e no michi [02:07.91]kimari goto wa nani mo nai kara ne [02:12.38]ushiro o furimuka nai you ni [02:17.16][02:18.29]daiji na kotoba wo tsumui de atsume te [02:24.98]miseao u yo himitsu no hako [02:28.99]hazukashi gara nai de ne [02:32.20][02:32.48]kagayaku toki ga ima hirogaru yo futari no naka de [02:39.97]nai ta ato warae ba ii [02:43.32]sekai wa sore de ugoiteru [02:47.20]kyou mo doko ka de yon de iru mir

英语steer a vehicle怎么翻译?


是draw class还是drawing class,并详细叙述原因

当然是drawing class,draw是动词,class是名词,动词不能直接跟名词搭配,所以draw要加ing 变成动名词来修饰class


shut英文解释是:to move into position to close an opening (关上原本开着的东西)例如:shut the lid盖上盖子另有自己把自己封闭起来的意思另有关上,合上的意思,例如:flowers that shut at night晚上会合上的花close英文解释是:to move so as to bar passage through something (合上有转柄的东西)例如:close the gate关门

shut close区别

一、表达意思不同1、shut:关闭;停业;幽禁;关上;停止营业;关闭的;围绕的2、close:紧密的;亲密的;直系的;全面细致的;势均力敌的;几近的;在即的;闷热的;类似的;危险的;吝啬的;被严守的;剪得很短的;闭塞音的;关闭;合上;封闭(洞口或开口);把各部分结合起来;停止运作;靠近;包围;接通(电路);结束讲话;(使)关门;歇业;结束;(股票)收盘;成交;结清(银行账户);使缩小;把......牢牢抓住;(计算机)关闭(文件)二、词性不同1、shut:通常在句中可以作形容词、动词、名词。2、close:通常在句中可以作形容词、动词、副词、名词。三、用法不同1、shut:表示“禁闭”,通常用 shut(不用 close)。2、close:在描述 “封闭道路、关闭机场” 的时候,只能用动词 “close”,而不能用 “shut”。


两者都表示“52位粉丝1. 两者都表示“关(闭)”,在很多情况下可换用。如:Close [Shut] the door. 把门关上。He closed [shut] his eyes. 他闭上了眼睛。Shops close [shut] at 5:30. 商店 5:30 关门。粗谢谢枫华谷刚洗过徐顾兮兮咕咕咕信息工程刚才广告词晨光i几个西瓜i效果i


可以是The New York Times published an article about the accident.

插过U盘,电脑每个盘出现System Volume Information 和$RECYCLE.BIN?




tcl wpevd是什么电视

TCL WPEVD 王牌高清平板LED液晶电视机。


  tclwpevd是 TCL牌子电视。

Hewlett-Packard ACLM.NET v1.1.2.0 - Hewlett-Packard - 1.00.0000 这个软件是什么?可以删吗?


instant music歌词 flcl

The soundtrack music behind FLCL.Listen FLCL Radio – Stream FLCL OST 1 & 2Download Hybrid RainbowFLCL Music VideosRide on Shooting Star MIDIAbout the Artists- The PillowsMusic Tabs (Bass)- Sleepy Head Music Lyrics– Blues Drive Monster- Carnival- Hybrid Rainbow– Sad Sad Kiddie– Advice– Nightmare– Come Down – Runners High– Ride on Shooting Star


原声音乐集disk11. LAST DINOSAUR2. Ride on shooting star3. Sad Sad Kiddie4. CARNIVAL5. RUNNERS HIGH(FLCLヴァージョン)6. Instant Music7. STALKER8. Rever"s Edge(B-6)9. STALKER GOES TO BABYLON10. ONE LIFE11. PAIN(A-7)12. カバレフスキー:「道化师」より~ギャロップ这部动画就这么多首歌了,你听一下。

remain including 区别




oracle dual是什么表?

DUAL是Oracle与数据字典一起自动创建的一个表。它只有一列:DUMMY,其数据类型为:VARCHAR2(1)。DUAL中只有一行数据:"X"。DUAL属于SYS模式,但所有用户都可以使用DUAL名称访问它。用SELECT计算常量表达式、伪列等值时常用该表,因为它只返回一行数据,而使用其它表时可能返回多个数据行。dual是一个oracle内部表,不论我们做什么操作(不要删除记录)它都只有一条记录,上面插入了一条之后,他仍然只有1条记录,所以很多取系统时间,计算,等只要选择一条记录,而且记录内容与表内容无关的操作,我们都喜欢使用这个表。虚表(dual)是oracle提供的最小的工作表,它仅包含一行一列。对于虚表(dual)来说,其中的列往往是不相关的或无关紧要的。查看表结构:执行select * from dual;里面只有一条记录,插入一条记录,insert into dual values("Y");再次查询dual表,里面任然显示一条记录。刚才插入的那条记录并没有显示出来。明明DUAL表中有两条记录,可就是只显示一条。再试一下删除,全删光,也只有一条记录被删掉。原来ORACLE对DUAL表的操作做了一些内部处理,尽量保证DUAL表中只返回一条记录.当然这写内部操作是不可见的。看来ORACLE真是蕴藏着无穷的奥妙啊。

写出有两种形式比较级的单词,比如:clever cleverer more clever

下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级有两种形式cruel----- crueler, cruelest / more cruel , most cruel strict---- stricter , strictest / more strict , most strict often----- oftener , oftenest / more often , most often friendly------ friendlier , friendliest / more friendly , most friendlyclever----- cleverer, cleverest / more clever , most clever


这个没法细说 涉及到太多东西 网上有这种详细的文章 下面大概说一下SQL> conn clark/oracleConnected.SQL> select * from test; ID NAME---------- ---------- 1 test 2 csSQL> select dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) fno,dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) bno,id,name from test; FNO BNO ID NAME---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 6 4243 1 test 6 4243 2 csSQL> alter system dump datafile 6 block 4243;System altered.SQL> select value from v$diag_info where name like "%Default Trace%";VALUE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------/opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/testdb/testdb/trace/testdb_ora_19139.trc返回操作系统more /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/testdb/testdb/trace/testdb_ora_19139.trcTrace file /opt/oracle/diag/rdbms/testdb/testdb/trace/testdb_ora_19139.trcOracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit ProductionWith the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing optionsORACLE_HOME = /opt/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbSystem name: LinuxNode name: rhel3Release: 2.6.18-308.el5Version: #1 SMP Fri Jan 27 17:17:51 EST 2012Machine: x86_64VM name: VMWare Version: 6Instance name: testdbRedo thread mounted by this instance: 1Oracle process number: 27Unix process pid: 19139, image: oracle@rhel3 (TNS V1-V3)*** 2015-01-16 14:23:23.802*** SESSION ID:(33.1271) 2015-01-16 14:23:23.802*** CLIENT ID:() 2015-01-16 14:23:23.802*** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2015-01-16 14:23:23.802*** MODULE NAME:(SQL*Plus) 2015-01-16 14:23:23.802*** ACTION NAME:() 2015-01-16 14:23:23.802Start dump data blocks tsn: 7 file#:6 minblk 4243 maxblk 4243下面这部分主要是 buffer cache 里面的buffer的一些状态 比如在什么链表上之类的信息Block dump from cache:Dump of buffer cache at level 4 for tsn=7 rdba=25170067BH (0x89f90a48) file#: 6 rdba: 0x01801093 (6/4243) class: 1 ba: 0x89496000 set: 3 pool: 3 bsz: 8192 bsi: 0 sflg: 1 pwc: 248,28 dbwrid: 0 obj: 89512 objn: 89512 tsn: 7 afn: 6 hint: f hash: [0x96fd5170,0xa834b7e0] lru: [0x89f850c0,0x89f84aa8] ckptq: [NULL] fileq: [NULL] objq: [0x89f850e8,0x89f84ad0] objaq: [0x89f850f8,0x89f84ae0] st: XCURRENT md: NULL fpin: "kdswh01: kdstgr" tch: 3 flags: only_sequential_access LRBA: [0x0.0.0] LSCN: [0x0.0] HSCN: [0xffff.ffffffff] HSUB: [65535]下面是磁盘上块的数据 头部也是属性 状态之类的 中间是一大堆乱码 (类似杯子装水 先填底部,上面空的 有用的数据在底部)Block dump from disk:buffer tsn: 7 rdba: 0x01801093 (6/4243)scn: 0x0000.ebfa652b seq: 0x01 flg: 0x06 tail: 0x652b0601frmt: 0x02 chkval: 0xff2e type: 0x06=trans dataHex dump of block: st=0, typ_found=1Dump of memory from 0x00002AF9F9BB1A00 to 0x00002AF9F9BB3A002AF9F9BB1A00 0000A206 01801093 EBFA652B 06010000 [........+e......]2AF9F9BB1A10 0000FF2E 00160001 00015DA8 EBFA6528 [.........]..(e..]2AF9F9BB1A20 1FE80000 00321302 01801090 00170001 [......2.........]2AF9F9BB1A30 00000693 00C00751 001C034C 00008000 [....Q...L.......]2AF9F9BB1A40 EBFA635C 00010008 0000078A 00C00211 [c..............]2AF9F9BB1A50 00040310 00002001 EBFA652B 00000000 [..... ..+e......]2AF9F9BB1A60 00000000 00020100 0016FFFF 1F6E1F7B [............{.n.]2AF9F9BB1A70 00001F6E 1F7B0002 00811F86 00811ED3 [n.....{.........]2AF9F9BB1A80 00000006 00001F60 10010FD6 1057102C [....`.......,.W.]2AF9F9BB1A90 10AD1082 10FE10D8 11541129 11A9117F [........).T.....]2AF9F9BB1AA0 11FA11D4 124B1220 12A11276 12F212C7 [.... .K.v.......]2AF9F9BB1AB0 1348131D 139E1373 13EF13C4 1445141A [..H.s.........E.].....................2AF9F9BB39A0 F21C8100 C5060C00 2C4E2F1B 02C2032A [........./N,*...]2AF9F9BB39B0 02C1023A 7A6B310D 68793631 33393973 [:....1kz16yhs993]2AF9F9BB39C0 80013268 4E3229C5 C5061C0C 0F320527 [h2...)2N....".2.]2AF9F9BB39D0 1BC50646 2A2C4E2F 022BC102 2C0602C1 [F.../N,*..+....,]2AF9F9BB39E0 C1020202 65740402 002C7473 03C10202 [......test,.....]2AF9F9BB39F0 2C736302 C1020200 6B630202 652B0601 [.cs,]dump出来的块头信息Block header dump: 0x01801093 Object id on Block? Y seg/obj: 0x15da8 csc: 0x00.ebfa6528 itc: 2 flg: E typ: 1 - DATA brn: 0 bdba: 0x1801090 ver: 0x01 opc: 0 inc: 0 exflg: 0 事务信息 Itl Xid Uba Flag Lck Scn/Fsc0x01 0x0001.017.00000693 0x00c00751.034c.1c C--- 0 scn 0x0000.ebfa635c0x02 0x0008.001.0000078a 0x00c00211.0310.04 --U- 1 fsc 0x0000.ebfa652bbdba: 0x01801093*** 2015-01-16 14:23:23.903data_block_dump,data header at 0x2af9f9bb1a64===============tsiz: 0x1f98hsiz: 0x16pbl: 0x2af9f9bb1a64 76543210flag=--------ntab=1nrow=2frre=-1fsbo=0x16fseo=0x1f7bavsp=0x1f6etosp=0x1f6e0xe:pti[0] nrow=2 offs=00x12:pri[0] offs=0x1f7b0x14:pri[1] offs=0x1f86block_row_dump:块中数据行信息第一行tab 0, row 0, @0x1f7btl: 11 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x2 cc: 2col 0: [ 2] c1 02col 1: [ 4] 74 65 73 74第二行tab 0, row 1, @0x1f86tl: 9 fb: --H-FL-- lb: 0x0 cc: 2col 0: [ 2] c1 03col 1: [ 2] 63 73这些col后面的数据用函数转换一下就是表中的数据end_of_block_dumpEnd dump data blocks tsn: 7 file#: 6 minblk 4243 maxblk 4243






iCloud是苹果公司所提供的云端服务,让使用者可以免费储存5GB的资料。iCloud平台可以将您的个人信息存储到苹果的服务器,通过连接无线网络,这些信息会自动推送到您手中的每个设备上,这些设备包括iPhone、iPod Touch、iPad,甚至是Mac电脑。


cloud的形容词是cloudy。cloud:n.云;云朵;云状物(如尘雾、烟雾、一群飞行的昆虫);阴影;忧郁;v.使难以理解;使记不清楚;使模糊;显得阴沉(或恐惧、愤怒等);第三人称单数: clouds复数: clouds现在分词: clouding过去式: clouded过去分词: clouded


cloud即是可数名词又是不可数名词。cloud可数不可数,要结合单词所在的环境来判断:本义表示云,为物质名词,是不可数。但由于人们实际所见到的云往往可以一片两片地数,所以它往往又被用作可数名词,且由于在一般情况下,人们见到一片云的情形比较少,所以它用作复数形式的比较多。cloud的基本意思是“云,云彩”,是云的总称,可指一块具体的云,也可指抽象概念的云。cloud引申可指“一群”“阴云,阴影”。cloud通常用作不可数名词,但在作“云块,片云”解时可用作可数名词,且可用不定冠词a来修饰。cloud可用many,,masses of,a shred of,a fluff of等修饰,但不可用much来修饰。cloud在表示“一群”时,常用于in clouds或in a cloud短语中。cloud用作动词时的意思是“变得阴沉暗淡,不清楚”,指由于受某物的影响或阻隔而显得模糊不清; cloud还可指由于某些不愉快的事情或消息而脸色变得难看,“显得阴沉或忧伤”。cloud引申还可指“毁坏,影响”。cloud可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。cloud意思,表示名词词性,词义为云,阴云,云状物,一大群,除此之外,cloud这个英语单词还可以作为动词使用,cloud的及物动词含义为使混乱,以云遮蔽,使忧郁,玷污,cloud的不及物动词含义为阴沉,乌云密布。cloud的发音音标是:klau028ad。cloud的第三人称单数形式是clouds,现在分词形式是clouding,过去式形式是clouded,过去分词形式是clouded。cloudy可以用来形容多云天气。




cloud [英][klau028ad] [美][klau028ad]n.云; 云状物; (名誉等的)污点; (鸟,虫,飞机等的)大群; vt.& vi.(使)某物变得阴沉暗淡; (使)某物变得不清楚; vi.(天空)布满云; 显得阴沉(或恐惧、愤怒等); 看起来忧愁(或害怕、愤怒等); vt.使布满云; 使…朦胧不清; 使难以理解; 玷污,诽谤; 第三人称单数:clouds过去分词:clouded复数:clouds现在进行时:clouding过去式:clouded




cloud [klau028ad]n. 云, 云状的烟, 忧色v. 以云遮敝, 使黯然, 笼罩; 乌云密布; 阴沉


1、cloud 可数不可数,要结合单词所在的环境来判断:本义表示云,为物质名词,是不可数。但由于人们实际所见到的云往往可以一片两片地数,所以它往往又被用作可数名词,且由于在一般情况下,人们见到一片云的情形比较少,所以它用作复数形式的比较多。2、解释cloud 英[klau028ad] 美[klau028ad] n. 云; 云朵; 云状物(如尘雾、烟雾、一群飞行的昆虫); 阴影; 忧郁; 焦虑; 令人忧虑的事; v. 使难以理解; 使记不清楚; 使模糊; 显得阴沉(或恐惧、愤怒等); 看起来忧愁(或害怕、愤怒等); (尤指用无关的话题来)混淆,搅混(问题); [例句]The sun burst through the clouds.太阳破云而出。[其他] 第三人称单数:clouds 复数:clouds 现在分词:clouding 过去式:clouded 过去分词:clouded

cloud怎么读 cloud如何读

1、cloud英[klau028ad]美[klau028ad]。 2、n.云; 云朵; 云状物(如尘雾、烟雾、一群飞行的昆虫); 阴影; 忧郁; 焦虑; 令人忧虑的事; 3、v.使难以理解; 使记不清楚; 使模糊; 显得阴沉(或恐惧、愤怒等); 看起来忧愁(或害怕、愤怒等); (尤指用无关的话题来)混淆,搅混(问题); 4、[其他]第三人称单数:clouds 复数:clouds 现在分词:clouding 过去式:clouded 过去分词:clouded。




云用英语cloud音标英[klau028ad],美[klau028ad]。CLOUD,英语单词,主要用作名词、动词,意为“云,云朵;云状物”等。n.云,云朵;云状物,一团;阴影,令人忧虑的事;皱眉,沮丧的表情。v.把……搞糊涂,使难以理解;破坏,给……蒙上阴影;(使)显得阴沉;模糊不清,(使)起雾;布满云;使(房间、天空等)烟雾缭绕,使尘土飞扬。短语搭配1、in the clouds心不在焉;在云层中。2、cloud computing云计算。3、under a cloud失宠;不高兴;受嫌疑。4、dark cloud乌云;黑云;暗云。5、cloud point浊点。双语例句1、The plane disappeared behind a cloud.飞机消失在云层里。2、"Cloud Street" is already in its third printing.《云街》已经是第3次印刷了。3、Fog and low cloud cover are expected this afternoon.预计今天下午有雾和低空云层。


cloud 英[klau028ad]美[klau028ad]n. 云;云状物;(名誉等的)污点;(鸟,虫,飞机等的)大群vt.& vi. (使)某物变得阴沉暗淡;(使)某物变得不清楚vi. (天空)布满云;显得阴沉(或恐惧、愤怒等);看起来忧愁(或害怕、...[例句]The internet is an information cloud.因特网就是一个信息云。


应该是cloud 云,名词




cloud是不可数名词,cloud的读音:英 [klau028ad];美 [klau028ad]。释义:n.云;云状物;一团;阴影;vi.布满云;显得阴沉;看起来忧愁);vt.使难以理解;使…朦胧不清;使减少乐趣;混淆变形:复数:clouds过去式:clouded过去分词:clouded现在分词:clouding第三人称单数:cloudscloud表示“云”,本来为物质名词,是不可数的,但由于我们实际所见到的云往往可以一片、两片地数,所以它往往又被用作可数名词,且由于在一般情况下,我们见到一片云的情形比较少,所以它用作复数形式的比较多。短语:in the clouds心不在焉;在云层中;cloud computing云计算under a cloud失宠;dark cloud乌云;cloud point[化]浊点;cloud cover云量on a cloud忘乎所以;cloud nine 极乐心境;molecular cloud分子云gas cloud气体云;空气层;烟气层;毒云;a cloud of dust一阵尘土例句:1.A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky.云是天空中的水汽团。2.When there are black clouds you can tell it"s going to rain.有乌云的时候,就知道快下雨了。3.His sudden departure cast a cloud upon our scheme.他的突然离去给我们的计划投下一层阴影。


cloud [英][klau028ad] [美][klau028ad] n.云; 云状物; (名誉等的)污点; (鸟,虫,飞机等的)大群; vt.& vi.(使)某物变得阴沉暗淡; (使)某物变得不清楚; vi.(天空)布满云; 显得阴沉(或恐惧、愤怒等); 看起来忧愁(或害怕、愤怒等); vt.使布满云; 使…朦胧不清; 使难以理解; 玷污,诽谤; 第三人称单数:clouds过去分词:clouded复数:clouds现在进行时:clouding过去式:clouded

cloud是什么意思 cloud的意思

1、cloud的基本意思是“云,云彩”,是云的总称,可指一块具体的云,也可指抽象概念的云。cloud引申可指“一群”“阴云,阴影”。 2、cloud通常用作不可数名词,但在作“云块,片云”解时可用作可数名词,且可用不定冠词a来修饰。 3、cloud可用many, masses of, a shred of, a fluff of等修饰,但不可用much来修饰。 4、cloud在表示“一群”时,常用于in clouds或in a cloud短语中。 5、cloud用作动词时的意思是“变得阴沉暗淡,不清楚”,指由于受某物的影响或阻隔而显得模糊不清; cloud还可指由于某些不愉快的事情或消息而脸色变得难看,“显得阴沉或忧伤”。cloud引申还可指“毁坏,影响”。 6、cloud可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,后接名词或代词作宾语,可用于被动结构。
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