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socks [sɑks]谐音:(萨克斯)中文意思:短袜( sock的名词复数 ),袜子


sock读作英[su0252k]、美[sɑu02d0k]。释义:n、短袜。我的袜子上有个洞。词汇搭配:knit socks:编织短袜。mend a sock:补袜子。athletic socks:运动袜。stretch socks:弹力袜。sock的双语例句:1、This is your football sock. Where is the other one?这是你的足球袜,另外一只在哪里?2、So we definitely should not have sock!所以我们不应该吃零食!3、But if you"re going to brave it, consider selecting a sock in a matching or near-matching color to your sandal for a more seamless look.但如果你想挑战它,可以考虑去挑选一双与凉鞋颜色相同或同一色系的短袜,使得这身打扮更加天衣无缝。


socks[英][sɑks] [美][sɑks] 生词本简明释义n.短袜( sock的名词复数 );(尤指用拳头)猛击,重击;袜套;袜子易混淆的单词:Socks以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义1.N-COUNT短袜Socks are pieces of clothing which cover your foot and ankle and are worn inside shoes....a pair of knee-length socks.一对及膝长的袜子2.PHRASE给…留下深刻印象;使…深受触动If someone socks it to another person, they do or say something that makes a great impression on them. Come on, lads. Sock it to "em.


  1、socks 读音:英 [sɑks] 美 [sɑks]。释义:n. 袜子。名词sock的复数形式。   2、双语例句:I found a couple of socks in the bedroom, but they don"t make a pair.我在卧室里发现两只袜子,但不成对。


socks[英][sɑks] [美][sɑks] 生词本简明释义n.短袜( sock的名词复数 );(尤指用拳头)猛击,重击;袜套;袜子易混淆的单词:Socks以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 百科释义1.N-COUNT短袜Socks are pieces of clothing which cover your foot and ankle and are worn inside shoes....a pair of knee-length socks.一对及膝长的袜子2.PHRASE给…留下深刻印象;使…深受触动If someone socks it to another person, they do or say something that makes a great impression on them. Come on, lads. Sock it to "em.来吧,伙计们,让他们开开眼。


sock 英[su0254k] 美[sɑk] n. 1.短袜 2.(尤指用拳头)猛击,重击 3.(尤指用拳头)猛击,重击 vt. 1.猛击;狠打 2.猛击;狠打 名词 n.1.短袜 Two pairs of socks are enough.两双短袜足够了。2.(尤指用拳头)猛击,重击3.(尤指用拳头)猛击,重击及物动词 vt.1.猛击;狠打 2.猛击;狠打

open dog lock sofa选出发音一致的单词


求PS2WWE SmackDown2008下载 网盘下载,如果不会下,可以参考这里的方法 全部下载后,放进一个文件夹,双击任何一个,即可解压缩出游戏

PSP版的 WWE 美国职业摔角联盟2010 WWE SmackDown vs Raw 2010 的游戏翻译谁会啊?


我记得wwe以前的一期节目是raw vs smackdown 比赛中还把可以把对面的换到自己那边去

以前RAW和SmackDown是实行的品牌分离制度,RAW和SmackDown的选手除了特别节目,通常不会出现在对方的节目里,但后来差不多在2011年左右开始,WWE开始实行RAW Supershow,当时让SmackDown的选手也可以参加RAW,然后渐渐突然就变成了RAW和SmackDown没有所谓的品牌制度了,一直至今都是,所以在2011年之前,每年的某一期RAW都会进行一年一度的转会,以前WWE的ECW品牌还在的时候也会参与转会,目前最后一次转会就是2011年,是在2011年4月26日的RAW上进行的~

PS Smackdown!2攻略

WWF摔交Smackdown 2 (PS)游戏攻略: 打开游戏中所有的秘密 当你玩season模式而获得6年的WrestleMania称号后,游戏当中的隐藏要素将被完全打开。 数据统计中!! -分隔线- 收藏推荐打印 看过该文章的网友还看过 最新评论 查看所有评论 ...




区别是:就是WWE旗下的两个品牌,说得通俗点就是WWE的两个节目,也就是说公司名称是WWE.而我们所看到的节目则是RAW和SmackDown,因为WWE里面人员很多,所以分为两个节目来管理,一般RAW和SmackDown的剧情都是分开的,不过今年开始WWE实行RAW SuperShow(超级秀)制度,SmackDown成员也会出现在RAW,所以分开经营不那么明显,但以前不是这样的~RAW是在当地时间每周一晚(北京时间每周二早上)播出,全称Monday Night RAW(周一晚的RAW)~SmackDown则是在当地时间每周五晚(北京时间每周六早上)播出,全称Friday Night SmackDown(周五晚的SmackDown)~RAW是直播节目,而SmackDown则是录制播出的节目,一般于周三进行录制~





wwe smackdown主题曲的英文歌词我知道,谁能帮我翻译成中文.


psp版《美国职业摔角联盟 2008》wwe.smackdown.vs.raw.2008 (如何操作)

1、招式问题。玩这种“暴力”型的游戏最主要就看招式,曾经有朋友玩这个游戏,因为不懂招,不玩了。因此我觉得招式就成了这个游戏的最基础的东西。如果觉得文字烦燥难懂,可以在CREAT MODE的CREAT MOVE-SET中摸索一下。攻击1.1 最基本 (双方站立)十字方向键:人物移动模拟手杆: 挑衅动作(有Showman 类型的人物做了能加POWER(暂且这么称呼)没有的不加。)方块: 普通攻击(拳打脚踢就是了)圆圈: 摔人攻击(没啥好说,要不然就不叫WWE了) 加上4个方向键、对手位置(对手前面、后面,趴在绳子上、角边),就有不同的摔法。三角: 满POWER时发绝招。(不是全部的人都能发)交叉: 特殊键(单按没用)L : 跑R+方块: 还是普通攻击,不过一些选手,比如Rock,Cena,Undertaker就能发组合拳(估计是Brawler的特点)。R+圆圈: 把人举起来。用模拟控杆(攻击方法有提示)摔人。R+三角: 满POWER时储蓄能量(发人物类型的特技)。R+交叉: 把人推向各个方向(对手被推倒四个角就撞在那里(有正反的分),绳上反弹,近的就挂在外面)L+R+交叉:跑动——扑向对手——推人1.2 (我方站立,对手倒下)方块: 往下砸,砸伤攻击的位置。要对准点砸。圆圈:摔人(注意,一般比赛下,↓+圆圈为双肩压地,但在双肩压地无效的比赛中,会变成其他招)注意有分上、下位(头、脚),有不同摔法。另外,不按方向键的话就是扶对手起来。交叉:Brawler型的就是骑在对手上面攻击,攻击用模拟控杆(攻击方法有提示)。其他的没用。三角:嘿嘿,满POWER时发绝招!(当然不是全部的人都能发,能发的,举例:John Cena:锁人)。加不加R,L好像没什么分别,L+方块是另一种砸法。1.3对手在角上、靠在绳上方块: 如果是角上就打得对手倒下去。圆圈: 摔技。三角: 绝招(绳上的好像没有,不是全部的人都能发)。交叉: 没研究过,应该没什么用L、R也没什么效果。自己研究,哈哈。1.4 自己在角绳上L键或交叉:冲上角绳。(就是四个角)模拟控杆:挑衅动作(加POWER,不过小心,做了却从上面掉下来或者攻击动作失败的话,POWER值就为零了)方块:跳下角绳攻击。三角:绝招(不是全部的人都能发)圆圈:好像没用。交叉:跳下角绳(做了挑衅动作的话POWER也清零)L、R键没试过,大家试试去,保持大家点兴趣~~~1.5 绝招终于讲到绝招了,每个选手都有两招绝招绝招绝招,当然要满了POWER值才能发,注意,POWER值满了的话过一段时间会变回一半,要注意掌握时间。绝招一定要在对手神智不清(- -)的情况下才能发动。发动的条件也略有不同,建议选人物时按两下R键看看绝招怎么发(对手身后、身前,站在角上,还是对手被打到角边(有的要在角上再打一下,如:UMAGA)这里就不多说了。P.S.:场上场下动作都差不多,场下做不了双肩压地哦。2 选手类型类型分为BrawlerShowmanHigh FlyerTechnicalPowerhouseDirtyHardcoreSubmissionBrawler 组合拳(上面讲过)交叉键(上面也讲过)满POWER后按R+三角发动普通攻击无敌状态(一定时间内对手普通攻击打不到自己,自己的普通攻击无法防御)Showman满POWER后按R+三角发对手的招(跟发自己的绝招一样,也要考虑到对手绝招的条件。而且不要用小个子发大个子的招,否则...)High Flyer靠在绳上按R+方块:高空攻击储蓄了POWER后,能在自己倒下的情况下反压对手(双肩压地)不过成功率很是个问题...Techical平时容易闪躲对手的攻击,R+三角反击对手的绝招(真是的...)PowerhouseR+三角发动摔人无敌模式,在一定时间内你摔人无法防御。Dirty储蓄POWER后 R+三角 下流攻击(跟绝招的发动差不多,只不过还真够下流的...)Hard Core意思是你可以拿这武器按圆圈键来发动 配合武器的技能 攻击强。 比如对手倒地,你拿椅子你可以在对手头部位置按叉键。也会发动武器攻击Submission这种类型 的人发动锁技,会比一般人锁的久 而且威力大。(貌似还能给自己补血(吸血鬼...- -)3 比赛模式一般的就不多说了,双肩压地解决一切问题。至于这些Buried Alive MAtch 棺材赛,先将对手折磨至没有体力的时候扔进棺材,并盖上棺材板获胜。First Blood第一滴血,先将对手打至流血见红为胜。Hardcore 硬核赛,没有任何规则,可以使用任何道具,没有出局,只有压制对手或是迫使对手投降才能获胜。Hell in a Cell地狱铁笼赛:最多6人同时比赛,只要制压其中一个人,就可胜利。Ironman 铁人大战,在规定时间内压制对手次数或是迫使对方投降次数多者获胜。Ladder梯子大战,谁先拿出梯子撑开并爬上取得悬挂腰带者获胜。Last Man Standing 最后站立,没有其他规则,直到把对手打得站不起来,裁判读秒10声后获胜。Normal Submission屈服,先迫使对手投降者获胜。Ultimate Submission在规定时间内迫使对手投降次数多者获胜。Table桌子大战,先将对手摔上桌子将桌子摔碎或者将对手摁上桌子再用飞空技将对手和桌子一起扑中者获胜。TLC可以使用桌子、椅子、梯子,谁先爬上梯子取得悬挂腰带者获胜。Steel Cage无规则铁笼赛,爬出铁笼或者、制压、 K O、迫使投降敌人都可以获胜。Parking Lot Braml在停车场里,可以使用各种道具,KO对手者获胜。ECW Extreme Rules Match可以使用任何道具,压制或者使对方投降者获胜。4、24/7 模式人气POPULARITY 能力OVERALL 人气高能上POWER 25 第一名SPD 速度 STR 力量SUB 捆技DUR 持久力 抗击打力TEL 技术STA 耐力HRD 暴力攻击力度(能力)CHA 魅力训练的能看懂英文就会怎么做了,动作上面基本讲过。谢谢大家的支持,这里再发一些我个人的心得心得1、看WWE的比赛吧,你就会对这个游戏有一定的了解2、游戏似乎有正邪派之分,除了在24/7的剧情有影响,平时攻击裁判(...)加减POWER值有影响(当然是邪派加,正派减了)3、对手站起来时站上角绳即使是EASY的难度也会第一时间冲过来把你砸下来,要小心(就不要用了,等他瘫在地上,刚爬起来再跳,命中率很高。)4、防御方面上面漏了讲,其实就是L、R的防御,防普通攻击用L、防摔人攻击就R了,一般比赛对手先会用摔人,中局就会加上普通攻击,如果先中了普通攻击,一般就按R也防不了摔人了。

美国摔跤WWE中的SmackDown集团总经理Vickie Guerrero的个人资料是什么?

身高:177cm体重:100kg来自:美国德州(墨西哥裔)出生:1968.11.9加入WWE:2000绰号:拉丁热火(Latino Heat)口头禅:"Esse","Homes"必杀技:猛虎回旋岩石落,跳水式飞扑压制(Frog Splash)。冠军经历:WWE冠军x1、美国冠军x1、欧洲冠军x1,洲际冠军x2,WWE双打冠军x3。

求 WWE“Smackdown” 10周年主题曲 《Let it Roll》的 歌词

Let It RollLET IT ROLLSo You Think You Can Shoot Your Mouth OffWell You Better Watch Your AimCause Know Your In My HouseYou Wanna Stay Then Your Gonna Have To PayTry To Hide But There"s No Way OutYour Going DownBang BangSomeone Said Your Feeling Green tonightStep UpDo You really Want To Cross The Lineright NowGo Ahead And Try To Takes What"s MineLet It Roll, Let It Roll I"m UnstoppableLet It Roll. Let It Roll I"m UnstoppableLet It RollHow Doe"s That Dirt In Your Mouth Taste NowTold You I Was Deadly Like A SnakeI Will Strangle All Your Ropes NowAnd Feed Of Your MistakesThere Was Nothing Left For You to Figure OutYour Going Down, Your Going DownBang BangSomeone Said Your Feeling Green TonightStep UpDo you Really Want To Cross The LineRight NowGo Ahead and Try To Take What"s MineLet It Roll, Let It Roll I"m UnstoppableLet It Roll, Let It Roll I"m UnstoppableLet It Roll Let It RollTry To Hide But There"s No Way OutYour Going Down, Your Going DownBang BangSomeone Said Your Feeling Green TonightDo you Really Want To Cross The LineRight NowGo Ahead And try To Take What"s MineLet It Roll, Let It Roll, Bang BangSomeone Said Your Feeling A Little Green TonightStep UpDo You Really Want To Cross The LineRight NowGo Ahead And Try To Take What"s MineLet It Roll, Let It Roll I"m UnstoppableLet it Roll, Let It Roll I"m UnstoppableLet It Roll

WWE SmackDown什么意思?怎么的分的》?

WWE WWE原名WWF( World Wrestling Federation世界摔角联合会 ),是由美国职业运动传奇人物"文斯-麦克马洪( Vincen McMahon )"于1982年将他父亲"文斯-麦克马洪一世( Vincen McMahon Sr. )"于60年代一手创立的"WWWF( World Wide Wrestling Federation全球摔角联合会 )"买了下来,更名为WWF。但是于1999年10月因与另一个WWF(World Wildlife Federation世界野生动物基金会 )英文简称专利诉讼案败诉,故忍痛放弃使用了20余年的老字号,更名为WWE(World Wrestling Entertainment世界摔角娱乐 ),并于2002年收购另外2大摔角集团WCW( World Champion Wrestling世界冠军摔角 )与ECW( Extreme Champion Wrestling )极限冠军摔角,合并为现今体制庞大的WWE。 RAW Raw 是 WWE 最老字号的赛事品牌,自1993年首播至今已有12年的历史, Raw的节目性质就如同它字面的意义 "粗鄙的、活生生的、血淋林的" 一样,有着劲爆刺激的剧情跟赛事安排,像是可以使用道具攻击对手的 "硬芯赛(Hard Core Match)" 及桌、椅、梯子赛(TLC Match)"、将冠军腰带吊挂于20尺高空让 2 位或多位选手爬梯子争夺的 "梯子赛(Ladder Match)"、让选手关在铁丝网打造的铁牢内做困兽斗的 "铁牢赛(Steel Cage Match)" 及地狱铁牢赛(Hall In A Cell)",甚至有女性选手专署的比赛,让美丽的穿着清凉的比基尼泳装在倒满巧克力牛奶的牛小泳池中摔角的比赛,也有比赛谁先把对方脱到只剩内衣裤的 "胸罩与内裤赛(Bea & Panti Match)".... 等挑战电视播放尺度边缘的比赛都是由Raw先开始的,Raw 也启发了WWE在现今美国及全世界的电视转播霸权。 SMACKDOWN! 继Raw 大受好评之后新闻的节目品牌就是现在 WWE 第 2 大节目 SmackDown! , SmackDown! 的内容发展在早期是与 Raw 相互呼应的,选手们也穿插在这这 2 个节目中,直到 2002 年 WWE 采取了 "总经理制" 之后, Raw 与 SmackDown! 才有明显的区隔,不但有自己所属的选手,更有各自的冠军腰带,而在 WWE 跨足世界各国的今天,为了迎合亚洲观众的口味SmackDown! 已渐渐改变以往 WWE 的 "娱乐" 风格,剧情走真实及保守路线,在选手的打法上也变的较扎实,更将次重量级的赛事全部安排在 SmackDown! ,让这 2 大品牌有更大的区隔。 ECW 极限冠军摔角联盟Extreme Championship Wreisting(ECW)在1992年创立于费城,它的前身是东部摔角联盟。 当时在美国,摔角比赛的性质已经有了很大的改变,娱乐性已经取代了一切,以娱乐性见长的WWF屹立在世界摔坛,但是人们几乎见不到真正的比赛,剧情占据了大部分时间,而摔角手们都是以做秀的方式在比赛。但很多摔角迷都更想看到真正凶狠的打斗和比赛,ECW满足了他们的愿望。其实ECW的意思就是极限冠军摔角联盟,在这个联盟人们真的看到了什么叫极限,而ECW最着名的就是它的死亡比赛和硬蕊比赛,在这些野蛮的比赛里摔角手可以使用任何武器,而比赛也没有任何规则!现在WWF里的硬蕊比赛(Hardcore Match)和STREET FiGHT就是在ECW里学来的。 ECW逐渐有了它特有的忠实的摔角迷,每每到比赛的关键时刻他们就会大喊E-C-DUB(ECW),E-C-DUB。而ECW也是最早跟日本摔角联盟交流的美国摔角联盟,现在WWF的海员队和Tajieri就是ECW从日本NWA联盟请来的。但是像ECW这样不注重剧情而且野蛮残酷的比赛还是难以被大部分人接受,再加上ECW的高层经营上的失误,在前一段时间ECW终于因入不敷出宣告倒闭!现在ECW已经被WWF所收购,而ECW的老板之一Paul Heyman也入股WWF,更有许多前ECW巨星也活跃在WWF,好象3D、Rhyno、RAVEN、TAZ,甚至还有ECW的标志人物“MR. MONDAY NiGHT”Rob Vam Dam!虽然ECW被WWF收购了,但我们相信这些明星一定会在WWF延续他们的E-C-DUB精神 WWE=SD+RAW+ECW SD RAW ECW是WWE联盟的3个组织..他们都属于WWE的 至于TNA么..和WWE一样..是一个摔交的联盟..和SD RAW ECW无任何关系..


WWE和其他摔角联盟,都是靠门票和其他周边收益维持的,简单说是一个娱乐性质的体育运动!比赛是一种体力,技术,配合,相互保护和演技的综合表演至于打斗的真实性选手间不管怎样的保护动作怎样的配合,吃招者仍然是在每一次动作中有一定的受伤风险,擂台是特制的包括擂台周边的地面都铺了橡胶垫(具体什么材质不清楚,总之就是一些缓冲作用的垫),特制的擂台具有一定的弹性,既可以缓冲选手着地的力度,同时特制的擂台有一些特殊收音设备,把每一次的着地音效扩大,所以听起来会觉得摔得够呛的!不过如果你又玩过跳床的话,你会发现,每一次身体着地,那震荡还是会让你感觉头晕和不适的,更何况摔角擂台没有跳床那么软呢,所以,即使这些擂台等都提前特制,最大程度的保护选手,每次吃招,摔角手都是会有一定的疼痛和眩晕的,他们所接收的专业训练就包括了抗击打能力的提高和一些保护性的动作 与其说假摔不如说是相互配合,摔角手不是超人,如果不是配合,Ut不可能一只手举起200 kg的Big Show的!如果不是配合,才79Kg的619也不可能砸倒体重是他一倍有多的Big Show吧!Ps:Big Show就是一个体验配合的简单例子如果你认真或者放慢比赛看看,你会发觉,其实很多大招,摔技,在接触地面的时候选手都会用自己的手部或脚预先在地面缓冲保护自己的,实际上很多摔技实际伤害没有视觉伤害的大,当然这里说的伤害即使选手们再精密的训练,身体在擂台上的各种动作仍然也是会给他们带来很多伤害的,关节、韧带的受伤时最常见的,还有各种的脑震荡等还有选手间的配合也不是百分百的完美的,意外总是会发生的,比如HHH曾经因为失误,差点没有真的把一个选手给KO了所以你说摔角真吧,但是他却是在各种保护中激烈的对抗着你说假吧,我只能说你没有真正的理解这种运动至于比赛结果,其实有时候你可以把WWE看成一部超长篇的美剧,不断的有新角色,不断有人被捧,有人渐渐暗淡,不同的人和不同的人间总会有剧情来吸引观众,当观众看腻了,他们的恩怨就结束了,之后就会换了下一班人的剧情继续上演着各自的恩怨情仇比赛,其实早就在WWE那些剧情小组打好草稿了,谁和谁发生什么样的剧情,预计要在终极对抗前花费多少场比赛来把这个剧情推向高峰,期间的你胜我负,出来挑衅,偷袭等等,这些都是在剧本里面写好的了至于选手比赛前有没有彩排呢,其实你认真观察的话,你会发现其实每个摔角手的都有自己的套路的,像娜娜的简单点就是挨打+五步侠(两个飞冲肩,一个抛摔,之后U can"t c me,最后FU),其他选手也是一样,每次比赛都有自己的招牌动作套路,只是这些套路又配合着对手的套路,每次用不同的次序使出,使比赛没有那么容易变腻,仔细点观看,其实你会知道,当一些当红巨星的独门技还没有使出来之前,其实每次压制只是形式的,你会知道他还有技术没有表演呢!每次登台前,选手间会讨论如何把比赛变精彩,预先讨论下在什么招数后各自的表现,谁先主攻谁挨打,哪里开始逆袭等等当然,擂台上变化万千,有时并非每次都有他们计划中的完美,所以比赛过程中,其实摄像机以外的情景是,选手间会有一些术语或者眼神,手势的提示对方,比如举手,挥手,或者直接大声喊Come on和其他叫嚣吸引了观众起哄,之后趁观众不注意小声嘀咕些应变等如果你对摔角手感兴趣的话,可以看看一个电影叫摔角王的,认真看,你会了解更多摔角手的点滴的


一样的只不过是联盟不同,还有金腰带不同(RAW是世界重量级冠军,洲际冠军,WWE女子冠军,世界双打冠军。SMACKDOWN!是WWE冠军,美国冠军,WWE女郎冠军,WWE双打冠军。ECW只是一个ECW重量级冠军)播出时间也不同,RAW星期一,ECW星期三,SMACKDOWN!星期五,当然剧情也不同-。-WWE 3个联盟不同大概就是这样了~~~








Smackdown和Raw 各是wwe的品牌 还有个是ECW 大多数是2线选手 还有用于提高明星地位 Smackdown Raw可以说是主菜 2个品牌只是个旗号 其实Smackdown的选手可以到Raw Raw的选手可以到Smackdown 每年都有个转会


wwe旗下有三个联盟。有RAW,ecw,SMACK DOWN ,都是WWE的联盟。


巨石强森”,强壮魁梧的身材,配上憨厚可掬的表情,磁性的嗓音,使他受到大众的喜爱。强森,这绝对算得上是一位传奇人物,在体育界、健身、影视界都取得了非常不错的成就。巨石强森的身材兽化之路,强大到感动自己,努力到无能为力!作为肌肉兽化人的巨石强森不仅拥有紧致有型的肌肉身材,还是一枚好莱坞演员,吸粉无数的他让他几乎成为全美偶像!因为他为人处世低调,生在一个摔跤世家,本身也是职业摔角手,同时练得一身好的肌肉身材,在做人做方面事尽善尽美,不断让自己变得越来越好才是他的人生格言!2001年,出演了他的第一部电影《木乃伊归来》,饰演埃及蝎子王。之后便一发不可收拾,参与制作了非常多的电影,像我们熟悉的《速度与激情》、《地心历险记》、《球手们》塑造了一个又一个的荧幕硬汉形象。就是这样一位不管在职业生涯还是影视工作都如此优秀的人,还一直坚持着健身,而且一坚持就是30年,从一方面来说是健身成就了他,毕竟他的肌肉总是能给人留下深刻印象,但是另一方面这又是对一个坚持的人的回报,当我们还在躺在床上思考早饭吃什么的时候,他已经在健身房挥汗如雨了,我们很多人抱怨没时间去健身,确实很多人真的很忙,可是强森也很忙,但他仍然没放弃健身,还一直坚持了30年,并且在这个年龄还依然保持着这样完美的身材和不断进取的心。满意请点个采纳 谢谢 祝你身体健康 万事如意

WWE的RAW 和SmackDown各是什么意思

SmackDown据说是The rock叫出来的





tilt your head back歌词

Nelly - Tilt Your Head BackSomebody give me a bass lineYea that"s tightI see you looking, like what you seeNow don"t be shy when facing opportunitiesNelly -She"s right you knowuh uh, she"s rightMan she"s right you knowuh uh she"s rightYou stand there looking at me (at me)I stand here looking at you (at you)You know exactly what"s on my mind, yeahIt"s just so easy to see to seeYou came here looking for meBut I don"t do this type of thing all the timeI gotta little something for yaGot a little bitcan I get a little bit, yeah yeahbut I don"t know what it isbut I just want to get to know yaall right all right, yeah!I need ya to dance (tilt you head back)dance (tilt your head back) all nighttilt your head back slowlyI need ya to dance (tilt you head back)dance (tilt your head back) all nighttilt your head back slowlyMy situations (girl) they off the chainSome times for the goodSome times for the bad but who"s to blameHe"s right you know uh uh, he"s rightHe"s right you know uh uh, he"s rightYou stand there looking at me (at me)I stand here looking at you (at you)You know exactly what"s on my mind, yeahIt"s just so easy to see to seeYou came here looking for meBut I don"t do this type of thing all the timeI got a little something for yaGot a little bitHustle for me hustle x8Can I get a little bit yeah yeahBut I don"t knowWhat it is but I just want to get to know yaAll right all right, yeah!I need ya to dance (tilt you head back)dance (tilt your head back) all nighttilt your head back slowlyI need ya to dance (tilt you head back)dance (tilt your head back) all nighttilt your head back slowly

tilt your head back歌词

分类: 娱乐休闲 >> 音乐 解析: Nelly - Tilt Your Head Back Somebody give me a bass line Yea that"s tight I see you looking, like what you see Now don"t be shy when facing opportunities Nelly - She"s right you know uh uh, she"s right Man she"s right you know uh uh she"s right You stand there looking at me (at me) I stand here looking at you (at you) You know exactly what"s on my mind, yeah It"s just so easy to see to see You came here looking for me But I don"t do this type of thing all the time I gotta little something for ya Got a little bit can I get a little bit, yeah yeah but I don"t know what it is but I just want to get to know ya all right all right, yeah! I need ya to dance (tilt you head back) dance (tilt your head back) all night tilt your head back slowly I need ya to dance (tilt you head back) dance (tilt your head back) all night tilt your head back slowly My situations (girl) they off the chain Some times for the good Some times for the bad but who"s to blame He"s right you know uh uh, he"s right He"s right you know uh uh, he"s right You stand there looking at me (at me) I stand here looking at you (at you) You know exactly what"s on my mind, yeah It"s just so easy to see to see You came here looking for me But I don"t do this type of thing all the time I got a little something for ya Got a little bit Hustle for me hustle x8 Can I get a little bit yeah yeah But I don"t know What it is but I just want to get to know ya All right all right, yeah! I need ya to dance (tilt you head back) dance (tilt your head back) all night tilt your head back slowly I need ya to dance (tilt you head back) dance (tilt your head back) all night tilt your head back slowly



哪位大神能把EDG改成WKG 把上面两行小字改成 Warnock gaming 哪位爹能改了。


michael jackson的全部歌曲都哪些?大神们帮帮忙

01. Billie Jean 04:54 02. Beat it 04:18 03. Thriller 05:14 04. Smooth Criminal 04:19 05. Bad 04:10 06. Dirty Diana 04:43 07. Black or **** 04:18 08. Men in the Mirror 05:21 09. Earth Song 05:04 10. Heal the World 04:36 11. They Don"t Care About Us 04:14 12. Who is it 04:02 13. Speechless 03:21 14. the Way You Make Me Feel 05:00 15. We"ve Had Enough 05:48 16. Remember the Time 04:02 Disc2 01. Whatever Happens 04:58 02. You Are Not Alone 04:59 03. Say Say Say 03:59 04. Liberian Girl 03:50 05. Wanna Be Startin" Somethin" 04:22 06. Don"t Stop "til You Get Enough 04:03 07. I Just Can"t Stop Loving You 04:15 08. Give in to Me 05:32 09. Dangerous 07:02 10. Will You Be There 03:41 11. Scream 04:43 12. You Rock My World 05:09 13. Stranger in Moscow 05:24 14. Rock with You 03:25 15. Got the Hots 04:30 16. Thriller Megamix 09:15 01. Scream - Janet Jackson 02. They Don"t Care About Us 03. Stranger in Moscow 04. This Time Around 05. Earth Song 06. D.S. 07. Money 08. Come Together 09. You Are Not Alone 10. Childhood [Theme From Free Willy 2] 11. Tabloid Junkie 12. 2 Bad 13. History 14. Little Susie 15. Smile 1. I Want You Back - The Jackson 5 (1969-Motown) 2. ABC – The Jackson 5 (1970 – Motown) 3. I"ll Be There - The Jackson 5 (1970 –Motown) 4. Got To Be There (1971- Motown) 5. I Wanna Be Where You Are (1972- Motown) 6. Ben (1972- Motown) 7. Dancing Machine - The Jackson 5 (1974- Motown) 8. Enjoy Yourself - The Jacksons (single version) (1976-Phil. Int.) 9. Ease On Down The Road - Diana Ross & M.J. (The Wiz - original Soundtrack)(1978 – MCA) 10. You Can"t Win - The Wiz song (12" UK single) (1978 – Epic) 11. Shake A Body – The Jacksons (early demo) (1978 –Epic) 12. Shake Your Body - (Down To The Ground) – The Jacksons (Destiny single edit)(1978- Epic) 13. Don"t Stop "Til You Get Enough - (Off The Wall - Special Edition) (1979-Epic) 14. Rock With You - (Off The Wall - Special Edition)(1979 –Epic) 15. Off The Wall – (Off The Wall - Special Edition) (1980-Epic) 16. She"s Out Of My Life – (Off The Wall - Special Edition) (1980 –Epic) 17. Sunset Driver - (demo)(1982) 18. Lovely One – The Jacksons (Triumph, single) (1980-Epic) 19. This Place Hotel – The Jacksons (Triumph, track) (1980 - Epic) Disc Two 1. Wanna Be Startin" Something - (Thriller –Special Edition) (1983-Epic) 2. The Girl Is Mine - M.J. & Paul McCartney (Thriller - Special Edition) (1982- Epic) 3. Thriller – (Thriller - Special Edition)(1984- Epic) 4. Beat It – (Thriller - Special Edition) (1983 – Epic) 5. Billie Jean – (Thriller - Special Edition) (1983 –Epic) 6. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing) - (demo) (1982 – Epic) 7. Someone In The Dark - (The E.T. Storybook) (withdrawn) (1982 MCA) 8. State of Shock – the Jacksons & Mick Jagger (Victory, single) (1984 –Epic) 9. Scared of The Moon – (demo)(1984) 10.We Are The World - (demo)(1985) 11.We Are Here To Change The World - "Captain Eo" (1986) Disc Three 1. Bad -(Bad - Special Edition) (1987 – Epic) 2. The Way You Make Me Feel – (Bad - Special Edition) (1987 – Epic) 3. Man In The Mirror - M.J. and Siedah Garrett (Bad - Special Edition) (1988- Epic) 4. I Just Can"t Stop Loving You - M.J. and Siedah Garrett (Bad - Special Edition)(1987-Epic) 5. Dirty Diana – (Bad - Special Edition) (1988-Epic) 6. Smooth Criminal- (Bad - Special Edition (1988 – Epic) 7. Cheater – (demo)(1987) 8. Dangerous – (early version) 9. Monkey Business – (track) (1989) 10. Jam – (Dangerous - Special Edition)(1992- Epic) 11. Remember The Time – (Dangerous - Special Edition)(1992- Epic) 12. Black or **** – (Dangerous - Special Edition) (1991-Epic) 13. Who Is It (IHS Mix) – (CD single, remix by Brothers) 1993 Epic) 14. Someone Put Your Hand Out (Dangerous Tour/Pepsi exclusive) (1992-Epic) Disc Four 1. You Are Not Alone – (HIStory: Past, Present and Future Book 1) (1995- Epic) 2. Stranger In Moscow – (HIStory: Past, Present and Future Book 1 (1995 –Epic) 3. Childhood - Theme from Free Willy 2 (1995 – Epic) 4. On The Line – (ltd. ed. Minimax UK CD)(1997- Epic) 5. Blood On The Dance Floor – (Blood On The Dancefloor) (1997 - Epic) 6. Fall Again – (demo) (1999) 7. In The Back (track) (2004) 8. Unbreakable – (Invincible (track) (2001 –Epic) 9. You Rock My World – (Invincible) (2001-Epic) 10. Butterflies – (Invincible) (2002-Epic) 11. Beautiful Girl (demo) (1998) 12. The Way You Love Me demo(2000) 13. We"ve Had Enough (2004) * indicates previously unissued recording. Disc Five: Michael Jackson Live In Concert In Bucharest: The Dangerous Tour (Sept. 19, 1992) Set List 1. Jam 2. Wanna Be Startin" Something 3. Human Nature 4. Smooth Criminal 5. I Just Can"t Stop Loving You 6. She"s Out Of My Life 7. I Want You Back/The Love You Save 8. I"ll Be There 9. Thriller 10. Billie Jean 11. Working Day & Night 12. Beat It 13. Will You Be There 14. Black or **** 15. Heal The World 16. Man In The Mirror

麦克尔.杰克逊和JACKSON 5乐队有什么关系?

和 阿信与信乐团的关系一样,MJ从乐队单飞

《lighthouse 》patrick Watson 歌词

This kind of love 这种爱Is more than a lifeline不仅仅是一个生命线For a man as weak as me 一个弱的我Who has no 谁也没有self believe 自认为This kind of love 这种爱Is more than amazing 不仅仅是惊人的For a man who 一个男人lost his way 他迷路了Who thought it was too late 他认为这是太晚了How did the sea 如何在海How did the sea 如何在海How did the sea 如何在海get so rough 如此粗糙I would"ve drowned 我会淹死I would"ve 我会drowned 淹死If you hadn"t given me your love 如果你没有给我你的爱You"re the light in the dark 你是黑暗中的光You"re the seat in the park 你坐在公园You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔That I need 那就是我要的You"re the key to the door 你是那门的钥匙You"re the Port in the Storm 你是暴风雨中的港口And I need to find a shore 我需要找到一个海岸When I can"t swim anymore 当我不能游泳了You always guide me back to solid ground 你总是指引我回到地面You"re my lighthouse 你是我的灯塔This kind of love 这种爱Is more than a feeling 不仅仅是一种感觉For a man who rarely tried 一个人很少尝试I get all choked up each time 我感动得说不出话每次You say you love me 你说你爱我You could"ve walked away 你可以走了Could"ve give my problems back 可以给我的问题Could"ve left 可以离开You took the chance 你抓住了机会How did the waves 如何在波How did the waves 如何在波How did the waves 如何在波get so high 得到这么高I would"ve died 我已经死了I would"ve died 我已经死了If you hadn"t loved me just in time 如果你不爱我的时间You"re the light in the dark 你是黑暗中的光You"re the seat in the park 你坐在公园You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔That I need 那就是我要的You"re the key to the door 你是那门的钥匙You"re the Port in the Storm 你是暴风雨中的港口When I need to find a shore 当我需要找到一个海岸Cos I can"t swim anymore 因为我不能游泳了You always guide me back to solid ground 你总是指引我回到地面You"re my lighthouse 你是我的灯塔Yeah, I owe it all to you everything 是的,我的一切都归功于你的一切I have right now 我现在所拥有的I owe it all to you everything 你为我所做的一切的一切I didn"t have you found 我没有找到你Everytime take me back to you 每次我回到你身边You"re the light in the dark 你是黑暗中的光You"re the seat in the park 你坐在公园You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔You"re the lighthouse 你是灯塔I need 我需要You"re the key to the door 你是那门的钥匙You"re the Port in the Storm 你是暴风雨中的港口And I need to find the shore 我必须找到岸Cos I can"t swim anymore 因为我不能游泳了You always guide me back to solid ground 你总是指引我回到地面You"re my lighthouse你是我的灯塔

jecking off now. 什么意思

应该是jerking off nowjerking off 是男子自慰的意思。



background color:后的aquamarine是什么意思?


MFC中CSocket类里的Receive()怎么实现 自动触发接收数据


我已经加了头"Sock1Dlg.h"在类中使用时,编译出现错误:error C2065: “CSock1Dlg”: 未声明的标识符

这是明显的交叉编译问题,你在这里include了Sock1Dlg.h,然后再Sock1Dlg.h里面又inlcude了这个头文件。编译器处理总有个先后啊。修改方法如下:// Sock1Dlg.h : header file//#pragma once#include "afxwin.h"//#include "MySocket.h"class CMySocket;class CSock1Dlg : public CDialog{// Constructionpublic: CSock1Dlg(CWnd* pParent = NULL); // standard constructor// Dialog Data enum { IDD = IDD_SOCK1_DIALOG }; protected: virtual void DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX); // DDX/DDV support// Implementationprotected: HICON m_hIcon; // Generated message map functions virtual BOOL OnInitDialog(); afx_msg void OnSysCommand(UINT nID, LPARAM lParam); afx_msg void OnPaint(); afx_msg HCURSOR OnQueryDragIcon(); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP()public: CMySocket *m_sConnectSock; CMySocket *m_sListenSock; CButton m_ctlConnect; CString m_strMessage; CString m_strName; int m_iPort; int m_iType; afx_msg void OnBnClickedBclose(); afx_msg void OnBnClickedBsend(); afx_msg void OnBnClickedConnect(); CListBox m_ctlSend; CListBox m_ctlRecvd; afx_msg void OnBnClickedRclient();public: void OnClose(); void OnReceive(); void OnAccept();};然后在cpp文件里面将对象调用改成指针调用,还有这两个对象在构造函数里面new出来。

MFC SOCKET 网络编程--OnReceive函数无法响应,为什么???




mfc CSocket::OnReceive 接收不到



重载CAsyncSocket::OnReceive添加代码char buf[10];int len=receive(buf,10);if(len>0){//你想扎存那就存那}

请问CSocket 类中的 OnReceive()的参数

CAsyncSocket::OnReceiveCalled by the framework to notify this socket that there is data in the buffer that can be retrieved by calling the Receive member function.virtual void OnReceive( int nErrorCode );ParametersnErrorCode The most recent error on a socket. The following error codes apply to the OnReceive member function: 0 The function executed successfully. WSAENETDOWN The Windows Sockets implementation detected that the network subsystem failed. RemarksFor more information, see Windows Sockets: Socket Notifications.Examplevoid CMyAsyncSocket::OnReceive(int nErrorCode) // CMyAsyncSocket is // derived from CAsyncSocket{ static int i=0; i++; TCHAR buff[4096]; int nRead; nRead = Receive(buff, 4096); switch (nRead) { case 0: Close(); break; case SOCKET_ERROR: if (GetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) { AfxMessageBox ("Error occurred"); Close(); } break; default: buff[nRead] = 0; //terminate the string CString szTemp(buff); m_strRecv += szTemp; // m_strRecv is a CString declared // in CMyAsyncSocket if (szTemp.CompareNoCase("bye") == 0 ) ShutDown(); } CAsyncSocket::OnReceive(nErrorCode);}由以上可知, 这个参数是输出参数,如果函数成功接收数据,则该参数为0,否则输出为错误代码。能否讲一下什么是函数的输出参数?////////////////////////////////如果说这样的函数:void add(int & value){ value++;}int n = 5;add(n);n就变成6了。///////////////////////////////////////我看错了,呵呵,不是输出参数,因为函数原型是:virtual void OnReceive( int nErrorCode );nErrorCode是int,不是int &或者int *,所以不是输出参数。我查看了一下MSDN和CAsyncSocket的源码://///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CAsyncSocket Overridable callbacksvoid CAsyncSocket::OnReceive(int /*nErrorCode*/){}这个函数什么都没做。我估计当框架接收到数据到来的消息后,就调用CAsyncSocket::OnReceive,而nErrorCode这个参数也是框架自己提供的,表示当前网络的状态。程序员不用管它,只须在自己的socket类中重载该函数,并在函数体内实现自己的接收代码就可以了。


backloaded 全部释义和例句>>选择火箭望采纳 谢谢作业达人团帮您解答



captain black有几种口味


Lori Mckenna的《Lorraine》 歌词

歌曲名:Lorraine歌手:Lori Mckenna专辑:LorraineLori McKenna - LorraineThe kitchen smells like orange peelsHer stomach turns like a spinning wheelPut the baby down in her little seatYou should rest now mama you should eatIt ain"t right you been working all dayAll us kids getting in your waySo she goes to bed as soon as the kitchen"s cleanThat don"t mean a thing to you but it does to meWell I don"t know if this part is trueHow memories lie sometimes they doBut I can see her in our living roomWith a smile on her face as she"s dancing toJudy Garland, Carnegie Hall, Sunday April 23rdShe said her cousin had a balcony seatAnd that don"t mean a thing to you but it does to meOh Lord, am I good enoughWhen this world spins as hard as it doesAnd we both know how it shakes some people upSo how did you decide to give me so much loveWell, she never said a word to meAbout dying, about how she"d leaveIn all her pain she would never cryMe and my best friend Tina would ride our bikesFrom Lelland Road up Daily DriveWe took a paper route one summer timeTina"s mom said I was part of the familyAnd that don"t mean a thing to you but it does to meOh Lord, am I good enoughWhen this world spins as hard as it doesAnd we both know how it shakes some people upSo how did you decide to give me so much love,Love love, so much love, so much loveLove love, you give me so much love, so much loveNo one"s had a bigger sayIn who I am todayAnd I swear I"ve tried to be worthy ofThe name they gave me when I was youngBut I ain"t that pretty, I ain"t that braveMy kids have seen me cryThey should have given her name to my sister MarieAnd that don"t mean a thing to you,That don"t mean a thing to youBut it does to me

MAC 唇膏的 siss和 Freckletone色 哪个涂上去更嫩些


请教英语语法 we can chant and dance around naked with sticks.


line black造句 line blackの例文 "line black"是什麼意思

In 2005 she was repainted into British Railways pned black mixed traffic pvery. The first episode was recorded in September 1963 on 405- pne black and white videotape. The Swindon lootives were turned out, initially, in pned black . Some say new- pne black firms have merely shot past those who helped blaze the trail. In this pne Black can also fianchetto his bishop to g7, although this is unmon. Further downstream pes pgnum pnes black soil channels. Gone was the chrome-plated ignition shielding over the distributor, replaced with a metal- pned black plastic unit. Top-of-the- pne black label clothes are made by Vestimento, a Trent-based pany that"s not owned by Armani. More than 300 sofare titles pned black shelves. "Lyd " was painted in early 1950s British Railways pned black pvery and carrying the number 30190. It"s difficult to see pne black in a sentence. 用 pne black 造句挺难的 Agron, then 16, became known as the Cape Man, because he wore a red- pned black satin cape. Offered by Bauman Rare Books, its splendor is protected by the original velvet- pned black leather presentation case. They pne black lace pants and column dresses with flesh-toned silk fabric to create an illusion of bareness. It has been repainted in British Railways pned black colour scheme with the early BR emblem on its tanks. By 22 March 1935, 108- pne black -and-white television programs were being broadcast from the Paul Nipkow TV tran *** itter in Berpn. By the end of 1947, 29 of the 37 lootives were kitted out in the LMS-style pned black pvery. In 1965, # 60 was purchased by the newly formed short pne Black River & Western for tourist excursions. Larva dark plac-grey with black dorsal pne and black head, bearing black and yellow hairs; subdorsal pnes black , stigma-pne orange. But previously wore the pned black pvery that was carried during the first ( 1960 ) season on the Bluebell. The antemedial pne is double, the outer pne black and the inner indistinct, waved and angled inwards above the inner margin. It has been repainted in early British Railways pned black colour scheme and is regularly used on passenger trains at Bodmin. It was repainted in BR pned black as No . 62005 in the late 1990s, and wears this pvery to date. The forewings with the costal margin and apex streaked and mottled with blackish-grey, the *** angle clouded with greyish-black and the marginal pne black . I"ve made the pne black so it doesn"t confpct with the metro, even though RATB use a certain colour ( blue ? ) for buses. This was succeeded by the British Railways mixed-traffic pned black pvery with red, cream and grey pning and the British Railways crest on the tender. Larva yellowish brown; dorsal pne fine, paler, with black edges; subdorsal pne black , edged above with pale; below it some faint dark pnes; spiracles black. Larva reddish brown, with scattered black clots : dorsal and subdorsal pnes black and fine; venter paler; thoracic plate black with 3 white pnes; head brown. Throughout 1948 and 1949 the Engpsh lootives ( now under the control of the London Midland Region of British Railways ) were repainted in BR pned black . Larva are reddish brown, with scattered black clots : dorsal and subdorsal pnes black and fine; venter paler; thoracic plate black with 3 white pnes; head brown. Following this the lootives were repainted British Railways mixed traffic pned black and given the power classification 5P, as only the larger passenger locos were painted green. It"s difficult to see pne black in a sentence. 用 pne black 造句挺难的 Pimped out in a Persian lamb- pned black suede overcoat with matching hat and carrying a walking stick stuffed with weed, Snoop won o awards, including Stoner of the Year. While the men universally wore dark suits and ties, the women ran the gamut, from Diane Lane"s simple tank-top, A- pne black dress to Renee Zellweger"s retro pttle gray suit. He carried the same BR Lined Black Livery again on 17 April 2012 for another photographic charter, this time though with the later " ferret and dartboard " crest. No . 49, " Gordon Highlander " was restored to Great North green in 1958, although it had not previously carried the green pvery as it appeared in Heywood"s pned black . The forewings are rather dark grey, more or less irrorated black, sometimes some spght scattered black marks, in one example a short pne black longitudinal streak from just beneath the apex. So sudden was this decision that No . 46232, fresh in LMS-style pned black following its Heavy General repair, was called back after a mere four days to be repainted blue. On 14 January 2012, Stepney made an " only-morning " appearance in BR Lined Black with the " cycpng pon " crest and his BR number, 32655, for a special photographic charter. A o-tone satin dress by A . B . S . has a long- pne black corselet top edged with lace and a full pink skirt with a black border ( $ 254 ). Wings with the usual pnes black , slender, inplete, much denticulated; a diffuse bronish band, including the whitish denticulated submarignal pne; a row of submarginal black points, and a slender black interrupted marginal pne. The engine was being restored on the Severn Valley Railway, and workshops foreman Alun Rees suggested to editor David Wilcock to repaint the driver"s side of the lootive in BR pned black as 3717. The lootive was restored at the Severn Valley Railway; during its time there, " Steam Railway " magazine secretly had the driver"s side of the lootive painted in BR pned black as BR 3717. After a series of the bell shapes came out on the runway, the audience applauded the appearance of a spm- pned black lace coat buttoned down the front and worn over a slender strapless lace dress. A one-off variant in pne with the Triumph Bonneville T140EX Executive was produced for a London dealer, albeit again in gold- pned black , but with the Executive"s standard " Brealey-Smith ""Sabre"fairing and luggage by Avon Roadrunner tyres. These came with a hand pressed red marbled vinyl edition of the record with silk screened sleeve and labels, in a velvet- pned black wooden box with a spding panel featuring hand-screened version of the cover art. The lootives passed into the ownership of the London, Midland and Scottish Railway upon its formation in 1923 and were repainted from Caledonian blue into LMS crimson lake pvery, although within a few years this gave way to pned black pvery. Early in 1948, before the new pveries for the whole of British Railways had been decided upon, Nos . 46229, 46232 and 46236 were repainted in LMS-style pned black and No . 46257 was similarly turned out when constructed in July. On 12 September 1965, a 625- pne black and white television service BBC2 became available from Wenvoe on UHF . This new tran *** itter was capable of colour broadcasting from the start and was used for unannounced colour TV engineering test-tran *** issions from that point onwards. VERA was capable of recording about 15 minutes ( e . g . 4, 572 meters ) of 405- pne black -and-white video per reel, and the picture tended to wobble because the synchronizing pulses that keep the picture stable were not recorded accurately enough. This pne can also be pared to the Caro Kann variation 1 . e4 c6 2 . d4 d5 3 . e5 c5 ! ?; since in this Scandinavian pne Black has played c5 in one rather than o moves, he has a fortable position. No . 32646 was later repainted into BR pned black , and occasionally based at other depots such as Brighton and Newhaven, but was allocated to Fratton when the Haypng Island branch closed on 4 November 1963; the lootive was withdrawn from service the same day. It"s difficult to see pne black in a sentence. 用 pne black 造句挺难的


修改前请先做好备份相信不少人都想要KEN BLOCK的涂装,设定上看是最后一个解锁的,下面通过修改将把默认涂装改为KEN BLOCK涂装。非常简单!首先进入DiRT2carsstx,将livery_01文件夹里的材质文件替换到livery_00文件夹里,然后把livery_00里面的材质文件sti_tex_high_00和sti_tex_low_00删掉,把sti_tex_high_01和sti_tex_low_01的01改成00!然后进入DiRT2carssti,将livery_01文件夹里的材质文件替换到livery_02文件夹里,然后把livery_02里面的材质文件sti_tex_high_02和sti_tex_low_02删掉,把sti_tex_high_01和sti_tex_low_01的01改成02!以上2步必须全部替换,否则只能替换部分涂装,表面上是一辆车,其实是2辆,玩过就知道了!



fire truck怎么读

fire truck英 [u02c8faiu0259 tru028ck] 美 [fau026ar tru028ck]n.救火车 消防车用作名词 (n.) A fire truck was parking in front of our building. 救火车停在我们的楼前面. The fire engine played on the flames. 救火车的水柱喷射在火焰上.

推荐几位欧美英文歌手+其代表性歌曲,除了westlife,backstreet boy,marie,艾薇儿等---(*^__^*) ……

★★★★★楼主你好!!只选对的,不选多的,本人自己觉得最好听的歌,楼主一定要听听啊!极力推荐 (((天赖之音)))I"m Gonna Getcha Good!--Shania Twain <一定要听这首哦>Never Had A Dream Come True--S Club 7 最近开始听这首歌的,太好听了Any Man Of Mine--Shania Twain 还有这个My name is --Emimem阿姆的经典之作Happy Boys & Girls---Aqua 他她们的歌很活泼Barbie Girl--AquaWhen You Say Nothing At All--Alison Krauss细心品味,我很喜欢这首歌的Candy Shop--50 Cent 相信很多人听过吧Back to you--Bryan AdamsThe Power Of Love--Celine Dionyellow--coldplayI COULD BE THE ONE--Donna Lewis 声音很甜Without Me--Eminem 又一首阿姆的经典之作Don"t Turn Off the Light--Enrique IglesiasAny one Of Us--Gareth Gates 经典American Idiot--Green Day 朋克乐,我很喜欢Boulevard of Broken Dreams--Green DayMoonlight Shadow --Groove CoverageYesterday Yes A Day--Jane BirkinBecause You Live--Jesse McCartney 人又帅歌又好When You Believe--Mariah-Carey 很多地方介绍这首经典的Nothing gonna chang my love for youWe Will Rock You--Queen 摇滚中的经典better man--Robbie Williamsall 4 one - i swearblue--one loveblue-all risebryan adams布莱恩亚当斯-everything Burning-Maria Arredondocoast to coast-westlifee理查.马克斯-此情可待(richanel marx-right here waiting)sweetbox -more than love水叮当合唱团-around the world洛德.斯特华特-sailing(远航)玛利亚.凯丽 - without you没有你琳恩玛莲lene marlin-a place nearby莎曼珊曼芭-always come back to your love闪灵2人组-i could be the oneteriyaki_boyz-tokyo_drift_(fast_and_furious)fannypack- Hey MamiHands In The AirPut It On Me Remix - Ja Ruledon_omar_feat_tego_calderon-bandalerosshadow_feat_mos_def-six_days_the_remixPeel OffRace Wars - BTIdi Banashapan - Roni SizeWe RidinPump It Up 我敢保证一定很好听,只选好听的,不选多的,楼主听下吧。

fire truck怎么读

firetruck英 [ˈfaiətrʌk]美 [faɪrtrʌk]n.救火车消防车用作名词(n.)A firetruck wasparkinginfrontofourbuilding.救火车停在我们的楼前面。Thefireengineplayedontheflames.救火车的水柱喷射在火焰上。


runk和truck读音还是有区别的:trunk 英[tru028cu014bk] 美[tru028cu014bk] n. 树干; 躯干; 象鼻; 汽车车尾的行李箱; truck 英[tru028ck] 美[tru028ck] n. 货车; (铁路的) 无盖货车; (行李) 搬运车;




truck 英[tru028ck] 美[tru028ck] n. 货车;(铁路的)无盖货车;(行李)搬运车 vt. 用卡车装运 vi. 驾驶卡车;以物易物 [例句]A delivery truck entering the brewery.运送啤酒的卡车驶入酿酒厂。


truck怎么读:英音[tru028ck]、美音[tru028ck]。truck,英语单词,名词、不及物动词、及物动词、形容词,作名词时意为”卡车;交易;手推车;人名;(德)特鲁克“,作不及物动词时意为”驾驶卡车;以物易物“,作及物动词时意为”交易;以卡车运输”,作形容词时意为”(美)运货汽车的”。短语搭配:counterbalance truck平衡式电动堆高机;平衡式堆高机;平衡式电动;契约物流、truck mixer混凝土搅拌车;卡车式搅拌机;混凝土搅拌运输车;车载拌和机、Manual truck手推车Electric truck[车辆]电动货车;电动卡车;电动搬运车;电动叉车、crane truck汽车起重机;随车吊;车装起重机;起重汽车、truck tractor鞍式牵引车;卡车拖拉机truck loader自动装卸机;自动装载机;大脚装卸车;大脚八装卸机、Transport truck物流运输车辆;转运车;运水车;运输卡车、Bolster truck鞍座式货车;装材车truck造句:1.I like the black truck.我喜欢这辆黑色的卡车。2.This is my truck.这是我的卡车。3.So,you need new tires for your car or truck, but how do you know what to buy?因此,你需要新的轮胎,为您的汽车或卡车,但你怎么知道什么买什么?





garbage truck怎么读

garbage 常用词汇 英 ["ɡɑu02d0bu026adu0292]     美 ["ɡɑu02d0rbu026adu0292]    n.垃圾;废物;食物残渣truck 核心词汇 英 [tru028ck]     美 [tru028ck]    n.卡车;手推车;敞篷货车


luck [lʌk]truck [trʌk]两个单词uck部分读音相同



truck怎么读 英语truck怎么读

1、truck英[tru028ck]美[tru028ck],n.卡车; (铁路上运送货物或动物的)敞篷车,无盖车皮; (运送货物、士兵、动物等后面敞开的)载重汽车; (运送东西的)手推车,手拉车;vt.用卡车装运。 2、[例句]A truck driver used his CB radio to call for help.卡车司机用民用波段无线电呼救。




美式读音:tru028ck英式读音:tru028ck过去式:trucked过去分词:trucked现在分词:trucking第三人称单数:trucks复数:trucks例句:1、The truck driver bears the main responsibility for the traffic accident.卡车司机负这次交通事故的主要责任。2、He trucked leisurely on the bridge with his teacher.他和自己的老师悠闲地在桥上走着。3、The steel bars are trucked to factories in the west.钢筋用卡车运往西部工厂。4、The truck carries a large number of vegetables to the market.这辆卡车载着大量的蔬菜运往市场。




the second day I began to


truck 英[tru028ck] 美[tru028ck] n. 货车;(铁路的)无盖货车;(行李)搬运车 vt. 用卡车装运 vi. 驾驶卡车;以物易物 [例句]A delivery truck entering the brewery.运送啤酒的卡车驶入酿酒厂。



Checking In 歌词

歌曲名:Checking In歌手:The Superjesus专辑:Jet AgeLecrae - Check InYo, check me inCh-ch-ch-ch-ch-check me in nowCh-ch-ch-ch-ch-check me in nowCh-ch-ch-ch-ch-check me in nowCheck me inI know I"m sick and my addiction got me itchin"Everyday I need a fixin"I ain"t quittin" till it kill meYa hear me, I like the feel but hate the taste of the productLike the numb on the tongue when you taste narcoticsThe bass gets to bumpin"You can feel what I"m drummin"Death is comin", I"m tryna warn "emThat"s why I was summonedI know that they don"t want it, they want what they can"t haveEuphoria come and go but it"s something you can"t graspYeah, we"re grasping for the emptiness, hoping we can catch somethingHand full of scars, cuts, burns, as the flesh wantsVerge of insanity, stop me "for I"m goneI say I"m gon" quit but I"m at it in the morn"It goes on and on and on and now I"m used to itThis a lifestyle now and I don"t know what else to doGot a war inside my soul and it"s wantin" to break throughI"m ready for Rehab, jus" do what ya gon" doRehab, rehab, reha-ha-hab, ready for rehabRehab, rehab, reha-ha-hab, ready for rehabRehab, rehab, reha-ha-hab, ready for rehabRehab, rehab, reha-ha-hab, ready for rehabRehab(Aye, aye, aye, aye)Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-check me in nowCh-ch-ch-ch-ch-check me in nowCh-ch-ch-ch-ch-check me in nowRehab, rehab, reha-ha-hab, ready for rehabRehab, rehab, reha-ha-hab, ready for rehabRehab, rehab, reha-ha-hab, ready for rehabRehab, rehab, reha-ha-hab, ready for rehabRehab


“display=block” 意思是是让对象成为块级元素

astonished shocked区别

在意思上没什么区别,美国人口语上会使用shocked 较多.用astonished别人会觉得有点文绉绉的不自然.
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