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一、词义辨析不一样1、bucket n. 桶〔辨析〕可装各种东西,尤指液体之物。〔例证〕He can lift two buckets of water at the same time.他可以同时提起两桶水。2、barrel n. 桶;一桶〔辨析〕指中间鼓起的大桶,多由木头或金属制成,通常用于储存啤酒、葡萄酒等,也常用作原油的计量单位。〔例证〕Our wine is aged in oak barrels.我们的葡萄酒是用橡木酒桶放陈的。二、词义广泛性不一样1、bucket英 ["bʌkɪt]  美 ["bʌkɪt] n. 桶,水桶;铲斗;一桶的量v. 倾盆而下;颠簸着行进2、barrel英 ["bær(ə)l]  美 ["bærəl] n. 桶; 一桶(的量);枪管,炮管;(马等四足动物的)躯干v. 快速移动;把……装入桶内三、变形词不一样1、bucket第三人称单数: buckets 复数: buckets 现在分词: bucketing 过去式: bucketed 过去分词: bucketed2、barrel第三人称单数: barrels 复数: barrels 现在分词: barrelling 过去式: barrelled 过去分词: barrelled

barrel与bucket的区别 very thanks

前者一般在国外的小酒吧里装酒,即酒桶 后者一般是水桶,装水用的

barrel bucket pail 有什么区别,都是表示桶吗?

barrel 一般基本密封的桶, 如石油桶 bucket pail 一般是上方开口的如洗衣服的桶


一、词义辨析不一样1、bucketn.桶〔辨析〕可装各种东西,尤指液体之物。〔例证〕Hecanlifttwobucketsofwateratthesametime.他可以同时提起两桶水。2、barreln.桶;一桶〔辨析〕指中间鼓起的大桶,多由木头或金属制成,通常用于储存啤酒、葡萄酒等,也常用作原油的计量单位。〔例证〕Ourwineisagedinoakbarrels.我们的葡萄酒是用橡木酒桶放陈的。二、词义广泛性不一样1、bucket英 ["bʌkɪt]  美 ["bʌkɪt] n.桶,水桶;铲斗;一桶的量v.倾盆而下;颠簸着行进2、barrel英 ["bær(ə)l]  美 ["bærəl] n.桶;一桶(的量);枪管,炮管;(马等四足动物的)躯干v.快速移动;把??装入桶内三、变形词不一样1、bucket第三人称单数:buckets复数:buckets现在分词:bucketing过去式:bucketed过去分词:bucketed2、barrel第三人称单数:barrels复数:barrels现在分词:barrelling过去式:barrelled过去分词:barrelled

black barrel什么意思

black barrel 全部释义和例句>> 黑桶barrel 英[ˈbærəl]美[ˈbærəl]n. 桶; 一桶之量; 圆筒,活塞筒,滚筒; 圆筒;adj. 桶状的;vt. 装进桶里,放进桶里;[例句]Use this wad of cloth to plug the barrel.用这软布把桶塞上。[其他] 第三人称单数:barrels 复数:barrels 现在分词:barrelling 过去式:barrelled 过去分词:barrelled 形近词: barret barrer parrel

barrel bucket pail 有什么区别,都是表示桶吗?

barrel 一般基本密封的桶, 如石油桶bucket pail 一般是上方开口的如洗衣服的桶

lock, stock, and barrel是什么意思


barrel 、bucket 、tub区别


barrel 与bucket 区别


pick up是什么意思

pick upv.掘地, 捡起, 获得, 使恢复精神, 加快, 看到, 随便地认识, 加速pickpick 1AHD:[p¹k] D.J.[p!k]K.K.[p!k]v.(动词)picked,,picks及物动词)To select from a group:挑选:从一组中挑选:The best swimmer was picked.See Synonyms at choose 最佳游泳选手被选出来了参见 chooseTo select or cull.选择,挑拣To gather in; harvest:在…中聚集;收获:They were picking cotton.他们在采棉花To gather the harvest from:从…中收获庄稼:We picked the whole field in one day.我们在一天之内把这一整块地收割完了To remove the outer covering of; pluck:拔去,扯去:去除…的外部覆盖物;拔:pick a chicken clean of feathers.拔除鸡毛To tear off bit by bit:撕下:一点一点地撕除:pick meat from the bones.把肉从骨头上撕下To remove extraneous matter from (the teeth).剔除:从(牙上)剔除外来物质To poke and pull at (something) with the fingers.戳:用手指捅并拉出某物To break up, separate, or detach by means of a sharp, pointed instrument.撬:用锋利尖锐的工具分裂、分离或分开To pierce or make (a hole) with a sharp, pointed instrument.刺洞:用锋利尖锐的工具刺入或打(洞)To take up (food) with the beak; peck:啄食:用喙啄起(食物);啄:The parrot picked its seed.鹦鹉啄食饲料To steal the contents of:扒窃:偷去…内的东西:My pocket was picked.我的口袋被扒了To open (a lock) without the use of a key.撬开锁:不用钥匙而打开(锁)To provoke:挑衅:pick a fight.挑起战争Music 【音乐】 To pluck (the strings) of an instrument:拨弄:弹拔乐器的(琴弦):picked the guitar while sitting alone on the deck.独自坐在甲板上弹吉他To play (a tune) by plucking strings:拨弦演奏:通过拨弦弹奏(一曲):picked a melody out on the guitar.用吉他弹奏一曲v.intr.(不及物动词)To decide with care or forethought.慎选:谨慎或考虑周到后决定To work with a pick.凿,挖:用镐挖To find fault or make petty criticisms; carp:挑毛病,寻衅,吹毛求疵:发现错误或制造微不足道的批评;吹毛求疵:He"s always picking about something.他总是对一些事吹毛求疵To be harvested or gathered:采收:被采摘或收集:The ripe apples picked easily.成熟的苹果易于采摘n.(名词)The act of picking, especially with a sharp, pointed instrument.采摘:采摘的行为,尤指用锋利尖锐的工具The act of selecting or choosing; choice:挑选:选择或挑选的行为;选择:got first pick of the desserts.第一个挑选甜点Something selected as the most desirable; the best or choicest part:最佳部分:挑选出的最好的东西;最好的或最上品的部分:the pick of the crop.收成中的上品The amount or quantity of a crop that is picked by hand.收获量,采摘量:用手采摘的庄稼的总数或数量pick apartTo refute or find flaws in by close examination:挑剔,找毛病:反驳或通过仔细的检查找出错误:The lawyer picked the testimony apart.律师挑证词的毛病pick atTo pluck or pull at, especially with the fingers.弹,拉:刺穿或拉出,尤指用手指To eat sparingly or without appetite:食不下咽:吃得很少或没胃口:The child just picked at her food.这孩子只吃她了一点食物Informal To nag:【非正式用语】 唠叨:Don"t pick at me day and night.别整天对我唠叨挑三拣四pick offTo shoot after singling out:逐一射击:经过逐个瞄准后发射:The hunter picked the ducks off one by one.猎人把鸭子一个个击中Baseball To catch (a base runner) off base and put out with a quick throw, as from the pitcher or catcher, often to a specified base.【棒球】 封杀出局:把不在垒上的(跑垒员)抓住,然后快速扔出球抛到一个特定的垒上,通常指投手或接手的突然传杀Sports To intercept, as a football pass.【体育运动】 中途截球:拦截,如拦截足球传球等pick onTo tease or bully.嘲笑,欺侮pick outTo choose or select:挑选,选出:picked out the best piece of silk.挑出最好的一匹丝绸To discern from the surroundings; distinguish:分辨:从环境中辩认出;分辨出:picked out their cousins from the crowd.从人群中认出他们的堂兄弟pick overTo sort out or examine item by item:一件一件地整理或检查:a shopper who picked over the grapes before purchasing them.一个买葡萄时精挑细选的顾客pick upTo take up (something) by hand:拿起:用手拿起(某物):pick up a book.捡起一本书To collect or gather:收集或聚集:picked up the broken pieces of glass.拾起玻璃碎片To tidy up:整理,收拾:Let"s pick up the living room.我们收拾一下卧室吧To take on (passengers or freight, for example):承载(客人,货物等):The bus picks up commuters at three stops.公共汽车在三个站载送通勤者Informal 【非正式用语】 To acquire casually or by accident:不经意得到:随便或偶然地获得:picked up a mink coat on sale.拍卖时随手买了一件貂皮大衣To acquire (knowledge) by learning or experience:学得:通过学习或经历获得(知识):picked up French very quickly.很快地学起法语来To claim:认领,索取:picked up her shoes at the repair shop.在修鞋铺领回鞋子To buy:购买:picked up some beverages on the way home.在回家的路上买些饮料To accept (a bill or charge) in order to pay it:付帐:为买某物而付(款或账):Let me pick up the tab.我来付计程车的钱To come down with (a disease):染上(病):picked up a virus in the office.在办公室染上病毒To gain:获得,赢得:picked up five yards on that play.在那次游戏中获得五码Informal To take into custody:【非正式用语】 监护,逮捕,拘捕:The coast guard picked up five smugglers.海岸检查官拘捕了五个走私犯Slang To make casual acquaintance with, usually in anticipation of sexual relations.【俚语】 勾搭:与…偶然结识,常指期望在性关系中结识To come upon and follow:追踪:偶然遇上并跟随:The dog picked up the scent.狗追着气味走To come upon and observe:发现:偶然遇到并观测:We picked up two submarines on sonar.我们用声波定位仪观察到两条潜水艇To continue after a break:恢复:休息后继续:Let"s pick up the discussion after lunch.我们吃过午饭再继续讨论吧Informal To improve in condition or activity:【非正式用语】 有起色,改善:在条件或活动上提高:Sales picked up last fall.去年的销售有起色Slang To pack one"s belongings:【俚语】 收拾行李:收拾某人的东西:She just picked up and left.她收拾了一下行李就走了pick and chooseTo select with great care.很细心地挑选pick holes inTo seek and discover flaws or a flaw in:挑剔:在…寻找或发现一个或几个错误:picked holes in the argument.在讨论中找错pick (one"s) wayTo find passage and make careful progress through it:寻找出路:找出路并通过此路谨慎前进:picked her way down the steep bank.沿着陡峭河岸慢慢前行pick (someone) to piecesTo criticize sharply.责骂:严厉批评pick up on【非正式用语】To take into the mind and understand, typically with speed:迅速理解:了解到或理解,尤指很快地理解:picked up on the new approach and applied it to the project.很快地了解了新方法并把它应用于这个项目中To notice:注意到:learned to pick up on his superior"s moods and act accordingly.学会注意上级的情绪并见机行事Middle English piken [to prick] 中古英语 piken [刺,扎] from Old English *pºn [to prick] 源自 古英语 *pºn [刺,扎] and from Old French piquer [to pierce] from Vulgar Latin *picc³e * see pique 并源自 古法语 piquer [刺穿] 源自 俗拉丁语 *picc³e *参见 piquepick“ern.(名词)pickpick 2AHD:[p¹k] D.J.[p!k]K.K.[p!k]n.(名词)A tool for breaking hard surfaces, consisting of a curved bar sharpened at both ends and fitted to a long handle.镐,鹤嘴锄:破坏坚硬表面的工具,由两端有弯曲锋利的尖和用来固定尖的长把组成Something, such as an ice pick, a toothpick, or a picklock, that is used for picking.尖头挖掘工具:用来挖掘的工具,如碎冰器、牙签或撬锁工具A long-toothed comb, usually designed for use on curly hair.簪子:一种长齿梳子,常用于卷发Sports A pointed projection on the front of the blade of a figure skate.【体育运动】 冰刀尖:花样溜冰鞋刀刃前方的尖的突出部分Music A plectrum.【音乐】 拨子,拨弦Middle English pik 中古英语 pik variant of pike [sharp point] * see pike 5 pike的变体 [锋利的尖物] *参见 pike5pickpick 3AHD:[p¹k] D.J.[p!k]K.K.[p!k]n.(名词)A weft thread in weaving.纬纱:纺织中用的纬纱线A passage or throw of the shuttle in a loom.投梭:织机上梭子的来回穿梭或一投及物动词)picked,,picks To throw (a shuttle) across a loom.把(梭子)投过织机Archaic To cast; pitch.【古语】 投掷;抛扔Dialectal 方言 from pick [to pitch, thrust] 源自 pick [掷,抛,扔] variant of pitch 2 pitch2的变体 pickpick 1AHD:[p¹k] D.J.[p!k]K.K.[p!k]v.picked,,picks select from a group:The best swimmer was picked.See Synonyms at choose To select or cull.To gather in; harvest:They were picking cotton.To gather the harvest from:We picked the whole field in one day.To remove the outer covering of; pluck:pick a chicken clean of feathers.To tear off bit by bit:pick meat from the bones.To remove extraneous matter from (the teeth).To poke and pull at (something) with the fingers.To break up, separate, or detach by means of a sharp, pointed instrument.To pierce or make (a hole) with a sharp, pointed instrument.To take up (food) with the beak; peck:The parrot picked its seed.To steal the contents of:My pocket was picked.To open (a lock) without the use of a key.To provoke:pick a fight.Music To pluck (the strings) of an instrument:picked the guitar while sitting alone on the deck.To play (a tune) by plucking strings:picked a melody out on the guitar.v.intr.To decide with care or forethought.To work with a pick.To find fault or make petty criticisms; carp:He"s always picking about something.To be harvested or gathered:The ripe apples picked easily.n.The act of picking, especially with a sharp, pointed instrument.The act of selecting or choosing; choice:got first pick of the desserts.Something selected as the most desirable; the best or choicest part:the pick of the crop.The amount or quantity of a crop that is picked by hand.pick apartTo refute or find flaws in by close examination:The lawyer picked the testimony apart.pick atTo pluck or pull at, especially with the fingers.To eat sparingly or without appetite:The child just picked at her food.Informal To nag:Don"t pick at me day and night.pick offTo shoot after singling out:The hunter picked the ducks off one by one.Baseball To catch (a base runner) off base and put out with a quick throw, as from the pitcher or catcher, often to a specified base.Sports To intercept, as a football pass.pick onTo tease or bully.pick outTo choose or select:picked out the best piece of silk.To discern from the surroundings; distinguish:picked out their cousins from the crowd.pick overTo sort out or examine item by item:a shopper who picked over the grapes before purchasing them.pick upTo take up (something) by hand:pick up a book.To collect or gather:picked up the broken pieces of glass.To tidy up:Let"s pick up the living room.To take on (passengers or freight, for example):The bus picks up commuters at three stops.Informal To acquire casually or by accident:picked up a mink coat on sale.To acquire (knowledge) by learning or experience:picked up French very quickly.To claim:picked up her shoes at the repair shop.To buy:picked up some beverages on the way home.To accept (a bill or charge) in order to pay it:Let me pick up the tab.To come down with (a disease):picked up a virus in the office.To gain:picked up five yards on that play.Informal To take into custody:The coast guard picked up five smugglers.Slang To make casual acquaintance with, usually in anticipation of sexual relations.To come upon and follow:The dog picked up the scent.To come upon and observe:We picked up two submarines on sonar.To continue after a break:Let"s pick up the discussion after lunch.Informal To improve in condition or activity:Sales picked up last fall.Slang To pack one"s belongings:She just picked up and left.pick and chooseTo select with great care.pick holes inTo seek and discover flaws or a flaw in:picked holes in the argument.pick (one"s) wayTo find passage and make careful progress through it:picked her way down the steep bank.pick (someone) to piecesTo criticize sharply.pick up onInformalTo take into the mind and understand, typically with speed:picked up on the new approach and applied it to the project.To notice:learned to pick up on his superior"s moods and act accordingly.Middle English piken [to prick] from Old English *pºn [to prick] and from Old French piquer [to pierce] from Vulgar Latin *picc³e * see pique pick“ern.pickpick 2AHD:[p¹k] D.J.[p!k]K.K.[p!k]n.A tool for breaking hard surfaces, consisting of a curved bar sharpened at both ends and fitted to a long handle.Something, such as an ice pick, a toothpick, or a picklock, that is used for picking.A long-toothed comb, usually designed for use on curly hair.Sports A pointed projection on the front of the blade of a figure skate.Music A plectrum.Middle English pik variant of pike [sharp point] * see pike 5pickpick 3AHD:[p¹k] D.J.[p!k]K.K.[p!k]n.A weft thread in weaving.A passage or throw of the shuttle in a,,picks To throw (a shu



schofield barracks哪个城市

schofield barracks在夏威夷州的火奴鲁鲁。Schofield Barracks is a United States Army installation and census-designated place (CDP) located in the City and County of Honolulu and in the Wahiawa District of the American island of Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi.


barracks 兵营, 许多人居住的简陋房舍 因为这个单词是整体名词,它的本身就有-S,作整体讲时后面的谓语动词就用单数.换句话说他没有复数形式 本身就代表复数

should students keep their lucky money themselve

学生应该把压岁钱留给他们自己吗?答 : 必须的.真情为您解答,敬请采纳,如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

The US marine barracks in Beirut in 1983 美国所受的袭击

  1、  1983年10月23日 贝鲁特发生大爆炸 美法驻军伤亡严重  1983年10月23日清晨,贝鲁特发生两起爆炸事件,炸毁多国部队中的美法两国军队占用的大楼,炸死至少100名美国海军陆战队员和法国士兵。  清晨6点,一辆满载炸药的卡车冲过路障,撞在美国官兵熟睡的大楼上。美军在贝鲁特机场的司令部的一所4层楼房被炸毁。从瓦砾中已找出76名美海军陆战队员的尸体。另外还有115人受伤,几十人下落不明。爆炸后所造成的弹坑有大约10米深。  法军司令部的9层大楼也遭到爆炸,20名法国士兵被炸死,3名士兵受伤,另有大约85人仍被埋在被炸毁的大楼瓦砾中。救援人员的救援行动,因有人向陆战队营区放冷枪,而受到妨碍。  10月23日,黎巴嫩国际机场美国海军陆战队总部被炸事件在美国引起了极大的震动。事件发生后,里根总统提前结束周末假期,赶回白宫。里根整天主持国家安全委员会会议,听取有关这一事件的汇报并研究对策。国务卿舒尔茨已决定推迟原定对萨尔瓦多和巴西的访问。国防部长温伯格在电视中说,美国海军陆战队“不能轻易离开”黎巴嫩,因为这个地区对美国和整个西方是“极端重要的”。由于在黎巴嫩的海军陆战队已损失了10%,替补人员已奉命开赴贝鲁特。  10月23日,贝鲁特大爆炸事件震动整个了法国。法国总统密特朗在爆炸事件发生的当天晚上同美国总统里根通了电话,并在深夜离开巴黎前往贝鲁特。密特朗总统抵达贝鲁特之后立刻到法军司令部,会见了已先抵贝鲁特的法国国防部长埃尔尼和三军参谋长拉卡兹,密特朗到发生爆炸事件的现场视察,并同黎巴嫩总统杰马耶勒举行了会谈。  黎巴嫩总统杰马耶勒10月23日下午召开内阁特别会议,研究由此造成的局势。杰马耶勒谴责这种“丑恶的罪行”,强调“不管有多大的障碍和需要付出多么昂贵的代价”,黎巴嫩决心继续全国和解对话的进程。瓦赞总理说:“每当我们朝着拯救国家前进一步的时候,邪恶的浪潮就把我们往后推。”阿萨德议长谴责爆炸事件是“最野蛮和最胆怯的行为”。  中东地区对贝鲁特爆炸事件反应不一,一些国家和组织谴责这一事件。有的要求多国部队撤出黎巴嫩。  自从贝鲁特大爆炸惨案以来,美国领导人一再扬言,一旦查出爆炸的制造者,美国将采取报复性的措施。同时,据美国报纸披露,美国正在考虑对黎巴嫩的亲伊朗势力控制的火箭发射场采取“预防性的军事行动”。据说美国担心这些新运进的火箭武器可能被用来进攻美国驻贝鲁特的海军陆战队。美国正在向地中海黎巴嫩沿岸频繁调遣舰只,“肯尼迪”号和“独立”号航空母舰正在驶往黎巴嫩近海,在未来几天内,美国在那里的舰只将从现在的12艘增加到30艘,其中航空母舰从现在的1艘增加到3艘,飞机增至300架。11月6日晚,当记者问美国国防部长温伯格,美国是否会在黎巴嫩采取军事行动时,他既不否定也不肯定,只说军舰的调动是“例行的轮换”。  11月17日,法国“超级军旗”飞机轰炸了黎巴嫩贝卡谷地。自发生大爆炸后,法国总统密特朗立即要求国防部研究可能对肇事者进行报复。几天之后,法国情报机构已经掌握了参加或制定爆炸事件的6名伊朗行动者的姓名。于是,密特朗多次强调,法国将对肇事者进行“惩罚”。这次对贝卡谷地的轰炸是法国最高一级领导人决定的。当有消息说,在贝鲁特的多国部队中法国部队将遭到正在准备的新的袭击时,法国马上出动飞机行动。“超级军旗”飞机所选择的军事目标是由巴黎政治负责人确定的。执行这次空袭任务的是在“克莱蒙梭”号航空母舰上的法国海军准将克洛茨。当时,国防部长埃尔尼在三军参谋长拉卡兹将军的陪同下在三军作战中心一直密切注视着“超级军旗”的进展情况。轰炸之后,法国侦察飞机在遭受法军袭击的地方进行了飞行和拍照,以示报复的“成功”。  (人民网资料)  2、1993年2月26日,在美国纽约市中心的世界贸易中心楼下的停车场发生了一起炸弹爆炸事件,造成6人死亡,1000人受伤。该爆炸是由6名穆斯林武装分子制造的。事后,他们被判处了终身监禁。  3、1996年7月27日北京13点15分,亚特兰大奥运会主新闻中心近  旁的奥林匹克公园内发生一起爆炸事件,约两百人受伤,四人死  亡。  这起爆炸发生时,奥林匹克公园内人山人海。在奥林匹克公  园的一个白色帐篷舞台后,一颗炸弹突然发生爆炸。当时,这声  巨响震惊了主新闻中心的所有记者。公园里的人立即纷纷离去。  警察立刻将爆炸现场包围。  据中国体育代表团团部官员透露,所有中国体育代表团的成  员,无一人在奥林匹克公园发生的爆炸事件中受到伤害。  发生爆炸时,所有中国选手和官员在距离此地很远的奥运村  里已经进入梦乡。另外,分散在多处驻地的170多名中国记者也多  数已经回到旅馆休息。无一人受到这次爆炸事件的伤害。  到16点10分为止,美国电视有限网报道说,警方还发现了两  个爆炸物。救火队人员说,在这次爆炸事件中至少200人受伤、 4  人死亡。但亚特兰大市长坎贝尔对电视台说,目前有一人因爆炸  死亡,大约有50人受伤。  4、美国海军一艘驱逐舰2000年10月12在也门亚丁港遭到自杀式爆炸袭击,至少造成4名水兵死亡,30多人受伤,12人失踪。  设于巴林首都麦纳麦的美国海军第五舰队司令部的发言人佩尔基少校说,这艘名为“科尔号”的导弹驱逐舰载有350名海军官兵,它正前往海湾地区参加美国领导的海上拦截行动,以协助执行联合国对伊拉克的制裁。  当天,“科尔号”停靠亚丁港加油。巴林时间上午11点20分左右,一个满载高能量炸药的小型气垫船突然冲向美国“科尔号”,猛烈的爆炸将军舰炸开一个20-40英尺的大洞。爆炸造成严重人员伤亡,但没有发生火灾,船体则发生严重倾斜。美国海军正采取措施拯救该军舰。  据报道,港口边巨大的爆炸声整个亚丁都能听见。一家靠着港口的饭店还受到了不小的损失。据该饭店的经理说,该饭店的33个房间中有21间的窗户都被震碎了,许多电视机都摔坏在地,所幸无人受伤。




应该是barracks,兵房,营房的意思。The same moon that into their man"s barracks shines round the year.一年四季,同一个月亮照进这些男人的营房。


多读多写。barracks英 ["bærəks] 美 ["bærəks] n. 兵营,营房;简陋的房子;警察所(barrack的复数)v. 使驻扎军营里;住在工房、棚屋里;(澳)大声鼓噪(barrack的三单形式)




stick 英 [stɪk] 美 [stɪk] stick,近义词:cane, staff 【词义辨析】 cane, stick, staff 这些名词均有“手杖”之意。cane: 多指用藤或竹制成的细长的手杖。stick: 普通用词,指木制的细长手杖。staff: 多指走路爬山时用作支持或防卫使用的长木棒。


英文原文:had.made,back,can,make,sad,ran,same,cane英式音标:[hæd] . [meɪd] , [bæk] , [kæn] , [meɪk] , [sæd] , [ræn] , [seɪm] , [keɪn] 美式音标:[hæd] . [med] , [bæk] , [kæn] , [mek] , [sæd] , [ræn] , [sem] , [ken]

Why King John was nicknamed "King of Lackland"?

John acquired the nicknames of "Lackland" (Sans Terre in French) for his lack of an inheritance as the youngest son and for his loss of territory to France, and of "Soft-sword" for his alleged military ineptitude.


您好: meant、picked、kept、smoked、looked、pointed、let、pulled、tasted望采纳!


hold - held - heldstick - stuck - stuckkeep -kept -keptfall -fell - fallentake - took -takenring -rang - rung

David Ackles的《Candy Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Candy Man歌手:David Ackles专辑:Subway To The CountryI am the Candyman-Coming from BountylandI am the Candyman-Coming from BountylandI wish you were my Lollipop-Sweet things, I will never get enoughIf you show me to the sugar tree-will you give me a sodapop for free?Come with me Honey-I"m your sweet sugar CandymanRun like the wind-fly with me to BountylandBite me I"m yours-if your hungry please understandThis is the end-of the sweet sugar CandymanOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-your word is my commandOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-let us fly to BountylandYou are my Lollipop-sugar sugar topYou are my Lollipop-sugar sugar topI wish I were a bubble gum-chewing on me baby all day longI will be begging for sweet delight-until you say I am yours tonightCome with me Honey- I"m your sweet sugar CandymanRun like the wind-fly with me to BountylandBite me I"m yours- if you"re hungry please understandThis is the end-of the sweet sugar CandymanOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-your word is my commandOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-let us fly to BountylandOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-your word is my commandOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-let us fly to BountylandI am the Candyman-Coming from BountylandI am the Candyman-Coming from BountylandOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-your word is my commandOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-let us fly to BountylandYou are my Lollipop-sugar sugar topYou are my Lollipop-sugar sugar top

Wanda Jackson的《Candy Man》 歌词

歌曲名:Candy Man歌手:Wanda Jackson专辑:The Ultimate CollectionI am the Candyman-Coming from BountylandI am the Candyman-Coming from BountylandI wish you were my Lollipop-Sweet things, I will never get enoughIf you show me to the sugar tree-will you give me a sodapop for free?Come with me Honey-I"m your sweet sugar CandymanRun like the wind-fly with me to BountylandBite me I"m yours-if your hungry please understandThis is the end-of the sweet sugar CandymanOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-your word is my commandOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-let us fly to BountylandYou are my Lollipop-sugar sugar topYou are my Lollipop-sugar sugar topI wish I were a bubble gum-chewing on me baby all day longI will be begging for sweet delight-until you say I am yours tonightCome with me Honey- I"m your sweet sugar CandymanRun like the wind-fly with me to BountylandBite me I"m yours- if you"re hungry please understandThis is the end-of the sweet sugar CandymanOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-your word is my commandOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-let us fly to BountylandOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-your word is my commandOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-let us fly to BountylandI am the Candyman-Coming from BountylandI am the Candyman-Coming from BountylandOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-your word is my commandOh my love-I know you are my CandymanAnd all my love-let us fly to BountylandYou are my Lollipop-sugar sugar topYou are my Lollipop-sugar sugar top

John planned _____around Europe on horseback, but his ambition has not been achieved till today.

A 祝学习进步,天天快乐!

houseback riding是什么意思 线上等 是horseback riding


枪手 Stranger on Horseback (1955)


horseback riding是什么意思

horseback riding[英][ˈhɔ:sˌbæk ˈraɪdɪŋ][美][ˈhɔrsˌbæk ˈraɪdɪŋ][医]骑马; 例句:1.I"ll be going horseback riding with you! 我会和你一起去骑马!



翻译New York is one of the largest Amerian cities to have some of its policemen on horseback.


horseback riding 单独翻译是什么意思



horseback 英[ˈhɔ:sbæk] 美[ˈhɔrsˌbæk]n. 马背;隆起的条状地带(山脊)adj. 性急的,草率的,未经充分考虑的adv. 在马背上[例句]Romance factor : rise early for a horseback ride along the pristine waipauma coast.浪漫指数:清晨早起在马背上沿着空气清新的waipauma海滨溜一圈。

there appeared on the horizon a man on horseback ,riding in my direction 请各位帮忙详细分析下语法




1、jacketn.短上衣,外套例句:He wears a brown jacket today.他今天穿了一件褐色的夹克。2、Januaryn.一月例句:January is the coldest month of the year. 一月是一年当中最寒冷的一个月。3、joinvt.&vi.连接,结合;参加例句:The new highway has joined our commune to the city.这条新公路把我们的公社与城市连接起来了。4、joken.笑话例句:He said this as a joke.他说这话是开玩笑的。5、journeyn.旅行,路程例句:It"s a 3 days" journey on horseback from here to there.从这里到那里骑马要三天。

初中英语完形填空 请快速回答!!!! One day a poor man was traveling on horseback

1.voice 2.late for 4.answer 5.out 6.say 7.told 8.from

Horseback riding_____both the handling a horse an


John planned _____around Europe on horseback, but his ambition has not been achieved till today.

plan to do sth 但是后面用了has been achieved

One day apoor man was traveling on horseback.短文翻译


horseback riding是什么意思

horseback riding 英[ˈhɔ:sˌbæk ˈraɪdɪŋ] 美[ˈhɔrsˌbæk ˈraɪdɪŋ] [释义] [医] 骑马; [例句]I also try to go horseback riding when I have time on weekends.周末有时间的话,我还会尝试骑马。

关于one day a poor man was traveling on horseback的英语文章并翻译全文


跪求《I won t back down 》完整歌词

[ti:i won"t back down][ar:sam elliott][al:barnyard ost]i won"t back downsam elliotta song from ost of barnyardlrc by 0to9(chn)----------------------well i won"t back downno i won"t back downyou can stand me up at the gates of hellbut i won"t back downgonna stand my ground, won"t be turned aroundand i"ll keep this world from draggin me downgonna stand my ground... and i won"t back downhey baby, there ain"t no easy way outhey i, will stand my groundand i won"t back downwell i know what"s right, i got just one lifein a world that keeps on pushin me aroundbut i"ll stand my ground...and i won"t back downhey baby, there ain"t no easy way outhey i, will stand my groundand i won"t back, i won"t back down...-end-

outweigh the drawbacks

overwhelm 代替 outweigh 或:the advantages are more than the disadvantages.

china is developing quickly as a developing country 为什么两个都用ing形式

is developing正在发展a developing country 一个发展中国家,这里的developing是形容词,发展中的意思句子意思是中国作为一个发展中国家正在迅速地发展。



面试后,猎头是不是都会将feedback 告知candidates呢?

分析下你是这个岗位被猎头找到的前几个人还是最后几个人猎头的工作特性是这样 先期:根据雇主的要求找些基本符合条件的垫底,通过最好,通不过可以降低雇主对人才预期的高度后期:最有把握的猎头认为符合要求的人才在最后期推荐 这样通过率很高如果最开始 就把最合适的推荐给雇主 那么雇主一定还要再看看别人 也给自己增加了寻找人才的难度如果你是这个岗位的前期面试者 你可以不用打电话了要是这个岗位托猎头找了好长时间了 你倒是可以打个电话给猎头问问接口就是下周要出国培训4天 担心联络不方便 还显得很礼貌很自然祝你成功 呵呵这种心情能理解 当年我也参加过猎头的面试 猎头其实是很希望他们找的人能成功的 所以你要是真的着急 可以给猎头打电话 给他们打电话不会显得你“着急”他们是帮着你太高你的身价的 所以 不会和雇主反映你有点着急的 话说回来 其实能被猎头推荐成功的几率还是比较小的 因为参加面试的人都是很强的 最好的还是调整心态 抱着不一定能成功的心态 做能成功的努力 我当时就是报了很大的希望 因为当时开的年薪太诱人了 后来就真的没成 事后想想却觉得是好事 现在我跳的地方薪水没那么多但是很有发展 领导也重视 所以 调整心态吧 分析再多 也是一个已经固定的结果 在你两次面试的时候才能改变 现在改变不了了 就安心等待吧 祝顺利





This Heart Attack (Acoustic) 歌词

歌曲名:This Heart Attack (Acoustic)歌手:Faker专辑:Be The Twilight (Enter The Twilight Zone)I"m going away to be alone I"m coming back with answersDon"t try to call my telephone it"s disconnectedAnd I don"t know where I"m going but can you guide meBut if I find love where I"m going will it survive me‘Cause in your own space you"re disconnected and in your own mind you"re not affectedAnd in your own time you"re still attracted but in your own lifeThis heart attack I"ve gotta get away not coming backI want some downtime so call me when you can and I"ll be fineI"ve found the time to be alone I don"t know what you"re askingI"m waiting by the telephone and you"re still barkingMy heart stops it isn"t… going could you revive meI think I"m lost without knowing so come and find me‘Cause in the same space we"re disconnected and in your own mind you"re not attractedBut in your own life over reacted and in your own timeThis heart attack I think I"ll go away not coming backI"m off the line so call me when you can some other timeThis heart attack I"ve gotta get away not coming backI want some downtime so call me when you can and I"ll be fineSometimes if we don"t go sometimes you don"t knowYou don"t go I don"t goI don"t go you don"t go go go goI"ve got your back but you don"t got mineThis heart attack then I"m feeling fineThis heart attack I"ve gotta get away I"m not coming backI"m bout to flatline so call me when you can some other timeThis heart attack I"ve gotta get away not coming backI want some downtime so call me when you can and I"ll be fineI"m going away to be aloneI"m going away to be aloneI"m going away to be aloneI"m going away to be alone

Bruce Dickinson的《Acoustic》 歌词

歌曲名:Acoustic歌手:Bruce Dickinson专辑:The Best Of Bruce DickinsonAcoustic #3They painted up your secretsWith the lies they told to youAnd the least they ever gave youWas the most you ever knewAnd I wonder where these dreams goWhen the world gets in your wayWhat"s the point in all this screamingNo one"s listening anywayYour voice is small and fadingAnd you hide in here unknownAnd your mother loves your fatherCause she"s got nowhere to goAnd she wonders where these dreams goCause the world got in her wayWhat"s the point in ever tryingNothing"s changing anywayThey press their lips against youAnd you love the lies they sayAnd I tried so hard to reach youBut you"re falling anywayAnd you know I see right through youCause the world gets in your wayYou"re not listening anyway

As is widely acknowledged, playing outside helps children&nb...

B 试题分析:考察固定短语  A总的来说 B轮流,进一步 C总的来说 D作为回报句意为:人们普遍认为 室外玩耍可以帮助孩子去了解和探索好奇心,好奇心又进一步促进创新力的发展。根据句意可知:B选项为最佳答案考点:考察固定短语 点评:介词短语一直是命题者常设置的考点和重点,平时要加强记忆。本题的四个选项都很重要,尤其要注意四个短语在具体语言环境中的使用,考生应注意对短语的正确归类和对词义的准确理解



disk checking has been cancelling是什么意思?


什么是cancelled/void check

cancelled check指的是付讫支票void check指的是无效支票

达人black sun cancellation是什么意思

black sun cancellation 早期的CMOSsensor 在对着太阳拍照时,由于pixel单元过曝后被击穿,会在图像上形成黑斑,这个功能是修复该bug。

Jackson was a mailman. Five days a week he rode his bicycle from village to village

1、By bicycle.2、Five.3、In the bag.4、Mrs Lin"s.5、Because he"s afraid of the dog.6、Yes,he did.

a big black dog ran out and began to bark at him这句话译成“一条黑狗跑出来朝着他叫”

可以不要,began to 这里只是表示这只狗在叫的时候的一个状态,可以不要,意思是一样的a big black dog ran out and "barked" at him


《Blackout》(Connie Willis)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读资源链接:链接: 提取码:jukh    书名:Blackout作者:Connie Willis出版社:Spectra出版年份:2010-02-02页数:512内容简介:In her first novel since 2002, Nebula and Hugo award-winning author Connie Willis returns with a stunning, enormously entertaining novel of time travel, war, and the deeds--great and small--of ordinary people who shape history. In the hands of this acclaimed storyteller, the past and future collide--and the result is at once intriguing, elusive, and frightening. Oxford in 2060 is a chaotic place. Scores of time-traveling historians are being sent into the past, to destinations including the American Civil War and the attack on the World Trade Center. Michael Davies is prepping to go to Pearl Harbor. Merope Ward is coping with a bunch of bratty 1940 evacuees and trying to talk her thesis adviser, Mr. Dunworthy, into letting her go to VE Day. Polly Churchill"s next assignment will be as a shopgirl in the middle of London"s Blitz. And seventeen-year-old Colin Templer, who has a major crush on Polly, is determined to go to the Crusades so that he can "catch up" to her in age. But now the time-travel lab is suddenly canceling assignments for no apparent reason and switching around everyone"s schedules. And when Michael, Merope, and Polly finally get to World War II, things just get worse. For there they face air raids, blackouts, unexploded bombs, dive-bombing Stukas, rationing, shrapnel, V-1s, and two of the most incorrigible children in all of history--to say nothing of a growing feeling that not only their assignments but the war and history itself are spiraling out of control. Because suddenly the once-reliable mechanisms of time travel are showing significant glitches, and our heroes are beginning to question their most firmly held belief: that no historian can possibly change the past. From the people sheltering in the tube stations of London to the retired sailors who set off across the Channel to rescue the stranded British Army from Dunkirk, from shopgirls to ambulance drivers, from spies to hospital nurses to Shakespearean actors, Blackout reveals a side of World War II seldom seen before: a dangerous, desperate world in which there are no civilians and in which everybody--from the Queen down to the lowliest barmaid--is determined to do their bit to help a beleaguered nation survive.

life jacket是什么意思

life jacket 英[laif ˈdʒækit]美[laɪf ˈdʒækɪt]n. 救生衣;[例句]Everyone wears a life jacket while kayaking.划独木舟的时候,每个人都会穿一件救生衣。[其他] 复数:life jackets

基督城最美步道-Godley Head Track

风和日丽的初冬,在没有拖油瓶跟随的时间最适合徒步。 而Godley Head Track可以称得上基督城最美步道了。 Godley head 步道位于Sumner 区, 是条蜿蜒于海岸线风景极好的路线。 一头是Taylors Mistake Road, 位于山下海滩旁,曲折向上, 逐渐开阔; 另一头是Godley head road, 位于山顶悬崖边,山势平坦,一览无余,全程往返约3小时, 无论从哪边走起,都有美到令人窒息的风景。 地势的关系,在新西兰的城市中,开阔平坦的不多,而基督城算是平坦的一个了。但Sumner 区的住宅因为山势很多都建在山上。 据说在2010和2011年两次地震中半山腰的房子受损最为严重, 而这里曾经是很多政府官员,上层社会家庭房产聚集的区域,现在依然能够看到裸露的山体和当初滚落的巨石。 但因为风景和地缘的关系, 很多住久了的人却不愿离开自己土地。 在基督城看到过最喜欢的一句广告词是: Our city may be broken, but our future has just begun (或许我们的城市被毁了,但我们的未来才刚刚开始) 。 步道路口张贴的海滩生物的介绍,看到比目鱼,小龙虾和鲍鱼了么? 这里规定着每次捕捞的数量的和大小,而捕捞物是绝对不能销售贩卖的。 几步之遥另一张竟然用中英文张贴的专门关于鲍鱼的捕捞规定, 好吧, 这是我们华人同胞酷爱鲍鱼的缘故么? 从Taylors Mistake Road 进入步道的好处就是:一路向上,视野逐渐开阔开来, 每一步都比前一步更令人不得不驻足。 坐在这个长椅上, 面对南太平洋的这片海水,东去几千公里不在有陆地, 而之后看到的第一个大陆便是智利;在山脚看似荒凉的峭壁边上一颗半人高的小植物,不知被谁用一根金属棍捆绑,让它能在风中不倒,安然生长,对自然的或许这些才是新西兰这片土地的美景能够被自然保存的原因。 新西兰的肉肉们通常都栽培在野地里,这是最旺盛的一群。 这片海滩忽然映入眼帘的时候无比惊艳, 如果不是距离南冰洋太近,海水冰冷, 看上去就像安达曼海一样安静而透彻。 忽然间大麦同学大叫, “快看,海豹” 走进一看, 原来是一个潜水的kiwi,估计在捞鲍鱼。 于是我们对视一笑,幸好他们听不懂中文, 不然估计要吹胡子瞪眼的说:谁是海豹, 你们说谁是海豹呢??!!“ 看到雪山了吗? 远处就是Mt. Hutt 和Mt. Cook, 滑雪季来临, 很快就有大批滑雪爱好者涌入这里了 Talors Mistake Bay 曾经在二战时被作为防御塑造了一些钢筋水泥的工事, 可惜纽村人民没有重型武器,只能用一战时枪炮,结果还是因为根本不适合,转而向英国借用枪炮, 作为同盟国一员的人民实在缺乏存在感。 我们的午饭, 火鸡肉奶酪配番茄外加Tomato 和Mustard sauce. 其实生活可以很简单。 来了才知道, Mustard翻译过来是芥末,但此芥末非彼芥末, Mustard 其实是一种阔叶的植物, 味道并没有日本料理的芥末那么重,而日本料理里的Wasabi (山葵酱)其实是没有芥末滴。 或许是因为这边的生活实在太无聊, kiwi们热爱各种运动, 滑翔伞, 皮划艇(Kayaking), 潜水都在这些无人之地悄悄的享受着。 看看这位老哥, 一个人从海滩推下单人皮划艇缓缓划入海中, 是不是面对这样的景色,一切烦恼都可以抛之脑后呢?


这个中译常作:麦肯锡 发音可以读:mai ken sei

i"m sorry to hear that the sick man is ----(hopeful,hopeless)选择所给的形容词填空

hopeless理由 根据句意 我听到这个病人无望救治的消息很难过hopeful是充满希望的意思,和句意不符。供参考。

black hole是什么意思

Black Hole的意思是黑洞,是现代广义相对论中,存在于宇宙空间中的一种天体。黑洞的引力极其强大,使得视界内的逃逸速度大于光速。故而,“黑洞是时空曲率大到光都无法从其事件视界逃脱的天体”。1916年,德国天文学家卡尔·史瓦西通过计算得到了爱因斯坦场方程的一个真空解,这个解表明,如果一个静态球对称星体实际半径小于一个定值,其周围会产生奇异的现象,即存在一个界面——“视界”,一旦进入这个界面,即使光也无法逃脱。这个定值称作史瓦西半径,这种“不可思议的天体”被美国物理学家约翰·阿奇博尔德·惠勒命名为“黑洞”。


如题   ,    平鲉     rockfish       平鲉科    Sebastidae     鱼类   (种类繁多 ,具体哪种不知 )下图为       翼平鲉    Sebastes pinniger   (canary rockfish)下图为       铜平鲉    Sebastes Caurinus  (Copper Rockfish)下图为      锉头平鲉    Sebastes ruberrimus  (Yelloweye Rockfish )全身除两颌、眶前骨和鳃盖无鳞外均被细圆鳞。背及两侧灰褐色,具不规则黑色斑纹,胸腹部灰白色。背鳍黑黄色,其余各鳍灰黑色。头部背棱较低,其后端具尖棘。眼大,位高,间距宽平。侧线明显,由头部延伸至尾部前端。暖温性底层鱼类,大者可达300多毫米。栖息在沿岸岩石底质底层水域,幼鱼具漂浮性,卵胎生,可做为食用鱼、观赏鱼。





正义联盟的black canary(黑金丝雀)都在哪些动画的哪几集登场过,请高人指点





pocket[英][ˈpɒkɪt][美][ˈpɑ:kɪt]n.口袋,钱袋; 金钱,财富; 容器; 凹处; vt.隐藏; 放进口袋; 私吞,盗用; 忍受; adj.放在口袋里的; 小的,迷你的; 金钱上的; hole[英][həʊl][美][hoʊl]n.洞,孔; 洞穴,穴; 缺陷; <口>绝境; vt.& vi.(在…上)打洞或穿孔; vi.凿洞; (高尔夫球等)进洞;

black canary什么意思

黑色金丝雀(Black Canary)是黛娜·劳雷尔·兰斯(Dinah Laurel Lance)的绰号,于1983年的正义联盟初次登场。DC漫画创造的虚拟英雄之一。黛娜·劳雷尔·兰斯是美丽性感的格斗天才。本名黛娜·劳雷尔·兰斯,出生于一个犯罪斗士家庭:她的父亲拉里·兰斯,是一名警官。而她的母亲黛娜德雷克就是黄金时代的黑金丝雀。

Trucking of container by barge请问这个怎么翻译?


jack-up barge是什么意思

jack-up barge提高驳船


我只用过一个,就是stock。我写作文的时候,说很多人玩股票,什么什么的,那个时候是用stocks,我老师让我用这个。第一个它的原型应该是security, 它有安全的意思,在股票那个应该算是证券。instruments这个有器材的意思,我到不知道有表示股票的意思

里面的Samuel L.Jackson完整资料谁有吗??

Samuel L. JacksonDate of birth (location)21 December 1948Washington, District of Columbia, USA Mini biographySamuel L. Jackson usually played bad guys and drug addicts before becoming... (show more) Sometimes Credited As:Samuel Jackson / Sam Jackson Actor - filmographyThe Jailhouse Lawyer (2006) (announced) Poker Nights (2007) (pre-production) "Afro Samurai" (2006) (mini) TV Series (pre-production) (voice) .... Afro Samurai2004: A Light Knight"s Odyssey (2006) (filming) (voice) .... FearSnakes on a Plane (2006) (post-production) .... Nelville FlynnBlack Snake Moan (2006) (post-production) .... LazarusFreedomland (2006) .... Lorenzo Council"The Boondocks" - A Date with the Health Inspector (2005) TV Episode (voice) .... Jin RummiThe Man (2005) .... Derrick VannStar Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) .... Mace WinduxXx: State of the Union (2005) .... Agent Augustus Gibbons... aka XXX 2: The Next Level (Australia) (International: English title) (UK) ... aka xXx 2: The Next Level (Hong Kong: English title) (Malaysia: English title) ... aka Cold Circle & Intersection (Philippines: English title: review title) ... aka XXX²: The Next Level (Singapore: English title) ... aka xXx²: The Next Level (UK) ... aka xXx2: The Next Level (Australia) Mr. Incredible and Pals (2005) (V) (voice) .... Real FrozoneCoach Carter (2005) .... Coach Ken CarterThe Incredibles (2004/II) (VG) (voice) .... FrozoneThe Incredibles (2004) (voice) .... Lucius Best/FrozoneGrand Theft Auto: San Andreas (2004) (VG) (voice) .... Officer Frank Tenpenny... aka GTA 4 (USA: short title) ... aka GTA: San Andreas (USA: short title) ... aka Grand Theft Auto V (USA) ... aka San Andreas (USA: short title) Kill Bill: Vol. 2 (2004) .... Rufus... aka Kill Bill (USA: closing credits title) ... aka Kill Bill 2 (USA: informal title) ... aka Vol. 2 (USA: opening credits title) Twisted (2004/I) .... John MillsCountry of My Skull (2004) .... Langston Whitfield... aka In My Country (USA) S.W.A.T. (2003) .... Sgt. Dan "Hondo" HarrelsonCoaching the Minors (2003) .... As himselfBasic (2003) .... WestxXx (2002) .... Agent Augustus Gibbons... aka Triple X (USA: informal English title) The House on Turk Street (2002) .... Jack Friar... aka No Good Deed (USA: new title) Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) .... Mace Windu... aka Attack of the Clones: The IMAX Experience (USA: IMAX version (promotional title)) ... aka Star Wars II (USA: promotional abbreviation) ... aka Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones (USA: video box title) Changing Lanes (2002) .... Doyle GipsonThe Comeback (2002) "The Proud Family" - Seven Days of Kwanzaa (2001) TV Episode (voice) .... JosephThe 51st State (2001) .... Elmo McElroy... aka Formula 51 (USA) ... aka Formule 51 (Canada: French title) The Caveman"s Valentine (2001) .... Romulus Ledbetter... aka The Sign of the Killer (UK: video title) Unbreakable (2000) .... Elijah PriceShaft (2000) .... John Shaft... aka Shaft - Noch Fragen? (Germany) "WWF Smackdown!" ... aka Smackdown! (USA: new title) ... aka Smackdown! Xtreme (USA) ... aka WWE Smackdown! (USA: new title) ... aka World Wrestling Federation Smackdown! (USA) - Episode dated 15 June 2000 (2000) TV Episode (uncredited) .... John ShaftRules of Engagement (2000) .... Col. Terry L. Childers... aka Règles d"engagement, Les (Canada: French title) ... aka Rules - Sekunden der Entscheidung (Germany) Any Given Wednesday (2000) .... Willie NutterDeep Blue Sea (1999) .... Russell FranklinStar Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) .... Mace Windu... aka Star Wars I: The Phantom Menace (USA: video box title) ... aka The Phantom Menace (USA: short title) Our Friend, Martin (1999) (V) (voice) .... TurnerViolon rouge, Le (1998) .... Charles Morritz (Montréal)... aka The Red Violin (Canada: English title) (USA) ... aka Violino rosso, Il (Italy) The Negotiator (1998) .... Lt. Danny Roman... aka Verhandlungssache (Germany) Out of Sight (1998) (uncredited) .... Hejira HenrySphere (1998) .... Dr. Harry Adams"Saturday Night Live" ... aka NBC"s Saturday Night (USA: original title) ... aka SNL ... aka SNL 25 (USA: new title) ... aka Saturday Night Live "80 (USA: new title) - Episode #23.10 (1998) TV Episode .... HostJackie Brown (1997) .... Ordell RobbieEve"s Bayou (1997) .... Louis BatisteOne Eight Seven (1997) .... Trevor GarfieldThe Long Kiss Goodnight (1996) .... Mitch HenesseyA Time to Kill (1996) .... Carl Lee HaileyTrees Lounge (1996) .... WendellThe Great White Hype (1996) .... Rev. Fred SultanSydney (1996) .... Jimmy... aka Hard Eight (USA: changed title) Fluke (1995) (voice) .... RumboDie Hard: With a Vengeance (1995) .... Zeus Carver... aka Die Hard 3 Kiss of Death (1995/I) .... Calvin HartLosing Isaiah (1995) .... Kadar Lewis"Happily Ever After: Fairy Tales for Every Child" (1995) TV Series (voice) The Search for One-eye Jimmy (1994) .... Col. RonThe New Age (1994) .... Dale DeveauxPulp Fiction (1994) .... Jules WinnfieldAgainst the Wall (1994) (TV) .... JamaalAssault at West Point: The Court-Martial of Johnson Whittaker (1994) (TV) .... Richard Greener... aka Assault at Westpoint (USA: short title) Hail Caesar (1994) .... MailmanFresh (1994) .... SamTrue Romance (1993) .... Big Don... aka Breakaway (Philippines: English title) Jurassic Park (1993) .... Ray Arnold... aka JP (USA: promotional abbreviation) Menace II Society (1993) .... Tat LawsonAmos & Andrew (1993) .... Andrew SterlingLoaded Weapon 1 (1993) .... Sgt. Wes Luger... aka National Lampoon"s Loaded Weapon 1 Simple Justice (1993) (TV) .... The Steward"I"ll Fly Away" - Since Walter (1992) TV Episode "Ghostwriter" - Who Burned Mr. Brinker"s Store?: Part 1 (1992) TV Episode .... Reggie Jenkins - Ghost Story: Part 1 (1992) TV Episode .... Reggie JenkinsPatriot Games (1992) .... Lt. Cmdr. Robby JacksonWhite Sands (1992) .... Greg MeekerJuice (1992) .... Trip... aka Angel Town 2 (Europe: English title: video catalogue title) Jumpin" at the Boneyard (1992) .... Mr. SimpsonFathers & Sons (1992) .... MarshallDead and Alive: The Race for Gus Farace (1991) (TV) .... Hatcher... aka Dead and Alive ... aka In the Line of Duty: Mob Justice ... aka Mob Justice (USA) Strictly Business (1991) (as Sam Jackson) .... Monroe"Roc" ... aka Roc Live - Hearts and Diamonds (1991) TV Episode .... LarryJohnny Suede (1991) .... B-BopJungle Fever (1991) .... Gator Purify"Law & Order" - The Violence of Summer (1991) TV Episode .... Louis TaggertThe Return of Superfly (1990) (as Sam Jackson) .... Nate CabotGoodfellas (1990) .... Stacks Edwards... aka GoodFellas (USA: promotional title (video box title) (poster title)) The Exorcist III (1990) .... Dream blind man... aka The Exorcist III: Legion ... aka William Peter Blatty"s The Exorcist III Mo" Better Blues (1990) .... MadlockBetsy"s Wedding (1990) .... Taxi Dispatcher (Mickey)Def by Temptation (1990) .... Minister GarthA Shock to the System (1990) .... Ulysses (three-card monte game)Sea of Love (1989) .... Black GuyDo the Right Thing (1989) (as Sam Jackson) .... Mister Senor Love Daddy"The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd" - Here"s Why You Should Always Make Your Bed in the Morning (1989) TV Episode .... Brother Elvis"A Man Called Hawk" - Intensive Care (1989) TV Episode Dead Man Out (1989) (TV) .... Calvin Fredricks... aka Dead Man Walking Coming to America (1988) .... Hold-Up Man... aka Prince in New York (Europe: English title: video title) School Daze (1988) .... LeedsEddie Murphy Raw (1987) .... Eddie"s uncle (sketch)... aka Raw (USA: short title) "Spenser: For Hire" - My Enemy, My Friend (1987) TV Episode .... Ned - White Knight (1986) TV Episode .... Leroy ClancyMagic Sticks (1987) (as Sam Jackson) .... BumUncle Tom"s Cabin (1987) (TV) (as Samuel Jackson) .... George HarrisRagtime (1981) .... Gang Member No. 2The Trial of the Moke (1978) (TV) The Displaced Person (1977) (TV) Together for Days (1972) .... Stan... aka Black Cream (USA) Producer - filmography"Afro Samurai" (2006) (mini) TV Series (pre-production) (co-producer) (executive producer) The 51st State (2001) (executive producer) ... aka Formula 51 (USA) ... aka Formule 51 (Canada: French title) The Caveman"s Valentine (2001) (executive producer) ... aka The Sign of the Killer (UK: video title) Eve"s Bayou (1997) (producer) Miscellaneous Crew - filmographyThe Inspectors: Clues to the Crime (2004) (V) (special thanks) Beneath the Surface: The Making of "Sphere" (1998) (TV) (special thanks) "The Cosby Show" (1984) TV Series (stand-in: Bill Cosby) (1985-1989)

求dick in the box的歌词!!!急!!!!

[00:05.44]Hey girl, I got somethin" real important to give you[00:09.67]So just sit down and listen[00:13.61]Girl you know we"ve been together such a long, long time (such a long time)[00:19.74]And now I"m ready to lay it on the line[00:25.54](Wooow) You know it"s Christmas and my heart is open wide (open wide)[00:32.50]Gonna give you something so you know what"s on my mind (what is on my mind)[00:37.35]A gift real special, so take off the top[00:43.25]Take a look inside -- it"s my dick in a box (it"s in a box)[00:49.57]Not gonna get you a diamond ring[00:52.49]That sort of gift don"t mean anything[00:55.21]Not gonna get you a fancy car[00:58.25]Girl ya gotta know you"re my shining star[01:01.37]Not gonna get you a house in the hills[01:04.54]A girl like you needs somethin" real[01:07.28]Wanna get you somethin" from the heart[01:10.32]Somethin" special girl[01:11.76]It"s my dick in a box, my dick in a box girl[01:18.61]It"s my dick in a box, my dick in a box girl[01:24.94]See I"m wise enough to know when a gift needs givin" (girl)[01:29.63]And I got just the one, somethin" to show ya that you are second to none[01:36.69]To all the fellas out there with ladies to impress[01:40.47]It"s easy to do just follow these steps[01:43.48]1: Cut a hole in a box[01:46.69]2: Put your junk in that box[01:49.62]3: Make her open the box[01:52.64]And that"s the way you do it[01:54.66]It"s my dick in a dick in a box girl[02:00.44]It"s my dick in a box, my dick in a box girl[02:07.53]Christmas; dick in a box[02:10.56]Hanukkah; dick in a box[02:13.55]Kwanzaa; a dick in a box[02:16.64]Every single holiday a dick in a box[02:19.68]Over at your parent"s house a dick in a box[02:22.53]Mid day at the grocery store a dick in a box[02:25.53]Backstage at the CMA"s a dick in a box (yeah-wow-wow-wow-wow-wow)[02:33.58]A dick in a box, a dick in a box, a dick in a box...

Dick In A Box 歌词

歌曲名:Dick In A Box歌手:The Lonely Island专辑:IncredibadHey girl I got somethin" real important to give youGirl ya gotta know you"re my shining starSo just sit down and listenGirl you know we"ve been together such a long long time (such a long time)And now I"m ready to lay it on the line(Wooow) You know it"s Christmas and my heart is open wideGonna give you something so you know what"s on my mindA gift real special, so take off the topTake a look inside - It"s my dick in a boxNot gonna get you a diamond ringThat sort of gift don"t mean anythingNot gonna get you a fancy carGirl ya gotta know you"re my shining starNot gonna get you a house in the hillsA girl like you needs somethin" realWanna get you somethin" from the heartSomethin" special girlIt"s my dick in a box, my dick in a box babeIt"s my dick in a box, my dick in a box girlSee I"m wise enough to know when a gift needs givin" (yeah)And I got just the one, somethin" to show ya that you are second to noneTo all the fellas out there with ladies to impressIt"s easy to do just follow these stepsOne:Cut a hole in a boxTwo:Put your junk in that boxThree:Make her open the boxAnd that"s the way you do itIt"s my dick in a box… my dick in a box babeIt"s my dick in a box, my dick in a box girlChristmas; dick in a boxHanukkah; dick in a boxKwanzaa; a dick in a boxEvery single holiday a dick in a boxOver at your parent"s house a dick in a boxMid day at the grocery store a dick in a boxBackstage at the CMA"s a dick in a box (yeah-wow-wow-wow-wow-wow)A dick in a box…

I was stuck和I was fired什么意思


求这首爆笑歌的歌词!DickinaBox 《盒子里有只鸟》

Hey girl I got somethin" real important to give you 嘿、 女孩 、我有个很重要的东西要送给你 So just sit down and listen 所以坐好 、仔细听了 Girl you know we"ve been together such a long long time (such a long time) 女孩,你知道 我们在一起已经很长一段时间了(有够长的时间) And now I"m ready to lay it on the line 现在我已经准备好要坦白讲 (Wooow) You know it"s Christmas and my heart is open wide Wooow~你知道现在是圣诞节,我的心房已经大开 Gonna give you something so you know what"s on my mind 我要给你个好东西,让你明白我的真心意 A gift real special、so take off the top 一个真的特别的礼物,所以打开盖子吧 Take a look inside 、it"s my dick in a box 看看里面的玩意 、是我的大鸟在盒子里啊 Not gonna get you a diamond ring 没有要给你钻石戒指 That sort of gift don"t mean anything 那种东西一点意意也没有 Not gonna get you a fancy car 不是给你一台漂亮的车 Girl ya gotta know you"re my shining star 你可要知道你是我心中最闪亮的星 Not gonna get you a house in the hills 没有要给你山丘上的别墅 A girl like you needs somethin" real 像你这样特别的女孩需要更真实的东西 Wanna get you somethin" from the heart 真心的想给你这个礼物 Somethin" special girl 真的特别的好东西,女孩 It"s my dick in a box、my dick in a box babe 就是我的大鸟在盒子里,盒子里有鸟,宝贝 It"s my dick in a box、my dick in a box girl 就是我的大鸟在盒子里,盒子里有鸟,女孩 See I"m wise enough to know when a gift needs givin" (yeah) 你看我真是有够聪明,知道该在什麼时候送好礼 And I got just the one、somethin" to show ya that you are second to none 我刚好挑了这个,这个可以代表你独一无二的好东西 To all the fellas out there with ladies to impress 给那些想让小姐印象深刻的朋友们 It"s easy to do just follow these steps 很简单 只要跟著这三个步骤 1: Cut a hole in a box 1.在盒子上开个洞 2: Put your junk in that box 2.把你那玩意放进盒子 3: Make her open the box 3.让她打开那盒子 And that"s the way you do it 这样一来就搞定了 It"s my dick in a box ,my dick in a box babe 就是我的大鸟在盒子里,盒子里有鸟,宝贝 It"s my dick in a box、my dick in a box girl 就是我的大鸟在盒子里,盒子里有鸟,女孩 Christmas; dick in a box 圣诞节;盒子里有鸟 Hanukkah; dick in a box (Hanukkah犹太教的光明节) 光明节;盒子里有鸟 Kwanzaa; a dick in a box(Kwanzaa非裔美人的宽扎文化节) 文化节;盒子里有鸟
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