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本田思域1. 品牌:很多车迷知道“懂车的人开本田”,而思域又是本田所有车型中最畅销的产品,问世至今,全球累计销售以突破1600万辆,占本田全球销量的三分之一,是一款名副其实的世界名车。 2. 外形:东风本田思域独特的流线型车体,令人砰然心动。当您置身车中,舒适自由的感受更带来满心欢喜。思域,从整车和前脸上看,运动韵味十足,从后面观之,又有一种别致、优雅的静态之美,动静皆宜。3. 动力:思域动力充沛、无可争议。思域搭载全新开发的1.8Li-VTEC发动机,最大功率是103千瓦,这在1.8L排量的车型当中算是功率比较高的了,同时具有独创的可变气门正时及升程电子控制系统,相当于1.8L的发动机达到2.0L发动机的动力,却只有1.5L发动机的油耗。4. 耗油低: 2006年国家发改委所公布的油耗中,思域的百公里油耗仅为6.9升,在所有的1.8升车辆中是最低的。在“思域超级节油王挑战赛”中,有车主创造了百公里油耗仅为4.6L的好成绩。为什么思域能省下这些油,除了发动机以外,车型、风阻系数达到惊人的0.29。5. 操纵性:东风本田思域配备了5速自动变速器与5速手动变速器,将i-VTEC发动机的优点最大限度的挖掘出来。变速箱档位多少决定驾驶者在换挡时的平顺度。档位分得越多越细,代表三点:1.变速箱的技术含量越高;2.汽车开起来更省油;3.换档时的顿挫感更少。因此,5档肯定比4档好。另外,思域底盘扎实、硬朗,在高速过弯时车身能保持良好的侧倾角度,使你能更加准确地掌控车辆。  6. 安全性:思域车体设计达到欧洲NCAP“五星级”安全标准。所有车型均采用了带EBD的ABS防抱死制动力系统,标准配置了高位刹车灯,正副驾驶SRS安全气囊系统,VTi-S级别更配有侧安全气帘。所有这些领先的配置皆融入了先进的安全技术。被动安全方面,思域采用本田独家G-CON技术的碰撞安全车身设计,有效减轻了给对方车辆及行人的伤害。  7. 空间:“买房看面积,买车看轴距”,思域的轴距是2700mm,如此轴距在同级车中绝对也是NO.1了,轴距越长,遇到颠簸路段时的平稳性就越好,这说明,思域在车身设计理念上更为先进。另外,思域独特的后坐平坦地板设计,使坐在中间的乘客也可舒舒服服地放置自己的双脚,对拥有家庭的车主而言,这一点格外受用。 8. 内饰:思域的内饰看起来像科幻电影里的太空车,充满了科幻感与梦幻感,令人目眩的自发光蓝色仪表盘,大胆的双层式仪表台加上科幻色彩的背景灯光,确实是非常的抢眼!车内整体采用的是浅色的内饰材料,配以带有金属质感的银色。完备的影音系统,逼真的娱乐效果仿佛身临其境。对所有细节,精心打造最完美的驾乘体验。人性化、科技化的领先设计在思域上表现的淋漓尽致。9. 环保性:环保方面,思域达到了欧洲4号排放标准。排放主要取决于发动机和循环过滤系统。思域达到欧4,说明它的造车技术成本及发动机的技术规格比较高。而同级别车型中很多只是欧3排放标准。  10. 性价比高:在技术和设计上,东风本田思域融入了本田全部技术精华--强动力、低油耗、高安全、真环保。更可贵的是,在同级别车中,思域的性价比优势凸显,确实叫人瞬间倾心、.


CIVIC2006年4月22日,全新CIVIC轿车在东风本田汽车有限公司(以下简称东风Honda)全国81家特约销售服务店同步举行上市活动。同时,倍受瞩目的全新CIVIC轿车市场零售价正式公布:EXi手动档/自动档价格为14.78 万元/15.78万元;VTi手动档/自动档价格为16.78万元/17.78万元;VTi-S手动档/自动档价格为17.88万元/18.88万元。作为Honda的主要车型,CIVIC已在世界上超过160个国家和地区销售,从1972年第一代面市以来,累计销售超过1600万辆,成为Honda单一车型中最畅销的产品。此次上市的全新CIVIC是第八代产品,结合中国的使用条件和消费者的驾驶与审美习惯进行全新设计,以“看,触摸,驾驶,都让人感到振奋”为开发理念,将动力性、经济性、行驶性能、室内空间、环保性能作为CIVIC的车型特点,实现高品质的感性诉求,更具竞争力。全新CIVIC配备1.8L i-VTEC发动机,具有独创的可变气门正时及升程电子控制系统,使发动机更具动力性与节能性,相当于2.0L级别发动机的动力,而只有1.5L级别发动机的油耗,尾气排放率先达到欧洲Ⅳ号标准。流线型的外观设计,彰显时尚动感,并有塔夫绸白、雪花银、夜鹰黑、中子蓝、水纹银和拉力红等多种颜色供消费者选择,独具个性。内饰设计精致典雅,室内空间宽敞,充满跑车动感的可调式方向盘,数字化双层次显示仪表盘,完美的影音系统,使驾驶充满无限乐趣。 安全性能方面,全新CIVIC配置带EBD的ABS防抱死制动系统,SRS安全气囊系统,加上Honda独有G-CON技术的碰撞安全车身设计,全面呵护驾驶者与行人的安全,VTi-S设计达到了欧洲安全性能基准NCAP的五星标准。全新CIVIC今年的市场销售目标是5万台。从3月20日新车正式发布并接受预定开始,全国特约销售服务店已接到超过两万三千多台预约订单。东风Honda也将在今年年底建成140余家特约销售服务店,消费者将享受到更为便捷与人性化的服务。今年3月,东风Honda完成了武汉工厂的扩建,年生产能力达到12万辆,同时能够生产CR-V( 报价; 图片)和CIVIC等多种乘用车型,综合竞争实力进一步加强。全新CIVIC在中国的上市,定会给中级轿车市场带来强劲的冲击,能否在竞争激烈的中级轿车市场力压群雄、独占鳌头,让我们拭目以待!

Honda Civic 是什么牌子的车?






















if you stand for nothing you will fall for nothing什么意思啊···急·····结合civics···


请问怎么翻译civics classes



civics是必修课,有0.5学分,上半学期,另外半学期是career,也是0.5.其实两个算是连接在一起的, civics讲的是加拿大的政府构成,就是比如说,加拿大分什么级别的政府,类似国内人大那种,议会啊,哪些人有选举权啊,还有忘了,不是很难,一般都会pass,另外这个是必修的。

外国的公务员也叫"civil servant"吗

是的civil servantn.文职人员,公务员,公仆,(联合国等机构的行政人员)也可以用office-bearercivilian

demoncratically elected civilian government是什么意思

原句:The military government refused to transfer power to democratically elected civilian government. 军政府拒绝将权力移交给一个民选的文职政府. -----请采纳~


civilisation [ ,sivilai"zeiʃən, -li"z- ] n. (英)文明(等于civilization)

请问civilian contractor是什么意思?


nonworkers civilian

无人监督的工人 随便谁都行阿,就譬如那些在工地上干活的人,他们的老板如果不在,他们就算是无人监督的工人阿.

civilian noninstitutionalized population应该怎么翻


between; civilian ; heavily 这英语用谐音怎么读?



civilians ,hardship可以做可数名词用,也可以做不可数名词,要看上下问情况 复数加S,transport是不可数名词,因此没有复数


分类: 教育/科学 >> 外语学习 解析: 是可数的,剑桥词典如是说: NOUN [C] a person who is not a member of the police, the armed forces, or a fire department

civilian target是什么意思?

这不是 “平民目标”的意思么

civilian labor force是什么意思


civilian maintenance是什么?

应该不是吧~Civilian最常见的解释就是我们通常说的“土木”。实际上civilian maintenance应该就是指土木维修、维护,civilian maintenance supervisor指维修监工、维修指导,maintenance area指维修区域。跟囚犯貌似没什么必然联系啊

nitrogen ; hydrogen;civilian 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~


between; civilian ; heavily 这英语用谐音怎么读?

北囤,瑟伟林,还未嘞 。不要习惯性用谐音,还是要学会音标记单词!

行尸走肉第2季中第10集最后wye oak civilian 这首歌 是什么意思 求翻译中文

词:Jennifer Lynn Wasner曲:Jennifer Lynn Wasner编曲:Wye OakI am nothing without pretendI know my faultsCan"t live with themI am nothing without a manI know my thoughtsBut I can"t hide themI still keep my baby teethIn the bedside table with my jewelryYou still sleep in the bed with meMy jewelry, and my baby teethI don"t need another friendWhen most of themI can barely keep up with themPerfectly able to hold my own handBut I still can"t kiss my own neckI wanted yo give you everythingBut I still stand in awe of superficial thingsI wanted to love you like My mother"s mother"s mother didCivilian, civilian - - 好吧,彻底无能。翻译不来。只找到了英文歌词,


做平民讲是可数名词Air raids kill 60 civilians in Afghanistan空袭杀死了80名阿富汗平民


civilians ,hardship可以做可数名词用,也可以做不可数名词,要看上下问情况 复数加S,transport是不可数名词,因此没有复数


civil 单纯意思是国内的 civil citizen国民同胞 ,civil engineering 土木工程。civilization 是文明的意思。

nitrogen ; hydrogen;civilian 这英语在美式英语中怎么读?求谐音的读法~


populace 和 civilian的区别?

civilianci.vil.ian[sə`vIljən; siˋviljən]名词1 (C)a. (与军人、神职人员相对) 一般人,平民,军中的文职人员 [公务员]b. 非战斗人员2 [~s] (与军服相对的) 便服形容词1 a. (与军职、神职相对) 一般人的,民间的; 非军事的a ~ airplane民航机b. (与军人相[plI`biən; pliˋbi:ən]可数名词1 (古罗马的) 平民(cf. patrician 1)2 庶民形容词1 (古罗马的) 平民的2 庶民的; 下等的3 鄙俗的,平庸的

civilian 和其他的有群众平民的单词有什么区别?


cooperative; civilian ;orchestra 这英语用谐音怎么读?


mere; civilian ;orchestra 这英语用谐音怎么读?


civil 和civilian 区别在哪里?

civilKK: []DJ: []a.1. 市民的,国民的,公民的;民用的[Z][B]Martin Luther King was the leader of the civil rights movement.马丁·路德·金是民权运动的领袖。2. 一般平民的,民间的;文职的;世俗的[Z][B]It might be long before civil government would be re-established.重建文官政府也许要等很长时间。3. 【律】民事的;法定的[Z][B]It was a civil case so there was no question of him being sent to prison.这是一宗民事案件,所以不存在判他监禁的问题。4. 彬彬有礼的,客气的;文明的It"s civil of you to say so.你这样说是很有礼貌的。5. 国内的[Z][B]Patriotic soldiers appealed for the prevention of a civil war.爱国的士兵呼吁防止发生内战。civilianKK: []DJ: []n.[C]1. (与军、警相对的)平民,百姓2. 民法专家;罗马法专家a.1. 平民的;百姓的;民用的civilian clothes便服


这些名词均含有“居民,公民”之意。  citizen :指拥有某国国籍或有某地区合法身份的人,即公民。  例如:She is a British citizen but lives in India.(她是一位英国公民,但住在印度。)  civilian :指相对于军人或官员的平民百姓。  例如:Many civilians were killed in the war.(在这场战争中有许多平民被杀死。)  inhabitant :最普通用词,一般指常住居民。  例如:I lived in a small town of 5000 inhabitants.(我住在一个有5000住户的小镇。)  resident :多指长期居住或暂时居住的民民,有时也指旅居者。  例如:I"ve been resident in this hotel for five years.(我已经在这家旅馆住了五年。)  native :指土生土长的本地居民。  例如:Are you a native, or just a visitor?(你是本地人还是外来人?)


civilian 英[su0259"vu026alu026au0259n] 美[su026au02c8vu026alju0259n] n. 平民,百姓;市民;文官;民法学者 adj. 民用的;平民的 名词复数:civilians [例句]Being a civilian doesn "t suit me.安安稳稳地做一个平民不适合我。更多示例用法>>




civilian是 平民citizen 是 市民 公民civilian 英[səˈvɪliən] 美[sɪˈvɪljən] n. 文官; 市民; 平民,百姓; 民法学者; adj. 平民的; 民用的;


civilian [su026a"vu026alj(u0259)n] n. 平民,百姓adj. 民用的;百姓的,平民的The enemy soldier disguised as civilian. 一名敌兵伪装成了平民。

人民(demos)与公民(civilian )什么区别(政治上,外文上都要讲)

公民是citizen ~~ civilian 也是 肤浅了

名词解释题:Anglo-saxon Invasion ,Civil Service (U,k.)

Anglo-saxon Invasion:安格鲁萨克逊侵略 - 公元五世纪欧洲大陆的两个民族(现德国)入侵英国,是现在英国人的祖先 Civil Service:前面提过

古埃及文明简介 英文 Egyptian Civilization




The iron fire-basket was carried bodily out by Mr

以 Craze for Civil Service Examinations 为题写一篇英语作文

  Craze for Civil Service ExaminationsIn the present China, nobody don"t want to seek a job, not to mention a good job. The government office seem a good position to most people, consequently civil service examination recent years turn quite craze. Why?In many a analysis about the phenomenon, college graduated is undoubtedly main force as such youngsters armed latest learning and skills, leading vision and ideas must be welcome everywhere, while government need so fresh-flooding into every years that leave the creative sufficiently all the time.What"s more, having worked people became second force to participate the exam has yet a little strange even though the number of them gets soaring recent years. On the one hand, these average citizens are eager to change their life, or want to challenge entire different occupation, or both. On the other, global economy down continuing years is provoking the majority of residents into trying to take measures to get the affection away, while stable income of government office produced perfectly obvious attraction than before.Anyhow, the craze for civil service examinations appearing today is not more isolated case than abnormal situation, but that is special produce under special condition and surroundings.

以 Craze for Civil Service Examinations 为题写一篇英语作文

  Craze for Civil Service Examinations In the present China,nobody don"t want to seek a job,not to mention a good job.The government office seem a good position to most people,consequently civil service examination recent years turn quite craze.Why? In many a analysis about the phenomenon,college graduated is undoubtedly main force as such youngsters armed latest learning and skills,leading vision and ideas must be welcome everywhere,while government need so fresh-flooding into every years that leave the creative sufficiently all the time. What"s more,having worked people became second force to participate the exam has yet a little strange even though the number of them gets soaring recent years.On the one hand,these average citizens are eager to change their life,or want to challenge entire different occupation,or both.On the other,global economy down continuing years is provoking the majority of residents into trying to take measures to get the affection away,while stable income of government office produced perfectly obvious attraction than before. Anyhow,the craze for civil service examinations appearing today is not more isolated case than abnormal situation,but that is special produce under special condition and surroundings.



censored, conducive ,curse , extensive,....什么意思??

检察, 有助于, 诅咒, 广泛, 调遣衣服, 禁止,亵渎, 据称, 使有名望, 装扮, 维护, 粗俗

the civil rights movement in America

  The Civil Rights Movement in the United States has been a long, primarily nonviolent struggle to bring full civil rights and equality under the law to all Americans. The movement has had a lasting impact on United States society, in its tactics, the increased social and legal acceptance of civil rights, and in its exposure of the prevalence and cost of racism.  The American Civil Rights movement has been made up of many movements. The term usually refers to the political struggles and reform movements between 1945 and 1970 to end discrimination against African Americans and to end legal racial segregation, especially in the U.S. South.  This article focuses on an earlier phase of the struggle. Two United States Supreme Court decisions—Plessy v. Ferguson, 163 U.S. 537 (1896), which upheld "separate but equal" racial segregation as constitutional doctrine, and Brown v. Board of Education, 347 U.S. 483 (1954) which overturned Plessy— serve as milestones. This was an era of stops and starts, in which some movements, such as Marcus Garvey"s Universal Negro Improvement Association, achieved great success but left little lasting legacy, while others, such as the NAACP"s painstaking legal assault on state-sponsored segregation, achieved modest results in its early years but made steady progress on voter rights and gradually built to a key victory in Brown v. Board of Education.  After the Civil War, the U. S. expanded the legal rights of African Americans. Congress passed, and enough states ratified, an amendment ending slavery in 1865—the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This amendment only outlawed slavery; it did not provide equal rights, nor citizenship. In 1868, the 14th Amendment was ratified by the states, granting African Americans citizenship. Black persons born in the U. S. were extended equal protection under the laws of the Constitution. The 15th Amendment was ratified in (1870), which stated that race could not be used as a condition to deprive men of the ability to vote. During Reconstruction (1865-1877), Northern troops occupied the South. Together with the Freedmen"s Bureau, they tried to administer and enforce the new constitutional amendments. Many black leaders were elected to local and state offices, and others organized community groups.  Reconstruction ended following the Compromise of 1877 between Northern and Southern white elites. In exchange for deciding the contentious Presidential election in favor of Rutherford B. Hayes, supported by Northern states, over his opponent, Samuel J. Tilden, the compromise called for the withdrawal of Northern troops from the South. This followed violence and fraud in southern elections in 1876, which had reduced black voter turnout and enabled Southern white Democrats to regain power in state legislatures across the South. The compromise and withdrawal of Federal troops meant that white Democrats had more freedom to impose and enforce discriminatory practices. Many African Americans responded to the withdrawal of federal troops by leaving the South in what is known as the Kansas Exodus of 1879.  The Radical Republicans, who spearheaded Reconstruction, had attempted to eliminate both governmental and private discrimination by legislation. That effort was largely ended by the Supreme Court"s decision in the Civil Rights Cases, 109 U.S. 3 (1883), in which the Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment did not give Congress power to outlaw racial discrimination by private individuals or businesses.  Segregation  The Supreme Court"s decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld state-mandated discrimination in public transportation under the "separate but equal" doctrine. While in the 20th century, the Supreme Court began to overturn state statutes that disfranchised African Americans, as in Guinn v. United States (1915), with Plessy, it upheld segregation that Southern states enforced in nearly every other sphere of public and private life.  As Justice Harlan, the only member of the Court to dissent from the decision, predicted:  If a state can prescribe, as a rule of civil conduct, that whites and blacks shall not travel as passengers in the same railroad coach, why may it not so regulate the use of the streets of its cities and towns as to compel white citizens to keep on one side of a street, and black citizens to keep on the other? Why may it not, upon like grounds, punish whites and blacks who ride together in street cars or in open vehicles on a public road or street? . . . .  The Court soon extended Plessy to uphold segregated schools. In Berea College v. Kentucky, 211 U.S. 45 (1908), the Court upheld a Kentucky statute that barred Berea College, a private institution, from teaching both black and white students in an integrated setting. Many states, particularly in the South, took Plessy and Berea as blanket approval for restrictive laws, generally known as Jim Crow laws, that created second-class status for African-Americans.  In many cities and towns, African-Americans were not allowed to share a taxi with whites or enter a building through the same entrance. They had to drink from separate water fountains, use separate restrooms, attend separate schools, be buried in separate cemeteries and even swear on separate Bibles. They were excluded from restaurants and public libraries. Many parks barred them with signs that read "Negroes and dogs not allowed." One municipal zoo went so far as to list separate visiting hours.  The etiquette of racial segregation was even harsher, particularly in the South. African Americans were expected to step aside to let a white person pass, and black men dared not look any white woman in the eye. Black men and women were addressed as "Tom" or "Jane", but rarely as "Mr." or "Miss" or "Mrs." Whites referred to black men of any age as "boy" and a black woman as "girl"; both often were called by labels such as "nigger" or "colored."  Less formal social segregation in the North began to yield to change.  Jackie Robinson"s Major League Baseball debut, 1947  Jackie Robinson was a sports pioneer of the Civil Rights Movement. Jackie Robinson is most well known for becoming the first African American to play professional sports in the major leagues. He is not often recognized as one of earliest public figures in the Civil Rights Movement. He debuted with the Brooklyn Dodgers of Major League Baseball on April 15, 1947. Jackie Robinson"s first major league game came one year before the U.S. Army was integrated, seven years before Brown v. Board of Education, eight years before Rosa Parks, and before Martin Luther King Jr. was leading the Civil Rights Movement. Jackie Robinson stepped into the spotlight before many of the most notable people in the Civil Rights Movement history. Every day he played, he was an example and role model for countless children and youths.  Disfranchisement  Main article: Disfranchisement after the Civil War  By the turn of the century, white-dominated Southern legislatures disfranchised nearly all age-eligible African American voters through a combination of statute and constitutional provisions. While requirements applied to all citizens, in practice, they were targeted at blacks and poor whites, and subjectively administered. In addition, opponents of black civil rights used economic reprisals and sometimes violence in the 1880s to discourage blacks from registering to vote.  Mississippi was the first state to have such constitutional provisions, such as poll taxes, literacy tests (which depended on subjective by white registrars), and complicated record keeping to establish residency, litigated before the Supreme Court. In 1898 the Court upheld the state, in Williams v. Mississippi. Other Southern states quickly adopted the "Mississippi plan", and from 1890-1908, ten states adopted new constitutions with provisions to disfranchise most blacks and many poor whites. States continued to disfranchise these groups for decades. Blacks were most adversely affected, as in many states black voter turnout dropped to zero. Poor whites were also disfranchised. In Alabama, for instance, by 1941, 600,000 poor whites had been disfranchised, and 520,000 blacks.[1]  It was not until the 20th century that litigation by African Americans on such provisions began to meet some success before the Supreme Court. In 1915 in Guinn v. United States, the Court declared Oklahoma"s "grandfather law", to be unconstitutional. Although the decision affected all states that used the grandfather clause, state legislatures quickly devised new devices to continue disfranchisement. Each provision or statute had to be litigated separately. One device the Democratic Party began to use more widely in Southern states was the white primary, which served for decades to disfranchise the few blacks who managed to get past barriers of voter registration. Barring blacks from voting in the Democratic Party primaries meant they had no chance to vote in the only competitive contests. White primaries were not struck down by the Supreme Court until Smith v. Allwright in 1944.  Criminal law and lynching  In 1880, the United States Supreme Court ruled in Strauder v. West Virginia, 100 U.S. 303 (1880) that African Americans could not be excluded from juries. The late 19th century disfranchisement of blacks in the South, however, meant that blacks were routinely barred from jury service, as it was reserved for voters only. This left them at the mercy of a white justice system arrayed against them. In some states, particularly Alabama, the state used the criminal justice system to reestablish a form of peonage in the form of the convict-lease system. The state sentenced black males to years of imprisonment, which they spent working without pay. The state leased prisoners to private employers, such as Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company, a subsidiary of United States Steel Corporation, which paid the state for their labor. Because the state made money, the system created incentives for the jailing of more men, who were disproportionately black. It also created a system in which treatment of prisoners received little oversight.  Extra-judicial punishment was even more brutal. During the last decade of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th century, white vigilantes lynched thousands of black males, sometimes with the overt assistance of state officials, mostly within the South. No whites were charged with crimes in any of those massacres. Whites were, in fact, so confident of their immunity from prosecution for lynching that they not only photographed the victims, but made postcards out of the pictures.  The Ku Klux Klan, which had largely disappeared after a brief violent career in the early years of Reconstruction, reappeared in 1915. It grew mostly in industrializing cities of the South and Midwest that underwent the most rapid growth from 1910-1930. Social instability contributed to racial tensions from severe competition for jobs and housing. People joined KKK groups who were anxious about their place in American society, as cities were rapidly changed by a combination of industrialization, migration of blacks and whites from the rural South, and waves of increased immigration from mostly rural southern and eastern Europe.[2]  Initially the KKK presented itself as another fraternal organization devoted to betterment of its members. The KKK"s revival was inspired in part by the movie Birth of a Nation, which glorified the earlier Klan and dramatized the racist stereotypes concerning blacks of that era. The Klan focused on political mobilization, which allowed it to gain power in states such as Indiana, on a platform that combined racism with anti-immigrant, anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic and anti-union rhetoric, but also supported lynching. It reached its peak of membership and influence about 1925, declining rapidly afterward as opponents mobilized.[3]  Segregated economic life and education  In addition to excluding blacks from equal participation in many areas of public life, white society also kept blacks in a position of economic subservience or marginality. After widespread losses from disease and financial failures in the late 19th c., black farmers in the South worked in virtual economic bondage as sharecroppers or tenant farmers. Employers and labor unions generally restricted African Americans to the worst paid and least desirable jobs. Because of the lack of steady, well-paid jobs, relatively undistinguished positions, such as those with the Pullman Porter or as hotel doorman, became prestigious positions in black communities.  The Jim Crow system that excluded African-Americans from many areas of economic life led to creation of a vigorous, but stunted economic life within the segregated sphere. Black newspapers sprang up throughout the North, while black owners of insurance and funeral establishments acquired disproportionate influence as both economic and political leaders.  Continuing to see education as the primary route of advancement and critical for the race, many talented blacks went into teaching, which had high respect as a profession. Segregated schools for blacks were underfunded in the South and ran on shortened schedules in rural areas. Despite segregation in Washington, DC, by contrast, as Federal employees, black and white teachers were paid on the same scale. Outstanding black teachers in the North received advanced degrees and taught in highly regarded schools, which trained the next generation of leaders in cities such as Chicago, Washington, and New York.  Education, in fact, w

the influence of American civil rights movement?


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civilized society是什么意思

civilized society文明社会双语对照词典结果:网络释义1. 文明社会例句:1.In a civilized society, freedom can not be unfettered. 在一个文明社会,自由不可能是无限制的。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

a civilized society是什么意思

a civilized society的意思是:一个文明社会。a的意思:名词:字母,第一流的,学业成绩达最高标准的评价符号。缩写词:.[物]安(ampere) civilize的意思:及物动词: 使文明,教化,使开化。不及物动词: 变得文明。civilized的意思:形容词:文明的,有礼貌的。动词:教化,使…文明,启发(civilize的过去分词)。   society的意思:名词:社会,交往,社团,社交界。   所以a civilized society的意思是:一个文明社会。


civilization, culture 这两个名词均含“文化,文明”之意。civilization : 指广义的文化,标志人类发展开化的进程。强调物质方面的文明。culture : 侧重指精神方面,即多由科技、文化等所体现的人类智力开发的程度。


civilization, culture 这两个名词均含“文化,文明”之意。civilization : 指广义的文化,标志人类发展开化的进程。强调物质方面的文明。 The Romans brought civilization to many of the lands theyconquered.(罗马人给他们征服的许多地区带来了文明。)culture : 侧重指精神方面,即多由科技、文化等所体现的人类智力开发的程度。 He has studied the cultures of the Eastern countries.(他研究过东方国家的文化。

ancient egyptian civilization是什么意思


Ancient civilizations是什么意思

Ancient civilizations古代文明双语对照例句:1.I just got a book on ancient civilizations. 我最近搞到一本关于古代文明的书。2.Asia boasts many ancient civilizations. 亚洲有许多文明古国


Confucian civilizing mission的中文翻译Confucian civilizing mission儒家文明的使命




favorable["feivərəbl, "feivərəbəl] adj. 有利的, 顺利的, 良好的, 赞同的conducive[kən"dju:siv] adj. 有助的, 有益的advantageous[.ædvən"teidʒəs] adj. 有利的, 有助的, 有益的

residents" civility意思和音标

住客的礼仪residents" civility["rezɪdənts "səˈvɪləti]


CAMRY ,它高一个档次.


civilized低频词,记不记随你啦!常见度: [英] [ˈsɪvəˌlaɪzd] [美] [ˈsɪvəˌlaɪzd] 生词本 简明释义 同反义词 adj. 文明的; 非野蛮的; 有礼貌的; 有教养的 v. 使文明; 教化; 使开化( civilize的过去式和过去分词) 同义词epicurean 反义词adj.1. “文明的;有礼的”释义下的反义词 uncivilized wild barbarous 其他释义下的反义词 uncouth savage barbarian rude 推荐使用有道词典和金山词霸吧,都挺好的,不是做广告哦,我学英语,主要用这两个

Civil War中文歌词

Civil War (中文歌词)我们在这里的交流以失败告终。一些人你不会明白……所以,我们保留了我们上周的记忆。同时,也是他想得到的。哦,他得到了。而且我并不比你们喜欢这种方式。目睹年轻人在战场征战。目睹他们的爱人哭泣。目睹战士们牺牲。我们也曾这样做过。仇恨的种子在我们内心滋生。恐惧在我们内心孕育。我们导致我们过者这样的生活。我们也曾这样做过……我的双手被束缚。数以万计的人们流离失所。战争继续洗礼荣誉。对于上帝的爱和我们的人权。所有的一切都被血淋淋的双手冲刷,时间也不能否认。所有的一切被你们的屠杀冲洗。历史掩盖了战争的谎言。你带过黑色的袖标吗?当他们象一个喊着“和平永存”的人开枪时。这是我最初的记忆。他们枪杀Kennedy当明白着一切的时候我变的麻木了。所以我不再信任越南。我们建筑了D。C着栋墙来让人们记住你们不相信的自由。当他们不在你掌握之中的时候。当每个人为了自己的希望之地战争的时。我不需要你----战争。它袒护富有埋葬了贫穷。你们饥渴的欲望让我们的士兵在人类的杂货谱被贩卖。那些已不新鲜……我不需要你------战争。看着狼籍战场。看着我们溅洒的鲜血。看着这个充满残杀的世界。我们也曾这样做过……看着我们在疑惑中挣扎。看着曾引领过我们的领袖。看着我们曾掩盖的谎言。我不想再听到……我的双手别束缚。我看到的一切改变了我的思想。但是战争仍然在持续。没有了上帝的爱怜和人权。因为那些血淋淋的双手抹去我们所有的梦想。谁携带着杀人的标记。历史在忍受着战争带来的痛苦。“我们选择性的裁减一些市长和政府官员。例如建立一个空缺,然后我们普遍的发展战争。和平就要接近了。”我不需要你----战争。它袒护富有埋葬了贫穷。你们饥渴的欲望让我们的士兵在人类的杂货谱被贩卖。那些已不新鲜……我不需要你-----战争。不需要。不需要……你们饥渴的欲望让我们的士兵在人类的杂货谱被贩卖。那些已不新鲜……我不需要你———战争。不再需要你……我不再需要任何一场战争。无论如何,他不仅是一场战争。

CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); (Civil Aviation Authority of China)是什么意思?

CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); (Civil Aviation Authority of C全部释义和例句>> CAAC(中国民用航空总局(C);民航局

CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); CIAA(Civil Authority of China)是什么意思啊??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  CAAC(Civil Aviation Administration of China); CIAA(Civil Aviation Authority of China),您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:中国民航。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

genius;genuine ;civilian ; german 这英语在美式英语中怎么读,求谐音~

genuis 吉涅斯genuine 杰纽因civilian 丝维里恩german 杰门


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