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词组take part in,join in,join in,participate in,attend 的区别用法?这5个词组别漏~~

tank part in 与join in 都是参加的意思 而 take part in 后加参加的活动 join in后加参加的组织



join, join, join in, participate有什么区别?

join:是指加入某个group、club或者organization或者其他的团体或者协会,强调个人加入到集体中。join in:一般我们都会说 join in something,意思是参加什么活动,或者是加入到什么活动中。多数情况下是指参加游戏、娱乐、竞赛等等。这里要注意的是当我们说join in something 时,这些活动都已经开始了,正在进行中。所以,时间点是区分 join in 和 take part in 的重要因素。take part in:它的意思是“参与,参加某个活动或者某件事情”,多数情况下是 take part in something,这是一个比较常用的表达,可以在口语中也可以在稍微正式一点的场合中使用。比如,参加比赛是 take part in the competition,参加会议 take part in the conference 等等。注意:take part in 一般指当事人主动参与,有积极性 actively involved in the event,并不仅仅是客观存在。attend :这个动词,它有好几个意思,其中最常用的是“参加,出席,到场”。Attend 也是一个正式用语,常出现在形容参加正式活动。比如,参加婚礼,参加葬礼,参加签约仪式,等等。请注意 attend 多数情况下是指出席了活动,但并不意味着参加者在活动中表现积极或者主观投入到了活动中。participate:可以说 participate 和 take part 的意思是一样的,只是更正式、更礼貌一些。许多广告和活动宣传单上都会用到 participate 来鼓励人们参加活动赢得奖励。请注participate 后面也需要跟介词 in。扩展资料:Take part in 和 participate 一般带有主动参与活动的意思,participate 属于正式的表达;join in 的应用常涉及游戏、娱乐活动,而且活动已经在进行中,尤其是用于鼓励他人加入到已经进行的活动中;attend 是指“出席,到场”,即“客观在这里”,同时它也是一个正式用语。





什么是4 eyes principle

The4-eyes principle, often referred to as “separation of duties,” is a common scenario when a decisionis made by two or more people independently of one another.四眼原则(The4-eyesprinciple),通常又被称为“职责分离”,它是决策由多人彼此独立作出时的一个常见场景.


滚到你想截图的界面了,然后点截图,或者同时按ctrl+alt+a,就可以截图 了

What principle?什么意思

别拧瓶盖了,我们要找男朋友吗?什么原则?重点词汇释义Can能,会; 懂得; 与动词feel、hear、see、smell、taste 连用; 金属罐; 一听; 金属容器,塑料容器; 把装罐保存; 让…卷铺盖走人; 炒…的鱿鱼screw螺丝钉; 螺丝; 旋拧; 性交; 用螺丝固定; 旋紧; 拧紧; 拧上去need需要; 必需; 有必要; 必须; 特别需要; 迫切要求; 需要的事物; 欲望find发现,碰到; 找到; 找回; 发现,查明,找出,求得; 发现物,被发现的人boyfriend男朋友What什么; …的事物; 无论什么; 凡是…的事物; 多么; 真; 太principle道德原则; 行为准则; 规范; 法则; 原则; 原理; 观念; 理由,信条




我个人建议可以先将需要做动效的界面单独建立一个新的文件,然后把不需要做交互的元素打组转成位图,或者单独不需要做交互的转成位图,然后principlr自从更新开始,转位图的方法就是在命名后+ principle flatten就ok。一般来讲就是图层间的命名问题,比如你第一个界面有个图层名字叫图层1,第二个页面有个图层2就会造成页面间跳转元素乱飞。图层:通俗地讲,图层就像是含有文字或图形等元素的胶片,一张张按顺序叠放在一起,组合起来形成页面的最终效果。图层可以将页面上的元素精确定位。图层中可以加入文本、图片、表格、插件,也可以在里面再嵌套图层。通俗地讲,图层就像是含有文字或图形等元素的胶片,一张张按顺序叠放在一起,组合起来形成页面的最终效果。图层可以将页面上的元素精确定位。

mac10.15系统Principle也已损坏怎么办 求助呀?



单词相似意不同:principal / principleprincipal / principleprincipal: adjective meaning "the most important"principal:形容词,意思是“最重要的”Example 0principal / principleprincipal: adjective meaning "the most important"principal:形容词,意思是“最重要的”Examples:例句:The principal reason for my decision was the money.What are the principal irregular verbs?我做决定时最看重的就是钱。最重要的不规则动词有哪些?principle: a rule (usually in science but also concerning morals)principle:定律、原则(通常用在科学领域,不过也用在相关的道德领域)Examples:例句:It"s the first principle of aerodynamics.He has very loose principles.这是热力学第一定律。他的原则弹性很大。


自动循环的动画选择用 Create component 在 Import的右边的按钮在Create component 制作你的自动循环动画,然后退出来就可以了


principle engineer 可以说是 首席工程师,相当于高级经理。




principle mac中文破解版:由于没有授权,可能会弹出“打不开principle应用,因为他来自身份不明的开发者”,这时安装时将系统偏好设置--安全性与隐私--找回隐藏的任何来源并选中,再进行安装即可


1、在principle的预览窗口,右上角有个“摄像机”图标,点击该图标。2、自动弹出导出窗口,点击“导出”即可导出GIF。扩展资料: principle是一款在mac上的交互原型制作软件,界面类似Sketch,动画的思路类似Keynote,操作中只要两个画板的元素之间发生了变化,那中间的动画过渡就会被软件自动的补上。所以Principle五分钟即可制作出一个具有完整交互动画的原型,并且可将交互动画生成视频或者Gif分享到社交平台。此外Principle还支持多种尺寸的原型设计,包括AppleWatch。Principle同时还支持移动端镜像预览,可以在iphone和ipad上安装app,通过数据线连接。




principle engineer 可以说是 首席工程师,相当于高级经理。


01.在手机app store上下载principle mirror,用数据线连接手机和电脑,打开并操作电脑端principle,即可在手机上实时预览。02.如果想要在手机上保存demo进行离线预览,需要三指点击实时预览屏幕,屏幕下方会出现个底部弹窗。03.点击menu,即可进入菜单界面,点击保存。就能在菜单中离线查看。

in principle 和on principle的用法有什么不同

1) in principle:原则上,基本上,指一般大众的观念上,一般意义上,受众范围广。例:1. with regard to fundamentals although not concerning details; "in principle, we agree" 虽然这些不是关于细节,但基本上我们是同意的。2) on principle:依据自己的原则[所确定的信念],照例,使用范围够狭窄。例:1.He drank hot milk every night on principle. 他照例每晚必饮热牛奶。 2. He refused on principle to agree to the terms of the treaty. 根据自己的道德观念,他拒绝同意条约上的条款。 3. On matters of principle we should be clear-cut in attitude, and by no means be equivocal. 在原则问题上, 我们必须态度鲜明,决不能模棱两可。 4. One must not be vague on matters of principle. 在原则问题上不能含糊。 5. These machines both work on the same principle. 这两台机器的工作原理是一样的。 6. These machines work on the same principle. 这些机器按同样的原理运转。

求助! 请问 equimarginal principle 的具体内容是什么?

等边际法则 决定收入在不同消费品之间分配的法则





微软 principle 级别

运气正常的话,差不多6~8年能到63级. 运气不好的话,估计就一直在62级徘徊了. -61,62是SDE2/SDET2/PM2. -63,64是Senior SDE Senior SDET, Senior PM等,取决于title. -65开始叫做principle. -68开始叫做partner. -70是distinguished engineer,有些VP也是这个级别。. -80是大多数VP,techinical fellow。. -微软研究院的研究员是另外一套体制,他们的级别基本是同阶段engineer的级别+3.








Principle原理双语对照词典结果:principle[英][u02c8pru026ansu0259pl][美][u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l]n.原则,原理; 准则,道义; 道德标准; 本能; 复数:principles以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Cameras, same principle, slightly extended. 而摄像头是一样的道理,只不过略有延伸。


principle D.J.[u02c8prinsu0259pl] K.K.[u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l] n.原则, 原理Each side declared that it would never abandon its principle.各方都说绝不放弃自己的原则。准则, 规范He has no principles at all.他毫无行为准则。操守, 道义He is quite without principle.他完全没有道德观念。工作原理These machines both work on the same principle.这两台机器的工作原理是一样的。


principle是一款在mac上的交互原型制作软件。目前最新的没有破解可以下载。Principle 是一款新开发的交互设计软件。相比 Pixate 更容易上手,界面类似 Sketch,思路有点像用 Keynote 做动画,更「可视化」一些。来自其官网的介绍为:“Animate Your Ideas, Design Better Apps.Principle makes it easy to design animated and interactive user interfaces. Whether you"re designing the flow of a multi-screen app, or new interactions and animations, Principle lets you create designs that look and feel amazing.”




Principles是principle的复数形式。结尾的 s是复数的变化形式。

discipline 与 principle 的区别

discipline主要指纪律,约束性的而principle侧重,原则, 原理, 准则, 规范, 比如三民主义就是principle。





这一期我们来实现官网的第三个示例,先看一下效果。 我们来分析一下这个动效的整个过程: 本期大部分的技巧之前两期都有介绍,接下来我们就拆分成三个实例来制作(为什么拆后面会说)。 实例一: 首先是实现页面内容上下滚动以及单图浏览,在滚动的同时让标题栏也有一个联动的收缩效果。 实例二: 实现页面跳转,同时让目标页面的元素出现有时间差。 实例三: 在当前页面出现其他模块。 开始 还是和往常一样,先在sketch里面画好图层并命名好,毕竟Principle不是专门的画图软件。 Tips:在Sketch里面做图时不需要把每个画板上的所有元素都画好,重复的图层和编组可以在Principle里面复制,避免混乱。 源文件地址 密码:n4ea 给对应的图片图层增加阴影,我是给四个头像图层增加阴影,纯粹为了好看,可以忽略这一步,不过有一点需要注意: Tips:Principle是不能继承Sketch里面带Mask编组的任何阴影属性的,带有Mask的编组的阴影属性会被当成图像的一部分,转换成一张图片图层。 将Artboard 1中的card red、card yellow、card purple编组为card,编组垂直属性设置成Scroll。 根据实例可以看到card滚动的同时会带动标题栏高度的收缩,所以card编组的top边界应该为标题栏收缩后的bottom边界,所以我们需要调整card的大小。 Tips:Principle的编组里,直接在左上角的属性面板里面对编组的X、Y、Width、Height做调整,会带动变图内的元素一起改变位置。若想使编组内的元素保持位置不变,则需要直接在画板内部调整编组的大小。 底边留了10个单位的高度出来是为了拖到底部时卡片和底部有一个间距,这10个单位也是卡片之间的间距。 在card拖动时,text title是发生Y轴上的位移,而bg title则是Height发生了变化。 打开Artboard 1上的Driver,在0、40(bg title高度的一半)位置分别给text title添加Y属性变化节点,同时在这两个位置给bg title添加Height属性变化节点,并在节点上调整二者的属性。效果如下: 可以发现效果并不是我们想要的样子,这是因为: Tips:当图层或编组的Width或Height发生变化时,其变化的参考点是图层或编组的中心点而非左上角,所以其对应的X或Y也会发生变化,因此若要固定一边进行变化,需要将对应的X或Y也编辑上。 给bg title添加Y属性变化节点,在0和60位置上都为0,看下实际效果: 在实例中可以看到,点击后的单图浏览效果,是出现遮罩同时图片进行放大居中,头像也会有一个渐隐渐现和位移的效果。 所以这里我们先要添加一个和画板等大的cover 1,置于所有图层之上,设置0%的Opacity,然后复制画板。 在Artboard 2上调整图层顺序,将pic r和head r置于cover 1上,cover 1设置70%的Opacity,改变pic r的大小,使其等比放大按宽度填充画板,移动head r,使其保持和pic r左上角的间距,设置0%的Opacity。 在Artboard 1上给pic r添加Tap交互链接到Artboard 2,同时在Artboard 2上给pic r添加Tap交互链接到Artboard 1,看下效果: 会发现效果有点怪,图片消失的那一下有点闪,过度的并不自然,这是因为在Artboard 1上,pic r和head r是在cover图层顺序之下的。 Tips:Principle中画板里面的图层的顺序调整是做不到动画过渡的,而且图层顺序的调整会在交互发生的那一瞬间就切换成目标画板的图层顺序。 比如刚刚我们做的,在Artboard 2上点击pic r时,这时候Artboard 2内的所有图层顺序都直接变成Artboard 1的图层顺序,pic r和head r的动画效果实际上是发生在cover 1下的,所以实际效果看上去pic r会闪一下。 有一个办法可以解决这个问题,就是我们建立一个和pic r相同属性的pic r 2,让pic r 2一直置于cover 1之上。 在Artboard 1给pic r 2设置0%的Opacity,通过Driver让pic r 2跟随card的滚动位移,使pic r和pic r 2完全重合。 在Artboard 2上将pic r 2属性设置成同pic r一样,删除pic r的Tap交互链接,改成pic r 2。 看下效果: 这样就实现了比较自然的过渡效果。 在实例二中,我们实现的是一个页面跳转的效果,主要的效果是一个元素的渐隐渐现以及位移顺序的时间差。因此我们首先要统一Artboard 1和Artboard 3中的元素数量。 将Artboard 1中的card和title复制到Artboard 3,设置0%的Opacity,将Artboard 3中的icon add、content、icon back复制到Artboard 1,icon back设置0%的Opacity,icon add和content调整位置。 因为card和title在目标画板中不透明度都为0%,而且仔细观看实例中,动画有一个先后的顺序,所以在Artboard 3中card和title的图层顺序就无所谓了。 在Artboard 1中选中head r,添加Tap交互链接到Artboard 3,在Artboard 3中选中icon back,添加Tap交互链接到Artboard 1,看下效果: 为了实现实例中的先后效果,我们需要对两个交互链接分别进行编辑。 这里主要注意时候的时间差,即Artboard 1跳转Artboard 3时,card和title先消失,然后pic r和head r形状和位置变化,最后icon back出现,content和icon add先后出现。Artboard 3跳转Artboard 1时,content和icon add先后消失,然后pic r和head r形状和位置变化,最后card和title出现。看下效果: 会发现,如果按照这个步骤编辑,最后返回时的动画是有问题的。因为在Artboard 1上,pic r和head r是属于编组card的,而card在这个交互链接中是Opacity由0%变为100%,因此在最终的效果中我们看不到pic r和head r的形状和位置变化效果。 要解决这个问题,我们就要换个思路,即不是让card这个编组去进行不透明度的变化,而是让card内的元素自己去进行不透明度变化。 所以我们调整一下画板上元素的属性,在Artboard 3上,将card的Opacity改回100%,将card里面的card yellow和card purple的Opacity设为0%,并在Animate面板中调整先后顺序,让其和title的出现时间一致。这样就有了我们最终的效果: 在实例三中,我们也是首先要实现Artboard 3上面content滚动带动顶部pic r和head r变化的效果,这个同实例一中的原理一样,这里就不复述了,直接看一下实际效果: 实例三中出现了一个底部弹窗,弹窗内的方块可以左右滑动,这个同样是通过给编组设置水平滚动然后调整编组位置和大小实现的,同时icon add会发生一个旋转和位移。这一步的动画原理之前都有讲过,所以这里就不上步骤图了。 我们先在Artboard 4中将方块的编组pc制作成水平滚动效果,同时给icon add添加45°的Angle,并调整位置。 统一Artboard 3和Artboard 4中的元素数量,注意图层顺序。 然后在两个画板上分别给icon add添加Tap交互链接到对应画板。 看下效果: 我们会发现,在返回的这一步中,icon add在Y轴上的动画看上去有延迟。我们去Animate找一找原因。 可以看到,在icon add Tap(Artboard 4 → Artboard 3)这一步交互中,icon add在Y轴上的时间属性和head r Tap(Artboard 1 → Artboard 3)这一步交互中的一样,这就是之前说的为什么三个实例要分开做的原因。 我们去icon add Tap(Artboard 4 → Artboard 3)这一步交互中把icon add的Y轴时间属性的动画曲线调整回来,发现在head r Tap(Artboard 1 → Artboard 3)这一步交互中,icon add的Y轴属性也一起改变了,看下效果: 会发现在实例二的效果中,icon add在跳转页面时又是先出来的。这是因为: Tips:Principle中,当编辑Animate时,若目标画板的某个元素的某个属性变化曾经出现在别的画板链接到目标画板的交互时,那在这次的交互中,该元素的那个属性变化会被继承,且两边会保持联动。 这样可能有点难理解,我们来举个栗子。 假设Artboard 2是目标画板,那么在Artboard 1到Artboard 2的交互A中,- -"是发生了X轴和Y轴上的位移。如果这时候我们在Artboard 3上给- -"添加Tap交互B链接到Artboard 2上,那么- -"在Y轴上的属性变化会继承交互A中的Y轴属性变化。如果在交互B中对- -“的Y轴属性变化进行编辑,则相应的交互A中的也会一起改变。 这时候再回到之前实例一的交互中,演示的时候会发现,图片消失的动画也出错了。 因此以后各位在做类似demo的时候,如果一个画板牵扯的元素过多,且不同交互你需要的动画效果不一样是,最好是分开两个画板去做,不然就会出现以上这种情况。 切忌,Principle因为没有条件判断,所以不适合做特别复杂且路径长的demo,如果只是为了演示,可以将demo拆分。 本期就到此为止,下一期教大家实现几个banner的轮播效果。 非常感谢您的阅读,您的支持是我最大的动力!


Maybe the film want to show the against of authority. The first sentence of Mr. Slade "the cradle of leaders" and the young guy Charlie maybe not satisified with the arrangement of the leaders stand on the plantform, he should has his own principle and his own path to go.I think the young people have their own life,they have the principle.If the so-called leader give the so-called principle to them, it"s not the principle. The best way is support the youngs and give them advice to help them to achieve their goals. Authority is never to be the principle, the right way which fit ones" own life is the principle.

principle 怎么删除关键帧

  帕累托图(Pareto Chart),又称柏拉图、主次因素排列图等,是质量管理七大手法之一。之所以叫这个名字,是因为在概念上与帕雷托法则(Pareto principle)有关。在质量管理中,大多数的损失是由少数几个关键的质量问题引起的,而这些这些质量问题,往往又是少数几个关键的缺陷原因所导致的。使用帕累托图,可以直观地将影响质量问题的主要因素呈现出来,从而方便对质量问题作进一步的改进。  帕累托图中包含一个柱形图和一个折线图,有左右两个纵坐标,及一个横坐标。左边纵轴表示缺陷原因的频数,右边纵轴表示缺陷原因的累计频率,横轴表示影响质量的各项因素,按其影响大小,从左至右依次排列。直方柱高度表示因素影响大小,折线表示各项累计频率的连线。  二、帕累托图制作  假设我们已经在wps表格中制作出一个如下的产品缺陷原因次数分布表。  下面我们根据这些数据来制作一个帕累托图。先呈上最后完成的效果:  具体步骤:  1、选中单元格 B4:F11,点击“插入→图表”,“图表类型”选择“柱形图”,然后点“下一步”。  2、点击“系列”选项卡,删除“累计频数”和“百分比”两个系列。然后点击“完成”。  此时图表的样子:  3、选中图表,点击“图表工具”选项卡,在下拉列表中选择“系列‘累计百分比"”点击“更改图表类型”。在弹出的“图表类型”窗口中,选择“折线图”下第二行的第一个图表(数据点折线图),点击“确定”。  4、点击“设置所选内容格式”按钮,在弹出窗口中点击“坐标轴”选项卡,在“系列绘制在”组中,选择“次坐标轴”。  5、点击“数据标志”选项卡,在“数据标签包括”组中,勾选“值”。然后在“标签位置”中选择“上方”。  此时,帕累图已基本绘制完成:


principle有三个音节。principle的音节划分是prin/ci/ple。principle 英 ["pru026ansu0259pl]   美 ["pru026ansu0259pl]    n. 原理,原则,主义,信念例句:Archimedes ,a great physicist ,discovered the principle of floating bodies.翻译:阿基米德,一位伟大的物理学家,发现了浮体原理。近义词rule 英 [ruu02d0l]   美 [ruu02d0l]    n. 规则,条例,习惯,统治,直尺v. 支配,统治,画直线例句:It"s against the rule to pick up the ball.翻译:捡球是犯规的。

monetary principle是什么意思

monetary principle[英][u02c8mu028cnitu0259ri u02c8prinsu0259pl][美][u02c8mɑnu026au02cctu025bri u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l][经] 货币(金融)原则; 例句筛选1.The use of the fair value in the non-monetary transaction principle公允价值在非货币性交易准则中的运用2.Reflection on Non-monetary Trade Principle对非货币性交易准则的思考






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principles:规则 No principles:无规则


principle 英[u02c8pru026ansu0259pl] 美[u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l] n. 原则,原理; 准则,道义; 道德标准; 本能; [例句]My mother, whose guiding principle in life was doing right, had a far greater influence on me.我母亲的生活原则是做事堂堂正正,她对我有着更为深刻的影响。[其他] 复数:principles 形近词: principen principia principal






n. 原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉[短语]principle 原理,原则,法则Equivalence principle 等效原理,等价原理,等效原则Cosmological principle 宇宙学原理,宇宙论原则,大宇宙定理----------------------希望可以帮到你


[Participle 用法] (From dict.dreye/ews/dict?w=participle&hidden_codepage=01&ua=dc_cont&project=nd&)【文】分词[C] There are o types of participle in English: the past participle and the present participle. 英语中有两类分词: 过去分词和现在分词。 [Adverbial 的定义] "Adverbial" is the Adjective Form of the word "Adverb". (副词的) For example Adverbial Phrase = 副词的词组 [状语的定义] 状语 = adverbial = 副词的 (Reference: zh. *** /wiki/%E7%8B%80%E8%AA%9E) 这是形容动词 (Verb) 的词性。 For Participle Phrase here helps you: google/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8#sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&es_th=1&ie=UTF-8&q=participle%20phrase Hope I can help you ^_^ 2014-11-21 21:56:06 补充: 补充 participle: e.g. I have had my lunch. i am using "present perfect tense" in the above sentence. Here helps you a lot: google/#q=past+participle 2014-11-21 21:56:38 补充: For example:- I have learnt English. (Learnt is part of the verb phrase "have learnt") It can be used to form the passive voice. For example:- Her hair was well brushed. It can also be used as an adjective. 2014-11-21 21:56:46 补充: For example:- As an adjective: He had a broken arm. (Broken is used here as an adjective.) Here is a prehensive list of irregular verbs. - See more at: 参考: Me and dr.eye and wiki and yahoo search ME and google and adverbial 的定义 Adverbial (noun) = any word phrase or clause used like an adverb (including the simple adverb alone) whether functioning as an element in clause structure or at some other level. Adverbial (adjective) = of or pertaining to an adverb. 2014-11-24 09:45:43 补充: Adverbial (第三个定义: Adverbial (noun) = One of the five elements of clause structure (symbolized by A) parable to Subject (S) Verb (V) Object (O) and Complement (C) 2014-11-24 09:54:47 补充: Gerund = -ing form of the verb that functions as a NOUN or nominal. e.g. Trying and succeeding are o different things. (Trying 和 succeeding 是 gerunds) "He came looking for me." "looking for me" 不是 gerund phrase. 因为不能用 noun 或 noun phrase 代替 2014-11-24 10:39:58 补充: Examples of adverbial She sang loudly. (loudly ~ adverb) She stood over there. (over there ~ adverbial phrase) Don"t use the oven unless I"m here. (unless I"m here.~ adverbial clause) He walks dragging his left foot. (dragging his left foot .~ participial phrase) 2014-11-24 11:00:30 补充: Examples of adverbial We drove under the bridge. (under the bridge ~ prepositional phrase moding the verb "drove") He is anxious to join the club. (to join the club ~ infinitive phrase moding the adjective "anxious") Participle phrase functions most of the time if not always (as noted by most of the grammar books) as an adjectival phrase moding noun or noun phrase. However participle phrase can sometimes function as an adverbial phrase moding the main clause the verb or verb phrase. I think the use of participle phrase as adverbial modifier is limited to only a few situations and some specific verbs. A. Examples: intritive verb: e (from Oxford dictionary) 3 [intritive] to arrive somewhere in order to do something or get something ~ e to do something 例: I"ve e to get my book. (infinitive phrase: adverb of purpose) ~ e doing something 例: He came looking for me. (participle phrase: adverb of purpose) 5 [intritive] to move in a particular way or while doing something else ~ e doing something (+ adv.preposition) 例: The children came running into the room. 争议点: (1) "running into the room" is a participle phrase functioning as adverbial to modify the verb "came" to show how the children came (adverb of manner). (2) it functions as an adjectival modifier of the subject "the children"; (a) however it can"t be the primary predicate because "came" is not a linking verb there; (b) so it has to be the secondary predicate in order to be a adjectival modifier (that is The children was running into the room when they came.) B. Examples: The participle phrase led by the present participle of causative verbs (let make have and get) would normally function as an adverbial modifier of the main clause. 例:The school has recently installed 30 additional lockers letting the new students store their books. 例:I left my car in the garage having the mechanic check the brakes. 例:The ICAC officer offered him a cup of coffer getting him to tell the truth. 2014-11-22 03:32:23 补充: typos: The children were running into the room when they came. 2014-11-22 03:42:57 补充: typos: a cup of coffee 2014-12-01 19:14:17 补充: 如何分辨是gerund还是participle phrase用于modify verb: Gerund phrase functions as noun and can be: 1. subject of sentence 2. direct object of tritive verb 3. object of preposition

principle 和mechanism做原理讲的时候区别是什么


《The Principlesof Gothic》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture; Elucidated by Question and Answer- 4th Ed.》(Bloxam, Matthew Holbeche)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: xh5v书名:The Principles of Gothic Ecclesiastical Architecture; Elucidated by Question and Answer- 4th Ed.作者:Bloxam, Matthew Holbeche出版年份:2008-8页数:212内容简介:Contents: Origin, Progress, and Decline of Gothic or English Ecclesiastical Architecture; Definition of Gothic Architecture; Different kinds of Arches; Anglo Saxon Style; Anglo Norman Style; Semi Norman Style; Early English Style; Decorated English Style; Florid or Perpendicular English Style; Debased English Style. Illustrated.

翻译: Uphold the principles of our order and all th

维持组织的原则以及我们的立场,永远不得与他人分享我们的秘密,也不可暴露我们工作的性质。这样做直至死亡,无论需要付出何种代价。这是我新的信仰。我是谢伊·帕特里克·寇马克,美国共济会殖民地的圣堂武士... 我现在年纪大了,可能更理智了。一场战争,一场革命已经结束,而另一个即将开始。---完全人工翻译,不是机器翻译。

《The Principlesof Successful》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Principles of Successful Freelancing》(Miles Burke)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: sa8i书名:The Principles of Successful Freelancing作者:Miles Burke出版社:SitePoint出版年份:2008页数:208内容简介:Thinking about becoming your own boss and embarking on the wonderful and rewarding journey of freelancing? The Principles Of Successful Freelancing is for you. In this easy-to-follow guide you"ll learn what"s important in transforming your skills into a booming freelance business.作者简介:In 2002, Miles founded the web company, Bam Creative, and has been rewarded for his entrepreneurship in recent years: winning awards for “Contribution to the web industry” in 2005, and a “40under40” award 2007. Miles also serves as chairperson of the Australian Web Industry Association and co-authors the popular SitePoint Tribune newsletter.

What is the Principles of Seating Arrangement?回答


Sincerity your first principles 这里为什么加了s呢 不是说第一准则

这里的first 是前面的 的意思第一的 The first

Principles Of Lust 歌词

歌曲名:Principles Of Lust歌手:Enigma专辑:Lsd - Love Sensuality DevotionProcedamus in paceIn nomine Christi, AmenCum angelis et pueris,fideles inveniamurAttollite portas, principes, vestrasEt elevamini, portae aeternalesEt introibit Rex gloriaeQius est iste Rex gloriae?Sade, dites-moiSade, donnes-moiProcedamus in paceIn nomine Christi, AmenSade, dites-moi:Qu"est-ce que tu vas cherche?Le bien par le mal?La vertu par le vice?Sade, dites-moi:Pourquoi l"evangile du mal?Quelle est ta religion?Ou sont tes fideles?Si tu es contre Dieu, tu es contre l"homme.Sade, es-tu diabolique, ou divin?Sade, dites-moi HosannaSade, donnes-moi HosannaSade, dites-moi HosannaSade, donnes-moi HosannaIn nomine Christi, Amen

lean principles是什么意思

lean principles精益原则;精实原则;精实原理与原则;精益理论很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

there are many principles哪里高考题

B which 代指 “many principles of a judge"s job” 带入以后,从句可以理解为 In many principles of a judge"s job,justice is the most important 用同样的方法,其他的带入以后就不通顺了.


principle D.J.[u02c8prinsu0259pl] K.K.[u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l] n.原则, 原理Each side declared that it would never abandon its principle.各方都说绝不放弃自己的原则。准则, 规范He has no principles at all.他毫无行为准则。操守, 道义He is quite without principle.他完全没有道德观念。工作原理These machines both work on the same principle.这两台机器的工作原理是一样的。


principles的中文意思是道德原则;行为准则;规范;法则;原则;原理;观念;(行动、思想的)理由,信条。一、读音principles的英语读音是[u02c8pru026ansu0259plz]。二、例句1、There are certain ethical principles that are basic to all the great religions.某些道德原则在所有主要宗教中都是必不可少的。2、She would never ask to borrow money,on principle.她根据行为准则从不向人借钱。3、I think we should go back to first principles.我认为我们应该回到基本原则上。4、The principle behind it is very simple.其中的原理十分简单。5、These people lack all understanding of scientific principles.这些人对科学原理一窍不通。


principle的读法是英[u02c8pru026ansu0259pl],美[u02c8pru026ansu0259pl]。principle是一个名词,意思是道德原则;行为准则;规范;法则;原则;原理;观念;(行动、思想的)理由,信条;定律。复数形式是principles。相关短语有in principle:原则上;理论上。in general but not in detail:大体上,基本上。相关例句有:1、Stars apparently do not follow this basic principle of sportsmanship.明星们显然不遵循这种基本的体育道德原则。2、She refused to back down on a point of principle.她在一个原则问题上拒绝让步。3、Stick to your principles and tell him you won"t do it.要恪守自己的原则,告诉他你绝不会干的。

core principles是什么意思啊??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  core principles,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:核心原则。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

cooperative principle英文名词解释,不是翻译,语言学科目里的


第一性原理(First Principles)

这俩天学习过程中频繁出现第一性原理这个概念,想起罗胖讲过这个概念又重新听了他从不同角度讲了什么是第一性原理? 他举了伊隆·马斯克自己的例子来说明一下。大家都知道马斯克的一个创业项目是做电动车特斯拉,但很多人觉得电动车不可能做成,因为电池成本上降不下来。当时大概是 600 美元/千瓦时,它过去就是这么贵,一项东西的改进和降价总是很慢的,所以它未来也不可能变得更便宜。他说我不管现在的电池有多贵,我就回到本质问一个问题,电池的硬成本是什么构成的?无论如何也减不下去的成本是什么?无非就是铁、镍、铝这些金属,除了买这些金属的成本是绝对降不下去的,剩下来的成本都是人类协作过程中产生的,那就有优化的空间。 比如,在美国生产可能税费比较高,那就不要在美国生产了;可能是某个技术路线它比较昂贵,那随着它的大规模普及应用,这个价格就能降下来;可能是某种模块设计上本身出了问题,那就改变设计。 总之,回到物理学的角度看这个产品,他就是一些金属的组合,我们就有可能把电池的价格无限逼近这些金属本身的价格。 伊隆·马斯克这样的创业者可以用,我们普通人在日常生活中也可以用。比如,我是来看电影找乐子的,这是我做这件事的“第一性原理”。所以如果看到烂片,我起身就走,不跟电影票钱较劲。 想到我曾经经历过的小事情,换季了我想买双鞋,结果在网上逛了大半天,高跟的 低跟的 休闲的 时尚的 足足有十来双全都加入了购物车,这个时候我开始犯难了,选哪双呢,越挑越纠结,浪费了好长时间,最后我的内心自问了一句 :我最开始是要买什么鞋子呢,一下子就知道需要的是哪双了。也可能我这样的类比不准确,但我用了这个相似的经历可以加深了记忆。 在选择太多时,让一件事还原到自己的本质,回归的事情的本质你会发现可以解决很多问题。 “第一性原理”,的思考方式是用物理学的角度看待世界的方法,也就是说一层层剥开事物的表象,看到里面的本质,然后再从本质一层层往上走。就是让我们把目光从那些别人做的事上挪开,不管做什么选择,都以最根本的那个原则为参照点,不断用那个参照点为自己纠偏。

general principles是什么意思

general principles总则; 总纲; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.To assert and repeat these general principles is absolutely necessary, of course, either asprologue or conclusion. 当然,坚持和重复这些一般原则是绝对必要的,无论是作为开场白或结论。




principle [ˈprinsəpl] 不知道哪个国家的品牌,

principles 003

That"s because the consensus view is baked into the price. One is inevitably going to be painfully wrong a lot, so knowing how to do that well is critical to one"s success. To be a successful entrepreneur, the same is true: One also has to be an independent thinker who correctly bets against the consensus, which means being painfully wrong a fair amount. Since I was both an investor and an entrepreneur, I developed a healthy fear of being wrong and figured out an approach to decision making that would maximize my odds of being right. 这是因为共识观点被纳入了价格。 一个人不可避免地会犯很多痛苦的错误,所以知道如何做好那件事对一个人的成功至关重要。 作为一个成功的企业家也是如此。一个人也必须是一个独立的思想家,他正确地押注于共识,这意味着痛苦地错误了一个公平的数额。 My painful mistakes shifted me from having a perspective of “I know I"m right” to having one of “How do I know I"m right?” They gave me the humility I needed to balance my audacity. Knowing that I could be painfully wrong and curiosity about why other smart people saw things differently prompted me to look at things through the eyes of others as well as my own. That allowed me to see many more dimensions than if I saw things just through my own eyes. Learning how to weigh people"s inputs so that I chose the best ones—in other words, so that I believability weighted my decision making—increased my chances of being right and was thrilling. At the same time, I learned to:u2022 Operate by principles . . .. . . that are so clearly laid out that their logic can easily be assessed and you and others can see if you walk the talk. Experience taught me how invaluable it is to reflect on and write down my decision-making criteria whenever I made a decision, so I got in the habit of doing that. With time, my collection of principles became like a collection of recipes for decision making. By sharing them with the people at my company, Bridgewater Associates, and inviting them to help me test my principles in action, I continually refined and evolved them. In fact, I was able to refine them to the point that I could see how important it is to:u2022 Systemize your decision making.I discovered I could do that by expressing my decision-making criteria in the form of algorithms that I could embed into our computers. By running both decision-making systems—i.e., mine in my head and mine in the computer—next to each other, I learned the computer could make better decisions than me because it could process vastly more information than I could, and it could do it faster and unemotionally. Doing that allowed me and the people I worked with to compound our understanding over time and improve the quality of our collective decision making. I discovered that such decision-making systems—especially when believability weighted—are incredibly powerful and will soon profoundly change how people around the world make all kinds of decisions. Our principle-driven approach to decision making has not only improved our economic, investment, and management decisions, it has helped us make better decisions in every aspect of our lives.Whether or not your own principles are systemized/computerized is of secondary importance. The most important thing is that you develop your own principles and ideally write them down, especially if you are working with others.It was that approach and the principles it yielded, and not me, that took me from being an ordinary middle-class kid from Long Island to being successful by a number of conventional measures—like starting a company out of my two-bedroom apartment and building it into the fifth most important private company in the U.S. (according to Fortune ), becoming one of the one hundred richest people in the world (according to Forbes ), and being considered one of the one hundred most influential (according to Time ). They led me to a perch from which I got to see success and life very differently than I had imagined, and they gave me the meaningful work and meaningful relationships I value even more than my conventional successes. They gave me and Bridgewater far more than I ever dreamed of.Until recently, I didn"t want to share these principles outside of Bridgewater because I don"t like public attention and because I thought it would be presumptuous to tell others what principles to have. But after Bridgewater successfully anticipated the financial crisis of 2008–09, I got a lot of media attention and so did my principles and Bridgewater"s unique way of operating. Most of those stories were distorted and sensationalistic, so in 2010, I posted our principles on our website so people could judge them for themselves. To my surprise, they were downloaded over three million times and I was flooded with thank-you letters from all over the world.I will give them to you in two books—Life and Work Principles in one book, and Economic and Investment Principles in the other.

past participle怎么用啊?

1. 【文】过去分词past participle不是一个时态, 而是一个动词变化型, 就是过去分词, 如go--> gone, cut--> cut want--> wanted 这些past participle主要用於三个情况, ~第一, 是用於perfect tense, 在have, has, had之后的动词就用past participle~第二个是在被动句(passive voice)里, 在be (即am, is, are, was, were)之后的动词要用past participle~第三个是将past participle作形容词用, 例如: The burnt house is gonig to be rebuilt


principal 的翻译形容词:主要main, major, primary, principal, chief首要的chief, first, of first importance, paramount, principal名词:校长principal, president, chancellor, rector, schoolmaster本金principal, capital首长principal, leading cadre, senior official, headman老本capital, principal血本original capital, principalprinciple 的翻译名词:原理principle, theory, philosophy, elements, principium, tenet原则principle, principium, ABC道理reason, sense, principle, justification, argument, basis信念belief, faith, conviction, principle, persuasion, religion学说theory, doctrine, philosophy, concept, principle, dogma道road, path, way, Taoism, doctrine, principle意向intention, intent, purpose, disposition, aim, principle机宜guideline, principium, principle

princess principal什么意思

princess principal公主准则princess英-[pru026an"ses]美-[pru026anu02ccsu025bs]释义n. 公主;王妃;女巨头n. (Princess)人名;(英)普琳西丝;principal英-["pru026ansu0259p(u0259)l]美-["pru026ansu0259pl]释义adj. 主要的;资本的n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人



R语言用principal和princomp怎么实现 主成分分析和因子分析

princomp(x, cor = FALSE, scores = TRUE, covmat = NULL, subset = rep_len(TRUE, nrow(as.matrix(x))), )当cor = TRUE是使用相关系数矩阵计算 当cor = FALSE是使用协方差矩阵计算 用相关系数矩阵计算就相当于先标准化,在进行主成分分析 用。


principal[英][u02c8pru026ansu0259pl][美][u02c8pru026ansu0259pu0259l]adj.最重要的; 主要的; 资本的; 本金的; n.首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法]委托人,当事人; 本金; 复数:principals易混淆单词:Principal例句:1.This is my principal lesson from davos. 这就是我从达沃斯汲取到的最主要教训。

同样是“our school was sited by...”,后面为“by river”的语法成分和“by principal”有什么区别?

对by river是做地点状语,by在此处是:在…旁边的意思。by principal是做方式状语,by在此处是:凭借…,通过…的。这两种用法中的by,都是介词。
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