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goat在体育词汇中的意思是GOAT(Greatest of All Time):历史最佳。体育英语词汇和术语:General Terms 一般词汇;Athletics 竞技;Individual Sports 体育项目;Games and Competitions 球类运动;Water Sports 水上运动;Bicycles and Motorcycles 自行车和摩托;Riding and Horse Races 赛马;Tennis 网球;Swimming 游泳;Football 足球;Baseball & Softball 棒球和垒球;Wrestling 搏击类竞技;Basketball 篮球;Boxing 拳击。参考资料体育词汇.百度文库[引用时间2018-1-10]




  When Roberto Feliz came to the USA from the Dominican Republic, he knew only a few words of English .Education soon became a __1__. "I couldn"t understand anything," he said. He __2__ from his teachers, came home in tears , and thought about dropping out.   Then Mrs. Malave , a bilingual educator, began to work with him while teaching him math and science in his __3__Spanish."She helped me stay smart while teaching me English ,"he said .Given the chance to demonstrate his ability, he __4__ confidence and began to succeed in school.   Today, he is a __5__ doctor, runs his own clinic ,and works with several hospitals .Every day ,he uses the language and academic skills he __6__ through bilingual education to treat his patients   Roberto"s story is just one of __7__ success stories. Research has shown that bilingual education is the most __8__ way both to teach children English and ensure that they succeed academically. In Arizona and Texas, bilingual students __9__ outperform their peers in monolingual programs. Calexico, Calif. , implemented bilingual education, and now has dropout rates that are less than half the state average and college __10__ rates of more than 90%.In E1 Paso ,bilingual education programs have helped raise student scores from the lowest in Texas to among the highest in the nation.   A) wonder   B) acquired   C) consistently   D) regained   E) nightmare   F) native   G) acceptance   H) effective   I) hid   J) prominent   K) decent   L) countless   M) recalled   N) breakthrough   O) automatically


物理方面的,数学不是说那个比较好,我就不找了吧。angle of emergence 出射角 light beam 光束,光柱 angle of incidence 入射角 light ray 光线 angle of reflection 反射角 light source 光源 angle of refraction 折射角 mains frequency 市电频率 apparent depth 视深 medium 介质 binoculars 双筒望远镜 melt 熔化 boil 沸腾,煮沸 melting point 熔点 boiler 锅炉 microwave 微波 boiling point 沸点 mirage 海市蜃楼,蜃景 Celsius temperature scale 摄氏温标 mirror 镜 change of state 物态变化 multiple image 复像 colour 颜色 multiple reflection 多次反射 condensation 凝结,凝聚 mutually perpendicular 互相垂直的 condensation point 凝点,凝结点 normal 法线 coolant 冷却剂 object 物,物体 cooling curve 冷却曲 object distance 物距 critical angle 临界角 optical fibre 光导纤维,光纤 degree 度 optical illusion 光幻象,视错觉 degree Celsius 摄氏度 optically denser medium 光密介质 deviation 偏向,偏差 optically less dense medium 光疏介质 device 装置,设计,器件 optics 光学 diffuse reflection 漫反射 ordinary ray 寻常光 emergent ray 出射线 periscope 潜望镜 evaporation 蒸发 plane mirror 平面镜 freeze 凝固 polystyrene cup 聚苯乙烯杯 freezing point 凝固点 prism 稜镜 frequency 频率 property 性质 fusion point 熔点 radio frequency 射频,无线电广播频率 glass fibre 玻璃纤维 ray 光线 heat 热,热量,加热,热学 ray box 光线箱 heat capacity 热容量 ray diagram 光线图 heat exchange 热交换 real depth 实深 heat transfer 热传递,热转移 reflected ray 反射 heater 发热器,加热器 reflection 反射 hertz 赫兹,赫 refracted ray 折射 image 像 refracting angle 折射稜角 image distance 像距 refraction 折射 immerse 浸没 refractive index 折射率 immersion heater 浸没式电热器 satellite communication 卫星通讯 incident ray 入射 semicircular glass block 半圆玻璃块 infra-red detector 红外线探测器 slope 斜率 infra-red radiation 红外辐射 solid state 固态 infra-red ray 红外线 solidification 凝固 internal energy 内能 solidifying point 凝固点 latent heat 潜热 specific heat capacity 比热容量,比热容 lateral inversion 横向倒置 specific latent heat 比潜热 law 定律 specific latent heat of fusion 熔解比潜热 law of reflection 反射定律 specific latent heat of vaporization 汽化比潜热 law of refraction 折射定律 speed of light 光速 light 光,光学 state 态 sublimation 升华 temperature 温度 theory 理论 thermal capacity 热容量 thermometer 温度计 triangular prism 三稜镜,三角稜镜 ultra high frequency 超高频 ultra-violet radiation 紫外辐射 ultra-violet ray 紫外 vaporization 汽化 vapour 蒸气,汽 very high frequency 甚高频 vibration 振动 virtual image 虚像 visible light 可见光 visible spectrum 可见光谱 water vapour 水蒸气,水汽 white light 白光 X-ray X射 zeroth law of thermodynamics 热力学第零定律


1. be behind with [in] 拖欠,拖延,不能如期完成。如: He is never behind with [in] his work. 他工作从不拖拉。 He was behind in [with] his rent. 他拖欠了房租。 He helped a classmate who was behind with his homework. 他帮助一位没有按时完成作业的同班同学。 2. be behind in doing sth 做某事不落在后面。如: The boy is behind in handing in homework. 这孩子没能按时交家庭作业。 He was never behind in offering suggestions. 他提建议从来不落在别人后面。 3. from behind 从后面。如: He held her from behind. 他从后面抱住她。 They attacked us from behind. 他们从后面攻击我们。 注:有时 behind 是介词,其后可接宾语。如: He came out from behind the door. 他从门后出来。 4. fall [drop] behind 落在后面。如(from www.zkenglish.com): I"ve fallen behind in work. 我工作落后了。 Some students dropped behind in their studies. 有的学生在学习上落在后面。 5. leave sth behind (某人)走后留下(掉下)某物。如: What have we left behind? 我们走后留下什么了? He left his umbrella behind. 他离开时没有把雨伞带走。 6. stay [remain] behind 留下,在别人后面留下。如: He alone remained behind. 只有他一个人留下没走。 I had to stay behind after school. 放学后我还得留在学校。


  炎炎夏日,怎能少了各种美味又降暑的冷饮?冰激凌、冰镇西瓜、红豆冰沙,似乎只有带“冰”的饮品才能消解酷暑的燥热。享受美味冷饮的同时,不如我们一起来学学相关的英语表达吧。   1. 冰激凌(ice cream)   冰激凌大概是女孩子们最喜欢的的冷饮了,比如哈根达斯(Haagen-Dzas),意大利语里的冰激凌叫gelato。其主要原料包括饮用水、牛乳(milk)、奶粉(milk powder)、奶油(cream)、食糖(sugar)等。加入各种不同原料后可以制成众多口味的冰激凌,满足各种挑剔的味蕾。   果蔬冰激凌(ice cream with fruits and vegetables):鲜奶液和鲜果酱等,包括哈密瓜、草莓、香蕉、芒果、柠檬、橙、苹果、樱桃、蓝莓、猕猴桃、葡萄、香草、香芋、抹茶   冻酸奶(frozen yogurt):以“酸奶”冰激凌粉或者浆料为原料,富含活性益生菌,有助提高免疫力   奶油冰激凌(custard ice cream):以“奶油”为原料制作的冰激凌,口感润滑舒爽,但热量高   圣代(sundae):牛奶、糖果肉、果汁、果酱、奶油等多种主料混合而成的软式冰激凌   常见的各种口味冰激凌:   chocolate ice cream 巧克力冰激凌   vanilla ice cream 香草冰激凌   mint ice cream 薄荷冰激凌   mango ice cream 芒果冰激凌   blueberry ice cream 蓝莓冰激凌   rosemary ice cream 迷迭香冰激凌   green tea ice cream 抹茶冰激凌   strawberry ice cream 草莓冰激凌   crushed cherry ice cream 樱桃冰激凌   chocolate /strawberry sundae 巧克力/草莓圣代   前面说了这么多种类的冰激凌,是不是有人以为冰激凌是从国外引进的"?No, 早在800年以前,中国就有冰激凌了。在元朝的时候,一位精明的食品店商人突发奇想,他尝试着在冰中添加一些蜜糖、牛奶和珍珠粉,结果制成了世界上最早的冰激凌。那古代没有冰箱,是怎么储存冰冻食品的呢?   古人所用的器具叫“冰鉴”, 样子就像现在的瓮。它由内外两件器物构成;外部为鉴,鉴内置一尊缶。鉴与尊缶之间有较大的空隙,夏天可以放入冰块,冬天则贮存温水,尊缶内盛酒,这样就可以喝到“冬暖夏凉”的酒。   2、雪糕(ice cream bars)/ 冰棍(popsicle)   不过最怀念的应该小时候最爱吃的雪糕或者棒冰。中国是冰棍的故乡,早在3000多年以前,中国就有用冰解暑(relieving summer-heat)的记载,发明冰激凌则是很久以后的事儿了。其原料和制作方法与冰激凌类似但相对简单,很多人甚至自己在家制作(homemade),方便实惠。不过注意不要在一大早起来空腹吃冰棍,以免寒气从胃而入,导致胃寒(stomach cold)体虚,免疫力下降。   冰棍儿 Ice lolly / popsicle / ice pop /freezer pop   柠檬冰棍 lemon ice lolly   3、不含酒精的各类清凉饮料   包括汽水(soda water)、果汁(juice)、酸梅汤(sweet-sour plum juice)和可乐(coke)类以及各种兑制饮料等。   果汁:又分为原果汁(raw juice)、鲜果汁(fresh juice)、浓缩果汁(concentrated juices)和果汁酱等,是将水果汁液,兑入不同剂量的水和糖配制而成。此类饮料含维生素丰富(特别是维生素C含量较多),此外还含有丰富的有机酸(organic acid)和无机盐(mineral salt)等,是一类营养丰富,易于消化又帮助消化的理想饮料。夏天备受欢迎的大多有西瓜汁、番茄汁、黄瓜汁、梨汁、草莓汁等等。   常见饮品:   苏打水 soda water   柠檬苏打水 lemon soda water   橙汁 orange juice   梨汁 pear juice   西瓜汁 watermelon juice


夏季各式冷饮英语词汇   炎炎夏日,怎能少了各种美味又降暑的冷饮?冰激凌、冰镇西瓜、红豆冰沙,似乎只有带“冰”的饮品才能消解酷暑的燥热。享受美味冷饮的同时,不如我们一起来学学相关的英语表达吧。   1. 冰激凌(ice cream)   冰激凌大概是女孩子们最喜欢的的冷饮了,比如哈根达斯(Haagen-Dzas),意大利语里的冰激凌叫gelato。其主要原料包括饮用水、牛乳(milk)、奶粉(milk powder)、奶油(cream)、食糖(sugar)等。加入各种不同原料后可以制成众多口味的冰激凌,满足各种挑剔的味蕾。   果蔬冰激凌(ice cream with fruits and vegetables):鲜奶液和鲜果酱等,包括哈密瓜、草莓、香蕉、芒果、柠檬、橙、苹果、樱桃、蓝莓、猕猴桃、葡萄、香草、香芋、抹茶   冻酸奶(frozen yogurt):以“酸奶”冰激凌粉或者浆料为原料,富含活性益生菌,有助提高免疫力   奶油冰激凌(custard ice cream):以“奶油”为原料制作的冰激凌,口感润滑舒爽,但热量高   圣代(sundae):牛奶、糖果肉、果汁、果酱、奶油等多种主料混合而成的软式冰激凌   常见的各种口味冰激凌:   chocolate ice cream 巧克力冰激凌   vanilla ice cream 香草冰激凌   mint ice cream 薄荷冰激凌   mango ice cream 芒果冰激凌   blueberry ice cream 蓝莓冰激凌   rosemary ice cream 迷迭香冰激凌   green tea ice cream 抹茶冰激凌   strawberry ice cream 草莓冰激凌   crushed cherry ice cream 樱桃冰激凌   chocolate /strawberry sundae 巧克力/草莓圣代   前面说了这么多种类的冰激凌,是不是有人以为冰激凌是从国外引进的?No, 早在800年以前,中国就有冰激凌了。在元朝的时候,一位精明的食品店商人突发奇想,他尝试着在冰中添加一些蜜糖、牛奶和珍珠粉,结果制成了世界上最早的冰激凌。那古代没有冰箱,是怎么储存冰冻食品的呢?   古人所用的器具叫“冰鉴”, 样子就像现在的瓮。它由内外两件器物构成;外部为鉴,鉴内置一尊缶。鉴与尊缶之间有较大的空隙,夏天可以放入冰块,冬天则贮存温水,尊缶内盛酒,这样就可以喝到“冬暖夏凉”的酒。   2、雪糕(ice cream bars)/ 冰棍(popsicle)   不过最怀念的应该小时候最爱吃的雪糕或者棒冰。中国是冰棍的故乡,早在3000多年以前,中国就有用冰解暑(relieving summer-heat)的记载,发明冰激凌则是很久以后的事儿了。其原料和制作方法与冰激凌类似但相对简单,很多人甚至自己在家制作(homemade),方便实惠。不过注意不要在一大早起来空腹吃冰棍,以免寒气从胃而入,导致胃寒(stomach cold)体虚,免疫力下降。   冰棍儿 Ice lolly / popsicle / ice pop /freezer pop   柠檬冰棍 lemon ice lolly   3、不含酒精的各类清凉饮料   包括汽水(soda water)、果汁(juice)、酸梅汤(sweet-sour plum juice)和可乐(coke)类以及各种兑制饮料等。   果汁:又分为原果汁(raw juice)、鲜果汁(fresh juice)、浓缩果汁(concentrated juices)和果汁酱等,是将水果汁液,兑入不同剂量的水和糖配制而成。此类饮料含维生素丰富(特别是维生素C含量较多),此外还含有丰富的有机酸(organic acid)和无机盐(mineral salt)等,是一类营养丰富,易于消化又帮助消化的理想饮料。夏天备受欢迎的大多有西瓜汁、番茄汁、黄瓜汁、梨汁、草莓汁等等。   常见饮品:   苏打水 soda water   柠檬苏打水 lemon soda water   橙汁 orange juice   梨汁 pear juice   西瓜汁 watermelon juice   番茄汁 tomato juice   黄瓜汁 fresh cucumber juice   草莓汁 strawberry juice   胡萝卜汁 fresh carrot juice   葡萄柚汁 grapefruit juice   山楂胡萝卜汁 haw & carrot juice   酸梅汤:酸梅汤是老北京传统的消暑饮料,在炎热的`季节,多数人家会买乌梅(smoked plum)来自行熬制(也有用杨梅代替乌梅),里边放点白糖去酸,冰镇后饮用。具有消暑开胃、生津止渴(help produce saliva and slake thirst)的功效,是炎热夏季不可多得的保健饮品。   可乐:黑褐色、甜味、含咖啡因(caffeine)的碳酸饮料(carbonated beverage)。可乐解暑的原理在于其中含有二氧化碳(carbon dioxide),二氧化碳到了人体里再打嗝出来的时候就会把人体的热量带走。   4、含酒精饮料,如啤酒和各类果酒、鸡尾酒。   啤酒:以大麦芽(barley malt)、酒花(hops)、水为主要原料,经酵母发酵作用酿制而成的饱含二氧化碳的低酒精度酒,被称为“液体面包”(liquid bread),少量饮用对身体健康有益处,所以在炎热的夏季,冰镇啤酒是很多男士的最爱。其他还有苹果酒(cider wine)、各类鸡尾酒(cocktail)等。   vapid beer 淡而无味的啤酒   ale 麦芽啤酒   foaming beer 起沫啤酒   draft beer 生啤   fruit beer 果啤   brown ale/ dark beer 黑啤酒   Bitter ale / real ale 苦啤酒   champagne cocktail 香槟鸡尾酒   caesar cocktail凯撒鸡尾酒   cherry cocktail 樱桃鸡尾酒   Wisky Cocktail 威士忌鸡尾酒   Aurora Jungle-Juice 极光鸡尾酒   5、其他夏日常见饮品:   冰镇咖啡 iced coffee   冰镇柠檬水 iced lemonade   酸奶饮品 yogurt drinks   蜂蜜柚子茶 honey citron tea   绿茶 green tea   冰镇奶茶 iced milk tea   冰镇绿豆汤 iced mung bean soup   矿泉水 mineral water ;


一、详细释义: , n. , 工具,器械,仪器 , 例句: ,The instrument is used to determine how fully the batteries are charged.,这种仪表用来确定电瓶充电的程度。, 例句: ,The environment itself will at the same time be measured by about 60 scientific instruments.,同时环境本身将由大约60种科学器械来测量。, 乐器 , 例句: ,Learning a musical instrument introduces a child to an understanding of music.,学一门乐器能引导孩子了解音乐。, 例句: ,Her hands trembled slightly as she reached for the instrument.,她伸出手拿乐器时,手微微有些抖动。, 法律文件 , 例句: ,The king signed the instrument of abdication.,国王签署了逊位的文告。, 手段 , 例句: ,The law is not the best instrument for dealing with family matters.,法律并不是处理家庭问题的最佳方法。, 例句: ,The veto has been a traditional instrument of diplomacy for centuries.,几个世纪以来否决权一直是外交上惯用的手段。, 二、词义辨析: , apparatus,instrument,device,equipment,tool,implement,installation,appliance,facilities ,这些名词均有“仪器、设备、器械、器具”之意。apparatus既可指某种具体的由许多不同零件构成的复杂的仪器、装置或器械,又可指它们的总称。instrument通常指能使人们完成某一精确动作或测量的一种小型仪器,尤指电工仪表、测量装置,航海或航空用的控制装置。device多指为某一特殊用途或解决某一特定机械问题而设计或改装的精巧的仪器或装置。equipment多指成套的或重型的设备或装备。通常用作不可数名词。tool一般指进行特种工作的手工工具,也可指人造使用动力的工具,还可作引申用。implement原指史前人类所用的工具,现在多指农用工具,也可指为实现某个任务所需的工具或器具。installation一般多指安装完成,可供使用或操作的整套装置或设施。appliance侧重指家用机器或设备,尤指家用电器。facilities常用复数形式,指可供使用的设备或设施。, 三、相关短语: ,musical instrument,乐器,percussion instrument,n.打击乐器,wind instrument,n.管乐器,bowed stringed instrument,弓弦乐器,debt instrument,债务证券,drafting instrument,绘图仪器,electronic instrument,电子测试仪器,instrument landing,仪表着陆,盲目降落,盲目着陆,instrument panel,仪表板,仪表操纵板,操纵盘,legal instrument,法定证书,measuring instrument,测量器具,测量仪表,度量仪器,navigational instrument,导航仪器, 四、参考例句: ,It"s a specially-made instrument .,这是有特殊结构的仪器。,This instrument is highly sensitive.,这架仪器很灵敏。,Do you play an instrument?,你演奏乐器吗?,The king signed the instrument of abdication.,国王签署了逊位的文告。,What musical instrument do you play?,你玩什么乐器啊?,This instrument has a gentle quality.,这个乐器音色柔和。,This instrument monitors the patient"s heartbeats.,这台仪器监听病人的心跳。,The instrument is beautifully made in brass.,这个仪器是用黄铜制成的,非常漂亮。,The pass is an instrument of navigation.,罗盘是航行仪器。,Please change the instrument recording chart.,请换仪表记录纸。


一、详细释义: , n. , 打,击 , 例句: ,Each hit was like a blow.,每一击就像一个打击。, 例句: ,That was just a lucky hit!,那只是他运气的一击!, (精神上的)打击 [C] , 例句: ,If the rich head for the door, the financial system could take a hit as well.,如果富人携资本离开,金融系统也有可能遭受打击。, 例句: ,A difficulty is a hit to the weaker, but a kind of inspiration to the stronger.,困难,对弱者是一次打击,对强者却是一次激励。, 碰撞 [C] , 例句: ,We were victims of a hit and run driver.,我们被车撞了,肇事司机逃逸。, 例句: ,I can"t help but wonder if the bosses haven"t had a hit to the head themselves.,我不由怀疑老板们是不是也被撞坏了脑袋。, 成功,轰动 [C] , 例句: ,The new fad even made a hit among older people too.,这新的流行甚至也受年龄较大的人们欢迎。, 例句: ,The song became a massive hit in 1945.,这首歌在1945年风靡大江南北。, 讽刺,抨击 [C] , 例句: ,That last remark was a hit at me.,最后的话是对我的讽刺。, 例句: ,That was a hit at me.,那是抨击我的。, 击中,命中;得分 [C] , 例句: ,Not even one player got a hit.,甚至没有球员得分。, 例句: ,Every time I step up to the plate, I expect to get a hit.,如果我没有期望拿分的话,我就没有资格站在第一击球手的位置上。, 点击,浏览,访问;查询结果,检索结果 , 例句: ,Our *** all pany has had 78,000 hits on its Inter pages.,我们这个小公司的因特网网页已经有了78,000次的点击量。, 例句: ,Click on the top hit.,点击第一个靠前的链接。, v. , 撞击,碰撞 [I,T] , 例句: ,The car hit a tree.,车碰撞在树上。, 例句: ,The ship hit the harbour wall broadside.,这条船的侧面碰撞了港口岸壁。, 达到 [T] , 例句: ,All industrial discharge has hit the state limits by May 2000.,工业污染源已于2000年5月全部达到国家排放标准。, 例句: ,Oil prices hit record levels yesterday.,油价昨天达到了创纪录的水平。, 袭击 [T] , 例句: ,We were hit by really bad weather.,我们遭受到了坏天气的袭击。, 例句: ,A terrible plague hit the whole Europe.,一场可怕的瘟疫袭击了整个欧洲。, (精神上)打击,抨击,伤…的感情,使受严重影响 [T] , 例句: ,The bad news hit everyone hard.,这条坏消息使每个人都受到严重打击。, 例句: ,The reviews hit the new play.,报章评论抨击该新剧。, 击中,命中;得分 [T] , 例句: ,Robinson Cano hit a o-run triple and Damon finished with three singles, a walk and o stolen bases.,坎诺击出一支两个得分点的三垒安打,戴门则是整场取得三支一垒安打,一个保送外加两次盗垒成功。, 例句: ,He hit the mark nine times.,他九次击中目标。, 猜中 [T] , 例句: ,You"ve hit it.,你猜对了。, 例句: ,I just drew a bow at a venture, but it evidently hit mark.,我不过瞎猜而已,但显然是猜中了。, 使突然想起 [T] , 例句: ,It hit me all of a sudden that I have fet her birthday.,我突然想起,我把她的生日给忘了。, 例句: ,This idea hit me when I wake up this morning.,我今早醒来时,突然想起这个主意。, 打,击 [I,T] , 例句: ,They hit things to make loud noises to chase Nian away.,他们击打东西弄出大的声响把年赶跑。, 例句: ,She hit him hard across his left arm.,她狠狠地打在他的左臂上。, 偶然发现,偶然碰上 [I,T] , 例句: ,I hit on the book in a *** all book-shop.,我在一家小书店偶然发现了这本书。, 例句: ,But then she hit on a novel way of paying for the dating agency.,但后来,她偶然发现了一种为婚介所付钱的新颖方法。, 二、词义辨析: , beat,strike,hit,thrash,whip ,这些动词均含有“打”之意。beat普通用词,含义广泛,指连续打击。游戏、竞赛或战争中作打败解。strike普通用词,多指急速或突然一次猛击。hit普通用词,常与strike换用,侧重有目标的猛击,强调用力击中。thrash侧重指用棍子或鞭子等痛打。whip多指用鞭子抽打。, 三、相关短语: ,hit home,击中要害,触及痛处;说中,猜对,得要领,hit parade,最畅销的流行音乐唱片集,hit the books,用功,hit the ceiling,生气,大发雷霆;考试不及格,hit the deck,被打倒;起牀,下牀;准备行动,hit the jackpot,获得头奖,取得极大成功;抓住要点,抓住实质,hit the roof,大发雷庭,勃然大怒,hit the sack,v.就寝, *** ash hit,n. 非常流行的东西,hit it up,高速度前进拼命干活演奏得很起劲,hit list,n. 暗杀名单,hit man,n. 职业杀手, 四、参考例句: ,We hit the beach.,我们到达了沙滩。,He hit his hip.,他撞到了臀部。,You"ve hit it.,你猜对了。,He hit a snag.,他遇到了意外困难。,Hit the gym,去健身?,some people hit the bottle.,一些人开始酗酒。,I hit the flying ball.,我击中了飞来的球。,That brick really hit hard.,那个重击篮框的球真的撞得很有力。,The car hit a tree.,车碰撞在树上。,It can hit out spark.,它能[打]出火花。


一、详细释义: , adj. , 较小的,程度的,次要的,二流的轻 , 例句: ,We can only make minor concessions.,我们只能做些较小的让步,但这就可能打破僵局。, 例句: ,Important ideas should stand out clearly from the minor points.,要把重要意思从次要问题中突出出来。, 未成年的 , 例句: ,His old parents are in their sixties, grandma in her eighties, and a minor son.,他还有60多岁的父母,80多岁的祖母和一个未成年的儿子。, 【旧或谑】(私立学校中)(兄弟俩或同姓男生中)年幼的,小的 , 【音】小调的,小音阶的 , 例句: ,In the Tang Dynasty the tonality system resembling the 24 major and minor tonalities came into use.,唐朝时,与24个大小调相似的调系开始使用。, n. , (大学中)副修科目 , 例句: ,Computer Science is his minor subject.,电脑是他的副修科目。, 例句: ,English is his major and history is his minor.,他主修英文,副修历史。, 【律】未成年人(在英国为18岁以下) , 例句: ,A minor under the age of 10 shall be a person having no capacity for civil conduct.,不满十周岁的未成年人是无民事行为能力人。, 例句: ,The law prohibit the wale of alcohol to a minor.,法律禁止向未成年人出售酒类。, v. , (指学生)副修某科 , 例句: ,He majored in English and minored in finance.,他主修英语,副脩金融。, 二、词义辨析: , marginal,minor,negligible,minimal ,这些形容词均含“不重要的,次要的”之意。marginal指处于边缘,幅度、范围小,故价值或重要性不大。 minor多指与别的比较后显得不重要,或指较少、较小。negligible指数量小,不重要,微不足道或可忽略不计。minimal指最少、最低或最小。, 三、相关短语: ,minor axis,短径,短轴,minor diatonic scale,小全音阶,minor key,小音阶,minor mode,小调式,minor pla,n.[天]小行星,minor premise,n.[逻](三段论法的)小前题,minor scale,n.[音]小音阶,minor surgery,小外科,minor tranquilizer,弱安定剂,musculus pectoralis minor,胸小肌,musculus rhomboideus minor,小菱形肌,musculus teres minor,小圆肌, 四、参考例句: ,Don"t neglect minor issues.,不要忽略枝节问题。,With a minor in French.,辅修个法语。,Mathematics was my minor at University.,数学是我在大学的辅修课程。,He"s prone to minor ailments.,他动不动就生点小病。,Computer Science is his minor subject.,电脑是他的副修科目。,Minor mistakes must be quickly put right.,小错误必须很快纠正。,Minor advance was magnified into victory.,小小的进步被夸大成胜利。,Our minor vacation plans are shaping well.,我们的小长假计划进展顺利。,She daydreamed about a carefree minor vacation.,她梦想那无忧无虑的小假期。,Don"t always deviate to minor issues.,不要老是偏离到次要问题上去。


考考自己,看看下面的这个fashion quiz吧。 1: Which of the following prepositions means that something is fashionable? a. up b. down c. in d. out 答案是:c. in,in 在英语里往往代表时尚的意思,比如what"s in at the moment? 意思就是现在流行的是什么?你可能也会听到人们谈到the in-thing,它指那些现在流行、时尚的东西,并不局限于时装,还包含音乐,语言表达等。Up, downt都不是时尚的意思,out正好和时尚相反,这个词是指过时的。 2: If a piece of clothing is a bit big and loose on the body, which word would we use in English to describe it? a. loosy b. baggy c. tight d. shaggy 答案是:b. baggy,Baggy 表示衣服穿着很宽松,有的时候流行的是宽松类型的衣服,并不代表衣服不合身。a不对,因为英语里没有loosy这个词;c不对,因为tight是宽松的反义词,意思是很紧;d不对,因为Shaggy一般是用来形容头发乱糟糟的意思。 3: When British people talk about "high street fashion" u2013 what do they mean? a. Clothes that they bought at a shop on a main road b. Expensive designer clothes c. Clothes bought from one of the many chain fashion shops that you typically see in all towns across Britain d. Clothes that you can only wear outside 答案是:c,High street fashion 的意思就是指大众能接受的时装流行趋势。a不对,因为A high street一般指商业街,不过不是所有商业街上的时装店买的都是high street 时装;b不对,因为high street fashion一般没有价格昂贵的顶级名牌时装。 4: Which of the following expression_r_r_r_r_rs does NOT mean to be really dressed up in very nice clothes? a. Dressed to kill b. Dressed to the nines c. Dolled up d. Dressed down 答案是:d. Dressed down,dressed down 意思就是穿得很普通,没有特意打扮自己,其它的选择都是特意打扮的意思。a不对,因为如果一个人dressed to kill 那就是说穿上了最好的衣服,非常漂亮;b不对,因为如果一个人dressed to the nines 那就是说穿得非常漂亮,准备参加晚会;c不对,因为如果一个人dolled up那就是说穿得非常漂亮,这是一个非常口语化的表达。 5: Which of the following is another common expression_r_r_r_r_r meaning fashionable? a. All the rage b. All the anger c. All the fury d. All the upset 答案是:a. All the rage,如果什么东西现在非常时尚,就可以用这个词来形容。比如有人说喜欢你的拎包,你可以回答说 that style is all the rage at the moment. 这个包的款式现在非常流行。b不对,因为英语里没有这个表达;c不对,因为英语里没有这个表达,fury 的意思是发怒;d不对,因为英语里没有这个表达。 6: Skinny jeans are fashionable in the UK at the moment u2013 but what are they? a. Jeans that make you lose weight b. Jeans that make you look thinner c. Very long jeans d. Very tight jeans 答案是:d. Very tight jeans, skinny jeans是一个流行款式,是很紧身的牛仔裤,要瘦的人穿着才好看。a不对,因为Skinny jeans不是说穿了就可以减肥的牛仔裤,而是人要瘦才有可能穿进 skinny jeans;b不对,因为不是说穿上skinny jans,人看上去就瘦了;d不对,因为Skinny jeans不是很长的牛仔裤。

高考英语词汇详解:area, region, district 的区别

高考英语词汇详解:area, region, district 的区别   1. area是这组词中用得最广的,表示的“地区”可大可小,但通常不指行政分区:I find the people in this area very friendly. 我发现这个地方的人很友好。   2. region通常指较大的地区,它既可以表示一个国家的行政分区,也可以指非行政分区:The south east is the richest of England. 英国的东南部是最富有的。/ Italy is divided into 20 regions. 意大利被分为20个行政区。   其它用例:the Arctic region 北极地区 / in country regions在农村地区 / a faraway region 遥远的地区 / an oil region 石油产区 / a forest region 林区   3. district 指相对于 region 稍小的地区,通常指一个国家或城市的行政分区,有时也指非行政分区:The letters SW1 stand for apostal district of London. SW1这几个字母代表伦敦的邮政分区。/ The busiest shopping district in Beijing is aroundWangfujing Street. 北京最热闹的商业区是王府井大街一带。


会计常用资产类词汇   为了帮助大家会计行业的大家熟悉英语,我整理了一些会计常用英语词汇,希望能对大家有所帮助!   其他货币资金 other cash and cash equivalents   外埠存款 other city cash in bank   银行本票 cashier""s cheque   银行汇票 bank draft   信用卡 credit card   信用证保证金 l/c guarantee deposits   存出投资款 refundable deposits   短期投资 short-term investments   股票 short-term investments - stock   债券 short-term investments - corporate bonds   基金 short-term investments - corporate funds   无形资产 intangible assets   专利权 patents   非专利技术 non-patents   商标权 trademarks, trade names   著作权 copyrights   土地使用权 tenure   商誉 goodwill   无形资产减值准备 intangible assets depreciation reserves   专利权减值准备 patent rights depreciation reserves   商标权减值准备 trademark rights depreciation reserves   未确认融资费用 unacknowledged financial charges   待处理财产损溢 wait deal assets loss or income   资产类 assets   流动资产 current assets   货币资金 cash and cash equivalents   现金 cash   银行存款 cash in bank   其他 short-term investments - other   短期投资跌价准备 short-term investments falling price reserves   应收款 account receivable   应收票据 note receivable   银行承兑汇票 bank acceptance   商业承兑汇票 trade acceptance   应收股利 dividend receivable   应收利息 interest receivable   应收账款 account receivable   其他应收款 other notes receivable   坏账准备 bad debt reserves   预付账款 advance money   应收补贴款 cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable   库存资产 inventories   物资采购 supplies purchasing   原材料 raw materials   包装物 wrappage   低值易耗品 low-value consumption goods   材料成本差异 materials cost variance   自制半成品 semi-finished goods   库存商品 finished goods   商品进销差价 differences between purchasing and selling price   委托加工物资 work in process - outsourced   委托代销商品 trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis   受托代销商品 commissioned and sell the goods on a commission basis   存货跌价准备 inventory falling price reserves   分期收款发出商品 collect money and send out the goods by stages   待摊费用 deferred and prepaid expenses   长期投资 long-term investment   长期股权投资 long-term investment on stocks   股票投资 investment on stocks   其他股权投资 other investment on stocks   长期债权投资 long-term investment on bonds   债券投资 investment on bonds   其他债权投资 other investment on bonds   长期投资减值准备 long-term investments depreciation reserves   股权投资减值准备 stock rights investment depreciation reserves   债权投资减值准备 bcreditor""s rights investment depreciation reserves   委托贷款 entrust loans   本金 principal   利息 interest   减值准备 depreciation reserves   固定资产 fixed assets   房屋 building   建筑物 structure   机器设备 machinery equipment   运输设备 transportation facilities   工具器具 instruments and implement   累计折旧 accumulated depreciation   固定资产减值准备 fixed assets depreciation reserves   房屋、建筑物减值准备 building/structure depreciation reserves   机器设备减值准备 machinery equipment depreciation reserves   工程物资 project goods and material   专用材料 special-purpose material   专用设备 special-purpose equipment   预付大型设备款 prepayments for equipment   为生产准备的工具及器具 preparative instruments and implement for fabricate   在建工程 construction-in-process   安装工程 erection works   在安装设备 erecting equipment-in-process   技术改造工程 technical innovation project   大修理工程 general overhaul project   在建工程减值准备 construction-in-process depreciation reserves   固定资产清理 liquidation of fixed assets   待处理财产损溢 wait deal assets loss or income   待处理流动资产损溢 wait deal intangible assets loss or income   待处理固定资产损溢 wait deal fixed assets loss or income ;


你好Many wild animals are facing the danger of extinction, because the environment that they are living in has changed greatly. For example, with the developmet of cities, the using of insecticide and serious pollution, their living areas have become narrowcr and narrower. Many of the wild animals, now are confronted with food crisis. At the same time, man is killing off species just for getting their fur, skin, horns, teeth and meat.In order to protect our resources of ecology, people should realize that the loss of any species is at least the loss of source of knowledge and a source of natural beauty. There fore, measures of the following should be taken: pollution standards are made to keepdown poisons; killing off certain rare species is prohibited; national parks should be set up as wild life, reserves.


Unit3 Why do you like koalas?1、Let"s see the giraffes first. 让我们先看长颈鹿吧。 let 作及物动词(vt.),意为“允许;让;使”等,后接名词或代词宾格(作宾语),再跟不带to的动词不定式(作宾语补足语),构成let sb. do sth.(让某人做某事)——let后接复合宾语的固定结构。如: Her parents wouldn"t let her go out with boys. 她的父母不允许她和男孩一起出去。 His wife doesn"t let him smoke. 他妻子不让他抽烟。 He didn"t let us know when to come. 他没有告诉我们什么时候来。 类似的词还有have, make,如: Shall I have him come here? 要我叫他上这儿来吗? What makes you ask that? 是什么使得你问那个问题的?2、Why do you want to see the dolphins? Because they"re very cute. 为什么你想要看海豚?因为它们非常可爱。3、Why do you like tigers? Because they"re kind of interesting.为什么喜欢老虎?因为它们有几分有趣。 why作疑问词时,可以用来向对方问及原因,可以用Why?或Why not?二者都是省略句,语气比较强烈,所以常常用because作答。 ⑴ “Why?”用来针对肯定的内容发问。例如: A:What are you going to do tomorrow? B:Nothing much. Why?(=Why do you ask me that?) ⑵Why not?用来针对否定的内容发问,用在下列几种情况中: ①对一般疑问句的否定回答进一步询问原因时。例如: A:Do you often go to school by bike? B:No, I don"t. A:Why not?(=Why don"t you go to school by bike?) ②对反意疑问句的否定回答进一步询问原因时。例如: A:You haven"t finished your homework, have you? B: No, I haven"t. A: Why not?(=Why haven"t you finished it?) ③对否定陈述句询问原因时。例如: A:I can"t finish this work in two days. B:Why not?(=Why can"t you finish it in two days?) ④对表示建议、提议的回答时,形式上是否定,实际上是一种强调肯定的语气。例如: A:Could you come with me? B:Why not?(=I can go with you.) why除了用作疑问句之外,还可以用作引导词(又称感叹句)放在句首或句中作插入语,表示惊奇等各种各样的情绪,不译为“为什么”,根据上下文它可以有“哟,啊呀,哎呀,嗨,噢,呃,啊唷”等不同译法。例如: ①“....” “Next Friday? Why, what"s happening?”“……。”“下星期五?啊,有什么事吗?”②Why! I thought you were in London.哎呀!我还以为你在伦敦呢!③Why, it"s quite easy! A child could do it!唔,那是相当容易的!小孩子也会做它!④Why,what did she say?呃,她说什么?why 还可用在书和文章的标题中用一种不规范的句子语序也是符合语法的。例如:Why I am learning English? 我为什么学习英语?Why the bat comes out only at night? 为什么蝙蝠只在夜里出来?用“why+不定式”时,不定式的动词常是不及物动词。例如:He doesn"t know why to go there.他不知道为什么去那里。why在口语中可以用作宾语。例如:Tell me why. 告诉我为什么。I don"t know why. 我不知道为什么。Why not go with me?何不跟我一起去?(希望对方也去)Why don"t you answer this question?为什么不回答这些问题?(疑问)why don"t是疑问的用法,Why don"t you/we ... do sth?;why not常表示一种建议。不过某些情况在口语中可以简单地说 why not? 注意:why not 是句口语短语。5、Lions are from South Africa. 狮子来自南非。6、Koalas are from Australia. 树袋熊来自澳大利亚。 be from的用法见第一单元。7、What other animals do you like? 你还喜欢什么其他的动物吗? other形容词(a. ),“别的;其它的;另外的;更多的”等意。其用法小结:other后接单复数均可,other one或other two students.others(另外的……/别的……/其它的人或物)本身就是复数,等于:other (ones)the other(两个中的另一个人或物)one…the other一定范围内两人(物),一个用one,另一个用the other。some/any other(别的,其它的):后接单复数均可;every other(隔一……的):后接单数。相关词组:one… the other 一个……另一个……(只有两个)some… the others 一些……其余的……(有三个以上)some… others,others…一些……另外一些……另外一些……others = other people/thingsthe others = the rest 剩余的全部1) 泛指另一个用another。2) 一定范围内两人(物),一个用one,另一个用the other。3) 一定范围内三者,一个用one,另一个用one (another),第三个可用the other,a third。4) 一定范围内,除去一部分人/物,剩余的全部用the others。5) 泛指别的人或物时,用others当在一定范围内,除去一部分后,剩余部分但不是全部时,也用others。8、Elephants like to play with their friends and eat grass. 大象喜欢和他的朋友一玩耍和吃草。 With作介词(prep.),在不同的语言环境中,其含义不近相同,在此对with常见的用法做一小结,以供参考。1) “和……(一起);跟;同;和”。 She lives with her parents.她和父母住在一起。 Would you go to see a movie with me? 和我一起去看电影好吗?Mary married a man with a lot of money .马莉嫁给了一个有着很多钱的男人。I often dream of a big house with a nice garden .我经常梦想有一个带花园的大房子。The old man lived with a little dog in the little house.这个老人和一条小狗住在小屋里。2)表一致、赞成:“与……(符合);赞成……;支持;在……一边”。I agree with you on how to deal with it .关于此事如何处理,我同意你的看法。The people are with him. 人民拥护他。3) “加在……上;连同;还有;包括”:Do you want sugar with your tea? 你茶里要加糖吗?4)“具有;有;带有;有……特征;穿着;戴着”:He is a man with ideas. 他是个有思想的人。The girl with golden hair looks beautiful .那个金头发的女孩看起来漂亮。A storm with a hurricane has come onto its way .带有飓风的风暴要来了。5)表示“在……身上;在……身边”:Do you have money with you .身上带着钱吗?I have no money with me. 我身边没有钱。6)表同时、同一方向、同一程度:“随着……;与……一起”The big ship is sailing with the wind .这个大船正随风向航行。And with the last words , she turned away.随着最后一句话说完,他转身离开了。7)表手段、工具、材料:“以……;用……;借……”。I cut the apple with a sharp knife .我用一把锋利的刀削平果。He drew the picture with a pencil .他用铅笔画画。He is filling a bottle with water. 他正往瓶里注水。 8)表行为方式:“以……;以……方法” He stared at the man with wide-open eyes. 他瞪着眼盯着这个人。9)表伴随的情况或结果:He offen sleeps with the windows open. 他常常开着窗户睡觉。The man is standing there with his hands in his pockets. 那人两手插在口袋里站在那儿。 10)表对等、对照、对比:She sings with the best of them. 她唱得不亚于他们中间最好的歌手。 11)表关系:“对(于)……;关于……”: She is angry with him. 她对他发怒。 What does that man want with you? 那人要你做什么? How are you getting along with your work?你的工作进展得如何?12)表相对、相离、相接:“跟……;对……;与……”make friends with sb. 和……交朋友talk /quarrel / struggle / fight /play / work /cooperate with sb.和某人交谈/吵架/竞争/打架/玩/工作/合作(协作) You must break with the past. 你必须与过去决裂。13)表原因,理由:“为……;因……”,作此用法时多半与表情绪的词连用。John was in bed with high fever .约翰因发烧卧床。He jumped up with joy .他因高兴跳起来。Father is often excited with wine .父亲常因白酒变的兴奋。 14)表连结:“在获得……的情况下”:With your permission, I"ll go. 如果你同意的话,我就去。15)表让步:“虽然;尽管”With all his money and fame, he is not happy .虽然他有着钱和名誉,但是他还是不快乐。With all his faults, I like him. 尽管他有种种缺点,我还是喜欢他。 16)附带状况:“……着”,作此用法时与名词+副词(短语),形容词(短语)连用,且 with常可省. with+n./pron.+adv. With the radio on , Grandma slept deeply in the chair. 收音机开着,奶奶躺在椅子里沉沉地睡着。 With parents away , I always feel lonely. 父母不在,我一直感到孤独。 with+n./pron.+adj. He left the room with the door open. 门开着,他就离开了。 Don"t talk with your mouse full. 不要嘴里塞满东西说话。9、Pandas are very beautiful , but they"re very shy, so please be quiet.熊猫非常漂亮,但是非常害羞,因此请安静。so 的用法so作连词(conj.),表示“所以、因此;为了、以便;只要”,引导目的或结果状语从句(但语气不如because强烈)。It was raining, so he didn"t go out. 天在下雨,所以他没出去。I packed him a little food so he wouldn"t get hungry.我给他包了一点吃的东西,这样他就不致挨饿了。So it be done, I care not who does it. 我不管谁做,只要把事情做好。so作副词(ad.),“这么、那么;像这样、像那样;同样、的确;如此看来、似乎”之意。so + many, much, few, little, …. 表示“如此……”: She has so many story-books. 她有如此多的故事书。 so通常置于所修饰的形容词、副词之前,排列顺序为“so+形容词+a(an)+名词”。试比较:I"ve never seen so amusing a film. 我从来没有看过这么有趣的电影。I"ve never seen suchan amusing film. 我从来没有看过这么有趣的电影。so+系动词(助动词或情态动词)+另一主语。此句型是主谓倒装结构,表示前句所述肯定情况也适用于另一主语。其中so作“也这样;也如此”解。此时要注意:so后的系动词、助动词或情态动词须同前一句的谓语动词保持一致。如:I enjoy reading the book and so does my sister. 我喜欢看这本书,我姐姐(妹妹)也喜欢。so用于肯定句,否定句则用neither。如:I don"t like carrots. 我不喜欢胡萝卜。Neither do I.我也不喜欢。so +主语+系动词(助动词或情态动词)。此句型的主语与前一句的主语相同,因而主谓不倒装。这种句型表示说话者对前句所提到的情况或事实表示赞同,其中so作“不错;确实如此”解。如:-It is cold today. 今天天气很冷。-So it is. 不错,是很冷。10、Koalas sleep during the day, but at night they gets up and eats leaves.树袋熊白天睡觉,但是在晚上起来吃树叶。11、A koala is lazy, and it sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day.树袋熊很懒,每天睡眠休息20个小时。12、go to the zoo 去动物园13、a map of China 一张中国地图


ウェスティン 威斯汀 エキストラベッド 简易床 エスカレータ 滚梯 エレベーター 电梯 键 钥匙 挂け布団 被子 喫茶店 咖啡厅 ギャラクシー 银河 金库 金库 グランドハイアット(Grand Hyatt Shanghai) 金茂凯悦 サービス料 服务费 シーツ 床单 シャワー 淋浴 シャワーキャップ 浴帽 シャングリラ 香格里拉 シャンプー 洗发露 シングルルーム 单人房 石鹸 肥皂 タオル 毛巾 チェックアウト 退房 ツインルーム 双人房 トイレ 厕所 トイレットペーパー 卫生纸 泊まる 住 トムソン 汤臣 灰皿 烟灰缸 バスタオル 浴巾 バスタブ 浴缸 バスルーム 浴室 歯ブラシ 牙刷 歯磨き粉 牙膏 番号 号码 ヒルトン 希尓顿 ビジネスルーム 商务房 フラマ 富丽华 フロント 服务 部屋 房间 ポートマンリッツカールトン (Portman Ritz-Carlton) 波特曼丽斯嘉顿 ホリデイイン 假日 マンダリン 文华 モーニングコール 叫早服务 予约 预定 両替 兑换 リンス 护发素 ルームサービス 送餐服务 冷蔵库 冰箱 レインボー 虹桥 词汇 日语知识点:清音、浊音、半浊音、拨音,它们就是假名,再加上汉字,就构成了日文。而汉字的读音也是假名的读音组成的。比如日语中汉字“爱”,它的发音就是“あい”,用罗马字表示就是“a i”,连起来读就是中文汉字“爱”的音了。(当然这个是巧合了,中日汉字的发音大多是不同的。)而如果你不写日语中的汉字“爱”,而写假名“あい”,别人也知道这是“爱”字。可见,假名除了本身可以构成日语成分外,对于日语中的汉字,它不仅能表其音,还能表其义。 日本https://riben.liuxue86.com友情提醒,点击日本考试频道可以访问《酒店相关日语词汇 》的相关学习内容。


一、动词 1.“看”:look;see;watch;observe;notice;catchsightof;stare;glare;glance;glimpse;seeafilm;watchTV 2.“说”:telllsthtosb.=tellsbsth;talkwithsbaboutsth;saysth;speakinEnglish;whispersthtosb;informsbofsth;reason/talk/persuadesbintodoingsth;bargain;chat;repeat;explain;warn;remind;discuss;debate;figure;declare;claim;mention;admit;deny;describe;announce;introduce;complain 3.“叫”:cry;call;shout;scream;moan;sigh;quarrel 4.“问”:ask;interview;express;question 5.“答”:answer;respond;reply 6.“听”:listento;hear;pickup;overhear 7.“笑”:smile;laugh;burstintolaughter;burstoutlaughing 8.“哭”:cry;shedtears;weep;sob;burstintotears/burstoutcrying 9.“吃/喝”:eat/drink;sip;haveameal;havesupper;toast;taste;treatsbto;helponeselfto 10.“穿”:puton;wear;haveon;bedressedin;makeup;getchanged;beinred;takeoff;remove 11.“行”:walk;run;climb;jump;skip;slip;come/go;enter;move;drive;ride;fly;crawl 12.“坐”:sitdown;beseated;seatoneself;takeaseat,stand;lean 13.“睡/休息”:lie/onone"sback/onone"sside/onone"sstomach;stayinbed;havearest;takeanap;beasleep;bend;turnover;rest 14.“写”:dictate;writesth;describe;dropaline;draw;takedown/writedown 15.“拿/放”:take;bring;hold;carry;fetch;lif;put;lay;pull;push 16.“抓”:takeholdof;seize;grasp;scratch 17.“打”:hit;beat;strike;blow;attack 18.“扔”:throw;drop;fall;wave;shake 19.“送”:send;deliver;give;offer;seeoff 20.“摸/抱”:ouch;fold;embrace;hug;hold;inone"sarms 21.“踢/碰”:kick;knock;tip 22.“找/查”:find;lookfor;findout;discover/explore;huntfor;searchfor;seek,seekforinsearchof;searchsb;searchsp.forsth;check;examine;test;inspect 23.“得”:get;obtain;acquire;gain;possess 24.“失”:lose;belost/bemissing/gone;greatloss 25.“有”:have;own;conquer;occupy;possess 26.“无”:nothingleft;theremainingthing;disappear;bemissing/gone 27.“增/减”:rise/goup,drop;raise;bringdown/reduce;increase/decrease 28.“买/卖”:buy;purchase;afford;pay;payoff;payfor;sell;onsale;bargain;bill/cheque/cash/creditcard/notes/coins;discounts 29.“存在/消失”:comeintobeing;exist;appear;survive;live;show;turnup;disappear;die;dieout;passaway;beoutofsight 30.“变化”:develop;improve;become;grow;go+bad/wrong/sour;turn+colour;change/changeinto;reform 31.“成功/失败”:makeit;succeed;makeprogress;cometrue;realizeone"sdream;win;lose;failtodo;defeat;sufferloss;beat;turnsth.intoreality 32.“努力”:try/manage;makeefforts;attempt;doone"sbest;doasmuchasonecantodo 33.祝贺:congratulatesb.onsth.;celebrate;observe;gettogether 34.敬佩:admire;respect;showrespectfor/to;adore;envy;bejealousy 35.赞美/批评:praise;thinkhighlyof;blamesbforsth;sbistoblame;criticize/scoldsb.forsth.;havealowopinionofsb;speakillof 36.喜/恶:like;love;befondof;bekeenon;becrazyabout;adore;beinto;prefer;enjoy;dislikehate;ignore 37.到达:arriveat;reach;returnto;getto;stayinsp.;visit;leave;leavefor 38.受伤:hurt;injure;wound;cut;kill;drown;bleed;getburnt;sufferfrom;sufferaloss 39.损坏:damage;destroy;ruin;breakdown;crash;bebroken 40.修复:repair;rebuild;restore;fix;recoveroneself 41.“认识的过程”:feel;sense;guess;suppose;wonder;doubt;know/learnrealizeunderstandremember;befamiliarwith;recall;recite;applyto 42.认为;判断:think;believe;consider;find;feel;conclude;infer;doubt 43.想/考虑:thinkof…as...;thinkabout;consider;thinkover 44.支持/反对:agree;disagree;accept;receive;refuse;turndown;beagainst;elect;votefor/against 45.花费:sth/doingsth+cost;sb+spend+(in)doingsth;sb+afford+n/todosth;It+takes/tooksometime/money/energytodosth;sbpaysomemoneyforsth. 46.省/存钱:save/saveup;setaside;putaway 47.参加:takepartin;join/joinin;attend;competein/for/against 48.控告:accusesb.of;chargesb.with 49.救治/帮助:help/helpout;save/rescuesbfromsth.;treat;curesb.ofsth;aidsbindoingsth/todosth;helpsbwithsth;assistsbindoingsth 50.逃避:runaway;escapefrom;flee;hide 51.阻止/禁止:prevent/keep/stopsb.fromdoingsth;forbiddoingsth.;ban;prohibit 52.对付/处理:handle/dowith/dealwith/tackle/overcomesth;solve;settle 53.效仿:copy;imitate;learnfrom;learn 54.爆发/发生:comeabout;happento;takeplace;breakout;burstout;gooff;explode 55.安装/装备:fasten;fix;set;equip;bearmedwith;beequippedwith 56.追求:pursuit;ranafter;seekafter;chase;catchupwith;keepupwith 57.建议:advise;suggest;recommend;propose;urge;demand;persuade 58.打算:plan/intend/designtodo;begoingtodo/beabouttodo/willdo 59.似乎/好象:seem;appear;looklike;asif/asthough 60.开办/关闭:open;start;setup;close/closeup;end;closedown二、名词 假期 vacation,holiday,springbreak,leave,twodaysoff 2.旅游 trip,journey,tour,voyage,travel,tourist,passenger 3.职务人员 clerk,secretary,passer-byfriend,minister,manager,waitress,guest,host,hostess,assistant,customer,adult,neighbor,relative,patient,vet,staff,crew,nurse,teacher,conductor,tailor,sailor,inventor,gardener,guard 4.餐馆/定餐/就餐 inn,restaurant,kitchen,menu,bill,order,tip,forkandknife,reserve/booktable,tastedelicious,salad,vegetables,fruit,tray,napkin 5.诊所/看病/服药 clinic,hospital,takeone"stemperature,takemedicine/pills,haveafever/flu/headache,doctor,physician,surgeon,specialist,patient 6.车站/机场 airport,onboard,missthetrain/bus,catchatrain,meetsb. 7.身体部位 arm,head,hair,brain,waist,back,shoulder,pulse,wrist 8.意志 will,courage,patience,determination,faith,effort,confidence,ambition,energy 9.才能/品质 talent,gift,ability,potential,intelligent,promising,smart,stupid,careful,proud,strict,honest,cold,serious,easy-going,learned,knowledgeable 10.优缺点 advantage,disadvantage,strength,weakness,merit,drawback,strongpoint,shortcoming 11.目标 aim,goal,intention,purpose,belief,faith 12.方式 means,method,way,manner,approach 13.身体素质 strong,weak,pale,sick,ill,well,slim,fit,cutweight,putonweight 14.图表 photo,picture,graph,drawing,table,line/bargraph,piechart,drawasketch(划草图) 15.文章 reading,translation,essay,poem,paper,novel,fictionarticle,magazine,newspaper,journal,diary,files 16.课堂 class,course,lecture,example,reason,message,notes,words,phrase,scholarship,degree,subject,question,trouble,difficulty,grades,comment,marks 17.学校活动 match,game,activity,holdameeting/debate/speech/ceremony 18.建议/观点 advice,suggestion,idea,proposal,view,recommandation 19.气候/天气 climate,weather,storm,wind,cloud,rain,snow,hotness,coldness,heat,warmth 20.交通 bytrain/bus/boatbike,onthetrain/bus/abike,driveacar,rideabike,givesb.alift/ride 21.习惯 habit,custom,practice(惯例) 22.感觉 sight,hearing,touch,smell,taste,sense 23.情感 feeling,emotion,anger,delight,sadness,sorrow 24.财富 money,possessions,wealth,belongings,fortunes,treasure,diamond 25.运动比赛 playground,trackandfiled,pitch,event,game,match,sports,player,coach,judge,jogging,weightlifting,volleyball,soccer三、形容词和副词 1.immediateadj立即的,立刻的,马上 2.clearadj清楚的,清晰的 3.cautiousadj小心翼翼的 4.vividadj生动的,逼真的 5.exactlyadv①确切地,精确地②恰好地,正好地③(用于答语)完全正确。(的确这样) 6.fortunatelyadv幸运地 7.surprisinglyadv令人惊讶的 8.hardlyadv几乎不 9.insteadadv代替,相反 10.properlyadv适当地;正确地;恰当地 11.speciallyadv专门 12.reliableadj可靠的,可信赖的 13.simplyadv简单地;仅仅,只不过 14.namelyadv即,也就是 15.notnearly=farfrom=nowherenear远非,远远不,一点也不 16.patientadj耐心的;n病人 17.plainadj简单的,朴素的 18.familiaradj熟悉的 19.luckyadj幸运的 20.amazingadj令人惊异的 21.accidentallyadv①偶然地;意外地②附带地 22.silentadj沉默的 23.calmadj平静的,冷静的 24.secretadj秘密的 25.otherwiseadv否则 26.meanwhileadv期间,同时 27.besidesadv除…..以外还有 28.efficientadj高效的,有效的 29.flexibleadj灵活的 30.complexadj复杂的 31.smoothadj平稳的,光滑的,顺利的32.regularlyadv定期的,有规律的 33.sensitiveadj敏感的,体贴的 34.honestadj诚实的 35.confidentadj自信的 36.shyadj害羞的,羞涩的 37.thoughtfuladj①深思的,沉思的②富有思想的;经认真推敲的 38.lightheartedandoptimisticadj无虑而且非常乐观的 39.neverthelessadj然而 40.privateadj私人的(privatecars) 41.personaladj个人的(personalbelongings) 42.uniqueadj的,独一无二的;独特的 43.favorableadj赞同的,有利的 44.preciousadj宝贵的,珍贵的 45.essentialadj必要的,重要的 46.worthwhileadj值得的 47.physicaladj身体的,物理的 48.suddenadj突然的 49.merelyadv仅仅,只=only 50.rarelyadv罕见的 51.splendidlyadj极好地,灿烂地 52.increasinglyadv越来越多地 53.naturallyadv自然地 54.accurateadj精确的,准确的 55.ridiculousadj可笑的,荒谬的 56.urgentadj紧急的,急迫的 57.shallowadj浅的,肤浅的 58.frequentlyadv经常地,频繁地 59.especiallyadv特别地,尤其地=particularly 60.obviouslyadv显而易见=apparently 61.necessarilyadv必要地,必须地,必然地 62.generallyadv一般地,通常地 63.eventuallyadv最终,最后 64.adoptableadv可采用的,可收养的 65.acceptableadj可以接受的 66.availableadj可利用的,可使用的,可得到的 67.accessibleadj易接近的,易受影响的,可理解的 68.relativelyadv相对地,比较地 69.approximatelyadv大约 70.absolutelyadv绝对正确地 71.punctualadj守时的 72.gentleadj温柔的 73.neatlyadv整洁地 74.entirelyadv完全地 75.highlyadv高度地,非常地 76.stronglyadv强烈地,坚固地 77.extremelyadv极端地,非常 78.reasonablyadv合乎情理地 79.eagerlyadv热切地;渴望地 80.badlyadv很,非常 81.slightlyadv稍微,轻微地 82.equallyadv平等地 83.latelyadv最近 84.enthusiasticadj热情的;热烈的;热心的 85.energeticadj精力充沛的,有活力的 86.talkativeadj①喜欢说话的②多嘴的③健谈的 87.impressiveadj影象深刻的 88.traditionaladj传统的 89.practicaladj实践的,实际的 90.similaradj类似的,相似的 91.convenientadj方便的,便利的 92.soonerorlater迟早,早晚 93.moreorless或多或少,差不多,几乎 94.onceinawhile偶尔,时不时地 95.nowandthen偶尔,有时 96.willinglyadv情愿地 97.unexpectedlyadv出乎意料地 98.unwillinglyadv不情愿地 99.unforgettableadj难忘的 100.doubtfuladj可疑的;令人生疑的;疑心的;不能确定 101.hardly/scarcelyadv几乎不 102.respectableadj值得尊敬的 103.respectfuladj恭敬的,有礼貌的 104.distinguishedadj的;卓著的;高贵的 105.complicatedadj难懂的,复杂的 106.awkward/clumsyadj尴尬的,笨拙的 107.previousadj以前的


高考英语词汇详解:有关burst短语的用法   1 . be bursting to do sth 急于要做某事。如:   He was bursting to tell her the news. 他急于要告诉她这条消息。   2 . burst forth 突然出现,突然爆发出,突然喊出。如:   A broad smile burst forth on his face. 他顿时笑容满面。   A cry of horror burst forth from the crowd. 人群中突然发出恐惧的叫喊声。   "Why don"t you behave? " he burst forth. “你为什么不放规矩一点呢? ”他大声喊。   3 . burst into   突然闯入。如:   Don"t burst into my bedroom without knocking. 请不要不敲而贸然闯入我的卧室。   突然……起来。如:   She burst into tears . 她突然哭起来。   The entire hall burst into thunderous cheers. 全场发出了雷鸣般的欢呼。   注:这样用的 burst into 后通常接具有动作意义的名词。   4 . burst out   大声叫喊。如:   "I don"t believe it", he burst out. “我不相信”,他大声说道。   注:这样用的 burst out 与 burst forth 同义。   突然……起来。如:   She burst out crying . 她突然哭起来。   注:这样用的 burst out 后通常接动名词。






   词汇:   1. grace 恩赐,仁慈,感化,感思祷告   2. chide 责备   3. sentiment 情感   4. inviolate 不受侵犯的,纯洁的   5. intent 意义,含义   6. piecemeal 一件件,逐渐的,零碎的   7. bubble up 起泡,沸腾,兴奋   8. veer 改变方向,转向   9. abortive 夭折的,失败的,中断的,流产的。   10. pale 范围,界限   11. draught 要求   12. oracle 神谕宣誓,预言,圣言   13. antidote 解毒药,矫正方法   14. correlate 相互关系   15. dislocate 使离开原来位置,打乱正常秩序   16. gratuitous 无偿的,没有理由的。   17. debauch 使失落,放荡   18. sanction 支持,鼓励,认可   19. impede 妨碍,制止   20. ineptitude 不恰当,无能,愚蠢   21. insinuate 暗示   22. remould 重塑,重铸   23. aspiration 抱负,壮志   24. arrogate 没来由反把……归于(to )   25. literal 朴实的,字面的   26. intelligible 可以理解的。   27. conceit 幻想,奇想    难句译注:   1. Yet the difference in tome and language must strike us, so soon as it is philosophy that speaks:that change should remind us that even if the function of religion and that of reason coincide, thisfunction is performed in the two cases by very different organs.   [参考译文] 可是音调和语言的差异必然很快的给我们深刻的印象,就象哲学所说的那样:那种差异应提乡我们,即使宗教的功能和理性的功能恰好相符的话,其功能也是通过不同的器官在两种不同的`情况下完成的。   2. Reason, on the other hand, is a mere principle or potential order, on which indeed we may cometo reflect but which exists in us ideally only, without variation or stress of any kind.   [参考译文] 另一方面,理性知识一种原则或者是潜在的秩序,我们确实可以在此基础上存在于我们心中,没有种种变化,或任何压力。   3. We conform or do not conform to it; it does not urge or chide us, not call for any emotions onour part other than those naturally aroused by the various objects which it unfolds in their truenature and proportion.   [参考译文] 不论我们是否遵循理性,它不会极力或责备我们,除了以事物的本来面目和比例揭示各种事物而自然而然的激起我们的感情,它并不需要我们付出任何感情。   4. Religion, in its intent, is a more conscious and direct pursuit of the Life of Reason than is society,science, or art, for these approach and fill out the ideal life tentatively and piecemeal, hardlyregarding the foal or caring for the ultimate justification of the instinctive aims.   [参考译文] 宗教在其意义上,比社会,科学,艺术更自觉,更直接的追求“理性生活”,因为这些东西(社会,科学,艺术)暂时而又零星的接近和填补理想的生活,无视目的,也不管其本能的目标是否最终证明正确。   5. one and all 各个都,全部   6. Those within the pale of each religion may prevail upon themselves, to express satisfaction withits results, thanks to a fond partiality in reading the past and generous draughts of hope for thefuture; but any one regarding the various religions at once and comparing their achievements withwhat reason requires, must feel how terrible is the disappointment which they have one and allprepared for mankind.   [参考译文] 处于宗教领域范围之内的人民也许会说服自己对其结果表示满意,这要感谢他们在结实过去和对未来希望宽宏要切上的一种偏爱。可是任何迅速关注宗教的人,把其成就和理性所要求的一切做一比较,必然感到这种种宗教为全人类作好的失望是实在太可怕了。   7. To confuse intelligence and dislocate sentiment by gratuitous fictions is a short-sighted way ofpursuing happiness.   [参考译文] 以无理的幻想混淆智力,弄乱正常的情感是一种短视的追求幸福的方法。   8. Thus religion too often debauches the morality it comes to sanction and impedes the science itought to fulfill.   [参考译文] 因此,宗教常常会使它要支持的道德堕落沦丧,并妨碍它应该执行的科学任务。   9. The condition and the aims of life are both represented in religion poetically, but this poetrytends to arrogate to itself literal truth and moral authority, neither of which it possesses.   [参考译文] 生活的目标和条件在宗教中诗一般的呈现,但这种诗意往往把宗教所并不具有的朴实真理和道德威力没有来由的归于宗教。    写作方法与文章大意:   这是一篇用对比手法写出宗教和理性之差异并着重描述宗教的文章。有各种中焦,理性只有一个,纵然两者在功能和目的上有不相同之处,但由于宗教以直觉,想象力,情感为主,无视目的,虽比科学,社会或艺术更自觉,更直接追求理性生活,结果却是失败和失望,而理性则相反。


导语:机械专业是从事机械设计与制造加工工艺规程的编制与实施工作,下面是YJBYS小编收集整理的机械专业常用的英语词汇,欢迎参考!机床 machine tool金属工艺学 technology of metals刀具 cutter摩擦 friction联结 link传动 drive/transmission轴 shaft弹性 elasticity金属切削 metal cutting频率特性 frequency characteristic误差 error响应 response定位 allocation机床夹具 jig动力学 dynamic运动学 kinematic静力学 static分析力学 analyse mechanics拉伸 pulling压缩 hitting剪切 shear扭转 twist弯曲应力 bending stress强度 intensity三相交流电 three-phase AC磁路 magnetic circles变压器 transformer异步电动机 asynchronous motor几何形状 geometrical精度 precision正弦形的 sinusoid交流电路 AC circuit机械加工余量 machining allowance变形力 deforming force变形 deformation应力 stress硬度 rigidity热处理 heat treatment退火 anneal正火 normalizing脱碳 decarburization渗碳 carburization电路 circuit半导体元件 semiconductor element反馈 feedback发生器 generator直流电源 DC electrical source门电路 gate circuit逻辑代数 logic algebra外圆磨削 external grinding内圆磨削 internal grinding平面磨削 plane grinding变速箱 gearbox离合器 clutch绞孔 fraising绞刀 reamer螺纹加工 thread processing螺钉 screw铣削 mill铣刀 milling cutter功率 power工件 workpiece齿轮加工 gear mechining齿轮 gear主运动 main movement主运动方向 direction of main movement进给方向 direction of feed进给运动 feed movement合成进给运动 resultant movement of feed合成切削运动 resultant movement of cutting合成切削运动方向 direction of resultant movement of cutting切削深度 cutting depth前刀面 rake face刀尖 nose of tool前角 rake angle后角 clearance angle龙门刨削 planing主轴 spindle主轴箱 headstock卡盘 chuck加工中心 machining center车刀 lathe tool车床 lathe钻削 镗削 bore拉孔 broaching装配 assembling铸造 found流体动力学 fluid dynamics流体力学 fluid mechanics加工 machining液压 hydraulic pressure切线 tangent机电一体化 mechanotronics mechanical-electrical integration气压 air pressure pneumatic pressure稳定性 stability介质 medium液压驱动泵 fluid clutch液压泵 hydraulic pump阀门 valve失效 invalidation强度 intensity载荷 load应力 stress安全系数 safty factor可靠性 reliability螺纹 thread螺旋 helix键 spline销 pin滚动轴承 rolling bearing滑动轴承 sliding bearing弹簧 spring制动器 arrester brake十字结联轴节 crosshead联轴器 coupling链 chain皮带 strap精加工 finish machining粗加工 rough machining变速箱体 gearbox casing腐蚀 rust氧化 oxidation磨损 wear耐用度 durability随机信号 random signal离散信号 discrete signal超声传感器 ultrasonic sensor集成电路 integrate circuit挡板 orifice plate残余应力 residual stress套筒 sleeve扭力 torsion冷加工 cold machining电动机 electromotor汽缸 cylinder过盈配合 interference fit热加工 hotwork摄像头 CCD camera倒角 rounding chamfer优化设计 optimal design工业造型设计 industrial moulding design有限元 finite element滚齿 hobbing插齿 gear shaping伺服电机 actuating motor铣床 milling machine钻床 drill machine镗床 boring machine步进电机 stepper motor丝杠 screw rod导轨 lead rail组件 subassembly可编程序逻辑控制器 Programmable Logic Controller PLC电火花加工 electric spark machining电火花线切割加工 electrical discharge wire - cutting相图 phase diagram热处理 heat treatment固态相变 solid state phase changes有色金属 nonferrous metal陶瓷 ceramics合成纤维 synthetic fibre电化学腐蚀 electrochemical corrosion车架 automotive chassis悬架 suspension转向器 redirector变速器 speed changer基准 benchmark数学模型 mathematical model画法几何 descriptive geometry机械制图 Mechanical drawing投影 projection视图 view剖视图 profile chart标准件 standard component零件图 part drawing装配图 assembly drawing尺寸标注 size marking技术要求 technical requirements刚度 rigidity内力 internal force位移 displacement截面 section疲劳极限 fatigue limit断裂 fracture塑性变形 plastic distortion脆性材料 brittleness material刚度准则 rigidity criterion垫圈 washer垫片 spacer直齿圆柱齿轮 straight toothed spur gear斜齿圆柱齿轮 helical-spur gear直齿锥齿轮 straight bevel gear运动简图 kinematic sketch齿轮齿条 pinion and rack蜗杆蜗轮 worm and worm gear虚约束 passive constraint曲柄 crank摇杆 racker凸轮 cams共轭曲线 conjugate curve范成法 generation method定义域 definitional domain值域 range导数微分 differential coefficient求导 derivation定积分 definite integral不定积分 indefinite integral曲率 curvature偏微分 partial differential毛坯 rough游标卡尺 slide caliper千分尺 micrometer calipers攻丝 tap二阶行列式 second order determinant逆矩阵 inverse matrix线性方程组 linear equations概率 probability随机变量 random variable排列组合 permutation and combination气体状态方程 equation of state of gas动能 kinetic energy势能 potential energy机械能守恒 conservation of mechanical energy动量 momentum桁架 truss轴线 axes余子式 cofactor逻辑电路 logic circuit触发器 flip-flop脉冲波形 pulse shape数模 digital analogy液压传动机构 fluid drive mechanism机械零件 mechanical parts淬火冷却 quench淬火 hardening回火 tempering调质 hardening and tempering磨粒 abrasive grain结合剂 bonding agent砂轮 grinding wheel工程技术人员 engineer气动夹紧 pneuma lock孔加工 spot facing machining车间 workshop板料冲压 sheet metal parts磨床 grinder以上是小编为大家分享的关于机械专业常用的英语词汇的相关内容,更多信息可以关注环球青藤分享更多干货


超市食品名称中英文对照A. 肉品类 (鸡, 猪, 牛)Fresh Grade Legs 大鸡腿 Fresh Grade Breast 鸡胸肉Chicken Drumsticks 小鸡腿 Chicken Wings 鸡翅膀Minced Steak 绞肉 Pigs Liver 猪肝Pigs feet 猪脚 Pigs Kidney 猪腰Pigs Hearts 猪心 Pork Steak 没骨头的猪排Pork Chops 连骨头的猪排 Rolled Porkloin 卷好的腰部瘦肉Rolled Pork Belly 卷好的腰部瘦肉连带皮 Pork sausage meat 做香肠的绞肉Smoked Bacon 醺肉 Pork Fillet 小里肌肉Spare Rib Pork chops 带骨的瘦肉 Spare Rib of Pork 小排骨肉Pork ribs 肋骨可煮汤食用 Black Pudding 黑香肠Pork Burgers 汉堡肉 Pork-pieces 一块块的廋肉Pork Dripping 猪油滴 Lard 猪油Hock 蹄膀 Casserole Pork 中间带骨的腿肉Joint 有骨的大块肉 Stewing Beef 小块的瘦肉 Steak & Kidney 牛肉块加牛腰Frying steak 可煎食的大片牛排 Mimced Beef 牛绞肉Rump Steak 大块牛排 Leg Beef 牛键肉OX-Tail 牛尾 OX-heart 牛心OX-Tongues 牛舌 Barnsley Chops 带骨的腿肉Shoulder Chops 肩肉 Porter House Steak 腰上的牛排肉Chuck Steak 头肩肉筋、油较多 Tenderised Steak 拍打过的牛排Roll 牛肠 Cowhells 牛筋 Pig bag 猪肚 Homeycome Tripe 蜂窝牛肚Tripe Pieces 牛肚块 Best thick seam 白牛肚B. 海产类Herring 鲱 Salmon 鲑Cod 鳕 Tuna 鲔鱼Plaice 比目鱼 Octopus 章鱼Squid 乌贼 Dressed squid 花枝Mackerel 鲭 Haddock 北大西洋产的鳕鱼Trout 鳟鱼、适合蒸来吃 Carp 鲤鱼Cod Fillets 鳕鱼块,可做鱼羹,或炸酥鱼片都很好吃 Conger (Eel) 海鳗Sea Bream 海鲤 Hake 鳕鱼类Red Mullet 红鲣,可煎或红烧 来吃 Smoked Salmon 熏鲑*Smoked mackerel with crushed pepper corn 带有黑胡椒粒的熏鲭*Herring roes 鲱鱼子 Boiled Cod roes 鳕鱼子Oyster 牡蛎 Mussel 蚌、黑色、椭圆形、没壳的即为淡菜Crab 螃蟹 Prawn 虾Crab stick 蟹肉条 Peeled Prawns 虾仁King Prawns 大虾 Winkles 田螺Whelks Tops 小螺肉 Shrimps 小虾米Cockles 小贝肉 Labster 龙虾C. 蔬果类Potato 马铃薯 Carrot 红萝卜Onion 洋葱 Aubergine 茄子Celery 芹菜 White Cabbage 包心菜Red cabbage 紫色包心菜 Cucumber 大黄瓜Tomato 蕃茄 Radish 小红萝卜Mooli 白萝卜 Watercress 西洋菜Baby corn 玉米尖 Sweet corn 玉米Cauliflower 白花菜 Spring onions 葱Garlic 大蒜 Ginger 姜Chinese leaves 大白菜 Leeks 大葱Mustard & cress 芥菜苗 Green Pepper 青椒Red pepper 红椒 Yellow pepper 黄椒Mushroom 洋菇 Broccoliflorets 绿花菜Courgettes 绿皮南瓜,形状似小黄瓜,但不可生食 Coriander 香菜Dwarf Bean 四季豆 Flat Beans 长形平豆Iceberg 透明包心菜 Lettuce 莴苣菜Swede or Turnip 芜菁 Okra 秋葵Chillies 辣椒 Eddoes 小芋头Taro 大芋头 Sweet potato 蕃薯Spinach 菠菜 Beansprots 绿豆芽Peas 碗豆 Corn 玉米粒Sprot 高丽小菜心 Lemon 柠檬 Pear 梨子Banana 香蕉 Grape 葡萄 Golden apple 黄绿苹果、脆甜 Granny smith 绿苹果、较酸Bramleys 可煮食的苹果 Peach 桃子Orange 橙 Strawberry 草莓Mango 芒果 Pine apple 菠萝Kiwi 奇异果 Starfruit 杨桃Honeydew-melon 蜜瓜 Cherry 樱桃Date 枣子 lychee 荔枝Grape fruit 葡萄柚 Coconut 椰子Fig 无花果 D. 其它Long rice 长米,较硬,煮前先泡一个小时 Pudding rice or short rice 短米,较软Brown rice 糙米 THAI Fragrant rice 泰国香米* Glutinous rice 糯米*Strong flour 高筋面粉 Plain flour 中筋面粉Self- raising flour 低筋面粉 Whole meal flour 小麦面粉Brown sugar 砂糖(泡奶茶、咖啡适用) dark Brown Sugar 红糖(感冒时可煮姜汤时用)Custer sugar 白砂糖(适用于做糕点) Icing Sugar 糖粉Rock Sugar 冰糖 Noodles 面条 Instant noodles 方便面Soy sauce 酱油,分生抽浅色及老抽深色两种 Vinger 醋Cornstarch 太白粉 Maltose 麦芽糖Sesame Seeds 芝麻 Sesame oil 麻油Oyster sauce 蚝油 Pepper 胡椒Red chilli powder 辣椒粉Sesame paste 芝麻酱Beancurd sheet 腐皮 Tofu 豆腐Sago 西贾米 Creamed Coconut 椰油Monosidum glutanate 味精 Chinese red pepper 花椒Salt black bean 豆鼓 Dried fish 鱼干Sea vegetable or Sea weed 海带 Green bean 绿豆Red Bean 红豆 Black bean 黑豆Red kidney bean 大红豆 Dried black mushroom 冬菇Pickled mustard-green 酸菜 Silk noodles 粉丝Agar-agar 燕菜 Rice-noodle 米粉Bamboo shoots 竹笋罐头 Star anise 八角Wantun skin 馄饨皮 Dried chestuts 干粟子Tiger lily buds 金针 Red date 红枣Water chestnuts 荸荠罐头 Mu-er 木耳Dried shrimps 虾米 Cashewnuts 腰果


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智能电网 英文是什么?要正式技术的词汇

Intelligent power grid


kafirin|高粱醇溶蛋白   kainic acid|红藻氨酸[即2-羧甲基-3-异丙烯脯氨酸]   kalinin|缰蛋白[上皮细胞基底膜的一种粘着蛋白]   kallidin|胰激肽,赖氨酸缓激肽,血管舒张素   kallidinogen|胰激肽原   kallikrein|激肽释放酶   kanamycin|卡那霉素   Kaposi sarcoma|卡波西肉瘤   kappa particle|卡巴粒子[放毒性草履虫细胞质中共生粒子中的一种]   karyoaster stage|核星期   karyogamy|核配   karyogram|核型图   karyokinesis|核分裂   karyology|(细胞)核学   karyolymph|核液   karyolysis|核溶解   karyomixis|核融合   karyoplasm|核质   karyoplast|核体   karyopyknosis|核固缩   karyoskeleton|核骨架   karyosphere|核球   karyote|有核细胞   karyotype|核型,染色体组型   karyotyping|核型分析   kassinin|肛褶蛙肽   kasugamycin|春日霉素   katal|开特[每秒转化1mol底物所需酶量,1酶单位=16.67*E-9 Kat]   katanin|剑蛋白[一种ATP酶,可使微管切断并解聚]   KDEL receptor|KDEL受体[哺乳动物细胞内质网的一种可溶性蛋白,C端有KDEL四肽信号]Kel-F   [商]聚三氟氯乙烯[3M公司的商标]   kelthane|三氯杀螨醇   kemptide|肯普肽,激酶底物肽[可作为蛋白激酶的底物,得名于发现者Kemp]   kenotoxin|疲劳毒素   kentsin|肯特(四)肽,避孕四肽[得名于发现者Kent]   keratan sulfate|硫酸角质素   keratin|角蛋白   keratinase|角蛋白酶   keratinization|角质化   keratinocyte|角质形成细胞   ketal|缩酮   ketene|乙烯酮   ketimine|酮亚胺   ketogenesis|生酮作用   ketoimine|酮亚胺   ketose|酮糖   ketosteroid|类固醇,甾酮   killer cell|杀伤细胞,K细胞   killer particle|致死颗粒   kilobase|千碱基   kilodalton|千道尔顿   Kimwipes|[商]Kimwipes纸巾[一种实验室用薄纸巾]   kinase|激酶   kinesin|驱动蛋白   kinetin|细胞分裂素   kinetochore|动粒[细胞分裂中期联接着丝粒微管并提供动力的盘状蛋白质复合体]   kinetoplasm|动质   kinetoplast|动质体   kinin|细胞分裂素;激肽   kininase|激肽酶   kininogen|激肽原   kininogenase|激肽酶原   kirromycin|黄色霉素   kissing|相吻[如用于描述核苷酸的配对]   kistrin|蝮蛇毒素   kit|试剂盒   Kjeldahl determination|凯氏定氮(法)   Kjeldahl method|凯氏(定氮)法   klebsiella|克雷伯(氏)杆菌属   Klenow enzyme|克列诺酶   Klenow fragment|[大肠杆菌DNA聚合酶I的]克列诺片段,大片段(酶)   Kluyveromyces|克鲁维酵母菌属   Knop solution|克诺普溶液   koji|日本酒曲   krebs cycles|Krebs循环,三羧酸循环   kreotoxin|肉毒素   Kringle domain|Kringle结构域[见于组织纤溶酶原激活物等蛋白,含有三对二硫键,因其序列的书写形式酷似一种丹麦面糕而得名]   Kringle sequence|Kringle 序列   krupple gene|Krupple基因[果蝇分节基因]   Krupple protein|Krupple 蛋白   kunkel method|Kunkel(定位诱变)法[通过筛选含尿嘧啶的模板进行寡核苷酸介导的定位诱变   的方法]   Kupffer cell|枯氏细胞[肝脏的巨噬细胞]

求高人将以下中文翻成英文: 短语:网络舆论的失控现象及对策研究 词汇:网络舆论 失控现象 舆论暴力 对策

网络舆论 :Network public opinion失控现象: phenomenon Out of control舆论暴力:Public opinion violence对策:countermeasure


My mother is the person who has always been by my side, no matter how much she would suffer.When I was young, I used to fall ill constantly, and was hospitalised for a year suffering from pneumonia. My mother came to visit the three-year-old me everyday, bringing lots of toys and mouth-watering food for me to enjoy. She was having a high fever of forty degrees, but still sacrificed for me. Her health detiorated, and soon her parents offered to take her place for a week. When she recovered, she came back immediately.I can"t remember how I recovered, but I"m glad I did, as it meant less suffering for my mother and I.Mum is the one person I can never leave. She has guided me through my studies such that I"ve gotten excellence in my studies in every exam. Then I became independent, and soon she learned to slowly let me go. By doing this she could relax more and focus more time on herself.There was once I had a stomachache out of the blue, and was groaning and rolling on the floor. My mother had to literally carry me in the heavy rain to the hospital, as no taxi stopped for us. I remember praying fervently that she would not over-exert herself, or that some passer-by would assist her, but she managed to get through the ordeal.After a strenuous walk to the hospital, my mum, soaked from head to toe and carrying an only slightly drenched me, ignored the nurse yelling at us to register, and with me too weak to stand up, several doctors had to carry me to the emergency department for treatment.After what seemed like an eternity, the doctors diagnosed me with severe gastric flu. My mother heaved a sigh of relief for she had thought it was some illness much worse than just gastric flu. I thought I saw her face glow like a pearl under the hospital lighting.


1.词汇alto 男高音,女低音tenor 次中音baritone 上低音,男中音bass 低音soprano 女高音mezzo-soprano 女次高音sharp 高半音符号,升号flat 调号natural (sign) 本位号staff, stave 五线谱A,B,C,D,E,F,G 唱名la,si,do,re,mi,fa,solG clef, treble clef 高音谱号F clef, bass clef 低音谱号C clef, tenor clef, alto clef 中音谱号semibreve 全音符(美作:whole note)minim 二分音符(美作:halfnote)dotted crotchet 四分音符(美作:dotted note,quarter note)quaver 八分音符(美作:eighth note)semiquaver 十六分音符(美作:sixteenth note)demisemiquaver 三十二分音符(美作:thirty-second note)hemidemisemiquaver 六十四分音符(美作:sixty-fourth note)rest 休止符crotchet rest 四分休止符(美作:quarter rest)semitone 半音pause 休止time, bar 拍子rhythm 节奏three-four time 三四拍子syncope, syncopation 切分音tone 音程pitch 基音音乐major key 大调minor key 小调scale 音阶arpeggio 琶音solfeggio 视唱solmization 阶名唱法diapason, range 音域tuning fork 音叉metronome 节拍器chord 和弦,谐音cadence 调音counterpoint 多声部音乐lyrics, words 歌词score 总谱,乐谱orchestra 乐队conductor 乐队指挥baton 乐队指挥棒band 管乐队solo 独奏,独唱duet, duo 二重奏,二重唱trio 三重奏,三重唱quartet, quartette 四重奏,四重唱quintet 五重奏,五重唱choir, choral society 合奏,合唱vibration 振动 sound 音 tone 音(乐音) musical tone 乐音 noise 噪音 acoustics 声学 psychoacoustics 心理声学 frequency 频率 intensity 强度 time 时间 wave form 波形 pitch 音高 loudness 响度 duration 时值 timbre 音色 (tone color or quality) tuning fork 音叉 pure tone 纯音 complex tone 复音 (composite tone) overtone(s) 泛音 (aliquot tone, harmonics, flageolet tone 即upper partials) overtone series 泛音列 partial(s) 分音(partial tone) fundamental(tone) 基音 (first partial) step 音级(scale step, degree) accidental(s) 变音记号 sharp 升号 flat 降号 double-sharp 重升号 double-flat 重降号 nature 还原号 intonation 音准 octave 八度 range 音域(compass) (voice) register 音区 small c 小字组c great C 大字组C contra C 大字二组C unaccented octave 小字组 one-lined octave 小字一组 (one-line) two-lined octave 小字二组 (two-line) three -lined octave 小字三组(three-line) four-line octave 小字四组 (four-line) temperament 乐律 tempered scale 平均律 (equal temperament) just intonation 纯律 pitch name 音名 enharmonic notes 等音 (whole) tone 全音 half-tone 半音 natural half-tone 自然半音 natural tone 自然全音 chromatic tone 变化全音 chromatic half-tone 变化半音 notation 记谱法 staff 乐谱 treble clef 高音谱号 bass clef 低音谱号 clef 谱号 (G clef, F clef, C clef) note(s) 音符 rest(s) 休止符 breve 二全音符 semibreve 全音符 (whole note,美) minim 二分音符 (half note,美) crotchet 四分音符(quarter note,美) quaver 八分音符 (eighth note,美) semiquaver 十六分音符(sixteenth note,美) demisemiquaver 三十二分音符 (thirty-second note,美) hemidemisemi quaver 六十四分音符 (sixty-fourth note,美) dot 附点 double dot 复附点 dotted note 附点音符 dotted rest 附点休止符 score 总谱 leger line(s) 加线 (ledger line(s)) head 符头 stem 符干 hook 符尾(tail) space 间 line 线 tie 延音线 pause 延长号(hold, fermata) bar 小节 (bar line小节线,measure) legato 连音,连奏 staccato 断音,断奏 sostenuto 持音 trembolo 震音 glissando 滑音 relative pitch 相对音高(听觉) absolute pitch 绝对音高(听觉) sight-singing 视唱 fixed-do 固定唱名法 movable-do 音调唱名法 lyra 乐徽 rhythm 节奏 rhythmic pattern 节奏型 accent 重音 syncopation 切分音 meter 拍子 (time) duple meter(s) 二拍子 (2/2,2/4,2/8) triple meter(s) 三拍子 (3/2,3/4,3/8) quadruple meter(s) 四拍子 (4/2,4/4,4/8) common meter 普通拍子 (4/4) simple meter(s) 单拍子 compound meter(s) 复拍子 compound duple meter(s) 复二拍子(6/2,6/4,6/8) compound triple meter(s) 复三 拍子(9/4,9/8) compound quadruple meter(s) 复四拍子 (12/4,12/8,12/16) quintuple meter 五拍子 time signature 拍号 multi-meter 变化拍子 irregular meter (不规则)混合拍子(7/4,11/7) Metronome 节拍机 (M.M.=Malzel"s ~) duplet 二连音 triplet 三连音 quadruplet 四连音 quintuplet 五连音 sextuplet 六连音 septuplet 七连音 tempo 速度 dynamics 力度 tempo mark(s) 速度标记 dynamic mark(s) 力度标记 mode 调式(狭指教会调式;广指调式) scale 音阶 key 调 tonality 调性 atonality 无调性 bitonality 双重调性 polytonality 多调性 major 大调 minor 小调 key signature 调号 pentatonic 五声的 natural 自然的 melodic 旋律的 harmonic 和声的 whole-tone 全音的 chromatic 半音的 ascending 上行 descending 下行 scale degree (调式)音级 tonic(I) 主音,主和弦 supertonic(II) 上主音,上主和弦 mediant (III) 中音,中音和弦 subdominant(IV) 下属音,下属和弦 dominant(V) 属音,属和弦 submediant(VI) 下中音,下中音和弦 (super-dominant) leading tone(VII) 导音,导和弦 (subtonic) broken chord 分解和弦 altered chord 变和弦 false chord 假和弦 resolution 解决 relative keys 关系大小调 parallel keys 同主音调 interval 音程 melodic interval 旋律音程 harmonic interval 和声音程 root 根音(fundamental) scale step 音级(音级数:number of scale step) simple interval 单音程 viola 中提琴 mezzo soprano 次女高音,女中音 tenor 男高音 dramatic tenor 戏剧男高音 bariton 男中音 bass 男低音 unison 齐奏(唱) solo 独奏(唱) duet 二重奏 ensemble 合奏(团体) stage 舞台 theater 剧场,戏剧 Renaissance 文艺复兴 Rococo 洛可可 Baroque 巴洛克 Classicism 古典主义 Romanticism 浪漫主义 Impressionism 印象主义 Nationalism in music 民族乐派 Anti- impressionism 反印象主义 Realism 现实主义 Serialism 序列主义 Primitivism 原始主义 Expressionism 表现主义 Microtonalism 微分音主义 Neoclassicism 新古典主义 Structuralism 结构主义 Concrete Music 具体音乐 Accidentalism 偶然主义 Minimalism 省略(简约)主义 Pointillism 点描派 monophonic music 单声部音乐 homophony 主调 homophonic music 主调音乐 polyphony 复调 polyphonic music 复调音乐 counterpoint 对位 program music 标题音乐 absolute music 纯音乐,非标题音乐 abstract music 抽象音乐2.短语make a music video录制唱片on the music scene在音乐界listen to music听音乐have a gift for music有音乐天分music papern. 乐谱用纸folk musicn.民间音乐chin music闲谈,空谈,聊天music boxn. 音乐盒,八音盒country musicn. 乡村音乐popular musicn. 流行音乐,通俗音乐music hall音乐厅;杂耍剧场swing musicn. 摇摆舞音乐set to music给…谱曲programme music标题音乐pop music流行音乐music rack谱台face the musicv.勇于承担责任,临危不惧part music合唱乐曲sheet musicn. 活页乐谱rock music摇滚乐hillbilly music乡村音乐music standn. 乐谱架classical musicn. 古典乐instrumental music器乐program musicn. 标题音乐, 描写音乐vocal music声乐chamber music室内音乐incidental musicn. (戏剧,电影等的)配乐music of the spheres天体音乐3.短文 Music is everywhere nowadays.It plays an important role in our life.There are all kinds of music in the world.Such as Blues,Black music,Rock&Roll,Dance music of Punks,Disco,Jazz,Classical music,Rap ,Pop-music and so on. Music is of great use in many fields.It is used in advertising,broadcast,TV,films or the supermarkets.People are supposed to be atrracted by the sweet-souding music.So ,you can see that it bring profits to the companies. More and more people have their own tools to approach music, like Mp3,Mp4 .But before this,we often use radio,TV or walkman to listen to the music. Why so many people like enjoying music ?In my opinion ,it can ease our presure of social relationship ,study ,work and relax ourselves,also make us feel better. Many people like music. It has many sorts: soft music is graceful, rock music fast, classical music GREat, light music relaxing, and children, music interesting. You can pick and choose whatever you like. Now popular songs are in fashion. If you like music, you usually like singing, too. I am no exception. My brother and I like pop songs, and my parents like to listen to soft music. We are a musical family. Do you like music? Is your family full of music, too? Music is really GREat! I like it very much.Listening to Music You will always feel amazed whenever you contemplate upon how come there is music in our lives and why everyone, almost without exceptions, is fond of music, one type or another. Trying to account for the reasons is much less significant than acknowledging the face. I myself am a fervent music-lover. Listening to music is an indispensable hobby in my life. I enjoy a large range of different types of music. Light music fills my heart with serene joyfulness. Waltz brings my imagination to wonder in the magnificent and beautiful nature. I lose myself in mild melancholy and nostalgia when ancient melodies played by traditional Chinese music ian start ringing at my ears. Pop songs tell me the young people"s concerns and I am willing to share their troubles. Indeed, through listening to various kinds of music. I find myself richer in compassion and sympathy with other people and the things around me. Besides this edifying power, music makes me feel relaxing. When I lie in bed, close my eyes and savor every note and word in a melody, it is us if I were transported to another world, leaving behind the monotonous and tension-ridden world of reality.Of all the things that make me happy, singing is what I like to do best. I sing for no particular purpose. In short, I sing for fun. There is no limit to what I sing, so long as it can let out my emotion and pass the pleasant voice to others. It is something more satisfactory and exciting to draw echoes from them. It is nothing bad to spread joy around, is it? As you can tell, singing is my second life.

京剧中的角色用英语怎么说 希望能列出详细词汇表

Four main roles * Sheng (生,Male role) * Dan (旦,Female role) * Jing (净,Painted face male role) * Chou (丑,Clown role) The three roles other than the second role represent male characters. There is an explanation about why the roles take the names above.It is said that they were chosen to have opposite meanings.Sheng in Chinese may mean "strange" or "rare",but the chief male role is a well known character.Dan,which means "morning" or "masculine",is contrary to the feminine nature of the characters.Jing means "clean",but in fact the paintings on their faces make the characters look unclean but colorful.And Chou in Chinese sometimes represents the animal "ox",which,in some senses,is slow and silent - in contrast,the Chou characters are usually quick and talkative.

京剧中的角色用英语怎么说 希望能列出详细词汇表

Four main roles* Sheng (生,Male role)* Dan (旦,Female role)* Jing (净,Painted face male role)* Chou (丑,Clown role)


高考英语重点词汇总结大全1. ought to应当,应该 2. keep up with跟上,赶上3. plenty of许多,大量的(作定语)4. in plenty许多,丰富(作状语)5. make a choice做出选择 6. now and then偶尔,时而7. prepare a dish做一道菜 8. a balance diet均衡饮食9. be/go on diet在节食 no longer不再10. be based on/upon以…为基础 take medicine吃药11. be harmful to对…有害 12. offer advise about/on提…的建议13. lose weight减肥 14. cut …into pieces把…切碎 15. gain weight=put on weight增肥 16. make up for补偿17. get along with和…相处 18. put up with忍受19. go for sb对某人也一样 20. in large amount大批地21. be short of=be lacking of 缺乏,缺少22. do up one"s hair做发型 23. refer to查阅,提到24. settle down定下心来,安家落户 25. settle up付清,结账26. settle for勉强同意,接受 27. settle in(使)习惯(环境等)28. settle on定居(短暂停留) of high/good quality高质量的29. sign an agreement with…与…达成协30. in relation to与…有关的 31. but for要不是 32. thanks to由于,幸亏33. apart from除…之外 34. hand down传下来 35. and so on等等 36. in ancient time在古代37. go against违背 38. guide to(介词)指导39. of (no) effect(无)效 40. take effect生效,奏效41. bring/carry…into/to effect实施42. come/go into effect开始实施 43. depend on/upon依靠44. That/It (all) depends.这很难说。 i. stand for代表45. in condition身体好 46. out of condition身体不好47. on condition that….如果,条件是48. in/under favorable conditions在有利形势下49. bring in引进,赚钱 a) year after year年复一年50. Point out指出 51. make use of利用52. tongue twister绕口令 a) be on good terms (with sb.)关系好53. drive off开走,击退 54. look on…as把…看作…55. Ahead of更前,更早 56. give sb a hand给某人帮助57. Get through通过,到达 58. tear down拆毁59. Hold up举起 60. Intend to do sth打算做某事 61. Intend to have done本想做(而没能做) 62. Intend…for…=be intended for…供……用63. Dress up打扮,装饰 64. in one"s opinion依某人之见65. Play a trick on sb开某人玩笑 66. take in收容,理解,包含,欺骗67. Be determined to do sth下决心做……68. Gift money压岁钱 69. fire works鞭炮70. Save money存钱 71. ask for a day off请一天假72. Happen to meet碰巧遇见 73. be jealous of sb嫉妒某人74. Believe in信仰 75. dress up as装扮成,打扮成76. Do crime犯罪 77. light up照亮 78. Do honor to sb=do sb honor礼遇某人,对某人表示敬意 79. On purpose=by accident故意地 80. care for喜欢,照顾81. Make fool of愚弄 82. in other words换句话说83. hope for对…希望 84. seek after追求85. A similar to B A和B相似 86. take on呈现87. Or else或者 88. personal affair隐私89. Date back to =date from始于,追溯到90. Appreciate good food欣赏美味 91. suit…to…使…适合于…92. Be suit to/for适合于… 93. In all direction朝四面八方 94. in …direction=in direction of朝…的方向95. under the direction of在…的指导下96. Follow one"s directions遵照某人的指示 97. Be angry with sb for sth…因…生某人的气 98. be likely to很有可能 99. make fun of取笑100. No laughing matter不是闹着玩的 101. exist…in 存在于…102. Get into contact with sb与某人取得联系103. Make contact with sb与某人联络104. (be) in contact with 与…有交往105. lose/break contact with与……失去联系106. go ahead 前进 107. be crazy about对…着迷108. go into details细说 109. in detail详细地110. focus…on…把…集中于… 111. occur to sb使某人突然想到112. fell down感到闷闷不乐 113. in a hurry匆忙地114. accept …as认为…是… i. bring on引发 115. make oneself done使…被… 116. make conversation交谈117. have/hold a conversation with与……交谈118. be in conversation with与…谈话中119. divide…into..把…分成… 120. ivide between/among…把…分给…121. achieve success获得成功 122. an injured look一副受冤的表情123. call on 拜访(某人) a) call at拜访(某地)124. bring back拿回来,使恢复 125. day and night日日夜夜地 126. pay off还清 127. at most 至多128. a number of许多129. a great deal of许多 i. pick out挑出,辨别出130. test on在…做实验 131. be continued 未完待续132. pay back偿还,报复 133. sth of good/poor quality质量好的…134. would rather宁愿 135. after all毕竟136. be well worth 很值得 137. without luck运气不好138. in the hope of doing…抱着…的希望139. bring about引起,导致 140. bring up哺育141. belong to sb/sth属于… 142. without limit无限地143. run/take a risk冒险 144. limit…to …把…限制在…a) at risk处于危险中 145. at any risk不顾一切146. at the risk of冒着…的危险 147. to one"s sorrow使…悲伤的是148. than usual 比平常… 149. badly off贫穷的150. bear/take one"s share of…负担…的部分


  雅思听力考试最烦人的还是词汇,平时积累一定的词汇很重要,那么雅思听力词汇有哪些值得积累呢?这是很多出国人士感兴趣的话题,和一起来看看雅思听力词汇:社会生活类!欢迎阅读。   雅思听力词汇:社会生活类   forest industry林业   fishing industry渔业   mining industry矿业   energy industry能源业   industrial material工业材料: velvet天鹅绒(雅思听力必备词汇,是一种材料的名称)   insurance company保险公司   syndicate财团 TIPS: 这个词音译叫辛迪加,是一种联合机构,如报业辛迪加,指将许多报业联合起来。   farming/agriculture农业:farming products农产品, farmer农民   market: market economy市场经济   market research市场调研   marketing techniques营销技巧   market strategy市场战略   marketing seminar市场营销研讨会   charitable organization 慈善组织   government funded政府资助的   council协会:British Council英国使馆文化协会(雅思官方,还有各组织)City Council城市委员会   commission协会   Royal Commission英国皇家专门调查委员会   subcommittee小组委员会   crime: violent crime暴力犯罪   campus crime校园犯罪   organized crime组织犯罪   crime rate犯罪率   crime awareness犯罪意识   public awareness公众意识   cop(男)警察   self-defence 自卫   self-discipline 自我约束   kaleidoscope 万花筒   contact lenses 隐形眼镜   fire management火灾防范   film/flicks/motion picture/picture电影   TYPES: newsreel新闻片, documentary纪录片,文献片   Trailer预告片, shorts短片, offering样片   literary film文艺片   love story/romance story爱情片   musicals 音乐剧 (Peking Opera京剧)   Kungfu film/swordsmen film武侠片   Comedy喜剧   cartoon卡通片   Tragedy悲剧   disaster灾难片   Horror film恐怖片   thriller惊悚片   detective film 侦探片   ethical film 伦理片   biographies 传记   science fiction 科幻片   western西部片   blockbuster大片   demonstration 演示(也可以直接讲demo,相当于presentation)   social matter effects社会问题影响   social isolation人们之间没有交流相互有隔阂   family abuse/domestic violence 家庭暴力   special mail快递   special audio equipment特别听力设备   tone 某种语言的音调   aristocrat 贵族, noble贵族的,高尚的   youth/adolescent/juvenile/youngster青少年   warehouse/storehouse仓库   shelter遮蔽处   refuge避难所   space shuttle太空飞船   shuttle bus机场巴士   controversy 争论: controversial有争议的   gap缝隙   crack裂缝 (the crack of dawn黎明)   lose temper失态   be out of temper生气   nap/doze小睡,打盹   yawn打哈欠   pal伙伴:pal group relationship伙伴关系   cannibal食人者   herbivorous 食草的   city overhead view城市俯瞰图   parcel 包裹   polish car汽车抛光   以上是我整理的雅思听力词汇,谢谢浏览。


Martial arts are systems of codified practices and traditions of training for combat. Today, martial arts are studied for various reasons including combat skills, fitness, self-defense, sport, self-cultivation (meditation), mental discipline, character development and building self-confidence. A practitioner of martial arts is referred to as a martial artist. Worldwide there is a great diversity of martial arts. Broadly speaking, martial arts share a common goal: to defeat a person physically or to defend oneself from physical threat. Within some martial arts there is a deep sense of spirituality. Each style has different facets that make them unique from other martial arts. A common characteristic of martial arts is the systemization of fighting techniques. One common method of training, particularly in the Asian martial arts, is the form or kata (also called poomse, quan dao, kuen, tao lu, hyung, juru or tuls). This is a set routine of techniques performed alone, or sometimes with a partner. Martial arts may focus on one or more of these areas: Striking Striking - (e.g. Krav Maga, Boxing, Muay Thai, Karate, Kung Fu, Wing Chun) Kicking - (e.g. Taekwondo, Capoeira, Savate, Kung Fu, Sikaran) Throwing Body Throwing - (e.g. Jujutsu, Judo, Aikido, Hapkido, Shuai Jiao, Sambo) Immobilization Pinning Techniques, Hand Trapping, Weapon Disarming - (e.g. Naban, Varma Kalai, Wrestling, Jujutsu) Grappling - (e.g. Jujutsu, Shuai Jiao, Mallayuddha, Aikido, Glima) Weaponry Traditional Weaponry - (e.g. Kenjutsu, Gatka, Kapu Kuialua, Mau rakau, Fencing) Modern Weaponry - (e.g. Kapap, Eskrima, Jogo do Pau) Some martial arts, particularly the traditional Chinese martial arts, also teach side disciplines such as bone-setting, qigong, acupuncture, acupressure (tui na), and other aspects of traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Indian martial arts also teach aspects of traditional Indian medicine as side disciplines. The martial arts, though commonly associated with East Asian cultures, are by no means unique to this region. For example, Native Americans have a tradition of open-handed martial arts that includes wrestling. Hawaiians also have historically practiced arts featuring small and large joint manipulation. Savate is a French kicking style developed by sailors and street fighters. Capoeira"s athletic movements were created in Brazil by slaves based on skills brought with them from Africa. Many martial arts also strive to teach moral values and provide guidance for children who join the ranks of those learning the art. Many arts require those who achieve black belt or the equivalent to take an oath restricting their use of their knowledge. Martial artists may also receive specific instruction in mental and emotional discipline. 武术英语词汇中英文对照 武术 Martial Arts 太极拳 hexagram boxing 刀 broadsword 钩 hook 飞功 chikung 剑 rapier 棍 cudgel 散打 free combat 匕首 dagger 盾 shield 双剑 double 拳法 fist position 叉 fork 猿形 ape form 如封似闭 apparent close 器械对练 armed combat 与眼平 at eye level 与鼻平 at nose level 上步盖掌 backhand stroke in bow step 仰身跌 backward falling 倒毛跟斗 backward somersault 平衡 balance 提膝平衡 balance with one knee raised 平衡练习 balancing exercise 摸胸反击法 against one who grabs your breast 抓肩反击法 against one who grabs your breast shoulders from behind 正面抓单手反击法 against one who seizs one of your hands face to face 身后抓单手反击法 against one who seizs one of your hands from behind

physics package是什么意思?专业词汇,翻译后请给出出处,请不要凭想象翻译,谢谢



西装 Western-style clothes/tailored suit/suit男装 men"s wear; men"s suit男童装 boy"s clothes西装上衣 upper garment; jacket/top coat/blouse/blouson中西式上衣Chinese and western style blouse中山装上衣 Zhongshan coat/Chinese style jacket/Sun-Yat-Sen style jacket男式短上衣 mannish jacket男便装上衣 sack coat男紧身上衣 doublet短西装上衣 minisuit轻便型上衣/运动上衣 sports coat运动短上衣 stadium jumper双排扣短上衣 spencer croise (法)V领套头上衣 pull en V (法)风帽上衣 hood jacket; anorak套头宽上衣 pull blouson宽大短上衣talma紧身短上衣 tunic/coatee超短上衣 minicoat春秋衫 spring and autumn coat罩衫 smock/blouse茄克衫 jacket/blouson衬衫 shirt/blouse男衬衫 shirt/chemise(法)男用外衬衫 liquette(法)美式男用衬衫 chemise American (法)礼服衬衫 dress shirt休闲衬衫 leisure shirt牛仔衬衫 cowboy shirt套头衬衫 pullover shirt背心/马甲 vest/waistcoat礼服背心 dress/evening vest西服背心 waistcoat/vest/weskit户外背心 outer vest运动背心 sport/gym vest牛仔背心 cowboy vest单襟背心 single-breasted vest两扣背心 two-button waistcoat紧身背心 doublet/weskit长裤 trousers/pants/slacks/pegs/pantalon(法)bags(英口语)西装长裤 trousers英式长裤 British trousers高尔夫长裤 golf jupon礼服裤 dress slacks//court breeches礼服条纹裤 striped trousers直筒裤 straight trousers; stem-pipe pants; cigarette pants; straight-leg slacks牛仔裤 jeans西装短裤 shorts沙滩短裤 beach shorts运动短裤 trunks; sports shorts; gym shorts拳击短裤 boxer shorts/trunks冲浪短裤 jams; surfer"s shorts散步短裤 walking shorts宽松短裤 baggys男套装 men"s suit;tailleur masculin(法)男式长服 lounge/business suit西装式套装 tailored suit正统男西装 classic suit普通西装 lounge/sack suit古典西装 classic model suit意大利欧式西装 Italian continental suit英式西装 British-style suit日常套装 afternoon suit简便套装 easy/casual/leisure suit; leisure suit;运动套装 sweat/jogging suit; gym outfit登山服 mountaineering suit滑雪服 ski suit户外活动套装 blazer suit男海滩装 cabana set燕尾服 swallow-tailed coat; swallowtail; evening dress内裤 pants/underpants; under drawers三角裤 briefs; short pants; undershorts自己选有用的吧!


一、详细释义: , n. , 战争(状态,期间) [U,C] , 例句: ,The islands are currently at war.,目前岛屿间在交战中。, 例句: ,Even a limited confrontation can escalate into a major war.,即使是局部的对抗也可能扩大成一场大战。, 竞争;冲突;对抗;斗争 [U,C] , 例句: ,We take shelter in the hotel cellar when the civil war starts .,内战开始时,我们躲到了饭店的地下室里。, 例句: ,They are waging a war against crime.,他们正在展开一场反对犯罪的斗争。, v. , 进行战争;交战;作战 [I] , 例句: ,他们就会要求我们去作战了。,They"ll demand we go to war., 二、词义辨析: , battle,war,campaign,struggle,warfare,fight,bat,engagement ,这些名词均有“战斗,战争”之意。battle侧重指战争中的一次较全面、时间较长的战斗,也指陆军或海军在某一特定地区进行的战斗,或个人之间的争斗。war是战争的总称,一般指包括多个战役的大规模战争。campaign通常指在一场大的战争中在某一地区进行的一连串有既定目的的军事行动。也可作引申用。struggle指激烈或时间持续长的战斗或奋力斗争。warfare侧重指战争状态或具体的作战方法。fight最普通用词,含义广,指战斗、斗争或打斗。bat泛指军事行动,尤指小规模的战斗,甚至是格斗。 engagement指交战,交火。, 三、相关短语: ,boer war,n. 布尔战争,civil war,n. 1.[U,C] 内战2. the Civil War 美国内战,美国南北战争(1861-1865),cold war,n.冷战(国与国之间在军事以外的外交上、经济上和心理上的斗争),first world war,n. 第一次世界大战,go to war,v.当兵,开始作战,hot war,热战,price war,n. 价格战,second world war,n. 第二次世界大战,state of war,战争状态,war baby,n.战时私生子,因战争而与盛的工业,因战争而价格激增的证券,war chest,n.战争基金,(为竞争等)筹措资金,war correspondent,n. 战地记者, 四、参考例句: ,Then war burst out.,战争突然爆发。,War is mass murder.,战争是一场大屠杀。,The war was endless.,那是场无休止的战争。,The war broke out.,战争爆发了。,War devastated the country.,战争摧毁了这个国家。,the brutalities of war,战争的残酷,The World War II is a big war.,第二次世界大战是一场巨大的战争。,War makes rattling good history.,战争提供非常好的历史资料。,The war drum is beating.,战鼓敲响了。,Unfortunately the war broke out.,不幸的是战争爆发了。


   1.衰退:recession   Economists fear a similar wave of protectionism today could plunge the world back into recession。   经济学家担心类似的保护主义会使得世界经济再次衰退。   2.不景气:downturn   Heavy labor taxes are one reason why Europe entered the downturn with far higher unemployment than America。   高额的劳动力税是欧洲以比美国更高的失业率步入衰退的原因之一。   3.暴跌:meltdown   If 2008 was the year of the banking meltdown, then 2009 was the year of the stimulus packages。   如果2008年是银行彻底垮台的一年,那么2009年就是一篮子刺激政策的一年。    4.下挫:slump   This would return the economy into a slump。   这将使美国经济再次陷入衰退。   5.下滑:decline   Many Greeks believe they are caught up in a cycle of decline。   很多希腊人相信他们正处于一轮下降周期之中。


方案 :Design, Scheme 初步设计 :Primary Design 施工图 CD: Construction DesignFuction 功能区Light 灯具Droplight 吊灯 吸顶灯Entrance 入口Living room 客厅Sitting room 起居室Embed light 嵌灯Dinning room 餐厅Daylight lamp 日光灯Kitchen 厨房Reflect down light 筒灯Office 书房Quartz down-light 石英灯Master bedroom 主卧房Votage track light 射灯Quest bedroom 客卧Track light 轨道灯Children bedroom 儿童房Picture light 镜画灯Hiding light 暗藏灯管Projection room 视听室Dressing room 更衣室Wall lamp 壁灯Storeroom 储藏室Reading lamp 台灯Master bathroom 主卫Floor lamp 落地灯Bathroom 卫生间Bathroom fixture 卫生洁具Wash room 洗衣房Staircase 楼梯Washbowl 洗手台[台盆]Aisle 过道Water faucet 水龙头Closestool 座便器Gazebe 阳台Urinal 小便斗Garden 花园Bathtab 浴缸Swimming pool 游泳池Shower bath 淋浴房Furniture 家具Wiring 电器设备Cupboard 厨房橱柜Television 电视机Drink box 酒柜Sound box 音响Bar 吧台Washer 洗衣机Dinning table 餐桌Bedstand 床头柜Bed 床Bookcase 书柜Chest of drawers 五斗矮柜Electrical outlet 插座Chest of drawers 藏衣柜Switch 开关TV set 电视柜Air-condition 空调Tea table 茶几Immersion heater 电热水壶Sofa 沙发Electric cooker 电饭褒Reclining chair 躺椅Macrowave oven 微波炉Chair 椅子Refrigeratory 冰箱 American interior design; 美国室内设计American interior designer; 美国室内设计师Residential design; 私家住宅设计;Villa design (single family home design); 别墅设计;Office design; 办公室设计;Commercial design; 非住宅设计(商务楼设计;写字楼设计;公共场所设计)Californian interior design; 加州室内设计Californian interior designer; 加州室内设计师Model home design; 样板房设计Clubhouse interior design;会所室内设计American furniture design;美国家具设计Foreign interior design; 外国室内设计Foreign interior designer; 外国室内设计师 PLAN — 设计方案Interior design – 室内设计Exterior 室外Landscape design – 景观设计Architecture design – 建筑设计designer – 设计师baseplan – 基础建筑图floor plan – 平面图elevation -立面图RCP = 天花吊顶设计 = Reflected Ceiling Planelectric plan = 电线走线图furniture plan – 家具布置平面图interior plant plan – 室内植物摆放图window schedule – 窗表door schedule – 门表美 国室内设计有两种合同:一种叫做specification,就是只设计,不负责采购室内陈设;另外一种是turnkey,字面意思就是交钥 匙,设计师负责设计同时也负责采购室内全部用品用具,包括家具、摆设、艺术皮、画、床上用品、地毯等。后者主要是有钱人家采用的方式比较多,这样才能保证质量。因为设计师更能贯彻自己的设计理念,保证采购回来的东西风格统一并且由于设计师采购的价格是批发价,所以实际上主人并不需要多付钱。Chair Rail – 挡椅线 也可以叫做腰线Picture rair – 挂镜线Baseboard – 踢脚TUB = 浴缸MILL WORK PULL = 橱柜门拉手TOWEL RACK = 毛巾架AREA RUG 装饰地毯(块)CARPET 地毯(满铺房间)CORBEL 整梁 承材COAT HOOK 挂衣架CROWN MOULDING 天花线条 COFFER 藻井 CERAMIC TILE CLADDING 包覆瓷砖 COUNTER 台面DOOR PULL 门拉手 DOUBLE PASSAGE DOOR 双门DRAWER PULL 抽屉拉手EXTERIOR TILE FLOORING 室外地砖FAUCET 龙头FLUSH MOUNT LIGHTING 吸顶灯 GROUT 勾缝剂HINGE 合页LOCKERS 锁LAMINATE 复合板台面 LIGHTING FIXTURE 灯具LAVATORY / SINK 水盆MEDALLION 地板拼花 MIRROR 镜子PAINT-WALLS 墙漆CEILING PAINT 天花板乳胶漆PARTITION 隔板 屏风PLASTER MOULDING 石膏线RECESSED LIGHT 嵌灯 埋地灯RECESSED LIGHT IN CABINET 橱柜嵌灯STONE SLAB 石板SOAP DISPENSER 肥皂盒SEMI FLUSH MOUNT 半吸顶灯SHOWER HEAD AND HANDLES 淋浴莲蓬头和把手SHOWER SOAP DISPENSER 淋浴间肥皂盒SINGLE PASSAGE DOOR 单门STACKED STONE CLADDING 文化石包覆STONE TILE-WALLS 墙面石材WOOD STAIN 木染色剂STAIN – 着色WOOD TRUSS – 木桁梁 STONE BASEBOARD 石材踢脚STONE CROWN 石材装饰线 STEP/RISER LIGHT 楼梯踏步灯 TOWEL BAR 毛巾杆TOILET SEAT COVERS 座便器坐垫 TILE FLOORING 瓷砖地板TONGUE AND GROOVE 拼装 TOWEL HOOK 毛巾架 THRESHOLD 门槛TOILET PAPER HOLDER 卷筒纸架TRASH RECEPTACLE 废料桶 垃圾桶URINAL 小便器VENEER 面板VENETIAN PLASTER 威尼斯石膏 VENETIAN PLASTER-CEILING 威尼斯石膏 – 天花板WATER CLOSET/TOILET 厕所APPLIED WOOD MOULDING 粘贴木线 WOOD BEAM 木梁WOOD CLADDING-WALLS 木板包覆WOOD FLOORING 木地板WOOD PARTITON 木隔板WROUGHT IRON 铁艺WALL MURAL 壁画WALL SCONCE 壁灯 设计英语常用词汇enclosure 围栏void 空间,虚体edifice 大厦,体系aisle 走廊nave (教堂)的正厅chapel 教堂cathedral 大教堂balustrade 栏杆colonnade 柱廊ornament 装饰tensile 空的housing 住房quarters 住宅neighborhood 住宅小区single-family 独户的hallway 门厅tenenment 住房terrace 露台wing 厢房hip 屋脊balcony 阳台

高中英语词汇:高中英语常用词汇 blow

《高中英语常用词汇 blow》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 高中英语常用词汇 blow ◆ blow down; blow in; blow off; blow over ◇ blow down表示“吹倒”、“刮倒”;blow in表示“吹进”、“吹入”;blow off表示“吹掉”、“炸掉”、“发泄”;blow over表示“?暴风雨吹散”、“过去”、“结束”。 [EXERCISES] 1) The high winds yesterday _____ thousands of trees. 2) We sometimes had quarrels, but they soon _____. 3) I had my hat ____ by the wind. 4) A lot of dust ____.You must clear it away. Key: 1) blew down 2) blew over 3) blown off 4) has blown in 《高中英语常用词汇 blow》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)


高考英语词汇详解:finally的用法   1. 表示先后顺序的“最后”、“终于”,通常放在句首。如:   The carwouldn"t start, so finally we decided to go on foot. 汽车不能发动,所以我们最后决定走路去。   此用法尤其用于在列举时引出最后一项。如:   He lived in Turkey, France, Norway and finally Mexico. 他曾在土耳其、法国、挪威等国住过,最后还在墨西哥住过。   2. 表示等了好久才“终于”,此时通常放在谓语动词之前 。如:   After several long delays, the plane finallyleft at 6 o"clock. 在几次长时间的耽误之后,飞机终于在6点钟起飞。   When he finally arrived he explained he had lost hisway. 他最后赶到时,他解释说他迷路了。   3. 表示决定性的或不再更改的“最后”。如:   It is not finallysettled yet. 这事还未最后解决。   4. 区别 finally, at last, in the end。如:   三者都可表示经过许多变化、一段等候或一番拖延或曲折之后的“最后”,但有细微区别:finally 语气较轻,且平铺直叙,一般不带感情色彩,有时可与 in the end换用;而 at last则语气稍重,且往往带有一定的感情色彩 。如:   Finally [in theend] he succeeded. 最后他成功了 。   He succeeded at last. 他终于成功了 。   in the end 可用来谈论将来的事,而其它两者一般不这样用。如:   In the end things will mend. 船到桥头自然直。   I"m sureeverything will turn out all right in the end. 我相信最后一切都会好起来的。


  stop表停止; 中断的意思,那么你知道stop的 同义词 有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了stop的同义词,希望能帮到大家。   stop的同义词辨析1   break, rest, pause, interval, recess, cease, stop   这些名词均含有"中止,停止,休息"之意。   break : 非正式用词,指突然的或短时间的中止,如工作或活动期间接短暂休息。   rest : 指统称的休息。   pause : 指短暂的中断或停止,含再进行下去的意味。   interval : 指一出戏在幕与幕之间,音乐会上下串场之间或演出中预先安排的休息;也可泛指事件之间的一段时间。   recess : 正式用词,指业务活动或工作中短暂的或长时间的休息。   cease : 正式用词,侧重逐渐结呸某活动或状态,含永远结束的意味。   stop : 普通用词,指迅速或突然中止某行为、活动或状态。   stop的同义词辨析2   cease, pause, stop, halt, quit   这些动词均含有"停止"之意。   cease : 指逐渐、徐徐中止某种状态的存在。书面用词。   pause : 指暂时的、瞬间的停顿,隐含有再进行之意。   stop : 指动作、运行、进展等被停下来,含突然、断然的意味。   halt : 侧重突然地、决定性地终止、停止某一活动。   quit : 指最终彻底停止某事,有时暗示遭到失败或面临挫折。   stop的同义词辨析3   station, stop, terminal   这些名词均可表示"站"之意。   station : 普通用词,一般指火车站或汽车站。   stop : 多指公共汽车站,尤指中途停车站。   terminal : 指火车、公共汽车或飞机的终点(总)站。   stop的词组习语   pull out all the stops   1. 全力以赴   导演全力以赴来赶不可能达到的最后期限。   the director pulled out all the stops to meet the impossible deadline.   put a stop to   1. 使(活动)停下来,制止   她得制止所有这样的胡闹。   she would have to put a stop to all this nonsense.   stop at nothing   1. (为获得某物而)不惜一切,什么也不顾   他会不惜一切来保住自己的权力地位。   he would stop at nothing to retain his position of power.   stop dead (或 short)   1. 突然停止(运动,说话,动作)   stop one"s ears   1. 用手指堵住耳朵,不听   stop someone"s mouth   1. 使闭口,使保持缄默   stop payment   1. 通知银行停止兑付(支票)   stop the show   1. (演员)博得长时间的喝彩(或笑声)而使演出中断   stop by/in   1. 顺便短暂 拜访   stop something down   1. (摄)缩小(镜头的)光圈   stop off (或 over)   1. 中途停留   我中途停下来去拜访他和他的妻子。   I stopped off to visit him and his wife.   他决定在巴黎稍作停留。   he decided to stop over in Paris.   stop out   1. (英,非正式)呆在外面(尤指比预期的时间长或迟)   stop something out   1. (印刷或蚀刻时)覆盖(使不被印刷或蚀刻)   stop up   1. (英,非正式)不睡觉,熬夜   stop的例句   1. The criticisms will not stop people flocking to see the film.   批评的声音不会阻止人们涌到影院观看这部电影。   2. When I asked him to stop, he would not listen.   我叫他停下,可他不听。   3. He insisted we stop at a small restaurant just outside of Atlanta.   他坚持让我们在亚特兰大市外不远的一家小餐馆歇歇脚。   4. He proposed a new diplomatic initiative to try to stop the war.   他提出了一项新的外交计划以尽力阻止这场战争。   5. I saw Louise walking slowly to the bus stop.   我看见路易丝慢慢地走向公共汽车站。   6. Stop asking questions! You should know when enough is enough.   别问问题了!你应该知道什么时候该适可而止。   7. I lay the painting flat to stop the wet paint running.   我把油画平放以防止未干的颜料流动。   8. They would move heaven and earth to stop me if they could.   可能的话,他们会千方百计地阻止我。   9. The defence counsel warned that the judge should stop the trial.   被告辩护律师强烈建议法官应该休庭。   10. He asked only that Ingrid stop behaving so scandalously.   他只是要求英格丽德不要再这么不像话了。   11. The car failed to stop at an army checkpoint.   那辆车没有在军方检查站停车。   12. Many US cities now have non-stop flights to Aspen.   美国很多城市现在都有直达阿斯彭的航班。   13. They might be wise to stop advertising on television.   他们不妨停止在电视上做 广告 ,这样做可能是明智之举。   14. Trains will operate from Waterloo with a pick-up stop at Ashford.   火车从滑铁卢站出发,途中会在阿什福德站停靠上人。   15. He needs them to stop the country sliding into chaos.   他需要他们来防止这个国家陷入混乱。 猜你喜欢: 1. admire的同义词是什么 2. 关于stop的用法 3. aloud的同义词是什么 4. stop是什么意思 5. respond的近义词辨析 6. stop的短语有哪些


《初中英语常用同义词辨析(35)》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。 disclose, expose, uncover, reveal 这些动词都表示“揭露、暴露”之意。 disclose : 侧重指揭露或泄露鲜为人知或保密的事。 expose : 多指揭露丑闻、坏人坏事或各种阴谋。也可指某物暴露在外。 uncover : 主要指移去遮盖物,让东西显露出来。也可指揭露阴谋、秘密等。 reveal : 多指揭露一直隐藏或隐秘的东西,或启示超乎常人领导能力的真理。 discover, find, detect, ascertain 这些动词均有“发现”之意。 discover : 普通用词,指发现本来存在,但示被认识的事物、真理或情况。 find : 普通用词,可指偶然发现,也可指经过寻找后得到或重新获得已失去的东西。强调动作的结果。 detect : 正式用词,强调经过周密观察或研究而有所获得和发现,尤指发现有意隐藏之物。 ascertain : 较正式用词,指有意搜寻与发现。 disguise, mask, cloak 这些动词均表示“伪装”或“掩饰”之意。 disguise : 指改变装束或外表以掩饰自己的真面目或冒充他人。有时仅指掩饰感情、动机或意图。 mask : 本义为“面罩”,引申“掩饰”解时,指掩饰某物的真实性质或存在的伪装。 cloak : 指采取伪装来掩盖或隐藏真实面目或本性或企图。 disgrace, humiliate, shame, dishonour 这些动词均含“使丢脸、使受耻辱”之意。 disgrace : 侧重在别人,尤其在众人面前丢脸。 humiliate : 强调受辱者自尊心的损坏。 shame : 指由不光彩或不道德的行为引起的惭愧感或羞耻感。 dishonour : 有时可与disgrace换用,但前者是指因失去荣誉所致。 dish, plate 这两个名词都可表示“盘子”之意。 dish : 是盘子的总称。 plate : 指供个人分菜食用的盘子。 dislike, hate, disgust 这些动词均含有“不喜欢”之意。 dislike : 普通用词,指任何程度的憎恶,但永远指正面的憎恶和反对。 hate : 指因对某人或某事强烈不满或反感,或因利害关系等而产生憎恨。 disgust : 指对令人不快、生厌或坏的东西或行为怀有强烈的憎恶。 distant, far, remote 这些形容词都含有“远的”之意。 distant : 语意最强,强调距离。 far : 除特殊情况外,侧重长距离。也可用作引申意义。 remote : 侧重指离中心地有利的地方很远。 districk, region, area, section, zone, belt, quarter, neighbourhood 这些名词均有“地区”之意。 districk : 多指由政府等机构出于行政管理等目的而明确划分的地区。 region : 普通用词,常指地球上、大气中具有自然分界线的区域,特指按照气候、人体或其他特征鲜明、自成一体的地区。 area : 普通用词,指整体中较大的,界线不分明的一部分。 section : 普通用词,指城市、国家或天然界线形成的地区。 zone : 科技用词,指圆形或弧形地带,尤指地图上按温度划分的五个地带。用作一般意义时,也可指具有某种特征的其它地区。 belt : 从本义“带,带状物”引申而指任何广阔的长条地带,也可指种植某种作物的地区。 quarter : 指城市里具有相同性质或独特风味的地区,比section范围小,但划分更精确。 neighbourhood : 指比section的划定更清楚,范围更小。具体指城市中的住宅区,也可指附近一带。 diverge, deviate 这两个动词都有“偏离,离轨”之意。 diverge : 指从一主道分成Y形。 deviate : 强调离开思想、行动或规则的惯例。 divide, separate, part, divorce 这些动词都有“分开”之意。 divide : 指把一个整体按要求分成几个部分,暗示分配之意;也可指分开两个对立的事物。 separate : 指把两个人或物分开,着重从原属一个整体中移居一部分或把两者隔开。 part : 多指使紧密相连的人或物分开,往往暗示最后分离的意味。 divorce : 特指两个或更多的互为依赖的事物的分离,尤指婚姻的合法解体。 《初中英语常用同义词辨析(35)》由出国留学我精心为您学习英语准备.liuxue86.com


Good afternoon, my name is xx, the phone interview opportunity I am very honored, and I want to have a good performance. I look at a brief self-introduction, I am 26 years old, born in Xinyang City, Henan Province, now living Zhengzhou, graduating in 2008 xx, a student of computer education professional. College, through the learning of multi-gate network technology by certified network engineer certification of the State Ministry of Information and communications industries after graduation to enter the optical network communications equipment, technical support, now working in a communications equipment, technology service providers, with four years of optical communications items of equipment service experience.I consider my four years of communications technology experience to develop a good self-learning ability, good communication skills, independent thinking, the ability to solve the fault quickly. I consider that sufficient enough to meet the requirements of this position. If I am engaged in this work not only able to complete the instrument calibration, but also in the process of requiring on-site service users can use the accumulated knowledge of the field of communication and better understanding and addressing the needs of the user"s, I hope that, throughStrive to learn quickly is responsible for equipment calibration, within a few months to grasp quickly the essential skills required of the post, to become a senior engineer of the checksum field of 2 years to 5 years, 5-10 years later to become the instrument calibration the field of technical experts.

请问和拼音gang 发音相近的英语词汇有哪些?



METS三级重点词汇nausea diarrhea constipation便秘 vomiturinalysis rhinovirusTherefore we conclude that a drug that was originated to target a rhinovirus might be a good starting point for the development of drugs against coronaviruses, including the SARS virus."罗尔夫·希尔根菲尔德说:"因此,我们可以得出结论:由抗鼻病毒药物研制出药物有可能成为研发抗冠状病毒(包括非典病毒)药物的很好的开端。 -- science-汉英But they found a similar drug being tested against a rhinovirus -- another cause of the common cold.但是他们又发现了一种类似的用于对抗鼻病毒的药物,这种病毒是诱发普通感冒的另一个原因。 -- science-汉英"The subjects were next given a squirt up the nose of a rhinovirus, the nasty little germ that causes colds."接着志愿者的鼻子上方被喷射一种能够引起感冒的可恶的微小细菌-----鼻病毒。 -- 英汉-翻译样例-时事 immune progressiverespiratory epidemic cardiovascular estimatesyndrome complaint midair dreaded令人畏惧的announcement cabin stressful amount ofpanic attendant confront enrollprolong mental kidney dialysisprescribe narcotics麻醉剂,麻药 ethics伦理 surgeoncomplication credentials证明 submit to屈从 tendencypharmaceutical afflict abnormal microscopefatal innocent microscopic accused ofstrikingly引人注目的 occurrence recommend depend on dosage stomachache bowel肠 urinalysiscavity 洞,空穴 distention 发胀 numbness electrocardiogramappendectomy gastrectomy aspirin accidentalintake appetite disinfectant消毒剂 reactionunreliable concern vital活的 poisoningwrist waist ultrasonic trigger触发uniform test tube terminate transfusionsensation感觉,知觉 solitary severity严重性 rigid刚性的regulate persistentindividual executive compel to 不得不做 appearancedental appointment bother schedulepremature gestation pivot joint关节 axis 第二颈椎 voluntary striated横纹的 muscle antigenic 抗原的 immunity antigen抗原 vaccinator vaccine antibodytransfer infusion profusion transfusion transmission传播 deliver onset发病 expose antidepressant dose reversible contribute tuberculosis resistance endemic地方性的,地方病 goiter甲状腺肿 iodine碘 deficiency molecule hypertension accidental heat-regulating access to faintaltitude高度 roughly tolerate venous静脉的thrombosis血栓形成 legislation incident exodus大批的离去migration vacancy apocalypse启示 doom toblighted枯萎的 ethical terminally bioethics生物伦理学heroic instinct本能直觉 sustain 支撑 disposalaggressively psychiatrist精神病医师 motivate prospective未来的,预期的


一、详细释义: , adv. , 向前;上前 , 例句: ,She skipped and danced along.,她蹦蹦跳跳地往前走着。, 例句: ,He raised his voice a little, talking into the wind as they walked along.,他们往前走时,他略微提高了嗓音,迎着风说话。, 一起 , 例句: ,This is open to women of all ages, so bring along your friends and colleagues.,这对所有年龄段的女性开放,所以请带上你的朋友和同事一起光临。, 例句: ,Wives will have to bring along their marriage certificate.,已婚妇女必须携带结婚证。, 来到 , 例句: ,She invited everyone she knew to e along.,她邀请了每一个她认识的人前来。, 例句: ,He had the material tested and sent along the results.,他对材料做了检验并送来了检验结果。, prep. , 沿着;顺着 , 例句: ,The cars flowed in a steady stream along the main road.,汽车沿着大道川流不息。, 例句: ,Newman walked along the street alone.,纽曼独自走在街上。, 例句: ,We walked [along] the road.,我们沿着路走。, 二、词义辨析: , across,along,over,through ,这些前置词均有“横过、穿过”之意。across指“从……的一边到另一边”,强调横过,多与动态动词连用。along指沿着一条直线在水平方向上运动。一般表动态,有时也与静态动词连用。over常和动态动词连用,指“从……上面越过”或“横越”;表静态时,指“在彼处”。through侧重从一端穿到另一端。, 三、相关短语: ,all along,adv.自始自终,一直,e along,v.出现,到来,跟着来,一起去,get along,v.1.过活2.融洽相处3.进展,有起色,get along with,v.1.进展 2.与…和睦相处,go along,1.向前行进2.进行,继续3.同行,一起走4.同时发生,一起存在5.进展6.赞同;支持;合作,jolly along,使高兴,使开心,戏弄,奉承,right along,不停地,不断地;自始至终,rub along,凑合着过日子,和谐相处,run along,v.1.走开 2.延伸,贯穿,scrape along,勉强为生,艰难度日,餬口,scratch along,v.勉强餬口,艰难地谋生,string along,陪同,陪伴;戏弄,愚弄,欺骗, 四、参考例句: ,Matters jog along somehow.,反正事情在稳步地进行。,He came along the sideroad.,他是沿着小路来的。,We strolled along the beach.,我们沿着海滨散步。,He pegged along the path.,他沿着小路急奔。,How"s Ferguson ing along?,弗格森现在怎么样啊?,Pass this notice along, please.,请把这通知传下去。,We walked along the road.,我们沿着路走。,What do you take along?,你打算带什么东西?,Grow old along with me!,和我一起慢慢变老吧!,Claire hurried along the road.,克莱尔匆匆地沿路而行。


along adv. & prep 沿着;向前;共同,一起; 短语:1. all along 始终,一直: e.g. I knew the truth of the matter all long. 那件事情的真相我始终是清楚的。 2.along with 于……一道; e.g. Yesterday I went along with my brother to the shop. 昨天我和我的弟弟一道去了那家商店。 3.get along (well) with all adj. & pron 全部的,所有的; 短语:1.all day 整日 2.all kinds of 各种各样的; 3.all over 遍布 4.all right 行,可以 5. all along 一直,始终 6. not at all 7.in all


歌曲 花心男演唱 慕容晓晓词曲 聂小慧花儿很美丽 月儿很可爱你的心就像 无边的大海鱼儿和虾儿 都是你的菜每一种味道 你都很喜爱对着花说爱 又为月等待你就是花心的萝卜菜你要的不是一份真爱花花世界 是你的最爱花言巧语 是你的辞海你说男人不坏 女人不爱花心的姿态 在风中摇摆多少无辜女孩被你伤害花心的男人其实好无奈受伤的女孩 向你讨债怎么去释怀 这感情的悲哀你的情 你的爱 到最后泛滥成灾Rap 不是不想爱 也不是萝卜菜其实每个男人也不都是那么的坏只是不知道 什么叫真爱所以忘乎所以 自在逍遥自在朵朵鲜花总是鲜艳的开花心男人只想随处采摘无奈女孩开始选错了爱But 男人确实不该不该对着花说爱 又为月等待你就是花心的萝卜菜你要的不是一份真爱花花世界 是你的最爱花言巧语 是你的辞海你说男人不坏 女人不爱花心的姿态 在风中摇摆多少无辜女孩被你伤害花心的男人其实好无奈受伤的女孩 向你讨债怎么去释怀 这感情的悲哀你的情 你的爱 到最后泛滥成灾花心的男人其实好无奈受伤的女孩 向你讨债怎么去释怀 这感情的悲哀你的情 你的爱 到最后泛滥成灾



写英语作文的求助信可以用哪些高级词汇?(大学词汇),像marvelous这样的。 多提供些



Z   ·蒸馏 distillation   用蒸发和冷凝使水纯化的过程。   ·自净 self一Purification   污染水体的自然净化过程。   ·增稠 thickening   用脱水的方法使污泥中的固体物变稠的过程。   ·滞流水 stagnant water   很少甚至不流动的地面水。时间一久,水质可能恶化。   ·折点氯化 break point chlorination   水中加氯加到有效的余氯量的增加与加氯增量成正比时的转折点时所有的氨均被氧化。   ·再曝气 re-aeration   由于某些化学的或生物的过程将氧耗尽后,再次充气,用以增加溶解氧浓度的过程。   ·自动采样 automatic sampling   采样过程中不需人干预,通过仪器设备能按预先编定的程序进行连续或不连续的采样。   ·总氨 total ammonia   用一种单位表示的以铵离子形式存在的化合氨和游离氨的总量.   ·总有机氮 total organic nitrogen   样品中测的基耶达(Kjeldahl)氮量与总氨氮量之差。   ·总二氧化碳 total carbon dioxide   水中游离二氧化碳和以重碳酸盐及碳酸盐形式存在的二氧化碳的总含量。   ·重铬酸盐值 dichromate value   ·重铬酸盐需氧量 dichromate oxidizability(CODCr)   用标准步骤以重铬酸盐为氧化剂测定的化学需氧量。   ·硬度 hardness   水中的钙镁等离子,阻止肥皂在水中形成泡沫的能力。   ·碱性硬度 alkaline hardness   ·暂时硬度 temporary hardness   用煮沸的方法可以除去的硬度。主要是由于重碳酸盐的存在引起的.   ·指数 Langelier index   水样实测的pH值减去饱和pH(pHs)的差值。pHs是水与固酸钙平衡时计算得的pH。   ·在线分析 on-line analysis   通过探头从水体中取得水样,经导管进入分析设备的自动分统。   ·再现性 reproducibility   ·定性定义 qualitative reproducibility   用相同的方法,同一试验材料,在不同的条件下获得的单个结果之间的一致程度。不同的条件指不同的操作者、不同的设备、不同的实验室、不同或相同的时间。   ·定量定义 quantitative reproducibility   指一个数值,用相同的方法,同一试验材料,在上述的不同条件下得到的两次结果之差的绝对值,以某个指定的概率低于这个数值。除非另外指出,一般指定的概率为0.95(重复性再现性的定义取自GB3358一82)。   ·总固体 total solids   溶解性和悬浮性固体的总量.   ·总有机碳 total organic carbon (TOC)   水中溶解性和悬浮性有机物中存在的全部碳。   ·总需氧量 total oxygen demand(TOD)   高温燃烧时,样品中可氧化的物质氧化时所消耗氧的量。   ·浊度 turbidity   由于水体中存在微细分散的悬浮性粒子,使水透明度降低的程度。   ·自养细菌 autotrophicbacteria(化学无机能细菌chemolithotrophicbacteria)   利用无机物作为的碳、氮源而繁殖的细菌。   ·质量平衡 mass balance   在一确定系统内(例如;湖泊、河流或污水处理厂),特定物质输入量和输出量(包括该物质在系统中的形成或分解)之间的相互关系。   ·中温消化 mesophiIic digestion   污泥在20~40°C下的厌氧消化,在该温度范围内有利于的微生物的生长,(例如中温微生物的繁殖)。   ·中营养水 mesotrophic water   天然发生的,或由于营养累积形成的中等营养状态的水。及介于贫营养和富营养之间的水。   ·真空过滤 vacuum filtration   污泥经滤布,通过真空作用过滤的一种脱水方法。   ·致癌物 carcinogen(carcinogenic substance)   能在人、动物或植物体内诱发恶性肿瘤的物质。   ·真核的 eukaryotic   对细胞中具有可见和明确细胞核生物的描述。   ·最可能数 most probable number(MPN)   对规定体积水中的特定微生物数目的估计数。由多管标准试验法检验一系列体积试样,综合阳性和阴性结果取得。   ·致变剂 mutagen   能在活的生物体内引起遗传性改变的物质。   ·助凝剂 flocculation aid   和混凝剂同时投加的一种物质(通常为聚合电解质),用以提高混凝沉淀的效果。   ·最终生物降解 ultimate biodegradation   导致完全矿化的生物降解作用。   ·藻类 algae   一大群单细胞或多细胞生物(包括通常所说的蓝细菌),它们通常是水生的,常含有叶绿索或其他色素,并能光合其细胞物质。   ·真菌 fungi   一群异养生物,通常形成芽胞,有清晰的细胞核,词有叶绿素光合作用物质。酵母是单细胞真菌,由芽生繁殖。其他真菌是多细胞和丝状的,例如镰刀霉种类(Fusariumspecies)可造成生物滤池积水,而地霉种类(Geotrichum species)导致活性污泥膨涨。   ·总碳 total carbon   水中的有机碳和无机碳的总和。   ·总无机碳 total inorganic carbon   水中溶解的和悬浮的无机物中的全部碳。   ·总氧化氮 total oxidized nitrogen   水中硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐中存在的总氮量。


一、详细释义: , n. , *** ,热情 [C] , 例句: ,The dying embers of a former passion can still be seen in his article.,往日 *** 将熄的余烬仍可从他的文章中看出来。, 例句: ,Her passion for me has cooled down.,她对我的热情已经冷下来了。, (常作passions)(与理智相对而言的)强烈情感 [C] , 例句: ,It was not for her to see the wellspring of human passion.,她当然不懂得人类强烈情感的来源。, 例句: ,The ruling passion of them miser is the love of money.,吝啬鬼最强烈的情感就是对金钱的热爱。, 激怒; *** 爆发 [C] , 例句: ,He was heated with passion.,他激怒了。, 热烈的恋情;强烈的情欲;热恋对象 [C] , 例句: ,Passion in a man of Hursood"s nature takes a vigorous form. It is no musing, dreamy thing.,情欲在像赫斯渥这类人身上出现时,总呈现强烈的形式,绝非沉思梦幻般的东西。, 例句: ,The most beautiful makeup for a woman is passion. But co *** etics are easier to buy.,热恋可以突出女性最美丽的一面。不过,买化妆品要容易得多。, 极度喜爱,酷爱;酷爱的事物 [C] , 例句: ,I have a passion for American literature.,我酷爱美国文学。, 例句: ,The Americans have a passion for grandeur.,美国人酷爱豪华的气派。, 【哲】受动性 [C] , 【古】(殉教或殉道者的)受难,苦痛;殉教(或殉道)故事 [C] , v. , 【诗】表露强烈感情,显示巨大热情 [I] , 二、词义辨析: , emotion,feeling,passion,affection,sentiment ,这些名词的共同含义是“感情”或“情感”之意。emotion普通用词,词义中性。泛指因外界 *** 而引起思想情感从细微变化到最强烈的发作。 feeling普通用词,含义广。多指具体的或内心的感受,或表露出来的强烈情感。passion指极强烈的感情、尤指愤怒、爱好等。也常指两性间的爱情。affection指对人的爱慕或深厚、温柔的感情。sentiment一般指由一种思想激起的感情,含较大的理智因素。, 三、相关短语: ,passion fruit,西潘莲果,passion play,n. 基督受难剧,passion sunday,n.耶稣受难日,passion week,复活节前第二周, 四、参考例句: ,Live with passion!,热情地生活吧!,Passion is energy.,热情是能量。,Passion is contagious!,热情是可以传染的!,They sang with great passion.,他们满怀 *** 地歌唱。,Develop a passion for learning.,学会热情学习吧。,He spoke with great passion.,他发表了热情洋溢的讲话。,The girl has inordinate passion for music.,这个女孩过分喜爱音乐。,He has a passion for photography.,他对摄影有强烈的爱好。,She has a passion for music.,她十分爱好音乐。,The Americans have a passion for grandeur.,美国人酷爱豪华的气派。




称谓相关的英语六级翻译词汇   非亲属称谓是以社会生活中在“人”这个本位上,除去表示亲属关系的"称谓而外的那些表示人际关系的称呼。下面是我整理的跟称谓相关的英语六级翻译词汇,希望能帮到大家!   标兵 pacemaker   学习标兵 student pacemaker; model student   劳动模范 model worker   模范教师 model teacher   优秀教师 excellent teacher   优秀员工 outstanding employee; employee of the month / year   青年标兵 model youth / youth pacemaker   三好学生 "triple-A" outstanding student; outstanding student   三八妇女红旗手 "March 8th Red Banner" outstanding woman pacemaker   主任编辑 associate senior editor   主任秘书 chief secretary   主任医师 senior doctor   主任护士 senior nurse   主治医师 attending / chief doctor; physician; consultant   特级教师 special-grade senior teacher   特派记者 accredited correspondent   特派员/专员 commissioner   特约编辑 contributing editor   特约记者 special correspondent   高级编辑 senior editor   高级工程师 senior engineer   高级记者 senior reporter   高级讲师 senior lecturer   高级教师 senior teacher   高级农艺师 senior agronomist   首席执行官 chief executive officer (CEO)   首席法官 chief judge   首席顾问 chief advisor   首席检察官 chief inspector / prosecutor   首席仲裁员 chief arbitrator   首席监事 chief supervisor   首席播音员 chief announcer / broadcaster   首席代表 chief representative   首席记者 chief correspondent   办公室主任 office manager (如“校长办公室主任” manager of presidentu2019s office)   财务主任 treasurer   车间主任 workshop manager / director   编审 senior editor   博导(博士生导师)doctoral student supervisor   研究生导师 graduate student tutor   客座教授 visiting professor   院士 academician   译审 senior translator   村长 village head   领班 captain;foreman;gaffer   经纪人 broker   税务员 tax collector   研究管员 research fellow of...(如“图书馆研究管员” research fellow of library science)   股票交易员 stock dealer   红马夹 (stock exchange) floor broker   业务经理 service/business/operation manager   住院医生 resident (doctor); registrar   国际大师 international master   注册会计师 chartered / certified public accountant; registered / incorporated accountant   助理教授 assistant professor   助理研究员 assistant research fellow   助理工程师 assistant engineer   助理编辑 assistant editor   助理馆员 assistant research fellow of... (e.g. library science)   助理教练 assistant coach   助理农艺师 assistant agronomist   校长(大学) President of Beijing University   校长(中小学) Principal /Headmaster of Donghai Middle School   院长(大学下属) Dean of the Graduate School   系主任(大学学院下属) Chair/Chairman of the English Department   会长/主席(学/协会) President of the Student Union, Shanghai University   厂长(企业) Director of the Machine Tools Manufacturing Plant   院长(医院) President of Huadong Hospital   主任(中心) Director of the Business Center   主任(行政) Director of Foreign Affairs Office   董事长(企业) President/Chairman of the Board of Directors   董事长(学校) President/Chairman of the Board of Trustees   检察长 procurator-general   审判忙 presiding judge;chief judge;chief of judges   护士长 head nurse   秘书长 secretary-general   参谋长 chief of staff   厨师长 head cook,chef ;


1.境外填表常用词汇   姓 Family name ,Surname   名  First Name ,Given name   性别 sex ,gender   男  male , 女 female   国籍  nationality , country of citizenship   护照号 passport number   原住地 country of origin   前往国 destination country   登机城市 city where you boarded   签证签发地 city where visa was issued   签发日期date of issue   出生日期 date of birth ,birth date   年 year ,月 month ,日 day   偕行人数 accompanying number   签名 signature   官方填写official use only   职业 occupation   护照 Passport , 签证 Visa   登机、启程 Embarkation   登岸 Disembarkation   商务签证 Business Visa   观光签证 Tourist Visa 2.在机场   航站、终点站 Terminal   入境大厅 Arrival Lobby   出境大厅 Departure Lobby   登机门号码 Gate Number   登机证 Boarding Card ,Boarding Pass   机场税 Airport Tax   登机手续办理处Check in Counter   海关申报处 Customs Service Area   货币申报 Currency Declaration   免税商品 Duty-Free Items   大号 large , 中号 medium , 小号small   纪念品 Souvenir   行李 Baggage ; Luggage   托运的行李 Checked baggage   行李领取处 Baggage claim area   随身行李 Carry-on baggage   行李牌 Baggage Tag   行李推车 Luggage Cart   退税处 Tax-free refund 3.在飞机上   盥洗室、厕所 Lavatory;washroom;toilet;   W.C.=water closet; rest room   男厕  Men"s; Gent"s; Gentlemen"s   女厕  Women"s; Lady"s   使用中 Occupied   空闲 Vacant   男(女)空服员Steward (Stewardess)   机内免税贩卖 In-Flight Sales 4.钱币兑换   外币兑换店 Currency Exchange Shop   汇率 Exchange rate   旅行支票 Traveler"s check   手续费 Commission   银行买入价 We buy(Bid)   银行卖出价 We sell(Ask) 5.在酒店   入住登记手续 Check-in   客房服务 Room Service   退房(时间) Check Out (Time)   前台 Front Desk ,Reception   酒店大堂 Lobby   咖啡馆 Coffee shop   服务员,侍者 waiter(餐厅、旅馆的服务生、行李员)   电话叫醒服务 Wake Up Call ,Morning Call 6.日常用语   How do you do,Iu2019m glad to meet you. (你好,很高兴认识你)   How do you do. Glad to meet you, too. (你好,我也很高兴认识你)   It"s nice meeting you. (很高兴认识你)   May I have your name, please? (请问你叫什么名字?)   May I try it on?(我能试穿一下吗?)   How much?(多少钱?)   Please show me the menu.(请把菜单给我。)   Cheers! (干杯!),Bottoms up! (干杯!)   I"m lost.Could you do me a favor to find my hotel? (我迷路了,您能告诉我怎么回饭店吗?)   Could you take a picture for me? (你能帮我拍照吗?)   Thank you very much. (非常感谢。)   You"re welcome.(不客气)   Let"s keep in touch.(让我们保持联系)   How can I get in touch with you?(我怎样能跟你联络上?)   I"ll do my best.(我将会尽我最大努力)   Wait a moment please. (请稍等一下) 事先多熟悉以上出境用语,以防临时询问,而不知其意。


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一、详细释义: , n. , 任命,委派,指派 , 例句: ,The meeting lastly passed a series of appointment and disqualification lists.,会议最后通过了一系列任免名单。, 例句: ,The appointment of a new judge was reported in the newspaper.,报上报导了任命一位新法官的消息。, 职位,职务 , 例句: ,Her career culminated in her appointment as director.,她一生事业的顶峯是当上董事。, 例句: ,Mr Fay is to take up an appointment as a researcher with the Royal Society.,费伊先生将担任皇家学会研究员的职务。, 约会,约定 , 例句: ,Reggie said airily, “Jamet"s expecting me. We have an appointment.”,雷格旁若无人地大声说,“贾米特正在等我,我们有约会。”, 例句: ,Did you remember your other appointment for today?,还记得今天的另一个约会吗?, 例句: ,I have an [appointment] with my dentist this afternoon.,我已约好今天下午去看牙医。, 例句: ,I have an appointment with my dentist this afternoon.,我已约好今天下午去看牙医。, 例句: ,You have an appointment with me on Friday.,我们周五有约。, 二、词义辨析: , engagement,appointment,date ,这些名词均有“约会”之意。engagement普通用词,可与本组的另外两个词换用。泛指任何商定的地点和时间见面,专指针对某一目的约会。appointment通常指严格根据时间表上预约的时间进行的约见或约会,其目的主要是讨论公事或业务问题。date主要指朋友之间的随便约见或男女之间的约会。, 三、相关短语: ,power of appointment,财产处理权,财产指定权, 四、参考例句: ,Do you have an appointment?,您约好了吗?,Can we reschedule our appointment?,能不能更改我们约定时间?,She has an appointment with her accountant.,她和她的会计约好了见面。,Sandwich an appointment in beeen o meetings.,在两个会议中间安插一次约会。,The dinner appointment has to be canceled.,看来晚餐约会得取消了。,My last appointment is at three.,我最后一个约会在三点。,Please make an appointment with my secretary.,请跟我秘书定个见面时间。,His appointment was slotted for o p.m.,会见他的时间定在下午两点。,Appointment booking services are free of charge.,预约服务是免费的。,Her appointment as leader revitalized the party.,她担任领袖后, 该党获得了转机。


  英语四级译文:   相反,静思疗法能够教人们以更广、更现实的角度来看待自己的缺点。   四级词汇讲解:   本句的主干是techniques can teach people。in contrast为插人语;不定式短语to put their shortcomings into a larger, more realistic perspective为宾语people的补语。   perspective的意思是“角度,观点”。如:   You should try to see the issue from a different perspective.你应该试着以不同的角度看待这件事。   英语四级考点归纳:   perspective的常见用法如下:   ※ 意为“角度,观点,想法”,通常后接介词on,或用于from the perspective of,from a...perspective的结构中。如:   I"ve got a whole new perspective on life.我对生活有了全新的看法。   The novel is written from the perspective of deaf people.这部小说是从聋人的视角来写的。   From a male perspective, it"s hard to understand the problem.从男性的角度很难理解这个问题。   ※ 意为“合理判断力,权衡轻重的能力”,常与介词in或into连用。如:   I try to keep these issues in perspective.我尽量恰当地处理这些问题。   ※ 意为“景观,远景”。如:   You can get a perspective of the whole valley here.你在这里可以看到山谷的全景。   ※ 意为“透视法”。如:   Children"s drawings often have no perspective.孩子画的画通常没有透视效果。


AI绘画荧光感关键词汇Fluorescent glow —— 荧光发光Neon lights —— 霓虹灯光Glow in the dark —— 夜光效果Radiant colors —— 辐射的色彩Luminescent effect —— 荧光效果Phosphorescent glow —— 磷光发光Illuminated brilliance —— 发光的辉煌Neon signs —— 霓虹灯标志Glowing fluorescence —— 发光的荧光Vibrant luminosity —— 生动的亮度Electric glow —— 电光发光Luminescent paint —— 荧光颜料Neon colors —— 霓虹色彩Eerie radiance —— 怪异的辐射Luminous intensity —— 发光强度Fluorescent pigments —— 荧光颜料Neon-lit city —— 霓虹灯照亮的城市Glowing outlines —— 发光的轮廓Radiant afterglow —— 辐射的余晖Fluorescent markers —— 荧光记号笔Neon-lit dance floor —— 霓虹灯照亮的舞池Glowing neon signs —— 发光的霓虹灯标志Luminescent glow sticks —— 荧光发光棒Neon-lit storefront —— 霓虹灯照亮的店面Fluorescent fashion —— 荧光时尚Radiant aura —— 辐射的光环Glowing neon shapes —— 发光的霓虹形状Illuminated neon art —— 发光的霓虹艺术Fluorescent body paint —— 荧光体彩绘Neon-lit nightclub —— 霓虹灯照亮的夜总会Glowing fluorescent ink —— 发光的荧光墨水Luminous accents —— 发光的装饰Fluorescent signage —— 荧光标识Neon-lit stage —— 霓虹灯照亮的舞台Glowing neon tubes —— 发光的霓虹灯管Illuminated neon cityscape —— 发光的霓虹城市风景Fluorescent party decorations —— 荧光派对装饰Neon-lit arcade —— 霓虹灯照亮的游戏场所Glowing fluorescent signs —— 发光的荧光标志Luminous spectacle —— 发光的壮观景象Fluorescent light bulbs —— 荧光灯泡Neon-lit music festival —— 霓虹灯照亮的音乐节Glowing neon street art —— 发光的霓虹街头艺术Illuminated neon letters —— 发光的霓虹字母Fluorescent glow in the room —— 房间里的荧光发光Neon-lit entertainment venue —— 霓虹灯照亮的娱乐场所Glowing fluorescent patterns —— 发光的荧光图案Luminous neon city —— 发光的霓虹城市Fluorescent highlighter —— 荧光荧光笔Neon-lit fashion show —— 霓虹灯照亮的时装秀Glowing neon street signs —— 发光的霓虹街道标志Illuminated fluorescent artwork —— 发光的荧光艺术作品Fluorescent glow party —— 荧光发光派对Neon-lit cinema —— 霓虹灯照亮的电影院Glowing neon reflections —— 发光的霓虹倒影Luminous neon signs —— 发光的霓虹标志Fluorescent streetlights —— 荧光街灯Neon-lit concert venue —— 霓虹灯照亮的音乐会场地Glowing fluorescent colors —— 发光的荧光颜色


银行汇款常用英语词汇   导语:汇款常用作把款汇出的意思,具体业务有漫游汇款、普通汇款、电子汇款和商务汇款等。下面是我收集整理的`有关汇款的英语常用词汇,欢迎参考!   汇款||寄钱 to remit||to send money   寄票供取款||支票支付 to send a cheque for payment   寄款人 a remitter   收款人 a remittee   汇票汇单用语   国外汇票 foreign Bill   国内汇票 inland Bill   跟单汇票 documentary bill   空头汇票 accommodation bill   原始汇票 original bill   改写||换新票据 renewed bill   即期汇票 sight bill||bill on demand   ... days after date||... days" after date ... 日后付款   ... months after date||... months" after date ... 月后付款   见票后... 日付款... days" after sight||... days" sight   见票后... 月付款... months" after sight||... months" sight   同组票据 set of bills   单张汇票 sola of exchange||sole of exchange   远期汇票 usance bill||bill at usance   长期汇票 long bill   短期汇票 short bill   逾期汇票 overdue bill   宽限日期 days of grace   电汇 telegraphic transfer (T.T)   邮汇 postal order||postal note (Am.)||post office order||money order   本票 promissory note (P/N)   押汇负责书||押汇保证书 letter of hypothecation   副保||抵押品||付属担保物 collateral security   担保书 trust receipt||letter of indemnity   承兑||认付 acceptance   单张承兑 general acceptance   有条件承兑 qualified acceptance   附条件认付 conditional acceptance   部分认付 partial acceptance   拒付||退票 dishonour   拒绝承兑而退票 dishonour by non-acceptance   由于存款不足而退票 dihonour by non-payment   提交 presentation   背书 endorsement||indorsement   无记名背书 general endorsement||blank endorsement   记名式背书 special endorsement||full endorsement   附条件背书 conditional endorsement   限制性背书 restrictive endorsement   无追索权背书 endorsement without recourse   期满||到期 maturity   托收 collection   新汇票||再兑换汇票 re-exchange||re-draft   外汇交易 exchange dealing||exchange deals   汇兑合约 exchange contract   汇兑合约预约 forward exchange contract   外汇行情 exchange quotation   交易行情表 course of exchange||exchange table   汇价||兑换率 exchange rate||rate of exchange   官方汇率 official rate   挂牌汇率||名义汇率 nominal rate   现汇汇率 spot rate   电汇汇率||电汇率|| T.T. rate||telegraphic transfer rate   兑现率||兑现汇率 demand rate   长期汇率 long rate   私人汇票折扣率 rate on a private bill   远期汇票兑换率 forward rate   套价||套汇汇率||裁定外汇行情 cross rate   付款汇率 pence rate   当日汇率||成交价 currency rate   套汇||套价||公断交易率 arbitrage   汇票交割||汇票议付 negotiation of draft   交易人||议付人 negotiator   票据交割||让与支票票据议付 to negotiatie a bill   折扣交割||票据折扣 to discount a bill   票据背书 to endorse a bill   应付我差额51,000美元 a balance due to us of $51,000||a balance in our favour of $ 51,000   收到汇款 to receive remittance   填写收据 to make out a receipt ;


  汇款||寄钱 to remit||to send money   寄票供取款||支票支付 to send a cheque for payment   寄款人 a remitter   收款人 a remittee   汇票汇单用语   国外汇票 foreign Bill   国内汇票 inland Bill   跟单汇票 documentary bill   空头汇票 accommodation bill   原始汇票 original bill   改写||换新票据 renewed bill   即期汇票 sight bill||bill on demand   ... days after date||... days" after date ... 日后付款   ... months after date||... months" after date ... 月后付款   见票后... 日付款... days" after sight||... days" sight   见票后... 月付款... months" after sight||... months" sight   同组票据 set of bills   单张汇票 sola of exchange||sole of exchange   远期汇票 usance bill||bill at usance   长期汇票 long bill   短期汇票 short bill   逾期汇票 overdue bill   宽限日期 days of grace   电汇 telegraphic transfer (T.T)   邮汇 postal order||postal note (Am.)||post office order||money order   本票 promissory note (P/N)   押汇负责书||押汇保证书 letter of hypothecation   副保||抵押品||付属担保物 collateral security   担保书 trust receipt||letter of indemnity   承兑||认付 acceptance   单张承兑 general acceptance   有条件承兑 qualified acceptance   附条件认付 conditional acceptance   部分认付 partial acceptance   拒付||退票 dishonour   拒绝承兑而退票 dishonour by non-acceptance   由于存款不足而退票 dihonour by non-payment   提交 presentation   背书 endorsement||indorsement   无记名背书 general endorsement||blank endorsement   记名式背书 special endorsement||full endorsement   附条件背书 conditional endorsement   限制性背书 restrictive endorsement   无追索权背书 endorsement without recourse   期满||到期 maturity   托收 collection   新汇票||再兑换汇票 re-exchange||re-draft   外汇交易 exchange dealing||exchange deals   汇兑合约 exchange contract   汇兑合约预约 forward exchange contract   外汇行情 exchange quotation   交易行情表 course of exchange||exchange table   汇价||兑换率 exchange rate||rate of exchange   官方汇率 official rate   挂牌汇率||名义汇率 nominal rate   现汇汇率 spot rate   电汇汇率||电汇率|| T.T. rate||telegraphic transfer rate   兑现率||兑现汇率 demand rate   长期汇率 long rate   私人汇票折扣率 rate on a private bill   远期汇票兑换率 forward rate   套价||套汇汇率||裁定外汇行情 cross rate   付款汇率 pence rate   当日汇率||成交价 currency rate   套汇||套价||公断交易率 arbitrage   汇票交割||汇票议付 negotiation of draft   交易人||议付人 negotiator   票据交割||让与支票票据议付 to negotiatie a bill   折扣交割||票据折扣 to discount a bill   票据背书 to endorse a bill   应付我差额51,000美元 a balance due to us of $51,000||a balance in our favour of $ 51,000   收到汇款 to receive remittance   填写收据 to make out a receipt


一、详细释义: , v. , 经营,管理;控制 [T] , 例句: ,He managed the pany when his father was away.,他父亲离开的时候,由他管理公司。, 例句: ,His wife knows how to manage him when he is angry.,他的妻子知道在他生气时怎么对付他。, 处理,应付,解决,完成;设法 [I] , 例句: ,Somehow, he"d managed to persuade Kay to buy one for him.,不知用了什么方法,他成功说服凯给他买了一个。, 例句: ,I managed to pull myself up onto a wet, sloping ledge.,我终于爬上了一块潮溼倾斜的暗礁。, 二、词义辨析: , control,direct,govern,manage,rule,supervise,administer ,这些动词均有“管理、支配”之意。control含义广泛的常用词,指对人或物施以约束或控制的力量。direct侧重行使领导或指导权。govern侧重指运用任何控制的权力来统治或管理一个国家、一个社会或一个部门,暗含能力和知识的运用。manage强调对具体事务机构进行管理,有时含受权管理或处理之意。rule强调用绝对或独裁的权力来管理或统治。supervise侧重指运用本身的或被授予的权力来管理、检查工作,含监督意味。administer指官方的或正式的对事务的管理。, 三、词义辨析: , deal with,cope with,dispose of,manage,handle ,这些动词或短语动词都含有“处理”,“对付”之意。deal with既可指处理具体事情,也可指处理或解决具有抽象意义的问题。cope with指成功地处理或对付更为重大,更为严重的问题或事物。dispose of与deal with同义,普通用法。manage指处理日常事务与工作,也可指经营管理。handle从原义“手柄”,转引申为作“处理”解时,其内涵是管理和操纵。, 四、参考例句: ,How PLM will manage data?,产品生命周期管理系统将如何管理数据?,Be accountable and manage expectations.,让自己变得靠谱起来,并且努力达到期望。,You can manage your time.,自己把握好时间。,I manage o projects a year.,我每年管理运营两个项目。,Manage your energy, not your time.,分配好你的精力,而非时间。,The pilot did manage to get airborne.,飞行员的确设法使飞机升空了。,I manage a team of six people.,我管理一个6人小组。,I manage to rub along with her.,我和她相处得很不错。,How do you manage in your wheelchair?,你坐在轮椅上怎么游览呢?,I will manage the business somehow.,我将设法处理这事。


一、详细释义: , adj. , 必要的 , 例句: ,They lay on all essential services.,他们提供一切必要的服务。, 例句: ,Fair employment is absolutely essential.,公平就业是绝对必要的。, 本质的,基本的 , 例句: ,This is of course still the essential method.,这当然仍是本质的方法。, 例句: ,Controlling one"s breathing is the essential skill for a swimmer.,换气是游泳者最基本的技巧。, 精华的 , 例句: ,All concentrated parts are essential.,浓缩的都是精华。, 例句: ,To achieve the healing power of aromatherapy, it is important to use genuine and authentic essential oils.,要达到香薰治疗的效用,必须要选用品质纯正及优良的精华油。, n. , 要素,要点 [C] , 例句: ,Teacher is the primary essential in classroom teaching.,摘要教师是课堂教学的首要要素。, 例句: ,The first essential, of course, is to know what you want.,第一要素当然是知道自己想要什么。, 本质 , 必需品 [C] , 例句: ,I always considered a washing machine an essential.,我一向认为洗衣机是必需品。, 例句: ,It"s pretty much a business essential nowadays.,它已成为现今商业的必需品了。, 二、词义辨析: , indispensable,essential,necessary,requisite ,这些形容词均有“必不可少的,必需的”之意。indispensable语气强,侧重指绝对必要性或不可缺少性。essential指对事物本身性质具有决定性的重要性,暗含不可缺少,否则便无法存在。necessary最常用词,侧重由客观因素决定的某种需要,强调不可避免,但并非绝不可缺少。requisite正式用词,特指为实现某一目的或得到某种结果而应有的需要,有时可与necessary换用。, 三、词义辨析: , basic,essential,fundamental,radical,vital ,这些形容词均有“基本的,基础的”之意。basic普通用词,指明确、具体的基础或起点。essential语气比basic和fundamental强,强调必不可少,暗含某物如缺少某部分,则失去本质特征的意味。fundamental书面用词,不如basic使用广泛,侧重指作为基础、根本的抽象的事物。radical着重指事物的根本或其来源。vital正式用词,侧重指维持生命、活力必不可少的,或生死攸关的。, 四、词义辨析: , inherent,essential ,这两个形容词均有“内在的、本质的”之意。inherent指物体本身固有的、不能与该物体分割的某种特性。essential指决定所属事物存在的关键因素。, 一、相关短语: ,essential amino acid,必需氨基酸,必需的氨基酸,essential hypertension,本质性高血压,原发性高血压,特发性高血压,essential oil,精油,香精油,essential thrombocytopenia,原发性血小板减少症, 特发性血小板减少性紫癜,essential condition,【法】 必要条件,essential tremor,【医】 特发性震颤, 一、参考例句: ,Hjdict essential to me.,小d对我而言是不可或缺的。,Protein is essential to life.,蛋白质是生命必不可少的。,Is money essential to happiness?,金钱对于幸福是必不可少的吗?,Water is essential for plants.,水对于植物是必需的。,Air is essential to life.,生命不能缺少空气。,Food is essential to life.,食物对生命是必不可少的。,Rice is our essential foodstuff in life.,大米是我们生活的基本食物。,Political stability is essential to economic prosperity.,政治稳定对经济繁荣是必要的。,Her most essential quality is kindness.,她最主要的品性是善良。,It is essential to remember every detail.,记住每个细节至关重要。


yi di kei ma si 我出门了 yi da la xia yi 走好 ta da yi ma 我回来了 o gai li na sai 欢迎回来 a li ya duo 谢谢 ma sa ga 难道是……(有怎么可能的意思) mo xi ga xi dei 难道是……(对事情的猜测) sou lei dei mo 即使如此 fu sa ken len na you 别开玩笑了! jiao dang jiao nai you 开什么玩笑? na ji ga you 真的假的? na ni 什么 kou kou dou gou 这是哪里? da lei ga 是谁? da lei da 什么人 nha na sei 放开 ya mei long 住手 wo ga da 我知道 xiu lou ga 我怎么知道 xing ji 相信 xing ji la nai 真不敢相信 mou jia e si lou 鲁莽/乱来 hong dou ga 真的吗? hong dou 真的 ji zi wa 其实…… gan ba lei 努力/加油 ta si gei dei 救出 ta si ga da 得救了 you ga da 太好了 a ni mou nou da 你是什么人? ang da da lei 你是谁? gou ki gen you 一切安好 o ha you 早上好 dou mou 你好(熟人间) kou ni qi wa 你好(不熟) sa you na la 再见 jia nei (熟人) ji ji wei 父亲 o dou sang 爸爸 ha ha wai 母亲 o ga sang 妈妈 ao fu kou lao 老妈 ao ya ji 老爸 o ni jiang 哥哥 a ni wei o nei jiang 姐姐 o dou dou 弟弟 yi mou dou 妹妹 o ji jiang 爷爷 o ba jiang 奶奶 na li huo duo 原来如此 ha ya kou 快点 yi kou you 要出发了 yi kou zou 我们走 sa dei 接下来 bei zi ni 没什么 meng dai nai 没问题 xing bai nai 别担心 jiao dou 稍微 ma dei 等等 ya ba li 果然如此 ya ha li 果然是 ka wa yi 可爱 kou wa you 可怕 a nou 那个 kou nou 这个 dou kou da 在哪里? o dou kou 男人 ong na 女人 kong bang wa 晚上好 o ya si mi ma sei 晚安(好好休息) nei mou lei 沉睡 ou xi gou dou 工作 ou mai mou xi ga xi dei 你,莫非是? wa la da 笑了 kou dou mo 小孩 mou si mei 女孩/女儿 mou si gou 儿子 si kei 喜欢 dai si kei 最喜欢 nou mei 喝 ma xi long 纯白 you lou xi kou ou nei gai yi xi ma si 请多指教(/照顾) gou mei na sai 对不起 si ma nai 真对不起 si mi ma sai 对不起 ya da 不要 dei mou 但是 you kei 雪 ha na 花 dou xi dei 为什么 nang dei dou you yi mi 什么意思 dai jiu bu 没关系 dai jiu bu dai si ga 没关系吧? sou da 是的 gou gai 误会 ou nou lei 可恶(含咒骂) qi ke xiu 可恶 ba gei mou nou 怪物 ke da zou 来了哦 jia ma da 碍事 hei da ./hei na 奇怪(人) miao na (抽象) sa ga lai 闪开 da ka lai 所以 ha ya kei ni gei long 快逃 mei xi 吃饭 ou yi xi 好吃 ha la hei dou 肚子饿了 ma mou lou 保护 ma gou 孙子 hei na jiao gou 笨蛋(非贬义) you na 不要叫我…… kei ye da 消失 kou lou xi 痛苦 mou mou 桃 si zi mei 雀 ya you mei菖蒲 sa ku la 樱 ka zei 风 ka kou gou 觉悟 tai sai zi 最重要/珍贵 mou da da 没用的 dan ma lei 住口/闭嘴 si gai 厉害(称赞) you mei 梦 a ke mou 噩梦/恶魔 xi dei yi lou 知道某种情况 ma zei 糟了 xi ma da hou hou 方法 ou you bi 以及 ma ta ge 真是的(感叹) zeb bei dei si ga 可惜了 zi duo 一直 ka la na zi一定 sa lou 猴子 dou xi dei 怎么了? o ma ji gou na sai 请等等 fou da li dou mou 两个 na ni you xi dei dang da 做了什么? yi nai 消失了/不见了 kei you zi gei dei 请小心(保重) you lou si mou dei si ga 不可原谅 you lou can zou 不能原谅 o ji zi yi dei 冷静点 mou ga xi 过去 kai yi dei kui lai 要回来啊 xi ya wa sai 幸福 ka na xi 悲伤 ya kou sou kou 约定 o wa li 结束了 o wa da o mou xi lei 有趣 ha ji mei ma xi dei 初次见面 xi zi ka ni xi lou 安静 mei zi la xi na 真难得 yi la xia yi ma sai 欢迎光临 mai ni ji 每天 sou xi dei 还有ha ji mei dei 开始 da mei 不行 zi ma nai ya zi 无聊的家伙 ku da la nai 无聊/荒谬 ki mu ji 舒服 wa gou ma ma 任性 zi lui 狡猾 a mai 天真 mo duo mo duo 更多更多 ka ma wang 无所谓 ka kou yi 好酷/帅 bei zi ni 没什么/无所谓 o sai yi dei 别生气 xiu ga nai 没办法 xi ga da nai na 没办法了啊(很无奈的) kou tou wa lou 我拒绝 ta ben 大概/说不定 yi king ga ni xi lou 适可而止 o lou ga na 愚蠢 seu na lai 不要着急 ta nou mu 拜托 kei lai 讨厌 kei lei美丽 kang bing xi te ke lei 你饶了我吧! ming na bu ji dei 大家没事吧? wa si lei dei 忘记 o yi sa xi bu li si 好久不见 hei mi zi 秘密 nai xiu sa si ga 真不愧是……(名不虚传) mi zi gei da 找到了 ta ma xi 灵魂 kou kou da 就是这里了 yi zi no ma ni (状况是)什么时候(发生的) ma da a xi da 明天见 ying dei si ga 可以这样吗? sou lei da gei 只是如此而已 mou li 不可能 cou ya xi 不甘心 ku da la nai 真无聊 men dou si lou 真麻烦

词汇精选:move on的用法和辨析

一、详细释义: , phr. , 离开,继续前进 , 例句: ,Mr Brooke moved on from Paris to Belgrade.,布鲁克先生离开巴黎,继续前往贝尔格莱德。, 例句: ,Mama always said, "Put the past behind you before you can move on".,妈妈常说,要往前走得先忘掉过去。, 改做别事 , 例句: ,She ran this shop for ten years before deciding to move on to fresh challenges.,在决定涉足新的领域时,她经营这家商店已有10年。, 例句: ,His mother, Julia, soon moved on to a new relationship.,他妈妈朱莉娅很快又开始了一段新恋情。, 升职 , 例句: ,He"s moved on to higher and better things.,他要调任去干较高级较好的工作了。, 二、词义辨析: , advance,progress,proceed,move on,go ,这些动词均含“前进,行进,进展”之意。advance主要用于具体的人或物,也可指科学技术和运动等。 progress指按某一既定目标前进,取得发展,目的性很明确,强调经常和稳定地前进。proceed侧重指继续前进。move on非正式用语,侧重从某一停止点向某地前进,但不表示前进的目的地。go最常用词,含义宽泛而不确切,依上文确定其具体意思。, 三、参考例句: ,Just accept it, move on, NEXT!,接受现实吧,继续走,下一站!,Could we now move on to the next question?,我们现在可以接着讨论下一个问题了吗?,Let"s move on to the next subject .,我们继续下一个话题吧。,Let"s move on to the General Office.,我们再到总务办公室看看吧。,Get the item fixed and move on with your life.,解决了问题就继续你的生活吧。,Mama always said, "Put the past behind you before you can move on".,妈妈常说,要往前走得先忘掉过去。,I suggest we move on now to item 5 on the agenda.,我建议现在接着讨论日程表上的第5项。,She ran this shop for ten years before deciding to move on to fresh challenges.,在决定涉足新的领域时,她经营这家商店已有10年。,Let"s move on to the prickly subject of taxation reform.,咱们继续讨论下一项税制改革这个棘手的问题吧。,If you"re sure it"s not you, move on to step number 2.,如果你真的觉得不是你自己的问题,那么咱再看第二点。


英语六级常用词汇短语翻译如下:常用短语:1、as far as I"m concerned.(据我所知。)2、what"s worse.(更糟糕的是。)3、on the contrary.(与此相反的是。)4、On one hand, on the other hand。(一方面,另一方面。)5、a great increase in the number of.(的数量一直在上升。)常用词语:yes(是的)、no(不)、is(是)、it(他)、afternoon (下午;后期,后部;)、and (和,与;而且;于是,然后;因此)、apple(苹果,苹果树;苹果属植物的果实)、bag(袋,囊,枕套;钱包,手提皮包,财富)、board(板;董事会;甲板;膳食)、banana(香蕉;芭蕉属植物;喜剧演员)、blue(蓝色)。英语六级常用双语例句:1、Seek personalized medical assistance from doctors.(向医生寻求个人化的医疗援助。)2、Techno-health care should take humanity into consideration.(技术医疗保健应该考虑到人性。)3、The seriously ill are responsible for the bulk of all health care costs.(重病患者承担了高额医疗费用。)4、Telemedicine can take the place of usual health care.(远程医疗可以取代常规的医疗保健。)5、It is not easy to curb the rising medical costs in America.(遏制美国高涨的医疗费用并不容易。)6、It outweighs nutrition and healthcare.(它比营养和医疗保健更重要。)7、He found the expensive medical tests unaffordable.(他发现自己负担不起昂贵的医疗检查。)8、They need medical help for math anxiety.(他们需要医疗帮助来解决数学焦虑症。)9、Recognizing problems early and seeking medical attention is important.(及早发现问题并寻求医疗护理很重要。)10、It"s dramatically changing the delivery of healthcare.(它极大地改变着医疗服务的提供方式。)




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+名词 full audience 满座的观众 full brothers 亲兄弟 full bus 满载乘客的公共汽车 full cargo 满载的货物 full daylight 大白天 full details 详细叙述 full dress 盛装 full glass of wine 一满杯酒 full harvest 丰收 full house 客满 full information 详细的资料 full life 有丰富经历的一生 full marks 满分 full maturity 完全成熟 full meal 丰盛的一餐 full membership 正式成员 full mobilization 充分的动员 full name 全名 full notes 详细记录 full pay 全薪 full potency 最大潜力 full power 全权 full professor 〈正〉教授 full report 详尽的报道 full speed 全速 full statement 详尽的声明 full stomach 吃饱了肚子 full stop 句号 full supply 充足的供应 full text 全文 full tide 满潮 full view 全景 full voice 洪亮深沉的声音 副词+~ quite full 十分满 so full 如此满 +介词 full of 充满着的,有很多的 full of joy (生活)充满欢乐 full of hope 充满希望 full of people 挤满了人 full of water 装满水的 full of admiration 怀着钦佩的心情 full of ambition 满怀雄心 full of energy 精力充沛 full of pride 充满自豪感 full of vigour and vitality 生气勃勃 full to 满到… full to the brim 满到了杯、碗的边 full to the roof (旅馆等)住满了人的

ACCA F1的学习和里面的词汇对后面的学习帮助大吗

ACCA F1 是一门比较综合的课程,包括会计,市场营销,人力资源管理各类,以及一些管理理论,对于这些知识的加深,在以后的课程中都会有所体现。比如F7,F8。不过掌握F1的知识主要帮助你了解ACCA 到底是什么,到底以后要讲什么。对于F1里的一些词汇,掌握是最好的,对以后在讲相关知识的时候你也至少不是一头雾水。F1考试由于现在是机考,都是选择题,比较容易通过,所以不必太担心。我是学ACCA的,所以奉劝一句,好好学,对以后写论文也有帮助。



关于lexical patterning或patterns of lexis---词汇模式

支持楼上。participant就是某某活动(比赛)的参加者(参与者、参赛者)。动词:participate=take part in


看不懂你在说什么如果你是想找像的英文说法,那还有很多as;resemble;alike;similar;image; picture; portrait; simulacrum【化】 image【医】 aerial image; image; picture


船舶英语词汇汇总   船舶专业主要培养具备现代船舶与海洋工程设计、研究、建造的"基本技能和管理基础知识、计算机编程及应用能力,能在船舶与海洋结构物设计、研究、制造、检验、使用和管理等部门从事技术和管理方面工作的船舶与海洋工程学科高级工程技术人员。下面我为大家推荐一些关于船舶专业的英语词汇,希望对大家的学习有所帮助。   祝纳汽阀图 Zeuner valve diagram   零位线 zero line   交错铆 zigzag riveting   交错铆接 zigzag riveting   锌铬黄(漆) zinc chromate   锌板 zinc plate   保护用]锌板 zinc protector[   锌块 zinc slab   零值中心安培计 zero center ammeter   Z形推进系 Z-peller   交错固结 zigzag fastening   镀锌 zincing   含锌漆 zincrich paint   荧光探伤法 zyglo inspection method   硅氟化锌 zinc fluosilicate   区域?装 zone outfitting   零位线 zero line   零相电流 zero phase sequence current   无推力节距(螺桨) zero thrust pitch   锌 zinc   锌池 zinc bath   零弯矩跨距 zero moment span   荧光渗透探伤法 zyglo penetrant method   镀锌 zinc galvanizing (or plating)   区域 zone   无扭矩节距(螺桨) zero torque pitch   Z形材 Z bar   曲折接法 zigzag connection   交错间断焊接 zigzag intermittent weld   零相[序] zero phase sequence   祝纳氏汽阀图 Zeuner valve diagram   曲折操纵,Z形操纵 zigzag maneuvering   零升力攻角 zero-lift angle   交错焊接 zigzag weld ;


外企必备英语词汇  26,boardroom   会议室,一般没人用meeting room   27,book   订机票,订酒店   28,beverage bar   大公司喝水休息的地方   29,coffee/tea break   大公司工作时间内的小休;   30,reserve   秘书经常干的活,定餐位;   31,jetlag   越洋出差用得上这个词,意为时差造成的不适;   32,intern   实习生   33,probation 试用期   新员工试用期:3 months probation   34,operator/receptionist   前台/接线员   35,deadline   完成某项目的最后期限;   36,kick-off   启动某个项目,原指足球赛开踢;   37,stand tree 请客   “I stand tree this time.”这次我请客。   38,go dutch   各付各帐,所谓的AA制说法是中国的发明,老外听不懂;   39,handover   工作交接;   40,lunch break   午间休息;   41,stand up meeting   非正式的短会,比如说三两个人站在过道中间讨论一下事情,老外喜欢这样干;   42,sticker 便签   一种名为“post-it”的黄色小纸片,可以贴在电脑屏幕上或电话机上,办公室的小女生喜欢用它来写一些与工作无关的事;   43,Fedex/DHL/UPS   常用的快递公司;   44,gettogether   聚一聚,“Let"s have a gettogether this weekend.”   45,reminder   提醒一下,“Just a kind reminder.”表示你可能miss掉了一些事情,人家不方便指责你,所以“善意提醒”;   46,localize 本地化   这几年各大公司流行这个词,是老外挂在中层本地骨干前面的胡萝卜。“localize the management level”   47,cell 手机   对手机比较地道的说法,“Call my cell if you can"t find me in the office.” 说 mobil phone比较土,说hand phone就土掉渣了;   48,page   传呼,BB机流行的年代常用。“Page me.” 说“Call me.”的很土;   49,manuel   工作手册,指南   50,expense   费用,出差要报销的也是expense; ;




化学语汇 48. chemistry化学 1.matter 2. atom 3. solid 4. liquid 5. gas 6. element 7. compound 8. mixture 9. solution 10. emulsion 11. subatomic particle 12. proton 13. neutron 14. electron 15. nucleus 16. atomic number 17. electrical charge 18. quark 19. gluon 20. shell 1.物 质 2. 原子 3. 固体 4. 液体 5. 気体 6. 元素 7. 化合物 8. 混合物 9. 溶解 10. 乳剤 11. 亜原子 12. 阳子 13. 中性子 14. 电子 15. 核 16. 原子番号 17. 电荷 18. クオーク 19. グルオン 20. 壳 element元素 1.hydrogen 2. helium 3. lithium 4. carbon 5. nitrogen 6. oxygen 7.sodium 8. magnesium 9. aluminum 10. silicon 11. phosphorous 12. sulfur 13. chlorine 14. argon 15. potassium 16. calcium 17. titanium 18. chromium 19. manganese 20. iron 1.水素 2. ヘリウム 3. リチウム 4. 炭素 5. 窒素 6. 酸素 7. ナトリウム 8. マグネシウム 9. アルミニューム 10. シリコン 11. 隣 12. 硫黄 13. 塩素 14. アーゴン 15. カリウム 16. カルシウム 17. チタン 18. クロム 19. マンガン 20. 鉄 element元素 1.nickel 2. copper 3. zinc 4. gallium 5. geranium 6. arsenic 7. bromine 8. silver 9. cadmium 10. antimony 11. iodine 12. xenon 13. barium 14. tungsten 15. iridium 16. platinum 17. gold 18. mercury 19. lead 20. uranium 1.ニッケル 2. 铜 3. 亜铅 4. ガリウム 5. ゼラニウム 6. 砒素 7. 臭素 8. 银 9. カドニウム 10. アンチモニー 11. ヨウ素 12. ゼノン 13. バリウム 14. タングステン 15. イリジウム 16. プラチナ 17. 金 18. 水银 19. 铅 20. ウラン equipment装置 1.cylinder 2. flask 3. ring stand 4. thermometer 5. litmus paper 6. microscope 7. slide 8. adjustable stand 9. distilling equipment 10. scale 11. hydrometer 12. clamp 13. burner 14. test tube 15. beaker 16. pipette 17. funnel 18. stopper 19. bung 20. delivery tube 1.シリンダー 2. フラスク 3. リングスタンド 4. 温度计 5. リトマス试験纸 6. 顕微镜 7. スライド 8. 调整可能なスタンド 9. 蒸留装置 10. 秤 11. 浮秤 12. 止め具 13. バーナー 14. 试験管 15. ビーカー 16. ピペット 17. ジョウゴ 18. ストッパー 19. 栓 20. 伝导管 energy エネルギー 1.electrical energy 2. chemical energy 3. radiant energy 4. nuclear energy 5. mechanical energy 6. heat energy 7. light energy 8. sound energy 9. potential energy 10. kinetic energy 11. energy transfer 12. work 13. power plant 14. hydroelectric power plant 15. nuclear power plant 16. dynamo 17. friction 18. solar heating panel 19. battery 20. furnace 1.电気エネル ギー 2. 化学エネルギー 3. 放射エネルギー 4. 核エネルギー 5. 力学エネルギー 6. 热エネルギー 7. 光エネルギー 8. 音エネルギー 9. 位置エネルギー 10. 运动エネルギー 11. エネルギー移动 12. 仕事 13. 火力発电所 14. 水力発电所 15. 原子力発电所 16. 発电机 17. 摩擦 18. 太阳热パネル 19. 电池 20. 溶鉱炉 日语知识点:日语在语汇方面,除了自古传下来的和语外,还有中国传入的汉字词。近来由各国传入的外来语的比例也逐渐增加。在对人表现上,日语显得极富变化,不单有口语和书面语的区别,还有普通和郑重、男与女、老与少等的区别,以及发达的敬语体系。而在方言的部份,以日本东部及西部两者间的差异较大,称为关东方言和关西方言。此外,对于失聪者,有对应日语文法及音韵系统的日本手语存在。 日本https://riben.liuxue86.com友情提醒,点击日本考试频道可以访问《日语分类词汇:化学相关日语词汇》的相关学习内容。


化学实验仪器英语词汇   导语:化学实验中使用到的仪器称为化学仪器,可以对材料进行计量或反应。下面是我收集整理的化学实验仪器英语词汇,希望对你有帮助!   量杯 measuring cup   烧杯 beaker 不锈钢杯stainless-steel beaker   量筒 measuring flask/measuring cylinder 量筒 graduated flask/measuring cylinder   坩埚 crucible 坩埚钳 crucible clamp 坩埚 crucible pot, melting pot   试管 test tube 试管架 test tube holder   漏斗 funnel 分液漏斗 separatory funnel   烧瓶 flask 锥形瓶 conical flask   塞子 stopper   洗瓶 plastic wash bottle   滴定管 burette   玻璃活塞 stopcock   冷凝器 condenser   试剂瓶 reagent bottles   玻棒 glass rod 搅拌棒stirring rod   蒸馏烧瓶 distilling flask   碘量瓶 iodine flask   表面皿 watch glass   蒸发皿 evaporating dish   容量瓶 volumetric flask/measuring flask   移液管 (one-mark) pipette   刻度移液管 graduated pipettes   称量瓶weighing bottle   吸液管pipette   滤管filter   天平 balance/scale   分析天平 analytical balance   台秤 platform balance   游码 crossbeams and sliding weights   酒精灯alcohol burner   酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner   搅拌装置 stirring device   洗耳球 rubber suction bulb   研磨钵 mortar 研磨棒 pestle 玛瑙研钵agate mortar   瓷器 porcelain   白细口瓶flint glass solution bottle with stopper   滴瓶 dropping bottle 小滴管 dropper   蒸馏装置distilling apparatus   蒸发器 evaporator ;


日语编辑/锦璱 春天 —— 春(はる)haru夏天 —— 夏(なつ)natsu 秋天 —— 秋(あき)aki 冬天 —— 冬(ふゆ)fuyu 春季 —— 春季(しゅんき)shunnki 夏季 —— 夏季(かき)kaki 秋季 —— 秋季(しゅうき)shuuki 冬季 —— 冬季(とうき)touki 四季 —— 四季(しき)shiki 季节 —— 季节(きせつ)kisetsu 时节 —— 时节(じせつ)jisetu 时令 —— 时候(じこう)jikou 气候 —— 気候(きこう)kikou
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