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“principal”意思是:1、adj. 主要的;资本的2、n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人读音:英 ["prɪnsəp(ə)l] 美 ["prɪnsəpl] 短语:1、principal balance本金2、Principal Skinner西摩·斯金纳3、principal photography主要摄制阶段4、principal component主成分 | 知组分 | 主分量 | 知成分5、principal procurator主诉检察官例句:1、Today the principal tools for prospecting the brain are electrical.当今探查人脑的主要工具是用电的。2、Ever since World War the United States has been Japan"s principal trade partner.二次世界大战以来, 美国一直是日本的主要贸易伙伴。3、One of the principal findings was that the classic so-called missionary position, which is so easy on earth when gravity pushes one downwards, is simply not possible,” he said in an interview.他在接受采访时说:“主要结论之一是,地球的重力会把人向下推,很容易进行传统的所谓传教士式体位,但是这在太空中简直是不可能的”。4、This trustee has absolute control over what kind of distributions is made from income and principal.对于何种分配是由收入和资本组成的,此受托人拥有绝对控制。5、Such risk factors and behaviours can lead to some of the principal causes of death, disease and disability.这类危险因素和行为有可能成为导致某些死亡、疾病和残疾的主要原因。


principal 英["prɪnsəp(ə)l]美[ˈprɪnsəpəl]adj. 最重要的;主要的;资本的;本金的n. 首长,负责人;主要演员,主角;[法]委托人,当事人;本金名词复数:principals




principal[英][ˈprɪnsəpl][美][ˈprɪnsəpəl]adj.最重要的; 主要的; 资本的; 本金的; n.首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法]委托人,当事人; 本金; 复数:principals双语例句Did the school principal seem tense to you?你觉得那个校长是不是太过紧张了?

principal corresponding author是什么意思是第一作者的意思吗


principal staff 什么意思



英["prɪnsɪp(ə)l] 美["prɪnsəpl]adj. 主要的;资本的n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人


principal[英]["prɪnsəp(ə)l][美][ˈprɪnsəpəl]adj.最重要的; 主要的; 资本的; 本金的; n.首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法]委托人,当事人; 本金; 复数:principals

principal subjects是什么意思

principal subjects主要科目请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

principal value是什么意思

principal value[英][ˈprinsəpəl ˈvælju][美][ˈprɪnsəpəl ˈvælju]主值; 例句:1.Manufacturing is now the principal economic activity in this province, in terms of value of production. 就产值而言,制造业现在是这个省的主要经济活动.2.Design and advocacy are beneficial to the value adjustment of the sustained develop ment of socialist market economy: adjustment of the principal part of value, adjustment of the goal of value, adjustment of value appraisal. 设计与倡导有利于社会主义市场经济可持续发展的价值调控:价值主体调控、价值目标调控、价值评价调控等。


principal 英[ˈprɪnsəpl] 美[ˈprɪnsəpəl] adj. 主要的; 本金的; 最重要的; 资本的; n. 本金; 首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法] 委托人,当事人; [例句]The country"s principal source of foreign exchange earnings这个国家最主要的外汇收入来源[其他] 复数:principals 形近词: principen principia principle

principal register是什么意思



who"s your new principal?你的新校长是谁?

雇佣环境中 principal是什么意思

principal 英[ˈprɪnsəpl] 美[ˈprɪnsəpəl] adj. 主要的; 本金的; 最重要的; 资本的; n. 本金; 首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法] 委托人,当事人; [网络] 委托人; 负责人; 校长; [例句]The principal reason for my change of mind is this.这是我改变主意的最主要原因。[其他] 复数:principals 形近词: principen principia principle


德勤的principal是什么意思 principal 英 ["prɪnsəp(ə)l] 美 ["prɪnsəpl] adj. 主要的;资本的 n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人 a principal to principal basis是什么意思 a principal to principal basis 一个校长的主要依据 如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O FAS是什么公司?跟德勤是什么关系?德勤FAS是什么意思? FAS 是financial advisory service的意思,是德勤旗下专门给企业做财务规划咨询的公司。 德勤在国内分为三个部分: 【1】德勤会计师事务所 【2】德勤企业咨询,俗称DC 【3】德勤财务规划,也就是FAS Principal是什么意思? 同学你好,很高兴为您解答! Principal本金、[企业]主要负责人、[交易]当事人您所说的这个词语,是属于FRM词汇的一个,掌握好FRM词汇可以让您在FRM的学习中如鱼得水,这个词的翻译及意义如下:1. 借贷的金额,或除利息外需要偿还的贷款部分 希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多FRM问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。 高顿祝您生活愉快! principal是什么意思 principal["prinsəpəl] adj. 主要的, 首要的 adj. Our principal problem is lack of time. adj. 我们的主要问题就是缺少时间。 1. Keys are available on application to the principal. 向校长申请就可得到钥匙。 2. I will have to consult my principals before I can give you an answer on that. 我必须同我的委托人磋商后才能就这个问题给你答复。 3. The agent spoke on behalf of his principal. 代理人代表他的委托人说话。 4. How much interest will there be on a principal of $5000? 5000美元本金的利息是多少? 5. My principal concern is my family"s welfare. 我至为关心的是我一家的幸福。 “principal”意思是: 1、adj. 主要的;资本的 2、n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人 读音:英 ["prɪnsəp(ə)l]  美 ["prɪnsəpl] 短语: 1、principal balance本金 2、Principal Skinner西摩·斯金纳 3、principal photography主要摄制阶段 4、principal ponent主成分 | 知组分 | 主分量 | 知成分 5、principal procurator主诉检察官 例句: 1、Today the principal tools for prospecting the brain are electrical. 当今探查人脑的主要工具是用电的。 2、Ever since World War the United States has been Japan"s principal trade partner. 二次世界大战以来, 美国一直是日本的主要贸易伙伴。 3、One of the principal findings was that the classic so-called missionary position, which is so easy on earth when gravity pushes one downwards, is simply not possible,” he said in an interview. 他在接受采访时说:“主要结论之一是,地球的重力会把人向下推,很容易进行传统的所谓传教士式 *** ,但是这在太空中简直是不可能的”。 4、This trustee has absolute control over what kind of distributions is made from ine and principal. 对于何种分配是由收入和资本组成的,此受托人拥有绝对控制。 5、Such risk factors and behaviours can lead to some of the principal causes of death, disease and disability. 这类危险因素和行为有可能成为导致某些死亡、疾病和残疾的主要原因。 principal 英[ˈprɪnsəpl] 美[ˈprɪnsəpəl] adj. 主要的; 本金的; 最重要的; 资本的; n. 本金; 首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法] 委托人,当事人; [例句]The country"s principal source of foreign exchange earnings 这个国家最主要的外汇收入来源 [其他] 复数:principals 形近词: principen principia principle n. 校长;委托人,当事人;资本;主犯 adj. 首要的;最重要的 形容词为,最重要的、主要的、资本的、本金的;名词为首长,负责人,主要演员



adj.主要的, 本金的, 最重要的, 资本的n.本金, 首长,负责人, 主要演员,主角, [法]委托人,当事人


英["prɪnsɪp(ə)l] 美["prɪnsəpl]adj. 主要的;资本的n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人


adj.最重要的; 主要的; 资本的; 本金的; n.首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法]委托人,当事人; 本金;


“principal”意思是:1、adj. 主要的;资本的2、n. 首长;校长;资本;当事人读音:英 ["prɪnsəp(ə)l]  美 ["prɪnsəpl] 短语:1、principal balance本金2、Principal Skinner西摩·斯金纳3、principal photography主要摄制阶段4、principal component主成分 | 知组分 | 主分量 | 知成分5、principal procurator主诉检察官例句:1、Today the principal tools for prospecting the brain are electrical.当今探查人脑的主要工具是用电的。2、Ever since World War the United States has been Japan"s principal trade partner.二次世界大战以来, 美国一直是日本的主要贸易伙伴。3、One of the principal findings was that the classic so-called missionary position, which is so easy on earth when gravity pushes one downwards, is simply not possible,” he said in an interview.他在接受采访时说:“主要结论之一是,地球的重力会把人向下推,很容易进行传统的所谓传教士式体位,但是这在太空中简直是不可能的”。4、This trustee has absolute control over what kind of distributions is made from income and principal.对于何种分配是由收入和资本组成的,此受托人拥有绝对控制。5、Such risk factors and behaviours can lead to some of the principal causes of death, disease and disability.这类危险因素和行为有可能成为导致某些死亡、疾病和残疾的主要原因。

【principal 中文】秒懂英文「principal」的意思!

principal 中文 意思是指「校长;本金;主要的」的意思,principal 的名词复数为principals。principal 不当作动词用,只有名词或形容词的型态。 下面列举出principal的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.principal 校长;本金 (名词) principal当成名词的时候,中文意思是指「校长;本金」的意思。 principal相关英文例句: 例:The principal is a very busy woman. 校长是个很忙碌的女人。 2.principal 主要的(形容词) 例:Iraq"s principal export is oil. 伊拉克最重要的出口商品是石油。   principal, principal 中文, principal 中文意思, principal 中文的意思, principal 中文解释, principal 意思, principal 用法, principal 翻译, 英文 principal


  principal英 [ˈprɪnsəpl] 美 [ˈprɪnsəpəl]  adj.主要的; 本金的; 最重要的; 资本的;  n.本金; 首长,负责人; 主要演员,主角; [法] 委托人,当事人;  [例句]The country"s principal source of foreign exchange earnings  这个国家最主要的外汇收入来源  [其他]复数:principals 形近词: principen principia principle

请问2×TY ampicillin agar是什么意思?

2倍浓缩的(培养基所有成分,包括琼脂,浓度加倍) 含有氨苄青霉素的固体TY培养基TY (Yeast Tryptone Agar) :蛋白胨 10.0g 酵母膏 5.0g 葡萄糖 1.0g NaCl 5.0g 琼脂 20.0g 蒸馏水 1000ml pH 7.0(agar 琼脂)

Liscio Smooth 什么意思?


Afterwards, I decided not to. sorry 什么意思

Afterwards 之后I decided not to我决定不sorry 对不起

谁有《 After School Special》的百度云资源!求分享链接

After School Special 链接:  密码:yjss

ASCII码里面的0 NUT代表什么


法语La France a pour principaux pays voisin: pour意思?


la france a pour principaux pays voisins. 请问这里的pour是什么意思?

意思是”作为“例如: J"ai pour but de développer mes compétences. 我目的在于提高能力。(我把提高能力作为自己的目标)


promote 推广(促销什么的)facilitate使容易(make sth. easier) 有帮助 (help)



Afro Circus ILike To Move It歌词大意


VB中 CInt(CDec("&H" & ExR(i)) / 4096) 什么意思


Afro Circus I Like To Move It的歌词急需!!!

Chris Rock - Afro Circus (I Like To Move It)Ra da da da da da da da circusDa da da da da da da da afroCircus afro, circus afro, polka dot polka dot polka dot yo.(Da da da da da da da da circus)I like to move it move it(Da da da da da da da da afro)I like to move it move it(Circus afro, circus afro)I like to move it move it(Polka dot polka dot polka dot afro)You like to move it (move it!...move it!...move it!...move it!...move it!...move it!)Ra da da da da da da da circusDa da da da da da da da afroCircus afro, circus afro, Polka dot polka dot polka dot (move it!)Woman! Ya nice and energetic(Circus afro, circus afro)Woman! Ya nice broad faceAnd ya nice hip(Polka dot polka dot afro)Woman! Ya nice and energeticBig ship "pon de ocean that a big TitanicWoman! Ya nice broad faceAnd ya nice hipHip make manFlip and bust them lipWoman! Ya nice sweet energeticBig ship "pon de ocean that a big TitanicWhoaI like to move it move itI like to move it move itI like to move it move itYes!Da da da da da da da da circusDa da da da da da da da afroCircus afro, circus afro, Polka dot polka dot polka dot (move it!)Da da da da da da da da circus..circus..circus..circus..circus (move it!)Da da da da da da da da afro..afro..afro..afro..afroWoman ya cute And you don"t need no make upOriginal cute body you a mek man mud upWoman ya cute And you don"t need no make upOriginal cute body you a mek man mud upCome" onPhysically fitPhysically fitPhysicallyPhyiscallyPhysically fit!Come" onPhysically fitPhysically fitPhysicallyPhyiscallyPhysically fit!(Come" on)I like to move it move it(Come" on)I like to move it move it(Come" on)I like to move it move it(Come" on)You like to (move it!)(Da da da da da da da da circus)I like to move it move it(Da da da da da da da da afro)I like to move it move it(Circus afro, circus afro)I like to move it move it(Polka dot polka dot polka dot afro)You like to (move it!)Woman! Ya nice Sweet fantasticBig ship "pon de ocean that a big TitanicWoman! Ya nice Sweet fantasticBig ship "pon de ocean that a big..(Let"s roll)I like to move it move itHe like to move it move itShe like to move it move itYou like to (move it! move it! move it!)(Da da da da da da da da circus)I like to move it move it(Da da da da da da da da afro)I like to move it move it(Circus afro, circus afro)I like to move it move it(Polka dot polka dot polka dot afro)You like to (move it! move it! move it!)(Da da da da da da da da circus)I like to move it move it(Da da da da da da da da afro)He like to move it move it(Circus afro, circus afro)She like to move it move it(Polka dot polka dot polka dot afro)You like to (move it!)

Glacialisaurus hammeri是什么意思?

Glacialisaurus hammeri意思是冰河龙hammeri

going-concern principle是什么意思

going-concern principle持续经营原则双语对照词典结果:going-concern principle[经] 继续经营原则; 继续经营原理; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Objectivity principle, cost principle, going-concern principle, monetary unit principle, revenue recognition principle and business entity principle. 客观性原则,成本原则,持续经营原则,货币计量原则,收入确认原则以及经营主体原则.

More Yield with Less Water-Techniques to Achieve A Higher Efficiency in Irrigation

Dieter Prinz and A.H.MalikInstitute of Water Resources Management,Hydraulic and Rural Engineering,University of Karlsruhe,D-76128 Karlsruhe,Germany1 IntroductionIn the Developing World,agriculture counts for about 80% of total water withdrawal(Prinz,2000).Agriculture is under enormous pressure by the other sectors of the economy,as the economic value created per unit water is lowest in agriculture.At the same time,growing populations make it necessary to produce more food and fibre and to ensure that crop yields per unit land continue to rise.Therefore,developing countries will have to find ways of growing more food with less water.But there is not only the problem of water quantity but additionally the one of deteriorating quality of water.There are many modern and traditional or combined technologies available to improve water conservation development(Agarwal,2001,Rijsberman,2001).There is the need①to define the aim(under given frame work conditions);②to analyze the losses(conveyance,distribution,application a.o.losses);③to identify the most promising water conservation methods and techniques,and,eventually;④to integrate the various elements within a(soil and)water conservation strategy(Emerson,1998,UNEP,1998).2 Measures applied in irrigated agricultureIrrigation water,if in ample supply,reduces considerable the risk of agricultural production and allows yields double as high as the yields which can be obtained from rain-fed agriculture(FAO,2001).Roughly 40% of the food is produced on irrigated land,on 17% of the total cultivated land.The water needed for crops amounts to 1000~3000 m3per ton of cereal harvested.With other words,it takes one to three tones of water to grow 1kg of rice.As mentioned before,the losses of water have to be covered as well as the measures to increase the efficiency of water use in irrigation.We have to distinguish between recoverable water losses and unrecoverable water losses;the latter ones are those quantities of water lost to the atmosphere,to saline aquifers or to the sea.Recoverable losses include:seepage,surface runoff,operational losses and losses due to deep percolation.Fig.1 Water losses within a surface irrigation system in a semi-arid regionThe water losses could be(Fig.1)conveyance losses.distribution losses(e.g.canal evaporation,percolation and operation losses)orfield-ditch losses,field-application losses which depend on soil,irrigation method and management,Reduction of conveyance and distribution losses33%~50% of water diverted for irrigation is lost‘en route":The conveyance and distribution losses are enormous.By lining the canal system or by conveying the water in pipes,these losses can be significantly reduced.It should be kept in mind,that at least the seepage losses are in most cases recoverable losses;the water might be lifted up from the groundwater layer downstream.Seepage losses occur in unlined main canals,in the canal distribution system and in field ditches.Most of the water is lost in unlined main canals.The questions which arise here are the following:What quantities of water are lost?Are these losses easy to recover?What feasible lining methods could be used?How high are the costs of lining and of maintenance?What are the benefits of the saved water?Could the unlined canal be used in the rainy season to recharge an aquifer?Reduction of application lossesApplication losses are either surface runoff losses or percolation losses,often summarised as“operational losses”.The water applied,should be sufficient to wet the volume of root penetration,but should not go beyond.Numerous technical means are available to apply exactly the amount of water needed,but financial and labour problems,in large irrigation schemes also management problems,hinder this.Operational losses depend on:①the chosen distribution system;②the available regulating and mechanical facilities;③the skill and discipline of the operator.3 Crop root zone depthThe active root zone of the crop(if water is not a constraint)depends on:①crop type;②its stage of maturity;③soil conditions(Fig.2).Fig.2 The water applied should be sufficient to wet the volume of root penetration(but not more)Use of efficient irrigation methodsThe large differences in water efficiency between the various irrigation methods are quite well known:Traditional surface irrigation generally achieves only around 40% efficiency,sprinkler irrigation can be 70%~80% efficient and drip irrigation might reach over 90% efficiency(Wolf and Stein,1998,Fig.3).Modern irrigation technology could in theory save about half of the water presently consumed in irrigation,but technical,economic and socio-cultural factors hinder the transformation of theory into practice.These methods are arranged according to their average efficiency.The surface irrigation techniques are:①basin irrigation,②furrow irrigation and③border irrigation.Fig.3 The five basic methods of applying water to the soilThese techniques have one drawback in common:the uneven water application over the irrigated area.Water infiltration is much greater at the top end of the field than the bottom because of the longer opportunity time at the top end and this results in high deep percolation.Surge irrigation(Fig.4)has been shown to markedly improve the efficiency of water application.It is the practice of intermittently stopping and starting water flows across a field.Fig.4 Water percolation in surge and continuous flowAnother method is the sprinkler irrigation.Low Energy Precision Application(LEPA)center pivots are one of the most efficient irrigation methods available today because they offer both high water application efficiency and low operating pressure.The water is applied near the ground surface below canopy.Drip/trickle irrigation is characterised by the following:low flow rate,long duration irrigation,frequent irrigation,water applied near or into the plant"s root zone,and low-pressure delivery system shigh investment costs and maintenance demand.In drip irrigation some techniques were developed which are not as efficient as the more costly ones,but which allow even small farmers a very high efficiency vegetable cropping:the drip bucket irrigation is such a low cost and relatively efficient technique,applied already on thousands of farms in East Africa(Prinz and Malik,2001).3.1 Case study:Growing More Rice with Less Water(China)Water Efficient Irrigation TechniquesOne method to save water in irrigated rice cultivation is the intermittent(submerged)irrigation.This example shows real water saving and increase of production.Production levels remained stable over the time period in spite of this massive shift of water(see Fig.5,Table 1)out of agriculture.Growing more rice with less water improves also the productivity of water.This was made possible through pol-icy,management,and technological changes(Rijsberman,2001).Fig.5 Water quantities used for domestic,industrial and hydropower purposes increased 10 times during the period 1976 and 1996,with subsequent reduction of water quantities for irrigationTable 1 Changes in land and land productivity in Zhanghe Irrigation District,China(1966~1998)Source:Rijsberman 2001.3.2 Subsurface Irrigation Techniques3.2.1 Pitcher irrigationPitcher irrigation or“Pot Irrigation”is a traditional,extreme efficient form of irrigation.The technique is particularly suitable to the irrigation of vegetables(like legumes,beans,water-melons,etc.)in home ardens(Fig.6).The clay pots can either be installed independently,i.e.the water supply is done by the farmers manually,one by one,or interconnected:the water supply is done by using a water reservoir,which can be a tank,a well,etc.3.2.2 Surface trickle irrigationFig.6 Clay pots used forpitcher irrigationTo reduce deep percolation losses in subsurface irrigation,a trench is dug and a layer of plastic sheets is positioned below the trickler pipe(Fig.7).3.2.3 Vertical Pipe MethodA very simple but effective method for ree cultivation is the vertical pipe method:Provided sufficient water storage capacity in the root one is given,a larger quantity of water is applied through the vertical pipe to supply the tree with water for 2~4 weeks(Fig.8).Fig.7 Subsurface trickle irrigation with reduced percolation lossesFig.8 Vertical pipe methodThe water efficiency depends not only on the methodWolf and Stein(1998)cite a study made in Israel by Hagan(1994),who found surface irrigation to be 70% water efficient but drip irrigation only 42%~56%.This deviation from generally believed figures is due to differences in the available underlying conditions.For the farms using surface irrigation,water was in very short supply and therefore it had to be used as efficiently as possible.Drip irrigation on the other hand has been used under conditions of sufficient water to grow crops of high market value.Low cost of water and high market prices did not give any incentive to the farmers to use water efficiently.3.3 More rational use of irrigation water3.3.1 Supplemental irrigation(SI)It is the application of small quantities of irrigation water to essentially rain-fed crops in times when the demand can not be covered by rainfall(Oweis,1997).SI is usually practiced usually in the wetter part of the dry areas with 300 to 600 mm annual rainfall in order to improve and stabilise yields(Oweis et al.,2001).Supplemental irrigation might be taken from groundwater or from excess water stored during the rainy season.3.3.2 Deficit irrigationAnother technique which allows a very high water use efficiency under fully irrigated conditions is deficit irrigation.The deficit irrigation is the distribution of limited amounts of irrigation water to satisfy essential water needs of plants.The water supply is reduced in less critical periods of water demand by the crop and supply of full amount of water during stress-sensitive periods.A similar technique is the“intermittent submerged irrigation technique”for rice(ISI).This technique has been promoted in China but it is now applied in many rice growing areas world wide.Up to 20% of the irrigation water can be saved,if the paddy crop is not grown under submerged conditions through out the main growing season,but only intermittently.The phases where submerged conditions are recommended are those“sensitive”stages mentioned earlier.Precondition for deficit irrigation management is the knowledge of the sensitive periods of the crop/the variety in question.3.3.3 AquaculturePaddy croppingcan be combined with fish raising if certain preconditions are given(Fig.9).This allows a multiple use of water and hence water saving per unit produce.Fig.9 Combining paddy cropping with fish raisingCase study:Drip Irrigation Systems(DIS)in IndiaDrip Irrigation Systems in India are being praticised since 1970,being used on a limited scale in Tamil Nadu,Karnataka,Kerala and Maharashtra States,mainly for high value,horticultural crops like coconut,coffee,grape and vegetable production without the benefit of any subsidies from the governments.At Rahuri,in Maharashtra State,the use of drip irrigation of pomegranates,grown in gravely soils,resulted in a savings of about 44%(as compared to conventional check basin irrigation systems)with a further water savings of about 14% when compared to un-mulched plots.The capital costs involved are high compared to conventional irrigation systems,but the labor and operational costs are low in India.The net result is that the benefit-cost ratio for DIS is very favourable compared to conventional systems since the payback period for investment very short.The cost of using drip irrigation system is summarized in the Table 1.With DIS in India,there was an improvement in crop yields and savings in water use of between 18% and 40%.Consequently,there was a substantial improvement in the water use efficiency that ranged up to three times that of conventional surface irrigation methods,even with the use of poor quality irrigation water.See Table 2 for water savings and increased yields achieved using drip irrigation in Indian case.Table 2 Drip irrigation cost;water savings v.increased yield achieved in IndiaSource:Saksena 2000.4 Improving water availabilityAs mentioned earlier,aquifer depletion is a common problem in many dry areas of the world.Many techniques have been developed to artificially recharge aquifers to sustain the water table and to allow further control of pumping water to cover the water needs of humans and crops.One interesting example of combined basin irrigation with groundwater recharge is reported from Uttar Pradesh Province in India(IWMI,2002).In the monsoon season,surface water is diverted through an unlined canal system to provide farmers with irrigation water for rice crops.Around 60% of the irrigation water applied is used by the plants,most of the remaining 40%filters through the soil to recharge the groundwater.Combined with seepage from unlined canals those“losses”provide farmers with groundwater to irrigate dry season crops.The research showed,that the water table in the study area,which had been progressively declining,has been raised from an average of 12m below ground level to an average of6.5m.5 SummaryWe need information on crop water requirements.Losses have to be a

South San Francisco是什么意思


丰收女神希腊神话中称为德墨忒尔(Demeter)罗马神话叫刻瑞斯Ceres 马德里广场的丰收女神像为什么叫Cibeles




magician"s assistant是什么意思

magician"s assistant魔术师的助手 A magician"s assistant is a performer in a magic act who is not billed as the magician or principal name in the act. 一个魔术师的助手是一个演员在一个神奇的不作为魔术师或主体名称的行动.

pickupyourpencil 翻译中文


以下选项中不正确的定义语句是 Afloat a=1.2; Bdouble a=3.6;Cint 6?

C啊。应该是int a=6

Circled ideograph advantage 什么意思


city mission是什么意思

city mission城市使命;城市宣教模式;城市宣教事工In the battle of Mission City, Jazz attacks Devastator and bends his gun barrel whilehe"s in tank mode. 城市大战中,在Devastator还在坦克模式的时候,Jazz袭击他,并把他的枪筒弄弯了。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


Confucian civilizing mission的中文翻译Confucian civilizing mission儒家文明的使命

specific purpose是什么意思




在初一英语新教材中dumpling and soup lunch special is 10 RMB。dumpling为什么不是复数


environment ,circumstance 当环境 可数否. Rt

前面的有时可以 后不行

Cigarette smoking used to be commoner among affluent people. 为什么用commoner


Social Comments是啥意思?

简单来说就是 舆论

SCI 投稿过程中Comments中写什么内容


SCI 投稿过程中Comments中写什么内容

简单地说明一下文章的内容(创新与特色之处可以强调)和声明无一稿两投即可~例如:Dear Editor: Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “***". This study aims to ... our results show that, indicating that......The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Sincerely Yours, ***(本内容由“PublishExpert论文发表专家”转自丁香园网)PublishExpert发表专家,专业国际期刊发表服务。希望可以帮到您。

为什么是Cigarette Smoking而不是smoking cigarette或者 cigarette smoked?

Cigarette Smoking 这里意思是“吸烟”,是抽象名词。动名词相当于抽象名词。该短语属于名词作定语。即名词Cigarette修饰动名词 Smoking 。而a (the) smoking cigarette或者 a (the) cigarette smoked是具体名词。属于分词作定语。本句明显指的是 抽象概念 故应该用Cigarette Smoking

SCI 投稿过程中Comments中写什么内容?

简单地说明一下文章的内容(创新与特色之处可以强调)和声明无一稿两投即可!Dear Editor: Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “***". This study aims to ... our results show that, indicating that......The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Sincerely Yours, ***

smoking-free cigarettes是什么意思

smoking-free cigarettes无烟香烟双语对照词典结果:smoking-free cigarettes[医]无烟香烟; 以上结果来自金山词霸

special comments是什么意思


SCI 投稿过程中Comments中写什么内容

简单地说明一下文章的内容(创新与特色之处可以强调)和声明无一稿两投即可~例如:Dear Editor: Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “***". This study aims to ... our results show that, indicating that......The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Sincerely Yours, ***希望可以帮到您。

They have got into______ troubles. A. monetary B. affluent C. financial D. miserable


SCI 投稿过程中Comments中写什么内容

简单地说明一下文章的内容(创新与特色之处可以强调)和声明无一稿两投即可~例如:Dear Editor: Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “***". This study aims to ... our results show that, indicating that......The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Sincerely Yours, ***希望可以帮到您。

special comments是什么意思

Special Comments 特别注释

SCI 投稿过程中Comments中写什么内容

简单地说明一下文章的内容(创新与特色之处可以强调)和声明无一稿两投即可!Dear Editor: Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “***". This study aims to ... our results show that, indicating that......The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Sincerely Yours, ***

SCI 投稿过程中Comments中写什么内容

简单地说明一下文章的内容(创新与特色之处可以强调)和声明无一稿两投即可! Dear Editor: Here within enclosed is our paper for consideration to be published on “***". This study aims to ... our results show that, indicating that...... The authors claim that none of the material in the paper has been published or is under consideration for publication elsewhere. Sincerely Yours, ***

what has affluence brought to American society 怎么翻译,其中brought to 何解


Special Novel是什么意思?


vicious afflict hug cherish scorn anonymous dismay paradise dazzle intervene 十个单词编短文 急!



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首先你要知道CISCO认证分三个段 CCNA--(Cisco Certified Network Associate)Cisco认证网络支持工程师 CCNP--(Cisco Certified Network Perfessional)Cisco认证资深网络支持工程师 CCIE--(Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert)Cisco认证互联网专家 该认证是Cisco认证体系中最高的一项认证,被视为是全球Internetworking领域中的顶级CCIE认证证书。所以你要先知道IE不是一个证,他分五大块 Routing & Switching(R&S) 路由交换CCIE Service Provider(SP) 电信运营商CCIE Security 安全CCIE Voice 语音CCIE Storage Networking 存储CCIE CCSP(Cisco Certified Security Professional)思科认证网络安全工程师,是思科安全方向的专业认证。SP是属于安全,也就是说,只有你想考安全IE你才有必要学SP,如果你只想考个路由IE出来,SP完全是没必要学的 CCIP认证,全称Cisco Certified Internetwork Professional,是Cisco的专业级别认证。通过CCIP认证的人员具有丰富的网络知识,他们可以为大型的ISP组织提供IP网络解决方案,CCIP认证要求深刻理解大型ISP网络所运用的各种技术,例如:IP routing、IP QoS、BGP、MPLS


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CCSP认证是思科在安全方面的认证,由于市场和技术的变化,老版本的考试已经不能适应需要,所以在今年10月份将会有一批新版本的考试出现,并在11月份下旬彻底代替目前的考试。现有的CCSP考试报名截止日期在今年11月19日。这次CCSP认证考试的变动相当大,原先的CCSP考试科目中只有一科642-511 CSVPN被保留了下来。我们ITExamPrep.com将会在随后的文章中为您报道其变化具体情况CISP既“注册信息安全专业人员”,英文为Certified Information Security Professional (简称CISP),根据实际岗位工作需要,CISP分为三类,分别是“注册信息安全工程师”,英文为Certified Information Security Engineer(简称CISE); “注册信息安全管理人员”, 英文为Certified Information Security Officer(简称CISO),“注册信息安全审核员” 英文为Certified Information Security Auditor(简称CISA)。其中CISE主要从事信息安全技术开发服务工程建设等工作,CISO从事信息安全管理等相关工作,CISA从事信息系统的安全性审核或评估等工作。这三类注册信息安全专业人员是有关信息安全企业,信息安全咨询服务机构、信息安全测评认证机构(包含授权测评机构)、社会各组织、团体、企事业有关信息系统(网络)建设、运行和应用管理的技术部门(含标准化部门)必备的专业岗位人员,其基本职能是对信息系统的安全提供技术保障,其所具备的专业资质和能力,CISP系经中国信息安全产品测评认证中心实施国家认证。系国家对信息安全人员资质的最高认可。目前入门级的培训有CompTIA Security+、SANS GSEC (GIAC 信息安全基础认证) 和ISC2的 (SSCP)。而CISSP和SANS的GIAC是信息安全中高级别认证培训的不错选择。专业保障师认证(CPP)、专业取证师认证(PCI)专业物理安全师认证(PSP)和各式各样的CISSP构成了高级信息安全认证培训社区,这些认证受到严格的限制,因为他们需要通过考试的人需要5-9年工作经验




CCSP侧重于安全VPN管理、思科自适应安全设备管理器(ASDM)、PIX防火墙、自适应安全设备(ASA)、入侵防御系统(IPS)、思科安全代理(CSA) 和怎样将这些技术集成到一个统一的集成化网络安全解决方案之中等主题。而CCIE是路由交换方向的顶级认证,内容有QOS、VPN、宽带技术等,但是侧重点还是路由交换;具体的你想考哪个还是要看自己的兴趣,如果你对安全方面感兴趣的话,可以去选择CCSP;不过目前考CCIE的比较多;做系统集成的话,可以选择CCIE,系统集成涉的安全技术不是太多;






CCSP(Cisco Certified Security Professional)思科认证网络安全工程师,是思科安全方向的专业认证,在思科认证体系的金字塔模型中属于第二层,上面的一层是CCIE Security。CCSP的内容主要涉及到Cisco硬件以及应用软件等范围。包括使用网络边界或者DMZ(demilitarized zone,非军事区)中的路由器以及防火墙;为远程访问用户建立VPN(Virtual Private Network,虚拟专用网)集中器;入侵检测系统能够暗中保护网络上的一些标志;如何配置及管理系统;使用Cisco系统组件,这些组件包括 VMS(VPN/Security management Solution,VPN/Security管理方案)以及CSACS(Cisco Secure Access Control Server,Cisco安全访问控制服务器);使用Web浏览器应用程序来配置保护网络的硬件设备;确保在基于SAFE蓝图的中小型网络中的安全连接 等。

L7-U3-P1 英语流利说 7-3-1 懂你英语 Level7 Unit3 Part1 : Being a Global Citizen

I want to introduce you to an amazing woman. Her name is Davinia. Davinia was born in Jamaica, emigrated to the US at the age of 18, and now lives just outside of Washington, DC. She"s not a high-powered political staffer, nor a lobbyist. She"d probably tell you she"s quite unremarkable, but she"s having the most remarkable impact. What"s incredible about Davinia is that she"s willing to spend time every single week focused on people who are not her: people not her in her neighborhood, her state, nor even in her country -- people she"d likely never meet. Davinia"s impact started a few years ago when she reached out to all of her friends on Facebook, and asked them to donate their pennies so she could fund girls" education. She wasn"t expecting a huge response, but 700,000 pennies later, she"s now sent over 120 girls to school. When we spoke last week, she told me she"s become a little infamous at the local bank every time she rocks up with a shopping cart full of pennies. Now -- Davinia is not alone. Far from it. She"s part of a growing movement. And there"s a name for people like Davinia: global citizens. A global citizen is someone who self-identifies first and foremost not as a member of a state, a tribe or a nation, but as a member of the human race, and someone who is prepared to act on that belief, to tackle our world"s greatest challenges. Our work is focused on finding, supporting and activating global citizens. They exist in every country and among every demographic. I want to make the case to you today that the world"s future depends on global citizens. I"m convinced that if we had more global citizens active in our world, then every single one of the major challenges we face -- from poverty, climate change, gender inequality -- these issues become solvable. They are ultimately global issues, and they can ultimately only be solved by global citizens demanding global solutions from their leaders.Now, some people"s immediate reaction to this idea is that either it"s a bit utopian or even threatening. So I"d like to share with you a little of my story today, how I ended up here, how it connects with Davinia and, hopefully, with you. Growing up in Melbourne, Australia, I was one of those seriously irritating little kids that never, ever stopped asking, "Why?" You might have been one yourself. I used to ask my mum the most annoying questions. I"d ask her questions like, "Mum, why I can"t I dress up and play with puppets all day?" "Why do you want fries with that?" "What is a shrimp, and why do we have to keep throwing them on the barbie?" (Laughter) "And mum -- this haircut. Why?" (Laughter) The worst haircut, I think. Still terrible. As a "why" kid, I thought I could change the world, and it was impossible to convince me otherwise. And when I was 12 and in my first year of high school, I started raising money for communities in the developing world. We were a really enthusiastic group of kids, and we raised more money than any other school in Australia. And so I was awarded the chance to go to the Philippines to learn more. It was 1998. We were taken into a slum in the outskirts of Manila. It was there I became friends with Sonny Boy, who lived on what was literally a pile of steaming garbage. "Smoky Mountain" was what they called it. But don"t let the romance of that name fool you, because it was nothing more than a rancid landfill that kids like Sonny Boy spent hours rummaging through every single day to find something, anything of value. That night with Sonny Boy and his family changed my life forever, because when it came time to go to sleep, we simply laid down on this concrete slab the size of half my bedroom with myself, Sonny Boy, and the rest of his family, seven of us in this long line, with the smell of rubbish all around us and cockroaches crawling all around. And I didn"t sleep a wink, but I lay awake thinking to myself, "Why should anyone have to live like this  when  I have so  much ? Why should Sonny Boy"s ability to live out his dreams be  determined  by where he"s born, or  what  Warren Buffett called "the ovarian lottery?"" I just didn"t get it, and I needed to understand why. Now, I only later came to understand that the poverty I"d seen in the Philippines was the result of decisions made or not made, man-made, by a succession of colonial powers and corrupt governments who had anything but the interests of Sonny Boy at heart. Sure, they didn"t create Smoky Mountain, but they may as well have. And if we"re to try to help kids like Sonny Boy, it wouldn"t work just to try to send him a few dollars or to try to clean up the garbage dump on which he lived, because the core of the problem lay elsewhere. And as I worked on community development projects over the coming years trying to help build schools, train teachers, and tackle HIV and AIDS, I came to see that community development should be driven by communities themselves, and that although charity is necessary, it"s not sufficient. We need to confront these challenges on a global scale and in a systemic way. And the best thing I could do is try to mobilize a large group of citizens back home to insist that our leaders engage in that systemic change. That"s why, a few years later, I joined with a group of college friends in bringing the Make Poverty History campaign to Australia. We had this dream of staging this small concert around the time of the G20 with local Aussie artists, and it suddenly exploded one day when we got a phone call from Bono, the Edge and Pearl Jam, who all agreed to headline our concert. I got a little bit excited that day, as you can see. (Laughter) But to our amazement, the Australian government heard our collective voices, and they agreed to double investment into global health and development -- an additional 6.2 billion dollars. It felt like -- (Applause) It felt like this incredible validation. By rallying citizens together, we helped persuade our government to do the unthinkable, and act to fix a problem miles outside of our borders. But here"s the thing: it didn"t last. See, there was a change in government, and six years later, all that new money disappeared. What did we learn? We learned that one-off spikes are not enough. We needed a  sustainable  movement, not  one that is  susceptible  to the  fluctuating  moods of a politician or the hint of an economic  downturn . And it needed to happen everywhere; otherwise, every individual government would have this built-in excuse mechanism that they couldn"t possibly carry the burden of global action alone. And so this is what we embarked upon. And as we embarked upon this challenge, we asked ourselves, how do we gain enough pressure and build a broad enough army to win these fights for the long term? We could only think of one way. We needed to somehow turn that short-term excitement of people involved with the Make Poverty History campaign into long-term passion. It had to be part of their identity. So in 2012, we cofounded an organization that had exactly that as its goal. And there was only one name for it: Global Citizen. But this is not about any one organization. This is about citizens taking action. And research data tells us that of the total population who even care about global issues, only 18 percent have done anything about it. It"s not that people don"t want to act. It"s often that they don"t know how to take action, or that they believe that their actions will have no effect. So we had to somehow recruit and activate millions of citizens in dozens of countries to put pressure on their leaders to behave altruistically. And as we did so, we discovered something really thrilling, that when you make global citizenship your mission, you suddenly find yourself with some extraordinary allies. See, extreme poverty isn"t the only issue that"s fundamentally global. So, too, is climate change, human rights, gender equality, even conflict. We found ourselves shoulder to shoulder with people who are passionate about targeting all these interrelated issues. But how did we actually go about recruiting and engaging those global citizens? Well, we used the universal language: music. We launched the Global Citizen Festival in the heart of New York City in Central Park, and we persuaded some of the world"s biggest artists to participate. We made sure that these festivals coincided with the UN General Assembly meeting, so that leaders who need to hear our voices couldn"t possible ignore them. But there was a twist: you couldn"t buy a ticket. You had to earn it. You had to take action on behalf of a global cause, and only once you"d done that could you earn enough points to qualify. Activism is the currency. I had no interest in citizenship purely as some sort of feel-good thing. For me, citizenship means you have to act, and that"s what we required. And amazingly, it worked. Last year, more than 155,000 citizens in the New York area alone earned enough points to qualify. Globally, we"ve now signed up citizens in over 150 countries around the world. And last year, we signed up more than 100,000 new members each and every week of the whole year. See, we don"t need to create global citizens from nothing. We"re already everywhere. We just need to be organized and motivated to start acting. And this is where I believe we can learn a lot from Davinia, who started taking action as a global citizen back in 2012. Here"s what she did. It wasn"t rocket science. She started writing letters, emailing politicians" offices. She volunteered her time in her local community. That"s when she got active on social media and started to collect pennies -- a lot of pennies. Now, maybe that doesn"t sound like a lot to you. How will that achieve anything? Well, it achieved a lot because she wasn"t alone. Her actions, alongside 142,000 other global citizens", led the US government to double their investment into Global Partnership for Education. And here"s Dr. Raj Shah, the head of USAID, making that announcement. See, when thousands of global citizens find inspiration from each other, it"s amazing to see their collective power. Global citizens like Davinia helped persuade the World Bank to boost their investment into water and sanitation . Here"s the Bank"s president Jim Kim announcing 15 billion dollars onstage at Global Citizen, and Prime Minister Modi of India affirmed his commitment to put a toilet in every household and school across India by 2019. Global citizens encouraged by the late-night host Stephen Colbert launched a Twitter invasion on Norway. Erna Solberg, the country"s Prime Minister, got the message, committing to double investment into girls" education. Global citizens together with Rotarians called on the Canadian, UK, and Australian governments to boost their investment into polio eradication. They got together and committed 665 million dollars. But  despite all of this momentum, we face some huge challenges. See, you might be thinking to yourself, how can we possibly persuade world leaders to sustain a focus on global issues? Indeed, the powerful American politician Tip O"Neill once said, "All politics is local." That"s what always got politicians elected: to seek, gain and hold onto power through the pursuit of local or at very best national interests. I experienced this for the first time when I was 21 years old. I took a meeting with a then-Australian Foreign Minister who shall remain nameless -- [Alexander Downer] (Laughter) And behind closed doors, I shared with him my passion to end extreme poverty. I said, "Minister -- Australia has this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals. We can do this." And he paused, looked down on me with cold, dismissive eyes, and he said, "Hugh, no one gives a funk about foreign aid." Except he didn"t use the word "funk." He went on. He said we need to look after our own backyard first. This is, I believe, outdated, even dangerous thinking. Or as my late grandfather would say, complete BS. Parochialism offers this false dichotomy because it pits the poor in one country against

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