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《玻璃夕阳》几分陶醉几分感伤你喜欢到海边看夕阳你说那是爱人的心碎了一片一片飞到天上问我是不是都这样甜蜜的开始寂寞的收场有人留下永远的伤oh 有人用一生回望oh baby baby别这样听我听我对你讲爱你会用尽我全部力量是你给了我的crystal plane 一双美丽翅膀没有你飞起来的时候怎么会有方向oh baby baby别这样听我听我对你讲爱你会用尽我全部力量是你了给我的love story 一段美丽时光感谢每天烦恼少了一半而快乐两个人分享〈水晶飞机〉crystal plane夏日里的春天edit by ray allen起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空edit by ray allen带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站crystal plane oh my lovecrystal plane oh my love起飞的时候很困难但还是努力的冲向天空带着从不曾有的勇敢crystal plane oh my love飞起来就坠入云中感觉象是迷了路有些忐忑有些不安所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站也许总觉得相识得太晚也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我安慰不到终点你不能换乘别的航班也许总觉得相识得太晚所以总担心这段路太短oh crystal plane 给我答案从此以后每个起点终点我都会陪你一站又一站我都会陪你一站又一站


1Crystalplane 2玻璃夕阳 3赤道和北极 4哈一下






春天用一抹青草绿来点亮活跃。 前几天出现在《快乐大本营》上的热巴化身“模仿小天才”在线“变嗓”,起床闹钟模式、小baby哭、皮卡丘说话......代入感太强,俏皮又可爱的女生非你莫属。 热巴在节目中的装束也相当亮眼,黄绿色针织开衫搭配浅色丹宁裤,简单、chic又元气满满的样子,不就是春日最应景的装束嘛 这样带有黄调的绿色,明亮吸睛又不过分鲜艳,也不难怪嗅觉敏锐的时髦精们都紧跟其上。 最钟爱绿色的“仙姑”何穗自然不会放过,一连上身好几身“绿意盎然”的春装,不同饱和度的绿色与浪漫的花草纹理结合,既有少女感又充满女人味,果真是春夏“绿装”的最佳示范。 春意盎然的 时尚 圈 如此喜人的绿色在近几年席卷了 时尚 圈。 从去年秋冬又奶又仙的“牛油果绿”到年末大火的 “鼠尾草绿”再到Pantone最新公布的流行色报告中绿色都占据了极大的比例。 秀场也是“绿色”的天下。Louis Vuitton不仅用绿色贯穿整个秀场空间就连手袋上都充满了亮眼的草木绿,给整个系列都添了不少生机。 Louis Vuitton 2021春夏系列 气质路线的Bottega Veneta家也十分钟情这抹绿,从2020秋冬的“芥末绿”到今年2021春夏的“蜜蜂绿”,满眼的绿意迎面扑来。 吃一剂绿色配方 然而在日常中,很多人会觉得绿色不好穿,尤其是黑黄皮星人对绿色更是避而远之。但只要正确运用好绿色的比例,就能瞬间让它变得独特又高级。 顺色All green不出错 一身绿色套装将春意盎然的清新感发挥到极致。 All green穿着难度最低,紧紧抓住同色系穿搭的黄金法则,按照饱和度不同的绿色做搭配的层次感,这样的一身想踩雷都难。 可以选择剪裁流畅的服装,从头到脚都散发出简洁大气的魅力,就是“高级”两个字的最佳体现。 若是还担心不好驾驭,大面积穿着在色系上更可以选择饱和度较低的绿色,像“鼠尾草绿”这样柔和的色彩就很不错! Half green用无色彩系来帮忙 最常见的无非是Half green,比如一件温柔绿色系的上衣就可以瞬间让你在人群中脱颖而出。 颜色出挑的绿色若搭配一些跳色或是撞色,便可完美演绎出潮流女孩张扬自信的小个性,Rosé试过都说好! 若想要穿出万无一失的撞色搭配,那就要请出无彩色系来帮忙。 黑色这样的深色系是最为万能的撞色色调,无论是作为上装还是下装都没有什么搭配难度,极大程度弱化明亮色系过于强烈的视觉感,瞬间变得低调而不失趣味。 白色则是绿色和谐的拍档,清丽可人的柔和色彩让人恨不得多看几眼。而且两者结合更在复古领域有相当大的潜力,一不小心穿出复古名伶的优雅不在话下。 低饱和度的绿色搭棕色单品也意外和谐,黄绿色调融合恰到好处。 点亮全身用A little green 饱和度、明度较高的绿是黄黑星人的踩雷单品,所以缩小面积是最明智的做法。 将视觉重心转移到包包、鞋子、饰品等小物品上给整身造型“做减法”,这样小范围的绿色更能为整个造型增添一丝亮彩,起到点睛之笔的作用。 绿意盎然要穿它们 绿色针织 针织上衣是春夏最常见的单品,而绿色针织上衣则会让你的春日装束附加上森系少女的清丽脱俗感。 杨采钰最新po出的两身抹茶绿的针织上衣,不论是日常通勤还是出门游玩都能完美适配。 如此温柔的Mint Jade(薄荷色调)带着轻盈感就像一瓶青柠味道的气泡水,怎能不令人心动? Fashion Choice Victoria Beckham 价格:2026人民币 Philosophy Di Lorenzo Serafini 价格:4271人民币 Dion Lee 价格:3807人民币 绿色连衣裙 一件绿意盎然的连身裙分分钟让你温温柔柔也能气场全开,即使走在高楼间也能感受到一丝自然气息。 饱和度较深的绿调遇上丝质反光面料则将高级感最大化呈现,无形之中多了一丝慵懒复古的味道。 除了纯色系之外,小清新的碎花与绿色也是天作之合,自带田园气息,惊艳却不张扬。 换成带有绚烂花卉的印花让整体造型更具特色,带有浓郁的假日气息。 Fashion Choice Lemaire 价格:6222人民币 绿色西装 相比常规的色彩,绿色的西装外套弱化了西装带来的正式严肃感,自然干净透彻的轻盈感随即而来。 不过在整体的配色上还是要多加注意,依旧要遵循less is more原则让绿色作为亮点,才能穿出松弛有度的感觉。 Fashion Choice Nk 价格:4450人民币 Jacquemus 价格:5050人民币 “绿意”小单品 小单品可以起到点睛整体look的效果,一只设计感的绿色包包轻松开始撞色mix 跟着造型选择同色系的配饰,即使搭在肩头也可以为普通造型增加新意。 Fashion Choice Chloé 价格:10434人民币 Bottega Veneta 价格:6000人民币 这个夏天换上绿妆,做一个清丽可人的charming girl吧!








春雨绵绵 春草如斯 春木初露 春光荡漾 草木知春


1、春来——爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。 2、春雨——小楼一夜听春雨,深巷明朝卖杏花。 3、春花——惆怅东栏一株雪,人生看得几清明。 4、春夜——更深月夜半人家,北斗阑干南斗斜。 5、春水——春水碧于天,画船听雨眠。 6、春风——春风又绿江南岸,明月何时照我还。 7、春光——等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。 8、春景——试上超然台上看,半壕春水一城花。 9、春游——东风知我欲山,吹断檐间积雨声。 10、春思——春心莫共花争发,一寸相思一寸灰。 11、春寂——春潮带雨晚来急,野渡无人舟自横。 12、春愁—问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流 13、春梦——枕上片时春梦中,行尽江南数千里。 14、春恨——人生自是有情痴,此恨不关风和月。 15、春归——落红不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。 描写春天的古诗和描写春天的名句 1、春日迟迟,卉木萋萋。仓庚喈喈,采蘩祁祁。——《诗经·小雅·出车》 迟迟:缓慢。卉木:草木。萋萋:草茂盛的样子。仓庚:莺。喈喈:鸟鸣声众而和。蘩:白蒿。祁祁:众多。 2、时在中春,阳和方起。——《史记·秦始皇本纪》 阳和:春天的暖气 3、阳春布德泽,万物生光辉。 ——汉乐府古辞《长歌行》 4、阳春白日风在香。——晋 乐府古辞《晋白绮舞歌诗三首》 5、阳春二三月,草与水同色。——晋 乐府古辞《盂珠》 6、春晚绿野秀,岩高白云屯。——南朝宋 谢灵运《入彭蠡湖口》 秀:秀丽。屯:驻,聚集。 7、池塘生春草,园柳变鸣禽。——南朝宋 谢灵运《登池上楼》 变鸣禽:鸣叫的鸟换了种类。两句写冬去春来,鸟儿已经替换了。 8、喧鸟覆春洲,杂英满芳甸。——南朝梁 谢眺《晚登三山还望京邑》 覆春洲:落满了春天的沙洲。杂英;各种各样的花。芳甸:郊野。 9、寄语洛城风日道,明年春色倍还人。——唐 杜审言《春日京中有怀》 洛城:洛阳城。风日:春光风物。道:说。 10、云霞出海曙,梅柳渡江春。淑气催黄鸟,晴光转绿苹。——唐 杜审言《和晋陵陆丞早春游望》 海曙:海上日出。梅柳渡江春:梅柳渡过江来,江南一片春色。淑气:春天的和暖气息。转绿苹浪:使水中苹草转绿。四句意谓:彩霞伴着朝日在海面升起,梅花绿柳把春意带过了江面,黄鸟在和煦的春光中歌唱,阳光催绿了苹草。 11、碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝线。不知细对谁裁出,二月春风似剪刀。——唐 贺知章《咏柳》 12、林花扫更落,径草踏还生。——唐 孟浩然《春中喜王九相寻》 13、二月湖水清,家家春鸟鸣。——唐 盂浩然《春中喜王九相寻》 14、闻道春还未相识,走傍寒梅访消息。——唐 李白《早春寄王汉阳》 15、寒雪梅中尽,春风柳上归。——唐 李白《宫中行乐词八首》 16、东风随春归,发我枝上花。——唐 李白《落日忆山中》 17、东风洒雨露,会人天地春。——唐 李白《送祁昂滴巴中》 18、咸阳二三月,宫柳黄金枝。——唐 李白《古风》 19、春草如有情,山中尚含绿。——唐 李白《金门答苏秀才》 20、时有落花至,远随流水香。——唐 刘昚虚《阙题》 21、飞雪伴春还,善庭晓自闲。——唐 刘昚虚《积雪为小山》 22、道由白云尽,春与青溪长。——唐 刘昚虚《阙题》 意为:道路被白云遮断,春景与青青的流水一样绵延不断。 23、芳树无人花自落,春山一路鸟空啼。——唐 李华《春行即兴》 24、肃肃花絮晚,菲菲红素轻。日长雄鸟雀,春远独柴荆。——唐 杜甫《春运》 前两句形容花色红,柳絮素。后两句谓日色渐长.春色淡远,唯听鸟雀调嗽,无人来往,独有柴门而已, 25、繁枝容易纷纷落,嫩蕊商量细细开。——唐 杜甫《江畔独步寻花七绝句》 26、林花著雨燕支湿,水荇牵风翠带长。——唐 杜甫《曲江对雨》 燕支:胭脂。荇:荇菜,一种水生草本植物。 27、侵陵雪色还萱草,漏泄春光有柳条。——唐 杜甫《腊日》 萱草:一种古人以为可以使人忘忧的草。此句说萱草萌芽,侵陵雪色。漏泄:透露。 28、江汉春风起,冰霜昨夜除。——唐 杜甫《远怀舍弟颖观等》 29、江浦雷声喧昨夜,春城而色动微寒。——唐 杜甫《遣闷戏呈路十九曹长》 30、朝来新火起新烟,湖色春光净客船。——唐 杜甫《清明二首》 朝:早晨。 31、恰似春风相欺得,夜来吹折数枝花。——唐 杜甫《绝句漫兴九首》 32、东风好作阳和使,逢草逢花报发生。——唐 钱起《春郊》 阳和:春天的和暖之气。 33、燕子不归春事晚,一汀烟雨杏花寒。——唐 戴叔伦《苏溪亭》 汀:水岸平地。 34、诗家清景在新春,绿柳才黄半未匀。——唐 杨巨源《城东早春》 半;多数。未匀:参差不齐。 35、长江春水绿堪染,莲叶出水大如钱。——唐 张籍《春别曲》 36、有时三点两点雨,到处十枝五枝花。——唐 李山甫《寒食二首》 此是清明时节的景色描写。 37、新年都未有芳华,二月初惊见草芽。白雪却嫌春色晚,故穿庭树作飞花。——唐 韩愈《春雪》 两句写白雪等不及春天到来,已穿树飞花装点早春之景。 38、天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。最是一年春好处,绝胜烟柳满皇都。——唐 韩愈《早春呈水部张十八员外》 天街:京城里的街道。草色遥看;春草始生,微微露出一点细芽,远看一片新绿,近看却似不见。绝胜;远远胜过。 39、草树知春不久归,百般红紫斗芳菲。——唐 韩愈《晚春》 芳菲:美盛的花草。 40、洛阳东风几时来,川波岸柳春全回。——唐 韩愈《感春五首》 41、自是寻春去校迟,不须惆怅怨芳时。狂风落尽深红色,绿叶成阴子满枝。——唐 杜牧《怅诗》 42、万树江边杏,新开一夜风。满园深浅色,照在绿波中。——唐 王涯《春游曲》 一夜风:一夜春风。 43、飒飒东风细雨来,芙蓉塘外有轻雷。——唐 李商隐《无题四首》 飒飒:风声。 44、寒随一夜去,春还五更来。——唐 史青《应诏赋得除夜》 45、东风何时至,已绿湖上山。——唐 丘为《题农父庐舍》 46、年年老向江城寺,不觉春风换柳条。——唐 韩滉《晦日呈诸判官》 47、春风贺喜无言语,排比花枝满杏园。——唐 赵嘏《喜张沨及第》 48、春雪满空来,触处似花开。不知园里树,若个是真梅。——唐·东方虬《春雪》 若个:哪个? 49、马踏春泥半是花。——唐·窦巩《襄阳寒食寄宇文籍》 50、烟水初销见万家,东风吹柳万条斜。——唐·窦巩《襄阳寒食寄宇文籍》 见:显现。 51、庭前时有东风入,杨柳千条尽向西。——唐·刘方平《代春怨》 52、今夜偏知春气暖,虫声新透绿窗纱。——唐·窦巩《襄阳寒食寄宇文籍》 唐·刘方平《夜月》 53、一夜好风吹,新花一万枝。——唐·令狐楚《春游曲三首》 54、落花满春光,疏柳映新塘。——唐·储光羲《答王十三维》 55、野渡花争发,春塘水乱流。——唐·李嘉佑《送王牧往吉州谒王使君叔》 野渡:野外渡口。 56、风弱知催柳,林青觉待花。——唐·卢僎《岁晚还交台望城阙成口号先赠交亲》 两句写初春将近时的景色。 57、南园桃李花落尽,春风寂寞摇空枝。——唐·杨凌《句》 58、弱柳千条杏一枝,半含春雨半垂丝。——唐·温庭范《题望苑驿》 59、桃花春水渌,水上鸳鸯浴。——五代前蜀·韦庄《菩萨蛮》 渌:清澈。 60、一庭春色恼人来,满地落花红几片。——五代后蜀·魏承班《玉楼春》 61、城上风光莺语乱,城下烟波春拍岸。——宋·钱惟演《木兰花》 62残雪暗随冰笋滴,新春偷向柳梢归。——宋·张来《春日》 冰笋:冰棱。意谓从冰棱的融化看到冬天已悄悄过去;从柳枝梢头看到春天已偷偷归来。 63、野岛眠岸有闲意,老树着花无丑枝。——宋·梅尧臣《东溪》 64、落尽梨花春又了,满地残阳,翠色和烟老。——宋·梅尧臣《苏幕遮》 翠色:嫩绿的草色。和烟老:随着暮霭变成深绿。 65、雪消门外千山绿,花发江边二月晴。——宋·欧阳修《春日西湖寄谢法曹歌》 66、春色恼人眼不得,月移花影上栏杆。——宋·王安石《春夜》 67、恼人天气又春阴。——宋·晏殊《浣溪沙》 68、料峭春风吹酒醒,微冷,山头斜照却相迎。——宋·苏轼《定风波》 料峭:形容春天的寒意。 69、东风有信无人见,露微意,柳际花边。——宋·苏轼《一丛花》 信:消息。露:显示。 70、竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。——宋·苏轼《惠崇春江晚景二首》 71、春风自恨无情水,吹得东流竟日西。——宋·苏轼《往年宿瓜步梦中得小诗录示民师》 竟日:整日。 72、春路雨添花,花动一山春色。——宋·秦观《好事近》 意谓春雨为春天的路旁增添了更多的鲜花,花儿在春风中摇动,满山弥漫着春色。 73、芳菲消息到,杏梢红。——宋·贺铸《小重山》 芳菲:指春花季节。 74、午睡渐多浓似酒,韶华已入东君手。——宋·周邦彦《蝶恋花》 韶华:美好的年华。东君:春神,这里指春天。 75、二月风光浓似酒,小楼新湿青红。——宋·葛胜仲《临江仙》 青:绿叶。红:红花。 76、春风春雨花经眼,江北江南水拍天。——宋·黄庭坚《次元明韵寄子由》 77、乍暖还寒时候,最难将息。——宋·李清照《声声慢》 乍暖还寒:忽冷忽热。将息:养护,调养。 78、卖花担上,买得一枝春欲放。泪染轻匀,犹带彤霞晓露痕。——宋·李清照《减字木兰花》 79、暖日晴风初破冻。柳眼梅腮,已觉春心动。——宋·李清照懈恋花》 柳眼:柳叶。梅腮:指梅花。 80、洛阳城里又东风,未必桃花得似、旧时红。——宋·陈与义《虞美人》 81、杨柳不遮春色断,一枝红杏出墙头。——宋·陆游《马上作》 杨柳句谓杨柳遮不断春大的景色。 82、一春常是雨和风,风雨晴时春已空。——宋·陆游《豆叶黄》 83、昨日春如十三女儿学绣,,枝枝不教花瘦。——宋·辛弃疾《粉蝶儿·和晋臣赋落花》 84、东风吹雨细于尘。——宋·辛弃疾《浣溪沙》 85、细听春山杜宇啼,一声声是送行诗。——宋·辛弃疾《浣溪沙》 杜宇:杜鹃。 86、满眼不堪三月喜,举头已觉千山绿。——宋·辛弃疾《满江红》 87、春事到清明,十分花柳。唤得笙歌劝君酒。酒如春好,春色年年如旧。——宋·辛弃疾《感皇恩·为范倅寿》 春事:春景。十分花柳:花柳最盛之时。 88、春阴垂野草青青,时有幽花一树明。晚泊孤舟古祠下,满川风雨看潮生。——宋·苏舜钦《淮中晚泊犊头》 春阴:春天的阴云。幽花:清幽的花。明:绚丽。 89、春在乱花深处鸟声中。——宋·陈亮《南歌子》 90、过春风十里,尽荠麦青青。——宋·姜夔《扬州慢》 荠麦:芥菜,麦子,泛指田间作物。 91、燕燕飞来,问春何在,唯有池塘自碧。——宋·姜夔《淡黄柳》 92、等闲识得东风面,万紫千红总是春。——宋·朱熹《春日》 93、春风如醇酒,著物物不知。——宋·程致道《过红梅阁一首》 著物:春风润泽万物。 94、律回岁晚冰霜少,春到人间草木知。——宋·张栻《立春偶成》 95、微雨洒芳尘,酝造可人春色。——宋·石孝友《好事近》 酝造:酿造。可人:喜人。 96、瘦雪一痕墙角,青子已妆残萼。——金·王庭筠《谒金门》 瘦雪:残雪。这里用以形容春花的飘零。青子:青青的小果于。 97、东风轻扇春寒。——金·段克己《望月婆罗门引》 轻扇:轻轻地吹动。 98、啼莺舞燕,小桥流水飞红。——元·白朴《天净沙·春》 飞红:花瓣飞舞。 99、绿窗春睡觉来迟,谁唤起,窗外晓莺啼。——元·胡只遹《阳春曲·春景》 觉来:醒来。 100、袅晴丝吹来闲庭院,摇漾春如线。——明·汤显祖《牡丹亭·惊梦》 袅:飘浮不定。晴丝:虫类所吐的丝,春日常在空中飘游。 101、春到人间万物鲜。——明·冯梦龙《警世通言·王娇写百年长恨》 102、不须迎向东郊去,春在千门万户中。——清·卢道悦《迎春》 103、春色撩人,爱花风如扇,柳烟成阵。——清·洪异《长生殿·禊游》






春光明媚 春回大地 春暖花开 春意盎然 春意正浓 风和日丽 春花烂漫 鸟语花香 百鸟鸣春 莺歌燕舞 雨过天晴 细雨如丝 春雨阵阵 春光明媚  春花秋月 春山如笑 






【 #英语资源# 导语】春天来了!春天来了!万物复苏百花争艳的春天终于来到了这里。 为大家准备了《描写春天的英语作文》,希望对大家有帮助。 1.描写春天的英语作文 篇一   Our campus is full of flowers and trees, and the scenery is pleasant. It accompanies me through the four seasons and moves towards maturity.   The spring breeze is blowing and the willows are like smoke. The spring girl came to the world with light and happy steps and a smile on her face, and came to our campus. At this time, the withered and yellow grass got up, put on a green robe, and danced with the spring breeze. In the small garden, the long-frozen stream is singing again and rushing to the far campus full of vitality.   Time is like running water. In a flash, Brother Xia, who is grumpy, comes quietly. Fatong tree has grown many green leaves again, just like a big green velvet umbrella that is open at the top, shielding us from the scorching sun. The lotus in the lotus pond comes out of the mud and does not stain. It stands gracefully on the water surface, competing with some unknown flowers, dazzling people.   The sky is high, the clouds are light, the autumn wind is rustling, and the leaves babies are reluctant to fall from the arms of the tree mother, like laying a yellow carpet on the earth. Originally, those beautiful flowers were also listless and downhearted. But those colorful chrysanthemums are not afraid of the cold. They stretch their beautiful petals and decorate our campus.   Autumn has gone and winter has come. The north wind is cold and the goose feather snow falls from the sky, which puts a thick layer of silver on our campus. At this time, all the trees are left with bare trunks, while the evergreen pines and cypresses in front of the teaching building are full of vitality, standing in the wind and snow like steel soldiers, guarding our campus.   In this beautiful campus, I grow up happily and freely, sucking the nutrition of knowledge greedily. I love our campus, and I want to fly my dream in this beautiful campus. 2.描写春天的英语作文 篇二   The spring girl came quietly to the world with a beautiful song and a colorful flower basket. When the little animals heard the song, they stretched and stretched out their heads to look at the light green world around them; When the bamboo shoots heard the song, they opened their eyes in a hazy way and saw the yellow winter jasmine around them and shouted to their companions; "Brothers and sisters, the outside world is really beautiful. Come out to see it!"   I was also awakened by the song, took off my thick winter clothes and came to the pond. Ah, the willow trees have sprouted, and the tender buds are the size of rice grains, like green pouches, round and bulging, and some of them will burst, revealing the tender yellow mouth. Next to the bud, the white catkins are in a group, some of them fly away, and some of them can"t bear to leave and rest beside the bud. The willows are long and thin. Look carefully and they turn green. They are waving in the spring breeze.   I gently brushed away the grass and was surprised to find that a group of ants were working hard to build their homes near a clump of grass. Many ants face inward and outward, and are busy and nervous. Their hind legs keep pushing the earth outward. Not long ago, there was a pile of new soil pushed out like fine sand at the door. Outside the door, ants came and went back and forth, carrying the new soil to the distance. Not far away, an ant saw fresh food and lay down beside the food, shaking its two antennae as if greeting its partner. Soon, a large group of ants swarmed in. Some of them pulled, some pushed, and moved forward step by step. I was deeply shocked by their spirit of unity and cooperation.   In spring, I find it full of vitality. In spring, I find life active. 3.描写春天的英语作文 篇三   Spring girl, quietly came to the earth, spring, represents hope. So I followed the wind and set foot on the track of finding spring.   Spring girl"s hand brushed the tree top, and the tree immediately changed: willow girl put on new clothes, the skirt of Nunlu was dotted with hairy "green hair", willow girl waved her soft hair in the wind, not to mention how beautiful. The poplars stretched and immediately became energetic. They put on thin green sweaters and stood up in the soft wind, showing vitality······   Spring girl walked across the field, and the field immediately woke up from a deep sleep. The grass poked its head out of the field and looked curiously at everything around it. It thought: I am so thin, will I catch a cold? After the flowers are dressed, they are like graceful ladies, smiling shyly. Seeing the eyes around them, they can"t help blushing, hiding in green leaves and smiling alone. The wild wheat sprouts suddenly from the ground, looking coldly at everything around them, straightened up, like an unyielding soldier, defending his land and never being occupied by others.   Spring girl ran across the wheat field. The wheat seedlings squinted lazily and fell asleep again in the warm wind. You see, the wheat seedlings are all blue with fear. They must have had some nightmares. I ran in the endless green wheat field, like a happy bird, forecasting the coming of spring and the coming of hope to people.   The footprint of spring has spread all over the world. Everything is full of vitality because of spring, and the world is full of hope because of spring! 4.描写春天的英语作文 篇四   Inadvertently, spring comes quietly from our fingers, hair and breath. But "she" is a naughty doll. As soon as she arrived, she played hide-and-seek with us and hid in a hidden place. Come on, let"s find with our eyes and experience spring with our hearts.   Spring is in colorful colors. If the color of winter is monotonous and gray, then the color of spring is as many as the stars in the sky: green grass, green leaves, white, red, yellow and purple flowers, such as washed blue sky, emerald water, transparent sun, and colorful kites, which constitute a wonderful painting. The composition is so exquisite, and the color gradient is so natural. If there are more colors, spring will appear complicated and unnatural. I"m afraid even Van Gogh and Picasso can"t draw such paintings.   Spring, in the beating notes. Snow has turned into water, and converged into streams. "Ding Ding Dong", listen, the note of water is beating! The grass, which has been sleeping for a whole winter, stealthily turns out of the ground and desperately sucks the energy of Mother Earth, "sizzling". Listen, the energy note is changing! Butterflies and bees spread their wings and danced in the flowers, "buzzing". People lit up the voice of singing that had been covered with dust for a winter, and sang heartily in the park, square and music workshop. "La la la", listen, the notes of the song are flowing! It is these notes that compose a beautiful spring symphony.   Spring is on people"s happy faces. The children took off their thick cotton-padded clothes, put on colorful spring clothes, and laughed and played heartily on the grass... their faces were full of happy smiles. The farmer uncle sows seeds in the field. Looking at the golden sea of rape flowers and the jointing wheat seedlings, he is happy and imagines the scene of a bumper harvest. His face is full of happy flowers. When I write here, I can"t help thinking of the teachers who care for us and send us knowledge. It is their spring-like smiles that melt our timidity and melancholy, make us become confident, self-reliant and elated, and let us learn to be grateful.   Spring is everywhere and everywhere. Little friend, have you found the trace of spring? 5.描写春天的英语作文 篇五   Spring is a beautiful season.   In spring, the grass is green, like a new green dress. The grass is thin, and the spring grass is like silk. It is everywhere on the earth, and it is like putting a soft green woolen sweater on the earth, and it is like a green carpet. Clusters of green grass fluttering in the wind, beautiful! There are many colors of grass, including cyan, green and emerald.   In spring, willow trees sprouted and pulled out twigs. The branches are thin, tender green and fluttering in the wind. The wicker was blown up by the wind, and the wicker swayed in the wind, gently wiping the lake, like a beautiful girl combing her long hair against the lake. Spring is coming, with drizzle like silk. Osmanthus fragrans greedily sucks the nectar of spring, and slowly draws out bright red buds, like red flowers blooming in the green bushes.   In spring, everything recovers and white flowers compete. The flowers are colorful, including golden rape, snow-white pear, pink peach, white plum, pure white winter jasmine, milky apple, fiery poinsettia, and bright red camellia. They have become a sea of flowers, and together they have become a colorful world. What a charming design! When someone comes to this place, he will be intoxicated by the fragrance of flowers and the red and green flowers.   In spring, the ice and snow melt. The stream is running noisily; The frogs who had slept for a whole winter also woke up, jumped out of the hole, danced in the flowers and sang in the field; Swallows also came from the south to join the team this spring.   Spring girl"s coming to the world is not permanent, but very short; Miss Spring left quietly, but this beautiful picture was permanently engraved in my mind.


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1、桃花开了,粉红的颜色如同小姑娘羞红的脸。  1, peach blossom, pink color as the little girl shy red face.  2、桃花开了像火炬一样。  2, the peach blossom like a torch.  3、桃花开了千树万枝就像火焰一般。  3, the peach blossom opened a thousand trees like fire.  4、桃花开了,从远处看,活像一个个张开的大花伞。  4, the peach blossom, from afar, like an open umbrella flower.  5、桃花开了,粉红粉红的花团,像片片火烧云。  5, peach blossom, pink flower clusters, such as the fire cloud.  6、桃花开了,仍像点点跳动的火苗。  6, peach blossom, still like a little bit beat the flames.  7、桃花开了,像熊熊燃烧的烈火。  7, peach blossom, like a raging fire.  8、桃花开了,花瓣挨挨挤挤的,远远望去象一个个粉色的绒球。  8, peach blossom petals, endure endure crowded crowded, looked like a pink ball.  9、桃花开了,密密层层,宛如一片朝霞。  9, peach blossom, like a dawn packed closely layer upon layer.  10、桃花开了,白色的花瓣洁白如玉似棉。  10, peach blossom, white petals white as jade like cotton.  11、桃花开了,微风吹拂,花瓣好像一只只蝴蝶在飞舞。  11, peach blossom, the breeze, the petals like a butterfly flying.


Flowers bloom opened, sending out inviting scent, relaxed and happy making a person; Cute little swallow flew from the south, scenery, singing a song. Obviously, three on the steps of light has to hold us! Spring is a rebirth. When the spring rain drip-drip-drip down, like a pearl stood but the earth, wake up the first spring of bamboo shoots, wake up all the life, everything to wake up. Spring is a season of vitality. The arrival of the spring, make the world rejuvenated, restore the aura, restore the vitality. The birds freely in the blue sky to fly, and kept singing songs of joy, as if to welcome the arrival of spring. Many plants in spring and grow, bloom, the dance... Look, the tree out of the green branches; The grass yawn, senses; Bowing with the wind; Bud grin may toward everyone laugh, peach blossom and pear aromas refreshing.Spring is a season of roses. In spring, colorful flowers very charming, plus the bird clear moving singing, and the ubiquity of flowers, as in play a "spring symphony". The butterfly and the honey bee also touched and haste to join the flowers bloom, birds of the debates in the band, a good view of the poetic!!!!!"Every dance, play butterfly linger at oriole just cry j." Like du fu verse, spring not only glows, or vivid! Let us together to feel the spring, enjoy the spring every a bunch of the warmth of sunshine and rain in the moist, cherish the good time of spring! Listen, ChunLei have rang through the air, "ChunLei a roar, the earth shake three shake." ChunLei is calling you put this beautiful spring describe it!盛开的花朵开放,散发着诱人的香味,令人心旷神怡;可爱的小燕子从南方飞,风景,唱一首歌。很明显,三的步骤,光有抱着我们!春天是一个重生。当春雨drip-drip-drip下来,像珍珠站但地球,醒来的竹笋的第一个春天,一觉醒来所有的生命,一切都醒来。春天是生机盎然的季节。春季的到来,使世界重新焕发活力,恢复光环,恢复活力。鸟儿在蓝色的天空中自由地飞翔,并继续唱欢乐的歌,仿佛在欢迎春天的到来。许多植物在春天生长,开花,舞蹈…看,树上的绿枝上;草地上打哈欠,感觉;鞠躬风;芽咧嘴可能对每个人都笑了,桃花和梨花香气清新。春天是一个季节的玫瑰。在春季,五颜六色的花朵很迷人,加上鸟清晰动人的歌声,和无处不在的花,像在玩一个“交响乐之春”。蝴蝶和蜜蜂也感动和匆忙加入鲜花盛开,鸟儿的辩论在乐队,一个风景好的诗歌!!!!!“每一个舞蹈,玩蝴蝶黄鹂只是哭泣〉像杜甫诗句,春天不仅发光,或生动的!让我们一起去感受春天,享受春天的每一束温暖的阳光和雨露的滋润,珍惜春天的好时光!听着,春雷有响彻云霄,“春雷轰鸣,大地抖三抖。”春蕾叫你把这美丽的春天的描述!


问题一:请专业的朋友帮忙找一首关于春天的英语诗歌 春之歌英文诗歌朗诵会 (一) Spring song 春天之歌 Hello,dear Robin in the tree, “你好,树上亲爱的知更鸟, Will you sing a song for me ? 你能给我唱支歌吗?” "Yes,I will sing a happy song, “好的,我要唱一支快乐的歌, Cheerily cheerily all day long. 开开心心地唱一天。 Hear the March winds blow, 听,三月的风儿在吹, See the green buds show,供看,绿色的蓓蕾已出现, Beartiful flowers are dancing, 美丽的花儿在跳舞, Glad that spring is ing. 真高兴春天就要来到。” (二)Quatrain Major - O e, Spring 七绝盼春 Spring has e back and will green the meadow 春回地动草菁菁I expect a breeze to dye waters with blue 我盼风柔碧水盈While my skirt with love touches the willow 丝柳舞裙心醉曲With Orphean blowing the air of life true诗情画意写人生 (三)Spring Morning 春晓 The spring morning es before I realize 春眠不觉晓, Birds are heard singing all around 处处闻啼鸟。 Wind and rain e and go during the night 夜来风雨声,No one knows how many flowers have fallen down 花落知多少。 (四)Spring春 Sound the flute! 笛声加紧!Now it"s mute. 忽而悄静。 Birds delight Day and night; 无昼无夜 百鸟和鸣; Nightingale In the dale, 谷中有 夜鸣莺, Lark in sky, 天上有百灵, Merrily ,Merrily, merrily, 多喜幸, 多喜幸,多喜幸, to wele in the year. 迎接新春。 (五)Spring 春 at daybreak 凌晨that crystal dew 那一颗晶莹露珠reluctant to be lonely 不甘寂寞drops joyfully into the river 欢愉跌下河里to stir a babbling youth 泳出潺潺的青春 and a rippling *** ile 荡漾的微笑...>> 问题二:关于春天的英语古诗 如下: 春夜喜雨(杜甫) 好雨知时节,当春乃发生。 随风潜入夜,润物细无声。 野径云俱黑,江船火独明。 晓看红湿处,花重锦官城。 Spring night of rain (du fu) The rain season, when spring is happening. The wind into night, moistens everything silently. Wild diameter cloud all black, river boat bright fire. Xiao red wet place, flower jin guan city. 清明(杜牧) 清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。 借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。 The tomb-sweeping day (tu mu) Rains fall heavily as qingming es, and passers-by with lowered spirits go. May I ask restaurant where has, the shepherd boy pointed apricot blossom village. 问题三:有没有关于的春天英文诗歌,短文 如下:春夜喜雨(杜甫)好雨知时节,当春乃发生。随风潜入夜,润物细无声。野径云俱黑,江船火独明。晓看红湿处,花重锦官城。Springnightofrain(dufu)Therainseason,whenspringishappening.Thewindintonight,moistenseverythingsilently.Wilddiametercloudallblack,riverboatbrightfire.Xiaoredwetplace,flowerjinguancity.清明(杜牧)清明时节雨纷纷,路上行人欲断魂。借问酒家何处有,牧童遥指杏花村。Thetomb-sweepingday(tumu)Rainsfallheavilyasqingminges,andpassers-bywithloweredspiritsgo.MayIaskrestaurantwherehas,theshepherdboypointedapricotblossomvillage.


赞美春天的优美句子英语   赞美春天的优美句子英语,现在科技越来越发达,学习英语越来越重要,所以也有很多用英文代表春天的句子,下面就让我带大家一起来了解一下关于赞美春天的优美句子英语的相关内容吧,一起来看看吧!   赞美春天的优美句子英语1   短文一、(附翻译)Spring is a delightful season. The temperatures are moderate, and the blooming trees and flowers make the city bright with colors. This is the time when we can begin to wear lighter and more brightly colored clothes and go outdoors more often. Smaller children like to bring their kites out to the spacious square. Also I enjoy going back to the village on this holiday after being in the city for the winter months. 春天是个让人欣喜的季节.气温适中,挂满绿叶的树和盛开的花朵给城市增添了明亮的"色彩.在这个时节里,我们可以穿上轻便靓丽的衣服经常出门去了.小孩子们则喜欢在广阔的天空中放风筝.在城里呆了一个冬天之后,我也喜欢回到村子里度假.   短文二、A Spring Morning It was early in the spring morning. The sun was just rising out of the eastern horizon? emitting steaks of red hue through the clouds and across the sky. Soon the campus was battled in the first rays of the sun. The lake? the trees and the bamboos looked as if they were all gilded. The ground was covered with tender grasses and the beaded dewdrops stood on their tips and reflected the sunshine.Birds flew about in the woods twittering restlessly. Some boy students who were absorbed in reading leaned against the trees with buds peeping out from within the gray barks. A couple of girl students read English aloud while walking up and down the gravel path around the lake? where a sort of stream rose? forming a thin mist.It was really a morning of beauty of vigor and of hope.   精彩短句、Recovery of all things spring, spring rain Sasa it like a fluttering gently footsteps of the painter, a Buliu Shen it has to every corner of the earth printed on a color. 春天万物复苏,春雨飘飘洒洒它像一个脚步轻轻的画家,一不留神它已经把大地每一个角落都印上了色彩.Field, flower garden, the forest have a girl left behind traces of the spring, she decorated in earth Huanran, a new, beautiful and peaceful 田野上,花圃上,森林里都有着春姑娘留下足迹,她把大地装饰得涣然一新,美丽,祥和 fields confusing wheat green, I looked boundless, as if the green wave. That golden wild flowers, in the Green Wave in flash.田野上,麦苗返青,一望无边,仿佛绿色的波浪。   那金黄色的野菜花,在绿波中闪光。   赞美春天的优美句子英语2   【春】、春天来了,大地上的每一个角落者充满了春天的气息.Spring is coming,every corner of the earth who filled with spring in the air.小鸟们从家里飞了出来,唱着动听的歌,告诉我们、春天来了!The birds fly out from home,and sang hit song,tell us:spring is coming!春天真的来了,在池塘里,在田野上,在天空中,到处都焕发着勃勃生机.Spring is really in the pond,in the field,in the sky,everywhere the glow vitality.春天的景色太美了,春天里人们的心情更美.Spring scenery was so beautiful,the mood in the spring people more beautiful.我热爱春天,我喜欢闻到花儿的芳香,看到大树的新绿,听到小乌的欢唱.I love spring,I like to smell the fragrance of flowers,see the trees green,hear little uzziah sings.我热爱春天,因为春天充满了生机,充满了新的希望!I love spring because full of vitality,full of new hope!   【夏】 It was a summer afternoon.The clear blue sky was dotted with fluttering larks.这是一个夏日的午后.清澈湛蓝的天空点缀着飞舞的云雀.Summer is when the sun shines and the butterflies dance with the flowers.夏季时阳光普照,花蝴蝶舞蹈.Roadside trees stand in the slumped,wind,still leaves,it fell full thick gray..路旁的梧桐树无精打采地站立在那,一丝风,树叶纹丝不动,上面落满了厚厚的灰.   【秋】 It is autumn.The sky is clem and cloudless.The summer heat is gone.The autumn wind brings us cool.The grains have been harvested,the rice,wheat and corn..秋天,已是秋天了,天空晴朗,万里无云,夏热已逝,秋风送爽.此时,稻子、小麦和谷子等庄稼也已开镰收割.At times the autumn rain keeps falling silandy on the trees and flowers and the ground.It washes everything clean.有时,秋雨无声地落到树上、花上和地上.它洗涤一切.What a beautiful painting!Autumn is the season for harvest no pains,no gains.I must study hard so that I can have a big harvest in all my subjects.一幅多么美丽的油画.秋天是收获的季节.而不劳者将一无所获.我要努力学习,以便所有的功课都获得丰收.The sky is blue and clean.Many white clouds are in the sky.They look like sail boats.天空很蓝色很干净.许多白云在天空中.它们看起来像帆船..The leaves are yellow.Some are hanging on the trees,some are on the ground ,some are dancing in the wind.树叶都是黄色的.有些是挂在树上,有些是在地面上,有些人在风中跳舞.   【冬】 Snowflakes fall down naughtily.They fall on branches of trees,on roofs of houses and on wheat fields.Soon the whole earth will be dressed in white.Everything is shining in the sun.雪花落下来.它们落在树干的枝条,屋顶上和麦田里.很快整个大地都银妆素裹起来.一切都是灿烂的阳光.Boys and girls are singing and dancing around the snow man .男孩女孩们围着雪人在唱歌跳舞..。




翻译如下用英语形容春天的景色spring scenery春天果树开花时,花园的景色最美。一株柳树,是一支描绘春天的彩笔。暖阳拂身,春色醉人,驱散了在八蒙时略微沉重的心情。The garden looks its best in spring when the fruit trees are blossoming. A willow is a brush painting spring scenery. Bathed in the warm sunshine and intoxicated by the spring scenery, I dismissedmy slightly heart in the village of Bameng.


spring is coming and the flowers in the garden are blossoming.they are beautiful!


根据1945年法国电影《La cage aux rossignols》音乐电影《A Cage of Nightingales》灵感创作




本片的灵感是来源于一部1945年的电影 《关夜莺的笼子》 是不是真实事件我就不知道了


春天的成都除了赏花,露营也是一次不可错过的旅行。初春的成都有很多宝藏露营地,小到人潮,大到房车体验,都是成都周边旅游的首选。详见下文。让我们来看看!1、都江堰珠罗坝朱罗坝,位于紫坪铺水库旁,周末人少,适合新手或亲子聚会的露营场所。里面有水,任何一个镜头都是大片。可以看到日落,视野很好,水库可以钓鱼划船。夕阳下,支起烧烤架,听着锅里肉的咝咝声,配上一罐啤酒,和朋友们一起享受。晚餐后,会有一个吉他伴奏的篝火晚会,把城市的喧嚣抛在脑后,享受自然的独处。第二天,我被温暖的阳光和鸟鸣的风声惊醒。打开帐篷就是迎面而来的新鲜空气,这大概是最特别的一个周末。参考价格:住巴100元/车(连夜生火,带走垃圾,走的时候返20元)50元/辆(不要过夜生火)地址:都江堰航海竹箦坝驾驶时间:1小时宠物:2、彭州春芽村这也是一个比较野的阵营。上个月刷姐也去体验过,在雪山下的山谷边解锁了露营新体验。整个营地依山傍水,场地有足够的空地和树林。你也可以在溪边自己找个地方扎营,在这里烧烤野餐。真的很惨!营地的配套设施比较齐全,有电源、食堂、厕所、热水、充电宝。营地里有食堂,价格合理。烧烤,炭火,露营装备都可以租,特别适合懒人露营,非常方便。人多的时候,晚上大家都会点起帐篷,浪漫的气氛就来了。另外游玩区有竹筏可以划水,大人小孩都可以玩(也要注意安全),还挺适合亲子家庭游的。参考价格:自带帐篷在50元/屋顶过夜;停车费10元/辆地址:导航彭州春亚村活动中心驾驶:2小时宠物:3、FoxRiver狐河露营狐狸河营地位于秦英花园,这是一个赏花胜地,从市区出发约40分钟即可到达。营地周围有两三百亩樱花树,到处都是樱花、湖泊和鸟儿春天里有限的浪漫就到此为止。草坪上有很多人的厕所、洗脸台、淋浴等配套设施。营地提供全套露营装备,空手去没问题。没必要担心在这里露营的不便。除了赏樱,还有精致的下午茶,野生豪华牛排,烧烤晚餐等。在营地里简直是视觉和味觉的巨大享受。3月4-6日,成都首届樱花露营大会也将在此举行(活动期间需要自备装备)。可以在樱花树下摘篝火、放烟花、参加市集活动、玩游戏不妨来这里迎接春天~参考价格:38元/屋顶(露营过夜)298元/屋顶(不过夜)地址:成都市新都区斑竹园镇金文社区民大二路南120米驾驶时间:约40分钟宠物:预订方式:小红书@FoxRiver狐狸河4、大野溪地营地最近,大平山的绿色梅花吸引了许多艺人。山上的新宝基地——可以露营,可以滑翔伞,是一个风景绝佳的露营地,不想让你错过!大冶西堤露营是成都周边新开发的山顶营地。它坐落在山顶上,可以看到大邑县的全景。天气好的时候,还能看到日出日落,甚至推开帐篷就能看到滑翔伞迎风飞翔。这里的露营分为营地帐篷区和独立露营区。独立露营区是在鹅卵石和小树林里搭起帐篷,让你感觉置身于欧洲森林。相比独立露营,帐篷区位置更好,风景更优美。睡在营地里还特别配有气垫床、希尔顿酒店四件套、电热毯、露营披肩妥妥的舒适露营。有完整的露营设备,厕所和淋浴室,24小时热水,甚至下午茶和bru营地的配套活动也非常丰富,有滑翔伞、攀岩、登山步道、狼人杀、桌游、露天电影等。在这里,你可以抽着腊肉,喝着酒,和朋友一起放烟花,也许还能体验一下老板做的竹筒饭~参考价格:营地:每人300(含下午茶、早晚餐)自主露营区:150元/丁地址:大邑县大冶溪露营驾驶时间:1小时宠物:预订方式:小红书@大叶西堤露营5、栖肆桃源生活这个地方被称为小巴厘岛,“小岛”的多元生活是如此的快乐,超乎你的想象。70透明玻璃温室,无边泳池,鸟巢,大秋千,小火锅帐篷里基本生活用品都齐全,风格偏ins风格,也很适合拍照。床是用蓝色的乳胶床垫做的。离营地不远有一个洗漱区,会提供热水淋浴、驱蚊剂、吹风机、洗漱用品、拖鞋等。让你无忧无虑地体验露营的乐趣。帐篷周围还有一大片草地,可以铺上野餐垫,摆放自己喜欢的零食,边吃零食边等日落。参考价格:参考露营价格:200-300元地址:双流区太平镇白柳路桃园村6组1号驾驶时间:1小时宠物:预订方式:181233968196、乡逸西岭房车营地这样一个春暖花开的季节,更适合一家人去郊外野餐,顺便感受房车的时尚生活。这个安仁的房车营地,在晴空里仰望万里,在所有的爱里俯视。坐落在花园里的白色房车,拉开窗帘,可以眺望春天,让人心情愉悦。房车内部采用奢华明亮的北欧田园风格设计,同时融入波西米亚元素,给人干净明亮的入住体验。房车由四个部分组成:客厅、两间卧室和浴室。卧室床上用品采用高端定制鹅绒面料,车内有空调、洗漱用品、冰箱。当然,时尚的房车生活还包括配套的营地烧烤、花园火锅、户外下午茶。无论是家庭旅行,情侣约会,朋友聚餐,都是不错的目的地。充满春天气息的仙境花园就在房车营地旁边。如果住在这里,可以不买票直接去玩。是一站式婴儿行走和吸氧的绝佳场所。参考价格:营地:每人300(含下午茶、早晚餐)自主露营区:150元/丁地址:四川省成都市大邑县安仁镇金安大道168号3号驾驶时间:1小时宠物:(非攻击性犬可以入内)预订方式:028-883668807、Matchman club房车俱乐部距离成都不到一个小时的路程,还有一个房车露营地,氛围很酷,可以打卡拍照。不得不说老板很会选地方。露营地很安静,视野开阔。大草坪也超级适合狗狗撒野。整个露营地都是拍照晒太阳的胜地。露营地也在这片草坪上,水电设施齐全。有帐篷区可以露营,还有更舒适的房车。不仅住着特别舒服,坐在旁边拍照也是胶片之外的。酷哥的风格好紧绷。营地自助烧烤有十多种菜品。夜幕降临时,整个营地被小串灯、篝火和露天电影包围。无论是围着烧烤架喝酒聊天,还是坐在炉火前看电影,都是极致的美好。在这里度过一个轻松浪漫的周末真是太好了!参考价格:68元/人(含下午茶和晚餐自助烧烤)。帐篷和房车需要另外付费(400元起)地址:可以直接去“北极星蝴蝶观光园”驾驶时间:1小时宠物:预订方式:小红书@露营故事8、FUN野这个颜值超高的露营地,隐藏在德阳的“小三圣乡”,——高淳文创镇。镇上有53家宝藏商店:咖啡店、野外表演、民间庭院等等。提供营地装备和简餐(88元),有帐篷、板凳、桌椅、烧烤、蛋糕、咖啡饮料、水果、串串和适合拍照的氛围道具,精致又贴心~不仅有帐篷、房车,还有超高颜值的独栋小屋。住宿条件不错,非常贴近自然,说不定还能遇到鸟巢和松鼠呢!偶尔,营地会举办季节性活动、露营节等。有集市,有流动咖啡车,甚至还有唱K,很有意思。不用去深山老林,在这里享受方便舒适,有个小营地。没有比这更舒服的了。参考价格:每人88元起(含器械和简餐)地址:可直接导航至“德阳高怀文创基地”驾驶时间:1小时宠物:预订方式:小红书@ funye需要提前预订。


what can we do in spring?


有的人说天气开始变得反常 一冷起来如冬日酷寒,一热起来如夏日炎炎 那么春天去哪里呢 春暖花开,就是春天来过的气息 春天群花争艳,无论是自家楼下,还是路旁,公园 都可以看到形色各异的鲜花,那么如何用英语来表达这么春暖花开呢? 下面我就为大家来整理关于鲜花的一些词汇和短语!赶快拿起笔记起来! 比如: The red plum have begun to bloom . 大多数红梅已经开放。 In the park, the flowers are in full bloom. 公园里,鲜花盛开。 I want a life in full bloom. 我想要怒放的生命。 These children are blooming with good health. 这些孩子茁壮成长。 【点睛】 英文中还有一个著名的成语从bloom引申而来:late bloomer,原义指“开花晚的植物”,经常比喻“大器晚成的人”。造句: Jack Ma is a late bloomer, who gradually gained his fame and fortune in his late 40s. 马云是一个大器晚成的人,在40岁中后期逐渐获得名气和财富。 其次,表示开花的另一种说法,就是blossom,它的用法直接可以用来替代bloom。 比如: The cherry blossom came out early this year. 樱花今年开得早。 【补充】 杏花apricot blossom 梨花pear blossom 梅花plum bossom Rain begins to fall and peach trees blossom. 开始下雨了,桃树也开花了。 换句话说,上文所有用bloom的地方都可以替换成blossom 雌蕊(pistil)柱头(stigma)花柱(style) 子房(ovary)雄蕊(stamen)花药(anther) 花丝(filament)花瓣(petal)萼片(sepal) 花粉(pollen)【授粉是pollination】花托(receptacle)桃花peach blossom樱花cherry blossom杏花apricot blossom 梨花pear blossom油菜花cole flower水仙lily 荷花lotus菊花chrysanthemum茉莉arabian Jasmine 牡丹peony玫瑰rose丁香花lilac 紫罗兰violet桂花osmanthus梅花plum 茉莉花jasmine flowers向阳花sunflower 腊 梅 wintersweet flowers azalea 杜鹃花 cactus 仙人掌 camellia 山茶花 carnation康乃馨 Chinese flowering crab-apple 海棠花 chrysanthemum 菊花 daisy 雏菊 epiphyllum 昙花 fuchsia 倒挂金钟 gardenia 栀子 India canna 美人蕉 jasmine 茉莉 lilac 丁香 lily 百合 mangnolia 木兰花 mangnolia 玉兰花 narcissus 水仙花 oleander 夹竹桃 orchid 兰花 peony 牡丹 setose asparagus 文竹 tulip 郁金香 violet, stock violet 紫罗兰


azalea 杜鹃 hyacinth 风信子 lilac 丁香 lily 百合 narcissus 水仙 oriental cherry 樱花 plum blossom 梅花 rose 玫瑰 tulip 郁金香




* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! 克里斯托夫·巴拉蒂(Christophe Barratier)关于这部电影的详细内容可以参阅百度百科http://baike.b***.com/view/378643.html




放牛班的春天经典台词 1、You can"t say, there are things worth trying. 你不能说,有些事情值得一试。 2、Never give up, always have hope in front waiting for. 永不放弃,总有希望在前面等待。 3、At that moment, I feel every inch of skin with joy and optimism, I want to say to the world, but who can hear? 在那一刻,我感觉每一寸皮肤用欢乐和乐观,我想对这个世界说,但谁能听到吗? 4、No one know of my existence, the great artist the mirror to see their true: my name is clement Matthew, failed musician, failed. 没有人知道我的存在,伟大的艺术家镜子看到自己真正的:我的名字叫克莱门特马太,失败的音乐家,失败了。 5、Every heart need love, need to be gentle, generous, need to understand. 每颗心需要爱,需要温柔,大方,需要理解。 6、Every heart need love, need to be gentle, generous, need to understand. Every child comes from the pure innocence of place, never should be the very cherish the treasure. 每一颗心都需要爱,需要温柔,需要宽容,需要理解。每一个孩子都来自纯净无邪的地方,永远都应该是人间万分疼惜的珍宝。 7、Matthew: what are you doing? 马修:你在干什么? Send pinault: I"m waiting for Saturday. My father will come here to pick me up. 派皮诺:我正在等着星期六。我的父亲会来这里接我。 Matthew: but today is Saturday. 马修:但是今天不是星期六。 (pie pinault"s persistent waiting for you is reasonable, Matthew was fired that day, it was a Saturday. Matthew left, in addition to the beautiful memories, and went away with pettitte pinault......) (派皮诺的执着等待是有道理的,马修被解雇那天,正是一个星期六。马修离开的时候,除了美好的回忆,还带走了小派皮诺……) 8、Chabert: foul, penalty. "Action (i.e., the film - response") 夏伯特:犯规,处罚。(即影片中的“行动——反应”) Clement mathieu: you see evil everywhere。 马修:你看见罪恶无处不在。 Chabert: here? B: yes. 夏伯特:这里?是的。 Chabert is dragging Meng Dan will punish him) (夏伯特正拖着孟丹即将惩罚他) 9、Matthew: what did he do? 马修:他做了什么? Chabert: he wanted to steal my table in my room. I"m so surprised! Don"t need to solicit opinions hasson, "action - response" (also mentioned above is foul, penalty) 夏伯特:他想在我房间里偷我的表。我太吃惊了!不需要征求哈森意见,“行动——反应”(也就是上面所 提到的犯规,处罚) 10、Matthew: do you want to take him to go to? 马修:你要把他带到哪里去? Chabert: solitary! He closed for 15 days! 夏伯特:禁闭室!把他关上15天! Matthew: wait! 马修:等等! Chabert: wait what! (chabert and Meng Dan disappeared in the teaching building) 夏伯特:等什么!(夏伯特和孟丹消失在教学楼里) Clement mathieu: he"s my only baritone. 马修:他是我唯一的男中音。 11、(考试时)(test) Send pinault: are we friends? 派皮诺:我们是朋友吗? Le and: yeah! 勒克和:是啊! Send pinault: that you told me that 5 3 equal?? 派皮诺:那你告诉我,5 3等于多少? And, should be 53. 勒克和:应该是53。 Send pinault: are you sure? 派皮诺:你确定? Le and: sure! 勒克和:确定! Send pinault: fine, thank you 派皮诺:好,谢谢 12、(several children stole Matthew music studies in the toilet......) (几个小孩偷了马修的乐谱在厕所研究……) Section b: it"s not pornographic pictures. 科 宾:这又不是*情照片。 Le Claire: I didn"t say. 勒克莱克:我又没说是。 Skin el: what is it? 皮 埃 尔:那里面是什么? Section b: ave maria, tenor, claremont, Matthew. 科 宾:圣母颂,男高音,克莱蒙特·马修 作。 Le Claire: this is a quintet chords, claremont, Matthew. 勒克莱克:这是五重奏和弦,克莱蒙特·马修 作。 Section b: this is the music. 科 宾:这是乐谱。 Le Claire: how do you know? 勒克莱克:你怎么知道? El: skin is Morse code? 皮 埃 尔:是摩斯码吗? Section b: maybe the password? 科 宾:也许是密码? Le Claire: maybe he is a spy. 勒克莱克:也许他是个间谍。 what are you doing? Section b: right! Proctor could be spy! 科 宾:对!可能是间谍学监!! 13、Examination, the headmaster to ask: "marshal nye is how dead?" 考试时,校长提问:“奈元帅是怎么死的?” Matthew stood behind the principal, made the action of aimed their guns for pinault. 马修在校长背后站着,做出举枪瞄准的动作帮佩皮诺。 Palin pinault smiled, confidently replied: "when hunting!" 佩皮诺笑了一下,很有信心地答道:“打猎的时候!” 14、Exam was over, the headmaster called boni firth: "you should know that nai marshal was shot." 考试结束,校长叫博尼费斯:“你应该知道奈元帅是被枪决的。” 15、Boni firth: "yeah, just like napoleon." 博尼费斯:“对啊,就跟拿破仑一样。” Principal: (disappointed) "good! Go out!" 校长(失望):“好了!都出去!”




【 #英语资源# 导语】春天到了,万物复苏,大地又变得生机勃勃的样子,许多小草从地底下探出头来,我满怀着好奇心,带着春天的脚步一起来寻找春天。 无 为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。 1.有关春天的英语作文   Humanitarian "peach blossom still smiles at the spring breeze", only cherish "the fragrance of April in the world", drink only a cup of peach blossom sprinkle, then begin to appreciate the thick fragrance of flowers in spring, and begin to sing for the spring of peach blossom. People only enjoy the colorful branches with joy. Who really appreciates the endless golden color of Tianchou?   Perhaps it is because of this indifference and silence to the praise of the world that we ignore the rape flowers that bloom lonely in the fields. People say that spring belongs to birds, buds and peaches, but doesn"t spring belong to rape flowers? Rape flower, your overwhelming yellow, like gold, rolled up my eyes, rolled up hillsides, rolled up the distant sky, and sprinkled the golden light between heaven and earth. Obviously, it is such an existence that can not be ignored. Why are you willing to succumb to the noisy peach blossoms on the branches?   I love the bright yellow and silent rape flower. I lived in the countryside for some time when I was a child. I ran wildly on narrow ridges with other children, rolled all over the hillside full of weeds, and enjoyed the magnificent scenery of rape flowers. In March, the warm wind is blowing. Yesterday it was green and today it is golden. Small flowers never compete with those beautiful women for the charm in Tang and Song poetry. They just bloom quietly, gathering into a cluster of flowers one by one, and integrating into the ocean one by one. This brilliant golden sea Yo is pregnant with hope. The children are laughing and running like rabbits in the sea of flowers. The little girl will secretly pick a few flowers while the adults are not paying attention, carefully wear them on the black hair, and then bloom a smiling face like spring. Cauliflower is also smiling in the breeze, watching these fresh faces, listening to the purest sounds of nature in the world, and quietly waiting for the arrival of new life.   Golden rape flower! You are so lovely and happy!   Golden rape flower, you are happy, because you create hope; You are also happy, because you have created value with your life"s efforts. I really envy you. I wish I could become a little golden rape flower, blooming on the roadside, on the hillside and in the valley. Partners open and sway together in the warm spring breeze and tell their hearts. We want to open brightly, we want to open brightly, we want to open boldly, like the ocean, rolling over mountains, plains and rivers. The golden waves sweep the land of China, send happiness and hope to every corner, and sow the seeds of happiness into every inch of the land!   My eyes are still a brilliant golden yellow, and the air is full of fragrance. The beauty is endless, and the fragrance is intoxicating for thousands of years. This is - another golden spring! 2.有关春天的英语作文   The golden rape flowers are swaying in the spring wind. It"s spring again.   I always remember that every spring, grandma said, "Ah Mei, go with grandma when you fall rapeseed and help grandma do some work." However, when it comes to that day, my grandmother will always dissuade me, "no, my sister should study hard." I can only listen to you and wait at home. Every time when the afternoon is the hottest, you ride a tricycle in trousers and shirts and pedal hard. Your face is full of hard work. A little pale yellow firewood scraps are scattered in your pale hair, especially on your black trousers. There is only the sound of "sex, sex" in your ears.   The change of the four seasons is always fast. You are always busy. No, spring is coming. The rapeseed planted by the family in front of the door has grown tall and grown into slender and curved shapes. You change your shoes at the door and ask the sentence as usual, "are you going to drop the rapeseed?" I looked at the lips and seemed to say that again. Promise immediately, "OK!" I took the farm tools on the ground, quickly put them into the car and walked towards the field.   Although it is spring, the temperature is not low. Rows and rows of rapeseed have been placed on the long cloth and make a "click" sound when stepping on it. Grandma then arrived, while holding a stick and a small bench to shoot rapeseed, advised me: "you"d better go back and study hard." I comforted my grandmother and said, "it"s okay, it"s okay, it"ll be later." I stepped on the cloth covered with rapeseed and stepped on it. Although it was spring, the noon sun was very hot. I stepped on my feet in my pants, the pricking rapeseed shell poked my skin, and the soles of my feet were wearing sports shoes. I just felt hot. A few small rapeseed jumped into my shoes, which only made me feel uncomfortable. I changed from the excitement at the beginning to the faintness. There was the sound of "pa pa" wooden stick patting rapeseed in her ear. Grandma sat aside, her hands raised high and patted one after another. Her forehead was covered with small beads of sweat. Black trousers are surrounded by rapeseed roots. It seems that dropping rapeseed is not as beautiful and poetic as I think.   The temperature was rising, and there was no wind in the fields. I changed from jumping at the beginning to walking slowly. The straw scratched white marks on my legs, and finally a batch of rapeseed stepped almost. Under the straw, the seeds are yellow. "Good! Thanks to my sister"s help, otherwise it will be a little late!" Grandma smiled. The thin beads of sweat crossed her forehead and shone in the sun, just like the smiling face shining in my heart. I watched my grandmother stand up and beat her waist with my hand. I hurried to help her beat it. She smiled and shouted in a soothing voice, "Okay, okay..."   The little spring breeze blew pale hair. I pushed grandma"s tricycle behind me. The spring sunshine followed us. With Grandma"s laughter, a moist spring breeze blew in my heart. 3.有关春天的英语作文   The beautiful spring girl walked towards us with light steps. She picked up the brush in her hand and, in a moment, colorful pictures were displayed in front of us. In order to let people enjoy spring, she brought her partners: spring wind, spring rain and spring thunder. Sister Chunfeng gently stroked everyone"s cheeks. The delicate sister Chunyu was teased by the naughty brother Chunlei, so she rubbed her eyes and cried. The cool rain was the tears of sister Chunyu. When the naughty brother Chunlei saw that sister Chunyu was crying, he happily beat the drum. Hey! How naughty he is!   In this season, flowers are also competing to make themselves stand out. You see: peach blossom, winter jasmine, red string and morning glory all have colorful dance skirts. Some are like soldiers standing guard with their heads held high, some are like shy girls, some are hung in a string, like small lanterns... Their colors are strange: white like snow, pink like Xia, blue like sky, red like fire... The grass also pokes out the cerebellar bag mischievously from under the ground, as if looking at the green world. Big trees are like soldiers ready to fight   Small animals also slowly wake up from their sleep. Lovely swallows also fly back from the south, one in a "one" shape and one in a "human" shape. When they are tired, they fall on the treetops, roofs and wires... From a distance, they look like beautiful notes on the staff... Birds also come to see the excitement and sing the hymn of spring.   People put on beautiful spring clothes and took off heavy winter clothes. The old people also went to the park to relax: some played chess, some danced Yangko, some ran... The children also played and played in the square, bringing a happy and harmonious atmosphere to spring.   Ah! Spring, I love you! I love everything about you! 4.有关春天的英语作文   Today, my father took my family to Liuhu park to look for spring. My sister and I flew out of the house like birds.   Along the way, we were warm in the sunshine. Occasionally, a gentle breeze blows, which makes people feel a little cold, but it is not so cold. At this time, I noticed that everyone had already taken off their thick winter clothes and put on their sweaters, looking so energetic.   We soon came to the beautiful Liuhu park. See the newly melted river near, flowing happily, making a pleasant "Hua Hua" sound. Take a closer look, the river is clear to the bottom, and occasionally you can see a few fish playing in the water. Our laughter by the river, coupled with the sound of the river, is not this the symphony of spring?   There are several weeping willows stretching yellow and green eyebrows on the bank, arranged in a neat line, as if a girl were combing her hair. Seeing this, my sister and I read: "Jasper makeup is as high as a tree, and ten thousand green ribbons hang down. I don"t know who cut the thin leaves. The spring breeze in February is like scissors." Mother smiled and asked, "do you know who is the scissors in February?" "It"s a swallow!" The younger sister scrambled and said, "look, those handsome and lively little swallows are flying around the weeping willow. Isn"t it like cutting the wicker with a scissor like tail?" We looked up and there were indeed some swallows flying in the sky.   Under the weeping willows, the grass and flowers sleeping all winter wake up and are leaning forward to look at the spring of the earth! When we were walking on the lawn, I suddenly found that the grass on the lawn was green. The fresh air can only be felt in spring. At this time, I suddenly saw many colored spots in the lawn. What is it? Oh, these are budding buds. You see, the top of the flower bud has cracked a seam, and a trace of stamen is driving its strength outward! 5.有关春天的英语作文   It is almost a month since the beginning of spring, but many flowers and trees have not fully awakened from their deep sleep. Instead, it is the wax plum blossom that people think should bloom in winter, which withered a few days ago. Some people mistakenly think they are peach blossoms because they are indeed a little similar.   Is it spring? However, if there were no warm sunshine and golden rape flowers a few days ago, I"m afraid no one would believe that it was spring! In those days, the earth had been exposed to the sun for several days, and people didn"t feel how warm. Then, just last week, it rained for several days and the temperature plummeted. Maybe this is what the elders call "frozen flowers". Maybe if it rains more in spring, the earth will wake up as soon as possible. Otherwise, as it is now, people will not believe that spring has come!   The mulberry trees in the community have just sprouted. Tender, light yellow, light yellow, as if I"m embarrassed to stretch my body! However, it is strange that the mulberry tree has new buds at one end and small green mulberry fruits at the other end. Oh, when the mulberry is ripe, it"s time for me to eat and quit!   Listen! Listen! The earth seems to be shaking, is it going to sleep? I planed the withered and yellow weeds and looked for those smart lives. Sure enough, several small buds have been drilled out of the soil covered with weeds. Look at these lovely buds! It turns out that spring is saving strength and is going to show its side to people! No wonder I"m surprised!   In my impression, the plum tree in front of my hometown should also be in full bloom, right? When I was a child, when the plum tree blossomed, I would playfully shake down the snow-white petals. But Grandma didn"t allow me to shake. She said that if I shook the flowers off, there wouldn"t be many plums to eat. But I just like to bathe in the spring breeze with petals. Because there are flowers and spring breeze, this is spring! It"s spring, but I don"t see it now!   Don"t all the books say that bamboo shoot tips will appear in the soil in spring? But grandma said that bamboo shoots don"t grow until summer. Now I"m confused. Do I believe in grandma"s books or authoritative books? How strange it would be for me to see so many shoots in spring!


【 #英语资源# 导语】春天像个魔术师,把我们身上的棉袄变没了,又给我们换上了春装。下面是 无 整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助! 1.描写春天的英语作文   After spring comes, I feel that my home seems to have changed into a home, because a pot of azalea has opened many beautiful flowers, and a pot of morning glory has also opened. The cactus and cactus in the two bedrooms are ripe.   On both sides of the road, small trees next to each other grow up and flourish. The birds in the tree are chirping and calling us. They seem to be telling us, "spring is coming, spring is coming." It feels very lively.   I get up early every morning. Every time I open the window, I seem to see an unspeakable picture of happiness, happiness, contentment and happiness. "The four seasons of the year lie in spring, and the plan of the day lies in the morning." This sentence is a sentence that people often praise spring. If there is a spring rain in spring, use this sentence to describe it. "Spring rain is as expensive as oil". This wonderful world is perfect.   So my family changed. Every move in the world makes me so excited!   I like spring! 2.描写春天的英语作文   Spring returns to the earth and everything recovers. Spring is my favorite season of the year.      By the brook, the willow girl combed her long hair in front of the mirror in the spring wind. Comb it, and the buds will come out. The grass is green and fluffy, covering the earth. The green carpet is mixed with several small flowers, which is very beautiful.   Next to the wooden house, the peach tree planted by grandpa bloomed. A gust of wind blew, and the pink flowers were dancing like a child in a pink skirt. The most novel flower is Magnolia. Most other flowers grow leaves first and then bloom. Only it blooms first and then grows leaves.   On the lawn, parents and children fly kites together. The spring wind blows across their faces, giving people a refreshing feeling. The children lead the line and the mother holds the kite. When the wind comes, the mother releases the kite and the children run and run! The kite finally flew.   On campus. My mother sent me to the campus and told me to listen carefully. In the classroom, the children read the text aloud, and the sound of students reading echoed in the campus.   I like spring. How about you? What is spring like in your eyes? Tell me! 3.描写春天的英语作文   I don"t know when the sky became dark blue and transparent, and the grass became green. Oh! It turned out that the beautiful spring girl came to us silently with brisk steps. Spring girls are everywhere, floating around in the world.   Spring girl came to the park. The park was full of vitality. Birds chirped in the trees, just like singing happy songs to welcome the arrival of spring girl. The grass poked its head out of the fertile land and put on a green coat. The little flowers beside the tree also danced in the breeze, competing for wonders and beauties, and you can smell a faint fragrance from a distance. The willow trees on the Bank of the river are particularly green, slender and soft, which reminds me of a poem: Jasper makeup is a tree high, and ten thousand green ribbons hang down.   The spring girl floated and floated into the field. She saw many farmers" uncles with their heads down and bent down, planting saplings hard. Everyone was tired and sweating. A burst of spring wind seemed to be much cooler. Look over there, a fat cow is happily pulling the plow, as if happy for the arrival of spring girl!   "The season of the year lies in spring". Spring is colorful, colorful and full of vitality.   I love you spring! Because you bring us infinite fun! 4.描写春天的英语作文   In this way, Miss Chun kept calling her children.   Winter has gone and spring has come. In the twinkling of an eye, the warm spring has come to us again. Everything on the earth is revived and blooming.   Listen! The bird is stopping on the willow branches swaying with the wind and singing a happy song! The brook by the willow tree is playing for the birds! The willows danced in the song, and passers-by became happy when they heard it.   Look! The grass on the side of the road is constantly drilling up. It seems that it can"t wait to see the world. Look! The peach blossom tree on one side is basking in the sun! The peach blossoms on the tree are in various postures! Some peach blossom stations are the outermost and want to see the beautiful scenery all over; Some peach blossoms are motionless, like thinking about problems; There are peach blossom babies hiding under the leaves, like a shy little girl.   Do you smell it? Walking on the path in the forest, the breeze blew a faint fragrance and came to my nostrils. In front of me was a large area of snow-white pear flowers. In the middle was a pond. The fish were playing happily in the water. From time to time, they jumped out of the water and splashed a burst of water, wetting the clothes of pear flowers. At this time, the warm sun penetrated through the scattered leaves and shone on the pear flowers, and the water droplets became crystal clear under the sunlight. 5.描写春天的英语作文   Spring is coming. Spring girl has crossed the mountains and the sea. Although she came in a hurry, she can bring us the breath of spring.   Spring girl walked across the grass. She shouted, "wake up, wake up, spring is coming." At this time, the grass woke up and he drilled out his sharp little head.   Spring girl came to the field. She shouted, "wake up, wake up, spring is coming." At this time, the field changed into new clothes and was green everywhere. As soon as the spring breeze blows, it is like one wave after another.   Spring girl came to the flower bed, she blew gently. Flowers bloom in the flower bed. There are blue, yellow, white and purple... It"s pleasing to see. Among these colorful flowers, there is a flower tree, which is even more colorful. It"s really a colorful world!   Spring girl came to the forest. She stroked the forest with her hand. The tree slowly pulled out a small branch of tender green leaves. The long branches of willow trees also grow tender yellow leaves. Spring enveloped the whole forest.   Spring girl came to the brook again. With a gentle wave of her hand, the stream flowed forward happily. The fish in the stream are as lively as before, drilling out of the water and spitting bubbles from time to time.


问题一:冬天到了,春天还会远吗? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 这句话出自英国著名浪漫主义诗人雪莱的《西风颂》。 当寒冷的冬天来临时,寒风瑟瑟,万物凋零,给人萧瑟之感。但不要忘了,在冬天之后,就是春天的降临,到那时,阳光明媚,草长莺飞,万物复苏,生机勃勃。 出在黑暗、痛苦中的人,不要忘记寻找希望的光明,不要忘记,黑暗之后就是黎明。 这首诗写于英国革命时期,因此,“冬天如果来了,春天还会远吗”是写给那些生活在黑暗社会的人们,不要放弃希望,要勇于与黑暗的现实斗争,迎取胜利的光芒。 问题二:“冬天已经过去了,春天还会远吗 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?”是英国诗人雪莱《西风颂》中的诗句. 第一节 哦,狂野的西风,秋之生命的气息, 你无形,但枯死的落叶被你横扫 犹如精魂飞遁远离法师长吟, 黄的,黑的,灰的,红得像患肺痨, 染上瘟疫的纷纷落叶四散调零:哦,是你哟, 以车驾把有翼的种子催送到 黑暗的冬床上,它们就躺在那里, 像是墓中的死穴,冰冷,深藏,低贱, 直到阳春,你蔚蓝的姐妹向沉睡的大地 吹响她嘹亮的号角 (如同牧放群羊,驱送香甜的花蕾到空气中觅食就饮) 将色和香充满了山峰和平原: 狂野的精灵呵,你无处不远行; 破坏者兼保护者:听吧,你且聆听! 第二节 在你的川流之上,长空中巨流滔天, 乱云像大地上凋零的树叶, 被西风从天和海交错缠结的枝丫上吹落下来, 成为雨和电的使者:它们飘落 在你缥缈的蔚蓝波涛表面, 有如狂女的飘扬的头发在闪烁 从天穹的最遥远而模糊的边沿 直抵九霄的中天,到处都在摇曳, 欲来雷雨的卷发,对濒死的一年 你唱出了葬歌,而这密集的黑夜 将成为它广大墓陵的一座圆顶, 里面正有你的万钧之力的凝结 那是你的浑然之气,从它会迸涌 黑色的雨、冰雹和火焰:哦,你听! 第三节 是你,你将蓝色的地中海唤醒 而它曾经昏睡了一整个夏天, 被澄澈水流的回旋催眠入梦, 就在巴亚海湾的一个浮石岛边, 它梦见了古老的宫殿和楼阁 在水天辉映的波影里抖颤, 而且都生满青苔、开满花朵, 那芬芳真迷人欲醉!呵,为了给你 让一条路,大西洋的汹涌的浪波 把自己向两边劈开,而深在渊底 那海洋中的花草和泥污的森林 虽然枝叶扶疏,却没有精力 听到你的声音,它们已吓得发青, 一边颤栗,一边自动萎缩:哦,你听! 第四节 我若是一片落叶随你飘腾; 我若是一朵流云伴你飞行; 或是一个浪头在你的威力下翻滚 如果我能有你的锐势和冲劲 即使比不上你那不羁的奔放 我若能像在少年时,凌风而舞 便成了你的伴侣,悠游天空 (因为呵,那时候,要想追你上云霄, 似乎并非梦幻),又何至沦落到这等颓丧 祈求你来救我之急。 哦,举起我吧,当我是水波、树叶、浮云!我跌在人生的荆棘上,我在流血! 这被岁月的重轭所制服的生命 原是和你一样:骄傲、轻捷而不驯。 第五节 把我当作你的竖琴,当作那树丛: 尽管我的叶落了,那有什么关系! 你那非凡和谐的慷慨激越之情 定能从森林和我同奏出深沉的秋韵, 甜美而带苍凉。给我你迅猛的劲头, 狂暴的精灵!化成我吧,借你的锋芒! 请把我尘封的思想散落在宇宙 让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命! 哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌, 就把我的心声,像是灰烬和火星 从还未熄灭的炉火向人间播散! 让预言的喇叭通过我的嘴巴 把昏睡的大地唤醒吧!哦,西风啊, 如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?...>> 问题三:冬天到了春天还会远吗这句话是谁说的 冬天到了,春天还会远吗。 是英国浪漫派诗人雪莱在《西风颂》里的名句。 现代人常常把这句话挂在嘴边,来相互勉励对方。 问题四:“冬天已经过去,春天还会远吗 雪莱的名言. 问题五:如果冬天来了春天还会远吗是谁写的 这句话出自19世纪英国著名浪漫主义诗人 雪莱 的《西风颂》。 我摘抄一下西风颂的第五节,如下: “象你以森林演奏,请也以我为琴, 哪怕我的叶片也象森林的一样凋谢! 你那非凡和谐的慷慨激越之情, 定能从森林和我同奏出深沉的秋乐, 悲怆却又甘冽。但愿你勇猛的精灵 竟是我的魂魄,我能成为剽悍的你! 请把我枯萎的思绪播送宇宙, 就象你驱遣落叶催促新的生命, 请凭借我这韵文写就的符咒, 就象从未灭的余烬r出炉灰和火星, 把我的话语传遍天地间万户千家, 通过我的嘴唇,向沉睡未醒的人境, 让预言的号角奏鸣!哦,风啊, 如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?” 雪莱的简介: 雪莱(1792―1822),19世纪英国著名浪漫主义诗人。出生在一个古老而保守的贵族家庭。少年时在皇家的伊顿公学就读。1810年入牛津大学学习,开始追求民主自由。1811年,诗人因为写作哲学论文推理上帝的不存在,宣传无神论,被学校开除;也因此得罪父亲,离家独居。1812年,诗人又偕同新婚的妻子赴爱尔兰参加那儿人们反抗英国统治的斗争,遭到英国统治阶级的忌恨。1814年,雪莱与妻子离婚,与玛丽小姐结合。英国当局趁机对雪莱大加诽谤中伤,雪莱愤然离开祖国,旅居意大利。1822年7月8日,诗人出海航行遭遇暴风雨,溺水而亡。诗人一生创作了大量优秀的抒情诗及政治诗,《致云雀》、《西风颂》、《自由颂》、《解放了的普罗米修斯》、《暴政的假面 *** 》等诗都一直为人们传唱不衰。 问题六:"冬天到了,春天还会远吗”语出 雪莱...... 问题七:冬天已经到了,春天还会远吗?出处 西 风 颂 雪莱 一 剽悍的西风啊, 你是暮秋的呼吸, 因你无形的存在, 枯叶四处逃窜, 如同魔鬼见到了巫师, 纷纷躲避; 那些枯叶, 有黑有白, 有红有黄, 像遭受了瘟疫的群体, 哦, 你呀, 西风, 你让种籽展开翱翔的翅膀, 飞落到黑暗的冬床, 冰冷地躺下, 像一具具尸体深葬于坟墓, 直到 你那蔚蓝色的阳春姐妹凯旋归家, 向睡梦中的大地吹响了她的号角, 催促蓓蕾, 有如驱使吃草的群羊, 让漫山遍野注满生命的芳香色调; 剽悍的精灵, 你的身影遍及四方, 哦,听吧, 你既在毁坏, 又在保藏! 二 在你的湍流中, 在高空的骚动中, 纷乱的云块就像飘零飞坠的叶子, 你从天空和海洋相互交错的树丛 抖落出传送雷雨以及闪电的天使; 在你的气体波涛的蔚蓝色的表面, 恰似酒神女祭司的头上竖起缕缕 亮闪闪的青丝, 从朦胧的地平线 一直到苍天的顶端, 全都披散着 即将来临的一场暴风骤雨的发卷, 你就是唱给垂死岁月的一曲挽歌, 四合的夜幕, 是巨大墓陵的拱顶, 它建构于由你所集聚而成的气魄, 可是从你坚固的气势中将会喷迸 黑雨、电火以及冰雹; 哦, 请听! 三 你啊, 把蓝色的地中海从夏梦中 唤醒, 它曾被清澈的水催送入眠, 就一直躺在那个地方, 酣睡沉沉, 睡在拜伊海湾的一个石岛的旁边, 在睡梦中看到古老的宫殿和楼台 在烈日之下的海波中轻轻地震颤, 它们全都开满鲜花, 又生满青苔, 散发而出的醉人的芳香难以描述! 见到你, 大西洋的水波豁然裂开, 为你让出道路, 而在海底的深处, 枝叶里面没有浆汁的淤泥的丛林 和无数的海花、珊瑚, 一旦听出 你的声音, 一个个顿时胆战心惊, 颤栗着, 像遭了劫掠, 哦, 请听! 四 假如我是一片任你吹卷的枯叶, 假若我是一朵随你飘飞的云彩, 或是在你威力之下喘息的水波, 分享你强健的搏动, 悠闲自在, 不羁的风啊, 哪怕不及你自由, 或者, 假若我能像童年的时代, 陪伴着你在那天国里任意翱游, 即使比你飞得更快也并非幻想―― 那么我绝不向你这般苦苦哀求: 啊, 卷起我吧! 如同翻卷波浪、 或像横扫落叶、或像驱赶浮云! 我跃进人生的荆棘, 鲜血直淌! 岁月的重负缚住了我这颗灵魂, 它太像你了:敏捷、高傲、不驯。 五 拿我当琴吧, 就像那一片树林, 哪怕我周身的叶儿也同样飘落! 你以非凡和谐中的狂放的 *** 让我和树林都奏出雄浑的秋乐, 悲凉而又甜美。狂暴的精灵哟, 但愿你我迅猛的灵魂能够契......>> 问题八:《冬天来了,春天还会远吗》 英文版 O wild West Wind, thou breath of Autumn"s being, Thou, from whose unseen presence the leaves dead Are driven, like ghosts from an enchanter fleeing, Yellow, and black, and pale, and hectic red, Pestilence-stricken multitudes: O thou, Who chariotest to their dark wintry bed The winged seeds, where they lie cold and low, Each like a corpse within its grave, until Thine azure sister of the Spring shall blow Her clarion o"er the dreaming earth, and fill (Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air) With living hues and odours plain and hill: Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere; Destroyer and preserver; hear, oh hear! II Thou on whose stream, mid the steep sky"s motion, Loose clouds like earth"s decaying leaves are shed, Shook from the tangled boughs of Heaven and Ocean, Angels of rain and lightning: there are spread On the blue surface of thine a?ry surge, Like the bright hair uplifted from the head Of some fierce Maenad, even from the dim verge Of the horizon to the zenith"s height, The locks of the approaching storm. Thou dirge Of the dying year, to which this closing night Will be the dome of a vast sepulchre, Vaulted with all thy congregated might Of vapours, from whose solid atmosphere Black rain, and fire, and hail will burst: oh hear! III Thou who didst waken from his summer dreams The blue Mediterranean, where he lay, Lull"d by the coil of his crystàlline streams, Beside a pumice isle in Baiae"s bay, And saw in sl......>> 问题九:“冬天来了,春天还会远吗”这句话是谁说的? 英国的浪漫主义诗人雪莱的> 一 哦,狂暴的西风,秋之生命的呼吸! 你无形,但枯死的落叶被你横扫, 有如鬼魅碰到了巫师,纷纷逃避: 黄的,黑的,灰的,红得像患肺痨, 呵,重染疫疠的一群:西风呵,是你 以车驾把有冀的种子摧送到 黑暗的冬床上,它们就躺在那里, 像是墓中的死穴,冰冷,深藏,低贱, 直等到春天,你碧空的姊妹吹起 她的喇叭,在沉睡的大地上响遍, (唤出嫩芽,像羊群一样,觅食空中) 将色和香充满了山峰和平原。 不羁的精灵呵,你无处不远行; 破坏者兼保护者:听吧,你且聆听! 二 没入你的急流,当高空一片混乱, 流云象大地的枯叶一样被撕扯 脱离天空和海洋的纠缠的枝干。 成为雨和电的使者:它们飘落 在你的磅礴之气的蔚蓝的波面, 有如狂女的飘扬的头发在闪烁, 从天穹的最遥远而模糊的边沿 直抵九霄的中天,到处都在摇曳 欲来雷雨的卷发,对濒死的一年 你唱出了葬歌,而这密集的黑夜 将成为它广大墓陵的一座圆顶, 里面正有你的万钧之力的凝结; 那是你的浑然之气,从它会迸涌 黑色的雨,冰雹和火焰:哦,你听! 三 是你,你将蓝色的地中海唤醒, 而它曾经昏睡了一整个夏天, 被澄澈水流的回旋催眠入梦, 就在巴亚海湾的一个浮石岛边, 它梦见了古老的宫殿和楼阁 在水天辉映的波影里抖颤, 而且都生满青苔、开满花朵, 那芬芳真迷人欲醉!呵,为了给你 让一条路,大西洋的汹涌的浪波 把自己向两边劈开,而深在渊底 那海洋中的花草和泥污的森林 虽然枝叶扶疏,却没有精力; 听到你的声音,它们已吓得发青: 一边颤栗,一边自动萎缩:哦,你听! 四 哎,假如我是一片枯叶被你浮起, 假如我是能和你飞跑的云雾, 是一个波浪,和你的威力同喘息, 假如我分有你的脉搏,仅仅不如 你那么自由,哦,无法约束的生命! 假如我能像在少年时,凌风而舞 便成了你的伴侣,悠游天空 (因为呵,那时候,要想追你上云霄, 似乎并非梦幻),我就不致像如今 这样焦躁地要和你争相祈祷。 哦,举起我吧,当我是水波、树叶、浮云! 我跌在生活底荆棘上,我流血了! 这被岁月的重轭所制服的生命 原是和你一样:骄傲、轻捷而不驯。 五 把我当作你的竖琴吧,有如树林: 尽管我的叶落了,那有什么关系! 你巨大的合奏所振起的音乐 将染有树林和我的深邃的秋意: 虽忧伤而甜蜜。呵,但愿你给予我 狂暴的精神!奋勇者呵,让我们合一! 请把我枯死的思想向世界吹落, 让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命! 哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌, 就把我的话语,像是灰烬和火星 从还未熄灭的炉火向人间播散! 让预言的喇叭通过我的嘴唇 把昏睡的大地唤醒吧!要是冬天 已经来了,西风呵,春日怎能遥远? 很好的诗哦!...>> 问题十:"冬天到了,春天还会远吗 “冬天到了,春天还会远吗”是英国浪漫派诗人雪莱在《西风颂》里的名句。 现在们人常常把这句话挂在嘴边,来相互勉励对方。 《西风颂》雪莱把我当作你的竖琴吧,有如树林: 尽管我的叶落了,那有什么关系! 你巨大的合奏所振起的音乐 将染有树林和我的深邃的秋意: 虽忧伤而甜蜜。呵,但愿你给予我 狂暴的精神!奋勇者呵,让我们合一! 请把我枯死的思想向世界吹落, 让它像枯叶一样促成新的生命! 哦,请听从这一篇符咒似的诗歌, 就把我的话语,像是灰烬和火星 从还未熄灭的炉火向人间播散! 让预言的喇叭通过我的嘴唇 把昏睡的大地唤醒吧!要是冬天 已经来了,西风呵,春日怎能遥远?



翻译 如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗

Winter comes, can spring be far behinduff1f


【 #英语资源# 导语】英语句子是英语学习的基础,通过句子,强化语音语调,通过句子,巩固词汇的运用,通过句子,巩固语法知识,通过句子,达到交际和运用的目的。下面是由 带来的春天的英语句子加翻译,欢迎阅读! 【篇一】春天的英语句子加翻译   "April hath put a spirit of youth in everything." ——William Shakespeare   四月将勃勃生机注入万物。——莎士比亚   "In the spring time, the only pretty ring time, when birds do sing ... sweet lovers love the spring." ——William Shakespeare   在春天,在最美丽的结婚季节,鸟儿唱着...甜蜜的恋人喜欢春天。——莎士比亚   "Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush." ——Doug Larson   所谓春天,就是即使鞋子灌满泥巴,仍然想吹口哨。——道格.拉森   "Spring is when life"s alive in everything." -Christina Rossetti   春天是万物复苏的时节。——英国女诗人克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂   "An optimist is the human personification of spring." ——Susan J. Bissonette   乐观主义者是春天的化身。——苏珊.J.比索内特   "Spring is nature"s way of saying, "Let"s party!"" ——Robin Williams   春天代表自然发话了:“嗨起来吧!”——罗宾·威廉斯   "Spring -- an experience in immortality." ——Henry D. Thoreau   春天是一种永生的经历。——亨利·D·梭罗   "You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming" ——Pablo Neruda   你能砍掉所有的鲜花,但你不能阻止春天的到来。——巴勃罗·聂鲁达   "No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow." ——Proverb   不管冬天多长,春天总会随后来。——谚语   Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the musicof the ripples.   有看不见的手,如懒懒的轻风,在我心上奏着潺潺的乐。   What language is thine, sea? The language of eternal question. What languageis thy answer, sky? The language of eternal silence.   海水啊,你说的是什么?是永恒的疑问。天空啊,你回答的是什么?是永远的沉默。   Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love toyou.   静静地听,我的心,听那世界的低语,这是它对你求爱的表示。   The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night——it is great. Delusionsofknowledge are like the fog of the morning.   创造的神秘,有如夜间的黑暗——是伟大的。而知识的幻影却不过如晨间之雾。   Do not seat your love upon a precipicebecause it is high.   不要因为峭壁是高的,便让你的爱情悬在上面。   I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for amoment, nods to me and goes.   我今晨坐在窗前,世界如同一个路人,停下,对我点点头,又走了。   There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper ofjoy in my mind.   这思想,是树叶的簌簌之声,在我的心里欢悦地微语着。   What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.   你看不见自己,你看见的只是自己的影子。   My wishes are fools, they shout across thy song, my Master. Let me butlisten.   神啊,我的那些愿望真是愚傻,它们杂在你的歌声中喧叫。让我只是静静得听吧。   I cannot choose the best. The best chooses me.   我不能选择那的,是那的选择我。 【篇二】春天的英语句子加翻译   I like seeing the flowers and trees bud and bloom. Everything is so dead looking in winter and then things start coming back to life in spring.   我喜欢看花草树木发芽、开花、生长.在冬天,所有的东西看起来都死气沉沉的,一到春天,它们就好像又活过来了.   It"s hard to resist the beauty of a fresh spring day. The air is crisp, and the sun feels like warm hug.   春天真是很难叫人抗拒啊.空气很清新,太阳照在身上暖暖得就像有人抱着一样.   Calm light rain in spring makes me feel airy and light, and the sound of it is so relaxing to fall asleep to.   春天安静的小雨让我觉得神清气爽、心情轻松,而且听着春雨声很容易入睡.   "You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming" ——Pablo Neruda   你能砍掉所有的鲜花,但你不能阻止春天的到来。——巴勃罗·聂鲁达   "Spring is when life"s alive in everything." -Christina Rossetti   春天是万物复苏的时节。——英国女诗人克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂   "In the spring time, the only pretty ring time, when birds do sing ... sweet lovers love the spring." ——William Shakespeare   在春天,在最美丽的结婚季节,鸟儿唱着...甜蜜的恋人喜欢春天。——莎士比亚   "An optimist is the human personification of spring." ——Susan J. Bissonette   乐观主义者是春天的化身。——苏珊.J.比索内特 【篇三】春天的英语句子加翻译   Spring is the best season of the year.The weather gets warmer,and the days get longer.   Spring is dream season, spring is life marine.”春天是梦的季节,春天是生命的海洋.   Spring, the sunlight is bright and beautiful, alive with organic season.春天,阳光明媚灿烂,是一个充满生机的季节。   可爱的春姑娘,迈着轻盈的步子来到人间,那一片生机的景象便随之来到四面八方,整个世界像刚从一个漫长的睡梦中苏醒过来。Lovely girl-chun, strode the world came to light steps, and that picture will be a very lively scene in all directions then came, the whole world like a long sleep just wakened up.   田野上,麦苗返青,一望无边,仿佛绿色的波浪。那金黄色的野菜花,在绿波中闪光。 fields confusing wheat green, I looked boundless, as if the green wave. That golden wild flowers, in the Green Wave in flash.   春天使万物重返青春,除了人之外。Spring makes everything young again except man.   一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。Spring returns to the earth. (或:Spring is here again.) 大地回春。 Spring makes everything young again except man.   春天使万物重返青春,除了人之外。 A single flower does not make a spring.


不久前,来自华盛顿大学的一组研究人员发布了一项新的实验性技术。这项技术能够直接从静态2D图像当中剪切字符,并将其转换为3D动画,最终以AR的方式将信息引入现实世界。这香技术被命名为Photo Wake-Up,适用于照片、海报乃至涂鸦艺术,能够为嵌入式Pinocchios注入生命,使这些图形自由地在现实环境中行走、跑步乃至跳跃。 该团队在去年12月接受《麻省理工学院技术评论》杂志采访时表示:“我们相信这种方法不仅能够为人们提供欣赏照片并与其互动的新方式,而且还带来了立足单一图像重建虚拟化身的新途径,甚至能够从单张照片中洞悉人类艺术建模的真实状态。”事实上,基于2D图像重建3D模型的想法并不算新鲜。早在十多年之前,由吴恩达带队的斯坦福3D重建小组就研究过这一课题。然而,此次出现的解决方案要比以往任何时候都更加强大(或者说需求更为迫切),而且其与当前青少年VR与AR行业的内容供应问题密切相关。 截至目前,大多数用于VR及AR内容的3D模型仍由3D艺术家们手动创建,这是一项时间密集、成本高昂而且毫无扩展性可言的工作。另外,行业当中还存在着人才短缺的问题,而且这种问题并不能随着规模化而有所缓和。正因为如此,以Sketchfab为代表的各类3D repo才受到广泛欢迎,艺术家们可以在这里发布、分享、发现、购买以及出售各类3D、VR与AR内容。 尽管如此,创作者社区仍然迫切想要摆脱对于人类劳动力的依赖,并希望能够从那些提供自动化能力的工具当中获得更理想的效益。具体来讲,这些工具必须能够创造捷径与“诀窍”,从而显著加快并改善创作过程。 对此,Trnio公司创始人兼CEO Jan-Michael Trssler表示:“对于真正让人身临其境的世界,最出色的内容创作者需要使用大量的技术与软件来创造真实的元素。我见过很多艺术家在使用摄影方法测量并捕捉物体,而后将此作为3D模型的创建起点。接下来,艺术家们会对资产元素进行简化与优化,以便使其在AR/VR引擎当中发挥作用。” 如今,以摄影测量与体积捕捉为代表的3D扫描技术在输出质量方面不断发展,并不断缩短着3D模型的生产周期,这就使得现实世界变得越来越易于成为3D模型制作工作的直接来源。这类技术能够帮助当前的创作者,乃至任何有意投身其中的新人,或尚在犹豫的潜在参与者更轻松地完成自己脑海中勾勒出的形象。 来自新奥尔良的Scandy公司创始人兼总裁Charles Carriere指出:“我们认为,大多数内容创作者实际上并没有 探索 3D内容,因为他们缺少这类工具。事实上,目前几乎所有正在创建的内容都以2D形式存在,因为每个人都能够轻松访问并使用2D工具——其中最重要的就是手机摄像头。只要能够为这些具有高度创造性的Snapchat、Instagram以及YouTube大牛们提供能够创建3D模型的平台及工具,那么高质量3D内容将以爆炸式的速度增长,并吸引到更多消费者。”立足以往的实际情况,这样的期待明显非常不切实际。然而,Photo Wake-Up这类3D重建技术的出现突然令2D图像、资产乃至资源库成了一种取之不尽、用之不竭的素材供应源。3D模型能够以几乎全自动的方式生成,并被快速应用到沉浸式体验场景当中。事实上,这项技术不仅使得整个行业得以迎头赶上,甚至有望在沉浸式领域引发寒武纪般的生命大爆发。 着眼于当下,AR零售与购物领域将成为第一个重要的滩头阵地。包括苹果、Facebook、PayPal校友以及斯坦福大学多位博士在内的资深企业家团队,在日前以Threedy.ai公司参与者的身份集体亮相。Threedy.ai是一家深度 科技 初创企业,专门负责解决3D内容供应难题。 Threedy.ai公司联合创始人兼CEO Nima Sarshar解释称,“大家可以会认为创造这些产品的制造商肯定已经拥有了对应的3D模型素材,但事实告诉我们,虽然存在相关的CAD文件,相关厂商也愿意将其公开,并借此生成3D网格,但却缺少与之对应的纹理或者材料。另外,也没有统一的AR模型创建工作流程能够消化来自六大主要CAD供应商的具体工具,以及超过14种文件格式。整个制造业都在大量以外包方式处理手动纹理打包工作。” 举例来说,Houzz AR应用程序允许用户根据尺寸与颜色等指标对房间内的家具进行查看。其中的挑战在于,一切先进的AR购物应用程序,包括Houzz、Wayfair以及Overstock等,都只拥有一小部分库存的3D模型。具体而言,Houzz所拥有的3D模型仅占全部餐厅家具类别中的3%。Sarshar解释称,“我们的目标是成为商业产品3D模型领域的Getty Images网站。大家可以想象一下,未来也许亚马逊目录中的每一件商品都拥有对应的3D模型,这样的资源库将会多大。” 他们的第一款产品是Threedy Convert,能够利用家用产品及家具的普通2D照片,通过专用计算几何与深度学习算法,将其自动转换为高质量3D模型。此项技术能够批量应用于不断增长的产品类别,并且通常只需要一张产品照片,整个实现成本也比现有解决方案便宜近两个数量级。 Sarshar指出:“扫描虽然能够提供更高的质量,但整个过程仍然非常枯燥且成本高昂。另外,从高多边形扫描结果到适用于XR的低多边形模型的转换也绝非易事。还有一个重要的难题,对于大部分电子商务网站而言,大家根本没有对应的物理对象,而只有数量有限的非结构化产品照片。” 这种以低维素材为起点,协助建立起高维素材的方法既令人惊讶,也绝对会受到市场的热烈追捧。该技术并不是短期可行的补救式措施,而是代表着一种全新的内容转换渠道。随着VR与AR行业不断发展与变化,这些内容有望在合适的时刻全面将渲染式体验推向普罗大众——我个人乐观地认为,这一切在今年之内就有可能发生。

春天到了,中国一些地方的天气怎么样,用英语表达。例如,BEIJING si sunny an



正是春天in Just-spring when the world is mud-luscious the little lame baloonman whistles far and wee and eddyandbill come running from marbles and piracies and it"s spring when the world is puddle-wonderful the queer old baloonman whistles far and wee and bettyandisbel come dancing from hop-scotch and jump-rope and it"s spring and the goat-footed baloonMan whistles far and wee


二年级描写春天的比喻句 花儿们竞相怒放,红的像火,白的像雪粉的像霞,五光十色。山上的桃花远远望去像云霞。花儿们给世界穿了一件花衣裳,美丽极了。 春天来到了正要吐丝的柳树上。春姑娘像一个温柔的妈妈。她陪着小柳树一起聊天,并且给小柳树充足的阳光空气水份,为它梳妆打扮,柳树变得更加婀娜多姿了,让其它的小树都另眼相看。 无论是破土而出的,还是含苞待放的;无论是慢慢舒展的,还是缓缓流淌的;也无论是悄无声息的,还是莺莺絮语的,只要季节老人把春的帷幕拉开,他们就会用自己独特的方式,在这里汇演自然那神奇的活力。 春天像一双奇妙的手,把小花小草从土里拔了出来,把嫩芽从枝条上抽了出来 田野上,麦苗返青,一望无边,仿佛绿色的波浪。那金黄色的野菜花,在绿波中闪光。 春天像一位作家,他的文章到处充满诗情画意,令人回味无穷。 春天,它不像夏天那样干枯炎热,不像秋天那样冷清,也不像冬天那样寒冷,而春天是一个生气勃勃,充满活力的春天,这使我想到了我们的母亲,母亲就像大地,母亲生下我们,我们就有了生命,大地回春了,就等于一切都要重新开始了,所有的生命都重新来过。 这是一个大地回春,万物复苏的季节。像蛇,熊,青蛙……之类的冷血动物都停止了冬眠,爬上地面欣赏春天。小鸟鸣春,百花争艳,小草发芽,燕子也飞回来搭窝了,春天使给大地恢复了万紫千红的气氛。 墙角下蜷缩了一个冬季的蔷薇花,早就乘着春风爬上了墙头,用它那最娇嫩的新芽迎接着春天的祝福。 小燕子拖着剪刀似的尾巴,回到北方的家乡,它们“叽喳,叽喳”地叫着,好像在说:“春来了,春来了!” 天上风筝渐渐多了,地上孩子也多了。城里乡下,家家户户,老老小小,他们也赶趟儿似的,一个个都出来了。舒活舒活筋骨,抖擞抖擞精神,各做各的一份事去。“一年之计在于春”;刚起头儿,有的是工夫,有的是希望。 春天是万物复苏的季节。春天里鸟语花香,春天里充满生机。难怪许多诗人和作家会赞美春天,画家会以手中的画笔来描绘春天。这真是一个春天!这样的春天怎么会不令我们赞叹呢? 春天像一位慈祥的母亲,轻抚着自己的儿女。 蜜蜂嗡嗡地飞来飞去,忙着采花酿蜜。 人们可喜欢春天了,因为这美丽的春天,给人以新的开始,新的收获,新的生命,新的希望。 春天像一首歌,歌里有小河的流水声和鸟儿的叫声,还有小朋友们的笑声…… 春天是人们所向往的季节,人们总是在这个季节里做好了自己的打算。俗话说:“一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。”它正告诉我们:一年的愿望应该在春天计划好,一天之中最重的时间是早晨,在春天里,人们就开始耕田插秧栽树等之类的农活。候鸟们也从南方迁到北方来了,为田地里劳作的农民们喝彩。鸟儿有的站在高树上,有的干脆在田坎上,还有的立在“五线谱”上。正是这样,使田地里的农民倍感到欢乐,一切都热闹起来了。 春天来了,顽皮的小草们从泥土里钻了出来,绿油油的脸蛋上还带着清晨的露珠。无论在小山上,还是在宽阔的街道旁,你都会看见小草的身影。如果在小山上,你会看见小草像绿毯似的出现在你的眼前,你一定不忍心踩在上面。真是“野火烧不尽,春风吹又生。”小草的生命力是多么顽强啊! 鸟儿们欢快地唱着动听的歌儿,在发了芽的柳树上飞上飞下,用动人的舞姿来展示自己的才华,跳着春天的舞蹈。 春天像一只闹钟,它唤醒沉睡的小草,给大自然增添一份色彩。 春天的景色太美了,春天里人们的心情更美。佝偻了整整一个冬季的腰板挺直了,欢快的笑脸充满着希望。公园里又热闹起来了,照相的青年人,钓鱼的老人,捕捉昆虫的小朋友,一个个陶醉在大自然的怀抱里,流连忘返。 春天像一位画家,尽情地挥动着画笔,打扮着祖国各地。 春天像一个绚丽的梦,指引我们走向更美好的明天。 春天像一位散花仙子,把大地装点得像一座花园。 披着柔媚的春光,让略带甜意的风,从身边掠过。就会领悟到春的气息里,其实包含着一种最令人感动的柔情。也会觉得大自然就是一位奇特的母亲,她竟选择在万物萧条的冬的尽头,将千姿百态的生命孕育而出,让它们踏着那最为柔媚的第一缕春光,相拥而至,把无限的生机带给人世。 春,绝对是一幅饱蘸着生命繁华的画卷。 我热爱春天,我喜欢闻到花儿的芳香,看到大树的新绿,听到小乌的欢唱。我热爱春天,因为春天充满了生机,充满了新的希望! 是谁在春意稍褪的时候唱起黑色的挽歌,是谁在夜幕降临的时候守望白色的村落,我的水银,我的烟火,还有我长满鸢尾的黑色山坡,这些永远不肯愈合的温柔伤痕,只有在绿树林花那一抹重比一抹的春色的感染下,才肯悄悄逝去。这是我第一次感受到,隐藏在寂寞华裳下所萌动的生命力。 春天像一个指挥家,它打碎河上的冰,指挥着小河重新歌唱。 春,绝对是一桢浸染着生命之色的画布。 校园里,到处都是春光明媚的鲁象。柳树抽出了细细的柳丝,上面缀洁了淡黄色的嫩叶;小草带着泥土的芳香钻了出来,一丛丛,一簇簇,又嫩又绿花儿也伸了伸懒腰,打了个哈欠,探出了小脑袋;小朋友们都脱掉了笨重的冬衣,换上了既轻便又鲜艳的春装;小鸟们从家里飞了出来,唱着动听的歌,告诉我们:春天来了! 春光明媚,春意盎然,绿茵遍野,嫩草像绿宝石一般发出悦目的光彩。 我怀着好奇的心情去找春天。田野上,麦苗返青,一望无边,仿佛绿色的波浪。那金黄色的野菜花,在绿波中闪光。 春天的江南是美丽的,风很柔和,空气很清新,太阳很温暖;大田里的麦苗像一片海,星罗棋布的村庄是不沉的舟,纵横交错的弯弯曲曲的河道,河边。 二年级描写春天的英文比喻句 春天来到了冰冻的河流上。一轮红日每天给河流温暖,帮助河流把覆盖着的冰块融化掉。慢慢的,河水又恢复成原来的样子。流得畅快,奏着“河水奏鸣曲”,叮咚叮咚响,仿佛在像春姑娘表示感谢。 Spring came to the frozen river. A red sun warms the river every day and helps it melt the ice covered. Slowly, the river returned to its original shape. Flowing freely, playing the "river sonata", dingdong dingdong, as if in the spring girl to express thanks. 当春间二三月,轻随微微的吹拂着,如毛的细雨无因的由天上洒落着,千条万条的柔柳,齐舒了它们的黄绿的眼,红的白的黄的花,绿的草,绿的树叶,皆如赶赴市集者似的奔聚而来,形成了烂漫无比的春天时,那些小燕子,那么伶俐可爱的小燕子,便也由南方飞来,加人了这个隽妙无比的春景的图画中,为春光平添了许多的生趣。 In the second and third months of spring, when the light wind blows gently, like the drizzle of hair, it falls from the sky without cause. Thousands of soft willows, together with their yellow and green eyes, red and white and yellow flowers, green grass and green leaves, all rush to the market like people, forming a rotten and incomparable spring. Those swallows, so cute and cute, fly from the south Come, add this wonderful picture of spring scenery, add a lot of interest to the spring light. 一切都像刚睡醒的样子,欣欣然张开了眼。山朗润起来了,水长起来了,太阳的脸红起来了。 Everything looks like they just awake up and they open their eyes joyfully. The mountain is mellow, the water is growing, and the sun is blushing. 春,也是一拱彰显着生命神奇的画廊。 Spring is also a gallery showing the magic of life. 春天像一个化妆师,每天帮大地带帽子,让没生气的大地出现了光彩。 Spring is like a make-up artist, helping to bring a big hat every day, which makes the dull earth shine. 一群小鸟叽叽喳喳地从我们头顶掠过,一只大蜜峰正落在一朵金黄的迎春花上,好看的蝴蝶飞舞在花丛中。春天到了,它们忙碌着,不辜负这大好时机。 A group of birds are chirping over our heads. A big honey peak is falling on a golden spring greeting flower. Beautiful butterflies are flying in the flowers. Spring has arrived, they are busy, live up to this great opportunity. 含苞待放的蕾一个个绽放成甜甜的笑厣,如梦,似霞,更像一双无形的手在不经意间流泻的一首春天的诗。 Buds in bud bloom into sweet *** iles, like dreams, like clouds, more like a pair of invisible hands in the inadvertent flow of a spring poem. 春雨沙沙地下着,有如绣花针,有如牛毛。河面的雪融化了,雪水汇成小溪,淙淙地流着。河水中,一只只小蝌蝌顽皮地游着,好像在找它的妈妈,可爱极了。 Spring rain is like embroidery needle and ox hair. The snow on the river melted, and the snow water flowed into a stream. In the river, a little TAD is swimming naughtily, as if looking for its mother. It"s very cute. 春天慷概地散布着芳香的气息,大自然五彩缤纷----青草如绿波,桃花如人面红,葵花金灿灿,玉兰花洁白无暇。成群结队的画眉像迎接队似的蹲在枝头。桃树,梨树艘仿佛披着自身的芳香所熏醉了,芒果花开得如满天的繁星。 Spring generously spreads the fragrance, the nature is colorful - green grass, peach blossom, sunflower and Magnolia are white. Swarms of thrushes squat on the branches as if they were greeting. Peach trees and pear trees seem to be intoxicated by their own fragrance, and mango flowers bloom like stars in the sky. 河两岸新生的草笑眯眯的,像是和低着头蒲公英说悄悄话。草地边,一棵棵一行行的杨树槐树……枝条绽出嫩绿的叶芽,舒展着娇嫩的身躯,迎着温暖的春风快活地生长着。远处柳树垂下的柔软如线的枝条,在春风的吹动下,在空中轻轻摇摆,远远望去像一团团随风飘的烟。 The new grass on both sides of the river is *** iling, like whispering with dandelions with their heads down. Beside the grass, poplar and locust trees line by line The branches are blooming with green buds, stretching their delicate bodies and growing happily in the warm spring wind. In the distance, willow"s branches are soft as lines. They sway gently in the air under the spring wind, and look like a cloud of *** oke floating with the wind in the distance. 当冬天的严寒渐渐退去,春悄悄地到来了。山坡上的积雪渐渐融化,慢慢地露出青山一角,雪水顺着泥土流下来,唤醒了沉睡在地里头的所有生物。布局鸟欢快地歌唱着,自由地飞舞着,飞向森林,飞向城市,想世界宣告春天的到来。 When the cold of winter recedes, spring comes quietly. The snow on the hillside gradually melted, slowly showing a corner of the green mountain. The snow water flowed down the soil, waking up all the creatures sleeping in the ground. Layout birds sing happily, fly freely, fly to the forest, fly to the city, want the world to announce the arrival of spring. 春天像一个魔术师,它变来了飞翔的小鸟,给天空当做礼物。 Spring is like a magician. It has become a flying bird, a gift to the sky. 春天来到了含苞欲放的花骨朵上。春姑娘像一只小蜜蜂。每天给它一些温暖,给它送来美妙的歌声,优美的舞蹈。娇羞的花儿,忍不住笑了。开得十分艳丽。 Spring comes to the bud of flowers. Spring girl is like a bee. Every day to give it some warmth, to send it wonderful songs, beautiful dance. The shy flower couldn"t help laughing. It"s very gorgeous. 春风飞过大地,大地变成一幅清新的图画:被人们收割过的草木茬上,又倔强地冒出了新芽。不用人工栽培,它们就在春风的吹拂下生长起来。大地变绿了,衬托着红的白的黄的紫的……五颜六色的野花,多美呀!春风吹来,那清新的花草气息,直往人心里钻,无论是谁,都会深深吸一口,像痛饮甘露一样畅快。多爽啊! The spring breeze flies over the earth, and the earth becomes a fresh picture: on the stubble of the grass and trees that people have harvested, new shoots emerge stubbornly. They don"t need to be cultivated artificially. They grow under the wind of spring. The earth turns green, setting off the red, white, yellow and purple How beautiful the colorful wild flowers are! When the spring breeze blows, the fresh *** ell of flowers and plants will go straight to people"s hearts. No matter who they are, they will take a deep breath, just like drinking sweet dew. How ! 淡黄的阳光轻洒在身上,没有夏日的热情,没有秋日的悲艳,更没有冬日的感伤。温柔地抚摸着心中那小小的梦想,忘却“化作春泥更护花”的承诺;抛开“寂寞梧桐深院锁清秋”的惆怅;脱去“明朝散发弄扁舟”的桀骜华裳。春天,我是否也该沉浸在这段暂得希望里? There is no summer passion, no autumn sadness, no winter sadness. Gently stroking the little dream in my heart, forget the promise of "turning the mud into a flower", and put aside the sadness of "lonely Wutong deep courtyard lock" and "Jie Qing", "the Ming Dynasty sends out a boat". Should I also be immersed in this temporary hope in spring? 小蜜蜂在花瓣上跳起优美的“”字舞,并为春姑娘送上最甜的花蜜。 The little bee dances beautifully on the petals and provides the sweetest nectar for the spring girl. 踩在她松软的泥土上,才知道生命的温床可以如此地平实。只要季节的老人飘然而至,所有沉睡的种子,都可以在这里孕育,并赋予生命一种变换的姿态。 Stepping on her soft soil, I know that the hotbed of life can be so flat. As long as the old people of the season come, all the sleeping seeds can be bred here, and give life a changing attitude. 春天像种子破土而出的拱动的力,树木拔节的喧响的节奏。 Spring is like the springing force of the seed breaking through the earth, and the noisy rhythm of the jointing of the trees. 二年级描写春天的拟人句 春雨淅淅沥沥地唱着歌儿,来到了人间。 大地说春雨是为春天到来而感动留下的泪水。 小草穿上了一件绿衣,在风中向我们招手。 春天来了,杜鹃花高兴的迎接着春天的到来。 春天像小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑着,走着。 杜鹃花在天亮的时候,被太阳公公吵醒了。 微风吹过,海棠花绽放了沉睡一个冬季的笑脸。 海棠摇动着它那圆圆的小脸,冲着你点头微笑。 春天来了,小草姑娘长出了绿色的长头发。 春姑娘温柔地抚摸着万物,桃花绽开了笑脸。 春雨是一个爱美的姑娘,一个极擅丹青的画师。 火红杜鹃花,你不让我,我不让你地竞相开放。 牵牛花吹起了小喇叭,露出了灿烂的笑容。 鲜花在晨风中挥舞着衣袖,露出动人的笑脸。 蜜蜂为花儿舞蹈,花儿为蜜蜂献上了甜美的花。 春天到了,小草探出了头,小花张开了笑脸。 蜜蜂在花间跳着婀娜的舞,一边嬉戏一边采蜜。 树枝在风儿轻轻摇摆,好像在向我们招手。 微微张开双臂,海棠用花开证明了自己的存在。 小草穿着一身美丽的裙装,和大地母亲做游戏。 春风是个温柔的少女,总是轻轻抚摸行人的脸庞。 风雨过后,小草是一个美丽的少女,低头哭泣。 春姑娘迈着轻盈的脚步,撒下一片繁茂。 一夜之间,无数春笋钻出地皮,探出头来了。 春风吹过,小草被春风从被窝里拉出来了。 一排排柳树倒映在水中,欣赏着自己的容貌。 春天像淘气的孩子,欢乐的奔跑在无边的大地。 燕子舞动着她那灵巧的双翼唱着歌飞来了! 二年级描写春天的英文拟人句 鲜花随风轻舞,脸上略带娇羞,又尽显妩媚。 The flowers danced with the wind, with a little coyness on their faces and charm. 春风吹来,调皮的小草偷偷地从地里探出头来。 Spring breeze blows, naughty grass stealthily pokes its head out of the ground. 春风像一位高明的画师,绘出大地万紫千红。 Spring wind, like a wise painter, paints the earth in all colors. 水仙花在水面上翩翩起舞,像个小女孩一样。 Daffodils are dancing on the water like little girls. 蜜蜂嗡嗡地飞,好像是在一边唱歌一边跳舞。 The bees are humming as if they are singing and dancing. 春雨娃娃在春风姑姑的怀抱里沙沙地唱着歌。 Spring rain dolls are singing in the arms of aunt Chunfeng. 春天到了,山上的杜鹃花羞涩地绽开了笑脸。 When spring comes, the azaleas on the mountain burst into a shy *** ile. 花园里的花像小姑娘的的笑脸一样竞相开放了。 The flowers in the garden are blooming like the little girl"s *** iling face. 春雨缠缠绵绵地下着,春天优哉游哉地来了。 Spring rain is lingering underground, and spring is coming. 春天迈着轻盈的脚步,悄悄地来到我们身边。 Spring with light steps, quietly came to us. 几场春雨过后,成群的春笋从土里探出头来。 After several rains, groups of bamboo shoots come out of the soil. 小草和花儿手拉手,肩并肩,在翩翩起舞。 Grass and flowers hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, dancing. 春雨淅淅沥沥地唱着小曲,和大伙儿打着招呼。 Spring rain is singing songs and greeting everyone. 春姑娘迈着轻盈的脚步飘飘洒洒的来到人间。 Spring girl came to the world with light steps. 春姑娘来了,娇艳的花儿争先恐后的开着。 Spring girl came, the beautiful flowers were in full bloom. 小燕子在树上盖了一套房子,两室一厅的。 Little swallow built a house on the tree, two rooms and one hall. 夜深了,可爱的杜鹃花也累了,不情愿的睡了。 Late at night, the lovely azaleas are tired, reluctant to sleep. 微风吹过,花儿像小仙女一样欢快地跳起了舞。 The breeze blew and the flowers danced like fairies. 燕子欢快的奔向春天妈妈,回到她的怀抱。 Swallows run happily to spring mother and return to her arms. 春雨沙沙的下着,用她温柔的手掌抚摸着大地。 Under the spring rain, she stroked the earth with her gentle hand. 春天,海棠穿上红艳的裙子,在春风中起舞。 In spring, crabapple put on the red dress and danced in the spring wind. 春天来了,花园里的花都绽开了笑脸,真好看。 Spring is coming. The flowers in the garden are all *** iling. It"s so beautiful. 春姑娘戴着花冠,披着绿裳,踏着彩霞走来啦。 Spring girl is wearing a corolla and green clothes. She is coming along with the rosy clouds. 春姑娘来了,小燕子飞着向春姑娘问好。 Spring girl is coming. Little swallow flies to say hello to spring girl.




【 #小学英语# 导语】英语作文,是指用英语针对某一内容写出一篇文章,是英语考试最常见的一种题目类型,英语作文要求阅读、写作能力比较高,以下是 考 网整理的《小学三年级关于春天的英语作文》,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】   There are four seasons in a year. The spring, summer, autumn and winter. I think spring is the most beautiful season. In the spring, the flowers are blossoming, the grass is green and the birds start to sing. The temperature in the spring is not too cold or too hot. We can go on an excursion during the spring. We can fly kites and enjoy the sunshine. I think spring is the best season ever! 【篇二】   Winter was gone,spring comes.I love spring best,because it"s very beautiful.In spring,the weather is aways sunny and rainy,it"s not cold and not hot,it"s warmer and warmer.The flowers begin to open and the trees begin to turn green.The birds are singing in the sky,they are happy.The animals will go out to play.Many people like to go out and enjoy the sunshine.I like wearing my sweater and jeans, I like to fly kites,plant trees and see the beautiful flowers. Spring is colorful,I think it"s a wonderful season. What"s your favourite season?Please tell me. 【篇三】   It"s already February. Spring is coming. But where is spring? I raise my head and look at the sky. It"s still gray. I come to the garden. There is no bud at all. The trees there are not coming into leaf. Then I come to the lakeside. Ice on the lake surface has been melt already. There are many ducks swimming in the distance. Branches of the willows beside the lake are turning GREen. I jumped with joy. This is spring. I found it!


已是春天,北方仍是春寒料峭,冬的萧瑟还在,人们还包裹在厚重的棉衣下。短短的三个小时,便经历了从零下几度到零上二十几度,从冬到春的跨越。 踏上南国的土地,扑面而来的是春,是夏的热情。长裙、短裤、凉鞋、薄衫,芳草茵茵,花团锦簇,耳边还有好听的略带闽南风味的潮汕软语,尽管一句都听不懂。 从潮汕机场车行两个小时,日暮时分到达陆丰市。 陆丰市,隶属于广东省汕尾市。位于汕尾市东南部碣石湾畔,北与陆河县、普宁市交界;东与惠来县接壤;西与海丰县和汕尾市城区为邻,南濒南海。是一个拥有一百八十余万人口的县级市。陆丰物华天宝、人杰地灵,最广为人知的便是无产阶级革命家、中国共产党早期领导人、杰出的农民领袖彭湃领导的海陆丰武装起义。 酒店入住不久,华南大区的李局、罗勤老师,深圳福田区教育局的余云德老师,江西弋阳__中学的李向明书记、山东临沂莒南教育局徐名印主任、广东珠海南屏中学洪明利校长等也陆续抵达。 次日早上八点,利民中学 报告 厅,陆丰市中小学“语文主题学习”实验正式启动,来自陆丰的实验学校校长、副校长、中小学语文骨干教师,来自海丰县、惠来县以及来自海南定安县的部分语文骨干教师与会。 启动会由陆丰市教育局中学语文教研员周文彬老师主持,陆丰市教育局副局长邓郁、教研室主任颜振雄出席开幕式。邓局长代表教育局发表了热情洋溢的致辞,讲话中,邓局长引用了清朝袁枚的《苔》,他说,语文是陆丰的弱势学科,相信在课题组的带领下,在语文的百花园里,陆丰的语文教育也会绽放出牡丹一样的美丽和光彩。 讲话不长,却引经据典,后来我知道,邓局长经历也颇为丰富,十一年的教育教学经历后,转到当地组织部干了八年的行政工作,八年后,邓局长又选择回到了教育系统。“邓局长饱读诗书,名联、名篇信手拈来,单论背诵的量,恐怕无人能及。”教研室颜振雄主任如是说。两天的研训,邓郁局长一直跟靠在学校,接触时间不长,我却见证了这位局长的满腹经纶,也终于明白“语文主题学习”跨越千山万水来到陆丰的原因。 开幕式结束后,来自华樾教育研究院的刘修勤主任做了《人生,因阅读而精彩》的启动报告。 深圳市荔园外国语小学全远姬老师带来的《清平乐.村居》,一个工作在深圳、来自吉林的朝鲜族姑娘,从孩子们喜欢的 故事 开始进入课堂。举手投足、一颦一笑之间,我似乎看到了窦桂梅老师的影子,好像还有评书大师刘兰芳的神韵,绘声绘色的故事一下子便把孩子们带入九百多年前的战场。 读诗、解诗、品诗,由《清平乐.村居》到《破阵子.为陈同甫赋壮词以寄之》,从喜乐农家到报国忧愤,“无奈英雄渐老,江山何日归朝?”跟随着全老师,我们读懂了稼轩的无奈。 珠海南屏中学的陈陵老师带来的是初一下册的《老王》。跟陈陵老师相识于2016年的3月,两年的交往时间不长,但她却用自己的良善和谦逊、用她文字里的诗情和才华打动着我,吸引着我。 今天在陆丰终于有机会感受她课堂上的风采。 《老王》是杨绛先生的经典 文章 ,叙写的是那个年代生活在底层的小人物的故事,在陈老师的循循善诱下,孩子们把老王的艰难,杨绛的善良,谱成了美丽凄婉的诗行。 听很多名师大家讲过《老王》,像陈老师这样设计我还是第一次见到。两个人物,两个关键词,学生合作的两首诗,来自老师的两首诗,短短的45分钟,温婉内秀的陈陵老师带着孩子们“将悲悯谱成了诗行”。 我喜欢这样的语文课,化难为易,化繁为简,不温不火,随性自然,师生互动,其乐融融,学生是诗,老师是诗,课堂更是一首诗。 来自山东临沂莒南的徐名印主任做区域整体推进报告——《明主题,抓规划》从“行政推动、明确主题、规划教学、快乐阅读、关注细节”等几个方面,无私地跟与会者分享莒南县的做法。 下午中小学分别在不同的会场继续活动。小学会场,李向明书记和余云德老师、洪玲校长分别作主旨报告并指导老师们备课。 中学会场,首先是洪明利校长的分享。作为土生土长的陆丰人,洪校长用“范蠡教子”的故事开场,用南屏中学两年的实验历程跟大家分享实验所得,言语之间满含对家乡的祝福和期待,期待家乡的孩子多读书,通过读书丰富自己、成长自己,进而改变命运,造福陆丰。 春天正是读书时,如何实现课外阅读课内化?接下来两个小时的时间,我和老师们分享了单元整合备课操作层面的策略,解答了老师们的一些问题。 “语文主题学习”是对传统语文教育教学方式的一种颠覆,面对一种全新的备课方式和教材的处理方式,理念的转变和接受是最重要的,面对多少年来从来就是这样的一种教学方式,你想不想改变?只要想改变,什么时候都不晚。 第三天一早,当我们一行来到利民中学的时候,老师们已经在陆丰市教研室周文彬老师的带领下分好了小组,开始了备课前的讨论。 “老师,好难呀!” “老师,您不知道我们的学生基础有多么差,他们一定接受不了……” “除了教材,我还要读六本书,还要找整合的篇目,工作量太大了……” 其实很多时候接受不了的不是学生,而是教师。面对老师们紧皱的眉头,我都理解,因为我们都从那时候过来。“语文主题学习”强调集体备课,分解任务,是为了给老师们减负。面对基础差的孩子,读书才是唯一的出路啊…… 慢慢地,老师们的心静了下来。 “老师,您看,我们小组这样做行吗?” “老师,帮我们把把脉。” …… 进入角色的老师们很快便碰撞出了火花,刚才还有畏难情绪的老师们,此时正讨论的热火朝天。 看到老师们渐入佳境,我知道,接下来的备课成果展示一定会惊艳到大家。 因为跟海南定安县的老师们临时加了一场面对面的交流,交流结束,我赶到会场的时候,正赶上了利民中学和玉燕中学的展示。 两位老师扬在脸上的自信、装在心里的底气告诉我,这粒跨越千山万水的种子已经在陆丰这个朴素而温暖的小城,在这片曾经的革命圣土上深深地扎根。 夕阳西下,此刻,利民学校的校园里木棉花开的正盛,火红的花朵映红了美丽的天空。 多情的木棉树下,许下一个美好的期冀—— 来年,最美的春天,仍是这里,让我们邂逅更多的美好,收获更多的惊喜和感动。 出发吧,从春天出发,一路繁花相伴…… 公众号:云说语文




Look, the swallows are flying back from the south to receive the Spring.


冬天燕子飞到南方去了,春天飞不回来的翻译是:The swallows fly to the south in winter and can"t fly back in spring






chun tian de yan zi!

春天该穿什么衣服 英语

what kind of ciothes shouid we wear in spring ?


"A friend is a ray of spring breeze of fresh air in the summer, is one of autumn leaves, a hint of warm winter, they are not wealth. Friends, are you, let me see hope at the helpless; are you, when I was sad to give me comfort; are you, my achievements with pride because it is exhort me; ye have been with me , and I share my emotions, but also you have to accompany me to grow, but, one day, you have to leave me, leave me alone in the city, friends, ah, I miss you, really I miss you. "

春天 夏天 秋天 冬天的英语单词分别是什么

春天:Sping、夏天:summer、秋天autumn、冬天: winter


1、"April hath put a spirit of youth in everything." ——William Shakespeare四月将勃勃生机注入万物。——莎士比亚2、"In the spring time, the only pretty ring time, when birds do sing ... sweet lovers love the spring." ——William Shakespeare在春天,在最美丽的结婚季节,鸟儿唱着...甜蜜的恋人喜欢春天。——莎士比亚3、"Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush." ——Doug Larson所谓春天,就是即使鞋子灌满泥巴,仍然想吹口哨。——道格.拉森4、"Spring is when life"s alive in everything." -Christina Rossetti春天是万物复苏的时节。——克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂5、"An optimist is the human personification of spring." ——Susan J. Bissonette乐观主义者是春天的化身。——苏珊.J.比索内特6、"Spring is nature"s way of saying, "Let"s party!"" ——Robin Williams春天代表自然发话了:“嗨起来吧!”——罗宾·威廉斯7、"Spring -- an experience in immortality." ——Henry D. Thoreau春天是一种永生的经历。——亨利·D·梭罗8、"You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep Spring from coming" ——Pablo Neruda你能砍掉所有的鲜花,但你不能阻止春天的到来。——巴勃罗·聂鲁达9、"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow." ——Proverb不管冬天多长,春天总会随后来。——谚语10、“Sound the Flute!Now it"s mute. Birds delight,Day and Night。”把笛子吹起!现在它无声无息。白天夜晚鸟儿们喜欢。 ——威廉·布莱克

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韩剧signal第十一集 最后一名被害人最喜欢的音乐 歌词 第一句是 依然记得1974年的春天



  根据新田祐克小说改编、经典BL剧《拥抱春天的罗曼史》的前传《冬之蝉》(出自百度)。  因此,这两部作品的作者是新田祐克。抱春作者  个人信息  姓名:新田佑克   生日:3月8日   血型:B型   星座:双鱼座   出生地:福井県   短篇作品:《Hasta La Vista》 《One Size Fits All》 《Saninism》 《白色禁忌》《好赌少年》&《17 Guys》 《走钢索的人》 《展览会的画》 《结尾》 《不可抗拒的男人》《冬之蝉》《舞会的手帖》《音灵》《无罪》《舞会的手帖》《男人的梦》   长篇And连载作品And 单行本:《拥抱春天》 《我的声音》 《美味的亲密恋人》《仆の声》《新美味的亲密恋人》《公使阁下的秘密外交》   《当男人爱上男人》系列:(《当男人爱上男人》《最后的华尔兹》《Night cap》《色诱吸引力》)   新田大人在耽美界的地位好似泰山北斗呀!她不仅画风美型到了无以复加的地步,而且甚是高产,可谓是绝对的实力派漫画家。   在她的短篇作品中《Saninism》是《SLAM DUNK》(《灌篮高手》)的一个同人作品,描写的是三井、樱木、流川在夏天游泳时发生的小故事!   其他的作品都是新田大人的自创作品,其中的《Hasta La Vista》《One Size Fits All》《我的声音》《拥抱春天》都是描写关于 演员、声优这些“[1][2][3]明星行业”的故事!   《当男人爱上男人》这个系列全都是写几个牛郎之间的感情纠葛!“鹰秋亮”是众多纠葛的中心人物,汗……他是那种无论男人还是女人看到之后都会喜欢的类型!   《美味的亲密恋人》这个比较有趣,是写两个厨师之间的爱情故事!  简述  新田老师出道至今已经10多年时间了,可以说是一位相当多产的作者。凭借《拥抱春天的罗曼史》以及《当男人爱上男人》这两个畅销系列,老师在日本耽美界中卧患实力派漫画家宝座之一,而且拥有为数众多的FANS群。去日本网站查老师的资料的话,你就会发现有无数的FANS们为老师所建的网站,其中尤以《拥抱春天的罗曼史》为多。   同大多数耽美作家一样,新田老师最初也是同人爱好者,她的短篇作品《Saninism》就是SD(《灌篮高手》)的同人作品,描写的是三井、樱木、流川在夏天游泳时发生的小故事!此外新田佑克(漫画)和长谷川忍(小说)还一起合作过流川X三井同人志《Movement》系列。本作品在流三命中非常受欢迎。不过可惜老师最近减少了同人作品的创作。   在新田老师的原创作品中,似乎偏爱演员、声优这些“明星行业”,比如《Hasta La Vista》、《One Size Fits All》、《我的声音》,以及《拥抱春天的罗曼史》就都是围绕着演员、声优们展开的。说起来,老师喜欢的声优肯定是三木真一郎和森川智之,因为在由老师作品改编的CD中,这两个人可是经常出现的哦。有兴趣的人不妨去查查老师的作品。   老师的《拥抱春天的罗曼史》这部人气漫画已经于2005年初发售了OVA。  以上,出自百度。


有关春天的英语句子   春天来了,大地上的每一个角落者充满了春天的气息。以下是我整理的有关春天的英语句子,欢迎阅读。   1、春季像一位画家,涂满了蓬勃的色彩。   Spring is like a painter, painted with a vibrant color.   2、山朗润起来了,水涨起来了,太阳的脸红起来了。   The hills get clear, the rivers rise, and the sun blushes。   大凡刚刚开始的雨,雨滴必是很大的。因此,雨滴在下降过程中,已不成为圆球体,而成为扁平的球体了。在它的下面,可裹着空气,若下落到河面上,这空气从河水中选出,就成为气泡。因为这种气泡是见于开始下的大雨滴的,所以象征着大雨正在开始。   3、春天来了!你看万紫千红的花开了,把可爱的草,树木,鸟,兽,虫,鱼。   Spring is coming! You see a riot of colour of the flowers, the lovely grass, trees, birds, beasts, insects, fish.   4、我热爱春天,因为春天充满了生机,充满了新的希望!   秋风,送来了凉爽;秋风,送来了沉甸甸的果实;秋风,使树叶翩翩起舞。而秋天的树林,更是美不胜收,令人陶醉!   I love the spring, because the spring is full of vitality, full of new hope!   5、河水中,一只只小蝌蝌顽皮地游着,好像在找它的妈妈,可爱极了。   在这火伞高张的中午,大地到处都是滚烫滚烫的。一阵风吹来,地上卷起一股热浪,火烧火燎的,让人难以呼吸。   The river, only a naughty little tadpole swam, as if looking for its mother, very cute.   6、人间,顿时,大地万物复苏,乌语花香,呈现出一派生气。   不一会儿天上乌云密布好像是要塌下来似的,闪电带着雷鸣声铺天盖地、席卷而来,像整个天空被劈开似的,风也不甘落后,它呼呼地吹着,吹起了翩翩起舞的树叶,吹歪了树根。   Earth, suddenly, the earth all things recovery, the Ukrainian language flowers, showing a faction angry.   7、布谷鸟在春天的舞台上,奏响了一支美妙动听的乐曲。   The cuckoo in the spring on the stage, playing a wonderful music.   8、春天的雨是柔和的,只见春雨在竹枝、竹叶上跳动着。   Is a gentle spring rain, and the rain was beating in the bamboo, bamboo leaves.   9、天气突变,春雨淅淅沥沥地下起来。   The weather changed, xixilili spring up underground.   10、春光明媚,春意盎然,绿茵遍野,嫩草像绿宝石一般发出悦目的.光彩。   Bright spring days, Spring is in the air., green everywhere, like a beautiful emerald grass.   11、春姑娘来到人间,为大地披上绿衣。   Spring girl came to the earth, the earth covered with green.   12、新春的太阳还不十分暖,可是一片晴光增加了大家心中的与身上的热力。   The spring sun is not very warm, but a light increases your heart and body of the heat.   13、布谷鸟在清彻透亮的田间歌唱,娇艳的杜鹃花在躁动不安的春风里献媚。   Cuckoo singing in the field clear, beautiful azaleas flatter in restless spring.   14、田野上,麦苗返青,一望无边,仿佛绿色的波浪。   The wheat fields, vast expanse of green, as if the green wave.   15、春天的景色真美啊!空气真清新,我爱这里的春天。   Spring scenery is really beautiful ah! The air is so fresh, I love the spring here.   16、春天来了,带着它特有的声音,轻迈碎步,缓缓而来。   Spring came, with its unique sound, light to slowly come then.   17、春天的风是轻柔的,像妈妈的双手抚摸孩子的脸。   Spring wind is gentle, like the mother"s hands to touch the child"s face.   18、眉叶细,舞腰轻。宿妆成。一春芳意,三月如风,牵系人情。   Eyebrow thin, dance waist. Su Zhuangcheng. A Chun Fang, March wind, set.   19、柳树抽出了细细的柳丝,上面缀洁了淡黄色的嫩叶。   成语又是一种现成的话,跟习用语、谚语相近,但是也略有区别,下面是为大家搜集的描写景物的成语大全,供大家参考,欢迎大家借鉴。   Willow out a thin, top decorated with a pale yellow leaves clean.   20、一切都象刚睡醒的样子,欣欣然张开了眼。   谚语恰当地运用谚语可使语言活泼风趣,增强文章的表现力。以下是由为大家收集整理出来的描写秋天的谚语2016,希望能够帮到大家。   All look like just waking up, joyfully to open the eyes.   21、柳树的枝条向下垂着,就像一条条线挂在树上。   The branches of the willows hang down, just like a line hanging on a tree.   22、河面的雪融化了,雪水汇成小溪,淙淙地流着。   The snow melted snow, Huicheng streams, gurgling stream.   23、春季像一首瑰丽的诗,如梦般甜蜜,如酒般香醇。   Spring is like a beautiful poem, dream like sweet, mellow as a wine.   24、生物在春晨中醒来,展示着生命的可贵、诱人。   Life in the spring morning wake up, showing the value of life, attractive.   25、远处的群山连绵起伏,变得苍绿了。   The distant mountains rolling, pale green.   26、长堤上种满了桃树和柳树。一到春天,堤上桃红柳绿,如同一条锦带。   The causeway is full of peach and willow. In the spring, on the banks of the pink, like a ribbon.   27、这春天,既给人以新的生命,也给人以新的希望,我爱这美丽的春天。   This spring, not only to give people a new life, but also give new hope, I love this beautiful spring.   28、山桃花展瓣吐蕊,杏花闹上枝头,梨花争奇斗艳。   Mountain peach blossoming apricot go show petal, pear trees, flowers.   29、暮春时节,正是满树的花吐蕊飘香的时候,那四溢的清香,的确令人陶醉。   The spring season, it is a tree full of flowers TuRui fragrance, the fragrance overflowing, really intoxicated.   30、蜜蜂嗡嗡地飞来飞去,忙着采花酿蜜。   The bees buzzing, busy flowers honey.   31、春天来了,万物从沉睡中苏醒,青草、树木开始抽出嫩芽。   Spring is coming, everything from slumber, the grass, the trees begin to bud out.   32、小草偷偷地从土地里钻出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的。风轻悄悄的,草软绵绵的。   The grass grow from the land, tender, green. The wind is soft and soft, and the grass is soft.   33、碧绿的小草开满树旁,就像是树的毯子似的。   The green grass covered with trees, is like a tree like a blanket.   34、春,还像一个调皮的孩子,用他的眼泪,变成了春雨。   Spring, but also like a naughty child, with his tears, into the spring rain.   35、夹在柳树中间的桃树也开出了鲜艳的花朵,绿的柳,红的花,真是美极了!   Caught in the middle of the peach tree willows also open bright flowers, green willow, red flowers, is really beautiful!   36、春天真是让人舒服的春天,春天的景色真美啊!   Spring is really comfortable spring, spring scenery is really beautiful ah!   37、迎着和煦的春风,青蛙打了个哈欠,伸了个懒腰,走出家门。   In the gentle spring breeze, the frog yawned and stretched out of the house.   38、春天,万物奏起了一曲令人心旷神怡的交响曲!   Spring, all played a delightful symphony!   39、小草开始发芽了,大地上到处都显现出欣欣向荣的景象。   The grass began to sprout, and the earth was everywhere.   40、春天来了,大地上的每一个角落者充满了春天的气息。   Spring is coming, every corner of the earth is filled with the breath of spring.   41、春天打扮的花枝招展的微笑的向我们走来。   Spring dressed to the nines smiling to us.   42、我热爱春天,我喜欢闻到花儿的芳香,看到大树的新绿,听到小乌的欢唱。   I love spring, I love to smell the fragrance of flowers, see the tree"s green, listening to the songs of birds.   43、春天像刚落地的娃娃,从头到脚都是新的,它生长着。   Spring is like a newly born baby, it is new from head to toe.   44、身上长满很软的小毛,像一只只毛毛虫真有趣。   The body is covered with soft hairs, like a caterpillar is really interesting.   45、春天戴着花冠,披着绿裳,踏着彩霞,兴致勃勃地到来了。   Spring wearing a crown, dressed in green clothes, with rosy clouds, in the best of spirits is coming.   46、春天真的来了,在池塘里,在田野上,在天空中,到处都焕发着勃勃生机。   Spring is coming, in the pond, in the field, in the sky, everywhere is full of vigor and vitality.   47、娇艳的杜鹃花在躁动不安的春风里献媚。布谷鸟在清彻透亮的田间歌唱。   The beautiful azaleas flatter in restless spring. Cuckoo singing in the field is clear and the.   48、春天像位爱美的姑娘,让世界姹紫嫣红。   Spring is like a beauty girl, let the world brilliant purples and reds.   49、春天是一个富有生命力的季节,也是一个美丽神奇,充满希望的季节。   Spring is a full of vitality of the season, is also a beautiful and magical, hopeful season.   50、一眼望去,到处都是一片绿景象,就像一幅水彩画。   夏日里,清清的小河成了孩子们避暑的好去处,你看,他们在水中嬉闹着,一会儿打水仗,一会儿扎猛子摸鱼,玩得十分开心。   At a glance, everywhere is a piece of green, like a watercolor painting.   51、盼望着,盼望着,东风来了,春天的脚步近了。   Looking forward to, looking forward to, the wind came, the footsteps of spring near.   52、春晚绿野秀,岩高白云屯春游--东风知我欲山,吹断檐间积雨声。   The Spring Festival evening show green, East Rock High - I want to know the spring Tun Baiyun Mountain, blow off the product between the rain.   53、桃红柳绿的春天,花繁叶茂的夏天,枫红菊香的秋天,松青雪白的冬天。   The colorful spring, summer andflourishing, red maple chrysanthemum autumn, winter is white pine green.   54、春天来了,春风吹绿了小草,吹开了小花。多美的春光啊!   Spring has come, the spring breeze blowing green grass, blowing the flowers. What a beautiful spring ah!   55、春天的江南是美丽的,风很柔和,空气很清新,太阳很温暖。   Spring of the south is beautiful, the wind is very soft, the air is fresh, the sun is very warm.   56、踩在她松软的泥土上,才知道生命的温床可以如此地平实,只要季节的老。   Step in her soft soil, the only know life can be such a hotbed of earth, as long as the old season.   57、春姑娘带着春天的问候悄然无息的来了。   Spring girl with the greetings of spring quietly come.   58、春天像小姑娘,花枝招展的,笑着,走着。   谚语恰当地运用谚语可使语言活泼风趣,增强文章的表现力。以下是由为大家收集整理出来的描写秋天的谚语2016,希望能够帮到大家。   Spring is like a little girl, dressed, smiling and walking.   59、冬爷爷送走了大地的严寒,春姑娘踏着轻盈的脚步来到了人间。   Grandpa winter off the cold spring, the footsteps of the girl came to the earth.   60、春天的夜晚,淡月笼纱,娉娉婷婷。有风拂过脸颊,掠起长发。   Spring night, Danyue cage yarn, Ping Ping ting. The wind blowing over the cheek, swept hair.   老师,离别虽然久长,而您那形象仿佛是一个灿烂发亮的光点,一直在我的心中闪烁。Teacher, parting although long, but you that image is like a brilliant bright points of light, has been in my heart。   61、春天的景色太美了,春天里人们的心情更美。   Spring scenery is too beautiful, people"s mood is more beautiful in spring.   62、春秋满四泽,夏云多奇峰,秋月扬明辉,冬岭秀孤松。   The spring and autumn full size, summer cloud multi peaks, moon bright winter Yang, Ling Xiu pine.   63、然的神奇歌手,唱着清脆悦耳的歌,向前奔流。   However, the amazing singer, singing clear and melodious song, forward.   64、春雨,像春姑娘纺出的线,轻轻地落到地上,沙沙沙,沙沙沙。   Spring rain, like the spring girl spun out of the line, gently fell to the ground, sand, sand, sand.   65、桃树杏树梨树,红的像火,粉的像霞,白的像雪。   Peach and apricot pear, red as fire, as the Xia powder, white as snow.   66、春,就像一个美丽的仙女,轻轻地轻轻地,把所有的生物都叫醒了。   Spring, like a beautiful fairy, gently and gently, all the creatures are awakened.   67、春风一吹,它们就左右摇摆,好像在给春风点头呢,有趣极了。   The spring breeze blows, they seem to sway in the spring breeze nod, very interesting.   68、一天傍晚,我外出散步,忽然觉得自己被笼罩在一种奇丽的景色之中。   One evening, I went out for a walk, suddenly feel that they are shrouded in a beautiful scenery.   69、肥胖的小叶儿,像一个个刚刚睡醒的胖娃娃。   Obese children like a leaflet, just wake up the baby.   70、近处山坡上的小草也悄悄地钻出地面,它们嫩生生,绿油油的。   Near the hillside grass quietly drilled the ground, they are very tender, green. ;


城市:秦皇岛楼盘名称:秦皇岛南岭春天里 别名:春天里 公交线路:17路南岭国际站下车,西行50米,路北;27路公交车曦城花语站下车,西行1.5公里,路北。 其他交通方式:线路一:秦皇岛市第一中学向西沿长江西道行驶200米,路北;线路二:开发区广缘超市向西沿长江西道5.9公里,路北。规划信息:其占地面积为134000平方米,容积率,绿化率35%,共25栋楼,停车位地下车位共1870个,预计价格为8万/个 周边配套:对口学校:九年制学校规划中;大学:大庆石油学院、欧美学院、东北大学(分校)、足球学校、燕大西校区、建材学院新校区;超市:广缘超市;银行:中国银行、建设银行、商业银行、中国工商银行;邮局:中国邮政;医院:开发区医院、燕大医院、中医院 、2000平米综合医院;休闲娱乐设施:新澳海底世界、海豚表演馆、湾海国际中心、鸽子窝公园、观鸟湿地、野生动物园;餐厅:秦皇国际大酒店、将进酒火锅店、玉君酒店。(所载信息仅供参考,最终以售楼处信息为准。)点击查看更全面,更及时,更准确的新房信息




校园的春天 轻风微微地吹拂着校园,阳光柔柔地照耀着校园,冬去春来,天空的大幕上,春踏着轻盈的脚步走进了校园。 就是那天的春雪唤醒校园的万物,不出几个星期,那柳树的光头上便长出了个性的绿发,毛茸茸地摸上去好生舒服,看上去心旷神怡。噫!那树枝上有什么在动呢?哦,原来是你啊,小蚂蚁!它们不知是从哪里出来的一支春的使者,一条丝绸之路通向它们的巢穴,顺着它们的足迹我又有了惊奇地发现。那三个一群五个一伙的一嘟噜一嘟噜的嫩绿的小草长了一地。我想它们早已厌倦那地下乏味的生活,否则怎么会在一场雪后露出自己稚嫩的肌肤呢? 看着看着,“叭唧”一声一块好似石头白黑白黑的东西落在了我的旁边,仔细一瞧,原来是鸟儿的小粪粪呀!抬头望去,只见几只鸟儿正在树枝上欢快地跳来跳去,小嘴不停的动了起来,奏出了一支好听的春之歌。那边还有一对鸟儿,一只在忙着拎树枝,一只在树枝上筑巢,我想不久就会有几只为春光平添生趣的鸟儿诞生。 春的闹景唤醒了校园的动植物未免太单调了,它也唤醒了并轨你的雪糕,唤醒了天上的风筝,,不过也唤醒了新的学期和一次次考试。一年之计在于春,我们也要在这短暂而美丽的春光里,在这春意盎然的校园中,以百分之二百的努力,也唤醒我们在学习上的春天吧!不是手打,仅供你参考







作文 春天从哪里来,急急急!高分!!



还记得许多年前的春天 那时的我还没剪去长发 (这两句是唱在回忆我们11到18岁(大约)的时候,国家的改革开放也刚刚起步不久,社会展现我们的是美好的未来,我们也正好在上初中和高中,或中专或外地打工等等,那个时候好像男生流行分头,也就意味着我们80后赶上了流行分头的未班车,所以歌词里说“我还没剪去长发”。) 没有信用卡也没有她 没有24小时热水的家 可当初的我是那么快乐 (这三句是唱在回忆我们11到18岁(大约)的时候,无论农村还是城市,家里经济条件还不好,真的什么都没有,我们还处在孩子的年代,因为我们是有希望的,每个人都有一个“中国梦”, 烦恼很少,所以歌词里说“我是那么快乐”。)   虽然只有一把破木吉他   在街上在桥下在田野中   唱着那无人问津的歌谣   (这三句是唱在回忆我们11到25岁(大约)的时候,在这个时候,中国的改革开放取得了很多成就,我们是有很大很大的梦想和希望,梦想成为社会与非社会里的很多角色,总之,我们的理想很远大,但是在外人看来,我们和我们的理想很不成熟,所以歌词里说“唱着那无人问津的歌谣”。)      如果有一天我老无所依   请把我留在在那时光里   (这两句是唱在展望我们到老年的时候,对于整个社会养老问题的担忧,到那个时候,中国也许成为了世界的强国,但我们都老了,在失去了老伴的情况下,我们一个人怎么生活下去?也许你会说还有我们的孩子呢,然而还有一点,我们的孩子是被计划生育了的,大多数家庭只有一个孩子,所以我们的孩子要养四个老人,孩子也有孩子,他们的生存压力不会比现在的我们差,养自己都难,何况我们呢?还不如把我们送回年青的时代,所以歌词里说“请把我留在在那时光里”。)   如果有一天我悄然离去   请把我埋在这春天里   (这两句是唱在展望我们离开这个世界的时候,我们是怎么离开的呢?是“悄然”离开的,是的,在我所住的小区里就有一个老人是这样离开这个世界的,她有5个孩子,还有一大堆的孙女和孙子,大的和我同岁,这些孩子都不在这个城市里,都在“更好”的城市生活,老人有糖尿病等,日常生活可自理,平时就一个人过,我妻子有时去给她做护理,可就是在2010年10月的一个晚上1点,老人给我妻子打了六七个电话(当时我妻子已关机,第二天开机时才发现),同时敲打自家的暖气管道向邻居求救,早上4点多邻居才听到,很快就给送到了医院,可是人已经“悄然”离开了,她的家人第二天晚上才到。可能这样的事还有,他们连同他们的故事很多可能都被埋在了这样的经济高速繁荣发展的、给人无限希望的、和谐的“春天里”,当然这里的春天不是我们所说的那个春天,而是现在的社会,到我们老的时候孩子更少,所以歌词里说“请把我埋在这春天里”。)      还记得那些寂寞的春天   那时的我还没留起胡须(这两句是在回忆我们到了青春期的时候,无论我们是在上学还是外出打工,都是自己一个人过,当看到别人都手拉手时,感觉很寂寞,我们也就这样的寂寞了好多个春天,所以歌词里说“那些寂寞的春天”。)   没有情人节也没有礼物   没有我那可爱的小公主   可我觉得一切没那么糟   虽然我只有对爱的幻想   在清晨在夜晚在风中   唱着那无人问津的歌谣   (这几句是在回忆我们到了青春期的时候,虽然感觉很寂寞,但我们有很多对未来美好的幻想和希望,上面我也说过了,为了这些幻想和希望,我们也很坚持努力,相信过了一个又一个“春天”希望会实现的,所以“我觉得一切没那么糟”,尽管在外人看来,我们和我们的努力差的还很远,所以歌词里说“唱着那无人问津的歌谣”。)      也许有一天我老无所依   请把我留在在那时光里   如果有一天我悄然离去   请把我埋在这春天里         凝视着此刻烂漫的春天   依然象那时温暖的模样   (这两句又回到现在,现在我们国家改革开放30年了,我们80后也快30了,此时的国家真的是“烂漫的春天”,世界第二大经济体,08奥运会、10世博会、亚运会等等,各个领域世界前列,可社会给我们的感觉还像以前一样,一个经济高速繁荣发展的、给人无限希望的、和谐的社会,到处都充满了希望,所以歌词里说“依然象那时温暖的模样”。)   我剪去长发留起了胡须   曾经的苦痛都随风而去   可我感觉却是那么悲伤   岁月留给我更深的迷惘   在这阳光明媚的春天里   我的眼泪忍不住的流淌(这几句也是现在,我们真的快老了,少年时的各种梦想和希望不再有了,为什么没有了呢?不是我们不努力,我们负出了太多的辛酸,换来的却是“豆你玩”、“蒜你狠”、“苹什么”、“姜你军”等等,换来的却是“官二代的我爸是ⅹⅹ”、“富二代用钱砸死你”等等,换来的却是有房买不起、有病看不起、死也死不起等等,换来的却是“找工作我有关系”、“农民工工资拖欠”、“老百姓工资被增长到和公务员一样高”等等,换来的却是“要拆迁,先自焚”、“带血的GDP”、“食品安全”等等,所以歌词里说“可我感觉却是那么悲伤,岁月留给我更深的迷惘”。) 复制的、不知道你说的是哪首、嘻嘻。


春之赋 叶延滨 从一个绿芽开始努力 然后所有的花蕾学会绽放 绽放花朵在春天孕育秋天的果实 从一只归燕筑巢开始 让所有的绿叶也招纳新租客 枝叶间有鸟鸣还会有松鼠和猴群 从一滴春雨朦胧开始 让风也妖娆雷声威武闪电起 天地间风云涌动山与水皆是情种 从一壶酒向苍天举着 沏一杯新茶让自己独自品味 新茶老酒春之友喜看万物竞自由 冬小麦 王山 寂静的雪覆盖 无数细小的种子随之消失 所有的 都消失 并非有意的耐心与等待 一切 不得不顺从于天气 漫长的冬季 不可阻挡地来临 雪夜如此威严 寒冷 闪闪发亮 有形和无形都已冻僵 直到那个时刻 当种子终于死去的时候 有风吹来 不由得你 唤醒你 抚摸你 滋润你 以春的名义 强迫你 启动生命的轮回 盛宴 立春 荣荣 我已是春天里的人了, 如此轻易地,更像是坠入一个梦境。 我张开的双臂上,已有绿叶招展, 向近处的事物,向你。 我就要笑出花朵来,就要 笑出蜜蜂来,受到感染, 人们脸上不断开出花朵, 春天会将这一切送得很远很远, 送到最后一个脱棉衣的男孩手里。 那时冬天是树根上残留的雪, 在下一阵光照里就要消失。 呵春天,我感觉我是簇新的, 比你的露水鲜,比新娘还新, 而你静静地环抱着我, 像一个最出色的护花人。 黄河诗篇(节选) 曹宇翔 1 此刻我听见世界屋脊的檐水 嘀嗒,嘀嗒,缓缓滴落千古寂静 一滴水鲜嫩声音传向连绵雪山 又折返,在这湖沼盆地飘荡回声 天空滑翔影子也是水滴溅起的声音 高原旷茫,渺邈云端一只苍鹰 星宿海,烁烁阳光向你汇流 扎曲,约古宗列曲,卡日曲溪水 流过晨曦,仿佛一队队嬉闹的儿童 巴颜喀拉山支脉,各姿各雅山北麓 缓坡如箕,簸扬苍茫与星辰 簸扬,一条壮阔大河最初童声 丛丛簇簇花朵都开了,星宿海 你的点地梅啊,紫云英、报春花 到夜晚大地与天穹浑然一体,乘木筏 划呀,那边灿灿银河是牛郎织女 斑头雁、野牦牛,这时一只藏羚羊 倏忽一闪,跃过远山积雪倒影 河源声息对应我们心跳和血脉 汩汩冒出的细泉,源头发出的嫩芽 中国母亲河,你广被万物的胸襟 发源中华文明,流进崭新时代 凝神啊肃立,在星宿海群星闪耀里 我们向你,伟大的开端致敬 2 浩浩荡荡,流进今日崭新时代 黄河啊,你是谁命运里心灵的家乡 升起红日和暮霞,童谣与民歌 原野五谷,农耕炊烟,风俗节日 长河是弹奏沧桑,声传古今的琴弦 广袤大地,无尽岁月深情回响 那是太阳的船只,月亮船只 载不动,酸甜苦辣的厚重日子 谁能掰开小小一滴水倾听大悲大喜 黄河儿女,最简朴愿望照亮双手 谣曲传唱,歌声起处万物生长 亲人,勤劳的身影布满大地 或硝烟散尽,或咽下悲伤 心头一次次灾难碾过,自强不息 寂静玫瑰曙色里,又是雄鸡一唱 那是怎样的恒定坚韧、生机和伟力 劳动啊,创造、善良、仁慈 大河奔流,永恒精神引导人向上 云霞朵朵绚丽,飞鸟啼鸣 大河扬起的浪花盛开蔚蓝天空 祖传节日,数不清大地吉祥春联 千尾万尾嬉浪的红鲤,黄河涛音里 捧起粮食仰望苍天流下泪水 亲人,丰收锣鼓荡起喜庆涟漪 广大坚强母亲,哺育男儿女儿 爱情和梦想,谁某个清晨去了远方 血脉亲情与生俱在,无言回首 好一阵张望。泽被天地无所不及 东方文明之河,朝气活力之河 那是我们心灵之依,伟大的抚养 临窗春雪 张清华 鹅毛与柳絮飞满了天空,在黄金一般的 朝日中。故乡的这个早晨,新春和煦的 阳光里,突现如故人,久违的至交、知己 春日迟迟,它没有落在夜黑如漆的深冬里 而是反转着,拧巴着,一如我年迈 且愈加任性的老父,守望着他窗前的暮冬 并未期望,这突如其来不由分说的降临 云忽地暗了下来,用漫天弥合的黑 置换人间地上的白。仿佛一个梦,霎时间 满地的田地、树木、房屋上覆满白雪 大地上的坟墓,和化为荒草的前朝春梦 终于如一幅古老的水墨,或一场无声的戏剧 盖满了这几世几劫的大荒……与轮回 梅花三弄 西渡 三月,携故人访梅东郊 我的情怀是满山的梅花 饮酒、听琴箫合奏 在春风里一直坐到黄昏 四月,我思故人 到山中摘一把青梅 煮一壶老酒 我的心情是缭绕满屋的酒香 五月,山中的梅子熟了 城里没有故人的消息 我的怀念是落不尽的梅雨 漫过了江岸 六月,梅子下枝 我的思恋是满山的青 那郁积的绿的海呵 望穿故人的秋水 啊,钟山!钟情的山 桃花将我一把扯进春天 汪剑钊 墙角,残雪清扫着最后的污迹。 在连翘与迎春花之间,我独自徘徊, 为植物学知识的匮乏而深感羞愧。 冲破海棠与樱花的围剿,桃花 将我一把扯进了春天……阳光下, 花瓣轻落,仿佛亲人相见时 滑出眼眶的泪滴……而附近的方竹 端坐如初,保持君子常绿的风度。 哦,这是来自《诗经》的植物, 也曾浸染一泓潭水倒映友情的佳话, 在 历史 的诋毁中闪烁香艳到朴素的美: “桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。” 花径,拥挤的行人尚未数尽 蓁蓁的细叶,却比满地的脚印 更早进入衰老;而脚底的一粒尘埃 恢复记忆,想起了绚烂的前生…… 坐上高铁,去看青春的中国(节选) 刘笑伟 3 是的,又到了启程的时刻 坐上高铁,去看充满生机的中国 这宽敞舒适的空间,是中国的 汹涌澎湃的动力,是中国的 复杂灵敏的操控系统,是中国的 高效率的调度与繁忙的节奏,是中国的 我看到天空变得越来越湛蓝 行驶在广袤的大地上,风像早晨一样 清新。小河如蜂蜜在地平线上闪着光 我看到早起的人们,背负着纤细的梦 在田野上,在车间里,在工地上 种植大片的阳光。我看到越来越年轻的声音 在天空中飞翔,带着散着香气的胚芽 正在突破黝黑的泥土 准备点燃光的版图 我看到无数个创意的翅膀 在翻滚的浪花间滑翔 准备登陆梦幻的海岸 6 是的,又到了启程的时刻 让高铁穿越春风呼啸的中国 穿越浩荡的平原、山川 穿越怀揣梦想的草木、森林 穿越大风中歌唱的鸟群 穿越抒情诗般明亮而多情的炊烟 穿越梦想的心跳,在14亿颗激荡的心间 共同蓬勃跳动的金灿灿的希冀 穿过激流险滩,穿过千难万险 凤凰涅槃的中国,青春壮丽的中国 生机勃勃的中国,热泪盈眶的中国 100年冲刺后,再次出发的中国 前方,那个光辉的站台已逐渐清晰可见 那个站名已被我们的梦想大声朗读:伟大复兴 在最后一场雪中把春天读出声来 李木马 此刻,在春雪中读一首诗 需要春天和雪一样的好心情 需要天空和大地 全身心的支持与配合 周末早晨,我去单位加班 路上,冬天的最后一场雪 和春天的第一场雪 悄然模糊了界限 很像年终总结的末尾 又如工作计划的开头 雪中,一步一个脚印 混淆了纸面上的词义 咯吱咯吱的声音 那是一场雪和一个人 单独交换着意见 中午,走出单位的时候 雪又大了起来 如同四季积攒的 情感 忽然有了倾诉的欲望,是的 我和天空,有小心翼翼的原则 也有直抒胸臆的快感 想到这儿,我不由自主地 在小区花园停下脚步 从衣兜里掏出一张草稿 把跟在一场雪身后的春天 悄悄读出了声来 早樱 陈勇 好比早起的鸟儿有虫吃,早醒的樱花 得以贪吃率先来投的那一缕春光 珞珈山的樱花有不一样的轮回 随意绽放的动作,都能找到声母和韵脚 被阳光碰响的闹钟,用超声波 弹奏早樱最敏感的花蕊,像读着一封情书 深呼吸,吐出一个花瓣,再吐出一个 粉嫩的红晕,直达早恋的白云,再也不想散去 初春的可研报告 吴少东 突然的暮雪并没能让我疑惑 我笃信农历 节气一到,该来的自会到来 雪化后,榆槐的黑枝丫积着雪 雪松像炸毛的斗鸡 立春那天我却看出了变的端倪 弯垂的树尖开始伸直 用返青显然不如用勃发 精准是一个季节的态度 天很空,岸的丛林稀疏到通透 看得见河水的幻化与流向 冰上走的人与插柳的人都在 此岸与彼岸都在 初春像一顿乱舞的钝器 打击处渐露青绿山水 春风挺进,只走直线 逢山爬坡,遇水掠波 一万辆战车冲锋陷阵 奔跑吧,武汉(节选) 杨清茨 一碗、两碗、三碗、数百上千碗 户部巷香气四溢的热干面 以喧嚣重拾过往的烟火气 长江大桥晴川桥重新驮起往昔的车水马龙 晚樱将红或白的旖旎开在了白云黄鹤之上 久违的笑容是一束束破开雾霾的阳光 我曾将自己躲藏在一个冷暗的门后 但希望从未消逝于心头 爱,从来就是磨山脚下美丽风雅的梅花香 江边钟声的悠扬再次敲响倾城的花香鸟影 樱花是一江缤纷的春水在流动 快递、外卖小哥如风飞过的身影 是流淌在长江里奔流不止的血脉支流 我看见,街上的车子撒腿欢跑 地铁、火车站闪动着熙熙攘攘的人头 汉阳门码头的渡轮已铺开四月新的诗篇 江面的航笛吹绿了远山云烟 等风的船、水上的人儿慢慢靠岸 摩天轮在空中画过一道美丽的弧线 孩子亮晶晶的眼里飞出一只只羽燕 家人在身边,喜悦在眉梢闪过 幸福,就如晴空一样广阔、高远 …… 安心是一座无往不胜的城墙 让我们共克时艰,真诚期待 为这座古城因爱而爱 为我们站过的屋檐、许过的心愿 带着一城美丽回忆归来 从此雪消风自软,梅花合让柳条新 这是中国,这是武汉! 谢谢春光明媚时,你正好也在 经历生死,愈知珍贵 终见黎明,好久不见 我在春天里向你、向世界奔来 我在春天的一声声呼唤里,奔跑 不再寄望一朵花的礼成 也人 少时,将自己莳田般植入泥土 等待秋收,好锁入粮仓 向南,向着故乡的方向 在风中,肆意生长 生怕长成一棵稗子的模样 人到不惑,中年之后 寒冬的雨淋到春夜还久久不息 稻田,稻浪早已觥筹交错 油菜花,阡陌中酝酿 不再寄望花期,一朵花的礼成 收割的喜悦,更待归期 似笑靥的童年和考卷上的满分 看看窗外,风雨兼程 母亲二十年前的叮咛蜂拥而至 身旁,儿女的打闹此起彼伏 一场雪,怯弱地夹在雨中 点点滴滴,熨烫着鸿雁的过往 柳丝的语言我无法准确读懂 黄 胜 柳丝在林木中率先返青 喜雨,是春天饱含已久的热泪 瞻前顾后。细察 星星点点,嫩芽在泛紫的枝条上萌发 答谢阳光的嫁接 春风是响亮的鹅黄。荡漾的粉彩 源于夜半星光 春雷,震震 但,柳丝的语言我无法准确读懂 斜飞的雏燕 恐能解开成长的密码 也是这样沉醉的夜晚 我被它们柔软的声音,惊醒 清晨折柳送行。柳丝依依,微风轻拂 如今睹物思情 人未还,而柳色崭新 春日宴 艾诺依 想到春天 就想到了枝头翘起的嫩芽 想到了暖阳落在花瓣的侧面 想到四月第一场雨 浸润着千年古树 每一个春日似乎紧密相连 浣纱江边、苎箩山下 走过弄堂,或在青石板上驻足 总可以听到曾经的回音 每一个春日似乎有所不同 细小纤弱的茶叶看起来 那样的无足轻重 却又是妙不可言 缓慢生长的香榧林结着千年的果子 相伴而生的茶叶静心渡着红尘 沉于紫砂壶底的舒展,便完成一生的使命 清香馥郁,于心中渐次弥漫 浮沉之间,打开记忆的窗 有一些古旧。一些单薄 春日的盛宴如此浩荡 今生擦肩而过的壶与茶,重归岁月 三月之诗 江汀 在村庄的最西边 篱笆隐隐绰绰 像是被谁点染在那里 用他的毛笔。 三月的夜晚我背着书籍 回到自己的房间, 我迅速地躺下, 仿佛那是必须做的事。 我父亲的年龄是墨水, 在黑夜里——隐隐绰绰地——浮起, 在入睡前被辨认。 让学者们恍然大悟。 让水从河床上流过, 让夏天来临。 那些黄色的花朵 李壮 那些黄色的花朵 那些嫩绿的长脖颈上 一串串复数的额头 它们怀抱着各自的思想 它们怀抱着各自的蜜蜂 ——当我被关在门外的时候 哪儿?到哪儿去找 它们在岁月里藏好的油 又到哪儿去找它们 悄悄藏好的早春天气 那些黄色的花朵在风中向我摇头 它们全然无视我的甜言蜜语 它们一个字儿都不肯说 西岭街 林珊 那些摇曳的油菜花,多么明亮啊 多像一个人,顶着空谷的落日,在云朵下 奔跑。那些樱桃树上的花瓣,就要落尽了 白茫茫的一片,垂向肃然的泥土 寻求更好更久的归宿 春风浩荡啊,青草陌陌 人世在此时,已不值一提 当我来到春天的西岭街 有的落花已成为流水的一部分 有的故乡已成为回忆的一部分 当我低着头,路过山峦、村庄、湖泊 和几株长满嫩叶子的老柳树 走向更深更绿的田野 我们爱过的人 已消失在更远的远处 立春日:未完成的思考 马泽平 我觉得自己就要苏醒了 在北京寂静的夜空 像一颗星宿,像弦月或者花朵 独自完成 闭合到打开的生命历程 再慢慢还原为那些被封印的细节 我比昨日更敏感一些 哪怕是笛声中,涌动的潮汐 也能引我沉入辽阔海域 ——仿佛我的故国一直都在那里 风声和浪花 轻柔地托起海鸥羽翅 忧伤转瞬即逝 仿佛这天地之间,没有一件物什显得多余 但欢愉究竟源自哪里 我已经接受过生活千百次地 洗礼。为什么 鼓膜还听不到,青草划破岩壁的颤音 春天里的过敏症 周卫民 不惑之年,不知为何 体内系统常常自我作对。昨日冰冷 刚刚过去,春日里就有五颜六色的暖 让我不适。这可能来自于迎春的黄 桃枝的粉,也可能我本就是 万卷翠绿江山点染画面中 不能被轻易着色的那道褶皱 春天来了,我迎风流泪,我对着 一朵报春的笑脸流泪 我强忍着喷嚏,忍着 自我纠结引发的不适,春天来了 我在未曾睡去的清晨,沐浴 披着单薄的外衣,躺在沙发上 不愿服下,一粒降低免疫机能的白色药片 光线轮转,我在等待 一场体内对抗自行消解 窗外传来南音 王家铭 南琵琶横抱。山色写入蓝靛, 晨光中的讲习所,少女滚烫的 脉搏。芹菜叶子,东市场曾是 它的家,蔫在青瓷色阳台。 “有心到泉州”,她为你弹起 清凉的梅花操,成为剧团里 分神的那一个。下山时竹林 正把杨梅山笼在一片欣喜中, 而春祭的唱词把小黑羊引到 溪边,消失了淡影。藤与门, 一拨茼蒿,红菜团子,三五斤 蹄骨,萝卜糕与海蛎煎。洞箫 声里踮脚看谁做表率,俗务中 挣出来,彩色,解构,骚动的, 看她如何在菩席上为你设考验。 春天的麻雀 王二冬 麻雀的体内,装满十万亩大风。鼓鼓囊囊的 春天,立在东河西营的枝头,它们扑棱一下 消失于旷野,青草不开口,藏在芦苇荡中的 河流与梦,便活起来了…… 为什么我会将麻雀视为乡村的神灵?它们 小到不及我巴掌大,飞不过生锈的铁塔 在我没有理解远方的含义前,是麻雀教给了我 天空、粮食、光芒,一场大雪后 关于世界的黑白和不露痕迹的 情感 面对一群麻雀,我从不敢先开口 它们分散是子弹,成行是绳索 它们的叫声单调、琐碎,正如我们的生活 为什么要一再解释,甚至试图逃离? 麻雀就在那里,桌角、床头、书本的序言中 窗外的树梢上、貌似异乡的房檐下…… 它们弯曲的嘴峰,正盯着我的眼睛 不远的地方,麦粒干瘪,被风吹起 我仍旧不敢言语,麻雀的心声就是我的心声 春天的黄昏 李啸洋 春天的黄昏,母亲站在水滨 喊我。故乡的名字 越喊越薄。每逢春天,我都想 脱掉故乡的黄昏 像鸟褪尽冬天的羽毛。 可任凭我,怎么脱也脱不下来。 风儿从来没有 脚,但四处都在。 后来我才明白,我是故土 铸就的:方言、胃口、姓氏 甚至肉身,也是与故乡立下的约 如今,当我身落在四方 才发现故乡是这辈子都脱不掉的 春天 柒陆 那些明亮的早晨,我学着多年前 的父亲,搬一把小木凳 把自己放进阳光里 相对父亲的沉默不言 我更喜欢,一些水落石出 门前山坡的松林里,仿佛总有人交谈 我一而再放轻脚步,往里探 而这次,我要坐上一整天 这日出和日落的部分 适合怀旧 这短暂的春天,我要截取完整的一小段 初春生长 马文秀 鸟鸣声,藏在山川河流间 呼唤春的到来 斑驳的光影投射在画架上 让初春生长的意象 在画家饱满的笔触下 找到绽放的理由 暖阳下,笔墨肆意 内心的浩瀚与磅礴 在纸上跌宕起伏 如一声鸟鸣,追逐另一声鸟鸣 囊括一切希望,将春的讯息 带到祖国辽阔的疆域


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