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Jewcho Watch是美国著名的豪华手表品牌。他在钟表界有很长的历史。



JEWCHO这个牌子 怎么样?

JEWCHO一直本着专业优雅的制作态度,聘请瑞士,美国,德国知名设计师和钟表匠,坚持自主研发,自主设计,将现代流行元素与丰富的文化底蕴巧妙地结合在一起,不断推出风格独特,品质高雅的经典作品,奠定了JEWCHO“尊贵的视觉感及时尚感”的市场地位。用匠心向时间艺术致敬,所有产品均以严苛的瑞士标准进行检测,确保腕表的精准走时和完美运作。JEWCHO 专注每一块腕表的品质和品位,与生俱来的优雅、浪漫,独特的品牌魅力,成为现代名流人士的腕上臻.品。JEWCHO始终以精湛的工艺和卓.越的品质,倾心打造具有一流品质的高贵腕表。为了更好地拓展中国市场,JEWCHO以一脉相承的瑞士精湛制表工艺为基础,给中国的消费者带来更多符合东方审美艺术的产品,以及尊贵、优雅的佩戴体验。让 "优雅、浪漫"的品牌风情,在佩戴JEWCHO腕表人们的腕上方寸之间魅力绽放。






1920年来于手表制造业的摇篮-瑞士。历经100多年发展,凭借世家传承制表技艺和追求卓越的匠人精神,JEWCHO的名字已遍布全球五大洲20多个国家,成为钟表行业不朽的名表品牌之一。现如今,JEWCHO已直根中国文化土壤 ,推陈出新,缔造了众多经典。



Autocad 系统变量cmdecho设为0对lengthen无效,命令行仍显示“当前长度***”,怎么解决?

Ctrl+9可以关闭命令行。但是关闭后,程序就没有办法读取长度了。正确的方法就是用函数来求得长度。曲线对象ent,(vlax-curve-getDistAtParam ent (vlax-curve-getEndParam ent)),可以得到长度。

psychological adjustment是什么意思

psychological adjustment英[ˌsaikəˈlɔdʒikəl əˈdʒʌstmənt]美[ˌsaɪkəˈlɑdʒɪkəl əˈdʒʌstmənt][医] 心理调适;[例句]Psychological Adjustment and Special Technical and Physical Training of Boxers拳击运动员的心理调适及专项技术和体能训练

He is not so much a writer as a scholar


Choice Awards 是什么意思?

选择奖 比如什么读者投票的奖励 影迷投票的奖励 这样的一系列奖

scholar ships and awards中文意思

scholarships and awards意思是:奖学金和奖励 scholarships是指奖学金awards各种奖励




前合唱团 记得采纳哟~~~


前合唱团 记得采纳哟~~~



Adios muchachos是什么意思?我是说中文意思是什么

再见 少年再见男孩

She is always well behaved at school为什么是用well behaved

well-behaved是表现好的意思 还有well-behaved功能良好的;良性的;行为端正的;彬彬有礼的意思

adios muchachos是什么意思

adios     英 [ɑ:ˈdjəus]    美 [ˌædiˈos, ˌɑdi-]int.     再见,一路平安[例句]Crap on a shit sandwich! I"m out of here, boys! Adios!真他妈的背!我要走了孩子们!一路平安!muchachos男孩

急~韩国地址翻译成中文 12FL, Chongryong Bldg.,257, Hangang-daero, Yongsan-gu 140-759

大韩民国 首尔 龙山区汉江路 门牌 257 号崇岭大厦 12楼邮编:140-759 



factors influencing the choice of domestication and foreignization

Currently, most Chinese scholars use foreignization /domestication as their English renditions for yihua/guihua. Does the Chinese debate originate with Venuti (1995)? A historical review shows that Lu Xun used the term of guihua (assimilation or domestication) in talking about translation as early as 1935. And the word yihua is already included in Dictionary of Modern Chinese published in 1978 and reprinted in 1991. This means that the two terms are not recent loan words from the West. Then

She is a good_____(swim)in our school.用所给单词的适当形式填空




请问约翰霍普金斯大学商学院(Carey Business School)的情况怎么样?他家的MBA难申吗?

Carey商学院2007年成立的,确实很新,但是它的前身“商业与教育专业研究学院”(SPSBE)早在1909年有了,是全美最早开设商业研究生教育的机构之一。2002年,投资银行家William Carey提议捐赠5000万美元予约翰霍普金斯大学成立一个独立的商学院,但该提议被约翰霍普金斯大学董事会以微弱票数否决。2006年,大学董事会经再次投票通过,决定将SPSBE分为两个新的学院:Carey商学院(Johns Hopkins Carey Business School)和教育学院(Johns Hopkins University School of Education),两学院于2007年正式成立。Carey商学院目前还在进行AACSB认证审核(因为AACSB认证要求至少有5年独立运作的商学院,而Carey在2008年申请的AACSB),但以其实力,通过只是早晚的问题。顺便告诉你,他的院长Yash Gupta自己就是AACSB董事会执行董事。:)Carey商学院目前已经得到超过1.5亿美元的捐助,总部将在2010年迁入全新的Legg Mason金融中心。他的教授绝大部分都有Wharton,Northwestern,MIT,Stanford这些超一流的学校的背景。所以排名出来后绝对不会低(同样是SPSBE分出来的教育学院2009年全美排名第6)。Carey GMBA今年的平均GMAT是692分,楼主的基本情况不算差,建议在PS上多下些功夫,另外还是多申请几个保底的以防万一。如果你能申到,你的美国同学基本都会是咨询、投行或者NGO,还有很多是在华盛顿的联邦政府机构工作。另外,Carey也有很多和霍普金斯的其他学院合作的联合项目。比如你对医疗卫生或者国际关系感兴趣的话,你可以申请Carey与布隆伯格公共健康学院和华盛顿国际关系学院的双学位项目(这两个学院在各自领域都是全美排名第一),不过那难度当然更大了。

carey business school是美国什么学校

Carey商学院2007年成立的,但是它的前身“商业与教育专业研究学院”(SPSBE)早在1909年有了,是全美最早开设商业研究生教育的机构之一。2002年,投资银行家William Carey提议捐赠5000万美元予约翰霍普金斯大学成立一个独立的商学院,但该提议被约翰霍普金斯大学董事会以微弱票数否决。2006年,大学董事会经再次投票通过,决定将SPSBE分为两个新的学院:Carey商学院(Johns Hopkins Carey Business School)和教育学院(Johns Hopkins University School of Education),两学院于2007年正式成立。

chocolates are junk food这句话对不对?



today is careers day at school今天是 学校的工作日双语对照例句:1.Tough day at school. 在学校过的不顺利?2.Did you have a good day at school? 你在学校玩得开心吗?

skilled workers school是什么意思

skilled workers school [词典] 技工学校; [例句]Adolescent Physiology and Psychology of Female Students of Skilled Workers"School in Fenghua City: a Study of 90 Cases奉化市技工学校女生青春期生理、心理调查报告




choice 选择chance 机会 意思完全不同 望采纳啊啊才



Chocolate Puma Featuring Colonel Red的《Back Home》 歌词

歌曲名:Back Home歌手:Chocolate Puma Featuring Colonel Red专辑:Defected In The House Ibiza "10流浪的我逃离的心情对你的爱总觉得负担不起我闪烁的承诺不停的责备心虚的我决心不再让你哭泣却在这背叛爱情的旅途又抹不去你的痕迹原来我是真的爱着你I WILL BE BACK HOMEBACK HOME WITH MY LOVE靠紧你的心房对你表白真心愿意和你永远不分开I WILL BE BACK HOMEBACK HOME WITH MY LOVETHERE"LL BE NO MORE NO MORE LONELY NIGHT将你一生都交给我来安排流浪的我逃离的心情对你的爱总觉得负担不起我闪烁的承诺不停的责备心虚的我决心不再让你哭泣却在这背叛爱情的旅途又抹不去你的痕迹原来我是真的爱着你I WILL BE BACK HOMEBACK HOME WITH MY LOVE靠紧你的心房对你表白真心愿意和你永远不分开I WILL BE BACK HOMEBACK HOME WITH MY LOVETHERE"LL BE NO MORE NO MORE LONELY NIGHT将你一生都交给我来安排让我再次牵牵牵你的手和你心心心相守这份情情情不变 永不渝I WILL BE BACK HOMEBACK HOME WITH MY LOVE靠紧你的心房对你表白真心愿意和你永远不分开I WILL BE BACK HOMEBACK HOME WITH MY LOVETHERE"LL BE NO MORE NO MORE LONELY NIGHT将你一生都交给我来安排ARE YOU WAITING FOR ME BACK HOMEBACK HOME WITH MY LOVE靠紧你的心房对你表白真心愿意和你永远不分开I WILL BE BACK HOMEBACK HOME WITH MY LOVETHERE"LL BE NO MORE NO MORE LONELY NIGHT将你一生都交给我来安排

英语流利说Level 5 Unit 2 Part 1- The Psychological of Love 1&2

爱的心理人类 One of the most important human emotions is love.最重要的情感之一就是爱。 However, there are many different kinds of love.然而,有许多不同种类的爱。 Romantic love is certainly one of the most interesting kinds of love.浪漫的爱情当然是最有趣的一种爱情。 It can be beautiful, wonderful, and heartbreaking, sometimes all at the same time.它可以是美丽的,美妙的,令人心碎的,有时同时发生。 Romantic love can make our lives full and meaningful, but it can also be an escape from loneliness and suffering.浪漫的爱情能使我们的生活充实而有意义,但它也能使我们摆脱孤独和痛苦。 Besides romantic love,  another kind of love is between parents and children.除了浪漫的爱情,另一种爱是父母和孩子之间的爱。 If romantic love has a purpose,neither psychology nor biology has discovered it.如果浪漫的爱情有目的,心理学和生物学都没有发现。 However, throughout history, philosophers have offered opinions about it.然而,纵观历史,哲学家们对此提出了自己的观点。 The Greek philosopher, Plato, said love makes us complete.希腊哲学家柏拉图说过,爱使我们完整。 He relates a comic story in which humans originally had 4 arms, 4 legs and 2 faces.他讲述了一个喜剧故事,在这个故事中,人类最初有4条胳膊、4条腿和2张脸。 Then, when they angered the Gods, they were cut in half.然后,当他们激怒了众神,他们被切成两半。 Since then every person has been searching for their soulmate, the other half  of his or her self.从那时起,每个人都在寻找自己的灵魂伴侣,另一半的自我。 Another philosopher believed that love is an illusion.另一位哲学家认为爱情是一种幻觉。 In his view, people fall in love because they believe the other person can make them happy.在他看来,人们坠入爱河是因为他们相信别人能让他们快乐。 But in fact, this is just an illusion designed to make us have children.但事实上,这只是一个假象,是为了让我们有孩子。 Once we have children, we are right back to where we were, still searching for  happiness.一旦我们有了孩子,我们就回到了过去,仍然在寻找幸福。 For nature this is a success, because we have children to maintain our species.对大自然来说,这是一个成功,因为我们有孩子来维持我们的物种。 But it leaves us still searching for something more.但它仍然让我们寻找更多的东西。 According to this philosopher what is the real purpose of love? It"s designed to maintain our species.根据这位哲学家的观点,爱的真正目的是什么?它的设计是为了保护我们的物种。 If something is an illusion, it isn"t what it seems to be.如果某件事是一种幻觉,它并不是它看起来的那样。 Some people say love can be a disguise for our sexual desires or a biological trick to make us to have children.有人说,爱可以是我们性欲的伪装,也可以是我们生儿育女的生理伎俩。 In Buddhism, romantic love is seen as an attempt to satisfy our desires.在佛教中,浪漫的爱情被视为满足我们欲望的一种尝试。 These desires are a defect, something we need to overcome.这些欲望是一种缺陷,是我们需要克服的。 The way to free ourselves from suffering is to remove desires.把自己从痛苦中解放出来的方法就是去除欲望。 Once free of desires we can reach a state of peace and wisdom.一旦摆脱了欲望,我们就能达到一种平静和智慧的状态。 This state of being is called nirvana.这种存在状态被称为涅磐。 According to Buddhism how can we free ourselves from suffering? overcome our desires根据佛教,我们怎样才能从痛苦中解脱出来?克服我们的欲望 Other kinds of love include the love between a parent and child.其他类型的爱包括父母和孩子之间的爱。 In one of China"s greatest classical novels, Dream of the Red Chamber, love is presented as a state of foolishness.在中国最伟大的古典小说之一《红楼梦》中,爱情被描绘成一种愚蠢的状态。 A young man falls in love with a beautiful woman who tricks and makes a fool of him.一个年轻人爱上了一个美丽的女人,她欺骗并愚弄了他。 This results in conflicting emotions of love and hate which tear him apart.这导致爱与恨的情感冲突,将他撕裂。 To cure him, a priest gives him a magic mirror.为了治好他,牧师给了他一面魔镜 The priest tells him to look into the reverse side of the mirror, but never to look in the front side.牧师告诉他要照镜子的背面,但不要照镜子的正面。 What side of the mirror is he supposed to look into? the reverse side他应该朝镜子的哪一面看?背面 When the young man looks into the mirror, he doesn"t like what he sees, so he  looks into the forbidden side, the front side.当年轻人照镜子时,他不喜欢他所看到的,所以他看的是禁忌的一面,正面。 There he sees the lovely image of his love, who invites him into the mirror to be with her.在那里,他看到了他爱的可爱的形象,谁邀请他进入镜子与她在一起。 He does this several times until he is finally dragged away in chains.他这样做了好几次,直到最后被人用链子拖走。 He dies while looking into the mirror.他在照镜子的时候死了。 Perhaps the point of the story is that all such attachments should be avoided.也许这个故事的重点是,所有这些依恋都应该避免。 Why does the young man look into the forbidden side of the mirror ? he doesn"t like what he sees in the mirror.为什么这个年轻人要看镜子的禁忌面?他不喜欢他在镜子里看到的东西。 What finally happens to the young man? He is dragged away in chains and dies.最后这个年轻人怎么样了?他被铁链锁着拖走,死了。 He enters the mirror to be with his love and satisfy his desires.他进入镜子与他的爱和满足他的欲望。 once free of desires we can reach a state of peace and wisdom一旦摆脱了欲望,我们就能达到一种平静和智慧的状态 The way to free ourselves from suffering is to remove desires.把自己从痛苦中解放出来的方法就是去除欲望。 He is dragged away in chains and dies while looking into the mirror.他被锁链拖走,在照镜子时死去。 The priest tells him to look into the reverse side of the mirror, but never to look in the front side.牧师告诉他要照镜子的背面,但不要照镜子的正面。 A famous French writer, Simone de Beauvoir has another point of view.法国著名作家西蒙·德·波伏娃有另一种观点。 For her, love is the desire to integrate with another, like in a great friendship.对她来说,爱是渴望与他人融合,就像在一段伟大的友谊中。 However, it is important that lovers not become too dependent on the other person.然而,重要的是恋人之间不要太依赖对方。 Becoming dependent on another person can lead to boredom or power games.依赖他人会导致无聊或权力游戏。 Lovers should support each other in discovering themselves and developing their potentials.情侣们应该互相支持,发现自己,开发自己的潜力。 In this way, romantic love can enrich the world.这样,浪漫的爱情可以丰富世界。 According to this writer, lovers should avoid becoming too dependent on the other person.根据作者的观点,情侣们应该避免过于依赖对方。 Falling in love can be exciting and frightening.坠入爱河既令人兴奋又令人恐惧。 Maybe we lose ourselves and maybe we find ourselves.也许我们失去了自己,也许我们找到了自己。 Will you dare to find out?你敢知道吗?

How about 7:oo at the school gate? that( )me fine. A.meets B.suits C.fits D.satisfies




以why should we wear school uniforms为题的英语作文

Students need to wear school uniforms,so they won"t compare with others.

求教英语 All students must wear school uniforms.(保持句意

demand to

a set of school uniforms 还是a suit of school uniforms 这两个后面用is还是are

a suit of school uniforms are

翻译:我们的校服颜色一样,但款式不同。The color of school uniforms__ ___ ___,but their___ ___ ___.

is the same styles are different

求篇英语作文.My school uniform.字数大于50字.

My school uniform At our school ,we have to wear uniforms every day.The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly.We think young people should look smart and so we would like to wear our own clothes.Our teachers believe that if we did that.We would concentrate more on our clothes than our studies.We disagree.We should feel more comfortable and that is good for studying.If we can"t do that,we should be allowed to design our own uniforms.We also think everyone should be different from others.That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy.

school uniform英语作文

Fire Rules:10 Fire Safety Rules1.) Don"t play with matches and lighters. If you see matches or a lighter where you can reach them, don"t touch them. Go tell a grown up right away.2.) Ask your parents to install smoke detectors on every floor and in the sleeping areas of your home. Smoke detectors can save lives. Ask your parents to show you where each one is located.3.) Remind your parents to test your smoke detectors every month. Make sure everyone in your family is familiar with its piercing sound. Teach them that this sound means danger, and they must escape quickly.4.) When your parents change the time on your clocks for Daylight Savings, ask them to change your smoke alarm batteries. Give it fresh batteries and your smoke alarm will stay awake and watch for fire while you are sleeping.5.) In case of fire: DON"T HIDE, GO OUTSIDE! Fires are scary, but you should NEVER hide in closets or under beds when there is a fire.6.) To escape during a fire; Fall & Crawl. It is easier to breath in a fire if you stay low while getting out.Use the back of your hand to test if a door is hot before you open it. If it is hot, try to use another way out.7.) If your clothes are on fire; Stop, Drop, and Roll until the fire is out. Shout for help, but don"t run. Running makes fire burn faster.8.) Have an escape plan and practice it with your family. Find two ways out of every room in case one way is blocked by fire or smoke. Practice escaping by both routes to be sure windows are not stuck and screens can be taken out quickly.

Should students have to wear school uniforms?


us,to,school,at,the,wear,school,asks,our,teacher,uniforms 造句

Our teacher asks us to wear the school uniforms at school.

students wear school uniforms 是什么意思


What do you think of your school uniforms?Should students wear school unifors?Why?

等着阿~~我给你写---------------------------------------------believe it or not, there are good reasons for wearing a school uniform. it make students feel proud of their school.but for most of the students, shool uniforms are not something to be proud at all. i don"t like school uniforms becaouse of their simple colours, boring designs and bad quality. i think the quality of school uniforms should be improved. i wish to wear colourful and good looking uniforms连词成句

Do we have to wear school uniform every day?

we wear school uniform at school。 uniform为什么不加s?


our school uniforms


be in school uniforms为啥不能用be wear school uniforms?

be in school uniforms或者wear school uniforms,穿校服。be in是系表结构,wear是实义动词,不需要be动词。

初二下英语作文school uniforms

Ladies and gentleman: Good morning, it is a pleasure for me to speak with you. The concern that whether student should wear school uniform brings you to be here to listen to this speech. For those against, they believe that the requirement of the school uniform is killing the individuality of the youth. Schools should show greater appreciation of individual difference instead of encouraging conformity. But no matter what your opinion is, today, I will say that the school uniform is absolutely necessary for the student. In the first place, giving teenagers the right to choose their own clothes is just only a tiny part of individuality cultivation. What more important is that, to inspire and foster creativity, teachers and parents should allow children to challenge their authority; schools should encourage any brilliant new ideas; society should listen to their voice. In the second place, many young people misunderstand the concept of individuality. To them, individuality is to do everything differently without concerning about ethical standards, rules and laws. When they are going after their idea of individuality, they are actually at the risk of being ego-centric. Then the unified school uniform is the first step to guide them back, as it is the symbol of being in the group and tell them everyone is part of the society. In the third place, it can save money, getting away of comparison, no chasing brand product. More importantly, students can focus on their study for better. Can you imagine a college campus filled with shadow heads and a generation of vain youth? Therefore the school uniform should be popularized in every school and show student the right individuality in the society.

英语作文 my favorite school uniforms

  my favorite school uniforms  I`m a middle school student and in our school ,student must wear uniforms every day,but most of my classmates complain /kem`plen/(抱怨)that our uniforms are ugly.If we have a chance to design/dizen/(设计)our own uniforms,we will wear blue uniforms ,because blue is the sky.Is`very quiet.And the most important thing is suit/svt/(适合某人) us .everyone can wear it comfortable (舒适的)I hope that day.

school uniform英语作文

youcanstartfronyourpoints:1doyouthinkschooluniformsarenecessaryornot?2 Whyyesornot?maybeitspriceanddesign?3shouldeverysinglestudentwearuniformeverydayeventhoughtheydonotlikeitatallorevenhateit?4shouldschoolstartformwhatreallystudentswant?5shouldgovernmentdosomethingwithit?likelowerthetaxforschoolequipments...我给你的每一个点再写多几个小点那你就可以一个点写一段了我自己也是这样做的

Benefits of school uniforms 翻译

校服的好处 你可能一直讨厌穿校服。你想要是唯一的和时髦的。但是信不信由你,穿校服也可以带给你很多好处。 校服可以使学校在辨认他们学校学生方面变得简单。所以小偷(坏人)不会轻易进入学校。穿校服也会节省你的时间。当你不必花时间在考虑穿什么和怎样穿的酷上的时候,你能够有更多的时间去关注学习。同时,你将会帮你的父母省下一笔买衣服的钱。校服也能够···(sensof是不是打错了,所以这一句没翻译,自己试一下)。穿同样的衣服甚至能减少来自同龄人的压力(就是减少攀比的意思)。它也可以减少偷窃这种事的发生。

school uniforms做主语谓语用单数不还是复数?

你是说school uniforms做主语后面是跟are 还是 is?这个要看语境,和具体表达的意思,如果无语境一半多用复数

在线西班牙语翻译HECHO EN CHINA Imp:PAZOS SRL Capellada:Sintetico Suela:Goma

应该是某产品的标签吧中国制造,进口:PAZOS(本意是井的意思) SRL,鞋面:合成鞋底:橡胶

school is nearly finish 为何前用副词,后用过去式 是finished,刚才错了


actress,a,famous,was,when,still,was,school,at,I,she 连词成句




school is nearly finish 为何前用副词,后用过去式


choice ;bully ;warrior;activist 这英语用谐音怎么读?


Based on the above reasons, a company will be my first and sole choice. 这句是Based,而不是Basing呢

这是状语从句,完整的是be based on 基于……


chocolate feeling巧克力感觉

this is a picture of my school改成一般疑问句 here 同音词和反义词 up 反义词 write 同类词

Is this a picture of my school?hill小山坡theredownright

she has lunch at twelve in the school canteen是什么意思

she has lunch at twelve in the school canteen 全部释义和例句>>她在学校食堂吃了午餐在12的时候

请问:our school is a newly built boarding high school.中为什么 newly built不放在a的前面



我怎样才能到达学校? 仅供参考,欢迎指正

canI go to school now。

can I go outside now?!

uncle wang arrived at no.14 middle school half an hour ago是什么意思


schofield barracks哪个城市

schofield barracks在夏威夷州的火奴鲁鲁。Schofield Barracks is a United States Army installation and census-designated place (CDP) located in the City and County of Honolulu and in the Wahiawa District of the American island of Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi.

sexual psychology是什么意思

sexual psychology[英]ˈseksjuəl saiˈkɔlədʒi[美]ˈsɛkʃuəl saɪˈkɑlədʒi性心理学[例句]Husband did not understand his wife "s sexual psychology is a irreversible mistake and lead to naught.丈夫不了解妻子的性心理是一个无法挽回的错误,也会造成前功尽弃。如对你有所帮助,请采纳或给予好评,如有其他疑问,可以向我求助,O(∩_∩)O谢谢

of profound scholarship是什么意思

of profound scholarship [释义] 造诣颇深;

we wear school uniform at school.uniform为什么不加s?

uniform指制服,是个可数名词,但有时却是不可数名词,例如in uniform就是不可数的,‘他穿着校服"是He is in school uniform,‘他们穿着校服"同样是They are in school uniform.而wear uniform则可不可数都可以,你可...

_______ all of them are strong candidates, only one will be chosen for the post. A.Since B..

D 试题分析:句意:尽管他们都是强有力的候选人,但是仅仅有一个将被选上担任这个职务。since既然;if如果;as 因为;while尽管,根据句意故选D。点评:本题难度适中。连词是近几年高考的热点,主要考查从句中的连词所作的成分,它们的区别及意义。需要考生会正确分析复杂的句子结构的能力,能够正确理解语境。即学即练:I do every single bit of housework__________my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then. A. since      B. while     C. when        D. as解析:B。考查并列转折连词while的用法。这里表示“我”和丈夫做家务的对比。根据句意,选B。
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