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chose 和pick out都表示选择,什么区别?











choose 英 [tʃuːz]x09 美 [tʃuːz]x09 名词:chooser 过去式:chose 过去分词:chosen 现在分词:choosing 第三人称单数:choosesv.选择;决定用作动词 (v.) It"s up to you to choose where we should go. 我们要去的地点,由你负责选择. He will choose banking as his career. 他将选择银行业做为职业.

choise choise chose chosen 这几个单词之间,是什么关系?

choise 名词choose 动词原型chose 动词过去时chosen 动词过去分词

first chose成立吗


chose 和select的区别


choose怎么读 choose如何读

1、choose英[tʃuːz]、美[tʃuːz] 2、v.选择; 挑选; 选取; 宁愿; 情愿; 决定; 3、[其他]第三人称单数:chooses 现在分词:choosing 过去式:chose 过去分词:chosen


chose    英[tʃəʊz]    美[tʃoʊz]    v.    选择; 选定; 挑选( choose的过去式 ); 喜欢;    [例句]We chose to do cross-country running.我们选择了越野赛跑。[其他]    原型: choose    


chose 是choose 的过去式意思是 选择He chose a book in the bookshop yesterday.他昨天在书店选了一本书


chose[英][t∫əuz] [美][t∫oz] vbl.choose的过去式动产 v.挑选( choose的过去式 );选择;选定;喜欢








choseUS:[tʃoʊz] UK:[tʃəʊz] n.1【法】物,动产 v.1“choose”的过



英语choose是什么意思啊?拜托各位了 3Q

choose:动词,选择 choice:名词,选择


“choose”有复数形式吗? 加s 还是es 还是原型?


chose怎么读 chose的意思

1、chose的读音:英[tʃəʊz]美[tʃoʊz] 2、v.选择; 挑选; 选取; 宁愿; 情愿; 决定; 3、n.【法】物; 4、choose的过去式; 5、[例句]We chose to go by train.我们选择乘火车去。 6、原型: choose



话说未来福音和EXTRA CHORUS先看哪个

日本这边是先放的 EC 后放的本篇 未来福音台湾那边貌似是后放的EC 日本应该是按照故事的时间顺序放的 台湾估计是考虑最后的闪光弹太刺眼 防止影响本篇的观看吧……反正我是看完了EC之后久久不能平静 没法专心看未来福音本篇 然后就又买票看了一场 结果还是主要看了EC

空之境界顺序,按动漫里的时间线,加上未来福音和Extra Chorus


extra chorus是什么


水一下 吉他那些Pre-Chorus,Chorus都是什么意思

chorus英-["kɔːrəs]美-["kɔrəs]释义n. 合唱队;齐声;歌舞队vt. 合唱;异口同声地说vi. 合唱;异口同声地说话n. (Chorus)人名;(法)肖吕斯


CHORUS 在手风琴谱中,可理解为:齐奏 或 副歌,在歌谱中 CHORUS 表示合唱、齐唱。



吉他中verse,chorus,intro,bridge 以及let ring是什么意思呢?

intro指前奏, chorus是高潮部分,也就是副歌, verse是段落 bridge是桥段,过度。一般是主歌和副歌切换之间。 let ring 就是不消音,让吉他一直延长音。


Chorus 合唱效果器


联想记忆:合唱对chorus唱歌唱了很久了,大家异口同声chorus地说:“渴啦死(江西话,渴得要死啊)”。chorus 英 ["kɔːrəs]   美 ["kɔːrəs]    n. 合唱队;歌舞队;齐声说道;副歌部分vt. 合唱The chorus is dressed as fairies.歌舞队的人都装扮成仙子。短语1、join in chorus 参加合唱2、swell chorus 增加音量3、female〔male〕 chorus 女〔男〕声合唱4、mixed chorus 混声合唱

KTV里的音箱用的那个效果器上面的chorus,flang, reverb,gate,分别是什么意思啊?

分别是合唱 弗兰格 回响 降噪(可能)合唱是种立体声效果弗兰格是种类似于喷气式飞机的声音效果回响是指在不同空间声音反弹呈现的效果(比如在大厅、厕所里)



choruscompetition 如何翻译

合唱比赛chorus competition

英文歌曲中的 the intro, the verse ,the chorus 是什么意思?

回答者: kitty_cute 这个是对的。

chorus 王牌空战 哪个好玩


chorus 英语命题作文

With the figure of private car ownership in China increasing every year (30 million in 2009), it"s worth taking a look at who is actually buying these cars. China"s 364,000 millionaires can be counted on to own at least several each; the modest millionaires with only one car compensated by the collections of men such as Wang Chuanfu, China"s richest man and an important figure in the automotive industry. The remaining 29 million or so is a figure firmly in the hands of the up-and-coming middle class. Car ownership is as much a symbol of status and wealth in China as it is in any developing country. This idea is reflected on the streets: even though Chinese traffic laws are as clear and strict as they are in Europe or the US, pedestrians and cyclists often find themselves at the bottom of the food chain. For the younger generations living in the cities, it is safe to assume that those who can afford to buy a car will do so. So what is keeping figures relatively low? 30 Million cars on a population of 1.3 billion is not a lot by anyone"s standards.Part of the reason is founded in nuance. Private car ownership refers to the individuals that purchase and own a car in their own name, so they can drive to work or take their kids to school. But there are far more cars in China than just 30 million. China"s state-run news agency Xinhua has published figures stating there are over 160 million people licensed to drive cars nationwide. This is, of course, including the millions of taxi, bus, and truck drivers that make up a large part of the traffic anywhere in China. Yet there is also a significant portion that can be attributed to people driving company cars or shared ownership. Most small businesses in China, especially restaurants and shops, rely on supply from outside the cities where their customer base is located. However, a truck is oftentimes more than these businesses need and so they employ a single van. In the more remote areas of inland China, there is often no state-run public transport that connects the many villages dotting the mountains and countryside with the rest of the country. In these situations, groups of villagers or entrepreneurial individuals will often pool their money and purchase a van to make the trip once or twice a day. Additionally, as anyone who has ever visited knows, the amount of small businesses in China is staggering, with nearly every roadside building a shop front. With so many "lao ban", bosses, the distinction between private and company car ownership is sometimes blurry at best.That goes a long way towards explaining the numbers. What has really pegged the number at approx. 2% of people in China owning a car is the fact that even if someone can afford a car, it is simply not that easy to actually obtain the right to drive it. Apart from getting a driver"s license, the procedure of getting a license plate for your car in China can require painstaking amounts of time, effort, and money. In cities like Shanghai, already congested with traffic on even the best of days, obtaining a license plate can cost as much as your car did and is often nothing more than a lottery, with hundreds of people vying for a few available plates. The distribution of license plates is regulated on a provincial level and so prices and requirements differ througout China, but so does the local traffic police"s tolerance of "outside" plates. There are rules prohibiting drivers with non-local license plates to enter certain areas of cities within peak times or even at all.Car ownership in China is certainly increasing, but it is important to understand what can hold it back and how to interpret the figures. Many cities are struggling to get their infrastructures to allow higher volumes of traffic and until that has been sorted, it is likely that regulations on ownership will remain tight.Querijn Chorus is a market research consultant at CNMI China Market Intelligence, a European market research firm based in Shanghai that provides market and consumer research services to firms of all sizes and nationalities with an interest, stake, or dream in China.

木吉他音箱 chorus合唱功能是什么 具体来说是一种什么音效?




请教一下 木吉他音箱 chorus合唱功能是什么 具体来说是一种什么音效?



英音:["kɔ:rəs] 美音:["korəs]



chorus 和choral 用法上有什么不同?

chorus [cho·rus || "kɔːrəs]n. 合唱; 齐声; 合唱队v. 合唱; 一齐说, 异口同声地说; 齐声朗诵; 合唱; 异口同声地说话; 齐声朗诵choral [cho·ral || "kɔːrəl]adj. 合唱队的



chorus和gang vocal是什么意思?

chorus是和声 gang vocal是唱歌的和声




chorus 来自于拉丁语[ 合唱舞蹈 ], 合唱曲为一大群歌手谱写的四部或更多部的歌曲。合唱句,重叠句由一名观众在独唱歌手的一支歌中加入的副歌。迭句由全部成员表演的一首流行歌曲的开场白的重复,独唱部分一首流行歌曲主旋律上的独唱部分,由乐队一名成员演唱。Chorus就是歌曲中最重要的【副歌】。一首歌可以没有Bridge,可以没有Pre-Chorus,甚至有些歌中都没有Verse,但是作为一首完整的歌,副歌是最为必要的部分。副歌通常可以指大家口中所说的【高潮】,也就是整首歌最多次数重复,最容易让人记住,最为好听的部分。 Chorus最常用的音响效果之一。

英语歌中Chorus verse hook bridge 分别代表什么



chorusn.1. 合唱队[C][G]The chorus were very good.这支合唱队很有水平。2. 合唱,合唱曲[C]3. 叠句,副歌[C]4. 齐声,异口同声[S][(+of)]The children shouted "Yes" in chorus.孩子们齐声大喊"是"。5. (歌舞、喜剧等中的)歌舞队[C][G]vt.1. 合唱;齐声朗诵2. 一齐说,异口同声地说The audience chorused its approval by loud cheering.观众一齐大声表示赞同。vi.1. 合唱;齐声朗诵The birds were chorusing in the trees.鸟儿在树上齐鸣。2. 异口同声地说话


pre-chorus  主要指主歌到副歌中间那一段,叫做预合唱。chorus   主要指的是副歌也就是主旋律。例句:pre-chorus①You make me believe, That there"s no ending to this dream, Let"s take our love and sail away toour fantasies. (Pre-Chorus) We"ll travel this journey with so much emotion.你使我相信, 有没有结束的这个梦想, 让我们看看我们的爱和航行距离 我们的幻想。(预合唱) 我们将前往这个有这么多的情感旅程。我们之间的任何事都来。②I found my best friend, I will cherish till the end, With just a single touch, you take my breath away. (Pre-Chorus) There"s no where I"d rather be than beside you, Watching you sleep at night.我发现我最好的朋友, 我会好好珍惜,直到最后, 只是一个单一的触摸,你把我的呼吸。(预合唱) 有没有,我宁愿比你身边, 看着你在晚上睡觉。chorus①Caroline sang two verses and the chorus of her song.卡罗琳唱了她歌曲中的两段和副歌部分。②The chorus was singing "The Ode to Joy". 合唱团在唱《欢乐颂》。③Students played the lesser parts and sang in the chorus.学生扮演一些次要角色,并且参与合唱。④The government is defending its economic policies against a growing chorus ofcriticism.




chorus的英语读音是[ˈkɔːrəs]。一、释义1、名词:副歌;合唱曲;合唱团;歌咏队;歌舞队;齐声,异口同声;歌队,合唱队;朗诵演员。2、动词:合唱;齐声说;异口同声地说。二、例句1、Caroline sang two verses and the chorus of her song.卡罗琳唱了她歌曲中的两段主歌和一段副歌。2、A typical Christmas carol consists of at least one verse and a chorus.典型的圣诞颂歌至少包含一节歌词和一段合唱曲。3、The chorus was singing "The Ode to Joy".合唱团在唱《欢乐颂》。4、Students played the lesser parts and sang in the chorus.学生扮演一些次要角色,并且参与合唱。5、In a while, they agreed in chorus, saying "We have seen with our own eyes."过了一会,台下的员工齐声附和说:“我们亲眼见。”


合唱[K:R S?] 合唱;合唱;齐声合唱 VT说,回荡。

doing a chore

Small everyday duties. Yes,they do. Could you do the dishes?



do chore还是do the chore

应该是do chores,do the housework,

It was time to do the chore零星工作s, and still he had not come.

Chores 和 C 是相同的意思. A 选项是一洗碗机,可当动词用,但无论是名词还是动词,都是不用HE 就是他来做的. B 是家庭作业,学生用的.他一直没回来,和家庭作业的关系不大.如果是小孩没回来,就不是担心作业了,而是人本身了. C,基督教作祈祷是用一定的时间的,It was time to do....可以理解. D,是housework的意思,谁家做家务还有固定的时间? 我认为是C,如果是找Chores 的同意词的话 用It was time...这种过去式, 就是说,直到做晚课的时候,他都没回来.

do. chores=make. chore吗

固定搭配是do chores。do chores意思就是:处理家务; 做家务; 干家务; 处理琐事,干家务

do the chore后能加s吗


是do chore还是dochores

do the chores

try to do it without it being a chore 汉文意思

Try to do it without it being a chore.把它当作一个苦差事,尽力去做。being a chore.现在分词短语做定语修饰it(要做的事),相当于定语从句但不是定语从句。 try to do[英][trai tu: du:][美][traɪ tu du]试着做某事; 尽力做某事; chore[英][tʃɔ:(r)][美][tʃɔ:r]n.零星工作(尤指家常杂务); 令人讨厌的或繁重的工作; without[英][wɪˈðaʊt][美][wɪðˈaʊt, wɪθ-]adv.在外部; 户外; 缺少; 没有或不显示某事物; prep.没有,缺乏; 在外面; conj.除非,如果不;Both plans have been tried, but without success.两个办法都试了试,但没有成功。

what chore do you often do at home?什么意思



I. have no time to do chores


choresn. 杂务;零工;困难的工作(chore的复数)household chores 家务琐事 do chores 做家务;处理琐事 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*) 有不会的可以再问我:)

chores怎么读 chores英文解释

1、chores,读音:美/tʃɔrz/;英/tʃɔ:(r)z/。 2、释义:n.杂务;零工;困难的工作(chore的复数)。 3、例句:They make their kids do chores.他们让孩子做家务。

chores 和housework的区别



chore指的是“家庭杂务;日常零星工作”,也就是所谓的“家务活”。 do chores =do housework 处理琐事;干家务 chore为可数名词,housework为不可数名词。 我想没有人会喜欢做家务(chores),因为它“令人厌烦”。 所以chore还有一个意思是“令人厌烦的工作”。



do chores做家务。chore是名词,译为家庭杂务。一般与动词、形容词搭配。unexciting chore.

housework 和 chores有什么不同点


chores 和 housework 的区别


housework 和 chores有什么不同点?



chores n.杂务;零工;困难的工作(chore的复数) household chores 家务琐事 do chores 做家务;处理琐事


n. 杂务;琐事;讨厌或繁重的工作chores,英 [t"ʃɔːz],美 [t"ʃɔːz]    chores是名词chore的复数形式例句:She does the chores at home every day.她每天在家干日常杂务。扩展资料:chore近义词:task,英 [tɑːsk],美 [tæsk]    n. 任务;工作vt. 交给某人(任务);使做艰苦的工作过去式: tasked 过去分词: tasked 现在分词: tasking 第三人称单数: taskstask的意思是“工作,任务,差事”,指规定的必须完成的事情,常用来指较困难、紧张、沉重或枯燥的工作,可指分配的工作,也可指自愿承担的工作,是可数名词。task后可接“of+ v -ing”结构作定语。

chores是什么意思 chores英文解释

1、释义:chores n.杂务;零工;困难的工作(chore的复数)。 2、chores,读音:美/tʃɔrz/;英/tʃɔ:(r)z/。 3、例句:The family decided to assist me with my chores.家人决定分担我的琐事。


chore[英] [tʃɔ:(r)][美] [tʃɔ:r]n.零星工作(尤指家常杂务); 令人讨厌的或繁重的工作;[例句]She sees exercise primarily as an unavoidable chore她基本上把锻炼看做是不得不做的琐事。[复数]chores

do chores 的chore一定是复数么 什么时候会是单数呢

当chore作为家务、日常琐碎之事的意思时,只能用复数形式,就像你提供的这个词组就是做家务的意思. 比如:Does your husband do any chores after work?你先生下班后做家务事吗? 当chore是零工、付费小工解释时,可用单数形式. 比如:Peeling bags of potatoes is really a chore.削一袋又一袋洋芋皮真是苦差使.


chore 英[tʃɔ:(r)]美[tʃɔ:r]n. 零星工作(尤指家常杂务);令人讨厌的或繁重的工作名词复数:chores[例句]Simply taking turns is inefficient , since that may mean the wearier party being faced with the chore.简单地轮班是低效率的,因为这可能意味着精疲力尽的一方还要面对家务。


chore 杂事来自PIE*sker, 转,打转,词源同charlady, ring. 即在外围打杂的人。英文词源chore (n.)1751, American English, variant of char, from Middle English cherre "odd job," from Old English cerr, cierr "turn, change, time, occasion, affair business."Chore, a corruption of char, is an English word, still used in many parts of England, as a char-man, a char-woman; but in America, it is perhaps confined to New England. It signifies small domestic jobs of work, and its place cannot be supplied by any other single word in the language. [Noah Webster, "Dissertations on the English Language," 1789]双语例句1. Fortunately, the chore of leaf sweeping is well worth the effort.幸运的是,干清扫落叶这个活儿是值得的。来自柯林斯例句2. It was a methodical, unexciting chore.那是一份按部就班、枯燥乏味的无聊差事。来自柯林斯例句3. He is prepared to make a living by accepting any remunerative chore.为了生计,他准备接受任何有酬报的杂活.来自《简明英汉词典》4. Making pasta by hand with a rolling pin can be a real chore.用擀面杖擀意大利面会是个非常枯燥乏味的活儿。来自柯林斯例句5. She sees exercise primarily as an unavoidable chore.她基本上把锻炼看做是不得不做的琐事。
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