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google scholar和其他的论文查询网站相比,有什么优点?

google scholar 是专门针对论文查重设计的网站,所具包含的查重范围更广。

求救:Win 10 系统,如何 打开 谷歌学术

改hosts只能网页地址变了.用全局的 v..p--n更好用,我现在用的是,最近流行用的一个3gipv6,你百度搜下.还不错. win10可用.

英语作文 From the school clinic

Dear Mr and Mrs Green, You son came to the clinic today at3:34.He was having fever. First we called you. Next he was asked to lie down and we took temperature for him. then he was given some medicines. He looked slight better after two hours. He was told by the doctor to have one day rest. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.Regards,Nurse Laura Smith ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Echoes Of The Rainbow 歌词

Echoes Of The Rainbow演唱:李治廷Softly sighs the RainbowMisty songs of oldFlowing by the skylineMy secret lullabySoftly sighs the rainbowStories seldom toldFlowing by the skylineMy love songs that never rhymeIStand alone by my secret rainbowAhMy secret rainbow








which是疑问词,后面要用单数,故为which onethese是代词,后面同样用单数,故为these one

which one should i(choose)?为什么填choose


Which one did you choose?

which is your choice?就够了嘛 干嘛加个 ONE啊?

Which one to choose?为什么要用to

to do这里做定语,相当于 I have a book to read.世纪城精锐教育

which one you want to choose?是病句吗?


which one to choose和 to choose which one

To choose which one是按照中文的语法结构来的 肯定不对啊 which 是一般疑问词 都要放在句子前面的

Which one you choose is right. 连词which在句子中做什么成分?



不可以。which指代人的时候一般习惯性用which one 或者which person,一般不单独用。感觉很没礼貌。因为一般用来指代物。whichman专指哪个人,所以不能代替。

which one will you choose

either. either是两个中的一个,neither是两个都不. 这种情况下你可以说“I won"t choose either.”或是“I choose neither.” 因为neither是否定意义的,won"t已经做过一次否定了,所以不能选neither.



初一my school life 英语作文 60词左右

My home is far from our I live in school from Monday to Friday.Many people don"t like to live in school,but I like.In school,there are many friends. We can play and study together.It"s fun.This term,school begins at 7:00.We have more time to sleep.Everyone is happy.I usually eat bread for breakfast.After lunch and supper,I usually go for walks with my classmates.

以 school life 为题的英语演讲稿

第一篇:school life School is my second home in my life, it provides an opportunity and a nice environment for me to study. I have a lot of friend and school is a wonderful place to hang out with them. In the school building, there are a lot of classroom, teacher offices, computer labs, toilets, science labs, a cafeteria, and a library. I really like my school! My name is Beth. I"m 14 years old, and I study in No. 1 Middle School of Hui"an. My school is very big and beautiful. I"m very happy in the school. I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning. Then I do morning exercises in the playground. At 6:40, I have my breakfast. You can see many students and teachers in the dinning room. After breakfast, I often read English with my classmates. We have six classes every day. The first class begins at 7:50 am. I like all the classes, because my teachers can make the classes lively and interesting. My favorite subject is English, so I join English Corner every week. I can speak English with many other students there. It"s very interesting and exciting. I think it"s helpful for me to learn English well. After class, I always play games with my friends. We play basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, ping-pong and so on. They are very relaxing. I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers. In a word, I love my school. I find my school life is more and more meaningful and colorful. My school life is wonderful, isn"t it?----------------------------------------第二篇: my school life (初三版)i go to school at 7 every morning. when i get to school, i have to do the cleaning with my classmates. and after that i have 4 lessons in the morning and 2 lessons in the afternoon. the school is over at about 4:30. my favourite teacher is my science teacher. because he never scolds us. and of course my favourite subject is also science. my maths is just a mess. i can"t understand what the teacher is talking about. i don"t know how to solve this problem. anyway, i enjoy my school life. 初二: <br>My name is Beth. I"m 14 years old, and I study in No. 1 Middle School of Hui"an. My school is very big and beautiful. I"m very happy in the school. I usually get up at 6:15 in the morning. Then I do morning exercises in the playground. At 6:40, I have my breakfast. You can see many students and teachers in the dinning room. After breakfast, I often read English with my classmates. We have six classes every day. The first class begins at 7:50 am. I like all the classes, because my teachers can make the classes lively and interesting. My favorite subject is English, so I join English Corner every week. I can speak English with many other students there. It"s very interesting and exciting. I think it"s helpful for me to learn English well. After class, I always play games with my friends. We play basketball, soccer ball, volleyball, ping-pong and so on. They are very relaxing. I like my lessons, my friends and my teachers. In a word, I love my school. I find my school life is more and more meaningful and colorful. My school life is wonderful, isn"t it? study in XX middle school. My school is very big and beautiful. I often get up atX.00 a.m. Ten minute later I have my breakfast. Our classes begin at X.00 a.m. we have eight lessons every day. I often have Chinese,English and Maths lessons in the morning. I go home for lunch at about X.00 p.m. From X.XX to X.XX p.m, we have other lessons like Geography, History, Biology, Political and PE. <br>I don"t like play basketball,football and pingpang. But I like run. <br>I very like English and Computer lessons. English is very important. It is very hard to learn. Computer lesson is very interesting. <br>My school life is very colorful.

为什么注册Second Life时在注册页面点击Choose This Avatar后没有反应啊,网址是https://join.secondlife.c


High school love on主题曲是什么

 《High School:Love On》OST:主题曲/插曲/片尾曲  1、Island - Mose(专辑《Golden Cross OST Part.1》)  2、- Tritops(专辑《Golden Cross OST Part.2》)


校宝系统登陆官网: 九月底一个如常的日子,矢量教育创始人汪勇强从安徽省东至县出发,跨越近一千里,赶赴杭州参加一场教培机构沙龙。这场沙龙由深受欢迎的教育产业服务平台校宝在线举办,汇聚了校宝、钉钉等教育行业专家,以及和汪勇强一样,从全国各地赶赴而来的校长们。 这次活动召集的校长们的共同点是,他们都是探索教育信息化的先行者。校宝在线CEO张以弛为这些学校授予了“校宝在线教育MVP认证”,以感谢他们与校宝同行,落地教育信息化时勇往直前的魄力、披荆斩棘的行动力,以及先行于行业,树模范、立标杆所彰显的影响力。 校宝在线CEO张以弛授予矢量教育MVP认证 学霸变校长 东至县是汪校长的故乡。 念书时,汪校长是县里的学霸。高中毕业,高分考入 南京大学 的他这才第一次走出县城。初入大城市,第一次见到高楼大厦的震撼不足为述,反而从同学身上感受到的,地域教育资源的不均衡带给他更强烈的冲击。 毕业后他没怎么犹豫就扎进了教育行业,一干就是十多年。从全日制学校到教培机构、从大城市回到家乡小县城,身份也从老师转变为创业者、校长。 回溯2014年创业之初,他吃住都在校区,“死磕”第一批六个学员;到如今寒暑假班课的六百多位学员,人数百倍激增的背后,汪校长自有一套方法论。 校宝“铁粉”养成记 矢量教育刚开办的时候,也曾尝试过沿街发传单招生,但收效甚微;反而是做好每一位学员后,家长间的口口相传为机构带来了稳定的新增学员。汪校长说,在熟人关系网密织的小地方,培训学校想做大,就得精耕细作每一份口碑,从学员的课业成绩、人身安全,再到个人成长,都要老师全面关注、精心维护。 悉心运营的第一年,矢量教育就在县城打响了知名度,学员人数从六人攀升至一百多人。到了第三年,学员人数稳定在两百多人,这个数值恰是中小规模学校管理难题的“分界线”。也是从这时起,汪校长开始分身乏术,意识到仅靠人工作业已经无法满足学生的报名排课、家校沟通和学校的财务管理等等工作了。 于是他开始对外寻求管理提效的手段,在比较了市面上数款学校管理系统后,选定部署校宝学校管理系统。初尝信息化的汪校长很惊喜:有了校宝,教务老师们的排课压力释放了、还可以实时查看学员和班级的教务信息;学员的报名、补费、退费流程一体化,前台、教务和财务部门的协同更高效了;报表中心还能呈现多维度的校区指标,可以给他的校区规划提供参考价值。 触“宝”一年来,汪校长真切感受到校宝的提效功力,成了一枚“铁粉”:不但在校区全面应用了校宝旗下的校宝秀、校宝家、收银宝、安心保等教培全系产品,还赴校宝总部、阿里巴巴总部和首届教育服务共建大会,和优秀同行深度交流,“走出去”汲取专业知识,再反哺老师和学员。 “小而美”的信息化典型样本 矢量教育,正是极具代表和极富趋势的信息化典型样本:学员人数初现规模,传统的人工作业已经无法支撑学校的运营效能;学校要承担市场、销售、教学、服务的全流程周期,教务工作琐碎繁杂、占用老师的教学心力,亟待信息化提效;市面上少有学校真正需要的金融、营销工具,相关需求远未满足。 如今,这类机构的痛点正借助校宝得以缓解。汪校长特地在活动上分享了保险产品为机构带来的新气象。 尽管学校日常管理已非常重视安全教育,矢量教育开办以来也从未发生一起安全事故,但汪校长总是隐隐觉得少了一道“防火墙”,直到校宝安心保推出,“我终于等到了这颗‘定心丸"。”去年九月,安心保推出还不满一个月,汪校长就火速为学校投保了“教培公众责任险”;今年更是第一时间续保,并将校区保障升级为“教培综合责任险”。 今年八月,汪校长还参与了校宝收银宝联合安心保发起的活动:学员使用校宝收银宝交学费,就能免费领取一份学员意外险。初心是为学员提供教培责任险、学员意外险双重保障的活动,却意外地在家长间大受欢迎,期间学员报名人数暴涨了121%。 “这说明,学校为学员的周到考虑,家长都是放在心上的,也终究会有所报偿。很多家长特地发来感谢,感谢我们所做,以爱为底色、有温度的教育。没什么比这更成就感了。” 活动末了,汪校长欣慰地感叹。 ;

And choices___________ by attitudes. (drive)


Apple has faced a chorus of complaints since iOS 6 was made available for download.

a chorus of意思是异口同,它修饰complaints

Google Scholar 对学术界的影响有多大


填空 Beijing is___big and Chongqing is ___biggest city in China.


Anchorage is the largest city in Alaska.是什么意思


英语短文改错,共十处D I would like to tell you something more about our school sports meet

more去掉was holding改成held100-metres改成100-metrein改成atstudent改成studentssuccess改成successfulwere trying改成triedwinner改成winnersthat改成whatreceive改成receiving

英语翻译 用lovely lively role send choose soft 造句并翻译,分别四句,尽量简短!

lovely1.She is a lovely girl. 她是一个漂亮的女孩.2.The lovely boy has beautiful blonde curls. 这个可爱的小男孩长着漂亮的金黄色卷发.3.It"s a crime to neglect such a lovely garden. 让这么可爱的花园荒废是极不应该的.4.My lovely daughter came to her father for a cuddle. 我可爱的小女儿走到她父亲那,要他抱抱她.lively1.He told a very lively story about his life in Africa. 他非常生动地讲述了他在非洲的生活.2.She had a lively sense of humor. 她幽默感很强.3.The band played a lively tune. 乐队演奏了一支轻快的乐曲.4.The style is lucid and lively. 笔调很明快.role 1.The key role of the teacher in the learning process should not be neglected. 教师在学习中的关键作用是不该忽视的.2.She played a thankless role. 她扮演了一个受累不讨好的角色.3.He played a passive role in the marriage. 他在婚姻中扮演了一个被动的角色.4.He"s a natural for the role of Lear. 他是李尔王这一角色的理想人选.send 1.Radio Beijing sends the news all over the world. 北京广播电台向全世界播送新闻.2.The music of this song sent her carefree and joyous. 这支歌的乐曲使她心旷神怡.3.Men who refused to strike were sent to coventry by their colleagues. 凡是不参加罢工的人,同事都不理睬他们.4.He was sent down for ten years for armed robbery. 他因持械抢劫被判入狱十年.choose 1.Have you chosen a coat yet? 你挑好了上衣没有?2.He chose not to go home until later. 他决定晚一点才回家.3.Free will makes us able to choose our way of life. 自由的意志使我们可以选择自己的生活方式.4.You can choose what you like.你喜欢什么挑什么. soft 1.It"s very comfortable to step on the soft ground in the spring. 春天的时候,踩在松软的地面上非常舒服.2.Don"t be so soft there"s nothing to be afraid of. 别这麽窝囊,没什麽可怕的嘛.3.The bed is so soft.床软软的.4.I like soft music.我喜欢轻音乐.谢谢采纳、o(∩_∩)o

when i entered berkeley,i hoped to earn ascholarship.having......完形填空


The Emotions的《Echo》 歌词

歌曲名:Echo歌手:The Emotions专辑:Rock N RollEcho-menudo【译特】Oh man, feels like I"m losing controlForgot what it"s like to rule my worldShe got me and she got me goodI don"t even wanna hang around my boysI used to say I"m not that kinda guyI don"t do love, don"t waste my timeBut lately all that"s on my mindIs when I"m back with herWith her, with herAnd everywhere I hear her wordsEvery corner I seem to turnI can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echoSomehow, I keep lying to myselfI say I can manage just right alongMatter fact I am so damn scaredCause I think about were I belongI never had this kind of feeling beforeI think I"m falling in loveCause lately all that"s on my mindIs when I"m back with herWith her, with herAnd everywhere I hear her wordsEvery corner I seem to turnI can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echoRound and round, everywhere, in my head, in the airEchooo, echoooRound and round, everywhere, in my head, in the airEchooo, echooo(Menudo, echoo)Can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echoI can"t hide from this loveOh oh, oh oh, keep taunting me wherever I goOh oh, oh oh, filling up my heart and I can feel itOh oh, oh oh, going round and round like an echoEcho, echo, echo, echo, echo

do you knowhow to use chopstick

D 分 析: make up 以为和好 ;look up查阅,查找。其中up是副词,代词作宾语时,只能置于其中.所以排除B/D 根据句意但是我为什么不查字典呢?故选C. 考点: 考查代词在“动+副”型的动词短语中的位置。

I am an optimist by choice as much as by nature 怎么翻译


I will be in A school meeting room这句话对吗?

应该使用the会好一点 对方知道是哪一间

at school和at/in the school有什么区别?

at school和in school区别:1、当school指实际建筑物或具体的场所“学校”表示地点时,在其前要加定冠词、物主代词或指示代词。2、当school与介词at, in, to搭配且其前不带任何限定词时,它们表示“上学;求学;上学念书”等意义3、at school, in school除了表示“上学;求学”之外,at school还含有on the school premises的意思,in school还含有in the school building的意思,即它们都表示“在学校校舍里”。、拓展资料at school1、He was disciplined at school for talking back to the teacher. 他因为和教师顶嘴受到了处分。2、Each child had participated in extracurricular activities at school. 每个孩子都参加了学校的课外活动。3、Is the child at school? 这孩子上学了吗?4、Her class teacher made a special arrangement to discuss her progress at school once a month. 她班上的老师作了特别安排,每月讨论一次她在学业上的进展情况。5、Science was never my strong point at school. 我上学时理科从来都不是我的强项。in school1、A youthful teacher, he finds himself an unwilling participant in school politics 作为一名年轻教师,他发现自己并不情愿地参与到了学校的权力争斗中。2、They were more interested in courtship and cars than in school 比起上学,他们对谈恋爱和汽车更感兴趣。3、I"m lucky that I"m interested in school work, otherwise I"d go mad. 我很庆幸自己对学习怀有兴趣,不然我会疯掉的。4、In school I was a loner. I went my own way. 在学校里我独来独往,我行我素。5、She thanks her parents for keeping her in school and pushing her to study 她感谢父母送她上学并督促她学习。

how is your trip to school翻译

how is your trip to school翻译为你去学校的旅程怎么样。trip短语搭配:1、camping trip露营旅行;野营旅行;露营。2、on trip在旅途中;双方就位。3、trip over绊倒;被...绊倒;去旅行。4、round trip来回旅行;往返旅行;双程旅行。5、trip computer电子里程表。6、guilt trip负罪感;负罪感的体验;内疚感的体验。7、ego trip追名逐利;自私行为;自吹自擂;自我表现。8、road trip公路旅行;自驾游;哈拉上路。trip中英双语例句:1、That trip was a difficult but valuable lesson.那次旅行是一堂困难但有价值的课。2、Do not take a short cuts through dark areas, even if it will make your trip much faster.不要抄近路穿过黑暗的地区,即使这会让你的旅行快得多。3、Recently, I took a trip home by train.现在许多人乘高铁在中国旅行。4、Sandy is the guide of the trip today.桑迪是今天这次旅行的导游

My school trip was great改为一般疑问句

how was your trip?


my school trip is in May

口试:Talk about your school trip. 根据标题用英语编10组对话?

以下是一些可能的对话:A: Hey, how was your school trip?B: It was great! We went to the beach and did some snorkeling.A: That sounds awesome! Did you see any cool fish?B: Yeah, we saw a bunch of colorful ones. It was really cool.A: Did you have fun on the school trip?B: Yeah, it was pretty cool. We went to an amusement park.A: What rides did you go on?B: We went on all of them! My favorite was the roller coaster.A: How was your school trip?B: It was good. We went to a museum and saw a lot of cool stuff.A: What kind of stuff did you see?B: We saw dinosaur bones, mummies, and some ancient artifacts.A: So, how was the school trip?B: It was amazing! We went camping in the mountains.A: Wow, that sounds like a lot of fun. Did you see any wildlife?B: Yeah, we saw some deer and even a bear! It was pretty scary, but also really cool.A: How was your school trip to the city?B: It was pretty cool. We saw some famous landmarks and went shopping.A: What did you buy?B: I got a t-shirt and some souvenirs for my family.A: Hey, how was the school trip?B: It was okay. We went to a historical site and learned about the area.A: Was it interesting?B: Yeah, it was kind of cool to learn about the history of the place.A: How was your school trip to the science museum?B: It was awesome! We got to see some really cool experiments and demonstrations.A: That sounds really cool. Did you learn anything new?B: Yeah, I learned about how electricity works and how to make a volcano erupt.A: How was your school trip to the farm?B: It was really fun! We got to see some farm animals and even milk a cow.A: That sounds like a unique experience. Did you like it?B: Yeah, it was cool to see how a real farm works and learn about where our food comes from.A: Hey, how was your school trip to the zoo?B: It was awesome! We saw so many different animals.A: Which one was your favorite?B: I really liked the monkeys. They were really funny and playful.A: How was your school trip to the aquarium?B: It was great! We saw all kinds of sea creatures.A: Did you learn anything new?B: Yeah, I learned about different types of fish and how they live underwater. It was really interesting.

英语新目标人民教育出版社的那个八年级上册Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section A 3a的翻译和原文

原文:Class 9 had a great time on the school trip. They went Blue Water Aquarium for the day. First they visited the Visitor`s Center and watched a movie about sharks. Then they watched a dolphin show. After that, they went to the Outdoor Pool and saw a big octopus. After lunch, they went to the Gift Shop and bought a lot of gifts. Finally, tired but happy, they took the bus back to school. At the end of the day, the science teacher was very happy because the class monitor cleaned the bus after the trip.译文:9班在学校郊游中玩的很开心,他们去了一天蓝水族馆,首先,他们参观了游客中心并且看了一部关于鲨鱼的电影,然后他们去看了海豚表演,在那之后,他们去了户外池塘并且看见了一个大章鱼,午饭之后,他们去了礼物商店并且买了很多礼物,最后,累但是很高兴,他们乘公共汽车回学校,在一天的最后,科学老师很开心,因为班长在郊游之后清洁了公共汽车。

英语新目标人民教育出版社的那个八年级上册Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section A 3a的翻译和原文


为什么是How was your last school trip而不是How were your last school

这里问的不是you 而是your last school trip,是单数,所以当然要用was 啊

How was your school tirp跪求这篇英语作文60词左右的在线等

I"m glad to be here to talking about my school tripThe very first thing,what I want to tell you was that scenery.It was beautiful and brilliant that I"ve never seen.Then, this was a great chance for me to relaxNext,when we arrived the destination,the people were friendly and kind.Finally,this school trip bring me a lot of happiness.I really enjoy it, How do you find it?我自己临时写的,应该可以有个不错的分数吧~

如何导入how was your school trip

how was your school trip教后反思 此次青年教师大赛结束后,我思绪万千,感慨颇多。故欲通过笔的痕迹,流露 自己的真实心迹。借此反思的平台,对自己做一个客观公正的评价。在进行横向比较的同时,也进行纵向的比较。横向的比较就是与同龄人,同学科,同上一个课题的老师的比较。纵向的比较就是自己成长心路上的比较。首先对自己进行一个纵向的比较。仍能清晰地记得2010年11月19号那天早上,伴着淅沥的小雨,拖着沉重的行李。我第一次跨入了沙朗民族实验学校的大门。从那一刻起,我告别了学生时代,成为了一位人类灵魂的工程师,光荣的成为了沙朗民族实验学校的一名教师。作为一名青年教师,我为自己设定的三年奋斗目标:一年适应,两年过度,三年成长。时隔两年,事实证明了一切。两年的奋斗目标初步达成。两年前,课赛的那一天,我以一个失败者的身份,退居了课赛的舞台,而两年后的今天,我却收获了那份小小的成功的喜悦。究其原因,与以前的课赛相比,此次课赛,存在着以下的亮点:(1)导入贴近学生的实际生活,自然而又贴切。与本单元的课题相衔接。良好的开端等于成功的一半。首先我手举着学生每天都在吃的牛奶和面包问他们:What"s this in English ?学生都能做出相应的回答,大大增强了学生的自信心。继而问他们Did you drink milk yesterday morning ? / Did you have bread yesterday morning ?此时的问题刚好就是这个课时的重点。因为学生以前没有接触过次句型,不知如何作答,教师再给予提示,Yes or No.学生都能回答的基础上适当补充:Yes , I did . / No , I didn"t .带着重复两遍。再问:“How was your breakfast yesterday morning ?”刚好与课题How was your school trip相衔接。此种导入,在复习旧知识的同时,引入新知识,循序渐进,符合学生的思维方式。(2)突出了重点,突破了难点.在这个课时中,a.重点单词 gift, shark, aquarium, seal, hang, souvenir, win, autograph, prizeb.重点短语 take photos, hang out, get one"s autographc.重点句型1). –Did you go to the zoo?- No, I went to the aquarium.2). – Were there any sharks?- No, there weren"t any sharks, but there were some really clever seals.在一节课40分钟的时间之内,我首先带着学生用做导学案的方式,把重点单词重点短语依依呈现,边呈现,边带学生读,让学生在听说读的同时把写落实到笔头。同时导学案的填写从侧面反应了学生的自主学习能力。(3)知识的衔接自然,每一个教学环节的设计都是为下一教学环节做铺垫,有承上启下,承前启后的效果。比如我在呈现What did Sam do on his school trip ?的各种活动的图片时,一方面,是对教材Section A 1a的灵活处理。另一方面,是让学生对重点词汇的操练,尤其是特殊动词的一般过去时,我用红体标出,让学生在学的同时,引起他们高度的注意。再次,学生在小组合作练习这些活动的同时,为他们下一环节的听力做了很好的铺垫,降低了学生听听力的难度。(4)在活动的设计上,教材的处理上,并没有按部就班。教材中有三个听力部分,我把其中的第三个听力部分的文字用ppt呈现出来,让学生小组合作,带着课本上的问题,阅读ppt呈现的对话,完成任务。属于任务型阅读。(5)在听完第一个听力材料后,让学生一一复述每一句话,让学生通过听的方式学习英语,使其学习方式多样化。另外,先听后学,能让学生口语更加地道,有助于学生英语听力部分的考试。(6)在听完第二个听力材料核对答案后,结合课文上的句子,让学生自己总结句型结构,使其在真实的情景中掌握重点句型。(7)一堂课,各个教学环节基本齐全。有导入,有复习,有呈现,有巩固,有练习,有总结。学生听说读写译,各方面的能力都有所提高。同时学生的小组合作能力得到提高,文化意识增强。进行纵向的比较,自己各个方面的进步是不言而喻的。教学上有了自己的亮点,有了自己的闪光点。但是,进行横向的比较时,自己仍然存在着很多方面的不足:(1) 教学中把握不住时间,句型操练不到位。有一个句型没有练到。(2) 过度的高估学生。学生并没有自己想象的那么优秀,以后的教学中,需要加入适当的汉语讲解。(3) 上公开课毕竟是表演课,听力不能像平时一样逐句翻译。只能是走过场戏。前事不忘,后事之师。总结过去,取长补短,放眼未来,期待明年能给自己交上一份完美的答卷,向下一个成长目标而努力。

how was your school trip?为什么用was而不用does


七年级下册英语作文(unit11 how was your school trip?)

Dear Jenny,How are you doing today recently? I had a great day yesterday as we went out for a school trip. We went to the safari park when we saw lots of Arfican animals. And I fed the giraffe and deers for the first time. They were such cute creatures. I saw a lot of special animals that you can only see in Africa such as the giant ant eater, zebras, hippos and gorillas. We had a good time there.I will bring you there next time you visit me, you will love them.Best regards,Jane

How was your school trip? 的同义句由What引导的。

what did you think of your school trip

英语新目标人民教育出版社的那个八年级上册Unit 8 How was your school trip? Section B 3a的翻译和原文

Dear Tom, How was your day off?Did you have fun camping?I didn"t have a fun day.I visited my cousins.It rained all day.In the morning,I stayed in the house and watched DVDs,played computer games and read.In the afternoon,Uncle Martin put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale!However ,no one came to the sale because the weather was so bad.Luckily ,we bought our umbrellas and raincoats ,so we didn"t get wet. 亲爱的汤姆:你的假期过得如何?去露营开心吗?我过得并不好。我去拜访了我的表兄。那儿一直在下雨。在早上,我呆在屋子里看光碟,玩电脑游戏和阅读。在下午,马丁叔叔把他的旧东西摆在院子里出售。然而,因为天气糟糕透了,没有一个人来光顾。幸运的是,我们带来雨伞和雨衣,所以我们没被淋湿。期待和你相见尼克

英语作文:how was your last school trip


How was your school trip?的回答语

it was great!

How was your school trip?改为同义句

What was your school trip like?

How was your school trip?是什么意思


七年级下册Unit11how was your school trip?2b文章的翻译


同义句 ..How was your school trip?

How did your school trip going?

how was your school trip中文是什么意思呀


Hao was your school trip是什么意思?


how was your school trip用此时态的意义是什么


how was your school trip? 怎么翻译,可以翻译成你的学校旅行怎么样?吗


英语作文how was your school tirp

Last weekend,our school held a school trip.And we had a great time.At 8 o"clock,we went to the park by the school bus.That day,the sun was shining and there were many trees and birds.Some of my friends were eating the food that they took.Some were taking to each others.And others were playing cards.Although we were very tired,we were more happy ,too.

How was your school trip?等于什么?求正确答案!


how was your school trip为什么用your?

形容词性物主代词做定语修饰名词school trip

how is yours school trip 的过去式是什么?

过去式应该是,How was yours school trip.

how was your school trip为什么要用was不是用were?


急急急急急!organize和conduct有什么区别?是organize school outi

conduct1及物动词 vt. 1.引导,带领He conducted the members of the audience to their seats. 他引观众到他们的座位上。 2.实施;处理;经营,管理They hired agents to conduct their affairs. 他们雇请代理人来处理他们的事务。 3.为人,表现[O]4.指挥(军队,乐队等)Mr. Green will conduct the orchestra. 格林先生将指挥这支管弦乐队。 5.【物】传导(热,电等)Most metals conduct electricity. 大多数金属能导电。 不及物动词 vi. 1.引导,带领2.指挥乐队conduct2名词 n. [U]1.行为,品行,举动She always got the good conduct prize. 她总是得到品行优良奖。 2.指导;引导3.(业务,活动等的)管理,经营,处理及物动词 vt. 1.组织;安排We"ll organize an oratorical contest. 我们将筹划一次演说比赛。 2.把...组成工会They organized the truckers into a union. 他们把卡车司机组成工会。 3.使具有有机体的构造;使成有机体[H]4.使有条理,使井然有序The story is very well organized. 这个故事结构严谨。 5.【口】使(自己)头脑清醒He had trouble organizing himself as he aged. 他年事已高,很难高效率地工作。 不及物动词 vi. 1.组织工会;成立组织Service workers also have the right to organize. 服务性行业人员也有权组织工会。 2.形成有机体应该是conduct

一首英文歌 求歌名和mp3 歌词大概是i dont wanna go to school


on a school trip前为什么接take?

你好,你的意思是take on a school trip这里面为什么要用take?Take on 在正面的意思是进行。这句话的意思是进行一次学校旅行。

Riverside Girls High School 只有女生吗


the school isthe b.of c.on 该选择哪个答案

选atThe school is at the riverside.学校在河边。

Everybody must have( )own choice


GD常唱的一句yo choice drop it on me什么意思


my career choice

这三个问题都涉及你的个人信息,你不提供的话没有办法帮到你。以下是问题的翻译:1 你想从事哪方面的工作2 当选择工作时,哪些是你主要考虑的因素3 总结(关于你个人择业方面的,主要指出了以上两点外的其他补充)

I have no other choice(为社么不用加s)


it is the choice that we made makes us who we are 谁说的


广泛征集英文演讲稿 chance and choice 应该怎么写·?

The difference is what happens afterwards.  When will you take that infatuation, that crush, that mind-blowing attraction to the next level?  That"s when all sanity goes back, you sit down and contemplate whether you want to make this into a concrete relationship or just a fling.    If you decide to love a person, even with his faults, that"s not a chance.  That"s choice.    When you choose to be with a person, no matter what, that"s choice.    Even if you know there are many people out there who are more attractive, smarter, and richer than your mate, and yet, you decide to love your mate just the same, that"s choice.    Infatuation, crushes, and attraction come to us by chance.  But true love that lasts is truly a choice.  A choice that we make.    We may meet our soul-mates by chance, but loving and staying with our soulmate is still a choice we have to make.    We came to the world not by finding someone perfect to love,  BUT to learn how to love an imperfect person perfectly.

java中int choice=s.nextInt();这句话是什么意思?

你先前的程序应该有这个对象的实例化,Scanner s=new Scanner(; 当程序进行到这里的会要求你从键盘输入什么东西如果你输入和一个整型的数字 ,比如 :150 int choice=s.nextInt(); 这个时候choice的值就是150

the best choice是什么意思

the best choice最好的选择



有choise 这个词吗,注意是S 有的话词性是什么,与choose和choice有联系吗?求解答

你好,你给的这个单词儿choise 不对,没有这个单词儿,有的是是choice。它是动词 choose 的名词形式。意思是选择。

make any choice加s吗

make any choice 加 s 吗?any + 单数。所以,choice 不加 s

Sophiez’s Choice《苏菲的选择》里的主要人物有哪些?及简介?全部都要英文的,谢谢

本书的叙述者斯汀戈,一个不谙世事的南方年轻人,把我们带回到了1947年布鲁克林一栋公寓里.在这里,他遇见了内森,一个具有超凡魅力的犹太知识分子,以及苏菲,一个美丽非凡,脆弱的波兰天主教徒。   然后,随着他与内森、苏菲的友情的发展,他渐渐感受到了他们之间的那种爱得死去活来、能彼此摧毁对方的奇妙关系。终于走到苏菲的心灵深处,看到了过去的黑暗经历:对波兰战前的回忆,集中营以及她可怕的秘密。   他爱上了受尽苦难的苏菲,苏菲有一个苛刻的对犹太民族有着深刻仇恨的教授父亲,自己却阴差阳错地在二战中被抓住,关押在奥斯维辛集中营里。她面临着艰难的选择,第一次是选择让哪个孩子活下来,最后她的小女儿被纳粹送入了毒气室。此后为了打听跟自己隔离开来的儿子下落,她又不顾一切地讨好纳粹军官。战后苏菲来到纽约,遇到了魅力四射的内森,使脆弱的她恢复了做人的感觉,她也深深地爱上类内森。最后,令人惊讶的是,内森在其光华的外表下竟然是个吸毒的精神病人。而苏菲最后的选择也是他,而不是“我”,最后与内森一起服毒自杀。 Siting Ge book narrator, a young South worldly, brings us back to the 1947 Brooklyn apartment building. Here, he met Nathan, a charismatic Jewish intellectuals, and the Soviet Union Philippines, an extraordinary beautiful and fragile Polish Catholic. Then, as he and Nathan, the development of Sophie"s friendship, he began to feel the kind of love between them a very tough battle, to destroy each other"s wonderful relationship. Sophie"s soul finally went to see the darkness of the past experience: pre-war memories of Poland, concentration camp and her terrible secret. He suffered from suffering in love with Sophie, Sophie has a harsh hatred of the Jewish people has a profound professor father, himself accidentally caught in World War II, held in the Auschwitz concentration camp. She faces difficult choices, the first is to choose which children to survive, the last of her young daughter into the gas chambers by the Nazis. In order to inquire after his isolate with the whereabouts of the son, she was desperate to please the Nazi officers. Hou Sufei war came to New York and met Nathan glamorous, so that the fragile recovery of the man she"s feeling, she fell in love with Class Nathan. Finally, surprisingly, Nathan appearance in the Guanghua turned out to be a drug under the mental patients. And Sophie is his last choice, not "I", the last suicide by taking poison together with Nathan. 是用谷歌翻译查的 如果不够 你可以去谷歌翻译查
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