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freight and charges 运费和费用; 运费及其他费用; [例句]Determination of economic haul separation point in analysis of freight and miscellaneous charges运杂费分析中经济运距分界点的确定

freight ,charge,fee几个单词都可以作为费用讲,请高手解析下他们的用法

fee,一般指小费,大多时候你在餐厅吃饭,给服务员的额外的小费就是fee,可以理解为酬金及报酬。freight;指在货运的时候用到的,会和 prepaid freight 连用,是指运费已付,多见于以CIF条款贸易方式;charge:一般以 chaarge for 连用,是要价,索要,收费,这里要稍微感觉一下,比如说这件衣服要价多少?how much do you charge for this coat? 里面被动的成分会多一点,被要价。。。等等!英语多数时候不能僵硬理解,要靠语感的哦。这只是我的理解。

提单左下角出现 freight & charges是什麼意思

指运费,你是FOB的话,运费对方付,提单上体现FREIGHT COLLET。意思是运费到付,你看看提单是有没有“FREIGHT COLLET”字样,有就OK了。

int recv( SOCKET s, char FAR *buf, int len, int flags ); 中的flags 取 0是什么意思 ?

查看MSDN:recv FunctionThe recv function receives data from a connected or bound recv( __in SOCKET s, __out char* buf, __in int len, __in int flags);Parameterss The descriptor that identifies a connected socket.buf The buffer for incoming data.len The length, in bytes, of the buf parameter.flags A pointer to flags that influences the behavior of this function. See remarks below.其中:RemarksThe recv function is used to read incoming data on connection-oriented sockets, or connectionless sockets. When using a connection-oriented protocol, the sockets must be connected before calling recv. When using a connectionless protocol, the sockets must be bound before calling recv.The local address of the socket must be known. For server applications, use an explicit bind function or an implicit accept or WSAAccept function. Explicit binding is discouraged for client applications. For client applications, the socket can become bound implicitly to a local address using connect, WSAConnect, sendto, WSASendTo, or WSAJoinLeaf.For connected or connectionless sockets, the recv function restricts the addresses from which received messages are accepted. The function only returns messages from the remote address specified in the connection. Messages from other addresses are (silently) discarded.For connection-oriented sockets (type SOCK_STREAM for example), calling recv will return as much data as is currently available—up to the size of the buffer specified. If the socket has been configured for in-line reception of OOB data (socket option SO_OOBINLINE) and OOB data is yet unread, only OOB data will be returned. The application can use the ioctlsocket or WSAIoctlSIOCATMARK command to determine whether any more OOB data remains to be read.For connectionless sockets (type SOCK_DGRAM or other message-oriented sockets), data is extracted from the first enqueued datagram (message) from the destination address specified by the connect function.If the datagram or message is larger than the buffer specified, the buffer is filled with the first part of the datagram, and recv generates the error WSAEMSGSIZE. For unreliable protocols (for example, UDP) the excess data is lost; for reliable protocols, the data is retained by the service provider until it is successfully read by calling recv with a large enough buffer.If no incoming data is available at the socket, the recv call blocks and waits for data to arrive according to the blocking rules defined for WSARecv with the MSG_PARTIAL flag not set unless the socket is nonblocking. In this case, a value of SOCKET_ERROR is returned with the error code set to WSAEWOULDBLOCK. The select, WSAAsyncSelect, or WSAEventSelect functions can be used to determine when more data arrives.If the socket is connection oriented and the remote side has shut down the connection gracefully, and all data has been received, a recv will complete immediately with zero bytes received. If the connection has been reset, a recv will fail with the error WSAECONNRESET.Note When issuing a blocking Winsock call, such as send, recv, select, accept, or connect function calls, Winsock may need to wait for a network event before the call can complete. Winsock performs an alertable wait in this situation, which can be interrupted by an asynchronous procedure call (APC) scheduled on the same thread, and thereby create unspecified results. Do not issue blocking Winsock function calls without being certain that the current thread is not waiting inside another blocking Winsock function call; doing so results in unpredictable behavior.The flags parameter can be used to influence the behavior of the function invocation beyond the options specified for the associated socket. The semantics of this function are determined by the socket options and the flags parameter. The latter is constructed by using the bitwise OR operator with any of the following values.Value Meaning MSG_PEEK Peeks at the incoming data. The data is copied into the buffer, but is not removed from the input queue. The function subsequently returns the amount of data that can be read in a single call to the recv (or recvfrom) function, which may not be the same as the total amount of data queued on the socket. The amount of data that can actually be read in a single call to the recv (or recvfrom) function is limited to the data size written in the send or sendto function call. MSG_OOB Processes Out Of Band (OOB) data. MSG_WAITALL The receive request will complete only when one of the following events occurs:The buffer supplied by the caller is completely full. The connection has been closed. The request has been canceled. Note that if the underlying transport does not support MSG_WAITALL, or if the socket is in a non-blocking mode, then this call will fail with WSAEOPNOTSUPP. Also, if MSG_WAITALL is specified along with MSG_OOB, MSG_PEEK, or MSG_PARTIAL, then this call will fail with WSAEOPNOTSUPP. This flag is not supported on datagram sockets or message-oriented CO sockets.

8. In the past 10 years, the American artist ________ many wonderful cartoon characters.

in/over the past/last +一段时间:现在完成时的时间状语。所以,答案是B又如:In the past few years, great changes have taken place in China.在过去的几年里,中国发生了巨大的变化。


先弄清楚里面存的是什么数据。你VARIANT结构体中,vt的值是多少?8, 30, 31看起来都是字符串……(远目

QT中 error: ‘CHAR’ was not declared in this scope,还有就是UpdateData();也出现错误


如:cheer中ch的发音发[t∫] character中就发[k] 请问这种发音是怎么区分的?

辅音字符 ch 共有四种读音 辅音字符 ch 的读音比较复杂,共有以下的四种.其中 #1,#2 的读音占大多数.#3 的读音占少数.#4 的读音极少并且只出现在词尾. #1.读音与汉语拼音中的读音接近.单词有 chaste,cheese,China,choke,choose,chat,chess 棋类,chip,chop,chuck,choice,chow mien炒面,merchant商人,orchard 果园, 在词尾时 rich,inch 英寸,much,each,teach,coach,lunch,arch,catch,watch,witch 女巫,stretch,stretcher n.担架. #2.读音 [k].单词有 character,chemistry 化学,chorus 合唱队,chromium 铬,Christmas 圣诞节,school,schedule,echo 回声, headache 头痛,toothache 牙痛,mechanical 机械的,technical 技术的 在词尾时 stomach 肚子,loch n.湖,Mach n.马赫数 #3.读音 sh .单词有 chef(饭馆里的)厨师,chassis 底盘,Chicago 芝加哥,brochure 小册子,Chevrolet 雪福兰(汽车商标)= Chevy,machine 机器, 说明:chef,chassis,brochure 均来自法语,所以读音为 sh . #4.限于少数单词,在词尾时读音为“寄”.单词有 spinach 菠菜,Greenwich 格林尼治,sandwich 三明治.



Richard Marx的《Hazard》 歌词

歌曲名:Hazard歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Top of the Pops 1992Richard MarxHazardMy mother came to hazard when I was just sevenEven then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyesThat boy"s not rightThree years ago when I came to know MaryFirst time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the liesAnd saw the man insideWe used to walk down by the riverShe loved to watch the sun go downWe used to walk along the riverAnd dream our way out of this townNo one understood what I felt for MaryNo one cared until the night she went out walking aloneAnd never came homeMan with a badge came knocking next morningHere was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenlyPointed right at meI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska townI think about my life gone byAnd how it"s done me wrongThere"s no escape for me this timeAll of my rescues are gone, long goneI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska town

Richard Marx的《Hazard》 歌词

歌曲名:Hazard歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Stories To TellRichard MarxHazardMy mother came to hazard when I was just sevenEven then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyesThat boy"s not rightThree years ago when I came to know MaryFirst time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the liesAnd saw the man insideWe used to walk down by the riverShe loved to watch the sun go downWe used to walk along the riverAnd dream our way out of this townNo one understood what I felt for MaryNo one cared until the night she went out walking aloneAnd never came homeMan with a badge came knocking next morningHere was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenlyPointed right at meI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska townI think about my life gone byAnd how it"s done me wrongThere"s no escape for me this timeAll of my rescues are gone, long goneI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska town

Richard Marx的《Hazard》 歌词

歌曲名:Hazard歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Greatest HitsRichard MarxHazardMy mother came to hazard when I was just sevenEven then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyesThat boy"s not rightThree years ago when I came to know MaryFirst time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the liesAnd saw the man insideWe used to walk down by the riverShe loved to watch the sun go downWe used to walk along the riverAnd dream our way out of this townNo one understood what I felt for MaryNo one cared until the night she went out walking aloneAnd never came homeMan with a badge came knocking next morningHere was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenlyPointed right at meI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska townI think about my life gone byAnd how it"s done me wrongThere"s no escape for me this timeAll of my rescues are gone, long goneI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska town

Richard Marx的《Hazard》 歌词

歌曲名:Hazard歌手:Richard Marx专辑:Greatest HitsRichard MarxHazardMy mother came to hazard when I was just sevenEven then the folks in town said with prejudiced eyesThat boy"s not rightThree years ago when I came to know MaryFirst time that someone looked beyond the rumors and the liesAnd saw the man insideWe used to walk down by the riverShe loved to watch the sun go downWe used to walk along the riverAnd dream our way out of this townNo one understood what I felt for MaryNo one cared until the night she went out walking aloneAnd never came homeMan with a badge came knocking next morningHere was I surrounded by a thousand fingers suddenlyPointed right at meI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska townI think about my life gone byAnd how it"s done me wrongThere"s no escape for me this timeAll of my rescues are gone, long goneI swear I left her by the riverI swear I left her safe and soundI need to make it to the riverAnd leave this old Nebraska town

what we need now is a charge of focus

你好!what we need now is a charge of focus我们现在需要的是一个电荷的焦点

now and forever——richard marx的歌词和翻译?

Now and forever 现在和永远 Whenever I"m weary from the battles that rage in my head 每当脑海中纷乱情绪的斗争让我疲倦 You make sense of madness when my sanity hangs by a thread 当我的心智悬于一线时你了解我的疯狂 I lose my way but still you seem to understand 我迷失自己 但你仍然理解我 Now and forever 现在和永远 I will be your man. 我将是你的男人 Sometimes I just hold you 有时我只是抓紧你 Too caught up in me to see 抓得太紧以至于我无法意识到 I"m holding a fortune that heaven has given to me 我抓住的是天堂赐予我的宝物 I"ll try to show you each and every way I can 我试图用每一种我所能的方式告诉你 Now and forever 现在和永远 I will be your man 我将是你的男人 Now I can rest my worries and always be sure 现在我可以平息我的烦恼 而且确信 That I won"t be alone anymore 我不再会是孤单一人 If I"d only known you were there all the time 如果始终知道你在那里 All this time 始终如一 Until the day the ocean doesn"t touch the sand 直到有一天海水不再碰到沙滩 Now and forever 现在和永远 I will be your man 我将是你的男人 Now and forever 现在和永远 I will be your man 我将是你的男人

(char *)info.e_admin 这句话在c语言中是什么意思?


good gcharlotte 的歌词翻译

So here we are 好了 We are alone 我们独处了 There"s weight on your mind 你思绪沉重 I wanna know the truth, if this is how you feel 我想知道事实,如果这是你的感受 Say it to me 就告诉我 If this was ever real 如果这曾经是真实的 I want the truth from you 我想从你口中知道事实 Gimme" the truth, even if it hurts me 给我实话,即使它会伤害到我 I want the truth from you 我想从你口中知道事实 Gimme" the truth, even if it hurts me 给我实话,即使它会伤害到我 I want the truth 我想要知道真相 So this is you 这就是你 You"re talking to me 跟我说话 You found a million ways to let me down 你找到无数种让我一蹶不振的方式 So I"m not hurt when you"re not around 所以当你不在的时候我也不会痛苦 I was blind 我当时是瞎了眼 But now I see 但我现在明白了 This is how you feel 这就是你的感受 Just say it to me 那就直接告诉告诉我 If this was ever real 如果这曾经是真实的 I want the truth from you 我想从你口中知道事实 Gimme" the truth, even if it hurts me 给我实话,即使它会伤害到我 I want the truth from you 我想从你口中知道事实 Gimme" the truth, even if it hurts me 给我实话,即使它会伤害到我 I know that this will break me 我知道这会让我崩溃 I know that this might make me cry 我知道这会让我流泪 You gotta say what"s on your mind, on your mind 你得说出你所想的,你所想的 I know that this will hurt me 我知道这会使我受伤 and break my heart and soul inside 使我的心跟灵魂都破碎 I don"t wanna live this lie 我不想在谎言中生活 I want the truth from you 我想从你口中知道事实 Gimme" the truth, even if it hurts me 给我实话,即使它会伤害到我 I want the truth from you 我想从你口中知道事实 Gimme" the truth, even if it hurts me 给我实话,即使它会伤害到我 I don"t care no more, no 我再也不在乎了 Just gimme" the truth, gimme" the truth 告诉我真相,告诉我真相, Cause I don"t care no more 因为我不再在乎了 Gimme" the truth 告诉我真相 Cause I don"t care no more, no 因为我不再在乎了 Just give me the truth 告诉我真相 Gimme" the truth[4x] 告诉我真相 Cause I don"t care no more, no 因为我不再在乎了

谁有 pycharm 2017中文破解版

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PyCharm 是一款功能强大的 Python 编辑器,由于其强大的功能和跨平台性,成为最受欢迎的Python编辑器之一。 PyCharm分为两种版本。 一个是: Professional版本。另一个是: Community版本。 社区版是免费开源的。专业版仅是free trial。 Python学习过程中,为了更方便地体验PyCharm的强大功能, 我们来看看如何激活PyCharm专业版。 首先,在PyCharm中进入如下菜单:方法一: 选择授权服务器License Server激活。 在PyCharm中选择License server激活选项后,填入以下任意一个服务器地址: 点Activate激活即可,遗憾的是,目前这几个服务器都无法激活。另外,又尝试了以下服务器后,也无法激活。于是放弃该方法。方法二:采用激活码方法激活 访问该网站链接: 点击“获取注册码” 弹出窗口验证码,复制粘贴到上面的PyCharm Activiation Code选项中,点击“激活”。 重新启动PyCharm后,点击“Help -- About" 后,可以查验当前软件处于已激活状态。该激活码有效期截止2020年3月11日。 作为更好地学习体验专业版,时间已足够了。 当然,有的同学提到还有永久激活PyCharm的方法,作为学习体验开发工具,再此就不在具体说明如何操作了。

pycharm 2016.3.2过期了,网上搜的激活码也都不行,求能用的激活码或者激活方式



修改hosts文件:将0.0.0.0 account.jetbrains.com添加到hosts文件最后。(Windows系统hosts路径:c:windowssystem32driversetcMac、Linux系统hosts文件路径:/etc)(1)在浏览器的地址栏输入:,该网址,无需修改用户名,点击获取注册码。复制该注册码,粘贴在注册界面的Activation code的输入框中,点击 ok。(2)在激活界面的License server输入:;或者:点击help→Register→License sever ,输入

阈性状[threshold character(trait)]


chara的count down歌词

Five, Four, Three, Two, One You done when I see you (David Banner, banner) Five, Four, Three, (yeah, yeah) Two, (ay) One You done when I see you (ay) Five, Four, Three, (yeah, yeah, yeah), Two, One run You done when I see (see) you (you) (ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ay) Five, Four, Three, Two, One (what it is pimp I know ya"ll miss me man) You done when I see (see) you (you) Five, Four, Three , Two, (here I am muthafucka), One run You done when I see (see) you (you) (ay) [Verse 1:] what it is the king back in the building Still stacking and building Still rappin to children Jeopardizing ya deals, ballin buyin ya wheels Like it"s back when we was lil and it"s still time to kill Quick displayin ya skills Way underpayin ya bills Spend a day in the field So how you sayin you real Niggaz could never live how I live, you ain"t deserving My lifestyle"s urban, never met me in person Just my bread suburban, in a red suburban On 24"s, 20 hoes givin head, I"m swerving Fuck boys piss they pants, scared and nervous I"m shell-shocked, black out like I been in the service Clean cut and reserved, but I tote George Garvin The closest thang you hoes seen to picture perfect Your rose gold king, my ring tight as a virgin cop Your dream I stopped fo I seen the top, nigga [Chorus (2x):] Five, Four, Three, Two, (what!), One You done when I see (see), you (you) (ya days are numbered shawty) Five, Four, Three (3), Two, One run You done when I see (see), you (you) (countdown pimp) [Verse 2:] I treat the beats like the streets On em I do what I want to I ain"t gotta confront you, I"ll kill you if I want to Roam amongst monsters, kill homes and front you That lil nigga swearin he bad, eat him for lunch too Fuck you niggaz, Dominique slam dunk you niggaz Sucker punch aan one of you niggaz I was being nice at first now I"m runnin thru niggaz Whole crews, not just one or two niggaz Cuz you aint representin the south, you just embarassin See you on tv in New York, them niggaz laugh at us The reason why D.J."s didn"t have a clue I was fabulous Now a days, not playin my records well, hell it"s hazardous All this cussin, fussin, loud discussion"s out of my character Bustin these niggaz melons and threatnin all of they managers P.$.C. is Atlanta, so how you playin and handlin Gorillaz wit bananaz, without playin and banishing King of the south, it was said once then Took a while to comprehend, now it all sunk in On the low, deal a mil, I ain"t done, come again Room dead, scene fled, fo the fedz runnin in pimp [Chorus (2x)] [Verse 3:] comin live from the terror dome Shinin lights on niggaz who got they skirts on tight wit mascara on All I have ever known, is 28 in the zone Give me a day and its gon, a brick of yay and it"s on You have never known, me to run less I"m gunnin at niggaz domes And runnin em out the own territory Every story got a flip side to it, and ya disc ain"t shit less the click ride to it And I"m gon show you how the Westside do it In the A, not Cali, Bankhead, Simpson Valley Every crack in every alley, sellin crack to every Tom, Dick, and Harry Every Kim, Sue, and Sally, till I tally up A big enough knot to buy me a yacht So then my pistols and my patnaz really all that I got I"m not, playin at all, I"m sprayin em all Still drop em down to size if they say that I"m small man Pussy cats can"t worry ya dawg Throwin stones at the throne, I"m a bury ya all man Know ya faggot niggaz hate that I"m ballin Makin 30k a day and blow it all at the mall and man I Can"t relate to what you rap on stage Nigga cuz I been sellin yay since I was bow wow"s age nigga Hear my daddy and cousin talking to me from the grave And all they sayin is young nigga get paid [Chorus (4x)]

SQL Server函数中 convert(char(10),rq,21)>具体代表什么含义?


SQL数据库里CONVERT(nvarchar, 列名, 数字)语句怎么用?


创建二叉树出问题,求各位大侠帮忙看看! #include #include typedef char Elemtype

在CreateBitTree时传入参数时,如果传入的是Bitree,那就要确保其非NULL。如果可能传入NULL(按照你的代码,可以肯定是传入NULL),并在CreateBitTree里分配内存,必须传入一个Bitree的指针或引用。否则你分配的新节点将仅仅被当前形参T所指向,而不被父节点的lchild或者rchild指向。简单地修改是,将CreateBiTree (Bitree T) 改成CreateBiTree (Bitree &T) 如果是纯C,那么改成CreateBiTree (Bitree *T)然后函数体中用到T的都改成(*T)


money 单纯的指钱,钞票payment 指付款,付出的款项fee(加入组织或做某事付的)费,酬金,咨询费,报酬charge 商品和服务所需的费用有时fee和charge可以互换

化学基础题 3. A common application of discharge tubes


Terence Blanchard的《Dear Mom》 歌词

歌曲名:Dear Mom歌手:Terence Blanchard专辑:A Tale Of God S Will (A Requiem For Katrina)Brooke Hogan - Dear Mom...yeahit"s such a shamewhen someone you were born to loveisn"t that person anymorethis one"s for youI love you,but you gotta changeWhen you said that you would never change,was it truedo it to save all we hadwould youhow could you give uphow could you do thatwhy did you leave meand when you come backspending all your time with himyou can"t even see meselfish, what you ishow you mistreated your own kidshow could you do thatI know we don"t talk nowhow could you turn your back on menow I"m walkin" outcause I didn"t do anything to hurt yougave you the best that I can and it"s true(baby)(I try and I still love you)(I still love you, but)I gotta move on with out youI should"ve moved on from the pain that I feltbut I choose to love you, the shit that you had(baby)(I"ve learned to live without you)(that"s something, that is the truth)it"s better to live then love you(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(yeah)(you)(you)(you)(you)it"s better to live then love you(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)love you(you)*but if your leavin" is that what you can do to your babyCause I"m gunna" love you no matter what you were sayin"how could you turn awayand forget those sunny daysbut were they the sunny daysor was it the game you playeddressed up little doll, that you"ve torn, it"s messed uphow can you be criticizing me when you fucked upI never made you cryI never told a liethat"s all you do to meso what is you right aboutcause I didn"t do anything to hurt youI gave you the best that I can and it"s true(baby)(I try and I still love you)(I still love you, but)I gotta move on without youI should"ve moved on from the pain that I feltbut I choose to love you, the shit that you had(baby)(I"ve learned to live without you)(that"s something, that is the truth)it"s better to live then love you(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)(you)it"s better to live then love you(you)(you)(you)(you)love you(you)* (oh)was I the screw up and you were the best momI wasn"t that perfect and you took the long roadthe road is reversingthe tables are turningI didn"t deserve itbut thank god I"m learnin"I can just imagine what you"re doing doing with your dayssmokin" all your cares away and having a play dateto bad I found out what you were really aboutI know it"s good to take but momma I gotta saythat I didn"t do anything to hurt youI gave you the best that I can and it"s true(baby)(I try and I still love you)(I still love you, but)I gotta move on without youI should"ve moved on from the pain that I feltbut I choose to love you, the shit that you had(baby)(I"ve learned to live without you)(that"s something, that is the truth)it"s better to live then love youGet outta my waystressing me outmomma get outta my wayyou and your man can go live at your place(it"s your life)it"s all this shit I can"t takecause I didn"t do anything to hurt youI gave you the best that I can and it"s true(baby)(I try and I still love you)(I still love you, but)(ohh)I gotta move on without you(I gotta move on without you)I should"ve moved on from the pain that I feltbut I choose to love you, the shit that you had(baby)(I"ve learned to live without you)(that"s something, that is the truth)it"s better to live then love you

A further seven were also charged 请问“a further" 要如何理解,further 在这里的词性是什么?

A further seven were also charged 另外还有七人被指控。重点词汇释义further更多的; 更远的,较远的; 更进一步的,深一层的; 进一步地; 更远地; 而且; 促进,推动; 增进seven七; 七个; 第七charged充满感情的; 紧张的,可能引起激烈反应的; 填充

Whatu2019re the features of Charles Dickensu2019novels?14

sorroy ,i do not know

As we all know,Charles Dickens is

As we all know, Charles Dickens is considered to be a great English writer. He"s very famous not only in Britain, but also in many other 1 in the world. He was born in 1812 and he lived in London. He wrote lots of books, and he also liked 2 . He was an actor. Maybe it"s interesting to hear that and that"s 3 his books were so good. He gave public readings of hisstories that were very popular. His stories first appeared in a magazine, in parts. People always wanted 4 part. He wrote a lot, and most of them are popular. There are films and plays of them 5 : Oliver Twist became afamous musical play, and Great Expectations was a wonderful 6 . Dickens" early life was very hard. His family was poor, and his mother sent him out to work in a factory when he was 12. He 7 it, but he used his experiences in his writing. He married Catherine Hogarth and they had a big family. He continued to write 8 he died. When he died in 1870, he was 9 a story. But what a pity! We"ll never know 10 it ended. ( )1. A. cities ( )2. A. reading ( )3. A. what ( )4. A. the next ( )5. A. too ( )6. A. book ( )7. A. hated ( )8. A. as ( )9. A. drawing ( )10. A. what B. countries B. writing B. how B. next B. as well B. story B. enjoyed B. while B. singing B. how C. towns C. acting C. when C. next to C. as well as C. play C. wanted C. until C. writing C. who D. villages D. playing D. why D. next timeD. also D. film D. shamed D. since D. making D. which 1-5 BCDAB 6-10 DACCB

求Charles Dickens的《Great expectations》(远大前程)的英文读后感。1500~2000之间。

Great Expectations It is a great honor for me to be able to spend time reading the famous novel 《Great Expectations》during this summer vacation. It was written by one of the most illustrious English writer in the 19 th Century —— Charles Dickens, in a quite sarcastic way. And after finishing the whole book, I definitely learned and became aware of lots of things in life. The protagonist, Pip, was once a poor orphan, but he lived a happy life with his kind uncle Joe and some ordinary friends. All his wish was to become a blacksmith in the village. However, as soon as he met and fell in love with Estella by chance, he always compared himself with her, He felt ashamed of his property and foolishness, Fortunately, he got an opportunity to inherit a fortune and to be well educated as a gentleman. He felt abashed of Joe and even looked down upon his old friends. Nevertheless, after Pip had discovered the unbelievable truth, he gradually woke up to reality and realized his fault. He forgave and saved his enemy, protected and supported his friends and became grateful to Joe. In the end, he gained his love. Shocked and moved, I learned two important things from the novel which would have great effect on my future. First, it is no use comparing with others blindly. Humans seem to share a common interest in comparing every detail with each other. While it may sound reasonable to some extent that comparison makes progress, I hold a different opinion. As we know, one person differs from another. Everybody has his or her own advantages and shortcomings. Our goal should be improving advantages and rectifying those bad aspects. If we always think that someone is still better than us in some certain areas and waste a lot of time to change ourselves, we"ll gradually lose our own character. Comparing with other people is a way with no end, because there is always someone better than us. It can"t make one stand out. On the contrary, it produces numerous people who are all the same, with no particularity, creativity or even a definite view of their own. That would result in a terrible situation. From my perspective, I fully agree on the notion that the only person one should compare with is oneself. As long as we work hard, try our best and make progress day by day, we can surpass ourselves constantly and become not only a better self, but also a real individual! Second, I got a deep feeling from the novel that we should always be grateful to our parents. They are just like Pip"s uncle Joe and his friends, who have given him love and support which made him a “gentleman”. Pip didn"t appreciate, but despised them because he was having “great expectations”. He was absolutely wrong. Thinking about ourselves, it is our parents who have brought us up, gave us love and encouragement unconditionally. So we should be grateful to them through our lives whatever great expectations we might have in the future. That is also the basic morality of being not only a successful person, but also a Man. All the above is what I have learnt from 《Great Expectations》, about how to be a worthy person, and live a meaningful life.

Charles Dickens(查理·狄更斯)出了哪23本书?


charles dickens () alot of novels a.write


介绍一下Charles Dickens的老年生活

  9岁这年是狄更斯孩童时代幸福和苦难的分水岭。之前,父亲约翰·狄更斯在英国军舰修造厂干事,还是个不大的头儿,薪水不薄,生活虽说不上多富裕,但也并不穷。这时的小狄更斯是在一片笑声、歌声和赞美声中天天成长。  不过人生之舟绝不会永远在风平浪静中凯歌远行。这年,为小狄更斯9岁生日的赞美歌刚刚唱过,小小狄更斯的人生之舟还未启航远行就遭遇了迎头恶浪,父亲因债务纠纷,突然被捕入狱。人生之旅,风云突变。  小狄更斯整日听惯了的欢笑声、歌唱声霎时为哭声和哀叹声所替代,灾难的乌云笼罩着他幼小的心灵。  在父亲进监之后,为了躲债,母亲随后也住进了监狱,孤苦伶仃的狄更斯和可怜无奈的小姐姐独居狱外,日夜与泪水相伴。惟有礼拜日,也惟有这一天,是小小狄更斯最期盼的日子,最感温暖的日子,只有这一天,才能相伴双亲,才能苦诉衷肠,才能体会亲情的可贵。往日的可恋,才能深深地品味短暂的天真童趣的幸福。  不久,小小年纪的狄更斯为生存就进了鞋油作坊当了童工。15岁那年他就彻底告别了爱恋的同学少年,迈上了独自谋生的不归之路。接下来他打工做职员,当记者,苦争苦斗,乞求四方,始尝人间酸甜苦辣。  在苦难中艰难跋涉的狄更斯21岁的人生路,突然发生了惊天动地的大转折。这年秋日,鬼使神差的他趁人稀天静的夜晚向《月刊》杂志偷偷地投进了改变他一生命运,后来蜚声文坛的处女作——《明斯先生和他的表弟》。当该文刊发的消息传来后,正在与命运苦苦搏斗的狄更斯,激动得泪流满面,在会堂躲了整整半个小时,心情难以平静。  开山之作,一鸣惊人。时来运转的狄更斯声名大振,一时间名人争相与其交往,作品争相刊载,剧场争相改编。意气风发的狄更斯创作激情似火山、如海啸般地爆发了。  他草草结束了新婚蜜月,日夜兼程,潜心写作。他常常同时创作几部作品,他常常同时担任几个刊物的编辑,他常常为赶写连载的作品数日不眠,甚至陷入疯狂的状态。长期呕心沥血的创作甘苦,长期日积月累的辛劳,长期冥思苦想的折磨,终于使昔日生气勃勃的年轻才子,头发早早花白,双颊凹陷,疾病缠身,瘘病使他尝到了手术的痛苦,痛风病让他吃尽了苦头。  面对着病痛,狄更斯没有退却、没有犹豫、没有悔恨,他依然满腔激情咬牙前行。  奋斗是金,奋斗就有收获。不久,《老古玩店》又诞生了,《双城记》史册留名,《大卫·科波菲尔》名垂千秋,《匹克威克外传》、《荒凉山庄》、《董贝父子》等一部部力作的相继问世为狄更斯奠定了他雄踞世界文坛之巅的伟大地位。  然而,永不止步的狄更斯并没有满足,没有懈怠,他又要向新的艺术领域挺进,他要向新的目标、新的追求发起冲锋——他还要做一名伟大的演员、一名职业朗诵者。这是狄更斯孩童时就确立的人生目标,只是由于当时突然患病的缘故,才使年轻时的狄更斯失去了报考演员的机遇,也正是这与演员失之交臂的疾病,才使世界文坛诞生了一位大家宿将。  功成名就的狄更斯此时已是年老体衰,登台演出实在是与他的地位和精力极不相称。他这出人意料的决定一经传出,即刻引起了社会一片意料之中的哗然。因为这样会损害光芒四射的大作家的形象,会摧残他病弱体衰的生命!  但是,一生奋斗不止的狄更斯一经认准的方向是决不会改变的。狄更斯决心走出斗室,重新回到自己曾经生活的社会底层,回到人民之中,实现自我,实现童年的理想!  因为他坚信,停止了探索,停止了创造,停止了奋斗,就意味着生命的终结!  狄更斯终于义无反顾地大胆地走上了舞台。他选定了演出代理人,打出了预告,狄更斯大胆果断地首选伦敦登台亮相,结果大获成功。紧接着,他又马不停蹄地奔赴各省城乡舞台。长途跋涉,长期辛劳,长久在舞台炽热的瓦斯灯“炙烤”中,在瞬息万变的喜怒哀乐的角色转变中,在欢呼和掌声中,狄更斯的精神和体力一点一滴地悄悄地消耗着。日甚一日的疲劳显现了,日甚一日的旧病复发了。失眠、头晕、麻木等病症接踵而至。一场演出后,他常被人们扶下舞台,躺着听完观众的最后告别掌声。尽管如此,当下一场演出的时间一经到来,他又会精神抖擞地重新奔向舞台,又心甘情愿地为其终生追求的理想而拼搏。  狄更斯终于实现了他的人生夙愿,他用自己年老的汗水和心血,成功地举行了423场朗诵会。当他艰难地走上告别演出的舞台时,当他浑身颤抖着,满含泪水地读完最后一句台词时,全场听众如醉如狂,欢声雷动,久久不肯离去,以无比崇敬的心情向这位叱咤文坛舞台几十年的伟人欢呼、致敬。  在狄更斯告别了舞台两周之后,极度疲劳终于迫使他回到了可爱的故乡,回到了自己的小屋。他太渴望奋斗,他太累了,他毕竟老了。  1833年6月9日晚6时10分,苦苦奋斗一生,硕果累累的伟大而天才的作家狄更斯,在亲人故友悲痛的呼唤声中,在眷恋的泪水滚过脸颊后,疲倦地走了。  查尔斯·狄更斯的一生是创造的一生,奋斗的一生!

This year is the 200th of the birth of Charles Dickens .He is a great British writer in the 19th..

THIS year is the 200th year of the birth of Charles Dickens. He is a great British writer in the 19th century. Most of his books are still popular even today. But how much do you know about Dickens? What are his books about? Read on to find out!IN 1812, Charles Dickens was born in Portsmouth, England. Dickens didn"t like playing with other boys when he was a little child, but he loved reading books. Childhood was not easy for Dickens. He began to work at a factory at the age of 12. Every day, he spent 10 hours washing bottles and polishing (打光) shoes.是不是这篇

『代入答案后翻译,谢谢』完形填空。 As we all know, Charles Dickens

...呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 呵呵 闲的

Charles Dickens,one of the

6-10 f t t f tCharles Dickens, one of the greatest English writers, was born in 1812, in(@one of the small towns@ )of England. When Dickens was nine years old, the family moved to London, the capital of England. There were a few younger children in the family. Their life was poor, so Dickens could not go to school.(@ Only until his father was out of prison(监狱), could Charles go to school@). At that time he was twelve years old. But he did not finish school.(@Two years later@) he began to work. (@He often went to the library to read books@). He read a lot. Then Dickens wrote lots of novels(小说) and stories all his life. Dickens died over a hundred years ago, (@but people are still reading his book@)(@@)为原文中问题答案

英国小说家查尔斯。狄更斯(charles dickens)个人简介

  查尔斯·狄更斯  英国小说家,出生于海军小职员家庭,10岁时全家被迫迁入负债者监狱,11岁就承担起繁重的家务劳动。曾在皮鞋作坊当学徒,16岁时在律师事务所当缮写员,后担任报社采访记者。他只上过几年学,全靠刻苦自学和艰辛劳动成为知名作家。  他生活在英国由半封建社会向工业资本主义社会的过渡时期。其作品广泛而深刻地描写这时期社会生活的各个方面,鲜明而生动地刻画了各阶层的代表人物形象,并从人道主义出发对各种丑恶的社会现象及其代表人物进行揭露批判,对劳动人民的苦难及其反抗斗争给以同情和支持。但同时他也宣扬以“仁爱”为中心的忍让宽恕和阶级调和思想。对劳动人民的反抗斗争抱行动上支持而道德上否定的矛盾态度。表现了他的现实主义的强大力量和软弱空想。  狄更斯一生共创作了14部长篇小说,许多中、短篇小说和杂文、游记、戏剧、小品。其中最著名的作品是描写劳资矛盾的长篇代表作《艰难时期》(1854)和描写1789年法国革命的另一篇代表作《双城记》(1859)。前者展示了工业资本家对工人的残酷剥削和压迫,描写了工人阶级的团结斗争,并批判了为资本家剥削辩护的自由竞争原则和功利主义学说。后者以法国贵族的荒淫残暴、人民群众的重重苦难和法国大革命的历史威力,来影射当时的英国社会现实,预示这场“可怕的大火”也将在法国重演。其他作品有《奥列佛·特维斯特》(又译《雾都孤儿》1838)、《老古玩店》(1841),《董贝父子》(1848),《大卫·科波菲尔》(1850)和《远大前程》(1861),等等。  狄更斯是19世纪英国现实主义文学的主要代表。艺术上以妙趣横生的幽默、细致入微的心理分析,以及现实主义描写与浪漫主义气氛的有机结合著称。马克思把他和萨克雷等称誉为英国的“一批杰出的小说家”。

Charles Dickens,one of the?

6-10 f t t f t Charles Dickens, one of the greatest English writers, was born in 1812, in(@one of the *** all towns@ )of England. When Dickens was nine years old, the family moved to London, the capital of England. There were a few younger children in the family. Their life was poor, so Dickens could not go to school. (@ Only until his father was out of prison(监狱), could Charles go to school@). At that time he was twelve years old. But he did not finish school.(@Two years later@) he began to work. (@He often went to the library to read books@). He read a lot. Then Dickens wrote lots of novels(小说) and stories all his life. Dickens died over a hundred years ago, (@but people are still reading his book@) (@@)为原文中问题答案,1,Charles Dickens,one of the 根据短文内容判断下列句子正误,正确的在括号里写T,否写F. Charles Dickens,one of the greatest English writers,was born in 1812,in one of the *** all towns of England. When Dickens was nine years old,the family moved to London,the capital of England.There were a few younger children in the family.Their life was poor,so Dickens could not go to school. Only until his father was out of prison(监狱),could Charles go to school. At that time he was twelve years old.But he did not finish school.Two years later he began to work.He often went to the library to read books.He read a lot.Then Dickens wrote lots of novels(小说) and stories all his life.Dickens died over a hundred years ago,but people are still reading his books with great interest. 6.Charles Dickens was born in a big city. 7.Little Charles could go to school after his father was out of prison. 8.At the age of fourteen Charles began to work. 9.The great writer never went to the library. 10.People like the books written by Dickens very much today.

Charles Dickens是什么意思

Charles Dickens查尔斯狄更斯双语对照词典结果:Charles Dickens[英][tu0283ɑ:lz u02c8dikinz][美][tu0283ɑrlz u02c8du026aku026anz]查尔斯·狄更斯; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The great english novelist charles dickens used exactly the same technique. 伟大的英语小说家查尔斯-狄更斯用的也正是同一手法。

Charles Dickens是什么意思

Charles Dickens英 [tu0283ɑ:lz u02c8dikinz] 美 [tu0283ɑrlz u02c8du026aku026anz]查尔斯·狄更斯狄更斯;查尔斯;查尔斯·狄更斯;英国大文豪狄更斯双语例句1. Charles Dickens was a well known writer. 查尔斯·狄更斯是一位著名的作家.2. Charles Dickens was a famous novelist. 查尔斯·狄更斯是一位著名的小说家.3. Many famous people, including the writer Charles Dickens, supported this theory. 很多著名的人, 包括作家查尔斯?迪更斯, 支持这个推测.4. Compeyson took it easy as a good riddance for both sides ( Charles Dickens ) 康姆派森轻松地认为,它对双方都是一个很好的解脱 ( 查尔斯狄更斯 )5. A Tale Of Two Cities by Charles Dickens is published. 1859年的今天,查尔斯·迪更斯出版发行了著名作品《双城记》.

有谁知道Charlie Gracie是谁 资料还有他那首my hummingbird的歌词跟翻译

  楼主你的品位真不一般啊。这个人还真不好找。我在维基百科找的  查理 格雷西(Charlie Gracie)于36年5月14日出生在美国宾夕法尼亚州费城,是美国摇滚歌手的先驱,他是在他的父亲鼓励下才开始学弹吉他的。Charlie Gracie的音乐生涯开始的年龄是在他14岁时,他开始在保罗怀特曼电视台展示自己。通过无线电表演他赢得了“格雷厄姆王子”的称号。“布吉伍吉蓝调”与“我要去坐权利,并写入自己是家书”这两首单曲是他最有代表的作品,也是最具影响力的作品!! 这首歌是For The Love Of Charlie(为爱查理)这个专辑里面的2011 11月份发行的唱片(关于这张专辑的评论:在美国,查理·格雷西的职业生涯在1957年达到顶峰,与单一的“蝴蝶”,而上升到了排行榜,并赢得了他在美国露面凉亭和埃德·苏利文显示。格雷西享有寿命更长,在英国的成功,在那里他参观英国第二的美国摇滚乐行为,他仍然是一个传奇在他的家乡费城,在那里他作为全市首个摇滚明星庆祝。虽然格雷西的精心挑选的声音和风格显得苍白相比,喜欢猫王或基因Vincent,他比如费城纯种青春偶像更令人兴奋的歌手弗兰基的Avalon或费边,他是一个敏捷的吉他手引导。格雷斯继续录制工作室多年来的小标签材料,并已发出了现场专辑的少数,而是显着,对于爱查理是首先从适当专辑格雷西收到在全国范围内发行。时间已经穿了光泽位格雷西的声音,但他仍然听起来指挥和精力充沛,他对吉他的技巧令人印象深刻。然而,铝Kooper生产安排专辑中的12轨10个,并考虑他是当之无愧的1传奇工作室手的地位,这不足为奇来报告,他inarguably滴球Kooper似乎以已对1特别俗气的冠冕堂皇的合成依赖设置提供这些会议包括一些异乎寻常clanky的电子打击乐伴奏,这张专辑并不像一个倒退到20世纪50年代或努力使进入21世纪的声音格雷西 - 对于爱查理最紧密地回忆了在80年代中期削减演示,一个声音,它格雷西没有在所有的恩惠。的轨道地方格雷西听起来像他的1真正的乐队(特别是在去年2首歌曲,由生产工作的昆廷-琼斯和汤姆“T骨”埃德蒙兹)上,他提供货物的老化,但渴望岩石和辊谁仍然有一些良好公里离开了他,和他们做一个希望别人背后的议会一直为这些会议的休息。尽管存在一些其他的高调格雷西球迷(包括格雷厄姆纳什,前赫尔曼的隐士的领袖彼得没有人,吉米Vivino,科南·奥布赖恩的乐队的领导者),对于爱查理不给这个老兵摇杆(谁是75时,这个专辑发行)展示他值得让我们希望他工作室更同情的处理程序结束之前,他穿了他的摇滚鞋。u301c马克陈德铭,乐威)  专辑歌曲  1所有我想做的事就是爱你  2我的蜂鸟  3回到费城  4甜玛丽  5现在,我赢了  6上学日  7我不知道为什么  8客场跳舞我的蓝调  9五月岬的道路上  10大家摇滚“(敲开自己)  11岩石"n"辊天堂  12摇滚辊党的  my hunningbird 就是 我的蜂鸟  我还特地试听了下,蛮有感觉的!!只是歌词我真的找不到,抱歉了!!歌词是听得懂,可是把它翻译成中文的还是挺麻烦的。今晚最后的一个回答了。累了。查了一个多小时!采纳吧,不然你就不厚道了!  Aaron手打

Geek Charming 翻译一下,是部电视电影。





先看assign和transfer.两者均有转让的意思,但又有区别。请看以下法律词典的词条。 assign 转让;动产转让 转让财产,尤指转让属人财产或动产〔personal or moveable property〕。在英格兰,动产转让是指属人动产、实产〔real property〕中的动产权益〔chattle interest〕或实产中的衡平法权益〔equitable interest〕的完全转让。它可以是无偿的,也可以是有偿的。在苏格兰,动产转让是指将债权、股权、版权、保险单等无形财产权完全或仅作为担保加以转让的方式。并非所有权利都可转让,某些特定类型的权利转让需要特殊的手续。 transfer n.(1)转换;转移 指对财产或其利益进行处理和分割的任何方式,包括金钱的支付、免除债务、租赁、设置负担等,也包括财产权的保留;它可以采用直接或间接、无条件或附条件、自愿或强制等各种类型的方法。 (2)流通 指按照法律形式进行票据流通,包括通过背书、支付、转让和法律规定等方式。 (3)转让 指财产或所有权等的让与。v.(4)移转 尤指改变占有或支配。 (5)卖给;赠给。----元照英美法词典 assign 让与,动产转让 transfer (所有权的)让与(把一个人的权利转让给另一人),(物权、产权等)转让 transfer, assignment, conveyance, negotiation 均有转让的含义。transfer 为一般术语,可泛指各种转让;assignment多为民法或合同法上的债权让与,且常指转让无形财产的权利;conveyance 多指不动产,如土地物权(title)的转让,其也包括土地其他权利的转让或租赁(lease)、按揭(mortgage)或抵押(encumbrance);negotiation 常指票据法上的权利转让----英汉法律英语大辞典 从元照英美法律词典没太看出两个术语的区别。但依据英汉法律用语大辞典,transfer为一般术语,而assignment多用于民法和合同法上的债权让与,及无线财产的权利的让与。但查布莱克法律词典第八版,assign用convey和transfer解释。而transfer则用convey, remove from, pass or hand over from,但指出尤指占有和支配的改变。可见这两个术语虽然同义,但还是有区别的。 再看charge和pledge. charge 担保;负担 为保证债务的清偿或义务的履行而在土地或其他财产上设定的抵押权〔mortgage〕、留置权〔lien〕或其他无特别名称的担保权利,如果土地所有人或其所担保的人未偿还债务或履行义务——例如纳税、支付遗产或年金等,担保权利人可以诉请变卖土地以抵偿债务。根据英国1925年《财产法》〔Law of Property Act〕,负担分为普通法所承认的土地负担——包括地租负担〔rent charge〕、普通法上的抵押〔legal mortgage〕、土地税负等——和衡平法上的土地负担〔equitable charge〕。后者存在於债权人未取得对土地的普通法地产权的情况,例如通过寄存产权文书设定衡平法上的抵押〔equitable mortgage〕,或者借款人本身只对土地享有衡平法上的权利。土地上的负担必须在土地登记局或类似政府主管机构登记,否则不能对抗已支付对价的买主。  pledge n.(1)质押 债务人将其动产或无形财产证书交给债权人占有,作为履行债务的担保,债务人不履行债务时,债权人可变卖质物受偿,但在变卖前债务人还可通过履行债务赎回质物。在美国,有关质押的法律大多已被《统一商法典》〔U.C.C.〕第九章有关担保交易〔secured transactions〕的规定所替代。 (2)(广义)保证;担保 提供某些担保物作为履行债务的保证。 (3)质物;典当物;担保物 (4)(古)(复)诉讼保证人 在普通法诉讼中,作为原告的保证人,其名字须附於起诉状〔declaration〕之末。后来由於不再对提出虚假请求的原告处以罚款,即纯粹成为一种形式,一般以虚构的人名John Doe和Richard Roe代替,或完全省略。 -----元照英美法词典 charge 抵押,财产负担 pledge 质押,质权v.质押;出质;典当 charge, mortgage, pledge, lien, hypothecation 均有债务人将其财产作质押担保的含义。在英美法中,担保包括人的担保(personal security)和物的担保(real security)两种。其中物的担保可分为三种类型:一为由债权人取得对担保物的所有权,而不依赖于对物的占有的担保;二是债权人不享有对担保物的所有权,但依赖于对物的占有的担保;三是既不依赖取得对物的所有权,也不依赖对物的占有的担保。属于第一类型的担保为mortgage(按揭),属于第二类型的担保有pledge(质押)和lien(留置),属于第三类型的担保有charge hypothecation。charge 和mortgage 经常用作不动产的担保中。它们在实务上尽管区别不大,但在理论上,尤其是房地产抵押上仍存在较大差异。charge 是指房地产所有者将某些权益赋予债权人,作为偿还债务或履行责任的担保,一旦抵押人无力偿还债务或履行责任,债权人即可行使这些权益,处置该抵押的房地产以获得清偿。charge不转移房地产所有权,而只是赋予债权人对房地产的某些权益,包括占有权益,故charge 十分等同大陆法系中的“抵押”,当然也有人主张将其译为“财产负担”。而mortgage 在香港则被译为“按揭”,指房地产按揭人将其房地产的产权(业权)移转给债权人,作为偿还债务的担保,但实际占有权却仍然为债务人所有。在按揭期间,债权人即成为按揭房地产的产权所有人,如债务人不履行债务或有其他违约行为,债权人可以按按揭房地产所有权人的名义起诉,取消按揭人的回赎权,从而取得按揭房地产的包括占有权在内的绝对产权(title)。过去内地多将mortgage 译为抵押,但鉴于该单词的内涵与大陆法系的抵押含义有一定差异,且目前内地已开始使用“按揭”这个术语(尽管从法的角度上看,内地现仍从大陆法系的抵押观念来认识按揭),从翻译角度上讲,笔者认为最好能将mortgage 翻译为“按揭”。pledge为质押或质权,指占有权而非所有权的转移;而lien则为留置权;hypothecation 来源于罗马法中的hypotheca,在英美法中,其常用作指海商法中的船只或货物的抵押-----英汉法律用语大辞典 可见charge和pledge都有债务人用财产为自己债务担保的含义。但charge指既不依赖取得对物的所有权,也不依赖对物的占有的担保,即我们所谓的抵押,而pledge指债权人不享有对担保物的所有权,但依赖于对物的占有的担保,即我们所谓的质押。而布莱克法律词典第八版对pledge的释义为:the act of providing something as security for a debt or obligation; A bailment or other deposit of personal property to a creditor as security for a debt or obligation.而对charge的释义为:to impose a lien or claim, to ecumber.可见charge不仅指抵押,也有留置之意。但牛津法律词典第五版对charge 的释义如下:A legal or equitable interest in land, securing the payment of money. It gives the creditor in whose favour the charge is created (the chargee) the right to payment from the income or proceeds of sale of the land charged, in priority to claims against the debtor by unsecured creditors.可见charge主要指房地产所有人将地产上的某些权益给予债权人以作为债务的担保,翻译为“抵押”较妥。 可见assign和transfer虽同义,还是有区别的,但汉语翻译无法体现。但要忠于原文,故本人选择同义重复的译法,而charge和pledge分别译为“抵押”和“质押”。 见一网友翻译功底不错,其译文如下:10.其他10.1 本协议的任何一方,在未得到另一方的书面许可前,都不得将其根据本协议所享有的全部或任何权利或义务分派、转移、托管或抵押出去。

charge claim

不行.claim做动词用时,一般可与不定式,that从句,名词或名词短语,一般不与人称代词连用; 做名词时,一般接on/to/for+名词或代词.



charge indicator是什么意思

charge indicator充电指示灯双语对照词典结果:charge indicator[英][tu0283ɑ:du0292 u02c8u026andu026au02cckeu026atu0259][美][tu0283ɑrdu0292 u02c8u026andu026au02ccketu025a]充电指示器,炉料牌; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The instrument panel includes a range meter and a battery charge indicator.2.Users charge the PCs on the external ThinkPad Battery connected to the PC or separately, and a charge indicator shows when the battery reaches a full charge.

echars雷达图 indicator 的文字颜色怎么调


echars雷达图 indicator 的文字颜色怎么调

indicator[{.......}],name: {textStyle: {color:"#72ACD1"}},在indicator同级增加一个name,name下面增加一个 textStyle就行了。

为什么lunatic charm要翻译成“月之魅”......无语哦


his character is a little cute这句对吗?

He is a little cuteu3002

Charles Lyonhart的《New Moon》 歌词

歌曲名:New Moon歌手:Charles Lyonhart专辑:Down To The Hard Line「New Moon」作词∶MAA作曲∶THE COMPANY歌∶MAAover 脳めぐる melody今日また伪善者ぶり自分は悪くないんだと引き裂いといて缝い合わせはまたヒトに任せてListen 2 da old tuneListen 2 da old tune迷路自ら选択终わらなきゃいけないはずなのにまたもがいた手で伤つけ合い缲り返し悲しい言叶并べ替え置いてけないままの old tuneでも求め続ける new moonbaby need to make it overCatch my heartイタイノイタイノトンデイケover 胸を刺すmemories新しい人生を见てる者たちを羡んでそこの世界はどんな感じ?もう悩むこともないの?looking 4 da new moonlooking 4 da new moonここは濡れる毎日忘れなきゃいけないはずなのに记忆にこびりつく爱しさ缲り返し优しい言叶いらないよ置いてけないままの old tuneでも求め続ける new moonbaby need to make it overcatch my heartイタイノイタイノトンデイケmake it make it overend it 4 da new moonmake it make it over4 da new moon终わらなきゃいけないはずなのにまたもがいた手で伤つけ合い缲り返し悲しい言叶きけないよ置いていくと决めた old tune今みつかりそうな new moonWe need 2 end this 2 end thisand wash my heartイタイノイタイノトンデイケ【 おわり 】

discounting charge在保理费用里的含义


模特夏洛特 坎普 米尔赫(Charlotte Kemp Muhl)的详细资料谁有?

夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫 (Charlotte Kemp Muhl) 是约翰·列侬 (John Lennon) 的儿子肖恩·列侬 (Sean Lennon) 的女朋友,也是著名的美宝莲 (Maybelline) 女郎。夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫 (Charlotte Kemp Muhl) 和肖恩·列侬 (Sean Lennon) 经常双双出席各种时尚派对,他们的照片也频频登上《Vogue》、《Nylon》、《L"Officiel》等时尚杂志,成为时尚圈炙手可热的明星情侣。夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫 (Charlotte Kemp Muhl) 13岁就开始做模特,年纪轻轻的她凭借几乎完美的长相和火辣的身材在模特圈小有名气。她曾为Tommy Hilfiger、Sisley、D&G、Donna Karan、Maybelline、Swarovski、Jennifer Lopez的品牌JLO担任代言人。夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫 (Charlotte Kemp Muhl) 曾经在日本做过模特,拍摄日本版的沙宣洗发水广告,在日本很出名,街上到处是她的广告画。因为在日本呆过一段时间,所以会说一点日语,她还会流利的法语和意大利语。不仅有堪称完美的长相和身材,夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫 (Charlotte Kemp Muhl) 还多才多艺!08年的情人节,肖恩·列侬 (Sean Lennon) 和夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫 (Charlotte Kemp Muhl) 建立了GOASTT"The GHOST Of A Saber Toothed Tiger"组合,参加了英国利物浦Radio City电台的一个现场演出。夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫 (Charlotte Kemp Muhl) 担任了贝斯手。她还和男友肖恩·列侬 (Sean Lennon) 一起创办了Chimera唱片公司!夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫 (Charlotte Kemp Muhl) 出生在美国,长于欧洲,从小受到希腊文化的熏陶。她的家庭环境优越,父母从小就严格训练并培养她的文学才能。8岁的时候夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫 (Charlotte Kemp Muhl) 就得过诗歌比赛的第一名,15岁的时候获得美国COCA COLA诗歌比赛的第一名。15岁开始写书,两年前开始写电影剧本。优秀的文学基础加深厚的希腊文化的底蕴,好莱坞当年筹拍史诗大片《特洛伊》的时候曾选定夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫 (Charlotte Kemp Muhl) 为美女海伦的人选。后来由于她是个模特,没有表演经验,所以才被放弃。夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫 (Charlotte Kemp Muhl) 平时的爱好就是阅读名著,创作诗歌,这在当今浮躁的模特圈里很是少见!◆ 夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫 (Charlotte Kemp Muhl) 小档案:中文名:夏洛特·坎普·米尔赫英文名:Charlotte Kemp Muhl国籍:美国出生地:乔治亚州亚特兰大市郊生日:1987年8月17日星座:狮子座身高:176厘米男友:约翰·列侬 (John Lennon) 的儿子肖恩·列侬 (Sean Lennon)

如何在13版添加jwalk chart tools

点击office按键,然后最下角选择“excel选项”,点击“加载项”,右下角有一个“转到”,就弹出一个“加载宏”弹出菜单,点击右侧的“浏览”,再找到你下载好的Jwalk chart tools文件夹,选中其中的chart tools.xla文件,再点“确定”就行了。再打开excel,就能在加载项菜单中看到这个工具。

用vba 语言如何在chart里面填充渐进色

添加渐进色的示例,你把range换成chart.chartarea应该是一样的。有不懂得追问我。Sub GradientDemo() Dim rng As Range Set rng = Range("B2:C10") rng.Cells.Merge Dim grd1 As LinearGradient rng.Interior.Pattern = XlPattern.xlPatternLinearGradient Set grd1 = rng.Interior.Gradient Dim cs As ColorStop grd1.Degree = 10 Set cs = grd1.ColorStops.Add(0.25) cs.Color = vbYellow cs.TintAndShade = 0.25 Set cs = grd1.ColorStops.Add(1) cs.Color = vbRedSet rng = Range("E2:F10") Dim grd2 As RectangularGradient rng.Interior.Pattern = XlPattern.xlPatternRectangularGradient rng.Cells.Merge Set grd2 = rng.Interior.Gradient grd2.RectangleLeft = 0.5 grd2.RectangleTop = 0.5 Set cs = grd2.ColorStops.Add(0.25) cs.Color = vbRed Set cs = grd2.ColorStops.Add(1) cs.Color = vbYellowEnd Sub



chart, graph, diagram这三个词有什么区别?



Graphs and Charts differ in the way they display and update data. VIs with Graphs usually collectthe data in an array and then plot the data on a Graph, similar to a spreadsheet that firststores the data then generates a plot of it. In contrast, a Chart appends new data points tothose already in the display. In this manner, the Chart allows you to see the current readingor measurement in context with data previously acquired. You can set the length of the ChartHistory buffer (i.e., how manypoints the Chart will remember and display) by right-clicking the Chart and selecting ChartHistory Length from the shortcut menu.chart,图表,较多用在专业词汇里,如航海图表之类; pie,特指pie图,也就是我们通常说的大饼图,一个大圆,分割成百分之几,百分之几的; table,表格,一般指划成格子填数字的表格; graph,图表,曲线图,多指用线条指示的图表; figure,有图,图表的意思,但是一般不用来表示图表,而更多的指表格中的数字内容。

英语单词中table, graph, chart 分别有什么不同啊

table 是表格 就是最简单的那种 课程表之类的东西 graph 是图标 最复杂 比如工业设计图等精密的东西 chart 侧重 图 一般和表(文字)不沾边 通常说的是航海图

Mary is a ______(tall,young,beautiful,American charming,black)girl.


Three 6 Mafia Featuring Good Charlotte的《My Own Way》 歌词

歌曲名:My Own Way歌手:Three 6 Mafia Featuring Good Charlotte专辑:Last 2 WalkThree 6 Mafia - My Own Way(Feat. Good Charlotte)Our Muzik - 欧美音乐主题论坛Three 6 Ma-fi-UHH~! Good CharlotteHypnotize Minds, dat executiveSome real shit man, let"s drop itLet"s go!You know I can"t live my life, workin no 9 to 5No matter what they say, I"m doin it my own wayCause time ain"t on my side, and they don"t understandForget what people say, I"m doin it my own waySo many shysters in my ears fool, tryin to pop itOn my new fame, they will put new hands in my pocketStandin in the rain buck in hand man, about to cock itI take another one they wanna be up out the rocketI cain"t understand why they even wanna see me brokeWanna see me choke off my own blood from cuttin my throatI always wanted the money fame wasn"t worth my whileThat"s why I wore a mask on the front of "Mystic Stylez"But one night in March, my life changed in a secWhether for better or for worse I can"t answer that yetBut I"ll go to the pen before I lose my endsMurder one, one of you hoes tryin to get me for my BenjaminsYou know I can"t live my life, workin no 9 to 5No matter what they say, I"m doin it my own wayCause time ain"t on my side, and they don"t understandForget what people say, I"m doin it my own wayIn the field, it"s real, slip up, get killedGet robbed, get stuck, get messed off in a dealThese kids, are gone, on meth, and pillsThat"s why, I pack, I carry, the steelI"m posted, in the hood, got green, I"m goodTrap house, no doubt, is where, I stoodGot guap, got hot, "til shop, got poppedThese snitches, time cuts, it won"t, ever stopThe times ain"t gon" change change long as cocaine "caineGoes up the nose nose fries a nigga brain brainSee "em in the mornin time tryin to catch a train trainBack out on the block (block) doin the same thang thangYou know I can"t live my life, workin no 9 to 5No matter what they say, I"m doin it my own wayCause time ain"t on my side, and they don"t understandForget what people say, I"m doin it my own wayWhoahhhhhhhh...

暮光之城 为什么Bella的爸爸Charlie不喜欢Edward?


FILE *FILE_Open(char *dirName,char *pcName)

你可以在这个函数上面使用高级IOFILE *fp = ("D:/filename","w+");

Anthony Hamilton的《Charlene》 歌词

歌曲名:Charlene歌手:Anthony Hamilton专辑:Pure... R&BWoke up this morning found a letter that she wroteShe said she"s tired that I"m always on the roadTo hard to swallow being aloneShe needs someone at night that she can holdShe must have told me a thousand times beforeSilent cries I use to ignoreGod knows I love herDidn"t mean to hurt herBaby I"ll beSitting here waiting on you to come home againI won"t leavePromise I"ll be here to the very endBy your sideTo protect you and to love you and to be with you for lifeCome on home to me CharleneShe knows I really love this old music thangSince I was a child it"s been my dreamI can support her treat her and spoil herYou know buy her the finer thingsBut I forgot about loving herDamn the money, diamonds and pearlsWhat about the hard day she had with the babyAll she need is for me to love herBaby I"ll beSitting here waiting on you to come home againI won"t leavePromise I"ll be here to the very endBy your sideTo protect you and to love you and to be with you for lifeCome on home to me CharlenePromise I can"t live without herGod knows I need her lovingAnd it hurts so bad that"s she goneI pray that she"ll come back one dayIn my lifeBaby I"ll beSitting here waiting on you to come home againI won"t leavePromise I"ll be here to the very endBy your sideTo protect you and to love you and to be with you for lifeCome on home to me CharleneOh oh ohSometimes I cryCharlene if you"re listening would you call on meBecause my heart is aching


看你excel什么版本,好像2000上面只能用旧版,2003以后可以用新版,2002不知道。这个只是指Bloomberg的excel addin版本,其实看你是要做什么。如果是用一些编程语言写model之类的,可以直接调Bloomberg的各种API,这和excel无关。如果是做spreadsheet model,可以直接在excel里调Bloomberg的excel addin提供的各种函数,或者写VBA使用Bloomberg提供的active data control。如果只是简单的想把Bloomberg terminal screen上面的数据拿下来,用excel addin是最简单的,就是BLP/BLPH/BDP/BDH,只需要查一下security和field都是什么,这个问online help最方便。旧版的bloomberg调用BLP/BLSH函数,新版的调用BDP/BDH函数,可以自己定义参数随时更新数据。前者用来导入实时数据,后者导入一串历史数据。: 摸索摸索,再不行找cover你们的bloomberg sales来教好了。




《黄沙战神》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看;链接: 提取码:8bxf非常典型的泰卢固语电影,很喜欢上半场,舞蹈仪式般的动作场面、讲述兄弟情义、美女的交往,以及时尚干净的Hyderabad,并且有非常性感出位的舞蹈,下半场是全部被动作和复仇占据,只可惜故事不甚流畅而有上下两段断裂之嫌。



怎么理解java中的operate(char operates)方法

就是一个函数:public 对任何 都开放 调用权。void 无返回值。operate 函数名字char operator 接收一个 单字符;public void operate(char operator){ switch(operator) { case "+": printf("这是 加号! "); break; case "-": printf("这是减号"); break; }}main(){ operate("+");} -------------我不记得 java里有 operate 这个类。。。这是用户定义的吧



怎么区分 chart,diagram,graph,figure这几个词,都是图表的意思

chart: information in the form of a table, diagram, etc.可以看出chart强调的主要是图表中的【信息】。diagram1: a graphic design that explains rather than represents;especially: a drawing that shows arrangement and relations (as of parts)2: a line drawing made for mathematical or scientific purposes可以看出diagram强调的是一个用来解释某件事情或者在数学或科学上用来表示某物的图像。graph1: the collection of all points whose coordinates satisfy a given relation (as a function)2: a diagram (as a series of one or more points, lines, line segments, curves, or areas) thatrepresents the variation of a variable in comparison with that of one or more other variables3: a collection of vertices and edges that join pairs of verticesgraph则表示很多点连接起来的图像,是用来表示、代表一个变量随另一个变量的变化。figurea : the graphic representation of a form especially of a person or geometric entityfigure的意思特别多,和图像有联系的主要是以上的释义,which说明figure主要是用图像来表示一个表格。

graph、chart、diagram的区别 不要复制粘贴来的.

三者的中文意思都可以是图表,graph的涵义更为抽象,主要用于说明各种事物之间存在的函数关系,或用于对比,饼图、条形图、曲线图都可以叫做graph; diagram就比较具象,比如涉及到建筑或机器等实际事物的平面图、分解示意图等,就用它. chart主要与坐标有关,在海事上都用这个;而如果拿一个画板,简单地用坐标图描述营收变化与成本或时间的关系等等,一般也用chart. 总而言之,在日常生活中,chart是相对简单的说法,graph更专业些,diagram侧重于具体事物.

chart, diagram, graph有什么不同啊?


graph、chart、diagram的区别 不要复制粘贴来的.

三者的中文意思都可以是图表,graph的涵义更为抽象,主要用于说明各种事物之间存在的函数关系,或用于对比,饼图、条形图、曲线图都可以叫做graph; diagram就比较具象,比如涉及到建筑或机器等实际事物的平面图、分解示意图等,就用它. chart主要与坐标有关,在海事上都用这个;而如果拿一个画板,简单地用坐标图描述营收变化与成本或时间的关系等等,一般也用chart. 总而言之,在日常生活中,chart是相对简单的说法,graph更专业些,diagram侧重于具体事物.




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