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win the champion还是championship

是win the championship championship是 n.锦标赛;冠军称号的意思

championships or championship 当锦标赛讲时是单数还是复数





champion,冠军 championship冠军地位,锦标赛. ship是种后缀,比如,friend和friendship

win a championship还是 win a championship

championship的意思是冠军地位【也有比赛的意思】 champion的意思是冠军 所以得冠军应该是 win a championship 或win the championship 或be a champion 或be the champion


championship n. 锦标赛;冠军称号;冠军的地位champion n. 冠军;拥护者;战士


championship是“冠军赛”之意,即比赛,用“赢得比赛”,即won the championship;champion是“冠军”之意,即“1种头衔、1种荣誉”,所以用get搭配。championship n. 1. 冠军的地位,冠军称号[C] Susan won the spelling championship. 苏珊在拼字比赛中得了第一名。 2. 锦标赛[P1] the World Women"s Volleyball Championships 世界女子排球锦标赛 3. 拥护,支持;提倡[U][(+of)] His championship of women"s rights is well known. 他提倡女权是众所周知的。 champion n.[C] 1. (竞赛的)优胜者,冠军 2. 出类拔萃的人(或物) He is a champion at writing familiar essays. 他是写小品文的好手。 3. 提倡者,拥护者;战士,斗士[(+of)] He is a champion of equal opportunities for all races. 他是一个为各种族机会均等而奋斗的人。 vt. 1. 拥护,支持,为...而战 She championed the cause of civil rights. 她积极支持民权运动。 a. 1. 优胜的,冠军的 That state has brought forth two champion boxers. 那个州出了两名得冠军的拳击手。 2. 【口】第一流的 ad. 1. 【英】【口】极好地,以第一流水平 championship [简明英汉词典] [5tFAmpjEnFip] n.锦标赛 champion [简明英汉词典] [5tFAmpjEn] n.冠军, 拥护者, 战士 vt.拥护, 支持

“champion”和“championship”的区别He won the

championship是“冠军赛”之意,即比赛,用“赢得比赛”,即won the championship;champion是“冠军”之意,即“1种头衔、1种荣誉”,所以用get搭配.championship n.1.冠军的地位,冠军称号[C] Susan won the spelling championship.苏珊在拼字比赛中得了第一名.2.锦标赛[P1] the World Women"s Volleyball Championships 世界女子排球锦标赛 3.拥护,支持;提倡[U][(+of)] His championship of women"s rights is well known.他提倡女权是众所周知的.champion n.[C] 1.(竞赛的)优胜者,冠军 2.出类拔萃的人(或物) He is a champion at writing familiar essays.他是写小品文的好手.3.提倡者,拥护者;战士,斗士[(+of)] He is a champion of equal opportunities for all races.他是一个为各种族机会均等而奋斗的人.vt.1.拥护,支持,为...而战 She championed the cause of civil rights.她积极支持民权运动.a.1.优胜的,冠军的 That state has brought forth two champion boxers.那个州出了两名得冠军的拳击手.2.【口】第一流的 ad.1.【英】【口】极好地,以第一流水平 championship [简明英汉词典] [5tFAmpjEnFip] n.锦标赛 champion [简明英汉词典] [5tFAmpjEn] n.冠军,拥护者,战士 vt.拥护,支持

champion和championship这两个单词该怎么区分啊? 希望大家能为我举例分析

天哪~!第一:两个词语的意思就不同,相信你也是初二的吧 championship的意思是:冠军称号;竞标赛 champion的意思则是:得第一名的人,冠军 很显然,第二个是指人,而第一个是指比赛或者是称号


Asian-Athletics-Championship亚洲田径锦标赛championship[英][ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp][美][ˈtʃæmpiənˌʃɪp]n.锦标赛; 锦标,优胜,冠军称号; 拥护者[支持者,提倡者]的身分; 保持冠军称号的时期; 复数:championships例句:We could win the championship. 我们有能力获得冠军。


championship [英]ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp [美]ˈtʃæmpiənˌʃɪp .n. 锦标赛;锦标,优胜,冠军称号;拥护者[支持者,提倡者]的身分;保持... [例句]My skills improved , and I won the world championship for fish taxidermy in 2003..我的技能得到了改进,我在2003年获得了鱼标本世界锦标赛冠军。如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助


n. 锦标赛;冠军称号;冠军的地位


championship[英][ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp][美][ˈtʃæmpiənˌʃɪp]n.锦标赛; 锦标,优胜,冠军称号; 拥护者[支持者,提倡者]的身分; 保持冠军称号的时期;


n. 锦标赛;冠军称号;冠军的地位


championship[英][ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp][美][ˈtʃæmpiənˌʃɪp]n.锦标赛; 锦标,优胜,冠军称号; 拥护者[支持者,提倡者]的身分; 保持冠军称号的时期; 网络冠军赛,冠军; 冠军赛; 冠军赛,锦标赛; 1The championship result was almost a foregone conclusion.锦标赛的结果差不多在意料之中。2The FIA Formula e championship, a new global racing series with only electric cars, will launch Sept. 13 in Beijing.FIA电动汽车方程式锦标赛是一项新兴的全球赛事,只接受电动汽车参赛。


我不清楚啊 你在说的详细些啊


1、词意不同1)champion释义:n.冠军;拥护者;战士。vt.支持;拥护。adj.优胜的;第一流的。2)championship释义:n.锦标赛;冠军称号;冠军的地位。2、词性不同champion的词性有名词、动词和形容词。championship的词性就是名词。3、侧重点不同1)champion强调的是一个地位,比如例句:I am the champion of the platitude .我是这种老生常谈的冠军。解析:这里的champion就是一个冠军,是一个名词。2)championship强调的是一个头衔和获得的荣誉。On the field, I want a championship.但在球场上,我还想要一个冠军。解析:这里的championship更有荣誉的意思。

championship titles前用什么介词?

championship前要加定冠词the 例句:The championship will be held next week.锦标赛将于下周举行The championship is ours.冠军是我们的

championship和championships 具体用法有什么区别?

championship指锦标赛单数;加s指复数singles 以复数形式出现时,指羽毛球、网球、乒乓球单打比赛或选手

win the champion还是championship


“champion”和“championship”的区别He won the

he won the championshio他赢得了冠军【称号】





World Championship什么意思

世界冠军世界冠军赛世界锦标赛有不明白的地方再问哟,祝你学习进步,更上一层楼! (*^__^*)

championship 这个单词想知道究竟是不是合成词。

-ship是一个词缀,多举几个例子你就明白了leadership 领导力leader 领导 -shipmembership 会员资格member 成员 -shipscholarship 奖学金,学术,学识scholar 学者 -ship

jockey ;championship; corpse 这英语用谐音怎么读?


他6次获得NBA冠军(championship),5次赢得“最有价值球员(MVP)"称号 求翻译

He is six times the NBA championship (championship), five times to win "MVP" title

体育比赛中的Tournament,Championship ,Cup有什么区别?

Tournament锦标赛,联赛Championship:冠军赛Cup :xx杯赛


["tʃæmpɪənʃɪp] 竞标赛;冠军称号 你用网页搜 也有发音的 这样可以跟读


championship 英[ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp] 美[ˈtʃæmpiənˌʃɪp] n. 锦标赛;锦标,优胜,冠军称号;拥护者[支持者,提倡者]的身分;保持... 名词复数:championships [例句]We could win the championship.我们有能力获得冠军。s是复数哦,照读就可以了




tournamentn.(中世纪武士的)马上比武大会比赛, 锦标赛championship[5tFAmpjEnFip]n.拥护, 支持; 提倡; 拥护者[支持者, 提倡者] 的身分锦标; 优胜; 冠军称号[地位](=championship series) 锦标赛保持冠军称号的时期world championship世界锦标赛

championship 是可数名词吗





当它解释为“锦标赛”时候,是可数名词,这时候的championship和championships在某些情况下可以互换,但是一般是用championships居多. 当它解释为“冠军”的时候,是不可数名词.不存在championships.




championship英 ["tʃæmpɪənʃɪp]美 ["tʃæmpɪənʃɪp]n. 锦标赛;冠军称号;冠军的地位更多释义>>[网络短语]championship 冠军赛,锦标赛,总冠军SAFF Championship 南亚足球锦标赛Solitaire Championship 纸牌锦标赛详细用法>>


championship 英[ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp] 美[ˈtʃæmpiənˌʃɪp] n. 锦标赛;锦标,优胜,冠军称号;拥护者[支持者,提倡者]的身分;保持... 名词复数:championships [例句]We could win the championship.我们有能力获得冠军。


championship锦标赛双语对照词典结果:championship[英][ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp][美][ˈtʃæmpiənˌʃɪp]n.锦标赛; 锦标,优胜,冠军称号; 拥护者[支持者,提倡者]的身分; 保持冠军称号的时期; 复数:championships以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The euro 2012 soccer championship is being hosted by ukraine and poland in june. 2012年6月的欧洲足球锦标赛将由乌克兰和波兰联合承办。


championship英[ˈtʃæmpiənʃɪp]美[ˈtʃæmpiənˌʃɪp]n.锦标赛; 锦标,优胜,冠军称号; 拥护者[支持者,提倡者]的身分; 保持冠军称号的时期复数:championships例句1.The championship result was almost a foregone conclusion.锦标赛的结果差不多在意料之中。2.The FIA Formula e championship, a new global racing series with only electric cars, will launch Sept. 13 in Beijing.FIA电动汽车方程式锦标赛是一项新兴的全球赛事,只接受电动汽车参赛。



We are the champion为什么要加the?

the champion 意思是 冠军,这是固定用法,

we are the champions的英文作文

We Are the Champions Champion means you have achieved a success and are the number one.Take an English speaking competion for example,if you do a good job and the judges give you the best scores,then you"re no doubt the champion.It"s our common sense that champion is always the number one in a competition. But here I"d like to talk about a special champion that our class has created in the school sports meeting held last week in our school.Wang Zhigang,who has gained the champion,was a contestant of our class,taking part in the 100-metre race.He was rushing ahead of all the contestants and was about to finish when suddenly he fell onto the ground and got hurt badly.It was so painful that he could not stand up and moved,he tried to rise several times but failed.Then voices came from all directions“Liu Dong,come on!“,“Liu Dong come on!”Hearing that,Liu Dong felt his body was full of courage and energy,he forgot the great pain and tried to stand up for another time.Great!Liu Dong did it!“I must complet the race.”He said to himself.Then he walked on with difficulty till reaching the terminal. “Liu Dong is also the champion.”“Good job”.Yes,Liu Dong showed the great spirit of sports and was certaily the sepecial champion and we are champions too.

breakfast of champions 我的意思是有没有什么引申意思

breakfast of champions冠军的早餐双语对照词典结果:Breakfast of Champions[电影]王牌战将; 例句:1."Feedback is the breakfast of champions," say the self-help sites. 有的自助网站说:“反馈是冠军的早餐。

fifa world champions 2014 什么意思

国际足联 2014年世界杯

We Are The Champion的中文歌词是什么?

Queen乐队摇滚金曲:我们是斗士 [歌词大意] We are the Champions 我们是斗士 I"ve paid my 1)dues 我已付出了代价, 2)Time after time 一次又一次。 I"ve done my 4)sentence 我没有犯罪, But 3)committed no crime 却已经认罪服刑。 And bad mistakes 我也犯过一些, I"ve made a few 严重的错误。 I"ve 5)had my share of sand kicked in my face 我自作自受, But I"ve 6)come through 但是我坚持一路走了过来。 We are the 7)champions - my friends 我们是斗士,我的朋友。 And we"ll keep on fighting - till the end 我们要战斗到底。 We are the champions 我们是斗士, We are the champions 我们是斗士, No time for losers 这世界不属于失败者, "Cause we are the 8)champions - of the world 因为我们是世界之王。 I"ve 9)taken my bows 我已经谢幕, And 10)my curtain calls 帷幕将要落下。 You 11)brought me fame and fortune 你们为我带来名誉和财富, And everything that goes with it 以及一切随之而来的东西。 I thank you all 我感谢你们。 But it"s been no 12)bed of roses 但是这里并不是天堂, No pleasure cruise 也并不是一次愉快的旅程。 I 13)consider it a challenge before the whole human race 我把这当作是一个挑战, And I ain"t gonna lose 而我绝不会失败。 Won and won and won 百战百胜, We are the champions - my friends 我们是斗士,我的朋友。 And we"ll keep on fighting - till the end 我们要战斗到底。 We are the champions 我们是斗士, We are the champions 我们是斗士, No time for losers 这世界不属于失败者, "Cause we are the champions - of the world 因为我们是世界之王。

The champions were awarded olive wreaths asprizes?


球衣上的FIFA world champions 是什么意思

FIFA world champions国际足联的世界冠军

we are the champions 为什么加s


we are the champions什么意思


we are the champions 必须加吗?为什么解释一下?可不可以不加呢?为什么??



因为很喜欢这首歌,但不知道他的创作背景 ,知道的说说 满意就悬赏分的



歌曲 we are the champion 中文翻译


European Champions Cup是什么意思


欧冠是从哪年开始改名为Champions League的?


we are the champions歌词怎么记

We are the champions 我们是冠军 —独家翻译-微博Jinglish_daily (带详细注解)We are the champions 我们是冠军i"ve paid my dues(我已付出了代价)time after time(一次又一次)i"ve done my sentence(我没有犯罪)but committed no crime(却已认罪服刑)and bad mistakes(我犯过一些错误)i"ve made a fewi"ve had my share of sand kicked in my facebut i"ve come through(我也遭受过他人的欺凌,但是我挺了过来) 本意:足球赛上对手把沙子踢到自己脸上,喻指不公平,他人欺负。and i need to go on and on and on and on(我要继续坚持到底,永远,永远!)we are the champions - my friend(我们是冠军,我的朋友)and we"ll keep on fighting till the end(我们要为正义公平战斗到底)we are the champions(我们是冠军)we are the champions(我们是冠军)no time for losers(不要浪费时间在失败的人身上)"cause we are the champions of the world(因为我们是世界的冠军)musici"ve taken my bows(我已经鞠躬)and my curtain calls(感谢观众的喝彩)本意:观众持久喝彩掌声不断,演员二次谢幕。you"ve bought me fame and fortune(你们为我带来了名誉和财富)and everything that goes with it(以及所有的一切)i thank you all(我感谢你们所有人)but it"s been no bed of roses (但是这一切并非简单轻松)本意:玫瑰花床no pleasure cruise(也不是纵情享乐)本意:豪华邮轮游艇上的寻欢作乐i consider it a challenge before the whole human raceand i ain"t gonna lose(我把这当作是一个面对全人类的挑战,而我绝不会允许失败发生)and i need to go on and on and on and on(我要继续坚持到底,永远永远)we are the champions - my friend(我们是冠军,我的朋友)and we"ll keep on fighting till the end(我们要继续为公平正义战斗到底)we are the champions!!(我们是冠军)we are the champions!!~~~(我们是冠军)no time for losers(不要浪费时间在失败的人身上)"cause we are the champions of the world(因为我们是世界的冠军)we are the champions - my friend(我们是冠军,我的朋友)and we"ll keep on fighting till the end(我们要继续为正义公平战斗到底)we are the champions(我们是冠军)we are the champions(我们是冠军)no time for losers(不要浪费时间在失败的人身上)"cause we are the champions(因为我们是冠军)musicwe are the champions(我们是冠军)we are the champions(我们是冠军)no time for losers(不要浪费时间在失败的人身上)"cause we are the champions~~~~~~(因为我们是冠军

求皇后乐队“We Are The Champions”的中文翻译


We are champions是什么意思?


breakfast of champions 我的意思是有没有什么引申意思?

Breakfast of Champions:冠军早餐|冠军的早餐/茶煲大帝|茶煲大帝 Breakfast of Champions,or Goodbye,Blue Monday:冠军的早餐

we are the champions中文叫什么

歌曲:我们是冠军英文名:We Are The Champions歌曲原唱:“皇后”乐队(Queen)作词 : Mercury歌词ive paid my dues我已付出了代价time after time一次又一次ive done my sentence我服了刑but committed no crime但没有犯罪and bad mistakes我犯过了一些ive made a few严重的错误ive had my share of sand我自作kicked in my face自受but ive come through但我都熬过来了and i need to go on and on and on and on我要继续we are the champions - my friend我们是冠军我的朋友们and well keep on fighting till the end我们会一直战斗到最后we are the champions我们是冠军we are the champions我们是冠军no time for losers这世界不属于给失败者cause we are the champions of the world因为我们是冠军ive taken my bows我鞠躬谢幕and my curtain calls将落下帷幕youve bought me fame and fortune你们给我带来名誉和财富and everything that goes with it和随之而来的一切i thank you all我感谢你们but its been no bed of roses no pleasure cruise但没有任何游乐也不是欢乐的海洋i consider it a challenge before the whole human race我认为这是一个摆在全人类面前的挑战and i aint gonna lose而我绝不会输and i need to go on and on and on and on我要继续we are the champions - my friend我们是冠军我的朋友们and well keep on fighting till the end我们会一直战斗到最后we are the champions我们是冠军we are the champions我们是冠军no time for losers这世界不属于给失败者cause we are the champions of the world因为我们是世界冠军we are the champions - my friend我们是冠军我的朋友们and well keep on fighting till the end我们会一直战斗到最后we are the champions我们是冠军we are the champions我们是冠军no time for losers这世界不属于给失败者cause we are the champions因为我们是世界冠军扩展资料这首单曲出自皇后乐队1977年10月7日推出的著名专辑“News Of The World”,紧接在另一首名曲“We Will Rock You”之后。在皇后乐队的许多音乐会上,他们都会用这两首乐曲作为结尾,将氛围推上高潮。皇后乐队在这首单曲的配器中使用了传统的摇滚乐器,包括主音吉他、低音吉他、架子鼓和人声。影响在时至今日的欧洲冠军联赛,英超,意甲以及西甲等非常具有激情的欧洲足球大联盟的比赛中的最后时刻,球迷几乎都会自发合唱此曲以庆祝自己的球队获得冠军。翻唱版本罗比·威廉斯(Robbie Williams)在2001年电影原声大碟骑士风云录中翻唱了该曲。2004年以来,著名滑稽歌手孔庆翔(William Hung)也在多种场合翻唱了该曲。另外,该曲还被用于2002年日韩世界杯的宣传片中。

歌词是WE ARE CHAMPION ......和足球有关的歌???

歌词 We are the champions,出自《We are the champions》。《We are the champions》专辑:News of the World发行时间:1977年原唱:"皇后"乐队(Queen)歌词:I"ve paid my duesTime after timeI"ve done my sentenceBut committed no crimeAnd bad mistakesI"ve made a fewI"ve had my share of sandKicked in my faceBut I"ve come throughAnd we mean to go on and on and on and onWe are the champions - my friendsAnd we"ll keep on fightingTill the endWe are the championsWe are the championsNo time for losers"Cause we are the champions of the WorldI"ve taken my bowsAnd my curtain callsYou brought me fame and fortuneAnd everything that goes with itI thank you allBut it"s been no bed of rosesNo pleasure cruiseI consider it a challenge beforeThe whole human raceAnd I ain"t gonna loseAnd we mean to go on and on and on and onWe are the champions - my friendsAnd we"ll keep on fightingTill the endWe are the championsWe are the championsNo time for losers"Cause we are the champions of the WorldWe are the champions - my friendsAnd we"ll keep on fightingTill the endWe are the championsWe are the championsNo time for losers"Cause we are the champions

英雄联盟头像一个五角星下面写着champions 求出处

已经过期啦 那是韩国队的头像

安踏广告We are the champions 的歌词


谁知道we are champion歌词的翻译


the new champions 2017什么意思

the new champions 2017新冠军2017重点词汇new新的,崭新的; 新鲜的,新到的; 现代的; 初次的; 新近,最近champions冠军( champion的名词复数 ); 捍卫者,拥护者


chosen choose的过去分词,意为选择hurt 伤害champions 冠军,拥护smile 微笑save 解救,节约~~楼主也真够懒,下个词典什么词都可以查了,呵呵

brand champions英语怎么说

纯音译(请用普通话):布兰德 车母痞恩

we are the champion与06 世界杯有什么关系


歌词是WE ARE CHAMPION ......和足球有关的歌???


欧冠主题曲-Champion league 的歌词(英文加中文)。



moment of silence for the championsfor those who make going hard a lifestylenever wait for nothinggot to get it right nowi"m in the spotlightwhen they turn the lights downonly the champs go the hardest in the 12th roundi love the fourth quarteri love the ninth inningi love game 7bring on the competitioncuz in my heart can"t nobody do it bettercan"t slow me down won"t stop me neveri"m so cashis clayi"m tyson in his primeyour own league wit emi"m barry bonds with minei beat the buzzer babymy stroke is hole in oneyou see the checkered flag finish line here i comei aint gotta bragi let the trophys do itaround here we the bestso come and hold me too iti specialize in everything that can"t be doneaint no more talking bout itmoment of silence for the championsChorus (Ron Artest)]they say we warriorsthey say we did it again (hands high for the champions)we are victoriouswe only in it to win (stand up for the champions)no surrender no retreatwe take the battlefield over every time (and clap yo hands for the champions)we came we saw we conquered everything in sight (moment of silence for the champions)ayyy oh ay oh ay ohthats the sound you hear from the crowd when we come through (they screaming)ayyy oh ay oh ay ohwe run the town here can"t you tell when we come through (they screaming)champions!(cuz we are)champions!(they screaming)champions!(cuz we are)champions!can"t nobody handle usthere aint no competitorsno wonder why we are (we are the champions)Verse 2]You read the newspapersyou saw the magazinesyou got the internet but you aint gotta google memy name is up in lightsmy face is well knownyou see us superbowl dancing in the endzoneyou see us taking shots of vodka out of stanley"s cupyou see us running out the tunnel looking fired upand in my heard can"t nobody do it bettercan"t slow me down won"t stop me neveri"m dale earnhardti"m so michael phelpsso many gold medalstoo many title beltsi started all-stateand came up from thatnow imma world champand reppin everywherecall me incrediblework ethic impeccablei did it for the decimals and now i can"t let it goi specialize in anything that can"t be doneno more talking bout itmoment of silence for the championsChorus (Ron Artest)]they say we warriorsthey say we did it again (hands high for the champions)we are victoriouswe only in it to win (stand up for the champions)no surrender no retreatwe take the battlefield over every time (and clap yo hands for the champions)we came we saw we conquered everything in sight (moment of silence for the champions)ayyy oh ay oh ay ohthats the sound you hear from the crowd when we come through (they screaming)ayyy oh ay oh ay ohwe run the town here can"t you tell when we come through (they screaming)champions!(cuz we are)champions!(they screaming)champions!(cuz we are)champions!can"t nobody handle us(no)there aint no competitors(no)no wonder why we are (we are the champions)


We Are The Champions Lyrics:Freddie Mercury Music:Freddie Mercury I"ve paid my dues Time after time I"ve done my sentence But committed no crime And bad mistakes I"ve made a few I"ve had my share of sand Kicked in my face But I"ve come through And I need to go on and on and on and on We are the champions - my friend And we"ll keep on fighting till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers "Cause we are the champions of the world I"ve taken my bows And my curtain calls You"ve bought me fame and fortune And everything that goes with it I thank you all But it"s been no bed of roses no pleasure cruise I consider it a challenge before the whole human race And I ain"t gonna lose And I need to go on and on and on and on We are the champions - my friend And we"ll keep on fighting till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers "Cause we are the champions of the world We are the champions - my friend And we"ll keep on fighting till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers "Cause we are the champions


I"ve paid my dues Time after time I"ve done my sentence But committed no crime And bad mistakes I"ve made a few I"ve had my share of sand Kicked in my face But I"ve come through And we mean to go on and on and on and on We are the champions - my friends And we"ll keep on fighting Till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers "Cause we are the champions of the World I"ve taken my bows And my curtain calls You brought me fame and fortune And everything that goes with it I thank you all But it"s been no bed of roses No pleasure cruise I consider it a challenge before The whole human race And I ain"t gonna lose And we mean to go on and on and on and on We are the champions - my friends And we"ll keep on fighting Till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers "Cause we are the champions of the World We are the champions - my friends And we"ll keep on fighting Till the end We are the champions We are the champions No time for losers "Cause we are the champions



we are the champions怎么翻译?



championship ["tʃæmpi:ən,ʃɪp] n. 锦标赛,冠军赛;冠军的地位(称号、等级、保持称号的时期);维护;支持 champions  冠军使用对象不同,一个指人,一个指物


national champions 国家冠军企业;国家领军企业;国内龙头企业例句筛选1.Efforts to create national champions have faced many problems.打造国家级冠军企业的努力面临许多问题。2.So they are keen to create national champions in other sectors, even ifthey are partly controlled by foreigners.因此他们急切在其他部门塑造全国冠军,即使这些冠军受到外商企业的部分控制。

we are the champions什么意思


we are the champions 这首歌的歌词是什么意思

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