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请问约翰霍普金斯大学商学院(Carey Business School)的情况怎么样?他家的MBA难申吗?

Carey商学院2007年成立的,确实很新,但是它的前身“商业与教育专业研究学院”(SPSBE)早在1909年有了,是全美最早开设商业研究生教育的机构之一。2002年,投资银行家William Carey提议捐赠5000万美元予约翰霍普金斯大学成立一个独立的商学院,但该提议被约翰霍普金斯大学董事会以微弱票数否决。2006年,大学董事会经再次投票通过,决定将SPSBE分为两个新的学院:Carey商学院(Johns Hopkins Carey Business School)和教育学院(Johns Hopkins University School of Education),两学院于2007年正式成立。Carey商学院目前还在进行AACSB认证审核(因为AACSB认证要求至少有5年独立运作的商学院,而Carey在2008年申请的AACSB),但以其实力,通过只是早晚的问题。顺便告诉你,他的院长Yash Gupta自己就是AACSB董事会执行董事。:)Carey商学院目前已经得到超过1.5亿美元的捐助,总部将在2010年迁入全新的Legg Mason金融中心。他的教授绝大部分都有Wharton,Northwestern,MIT,Stanford这些超一流的学校的背景。所以排名出来后绝对不会低(同样是SPSBE分出来的教育学院2009年全美排名第6)。Carey GMBA今年的平均GMAT是692分,楼主的基本情况不算差,建议在PS上多下些功夫,另外还是多申请几个保底的以防万一。如果你能申到,你的美国同学基本都会是咨询、投行或者NGO,还有很多是在华盛顿的联邦政府机构工作。另外,Carey也有很多和霍普金斯的其他学院合作的联合项目。比如你对医疗卫生或者国际关系感兴趣的话,你可以申请Carey与布隆伯格公共健康学院和华盛顿国际关系学院的双学位项目(这两个学院在各自领域都是全美排名第一),不过那难度当然更大了。

carey business school是美国什么学校

Carey商学院2007年成立的,但是它的前身“商业与教育专业研究学院”(SPSBE)早在1909年有了,是全美最早开设商业研究生教育的机构之一。2002年,投资银行家William Carey提议捐赠5000万美元予约翰霍普金斯大学成立一个独立的商学院,但该提议被约翰霍普金斯大学董事会以微弱票数否决。2006年,大学董事会经再次投票通过,决定将SPSBE分为两个新的学院:Carey商学院(Johns Hopkins Carey Business School)和教育学院(Johns Hopkins University School of Education),两学院于2007年正式成立。


1。neither of …… 两者中的任何一个都不,后面的谓语动词用单数,这是语法规定的。2。家中往往不止一个孩子,所以用 childen。本句可作泛指。如果特指一个: neither of the parents cares what happens to the(their) son (daughter)。3。无论父亲或者母亲都不管子女出了什么事。 供你参考。

为什么是 too much careless?



犬传染性肝炎(ICH)。犬传染性肝炎(infectious canine hepatitis,ICH)是由犬I型腺病毒(Canine adenovirus type-1,CAV-1)引起的急性病毒性传染病。本病主要发生于犬,也见于其他犬科动物,以肝小叶中心坏死、肝实质细胞和上皮细胞出现核内包涵体、出血时间延长和肝炎为特征。



What are Charge Abilities? – The Walking Dead: No Man"s Land

Each weapon has its own charge ability . Using these skillfully in combat is the key to surviving tough battles. Every time your survivor kills a walker in combat, they get a charge point under their portrait. When they have killed enough walkers (usually two or three) to charge their ability, the charge ability bar turns green. To activate the ability, tap the bar and choose your target(s). Charge abilities: Scout – Brain Stab: Extra damage Bruiser – Smash: Area stun and damage Hunter – Critical Attack: Automatic critical hit Shooter – Free Attack: Attack doesn"t spend Action Points Warrior – Bonus Attack: Attack uses only 1 Action Point Assault – Stun Attack: Area stun and damage, or Varmint Blast: Sets targets on fire

Thank you for your existence! I was touched! Unfo


such great progress 和so great progress哪个正确

such great progress

progress 用more还是much


junk food 用以下哪个词修辞最好 too much too many much too many too


Too much junk food

too much junk food太多垃圾食物

chocolates are junk food这句话对不对?


名词的复数的形式 diary day foot book dress tooth sheep box strawberry thief peach sandwich

diaries days feet books dresses teeth sheep boxes strawberries thiefs peaches sandwiches

He has a certain carefree charm



handkerchieves复数) 2. child(复数) 3. boy(复数) 4. thief复数)


英语名词变复数,以f结尾的怎么加S?chief, thief, handkerchief, gul

以f或者fe结尾的名词一般来说是把f或者fe变为V然后再加es。如:life --- lives, leaf--- leaves。但是有特殊的名词,却是直接加s,这就靠我们去记住了。

live from chicago 歌词

下面链接是U2乐队的所有歌词大概有个200多首吧你对着楼上的表格单 自己看吧


Charice - LouderLouder (x4)I"m staring out of my windowAnd the rain is pouring downWhen you left, I was so lowBut I"m not gonna drownI don"t need no shoulderI"m gonna be a soldierI just wanna feel somethin" I don"t understandI"m just gonna run right through the rainI"m just gonna dance right through the painI just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drumLet my heart beat louderLet my heart speak louder than my head (head, head, head)Heart beat louder than my head (head, head, head)Heart speak louderWanna feel that rhythm, feel that drumLet my heart beat louderLet my heart speak louder than my headI, I am over overthinking of how to get you backI"m checking out for the weekendAnd I ain"t going backI don"t need no shoulderI"m gonna be a soldierI just wanna feel somethin" I don"t understandOh, letting goYeah it feels so good, so rightOh, all I knowIs that I let my heart beatHeart speak louder than my louder than myHeart beat heart speak louder than my louder than myHeart beat heart speak louder than my louder than my louder, louder, louder, louder这首歌还蛮好听的。


today is careers day at school今天是 学校的工作日双语对照例句:1.Tough day at school. 在学校过的不顺利?2.Did you have a good day at school? 你在学校玩得开心吗?

He now has sixteen bikes to fix up and give away to children who don"t have bikes.


launch their careers 是什么意思啊


You should ____________ your hands if you have any problems. A.give up B.fix up C.cheer u

D 试题分析:句意:如果你有什么问题你应该举起手来。give up 放弃;fix up 修理;cheer up 振作起来;put up 抬起,举起。根据句意可知,有问题应该举手,故选D。


Louder 中文字幕版--ChariceMV描述:响彻云霄 Louder - 无法预期的音乐爆发力 - 证明人生无限可能 - 今年期待指数最高的音乐奇迹 - 地球上唯一震撼人心的动人歌声! - 夏芮丝Charice - 最新畅销大碟《∞爱无限》 - 2011/10/28领先欧美率先上市

Charice的《Louder》 中文歌词

我正凝视窗外大雨倾盆而下当你离开时,我心情低汤到谷底但我不会就此沉沦我不需要任何肩膀我要像战士般武装自己我只想感受些我不懂的事我只是想奔越大雨我只是想舞越苦痛我只想感受那节奏,感受那鼓声且让我心跳搏动加剧听任我感性的内心向理性的头脑呛声吧[回响]心跳搏动加剧占领理智的头脑 [回响]心大声发言想感受那节奏,感受那鼓声且让我心跳搏动加剧听任我感性的内心向理性的头脑呛声吧我,我一直太过执著於如何让你回头我要放自己一个周末然後再也不打算回去了我不需要任何肩膀我要像战士般武装自己我只想感受些我不懂的事我只是想奔越大雨我只是想舞越苦痛我只想感受那节奏,感受那鼓声且让我心跳搏动加剧听任我感性的内心向理性的头脑呛声吧[回响]心跳搏动加剧占领理智的头脑 [回响]心大声发言想感受那节奏,感受那鼓声且让我心跳搏动加剧听任我感性的内心向理性的头脑呛声吧噢,放手吧吔,这样的感觉真好,如此正确噢,我仅知道…我听任我…心跳搏动、听任我心喊话 [回响:大声点儿]心跳搏动、听任我心喊话 [回响:大声点儿]心跳搏动、听任我心喊话 [回响:大声点儿]大声点儿[回响]我只是想奔越大雨我只是想舞越苦痛我只想感受那节奏,感受那鼓声且让我心跳搏动加剧听任我感性的内心向理性的头脑呛声吧[回响]心跳搏动加剧占领理智的头脑 [回响]心大声发言想感受那节奏,感受那鼓声且让我心跳搏动加剧听任我感性的内心向理性的头脑呛声吧

Charice的《Louder》 歌词

歌曲名:Louder歌手:Charice专辑:LouderCharice - LouderLouder (x4)I"m staring out of my windowAnd the rain is pouring downWhen you left, I was so lowBut I"m not gonna drownI don"t need no shoulderI"m gonna be a soldierI just wanna feel somethin" I don"t understandI"m just gonna run right through the rainI"m just gonna dance right through the painI just wanna feel that rhythm, feel that drumLet my heart beat louderLet my heart speak louder than my head (head, head, head)Heart beat louder than my head (head, head, head)Heart speak louderWanna feel that rhythm, feel that drumLet my heart beat louderLet my heart speak louder than my headI, I am over overthinking of how to get you backI"m checking out for the weekendAnd I ain"t going backI don"t need no shoulderI"m gonna be a soldierI just wanna feel somethin" I don"t understandOh, letting goYeah it feels so good, so rightOh, all I knowIs that I let my heart beatHeart speak louder than my louder than myHeart beat heart speak louder than my louder than myHeart beat heart speak louder than my louder than my louder, louder, louder, louder


n. 母狗,母狼;泼妇;牢骚事vt. 糟蹋;弄糟vi. 发牢骚n. (Bitch)人名;(法)比奇采纳我哟!

请问Please fix up the machine according to the instructions. instruction为什么要用复数。





teach taught taughtwrite wrote writtenshine shone或 shined shone 或shined




第五十四回 入云龙斗法破高廉 黑旋风探穴救柴进


buch解释:n. (德)书n. (Buch)人名;(法)比什;(巴基)布奇;(瑞典、芬)布克;(德、罗、西、俄)布赫例如:1.Another option is to go the College Humor site route and "hit your users with a sledgehammer approach, " Buch explained.另一个办法就是走College Humor的路线,“用‘长柄大锤"的方式吸引用户”Buch解释道。2.The deputy chief prosecutor, Jakob Buch-Jepsen, told the Guardian: "We are very pleased the court has agreed with our case.副检察长Jakob Buch-Jepsen向卫报表示:“我很高兴看到法院对这一案件的判决和我们一致。3."Digg played with that, " said Buch. "We posted RSS feeds for every single category and when we looked at traffic, one feed as much as 100 times exceeded traffic than other feeds.Digg就是这样发家的“Buch说,”我们为每一个门类提供RSS订阅,当我们关注流量时,发现其中一个门类的订阅流量超过了其他订阅流量100倍。4."So if you have a share capability on your site - even commenting, that can automatically be placed on a wall; automatic syndication, " said Buch.“因此如果你的站点具备分享功能——甚至是评论,都可以自动同步到涂鸦墙上去。” Buch称。5."If you"re lucky enough to have Digg users looking at your content, you"ll hit front page," Buch said; a tip that should not be dismissed too quickly.“如果你的内容很幸运的获得Digg用户的关注,你会上Digg首页的。” Buch称;这个提示应该不会很快过时的。



skilled workers school是什么意思

skilled workers school [词典] 技工学校; [例句]Adolescent Physiology and Psychology of Female Students of Skilled Workers"School in Fenghua City: a Study of 90 Cases奉化市技工学校女生青春期生理、心理调查报告

喝多了是drink too much吗?其实一个词就可以搞定哦!

喝多了别说drink too much 喝多了是drink too much吗? 把喝了很多酒说成drink too much, 老外确实能听懂, 但是不太地道。 其实, 喝了很多酒用一个单词就可以搞定, 这个单词就是 booze 。 booze  [buːz] 喝酒;(尤指)狂饮;酒精饮料 booze多指喝了大量的酒, 意思相近的表达还有 hard-drinking 和 excessive drinking , 意思是 过度饮酒 。 我们都应该 适度饮酒 , 用英语说就是 moderate drinking 。 例句: His father always boozes with friends at weekends. 他爸爸总是在周末和朋友喝很多酒。 不同程度的醉酒有哪些词汇表示? tipsy /"tɪpsi/ adj. 喝醉的;歪曲的;不稳的 buzzed /bʌzd/ adj. 陶醉的;茂密的 v. 发出嗡嗡声(buzz的过去式和过去分词) 例: I feel a bit tipsy=I feel a bit buzzed. 我有点醉了。 一般而言 drunk 比buzzed的醉酒程度要高一些。 另外buzz还可以用做名词表示“微醉” 例: I felt a buzz after several minutes drinking. 喝了几分钟后我有点儿醉意了(但是还没有drunk)。 hammered  /"hæməd/ adj. [not before noun 不用于名词前] 醉醺醺的,烂醉的 pissed /pɪst/ adj. [not before noun 不用于名词前] 喝醉的 wasted /"weɪstɪd/ adj. 烂醉的;被毒品麻醉的 blasted /ˈblɑːstɪd/ adj. [only before noun 仅用于名词前][美国俚语] 喝醉的 例: I did see that girl who was blasted at the bar, but I didn"t know what happened later. 我的确看到那个在酒吧喝大了的女孩,但是后来发生什么我就不知道了。 shitfaced (也作shit-faced) /"ʃɪtfeɪst/ adj. 大醉的,烂醉如泥的 smashed /smæʃt,smæʃt/ adj. [not before noun 不用于名词前] 烂醉的;吸毒后精神恍惚的 例: Customers at the bar told reporters the shitfaced man refused to pay for his drinks 该酒吧的顾客告诉记者,这个喝高了的男人拒绝付账。 这两个单词醉酒的程度很重了,已经不能自己行动了,意识模糊,一般定义为“heavily intoxicated”。 intoxicated是比较正式,书面化的用语 intoxicated /ɪn"tɑksɪketɪd/ adj. 喝醉的;极度兴奋的 v. 沉醉;中毒(intoxicate的过去分词) 例: Driving while intoxicated (DWI) is a crime. 醉酒驾驶是犯罪。 今天的内容大家都学会了么? 欢迎评论交流心得~

skilled teachers 什么意思?“外教”的英文怎么说?

Shilled teacher是技能老师 外教是foreign teacher





请问一下,在C语言中char ch[3][5]={“AAAA”,”BBB”,”CC”}是什么意思


台湾话 BBB,Gingcha什么意思



声母共有21个:b、p、m、f、d、t、n、l、g、k、h、j、q、x、zh、ch、sh、r、z、c、s;韵母24个:单韵母是a、o、e、i、u、v,复韵母是ai 、ei、 ui 、ao、 ou、 iu 、ie 、ve、 er、 an 、en 、in、 un 、vn 、ang 、eng、 ing 、ong ,前鼻音韵母 an 、en 、in、 un 、vn,后鼻音韵母 ang 、eng、 ing 、ong;整体认读音节:zhi 、chi 、shi 、ri 、zi 、ci 、si 、yi 、wu 、yu 、ye 、yue 、yin 、yun 、yuan 、ying 。汉语拼音是拼写汉民族标准语的拼音方案。汉语拼音是以北京语音系统作为语音标准的。北京音也是中国地域最辽阔、人口最多的北方方言的典型代表。解释汉语拼音用法和标准的《汉语拼音方案》是中国拼音文字方案的国家标准,也是联合国规定用来拼写中国人名地名和专用词语的国际标准。 它是中华人民共和国法定的拼音方案,是世界文献工作中拼写有关中国的专用名词和词语的国际标准。1958年2月11日,第一届全国人民代表大会第五次会议正式通过了《汉语拼音方案》,并批准公布推行。

如何在Cochrane library检索

  检索词必须≥3个字母,但≥16个字母的词将被截段;数字将忽略不检,检索年份可在高级检索中进行限定检索;可使用逻辑运算符"AND"、"OR"和"NOT"。  如果用多个检索词进行检索,Cochrane图书馆将忽略这些词的词序,并且在检索时自动将词与词之间加上了"AND"逻辑运算符,例如:检索STROKE UNIT等于检索STROKE AND UNIT。因此在对词组进行检索时必须给词组加上双引号,如:"BLOOD PRESSURE"  可进行短语检索及相邻检索,相邻检索可分别选用"NEXT"和"NEAR"相邻运算符。如要检索AMBULATOY BLOOD PRESSURE除可在这3个检索词的前后加上双引号将其作为一个短语进行检索外,也可采用以下检索式:AMBULATORYNEXT BLOOD NEXT PRESSURE。也可用NEAR运算符进行相邻检索,NEAR运算符可将两个检索词的邻近范围限定在6个词的范围内进行检索。使用NEAR运算符扩大了检索的范围,但降低了精确性。  可使用*进行截词检索,如对"CARDIO*"进行检索,将检出CARDIOLOGY和CARDIOGRAPHY等一批前缀为CARDIO的词汇。  3.2 Advanced Searching(高级检索)  点击位于主屏幕左上的"Search"按钮即进入检索屏幕,选择检索屏幕上方的"Advanced Search"即可进行高级检索。



如何在Cochrane library检索

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lack of physicl and mental energy,both of which are essential in turning out

there is two reasons, 这句是句子的主干,是there be 句型。lack of physicl and mental energy,这句话是reasons的同位语,both of which are essential in turning out and throwing away,这句话是which引导的非限定性定语从句,关系代词which指代的是 physicl and mental energy,在从句中做主语;从句中,用到了 sth. are essential in doing sth, 这个句型,in 是介词,所以用动名词形式。

如何理解There were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both takepride.

全句翻译:现在,詹姆斯·迪林汉姆·杨夫妇俩各有一件引以为豪的东西。这里有一个定语从句 in which they both take pride,修饰的是 two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs,前面的介词 in 原先位于从句的句末(which they both take pride in [the two possessions]),按英语的写法习惯一般将句末的介词提到引导词前面。

cardio challenge 是什么意思

cardio challenge的中文翻译cardio challenge 心的挑战

one of Mary"s prize possessions was a little white lamb which her husband had given her.


hide catch 过去式




H2O,CO2,CO,NH3,CCl4,BF3,SO3,PCl5,PCl3,N2O,CH3F,SO2,HCl,IF5,SF6,SF4 和ClF3.

极性分子H2O CO2 NH3 CCL4 BF3 SO3 PCL5 N2O CH3F SO2 CLF3非极性分子CO

If you are part of the group which you are addres

完整的句子应该是:If you are part of the group which you are addressing, you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and it"ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman"s notorious bad taste in ties. (2002 Text1) 【结构分析】本句包含由and连接两个并列分句。第一个分句主干为you will be in a position,不定式to know the experiences and problems 做定语,修饰position,其中which引导定语从句,修饰the experiences and problems。第二个分句为it"ll be appropriate for you to „,其中it作形式主语,真正的主语为不定式to make a passing remark about„。 【参考译文】如果你是你谈话听众中的一员,你就能够了解你们所共有的经历和问题,而且你也可对餐厅极难吃的食物或者领导在选择领带方面差劲的品味进行评头论足。


choice 选择chance 机会 意思完全不同 望采纳啊啊才

greater Chances翻译



opportunity n.机会 golden opportunity 绝好的机会 -- Don"t miss any golden opportunities. -- opportunity knocks only once 千载难逢的机会 chance 表机会时可以与opportunity互换(后面+of doing, 或to do) -- I had the chance of visiting Paris. = I had the opportunity of visiting Paris. -- He had no opportunity to see her. chance表可能性时(= possibility), 则不可opportunity互换。 -- There is a chance that I will see him. 我有可能见到她。 -- The chances are that he will be elected the president. 他有可能当选总统。 -- The chances are that he will pass his examination next week.


不一定哦 例:我有两个机会I have two chance就不是复数 我有两次机会I have two chances就是复数 主要看你怎么用

分析下“chances are that you will never attain it”的结构

翻译:很有可能你根本得不到它。Chances (主语)are (系动词)that you will never attain it (that引导的表语从句做表语)。Chances are that...是个固定句型,意思是“可能...”。

the chance is that ,the chances are 复数有什么区别》?



Ken Block - ChanceLRC by lzh ,from jiangxi pingxiangI never knew how much I"d come to love youI couldn"t know how much I"d come to love youI had no idea if I"d disappear from fearOf the greatest gift I almost faded awayI had no idea how much I"d come to need youI had no idea how much I"d burn when I can"t see youI had no idea if I"d disappear from fearOf the greatest gift who"s ever taken to meBut you pierced my heart in JuneTurned and hung the moonIn a while, childI was wrapped around your fingerChanceWhat are the chancesThat you would look down from the skyAnd choose me to be your ownAnd ChanceWhat are the chancesThat you would sacrifice your wingsTo become flesh and boneFor meI can"t believe I called it love before youI think I even thought I could ignore youI had no idea if I"d disappear from fearThose days were coldAnd I almost faded awayBut you changed the way I breatheAnd rearrange of needsTo the world you might be oneBut to me you are the worldChanceWhat are the chancesThat you would look down from the skyAnd choose me to be your ownAnd ChanceWhat are the chancesThat you would sacrifice your wingsTo become flesh and boneFor meWe"re all searching for the things that make us matterWe"re all hungry in our needing to be wholeThen we find the only thing that really mattersAre the people in our lives whose hearts we holdChanceWhat are the chanceswhat you would look down from the skyAnd claim me to be your ownAnd ChanceWhat are the chancesThat you would sacrifice your wingsTo become flesh and boneFor me


a dog"s chance 极有限的一点机会[常用于否定句]a fat chance [俚语,作反语用]很少的机会;很少可能a fifty-fifty chance [美国口语]百分之五十的机会,一半的可能性as chance would have it [口语]凑巧;偏偏;不巧a smart chance [美国口语]很大的可能性a smart chance of [美国口语]很多的,大量的as it may chance 要看当时情况,不能预料by any chance 碰巧;或许;万一by chance catin-hell"s chance 微乎其微的机会 [多用作否定意义]chance it [口语]碰碰运气看;冒险一试chance of a lifetime 千载难逢的良机chance one"s arm [口语]冒险一试;豁出去干;碰碰运气even chance 胜败各半;机会均等half a chance 一点点机会leave nothing to chance 把事情做得四平八稳long chance 不太有把握的事;冒相当大的险not (even) a dog"s chance [口语]毫无机会,毫无希望;无任何可能性off chance 极小的可能性,不大会有的机会on the chance of (或 that) 期望;怀着…的希望on the off chance of (或 that) 对…怀着微小的希望;碰运气;万一outside chance 极小的可能性,不大可能的机会run the chance of being… 有…的可能stand a chance of 有…的机会,有…的希望,有…的可能stand no (或 little) chance 可能性不大,没有什么希望stand one"s chance 碰碰运气;好歹试一试take a chance 碰碰运气;冒险;投机;利用一下机会 [亦作 take chances]take no chance 不冒险,力求万全take one"s chance(s) 碰运气;准备冒险the main chance (对自己)最有利的机会;赚钱的机会




没记错的话 应该是“选择”的意思



Chances Are 歌词

歌曲名:Chances Are歌手:Julie London专辑:The End Of The WorldFive For Fighting - ChancesChances are when said and doneWho"ll be the lucky onesWho make it all the way?Though you say I could be your answerNothing lasts foreverNo matter how it feels todayChances are we"ll find a new equationChances roll away from meChances are all they hope to beDon"t get me wrong I"d never say neverCause though love can change the weatherNo act of God can pull me away from youI"m just a realistic manA bottle filled with shells and sandAfraid to love beyondwhat I can lose when it comes to youAnd though I see us through yeahChances are we"ll find two destinationsChances roll away from meStill chances are more than expectationsThe possibilitiesOver meEight to five, two to oneLay your money on the sununtil you crash what have you done?Is there a better bet than love?What you are is what you breatheYou gotta cry before you singChances chancesChances lost are hopes torn up pagesMaybe this timeChances are we"ll be the combinationChances come and carry meChances are waiting to be takenAnd I can seeChances are the fascinationChances won"t escape from meChances are only what we make themAnd all I need


表示“机会”和“可能性”时chance是可数的,此时前面可加冠词 表示“意外”时,是不可数名次,例如:I met him in the street by chance.(所以,chance前面没有任何冠词) 扩展资料   chance   n.机会,机遇;概率,可能性;偶然,运气   v.偶然发生;冒险;碰巧;偶然被发现   adj.意外的;偶然的;碰巧的   复数:chances   第三人称单数:chances   过去式:chanced   过去分词:chanced   现在分词:chancing   易混淆的单词:CHANCE Chance



too much Furniture有没有语法错误?


chance 和opportunity有什么区别

  chance 和opportunity的区别:  一、chance 常意味着因为运气或偶然而出现的机遇,含有侥幸的意味在内;opportunity 特指机遇; 词典上解释为good chance,说明是良机,“很难得的”机会。  例:  We met some foreigners on the train and that was a good chance  to practice our oral English.  我们在火车上遇到了几位老外,那是我们练习英语口语的好机会。  Such opportunities should not be missed. 这样的机会不应该失去。  二、chance 还可表示可能性,而opportunity不能。  The chances that the miners will survive are small. 矿工们生还的可能性不大。  Chances are that he was arrived. 他很可能已经到了。  There is little chance that he is always helping us. 他不大可能老是帮我们。

chances are that是倒装吗

完全倒装. 完全倒装结构:介词/副词/形容词/名词+谓语动词+主语 不属于.这是正常的陈述语序.Chances是主语,are是谓语,that 引导表语从句,作表语.

Chances are good 在这里是什么意思!




Various的《Chances》 歌词

歌曲名:Chances歌手:Various专辑:The Blind SideCHANCE作词:远藤明范作曲:矢野立美编曲:矢野立美歌:神谷 明おれの名は冴羽リョウ 都会に巣食う虫けらどもを扫除するそれがおれの仕事だおれの武器はコルトパイソン357マグナム撃ち抜けないのは美女のハートだけさ铳口をふるわせる热い铅は悪を仕留めるワンホール?ショット一度おれに刃向かった奴も二度目は地狱で黙りこむそれがおれのやり方谁かがおれに言った おれには血と硝烟とそして蔷薇の香りがよく似合うとおれは都会のスイーパー人呼んでシティハンターどしゃぶりの Rainy Road 想い出に伤ついて疲れきったおまえは Pretty Dead-end GirlBlack & Blue この都市は希望さえガラスのイミテーション街角は Midnight 吐息さえ冻りつく寂しげなおまえに Margarita kissLonely One 気どるにはつらいから仮面を脱ぎすててChance Chance Chance Get ChanceCatch your dream tonightChance Chance Chance ChanceFall in love tonightガラス越し Moonshine ほほえみに梦をのせ辉いたおまえの Lovely Funny FaceHeart & Luck この都市はいつまでもときめき忘れないChance Chance Chance Get ChanceCatch your dream tonightChance Chance Chance ChanceFall in love tonightChance Chance Chance Get ChanceCatch your dream tonightChance Chance Chance ChanceFall in love tonightおわり


chance [英]tʃɑ:ns [美]tʃænsn. 机会,机遇;概率,可能性;偶然,运气v. 偶然发生;冒险;碰巧;偶然被发现adj. 意外的;偶然的;碰巧的[例句]Cotton has a good chance to win.科顿获胜的机会很大。Chance led to the finding of the diamond mine.这座钻石矿完全是偶然发现的。可能性,希望[C][U][(+of)][+(that)]We have a good chance of winning the game.我们很可能赢得这场比赛。机会,良机,际遇[C][(+of)][+to-v]I don"t get many chances to talk to her recently.近来我不太有机会与她交谈。冒险[C][(+of)]He took a big chance when he made the investment.当时他投资时是冒了大风险的。vt.冒...的险;赌(钱)[W][+v-ing]Don"t chance sailing in a storm.不要冒险在风暴中航行。vi.碰巧;偶然被发现(或找到)[W][+to-v]I chanced to meet an old friend in the park today.今天我在公园碰巧遇见一位老朋友。a.偶然的;碰巧的;意想不到的[Z][B]a chance visit意料不到的访问


chance[英][tʃɑ:ns][美][tʃæns]n.机会,机遇; 概率,可能性; 偶然,运气;v.偶然发生; 冒险; 碰巧; 偶然被发现;adj.意外的; 偶然的; 碰巧的;第三人称单数:chances复数:chances现在进行时:chancing过去式:chanced过去分词:chanced


chance[英] [tʃɑ:ns][美] [tʃæns]n.机会,机遇; 概率,可能性; 偶然,运气;v.偶然发生; 冒险; 碰巧; 偶然被发现;[例句]Do you think they have a chance of beating Australia?你认为他们有可能击败澳大利亚吗?[复数]chances

Chances (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Chances (Live)歌手:Air Supply专辑:Greatest Hits Live...Now And ForeverThere"s a chance you will be thereI"d like to know the truthI"ll find it out somehowThe chances aren"t too strongA chance you will be therePlease be there aloneHelp me speak of loveChances aren"t enoughOnes too good to missChances aren"t too strongA Chance is all there isThere"s a chance you will be thereWondering what to doHow to play my roleI"ll leave it up to youIf I disguise my smileIt gives too much awayWhat if we can"t speakWhat then shall I sayDon"t you be too longSomething has gone wrongThe chances are all gone


可以做名词 呀

chance 是什么意思

1.偶然;运气,命运;偶然事件;意外事件 (opp. necessity)。2.机会,良机;幸运,侥幸;机缘。3.〔常 pl. 〕概率,机率,或然率,可能性,或然性,把握,希望;形势。4.〔美国〕危险,冒险;赌博;彩票。5.〔美俚〕大学校长。6.〔美俚〕时间;大量,许多。a game of chance 碰运气的游戏;没有把握的行动;碰运气的(偶然的)事情。 If chance will have me king. 万一我做国王。 I will give you a chance. 我姑且给你一个改过的机会〔下次不再宽恕了〕。 The chances are against it. 形势不利。 I stood there a pretty considerable chance. 〔美国〕我在那儿站了很久。 a smart [powerful] chance of apples 〔美国〕许许多多苹果。 a dog"s chance 极微小的一点儿机会。 a fat chance 机会“多得很”〔反语〕。 an off chance 万一的希望,很小的可能。 by any chance 万一,碰巧。 by chance 偶然,意外地( by the merest chance完完全全是偶然的,极意外地)。 by some chance 不知道为什么。 even chance 胜败各半,成败相等。 fighting chance 虽有可能性但很难得到的机会。 have no chance whatever 谈不上;没有任何希望。 leave things to chance 听天由命,听其自然。 lose no chance for 不放松,抓紧。 on the chance of 指望,期待 (I came on the chance of finding you. 我来是想碰到你)。 on the off chance 适值千载难逢的机会,侥幸。 run a chance of failure 〔美国〕有失败的危险。 stand a good [fair] chance of 有相当把握,大有希望。 stand no chance against 对…不操胜算[无把握]。 stand one"s chance 听天由命。 take a (long) chance = take (long) chance 冒险一试。 take one"s [the] chance 好歹试试看。 the main chance 最有利的机会,绝好机会;赚钱机会( have an eye to the main chance 追求个人利益,唯利是图,竭力钻营)。偶然的,意外的。 a chance meeting 邂逅。 a chance child 私生儿。偶然发生,料不到会,偶然得到。 I chanced to meet him. 偶然碰到了他。 He chanced to be present. 他碰巧在场〔此义现在一般用 happen〕。冒…的险;〔口语〕〔常作chance it〕试试看,碰碰看;〔美俚〕抓住(机会)。 I will chance it. 好歹试试看,碰碰运气看。 and chance it 〔俚语〕无论怎样,好歹。 as it may chance 按当时形势。 chance on [upon] 偶然发现,碰巧看见。 chance one"s arm 〔口语〕冒险一试;抓牢机会。 chance the consequence 成败由天。
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