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女生给男生说beach 是啥意思?




beach 复数



beachn.海滩;湖滨vt.将…拖上岸vi.搁浅;定居onthebeachadj.在海滩上;失业的;潦倒的;退休的atthebeach在海边;在海滩上beachvolleyball沙滩排球,排球sandybeach沙滩;砂质海滩gotothebeach去海滩;去海边;去沙滩sandbeach沙滩,沙质海滩longbeach长滩(美国加州西南部港市);长滩(美国纽约州东南部城市)bathingbeachn.海水浴场beachresort海滩度假村beachumbrellan.(美)遮阳伞(海滨或花园用的)palmbeach棕榈滩(位于美国佛罗里达州东南部)miamibeach迈阿密海滩(位于美国佛罗里达州)goldenbeach金色的海滨seabeach海滩;海滨beachhousen.海滨别墅beachtowel沙滩毛巾;沙滩浴巾;海滩浴巾beachball(在海滨,游泳池等玩的)大充气球,水皮球beachparty海滩派对(等于shoreparty)virginiabeach维珍尼亚滩(美国弗吉尼亚州东南部城市)westpalmbeach西棕榈滩(美国度假胜地)N-COUNTAbeachisanareaofsandorstonesbesidetheocean.海滩例:...abeautifulsandybeach.…一片美丽的沙滩。V-T/V-IIfsomethingsuchasaboatbeaches,orifitisbeached,itispulledorforcedoutofthewaterandontoland.使上岸;上岸Webeachedthecanoe,runningitrightupthebank.我们把独木舟拖上了海滩,直朝堤岸拖去。 Theboatbeachedonamudflat.船在泥沼上搁浅了。



beαch bαll是什么?

beach ball 英[bi:tʃ bɔ:l] 美[bitʃ bɔl]  n. <美>(在海滨,游泳池等玩的)大充气球,沙滩球水皮球;[其他] 复数:beach balls[例句]It"s a beach ball!   是一个沙滩球! 扩展资料:beach ball是beach ball组合的词组 beach    英[biːtʃ]    美[biːtʃ]    n.    海滩; 沙滩; 海滨; 湖滨;    v.    (使) 上岸; 把?拖上    ball 英 [bɔːl]   美 [bɔːl]  n.球;球状物;踢出(或击出、投出等)的一球"v.做成球状;使成团块 beach ball的用法:在句子中作主语或宾语,如Beach ball and frisbee are real classic children and toddler"s beach toys. 沙滩球,飞盘是真正的经典儿童和幼儿的沙滩玩具。








1)beach和shore均可指"海滨"。比较而言,beach指较为平坦、覆盖着沙子或碎石、适宜于游泳与日光浴的"沙滩,海滩"。shore则是笼统的说法,指毗邻大片水的陆地,既可以包括beach,也可以指岩石突兀或陡峭的岸边。另外,shore也可以表示"湖边"。例如: Early in the morning we went to the beach to see the sunrise.Many people were lying on the beach,bathing in the sun.The hotel lies on the shore of the West Lake.2)coast指海洋与陆地的分界线,意为"海岸,海岸线",是一个地理术语。例如:She lived ten miles from the coast.China has a long coast from north to south.3)bank表示毗邻河流的任何陆地、河流或运河的"河岸"。例如: Trees are planted along the banks of the canal.


发音区别:bitch发音:[bɪtʃ],中间是短元音/i/,短促有力。beach发音:[biːtʃ],中间是长元音/i:/,节奏上来讲,要比bitch的/i/长一拍。一、beach1、发音:英[biːtʃ]、美[biːtʃ]2、含义:n.海滩;海滨;沙滩。vt.拖(船)上岸。二、bitch1、发音:英[bɪtʃ]、美[bɪtʃ]2、含义:n.母狗;(贬)泼妇。v.埋怨;搞砸。beach的近义词:foreshore英 [ˈfɔːʃɔː(r)]  美 [ˈfɔːrʃɔːr] n. 海滩;前滩。短语New Plymouth Foreshore 新普利茅斯海岸。mud foreshore 泥质前滨 ; 淤泥岸。



In china ,summer begins around June. The weather is hot and sometimes rainy. 什么意思?




class begins at 5:30 after school是什么意思?



beaches n.海滩;海滨(beach的复数形式)满意请采纳谢谢!

Charity begins at home这是什么意思?

charity begins at home(谚)好事从家里做起; 慈善始于家庭

amy begins writing a christmas card是什么意思





beach意思是名词为1.海滩海滩;沙滩;海滨;湖滨2.动词为(使)上岸;把…拖上岸所以估计骂的为beach的同意词bitchbitch1.名词为母狗;泼妇;讨厌的女人;棘手的事;难办的事2.v.挖苦;(背后)说坏话所以题主说的应该是bitch的意思而不是beach的意思扩展内容1.“Bitch”一词是英语侮辱人的词语。[1]bitch的原意是“母狗”,指淫荡的、恶毒的、让人不爽的女人(类似于发情的狗)。出自1150年代的bicche,由古英语词bicce发展而来。《牛津英语词典》中指出该字在1000年左右意思是“母狗”。2.顾名思义,bitch就是淫荡的、恶毒的、让人不爽的女人(类似于发情的狗),但一些女性自我界定为bitch以显示自己坚强、坚定自信和独立。son of a bitch(婊子养的、狗娘养的),通常是可鄙的或其他可恶的人,但也可表示做了感人的或巧妙的事情的亲爱的朋友。3.如果某事很bitching(像婊子一样),那么它一定相当酷或别具一格,但是如果某人在bitching(发牢骚),那么他一定是在抱怨或哀诉。成为someone"s bitch(某人的婊子),即成为他或她的仆人或奴隶。坐在bitch seat(婊子座位)上,意为坐在汽车中间小于一般尺寸的座位上。bitch slap(婊子掌击),就是张开手掌打击。bitch的原意是“母狗”,但是它能被用于表示任何从有趣的幽默到尖刻的冒犯等各种事物。参考资料[1] bitch.有道 [引用日期2013-11-28]


beach 英[bi:tʃ] 美[bitʃ] n. 海滩,海滨; 岸上的沙子和卵石; vt. 将…拖上岸; 将滑艇拖到小屋前面的岸边; [网络] 海滩; 沙滩; 海滨; [例句]I just want to lie on the beach in the sun.我只想躺在海滩上晒晒太阳。[其他] 第三人称单数:beaches 复数:beaches 现在分词:beaching过去式:beached 过去分词:beached


加at。beach的基本意思是“沙滩”“海滨”,一般指接近海水的、涨潮时有水而退潮时无水的较为平坦的海滩,多由沙子、鹅卵石、小石子等覆盖而成。也可指湖滨或河滩,引申还可指“岸边”“陆地”。 表示“在沙滩上”时, beach前大多用介词on,有时也可用介词at。

charity begins at home是什么意思

穷则独善其身 达则兼济天下






beach意思是海滩,沙滩。读音:英[biːtʃ],美[biːtʃ]。释义:(1)n. 海滩;沙滩;海滨;湖滨。(2)v. (使)上岸;把…拖上岸。例句:We beached the canoe, running it right up the bank.我们把独木舟径直划到岸边,并拖上岸。其他:(1)第三人称单数:beaches。(2)复数:beaches。(3)现在分词:beaching。(4)过去式:beached。双语例句:1. The children carried their buckets and spades to the beach.孩子们带着小桶和玩具铲去了海滩。2. It"s a pretty, little beach frequented by naturists.这是一个裸体主义者经常光顾的漂亮小海滩。3. Police had warned visitors to stay off the beach.警方告诫游客不要去海滩。4. They strolled along the beach.他们沿着海滩散步。5. We walked along the beach.我们沿着海滩散步。




at the beach 与on the beach 有什么区别

两者都有在沙滩上,但是on the beach还有失业的意思


可数的。 复数形式是 benches。beach和beaches的区别beach n. 海滩;湖滨vt. 将…拖上岸vi. 搁浅;定居beaches 是海滩的复数形式。at the beach 与on the beach 有什么区别这两个词组的含义要从两个介词的语义上来理解。at表示到达的一个地点。You go to a place, then you are "at" that place. 所以at the beach指在海边这个地方,可能是在水里,在岸上,在周边。比如:We went swimming at the beach yesterday.There is a little amusement park at the beach.on表示在物体的表面。这里只是指在沙滩上,能接触到沙子的状态。所以游泳是不能用on the beach的,但是可以说: You can play volleyball on the beach.






可数的。 复数形式是 benches。beach和beaches的区别beach n. 海滩;湖滨vt. 将…拖上岸vi. 搁浅;定居beaches 是海滩的复数形式。at the beach 与on the beach 有什么区别这两个词组的含义要从两个介词的语义上来理解。at表示到达的一个地点。You go to a place, then you are "at" that place. 所以at the beach指在海边这个地方,可能是在水里,在岸上,在周边。比如:We went swimming at the beach yesterday.There is a little amusement park at the beach.on表示在物体的表面。这里只是指在沙滩上,能接触到沙子的状态。所以游泳是不能用on the beach的,但是可以说: You can play volleyball on the beach.






beach[英][bi:tʃ][美][bitʃ]n.海滩,海滨; 岸上的沙子和卵石;vt.将…拖上岸; 将滑艇拖到小屋前面的岸边;第三人称单数:beaches过去分词:beached复数:beaches现在进行时:beaching过去式:beached




beach意思是海滩,沙滩。读音:英[biːtʃ],美[biːtʃ]。释义:(1)n. 海滩;沙滩;海滨;湖滨。(2)v. (使)上岸;把…拖上岸。例句:We beached the canoe, running it right up the bank.我们把独木舟径直划到岸边,并拖上岸。其他:(1)第三人称单数:beaches;(2)复数:beaches;(3)现在分词:beaching;(4)过去式:beached。近义词1、plage读音:英 [plɑːʒ],美 [plɑːʒ]。释义:n. 海滨;谱斑。例句:The summer is comming, and we begin to play at the plage.夏天来了,大家开始去海边玩耍。2、seabeach读音:英 ["siːbiːtʃ],美 ["siːbiːtʃ]。释义:n. 海滩;沙滩。例句:I am as time goes on, people are stranded on the seabeach too.我随着时间的推移,人也在海滩上搁浅了。3、lakeside读音:英[ˈleɪksaɪd],美[ˈleɪksaɪd]。释义:n. 湖边;湖岸;湖畔。例句:They were out by the lakeside a lot.他们经常到湖边去。


读作英[biːtʃ]、美[biːtʃ]。一、含义:1、n. 海滩;海滨;沙滩2、vt. 拖(船)上岸二、用法:1、beach的基本意思是“沙滩”“海滨”,一般指接近海水的、涨潮时有水而退潮时无水的较为平坦的海滩,多由沙子、鹅卵石、小石子等覆盖而成。也可指湖滨或河滩,引申还可指“岸边”“陆地”。2、表示“在沙滩上”时,beach前大多用介词on,有时也可用介词at。beach双语例句:1、Why not go to the beach?为什么不到海边走走?2、The , we go the beach.第二天,我们去了海滩。3、One of the choppers set down on the beach below them, the other on the bluff above.有一架直升机在他们下面的海滩上降落,其余的直接降落在断崖上。


beach [bi:tʃ]n.海滩,沙滩

go to the beach中文

中文:去海滩;去沙滩beach 读法  英 [biːtʃ]  美 [biːtʃ] 1、n. 海滩;湖滨2、vt. 将…拖上岸3、vi. 搁浅;定居短语:1、at the beach 在海边;在海滩上2、beach volleyball 沙滩排球,排球示例:But I often go to the beach to catch shrimps and crabs. 但我经常到海滩去捉小虾和螃蟹。扩展资料词语用法:1、beach的基本意思是“沙滩”“海滨”,一般指接近海水的、涨潮时有水而退潮时无水的较为平坦的海滩,多由沙子、鹅卵石、小石子等覆盖而成。也可指湖滨或河滩,引申还可指“岸边”“陆地”。2、表示“在沙滩上”时, beach前大多用介词on,有时也可用介词at。词义辨析:bank,beach,coast这些名词均含有“岸”之意。1、bank多指有一定坡度的河岸、湖岸或堤岸。2、beach指倾斜度小,被海、湖或河水冲刷而有沙或卵石积存的地方。3、coast地理学上的名词,专指被视为边界的沿海陆地的尽头。


beach是可数还是不可数? 我该怎么给别人讲这个海滩到底怎么个可数法?

beaches 基本翻译 n.海滩;海滨(beach的复数形式) 多个海滩的情况下,可以这么用,例如美国多个城市的海滩







school begins是什么意思?




beach 等不等于coast

beach海滩 coast海岸 东海岸,西海岸

,英语beach可不可 beach可不可,请先讲解在给几个句子

beach 指“海滩、海滨以及岸上的沙子和卵石”,就其本义来说,应该属于不可数名词,原因是它是不可分割的;但有时候相对于 beach 1,还会存在 beach 2、3、4 等,这种情况下,它又变成可数名词,比如说,海边有几处海滩,我们就可以讲,There are some beaches by the sea.因此可数与不可数是相对的,而不是绝对的. 为了说清楚这一问题,特将该知识扩展如下: 一、名词的数 1.以单数对待的名词: A.专有名词 The United States has two official languages:English and French. The United Nations has its headquarters located in New York. 例外:Netherlands(德黑兰),Philippines(菲律宾)单复皆可; B.物质名词 固体:wood,stone,chalk, 气候:snow,sand,rain,wind 液体:water,milk,ink 粮食:rice,grain,flue C.抽象名词 概念:mind,thought,behave, 学科:mathematics,physics,politics,mechanics 体育:gymnastics(体操),bowls(保龄球),darts(标枪) 2.以复数对待的名词: A.两部分构成的工具和衣物: glasses(眼镜),scales(比例尺),scissors(剪刀),spectacles(眼镜),pajamas(睡衣),shorts(短裤),shoes(鞋),trousers(裤子),gloves(手套) B.集合名词: cattle(牲畜),people(人民),police(警察),furniture(家具) C.山脉、瀑布、群岛: the Alps (阿尔皮斯山脉), the Rockies (落基山脉), the Balkans (巴尔干半岛), the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山脉), Niagara Falls(尼亚加里瀑布) D.其他以-s:结尾的名词: arms(武器、兵种) belongings(财产) contents(内容、目录) clothes(衣物) congratulations(贺辞) fireworks(焰火、炮竹) customs(关税)earnings(收入) funds(基金) goods(货物) greens(蔬菜、草地) lodgings(居所),looks(外表) minutes(会议记录) outskirts(市郊),pains(痛苦),savings(储蓄),spirits(精神、热情) stairs(楼梯),suburbs(郊区) thanks(谢意) surroundings(环境) 3.单复同形的名词: A.动物: deer(鹿),sheep(羊),grouse(松鸡),salmon(大麻哈鱼),trout(鳜鱼) B.度量单位: foot(英尺),pound(磅),stone(英石), C.民族: Chinese,Japanese,Lebanese,Portuguese D.呈复数形式: crops,means,headquarters,works,shambles 4.复合名词的复数: A.尾词变化: armchairs,fly-overs,grown-ups,pickpockets B.首词变化: commanders-in-chief,men-of-war,mother"s-in-law,passers-by C.同时变化: men friends,women doctors,gentlemen farmers 二、单位名词 1.与形状有关(用在不可数名前) a bar of candy; a blade of glass; a block of ice; a cake soap; a drop of water; an ear of wheat; a flight of stairs; a grain of sand; a loaf of bread; a lump of sugar; a sheet of paper; a speck of ink; a slice of meat; a stick of chalk; a strip of cloth 2.与打包方法有关(不可数和可数名词前都可以用) a bunch of flowers; a bundle of sticks; a cluster of roses; a pack of cigarettes; a series of films; a tuft of hair 3.与人群有关(用在可数名词前) an army of soldiers; a band of musicians; a batch of students; a bench of examiners; a board of directors; a bunch of teenagers; a chair of singer; a crew of sailors; a crowd of people; a gang of thieves; a group of children; a party of guests; a staff of teachers; a team of players; a troop of soldiers; a troupe of actors 4.与畜群有关 a brood of chickens; a clusters of ants; a flock of ants; a herd of cattle; a pack of wolves; a school of fish; a swarm of bees 5.与度量有关 A.长度:a foot of; a meter of; a yard of B.重量:a gram of; a kilo of; an ounce of; a pound of; a ton of C.容量:a gallon of; a gill of; a liter of; a Pint of; a quart of D.面积:an area of; a hectare of 6.与容器有关 a bottle of; a bowl of; a bucket of; a cup of; a can of; a glass of; a jar of; 7.行为举止等有关 a display of courage; a fit of laughter; a flash of hope; a peal of thunder; a ray of light; a roll of thunder


发音区别:bitch发音:[bɪtʃ],中间是短元音 /i/ ,短促有力beach发音:[biːtʃ],中间是长元音 /i:/ ,节奏上来讲,要比bitch的/i/ 长一拍一、beach1、发音:英 [biːtʃ] 、美 [biːtʃ] 2、含义:n. 海滩;海滨;沙滩。vt. 拖(船)上岸3、用法:beach的基本意思是“沙滩”“海滨”,一般指接近海水的、涨潮时有水而退潮时无水的较为平坦的海滩,多由沙子、鹅卵石、小石子等覆盖而成。也可指湖滨或河滩,引申还可指“岸边”“陆地”。表示“在沙滩上”时,beach前大多用介词on,有时也可用介词at。We are basking on the beach.我们在海滩上晒太阳。二、bitch1、发音:英 [bɪtʃ]、美 [bɪtʃ]2、含义:n. 母狗;(贬)泼妇。v. 埋怨;搞砸3、用法:“Bitch”一词是英语侮辱人的词语。bitch的原意是“母狗”,指淫荡的、恶毒的、让人不爽的女人(类似于发情的狗)。出自1150年代的bicche,由古英语词bicce发展而来。《牛津英语词典》中指出该字在1000年左右意思是“母狗”。Our bitch should produce a fine litter. We mated her with John"s dog.我们那条母狗应能生一窝很好的小狗.bitch近义词:beefbeef一、含义:n. 牛肉;肌肉;力气;牢骚v. 抱怨;告发;加强二、用法beef的基本意思是供食用的“牛肉”,是不可数的物质名词,一般也不加冠词。引申可指“肌肉”“肌力”。beef还可指“菜牛”,这时是可数名词,其复数形式可以是beeves,也可以是beefs。美国俚语中beef还可作“抱怨”“牢骚”解,此时复数形式是beefs。Do you like stewed beef?你喜欢吃炖牛肉吗?


beach可以用作名词和及物动词,名词意为“海滩”“海滨”;动词意为“将…拖上岸; 将滑艇拖到小屋前面的岸边”。beach大多数情况用作名词。



school begins是什么意思?

school begins是开学了。




school 英[sku:l] 美[skul] n. 学校; 学院; 上学; 群; vt. 训练,锻炼; 教育,教导; 约束; 给…上学; begin 英[bɪˈgɪn] 美[ˈbeɡɪn] vt. 开始; 着手; 创始; 创办; vi. (从…) 开始; 起始; 起初是; 开始讲话;


Beach的意思:1、n.海滩,海滨,沙滩2、vt.拖(船)上岸读音:英[bi:tʃ]   美 [bitʃ]1、双语短语:海滩标志器beach marker海滩砾石beach gravel海滩漂移物beach drift海滩牵牛beach morning glory海滩侵蚀beach erosion海滩勤务队队长beach master2、双语例句:他们说说笑笑,沿着海滩散步。 They walked along the beach talking and laughing.我喜欢沙滩,不喜欢遍布小石子的海滩。 I prefer a sandy beach to a shingle one.






n. 海滩;湖滨vt. 将…拖上岸vi. 搁浅;定居


beach,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“将…拖上岸”。作不及物动词时意为“搁浅;定居”。作名词时意为“海滩;湖滨”。 英语是国际上的通用语言,使用范围也是非常广泛的,所以说掌握好英语是很有必要的,那么下面我就来跟大家说说beach是什么意思。 详细内容 01 beach 英 [biːtʃ] 美 [biːtʃ] n.海滩;沙滩;海滨;湖滨 v.(使)上岸;把…拖上岸 第三人称单数: beaches 复数: beaches 现在分词: beaching 过去式: beached 过去分词: beached 02 短语搭配 Long Beach长滩 ; 长滩市 ; 长堤市 ; 长滩港 Boom Beach海岛奇兵 ; 海滩混战 ; 岛屿冲突 ; 在海岛奇兵 Pebble Beach圆石滩 ; 圆石滩球场 ; 圆石海滩 Beach Soccer沙滩足球 ; 沙滩足球奖杯 Bondi Beach邦迪海滩 ; 邦代海滩 ; 邦戴海滩 ; 邦黛海滩 patong beach芭东海滩 ; 巴东海滩 ; 帕通海滩 ; 巴通海滩 Beach Boys海滩男孩 ; 沙滩小子 ; 沙滩男孩 ; 海滩少年合唱团 Laguna Beach拉古纳海滩 ; 拉古娜海滩 ; 拉古纳滩 ; 拉古那海滩 Falcon Beach猎鹰滩公子哥 ; 青春海滩 03 双语例句 We beached the canoe, running it right up the bank. 我们把独木舟径直划到岸边,并拖上岸。 The boat beached on a mud flat. 船搁浅在一片淤泥滩上。 Experts are unable to explain why the whales beached themselves. 专家们无法解释为什么这些鲸会搁浅在海滩上。 We found a secluded beach a few miles further on. 我们又前行了几英里,发现了一处僻静的海滩。 In the end, I turned down Raoul"s tempting offer of the Palm Beach trip. 最终,我回绝了拉乌尔提出的去棕榈海滩旅行的诱人邀请。 On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter. 星期三我们清理了一块海滨林地的垃圾。


beach 英[bi:tʃ] 美[bitʃ] n.海滩,海滨;岸上的沙子和卵石 vt.将…拖上岸;将滑艇拖到小屋前面的岸边 第三人称单数:beaches;过去分词:beached;名词复数:beaches;现在分... [例句]The main attraction is the beach. 这里的主要景点是海滩.



beach,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“将…拖上岸”。作不及物动词时意为“搁浅;定居”。作名词时意为“海滩;湖滨”。短语搭配Long Beach长滩 ; 长滩市 ; 长堤市 ; 长滩港Boom Beach海岛奇兵 ; 海滩混战 ; 岛屿冲突 ; 在海岛奇兵Pebble Beach圆石滩 ; 圆石滩球场 ; 圆石海滩Beach Soccer沙滩足球 ; 沙滩足球奖杯Bondi Beach邦迪海滩 ; 邦代海滩 ; 邦戴海滩 ; 邦黛海滩patong beach芭东海滩 ; 巴东海滩 ; 帕通海滩 ; 巴通海滩Beach Boys海滩男孩 ; 沙滩小子 ; 沙滩男孩 ; 海滩少年合唱团Laguna Beach拉古纳海滩 ; 拉古娜海滩 ; 拉古纳滩 ; 拉古那海滩Falcon Beach猎鹰滩公子哥 ; 青春海滩 


beach作名词的意思: 海滩,海滨;岸上的沙子和卵石 beach作动词的意思: 将…拖上岸;将滑艇拖到小屋前面的岸边 扩展资料   beach的时态:   现在分词: beaching   过去式: beached   过去分词: beached   beach的英语例句:   1. For a beach resort with a difference, try Key West.   如果想去一个与众不同的"海滨度假胜地,那就去基韦斯特吧。   2. Planes dropped bombs and raked the beach with machine gun fire.   飞机投下炸弹,并用机关枪扫射海滩。   3. Some stretches of beach are completely underwater at high tide.   海滩上有些地方在涨潮时完全淹没在水中。   4. We got to the beach at five of one in the afternoon.   我们下午1点差5分的时候到达海滩。   5. Issa"s white beach hat gleamed in the harsh lights.   伊萨的白色沙滩帽在刺眼的阳光下闪闪发亮。   6. Nearby there is a stretch of white sand beach perfect for sunbathing.   附近有一片白色沙滩,是沐日光浴的绝佳场所。   7. Schools regularly bring children to the beach for natural history lessons.   学校经常安排孩子们去海滩上博物学课。   8. They found her walking alone and depressed on the beach.   他们碰见她独自一人神色忧郁地走在海滩上。   9. On Wednesday we cleared a beach and woodland of litter.   星期三我们清理了一块海滨林地的垃圾。   10. Beach users have complained about people walking their dogs on the sand.   海滩上的游客投诉有人在沙滩上遛狗。   11. Her favourite subjects are shells spotted on beach walks.   她最喜爱的题材是那些在海边散步时发现的贝壳。   12. Meet me down at the beach tomorrow, at 6am sharp.   明天早上6点整在海滩上跟我见面。   13. The shop stocks an extensive range of beach wear.   这家商店备有各式各样的沙滩服装。   14. They flew in over the beach, casting a huge shadow.   它们飞到海滩上空,抛下一大片黑影。   15. I was happy enough to laze about on the beach.   可以在沙滩上懒洋洋地躺着,我高兴极了。


beach 英[bi:tʃ] 美[bitʃ] n. 海滩,海滨; 岸上的沙子和卵石; vt. 将…拖上岸; 将滑艇拖到小屋前面的岸边; [例句]We beached the canoe, running it right up the bank我们把独木舟径直划到岸边,并拖上岸。[其他] 第三人称单数:beaches 复数:beaches 现在分词:beaching过去式:beached 过去分词:beached




一个是我要做老师 一个是我是老师

even admitting that the theory on which it is based may be right谁能帮我分析一下这个句子吗?谢谢啦


I want to congratulate you on __________ (admit) to the university you like very much?

I want to congratulate you on admitting to the university you like very much.

admit to school

___(admit) to the school is by entrance exam only. 答案:admitting,动词居于句首,动词必须名词化,所以admit要改为admitting,整句话的意思为要被这所学校录取只有通过入学考试.




译文 | 混沌,无知以及牛顿的未解之谜。Chaos, Ignorance and Newton"s Great Puzzle

原文:Scott H.Young 译者:院校长在学习 Chaos theory  is an investigation into mathematical and physical systems that are highly sensitive to initial conditions. The simulated three-pendulum systems above only differ in the tiniest way from each other, yet, after a few seconds, they are all wildly divergent in their movements.混沌理论是对初始条件极度敏感的数学和物理系统的研究。以上图这个2段式的摆动模拟为例(原文是3段式,我找的是2段式动图),他们开始时仅有极小的差异,但几秒之后,他们的运动轨迹却大相径庭。 I"ve grown to prefer the word “chaos” to the more commonly used term “luck”. People talk about luck a lot. We argue about whether someone"s success was an inevitable consequence of their skill and decisions, or whether they were just lucky. But we also talk about luck in superstitious terms, as if it was something someone possessed (“He"s just lucky.”) or that could ebb and flow with the tides of fortunes (“He"s just had a streak of bad luck.”).我越来越喜欢用“混沌”来形容“运气”。虽然人们谈论“运气”这个词要更多一些。我们也会去争论某些人的成功,是因为技能和决策的必然结果,还是说那仅仅只是运气。但我们对运气这东西也比较迷信,好像有些人天生就拥有它一样("他只是运气好而已")也可能因为时运不济的时候说(“他只是有点倒霉吧”) Chaos, on the other hand, is a more mathematically precise concept. A system is more chaotic if small changes to its state can create wildly different outcomes. Compare the above system to the solar system. The fact that the sun rises each morning from the horizon may seem a banal fact, but it depends on the lack of chaos in our solar system. Adding a second sun creates a three-body system which, to this day, physicists do not have a way of precisely predicting the orbits.在另一个方面,混沌,是一个精确的数学概念。 如果一个细微行为导致了巨大差异,那么这个系统会更混乱 。我们拿这个系统和太阳系来做对比。太阳从地平线上升起,这似乎是一个再寻常不过的事实,但这在太阳系里是一个混沌现象。直到今天,对于添加了另外恒星的三体系统来说,物理学家们都没有能精准预测轨道的方案。(译者注:三体问题是天体力学中的基本模型,即探究三个质量、初始位置和初始速度都为任意的可视为质点的天体, 在相互之间万有引力的作用下的运动规律 。 它们有无数种可能的运动轨迹 。最简单的例子就是太阳系中太阳,地球和月球的运动。) Just as you can consider the amount of chaos in physical system, you can also think of the amount of chaos in different pursuits in life. The more chaotic the pursuit, the more likely small changes can result in completely different outcomes years later. 就像你考虑物理系统中的混乱数量一样,你也可以去思考生活中,不同追求里所存在的混沌。 越是混沌,那些微小的变化也越容易在几年后产生巨大的不同 。Although an absolute measurement of chaos is probably impossible, you can compare different pursuits by how chaotic they might be.尽管我们不可能做到绝对精确的测量混沌本身,但你却可以 通过比较混沌 的不同来对比不同追求的结果。 Consider two professions: becoming an actor and becoming a doctor. Both are prestigious professions. Both require a lot of hard work without much reward in the beginning, but have the potential for big payoffs.比如来分析这两种职业:成为一名演员,和成为一位医生。这两者都是很有声望的职业。两者从初期都属于投入巨大的努力却换来较小回报的类型,但他们都有着巨大的回报潜力。 However, acting is a much more chaotic profession than medicine. Landing the right audition can give you a name, which puts you up for bigger and bigger parts. But just as you rise, you can also fall. A bad movie or changing public tastes have also made many famous stars disappear in an equally short time.然而,演戏要比治病复杂得多(混沌),通过了试镜的你可能会红,可能会让你的名气越来越大,但同样,你也可能因此陨落。比如拍了一部烂片,尝试了一些失败的角色定位,都会让你很容易谈出大家的视野。 Medicine is not chaotic. Although there will be marginal doctors who just get over the cutoff point for getting into medical school or landing a top residency, most are firmly within whatever category they eventually end up.医学行业就没那么复杂了,虽然有些医生只是刚刚过了行业水准的及格线,但绝大多数医生都会在其中任何一个类别里坚持到最后。 If you considered only a cruder metric, such as success rates, however, you might totally miss this picture. Most would-be actors and doctors fail to eventually reach success in their profession. But they may fail for different reasons. Would-be doctors fail because the profession is difficult and long, and so creates a high-dropout rate, not because it is inherently chaotic. Would-be actors may fail or succeed because small events create feedback loops causing wildly different fortunes.如果你认为,只存在一种简单的度量方式,比如“成功率”,那么你可能会错过这张图片。大多数想从事演艺和医学行业的人,最终都没能取得成功。他们会出于不同的原因而失败。医生可能会因为职业道路艰难漫长,所以辍学率高。而并不是因为这其中会有太大变数(混乱)。演员的失败或成功,更多会因为小的因素带动了巨大的变化和反馈,造成了不同的命运。 For two hundred years since Newton, physicists had a problem: Mercury. The closest planet to the sun hada strange orbit that precessed. According to Newtonian physics, this wasn"t possible. The object would always have a fixed orbit around the sun, not one that wobbled around.自牛顿后的200年来,物理学家们一直有一个问题:水星。那颗离太阳最近的行星用非常奇怪的方式在轨道上运动。根据牛顿的物理学说来看,这是不可能的。物体是以固定的轨道围绕太阳运动。而不是不稳定的运动。 Physicists struggled against the problem of Mercury for years. Some suggested there must be a phantom planet, Vulcan, even closer to the sun, which was kicking Mercury"s orbit around.物理学家们针对“水星问题”斗争了很多年,有些人认为那里还存在一个看不见的星球---“Vulcan”,每当接近太阳的时候它都会对水星产生影响。 Eventually, however, the true answer emerged: Newtonian physics is wrong. Albert Einstein introduced general relativity and its warped spacetime curvature. The new equations correctly predicted the precession and Mercury"s orbit was finally understood.然而,真正的答案是:牛顿说错了。爱因斯坦在广义相对论中提出了时空扭曲概念。它正确的预测出了水星的运动,从而帮助人们理解了水星的运动规律。 In Mercury"s case, physicists could safely rule out chaos because its precession was so orderly. However, in life, we often don"t get to observe the exact same conditions again and again to see the patterns. We only live once, so everything we experience is, in a certain sense, experienced for the first time.针对水星问题,物理学家们可以准确的排除混乱,因为他们找到了规律。而在生活中, 我们没办法以相同的条件 去一遍一遍的观察来找到规律。人,只能活一辈子。所以在某种意义上来讲, 我们经历过的每一件事,都是我们的第一次体验 。 As a result, the randomness we perceive in life always has a mixture of two possible components. The first is chaos. This is the amount that the system would be unpredictable, even if we had a near perfect understanding. The second is based on our own ignorance of the system, the amount it defies our expectations because we don"t really understand how it works.所以,我们在生活中遇到的随机一般分为两种情况: In practice, it"s not possible to cleanly separate which systems are chaotic and which are merely poorly understood. However, it"s still useful to understand the existence of these two different sources of randomness. 在实践中,我们不可能完全区分哪些是混沌的,哪些是我们自己无知造成的。但是!!了解这两类随机性对我们还是很有用的。 When approaching any problem in life where outcomes are highly divergent, there"s always two possible mistakes that can be made. 生活中任何问题的结果都是高度发散的,这里面我们会经常触犯两个误区。 The first is to overestimate the possibility of knowledge. By assuming that the system can be understood, but it is actually dominated by chaos, you may be gambling more than you realize. People who make this mistake may be convinced they"ve found the secret of success, but they"re really fooling themselves. 第一个便是 高估了知识的可能性 。我们可以用一个假设来理解生活,但事实上它是由混沌来主导的。你的投机可能大过于你本身的认知,通常犯了这种错误的人会觉得他们找到了成功的方法,但这可能只是一厢情愿。The second error is to overestimate the role of chaos. By assuming that the system is inherently unpredictable, you may forego the possibility of mastery.第二个误区是 高估了混沌的作用 。假设这个体系本质上是不可预测的,你可能会因此放弃掌握它的可能性。 In my own life, I"ve seen this error with people new to blogging. Many people believe the field is inherently chaotic, depending on “going viral” and getting a lucky bit of publicity. The truth, however, is far more mundane. Most new bloggers I"ve met have obviously different levels of quality, consistency and work-ethic, which leads predictably to different outcomes, given enough time. Blogging success may be both rare and difficult, but I believe it"s less chaotic than many pundits would suggest. 在我的生活里,我就看到很多很多的新博主身上出现这种问题。很多人都相信在自媒体这个领域里就是混乱的。他们更多依靠“病毒性营销”和一点点带运气的推广。但其实,真相更为世俗。我遇到的大部分博主中,都非常明显的存在不同程度的能力,一致性以及职业道德。只要有足够的时间,就会导致出不同的结果来。一个博客的成功,可能确实非常的罕见和不易。但我相信它的混沌程度要低于那些专家所说的程度。 One of my goals is to try to calibrate my expectations of chaos versus ignorance in different domains. Is my failure to predict because of inherent unpredictability or a lack of understanding? 我的目标之一就是修正我在不同领域上,对混沌和无知的预期。 This is difficult to do, but I"ve found there"s a few heuristics that can make the process easier: 尽管这做起来很难,但我还是发现了一些启发性的关键流程,让事情更简单: 1.Theoretical justifications. I bias towards believing success in picking individual stocks is mostly chaos. I say this, not out of any first-hand experience, but because the efficient market hypothesis strikes me as being a reasonable theory. As such, I"m not interested in learning the skill of picking stocks, and have opted to invest in index funds instead. 1.理论依据 我倾向于相信---那些在 个股股票中的成功,通常也是混乱(混沌)的结果 。我这么说,并不是因为我自己经历过。而是因为“有效市场”的假说一直在警醒我。 (译者注:有效市场假说认为,在一个充满信息交流和信息竞争的社会里,一个特定的信息能够在股票市场上迅速被投资者知晓。随后,股票市场的竞争会驱使股票价格充分且及时地反映该组信息,从而使得该组信息所进行的交易不存在非正常报酬,而只能赚取风险调整的平均 市场报酬率 )因此,我对学习如何选股的技巧并不感兴趣,而是选择去投资指数型基金。 2.Existence of expertise. Look at the predictions of the best people. How often are they correct? If even the best don"t predict well, that doesn"t bode well for me. However, if successful predictions are common, it might demonstrate that there"s an understanding that exists which I don"t possess. 2."专家建议"的存在 去看看那些最厉害的人 ,他们的预测是否会经常正确呢?如果连那些顶尖的人预测起来也不是那么准确的话,对我来说可能并不是好消息。但相反,如果成功的预测是很常见的,那倒是说明,有一种我还不具备的理解存在。 3.Diminishing randomness. Another heuristic is to see how your experience of randomness is decreasing over time. If I"ve gone from 0/10 to 2/10 on a level of mastery from newbie to expert, and my ease at predicting success has gone up substantially, I"m more inclined to believe this trend will continue. 3.正在减少的随机性 另一种探索型的方法是让你了解: 感受随时间递减的随机性 。如果从新手到专家的过程中,我的熟练度已经从0 / 10升到了2 / 10,而我对成功预测的把握也越来越高。我会更倾向于相信这种趋势还会持续下去。 Randomness, whether from ignorance or chaos, is not ultimately avoidable. But by better calibrating your understanding between the two, you can see where investments in learning more are worthwhile and where it is probably a waste of time. 随机性,无论是从无知还是混乱来说,最终都是难以避免的。 但是,通过更好地修正对两者之间的理解,你就能知道,在学习的过程中,投资到哪些地方会更值得,而哪些地方则可能是在浪费时间。

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