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美服更新Applying patches是什么意思

正在安装更新的意思applying 是应用安装的意思 patches 是补丁或者更新的意思

patch success是什么意思






tiger的复数形式 patch的复数形式

tiger 复数 tigers 老虎patch 复数 patches 眼罩




当 W32.Welchia.Worm 运行时,它会运行下列动作:⒈ 将自身复制到:%System%WinsDllhost.exe注意:%System% 代表变量。蠕虫会找到 System 数据夹并将自己复制过去。默认的位置是 C:WinntSystem32 (Windows 2000) 或 C:WindowsSystem32 (Windows XP)。⒉ 复制 %System%DllcacheTftpd.exe 文件成为 %System%Winssvchost.exe 文件。注意:Svchost.exe 是一种合法程序并非恶意程序,因此,赛门铁克防毒产品无法侦测到它。⒊ 将子键RpcPatch和RpcTftpd加入注册键:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServices⒋ 建立下列服务:服务名称:RpcTftpd服务显示名称:网络联机共享服务二进制文件:%System%winssvchost.exe此服务将设定为手动启动。服务名称:RpcPatch服务显示名称:WINS Client服务二进制文件:%System%winsdllhost.exe此服务将设定为自动启动。⒌ 结束 Msblast 的程序,然后删除由 W32.Blaster.Worm蠕虫所留下的 %System%msblast.exe 文件。⒍ 此蠕虫会使用两种不同的方式来选取受害者的 IP 地址。它会从受感染机器的IP (A.B.C.D) 中使用 A.B.0.0 并往上累加,或者根据某些内建的地址来随机建立 IP 地址。当选定开始地址后,它会在类别 C 网络的地址范围内往上累加。例如,若从 A.B.0.0 开始,它将往上累加到至少 A.B.255.255。⒎ 此蠕虫将传送 ICMP 响应或 PING 来检查所建立的 IP 地址是否为网络上启用中的机器。⒏ 一旦蠕虫辨识出此地址属于网络上启用中的机器,它将传送数据至 TCP 端口号 135 以探测 DCOM RPC 漏洞,或者传送数据至 TCP 端口号 80 以探测 WebDav 漏洞。⒐ 在受入侵的主机上建立一个远程 shell,然后透过 666 至 765 之间的随机 TCP 埠号连接回发动攻击的计算机以接收指示。⒑ 在发动攻击的机器上启动 TFTP 服务器,然后指示受害的机器连接至攻击的机器并下载 Dllhost.exe 及 Svchost.exe。如果 %System%dllcache ftpd.exe 文件存在,则蠕虫可能不会下载 svchost.exe。⒒ 检查计算机的操作系统版本、Service Pack 号码以及“系统地区设定“,然后试图连接至 Microsoft 的 Windows Update 网站并下载适当的 DCOM RPC 漏洞更新文件。⒓ 一旦更新文件下载完成并加以运行后,此蠕虫将重新启动计算机以完成安装更新文件。⒔ 检查计算机的系统日期。如果年份为 2004 年,此蠕虫将停用并自我移除。Intruder Alert2003 年 8 月 19 日,赛门铁克发布了 Intruder Alert 3.6 W32_Welchia_Worm Policy。Norton Internet Security / Norton Internet Security Professional2003 年 8 月 20 日,Symantec 通过 LiveUpdate 发布了 IDS 特征以检测 W32.Welchia.Worm 活动。Symantec Client Security2003 年 8 月 20 日,Symantec 通过 LiveUpdate 发布了 IDS 特征以检测 W32.Welchia.Worm 活动。Symantec Gateway Security* 2003 年 8 月 18 日,Symantec 发布了 Symantec Gateway Security 1.0 的更新。* Symantec 完整的应用程序检查防火墙技术可以对此 Microsoft 漏洞提供保护,默认情况下禁止上面列出的所有 TCP 端口。为了最大程度地保证安全,第三代完整的应用程序检查技术会智能地禁止通过 HTTP 信道进行的 DCOM 通信,从而提供大多数普通网络过滤防火墙尚不具备的额外保护层。Symantec Host IDS2003 年 8 月 19 日,Symantec 发布了 Symantec Host IDS 4.1 的更新。Symantec ManHunt* Symantec ManHunt 协议异常检测技术将与利用此漏洞相关联的活动检测为“端口扫描”。尽管 ManHunt 可以使用协议异常检测技术检测与利用此漏洞相关联的活动,但您也可以使用在 Security Update 4 中发布的“Microsoft DCOM RPC Buffer Overflow”自定义特征来精确地识别所发送的漏洞利用数据。* Security Update 7 发布了特别针对 W32.Welchia.Worm 的签名以侦测 W32.Welchia.Worm 的更多特征。

The early bird catches the worm。worm为什么不加s


mr chen is jumping at school对jumping划线提问该怎么改?

What is Mr Chen doing at schooluff1f

Mr.Children的《Replay 》 歌词

歌曲名:Replay 歌手:Mr.Children专辑:ReplayMr.Children - Replayはぐれた时间の隙间ならきっとすぐ埋まるよためらいのない想いが甦るこんなわがまま言うのも久しぶりね、と君はつぶやく海岸に沿った通りへ君を连れ出しあの顷のように夜は君を不思议な程绮丽に写すよ诱われるように抱きしめたなら不安は消えるから谁より爱しい君よ いつの日もその胸に离れていても変わらぬ想いをいつも同じような事で何度となくぶつかってたねだけど髪を切るだけで忘られるような恋じゃないだろう3年目のジンクスなど怖くはないけどいつでも君をずっと近くに感じていたいから防波堤に打ち寄せる波の飞沫 浴びれば出会った日の二人が Replay してるはぐれた时间の隙间などきっとすぐ埋まるよためらいのない想いが甦る潮风が溜息を空に运ぶ波音はくちづけの吐息消して谁より爱しい君よ いつの日もその胸に离れていても変わらぬ想いを二人で駆け抜けた季节もどんな场面も振り返ればほら 微笑み溢れてる时は流れてもDon"t change your heart,and keep loving youEnd...





加拿大Rogers公司的卡回国变成了CHN CMCC(中国移动)???

国际长途业务一向是由当地移动服务提供商代理的。没有哪个公司的网络可以覆盖全球的费用标准由办卡公司告之 。。

谁能帮我翻译一下swatch swiss



阮氏娈 (应该是女性) 乂安省 青漳县 成德公社注:乂安省 是越南最大的一个省,属中北沿海地区。

越南语翻译Nguyen quan:Ho Dac kien Chan Thanh Soc Trang

陈志贤 : 何大建清代LOC公司

Nguyen Le的《Pacha》 歌词

歌曲名:Pacha歌手:Nguyen Le专辑:MiraclesA thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-PachangasYo everything ain"t love, Love cuz if it isMy definition of love must differ hisI mean every friendship has its differencesBut these "Young Bucks" remind me of "Fif" and hisThey hear the good life, wanna see what the difference isSome just wanna smoke, enjoy the piff-vilegesHe unwrap a cigar like it"s a gift of hisHe a funny lil nigga like Eddie Griffin isBetween smokin" and chokin" then you got to liveSo I gave him a chance and that"s alot to giveWe "posed to make the most of what you was paid to grossI gave you bread and butter you supposed to make the toastFifteen years, FIFTEEN YEARSAnd now when we say "what"s up" the shit seem weirdBut there"s a question I prepared for youHow could you fuck the only people who ever cared for you?A thug changesA thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-PachangasA thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-PachangasThere"s a parallel path "tween friends and enemiesAnd whenever you cross it you make friend-emiesThere"s no remedies for these sick memoriesMy doctor said there"s no cure for the ?Emmales?Had a crush on you now we Kim and CeaseWe don"t even talk no more it"s no biggieI was so Biggie, you was FaithI let you slide in my home, you was safeI thought my ability to provide you stabilitywas what was really G, okay silly meI was Billy D, smooth cappa really streetReally she attract niggaz like the A Milli beatAnd I happen to rap but somethin" "bout this beat strangeSoon as I try to flow with it the beat changeNever thought she"d changeBut what you thinks a upgrade really just could be a seat change(Hook)A thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-PachangasA thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-PachangasSee when the love is gone then it"s just B.S. leftJust niggaz with chains on tryna be S.F. (Street Fam)That"s when your ace become ya B.F.F.Pa-Pa-Pa-Pachange ya like they was a P.F. chefDa-Da-Da-Danger, it just feels "Mystikal"I miss the cool nights sittin in the Coll-ONow it"s like boooo we sittin" in ApolloIt used to be all good then shit just went mile lowAnd that"s bad, matter fact that"s sadCuz when you lose a friend it"s hard to handle the lossThey do some bitch shit gotta give ya man a divorceEnd up watchin Friends like Joey, Chandler and Ross, ya seeMost of these niggaz ain"t never love "emAnd these bitches just think whatever of "emSo maybe playin" dumb was kinda clever of "emAnd less friends are your best friends become strangers(Hook)A thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-PachangasA thug changes and love changesAnd best friends become strangers, PachangasPa-Pa-Pachangas , Pa-Pa-Pachangas


通过Flask-SQLAlchemy提供的一个query属性,当你通过model类uery属性,你可以得到一个数据库表的查询结果集。i.User.query.filter_by(username="peter").first(),通过filter_by方法里的条件表达式来对query所得到的结果集进行过滤,得到你想要得到的结果。example:Retrieve a user by username通过username属性为"peter‘过滤结果集:>>> peter = User.query.filter_by(username="peter").first()>>> peter.id1>>> peter.emailu""当不存在结果集时返回none:>>> missing = User.query.filter_by(username="missing").first() >>> missing is None True

区别 observe see watch notice rt

1)四者在表示"注意到 看到某人做某事"的意思时 都可用 2)observe 意为 "观察 注意地看 仔细地看 " 常用结构为observe sb do sth / observe sb doing sth / observe that ... 3)see 强调结果 意为 "看见 看到"一般不用进行时 4)watch 表示"观看"或 keep the eyes on "注意 警戒 留意" 5)notice vt.意为"注意到" 相当于 pay attentin (to.) with eyes

see observe watch apot notice区别?

see 看见observe 观察,watch 看 spot 认出notice 注意到

look see watch observe 的区别



:①notice“看到,注意到,觉察到”;偶而看到细小的但可能是重要的事情。例如:Didyounoticeanythingunusual? 你觉察出有任何异样的情况吗?②see强调结果,意为“看见、看到”。例如:Ilookedbutsawnothing.我看了,但什么也没看见.③watch表示所看事物的变化、移动和发展。例如:Wewatchedthatboyswim.我们观看那个男孩游泳。④observe“观察”;从不同的角度长时间地看并研究。例如:observestarsallone"slife一生致力于观察星象。

pain free life equals hapiness actually reduces their chances of ever attaining real happiness.


ipod touch4的问题。iTunes里有个播客 免费Podcast 用touch怎么听?



observe 强调长时间的观察,并且有动脑的观察,notice是突然发现,注意到,watch就是很平常的看,例如看电视这种不费脑壳的,see就是最简单的看,常常用来搭配短语,例如,I see.See you later 等等

区别 observe see watch notice

observe 观察see看见,明白 watch 看(电视,电影等)仔细观察,强调仔细notice 注意(到)

求好听的国外的电子音乐ronald jenkees skrillex kodomo这种品质之类的 不要乱做的音乐 chaox背景音乐

Be as oneHoly Shine

rural china是ssci吗?

您查询的是: rural china范围: SCIE收录期刊(2013年) SSCI收录期刊(2013年) A&HCI收录期刊(2013年) Ei Compendex收录期刊 (2013年) MEDLINE收录期刊 (2011年)对不起,未找到任何期刊。

mischievous streak是什么意思

mischievous streak翻译成为中文就是: 淘气的 (通常指不好的)特征(倾向)恶作剧的 (与周围有所不同的) 条纹; 有害的 条文万一是 mischievous strick 就翻译成为 恶作剧的 把戏(游戏),恶作剧。开心快乐每一天

Colt Python .357Magnum 6inch的枪族简介

蟒蛇是一把双动操作的左轮手枪,由柯尔特设计的大型I式底把,兼具弹仓和膛室功能的转动式弹巢可以装载、发射及承受威力及侵彻力强大的.357 马格南手枪子弹。蟒蛇的威力足以在近距离击倒一只猛兽。蟒蛇的声誉是来自的准确性、顺畅而且很容易扣下的扳机和较紧密的弹巢闭锁。枪柄和枪身都有COLT公司的“箭马”徽标,枪管上的铭刻是“PYTHON .357.357Magnum ctg.”,属于COLT(柯尔特)公司的PYTHON(希腊神话中的毒蛇怪蟒)系列,具体型号为:Colt Python .357Magnum ,根据枪管长度不同分为2.5英寸、4英寸、6英寸、8英寸等规格(图片中为6英寸),6英吋的是全部长度的枪管之中最热门和最普遍的。口径是.357英寸,使用.357Magnum(马格南)高爆枪弹,空枪质量为1275g,容弹量为6发。这个型号是左轮手枪里的极品,生产数量极少,而且目前已经停产,市面价格是750美元——还不一定买得到——也就是说,如果现在你想要购买的话,得花巨额高价向COLT公司单独定购,而这也正是COLT公司吊人胃口的成功策略之一。

a chance to nap中的nap是名词还是动词?

a chance to nap,nap 是动词,因为nap是可数的,take a nap...如果是可数名词的单数,前面必有冠词。所以只能是动词

porsche MAGNUM市价多少?

2008款 保时捷 Porsche - 卡宴 4.8L 车型 变速器 车厢 发动机 厂商指导价 经销商报价 卡宴 GTS 手自一体 两厢 V型8缸 4806cc 135.00万元 135.00万元 2007款 保时捷 Porsche - 卡宴 3.6L 车型 变速器 车厢 发动机 厂商指导价 经销商报价 卡宴 3.6L 手自一体 两厢 V型6缸 3598cc 80.00万元 80.00万元 4.8L 车型 变速器 车厢 发动机 厂商指导价 经销商报价 卡宴 S 4.8 手自一体 两厢 V型8缸 4806cc 105.00万元 105.00万元 卡宴 Turbo 4.8 手自一体 两厢 V型8缸 4806cc 152.00万元 152.00万元





肩颈酸痛难耐 「Dr.stretch」伸展运动更舒畅

日本核心平衡伸展运动品牌「Dr.stretch」自2017年进军台湾市场,迄今已有五家店的规模,第六家店场「民权西路店」预计在2020年1月11日开幕更即将开幕。 久坐不动,伸展运动很关键!日本核心平衡伸展运动品牌「Dr.stretch」自2017年进军台湾市场,迄今已有五家店的规模,第六家店场「民权西路店」预计在2020年1月11日开幕更即将开幕。「Dr.stretch」台湾区总经理藤本爱表示,台湾大多数民众对于核心平衡伸展运动还很陌生,但在日本早已有这种观念,只要在疲劳感上升、想提升运动表现时,会立刻想到伸展的重要性,并且维持固定伸展的习惯。 懒人之岛 肩颈疾病上身 根据国健署公布的「身体活动量调查表」,台湾高活动量的人仅有24%,远低于国际平均的43%;低活动量的人却高达38%,超过国际平均17%两倍,俨然将变成懒人之岛。藤本爱认为,台湾多数民众可能因为工作或作息等因素,平常很少运动或活动身体,可能就会间接造成肩颈疾病如五十肩。 伸展运动帮助运动员 大众也能做 藤本爱表示,伸展运动一开始是用来协助职业运动员,像职棒球员早已接受伸展运动来提升表现;藤本爱表示,伸展过程中虽然会有疼痛感但是对身体恢复疲劳很有帮助,因此「Dr.stretch」将这样的伸展技术改良为适合一般大众所使用。 藤本爱提到,透过「Dr.stretch」独特伸展运动,可借此提升关节活动度、肌肉柔软度与活络血液循环,对于运动爱好者、久站久坐上班族或是想维持良好体态等民众,都可以透过核心平衡伸展达到效果。 *** 还不够 伸展放松更舒畅 在台湾有许多民众喜欢透过 *** 来消除疲劳,放松效果强但无法做到解决根本问题,藤本爱认为,有别于以往健身业、美容业,日本「Dr.stretch」透过伸展技术,能放松到更多肌肉和关节,因此能提升肌肉质量,做到改善根本问题,进而与健身运动和美容塑身达到相辅相成、锦上添花的效果。 「Dr.stretch」目前在日本包括关东、关西与九州等地区已设有逾百家分店,在台湾也会计划全面性推广核心平衡伸展运动,并筹画在三年内全台可以达到10家分店的规模。藤本爱表示,台北「民权西路店」是台湾的第六家分店,自1月11日开幕当天起开始为期一个月打折、体验活动,想伸展放松的民众可多多尝试。 加入【】,天天关注您健康!LINE@ ID:@ 订阅【健康爱乐活】影音频道,阅读健康知识更轻松 : /supply/article/44753 关键字:Dr.stretch, 伸展运动, 肩颈酸痛, 核心平衡, *** , 肩颈疾病



英语Stretch it out怎么翻译?


在VB中,控件的Stretch属性设置为( )时,图像框可自动改变大小以适应其中的图形?



stretch的读音:英 [stretu0283];美 [stretu0283]。stretch是一个英语单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意思是“(四肢或身体的)舒展;(肌肉的)伸张;(材料或服装的)伸展力;困难的任务;(陆地或水域)连绵的一片;(时间)连续的一段;(非正式)服刑期;(赛马跑道的)终点直道;抢风航行的距离;(非正式)加长机动车”,作动词时意思是“(柔软或弹性物)伸展;拉紧;(使)过分延长;(资金、资源)足够;大量要求;(使)最大限度利用(才能);夸大;延续”,作形容词时意思是“弹性的,可拉伸的”。1、You should achieve a maximum stretch at this point.你应该在这一点上达到最大拉伸。2、It is very important that you stretch before and after any exercising.这是非常重要的,你伸展之前和之后的任何行使。3、They are generally round but stretch longer along one axis than along the other.总体上它们是圆的,但沿一根轴比另一根轴延伸得要更长一些。

在VB中,autosize 与strech究竟有啥区别?




Sound like a stretch该如何翻译才算合适?


Stretch 的同类词



不要一看到"d就是had, 它有可能是代表would, should ,这要根据具体的语境来判断,这里是would ,所以用动词原形。




stretch是伸展 向外延伸的意思reach 是到达的意思

looking back on my childhood为什么要用looking而不用look


这样的stretch用法对吗? stretch oneself for sth.表达追求之意

stretch有一个意思是“使倾注全力,使紧张;极度使用(眼睛等)” 譬如:He stretched himself to achieve better results in his work. 他尽心竭力,以求工作更有成效. 我个人认为用stretch onself to do sth比较好…







stretch 造句

I stretch out my hand towards the book.可以吗?



looking back at his middleschool years 为何用looking?



oneself。stretch是一个英语单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意思是“(四肢或身体的)舒展;(肌肉的)伸张;(材料或服装的)伸展力,stretch介词搭配 oneself,就是伸懒腰,伸展身体,尽最大的努力的意思。

stretch 造句

stretch [stretF] vi. 伸,伸展,延伸,延续,展开,连绵 伸肢体,伸懒腰 做吃饭时的服务员 回溯 [口]夸大事实,吹牛 [俚]被绞死 【航海】张帆航行,前进; 努力 (广播,电视)拉长(节目内容) Rubber stretches. 橡皮筋可伸展. This word will not stretch to cover that meaning. 这个词不能引伸作那个解释. The war stretched over four years. 那场战争延续了四年. The forests stretch for hundreds of miles. 森林绵延数百哩. His memory stretches back to his early childhood. 他回想起自己的童年. Will the food stretch out? 饭菜供应得过来吗?


分类: 电脑/网络 >> 软件 >> 其他软件 问题描述: 没人帮我吗?总是不能拉抻,只能移动。我是新手,就是平面拉抻个图。或者说怎么用工具栏上的那个拉抻钮? 下面这段我知道,就是做不出来,谁能帮我解惑高分相赠: 用“stretch”(拉伸)命令时,有些初学者时常感到很困惑,明明选中物体,但却不能拉伸,这是因为用“ stretch”拉伸时,拉抻的实际是节点,必须用 “cross”或“window”状态去框住需要拉伸的物体才能拉伸,根据笔者的经验,用“cross”比较好框住所拉伸的节点,再逐个点选移去无用的物体,但如果在框选时,多余的物体并没有节点被框中,那大可不必去理会,直接拉伸就行了。解析: “修改”菜单:拉伸 命令行: stretch 以交叉窗口或交叉多边形选择要拉伸的对象... 选择对象: 使用圈交或窗交对象选择方法(1 和 2)并在完成选择时按 ENTER 键 AutoCAD 可拉伸与选择窗口相交的圆弧、椭圆弧、直线、多段线线段、二维实体、射线、宽线和样条曲线。STRETCH 移动窗口内的端点,而不改变窗口外的端点。STRETCH 还移动窗口内的宽线和二维实体的顶点,而不改变窗口外的宽线和二维实体的顶点。多段线的每一段都被当作简单的直线或圆弧分开处理。STRETCH 并不修改三维实体、多段线宽度、切线或者曲线拟合的信息。 AutoCAD 移动在窗口或多边形内的所有对象,类似于使用 MOVE。 指定基点或位移: 指定点 (3) 或按 ENTER 键 指定位移的第二个点: 指定点 (4) 或按 ENTER 键 如果输入第二点,对象将从基点到第二点拉伸矢量距离。如果在“位移第二点”提示下按 ENTER 键,STRETCH 将把第一点当作 X,Y 位移值。


stretch的同类词:extend, lengthen, stretch, prolong; stretch v. (柔软或弹性物)伸展;拉紧;(使)过分延长;(资金、资源)足够;大量要求;(使)最大限度利用(才能); n. (四肢或身体的)舒展;(肌肉的)伸张; adj. 弹性的,可拉伸的 扩展资料   extend, lengthen, stretch, prolong   这些动词含有"伸展,延长"或"延伸"之意。   extend : 指时间或空间的延长,也可指影响和使用范围等的扩大。   lengthen : 指把长度或期限拉长或延长,其反义是shorten。   stretch : 指长度的延伸以及宽度的增加。   prolong : 通常指时间上延长得超过了一般或正常的限度。   stretch的.短语例句:   1. It is better to stretch the tight muscles first.   最好先伸展一下僵硬的肌肉。   2. I stopped at the square and got out to stretch my legs.   我在广场处停下来,下车活动活动腿脚。   3. I"m trying to move on and stretch myself with something different.   我正想换工作,想尝试点不一样的事情来挑战一下自己。   4. Stand straight and stretch the left hand to the right foot.   站直身体,伸左手够右脚.   5. Nearby there is a stretch of white sand beach perfect for sunbathing.   附近有一片白色沙滩,是沐日光浴的绝佳场所。


stretch:v.拉长;拽宽;撑大;抻松;n.一片;一泓;一段;(连续的)一段时间; at full stretch 尽量伸展(身体部位); at a stretch 不停地,连续地 扩展资料   Fields and hills stretched out as far as we could see.   放眼望去,田野山丘绵延不绝。   I need a job that will stretch me.   我需要一份让我能充分发挥才智的工作。   It was good to get out of the car and stretch our legs.   我们下了车活动活动腿脚,真不错。


stretch的读音:英 [stretu0283];美 [stretu0283]。stretch是一个英语单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意思是“(四肢或身体的)舒展;(肌肉的)伸张;(材料或服装的)伸展力;困难的任务;(陆地或水域)连绵的一片;(时间)连续的一段;(非正式)服刑期;(赛马跑道的)终点直道;抢风航行的距离;(非正式)加长机动车”,作动词时意思是“(柔软或弹性物)伸展;拉紧;(使)过分延长;(资金、资源)足够;大量要求;(使)最大限度利用(才能);夸大;延续”,作形容词时意思是“弹性的,可拉伸的”。1、You should achieve a maximum stretch at this point.你应该在这一点上达到最大拉伸。2、It is very important that you stretch before and after any exercising.这是非常重要的,你伸展之前和之后的任何行使。3、They are generally round but stretch longer along one axis than along the other.总体上它们是圆的,但沿一根轴比另一根轴延伸得要更长一些。

T-Pain Featuring Teddy Verseti的《Church》 歌词

歌曲名:Church歌手:T-Pain Featuring Teddy Verseti专辑:ChurchChurch T-Pain、Teddy VersetiLadies and GentlemenYou already know what it isOk, Yea, Aw。。。。。。。。。 shitIm tryin to run in this motherfuckaIm tryin to anywaysGot two hard lookin motherfuckersCa monI was tryin to enjoy ma night but you then came hereTurned around looked mighty happy fore you came hereI then turn into a rude dudeWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lightsYou aint doin nuthing but runnin ya yapp yappYou got to got to go get a couple homeboy i am strapped strappedI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lightsDope little lady tryin to hold you back you better listen to herShe better not talk that shit ima have to put some thin'straight through herI done turned into a rude dude manWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lights...Ca monYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchIts a Sunday at the park im chillin trying to get ma swerve onSome little lane trying to run that game trying to get his serve onI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap offYou aint doin nuthing but runnin your pie holeYou gon" make me do somethin thatta get eye swolln"I dont wanna be a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap offIf thats your car you need to go ahead and get into itBetter not talk that shit you gonna get bust something through itI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park gotta put you in the dark lights on lights offYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchThose niggas think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Im like those niggas think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)dis stupidYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to church


stretch作动词的意思是:伸展、延伸、张开、夸大;作名词的意思是:伸展、张开、弹性、一段时间;作形容词的意思是:可伸缩的。stretch所代表的“伸展”指的是事物长度、宽度中的一端向外伸长或两端一起伸长。引申可表示“绷紧”、“伸出”、“展开”、“尽量发挥”、“延伸”、“延续”等。“stretch”词汇语法1、stretch可接介词for或to,stretch for表示为“延伸”的意思;stretch to表示为“延伸到”的意思。stretch与oneself连用,可表示为“伸伸懒腰”。2、stretch既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。用作不及物动词时,可表示“有伸缩性”。3、stretch直接源自古英语的streccan;最初源自原始日耳曼语的strakjanan,意为伸展,延展。

stretch 短语

stretch的短语:Stretch marks,妊娠纹;怀胎纹;白纹;腹纹。李陆Stretch rule,伸清腊展定则。stretch reflex,【生理】牵张反射;伸张反射;伸展反射。一、stretch基本解释stretch是一个英语单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意思是(四肢或身体的)舒展;(肌肉的)伸张;(材料或服装的)伸展力;困难的任务;(陆地或水域)连绵的一片;(时间)连续的一段;(非正式)服刑期;(赛马跑道的)终点直道;抢风航行的距离。(非正式)加长机动车,作动词时意思是“(柔软或弹性物)伸展;拉紧;(使)过分延长;(资金、资源)足够;大量要求;(使)最大限度利用(才能);夸大;延续”,作形容词时意思答扰滑是“弹性的,可拉伸的”。二、双语例句1、You should achieve a maximum stretch at this point.你应该在这一点上达到最大拉伸。2、It is very important that you stretch before and after any exercising.这是非常重要的,你伸展之前和之后的任何行使。3、They are generally round but stretch longer along one axis than along the other.总体上它们是圆的,但沿一根轴比另一根轴延伸得要更长一些。


属性。语法:object.Stretch [= boolean]StretchStretch属性决定控件能否将加载的图片缩放到控件本身的大小来显示,该属性的值是一个布尔型数据。为True时,加载图形后,改变图形大小使之适应图像框的大小,为False时,改变控件大小是之符合图形大小。扩展资料:注意事项在VB中,控件的Stretch属性设置为False 时,图像框可自动改变大小以适应其中的图形,图像框是一个简化的图形控件。在窗体设计时,用于显示保存的图片数据,其上是无法进行绘图的,图像控件的常用属性与其他控件类似,它的独立属性是Stretch属性和Picture属性。图片框Picturebox的Autosize属性默认为False,Picturebox的AutoSize属性为False时,图片框里的图片按实际大小显示,超过图片框大小的部分会被裁切。

T-Pain&Chris Brown的《Freeze》 歌词

歌曲名:Freeze歌手:T-Pain&Chris Brown专辑:FreezeFreezePain Ft. Chris BrownHaha I get down on the dance floorWatch this, heyYou don"t even know girlHeh, Come HereYou know what I do (do)If you can do it too (too)Then That"s just something that makes me more attracted to youAnd I and I wanna see you break downFor me (ha)Yes we in this private(party)Girl I like your body (body)But can you tick tick tick tick tick tick pop lock and drop itCause I, and I wanna see you break it downFor meWatch thisGirl i"ve been waitin all night to see you dance like meAnd you gonna sweat your outfit out, tryin to dance like me(now let me see)Ah ah ah, now freeze, like me, ooohShawt-a-yGirl I wanna battleMeet me downstairsBring your dancing shoes and something to tie you hairCause I cause I"mAbout to break it down on youI see you with your friendsYou dont wanna get embarrassedI know you see my bling blingCause I, I"m... bout to break it down on youGirl i"ve been waitin all night to see you dance like meAnd you gonna sweat your outfit out, tryin to dance like me(now let me see)Ah ah ah freeze, like me aahhhhGirl lets get it poppin (Cracking)Tell me how you feel (feel)Lets get up on this floor and do this thing for real (wooh)Cause we (we), you and me(me) can really break it down, togetherWatch me slide on ya (on ya)Watch me ride on ya (on ya)You aint gotta say itYou think I"m fly, dont chaCause we (we), you and me(me) can really break it down oh oh ohGirl i"ve been waitin all night to see you dance like meAnd you gonna sweat your outfit out, tryin to dance like me(now let me see)Ah ah ah, now freeze, like me, aooohhYeah lamborghini breezyor graffiti breezyHaha its easyHeyI just want you to relaxAnd all my laddies pop, poppinDrop droppin1,2,3,4...FreezeHaGirl i"ve been waitin all night to see you dance like meAnd you gonna sweat your outfit out, tryin to dance like me(now let me see)Ah ah ah, now freeze, like me


stretch[英][stretu0283][美][stru025btu0283]v.伸展; 延伸; 持续; 包括; n.伸展; 弹性; 一片; 一段时间; adj.可伸缩的; 弹性的; 第三人称单数:stretches过去分词:stretched复数:stretches现在进行时:stretching过去式:stretched例句:1.Should I stretch before or after running? 究竟是该跑步前还是跑步后做伸展运动?.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮


stretch的用法stretch 的用法1 : stretch的基本意思是“伸展”,指事物长度、宽度中的一端向外伸长或两端一起伸长。stretch的用法2:引申可表示“绷紧”“伸出”“展开”“尽量发挥”“延伸”“延续”等。stretch的用法3 : stretch既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词、代词作宾语。用作不及物动词时,可表示“有伸缩性”。stretch的用法例句1.It is better to stretch the tight muscles first.最好先伸展一下僵硬的肌肉。2. I stopped at the square and got out to stretch my legs.我在广场处停下来,下车活动活动腿脚。


Stretch词典[人名] 斯特雷奇网络拉伸; 伸展; 扩展双语例句1Oil has come ashore on a ten mile stretch to the east of Plymouth.绵延10英里的浮油已经到达了普利茅斯东岸。The parallels between a car and a bobsled are a stretch, of course.当然,拿汽车来和雪橇相比是有点夸张了。


拉伸双语对照词典结果:stretch[英][stretu0283][美][stru025btu0283]v.伸展; 延伸; 持续; 包括; n.伸展; 弹性; 一片; 一段时间; adj.可伸缩的; 弹性的; 第三人称单数:stretches过去分词:stretched复数:stretches现在进行时:stretching过去式:stretched以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.Should I stretch before or after running? 究竟是该跑步前还是跑步后做伸展运动?


stretch作名词翻译为舒展;伸张。【词义解释】:stretch是一个英语单词,名词、动词、形容词,作名词时意思是“(四肢或身体的)舒展;(肌肉的)伸张;(材料或服装的)伸展力;困难的任务;(陆地或水域)连绵的一片;(时间)连续的一段;(非正式)服刑期;(赛马跑道的)终点直道;抢风航行的距离;(非正式)加长机动车”。作动词时意思是“(柔软或弹性物)伸展;拉紧;(使)过分延长;(资金、资源)足够;大量要求;(使)最大限度利用(才能);夸大;延续”,作形容词时意思是“弹性的,可拉伸的”。【短语搭配】:Stretch marks妊娠纹 ; 怀胎纹 ; 白纹 ; 腹纹Stretch rule伸展定则stretch reflex[生理]牵张反射 ; 伸张反射 ; 伸展反射【例句】:1、You should achieve a maximum stretch at this point.你应该在这一点上达到最大拉伸。2、It is very important that you stretch before and after any exercising.这是非常重要的,你伸展之前和之后的任何行使。






stretch[英][stretu0283][美][stru025btu0283]v.伸展; 延伸; 持续; 包括; n.伸展; 弹性; 一片; 一段时间; adj.可伸缩的; 弹性的; 第三人称单数:stretches过去分词:stretched复数:stretches现在进行时:stretching过去式:stretched易混淆单词:Stretch例句:1.This film will show you the correct way to stretch. 本期视频将向你展示正确的拉伸方法。


stretch[英][stretu0283][美][stru025btu0283]v.伸展; 延伸; 持续; 包括; n.伸展; 弹性; 一片; 一段时间; adj.可伸缩的; 弹性的; 第三人称单数:stretches过去分词:stretched复数:stretches现在进行时:stretching过去式:stretched易混淆单词:Stretch例句:1.This film will show you the correct way to stretch. 本期视频将向你展示正确的拉伸方法。

T-Pain&Teddy Verseti的《Church》 歌词

歌曲名:Church歌手:T-Pain&Teddy Verseti专辑:EpiphanyChurch T-Pain、Teddy VersetiLadies and GentlemenYou already know what it isOk, Yea, Aw。。。。。。。。。 shitIm tryin to run in this motherfuckaIm tryin to anywaysGot two hard lookin motherfuckersCa monI was tryin to enjoy ma night but you then came hereTurned around looked mighty happy fore you came hereI then turn into a rude dudeWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lightsYou aint doin nuthing but runnin ya yapp yappYou got to got to go get a couple homeboy i am strapped strappedI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lightsDope little lady tryin to hold you back you better listen to herShe better not talk that shit ima have to put some thin'straight through herI done turned into a rude dude manWhy you had to fuck up the night now we got to fight ima knock out ya lights...Ca monYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchIts a Sunday at the park im chillin trying to get ma swerve onSome little lane trying to run that game trying to get his serve onI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap offYou aint doin nuthing but runnin your pie holeYou gon" make me do somethin thatta get eye swolln"I dont wanna be a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park ima put you in the dark clap on clap offIf thats your car you need to go ahead and get into itBetter not talk that shit you gonna get bust something through itI then turn into a rude dude manWhy you gotta fuck up the park gotta put you in the dark lights on lights offYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchThose niggas think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Im like those niggas think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)Those bitches think they hard, so why they think im notUntil i put it hard and i show them what i got kinda like (You dont want play around here)dis stupidYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to churchYea, Goddamn, You think you cool, you think im not you think you toughGoddamn, you think you hard, you think im soft, you think you roughGoddamn,You talkin shit, betta close your lips, you need to hushBefore the end of the night im gunna have to take your ass to church


stretch vt. & vi. 伸展; 拉紧 Rubber stretches easily. 橡胶的延展性很好。 He rose and stretched himself. 他站起身, 伸了伸懒腰。 延伸 The road stretches uphill at a steep slope. 这条路以陡峭的坡度向山上延伸。 The bird stretched its wings. 鸟展开了翅膀。


vt. 伸展;张开;充分利用;使紧张 n. 伸展;延伸;紧张;弹性 vi. 伸展;伸开

T-Pain的《Change》 歌词

歌曲名:Change歌手:T-Pain专辑:Thr33 RingzChangeT-pain(feat. Akon, Diddy, & Mary J. Blige)XeńOphObiα@L-HouseI"ll do anything for youFor you I"ll change the worldNo more warsNo more povertyNo more hurtNo more painYou showed me how to love you againFor you I change the worldPain singing...If I could change the worldOoh. I would be the sunlight in your universeOoh. You will think my love oh really something good babyIf I could change~If I could change~If I could change the world~the world~the world~Ooh there would be no more warsOpportunity knockin" on doors for us, for usNobody ain"t know each otherBuddies turning into lovers for us, for usOooh when the moonlight turns to sunshineEverybody waking up to abandon dreamsCause everybody need what they wantBut don"t want want they need let"s talk about youLet"s change~(Change to the world)If I could change the worldOoh. I would be the sunlight in your universeOoh. You will think my love oh really something good babyIf I could change~If I could change~If I could change the world~the world~the world~If I could change the world I orderFor the line to be erased that the border this day (this day)(everyone deserves an opportunity)There be no new world order ifNobody wouldn"t never got slaughtered that way (that way)(That means so much more love and unity)Daughters will be close to thy mothersSons are being raised by their fathers today (today)(A good family ain"t nothing greater)Raise crumbs hate crumbs that never existI"ll turn every bullet to a hershey"s kiss (kiss)And we can eat away our fear (fear)If I could change the worldOoh. I would be the sunlight in your universeOoh. You will think my love oh really something good babyIf I could change~If I could change~If I could change the world~the world~the world~There would be no self hateWe will know how to love everything about ourselvesSo we can love everyone nowNothing would hold us downBecause we love walk around with a smile and never a frownAnd every move don"t clownThere"ll be no more self-loadinEveryone will know when their hearts that they just foundAnd that"s when the light"s gonna shineEveryone will understandHad it on a tip have some piece you must believeBelieve the best in you(believe I can change)If I could change the worldOoh. I would be the sunlight in your universeOoh. You will think my love oh really something good babyIf I could change~If I could change~If I could change the world~the world~the world~the world~
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