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cause 的用法,意义,有关短语

1. 用作动词,有两类用法需注意:(1) 表示“造成”、“使(发生)”,其后可直接用造成的结果或发生的事情作宾语,也可接双宾语或接不定式的复合结构作宾语。如:Smoking may cause lung cancer. 吸烟可导致肺癌。(直接加造成的结果)He caused his friends much unhappiness. 他弄得他朋友很不愉快。(双宾语)The cold weather caused the plants to die. 天气寒冷冻死了植物(不定式复合结构)。(2) 表示“使”、“迫使”,通常接不定式的复合结构作宾语,注意不要受动词 make 的影响而用错句型。比较:是什么使她哭了?正:What caused her to cry? / What made her cry?误:What caused her cry [crying]? / What made her to cry?这个坏消息使她伤心。正:The bad news caused her to be sad. 正:The bad news made her sad. 误:The bad news caused her sad.

cause 的用法,意义,有关短语

1. 用作动词,有两类用法需注意:(1) 表示“造成”、“使(发生)”,其后可直接用造成的结果或发生的事情作宾语,也可接双宾语或接不定式的复合结构作宾语。如:Smoking may cause lung cancer. 吸烟可导致肺癌。(直接加造成的结果)He caused his friends much unhappiness. 他弄得他朋友很不愉快。(双宾语)The cold weather caused the plants to die. 天气寒冷冻死了植物(不定式复合结构)。(2) 表示“使”、“迫使”,通常接不定式的复合结构作宾语,注意不要受动词 make 的影响而用错句型。比较:是什么使她哭了?正:What caused her to cry? / What made her cry?误:What caused her cry [crying]? / What made her to cry?这个坏消息使她伤心。正:The bad news caused her to be sad. 正:The bad news made her sad. 误:The bad news caused her sad.

16. My American friend knows my problem because I ( ) my ideas with him.

C change, 变化。意思不符合,排除ABexchange,交换。我的美国朋友知道我的问题,因为我已经和他交换了我的意见。用完成时表达动作的影响。已经交换了意见,所以他知道我的问题。

Experts have been warning of the health risks caused by passive smoking


Experts have been warning ---of the helth risks caused by passive smoking

我先翻译一下这个句子吧,专家多次警告被动吸烟会引发健康危机。。。有一个单词helth是不是写错啦,应该是health吧,然后就是你的问题啦,这个句子你应该这么看,experts have been warning for some time……这个是说“专家多次警告”of在这里的用法是要说明对什么提出警告,然后就是后半句啦,health risks caused by passive smoking,字面意思“健康危机由被动吸烟引起”,排列一下就是被动吸烟引发健康危机,所以这个并不是说有这么一个 warn sb of sth 的搭配。。。这是我的理解,你能明白吗、、、

劲舞团歌曲:because of you 的歌词 那就是这个NE-YO的 刚才那个也是 这个比那个好找多了 上面的是百度的搜索页面 汗... 俩BECAUSE OF YOU 呢..

The author of the report is well _____ with the problems in the hospital because he has been wo...

A 考查动词的意思辨析。 be acquainted with熟悉,be well informed of(about)对......消息灵通。可见,此题中应用acquainted,因为后面地介词是with.

sat语法题: acquaintances of alexei have commented that he is at once annoying because of his

1)这个就是SAT语法考试和高考语法考试不同的地方了.恰如SAT语法中我们要避免beinghaving等说法一样,我们要追求句式的清晰明了、整齐一致.如果按照楼主的意思,选了A的话,这个句子毫无整齐可言;但是如果是E的话,就会有一个“平行”的结构出现,即annoying——delightfubecause of his——because of hisimagination——unpredictability这就是为什么E比A要好得多.2)因为这是一个事实,表示他现在的状态,他就是一个那样的人3)alexei的熟人评论他的不可预测性是恼人的同时他的想象力又是令人喜爱的

i don"t like dog because it barks____英语选择

very much

i don"t like dog because it barks____英语选择


cancer-causeing drug什么意思


due to和owning to以及because of有什么区别?

due to的用法,跟"because of"完全一样,而due to跟owning to也应该没区别。看一下字典的说法(双解字典)Due to has been widely used for many years as a compound preposition like owing to, but some critics have insisted that the adjectival status ofdue must be retained. According to this view,it is incorrect to say“The concert was canceled due to the rain”, as opposed to the acceptable“The cancellation of the concert was due to the rain”, wheredue continues to function as an adjective modifying cancellation. Due to 已多年被广泛地当作象 owing to 那样的复合介词使用, 但批评者坚持认为应保持due 的形容词地位。 按照这一观点,说因为下雨,音乐会被取消了 是不正确的, 而应说音乐会的取消是因为下雨 , 在后句中due 起形容词作用,修饰 cancellation</SPAN></SPAN>

Canceling query because of high VMEM usage,这问题怎么解决


Canceling query because of high VMEM usage,这问题怎么解决


歌曲god is a girl 中,forgotten as the past ,cause history will last是什么意思,和上文的理解连不上

Forgotten as the past犹如遗忘的过去Cause history will last历史将会延续 上文 是 To those who a free放开你的思想The mind shall be key理解就是真理 意思是说 就像被遗忘的过去一样 古时候女子地位比较高 而那时候的历史会延续下来

i have excluded him because


Failed to evaluate. Reason: Cannot evaluate because the thread is resumed.

官方解释:The default Debug Console in VS Code doesn"t support inputs. In case your program need inputs from terminal, you can use Integrated Terminal within VS Code or external terminal to launch it.(就是默认调试台不支持输入,需要用集成终端命令行或者外部终端命令行来实现输入)官方动图:

cause caraccidents是什么意思

引起交通事故,应该是cause car accidents

cause accidents同义词

lead to accidents;result in accidents;subsequent accidents

是provides accidents 还是happens accidents 还是causes accidents还是offers accidents 我急用!!!

cause accidents 引发事故provide 提供happen 发生,不及物动词offer 提供

accidents are。caused

事出有因,不会无故发生.其中的原因可能是显而易见的:如托盘负担过重或者有冰. 注:1.这像是阅读选择题,这句话肯定有上下文的,tray的意思请楼主自己选择:托盘;文件盒;隔底匣;(无线电的)发射箱 2.不知道是否题干有问题,如果选c,应该是an ice才对,ice是元音开头的

even more dangerous 这句英文是什么用法 can cause damage to the land and,eve


the mistakes A.that caused B.that causesC.causedD.are caused by you carelessness should be avoided

C.caused 你应该避免因为你的粗心而引起的错误。

then abruptly caught himself.是什么意思?

then abruptly caught himself.全部释义和例句>> 然后突然陷入了自己。

用所给词的正确形式填空。 need,many,leave,good,housework,scient,help,interest,are,because.


plentiful multiple abundant numerous区别 最好有例句 再解释一下 Most cancers have (multiple) causes

plentiful,abundant,copious,ample都含“丰富的”意思。plentiful 指“大量的、丰富的”;abundant指“丰富的、充裕的”,语气比plentiful强,数量比plentiful多;copious指“富饶的”,语气比abundant强;ample指“充分的、足以满足需要的



Merely because we too love, we must always strive to do all that forever ....

可能是你的句子不完整?Merely because we too love, we must always strive to do all that forever ....翻译成如下:⒈仅仅因为我们也爱,我们必须总是努力永远....做那一切⒉只因为我们太爱,我们必须始终努力把各项永远....

be cautiously optimistic是什么意思

be cautiously optimistic持谨慎乐观的态度

cautiously optimistic是什么意思

cautiously optimistic谨慎的乐观**************************************************************请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助谢谢你!***************************************************************

force 和cause的区别?

force v迫使, force sb to sth 迫使---做---cause v引起 n 原因 cause problems 惹麻烦两词区别大。


把每次会面都看成一次做大事的机会.信不信由你.尽管这个建议非常严谨,它却常常不被遵守. A.careless粗心 B.curious好奇 C.conscious有知觉的 D.cautious严谨的,慎重的
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