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industry category是什么意思

industry category的意思行业类别例句:双语英语1.Article 25 public and private premises shall reapply for the issuance of installation and operating permits due to relocation or a change of industry category. 第二十五条公私场所因迁移或变更产业类别,应重新申请核发设置及操作许可证。2.In addition to a large market, vc firms typically like to see some combination of other strong fundamentals, such as sustainable competitive advantage from unique technology or relationships, proof of concept, experience management and a growing industry category. 除了巨大的市场,风险投资公司通常还喜欢公司的其它表现,比如特殊技术或关系带来的持续性竞争优势、概念可行性(proof of concept),经验管理和不断增加的行业类别。3.It belongs to the category of project management in constructional industry. 本课题属于建筑业建设监理行业范畴。