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卡地亚经典Trinity戒指上的刻字为何有的是Must de Cartie有只有Cartier?



Cartier watch from 1847. Louis Francois Cartier (Louis Francois Cartier) set down a master jewelry shop in Paris, formally established theCartier watch jewelers, then in Paris, after the scramble for the throne, after some turbulence, but also restored Huadu old flashy weather, greatly promoted the prosperity of the jewelery industry in Paris. Cartier lucky enough to get the young cousin of Napoleon III, the recommendation of the Princess Mathilde, the business continues to grow. In 1902, Cartier opened a shop has moved from Paris to London and New York, New York, Cartier has become the headquarters of the Kingdom. According to legend, father and son is only two generations, Cartier has become the world "King of jewelry." With a reputation as the Kingdom of jewelry, a Cartier Queen"s royal jewelers in Europe and known as the "jeweler of the emperor, Emperor of the jeweler." British royal family has Cartier Order 27 crown for the coronation of use. In addition, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Egypt, France, the Prince of Orleans family, the Prince of Morocco and Albania"s royal family has also appointed the Royal Cartier watch jewelry business. Cartier is not just satisfied with the third generation of the shops in the ornate reception distinguished guests, three brothers also constantly traveling around the world, found Jane adventures. Pierre went to Russia, to find the best quality enamel and carved animals, precious jade. Jacques would go to the Persian Gulf to find a perfect pearl; He also traveled to India, will be king of the local soil beautiful jewelry shipped back to London studio, re-design modification; brothers have also acquired a partner from India, where a large number of pearl gemstones Prince. The eldest son Louis is a talented designer, he was revolutionary in jewels inlaid in the use of platinum. Cartier jewelry deeply, Russia, Egypt, Persia, Paris, France and other places influenced by the culture, especially the oriental inspiration inspiration, through the formation of completely abstract geometric design features of the exotic culture, expressed through special channels. Not only that he is one with good taste and business-minded genius designer, and gathered around him a lot of well-known jewelry designers and skilled craftsmen, so that accessories are uniquely designed in harmony embodies the graceful style. of Cartier. Cartier watch launched since the beginning of 1888, watch, famous models, including 1911"s Santos Watch in 1909, patented fold-style. table covered buckle, 1919, Tank watches. During the period from 1928 to 1930, platinum, quartz and long-shaped diamond of mixed become "white, when? Quot; an important symbol. In Louis under the management of Cartier continued to expand and continue to disseminate the infinite charm. Cartier "Love" bracelet series, a symbol of love faith faithful for decades, "Love" bracelet charm always makes Xinjing shaking. By its oval-shaped design of the beginning, as if a love of the "shackles", representing each other"s single-minded and like the sea deep feeling. Many stars, such as Elizabeth Taylor, Sophia Loren, have always worn "Love" bracelet. New millennium, the crystallization of 150-year history of the Cartier jewelry debut at Beijing. A representative of the Cartier watch classics, including Marrakeh and Fleurette diamond necklace, Tetes Croisee rings, Panthere five elements Lakada diamond necklace and bracelet watches, etc. Every single one of nature"s intricate, perfect forging. Filled with European feelings Cartier boutique, as if the East new favorite. [Edit this paragraph] Brand Story In 1847, Cartier jewelry was born in Paris, and its founder is Luyifulan Cartier (Louis Francois Cartier). Napoleon III came to power, then restore the glitz of Paris weather, ball feast become a regular social activities. Cartier to be Napoleon"s younger cousin Princess Mathilde"s recommendation, business growth, and in 1859 entered the city of Paris the fashion center of Italy"s Road. Cartier"s third-generation family of Joseph Louis (Louis Joseph) is a Cartier culture of luminary. He has great artistic talent, but also a shrewd businessman. Charles Jie He find a design library (Charles Jacqueau) for his creation of world-class jewelry, but also to find known as "Jaguar," an outstanding woman, Ms. Ni Dusang designer Jane (Jeanne Toussaint), and to the Americas Leopard-type jewelry as a sign of Cartier. Louis Joseph like a poet, the pursuit of perfection and like a magician, able to dream of the perfect realization of 11, he led the Cards to Yamai into a new era. In 1973, Cartier introduced Cartier boutique series, including lighters, watches, stationery, leather goods, perfume, table clock, glasses, and even tableware and other products, named "Cartier-style. necessities" (Lse Must Cartier). It is worth mentioning that both the world"s first modern decorative and functional watch is designed by Cartier. Cartier watch designs in the jewelry inlaid into the concepts and skills, so watch presents another gorgeous and dignity. Cartier magnificent classical style. made him a necklace, bracelet, wrist watches, rings, earrings greatly welcomed by the upper crust. In addition to the classic three-ring design, the natural world of animals such as elephants, birds also appear frequently in Cartier jewelry themes. Introduced in the 20th century, 90"s Leopard (Panthere) jewelry series, has also become one of the Cartier classics. Cartier is not only the characterization of high society, but also witness the timeless classic of love the brand. Than 100 years, Cartier has witnessed countless ancient eternal love and commitment. Therefore, the status of whether a certain person, or the young couple who, Cartier has always been irresistible to pass the magic of love. To commemorate the founder Louis Cartier for his wife"s memory and love, according to her nickname the name of the perfume "So Pretty De Cartier" a more permanent witness, unique feeling. Jewelry design needs classical aesthetics, but also with the spirit of the contemporary interpretation in order to more contemporary works, which have been accepted. A long history of Cartier have had a number of important design topics, including "series theme creation", "to reproduce the essence of the art of fine jewelry," and so on, these traditional design concept of the Cartier far-reaching. Characteristics of the times is a combination of traditional craft charm senior Cartier jewelry series has always been pursuing the best way. In the smooth lines, Ming Cheng color in Cartier essence of interpretation of the U.S. - the U.S. is simple and is complicated, is not in harmony and conflict

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有,这个字印是卡地亚的品牌标志卡地亚诞生回顾卡地亚的历史,就是回顾现代珠宝百年变迁的历史,在卡地亚的发展历程中,一直与各国的皇室贵族和社会名流保持着息息相关的联系和紧密的交往,并已成为全球时尚人士的奢华梦想。百年以来,美誉为“皇帝的珠宝商,珠宝商的皇帝”的卡地亚仍然以其非凡的创意和完美的工艺为人类创制出许多精美绝伦,无可比拟的旷世杰作。卡地亚的传奇故事开始于1847年。29岁的Louis-Francois Cartier(1819–1904) 从师傅Adolphe Picard接手了位于巴黎29,Rue Montorgueil创立(3张)的珠宝店。1846年,Louis-Francois以自己名字的缩写字母L和C环绕成心形组成的一个菱形标志,注册了卡地亚公司,这意味着卡地亚的正式诞生,这颗心形的标志象征着一个传奇爱情故事和奢华王国的开始。当时的巴黎,经过王位争夺的一番动荡后,又恢复了花都昔日的浮华气象,极大地推动了巴黎珠宝业的繁荣。卡地亚幸运地得到了拿破仑三世年轻的堂妹Mathilde公主的推荐,业务不断增长。1902年,卡地亚的店铺已经从巴黎开到了伦敦和纽约,纽约逐渐成为卡地亚王国的总部。父子相传仅两代,卡地亚已成世界“首饰之王”。卡地亚品牌故事Cartier创立于1847年成立于法国巴黎In 1847年,Louis-Francois Cartier在巴黎Rue Montorgueil 29号接手了其师Adolphe Picard的珠宝工场。Maison Cartier由此诞生。1899年,Maison Cartier迁至Maison目前地址:13 rue de la Paix。而Maison的未来则由Cartier三兄弟掌控:Louis,Pierre 与Jacques。他们周游世界,从印度到俄罗斯,从波斯湾到美国。分公司分别于1902年和1909年设立于伦敦与纽约。Maison Cartier的基石由此奠定。Cartier不久即在欧洲宫廷声誉鹊起。威尔士亲王(1902年成为爱德华七世),褒奖Cartier为“国王的珠宝商和珠宝商的国王”,并于1904年授予Cartier作为英国宫廷供应商的一等英庭供货许可证。Cartier的设计以三兄弟环球旅行所发现文明的异国情调为特色。如今,Cartier设计,无论是高端珠宝或当代珠宝产品线,例如Caresser d"Orchidées par Cartier collection,均在独特技术诀窍、风格及专业技术的基础上诠释了Maison的价值观。卡地亚经典传世随着首饰王国的声名远播,卡地亚成为欧洲各国皇室的御用珠宝商并被誉为“珠宝商的皇帝,帝皇的珠宝商”。英国皇室曾向卡地亚订购27顶皇冠作加冕之用。此外,西班牙、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、埃及、法国奥尔良王子家族、摩洛哥王子及阿尔巴尼亚的皇室亦委任卡地亚为皇家首饰商。卡地亚第三代并不仅仅满足于在华丽的店铺接待尊贵的宾客,三兄弟还不断游历世界各地,搜珍猎奇。Pierre亲赴俄罗斯,找寻最上等的珐琅和雕琢动物的珍贵玉石。Jacques则前往波斯湾找寻完美无瑕的珍珠;他还前往印度,将当地土王的漂亮珠宝运回伦敦工作室,重新设计修饰;兄弟俩还合伙从印度王子那里购入大批珍珠宝石。长子Louis则是一个才华横溢的设计家,他革命性地在珠宝的镶嵌中使用了铂金。卡地亚的首饰深受俄罗斯、埃及、波斯、法国巴黎等地文化的熏陶,特别是东方色彩的灵感启迪,通过几何图形形成完全抽象的设计,将异域文化的特征通过特殊途径表达出来。珠宝设计需要经典美学,但还要加上当代的精神演绎,作品才能更具时代感,从而被人们接受。历史悠久的卡地亚曾有过许多重要的设计专题,包括“系列主题创作”、“重现高级珠宝的艺术精粹”等,这些传统设计理念对卡地亚影响深远。时代特色结合传统工艺神韵是卡地亚高级珠宝系列一直追求的最高境界。在流畅的线条、明澄的色彩中,卡地亚演绎着美的真谛——美在于简单而不在于繁复、在于和谐而不在于冲突。珠宝设计师和技艺高超的工匠,使设计独特的饰物都和谐地体现了卡地亚的绰约风格。卡地亚自1888年开始就推出腕表,著名的款式包括1911年的Santos手表,1909年取得专利的覆褶式表扣,1919年的Tank手表等。在Louis的管理下,卡地亚不断拓展,继续散发着无穷的魅力。它的营销产品目前多为包包、手链戒指等珠宝、腕表等。卡地亚传承与发展作为倍受人推崇的品牌,卡地亚也在舞台上发挥着自己的独特魅力,与明星结下了一个世纪的奢华情缘。无论是在剧院里的荧幕上,还是在经典的红色包装盒及丝绸的映衬下,卡地亚都彰显着耀眼的光彩。随着好莱坞影业的发展,卡地亚成为制片人理想的合作伙伴。他们希望通过其欧洲王室珠宝供应商的背景,提高影片的定位。卡地亚吸引着众多的导演、明星及观众,制造了神韵独具的影视神话。如今,卡地亚作为奢华品牌市场中,特别是珠宝和钟表领域中的领导者,在五大洲拥有200多家精品店和独一无二的经销网络。卡地亚以其丰富的专业知识和经验,在每个重要的历史时刻都占有重要的位置。源自150年前的世代传奇,流传至今,延续在奢华领域中散发着其独特的魅力,书写着成功的历史。




















cartier又名卡地亚,法国顶级奢侈品牌。是一家法国钟表及珠宝制造商,于1847年由Louis-Franois Cartier在巴黎Rue Montorgueil31号创办。卡地亚(Cartier)的象征是神秘的豹,在Panthère系列中被赋予了重要的地位。卡地亚是世界第一个做“手表”的,但是他是做珠宝起家的,他的手表好在其高档表,镶嵌工艺很牛。其外观是最大的卖点,比如蓝气球系列。卡地亚的故事源自1847年。路易斯·弗朗索瓦·卡地亚(Louis Francois Cartier)盘下了师傅巴黎的珠宝铺,正式成立了卡地亚首饰店。1902年,卡地亚的店铺已经从巴黎开到了伦敦和纽约,纽约逐渐成为卡地亚王国的总部。父子相传仅两代,卡地亚已成世界“首饰之王”。卡地亚还成为欧洲各国皇室的御用珠宝商并被誉为"珠宝商的皇帝,帝皇的珠宝商"。英国皇室曾向卡地亚订购27顶皇冠作加冕之用。卡地亚的含义卡地亚手表是非常高档的手表,已经属于奢侈品的范畴了。在专业腕表世界里,卡地亚一直是名列前茅的优秀选手,是可以和百达翡丽、江诗丹顿、爱彼这类一流专业腕表品牌齐名的世界名表。同时也和劳力士、欧米茄一道,是多年以来始终位列行业综合经济实力(全球销售额、销量、占比)三甲的品牌之一。卡地亚象征着财富以及优雅,与1897年在法国创立,已经有百年的历史,其发展的进程中一直与皇室贵族以及上流社会有着密切的联系,制作工艺十分的完美,因此价格也较为昂贵,象征着财富与优雅,是由法国钟表以及珠宝制作商,于1847年所创立的,逐渐发展成世界著名的品牌。

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