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credit card[英][ˈkredit kɑ:d][美][ˈkrɛdɪt kɑrd]n.信用卡,签账卡; 网络记帐卡; 信用; 信用证; 复数:credit cards1The serious problem of hire purchase and credit card debts分期付款和信用卡欠账的严重问题2Japanese digital wallets can be loaded with cash at stores or through an arrangement with a credit card company.日本的数字钱包可在商店或通过与信用卡公司的安排进行充值。


card 英[kɑ:d] 美[kɑ:rd] n. 卡片; 信用卡; 纸牌; 明信片; vt. 记于卡片上; [网络] 图; 卡; 声卡; [例句]Check the numbers below against the numbers on your card.把下列数字和你卡片上的数字比照一下。[其他] 第三人称单数:cards 复数:cards 现在分词:carding 过去式:carded过去分词:carded














card[英][kɑ:d][美][kɑrd]n.卡片; 纸牌; 明信片; 信用卡; vt.记于卡片上; 第三人称单数:cards过去分词:carded复数:cards现在进行时:carding 过去式:carded例句:1.Credit card lines were slashed. 信用卡额度被减小。2.Every single card contained money. 每张卡片都夹带着钱。3.Card companies are also taking aim at bigger transactions where cheque-writing is customary. 信用卡公司也正在瞄准习惯于开支票的大额交易。4.Do you remember your card number? 你记得你的挂号证号码吗?5.Moscow plays the blockade berlin card. 莫斯科此时打出了封锁柏林的牌。






card[英][kɑ:d] [美][kɑrd] 生词本简明释义n.卡片;纸牌;明信片;信用卡vt.记于卡片上复数:cards第三人称单数:cards过去式:carded过去分词:carded现在分词:carding易混淆的单词:CardCARD以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组1.N-COUNT卡;卡片A card is a piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard on which something is written or printed.Check the numbers below against the numbers on your card.把下列数字和你卡片上的数字比照一下。2.N-COUNT(身份)证;身份证明A card is a piece of cardboard or plastic, or a small document, which shows information about you and which you carry with you, for example to prove your identity. They check my bag and press card.他们检查我的包和记者证。...her membership card...

card number什么意思

什么是CADR值?春节前后北京的雾霾天气,一下子带旺了空气净化器的市场,消费者在选购时,售货员会热情地向你介绍这款空气净化器的神奇净化效果,在这过程中,消费者可能会接触到个新字眼——洁净空气量或者CADR值,那什么是洁净空气量,CADR值又是什么意思呢?什么是CADR值呢,CADR值clean air delivery rate的英文缩写,中文简称洁净空气量,指洁净空气输出比率,是空气净化器一个国际公认的净化性能指标。CADR是美国家电制造商协会(AHAM)按照严格的测试标准进行测试得出的空气净化器输出洁净空气的比率。CADR数值越高,则表示净化器的净化效能越高。CADR是一项反映出其净化能力的性能指标,单位为m3/h。洁净空气量CADR的计算方法为:CADR=60×(ke-kn)×V式中:CADR——洁净空气量,m3/h;V——试验室容积,m3;ke——总衰减常数,min-1;kn——自然衰减常数,min-1。衰减常数可以从试验室中对净化器工作前后的空气中的污染物的浓度变化的测试值,经过以下公式计算获得:Ct/Co=e-kt式中:Ct——净化器工作t时间后的污染物浓度,mg/m3;C0——净化器工作前本底的污染物浓度,mg/m3;k——衰减常数,min-1;(忽略自然衰减常数)t——净化器工作的时间,min。忽略自然衰减常数,上两式可以合并为:CADR=-ln(Ct- C0)V/t按国际空气净化器质量要求,在适用的空间内,当污染物浓度超过标准限值的5~10倍的条件下,开启空气净化器60分钟,要求室内空气中的污染物去除90%。这样,上式中,ln(Ct-C0)的值就为- ln10,约等于-2.3。上式简化为:CADR=2.3V/t您可能感兴趣的检测服务:


带card 的单词:postcard 明信片、cashcard 现金卡、court-card 扑克中的花牌、discard 丢弃、放弃、Eurocard 欧罗卡(即欧洲信用卡)、filmcard (=microfiche)微缩卡片、holecard 隐藏的优点、holocard、全息卡lettercard 封缄明信片, 简便邮简、magcard 磁卡、magnacard 磁性凿孔卡装置、minicard 缩印资料卡、mourningcard (服丧时用的)黑边卡片、phonecard 电话磁卡、placard 布告、racecard 比赛程序单scorecard 记分卡 showcard 广告牌 timecard 工作时间记录卡wildcard 通配符 yellow card 黄牌带card的词组:a big card 风云人物, 要人 、 a strong card有势力的人 、 assignment card 作业卡片 bank card 银行信用卡ID card 身份证资料来源于金山词霸




n. 卡片; 信用卡; 纸牌; 明信片; vt. 记于卡片上;




card分为1个音节,是重读闭音节。重读闭音节的定义:英语中以一个或几个辅音字母(r w y 除外)结尾而且中间只有一个元音字母的音节,称为重读闭音节。例:map,desk,is,it。






card英 [kɑːd] 美 [kɑrd] n. 卡片;纸牌;明信片vt. 记于卡片上n. (Card)人名;(英)卡德例:He listed all the members" names on the card. 他把所有会员的名字都记在卡片上。


card[英][kɑ:d] [美][kɑrd] 生词本简明释义n.卡片;纸牌;明信片;信用卡vt.记于卡片上复数:cards第三人称单数:cards过去式:carded过去分词:carded现在分词:carding易混淆的单词:CardCARD以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组1.N-COUNT卡;卡片A card is a piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard on which something is written or printed.Check the numbers below against the numbers on your card.






谐音: 卡儿的"卡"读成第四声即可。有帮助记得采纳喔^_^


card[英][kɑ:d] [美][kɑrd] 生词本简明释义n.卡片;纸牌;明信片;信用卡vt.记于卡片上复数:cards第三人称单数:cards过去式:carded过去分词:carded现在分词:carding易混淆的单词:CardCARD以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组1.N-COUNT卡;卡片A card is a piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard on which something is written or printed.Check the numbers below against the numbers on your card.把下列数字和你卡片上的数字比照一下。






card造句如下:Sort these cards according by their colours .按颜色将这些卡片分开。You could at least have sent a card .你本来至少可以寄张明信片来吧。Sort these cards according to their colours .按颜色将这些卡片分开。Sort these cards according by their colours .把这些卡片按颜色归类。Sort these cards according to their colours .把这些卡片按颜色归类。I always lose at cards , with my bad luck .我运气不好,打牌总是输。I am staking everything on this card .我正把全部赌注都押在这张牌上。The box was corded, the card nailed on .箱子用绳捆好,上面钉了名片。Play the highest card in your longest suit .打你手中最长套的大牌。








  card 英[kɑ:d] 美[kɑ:rd]  n. 卡片; 信用卡; 纸牌; 明信片;  vt. 记于卡片上;  [例句]Check the numbers below against the numbers on your card.  把下列数字和你卡片上的数字比照一下。  [其他] 第三人称单数:cards 复数:cards 现在分词:carding 过去式:carded过去分词:carded





card(AUB) 中的card是什么意思



汽车中控台card是什么意思? 记忆体卡的安装位置。 拓展: 1、简介: 中控台就是驾驶室前部正副驾驶前面那个工作台,它是安装仪表盘、空调和音响面板以及储物盒、气囊等装置的载体。中控台就是方向盘右侧,驾驶舱中间部分前面的控制面板,集中了汽车除驾驶之外的大部分控制按扭。 2、中控台的重要性 中控台对一台车的重要性就不用多说了,空调、音响等舒适娱乐装置的功能按键都安排在中控台上,驾驶员要随时和中控台打交道,中控台的设计和安排也影响着车的舒适性,也影响着驾驶员的感觉。所以说,中控台也能在一定程度上反映一款车的舒适性和各种功能。 3、SD卡储存卡,是用于手机、数码相机、行动式电脑、MP3和其他数码产品上的独立储存介质,一般是卡片的形态,故统称为"储存卡",又称为"数码储存卡"、"数字储存卡"、"储存卡"等。储存卡具有体积小巧、携带方便、使用简单的优点。同时,由于大多数储存卡都具有良好的相容性,便于在不同的数码产品之间交换资料。近年来,随着数码产品的不断发展,储存卡的储存容量不断得到提升,应用也快速普及。储存卡(memory card),或称快快闪记忆体储卡(flash memory card),是一种固态电子快快闪记忆体储器资料储存装置,多为卡片或者方块状。它一般是使用Flash(快快闪记忆体储器)晶片作为储存介质。主要用于数码相机、PDA和膝上型电脑、音乐播放器、掌上游戏机和其他电子装置。它能提供可重复读写,无需外部电源的储存形式。也有非固态的储存卡。快快闪记忆体储卡曾被视为软盘的替代品,但是这一角色被快闪记忆体盘所取代。快闪记忆体盘可以通过USB口与任一电脑相连。 汽车中控台AXU是什么意思? 汽车中控台是AUX,不是AXU。AUX介面就是音讯输入介面,可以从包括mp3在内的电子声频装置输出音讯(一般的耳机插孔),用车上的音响听这些装置的音乐。 Aux,这是“Auxiliary(辅助)”的缩写,它是一种额外的讯号线路设计。在一般的音响器材上,除了正式的输出与输入端子之外,常常还会配备几个标有“Aux”的输出入端子,做为预备用的接续端。当有特别的应用,例如要做额外的声音输出或输入时,就可以利用这种端子。这种预备端子或线路,不论输出入,统称为Aux。 汽车中控台mood和muslc是什么意思 建议百度一下这两个单词,,,【汽车有问题,问汽车大师。4S店专业技师,10分钟解决。】 汽车中控台一些按钮是什么意思? ECU 汽车定速巡航系统基本功能 AM/FM(SELECTOR) 调幅/调频 AUTO REVERSE 自动换向 AUTO STOP 自动停带 BALANCE 平衡 BALANCE CONTROL 平衡控制 BAND SELECTION SWITCH 波段选择开关 BASS CONTROLS 低音控制器 CLOCK/RADIO FREQUENCY LED DISPLAY 时间/收音讯率发光二极体显示(屏). DIAL POINTER 度盘指示器(指标) FADER 渐变(钮) FADER CONTROL 渐变控制 FF*PROG*REW 快进*换向*快退键 FF*REW 快进与快退(键) FF/EJECT 快进/出盒(键) FM STEREO 调频立体声(键或灯) FREQ RANGE 频率范围 FREQ RECALL 时间与频率再显示(按钮) FRONT(FEAR)SPEAKER 前(后)扬声器 HCC 高频切除控制 HOUR*MINUTE SET 小时*分钟(调校) JUST/TUNE 正确调谐 KEYING 键控,.键入 KNOB 按钮 LINE OUT 线路输出 LOCKABLE FAST FORWARD 同步快速向前 LOCKABLE FAST REWIND 同步快速回转 LOUDNESS 响度补偿 MANUAL*SEEK 手动*自动搜寻(按钮) MANUD TUNIND KNOB 手动调谐(钮) MEMORY INDICATOR 记忆指示器 MEMORY SWITCH 记忆功能开关 METAL/CRO2 TAPE SWITCH 金属/铬带选择键 MONO/STEREO 单声道/立体声 MONO/STEREO SWITCH-OVEV 单声道/立体声变换(开关) ON-OFF SWITCH & VOLUME CONTROL 带电源开关的音量控制(钮) POWER SWITCH,VOLUME&STEREO BALANCE CONTROLS 电源开关.音量及立体声平衡控制(组合钮) PREST STATION SWITCH 预选台(置)按钮 PROG(PROGRAM) 节目(变换按钮) PROGRAM SWITCH 音乐带正反面放音变换开关 PUSH*CLOCK 按下时钟(钮) RANGE BUTTON 波段推拉钮 ROD ANT 拉杆天线 SCALE 刻度(盘) SCAN 自动扫描.搜寻 SCAN MEMO 自动搜寻储存 SEEK 搜寻 SELECTOR 选择器 SMC 软静噪控制 SNC 立体声噪声控制 STEREO INDICATOR 立体声指示(灯) 汽车中控台上这个按钮是什么意思? 是后挡风玻璃除雾。就是后面玻璃的除雾。肯定是的, 谢谢,望采纳。 别克汽车中控台上的rear是什么意思 别克汽车控台上的“REAR”是后后窗除霜按键,挡风玻璃加热开关。 “REAR”是英文“后面”的意思,如图的“REAR键”,是后窗除霜按键,按下后是后窗除霜功能开启,此为后窗除霜加热开关。希望对你有所帮助。 汽车中控cancel是什么意思 cancel vt.取消,登出; 抵消,偿还; 〈数〉约去; vi.抵消,中和; n.撤销,登出; 〈数〉(相)约; [英][ˈkænsl][美][ˈkænsəl] 汽车中控ir是什么意思 你好。Ir是红外线的简称。全称是Infrared Radiation。顾名思义就是无线通讯。无线资料的传输。希望回答对你有所帮助,祝你用车愉快。 汽车中控的error是什么意思 出现错误,error英文是错误的意思




card [kɑ:d] n. 卡片;纸牌;明信片;信用卡 vt. 记于卡片上


cards n. 卡( card的名词复数 );纸牌;贺卡;信用卡[例句]• Keeps me from having credit cards.•不准我拥有信用卡。


card的意思是卡片。用法:1、card的基本意思是“卡”、“卡片”、“名片”,引申可表示“柬帖”、“明信片”、“纸牌”、“扑克牌”等,均用作可数名词。2、card也可指“办法”“手段”“妙计”,是可数名词。例句:They play cards every Friday。翻译:他们每个星期五玩纸牌。card 变化形式:复数: cards第三人称单数: cards过去式: carded过去分词: carded现在分词: carding易混淆的单词: CardCARD


内存卡的安装位置。拓展:1、简介:中控台就是驾驶室前部正副驾驶前面那个工作台,它是安装仪表盘、空调和音响面板以及储物盒、气囊等装置的载体。中控台就是方向盘右侧,驾驶舱中间部分前面的控制面板,集中了汽车除驾驶之外的大部分控制按扭。2、中控台的重要性中控台对一台车的重要性就不用多说了,空调、音响等舒适娱乐装置的功能按键都安排在中控台上,驾驶员要随时和中控台打交道,中控台的设计和安排也影响着车的舒适性,也影响着驾驶员的感觉。所以说,中控台也能在一定程度上反映一款车的舒适性和各种功能。3、SD卡存储卡,是用于手机、数码相机、便携式电脑、MP3和其他数码产品上的独立存储介质,一般是卡片的形态,故统称为"存储卡",又称为"数码存储卡"、"数字存储卡"、"储存卡"等。存储卡具有体积小巧、携带方便、使用简单的优点。同时,由于大多数存储卡都具有良好的兼容性,便于在不同的数码产品之间交换数据。近年来,随着数码产品的不断发展,存储卡的存储容量不断得到提升,应用也快速普及。存储卡(memory card),或称快闪存储卡(flash memory card),是一种固态电子快闪存储器数据存储设备,多为卡片或者方块状。它一般是使用Flash(快闪存储器)芯片作为储存介质。主要用于数码相机、PDA和笔记本电脑、音乐播放器、掌上游戏机和其他电子设备。它能提供可重复读写,无需外部电源的存储形式。也有非固态的存储卡。快闪存储卡曾被视为软盘的替代品,但是这一角色被闪存盘所取代。闪存盘可以通过USB口与任一电脑相连。






如果是指‘牌"(不知道是几张,或者是一副,或者就是“牌”),就是用复数,比如说Let"s play cards.如果是单独的“牌”(就是一张),用card,eg - Draw a card. 抽一张牌。



card是什么意思中文 card怎么造句

1、card,n.卡片纸; 厚纸片; 薄纸板; (尤指显示个人信息的)卡片; 信用卡; 现金卡; 储值卡;v.(用钢丝刷)梳理; 要求出示身份证(以确认年龄,如购酒); 2、[例句]I only need one more card to complete the set.我只差一张卡片就配齐全套了。 3、[其他]第三人称单数:cards ;复数:cards ;现在分词:carding ; 过去式:carded ;过去分词:carded。




card的意思:银行卡,身份证;明信片,贺卡;名片;纸牌;纸牌游戏;活宝,怪人;硬纸板;优势,王牌;存储卡,插件;赛事安排;梳理工具。要求出示身份证;亮牌;(高尔夫比赛中)得分;在卡片上记录;梳理。(Card)(英)卡德(人名)。读音:/ ˈkɑːdbɔːd /词性:通常在句中既可以作名词,也可以作动词。固定搭配:report card成绩单;network card网卡。例句1、My highest card is ten.我最大的牌是十。2、The birthday card arrived three days late.生日贺卡晚到了三天。3、Access to the building is by swipe card only.这栋楼用磁卡才能进去。




1 卡 2 纸牌


card英 [kɑ:d] 美 [kɑ:rd]n.卡片; 信用卡; 纸牌; 明信片vt.记于卡片上


card[英][kɑ:d] [美][kɑrd] 生词本简明释义n.卡片;纸牌;明信片;信用卡vt.记于卡片上复数:cards第三人称单数:cards过去式:carded过去分词:carded现在分词:carding易混淆的单词:CardCARD以下结果由 金山词霸 提供柯林斯高阶英汉词典 百科释义 短语词组1.N-COUNT卡;卡片A card is a piece of stiff paper or thin cardboard on which something is written or printed.Check the numbers below against the numbers on your card.把下列数字和你卡片上的数字比照一下。2.N-COUNT(身份)证;身份证明A card is a piece of cardboard or plastic, or a small document, which shows information about you and which you carry with you, for example to prove your identity. They check my bag and press card.他们检查我的包和记者证。...her membership card...




card英 [kɑ:d] 美 [kɑ:rd]n.卡片;信用卡;纸牌;明信片vt.记于卡片上




card英[kɑːd]美[kɑːrd],n.(尤指显示个人信息的)卡片; 信用卡; 厚纸片; 薄纸板; 现金卡; 储值卡;vt.(用钢丝刷)梳理; 要求出示身份证(以确认年龄,如购酒)。作文举例:My lDcardNowadays, credit cards have been increasingly popular on campus in that banks are growingly paying their attention to students and laying out various policies to cater for students" need.People hold different views towards students" owning credit cards. As far as I am concerned, it is necessary for students to keep credit cards.如今,信用卡在校园中已经越来越流行了,因为银行越来越关注学生并制定各种政策来满足学生的需求。对于学生拥有信用卡人们有不同的看法。我觉得是有必要的。




card的中文意思是:纸牌,明信片,卡牌,节目单等,它也是个缩写词,在高数中代表集合元素的个数。 card这个英文单词,在日常生活中经常会使用到,通常的理解就是名片的意思,可是card这个英文单词还有其他的意思,下面让我们一起去了解card这个单词的详细内容吧。 详细内容 01 a big card [口]风云人物, 要人; 大亨; a great card [口]风云人物, 要人; 大亨; a deep card [口]机灵鬼,狡猾的家伙; a knowing card [口]机灵鬼,狡猾的家伙; a loosecard 没出息的人, 放荡的人。 02 a fish 没出息的人, 放荡的人; a queer card [口]有怪癖的人; 古怪的家伙; a queer fish [口]有怪癖的人; 古怪的家伙; an astounding card 奇怪的人, 妙人; a strong card 有势力的人。 03 a sure card 万全之策; 可以信赖的人; bank card (赊帐用的)银行信用卡; best card [经常和动词play连用]最有力的论据; 最巧妙的方法[手段]; 最有成功把握的方法; calling card [美]名片; cool card 又大胆又冷静的家伙; 厚脸皮的人; 老于世故的家伙; cooling card 使希望破灭的事物; 令人扫兴的事物; courtesy card 特别优待券。 04 correct card 正合需要的东西; count on one"s cards 相信自己的办法可以成功; 有恃无恐; count one"s cards [废]估计自己的机会; 准备采取行动; cast one"s cards [废]估计自己的机会; 准备采取行动; cut the cards 签牌(将一副面朝下的纸牌拿起部分并翻过来, 以决定发牌人或与谁搭档等); drawing card [美]能吸引观众的表演[演讲]; face it (out) with a card of ten 满不在乎; [口]硬挺; get one"s cards [口]被解雇。 05 get one"s book [口]被解雇; go in with good cards 有很好的靠山, 大有成功的可能; green card [美]绿色准许证(美国政府允许越过墨西哥边境进入美国从事农活的许可证); 绿色保险单; have a card up one"s sleeve 袖中有妙策, 有秘而不宣的计划, 有另外的办法; have the trump card 手中有王牌, 有必胜之策, 占绝对优势; hold the trump card 手中有王牌, 有必胜之策, 占绝对优势; hold one"s cards close to one"s chest (对自己的计划等)守口如瓶; keep one"s cards close to one"s chest (对自己的计划等)守口如瓶。


相信不少人在办理信用卡付款的时候,会看到card这个英文单词,可是又不明白这个英文单词究竟是什么意思,下面让我们一起去了解这个英文单词的真正含义吧。 简要回答 card是个英文单词,中文翻译的意思是纸牌,明信片,卡牌,节目单等。也是个缩写词,在高数中表示集合元素个数。 详细内容 card的基本意思是“卡”“卡片”“名片”,引申可表示“柬帖”“明信片”“纸牌”“扑克牌”等,均用作可数名词。 card也可指“办法”“手段”“妙计”,是可数名词。 cut cards 切牌; deal cards 发牌; exchange cards 交换名片; get well card 拿到健康卡; have a card up one"s sleeve 有锦囊妙计; hold all the cards 支配全局; hold all the winning cards 稳操胜券。 I received a bill for the car rental from my credit card company 我收到一张我的信用卡公司寄来的汽车租金账单。 Using a credit card to pay for an order is simplicity itself. 用信用卡支付订单再简单不过了。 You are protected instantly if a thief misuses your credit card 如果小偷盗用你的信用卡,你的卡会立即受到保护。 Sorry, I left my credit card at home. 对不起,我把信用卡落在家里了。


card的读音是:英 [kɑːd],美 [kɑːrd]。n. 纸牌;卡片;名片;<口>怪人;梳理机v. 把......记入卡片;梳理例句:No one understood how I did the card trick.翻译:谁也没有看出来我是怎样玩纸牌戏法的。扩展资料:短语1、cut cards 切牌2、deal cards 发牌3、exchange cards 交换名片用法n. (名词)1、card的基本意思是“卡”“卡片”“名片”,引申可表示“柬帖”“明信片”“纸牌”“扑克牌”等,均用作可数名词。2、card也可指“办法”“手段”“妙计”,是可数名词。


意思是卡片。card基本解释:名词卡片;信用卡;纸牌;明信片。及物动词记于卡片上。例句:1、The cards are in sb."s hands.牌在某人手中;优势在某人那边;某人有成功的把握。2、They asked Smith to put his cards on the table.他们要求史密斯摊牌。相似短语:card to card transceiving卡片-卡片收发。card to card converter卡片卡片转换器。card to card communication卡片通信。card index n.卡片索引。class card听课证。




card的中文意思是:卡片、纸牌、节目单、明信片、梳棉机、备置卡、记于卡片上、梳理card,读音:英 [kɑːd] 美 [kɑːrd]    n. 纸牌;卡片;名片;<口>怪人;梳理机v. 把 ... 记入卡片;梳理1、用作名词 (n.):纸牌;卡片;名片例句:They play cards every Friday.他们每个星期五玩纸牌。2、用作动词 (v. ):把 ... 记入卡片;梳理例句:Because people have no thoughts to deal in, they deal cards, and try and win one another"s money. 人无思可想,就打牌,试图互相赢对方的钱。扩展资料1、词源解说直接源自古法语的carte,意为纸片,纸牌。2、词语用法card的基本意思是“卡”“卡片”“名片”,引申可表示“柬帖”“明信片”“纸牌”“扑克牌”等,均用作可数名词。card也可指“办法”“手段”“妙计”,是可数名词。



padc polyallyl diglycol carbonate是什么意思

padc polyallyl diglycol carbonate的中文翻译padc polyallyl diglycol carbonatePADC聚烯丙基二甘醇碳酸酯


就是碳酸氢钠 用来碱化尿液,解救巴比妥中毒!

碳酸丙烯酯(propylene carbonate)的化学式是什么? 不是分子式,

唉,百度知道上怎么写结构式呀,真是麻烦 CH2=CH-C(=O)-O-C(=O)-OH C(=O)代表羰基,在知道上没办法写出来,你写的时候把碳原子和氧原子用双键链接 一楼的是从百度知道上弄下来的吧,分子式给的不对,他给的是碳酸丙酯!

Supplementary reading material:Global Carbonate Cycle

The geochemical or long-term carbon cycle primarily involves the exchange of carbon between the ‘surficial"and ‘geologic"reservoirs. The former comprise atmosphere,oceans,biosphere, soils,and exchangeable sediments in the marine environment ( Fig. 1) while the latter include crustal rocks and deeply buried sediments in addition to the underlying mantle. How carbon is partitioned between the various reservoirs of the surficial system and between surficial and geologic reservoirs is what sets the concentration of CO2in the atmosphere. Life,and the cycle of organic carbon,as well as its geological ( and subsequent fossil fuel exhumation ) is of particular importance in this regard. The cycle of carbon in its inorganic,calcium carbonate ( CaCO3) form also affects atmospheric CO2,but by more subtle means. It also plays a fundamental role in regulating ocean chemistry and pH—a major factor in the viability of calcareous marine organisms.Carbonate precipitation and burialToday,the surface of the ocean is everywhere more than saturated ( over-saturated) with respect to the solid carbonate phase,with a mean value for the saturation state ( Ω: saturation state of the solution,also known as the solubility ratio) of calcite of 4. 8. In other words,the minimum thermodynamical requirement for calcite to precipitate is exceeded by a factor of almost 5. Despite this,the spontaneous precipitation of CaCO3from the water column is not observed in the ocean. This is because the initial step of crystal nucleation is kinetically unfavorable,and experimentally,spontaneous ( homogeneous) nucleation does not occur in sea water solutions until Ωcalcite> ~ 20 – 25 ( Ω = [Ca2+]×[CO2-3] /Ksp) . Although CaCO3precipitation occurs as cements and coatings in the marine environment,it is primarily associated with the activities of living organisms, particularly corals, benthic shelly animals, plankton species such as coccolithophores and foraminifera,and pteropods,and where it takes place under direct metabolic control. In comparison,carbonate deposition in fresh-water systems is of only minor importance globally,and will not be discussed further here.While not in itself sufficient to drive substantial abiotic precipitation,the saturation state of the modern ocean surface is favorable to the preservation of carbonates deposited in shallow water ( neritic) environments. Long-term accumulation of this material can result in the formation of extensive marine topographical features such as barrier reefs and carbonate banks and platforms. A different fate awaits CaCO3precipitated in the open ocean by plankton such as coccolithophores and foraminifera,however. This is because oceanic waters become increasingly less saturated with depth. Below the depth of the saturation horizon,conditions become under-saturated ( Ω < 1. 0) and carbonate will start to dissolve. In the modern ocean the calcite saturation horizon lies at about 4500 m in the Atlantic and ~ 3000 m in the Pacific Ocean. Within a further 1000 m sediments are often completely devoid of carbonate particles ( the carbonate compensation depth, or CCD) . Topographic highs on the ocean floor such as the mid-Atlantic ridge can thus be picked out by sediments rich in CaCO3while the adjacent deep basins are low in % CaCO3. The visual effect has been likened to snow-capped mountains. The pressure induced surface-to-deep vertical contrast in Ω is further enhanced by the respiration of organic matter and release of metabolic CO2 in the ocean interior which suppresses the ambient carbonate ion concentration and thus Ω. The greater accumulation of metabolic CO2in the older water masses of the deep Pacific explains why the sea-floor there is much poorer in % CaCO3compared to the Atlantic at a similar depth.Fig. 1 The global biogeochemical cycling of calcium carbonate. ( a) Modes of CaCO3transformation and recycling within the surficial system and loss to the geological reservoir ( labeled ‘1 " through ‘4 ") .① Precipitation of calcite by coccolithophores and foraminifera in the open ocean; Ca+2+ 2HCO-3→CaCO3+CO2( aq)+ H2O. ② Carbonate reaching deep-sea sediments will dissolve during early diagenesis if the bottom water is under-saturated and / or the organic matter flux to the sediments is sufficiently high. ③ Precipitation of CaCO3by corals and shelly animals,with a significant fraction as the aragonite polymorph. Because modern surface waters are over-saturated relatively little of this carbonate dissolves in situ,and instead contributes to the formation of reefal structures or is exported to the adjoining continental slopes. ④ Precipitation of CaCO3 results in higher pCO2at the surface,driving a net transfer of CO2from the ocean to the atmosphere.( b) Modes of CaCO3transformation and recycling within the geologic reservoirs and return to the surficial system ( labeled“5”through“8”) . ⑤ CaCO3laid down in shallow seas as platform and reef carbonates and chalks can be uplifted and exposed to erosion through rifting and mountain-building episodes. CaCO3can then be directly recycled; CO2+ H2O + CaCO3→Ca+2+ 2HCO-3. ⑥ Thermal breakdown of carbonates subducted into the mantle or deeply buried. The decarbonation reaction involved is essentially the reverse of silicate weathering,and results in the creation of calcium silicates and release of CO2; CaCO3+ SiO2→CO2+ CaSiO3.⑦ Weathering of silicate rocks; 2CO2+ H2O + CaSiO3→Ca+2+ 2HCO-3+ SiO2. ⑧ Emission to the atmosphere of CO2produced through decarbonation. This closes the carbon cycle on the very longest time-scales.Unfortunately,the carbonate cycle does not conform to this simple picture,and a significant fraction of CaCO3appears to dissolve in the water column even before it can reach the sediment surface. This has been something of an enigma because the reduction in carbonate flux measured by sediment traps occurs well above the depth at which calcite becomes thermodynamically unstable. Dissolution of carbonate particles in acidic digestive conditions of zooplankton guts has been one proposed mechanism. Acidic micro-environments within individual ‘marine snow " aggregates may also be important. Another possible explanation surrounds the aragonite polymorph because it becomes susceptible to dissolution at much shallower depths than calcite under the same ambient conditions. In support of this are recent estimates of the depth at which most CaCO3 dissolution occurs in the ocean which appears to correspond to the aragonite saturation horizon. However,calculations suggest that solute release from sinking pteropod shells,the main aragonite product in the open ocean,should mostly occur much deeper than this. Dissolution of aragonite also does not help explain how 65% of calcitic foraminiferal tests can be lost at shallow depths. This uncertainty is of concern because a full appreciation of the controls of atmospheric CO2and response to global change requires an understanding of the dissolution and the depth of recycling of CaCO3in the water column.Overall,more than 80 % of all carbonate precipitated in the open ocean dissolves either in the water column or within the uppermost layers of the underlying sediments. The remainder,some 1 Gt CaCO3yr- 1accumulates in deep-sea sediments. This burial loss,to which can be added as much as another 1 Gt CaCO3yr- 1of deposition in neritic environments ( although the uncertainty in this figure is substantial) ,must somehow be balanced if the ocean is not to run out of calcium ions! This is achieved through the weathering of carbonate and silicate rocks.Weathering and Carbonate RecyclingThe weathering of calcium carbonate and calcium silicate minerals in soils and at exposed rock surfaces helps balance the CaCO3sedimentation loss by unlocking Ca2 +from the geologic reservoir. Alteration of ocean crust by percolating fluids adds an additional but more minor contribution. The weathering reactions ( see Fig. 1b; ⑤ and ⑦) provide the other raw material necessary for carbonate precipitation— bicarbonate ions ( HCO-3) . However,because the transformation 2CO2→2HCO-3( Fig. 1b; ⑦) is internal to the surficial system and does not represent a source of new carbon,the component of CaCO3burial derived from silicate rock weathering represents a loss of carbon to the geologic reservoir. This must be replaced on the long-term,achieved through the release of CO2to the atmosphere from volcanic sources. ( In contrast,the weathering and burial of CaCO3results into net loss or gain of CO2to the surficial system) .A powerful regulatory mechanism of the Earth system arises because weathering rates respond to surface temperature and atmospheric CO2while simultaneously silicate weathering rates control the rate of transformation CO2→HCO-3and thus rate of loss of carbon through CaCO3burial. This is a negative feedback system and acts to regulate the concentration of CO2in the atmosphere over hundreds of thousands of years.Buried carbonate is eventually recycled back from the geologic reservoir. This can occur if carbonates laid down in shallow seas such as limestones or chalks are subsequently uplifted and exposed to weathering as a result of mountain building episodes. However,carbonates deposited in open ocean sediments are only infrequently exposed at the Earth"s surface,as ophiolite complexes—portions of the oceanic crust and overlying sediments that have been trapped between colliding cratonic blocks and uplifted. Instead,the primary recycling of deep-sea CaCO3occurs through subduction into the upper mantle and decarbonation ( Fig. 1b; ⑥) .At this point it is important to recognize that carbonate burial represents the principal geologic mechanism of CO2removal from the ocean and atmosphere. However,the act of precipitating CaCO3has the effect of re-partitioning dissolved carbon in the surface ocean into CO2 ( aq),raising ambient pCO2and pH. Thus,precipitation and deposition of CaCO3have the short-term effect of increasing the concentration of CO2in the atmosphere at the expense of the ocean carbon inventory,but at the same time represents the ultimate long-term sink for CO2.Both texts are selected from: The role of the global carbonate cycle in the regulation and evolution of the Earth system,Earth and Planetary Science Letters 234,2005: 299 - 315By: Andy Ridgwell,Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences,The University of British Columbia,6339 Stores Road,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada V6T 1Z4andRichard E. Zeebe,University of Hawaii at Manoa,SOEST,Honolulu,HI,United StatesNew words and expressionsPart A地球科学专业英语Part B地球科学专业英语

coated calcium carbonate是什么意思

coated calcium carbonate[ˈkəutid ˈkælsiəm ˈkɑ:bəneit] [化] 活性轻质碳酸钙;

vanadium carbonate是什么元素符号?

vanadium carbonate是:碳酸钒:V(CO3)2.V 是正四价。碳酸根是负二价。

碳酸丙烯酯(propylene carbonate)的化学式是什么?

c H O

caesium carbonate是什么意思

caesium carbonate[英][ˈsi:ziəm ˈkɑ:bəneit][美][ˈsiziəm ˈkɑrbəˌnet]n.碳酸铯; 网络释义1. 碳酸铯

sodium carbonate是什么意思

sodium carbonate[英][ˌsəʊdiəm ˈkɑ:bənət][美][ˌsoʊdiəm ˈkɑ:rbənət]碳酸钠; 纯碱; 形近词:Sodium Carbonate数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句英英释义1meanwhile, we also provide you trisodium phosphate, alkali protease, sodium carbonate, sodium sulphide and bicarbonate, etc.本公司同时经营磷酸三钠、碱性蛋白酶、硫化碱、纯碱、小苏打等化工产品。

hydroxycarbonate 这个单词什么意思

碱式的如magnesium hydroxycarbonate碱式碳酸铜

carbonara penne怎么做

  【Carbonara Penne的做法】  主料:  意大利面 (220g) 奶油 (适量) 培根 (2条) 口蘑 (2个) 洋葱 (1个)  辅料:  法国香菜 (适量) 白胡椒粉 (少许) 橄榄油 (少许) 蛋黄 (1个) 帕酶森鲜奶酪 (适量)  步骤:  1. 洋葱切碎,口蘑切片,法国香菜剁碎,培根切小片。蛋黄里加入帕酶森鲜奶酪碎,(没有的话就在超市买奶酪片吧当然要切成碎了)还有奶油,法国香菜。  2. spaghetti煮8分钟就可以了。一般我都煮6分钟里边还有硬芯,然后放油自然放凉,最后的余温会让面完全熟的。因为我是一次煮很多吃不了可以放到以后吃,很多人会问为什么不直接过凉水然后放油储存多好呢。因为过凉水面的储存时间会减少容易坏。  3. 橄榄油炒培根,等颜色变深、油出来以后加入洋葱碎和蘑菇片炒香,加入少许奶油煮的有一点稠以后加入热面条,翻炒加入盐和白胡椒粉调味,盐别放太多了。然后关火放入调好的蛋黄奶酪奶油汁翻炒几下出锅就可以了。奶酪本身有咸味。所以之前盐别放太多。  小窍门:  如果没有橄榄油就用普通的食用油炒,建议不要用花生油因为有花生的味道!还有一点为什么在放蛋黄奶酪奶油汁的时候要关火呢!因为奶酪化了以后面就会变稠了如果在加热的状态下奶油会分离,到时候出锅的时候就会看到奶油没有挂到面上,都在底下,而面上有一层油!

spaghetti carbonara是什么意思


Carbonara / 培根芦笋蛋义面怎么做好吃?



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