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英文名言翻译:The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent vir


《Good Capitalism》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity》(William J Baumol)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:9z5h书名:Good Capitalism, Bad Capitalism, and the Economics of Growth and Prosperity作者:William J Baumol出版社:Yale University Press出版年份:2007-6-1页数:320内容简介:Imagine this: a mere century ago, the purchasing power of an average American was one-tenth of what it is today. But what will it take to sustain that growth through the next century? And what can be said about economic growth to aspiring nations seeking higher standards of living for their citizens? In this important book, William Baumol, Robert Litan, and Carl Schramm contend that the answers to these questions lie within capitalist economies, though many observers make the mistake of believing that capitalism is of a single kind. Writing in an accessible style, the authors dispel that myth, documenting four different varieties of capitalism, some "Good" and some "Bad" for growth. The authors identify the conditions that characterise Good Capitalism: the right blend of entrepreneurial and established firms, which can vary among countries; as well as the features of Bad Capitalism. They examine how countries catching up to the United States can move faster toward the economic frontier, while laying out the need for United States itself to stick to and reinforce the recipe for growth that has enabled it to be the leading economic force in the world. This path-breaking book is a must read for any one who cares about global growth and how to ensure America"s economic future.


fashion-conscious 时尚意识 双语对照 词典结果: 网络释义 1. 赶时髦的,注重流行的 2. 赶时髦的 例句: 1. To make sure that fashion-conscious russians get the clothes they ordered,kupivip owns a fleet of 100 vans and leases a lot of others. 为了确保关注时尚的俄罗斯人能得到他们订购的衣服,kupivip拥有一支100辆货车的车队以及租借了许多其他公司的货车。 . ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

bamboo capitalism,请教高手咋翻译


《Capitalism, Socialismand Democracy》txt下载,求百度云资源

《Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy》(Joseph A. Schumpeter)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: 499a书名:Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy作者:Joseph A. Schumpeter豆瓣评分:8.4出版社:Harper Perennial出版年份:1962-12-21页数:431内容简介:Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy is the most famous book by Joseph Schumpeter in which he deals with capitalism, socialism and creative destruction. First published in 1942, it is largely unmathematical, compared with neoclassical works, focusing on the unexpected, rapid spurts of entrepreneur-driven growth instead of static models.The book is unusual insomuch as it was written to appear sympathetic to socialism, beginning with an account of Karl Marx, in order to encourage socialists to read it. Schumpeter hoped they would achieve self-recognition of the problems with socialism in the light of the book, without having to be explicitly told: if the book appeared to be favourable to capitalism, he feared socialists, his target audience, would not bother to read it.作者简介:熊彼特(1883~1950)Schumpeter,Joseph Alois 奥地利裔美国经济学家。当代资产阶级经济学代表人物。出生于奥匈帝国摩拉维亚省一个织布厂主家庭。就学于维也纳大学,1906年获法学博士学位。曾游学伦敦。先后在奥国几所大学、德国波恩大学、美国哈佛大学任教。曾任经济计量学会、美国经济学会会长。熊彼特对资本主义长期发展趋势、经济学说发展史等方面进行了广泛的研究。他用创新理论解释资本主义的本质及其发生、发展和灭亡。他认为,创新是把生产要素和生产条件的新组合引入生产体系,创新包括新财富的创造、新生产方法的采用、新市场的开辟、新资源的开发和新产业组织的形成。企业家的职能就是创新,而经济发展就是整个资本主义社会不断实现新组合。创新通过扩散,刺激大规模投资 ,引起高涨,一旦投资机会消失,经济转入衰退,从而创新产生资本主义生产的经济周期。经济进步会使资本主义自动进入社会主义。他的学说随科学技术进步在当前受到了更多学者的重视。著有《经济发展理论》、《经济周期:资本主义过程的理论、历史和统计分析》、《资本主义、社会主义和民主主义》、《从马克思到凯恩斯十大经济学家》、《经济分析史》等。



corporate capitalism和competitive capitalism分别是什么意思


conscientious ;capitalism ; beckon ;withdraw 这英语在美音中怎么读? 求谐音的


Technocapitalism什么意思? 谢谢告知~

technology capitalism

Capitalism 代表什么意思??

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  Capitalism的翻译是资本主义,您所说的这个词语,是属于CMA核心词汇的一个,这个词的意义如下:鼓励私人投资及业务,而不是由政府控制经济的经济体系。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多财会问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

Capitalism 是什么意思嘛?

Capitalism 资本主义 鼓励私人投资及业务,而不是由政府控制经济的经济体系 ===========================================柳浪闻莺各位芝麻竭诚为您解答您的采纳是我们坚持百度的动力


capitalism n. (制度) 资本主义; [例句]That will be the real test for chinese state capitalism.这才是中国国家资本主义将面临的真正考验。




词根 capital,意义为资本,后缀ism表示“…主义”因此capitalism资本主义


socialism 英[ˈsəʊʃəlɪzəm] 美[ˈsoʊʃəlɪzəm] n. 社会主义; [例句]He believed in socialism and the brotherhood of man.他信仰社会主义,相信人与人之间有手足般的情谊。[其他] 形近词: socialite racialism socialist capitalism 英[ˈkæpɪtəlɪzəm] 美[ˈkæpɪtlˌɪzəm] n. 资本主义; (制度) 资本(或财富)的拥有; 资本(私人占有和生产盈利)的支配地位; [例句]Finding a "Third Way" between communism and capitalism在共产主义和资本主义之间寻求第三条道路[其他] 形近词: capitalize capitalist capitalise

Capitalism 是什么意思啊?



capitalism[英] [ˈkæpitəlizəm] [美] [ˈkæpɪtlˌɪzəm] n. 资本主义(制度);资本(或财富)的拥有;资本(私人占有和生产盈利)的支配地位;


英 [ˈkæpɪtəlɪzəm]美 [ˈkæpɪtlˌɪzəm]n.资本主义(制度); 资本(或财富)的拥有; 资本(私人占有和生产盈利)的支配地位例句:1. His article is, predictably, a scathing attack on capitalism.可想而知,他的文章是对资本主义的严厉抨击。2. Offe also challenges the postulate of an "organized capitalism".奥费也质疑“有组织的资本主义”的假设。3. It exposes capitalism in the raw.它暴露了资本主义的本来面目。4. He rails against the iniquities of capitalism.他怒斥资本主义的种种罪恶。5. Their new manifesto hardly threatens to bring the whole edifice of capitalism crashing down.他们新的宣言声称要摧毁整个资本主义大厦,这是不可能的。