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i want you came back歌词

[ti:i need you come back][ar:欢子][al:其实很寂寞][by:习]i need you come back演唱:欢子作词:陈宇宁作曲:陈宇宁i just wanna sing a song for you baby girl i need to see youwhy do you choose to leave meforever ever no下雨天空望窗外依稀感觉你还在回忆把爱带回来电影开始的对白被时间卷入大海飘进迷失的未来为你付出的一切你为什么还会离开难道这是因为爱你无法替我感觉只有音乐记录幻觉来纪念我们的爱i just wanna sing a song for you baby girl i need to see youwhy do you choose to leave meforever ever no在那熟悉的站台落下一地的空白眼前的爱已离开后来我终于明白传说乌托邦的爱需要彼此去灌溉为你付出的一切你为什么还会离开难道这是因为爱你无法替我感觉只有音乐记录幻觉来纪念我们的爱baby i want you back.i just wanna sing a song for youi just wanna sing a song for you baby girl i need to see youwhy do you choose to leave meforever ever nodon"t say so sorryeverynight tell me why难道这就是l.o.v.e当你无声离开没有什么表白只剩等待 oh 爱baby i still love youdon"t leave me




 对于普通单拍(非ZSD或其他拍照模式), 需要修改的代码为normalShot.cpp文件中的onCmd_capture()方法,  将原来的  bool  NormalShot::  onCmd_capture()  {  AutoCPTLog cptlog(Event_Shot_capture);  MBOOL ret = MTRUE;  NSCamShot::ISingleShot *pSingleShot = NSCamShot::ISingleShot::createInstance(static_cast<EShotMode>(mu4ShotMode), "NormalShot");  ......  // shot param  NSCamShot::ShotParam rShotParam(eImgFmt_YUY2, //yuv format  mShotParam.mi4PictureWidth, //picutre width  mShotParam.mi4PictureHeight, //picture height  mShotParam.mi4Rotation, //picture rotation  0, //picture flip  ePostViewFmt, // postview format  mShotParam.mi4PostviewWidth, //postview width  mShotParam.mi4PostviewHeight, //postview height  0, //postview rotation  0, //postview flip  mShotParam.mu4ZoomRatio //zoom  );  ......  }  修改为:  bool  NormalShot::  onCmd_capture()  {  AutoCPTLog cptlog(Event_Shot_capture);  MBOOL ret = MTRUE;  NSCamShot::ISingleShot *pSingleShot = NSCamShot::ISingleShot::createInstance(static_cast<EShotMode>(mu4ShotMode), "NormalShot");  ......  // shot param  NSCamShot::ShotParam rShotParam(eImgFmt_YUY2, //yuv format  mShotParam.mi4PictureWidth, //picutre width  mShotParam.mi4PictureHeight, //picture height  mShotParam.mi4Rotation, //picture rotation  (getOpenId()==1? 1:0), //picture flip //此处为修改的代码,将这里的值改为1,底层则会将image做横向的flip, 相当于mirror.  ePostViewFmt, // postview format  mShotParam.mi4PostviewWidth, //postview width  mShotParam.mi4PostviewHeight, //postview height  0, //postview rotation  0, //postview flip  mShotParam.mu4ZoomRatio //zoom  );  ......  }  主要将参数rShotParam里面的flip值改为1, 值为1表示底层将把image做横向的flip,若为0则不做.  (上述改动中的getOpenId()==1? 1:0只为测试使用,意为判断当前是否为前置camera, 若为前置camera, 则赋值为1)  请您注意:  在实际应用中, 请在Parameters中新增一个Flip参数, 并在app中通过Parameters传递Flip值到HAL层来通知底层做flip. (为避免影响CTS测试和三方应用, 请勿直接将上述的提到的flip值固定写为1.)  涉及修改的文件主要如下:  NormalShot.cpp (mediatekplatformmt6589hardwarecamerahaladapterscenarioshot ormalshot)  IShot.h (mediatekplatformmt6589hardwarecamerahaladapterincscenarioshot)  CameraParameters.cpp (frameworksavcamera)  CameraParameters.h (frameworksavincludecamera)  ParamsManager.update.cpp (mediatekhardwarecameracommonparamsmgrparams)  MtkPhotoCamAdapter.Capture.cpp (mediatekplatformmt6589hardwarecamerahaladaptermtkphoto)


  对于普通单拍(非ZSD或其他拍照模式), 需要修改的代码为normalShot.cpp文件中的onCmd_capture()方法,  将原来的  bool  NormalShot::  onCmd_capture()  {  AutoCPTLog cptlog(Event_Shot_capture);  MBOOL ret = MTRUE;  NSCamShot::ISingleShot *pSingleShot = NSCamShot::ISingleShot::createInstance(static_cast<EShotMode>(mu4ShotMode), "NormalShot");  ......  // shot param  NSCamShot::ShotParam rShotParam(eImgFmt_YUY2, //yuv format  mShotParam.mi4PictureWidth, //picutre width  mShotParam.mi4PictureHeight, //picture height  mShotParam.mi4Rotation, //picture rotation  0, //picture flip  ePostViewFmt, // postview format  mShotParam.mi4PostviewWidth, //postview width  mShotParam.mi4PostviewHeight, //postview height  0, //postview rotation  0, //postview flip  mShotParam.mu4ZoomRatio //zoom  );  ......  }  修改为:  bool  NormalShot::  onCmd_capture()  {  AutoCPTLog cptlog(Event_Shot_capture);  MBOOL ret = MTRUE;  NSCamShot::ISingleShot *pSingleShot = NSCamShot::ISingleShot::createInstance(static_cast<EShotMode>(mu4ShotMode), "NormalShot");  ......  // shot param  NSCamShot::ShotParam rShotParam(eImgFmt_YUY2, //yuv format  mShotParam.mi4PictureWidth, //picutre width  mShotParam.mi4PictureHeight, //picture height  mShotParam.mi4Rotation, //picture rotation  (getOpenId()==1? 1:0), //picture flip //此处为修改的代码,将这里的值改为1,底层则会将image做横向的flip, 相当于mirror.  ePostViewFmt, // postview format  mShotParam.mi4PostviewWidth, //postview width  mShotParam.mi4PostviewHeight, //postview height  0, //postview rotation  0, //postview flip  mShotParam.mu4ZoomRatio //zoom  );  ......  }  主要将参数rShotParam里面的flip值改为1, 值为1表示底层将把image做横向的flip,若为0则不做.  (上述改动中的getOpenId()==1? 1:0只为测试使用,意为判断当前是否为前置camera, 若为前置camera, 则赋值为1)  请您注意:  在实际应用中, 请在Parameters中新增一个Flip参数, 并在app中通过Parameters传递Flip值到HAL层来通知底层做flip. (为避免影响CTS测试和三方应用, 请勿直接将上述的提到的flip值固定写为1.)  涉及修改的文件主要如下:  NormalShot.cpp (mediatekplatformmt6589hardwarecamerahaladapterscenarioshot ormalshot)  IShot.h (mediatekplatformmt6589hardwarecamerahaladapterincscenarioshot)  CameraParameters.cpp (frameworksavcamera)  CameraParameters.h (frameworksavincludecamera)  ParamsManager.update.cpp (mediatekhardwarecameracommonparamsmgrparams)  MtkPhotoCamAdapter.Capture.cpp (mediatekplatformmt6589hardwarecamerahaladaptermtkphoto)

mblaq到底是属于J.Tune Entertainment还是J.TUNE CAMP

J.Tune Entertainment与J.TUNE CAMP什么关系:J.Tune Entertainment = 给rain於演艺事业上的J.TUNE CAMP = 唱片公司, 整家公司只有rain和MBLAQ

有人知道UBC-Okanagan Campus 和UBC-Vancouver Campus的区别嘛


一个英语阅读题One day an old man sold a big tiger. A young man came?

1) Did the old man sell a tiger or a lion? A.A tiger B.A lion C.A tiger and a lion A 文章第一句One day an old man sold a big tiger. 2) Who bought the tiger? A.The young man B,An old man C.I don"t know C,文中说After the old man sold the tiger,he gave the young man some money.木有说谁买的. 3) What did the young man get in the end? A.some meat.B.Some money C.Nothing B 文中说After the old man sold the tiger,he gave the young man some money. 4) Who had two bad eyes,the tiger or the young man? A.The tiger B.The young man.C.The old man B 老人问“How can you see the bad ears?“意思是老虎的耳朵有问题,文章最后 The young man answered,” Because I want to see what a lion looks like but my eyes are not good.”年轻人说自己的眼睛有问题. 5) Why did the young man look at the tiger nearly and slowly? A.Because he wanted to buy the tiger. B.Because he wanted to know what the lion looked like. C.Because he liked the tiger. B 还是最后那句 The young man answered,” Because I want to see what a lion looks like but my eyes are not good.” 他想知道狮子长什么样.,4,1 A One day an old man sold a big tiger. 2 C After the old man sold the tiger,前后文中未提到谁买走。 3 B he gave the young man some money 4 B The young man answered,” Because I want to see what a ...,2,A C B B B,2,一个英语阅读题 One day an old man sold a big tiger. A young man came very near to the tiger and began to look at it slowly. The old man went up to him and said near his ear. “Don"t say anything about the tiger before I sell it, then you can get some money.” “All right.” said the young man. After the old man sold the tiger, he gave the young man some money and asked, “How can you see the bad ears? “ ”I don"t see the bad ears, “said the young man.” Then why do you look at it so nearly and slowly?” asked the old man. The young man answered,” Because I want to see what a lion looks like but my eyes are not good.” 1) Did the old man sell a tiger or a lion? A. A tiger B. A lion C. A tiger and a lion 2) Who bought the tiger? A. The young man B, An old man C. I don"t know 3) What did the young man get in the end? A. some meat. B. Some money C. Nothing 4) Who had two bad eyes, the tiger or the young man? A. The tiger B. The young man. C. The old man 5) Why did the young man look at the tiger nearly and slowly? A. Because he wanted to buy the tiger. B. Because he wanted to know what the lion looked like. C. Because he liked the tiger.

英语作文campus loan

u3000u3000Nowdays,about 20 per cent of the undergraduates can"t afford the high tuition and living expenses.Some of them have been financed,but sometimes the one who needs most can"t get the aid. Here are the reasons:First,they know few approachs to get the money.Even if the chance is given,there are plenty of procedures to carry on.This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of being financed.Second,some companis or persons often want to fund the most excellent one,while the undergraduates who are not that outstanding but very poor can"t get the help.Finally,the number for loans is limited,so the competition is inevitable.If you want to participate in application,maybe you should do more besides submitting material.In reaction to the phenomenon,it is necessary to set up a unified platform for all the undergraduates in poverty. By means of scientific and fair management,it is achieved that every impoverished undergraduate can get the finance aid.



关于非谓语和连词的疑惑,The policeman came up to the only house with the door open

came , stood and entered 三个动作并列如果不明白,请再问;如果对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!

求10moons天敏 伴月之星(R CAM STAR)驱动这是官网天敏伴月无驱版摄像头 应用程序 WIN98/2000/XP V2.3 5.5Mb 07-7-26驱动程序 Windows 2000/XP 1.0 15MB 07-7-27贴纸相 WIN98/2000/XP V3.1增强版 25Mb 07-7-26

you made me camplete是什么意思



YOU made me complet.

video camera什么意思?

Video Camera.. 1. 摄像机当时本人正准备添置几件电器,于是要求学生分成三组,分头查找有关笔记本电脑(Laptop)、摄像机(Video camera)和VCD的有关资料。结果,几位“电脑高手”将一些闻所未闻的专业资料脱口而出。 基于470个网页 2. 电视摄像机医学英语词汇(U-W) - 医药卫生词汇 - 医药... amplifier 视频放大器video camera 电视摄像机vidio camerasystem 电视摄像机 基于140个网页 3. 摄影机...方案供应商Aspect Software,并与视讯会议设备业者Tandberg合作,计划于2009年推出300美元的高画质(HD)会议摄影机(Video Camera),而且上述应用皆架构于OCS平台之上,由此不难看出,微软跨足企业通讯市场是玩真的。 基于70个网页 4. 视频照相机光电词汇港台地区译法(V) bandwidth 视频带宽video camera 视频照相机video CD players 影音光碟机 基于48个网页

综合型拍摄 App 之三:ProCam

这是「拍摄和后期」系列之三 本文结构 : 在 App Store「摄影与录像」分类的排行榜中, ProCam 高居第 7 位,评分数量达到 2.1 万个,喜欢它的人实在有够多的。 ProCam 定位于「专业」,其爱好者在网上发文时,都要将它和单反类比,例如,说它「让你把 iPhone 当单反用」。这样的类比当然不可能是指成像素质,而是说它 提供的功能多,可以手动调节的参数齐全 。 用单反的手动模式拍照,几乎所有的设定都可以通过按键或拨盘来调整,并且这些按键或拨盘有着合理的布局,操作起来快捷流畅。但是在手机上,所有的调整都要在屏幕上进行(不讨论使用配件的情况),相机 App 为了保持界面简洁,还要把许多参数折叠起来,所以用手动模式拍照,操作繁琐,体验不佳,随手拍的场合不适用。 按上面的分析,我一直以为 ProCam 是很小众的,无意间看到它的排名,觉得十分意外。看来为了用手机拍出满意的照片,有些人真的“不厌其烦”。 ProCam 和 Camera+ 一样支持按压选单和「今天视图」小组件,但启动效率不如使用 App 启动器 。 ProCam 的拍摄界面显示的信息挺多的,显得比 Camera+ 复杂一些,我们从上依次往下看: ProCam 支持将照片存储为 RAW 和 TIFF 格式,以便后期无损编辑。其中 TIFF 格式保存的画质最高,但体积是对应 JPEG 的 10 倍左右。 通过照片合成实现高动态范围(HDR)表现,Smart 指由 ProCam 自行处理;AEB(Auto Exposure Bracket,自动包围曝光)则会保存多张不同曝光值的照片。 跟 iPhone 原生相机 的 HDR 表现相比, ProCam 的差距很大。 在几种拍照模式下, ProCam 支持选择双镜头,但和 iPhone 原生相机 「超取景框拍摄」并不同,它只是同时保存两张照片。 信息栏展示当前拍摄模式、摄像头像素值、闪光灯状态、手机剩余存储空间、电量,这些图标只能看,不能操作。 ProCam 不能像 Camera+ 那样分离测光和对焦点,不过它也有一个独特的 目标跟踪功能,能够跟踪运动的对象 ,在抓拍时很有帮助,可惜拍摄视频时不支持。 Camera+ 的水平仪能够校正手机的左右倾斜,而 ProCam 在此基础上还加入了前后倾斜的校正。 如图所示,当前参数下方用白线标示,点不同参数进行切换。 AE 、 AF 、 AWB 3 项参数高亮显示,表示它们处于自动状态,长按其中一项可以将它单独锁定(亦即手动状态,显示为白色),点 E/F/WB-L 按钮可以全部锁定,双击取景框可以全部重置为自动。 包括 4 个选项: ProCam 共支持 8 种拍摄模式,有些模式实用性不强,而有些模式有 iPhone 原生相机 不具备的能力。 Camera+ 只能拍摄照片,而 ProCam 既可以拍照片,也可以拍视频(支持「视频」和「延时摄影」两种模式),并且 用 ProCam 拍摄视频可以选择比 iPhone 原生相机 更高的分辨率和帧率 。只不过手机在超负荷工作时耗电极快,发热量极大。 对不是极限追求高画质的人来说, ProCam 的视频拍摄功能是比较鸡肋的,因为用 iPhone 原生相机 就很好了,它的变焦拨盘比 ProCam 的「+」「-」号好用得多。 ProCam 支持的 8 种拍摄模式中有 6 种用于拍照,「照片」模式实际在上面 界面布局和操作 已经做了介绍。 ProCam 的照片编辑器和 Camera+ 一样支持色温、饱和度、亮度、对比度、锐度等一系列参数调整,并且也支持滤镜,但除此之外它还有两个很特别的功能: 景深编辑 和 特殊镜头效果 。 Camera+ 把辅助功能的开关放在主界面的左上角, ProCam 则把它们放在了设置界面中。 总的来说,我感觉 ProCam 虽然以「专业」为口号,实际上是以全为卖点,用起来却时常令人感到遗憾的相机 App,在「专业」拍照这一点上,也许 u200eHalide 是更好的选择。 有一个名叫 ProCamera. 的相机 App 与 ProCam 定位特别相似,也是号称专业相机,功能还特别全。喜欢用一个 App 满足拍摄需求,但又对 ProCam 感到不满意的用户,可以试试 ProCamera. 。 题图来自 Unsplash ,感谢作者 Free To Use Sounds


这个完全不能确定。AI TRIPLE CAMERA的意思是人工智能三摄像头。vivo拥有三摄像头的很多,现在vivo主流手机都是三摄。因此确定不了。望采纳。



我的Macbook Pro上面有两个硬盘。一个是MActosh HD一个是Bootcamp.这两者的区别是什么?

BootCamp是您的Windows系统所在的分区。如果您不使用Windows系统,可以卸载并格式化此分区,并且并入Macintosh HD。如果您要使用Windows,请保留此分区,并想其他的方法来节省空间,例如卸载软件和清理垃圾。

我的Macbook Pro上面有两个硬盘。一个是MActosh HD一个是Bootcamp.这两者的区别是什么?

功能区别:BootCamp是Windows系统所在的分区。如果不使用Windows系统,可以卸载并格式化此分区,并且并入MacintoshHD。如果要使用Windows,请保留此分区,并想其他的方法来节省空间,例如卸载软件和清理垃圾。服务指令区别:BootCamp是Windows系统盘,HD是MacOS系统盘,都是电脑硬盘的两个不同分区,相当于Windows的C盘D盘,但是两个盘之间可以互相访问但是不能修改另一方的数据。扩展资料:软件要求1、 Mac OS X v10.4.6或更新版本的Mac OS X/OS X/macOS。2、 至少10GB的硬盘可用空间。3、 内置Intel处理器的Mac并更新至最新固件。4、 一片能够写入的CD或DVD,驱动程序已经内置于Leopard系统安装盘内,因此Leopard下使用bootcamp安装Windows程序时,并不需要可写入的CD或DVD。

We shall go to Shanghai on business before you__back next week . Awill come B came Cwould come


____ deep down in the earth, the dead forests rotted away and became coal.


But when it came to their house,it was a time of common sense and belief 的理解

上面一句不大明白。下面一句我是这样理解的:译:Jam主张(或坚持):政府应依据公共卫生条例不得强迫人民去作出有益的选择,并承诺----人民自由经营。force 和 from没任何关系,他们并不处在同一级。这句话的结构应该是:Jam,who insisted { the government could not force people to make healthy choices }---->第一个分句 and ----->连接下一分句 {(the government)promised to free business}------->第二个分句 from public health regulations。---------> 两个分句共享的状语

Camelia的《Kool》 歌词

歌曲名:Kool歌手:Camelia专辑:MysticamThe Roots - Kool On(feat. Greg Porn & Truck)Come get your kool onStars are made to shineStars are made to shineI"m in the double G, three-piece tuxScreaming dressed to killHope somebody call my bluffIt"s a full house sipping on a royal flushTwo queens is on my cuffsGood times is in the cardsLiving on borrowed timeI"m paying the extra chargeTo feel like something small is worth a hundred largeSwag is on retard, charm is on massageWit is on guard, I challenge you to a duelWho needs a chain when every thought"s a jewelGod bless the weirdo when everyone"s a foolF*ck a genie and three wishesI just want a bottle, a place to write my novelI am like heroin to those that hear a rhyme and thinkHow do you find this upper echelon this timeLet"s toast to better days, a beautiful mind,and a flow that never ageCome get your kool onStars are made to shineStars are made to shineYo, I"m never sleeping like I"m on meth-amphtaminesMove like my enemy ten steps ahead of meSay my reputation precedes me like a pedigreeGentlemanly gangsta steez beyond the seventiesHoldin fast money without running out of patienceMove in silence without running up in placesCake by the layers, rich but never famousHustle anonymous still remain namelessIn hindsight gold come in bars like a klondikeThe minute before the storm hit is what I"m calm likeSuited and booted for a shooting like it"s prom nightIt"s suicide right pursuers tried likeTo no avail and a hero"s what they died likeI"ve got em waiting on the news like I"m CronkiteNot in the lime light or needed for the crime rightNo boasts, just bodied, chalked close to the line tightCome get your kool onStars are made to shineStars are made to shineYeah outside where the killers and the dealers swarmAnd inside they dressed up like it"s a telethonBlack tie affair but they holding heavy armsStraight cash with a stash in the cummerbundMore Bacardi and the bouncers of the party humRiots erupting around and still we party onMade the quantum leap to a king from a pawnBut it was destined the conclusion was foregoneSerenade of the former slave promenadeCause them long days in the sunHave now become shadeSo we doing high speeds in a narrow laneSay cheese, free falling from the aeroplaneAnother feather in the cap for all the yearsThat we spent in luxuries lap without looking backCause memories could sting like hornetDamn it felt good to see people up on itCome get your kool onStars are made to shineStars are made to shine

Cherry Came Too 歌词

歌曲名:Cherry Came Too歌手:The Jesus And Mary Chain专辑:Original Album SeriesAlbum:DarklandsTitle:Cherry Came Toosung by Jimwhen she walks towards mei feel somethingcrawl beneath my skinand all the electric stars are shiningbeneath my skin andcherry takes me to the place abovewith barbed wire kisses and her lovewe"re going where the oceans bluekick the dust and you can come tooin the light of all my darkest morningsthings fall into placeand all the soft orange coloured dawningsfall into place andcherry"s scratching like a grain of sandthe trigger itch in the killer"s handme and cherry are so extrememaking love to the sound of a screamoh cherry honey you got me stuck on a ropeyou got me running aroundwith the fear in my head for youand i want youand i"ll give you my headand all the things it saidand i"ll give you my thoughtsif those things weren"t lostand i"ll give you my soulto beat it with your polei"m going to give you my headyou could kick it deadand i"ll give you my headcome on and kick me deadcome on and push me downcome on and drag me downoh cherry be badcome on and kiss my head

A Mr. Brown came to see you this morning.为什么用a Mr. Brown而不用the 啊

你看清楚A是不是选项符号,不然就是表示“有一个叫Mr. Brown 的人今早来找你”。

Boys and girls , ______up your hands if you want to take part in the summer camp.


Boys and girls , ______up your hands if you want to take part in the summer camp.


this is where i came in 歌词 翻译


this is what you came for百度云

有的,This is what you came for.mp3,高品质

求歌曲this is what you came for,mp3的资源,拜托了~


问一首歌:以下是歌词 ~ Baby this is what you came for 宝贝 这就

this is what you

求蕾哈娜的this is what you came for 谢谢!!!

中英双语Baby this is what you came for宝贝 这就是你出现的原因Lightning strikes every time she moves她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际And everybody"s watching her所有人都注视着她But she"s looking at you oh oh而她的目光却投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh oh oh投向你Lightning this is what you came for像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的Lightning strikes every time she moves她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际And everybody"s watching her所有人都注视着她But she"s looking at you oh oh而她的目光却投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh oh oh投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你Oh oh哦哦We go fast "til they can"t replay我们很快离开 他们还来不及回放重播Who knows why it"s gotta be this way谁知道为什么会变成这样We say nothing more than we need我们不会过多奢求I say your place when we leave我们离开时我说去你的家Lightning this is what you came for像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的Lightning strikes every time she moves她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际And everybody"s watching her所有人都注视着她But she"s looking at you oh oh而她的目光却投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh oh oh投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你Oh oh哦哦Baby this is what you came for宝贝 这就是你出现的原因Lightning strikes every time she moves她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际Lightning this is what you came for像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的Lightning strikes every time she moves她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际And everybody"s watching her所有人都注视着她But she"s looking at you oh oh而她的目光却投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh oh oh投向你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你You oh oh you oh oh投向你 你 你Oh oh哦哦

求rihannRihanna的this is what you came for这首歌!

This Is What You Came For - Calvin Harris & Rihanna Baby this is what you came for 宝贝 这就是你出现的原因 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 And everybody"s watching her 所有人都注视着她 But she"s looking at you oh oh 而她的目光却投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh oh oh 投向你 Lightning this is what you came for 像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 And everybody"s watching her 所有人都注视着她 But she"s looking at you oh oh 而她的目光却投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh oh oh 投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 Oh oh 哦哦 We go fast "til they can"t replay 我们很快离开 他们还来不及回放重播 Who knows why it"s gotta be this way 谁知道为什么会变成这样 We say nothing more than we need 我们不会过多奢求 I say your place when we leave 我们离开时我说去你的家 Lightning this is what you came for 像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 And everybody"s watching her 所有人都注视着她 But she"s looking at you oh oh 而她的目光却投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh oh oh 投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 Oh oh 哦哦 Baby this is what you came for 宝贝 这就是你出现的原因 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 Lightning this is what you came for 像是一道闪电 这就是你来的目的 Lightning strikes every time she moves 她的一举一动仿如闪电划过天际 And everybody"s watching her 所有人都注视着她 But she"s looking at you oh oh 而她的目光却投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh oh oh 投向你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 You oh oh you oh oh 投向你 你 你 Oh oh 哦哦

this is what you came for的音标怎么拼读

even though I was busy with my homework,

this is what you came for求这首歌下载的链接谢了


求个歌曲的下载链接 this is what you came for-calvin harris


Calvin Harris&Rihanna Baby的this is what you came for下载链接

链接: 密码:67xj歌曲名: This Is What You Came For演唱者:Calvin Harris、Rihanna

this is what you came for霉霉有唱吗

This is what you came for这首歌是calvin harris和rihiana唱的

Thi Is what You came for说了一个怎样的故事?

《This Is What You Came For》这首歌2016年发行,“你为何而来//你现身的原因”。这应该是作为作者的一位girl对男友“baby”移情别恋与另一位girl"she"有丝丝暧昧、甚为相欢的一种事实指责或无奈的倾诉吧。后面是整个的歌词lyrics:Baby, this is what you came forLightning strikes every time she movesAnd everybody"s watching herBut she"s looking at you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, oh, ohBaby, this is what you came forLightning strikes every time she movesAnd everybody"s watching herBut she"s looking at you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, oh, ohWe go fast with the game we playWho knows why it"s gotta be this wayWe say nothing more than we needI say your place when we leaveBaby, this is what you came forLightning strikes every time she movesAnd everybody"s watching herBut she"s looking at you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, oh, ohBaby, this is what you came forLightning strikes every time she movesYeahBaby, this is what you came forLightning strikes every time she movesAnd everybody"s watching herBut she"s looking at you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, ohYou, oh, oh, oh, oh

thisiswhatyoucamefof 啥意思

你好!this is what you came of 这就是你来的

this ls what you came for 是什么意思


this is what you came for 跪求!!


this is what you came for歌词中文音译

This Is What You Came For歌手:Calvin Harris / Rihanna所属专辑:This Is What You Came ForBaby, this is what you came for亲爱的,这不就是你所期待的Lightning strikes every time she moves她的每个举动,都在放出闪电,势不可挡And everybody"s watching her她生来万众瞩目But she"s looking at you, oh, oh可她却只心系于你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh只有你,她眼中只有你Oh, ohLightening, this is what you came for她比闪电更耀眼Lightening strikes every time she moves她的每个举动,都在放出闪电,势不可挡And everybody"s watching her她生来万众瞩目But she"s looking at you, oh, oh可她却只心系于你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh只有你,她眼中只有你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh眼波流转只为你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh只有你oh, ohWe go fast "til they can"t replay风驰电掣般的生活,令人目不暇接Who knows why it"s gotta be this way谁能料到,我们会到如此地步We say nothing more than we need我们口出狂言,好似拥有整个世界I say “your place” when we leave每一寸,都是你的领地Lightening, this is what you came for她比闪电更耀眼Lightening strikes every time she moves她的每个举动,都在放出闪电,势不可挡And everybody"s watching her她生来万众瞩目But she"s looking at you, oh, oh可她却只心系于你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh只有你,她眼中只有你Oh, ohYou, oh, oh, you, oh, oh眼波流转只为你You, oh, oh只有你Baby, this is what you came for亲爱的,这不就是你所期待的Lightning strikes every time she moves她的每个举动,都在放出闪电,势不可挡YeahLightening, this is what you came for她比闪电更耀眼Lightening strikes every time she moves她的每个举动,都在放出闪电,势不可挡And everybody"s watching her她生来万众瞩目But she"s looking at you, oh, oh可她却只心系于你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh只有你,她眼中只有你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh眼波流转只为你You, oh, oh, you, oh, oh只有你,她只爱你oh, oh

once again i came here是什么意思

once again i came here我再次来到这里

在夏令营是用in the summer camp还是用at

in的用法和例句如下1. Jane:I was in the summer camp. 简:我在夏令营度假.2. I will take part in the summer camp to Qingdao. 我会参加去青岛的夏令营活动.3. Tag: I will take part in the summer camp to Qingdao. 我会参加去青岛的夏令营活动.at的用法例句如下1. Did you learn any new skill at the summer camp? 你在夏令营里有学习到什麽新的技能吗?2. After eight weeks at the summer camp the boys formed a sense of camaraderie. 在夏令营八个星期下来这些男孩子建立了一种同甘共苦的友情.3. After the summer camp at the orphanage, I was on my way to visit friends in Beijing. 参加了福利院的夏令营后,我前往北京去看几个朋友.


一、CCAM是Computerized Clinical Anatomy Modeules的缩写,意思是计算机临床解剖模块,是一种医学教育软件,是用来帮助医学生和医学职业人员学习人体解剖学的一个软件。它主要适合如下人群:1、医学生:他可以作为医学生学习解剖学的辅助工具,帮助他们更好的理解人体解剖学知识。提高自己的学习成绩。2、医学专业人员:对于医学人员来说,它可以作为一个复习工具和课程补充资料,帮助他们加深对人体解剖学的理解。3、医学研究者:对于从事人体解剖学研究的人员,它可以提供可视化工具,帮助他们更直观的观察人体结构。总之,他对于需要了解人体解剖学知识的人员都有一定的帮助作用。二、另一方面可以作为医疗费用分类系统Clinical Care Classification的简称。三、它也指先天性肺囊性腺瘤样畸形。是指细支气管发育停滞,肺泡发育不全,引起的肺间质大量增生,是一种较少见的肺部发育异常的疾病,发病率男性高于女性。临床表现为呼吸困难,窒息,急性或反复性肺感染。未满一岁的儿童常因呼吸困难就诊,大于一岁的儿童则以反复感染为多见。


大华网络摄像机ip camera的默认密码是:admin,密码是:12345。大华网络摄像机:用户名:admin,密码:888888。天地伟业网络摄像机:用户名:Admin,密码:111111。浙江大华技术股份有限公司是领先的监控产品供应商和解决方案服务商,面向全球提供领先的视频存储、前端、显示控制和智能交通等系列化产品。公司自2002年推出业内首台自主研发8路嵌入式DVR以来,一直持续加大研发投入和不断致力于技术创新。每年近10%的销售收入投入研发,现拥有4千余人的研发技术团队,创造众多行业和世界第一,并立志打造高品质、高性价比的精品,持续为客户创造最大价值。大华股份的营销和服务网络覆盖海内外,在国内32个省市,海外亚太、北美、欧洲、非洲等地建立营销和服务中心,为客户提供端对端快速、优质服务,并在业内率先实行产品保修三年。产品广泛应用于公安、金融、交通、能源、通信等关键领域,并相继问鼎三峡水电、六国峰会、奥运场馆、上海世博、广州亚运、陕西世界园艺博览会、英国伦敦地铁等重大工程项目。

一首英文歌,开头是女声oh la la la..中间有歌词部分是男声,有一句歌词是lights camera action

undress rehearsal

Barack Obama became US President in January, 2009. Since then, the world has been watching him ...

小题1:D小题2:D小题3:C小题4:B 试题分析:本文介绍了奥巴马总统送给女儿的礼物—小狗Bo的新闻。小题1:D 细节题。根据本文第一句Barack Obama became US President in January, 2009.可知奥巴马是美国总统。故D正确。小题2:D 细节题。根据文章第三段It is a six-month-old water dog which is black with a white chest and white paws(爪).可知这只狗并不是都是白色的,胸部是黑色的。故D正确。小题3:C 细节题。根据文章第二段But at home, he has also been under pressure from his two daughters to keep his promise: to give them a new dog as a gift for helping him with his election campaign(竞选活动).可知这只狗是送给他的女儿的。故C正确。小题4:B 推理题。根据 “If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog.” 可知原来华盛顿里几乎没有狗,也就是说在华盛顿找到朋友是很困难的。故B正确。点评:本文介绍了奥巴马总统送给女儿的礼物—小狗Bo的新闻。本文考查细节题为主,细节题可以在文章中直接找到与答案有关的信息?或是其变体。搜查信息在阅读中非常重要它包括理解作者在叙述某事时使用的具体事实、数据、图表等细节信息。在一篇短文里大部分篇幅都属于这类围绕主体展开的细节。做这类题一般采用寻读法?即先读题,然后带着问题快速阅读短文,找出与问题有关的词语或句子,再对相关部分进行分析对比,找出答案。

Barack Obama’s victory is a historic victory and ______ that promised change and overcame centuri






time came怎么翻译和发音

time came"翻译成中文是"时候到了"。发音为 /tau026am keu026am/,其中 "time" 的发音是 /tau026am/,"came" 的发音是 /keu026am/。

怎么从Adobe官网下载Camera Raw

came out of the shed ??

(1) He tied the rope to a large block of stone. 为什么要加 ( BLOCK ) a large stone 已经是一块大石... ( 他用绳捆着大石头 ) 好像解得不好 因用了 block. 怎解才畅顺?? A block is a piece with a regular shape for example concrete block 石屎砖,wooden block积木. A large block of stone 是一块大石,不是大石头(big rock),因为块表示了比较有规则的形状。 He tied the rope to a large block of stone.正确畅顺译法是: 他将绳索缚到一块大石上。 ( 他用绳捆着大石头 不确, 因英文意思是 He used a rope to tie the big rock.) (2) Three tall men came out of the shed. 三个大男人流泪. 三个高男人流血 三个又高又大的男人离开厂房. ( 三句边句解得正确 ) Shed is a *** all simple house for storage小贮物屋 所以三个大男人流泪. 三个高男人流血都错,而三个又高又大的男人离开厂房也要改正为: 三名高的男子从小贮物屋走出来。 (3) She pointed to the three cards lying on the table. 她躺着指住三张卡....她指著三张躺卧的卡..边句才正确. : . lying 是平放着意思。 她躺着指住三张卡....意思错了。她指著三张躺卧的卡..要改正为: 她指著桌子上平放着的三张咭。 He tied the rope to a large block of stone. 他把绳索捆绑到一块大石上。 A large block of stone 是一块大石,有稳定绳索的作用。 Three tall men came out of the shed. Shed 是简陋的搭建木屋,也不是厂房。 我会译成:三个高大男子从简陋的木屋走出来。 Lying on the table 是英国人一般的说法。这里就不须译作「躺卧著」。 你就译作:「她指著桌子上的三张卡片」就是了! 2010-01-11 11:05:35 补充: 回应问者:a block of stone 是习惯的用法,就像你认为可作 a stone 一样!但没有英人会写 a large stone 的。 A block 是很好的「量词」。尤其与 large 同用,更是天衣无缝的呢! 您好,我推荐您一个非常不错的英语学习网站,里面有很多非常不错的学习资源,您能从中得到不少帮助: 祝您好运!


I came here to gain the summer school. 我来这儿是为了读夏季学校。gain 获得,取得,盈利

【求歌词】Jesse Campbell A song for you 美国好声音单身父亲唱的歌

I"ve been so many places in my life and timeI"ve sung a lot of songs and made some bad rhymesI"ve acted out my live in stages with ten thousand people watchingWell, we"re alone now and I"m singing this song to youI know your image of me is what I hoped to beI"ve treated you unkindly but darling can"t you seeThere"s no one more important to me? Baby, can"t you see through me?We"re alone now and I"m singing this song to youYou taught me precious secrets of the truth withholding nothingYou came out in front when I was hidingBut now I"m so much better and if my words don"t come togetherListen to the melody "cause my love is in there hidingI love you in a place where there"s no space or timeI love you for my life, you are a friend of mineAnd when my life is over remember when we were togetherWe were alone and I was singing this song for youThis song is for you, this song is for youThis song is for youThis song is for you, you, you, youYou, you, you, you, you, youI love you in a place, my dear friend where there"s no space or timeI love you for my life, you are a friend of mineAnd when my life is over remember when we were togetherWe were alone and I was singing this song to youWe were alone and I was singing this song to youWe were alone and I was singing this songOh yeah, singing this songI was singing this song just for you


ORK全称是(Optimized Refractive Keratectomy) - 最优化屈光性角膜切削术。 LASIK (Laser in situ Keratomiteusis ) - 准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术。 LASEK (Laser In Situ Epikeratomileusis ) - 准分子激光角膜上皮磨镶术。 德国SCHWIND公司经多年研究,对原有的 ORK-LINK 个性化切削手术系统进行全面的升级,全新推出 ORK-CAM ( Optimized Refractive Keratectomy-Customized Ablation Manager ),即最优个性化切削专家系统。 【ORK-CAM治疗优势】 该系统在原有ORK-LINK 的基础上,根据当今准分子激光角膜屈光手术的最新理念,提供了先进的切削模式、个体化的手术方案、更安全便捷的手术系统。 最先进的切削模式全面升级后的ORK-CAM 系统整合了当今准分子激光角膜非球面手术和波面像差引导的个性化手术的技术精髓,对切削模式上进行了全新的改进,真正实现波前像差和非球面切削相结合的手术,即波面优化的非球面手术,使角膜切削面更加光滑,术后角膜组织的愈合更加快,视觉质量更高。 【个体化的手术方案】 在 ORK-CAM 的个性化管理平台上,医生能够设计出最适合病人的手术方案,使病人能够获得最好的手术效果。 【角膜组织损耗最少】 ORK-CAM 引导的准分子激光飞点扫描更加精确,角膜切削面更加光滑,矫正相同度数情况下切削的角膜组织最少 手术更安全、更便捷ORK-CAM 的安全性进一步升级,激光能量自动检测和角膜组织厚度管理功能,使操作更便捷,大大提高了手术的安全性和准确性。

一些英文题 1. When we approached the campus,________. A. we saw the tower B. one saw the tower C.


谁能帮我写篇英语作文,题目是my campus 谢谢各位大侠 最好有翻译


Hiroshima,destroyed three days earlier,had largely espaced the camera’s lens in the first day.


请问如何用edius输出或者配合其他软件将视频输出成符合DCP,Quicktime prores422 或者HDCAM,35mm的视频

ProRes 422edius里到处mov就行了 或者导出mov以后导入达芬奇里转码成标准422.教程看赵宝峰老师讲解edius和达芬奇。

pro-euthanasia campaign是什么意思?

同学你好,很高兴为您解答!  pro-euthanasia campaign,您说的这个英文词语在CMA的考试中比较常见,学会这个词语对考取英文CMA资格证书特别有帮助。这个词语的汉语意思是:赞成安乐死合法化运动。  希望高顿网校的回答能帮助您解决问题,更多CMA的相关问题欢迎提交给高顿企业知道。高顿祝您生活愉快!

the miz 的 i came to play 中文歌词是?

Run away if u see me Dont even say my name Dont think that you can know me Dont try and play that game Every day that i get better I watch as you get worse My script is too the letter And i"ll write your final verse I am here to stay (Well im here to stay) And i have come to play I came to play I came to play There"s a price to pay Time for you to get down on your knees and pray I came to pay Say goodbye to the good old days Thier never coming back Watch your future fade I came to play I came to play to get my dues paid I guess you had a dream But it cant be safe I came to play I"m here to stay Best get out of my way I have come to play I go inside this light I see new life unfold Each second i burn brighter Your fire is going cold You could try to beg for mercy Go ahead and try to run No ecaspe and no redemption Understand the ends begun I am here to stay (Well im here to stay) And i have come to play I came to play I came to play There"s a price to pay Time for you to get down on your knees and pray I came to pay Say goodbye to the good old days Thier never coming back Watch your future fade I came to play I came to play to get my dues paid I guess you had a dream But it cant be safe I came to play I"m here to stay Best get out of my way (outta my way) See all these lights there glowing Hear all these people cheer Feel all the love thats flowing All just because im here Get up stand on your feet (get up) Get your hands up in the air (get your hands up) What you know about taking me down (yea) ? I Came To Play I came to play I came to play There"s a price to pay Time for you to get down on your knees and pray I came to pay Say goodbye to the good old days Thier never coming back Watch your future fade I came to play I came to play to get my dues paid I guess you had



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Jeremy Camp的《King Jesus》 歌词

歌曲名:King Jesus歌手:Jeremy Camp专辑:We Cry Out: The Worship ProjectJeremy Camp - King JesusAll creation shook on that very day the Lamb was slainThen redemption came to anyone who would call His nameWith peace and with strength You broke these heavy chainsAnd salvation reignedAnd with a shout of praise and with our voices raisedKing JesusYour are victoriousYou have conquered deathWith this life of loveYou are victoriousYou paid the final debtFor all of usNone can separate the very hope and grace that He displayedNeither height nor depth or anyone can steal the love He gaveOne day every knee will bowBehold You in your gloryEvery tongue will declare Your Holy nameKing Jesus You are victorious

求英语作文 a campus guide for overseas students

Nowadays college studentsu2019 marriage has attracted general attentions in our society.Newspapers also carry articles pertaining to this matter now and then.People put forward different opinions.Based on an investigation 65% of people hold the opinion that students shouldnu2019t get marry on campus,and I take the same view.There are probably four reasons.First of all,students havenu2019t come into close contact with the society.Our blind pursuit of love maybe misleads us to find a person who is not really fit for us.A senior of Nanjing University divorced from her husband after a yearu2019s marriage life because of the poor economic condition and the lack of communication.Secondly,the period during we are at college is a golden time for our study.We should work hard to acquire knowledge and enhance abilities.Chances are that marriage and family take up so much time that our study will be seriously affected.When we enter the society,it is really hard to make a successful career because 22% of companies donu2019t want to employ graduates who have already got married.This will be a great threat to student-couples.Many of them will be forced to leave each other because they couldnu2019t find suitable jobs in the same city.Thirdly,although universities have canceled the ban to studentsu2019 marriage,they donu2019t encourage it.College will never offer apartments to student-couples.And it is both inconvenient and unsafe to rent apartments outside the campus.Meanwhile a lot of money will be wasted in the family life.Students havenu2019t earned money.How could we ask for money from our parents and lead a luxury life?Whatu2019s more,many parents are afraid of becoming mother-in-law or father-in-law unconsciously.The immature marriage will bring family and society a great unsteadiness.If it ends in a divorce,the hurt of heart is really uneasy to bear.To sum up,college students have the right of getting married.But we must handle the right with great care.We should pursue academic interest first.When we graduate and have a better understanding of love,when we have the abilities to raise a family,we can think about marriage.



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Phil Campbell的《Senorita》 歌词

歌曲名:Senorita歌手:Phil Campbell专辑:Fresh New Life沙宝亮:Senorita空气中弥漫着浪漫的味道放纵的心情自由的呼吸我和你一起在海边追浪你那长长的头发在风中飞扬心中有话想要对你表白其实不说你也应该明白恋爱的季节迟迟还没有来到等待着你最后的接受Senorita 爱我吧这就是我唯一的要求Senorita 把你交给我吧我就是你要爱的人





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macbook pro卡在桌面上了 可以用f8放歌 但就是卡的什么也动不了 重启很多次了。 但是bootcamp的win7可用

你好,很高兴为你解忧。如果你想提高电脑开机和运行的速度,最直接和标本兼治的方法就是加物理内存。倘若你有幸拥有一台有着4G内存的电脑,那你工作学习的心情一定是心旷神怡的。除此之外,如果你稀罕自己囊中的“大米”,不愿给自己的机器剖腹加RAM,那么,你可以试试下面六种方法:一:尽量删除桌面文件每次Mac启动都要对桌面的内容进行索引,为桌面每个文件建立缩略图标(thumbnail icons )等等。因此,建议你可以把桌面上的文件尽可能的放入相应文件夹,分门别类。一来加快开机速度,二来也更加有条理。 二: 去除启动加载程序系统偏好的用户设定里可以去除一些不用的启动程序(System Preferences and User Accounts)你只需把那些程序前的钩子点去就行(比如iChat)。通过Activity Monitor程序,你可以看到后台运行程序的清单。这个对于我来说,是一个习惯,平时有软件新安装后要求在启动时检查更新,我一般都会点击否。 三: 禁用Dashboard"如果你经常使用的话,dashboard固然好。然而,你也要清楚,每个widgets 和 web clips都非常占内存和资源。怎样禁止? 方法也很简单。打开Terminal 敲入以下命令defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean YES- s4 H8 B/ P/ S然后你可以重启macbook或者敲入以下命令: 当你又需要dashboard的时候,以下命令可以逆转:defaults write mcx-disabled -boolean NO再重启或敲入 :四:清除 PRAM (只适用于英特尔的苹果电脑)这个方法不是根本的解决方法,但是可以除去一些不必要的开机设置。因而也节省了时间。方法是:重启你的电脑,同时按下 command + option + p + r 直到听到3 到4 声启动铃响之后松手。五:清除PMU (iMac不适用)对于Macbook, Macbook Pro用户,方法是: 1. 确保Macbook关闭., 2. 去掉电源适配器和电池. 3. 按下电源开关并保持5 秒钟,放开 4. 接上电源适配器和电池.5. 打开电源开关.对于Macbook Air用户,方法是:1. 确保Air关机状态 2. 把电源适配器接上工作电源 .- T- N1 C" E# G9 r 3. 按下(左)Shift-Control-Option 同时按一下电源开关. (记住,要用左边的shift等键) 4. 等5 分钟,按下电源开关重启 Macbook Air.六:禁止无用的系统选项.如果你没有用到Wireless(无线上网), Bluetooth(蓝牙), Speech Recognition(语音识别) or Internet Sharing(共享),那么,很简单—— 关掉他们!*首先声明,此方法来自网络,在这里感谢Ruskin。用电脑时间长了,难免会遇到程序卡住,风火轮狂转不停,没有任何相应等情况。可能是由于程序冲突、缓存不足或者一些bug等情况导致,这个时候我们就需要强制退出这个程序了,下面有六种在Mac系统中强制退出程序的方法,大家至少应该记住一两个。1、使用键盘快捷键强制退出处于活跃状态的Mac程序快捷键:Command+Option+Shift+Esc这样按住一两秒钟,就可以强制退出当前程序了,算是最方便的一种方法。2、打开强制退出程序窗口使用快捷键:Command+Option+Esc来打开“强制退出应用程序”的窗口,然后选中你需要退出的程序,再点右下方的“强制退出”即可。3、从Dock中强制退出程序按住Option然后右键点击程序在Dock中的图标,可以看到“强制退出”的选项,选择即可。4、从左上角苹果菜单中强制退出程序这个有些类似第二条,从左上角的?菜单中选择“强制退出”,不过有些时候程序当机,点击菜单会出现没反应的情况。5、使用“活动监视器”强制退出程序在 应用程序-实用工具 中找到“活动监视器”,找到程序的名字然后选择左上方红色按钮强制退出程序,这个就有些类似Windows中的任务管理器了。如果上面的方法都不奏效,那么可以尝试这个方法。6、使用终端命令强制退出程序这个应该算是重启电脑之前的最后办法了,在终端中输入如下命令killall [程序名称]比如说强制退出Safari,就输入 killall Safari 再回车即可,这样有关Safari的全部进程就都退出了;如果你想分的细一些,可以通过 ps 或者 ps aux 命令查找某些单独的进行,然后使用 kill -9 [pid] 来单独结束某个进程。很多情况下强制退出程序,之前的内容可能就会不在了,需要注意一下。最后说说iOS设备上的强制退出程序方法:按住上方电源键,直到出现提示关机滑动条,这个时候放开电源键再按住Home键,直到程序退出。译注:在以下的列表中,「opt」为键盘上「option键」的简称、「cmd」是「command键」、「ctrl」则是「control键」的简称。作者表示所有按键都经过实验,但译者并没有亲自使用过所有的按键组合,所以本文内容仅供参考;如果您要尝试没有使用过的按键组合,请自己小心。 一、开机时按下…… 滑鼠按键 弹出抽取式媒介(2.4f1版以前的boot rom可能不包括退出cd片) opt键 在配备「new world」韧体系统的机种上叫出「open firmware」开机系统选择功能。 cmd-opt键 按住这两个键,直到电脑发出二次声响,就会改以mac os 9开机。 cmd-x(有时只按住x键) 如果mac os 9和mac os x在同一个开机用的硬碟区段(partition)上,按这个键会强迫以os x开机。 cmd-opt-shift-delete 跳过原定的启动磁碟,改以外接磁碟(或光碟机)开机。这个按键的主要作用,其实是强迫电脑不要从预设的启动磁碟读入系统档案,所以会产生从其他磁碟开机的「副作用」。如果您的mac是配备scsi介面的机种,它会从编号(id)最高的磁碟机往下搜寻,直到找出可以开机的磁碟区段为止。至於在配备ide介面的机种上则不确定它的搜寻顺序。 cmd-opt-shift-delete-# 从指定id的scsi磁碟开?#代表scsi编号)。 cmd-opt-p-r 清除系统参数记忆体(pram),必须按住不放,等发出两次响声之後再放开。 cmd-opt-n-v 清除nv ram,类似在open firmware中做「重置全部」(reset-all)的动作。 cmd-opt-o-f 开机时进入open firmware。 cmd-opt-t-v 强制quadra av机种使用外接电视机当作显示器。 cmd-opt-x-o 以唯读记忆体中所烧录的系统软体开机(仅适用於mac classic机种)。 cmd-opt-a-v 强制电脑辨识苹果av显示器。 c 使用光碟开机。如果原先设定由os x开机,但光碟机里没有放置开机光碟,则可能会改由os 9开机。 d 强制以内建磁碟机开机。 n 按住n键直到萤幕上出现mac标志,电脑会尝试透过bootp或tftp以网路伺服器开机。 r 强制powerbook重置萤幕设定。 t 强制配备firewire介面的机种进入外接磁碟模式(firewire target disk mode)。 shift 关闭所有延伸功能(os 9或os x之下的classic环境)。 shift 关闭登入项目,同时也会关闭所有不必要的程式核心(kernel)延伸功能(也就是所谓安全开机模式,仅适用os x 10.1.3或更新的系统版本)。 cmd 开机时关闭虚拟记忆体(virtual memory,仅适用os 9或os x之下的classic环境)。 空白键 开机时启动延伸功能管理程式(os 9或os x之下的classic环境)。 cmd-v 开机过程中显示控制台讯息(仅适用os x)。 cmd-s 开机後进入单一使用者模式(仅适用os x)。 cmd-opt-c-i 先将系统时钟设定为日期1989年9月20日,然後以这个按键组合开机,就可以看到萤幕上显示特殊的系统小秘密(仅适用於mac iici机种)。 cmd-opt-f-x 先将系统时钟设定为日期1990年3月19日,然後以这个按键组合开机,就可以看到萤幕上显示特殊的系统小秘密(仅适用於mac iifx机种)。 二、萤幕上出现小mac笑脸时按下…… 空白键 开机时启动延伸功能管理程式(os 9或os x之下的classic环境)。 shift 关闭包括macsbug(一种程式设计师工具程式)在内的所有延伸功能(os 9或os x之下的classic环境)。shift-opt 关闭除了macsbug之外的所有延伸功能(os 9或os x之下的classic环境)。 ctrl 中断开机过程,进入macsbug除错模式。 三、系统画面出现後按下…… cmd-opt 当os 9或os x中的classic环境连接磁碟机时,可以重建磁碟机的桌面档案。 opt 不要开启任何系统视窗(mac os 9)。 shift 在系统档案(finder)启动时暂时不要开启系统视窗。这些视窗并没有被真的关闭,只要您重新开机,这些视窗都就会照常出现(mac os x)。 shift 不要执行任何「启动项目」软体(mac os 9)。 四、在系统画面中按下…… 按住opt键,再以滑鼠游标 按视窗上的关闭方块 关闭所有的系统视窗(除了弹出式视窗之外);按cmd-opt-w键也可以获得一样的效果。 cmd-shift-opt-w 关闭所有的系统视窗(包括弹出式视窗)。 cmd-右箭头键 在档案视窗以列表模式显示时,开启一个档案夹。 cmd-opt-右箭头键 在档案视窗以列表模式显示时,重复开启档案夹、以及其下所包含的多层档案夹。 cmd-左箭头键 在档案视窗以列表模式显示时,关闭一个档案夹。 cmd-opt-左箭头键 在档案视窗以列表模式显示时,重复关闭档案夹、以及其下所包含的多层档案夹。 cmd-上箭头键 开启上一层档案夹。在mac os x中,如果事先并未选定档案夹、而且没有开启任何视窗,这个按键会开启现在使用者的专属目录。 cmd-opt-上箭头键 开启上一层档案夹,并关闭现用档案夹。 cmd-opt-shift-上箭头键 将桌面变成现用视窗,并且选择最上层磁碟机。 cmd-下箭头键 开启选取的项目。在mac os x中,如果事先并未选定档案夹、而且没有开启任何视窗,这个按键会开启桌面档案夹。 cmd-opt-下箭头键 开启选取的项目,并关闭现用的档案夹。 opt-滑鼠按键 按条列档案视窗中的小三角形图像时,可以显示或隐藏下层档案夹中的内容。 tab键 选择名称以下一个英文字母开头的档案夹。 shift-tab键 选择名称以上一个英文字母开头的档案夹。 cmd-delete 把选取的项目搬进垃圾桶 五、在系统画面中的「视窗」选单中…… cmd-选取项目 关闭视窗。 cmd-shift-选取项目 将弹出式视窗归位。 cmd-opt-选取项目 展开选取的视窗,并关闭其他所有视窗。 ctrl-选取项目 展开选取的视窗,并隐藏其他视窗的内容。 ·ctrl-opt-选取项目 启动选取视窗,并展开所有的其他视窗。 六、系统启动完毕之後…… 在有电源按钮的机种上 电源按钮 在萤幕上显示包括「关机」、「睡眠」、以及「重新开机」按钮的对话框(请参阅下一节)。 cmd-ctrl-电源按钮 强制重新开机。这种方式非必要不建议使用,因为有可能损坏磁碟上的资料内容。 ctrl-cmd-opt-电源按钮 快速关机。 cmd-电源按钮 启动程式除错软体(如果已事先安装的话)。较早期的mac(例如mac ii时代的机器)需要先安装由paul mercer所写的除错延伸功能(debugger init)来使用这个功能;不过这个功能在配备68040处理器的mac机种上,已经成为系统韧体内容的一部份。 cmd-opt-电源按钮 让後期型式的powerbook和桌上型mac进入睡眠状态。 cmd-opt-ctrl-电源按钮 重新设定电源管理程式(power manager;仅适用powerbook 500系列)。 shift-fn-ctrl-电源按钮 重新设定电源管理程式(power manager;仅适用powerbook g3与g4系列)。 七、在没有电源按钮的机种上 ctrl-退片按钮 「退片」按钮位於新款usb键盘的最右上角,平常用於退出光碟片。按下这个组合可以在萤幕上显示包括「关机」、「睡眠」、以及「重新开机」按钮的对话框(请参阅下一节)。 cmd-ctrl-退片按钮 强制重新开机,正常状况下不建议使用。 ctrl-cmd-opt-退片按钮 快速关机。 cmd-退片按钮 启动程式除错软体(如果已事先安装的话)。较早期的mac(例如mac ii时代的机器)需要先安装由paul mercer所写的除错延伸功能(debugger init)来使用这个功能;不过这个功能在配备68040处理器的mac机种上,已经成为系统韧体内容的一部份。 cmd-opt-退片按钮 让後期型式的powerbook和桌上型mac进入睡眠状态。 八、在所有机种上 cmd-opt-esc 强迫退出目前使用中的软体。 cmd-shift-0 让後期型式的powerbook与桌上型mac进入睡眠状态,不过在os x上不适用。如果在可以配备三部软碟机的mac机种上(如mac se),这个按键可以退出第三部软碟机中的碟片。 cmd-shift-1或2 弹出内藏或外接软碟机中的碟片。在可以配备两部软碟机的mac(如mac se或mac ii)上,则是依次退出两部软碟机种的碟片。 cmd-shift-3 拍摄萤幕图片 cmd-shift-4 拍摄使用者定义的萤幕区域。在mac os 9中,如果在选定区域时按下control键,则拍摄的内容会被储存在记忆体中的剪贴板里,可以直接在其他软体中「贴」上文件。 cmd-shift-大写固定键-4 如果按下大写固定键(也就是「caps lock」键),则可以拍摄使用者选定的视窗内容(仅适用於mac os 9或os x下的classic环境)。 cmd-ctrl-shift-3 将萤幕图片拍摄至记忆体剪贴板。 cmd-ctrl-shift-4 将使用者指定的萤幕区域拍摄至记忆体剪贴板。 cmd-ctrl-shift-大写固定键-4 将使用者指定的视窗内容拍摄至记忆体剪贴板(仅适用於mac os 9或os x下的classic环境)。 cmd-tab 切换执行中应用软体。 cmd-space 切换使用的语言系统(如果已安装一种以上的语言系统)。 opt-f3、opt-f4、 或是opt-f5 开启mac os x的「系统预置」视窗(仅在「系统预置」尚未执行的时候才有作用)。 cmd-f1 在mac os x中侦测显示器。 cmd-f2 在mac os x中切换萤幕同步显示内容。 f12 退出cd或dvd(在 (在mac os x 10.1.2或以上的版本中须按住不放)。如果光碟可以被退出,按这个键就会退出。如果不能退出(例如正在使用中),则按键没有作用。 f14 让萤幕变暗(适用於g4 cube、imac g4、或许还有其他机种)。 f15 让萤幕变亮(适用於g4 cube、imac g4、或许还有其他机种)。 cmd-ctrl-shift-0 在执行mac os 9的powerbook上,强制硬碟停止转动。 opt-「清除垃圾」选单指令 不显示「有档案已经锁住」警示,直接清除垃圾桶内容;锁住的项目也会被删除。九、在睡眠/□重新开机对话框中 s键 睡眠 r键 重新开机 esc键 取消 cmd-.(英文句号) 取消 return或enter键 关机 电源按钮 取消(可能仅适用於mac os 9.2.x) 十、在其他对话框中 esc键 取消 cmd-.(英文句号) 取消 enter键 预设按钮 return键 预设按钮(如果同时没有其他文字栏位会用到return键) cmd-d 不储存(在储存/□取消/□不储存对话框中) 十一、在有「fn」键的键盘上 fn-backspace 往前删除字元 十二、滑鼠按钮 option-以滑鼠游标按 另一个应用软体的视窗 切换到另一软体,并隐藏现用软体。 cmd-拖移视窗 拖移视窗,但不将该视窗切换至最前方(该应用软体必须支援视窗在对话框之後运作的功能)。 cmd-拖移视窗内容 在系统视窗中,利用滑鼠游标来搬动视窗的内容。 cmd-以游标按视窗标题栏 显示该视窗在硬碟中所在位置的路径(基本上仅适用於系统档案视窗,但某些软体也支援这个功能)。 option-按视窗标题栏 两下以隐藏视窗内容 隐藏所有视窗的内容,仅馀标题栏显示在萤幕上(mac os 9或classic环境)、或将视窗全部隐藏至dock中(mac os x)。 option-视窗标题栏中的 缩放方块 将视窗放大至全萤幕。 option-视窗上的黄色按钮 将所有的软体视窗隐藏在dock中(仅适用mac os x)。 option-视窗上的绿色按钮 将视窗放大至全萤幕(仅适用部份软体)。 十三、仅适用mac os x的dock项目 cmd-滑鼠按钮 显示项目在系统视窗中的位置。 cmd-opt-滑鼠按钮 启动某一软体、隐藏其他软体 ctrl-滑鼠按钮 (或以滑鼠按钮按住项目不放) 显示项目特色选单 cmd-拖移项目至dock 停止目前的dock项目移动,以便将其他文件图像拖移到应用软体图像上。 cmd-opt-拖移项目至dock 强制dock上的软体开启拖移上去的文件。 十四、控制条板 opt-拖移整个控制条板 移动控制条板。 opt-拖移某个控制条板模组 重新安排模组的顺序。 opt-将模组拖移至垃圾桶 解除安装某一模组。 opt-将模组拖移至条板以外的地方 将模组档案拷贝到拖移的位置。 如果对答案满意,请及时采纳答案,谢谢。

作文descrivi la tua camera急....初中,高中水平。

digital camera:The digital picture from the camera is instantly available to transfer to a computer or a modem or even to transfer wirelessly. The picture can be instantly sent or viewed. The picture can be immediately edited, in some cases while still in the camera. The picture can be immediately deleted if it is not satisfactory. With multi gigibyte storage media, many hundreds or even thousands of pictures can be stored on media the size of a book of matches. The digital camera is usually programmed so that very many options are available, just to name a few; noise reduction, anti shake programs, red eye reduction, face recognition, and in some cameras, smile recognition, which waits for a person to smile before the picture is taken! Most digital cameras offer a choice of taking color or black and white pictures. Since the picture is visible on the liquid crystal screen, usually on the camera back, you can quickly learn what is good and bad about your photographic technique. Using flash often yields unpredictable results, but the results can be quickly viewed and the picture taken again if necessary. On the other hand, a 35 mm film camera is usually limited to 24 or 36 pictures on a roll of film, which must be chemically developed in a darkroom. The picture must then be printed or projected to be seen. To take a thousand pictures with color film using 28 rolls of film at 4 dollars per roll of 36 pictures, costs 112 dollars. The cost of developing and printing 28 rolls of film at about 10 dollars each is 280 dollars. To take 1000 pictures with the digital camera may cost 15 dollars in batteries, or less if rechargable batteries are used. It costs far less to take and print digital pictures after the initial outlay of the cost of the digital camera and printer is considered. Many people consider digital photography a new and exciting art. 第二篇:The power of digital technology has intervened in most works and imaging is one of them. The digital cameras have established a foothold in the market and are slowly but surely wiping away the film camera market. The digital camera has an edge over film cameras in many ways. The quality of the digital photographs differs from camera to camera and one can choose the digital camera that meets their requirement. The cost and efforts are the major differences in the two forms of cameras. While film cameras cost less, the camera film cost is never ending. Once you have finished your roll of film you need to reload it with another one. The film then has to be developed through a lengthy process and then printed according to your size requirement. Developing the film isn"t an easy task and most of us would prefer doing it from a professional, which adds to the cost. On the other hand, digital cameras have the photos saved on the memory card in the camera. These can be easily transferred to your computer or laptop. They can then be easily printed at your home if you have a printer. The whole process of getting the image in your hand is much simpler and faster. Digital cameras sport user-friendly features and offer array of options. The most useful function is the instant reviewing of your image. The LCD display at the back of the digital camera lets view your images taken and if you are not satisfied with an image you can reshoot it. You can get the right proportion of the image and not miss out on anything. The size of the LCD displays are increasing for better viewing and some cameras like the Sony digital cameras, Nikon digital cameras etc offer LCD display up to 2.5-inches. Many digital cameras also offer video shooting ability. Most digital cameras will get you small video clips and higher cameras like the Canon digital cameras will get you extended video shooting. Digital cameras give you the liberty to shoot in several modes like black and white, sepia, tungsten etc, which will enable you to get varied effects in your picture. You can buy digital camera online from popular online shopping based websites. These sites have different brands featured and you can get the one that suits your needs and fits your budget. You can also avail great deals and offers on your digital camera purchase. 3Making the switch from 35mm to digital can be tough for a novice camera fanatic. The concept"s mostly the same, but the way the picture gets stored, printed and viewed is different. But, the advantages to digital have made it the preferred way people take pictures. Everyone from professionals to stay-at-home moms are using digital now. Finding the right digital camera is a question of knowing your needs and matching it to the camera in question. Digital cameras are pretty amazing little creations that can pack a whole lot of features into a single, small device. The reasons they"ve begun to replace 35mm are many and include:* Ease of use. Digital cameras, even some of the best on the market, are designed to be very user friendly. Most are point and shoot, but there are many options for those who like to choose their own settings, change lenses and more. Plus there are even online processing services, so there"s no need to head out to get prints. They can be mailed right to your door.* No film. The LCD readouts on most digital cameras coupled with the elimination of film make these wonderful for shooters who want to see their pictures and choose them before they"re printed.* Economical. Since the photos on digital cameras can be carefully chosen in advance of printing, the costs can be much less. Plus, there"s no film to buy.* Quality. Depending on the camera purchased and the accuracy of the settings, the quality can rival and sometimes even surpass a regular 35mm camera.The key to getting the best possible digital pictures is to make sure the right camera is bought. The resolution of the pictures taken will determine what they can be best used for. This in digital is measured in something called a megapixel. A single megapixel camera, for example, will produce shots that are ideal for e-mail sharing and for 4x6 prints. On the other hand, a five-megapixel camera is fantastic for prints up to a full 11x14 inches. The reason for the difference is the quality of the digital file. A lesser file will become grainy when the image is blown up. The five-megapixel camera"s shots, however, maintain their appearance.Another consideration a buyer should make is the size of the storage device used for the camera. Rather than film, digital cameras use storage cards. These can hold a whole lot of pictures - not like a standard 35mm roll. A 256 MB card, for example, can hold about 415 lower quality shots. That"s a whole lot of film!Digital cameras do have some disadvantages, too. Some models tend to be a little slow to shoot and reset, and they can be difficult to figure out at first. But, once they"re figured out, digital cameras tend to be more convenient, user friendly and ready for the action than typical 35mm.Offering a new alternative in picture taking, digital cameras are great for novice shooters and even pros. The choices on the market are incredible and the applications many. The ability to see what"s been taken before printing is fantastic and is a real boon for those who want to make sure they have "the shot" before they move on.



求HI-FI CAMP胧月的中日文歌词

每当东边的天空亮起时 就会想起你所说过的话 每当我想流泪时 你总会比我先哭 你那表情用泪水抹去 不管前方会遇到什麼 也要笑著跨越 那将会成为你的精神食粮 虽然有时激烈的冰雨会打在我们的身上 但是没关系 相信只要抬头仰望 那天空依旧会照耀著我们 每当想起那时的回忆 那一路走来不曾改变的日子 有欢笑 也有悔恨的泪水 相信这些都是无可取代的牵绊 只要我们仰望那广阔的蓝天 就一定会连系在一起 所以当你想要哭泣时 请你想起这首歌 当你再也忍不住的时候 喂 你一定会陪在我身旁吧 不管相隔多远也不会改变 回忆都会在这里 再会 你踏上旅程的那天 至今仍缠绕著我的心 一定没问题 不管是今后或现在 只需向明天迈进 当彼此聊起那青涩的梦想 相信总有一天能掌握在我们手中 流过无数次悔恨的泪水 以及尽情的欢笑 来吧 现在就让我们尽情的奔跑 不去在意那下个不停的雨 来吧 你看 我呼喊的声音 可传到声响不会停止的地方 每当思考 烦恼 哭泣的时候 我们俩总是会一起仰望天空 唱著歌 这喜悦将你我连系在一起 每当想起那时的回忆 那一路走来不曾改变的日子 欢笑与悔恨的泪水 相信这些都会持续到永远 忘不了和你在一起的日子 我们不管任何时候都是彼此欢笑 不管今天或明天 还是接下来的前方 永远都是无可取代的牵绊我也是百度来的= =
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