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medical形容词:医学的;药的;内科的appointment n. 任命;约定;任命的职位medical+appointment 可以翻译成诊断

medical complain什么意思 疾病的意思吗?当名词用吗?


medical care是什么意思

medical care词典结果medical care[英][ˈmedikəl kɛə][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl kɛr]医疗处理; 

employment medical什么意思

employment-medical就业体检双语例句1. Their rights of marriage, employment, medical care and education are guaranteed, Xinhua said.新华社报道,他们结婚, 工作, 治疗,教育的权利都是有保证的.来自互联网2. Money should be directed to help small businesses, for employment and social security, for medical insurance.投资应该直接应用于扶持中小企业, 增加就业和提供社会保险, 医疗保险.来自互联网3. Enhancing the employment of medical psychology in pharmaceutical care, will meet the medicine developmental request.加强使用药学服务的心理学方法, 才能适应当今社会对医疗发展的要求.来自互联网

medical condition是什么意思


medical college是什么意思

medical(医学)college (学院) medical college :医科大

medical condition是什么意思


medical establishment是什么意思

medical establishment 英[ˈmedikəl isˈtæbliʃmənt] 美[ˈmɛdɪkəl ɪˈstæblɪʃmənt] [词典] [医] 医疗机构; [例句]A medical establishment run by a group of medical specialists.由一群医学专家经营的医疗机构。

medical devices是什么意思

medical devices[医]医疗用具; 例句:1.Apis are also enabling more intelligent medical devices. 借助API,医疗设备也更加智能。2.Manufacturers use the same technique to sterilize manydisposable medical devices like syringes and needles. 制造商使用相同的技术消毒一次性的医疗设备,如注射器和针头。

medical devices是什么意思

medical devices医疗设备medical devices[医]医疗用具; 例句:1.The system has powered nuclear power plants and medical devices, and rim is already using it to run its playbook tablet. 该系统一直被用于核电站和医疗设备,rim已经开始将它用于playbook平板电脑。

medical therapy是什么意思

medical therapy医学治疗;药物治疗;内科治疗例句1.Treatment of cerebrospinal fluid leakage in spinal surgery by integrated Chinese and western medical therapy脊柱手术后脑脊液漏的中西医结合治疗2.Conservative medical therapy, timely termination of pregnancy and surgical intervention are basic treatments.内科保守治疗为主,适时终止妊娠,外科介入为基本治疗原则。3.Measurement of optical properties of biological tissues is important for medical therapy and diagnosis.生物组织光学性质的测量在医学治疗和诊断中有着重要的应用。

medical insurance是什么意思

medical insurance医疗保险双语对照词典结果:medical insurance[英][ˈmedikəl inˈʃuərəns][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl ɪnˈʃʊrəns]医疗保险; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.But why not collect their paycheck, buy medical insurance or pay theirs there as well? 既然如此,何不同时在Facebook领工资、买医疗保险或者向国税局(IRS)付账呢?

medical procedure是什么意思

medical procedure:医疗流程;医疗程序;医疗项目

medical care是什么意思


medical condition是什么意思

medical condition 英[ˈmedikəl kənˈdiʃən] 美[ˈmɛdɪkəl kənˈdɪʃən] [医]医疗条件 [例句]A medical condition may have made weight loss extremely difficult for charley.查理的身体状况或许决定了他很难减肥。

medical condition是什么意思

medical condition[英][ˈmedikəl kənˈdiʃən][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl kənˈdɪʃən][医]医疗条件;例句:双语英语1.A medical condition may have made weight loss extremely difficult for charley.查理的身体状况或许决定了他很难减肥。


填后者medicine:药品medical:医药学的 medicine更常用的是名词而不是形容词,即使有这个意思也是很偏的,最好用大家都知道的



medical service是什么意思

medical service医疗服务双语对照词典结果:medical service[英][ˈmedikəl ˈsɜːvɪs][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl "sɝvɪs]医疗服务,医疗费;



medical medical center中的medical是什么意思

医学 医药的意思 医学中心


形容词 a. [B]1.医学的;医术的;医疗的a medical instrument 一台医疗仪器 a medical course 一门医学课程 2.内科的a medical ward 一个内科病房 名词 n. 1.【口】健康检查[C]I have to have a medical before going abroad. 出国前我得做一次健康检查。

medical 是什么意思?



medical是一个名词,意思是医生、体格检查,还可以作形容词意思是医学的、药的、内科的,medical这个单词可以划分为几个音节呢?我们一起来看一看,这个单词一共可以划分为三个音节【me】【di】和【cal】,第一个音节me的发音为【me】,而第二个音节di的发音为【d?】,而第三个音节cal的发音为【kl】,合在一起的话这个单词的发音就是【?med?kl】,我们再看一下用法,medical作为医学的、药的、内科的、医生、体格检查的意思来使用;例如在下面这两个句子,Medical treatment was sometimes given to children,without parental consent. 有时候没有征得父母的同意就对孩子进行了医疗救治,在这个句子中,medical就是作形容词指的是医学的, A medical is a thorough examination,of your body by a doctor. 一个体格检查就是医生给你的身体的一个全面的检查,medical还有一个短语,medical history,指的是病史、病历,He couldn"t get a new job,because of his medical history. 由于他的病史,他无法找到新工作,medical这个单词你学会了吗?


medical词典结果:medical[英][ˈmedɪkl][美][ˈmɛdɪkəl]adj.医学的; 医药的; 医疗的; 内科的; n.体格检查; 复数:medicals以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.It sounds as if the nature of medical research is changing. 听起来医学研究的本质正在发生变化。2.Healthcare, hospital, and medical applications 医疗、医院及医学应用


medical的意思是:医学的;医疗的。词态变化:复数:medicals。副词:medically。例句:1、It sounds as if the nature of medical research is changing.听起来医学研究的本质正在发生变化。2、Two days before christmas , lee checked into ucsf medical center for a lymph node biopsy.圣诞节前两天,李在加州大学旧金山分校医学中心进行了淋巴结活检。3、Fans of television medical dramas are probably aware of the grim condition known as septic shock.医学电视剧的粉丝也许知道败血性休克有多么可怕。4、To date , medical marijuana use is allowed in 20 states and the district of columbia.迄今为止,医用大麻的使用已经获得了20个州和哥伦比亚特区的许可。


medical的意思是:医学的;医疗的;伤病的;疾病的;内科的。短语搭配:1、medical insurance医疗保险;医疗保险费;医疗保障;医疗安全。2、medical school医学院;医学系;医学专科学校;医学院校。3、medical error医疗过失;医疗差错;含医疗疏失。4、Registry Medical注册表医生;表医生。5、Medical prescription处方;医学处方;方剂;药方子。6、medical organization医疗机构。7、Medical Facility医疗设施;海洋珠宝号医疗设施。8、medical procedure医疗程序。9、Medical expenses医药费;医疗费;医疗费用;医药费用。例句:1、These two medical instruments work on the same principle.这两种医疗仪器的工作原理是一样的。2、To that end re-education sites on the Li measures taken for medical treatment.劳教场所为此对李采取了保外就医措施。3、Do they need more medical oversight?他们需要更多的医疗监督吗?4、Ancient medical practitioners sometimes cut tumors out, but the prognosis was known to be grim.古时候的从医人员有时候会切除肿瘤,但预后诊断通常都不乐观。5、Connect internal LAN to external medical insure net using ACL and NAT.利用ACL与NAT完成内部HIS与外部医保网的对接。6、Willie and Katie son no longer need to worry about the medical fee.威利和凯蒂不再需要为儿子的医疗费而操心了。7、Museum of Medical History,Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine.上海中医学院医史博物馆。8、The thought of aesthetic education to the medical students.浅谈医学生的医学美学教育。

易语言hook 和call是什么意思

你好,HOOK就是钩子,用于劫持消息,在windows中是这样的,因为win32程序是以消息机制为基础的,比如你点击鼠标,会给窗口传递一个消息,移动鼠标,会给窗口一个消息,用钩子可以比你的窗口先检测到这个消息,从而得到这个消息进行处理,你的窗口可能就处理不到这个消息了,要看你的钩子处理程序是否把这个消息传给窗口,具体看WIN32应用程序开发吧,而CALL相当于高级语言中的函数调用了,在某一段具有独立功能的程序段前个标号,然后在别的地方Call这个标号即相当于调用这个子函数了。 你想想call 的英语意思是 “呼叫的意思” 程序 中就是 call 加 程序段名 就等于你在呼叫这一段 在汇编中的叫调用 例如 一段 延时程序 名字叫“delay” 你要调用他就 call delay希望我的回答对你有所帮助!Kiss灬小猪

call of duty是什么意思

call:是呼唤、召唤的意思,在这里翻译成“召唤”。duty:是职责、责任、使命的意思,在这里翻译成“使命”。如果把Call of Duty直接翻译过来就是“使命的召唤”,但是对于一个游戏来说,这个名字有些俗,所以就译成了“使命召唤”

beyond the call of duty什么意思

近似于:above and beyond something做了职责份外的事,表示超过期望值。 例句如: If your waiter goes beyond the call of duty, leave a bigger tip.假如你的女侍应的服务好得超过职责本身,请给她更多的小费。源来于: first used about police officers, fire fighters, or soldiers who were injured or killed while doing their jobs 一开始用于当警察,救火员或士兵在工作中受伤或者牺牲。




在法语里面,escala是位于法国比利牛斯山脉的一个乡镇。法语解释如下:Escala est une commune française, située dans le département des Hautes-Pyrénées et la région Midi-Pyrénées.

fiscal responsibility是什么意思

fiscal responsibility[英][ˈfiskəl riˌspɔnsəˈbiliti][美][ˈfɪskəl rɪˌspɑnsəˈbɪlɪti]财政责任; 例句:1.Fiscal responsibility is enshrined in law. 财政责任已得到法律规定。望采纳,谢谢

Sport is not only physically challenging(挑战), but


Often do something physically challenging什麼意思


vertically challenged是什么意思


physically challenged是什么意思

physically challenged 残疾的;有生理缺陷的 [例句]I am actually quite physically challenged.我其实是相当残障。请采纳如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳,~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

musically challenged什么意思

musically challenged音乐上的挑战

musically challenged的名词解释?

音乐挑战挑战 [ tiǎo zhàn ] 生词本基本释义 详细释义[ tiǎo zhàn ]1.激怒敌人出来打仗。2.刺激对方出来和自己较量。3.鼓动对方和自己竞赛。

新加坡 Singtel 的 Free IDD Call 是什么意思

就是你讲的这个意思,前面加拨019+国家代码+电话号码只收本地通话费,正常时段(周一到周五早八点到晚7:59)每分钟一毛六,此外皆为优惠时段,每分钟八分。我用的就是Singtel Prepaid Card,的确这样收费。补充问题回答:是所有Singtel的用户都享受的,不需要申请。我也用的28元含100元的电话卡,100元中含28元国际长途,72元本地通话,对吧。我打到中国的确只扣了国际长途部分的话费。不知道你的电话出什么问题了,你可以打客服电话试一下,免费的:96767777。如果英语沟通困难(额。。。他们客服有很多说的都是东南亚英语,很难听懂),你可以要求找一个会说普通话的客户服务人员,接通电话的会说就会跟你讲普通话,不会说普通话的人也会帮你转到会说的人那里。

High school musical 3的歌词

1Now Or Never 1Now Or Never Sixteen, Sixteen minutes left better get it done Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen more minutes get ready, game on! Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen minutes left running out of time! Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen more minutes till it"s on the line! Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen minutes left gotta get it done Sixteen, sixteen, sixteen more minutes till we"re number 1! [Coach Bolton] Let"s go team! [Troy] Gotta get it together Yeah, pull up and Shoot, Score! Are ya ready? Are ya with me? [Wildcats] Team Team Team Yeah [Troy] Shake em with the crossover, [Crowd] Wildcats! [Troy] Tell me, what are we here for? To win [Troy & Chad] Cause we know that we"re the best team [Coach Bolton] Come on Boys Come on Boys Come On! [Troy & Chad] The way we play tonight Is what we leave behind (that"s right) It all comes down to right now It"s up to us (let"s go) So What are we gonna be? (We"re gonna be...) [Wildcats] T-E-A-M TEAM [Troy] Gotta work it out Turn it on! [Wildcats] Come on! [Chorus] This is the last time to get it right This is the last chance to make it our night We gotta show what we"re all about (Team: WILDCATS! ) Work Together This is the last chance to make our mark History will know who we are! This is the last game so make it count, it"s Now or Never [Crowd] W-I-L-D [Coach Bolton] "Atta boy [Crowd] Wildcats You know you are! W-I-L-D Wildcats Come on, Come on [WHK] West High Knights, [Crowd] Yeah [WHK] Yeah, we"re doin" it right [Crowd] Oh yeah W-I-L-D Wildcats Nows the Time [Troy] Gotta get it inside, down low Forget the pain now shoot, score! (DEFENSE) Gotta work it together Gimmie the ball (x3) Let"s work Get the ball under control Get it flop from downtown 3, 4 [Chad] Show "em we can do it better (no way) Go Go Go [Coach Bolton] Come on Boys [Crowd] Wildcats! [Troy & Chad] The way we play tonight Is what we leave behind It all comes down to right now It"s up to us So What are we gonna be? (We"re gonna be...) [Wildcats] T-E-A-M TEAM [Troy] Gotta work it out Turn it on! [Wildcats] Come on [Chorus] This is the last time to get it right This is the last chance to make it our night We gotta show what we"re all about (Team: WILDCATS! ) Work Together This is the last chance to make our mark (HOOPS! ) History will know who we are! This is the last game so make it count, it"s Now or Never [Troy] Right now I can hardly breath [Gabriella] Ohh, you can do it Just know that I believe [Troy] And that"s all I really need [Gabriella] Then come on [Troy] Make me strong [Troy & Wildcats] It"s time to turn it up Game on! [Crowd] Wildcats Gonna tear it up Go Wildcats Yeah, we"re number one Hey Wildcats We"re the champions Go Go Go Go Go Go Team Oh [WHK] Yeah West High Knights Yeah we"re puttin up a fight [Crowd] Wildcats We never quit it (what) Gonna win it (what) Let me hear ya say Hey Hey Hey Hey Hey [Troy] This is the last time to get it right (Oh) This is the last chance to make it our night (Yeah) We gotta show what we"re all about (Team, WILDCATS! ) Work Together This is the last chance to make our mark HIstory will know who we are! This is the last game so make it, count it"s Now or Never Yeah [Crowd] Go Go [Coach Bolton] Go! [Crowd] Gooooooooooooooooooooo! 2.Right Here, Right Now by Troy & Gabriella [Zac:] Can you imagine, what would happen if we could have any dream I"d wish this moment, was ours to own it and that it would never leave. Then I would thank that star, that made our wish come true (come true) Ohh Yeahh Cause he knows that where you are, is where I should be too. [Chorus:] Right Here, Right Now Im looking at you, and my heart loves the view Cause you mean everything Right Here, I promise you somehow that tomorrow can wait, some other day to be (to be) But right now there"s you and me [Vanessa:] It feels like forever, what could be better We"ve already proved it was That two thousand words, twenty three hours, have blended the universe. Its gonna be, everything (everything) in our whole world changed (it starts changing) and do know that when we are, (when we are) our memory"s the same oh no,oh no [Chorus:] Right Here, Right Now (right now) Im looking at you,and my heart loves the view Cause you mean everything (everything) Right Here, I promise you somehow (somehow were gonna) That tomorrow can wait, some other day to be (to be) But right now there"s you and me. [Bridge:] Oh we know its coming (coming) Oh its coming fast Its always you and me,ohh yeah so lets make this second last make it last [Chorus:] Right here, Ooohh Right now. Yeah im looking at you, and my heart loves the view Cause you mean everything Right Here, I promise you somehow That tomorrow can wait, some other day to be (to be) But right now there"s you and me You and me you and me Ohh You and me But right now there"s you and me 3. i want it all Sharpay: Imagine having everything we ever dreamed. Don"t you want it? Ryan: Maybe. Sharpay: Can"t you see it? Ryan: Kind of. Sharpay: Imagine first audtition after college I get the lead! Ryan: Apart from me Well of course! (yeah right) You gotta believe it! (keep talkin") You and I, all the fame Sharpay and what"s-his-name Sound exciting? Inviting. Let"s do it then! (listening!) Personal stylist, agent and a publicist But where do I fit into this? With you we can win! (win the part) Think bigger! Become superstars (that"s better) Don"t you see that Bigger is better And better is bigger A little bit is never enough No no no! Don"t you want it all? You want it, you know that you want it The fame and the fortune and more! (You want it all!) You want it, you know that you want it You gotta have your star on the door You want the world, nothing less All the glam and the press Only givin" you the best To use (sing it!) I want it all! I want it, I want it, (yeah) want it My name in lights at Carnegie Hall I want it all! Sharpay: Can"t you see it? Ryan: Yeah! Sharpay: They"re gonna love me. Ryan: Mhmm (clears throat) Sharpay: I mean, us. Red carpet, rose bouquets, crowd waiting backstage I"m with her, don"t stop me, I"m not the paparazzi Invitations, standing ovations Magazines (yes please) Gotta be celebrities! Photographs, fan club, give the people what they love Now you"re excited (I like it) Let"s do it then! (yeah!) Times Square, jet setter, sequels, hey better New York today, tomorrow the world! Sold out shows! (think bigger!) And the Oscar goes to... (that"s better!) Don"t you see that Bigger is better And better is bigger A little bit is never enough No no no! I want it all! I want it, want it, want it The fame and the fortune and more! I want it all! I want it, want it, want it I gotta have my star on the door I want the world, nothing less All the glam and the press Only givin" you the best reviews I want it all! I want it, want it, want it Radio, CD Music Hall We want it all! Here in the spotlight we shine Look at who we are When Broadway knows your name You know that you"re a star! Dance! I want it (I want it) I-I-I want it (I want it) I want it I want it (I want it) I-I-I-I want it (I want it all!) I want it I-I-I want it (want it) I want it I want it I-I-I-I I WANT IT ALL! I want it, want it, want it The fame and the fortune and more! I want it all! I want it, want it, want it I gotta have my star on the door I want the world, nothing less All the glam and the press Only givin" me the best reviews I want it all! (Paris!) All! (London!) All! (Rome!) Toronto! LA! Sydney! Buenos Aires! Tokyo! Moscow! Bollywood! NEW YORK CITY!!!!! We...Want...It (we want it)...All!!! All: We just wanna be you, You"ve got us in you minds Gabriella: We"ve got to work it Something tells me, I"m clear Oh yeah Ryan: Trouble never comes Except Sharpay All: Fun if I Just wanna be with you tonight Both: The Boys Are Back! The Boys Are Back! Chad: Look Out Now! Both: The Boys Are Back, Gonna Do It Again Chad: And We Make It Look Good! Both: The Boys Are Back! The Boys Are Back! Climbin" Down The Walls, Anytime We Want! We"re Sure That You Know By Now, The Boys Are Back!

High School Musical 歌词(带歌手)

CH代表合唱Tr:Lookin" forward from center stage, to graduation day, time to get the future started!G:What we leave when we take with us, no matter what, it"s somethin" we"re a part of!Tr+G:We learn to fly, together side-by-side. (Side-by-side)I just hope the rest of my life, to feel as good as my,CH:High school musical!Who says we have to let it go, its the best part weve ever knownStep into the future, but hold on toHigh school musical,Lets celebrate where we come fromThe friends whove been there all along, just likeA High school (High School!) Musical!R:Improvisation without a script, no ones written it, and now we have the chance too!S:Someday we"ll be lookin" back, Memories we"ll have, all the songs that we lived through!The best of times, so why leave them behind.S+R:Why cant the rest of my lifeBe like my,CH High school musical! (Yeah!)Who says we have to let it go?It"s the best part we"ve ever known, (Yeah!)Step into the future!We"ll hold on to,High school Musical,Lets celebrate where we come from,With friends who"ve been there all along, just right! (Thats right!)(Oooh!)Ta+C:Now we finally realizeTa:Who we are, it just took some timeYou have to learn and live to see the truthC+Ta:Learn to see the truth!Nothing"s ever impossible, into the future we all freefall!If and forever we"ll always have High Schooool!(Hiiiiiigh!)Tr:Turn the party, now celebrate!(Schoool!)G:Cause the worlds one big stage,(Oooooo!)R:and in it what you want, it can be yours!S:Everybody sing, yeah!(Hiiiiiigh!)C:Can it show us where we wanna go?Ta:Its where the status is we know.(Schoool!)Ch:High school, lives on for Ever MoreHigh school, High School Musical!High school musical! (Yeah! Woooo!)Who says we have to let it go?It"s the best part we"ve ever known,Step into the future! (Heyy!)But hold onto High school musical (Musical!)Lets celebrate where we come from (Celebrate!)The friends whove been there all along! Oh yeeaaah!G:Ive always remembered being like a,CH:High school musical! (Yeeeeaaaaah!)Who says we have to let it go!Its the best part weve ever known, (Come on!)Step into the future, but hold ontoHigh school musical, (Musical!)Lets celebrate where we come from (Oooh, Yeah!)girls:Ooooooh!All together!boys:Theres a better!CH:Memories that last forever!I want the rest of,My life too,Feel just like,A (Feel just like a!)

xor 的含义 (pascal)

异或 属于编程中位运算的知识用法如下:false xor false = false;true xor true = false;true xor false = true;在noip初赛题上经常出现


make telephone call打电话


make ate i telephone call吃了我电话

People often make t_______ calls to each other



make telephone call打电话


makeelephonecall怎么看都觉得你写错了应该是make telephone call意思是:打电话

如何调整cfx timescale factor


c语言中,#define local 是什么意思

就是定义了一个local,可以这样用:#defne local;#ifdef local...#else...#endif这样就能条件编译了


European 欧洲的 republican 共和的 suburban 郊区的 veteran 退伍军人的 American 美国的 German 德国的 Chicagoan 芝加哥的 Coloradoan 科罗拉多州的 San Fransiscoan 旧金山的 Mexican 墨西哥的Asian 亚洲的 Indian 印度的,印第安的 Italian 意大利的 Christian 基督的 Egyptian 埃及的 Laotian 老挝的 Cambodian 柬埔寨的 Parisian 巴黎的 Australian 澳大利亚的 Austrian 奥地利的customary 习惯的 elementary 基础的,小学的 exemplary 模范的 imaginary 虚数的 necessary 必须的 sanitary 卫生的 secondary 第二位的 temporary 临时的 voluntary 自愿的 tertiary 第三的compulsory 强迫的 contradictory 矛盾的 obligatory 义务的 preparatory 准备的 satisfactory 满意的 dilatory 缓慢的 dormitory 住宅区的 assessory 附件的 sensory 感觉的 circulatory 循环的awful 可怕的 beautiful 美丽的 careful 小心的 cheerful 愉快的 colorful 彩色的 doubtful 怀疑的dreadful 可怕的 fateful 致命的 fearful 可怕的 forgetful 健忘的biological 生物学的 botanical 植物学的 chemical 化学的 cynical 愤世嫉俗的 identical 一致的 ironical 讽刺的 methodical 有方法的 musical 音乐的 mythological 神话的 physical 物理的bookish 好读书的 brownish 呈棕色的 childish 幼稚的 feverish 发热的 selfish 自私的 yellowish 微黄的 mannish 像男人的 reddish 淡红的 sixtyish 六十几岁的 greenish 带点青绿色的aimless 无目标的 blameless 无过失的 bloodless 无血的 boundless 无限的 careless 粗心的 cloudless 无云的 countless 无数的 groundless 无根据的 harmless 无害的 heartless 无情的absolutely 绝对地 actually 真实地 barely 几乎不 heartily 诚恳地 invariably 不变地 literally 逐字地 readily 迅速地 roughly 粗略地 shortly 不久 steadily 有规则地afterwards 后来 backwards 向后 downwards 向下 homewards 回家 inwards 向内 northwards 向北 outwards 向外 southwards 向南 sunwards 向阳 upwards 向上crosswise 横地,斜地 likewise 同样地 otherwise 否则 sidewise 横向地,从旁边 clockwise 顺时针方向 counterclockwise 逆时针方向 endwise 末端向前 straightwise 立刻 moneywise 向金钱 taxwise 向税

苹果充电器的头上写着“Designed by Apple in California ”什么意思?


vocal arrangements designed是什么意思

vocal arrangements designed声乐设计安排

苹果手机后盖英文什么意思designed by apple in california assemdbked in china modei al

“designed by apple in california assemdbked in china”译为:由加利福尼亚苹果公司设计,在中国组装。“modei Al661”指的是手机型号为:国行三网通iPhone7plus。



iPhone上写着Designed by apple in California assembled in China 这段文字什么意思?


刚买了台4S 想请问下各位高手苹果后盖所显示的英文是什么意思 Designed by Apple in california

简单说句 不重要。 重要是否是全新承铨数码 专业卖全新

critical approach到底是什么意思?

朋友,语言学中的意思最为明显批评性话语分析述评A Critical Approach to Discourse Analysis 所以critical(批判的,批评的) approach(方法,途径)再如:价值批判途径value-critical approach 政策研究在我国刚刚起...

birthday calendar是什么意思?



佐藤莎莎拉(さとうささら),是由CeVIO开发的CeVIO Creative Studio声音创作软件,因功能超越Vocaloid,有自动调教的功能,隐隐有替代初音未来的趋势。







Who can show me some awesome American Slangs? I mean they r very practical as well

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不同1 horse 音标 [hɔːs] 2 call 音标 [kɔːl]

past medical history是什么意思

past medical history [词典] [医] 既往病史; [例句]Her past medical history included hyperlipidaemia, hypertension and bullous emphysema.她的既往史包括:高脂血症、高血压和大疱性肺气肿。

critical strike是什么意思

critical strike临界一击strike[英][straɪk][美][straɪk]vt.罢(工、课等); 撞; 攻击; 来到; vi.罢工; 打击; 朝某一方向前进; n.攻击; 罢工[课,市]; 发现; 第三人称单数:strikes过去分词:struck stricken复数:strikes现在进行时:striking过去式:struckstrook例句:1.The government"s announcement is seen as a move towards settling the strike. 政府的通告已被视为迈向解决罢工问题的一步。

surgical strike是什么意思



这个说法错误,如果你不在上面装系统,全部分成logical,没有问题,primary 分区,在装系统时可以引导。其他无区别


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Associate MA TA manager, Medical


Practical ability是什么意思

cal ree,组成什么单词?

可以组成cereal. n.谷类植物; 谷物; (常加牛奶作早餐用的)谷类食物; 麦片; 例句:Beer and ale production uses cereal grains such as barley, wheat, and rice.啤酒和麦啤酒的生产使用谷物,例如,大麦、小麦和大米。复数:cereals

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eiectrical equipment是什么意思

electrical equipment词典电气设备electrical equipment词典电气设备

electrical equipment是什么意思


electrical equipment是什么意思

electrical (形容词)电气的,equipment (名词)设备合起来就是:电气设备

electrical equipment是什么意思


mechanical equipment是什么意思

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