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如何使用flash builder的概要分析工具

你问的问题有点大,真正想把 Flash Builder 的概要分析工具说清楚,没有个几万字是不太可能的。所以只能先简单说吧。如果还不明白,可以追加提问。我发Flash Builder的官方文档给你。其中的第 6 章就是专门讲解Flash Builder 中的概要分析工具的。Flash Builder 在概要分析会话期间编译和运行应用程序时包含了调试信息。如果某个外部应用程序当前不是在 Flash Builder 中开发的,但可通过 URL 或文件系统获得其 SWF 文件,也可以对其进行概要分析。对于要进行概要分析的应用程序,其 SWF 文件中必须包含调试信息。开始对应用程序进行概要分析关闭所有浏览器实例。在 Flash Builder 中打开应用程序。在主工具栏中单击“概要分析 application_name”按钮。如果尚未关闭所有浏览器实例,Flash Builder 会提示您关闭。单击“确定”。Flash Builder 将编译该应用程序,然后在一个单独的浏览器窗口中启动该应用程序。Flash Builder 也会显示“配置概要分析器”对话框。在“配置概要分析器”对话框中选择适当的选项,然后单击“继续”。要对应用程序进行概要分析,请选择“启用内存概要分析”选项或“启用性能概要分析”选项。概要分析应用程序时,可以同时选择这两个选项。下面介绍了这些选项:起始连接位置 显示启动应用程序的服务器。如果应用程序在概要分析器所在的计算机上运行,此值为 localhost。此值不可更改。但是,可以对在其它计算机上运行的应用程序进行概要分析。请参阅概要分析外部应用程序。应用程序 显示要概要分析的应用程序。此值不可更改。启用内存概要分析 指示概要分析器收集内存数据。此选项用于检测内存泄漏或查找过多的对象创建。执行性能概要分析时,可以取消选择此选项。默认情况下,“启用内存概要分析”为选中状态。观察活动内存数据 指示概要分析器在概要分析期间在“活动对象”视图中显示内存数据。执行内存概要分析或性能概要分析时,此选项并非必需。仅当选择了“启用内存概要分析”时,才可以选择此选项。默认情况下,“观察活动内存数据”为选中状态。生成对象分配堆栈跟踪 指示概要分析器在每次创建新对象后都捕获堆栈跟踪。启用此选项会降低概要分析的速度。通常仅在必需时才会选中此选项。此选项仅在选中了“启用内存概要分析”时可用。默认情况下,不会选中“生成对象分配堆栈跟踪”。如果不选择此选项,就无法在“对象引用”视图或“分配跟踪”视图中查看分配跟踪信息。启用性能概要分析 指示概要分析器以采样间隔收集堆栈跟踪数据。这些示例用于确定应用程序中执行时间的分配情况。执行内存概要分析时,可以取消选择此选项。默认情况下,“启用性能概要分析”为选中状态。可以通过更改概要分析首选参数来更改这些选项的默认值。有关更多信息,请参阅设置概要分析器首选参数。现在即可开始与应用程序交互,并检查概要分析器数据。暂停和继续对应用程序进行概要分析启动概要分析器后,可以在“概要分析”视图中暂停应用程序,然后重新启动。选择一个应用程序,然后选择要对该应用程序执行的操作。下例显示了包含多个应用程序的“概要分析”视图。当前有一个应用程序正在运行,而其它应用程序都已终止。停止对应用程序进行概要分析在“概要分析”视图中选择应用程序。单击“终止”按钮,手动结束概要分析会话。执行该操作不会关闭浏览器,也不会终止 Player 进程。要返回到 Flex 开发透视图,可从透视图下拉列表中选择“Flex 开发”。也可以在窗口中按 Ctrl+F8 更改透视图。保存和加载概要分析数据运行概要分析器之后,可以保存数据,以便将当前概要分析会话的快照与更改代码后制作的快照进行比较。执行该操作有助于您确定是否确定了真正的问题区域,以及所做的更改能否改进应用程序的性能和内存使用情况。保存概要分析数据时,会将应用程序的所有数据保存在该概要文件中。这些数据包括所有性能概要文件、内存快照和分配跟踪。Flash Builder 会在指定位置处将这些信息编写为一组二进制文件。保存概要分析数据在“概要分析”视图中选择应用程序。在“概要分析”视图中打开下拉列表,然后选择“保存”。随即出现“浏览文件夹”对话框。选择要保存概要分析数据的位置,然后单击“确定”。为要保存的每组概要分析数据分别创建一个文件夹。如果选择同一个文件夹,则新数据会覆盖旧数据。检索已保存的概要分析数据选择“已保存的概要分析数据”视图。单击“打开”按钮。随即出现“浏览文件夹”对话框。导航到包含应用程序的概要分析数据的文件夹,然后单击“确定”。Flash Builder 将在“已保存的概要分析数据”视图中显示可用的概要分析数据。在此视图中,不能继续执行应用程序,但可以查看内存快照、性能概要文件或保存的其它数据。无法从 Flash Builder 中删除已保存的应用程序数据。删除概要分析数据在“概要分析”视图中选择应用程序中的快照。单击“删除”按钮。设置概要分析器首选参数可以设置一些概要分析器首选参数,以便在所有概要分析会话中应用这些设置。这些设置可以定义对应用程序进行概要分析时使用的 Flash Player/浏览器;如果进行概要分析的应用程序正在服务器上运行,还可定义默认过滤器和此应用程序所用的端口号。概要分析外部应用程序除了可以对在 Flash Builder 中开发的应用程序进行概要分析之外,也可以对外部应用程序进行概要分析。外部应用程序可以是位于任何可访问位置的 SWF 文件,包括位于远程 Web 服务器或本地文件系统上的应用程序。对于 SWF 文件,您可以指定 URL 或文件系统位置。如果指定的是 URL,Flash Builder 将在默认浏览器中启动应用程序的 SWF 文件。浏览器必须使用 Flash Player 的调试器版本,才能成功地对应用程序进行概要分析。如果为 SWF 文件指定了文件系统位置,Flash Builder 将在独立 Flash Player 的调试器版本中打开应用程序。通常,请使用 URL 来请求文件。在 Flash Player 的独立版本中运行应用程序时,可能会得到意外结果。当应用程序使用远程服务或网络调用时,极易出现这种情况。对外部应用程序进行概要分析切换到 Flash 概要分析透视图。选择“概要分析”>“对外部应用程序进行概要分析”。此时会出现“对外部应用程序进行概要分析”对话框。选择“启动所选应用程序”按钮(默认设置),然后单击“新增”按钮。随即出现“添加应用程序”对话框。还可以通过选择“在 Flash Builder 外部手工启动该应用程序”选项来手动启动应用程序。输入 SWF 文件的位置并单击“确定”,或者单击“浏览”按钮在文件系统中找到应用程序。单击“启动”按钮。如果为应用程序位置指定了 URL,Flash Builder 会在默认浏览器中启动该应用程序。如果为应用程序指定了文件系统位置,Flash Builder 会在 Flash Player 独立版本中打开该应用程序。如果指定的 SWF 文件未使用调试信息进行编译,Flash Builder 会返回错误。请将 debug 编译器选项设为 true,重新编译应用程序,然后重新启动。

flex和flash builder是一个东西吗

flex 与flash builder 的关系如同 Java与Eclipse的关系,是一种技术与IDE的关系。flex通常是指Adobe Flex,是最初由Macromedia公司在2004年3月发布的,基于其专有的Macromedia Flash平台,它是涵盖了支持RIA(Rich Internet Applications)的开发和部署的一系列技术组合 参考资料: builder 其谈到Flex Builder创建的目的,就是为了能创建Flex框架,但是,诸多开发者仍然是单纯的使用ActionScript来进行工作。Flex Builder更名称Flash Builder后,仍然将继续是基于Eclipse产品,并将添加更多的特性。参考资料:个人理解,仅供参考。希望对你有帮助!

如何修改flash builder 默认运行flashplayer 版本


.net ashx 用法? 提示:未能创建类型“HandlerExample.TextBuilder”

<%@ WebHandler language="C#" Class="HandlerExample.TextBuilder" codebehind="TextBuilder.ashx.cs"%> Class="HandlerExample.TextBuilder"换成Class="HandlerExample.MyHttpHandler";或者这样写<%@ WebHandler language="C#" Class="TextBuilder"%>

_____of the buildings were ruined. A Three fourth B Three four C Three-fouths D Three-four

C Three-fouths (四分之三)【Three-fouths 】of the buildings were ruined翻译:四分之三(大部分)楼房被毁语言点: 分数表达法:分子用基数词, 分母用序数词, 但分子大于一时分母序数词后加s您好,很高兴为您解答,fightout为您答疑解惑如果本题有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意记得采纳如果有其他问题请采纳本题后另发点击向我求助,答题不易,请谅解,谢谢。祝学习进步

String 与StringBuilder有什么区别

就是一个变量和常量的关系 StringBuffer对象的内容可以修改 而String对象一旦产生后就不可以被修改,重新赋值其实是两个对象

build,construct,sruct 什么区别

1.establish着重稳固地建成,可具体指国家、政府、学校或商店等的建立,也可指信仰、信用、名誉、法律、制度、规则等的建立.2.build普通用词,含义广泛,可指一切具体或抽象的建造或建立.3.construct较正式用词,强调根据一定计划进行的规模较大,结构较复杂,要求较高技术的建造.4.结构,是C++语言里的.establish and improve surveillance management systems


xcodebuild [ -project name.xcodeproj] [[ -target targetname] ... | -alltargets ] [ -configuration configurationname] [ -sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [action ...] [buildsetting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...] xcodebuild [ -project name.xcodeproj] -scheme schemename [[ -destination destinationspecifier] ...] [ -destination-timeout value] [ -configuration configurationname] [ -sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [action ...] [buildsetting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...] xcodebuild -workspace name.xcworkspace -scheme schemename [[ -destination destinationspecifier] ...] [ -destination-timeout value] [ -configuration configurationname] [ -sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [action ...] [buildsetting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...] xcodebuild -version [ -sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [infoitem] xcodebuild -showsdks xcodebuild -showBuildSettings [ -project name.xcodeproj | [ -workspace name.xcworkspace -scheme schemename]] xcodebuild -list [ -project name.xcodeproj | -workspace name.xcworkspace] xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath xcarchivepath -exportPath destinationpath -exportOptionsPlist path xcodebuild -exportLocalizations -project name.xcodeproj -localizationPath path [[ -exportLanguage language] ...] xcodebuild -importLocalizations -project name.xcodeproj -localizationPath path Options -project name.xcodeproj Build the project name.xcodeproj. Required if there are multiple project files in the same directory. -target targetname Build the target specified by targetname. -alltargets Build all the targets in the specified project. -workspace name.xcworkspace Build the workspace name.xcworkspace. -scheme schemename Build the scheme specified by schemename. Required if building a workspace. -destination destinationspecifier Use the destination device described by destinationspecifier. Defaults to a destination that is compatible with the selected scheme. See the Destinations section below for more details. -destination-timeout timeout Use the specified timeout when searching for a destination device. The default is 30 seconds. -configuration configurationname Use the build configuration specified by configurationname when building each target. -arch architecture Use the architecture specified by architecture when building each target. -sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname] Build an Xcode project or workspace against the specified SDK, using build tools appropriate for that SDK. The argument may be an absolute path to an SDK, or the canoni- cal name of an SDK. -showsdks Lists all available SDKs that Xcode knows about, including their canonical names suitable for use with -sdk . Does not initiate a build. -showBuildSettings Lists the build settings in a project or workspace and scheme. Does not initiate a build. Use with -project or -workspace and -scheme. -list Lists the targets and configurations in a project, or the schemes in a workspace. Does not initiate a build. Use with -project or -workspace . -enableAddressSanitizer [YES | NO] Turns the address sanitizer on or off. This overrides the setting for the launch action of a scheme in a workspace. -enableThreadSanitizer [YES | NO] Turns the thread sanitizer on or off. This overrides the setting for the launch action of a scheme in a workspace. -enableCodeCoverage [YES | NO] Turns code coverage on or off during testing. This overrides the setting for the test action of a scheme in a workspace. -derivedDataPath path Overrides the folder that should be used for derived data when performing an action on a scheme in a workspace. -resultBundlePath path Writes a bundle to the specified path with results from performing an action on a scheme in a workspace. -exportArchive Specifies that an archive should be exported. Requires -archivePath , -exportPath , and -exportOptionsPlist . Cannot be passed along with an action. -archivePath xcarchivepath Specifies the path for the archive produced by the archive action, or specifies the archive that should be exported when -exportArchive is passed. -exportPath destinationpath Specifies the destination for the exported product, including the name of the exported file. -exportOptionsPlist path Specifies options for -exportArchive . xcodebuild -help can print the full set of available options. -exportLocalizations Exports localizations to XLIFF files. Requires -project and -localizationPath. Cannot be passed along with an action. -importLocalizations Imports localizations from an XLIFF file. Requires -project and -localizationPath. Cannot be passed along with an action. -localizationPath Specifies a path to a directory or a single XLIFF localization file. -exportLanguage language Specifies optional ISO 639-1 languages included in a localization export. May be repeated to specify multiple languages. May be excluded to specify an export includes only development language strings. -xctestrun xctestrunpath Specifies test run parameters. Can only be used with the test-without-building action. Cannot be used with -workspace or -project . See <x-man-page://5/ xcodebuild.xctestrun> for file format details. -skip-testing: test-identifier, -only-testing: test-identifier Constrain test actions. -only-testing: constrains a test action to only testing a specified identifier, and excluding all other identifiers. -skip-testing: constrains a test action to skip testing a specified identifier, but including all other identifiers. Test identifiers have the form TestTarget[/TestClass[/TestMethod]]. An xcodebuild command can combine multiple constraint options, but -only-testing: has precedence over -skip-testing: . -dry-run, -n Print the commands that would be executed, but do not execute them. -skipUnavailableActions Skip actions that cannot be performed instead of failing. This option is only honored if -scheme is passed. buildsetting=value Set the build setting buildsetting to value. A detailed reference of Xcode build settings can be found at: -userdefault=value Set the user default userdefault to value. -toolchain [identifier | name] Use a given toolchain, specified with either an identifier or name. -quiet Do not print any output except for warnings and errors. -verbose Provide additional status output. -version Display version information for this install of Xcode. Does not initiate a build. When used in conjunction with -sdk , the version of the specified SDK is displayed, or all SDKs if -sdk is given no argument. Additionally, a single line of the reported version information may be returned if infoitem is specified. -license Show the Xcode and SDK license agreements. Allows for accepting the license agreements without launching Xcode itself, which is useful for headless systems. Must be run as a privileged user. -usage Displays usage information for xcodebuild . The -destination option takes as its argument a destination specifier describing the device (or devices) to use as a destination. A destination specifier is a single argument consisting of a set of comma-separated key=value pairs. The -destination option may be specified multiple times to cause xcodebuild to perform the specified action on multiple destinations. Destination specifiers may include the platform key to specify one of the supported destination platforms. There are additional keys which should be supplied depending on the platform of the device you are selecting. Some devices may take time to look up. The -destination-timeout option can be used to specify the amount of time to wait before a device is considered unavailable. If unspeci- fied, the default timeout is 30 seconds. Some actions (such as building) may be performed without an actual device present. To build against a platform generically instead of a specific device, the destination speci- fier may be prefixed with the optional string "generic/", indicating that the platform should be targeted generically. An example of a generic destination is the "Generic iOS Device" destination displayed in Xcode"s UI when no physical iOS device is present. Exporting Archives The -exportArchive option specifies that xcodebuild should export the archive specified by -archivePath using the options specified by -exportOptionsPlist . xcodebuild -help can print the full set of available inputs to -exportOptionsPlist . The exported product will be placed at the path specified by -exportPath . Environment Variables The following environment variables affect the execution of xcodebuild : XCODE_XCCONFIG_FILE Set to a path to a file, build settings in that file will be loaded and used when building all targets. These settings will override all other settings, including settings passed individually on the command line, and those in the file passed with the -xcconfig option. Exit Codes xcodebuild exits with codes defined by sysexits(3). It will exit with EX_OK on success. On failure, it will commonly exit with EX_USAGE if any options appear malformed, EX_NOINPUT if any input files cannot be found, EX_IOERR if any files cannot be read or written, and EX_SOFTWARE if the commands given to xcodebuild fail. It may exit with other codes in less common scenarios. ibtool(1), sysexits(3), xcode-select(1), xcrun(1), xed(1) Xcode Builds Settings Reference macOS June 20, 2016 macOS


iOS脚本自动化打包方案--xcodebuild 本文主要xcodebuild脚本自动化打包并上传到蒲公英或者AppStore,废话不多说,直接上干货! 先了解一下xcodebuild打包需要的一些指令 -workspace XXX.xcworkspace XXX.xcworkspace需要编译工程的工作空间名称,如果工程不是.xcworkspace的,可以不需要-workspace XXX.xcworkspace这段话 -scheme XXX XXX是工程名称,-scheme XXX是指定构建工程的名称 -configuration Release 填入打包的方式是Debug或Release,就跟在Xcode中编译前需要在Edit scheme的Build configuration中选择打出来的包是Debug还是Release包一样,-configuration就是配置编译的Build configuration -archivePath ./myArchivePath 配置生成.xcarchive的路径, ./表示生成在当前目录下,myArchivePath是生成的.Archive文件名称 ODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=证书 配置打包的指定证书,如果该工程的Xcode已经配置好了证书,那么不加入这段话也可以,打包出来的证书就是Xcode中配置好的。 PROVISIONING_PROFILE=描述文件UUID 配置打包的描述文件,同上,Xcode已经配置好了就不用在填入这段话了 CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR 配置编译文件的输出路径,如果需要用到.xcarchive文件内部的dSYM等文件,可以使用改字段指定输出路径。 如果工程是勾选了Automatically manage signing,那么就不用在配置ODE_SIGN_IDENTITY和PROVISIONING_PROFILE,今天这里讲到的Automatically manage signing自动配置证书,手动配置的就不多说了,有兴趣的话可以自己研究。 xcode工程配置自动获取证书,如下图: 打包所需要文件 配置打包的ExportOptions.plist文件,可以在任意一个Xcode工程中新建一个ExportOptions.plist文件。dev和adHoc和AppStore的配置文件内容不一样,可以先手动打包后看下plist文件的样式,这里提供一个样例: 这里method对应的value为打包对应的环境,有development、ad-hoc、app-store、enterprise根据打包环境来配置不同的值 编译脚本命令 xcodebuild archive -workspace XXX.xcworkspace -scheme XXX -configuration Release -archivePath ./myArchivePath CONFIGURATION_BUILD_DIR ./dir ODE_SIGN_IDENTITY=证书 PROVISIONING_PROFILE=描述文件UUID 导出ipa包命令 xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath ./myArchivePath.xcarchive -exportOptionsPlist ./ExportOptions.plist -exportPath ./out -archivePath ./myArchivePath.xcarchive指定需要打包的.xcarchive路径,./myArchivePath.xcarchive表示在当前终端路径下的myArchivePath.xcarchive文件 -exportOptionsPlist ./ExportOptions.plist指定打包需要的ExportOptions.plist配置文件路径 -exportPath ./out指定打包输出的路径, ./out表示打包结果输出在终端的当前路径下的out文件家中。如果没有out文件夹会自动创建一个 脚本操作 首先:cd到需要自动打包的工程下 然后:在终端中输入touch xcodebuild.sh创建xcodebuild.sh脚本文件 然后:双击打开脚本写入下面 脚本内容(请确保所有版本的plist配置文件都写好了) 最后:在终端中输入./xcodebuild.sh运行脚本,按照步骤完成打包选择(如果运行的时候出现Permission denied,请先在终端中执行chmod a+x *.文件的后缀名后,在运行,相当于提高脚本文件的权限) 脚本内容 此脚本包含了自动上传蒲公英的选择操作,根据输入指令来执行具体操作 脚本实现 具体详细脚本见GitHub地址: 如果好用记得给star,谢谢! 如脚本打包执行遇到问题可留言沟通!

什么叫做building society passbook



tall 英 [ tu0254:l ] 美 [ tu0254l ]buildings 英 [ "bu026aldu026au014bz ] 美 [ "bu026aldu026au014bz ]  tallbuildings高层建筑


一个version,一个build,都是设置版本的地方,有什么区别呢?在ios中(Android等工程中也一样),有两种version,一种是 CFBundleVersion ("Bundle Version"),也就是我们看到的version,另一种是CFBundleShortVersionString ("Bundle version string, short"),也就是我们看到的Build。普通情况下,我们只使用version即可,设置为"1.0", "1.1", "2.0" , etc,但如果你要使用两个版本号时候,需要将build设置为1,2,3...等递增的整数,有什么用呢?version我们可以通过App Store、itunes或其它软件看到,是给用户看的,而build是我们在团队开发中内部只用的,只有我们自己可以看到。比如团队打算发布1.0版本的时候,会发布很多build版本供测试或QA团队进行测试,你发布了很多build,因为一直在修改着代码,因此当你收到一条bug信息时候,你怎么知道是那个build引起的问题呢,这时候build版本号的有点就可以体现出来了当前运行版本信息可以通过info.plist文件中的bundle version中获取:NSDictionary *infoDic = [[NSBundle mainBundle] infoDictionary]; CFShow(infoDic); 可以自己输出看一下CFShow打印出来的时什么下面的代码是如果你想在UI上展示给用户看的获取Version的代码,对比是否升级也是通过version对比,而不是build,也是用下面代码NSString * appVersion = [[NSBundle mainBundle]objectForInfoDictionaryKey:(NSString*)kCFBundleVersionKey];

c++ builder 鼠标的On Mouse Move事件


The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build A Home.求歌词翻译

Cinematic Orchestra - To Build A Home Out in the garden where we planted the seeds走出那我們曾經在土裡種下種子的花園There is a tree as old as me那棵樹的年紀已和我相同Branches were sewn by the color of green樹枝皆被縫成綠之色Ground had arose and passed it"s knees * 土地再一次出現並且通過了樹本身的膝蓋 By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top沿著已產生裂縫的樹皮我向上攀爬至頂端I climbed the tree to see the world為了去看這個世界我爬上了樹端When the gusts came around to blow me down但卻在風吹過我身邊時也將我一同吹下 I held on as tightly as you held onto me我緊緊地扶著你如同你也扶住我I held on as tightly as you held onto me......我緊緊地扶著你如同你也扶住我 Cause, I built a home因為,我建造了一個家for you為了你for me也為了我 Until it disappeared直到那家消失from me從我這裡from you也從你那裡 And now, it"s time to leave and turn to dust...而離別的時刻已經來臨了,也全成了灰燼 —— To Build A Home : There is a house built out of stone Wooden floors, walls and window sills... Tables and chairs worn by all of the dust... This is a place where I don"t feel alone This is a place where I feel at home... Cause, I built a home for you for me Until it disappeared from me from you And now, it"s time to leave and turn to dust... Out in the garden where we planted the seeds There is a tree as old as me Branches were sewn by the color of green Ground had arose and passed it"s knees By the cracks of the skin I climbed to the top I climbed the tree to see the world When the gusts came around to blow me down I held on as tightly as you held onto me I held on as tightly as you held onto me...... Cause, I built a home for you for me Until it disappeared from me from you And now, it"s time to leave and turn to dust........ 中文翻譯: 那兒有個石頭蓋的房子 木頭地板,牆和窗台 桌子和椅子舖滿了塵土 這是一個我不會感到孤單的地方 這是一個我覺得自在的地方 因為我曾蓋了一個家 為你 為我 直到它消失了 從你 從我 現在是時候離開 讓一切歸於塵土之時 屋外的花園我們曾灑下種子 那有棵樹現在和我一樣老 樹枝們被綠色縫在一起 地面已經上升並高過它的膝 我曾利用樹皮的裂縫爬上樹頂 去看這世界 當狂風來襲且欲把我吹下來 我緊緊抓著就像你緊緊抓著我 我緊緊抓著就像你緊緊抓著我 因為我曾蓋了一個家 為你 為我 直到它消失了 從你 從我 現在是時候離開 讓一切歸於塵土之時

初音未来【Scrap & Build】的罗马音

  Scrap & Build  作词:40u334dP  作曲:40u334dP  编曲:40u334dP  呗:初音ミク  冷たい太阳が私を照らした  tsumetai taiyou ga watashi wo terashita  剥き出しの心が冻えてしまった  muki dashi no kokoro ga kogoete shimatta  机动力(あなた)を失って 燃料(なみだ)は枯れ果てて  anata wo ushinatte namida wa kare hatete  私はここから歩き出せないの  watashi wa kokokara aruki dase naino  嘘のような真実と 本当のような妄想の  uso no youna shinjitsu to hontou no youna mousou no  狭间で私は 壊レテシマッタ  hazama de watashi wa kowarete shimatta  むせ返るほどの热い口付けを  muse kaeru hodo no atsui kuchizuke wo  私にください 爱してください  watashi ni kudasai aishite kudasai  汚れてしまった 私を许して  yogorete shimatta watashi wo yurushite  あなたのその手で 私を壊して  anata no sono te de watashi wo kowashite  锖び付いた记忆が蚀まれていく  sabi tsuita kioku ga mushibama reteiku  あなたの笑颜も思い出せないの  anata no egao mo omoi dase naino  腐败した心が朽ち果てる前に  fuhaishita kokoro ga kuchi hateru mae ni  もう一度あなたに会いに行きたくて  mou ichido anata ni ai ni yukitakute  动き出した本能と 抑えきれない感情で  ugoki dashita honnou to osae kirenai kanjou de  壊れた心が蘇っていくんだ  kowareta kokoro ga yomigatte ikunda  饮み込めないほどの冷たい口付けを  nomi komenai hodo no tsumetai kuchizuke wo  私にください 爱してください  watashi ni kudasai aishite kudasai  消え行く记忆に あなたを焼き付ける  kie yuku kioku ni anata wo yakitsukeru  それ以外に何も望みはしないの  sore igai ni nanimo nozomi wa shinaino  - 不确かなものが溢れる世界で  - futashikana monoga afureru sekai de  ひとつ确かなもの 傍にあった -  hitotsu tashikana mono sobani atta -  むせ返るほどの热い口付けを  muse kaeru hodo no atsui kuchizuke wo  私にください 爱してください  watashi ni kudasai aishite kudasai  汚れてしまった 私を许して  yogorete shimatta watashi wo yurushite  もう一度その手で 私ヲ壊シテ...  mou ichido sono te de watashi wo kowashite ...

Dining hall Apartment building library这些前面都要加冠词吗

不一定是冠词,如果有数量,或者表示指代谁的的时候就不需要。例句如下:This is the dining hall. 冠词the表特指。This is an dining hall. 冠词an表数量。We have two buildings in the school. 数词twoHow many libraries are there in your university? 数量疑问词How manyIs this your apartment? 物主代词your你的希望可以帮到你。欢迎追问。

安装 postgersql是 最后出现这个 stack builder 2.1.0 是什么?


求ACDSee 10 (简体中文版: 10.0 Build 888) 名称和许可证


acdsee v3.1 sr1 build 1030 汉化版

2D Vector Pak for ACDSee 1.0 注册码 s/n: 012 540 704 832 992 641 ACD Photostitcher Plugin for ACDSee Retail 1.0 注册码 s/n: 006 368 709 374 434 441 ACDSee PowerPack 1.0 注册码 s/n: 664828790472030541 or s/n: 261985885370140541 or s/n: 261985885370140541 or s/n: 537466032486130541 ACDSee Notes 2.X 注册码 Name: Finn Mac CooL Company: Fee Free Warez s/n: 4399225955 ACDSee 2.21 注册码 Name: kOUGER! s/n: 501587 ACDSee 2.3 注册码 Name: letis s/n: 213111 or Name: RAGGER/CORE s/n: 0718645668 ACDSee 2.43 Classic 注册码 Name: CrackAAAA s/n: 127341967921327 ACDSee 2.41 注册码 Name: Dooman s/n: 371821885521327 ACDSee 3.0 注册码 s/n: 527293148772791441 or s/n: 977039898201991441 or s/n: 132728175249781441 ACDSee German 3.1 注册码 Serial:?612710558585490801?Serial:?456531749078201801 ACDSee 3.1 注册码 s/n: 132728175249781441 ACDSee 3.1 German 注册码 s/n: 456531749078201801 or s/n: 612710558585490801 or s/n: 451790728126490801 or s/n: 659885144922301801 or s/n: 644768577689990801 ACDSee 3.1 注册码 s/n: 360215522549102441 ACDSee 4.0 Powerpack Suite 注册码 s/n: 106 097 305 033 437 541 ACDSee 4 注册码 s/n: 148 817 607 012 681 441 ACDSee 4.01.0598 零售注册版注册码 148-817-607-012-681-441 ACDSee 4.0.1 注册码 Code: 148 817 607 012 681 441 ACDSee 注册码 S/n: 844456366802791441 or 805812329517202441 or 879067621296881441 or 614954684210881441 or 191186667299202441 or 290985398756002441 - IS ONLY FOR THE RETAIL VERSION ACDSee PowerPack Suite 4.0.2 注册码 s/n: 116 104 396 423 437 541 ACDSee Standart Retail 4.0.1 注册码 s/n: 148 817 607 012 681 441 ACDSee 5.0.1 PowerPack 注册码 License Number: 579-024-000-472-030-541 ACDSee 5.0 注册码 s/n: 136579469643202441 ACDSee 5.0 PowerPack-Retail 注册码 Serial: 664-828-790-472-030-541 ACDSee PowerPack 5.0 注册码 808 867 739 492 730 541 ACDSee PowerPack (ESD) Retail 5.0.1 注册码 s/n: 593-991-078-082-030-541 ACDSee PowerPack Retail 5.0 注册码 s/n: 664 828 790 472 030 541 ACDSee PowerPack Retail 注册码 s/ns: 664-828-790-472-030-541 or 692-226-855-182-030-541 or 443-255-361-282-030-541 or 647-686-245-582-030-541 or 449-790-855-182-030-541 or 209-478-361-482-030-541 or 664-201-650-772-030-541 ACDSee PowerPack Retail 5.0 注册码 s/n: 664 828 790 472 030 541 ACDSee PowerPack Suite 5.01 Retail注册码 Name: use any name?Company: use any name?s/n: 664-888-115-300-030-541 ACDSee Standart Retail 5.0 注册码 s/n: 664-828-790-472-030-541 ACD Systems ACDsee Retail Edition 5.0 注册码 s/n: 247396879753202441 or 572504292460881441 or 145069804103691441?or?128844400707691441?or?520126660128681441?or?139564140619002441? ACDSee 6.0 PowerPack 注册码 s/n: 986-766-541-560-487-541 ACDSee 6.0 注册码 s/n: 008-663-508-077-002-441 ACDSee 6.0 standard 注册码 s/n: 008-663-508-077-002-441 or s/n: 135-660-073-477-002-441 or s/n: 078-217-550-877-002-441 or s/n: 700-367-368-577-002-441 ACDSee 7.0 注册码 4TKDYK-LN7FJ-ZPQGZG-J7RW566 4SBDPK-FTBYR-ZKFMVP-DSVJCLM 42KDRK-D54TW-RTRX7Z-GRHPXPT 4Q6DVK-CVBLK- MTDV8P-HRPJ8DC 4S3D4K-W3SBM-VNPVS7-G7JHN47 ACDsee8.0的注册码 4FLD7H-3347M-3G2Y3Y-D6W7VPC-DTZ ACDsee10.0的注册码 D6MDVH-334DJ-3NPHS6-DMGK7XK10.0:D8NDVH-334DJ-3N4226-3K79JY5 D6BDVH-334DJ-3M3TJ2-7LRCJ6B DFHDVH-334DJ-3NX8J4-JQT2MVB D8FDVH-334DJ-3N7Q8Y-344TX8J

prototype build是什么意思

prototype build样件制造;原形样品;样品建造When is the earliest MRD for Prototype Build? 最早的MRD原型构建在什么时候?很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O

The new building ______ at the end of this year is a school for poor children.




单片机仿真,程序编译时正确,但是仿真时却出现错误?末尾显示Source code build FAILED with error(s).

程序有问题吧 你把程序贴出来

仿真电路中出现source code build FAILED with 2 error[s]


go build: -i flag is deprecated

编译go项目时不需要加 -i 参数了,在Edit Configurations中去掉该参数 把下图中的 -i 删掉即可

英语This build requires lockable resources怎么翻译?

英语 This build requires lockable resources 怎么翻译?翻译成中文的意思就是此构建需要可锁定的资源!build的意思就是构建!1.requires可以理解为需要,需求!2.lockable翻译为可锁定的,可封闭的!resources翻译为资源。例句The world ' s resources are finite .世界的资源是有限的。This is a criminal waste of resources .这是一种浪费资源的可耻行为。希望对你有帮助。

Empire State building 怎么读


用英文介绍Empire State building(中文为帝国大厦+)

The Empire State Building was completed in New York in 1931. It was the tallest building in the world. It held that title for more than forty years, until the first of the World Trade Center"s towers were built. Even though the Empire State Building is no longer the tallest building in the world, it still holds the title as the best-known architectural landmarks. Around the Great Depression days in the 1930s, the Empire State Building was almost completed. Although, there were many hardships around the Great Depression, the Empire State Building was completed with skill and honor. It still remains as one of the best, out of all those in the world.Two men had a dream to build the tallest building in the world in New York City. They were John J. Raskob and Alfred E. Smith. The building"s name came from one of the New York"s nicknames as the "Empire State." Raskob had worked as a bookkeeper who eventually worked his way up to be the vice-president of General Motors. Smith was a former governor who proved to be an unsuccesssful canditdate during the elections. They met and discussed the idea to building the "Empire State Building." First they had to find a place to build such a building. They found that the best site would have to be on the old and closed Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on Fifth Avenue, betwwen 33rd and 34th streets This site was close to Manhattan "s southern tip because to support heavy and tall buildings, they needed bedrock underneath them. This much bedrock could only be found in Manhattan. Bedrock is an enormous, strong, deep rock that is enough to hold enormous pressure and weight. The two partners also wanted the building located where business was good. Raskob had paid around $20 million for the closed hotel, which was then torn down to begin this new project.It took sixteen different versions of the design of the Empire State Building before they finally gained approval from Raskob, Smith, and the others that were involved in the project. When the designs were approved, construction took place at the site. There was going to be a grand entrance that would use most of the five-story base. The entrance would be four stories high and the main lobby on the inside would be three stories high. After the 80th floor, the tower narrows until it reaches 1,250 feet above Fifth Avenue. the observation decks would be built on teh 85th and 102nd floors. At the top there would be a TV antenna, which would make the "Empire State Building" to a total of 1,454 feet tall. The best part; about the designs were that the Empire State Building could be built both quickly and easitly. The materials were brought in, in the order that they were needed to quicken the process. The delivery of the parts followed a schedule so that the workers could build the Empire State Building as if it wer a toy. Before the construction started, a model of the building made out of plaster had to be made. The model of the Empire Sttae Building was 7 feet tall and weighed 525 pounds. It looked so realistic that the Fox Film Company used it for the movie, Skyline,instead of the real building.可以只要第一段, 也可以只要第一和第三段!!

Empire State Building是什么意思?


Empire State Building是什么意思


Empire State Building是什么意思

Empire State Buildingn.(美国纽约的)帝国大厦,又名“帝国之州大厦”; 例句:1.A gunman shot several people outside the empire state building today. 今日,一名歹徒在帝国大厦外持枪射击数人。2.Like king kong snatching airplanes from atop the empire state building neal grabs forbutterflies. 后来就像金刚在帝国大厦顶端抓飞机一样,neal又开始抓蝴蝶

Empire State Building是什么意思


Empire State Building是什么意思?

帝国大厦 帝国大厦(英语:Empire State Building),是位于美国纽约市的一栋著名的摩天大楼,共有102层,由Shreeve, Lamb, and Harmon建筑公司设计,1930年动工,1931年落成,只用了410天,它的名字来源于纽约州的别称帝国州(Empire State),所以英文原意实际上是“纽约州大厦”,而“帝国州大厦”是以英文字面意思直接翻译之译法,但因此帝国大厦的译法已广泛流传,故沿用至今。 真情为您解答,敬请采纳, 如对本题还有疑问可追问,Good luck!

Empire State Building是什么意思

Empire State Building美国帝国大厦双语对照词典结果:Empire State Buildingn.(美国纽约的)帝国大厦,又名“帝国之州大厦”; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.A gunman shot several people outside the empire state building today. 今日,一名歹徒在帝国大厦外持枪射击数人。.-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

如何通过java代码对kylin进行cube build


Empire State Building是什么意思?

Empire State Building,这是一个专属名词。它的意思是:帝国大厦。它是美国纽约1931年竣工的超高层建筑。帝国大厦位于美国纽约市,它是一栋著名的摩天大楼,可以说是美国地标性建筑,共103层,总高度为443.7米(包括62米天线高度)。它的英文直译过来其实是“纽约州大厦”,但因为“帝国大厦”的这个译法流传更广泛,所以约定俗成,也就沿用到了今天。帝国大厦被美国评价为现代世界七大工程奇迹之一,同时,帝国大厦也被纽约地标委员选为纽约市地标建筑。所以帝国大厦也是美国比较著名的旅游景点之一。每天会有大量的游客排队等候电梯登顶帝国大厦来观景纽约全貌。行人如织,为了节省时间游客可以在网上提前购买门票,合理做好出行时间安排,帝国大厦早8点开门,开放至午夜。比纽约当地其他景点开放时间早而关闭时间晚。所以可以选择适合自己的时间去帝国大厦一览纽约全景。

Empire State Building是什么意思?



1knowledge是什么意思 knowledge 英[u02c8nu0252lu026adu0292] 美[u02c8nɑ:lu026adu0292] n. 了解,理解; (表示多方面的知识时有复数knowledges这一用法) 知识; 学科; 见闻; 常用短语: 动词+~add to knowledge 丰富知识 advance knowledge 增进知识 build up knowledge 积累知识 demand knowledge 需要知识 discover knowledge 发现知识 gain knowledge 获得知识 improve one"s knowledge of English 提高英语知识 make knowledge popular 普及知识 pick up knowledge 学得知识 show off one"s knowledge 卖弄学问 spread knowledge 传播知识 store up knowledge 积累知识 have a good knowledge of London 对伦敦很熟悉 have a good knowledge of the subject 对这个问题了解很深 have not much knowledge of history 对历史知道不多 lack a solid knowledge of 缺乏对…的充分了解 形容词+~ actual knowledge 实际知识 basic knowledge 基础知识 broad knowledge 广博的知识 mon knowledge 常识 correct knowledge 正确的知识 direct knowledge 直接的知识 first knowledge 最初的知识 general knowledge 常识 inside knowledge 内情,内幕 practical knowledge of a language 语言的实用知识 precious knowledge 宝贵的知识 pure knowledge 纯理论知识 scientific knowledge 科学知识 sound knowledge 扎实的知识 special knowledge 专门知识 wide knowledge 渊博的知识 名词+~ background knowledge 背景知识 book knowledge 书本知识 grammar knowledge 语法知识 sex knowledge 性知识 reading knowledge 阅读能力 speaking knowledge 会话能力 working knowledge 应用能力 介词+~ beyond *** "s knowledge 某人不知道的 out of all knowledge 无法辨认的 to *** "s certain knowledge 据某人所知 without *** "s knowledge 背着某人,不告诉某人 ~+介词 knowledge about 有关…的知识 例句: He denied any knowledge of them.他否认了解他们。 We have no knowledge of such a person inour munity.我们不知道社区里有这么一个人。 Half knowledge of anything is dangerous.对任何东西一知半解是危险的。 The knowledge of our victory caused greatjoy.获知我们胜利的消息使大家异常欢喜。 To develop the knowledge of one anotheramong the people of the world is an essential factor in the preservation ofpeace.增进世界各国人民之间的相互了解是维护和平的基本因素。 build up的用法 1)build up (to sth)加大,加强,增多 Eg:The music builds up to a rousing climax.音乐逐渐达到了令人振奋的 *** 。 2)build up to sth/build yourself up to sth为……作准备 Eg:Build yourself up to peak performance on the day of the exam.好好准备在考试那天发挥出最高水平。 3)build *** /sth up吹捧,鼓吹 Eg:The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.那部戏被捧为杰作,可我却大失所望。 4)build *** /yourself……up增强……的体质 Eg:You need more protein to build you up.你得多次蛋白质以增强体质。 5)build sth up建立,开发 Eg:These finds help us build up a picture of life in the Middle Ages.这些发现有助于构建中世纪的生活画面。 希望对你有用,谢谢! be of practical use是什么意思 be of practical use 是实际使用 双语对照 例句: 1. "To build up a global directory of knowledge that would be of practical use to anyone eithermoving to, or buying property in, an overseas location," he says. “建立这样一个知识库对那些想移民或是海外置业的人是非常有用的”,他说。 ----------------------------------- 如有疑问欢迎追问! 满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

联合编译IncrediBuild:This Agent is not subscribed

联合编译工具IncrediBuild使用过程中无法连接到其他设备,只有自己的电脑可以使用;测试网络连接状态时,提示:This Agent is not subscribed (当前客户端没有被订阅). 解决方案是:让管理服务端(Coordinater)的同学,找到服务端列表,查看你的客户端状态,然后重新订阅你的客户端。 截图于官网:


  公司的系统是使用PB + SQLServer 开发的 采用Visual Source safe 进行版本控制 由于项目客户化需求的影响 系统经常要进行更新和编译 每次的工作流程就是 先在负责编译的机器上打开VSS 下载需要更新的PBL到本地 然后找到源程序所在目录 将目录及其所有子文件的 只读 属性去掉(因为在VSS上Get Last Version时会自动将文件设置成只读 PB就无法编译了) 接着打开PB开始编译 编译完成后 由于各个PBL是按模块放在不同的目录中的 所以生成的PBD也不在一个文件夹中 这时我还需要通过搜索的形式找出所有PBD来复制到发布目录 这样的重复性工作干几次就让人烦了 最终我考虑通过批处理的形式来减少重复劳动   首先 VSS的GetLastVersion现在我是找不到可以批处理的方法的 去除只读属性也可以在命令行模式下用Attrib命令来解决 对于已生成的PBD复制到同一目录 我写了一个批处理文件 专门把那些固定模块目录下的PBD复制到发布目录 无非是一些Copy命令而已 没什么可说的 问题的关键就在于 要控制PB自动打开程序 编译 完成后自动进入打开负责复制PBD的批处理文件 早些时间由于抽不出空 也没用过PB的命令行模式 所以一直迟迟没写好这个文件 现在经过摸索 结合CSDN上一些大侠们的指导 终于试验成功 现写出其过程供各位斧正   对于命令行编译 PB的帮助中是这样描述的   From a mand line   When you deploy or build a workspace from a mand line PowerBuilder starts pletes the build and exits as soon as the operation is pleted To retain a log file for the session you can send the contents of the Output window to a file Table shows mand line options for building and deploying targets and workspaces   As with other mand line options you need only use the initial letter or letters of the option name as long as the option is uniquely identified The deploy fullbuild and incrementalbuild options can be used only with the workspace option You need to create projects and specify build and deploy options for the workspace in PowerBuilder before you start a build from the mand line Deploy builds the projects in the target in the order listed on the Deploy page of the target s properties dialog box   Example   This example assumes that the location of the PowerBuilder executable file is in your system path It opens the workspace called CDShop builds and deploys the targets in the workspace according to your specifications in the workspace and target properties records the content of the Output window in the file D:/tmp/cdshop out and exits PowerBuilder:   pb /w D:/CDShop/CDShop pbw /d /ou D:/tmp/cdshop out   其实上文说了一堆 意思无非就是 我们可以在命令行模式下执行PB 通过一些参数 可以控制PB自己编译指定的工作区 然后自动退出 这也确实是我需要的功能 我马上开始在命令行模式下测试 有的机器并不能直接打PB exe来执行 这需要设置系统的环境变量 将PB 所在目录放入Path路径中 具体方法就不介绍了 或者你直接按PB 完整的路径输入也行 至于后面的参数 /w后面挂指定的工作区名称 然后是//deploy或者/fullbuild /incrementalbuild 这三个参数的意思分别是执行发布 完全编译或增量编译 任选其一即可 但是需要注意的是 这里我们要用/deploy参数 为什么呢 如果你用的是fullbuild或者是increamentbuild参数 PB只会 编译 而不会生成PBD或者DLL 以前自己在PB中进行编译的时候 一直以为Deploy就是Build 因为在Deploy Project的时候会有一个参数是完全编译或者增量编译 所以一直搞不清楚Deploy和Build的区别 在网上见其它兄弟也有这样的疑问 这次我通过试验 发现确实二者是有区别的 如果你不用Deploy而直接Build完了 复制到用户那里程序还是旧的就不好办了 那么我们挂上参数后 PB怎么知道是执行哪一个Project的Deploy呢 设置如下   在工作区下的子结点是Target 右键单击该Target 在弹出的菜单中选择Proterties 也就是属性 并在弹出的属性窗口中选择Deploy页 如下图 lishixinzhi/Article/program/PB/201311/24586




I"m building a sand castle with my baby brother.The building in his left side turned out to be a church.

A Kiss To Build A Dream On 歌词

Gimme a kiss to build a dream onAnd my imaginationWill thrive upon that kissSweetheart, I ask no more than thisA Kiss to build a dream onGive me a kiss before you leave meand my imaginationwill feed my hungry heartLeave me one thing before we partA kiss to build a dream onWhen I"m alone with my fanciesI"ll be with youWeaving romancesMaking believe they"re trueOh, gimme your lips for just a momentand my imaginationwill make that moment liveGive me what you alone can giveA kiss to build a dream onWhen I"m alone with my fanciesI"ll be with youWeaving romancesMaking believe they"re trueOh, gimme your lips for just a momentand my imaginationwill make that moment liveGive me what you alone can giveA kiss to build a dream on

A Kiss To Build A Dream On 歌词

歌曲名:A Kiss To Build A Dream On歌手:Steve Tyrell专辑:A New StandardGimme a kiss to build a dream onAnd my imaginationWill thrive upon that kissSweetheart, I ask no more than thisA Kiss to build a dream onGive me a kiss before you leave meand my imaginationwill feed my hungry heartLeave me one thing before we partA kiss to build a dream onWhen I"m alone with my fanciesI"ll be with youWeaving romancesMaking believe they"re trueOh, gimme your lips for just a momentand my imaginationwill make that moment liveGive me what you alone can giveA kiss to build a dream onWhen I"m alone with my fanciesI"ll be with youWeaving romancesMaking believe they"re trueOh, gimme your lips for just a momentand my imaginationwill make that moment liveGive me what you alone can giveA kiss to build a dream on

A Kiss To Build A Dream On 歌词

歌曲名:A Kiss To Build A Dream On歌手:Charlie Byrd专辑:For LouisGimme a kiss to build a dream onAnd my imaginationWill thrive upon that kissSweetheart, I ask no more than thisA Kiss to build a dream onGive me a kiss before you leave meand my imaginationwill feed my hungry heartLeave me one thing before we partA kiss to build a dream onWhen I"m alone with my fanciesI"ll be with youWeaving romancesMaking believe they"re trueOh, gimme your lips for just a momentand my imaginationwill make that moment liveGive me what you alone can giveA kiss to build a dream onWhen I"m alone with my fanciesI"ll be with youWeaving romancesMaking believe they"re trueOh, gimme your lips for just a momentand my imaginationwill make that moment liveGive me what you alone can giveA kiss to build a dream on

A Kiss To Build A Dream On 歌词

歌曲名:A Kiss To Build A Dream On歌手:Louis Armstrong专辑:The Best Live Concert Vol 1Gimme a kiss to build a dream onAnd my imaginationWill thrive upon that kissSweetheart, I ask no more than thisA Kiss to build a dream onGive me a kiss before you leave meand my imaginationwill feed my hungry heartLeave me one thing before we partA kiss to build a dream onWhen I"m alone with my fanciesI"ll be with youWeaving romancesMaking believe they"re trueOh, gimme your lips for just a momentand my imaginationwill make that moment liveGive me what you alone can giveA kiss to build a dream onWhen I"m alone with my fanciesI"ll be with youWeaving romancesMaking believe they"re trueOh, gimme your lips for just a momentand my imaginationwill make that moment liveGive me what you alone can giveA kiss to build a dream on

A Kiss To Build A Dream On 歌词

歌曲名:A Kiss To Build A Dream On歌手:Louis Armstrong And The All Stars专辑:ClassicGimme a kiss to build a dream onAnd my imaginationWill thrive upon that kissSweetheart, I ask no more than thisA Kiss to build a dream onGive me a kiss before you leave meand my imaginationwill feed my hungry heartLeave me one thing before we partA kiss to build a dream onWhen I"m alone with my fanciesI"ll be with youWeaving romancesMaking believe they"re trueOh, gimme your lips for just a momentand my imaginationwill make that moment liveGive me what you alone can giveA kiss to build a dream onWhen I"m alone with my fanciesI"ll be with youWeaving romancesMaking believe they"re trueOh, gimme your lips for just a momentand my imaginationwill make that moment liveGive me what you alone can giveA kiss to build a dream on

"A Kiss To Build A Dream On"是什么意思?

build sth. on sth. 就这么简单

(VStart) 5.0 Build 软件是干什么用的?


Build Your Dreams 中文是什么意思


谁知道FlashFXP v3.2.0 build 1080 汉化版(烈火)的密钥啊?急需



一部。《假面骑士Build》是平成假面骑士系列的第19部作品,于2017年播出。是该系列史上初次以物理科学作为设计原型之一。《假面骑士Build》(原文:仮面ライダービルド/Kamen Rider Build)是“平成假面骑士”系列的第19部作品,于2017年播出。是该系列史上初次以“物理科学”作为设计原型之一。大森敬仁在前作第一话的试映会后第二天,受其上司白仓伸一郎邀请成为本作的担当制作人。而在平成骑士系列中,除了大森以外只有白仓曾连续担任骑士作品的担当制作人。另外,大森也是平成第二期仅有的一位连续的担当制作人。大森认为第二期对原型的重视已经发展到了极限,而且不想让原型牵着故事走,于是决定在本作舍弃设计上的原型的概念。另外,虽然本作骑士造型方面与《W》的元素有一些相似之处,甚至连《W》的担当制作人冢田英明也亲自来问大森是否借鉴了《W》,但是大森本人表示自己并没有过分在意这点。武藤将吾在陪自己的孩子看假面骑士时,对现今的骑士作品的制作十分吃惊,就去找以前的平成骑士作品观看,并且萌生了参与骑士作品的脚本编写的想法。而大森原本的脚本主笔的候补人选就有武藤将吾,却认为原本执笔黄金档的武藤不太可能接受假面骑士脚本主笔的邀请。但同为制作人的朝日电视台的井上千寻反而向大森推荐武藤,并表达了武藤也想执笔假面骑士的意愿,于是武藤便被选定为本作脚本主笔。

altium designer 13.0.12 (Build 27391) sign in

楼主,你软件能看到sign in的字样,说明软件已成功激活,sign in的意思是叫你登入一个帐号,楼主可以去官网注册,但不登入不会影响软件使用,楼主每次打开软件时是默主显示主页,楼主点菜单栏最左边的DXP,选择参数选择,在出现的对话框里面把“如果没有文档开启自动打开主页”前面的勾去掉即可。

c++builder6.0的 edit控件中,如何判断输入数值在0-200之间,在线等答案,谢谢!

右键 属性里面有设置输入范围的吧?或者后台用变量进行判断。

版本Version,Release,Build 和 Edition 之间的区别

Version -- 软件的公开发行版本,强调功能性。通常在功能方面有一定的/重大改变、改进或增加,包括对一些重大bug的修复。例如:V1.0, V1.01, V2.0, V2.3...,Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7 等。Release -- 软件的公开发行版本,强调软件由调试/内测阶段转为正式发布/发行阶段。Build -- 对程序源代码做任何修改并重新编译后生成的版本,可能发生在软件公开发行前的调试、优化、测试阶段,也可能发生在软件正式发布后。同release相比,其发生较为频繁,每编译一次,即会产生一个 build。例如:SDL Trados (Build 863)Edition -- 通常表示按特定对象、特定群体进行分类的软件版本,强调软件的目标受众。例如: Trados 6.5 Freelance Edition, LSP Edition; Windows XP Home Edition, BussIness Edition。




AnsiString trim(const AnsiString &mystr) { AnsiString str = mystr; int len ,count= mystr.length(); int st = 0; while ((st < len) && (str [ st] <= " ")) { st++; } while ((st < len) && (str [ len - 1] <= " ")) { len--; } return ((st > 0) || (len < count)) ? str.substr(st, len) : str; }str.substr(st, len) 这个意思您能理解吧,不让用自己复制一下这段字符串就完了。

NuxtJs SSR打包:build VS generate

NuxtJs是vue SSR框架。SSR给前端带来的主要受益在于更快的首页加载和SEO友好。 NuxtJs支持SPA,但主要以SSR模式为主。SSR模式下存在2种打包方式,分别是npm run build和npm run generate。那这2种打包有何区别? 一般情况下,build打包用的更多。build打包生成的.nuxt文件,发布时,需要拷贝node_modules等文件/文件夹,一般使用nodejs环境下的pm2运行发布 generate打包用于将首页静态化(首页的nuxt-link也会被静态化),打包后生成dist文件夹(类似于vue一般性打包)。发布时,只需要将dist文件夹发布即可(同vue项目发布)。


HBuilder原生打包WGT资源升级时提示 对资源包后缀改成zip进行解压查看manifest.json文件中appid是否与原生打包中manifest.json文件的appid一至,如果一至就要查看以下文件目录是否与appid一至,因为原生打包在生成www目录时会以appid为www的上级目录名,所以把www上级目录名和control.xml改成对应的appid就行。

eclipse java build path projects这个怎么用;


高达模型相关 bandai的MB(metal build)是用MG的骨架吗?看到00七剑出MB版的了,MG版是不是就不远了?

789块钱 2011年3月下旬初。考虑能动性方面的话我也会买的。但是合金的不知道细节,能动,配色方面怎么样!这货的话还是观望下吧有了测评再买吧

Metal Build 高达模型系列预订价格和吃现的价格相差大吗?


请问高达模型metal build系列入柜展示需要注意什么防护吗?因为柜子靠窗,拉开窗帘就会有阳光




METAL BUILD高达是全金属的么?



metalbuild毕竟是高端涂装玩具,所以你要注意1. 如果手容易出汗,尽量别手贱去触摸金属部分,我那00R就明显已经有了生锈的迹象2.尽量别手贱去摸涂装部分,可能会弄脏。戴白手套最佳3.尽量避免日光直射。我看贴吧有过黄得不像样得七剑4.尽量注意摆POSE的频率。一般来说刚出来关节都是紧的,大力艹迟早要松。5.尽量别手贱去拿酒精或者什么乱七八糟的玩意儿擦涂装,可能会融化涂装之类的另外Metal Build系列是完成品,与拼装类不同。比例与MG同为1:100,骨架以金属为主,一般细节比较精致,设计与拼装类有很多不同,具体可以搜索想买的具体型号图片看看。希望这个回答对你有帮助

build me caps out of stick的同义句用use

My dog builds me camps out of sticks.同义句 My dog (helps) me (build) the camps (with) the sticks.


XCODEBUILD(1) BSD General Commands Manual XCODEBUILD(1) NAME xcodebuild -- build Xcode projects and workspaces SYNOPSIS xcodebuild [-project name.xcodeproj] [[-target targetname] ... | -alltargets] [-configuration configurationname] [-sdk [sdkfullpath | sdkname]] [action ...] [buildsetting=value ...] [-userdefault=value ...] xcodebuild -list [-project name.xcodeproj | -workspace name.xcworkspace] DESCRIPTION xcodebuild builds one or more targets contained in an Xcode project, or builds a scheme contained in an Xcode workspace or Xcode project. Usage To build an Xcode project, run xcodebuild from the directory containing your project (i.e. the directory containing the name.xcodeproj package). If you have multiple projects in the this directory you will need to use -project to indicate which project should be built. By default, xcodebuild builds the first target listed in the project, with the default build configuration. The order of the targets is a property of the project and is the same for all users of the project. Options -project name.xcodeproj Build the project name.xcodeproj. Required if there are multiple project files in the same directory. -target targetname Build the target specified by targetname. -showBuildSettings Lists the build settings in a project or workspace and scheme. Does not initiate a build. Use with -project or -workspace and -scheme. -testLanguage language Specifies ISO 639-1 language during testing. This overrides the setting for the test action of a scheme in a workspace. -archivePath xcarchivepath Specifies the path for the archive produced by the archive action, or specifies the archive that should be exported when -exportArchive or -exportNotarizedApp is passed. action ... Specify one or more actions to perform. Available actions are: -xcconfig filename Load the build settings defined in filename when building all tar- gets. These settings will override all other settings, including settings passed individually on the command line. -disable-concurrent-destination-testing Do not run tests on the specified destinations concurrently. The full test suite will run to completion on a given destination before it begins on the next. -test-timeouts-enabled [YES | NO] Enable or disable test timeout behavior. This value takes prece- dence over the value specified in the test plan. -version Display version information for this install of Xcode. Does not initiate a build. When used in conjunction with -sdk, the version of the specified SDK is displayed, or all SDKs if -sdk is given no argument. Additionally, a single line of the reported version information may be returned if infoitem is specified. Destinations The -destination option takes as its argument a destination specifier describing the device (or devices) to use as a destination. A destina- tion specifier is a single argument consisting of a set of comma-sepa- rated key=value pairs. The -destination option may be specified multiple times to cause xcodebuild to perform the specified action on multiple destinations. Some actions (such as building) may be performed without an actual device present. To build against a platform generically instead of a specific device, the destination specifier may be prefixed with the optional string "generic/", indicating that the platform should be targeted gener- ically. An example of a generic destination is the "Any iOS Device" des- tination displayed in Xcode"s UI when no physical iOS device is present. Testing on Multiple Destinations When more than one destination is specified with the -destination option, xcodebuild tests on those destinations concurrently. In this mode, xcodebuild automatically chooses the number of devices and simulators that are used simultaneously. All enabled tests in the scheme or xctestrun file are run on each destination. Distributing Archives The -exportArchive option specifies that xcodebuild should distribute the archive specified by -archivePath using the options specified by -exportOptionsPlist. xcodebuild -help can print the full set of avail- able inputs to -exportOptionsPlist. The product can either be uploaded to Apple or exported locally. The exported product will be placed at the path specified by -exportPath. Environment Variables The following environment variables affect the execution of xcodebuild: Exit Codes xcodebuild exits with codes defined by sysexits(3). It will exit with EX_OK on success. On failure, it will commonly exit with EX_USAGE if any options appear malformed, EX_NOINPUT if any input files cannot be found, EX_IOERR if any files cannot be read or written, and EX_SOFTWARE if the commands given to xcodebuild fail. It may exit with other codes in less common scenarios. EXAMPLES xcodebuild clean install xcodebuild -sdk macosx10.6 xcodebuild test-without-building -xctestrun MyTestRun.xctestrun -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 5s" -destination "platform=iOS,name=My iPad" xcodebuild -exportLocalizations -project MyProject.xcodeproj -localizationPath MyDirectory SEE ALSO ibtool(1), sysexits(3), xcode-select(1), xcrun(1), xed(1) macOS June 20, 2016 macOS

powerbuilder 高手帮忙解决一下

打开数据窗口 然后row->update propperities 选中里面的所有column 更新

Brand building strategy这篇文章是谁写的?出自什么文献?紧急求助,非常感谢,在线等你自己下载吧还有翻译

set up,put up,construct,build

set up+抽象名词put up+具体名词construct+建筑 较build正式


Description Displays rows in a DataWindow that pass the current filter criteria. Rows that do not meet the filter criteria are moved to the filter buffer.Controls DataWindow controls, DataStore objects, and child DataWindowsSyntax dwcontrol.Filter ( )Argument Descriptiondwcontrol The name of the DataWindow control, DataStore, or child DataWindow that you want to filterReturn value Integer. Returns 1 if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs. If dwcontrol is NULL, Filter returns NULL. The return value is usually not used.Usage Filter uses the current filter criteria for the DataWindow. To change the filter criteria, use the SetFilter function. The SetFilter function is equivalent to using the Filter command on the Rows menu of the DataWindow painter. If you do not call SetFilter to set the filter before you call Filter, Filter uses the filter specified in the DataWindow object definition.When the Retrieve function retrieves data for the DataWindow, PowerBuilder applies the filter that was defined for the DataWindow object, if any. You only need to call Filter after you change the filter criteria with SetFilter or if the data has changed because of processing or user input.When the Retrieve As Needed option is set, the Filter function cancels its effect. Filter causes all rows to be retrieved and then it applies the filter.Filter has no effect on the DataWindows in a composite report.Filtering and groups When you filter a DataWindow with groups, you may need to call GroupCalc after you call Filter.For information on removing the filter or letting the user specify a filter expression, see SetFilter.This statement displays rows in dw_Employee based on its current filter criteria:dw_Employee.SetRedraw(false)dw_Employee.Filter()dw_Employee.SetRedraw(true)


为建设一个麦当劳听见我们的社会是有其自己的麦当劳餐厅,我很激动。我想过所有那些年轻的人,不会去买他们最喜爱的汉堡和芯片的下一个城镇。麦当劳的关心太健康饮食及工程与科学家提供的高质量、 安全和健康的食品。它也是便宜的。他们常常提供沙拉,以及汉堡和芯片。您还可以选择可乐和牛奶摇 (奶昔) 之间。当然这还意味着更多的工作,我们迫切需要工作的地区。麦当劳说他们有兴趣做什么社会的斗争和好邻居的表现。因此,我认为他们会关注提供泊车位,在我们的主街车。许多我们的年轻人会乐意为公司工作。麦当劳作出承诺,为他们工作的人。他们说,"我们值您日益增长的技能和你公司的帮助"。这家公司谈到构建及其在我们镇的餐厅可以给好只不过看。针对 BUILDINCI A 麦当劳我很担心麦当劳的建设我们家乡的一家餐馆。我们是一个小的社区,我们享受我们当地的特色菜。我不肯定是否健康,他们说他们的广告中麦当劳食品。当科学家们仔细看看这个时,他们找到脂肪、 糖和盐的高的水平。这是很令人担忧。很多年轻人都通过吃太多脂肪的食物变胖。麦当劳的不给年轻的人的健康的饮食习惯应该是一个好主意。当地的中国菜,另一方面,充满新鲜的蔬菜和新鲜的肉和鱼。在一家麦当劳餐厅的食物,是总是相同的所以我不知道是否是作出,或从其他地方带来的。虽然它新鲜熟的但必须是比我们自己不那么健康,本地种植或熟的中国食物。我也担心那些使人们购买食品在麦当劳的所有汽车。第一,将会使我们清洁空气脏的汽油味 (气体)。第二,有问题的所有这些尝试公园和防止其他汽车通过我们镇快速移动的汽车。我相当肯定很多年轻人会很乐意为麦当劳的工作,但将他们视为吗?在美国,麦当劳不允许工人工会在经营其食肆和这些是为工人说话的人。如果像他们所说的他们高兴,工人,他们为什么要害怕加入联盟的一些工人?所以考虑食品、 汽车和工作时,我认为我们不应允许麦当劳的构建及其在我们镇的餐厅。

the treehouse building is in turin

56.B细节理解题.根据文章内容可知提到了树屋,冰屋,水下旅馆三种特殊的旅馆,故选B. 57.A细节理解题.根据根据文中语句"Everything is made of ice.The walls,the floors,the ceilings(顶棚),and even the furniture are made of ice.The beds are made of ice,too,"理解可知旅馆是由冰做成的,到了八月,天气热了,房子就会融化消失,故选A. 58.C细节理解题.根据最后一段可知这个旅馆里有厨房,卫生间和电视等,可以在里面呆几天,故选C.


问题描述: 在Flutter开发的过程中,当我们获取到新的数据或者数据发生变化,需要去执行setState进行页面刷新的时候,经常会出现不必要的子节点Widget也进行了build,但实际上我们是不想让它再次build,出现这些问题的典型情况是在使用FutureBuilder的时候,例如: 在上面这个示例中,如果再次调用Build方法,则会触发httpCall()的方法。 那么怎样才能避免不必要的部件构建呢? 分析: 在Flutter中,Build方法的设计方式是pure/without side effects,书面意思是无副作用的/纯粹的,简单点理解我们可以将其含义看作不会对外部的方法或者变量产生影响的。这是因为许多外部因素能够触发新的小部件的构建,例如这些情况: 但是,这也意味着Build方法可以不去触发httpCall()的方法或者不修改任何状态。 解决 回归问题,当前我们面临的问题是Build方法造成了副作用,也就是造成了无关的Build调用麻烦。 所以,只要我们使Build方法保持纯粹/无副作用,这样就算多少次调用它,也不会对其他Widget的Build方法产生影响。 在上面的示例中,我们将Widget转换为StatefulWidget,然后提取httpCall()到initState中,这样问题就解决了 另外,还可以使一个Widget能够在不强迫其子部件也构建的情况下进行重新构建。 在Widget的实例保持不变时;Flutter会有意识的不去重建子部件。这意味着我们可以缓存Widget树的某些部分,以防止不必要的重新构建。 最简单的方法是使用const修饰构造函数: 由于const的修饰,即使调用了数百次build,DecoratedBox的实例也将保持不变。 或者你可以这样使用以达到相同的结果: 在这个例子中,当StreamBuilder收到新值的通知时,即使StreamBuilder的Column进行了重构,subtree也不会进行重构。这是因为由于闭包,MyWidget的实例没有改变。 这种模式在动画中经常使用。典型的是使用AnimatedBuilder和所有的*Transition时,例如AlignTransition。 我们还可以将subtree存储到类的一个字段中,但是并不推荐你这样做,因为它会破坏Flutter的热重载。

c++builder出错提示"assertion failed"


morelikethisquerybuilder 怎么匹配

elasticsearch MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder实例分布式搜索elasticsearch java client:使用More like this实现基于内容的推荐elasticsearch MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder查询主要实现对一句话相似文章的查询。 在推荐系统中,通常要用到与一篇文章相似度高的一组文章。在这里我们要用到MoreLikeThisRequestBuilder moreLikeThis=new MoreLikeThisRequestBuilder(client,"cms","news","id"); moreLikeThis.setField("title","content") .setSearchFrom(0) .setSearchSize(5) .execute() .actionGet();或: SearchResponse searchResponse = client.prepareMoreLikeThis("cms", "news", "id") .setField("title","content") .setSearchFrom(searchParam.getFrom()) .setSearchSize(searchParam.getSize()) .execute() .actionGet();获取文章:Float usetime = searchResponse.getTookInMillis()/1000f; // 命中记录数 Long hits = searchResponse.getHits().totalHits(); for (SearchHit hit : searchResponse.getHits()) { // 打分 Float score = hit.getScore(); // 文章id Integer id = Integer.parseInt(hit.getSource().get("id").toString()); String title = hit.getSource().get("title").toString(); String content = hit.getSource().get("content").toString(); // 文章更新时间 Long updatetime = Long.parseLong(hit.getSource().get("updatetime").toString()); }我们可以用elasticsearch MoreLikeThis做推荐功能。实例如下:MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder more=new MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder("title","content","mobileTitle"); more.likeText(q).analyzer("ik");//q为查询字段// more.likeText("长安福特").analyzer("ik").minTermFreq(2).maxQueryTerms(25);//q为查询字段 SearchRequestBuilder response= client.prepareSearch("memedianews") .setTypes("memedianews") .setQuery(more) .setScroll(new TimeValue(60000)) // .addFields("id","fname") // .addSort("_score", SortOrder.DESC) // .addSort("updatetime", SortOrder.DESC) // .addHighlightedField("fname") // .setHighlighterEncoder("UTF-8") // .setHighlighterPreTags("<em>") // .setHighlighterPostTags("</em>") .setFrom(0) .setSize(10);SearchResponse searchResponse = response.execute().actionGet();this.printresult(searchResponse);在使用下面的语句查询后,未显示结果。原来MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder 默认的minTermFreq最小为2,即一个term最少应该出现2次/** * The frequency below which terms will be ignored in the source doc. The default * frequency is <tt>2</tt>. */ public MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder minTermFreq(int minTermFreq) { this.minTermFreq = minTermFreq; return this; }最大的maxQueryTerms默认为25,根据自己需求修改。/** * Sets the maximum number of query terms that will be included in any generated query. * Defaults to <tt>25</tt>. */ public MoreLikeThisQueryBuilder maxQueryTerms(int maxQueryTerms) { this.maxQueryTerms = maxQueryTerms; return this; }将上述代码中修改为:more.likeText(q).analyzer("ik").minTermFreq(1).maxQueryTerms(25);


某某建筑英文为:constructiona thing that has been built or made




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