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Will you still love me when I got nothing but my aching soul? 求翻译,谢谢





信号集成一束,这一束信号在模型中传递和处理中都看做是一个整体。(Mux实际上代表多路信号。)与Mux Block配套的是Demux Block,它将各路信号相互分离以便能对各信号进行单独处理。 请看下面这个例子。Mux将三路信号x,y,z集结为宽为3的单路信号。Demux模块则用来从复合的单路信号分离出各基本元素。Mux和Demux都不会将信号改变,它们只是“虚拟”的。当模型运行时,这些模块就像不存在一样,只是源和目标的连接保持着,就像这样:使用mux的一个重要应用就是构造向量。这表示你可以将它的输出当作一个向量来使用。比如,将向量乘以2。这种类型的向量操作要求所有输入Mux模块的信号都是同种数据类型。从我的理解来看,只是为了使得它们组成的向量有意义。通常,这些信号元素都具有相同的单位或者说它们是有特定作用的组。对于Mux模块,你只需要定义输入信号数量。使用虚拟向量形式的另一个好处是你可以使用selector模块来索引并取出各路信号或再进行连接。接着讨论bus当需要将不同类型的信号集结在一起,或者在使用向量不能方便的表达我的模型图时,我们可以使用bus。总线bus信号确实可以使你的模型图变整洁。Bus Creator和Bus Selector以图示的形式方便了管理信号和组织模型。在我的想象中,bus就像是一系列七彩的信号线被绑在一起。如果不是这样,我恐怕很快就会很难组织这些信号了。作为实例,请看Aerospace Blockset中的an example model of the DeHaviland Beaver。在模型的最上层,所有对象都整洁有序,这是因为所有在各个子系统内计算的信息都被集入了一条总线。各个系统都使用Bus Creator将相关信号打包装入了一条总线内,接着将总线输入需要这些信号的各系统。你能想象如果这些信号没有集入总线是什么样子?下图是一个同样的模型,但它看起来很乱。在这个模型里,许多组件子系统使用总线信号以形成较简洁的接口。我注意到,部分人只在别的系统需要时才将信号放入总线内。以下就是用总线信号来定义接口的一个系统实例。浏览这个模块图,你会发现飞行参数(FltParams)是由环境参数(EnvirBus)和飞行器信号(ACBus)计算而来。在这个子系统内部,你可以看到使用了Bus Selectors来从打包信号里将特定元素取出。计算出来的飞行参数通过一个Bus Creator组合在一起来定义FltParams总线。总线信号也可以表现不同层次我们来看一下Environment Bus中的层次结构。这是一个将一路总线并入其他总线内的例子。环境信号中重力加速度(g)和压力(rho)以及wind bus(Vwind)被导入Bus Creator。而wind bus则由body velocities(uvw_wind)和body rates(pqr_wind)来定义。下图中的Bus Creator对话框,表现了总线中的信号的组织。在它最基本的使用中,你只需要定义信号的输入数目。各元素以其信号名称加以区分。类似于Mux Blocks, bus creators也不完全不会改变信号,所以我们可以认为它们是虚拟的。


优势的意思吧overweight[英][ˌəʊvəˈweɪt][美][ˌoʊvərˈweɪt]adj.超重的; 过重的; 超过规定重量的; n.超重; 偏重; 优势; vt.使…装载过重; 使…负担过重; 在重量上超过;

谁知道这款红酒的价格?costa di bussia2010 还有一款依澜雅铂金级2010西拉

参考答案: 除非想成为一流,否则就是二流。

Organistion Represented by Referee, Nature of Organisation"s business分别是什么意思?


buen camino 中文歌词

Buen Camino Good morning 你在哪里享受着这个清晨呢 总是反复袭来的思念,闭上眼睛的话, 一切就那样倾泻而来 Good evening 你会在哪里观望着这片天呢 你总是对我展开的smile 在梦中彩霞里一如以往 那么多的时间 就算全都过去 我们曾经在一起的回忆也能够让我走下去 Buen Camino 不管你去哪儿,就算感到寂寞也不要哭泣,我们会再见 Buen Camino 回到我身边后请不要再离开 到那时 Never say Good-bye 充满Good night kiss 的 Moon light 是谁送给你的礼物 在你常听得晚间收音中传出了我们的歌谣 就算把这世界都翻转过来 我也知道你会回到我们曾经在一起的那个位置 从远处赶来对不起,这里太冷清 没关系,我在等你 我们永远相爱的那一天到来了 Buen Camino不论你在世上哪个角落,就算伤心 疲倦也请忍耐下去,知道那一天 Buen Camino你回到我身边的时候(回去到你身边的时候)请不要再离开我 那时(那时)Never say Good-bye

西班牙语buen camino什么意思





far farther farthest busy busier busiest nice nicer nicest few fewer fewest lazy lazier laziest many more most

Richard Burton的《Camelot》 歌词

歌曲名:Camelot歌手:Richard Burton专辑:Broadway: The Great Original Cast RecordingsRise And FallCamelot前奏~~Oah Oah Rise and FallIn the land of the seven hillsEvery man is working hardChildren play with wooden toolsWomen pray for foodSuddenly one old man saysDark clouds on horizonEvery mean five feet tallTakes his sword and shieldOah Oah Rise and FallNo more tears for bleeding horseNow I will surviveDon"t know where and don"t know whyOah Oah Rise and FallNo more tears for bleeding horseNow I will surviveDon"t know where and don"t know whyAsh of war on ancient groundDying man on red blood landNo one war mans no name graveLove will not surviveFight for peace not for godSoul is steel life is goldIn the land of the seven hillsNow we rest in peaceOah Oah Rise and FallNo more tears for bleeding horseNow I will surviveDon"t know where and don"t know whyOah Oah Rise and FallNo more tears for bleeding horseNow I will surviveDon"t know where and don"t know why嘿,不错吧!Oah Oah Rise and Fall完http://music.baidu.com/song/8795421

i sent him ( )short passages but he didn"t answer A.no B little C several 选哪个并解释原因


attribute ,sweat ,attract ,accustome的意思是什么啊?急…

attribute1及物动词 vt. 1. 把...归因于;把...归咎于[(+to)]He attributed his good health to exercise. 他认为自己之所以身体好是因为运动。 2. 认为...是某人所有[(+to)]Do you think it proper to attribute weakness to women? 你觉得把软弱当作女性的属性适当吗? 3. 认为...是某人所做[H][(+to)]That play was wrongly attributed to Bacon. 那个剧本被错误地认为是培根的作品。 attribute2名词 n. [C]1. 属性;特性,特质Kindness is one of her attributes. 仁慈是她的特性之一。 2. (人,物,职务等的)标志,象征 3. 【语】定语名词 n. 1. 汗,汗水[U]There was sweat on his forehead. 他额头冒着汗。 2. (在物体表面凝结成的)水珠,水汽[U] 3. 【口】焦急,不安,神经紧张[S]We were all in a sweat over the final exam. 我们都为期末考试焦急不安。 4. 【口】苦差使[S]This job"s quite a sweat; I"m exhausted already. 这件工作是个苦差事;我已经精疲力竭了。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 出汗They saw his face was white and sweating. 他们看到他脸色苍白,并且出着汗。 2. (物体表面)结水珠,附上水汽A pitcher of ice water sweats on a hot day. 盛着冰水的水罐表面在热天会结水珠。 3. 焦虑,烦恼;懊恼We were really sweating as we waited for the results. 我们在等待结果时真的感到非常焦急。 4. 辛苦工作[(+away)]He sweated over his written reports. 他埋头撰写书面报告。 sweat 及物动词 vt. 1. 使出汗;出汗弄湿He sweated his horse by riding him too hard. 他拼命策马前行,马都出汗了。 2. (使)渗出,(使)流出;榨出 3. 使干苦活The employer sweated his workers. 雇主让他的工人死命干活。 4. 借出汗减轻(体重)[(+off/away)]He goes to the gymnasium every afternoon to sweat off some weight. 他每天下午去健身房以减轻一点体重。 5. 【口】从...身上榨取,剥削Fabulous profits were sweated out of these foreign workers. 从外籍工人身上榨取惊人的利润。 6. 【口】吃力地对付;焦急地期待[(+out)]He sweated out his composition in two hours. 他花了两个小时费力地写完了作文。 attract 及物动词 vt. 1. 吸;吸引The garden city attracts many tourists. 那个花园城市吸引许多游客。 A magnet attracts both iron and steel. 磁铁吸铁也吸钢。 2. 引起(注意,兴趣等) 3. 引起...的注意(或兴趣等);引诱Jim was attracted to the Italian girl. 吉姆对那位意大利女孩产生了好感。 The salesman banged a drum to attract a crowd. 推销员击鼓以吸引人群。 不及物动词 vi. 1. 吸引 accustomed形容词 a. 1. 惯常的,通常的2. 习惯的,适应了的

the bus sets down and picks up passages here.

公共汽车到这停了下来,接走了乘客。set down这里的意思是“停脚,停车”的意思。当指人的时候是“停下脚步(歇息歇息) ”的意思。set down:【1】reach or come to rest 【2】put or settle into a position 【3】cause to sit or seat or be in a settled position or place而passages除了我们常见的“通路,通道;文章”之外,还有“passengers”也就是“乘客”的意思。. N-COUNT A passage is a long narrow space with walls or fences on both sides, that connects one place or room with another. 过道; 走廊例:Harry stepped into the passage and closed the door behind him.哈里走进走廊,关上他身后的门。2. N-COUNT A passage in a book, speech, or piece of music is a section of it that you are considering separately from the rest. 章节; 段落; 乐段例:He read a passage from Emerson.他读了一段爱默生的作品。例:...the passage in which the author speaks of the world of imagination.…作者谈论幻想世界的那个段落。3. N-COUNT A passage is a long narrow hole or tube in your body, that air or liquid can pass along. (人体内的) 道例:...cells that line the air passages.…沿着通气管排列的细胞。4. N-COUNT A passage through a crowd of people or things is an empty space that allows you to move through them. 通路例:He cleared a passage for himself through the crammed streets.他在拥挤的大街他为自己清出一条通路。


accused和rebuked区别:意思不同、读音不同。1、读音不同accused:英 [ə"kjuːzd]美 [ə"kjuːzd]。rebuked英 [rɪˈbjuːkt]美 [rɪˈbjuːkt]。  2、意思不同accused:被告。动词accuse的过去式和过去分词rebuked:指责;批评。rebuke的过去分词和过去式。造句:The defendant is accused of theft.被告被控偷窃。The reporter was accused of unprofessional conduct.那位记者被控有违反职业道德的行为。The missionaries rebuked the natives for worshipping images. 传教士指责当地人崇拜偶像。The teacher rebuked the boy for throwing paper on the floor. 老师指责这个男孩将纸屑丢在地板上。

It _________ you to at least 50% off the regular price of either frames or lenses when you buy ...

B 试题分析: 句意:只要你镜框和镜片都买,就给你降价至少50%。present呈现;entitle使……有资格做某事;credit信任;tip倾倒。故选B。考点 : 考查动词在语境中的应用辨析。


这是他们在词典中的英文解释refutation---A refutation of an argument, accusation, or theory is something that proves it is wrong or untrue. 能证明一种观点、指责或理论是错误或不真实的就是驳斥。rebuttal---If you ke a rebuttal of a charge or accusation that has been de against you, you ke a statement which gives reasons why the accusation is untrue. 一种对责备和不真实的事情进行说理的辩驳。区别就是rebuttal一般会是列举实例或说理性的辩驳,而refutation指一般性的反驳。回答不易,望采纳!


这是他们在词典中的英文解释refutation---A refutation of an argument, accusation, or theory is something that proves it is wrong or untrue. 能证明一种观点、指责或理论是错误或不真实的就是驳斥。rebuttal---If you make a rebuttal of a charge or accusation that has been made against you, you make a statement which gives reasons why the accusation is untrue. 一种对责备和不真实的事情进行说理的辩驳。区别就是rebuttal一般会是列举实例或说理性的辩驳,而refutation指一般性的反驳。回答不易,望采纳!

Sports, school are tiring. But there is a great way to unwind after all of those activities. ...

小题1:B小题2:D小题3:B小题4:A 试题分析:这篇文章讲的是Camden这个城市的情况,在那你可以发现流行的趋势和一些著名的人物。文中详细的介绍了Camden的具有代表性的东西。小题1:细节理解题。根据文中原句There you can find fashion trends (流行,趋向) and famous people.(在那儿你可以发现流行的趋势和著名的人物),故选B。小题2:词义猜测题。根据文中原句含义But there is a great way to unwind after all of those activities. (但是在所有那些活动之后有一个很好的方式去放松。),因此可知此次意思应是D。小题3:细节理解题。根据原文第三段的描述,可以知道作者他们在那儿吃了中国炸面,故选B。小题4:推理判断题。根据文中描述Punks walked around with bright pink and green hair, broken clothes with safety pins, metal buttons(纽扣)and pierced ears and lips. Punk music shops played loud, heavy rock music.可知答案A的描述是朋克风格。


这是他们在词典中的英文解释refutation---A refutation of an argument, accusation, or theory is something that proves it is wrong or untrue. 能证明一种观点、指责或理论是错误或不真实的就是驳斥。rebuttal---If you make a rebuttal of a charge or accusation that has been made against you, you make a statement which gives reasons why the accusation is untrue. 一种对责备和不真实的事情进行说理的辩驳。区别就是rebuttal一般会是列举实例或说理性的辩驳,而refutation指一般性的反驳。

accuracy distribution是什么意思及反义词

中文释义: 精度分配相似短语accuracy distribution 精度分配accuracy jump 定点跳伞accidental accuracy 随机精度accuracy constraint 精度约束accuracy control 精度控制,精确度控制


本篇文章我们讲解缓存区 ByteBuf 八大主要类型中两种,未池化直接缓冲区 UnpooledDirectByteBuf 和 未池化不安全直接缓冲区 UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf 。 UnpooledDirectByteBuf 一个基于 NIO ByteBuffer 的缓冲区。 建议使用 UnpooledByteBufAllocator.directBuffer(int, int) , Unpooled.directBuffer(int) 和 Unpooled.wrappedBuffer(ByteBuffer) ;而不是显式调用构造函数。 有四个成员属性: 通过 allocateDirect(initialCapacity) 方法创建一个新的 NIO 缓存区实例来初始化此缓存区对象。 利用现有的 NIO 缓存区创建此缓存区。 通过 NIO 缓存区 buffer 对应方法获取基本数据类型数据。 根据目标缓存区 dst 类型不同,处理的方式也不同。 你会发现这些方法都是获取此缓存区对应 NIO 缓存区 ByteBuffer 对象,调用 ByteBuffer 对象的方法,与 IO 流的交互,进行数据传输 和 get 系列方法一样, set 系列的实现也是靠 NIO 缓存区 ByteBuffer 对应方法。 剩余方法也几乎都是和 NIO 缓存区 ByteBuffer 有关,而且也不难,就不做过多介绍了。 UnpooledDirectByteBuf 主要是通过 NIO 缓存区 buffer 来存储数据。而它获取和设置数据,也都是通过 NIO 缓存区对应方法实现的。 光看介绍,和 UnpooledDirectByteBuf 没有任何区别。它也是 UnpooledDirectByteBuf 的子类。 那么 UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf 和 UnpooledDirectByteBuf 不同处在那里呢? 通过复习 setByteBuffer 方法,获取 NIO 缓存区 buffer 对应的直接内存地址。 通过 UnsafeByteBufUtil 对应方法,直接从内存地址获取对应基本类型数据。 通过 UnsafeByteBufUtil 对应方法,直接向内存地址设置对应基本类型数据。 只有这个类型 hasMemoryAddress() 方法才会返回 true 。 UnpooledUnsafeDirectByteBuf 就是通过直接从内存地址中获取和设置数据的方式,提高性能。

Netty ByteBuf入门

ByteBuf由一段地址空间,一个read index和一个write index组成。两个index分别记录读写进度,省去了NIO中ByteBuffer手动调用flip和clear的烦恼。 通过上图可以很好的理解ByteBuf的数据划分。writer index到capacity之间的部分是空闲区域,可以写入数据;reader index到writer index之间是已经写过还未读取的可读数据;0到reader index是已读过可以释放的区域。 三个index之间的关系是:reader index <= writer index <= capacity ByteBuf根据其数据存储空间不同有可以分为三种:基于JVM堆内的,基于直接内存的和组合的。 堆内受JVM垃圾收集器的管辖,使用上相对安全一些,不用每次手动释放。弊端是GC是会影响性能的;还有就是内存的拷贝带来的性能损耗(JVM进程到Socket)。 直接内存则不受JVM的管辖,省去了向JVM拷贝数据的麻烦。但是坏处就是别忘了释放内存,否则就会发生内存泄露。相比于堆内存,直接内存的的分配速度也比较慢。 最佳实践:在IO通信的线程中的读写Buffer使用DirectBuffer(省去内存拷贝的成本),在后端业务消息的处理使用HeapBuffer(不用担心内存泄露)。 通过hasArray检查一个ByteBuf heap based还是direct buffer。 ByteBuf提供了两个工具类来创建ByteBuf,分别是支持池化的Pooled和普通的Unpooled。Pooled缓存了ByteBuf的实例,提高性能并且减少内存碎片。它使用Jemalloc来高效的分配内存。 如果在Channel中我们可以通过channel.alloc()来拿到ByteBufAllocator,具体它使用Pool还是Unpool,Directed还是Heap取决于程序的配置。 markReaderIndex和resetReaderIndex是一个成对的操作。markReaderIndex可以打一个标记,调用resetReaderIndex可以把readerIndex重置到原来打标记的位置。 discardReadByte可以把读过的空间释放,这时buffer的readerIndex置为0,可写空间和writerIndex也会相应的改变。discardReadBytes在内存紧张的时候使用用,但是调用该方法会伴随buffer的内存整理的。这是一个expensive的操作。 clear是把readerIndex和writerIndex重置到0。但是,它不会进行内存整理,新写入的内容会覆盖掉原有的内容。 派生操作会产生一个新的ByteBuf实例。这里的新指得是ByteBuf的引用是新的所有的index也是新的。但是它们共用着一套底层存储。派生函数: 如果想要复制一个 全新 的ByteBuffer请使用copy,这会完全的复制一个新的ByteBuf出来。 引用计数记录了当前ByteBuf被引用的次数。新建一个ByteBuf它的refCnt是1,当refCnt == 0时,这个ByteBuf即可被回收。 引用技术主要用于内存泄露的判断,Netty提供了内存泄露检测工具。通过使用参数 -Dio.netty.leakDetectionLevel=${level} 可以配置检测级别: 很多时候需要从ByteBuf中查找特定的字符,比如LineBasedFrameDecoder需要在ByteBuf中查找" "。ByteBuf提供了简单的indexOf这样的函数。同时也可以使用ByteProcesser来查找。 以下 gist 提供了一些example。

Netty 框架中ByteBuf转String的代码是什么?

没有最佳答案回答的那么复杂,通过查看StringDecoder、StringEncoder代码就能知道从ByteBuf中读取字符串:String str = in.readBytes(readLength).toString(Charset.forName("UTF-8"));就可以了。由于调用的是readxxx方法,所以会自动推进readerIndex。ByteBuf.readBytes方法有很多重载,选择你需要的。它返回的也是一个ByteBuf,用toString(Charset)方法就能转成String。PS:这里有个坑,ByteBuf.toString()返回的字符串跟toString(Charset)返回的完全不是同一个东西。。。


集散指标(A/D)——Accumulation/Distribution 集散指标(A/D) 是由价格和成交量的变化而决定的。


从该指标的当前值中添加或减去一定份额的当日交易量。收市价越接近当天最高价时,被添加的份额越大。收市价越接近当天最低价时,被减去的份额越大。如果收市价正好在当天最高和最低价格之间,那么这个指标值不变。A/D = SUM[((CLOSE — MINIMUM) — (MAXIMUM — CLOSE))*VOLUME/(MAXIMUM — MINIMUM), N]注解:  N — 在运算中使用的周期数量。



bury your soul是不是和posion情侣网名???

Soothe your soul 抚慰你的心灵bury your soul 埋葬你的灵魂或者cation 阳离子posion 阴离子

ban bury cake是什么意思?

ban bury cake的中文翻译ban bury cake 禁止把蛋糕ban 英[bæn] 美[bæn] vt. 禁止,下令禁止; 剥夺权利; [古] 诅咒; n. 禁止,禁令; 谴责; 诅咒,诅骂; 革出教门; [网络] 般; 班; 禁止; [例句]Canada will ban smoking in all offices later this year.加拿大将从今年晚些时候起在办公场所全面禁烟。[其他] 第三人称单数:bans 复数:bans 现在分词:banning 过去式:banned过去分词:banned

As the poured the last bucket of water into the basket


泰国涛岛bans、crystal、海贼潜水、酷潜、big bule这几家潜水学校的特点是什么啊?哪家好?


牛、公牛、母牛的英文怎么说?搞懂bull / cow / ox 中文意思

牛、公牛、母牛的英文 怎么说?其实跟牛有关的英文单字主要有三个喔,分别是bull、cow、ox,中文意思都是牛的意思,只是他们特别指的是不同的牛喔。如果你还不知道bull、cow、ox 差在哪,那就赶快来看这篇文章吧! 下面教学bull、cow、ox 的中文意思差异。 1.bull 公牛 Bull 特别指的是公牛,而非母牛。而且bull指的是尚未 *** 过的牛,也就是还有繁殖能力的牛。 例: The bull tossed him up into the air. 公牛把他扔向空中。 例: An ox is a castrated bull. 阉牛是被 *** 过的公牛。 这里可以再记住几个单字,牛的尾巴的英文叫做tail,牛的蹄子叫做hoof,而牛角则叫做horn。 2.cow 母牛 而母牛的英文则叫做cow,cow特指母牛而不是公牛喔! 例: a dairy cow 奶牛 例: We watched the cow suckling her calves. 我们看着那头牛在哺乳她的小牛。 这里可以记住几个单字,母牛常常喜欢哞哞哞的叫,哞叫声叫做「moo」,跟「哞」的发音很像。至于牛粪便则叫做dung,马粪便也可以叫做dung。至于母牛的 *** 或乳腺则叫做udder。 最后还要知道一个单字:calf。calf是指小牛的意思,是指那种发育尚未完全的小牛。 3.ox 公牛 Ox 虽然也是公牛的意思,但是ox特别指的是被 *** 过的牛,也就是没有了繁殖能力的公牛。 例: An ox is a castrated bull. 阉牛是被 *** 过的公牛。 公牛 英文, 奶牛 英文, 小牛 英文, 母牛 英文, 牛 英文, 牛粪 英文, 牛角 英文



business of accounting中文职业是什么

business of accounting中文职业是会计。business是商业、职业的意思,accounting含有会计的意思,因此合起来就是会计职业。也可以去掉of,business accounting也表示会计。会计师是提供会计服务的职业,其工作范畴包括财务、成本、审计、税务策划、投资分析及管理等。会计前景:1、会计工作性质稳定,就业机会普遍由于职业的特殊性,公司不可能经常更换会计人员,因此财会人员的流动性特别小。通过几次经济危机可以看出,多数企业非会计岗位裁员率平均在50%以上,财务部门的裁员率一般不超过1%。2、就业面广,发展空间大会计人员可以从事会计、出纳、审计、税务、理财咨询等工作,每年新增的企业数以万计,职业需求大,就业面广。3、源源不断地社会需求需要会计的地方很多,首先,专业的会计师事务所。其次,各个企业。再其次,政府及非盈利组织。会计掌握的是一个团体的经济命脉,所以,每一个团体都需要他们。且每年新增的企业数以万计,有企业产生,就有对会计的需求,所以,会计是一个永不衰退的产业。

he is busy preparing lunch. 和

都是进行时,区别在于 is和was, 即前者表示现在时态,后者表示过去时态。


过去式 过去分词 met met went gone bought bought caught caught told told made made left left did done sent sent threw thrown sat sat(或sitten) swept swept heard heard lay laid found found read read came come swam swum



be,like,wrote,run,buy,call 的过去式是什么?

be: is,am--was, are--were like--liked (但是喜欢这词,一般都不用过去式) wrote 本事就是过去式,是write的过去式 run--ran buy--bought call--called

go call look teach think point help buy see bruch work comb open wash talk jump 这些词的过去式

go:过去式went 过去分词gone call:过去式called 过去分词called look: 过去式looked 过去分词lookedteach:过去式taught 过去分词taught think : 过去式thought 过去分词thoughtpoint: 过去式pointed 过去分词pointedhelp:过去式helped或 holp 过去分词helped 或 holpen buy: 过去式bought 过去分词boughtsee:过去式saw 过去分词seen bruch /brush: 过去式brushed 过去分词brushed 应该是brush吧work:过去式worked 或 wrought 过去分词worked 或 wrought comb:过去式combed 过去分词combedopen:过去式opened 过去分词openedwash:过去式washed 过去分词washed talk:过去式talked 过去分词 talkedjump:过去式jumped 过去分词jumped

bunny in a bunny suit 歌词翻译


I want to buy a compuer 句型




求指点:C语言中使用free()释放calloc时显示Debug assertion failed

这个是下标溢出的错误,但我检查了你的代码,也没问题,不知道怎么回事我复制你的代码时编译不了,有几个地方得修改,编译过了也没错,能运行,你查到了告诉我一下吧,谢谢了,#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <assert.h>#include <math.h>#define PI 3.1415926int halfsine_filter(int *n,float Tc,float **hn,int **len);float p(float t,float Tc);int *len=NULL;float *hn=NULL;void main(){ int n = 30;  int i; float Tc = 0.1; halfsine_filter(&n,Tc,&hn,&len); for (i = 0; i < (*len); i ++) {  printf("hn[%d]=%.4f ",i,hn[i]); } free(hn); hn=NULL; getchar();}int halfsine_filter(int *n,float Tc,float **hn,int **len){ int i; float sum = 0; float *t = (float*)calloc(*n, sizeof(float)); assert(t!=NULL); *hn = (float*)calloc(*n,sizeof(float)); assert((*hn)!=NULL); t[0] = 0; for(i = 1; i < *n; i ++) {  t[i] = t[i-1] + 2 * Tc / (*n-1); } for(i = 0; i < *n; i ++) {  (*hn)[i]=p(t[i],Tc);  sum += (*hn)[i]; } // for( i = 0; i <*n; i ++) {  (*hn)[i] /= sum; } *len=n;//数组的长度  //释放内存 free(t);  return 0; }float p(float t,float Tc){ return (float)sin(PI*t/(2*Tc)); }

55/362 Town Plus,Khlong Lam Chiak, Nuanchan, Bueng Kum, Bangkok 10230,请教这个地址的翻译?

55/362 Town Plus,Khlong Lam Chiak, Nuanchan, Bueng Kum, Bangkok 1023055/362 +镇运河Lam Chiak、Nuanchan Bueng咕,曼谷10230年

Boromrajakumari Building Bangkok是什么单位?

—— 英文:Boromrajakumari Building Bangkok 曼谷Boromrajakumari大楼 ( 曼谷博罗姆拉贾库马里大厦 )。


$ gcc first.c -o first.o用于编译生成可执行结果 first.o要执行结果的话,不是$ gcc first.o而是$ ./first.o

ubuntu如何在windows 服务器加入域?


Could you please help me to check bulit drawings?(句子中加to对吗)


帮忙分析一下这个英语句子:Likewise, build a relationship with?



这家酒店是连锁酒店,Novotel在英国的连锁店很多,貌似在北京也看到过,汉语名字貌似叫做诺富特,当然我在国内绝对不会考虑如此昂贵的酒店,不过在英国,选择Novotel也算是明智的选择。Novotel隶属于法国Accor(雅高集团)旗下,Accor是法国CAC40指数的权重股公司,也是欧洲酒店业的领导者和全球最大的酒店管理集团之一,更是全球最大的企业服务集团之一。Accor除了拥有Novotel之外,还有Sofitel(索菲特)、Pullman(铂尔曼)、Grand Mercure(美爵)、Mercure(美居)和ibis(宜必思)。按照分类,Sofitel走奢华酒店风格路线、Pullman则定位于高档商务酒店;Grand Mercure展示着时尚酒店的魅力,而Mercure则定位为一个多层次的中级市场品牌,也偏向于年轻化的消费群体。Novotel展示着一流的酒店管理能力,而ibis则是经济型酒店的典范。介绍了这么多,还是来说说这家Novotel吧。这家酒店和Edinburgh的市中心很近,这是莫大的优势。Edinburgh真是英国的雅典,很多的雕塑和美轮美奂、富有特色的建筑将这个城市变得像一座人间天堂。而居住在市中心,能够更多的接触这些令人陶醉的文化,也是爱丁堡之行的关键和重点。这家酒店的客房很温馨舒适,干净整洁的被褥和干净的浴室让人心情大好。当然无线网络是必然提供的。而且宾馆内的小酒吧也做得富有苏格兰传统情调,让人流连。而且,这家店有停车场,并欢迎宠物入内。最重要的是不贵。这样的酒店,如果提前大致一个月预定,那么两人间一般是80镑到85镑。这个价位在英国还是很划算的,所以么,推荐推荐。

GPUZ里面的 bus width 和 bandwidth 1个是总线带宽 以64 128 256 Bit结尾 1个是带宽的意思, 以GB/s结尾

bus width就是显存位宽,bandwidth就是显存带宽.它们的关系就是这个公式:显存位宽*显存频率/8=显存带宽 显存位宽的大小影响着显存带宽的大小,显存带宽的大小取决于显存位宽和显存频率

They would have accomplished the project,but they __abroad for a conference. A.had gone B.went

If they hadn"t gone abroad for a conference, they would have accomplished the project.

It"s none of my Business 是什么意思?还有none和 no one 的用法和区别?


steamed stuffed bun怎么读

思替姆得 思大夫得 爸嗯

JSP 报The value for the useBean class attribute XXX is invalid

太长了 懒的看 从 异常The value for the useBean class attribute XXX is invalid应该是 你表单的 字段 值 跟 目标 Action中的 FormBean 之间的值不能 赋值 可能因为没转换器的原因 所以无法转换 只能对基本数据类型进行转换 和 已有转换器的数据进行转换赋值


American Word----------Britons Say Acetaminophen----------Paracetamol Aluminum---------------Aluminium Americans--------------Yanks Apartment--------------Flat Apartment house--------Block of flats Appointment Book-------Diary Argentina--------------The Argentine Argentinian------------Argentine Argument---------------Row, argy-bargy Baby Carriage----------Pram Babysitter-------------Minder Backpack---------------Rucksack Badger-----------------Brock Baked Potato-----------Jacket potato Bandaid----------------Elastoplast (both brand name bandages) Bangs------------------Fringe Bar--------------------Pub Barrette---------------Slide Baseboard--------------Skirting-board Bathroom---------------Loo, Water closet, W.C. Battery (car)----------Accumulator Beef extract-----------Bovril (brand name) Bleachers--------------Terrace Bobby pin--------------Hair pin Bodyguard--------------Minder Boots (rubber)---------Wellies, Wellingtons Boss-------------------Gaffer Boy--------------------Lad Broccoli rabe----------Calabrese Buttocks---------------Bum Cabbage and potato-----Bubble and squeak Cafeteria--------------Refectory Call-------------------Ring Can--------------------Tin Carpenter--------------Cabinet Maker, Joiner Carried away-----------Over the top Chat (noun)------------Natter Chat (verb)------------Natter, Rabbit Checking account-------Current account Check (bank)-----------Cheque Check (restaurant)-----Bill Classy-----------------Upmarket Comforter--------------Duvet Condom-----------------Sheath Conductor--------------Guard, clippie (Scotland) Cookie-----------------Biscuit Cotton-----------------Cotton wool Counterclockwise-------Anticlockwise Cracker----------------Savoury biscuit Crazy (person)---------Nutter Credit-----------------Hire purchase Crotch-----------------Crutch Curator----------------Keeper Curb-------------------Kerb Dead End---------------Close, Cul de sac Dessert----------------Afters, Pudding Detour-----------------Diversion Diaper-----------------Nappy, Napkin Doctor"s exam room-----Surgery Dropout----------------School leaver Drunk------------------Blotto, legless, paralytic, pissed Dump-------------------Tip Easy task--------------Doddle Editorial--------------Leader Eggplant---------------Aubergine Elated-----------------Over the Moon Electrician------------Sparky Elevator---------------Lift England----------------Blighty Eraser-----------------Rubber Exercise Class---------Keep Fit Exhausted--------------Knackered Expensive--------------Dear


put knocked told busier

Cali/ Nilüfer / BURSA 是土耳其的什么地方?


HeLostHisArmButIsStillClimbing 这篇英语翻译


he lost his arm but is still climbing课文缩写

他是去了他的手臂,但是还是坚持攀登Finding the order of events Writers describe events in a certain order. Finding the order of the events will help you understand what you are reading. He lost his arm but is still climbing Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26,2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah. On that day, Aron"s arm was caught under a 2,000-kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life He was not ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he would not lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help. After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and a Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you cannot seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one"s life. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience. Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let"s think about it before we find ourselves “between a rock and a hard place", and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.

He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing课文缩写


he lost his arm but is still climbing说明


英语八年级下册He Lost His Arm But Is Still Climbing的翻译

Aron Ralston is an American man who is interested in mountain climbing. As a mountain climber, Aron is used to taking risks. This is one of the exciting things about doing dangerous sports. There were many times when Aron almost lost his life because of accidents. On April 26, 2003, he found himself in a very dangerous situation when climbing in Utah.•On that day, Aron"s arm was caught under a 360-Kilo rock that fell on him when he was climbing by himself in the mountains. Because he could not free his arm, he stayed there for five days and hoped that someone would find him. But when his water ran out, he knew that he would have to do something to save his own life. He wasn"t ready to die that day. So he used his knife to cut off half his right arm. Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself so that he wouldn"t lose too much blood. After that, he climbed down the mountain to find help•After losing his arm, he wrote a book called Between a Rock and Hard Place. This means being in a difficult situation that you can"t seem to get out of. In this book, Aron tells of the importance of making good decisions, and of being in control of one"s life. His love for mountain climbing is so great that he kept on climbing mountains even after this experience.•Do we have the same spirit as Aron? Let"s think about it before we find ourselves “between a rock and a hard place”, and before we have to make a decision that could mean life or death.

essential business expertise 是什么意思

essential business expertise主要业务专长 拼音 双语对照 发音双语例句1As all eyes turn to Beijing, it is essential that British business is there to promote our expertise and capabilities. 在所有人的目光都投向北京之际,英国企业到那里推介我们的专长与能力是至关重要的。

Maroon5有首歌 歌词有句 i know i dont know you but i want you

harder to breath How dare you say that my behavior is unacceptable 你怎能说我的行为令人无法接受 So condescending unnecessarily critical 如此不必要的屈尊带有批评的意味 I have the tendency of getting very physical 我有动粗的意向 So watch your step cause if I do you"ll need a miracle 所以请你小心,因为一旦我采取行动你将需要奇迹(来解救自己) You drain me dry and make me wonder why I"m even here 你将我慢慢耗干,让我不明白为什么自己还在这里 This Double Vision I was seeing is finally clear 过去不曾看清的模糊景象最终也变得清晰 You want to stay but you know very well I want you gone 你想留下但你很清楚其实我想让你离开 Not fit to funkin" tread the ground I"m walking on 我不想再这样惊恐的走下去 When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love 当天气变冷你无人可以来爱时 You"ll understand what I mean when I say 你就会明白我所说的 There"s no way we"re gonna give up 我们无路可走只能放弃 And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams 就像小女孩在梦中的怪兽面前哭泣 Is there anyone out there cause it"s getting harder and harder to breathe 外面有人吗,我已无法呼吸 Is there anyone out there cause it"s getting harder and harder to breathe 外面有人吗,我已无法呼吸 What you are doing is screwing things up inside my head 你做的事情让我感到紧张 You should know better you never listened to a word I said 你最好知道我所说的你一句都没有听进去 Clutching your pillow and writhing in a naked sweat 抓紧枕头因痛苦而扭动身体 Hoping somebody someday will do you like I did 希望有一天会有人像我这样对待你 When it gets cold outside and you got nobody to love 当天气变冷你无人可以来爱时 You"ll understand what I mean when I say 你就会明白我所说的 There"s no way we"re gonna give up 我们无路可走只能放弃 And like a little girl cries in the face of a monster that lives in her dreams 就像小女孩在梦中的怪兽面前哭泣 Is there anyone out there cause it"s getting harder and harder to breathe 外面有人吗,我已无法呼吸 Is there anyone out there cause it"s getting harder and harder to breathe 外面有人吗,我已无法呼吸 Does it kill 它会要人的命吗 Does it burn 它会灼伤人吗 Is it painful to learn 了解它很痛苦吗 That it"s me that has all the control 那就是可以掌控一切的我 Does it thrill 它会旋转吗 Does it sting 它会刺伤吗 When you feel what I bring 当你感受到我所带来的 And you wish that you had me to hold 你会希望你有我来支撑

Sleepless Nights (Album Version) 歌词

歌曲名:Sleepless Nights (Album Version)歌手:The Everly Brothers专辑:Walk Right Back: The Everly Brothers On Warner Bros. 1960-1969"Sleepless Nights (Never Let Her Go)"Another sleepless nightI"m still starin" at the ceilingI can hear him fightingWith her for no good reasonWill this ever end?Will this house be a home again?If I had my wayI"d corner him and sayPut yourself in her positionAll she needs is recognitionLove"s not enough when you say itDon"t you know you"ve gotta mean itScrewing up the best thing everIs something you"ll regret foreverAnother day goes by and nothing changedHe"s still the sameI can hear her cryinThinking she"s the one to blameWill this ever end?Will this house be a home again?If I had my wayI"d corner him and sayPut yourself in her positionAll she needs is recognitionLoves not enough when you say itDon"t you know you gotta mean it?Screwing up the best thing everIs something you"ll regret foreverTake her and make sure she feels itLet her know you"ll never let her goScrewing up the best thing everIs something you"ll regret foreverAnother sleepless night and nothing changedHe"s still the sameAnother stupid fight and someone"s gotta sayPut yourself in her positionAll she needs is recognitionLoves not enough when you say itDon"t you know you gotta mean it?Screwing up the best thing everIs something you"ll regret foreverTake her and make sure she feels itLet her know you"ll never let her goNever let her goNo, no, noPut yourself in her positionAll she needs is recognitionTake her and make sure she feels itLet her know you"ll never let her gohttp://music.baidu.com/song/8133668


意思是上海外滩 ,可以说我来到了上海外滩 ,I go to bund

we suggest you wear seatbelt loosely buckled


The Mystery Of Bulgarian Voices的《Loneliness》 歌词

歌曲名:Loneliness歌手:The Mystery Of Bulgarian Voices专辑:Alone In The Dark"Loneliness"by mary.zhaoLonelinessIs a place that I know wellIt"s the distance between usAnd the space inside ourselvesAnd emptiness....Is the chattering in your headIt"s the call of the livingAnd the race from life to deathWoa and I knowYes and I knowWhat you feel...And I"ve got a longin"That"s hard to findWon"t give me no peace of mindSomething that I"ve lived with all alongDays and weeks and months and yearsFilling in the time my dearTryin" to find the place where I belongHopelessnessis the darkness in your heartIt"s the sound of one hand clappingWhile it"s pulling you apartWoa and I knowYes and I knowWhat you feelAndI"ve got a longin"That"s hard to findWon"t give me no peace of mindSomething that I"ve lived with all alongDays and weeks and months and yearsFilling in the time my dearTryin" to find the place where I belongAndI got a hunger that"sHard to fillDriving me on overkillTellin" me that everything"s gone wrongGot me a needThat I can"t breakMore than I can hardly takeSomehow I still keep on going strongWhen I call your nameI"m gonna scream out loudI"ll say..."here I am standing in the crowd"You"ll say "come to me"With your open mindyou never knowWhat you still might find"But you keep me hereLike a cancelled flightAn empty trainRunning through the nightAn orphan childA broken shoeand I"m still down hereLooki" out for youAre you there for me?"Cause I"m here for youhttp://music.baidu.com/song/9188063





sing 和buy的过去式是不是singed 和buied?

sing——sang buy——bought

sing 和buy的过去式是不是singed 和buied?


but sometimes ,accidents do h____


We have sometimes accidents on this line ,but no accidents____since last winter.


buonjo tiamo bambino 意大利语,是什么意思?

buonjo 法语 你好TI AMO 分开 我爱你bambino 小孩 宝贝

求关于关于蒂姆·伯顿(Tim Burton)个人经历、电影的英文介绍

Timothy "Tim" Walter Burton[1] (Burbank, California; 25 de agosto de 1958) es un director, productor, escritor y diseñador estadounidense. La mayoría de sus películas se han caracterizado por la presencia de mundos imaginarios donde suelen estar presentes elementos góticos y oscuros, cuyos protagonistas suelen ser seres inadaptados y enigmáticos. (Véase Características personales de la obra de Burton).Este sello de identidad se hace patente en películas como Batman y The Nightmare Before Christmas, esta última fue producida por él. Adquirió gran fama al dirigir exitosos filmes entre los que se encuentran Edward Scissorhands y Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate. Desde que dirigió su primer largometraje (La gran aventura de Pee-Wee) en 1985, ha pasado a dirigir y producir numerosas películas, algunas de ellas han sido notablemente premiadas. Con Corpse Bride fue candidato al Óscar a la mejor película de animación en 2006. A menudo trabaja con su amigo íntimo Johnny Depp, el músico Danny Elfman y su compañera sentimental Helena Bonham Carter

buried in the book

此句中的 Buried in the book 是“非谓语动词结构”,不是“非谓语从句”(没有这种说法)! 非谓语动词结构通常有三种形式:不定式短语、现在分词(-ing)短语和过去分词(-ed)短语.你句子中的是过去分词短语,在句子里的功能是“伴随状语”,其逻辑主语是句子的主语 he.这个结构中的过去分词与主句主语的关系是被动语态关系.如果把这个结构用从句形式展开就是: He did not hear the sound [because] he was buried in the book. 也可以变成两个句子: He was buried in the book,and he did not hear the sound.


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