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Brownie Mcghee&Sonny Terry的《Louise》 歌词

歌曲名:Louise歌手:Brownie Mcghee&Sonny Terry专辑:California BluesLouiseRobbie WilliamsWhen he saw her getting off the busIt seemed to wipe away the yearsHer face was older, just a little roughBut her eyes were still so clearHe drank his coffee and he hurried outAcross before she walked awayThen he approached her like a little childToo scared for what he had to say"Hello Louise,Remember me?Now should we partOr stay awhile?As if we were still lovers"She took a moment just to recognisethe man she"d known so well beforeAnd as he started to apologiseLose any bitterness she boreShe gently put her finger on his lipsTo let him know she understoodAnd with her suitcase standing on the floorEmbraced him like a lover wouldHe told louise"You look so goodIt"s just you seeYou make me feelAs if we were still lovers"It"s not always true that time heals all woundsThere are wounds that you don"t wanna healThe memories of something really goodSomething truly realthat you never found againAs if we were still loversAnd though they talked just for just a little timeBefore she said she had to goHe saw the meeting as a tiny signThat told him all he had to knowAnd so LouiseWaved from the busAnd as she leftShe gave that smileAs if they were still loversIt"s not always true that time heals all woundsThere are wounds that you don"t wanna healThe memories of something really goodSomething truly realthat I"ve never found again

Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs. They loved each other and played together so often that ...

小题1:D小题2:B小题3:C小题4:B 小题1:根据文章内容They loved each other and played together so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their houses.可知答案为D小题2:根据文章内容大意可知答案为B小题3:根据词组keep his spirits up的意思,可知答案为C。小题4:根据文章内容大意可知答案为B

我有一部kodak film 620 BROWNIE JUNIOR请问谁知道它的详细消息,麻烦告诉一下,谢谢

型号Six-20 Brownie Junior (US Model - Kodak)年代: 1934-1942Film: 620 Rollfilm Original 当时的出厂价: $2.25Metal body, Leatherette covering柯达在1938年出产世界上第一架自动曝光相机叫超级SIX-20,使用的是620胶卷

brownie points 什么意思

你好 就是“加分”的意思上面数的是:如果你看了这里输入的东西,谁真正的通过这个获胜,谁做他们应该做的每一件事,谁就会获得所有加分,

请问新西兰护肤品coco brownie是产自哪里呀?


pot brownie 是什么

pot 是大麻的俗称. Brownie 是巧克力蛋糕. pot brownie 就是含大麻成分的巧克力蛋糕.

完形填空 Brownie and Spotty were neighbor dogs......

第一段Brownie and spotty were neighbor dogs who met every dag to ploy together the pair of dogs love each other and they ofteh stayed together one evening. Brownie"s family noticed that Browniehadn"t returned home. they went looking for him withno success. Brownie didn"t show up the next day . and despite their effects to find him, by the next week he was stiu missing.第2段curiausly, spotty shoned up at Brownie"s house alone , barking. whining(哀叫) , and generally bothering Brownie"s human family . Busy with their own lives, they just ignored the nervous little neighbor dog Finally, one morhing spotty de cided to take no" for an answer Ted , Browine"s owner, was steadily annoyed by the determined little dog spotty fouowed Ted about, barking irsistently, then yunning back and forth to a nearby emptu land , as if to say, "Follow me! It"s urgent!" Ted followed spotty across the empty land eventually, as spotty pansed to race back and bark encouraginglg the little dog led the man under a fence, past many tyees. to a deserted spot a half mile from the house.第3段There Tod found his beloved Brownie a live-----one of his hird legs was crushed(压伤) in a steel leg--hold trap kegretfully, Ted wished hed taken spotty"s e arlier appeals seriously.第4段Then Ted noticed somethiny quite remarkable-----spotty had done more than simply lead Brownie"s human to his friend In a circle around the injwed dog. Ted found a lot of dog food and table cloth. which were identified as the remains of every meal spotty had been fed that week!第5段spotty had been visiting Brownie regnlarly, in a single minded thaught to keep his friend alive by sacrificing his own comfort!


不可数 望楼主采纳!


brownie的读法是:英【u02c8brau028ani】,美【u02c8brau028ani】。brownie的意思是:巧克力蛋糕。双语例句1、They"re just trying to score brownie points with politicians。他们只是试图获得政客们的嘉许。2、But you might win a brownie point or two。但你也许会赢得一两分的同情分。3、Stop trying to get brownie points with the teacher。不要想着去与老师计较分数上的小差异。4、The student who sent this in gets an extra Brownie point。我给提出这个问题的同学一点印象分数。5、Which of the following best described Brownie?下面哪个词最适合布萝尼?6、I"ll get brownie points for helping him。我帮他忙会受表扬的。

chocolate brownie是什么意思


When I was six, Dad brought home a dog one day, who was called “Brownie”. My brothers and I all.

小题1:D小题2:B 试题分析:小题1:细节题:从第一段的句子:One thing that most touched my heart was that she would go to whoever was sick and just be with them .可知小狗总是陪着生病的人。选D小题2:推理题:从第二段的句子:she looked down at the ground and then went and hid. I saw a tear in her eyes.说明小狗很后悔。选B考点:考查故事类短文阅读点评:本文讲述了作者家的一个小狗Brownie的故事。从作者讲述的故事看出小狗很爱主人,很忠诚,题目集中考查细节题,仔细辨析文章,在重点地方做好标志,提高阅读的速度和效率。








使用brownie的第一步是初始化一个新项目。这可以通过两种方式完成: 1、创建一个空项目。 2、从现有模板创建项目。 要初始化一个空项目,请先创建一个新文件夹。在该文件夹中,键入: 每个Brownie项目均包含以下文件夹: 1、contracts/:合约文件 2、interfaces/:接口文件 3、scripts/:用于部署和交互的脚本 4、tests/:用于测试项目的脚本 还创建了以下文件夹,并由Brownie在内部使用这些文件夹来管理项目。 1、build/:项目数据,例如编译器工件和单元测试结果 2、reports/:在GUI中使用的JSON报告文件 使用以下命令编译contracts目录文件夹中的所有合约: 每次编译器运行时,Brownie都会将每个合约的哈希值与现有已编译版本的哈希值进行比较。如果合同没有更改,则不会重新编译。如果希望强制重新编译整个项目,请使用以下命令: brownie具有三个主要组件,可在开发项目时使用: 1、使用控制台快速测试和调试 2、编写脚本 3、写作测试


  brownie英 [u02c8brau028ani] 美 [u02c8brau028ani]  n.核仁巧克力饼; 巧克力蛋糕; 6-8岁的女童子军; 棕仙; (传说中夜间帮助做家务的小精灵)  [网络]褐色钻石; 褐色金刚石 同褐钻; 小妖精;  [例句]This is cave brownie, everyone has to say hello to it. But very fast because it can melt.  这是洞穴里的巧克力蛋糕,来此的人都得打个招呼,还得快,因为它会融化掉。  [其他]复数:brownies 形近词: brownon


brownie是什么意思:巧克力蛋糕1、They"re just trying to score brownie points with politicians. 他们只是试图获得政客们的嘉许。2、But you might win a brownie point or two. 但你也许会赢得一两分的同情分。3、Stop trying to get brownie points with the teacher! 不要想着去与老师计较分数上的小差异。4、The student who sent this in gets an extra Brownie point. 我给提出这个问题的同学一点印象分数。5、Which of the following best described Brownie? 下面哪个词最适合布萝尼?6、I"ll get brownie points for helping him. 我帮他忙会受表扬的。

AWhen I was six, Dad brought home a dog one day, who was called “Brownie”. My broth...

41-45 BBCAD   略