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break broken broke有什么区别?请从词性,用法方面讲解好吗

broken是形容词,broke是动词break的过去式。 broke是break的过去式,用在过去时态中。broken是break的过去分词。但是现在习惯把它看做是一个形容词。

broke away ; broke down ; broke up ; broke out ;break in 的区别,急急急 关于broke越多越好。谢谢

broke away、broke down、broke up、broke out、break in的区别为:指代不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、broke away:摆脱。2、broke down:分解。3、broke up:弄破。4、broke out:突发。5、break in:闯入。二、用法不同1、broke away:away是表示方位的副词,其基本意思是“离开”。用在动词或短语动词之后表示与“离开”有关的各种不同的意思。2、broke down:下,向下,下至;坐下;在……的下方;向下的,沮丧的,计算机或计算机系统停机;下来。3、broke up:up用作介词的意思是“向…上,向〔在〕…的顶上”。还可表示“往…的上端,向…的较高处,顺着…向上〔北〕,往〔在〕…的上游〔发源地〕,在…”。4、broke out:out用作副词最基本的意思是“出,在外”,在此基础上引申出多种意思,并可与许多动词搭配使用,构成习语。5、break in:in则表示从现在时间算起推移到将来的一段时间之后,一般与将来时态连用。三、侧重点不同1、broke away:速度极快的离开。2、broke down:很高的建筑物垮塌的动作。3、broke up:指原本完整的东西被破坏。4、broke out:多用于形容战争的爆发。5、break in:未经允许的暴力侵入。



broke up是什么意思?

broke up的中文意思:分手,结束,打碎词汇解析1、broke英[brəʊk];美[brok]adj. 一文不名的,破产的v. 打破,断掉(break的过去式)n. (Broke)人名;(英)布罗克例:What do you mean, I"ve got enough money? I"m as broke as you are.你什么意思啊,我有足够的钱?我和你一样一文不名。例:Balton went broke twice in his career.伯顿在他的职业生涯中破产过两次。2、up英[ʌp];美[ʌp]adv. 向上,在上面adj. 向上的;涨的;正在修正的,快乐的;在运行的;完成的,完结的;起床的v. 突然做(意想不到的事);提高……的价格(或数量);举起,抬起n. 上升;繁荣;(非正式)走运例:They were climbing up a narrow mountain road.他们正爬上一条狭窄的山路。例:I ran up the stairs and saw Alison lying at the top.我跑上楼梯,看见艾莉森躺在顶上。扩展资料1、broke的用法1、broke是一个常用词,基本意思是突然地施加一个力(压力或拉力等)使之“破”或“碎”(从一个裂纹到七零八落)。引申可指事物部分地或全部破坏、瓦解、崩溃。2、broke有时只表示“冲破”“开创”等过程意义,但更多的是强调了其破坏的物或事物的完整性、统一性或连续性。3、broke用作不及物动词时,可表示物体“破”,用于人,则可指身体或精神“垮”“崩溃”。4、broke用作及物动词时,除作“弄断”“弄碎”等解,还可作“透露”解(主要是美国口语)。5、broke用作不及物动词时,主动形式可表示被动意义,其主语通常是表示无生命的东西。6、broke后还可接形容词作表语。2、关于broke的短语1、broke beater 废物磨粉机 ; 损纸打浆机2、finishing broke 完成损纸3、broke transit 折镜子午仪 ; 详细翻译4、trim broke 冲边损纸5、dead broke 身无分文6、broke series 断续数列


好多意思要看用在那里。break 的过去式打破,破坏,损坏,爆发,爆料,爆出,折断,破产,分手,还有伤害令人伤心等意思


broker:名词,经纪人; broke:形容词,一文不名的;或者是作为break的不定式 意思写出来就明白了吧.它们没有任何关系,除了长得像

Captain的《Broke》 歌词

歌曲名:Broke歌手:Captain专辑:This Is HazelvilleNatalia Kills - BrokeDon"t want you"re money no dirty promiseDon"t want the memories that echo in my headYou left me stranded caught you red-handedYou tore my heart out left me here for deadIf I"m giving, I"m giving upI"m empty handed you took enough (ohh ohh)But if I had a dime for every single time you ever made me cry I"d be a millionaireIf I had a dime for every single time I should have said goodbye I"d be a millionaireBut I don"t don"t cause you left me brokeBut I don"t don"t cause you left me brokeMy love is priceless can"t buy my time backSo let"s forget all our regrets and keep the changeYou don"t define me only remind meI"d rather beg than live that lie with you againIf I"m giving, I"m giving upI"m empty handed you took enough (ohh ohh)But if I had a dime for every single time you ever made me cry I"d be a millionaireIf I had a dime for every single time I should have said goodbye I"d be a millionaireBut I don"t don"t cause you left me brokeBut I don"t don"t cause you left me brokeYou had it all but all I am is not enoughSo I"m taking back my heartI"m richer without you with nothing (nothing) nothing (nothing) nothingBut if I had a dime for every single time you ever made me cry I"d be a millionaireIf I had a dime for every single time I should have said goodbye I"d be a millionaireBut I don"t don"tBut I don"t don"t (ohhh ohh)But I don"t don"t (cause you left me broke, you know you left me broke)But I don"t don"t (ohhh ohh)


broke,有以下一些可替换:Fracturesmash indoesn‘t  work


break的过去式broke、过去分词broken。Break作名词时意为“间歇;课间休息;间断;插播广告的间隙;短期休假。I"m always broke by the end of the month.我总是一到月底就没钱花了。

broke 的过去式

broke 就是break 的过去式,过去分词是 broken



英语broke out和broke up区别是什么?

☆☆break up☆☆1. disintegrate; disperse分散,分裂the grey clouds had begun to break up.乌云已开始散去。2. (of a gathering) disband; end.(集会)结束,解散3. (Brit.)end the school term.(英)(学校)开始放假we broke up for the summer.我们放暑假了。4. (of a couple in a relationship) part company.(恋爱或婚姻中的男女)分手5. start laughing uncontrollably.爆发大笑the whole cast broke up.全体演员哄堂大笑。6. (chiefly N. Amer.)become emotionally upset.(主 北美)变得心烦☆☆break out☆☆1. (of war, fighting, or similarly undesirable things) start suddenly(战争,战斗或类似的不受欢迎的事件)突然爆发forest fires have broken out across Indonesia.印度尼西亚爆发了全国性的森林火灾。2. (of a physical discomfort) suddenly manifest itself.(身体不适)突然发作prickles of sweat had broken out along her backbone.密密的汗珠沿着她的脊梁沁出来。

和broke有关的短语 要解释和例句 谢谢




和broke有关的短语 要解释和例句 谢谢

上面的太罗嗦 , 记住 i am broke 的意思是i am poor 我身无分文



broke 的动词原形

broke 的动词原形 break为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

谁有《 Broke》的百度云资源!求分享链接

Broke 链接:  密码:qcdd

broke 的过去式

broke 就是break 的过去式,过去分词是 broken


broke 是break的过去式否定形式是didn"t break如 He didn"t break the window.




broke[英][brəʊk][美][broʊk]vt.打破(break的过去式和过去分词); 折断; adj.破产的; 缺乏资金的; 例句:1.We forget the reason we broke up. 然而我们却忘了我们分手的原因。2.The kids broke his heart. 这些孩子们令他心碎。


(1) 动词 broke = break 的过去式:He broke his leg yesterday.摔断 (2)形容词(非正式使用) broke = (a) I was broke.一文不名的; (b) broke=破产;没有钱=I am as broke as you are. (c) go for broke = 竭尽全力一博... (3) 另一种拼写:bloke = a fellow; a man = 小子: (a) He is a really nice bloke.

broke away ; broke down ; broke up ; broke out ;break in 的区别,急急急 关于broke越多越好。谢谢

broke away,broke down,broke up,broke out,break in的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.broke away释义:挣脱。2.broke down释义:垮掉。3.broke up释义:结束,分裂。4.broke out释义:爆发。5.break in释义:破门而入。二、用法不同1.broke away用法:break还可表示“奔跑,试图逃跑”。2.broke down用法:break是一个常用词,基本意思是突然地施加一个力(压力或拉力等)使之“破”或“碎”(从一个裂纹到七零八落),引申可指事物部分地或全部破坏、瓦解、崩溃。3.broke up用法:break用作不及物动词时,可表示物体“破”,用于人,则可指身体或精神“垮”“崩溃”。4.broke out用法:break用作及物动词时,除作“弄断”“弄碎”等解,还可作“透露”解(主要是美国口语)。5.break in用法:break有时只表示“冲破”“开创”等过程意义,但更多的是强调了其破坏的物或事物的完整性、统一性或连续性。三、侧重点不同1.broke away解析:侧重指突然地离开或走开。2.broke down解析:侧重指向下的,失败的,不求作用了。3.broke up解析:侧重指关系破裂了。4.broke out解析:侧重指突然开始的疫情或灾难。5.break in解析:侧重指不经允许突然闯入。

broke怎么读 英语broke怎么读

1、broke英[brəʊk]美[broʊk],v.打破了; (使)破,裂,碎; 弄坏; 损坏; 坏掉; 弄破; 使流血;adj.破产; 没钱; 囊中羞涩;break的过去式;n.破纸; (头部,腹部剪下的)劣等羊毛。 2、[例句]In his art he broke the laws of scientific linear perspective.他在自己的绘画艺术中打破了科学的直线透视法规律。




原形是break down,过去式是broke down,过去分词是broken down,意思是坏了




broke 英[brəʊk] 美[broʊk] vt. 打破(break的过去式和过去分词); 折断; adj. 破产的; 缺乏资金的; [例句]What do you mean, I"ve got enough money? I"m as broke as you are.你是什么意思,我的钱还富余吗?我已和你一样分文不剩了。[其他] 原型: break



关于 broke

My bike is _. 空里为什么填broken 不填is broking 答案:broken 解释:be broken 表示:坏了,出了故障,这是固定搭配,不能用broking。 祝你学习



damage和 broke有什么区别



broke appoint打破了任命




break 的 过去式 意思是 损坏



broke 的动词原形




英语 broke 的中文意思是什么?


英语 broke 的中文意思是什么?



broke的过去式是broke。adj. <非正式>身无分文的,一文不名的v. 弄坏;打碎;违反(break 的过去式形式)【名】 (Broke)(美、印、俄、德)布罗克(人名)短语go broke 身无分文 ; 身无分成文 ; 钱全花光了Broke the news 爆料Two Broke Girls 都市女孩 ; 追梦女孩 ; 破产姐妹同根词词根: breakadj.broken 破碎的;坏掉的breakable 易碎的n.break 休息,中断;破裂处breaker [电] 断路器;打破者;碎浪breakage 破坏;破损;裂口;破损量breaking 破坏;阻断breakable 易碎的东西,易破的东西v.broken 折断;打碎;损坏(break的过去分词)breaking 破坏(break的ing形式)vi.break 突变vt.break 打破,弄破;中断;弄坏;削弱

broke 什么意思

broke[英][brəʊk][美][broʊk]vt.打破(break的过去式和过去分词); 折断。 adj.破产的; 缺乏资金的。例句:1、I told you we broke up.我告诉你我们分手了。2、We broke up six months ago.我们6个月前就分手了。3、We almost broke santa.我们差点害死圣诞老人。4、He"d have broke you up.他会让你伤心的。5、You broke my heart!你伤透了我的心!




broke这样读[brəʊk] ,意思是打破了。例句:1、In his art he broke the laws of scientific linear perspective. 他在自己的绘画艺术中打破了科学的直线透视法规律。2、They broke with tradition and got married quietly. 他们打破传统,毫不声张地结了婚。3、He needed to make a complete break with the past. 他得与过去彻底告别。4、They decided to make a break for it that night. 他们决定那天晚上逃跑。5、It was her second break in the set. 这是本盘比赛中她第二次接发球得分。

broke是什么意思 broke英文解释

1、broke,破产的,读音:美/broʊk/;英/brəʊk/。 2、释义:adj.(非正式)一文不名的,破产的。v.打破;损坏;弄破;违反;暂停(break 的过去式)。n.(Broke) (美、印、俄、德)布罗克(人名)。 3、例句:The movie broke all box-office records.这部影片打破了所有的票房纪录。


broke英[brəʊk]美[broʊk]v.打破了;(使)破,裂,碎;弄坏;损坏;坏掉;弄破;使流血。adj.破产;没钱;囊中羞涩。[词典]break的过去式。n.破纸;(头部,腹部剪下的)劣等羊毛。[例句]In his art he broke the laws of scientific linear perspective.他在自己的绘画艺术中打破了科学的直线透视法规律。[其他]原型: break。相似短语broke into vbl.侵入,插入,突然发出broke in vbl.插入,接入strong broke 完全破产to go for broke 一个人准备冒损失一切的危险来采取一项行动,也可以说是"孤注一掷"。broke off vbl.折断,突然停止broke even vbl.打成平手,得失相当,不盈不亏stone broke 身无分文, 一文不名be flat broke 彻底破产go broke 失败,破产go for broke 冒破产的风险,冒险,孤注一掷




broken down



求 broken 中文歌词 。

Waking again, don"t know why it"s far too still tonight round my bed shadows fall Thinking of you, where you are and how it got this far wondering when you might call Tired and so alone, i ignore the tv drone every heart beat turns toward the telephone You"re in my mind, in my dreams i"m cursed or so it seems don"t know where to take Flight always the same old doubt and it turns me inside out it"s so hard to walk away Try as i might because i"m broken inside pieces of me, intense and obscene Forced not to show the things that i know all of the flaws i keep unseen I turn to you, what else can i do hoping to find a way to see through A break in sky, to get through the night discover the peace i wish i knew Painting in shades of grey sifting through the disarray can i find enough of me to make you stay? Because i"m broken inside pieces of me, intense and obscene Forced not to show the things that i know all of the flaws i keep unseen I turn to you, what else can i do hoping to find a way to see through A break in sky, to get through the night discover the peace i wish i knew But you, you turn the tide wash over me, come set me free I won"t question why or try to disguise all of the things you mean to me I"ll trust in you, what else can i do i can"t deny something so true Look at me now, wondering how i"ll keep the peace i found with you


broken是break 的过去分词,其过去式为broke

翻译歌词 broken




Kelly Rowland的《Broken》 歌词

歌曲名:Broken歌手:Kelly Rowland专辑:Ms. Kelly: Deluxe EditionKelly Rowland - Broken只听欧美滴!Broken, brokenHow could you leave meBroken, brokenI can say I erased you from my mind and never think of youAnd forget about the friends we made if that"s what I need to doI can act like the only way that you exist is in a dreamIt"s the only out of my realityI can change the channel every time our favorite show comes onAnd get mad at the radio "cause they just played your favorite songI can find another guy and try to love you out of my lifeBut it just gets harder every time I tryOh, that"s why I"m...BrokenAnd it"s hurting me boy, cause you just left meBrokenAnd because of you I don"t know if I canLove againBut I can"t believe, boy, that this is the end (This is the end)Be together once againCause boy I"m brokenBroken, brokenHow could you leave meBroken, brokenHow could you leave meI can take the pictures that we took and throw them all awayAnd every letter that you wrote, boy, I wanna forget what you had to sayCause I"ll never understand what you did to me on that dayThat"s the only part I wish you could replaceCan"t you see I"m...BrokenAnd it"s hurting me boy cause you just left meBrokenAnd because of you I don"t know if I canLove againBut I can"t believe, boy, that this is the endBe together once againCause, boy, I"m brokenOh, if I had a choiceBaby you"d still be right here with meAnd, if you give me a voiceBaby, I"d tell you I don"t want you to leaveCause, boy, I"m brokenBroken, brokenHow could you leave meBroken, brokenHow could you leave meOh can"t you see I"m...BrokenAnd it"s hurting me, cause you just left meBrokenAnd because of you I don"t know if I canLove againI just can"t believe, that this is the endDon"t wanna feel this way againI can find another manI don"t wanna be brokenShaGuar制作


broken 作形容词表示被动和完成, breaking 表示主动和正在进行




adj.破碎的,打碎的; (腿,臂等)已骨折的; (线条)虚线的,断续的; 被打断的; v.打破,折断(break的过去分词); 打破(纪录); 损坏; 同义词:Fracture 或者doesn‘t work


韩国 歌曲broken中文歌词

Camilla Broken lyrics" Waking again, don"t know why it"s far too still tonight round my bed shadows fall Thinking of you, where you are and how it got this far wondering when you might call Tired and so alone, i ignore the tv drone every heart beat turns toward the telephone You"re in my mind, in my dreams i"m cursed or so it seems don"t know where to take Flight always the same old doubt and it turns me inside out it"s so hard to walk away Try as i might because i"m broken inside pieces of me, intense and obscene Forced not to show the things that i know all of the flaws i keep unseen I turn to you, what else can i do hoping to find a way to see through A break in sky, to get through the night discover the peace i wish i knew Painting in shades of grey sifting through the disarray can i find enough of me to make you stay? Because i"m broken inside pieces of me, intense and obscene Forced not to show the things that i know all of the flaws i keep unseen I turn to you, what else can i do hoping to find a way to see through A break in sky, to get through the night discover the peace i wish i knew But you, you turn the tide wash over me, come set me free I won"t question why or try to disguise all of the things you mean to me I"ll trust in you, what else can i do i can"t deny something so true Look at me now, wondering how i"ll keep the peace i found with you 卡米拉残破的抒情诗“再次醒来,不知道为什么它太多仍然今晚轮阴影属于我的床想你,你在哪里,以及如何得到这个迄今不知道当您可能需要累了,所以就有,我忽略了电视无人驾驶每心跳轮流对电话你在我心中,我的梦想我诅咒或者看起来是这样的不知道从哪里采取飞行总是老一套疑问和原来我内向外,所以很难走开因为我可能会尝试,因为我打破内件箱,紧张和淫秽强迫不显示的东西,我知道所有的缺陷我一直看不见我现在谈谈你什么,我还能做希望能够找到一种方法,识破突破天空,度过夜晚发现了和平,我知道我想绘画色彩的灰色筛选混乱我能找到足够的,我让你入住?因为我打破内件箱,紧张和淫秽强迫不显示的东西,我知道所有的缺陷我一直看不见我现在谈谈你什么,我还能做希望能够找到一种方法,识破突破天空,度过夜晚发现了和平,我知道我想但是,你扭转洗手超过我,我来一套免费我不会质疑为什么或试图掩盖所有的东西给我你的意思我会信任你,我还可以做我不能否认的东西,使真正的看看我现在,我会不知道如何维持和平我找到了你



broken 的反义词

broken1KK: []DJ: [](break的过去分词)broken2KK: []DJ: []a.[Z]1. 破碎的;损坏的Let"s sweep away the broken glass.让我们把这些碎玻璃扫走。Joe"s watch is broken.乔的手表坏了。2. 被破坏的;遭违背的After a broken promise, it is hard to count on a person.一次失约,再要人相信你就难了。3. 不连续的;中断的She said she had a broken sleep last night.她说昨夜她睡得不熟,常常醒。4. 衰弱的;沮丧的;低沉的John suffered from a broken spirit.约翰心灰意懒。5. (婚姻)破裂的;(家庭)破碎的[B]Most of these children come from broken families.这些孩子中的多数人来自婚姻破裂的家庭。6. (语言)拙劣的,不流利的Alison speaks broken French.艾莉森讲法语结结巴巴。7. 破了产的反义词:fix

街舞broken 的中文歌词

歌曲:Broken歌手:Lifehouse所属专辑:The Time Traveler"s Wife / O.S.TThe broken clock is a comfort, it helps me sleep tonight滴答的钟声是一种抚慰,让我度过这无法入眠的夜晚Maybe it can stop tomorrow from stealing all my time也许它能够阻止明天偷走我全部的时间I am here still waiting though i still have my doubts即便心有疑虑,我依旧在此为你守候I am damaged at best, like you"ve already figured out我最好就像你早就说明的那样已被彻底摧毁I"m falling apart, I"m barely breathing我已崩溃几近失去呼吸With a broken heart that"s still beating我的心尽管还在跳动却已是四分五裂In the pain, there is healing在无尽痛苦中我只能被你所拯救In your name I find meaning从你的名中 我找到我存在的所有意义So I"m holdin" on, I"m holdin" on, I"m holdin" on所以我已没有办法,已无计可施I"m barely holdin" on to you我几乎无法再紧紧的抓住你The broken locks were a warning you got inside my head破碎的心门是给我以警示,你已在我脑海里无法抹去I tried my best to be guarded, I"m an open book instead我用尽一切办法想要抵御,然而一切已覆水难收I still see your reflection inside of my eyes你的身影依然映在我的眼眸That are looking for a purpose, they"re still looking for life我依然在寻找着我的决心,我依然在寻找生命的意义I"m falling apart, I"m barely breathing我已崩溃几近失去呼吸with a broken heart that"s still beating我的心尽管还在跳动却已是四分五裂In the pain in the pain, is there healing在无尽痛苦中我只能被你所拯救In your name in your name I find meaning从你的名中 我找到我存在的所有意义So I"m holdin" on I"m still holdin", I"m holdin" on I"m still holdin", I"m holdin" on I"m still holdin"所以我已没有办法,已无计可施……I"m barely holdin" on to you我几乎无法再紧紧的抓住你I"m hangin" on another day我就这么一天天的等啊等Just to see what you throw my way只是为了明白,你究竟会给我带来什么And I"m hanging on to the words you say一天一天的等待着,只是因为你说过的话You said that I will be OK你说,我会好起来The broken lights on the freeway left me here alone高速路旁摇曳的灯光,空留我孤寂一人I may have lost my way now, haven"t forgotten my way home我已迷失在人生的道路上,但归家之路依然铭记于心I"m falling apart, I"m barely breathing我已崩溃几近失去呼吸with a broken heart that"s still beating我的心尽管还在跳动却已是四分五裂In the painIn the pain there is healing在无尽痛苦中我只能被你所拯救In your name I find meaning从你的名中 我找到我存在的所有意义So I"m holdin" on I"m still holdin", I"m holdin" on I"m still holdin", I"m holdin" on I"m still holdin",所以我已没有办法,已无计可施……I"m barely holdin" on to you我几乎无法再紧紧的抓住你I"m holdin" on I"m still holdin", I"m holdin" on I"m still holdin", I"m holdin" on I"m still holdin",所以我已没有办法,已无计可施……I"m barely holdin" on to you我几乎无法再紧紧的抓住你


1是问题,我有个问题要解决的那个问题 2是错误,我犯了个错误的那个错误 3是故障,我的车出故障不跑了的那个故障 经典吧。哈哈哈


的broke得形容词是broken,动词原形是break☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜


break英 [breɪk];美 [breɪk]    v. 打碎;折断;违背;解决;中断;透露;变弱;锐减;结束;n. 破裂;休息;中断;急冲;好运1、break有时只表示“冲破”“开创”等过程意义,但更多的是强调了其破坏的物或事物的完整性、统一性或连续性。2、break用作不及物动词时,可表示物体“破”,用于人,则可指身体或精神“垮”“崩溃”。扩展资料:break,destroy,damage,spoil这些动词均有“破坏,损坏”之意。1、break普通用词,指某物因被打破或撕破而受到破坏,可指有形或无形的破坏。2、destroy多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。3、damage多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果。4、spoil强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭。


broken 英音:["brəukən] 美音:["brokən]


短语 BROKEN STITCHING断线;间断线迹broken selvedge破边;裂边broken line虚线;[数] 折线;点线;断线Broken Blade破刃之剑;剧场版;破刃之剑剧场版;断叶片Broken Wings断翅;折断的羽翼;圣魔之血;折翼Broken Hill布罗肯希尔;布洛肯山丘;希尔;布罗肯山丘The Broken破坏欲;破碎者;识的粉碎者;粉碎欲broken butterfly折翼蝴蝶;费的麦林手枪;断翅蝴蝶;折翼胡蝶Broken bone骨折;断骨




broken英 ["brəʊkən] 美 [ˈbrokən]adj.破碎的,打碎的; (腿,臂等)已骨折的; (线条)虚线的,断续的; 被打断的v.打破,折断(break的过去分词); 打破(纪录); 损坏1. He escaped with only a broken arm. 他得以逃生,只是断了一只胳膊。来自《权威词典》2. He survived the accident with no broken bones. 他在事故中幸免于难,没有骨折。来自《权威词典》3. pieces of broken glass 破玻璃碎片来自《权威词典》4. No one ever died of a broken heart. 从来没有人因为过度悲伤而死。来自《权威词典》5. She comes from a broken home. 她生长于一个破碎的家庭。来自《权威词典》

broken 的反义词是什么?

broken1KK:[]DJ:[](break的过去分词)broken2KK:[]DJ:[]a.[Z]1.破碎的;损坏的Let"s sweep away the broken glass.让我们把这些碎玻璃扫走.Joe"s watch is broken.乔的手表坏了.2.被破坏的;遭违背的After a broken pro...


break表示主动;broken表示被动。break英 [breɪk]  美 [brek] vi. 打破;折断;弄坏;削弱vt. (使)破;打破(纪录);(常指好天气)突变;开始vi. (嗓音)突变;突破;破晓;(价格)突然下跌n. 破裂;间断;(持续一段时间的状况的)改变;间歇break down 损坏 ; 分解 ; 出故障 ; 失败break into 闯入 ; 强行进入 ; 破门而入 ; 非法闯入Spring Break 春假 ; 模拟渡假村 ; 春季假期 ; 模拟度假村Brittle things break easily. 脆的东西容易破碎。The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。broken英 ["brəʊk(ə)n]  美 ["brokən] adj. 破碎的;坏掉的v. 折断;打碎;损坏(break的过去分词)Broken Vow 破碎的誓约 ; 打破誓言 ; 毁坏誓约 ; 破碎的誓言broken course 断纬 ; 十字砌合层 ; 断裂层 ; 断层broken money 零钱 ; 零花钱House Broken 分家总动员 ; 片broken number [数] 分数The broken ribs perforated into his lung. 折断的肋骨刺穿了他的肺。The broken arm nearly crazed him with pain. 那条断臂几乎使他痛得发狂。

broken break broke 之间的关系



很高兴能为你解答疑惑~ broken是adj(形容词),因为它跟在were的意思(但不是跟在be动词后的都是形容词),这两根绳子是损坏了的. 希望我的回答能够帮助到你,有不懂的请继续追问.




broken 英["brəʊkən]美[ˈbrokən]adj. 破碎的,打碎的;(腿,臂等)已骨折的;(线条)虚线的,断续的;被...v. 打破,折断(break的过去分词);打破(纪录);损坏[例句]The old model is broken.旧的模式已经被打破。



broken 什么意思

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