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broadcast不是网关。 Broadcast1995年成立于英国伯明汉,以优美的女声及动人旋律著称。 乐队由主唱Trish Keenan,吉他Tim Felton,贝丝James Cargill,键盘Roj Stevens及鼓手Steve Perkins组成

broadcast multicast unicast 区别

分类: 电脑/网络 >> 互联网 解析: broadcast是广播 同一广播域的所有电脑都会处理这个数据 multicast是组播 同一组播域的电脑都会处理这数据 unicast是单播 目的地址只有一个电脑



propaganda 和broadcast的区别

propaganda 和broadcast的区别为:指代不同、语法不同、侧重点不同。一、指代不同1、propaganda:宣传。2、broadcast:广播。二、语法不同1、propaganda:information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause为了促进某种事业而传播的信息。2、broadcast:broadcast的本意是“广泛地播撒”,现代英语中主要作广播电台或电视台用无线电或电视“广播”“播放”解,指其发送给多个接收者。引申可指“传播”,尤指乱传播消息。三、侧重点不同1、propaganda:首次宣布大家感兴趣或可满足大家好奇心的事情。2、broadcast:broadcast专指利用广播或电视传播消息或发表见解。






Broadcast广播,注册方式主要有两种 第一种是静态注册,也可成为常驻型广播,这种广播需要在Androidmanifest.xml中进行注册,这中方式注册的广播,不受页面生命周期的影响,即使退出了页面,也可以收到广播这种广播一般用于想开机自启动啊等等,由于这种注册的方式的广播是常驻型广播,所以会占用CPU的资源。 第二种是动态注册,而动态注册的话,是在代码中注册的,这种注册方式也叫非常驻型广播,收到生命周期的影响,退出页面后,就不会收到广播,我们通常运用在更新UI方面。这种注册方式优先级较高。最后需要解绑,否会会内存泄露广播是分为有序广播和无序广播。


动词过去式:broadcast/broadcasted 过去分词:broadcast/broadcasted 都可以的

broadcast ,cast的过去时过去完成时分别是什么?

动词原型:broadcast 动词过去式:broadcast,broadcasted 动词过去分词:broadcast,broadcasted 动词原型:cast 动词过去式:cast 动词过去分词:cast



broadcast与 play 区别

broadcast 广播play 是戏剧区别还是有的


及物动词 vt. 1.广播,播送The program is broadcast every Monday evening. 这档节目每星期一晚上播出。 2.广为散播,传布She broadcast the secret to her colleagues. 她向同事们传播这一秘密。 3.播(种)不及物动词 vi. 1.广播,播放2.参加广播演出;发表广播演说The president will broadcast this evening. 今晚总统将发表电视讲话。 形容词 a. [Z][B]1.广播的,播音的There"s something very interesting in the broadcast program. 这档广播节目中有些内容很有趣。 2.散布的;撒播的名词 n. 1.广播;广播节目These broadcasts will be heard in most parts of the country. 这些广播节目国内大部分地区都能听到。 2.散布;播种副词 ad. 1.经广播2.广泛地;散布地The child snowed crumbs of bread broadcast. 那孩子把面包屑撒得到处都是。




以下广播简称Broadcast u2002u2002 是Android四大组件之一,在四大组件的另外两个组件 和 拥有发送和接收广播的能力。Android 是在 进程间通信机制的基础上实现的,内部基于消息发布和订阅的事件驱动模型,广播发送者负责发送消息,广播接收者需要先订阅消息,然后才能收到消息。 进程间通信与 的区别在于: u2002u2002 有三种类型 u2002u2002 存在一个注册中心,也可以说是一个调度中心,即 。广播接收者将自己注册到 中,并指定要接收的广播类型;广播发送者发送广播时,发送的广播首先会发送到 , 根据广播的类型找到对应的 ,找到后边将广播发送给其处理。 u2002u2002 这里以普通广播为例子, 接收者有两种注册方式,一种是 ,一种是 : (广播的发送分为 两种,这里针对有序的广播) 中的android:priority=""和 中的IntentFilter.setPriority(int)可以用来设置广播接收者的优先级,默认都是0 , 范围是[-1000, 1000],值越大优先级越高,优先级越高越早收到。 u2002u2002 在相同优先级接收同个类型广播时, 的广播接收器比 的广播接收者更快的接收到对应的广播,这个之后会进行分析。 u2002u2002 注:以下源码基于rk3399_industry Android7.1.2 u2002u2002 的流程可分为 , 和 三个部分,这里依次分析下 u2002u2002 在Android系统的 机制中,前面提到, 作为一个注册和调度中心负责注册和转发 。所以 的注册过程就是把它注册到 的过程。 u2002u2002 这里我们分析 广播的过程, 和 有一个共同的父类 ,所以它们对应的注册过程其实是调用 ,接下来我们按照流程逐步分析调用流程的源码。 frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/ u2002u2002 在之前的 Android应用程序启动入口ActivityThread.main流程分析 分析过,在我们启动 Activity 时会创建一个 对象,然后通过 传给我们启动的 ,其内部就会将该对象赋值给 ; 的 方法也是类似的赋值流程,这里放个简易的源码应该更好理解 u2002u2002 可以看到最后都会将生成的 对象赋值给对应的 对象。接下来继续分析 , 即 函数。 /frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ u2002u2002 这里我们首先看下如何将广播接收者 封装成一个 接口的 本地对象 /frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ u2002u2002 每一个注册过广播接收者的 或 组件在<font color="Crimson"> LoadedApk </font>类中都有个对应的 对象,该对象负责将 与 组件关联起来。这些对象,以关联的 作为关键字保存在一个 中。之后对应的 又以 的 作为关键字保存在 的成员变量 对象中。最后通过 对应的 方法获得其 接口的 本地对象。之后再回到 注册方法内,将 对象发给 进行注册。 /frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ /frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/ u2002u2002 在的 或 注册一个 时,并不是将其注册到<font color="OrangeRed">AMS</font>中,而是将与它关联的<font color="OrangeRed">InnerReceiver</font>对象注册到<font color="OrangeRed">AMS</font>中,当<font color="OrangeRed">AMS</font>接收到广播时,会根据 在内部找到对应的<font color="OrangeRed">InnerReceiver</font>对象,然后在通过这个对象将这个广播发送给对应的 处理。 u2002u2002 注册过程这边画了一个简单的流程图: u2002u2002 <font color="OrangeRed">Broadcast</font>的发送过程可简单描述为以下几个过程: frameworks/base/core/java/android/content/ /frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ /frameworks/base/core/java/android/app/ /frameworks/base/services/core/java/com/android/server/am/

intentreceiver 和broadcast的区别

1. 首先开机启动后系统会发出一个Standard Broadcast Action,名字叫 android....public class OlympicsReceiver extends IntentReceiver{/*要接收的intent源*/


1、广播地址broadcast广播的意思嘛2、在IP地址中,如果最后一个数字是255,则一定是一个广播地址。#网络广播地址:网络广播地址在没有进行子网划分的网络内广播,由于当强的网络均涉及子网划分,故此种地址很少存在;#受限广播地址:以255.255.255.255组成的广播地址,在当前路由器均不转发此类广播#子网广播地址:子网广播地址是一种常用的广播方式,它是指在一个具体的子网内进行广播,比如192.168是网络ID,那么192.168.1.255就是子网192.168.1的广播#全部子网广播地址:是指所有子网络的广播,以上一个为例,全部子网广播地址是192.168.255.255 3、广播要采用UDP的方式,具体流程如下:创建UDP套接字设置套接字属性为SO_BROADCAST,设置为广播地址设置广播地址为INADDR_BROADCAST,同时也要指定发送端口进行数据收发操作




广播(Broadcast)是一种广泛用于应用程序之间传递消息的机制,是Android系统的四大组件之一。广播机制包含3 个基本要素:广播(Broadcast),用于发送广播;广播接收器(BroadcastReceiver),用于接收广播;意图内容(Intent),用于保存广播相关信息的媒介。 广播分为两个方面:广播发送者和广播接收者(Broadcast Receiver),在 Android 系统中很多操作完成以后都会发送广播,比如:发送短信息、打出一个电话、开机或者网络状态改变和电量改变等。 广播分为无序广播(普通广播)和有序广播。 是一种完全异步执行的广播,效率较高。在广播发出之后,所有的广播接收者甚至可能会在同一时刻接收到这条广播消息,因此它们之间没有任何先后顺序可言。无序广播不可以被拦截,不可终止,不可修改。 是一种同步执行的广播,在广播发出之后,同一时刻只会有一个广播接收者能够收到这条广播消息,当这个广播接收者中的逻辑执行完毕后,广播才会继续传递。广播接收者是有先后顺序的,优先级高的广播接收者可以先收到广播消息,并且前面的广播接收者还可以截断正在传递的广播,使后面的广播接收者无法收到广播消息。 广播的注册分为静态注册和动态注册 在AndroidManifest.xml文件中添加 广播接收者 在Activity的onCreate()中注册广播 在Activity的onDestroy()中注销广播 广播的生命周期只有十秒左右,超过这个时间,就会报Application Not Response(ANR)。如果要做耗时操作,应该通过发送Intent给Service,让Service来完成。广播不能使用子线程来解决,因为BroadcastReceiver的生命周期很短,子线程还没结束,Broadcast可能就结束了。

broadcast 是什么意思



broadcast的意思是:作动词时意为“播送(电视或无线电节目);参加(无线电或电视)节目;传播;播撒(种子)”,作形容词时意为“广播节目的;撒播的;无线电广播的”,作副词时意为“撒播地”,作名词时意为“(无线电、电视)节目;播送;撒播;广播播放时段”。短语搭配:cell broadcast小区广播 ; 细胞广播 ; 小区广播短信息 ; 蜂窝广播。Broadcast Colors传播颜色 ; 广播级颜色 ; 广播级色彩 ; 播放色。broadcast domain广播域 ; 广播区域 ; 广播网域 ; 广播领域。Broadcast Programming广播节目制作 ; 广播节目建造。双语例句1、What kind of information will we broadcast?我们将传播什么类型的信息?2、On this broadcast, we have only one purpose.在这个节目里,我们只有一个目的。

Android中Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.putExtra("str",string); sendBroadcast(intent);

比如你的Intent是发给你自己实现的A BroadcastReceiver的,那么他的onReceive(Context context, Intent intent)方法会得到调用,这里传进的intent就是你sendBroadcast发过来的,通过intent.getXXXExtra方法来检索对应类型的数据,比如你的intent.putExtra("key", "hello, world!");,intent.getStingExtra("key"),如果key对应的字符串没有找到则得到null;


abroad,读音:英[u0259u02c8bru0254u02d0d],美[u0259u02c8brɑu02d0d]。释义:adv.在国外;到海外。adj.往国外的。n.海外;异国。词源:15世纪进入英语,直接源自古英语的on brede,意为出门,离开家。短语:be able有能力;聪明,能干。feel able感觉能够。prove able证明有能力。market abroad海外市场。abroad的例句1、She worked abroad for a year.她在国外工作了一年。2、He had been abroad many times.他曾多次出国。3、He"s never ventured abroad in his life.他一生中从来不敢出国。4、I have never contemplated living abroad.我从未考虑过去国外居住。5、I grasped the opportunity to work abroad.我毫不犹豫地抓住了去国外工作的机会。

刚才一个外国人给我发的 Katak!是什么意思,还有 Sory,aku main broadcas


2020-07-27ERROR: Sending non-protected broadcast

在调试程序发送广播的时候发生如下bug。导致发送的广播失败。 先来看下log: 这是我在一次开发中出现的,系统中需要发送一个应用自定义的广播,send 之后会报出Sending non-protected broadcast 的异常。 借此机会来解析protected broadcast 的使用,我们在 Android 中broadcast 发送过程解析 中了解了broadcast 发送的整个过程,通过Context 的接口最终会调用到AMS 中broadcastIntent()。 原因: 系统对自定义广播做了保护限制,对广播做了保护限定之后,只有一定权限的用户才可以使用。否则用一次就会打印一次warning,并且保存异常信息到文件中。 解决办法:

求助 关于进程NET-broadcastEvents windows

这是金山毒霸Net-Broadcast Event Windows的你卸载试试


分下区吧 但不过分区电脑所有东西都没了








单击“开始/运行”,输入regedit,弹出注册表编辑器,寻找【HKEY_CURRENT_USERControlPanelDesktop】,在右边的窗口中选择AutoEndTasks,按鼠标右键,选择“修改”,将其数值资料改为1(默认值为:0)。 重启一次后生效




IP 网络地址 你的身份标识 分为内网和外网 这个要百度看DHCP 和 端口聚合技术了NETmask 子网掩码 分割网段用的 broadcast 广播 运行网络协议时用的电信提供的是外网IP地址 内网 192.168.x.x 给这个地址所在的路由器 发到目的地址 然后目的地址发信息回来 还给这个路由 路由查路由表 再发回给你

55.255.252 arp broadcast enable各位大神这是什么意思




android adb 启动activity、service,发送broadcast等操作

android adb 启动activity、service,发送broadcast等操作一、adb启动activity: adb shellam start -n {包(package)名}/{包名}.{活动(activity)名称} 如:启动浏览器 adb shell am start -n 二、adb关闭activity: adb shellam force-stop {包(package)名} 如:关闭浏览器adb shellam 三、adb启动service: adb shellam startservice -n{包(package)名}/{包名}.{服务(service)名称} 如:启动自己应用中一个service adb shellam startservice -n 四、adb卸载应用程序: adb uninstall{包(package)名} 如:卸载浏览器 五、adb发送broadcast: adb shellam broadcast -a <广播动作> 如:发送一个网络变化的广播 adb shellam broadcast -a 六、adb端口转发: adb shell am broadcast -a NotifyServiceStop adb forward tcp:12580 tcp:10086 adb shell am broadcast -a NotifyServiceStart


OSPF根据链路层协议类型将网络分为下列四种类型: Broadcast:当链路层协议是Ethernet、FDDI时,OSPF缺省认为网络类型是Broadcast。在该类型的网络中,通常以组播形式(和224.0.0.6)发送协议报文。 NBMA(Non-Broadcast Multi-Access,非广播多路访问):当链路层协议是帧中继、ATM或X.25时,OSPF缺省认为网络类型是NBMA。在该类型的网络中,以单播形式发送协议报文。 P2MP(Point-to-MultiPoint,点到多点):没有一种链路层协议会被缺省的认为是P2MP类型。点到多点必须是由其他的网络类型强制更改的。常用做法是将NBMA改为点到多点的网络。在该类型的网络中,以组播形式(发送协议报文。 P2P(Point-to-Point,点到点):当链路层协议是PPP、HDLC时,OSPF缺省认为网络类型是P2P。在该类型的网络中,以组播形式(发送协议报文。 NBMA与P2MP网络之间的区别如下: NBMA网络是指那些全连通的、非广播、多点可达网络。而P2MP网络,则并不需要一定是全连通的。 在NBMA网络中需要选举DR与BDR,而在P2MP网络中没有DR与BDR。 NBMA是一种缺省的网络类型,而P2MP网络必须是由其它的网络强制更改的。最常见的做法是将NBMA网络改为P2MP网络。 NBMA网络采用单播发送报文,需要手工配置邻居。P2MP网络采用组播方式发送报文。 broadcast与P2MP网络的区别: broadcast网络需要选举DP和BDR,而在P2MP网络中没有DR与BDR。 broadcast是一种缺省的网络类型,而P2MP网络必须是由其它的网络强制更改的。 broadcast网络中使用组播地址224.0.0.5和224.0.0.6,而P2MP网络以(发送协议报文。参考资料:


最近在调试linux下的udp广播,发现当addr设置成server.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST; 时候,调用sendto返回-1,在网上找了好多资料都没结果。后来无意间发现原来调用 res = setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, &server, sizeof(server)) 因为默认情况下套接字是不指出广播的,必须设置套接字描述符支持广播才行。 问题解决,为了防止大家也遇上这种问题,写下此文分享一下。 借鉴

broadcast suppression5是什么意思

suppression[sE5preFEn]n.镇压, 抑制广播包抑制为5... speed 10 / 速度为10M broadcast-suppression 5 / 广播包抑制为5,就是只允许5%的通过 interface Ethernet

Off Broadway的《Bad Girl》 歌词

歌曲名:Bad Girl歌手:Off Broadway专辑:Quick TurnsRihanna (feat. Chris Brown) - Bad GirlI guess you know I"m Bad (bad)(I got a problem)Shopaholic is what they call "emmy addiction, my prescriptionGimme shoes and give me bagshow much you want I need "em badAll them girls be checking my bagswhile they be jockin"my swagI guess you know I"m Bad (Bad)What a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I amBad bad bad bad badWhat a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I amBad bad bad bad badNeed no bargain, need no saleI want the best, I dress me wellLove Cavalli dipped in VersaceChick ain"t cheap and everybody knowsAll them girls be checking my bagswhile they be jockin"my swagI guess you know I"m Bad (Bad)What a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I ambad bad bad bad badWhat a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I ambad bad bad bad badShe a bad girl, a real shopaholic,She buying everything up man I can"t call it,And she a walking store, I"m talking bout her clothes,I just pause, I"m in awe, cuz she a fashion show,Real Louis bags and breathe gucci,Got a wardrobe like she"s staring in a movie,And she ain"t even famous but she got her own groupies,She got her own groupies,She got her own groupies,What a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I ambad bad bad bad badWhat a bad little girl I am (I got a problem) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I am (I need you to solve it) (bad bad)What a bad little girl I ambad bad bad bad bad



单词: foreign 、abroad、overseas ,各自的词性、 区别、用法 详细说下

adj. 外国的,外交的;外来的;不相干的;[医]异质的 It is best to deal directly with foreign suppliers. 最好和外国供应商直接进行交易。 abroad,adv. 到处,四处传开,流行,不胫而走;到国外,在海外;出国,上国外去,出访外国;在户外,异地,异乡,外间,国外 adj. 往国外的 n. 海外,异国 The booklet initiates us into the problems of living abroad. 这本小册子使我们对国外的生活情况有了初步了解。 来自《简明英汉词典》overseas adv. 在[向]海外,在[向]国外 adj. (在)海外的,(在)国外的;(向或来自)外国的 Many firms are concentrating on increasing their markets overseas. 许多公司正在集中精力开拓它们的海外市场。 希望对你有用

求Olivia Broadfield的《Eyes Wide Open》专辑中歌的歌词

eyes wide open歌手:travis 专辑:the boy with no nam travis - eyes wide openall these visions in my headshoot the gunner baby for the watershedsome are live and some are deadmakes no diferrence when they"re in your head...headkeep the door open a crackso i can see then when they attacksome are white and some are blackmakes no difference when they"re on your backand i can"t stop cryingand i can"t stop trying"cause the day is dying...dying...dyingwith my eyes wide openkept the sheep jumping the fenceso i can see teepers (?) when i"m feeling tensedisbelieve hung in suspensei die down with my own defenceand i can"t stop cryingand i can"t stop trying"cause the day is dying...dying...dyingwith my eyes wide openall these visions in my headshoot the gunner baby for the watershedsome are live and some are deadmakes no diferrence when they"re in your headand i can"t stop cryingand i can"t stop tryingand the day is dying...dying...dyingwith my eyes wide openend

GENESIS歌曲 lamb lies down on broadway 歌词的中文翻译!好的话追加50分!

0分这么长 谁给你翻译啊?

was broadcast live为啥不是broadcasted

因为球赛是被播出,所以用被动语态.你的不正确.除非是 is being broadcasted.意思是正在被播出.

[速求!!!] broadcast,require,select的名词形式,continue的形容词形式,approval的动词形式


英文 “现场直播” live broadcast



broadcast在牛津字典中有非常多种释义(4种词性):v.广播;播送(电视或无线电节目);散布,传播(信息等);作广播 ( 或电视 ) 讲话,提供广播 ( 或电视 ) 节目n.广播节目;电视节目 adj.播音的;撒播的;广泛散布的 adv.经广播,通过广播;四散地broadcast的词形变化如下:第三人称单数: broadcasts复数: broadcasts现在分词: broadcasting过去式: broadcast broadcasted过去分词: broadcast broadcasted用broadcast造句:The concert will be broadcast live on television and radio.音乐会将通过电视和广播现场直播。



broadcasting board of governors是什么意思


broadcasting of classroom 的翻译为 录播教室 为什么?


i want to be a broadcasting 英语作文

What is the ideal? What is my ideal?I remember once, I and grandpa and grandma sat in front of the TV with relish watching "economic news", grandma side watching, while smiled and said: "if one day, our home in standing in front of the TV hosting the program that should much good ah!" Grandpa also go along the side: "yes yes, if that day, I put all my relatives were called together." I was standing on the other side, pretend not to care look, said: "by your granddaughter, such a simple thing and dabble on the line, a piece of cake, Grandpa, you can now call and, when the time comes too late." "Ha ha ha ha......" A cheerful smile came in the room. It was actually my memories, a little joke makes me adorable issued when a good announcer.Whenever I see in front of the TV host, I would be very excited, listen to their pronunciation and intonation, feel is a kind of enjoyment. After all, I sort out when a good announcer conditions. Not only have excellent performance, but also very standard mandarin. I although the result can not be said to be very top-notch, but also slovenly had to, as long as more careful, careful, heart a little I believe, with no problems. Read, but my specialty, I can not "Wangpo saying, puff" Oh, think that year I was red scarf radio anchor it, has been very popular with pottery teacher"s love, because I read too perfect, so I think when a good announcer is not so difficult, so far, have confidence in myself, I will become the announcer, you just wait and see!The ideal is for an own position, a fixed. My ideal is to be a good announcer!理想是什么?我的理想是什么?记得有一次,我、爷爷奶奶坐在电视机前津津有味看着“经济新闻”,奶奶一边看,一边笑眯眯地说:“如果有一天,我们家唯唯也站在电视机前主持节目那该多好呀!”爷爷也在一边附和着:“是呀是呀,如果真有那么一天,我把所有亲戚都叫来一起看。”我却站在一边,装出一副不在意的样子,说:“凭你们孙女,这么简单的事,随便搞搞就行了,小菜一碟,爷爷,现在就可以打电话了,省的到时候来不及。”“哈哈哈哈……”房间里传出一阵阵爽朗的笑容。此情此景竟让我记忆深刻,一句小小的玩笑话让我萌发出了当一名优秀的播音员。每当看到电视机前出现了主持人,我便十分激动,听着他们那字正腔圆的语调,就觉得是一种享受。经过种种分析,我整理出当一名优秀的播音员的需要具备的条件。不仅要有优异的的成绩,而且普通话也要十分标准。我的成绩虽然不能说是十分拔尖,但也马马虎虎,过得去,只要再认真一点,仔细一点,用心一点我相信一定没问题。朗读,可是我的拿手好戏,我可不是“王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸”哦,想当年我也是红领巾广播的主播呢,一直很受陶老师的喜爱,因为我读得实在太完美了,所以我认为当一名优秀的播音员也不是那么困难,那么遥远,对自己有信心,我一定会成为播音员,你们等着吧!理想就是对于自己的一个定位,一个定格。我的理想就是当一名优秀的播音员

英文 “现场直播” live broadcast

两种都有人用:The opera was broadcast live. Live broadcast of parliamentary proceedings allows citizens to witness what is being enacted in their name.(例句来自有道)


broadcast的意思是:作动词时意为“播送(电视或无线电节目);参加(无线电或电视)节目;传播;播撒(种子)”,作形容词时意为“广播节目的;撒播的;无线电广播的”,作副词时意为“撒播地”,作名词时意为“(无线电、电视)节目;播送;撒播;广播播放时段”。短语搭配:cell broadcast小区广播 ; 细胞广播 ; 小区广播短信息 ; 蜂窝广播。Broadcast Colors传播颜色 ; 广播级颜色 ; 广播级色彩 ; 播放色。broadcast domain广播域 ; 广播区域 ; 广播网域 ; 广播领域。Broadcast Programming广播节目制作 ; 广播节目建造。双语例句1、What kind of information will we broadcast?我们将传播什么类型的信息?2、On this broadcast, we have only one purpose.在这个节目里,我们只有一个目的。


过去式:broadcast或broadcasted;过去分词:broadcast或broadcasted重点词汇:broadcast英['bru0254:dkɑ:st]释义:v.播送(电视或无线电节目);参加(无线电或电视)节目;传播;播撒(种子)n.(无线电、电视)节目;播送;撒播;广播播放时段adj.广播节目的;撒播的;无线电广播的adv.撒播地[复数:broadcasts;第三人称单数:broadcasts;现在分词:broadcasting]短语:broadcast network[广播]广播网;广播网络;广播式网络;联播网词语辨析:proclaim,pronounce,advertise,broadcast,publish这些动词均含“宣布,公开”之意。1、proclaim指官方宣布重大事件或施政方针,语体比announce正式。2、pronounce词义与announce,declare接近,但较多用于指法律判决方面的宣布。3、advertise指通过文字和图像资料等的反复宣传而引起公众的注意,有时隐含令人不快或言过其实的意味。4、broadcast专指利用广播或电视传播消息或发表见解。5、publish专指通过报刊或其它媒介向公众公布事情。


v. 广播; 播送(电视或无线电节目); 散布,传播(信息等); 参加广播 ( 或电视 ) 节目演出, 作广播 ( 或电视 ) 讲话,提供广播 ( 或电视 ) 节目;n. 广播节目; 电视节目; <英>政党政治广播节目;adj. 播音的; 撒播的; 广泛散布的;adv. 经广播,通过广播; 四散地;[例句]A message taped by the President was broadcast to US troops around the world.一条总统录音的口讯被播送给全世界的美国军队。[其他] 第三人称单数:broadcasts 复数:broadcasts 现在分词:broadcasting 过去式:broadcast 过去分词:broadcast


broadcast 既有名词意思 又有动词意思 broadcasting 是 broadcast的动词的动名词



Shaggy的《Broadway》 歌词

歌曲名:Broadway歌手:Shaggy专辑:Clothes DropBroadwayAlison KraussI stood on faith and the corner of ambitionI came here to sink or swimAnd to show them all that they were wrongAnd though I never thought I"d make it this farSo the curtains are downFor the moment I"m someoneThere were those in the wings who waited, who came this wayNow there goneBut there"s always someone at home who never forgets who you areWhen I"m down and I"m growing oldI won"t be along no railroad trackI won"t be bound to a life out in the coldIt"s been a steady pace to keep my steps between these cracks on BroadwayAnd my stride in rhythm to the beat of home, sweet homeMusic~~~When I"m down and I"m growing oldI won"t be along no railroad trackI won"t be bound to a life out in the coldIt"s been a steady pace to keep my steps between these cracks on BroadwayAnd my stride in rhythm to the beat of home, sweet homeCan"t go on, I"m on the top of my better yearsI"m going home, it"s too lonesome on the bottom rung hereIt"s been a steady pace to keep my steps between these cracks on BroadwayAnd my stride in rhythm to the beat of home, sweet homeTink youAlison Krauss - Broadway

why students study abroad. 英语作文一篇 分为1.introduction 2.body 3.conclution body这部分我想分三

Nowadays more and more students choose to study abroad for their further study. There are many reasons. First some parents think the education system in our country is a little old fashioned ,which can not help their children develop their personalities. What"s worse, it will prevent them from keeping step with development of our society. Besides, there has been a trend to send children abroad. Because the common belief is that studying abroad is a better choice . So every family are trying to follow this trend. As far as I am concerned, it is not where you study but what you have actually learned matters.保证是原创。

英文作文studying abroad with low age 1中国留学生低龄化的原因 2你怎么看这个问题


以“studying at home or abroad”为题,写一篇英语短文 和标题一样的

1) 现在有越来越多的人想出国留学.   (2) 出国留学与在国内学习的对比.   (3) 你的观点.   [参考范文]   Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, more?and?more?people want to study abroad. There are students from colleges and universities, from the middle schools, from the primary schools, and people from all walks of life. What difference does it make?between studying abroad and studying home ?   Though many students are crazy about going abroad to pursue their higher education, I think studying home is preferable. For one thing, you don"t have to take foreign language tests such as TOEFL and GRE . This can save you a tremendous amount of time, money and effort, allowing much of your energy to be devoted to your academic foals. In addition, if you study home ,you can stay with your family and old friends. Meanwhile , while studying home ,you can enjoy the kind of intimate friendship and comfortable family atmosphere which you can only dream of in a foreign university , where you will be accompanied by your own shadow most of the time. For these reasons, pursuing one"s higher education at home is a more realistic and sensible choice.   In a word, I prefer to study home.


一、abroad的用法1、abroad作副词讲时,主要翻译为“在国外;到海外”。例句:His daughter was living abroad. 他女儿当时住在国外。注意事项:(1)abroad不能与 in, to, at 等介词连用,但是可以和from这个介词连用。例句:She just came back from abroad. 他刚从国外回来。(2)go to (the) abroad / live in (the) abroad这样的说法是错误的。2、abroad作名词讲时,主要翻译为“海外;异国”。例句:He is famous at home and abroad. 他闻名国内外。二、abroad的常见搭配home and abroad 国内外,海内外at home and abroad 国内外study abroad 出国留学;海外学习go abroad 去国外,出国studying abroad 出国留学;出国学习went abroad 出国travel abroad vi. 出国旅行spread abroad 传播market abroad 海外市场student abroad n. 留学生consumption abroad 境外消费(服务贸易)以上就是abroad的用法和常见搭配,同学们在阅读的过程中,可以着重记忆自己遗忘的或者不会的,对于已经掌握的内容,浏览一下就可以了。

“study in abroad"怎样写一篇英语文章


越来越多的学生想出国留学. 翻译成英语.用上 abroad.

Fave me FittFe,Fave me Fawg,

哪位英语高手帮忙写一份Study Abroad or Home的英语作文,字数在120-150。谢

Nowadays,more and more people go abroad to study. This means The Chinese People have not only improved there standard of living but also pay more attention to the kids" education. Do we must study in this style? Studying abroad do need plenty of money and bring great economic burden to the family. So, in my opinion people who have chance to study abroad can expand there field of vision, but studying at home can also learn better. We needn"t Imitate others, but make decisions based on the actual situation of our own.

I hope that I can go to study abroad ( ) in the future.A.som?

正确答案为A. 此题考察四组词汇辨析:sometime是将来某时,some time 一段时间,sometimes 有时,some times 几次,一些次数.根据句意,我希望在将来的某个时候去国外学习. time 作为时间概念讲为不可数名词,作为次数是可数名词.,1,I hope that I can go to study abroad ( ) in the future.A.sometime B.some time C.some I hope that I can go to study abroad ( ) in the future. A.sometime B.some time C.sometimes D.some times

i want to study abroad

I 主语want 谓语to study 宾语abroad状语

大学毕业后你愿意出国深造吗?Would You Like to Study Abroad After College Education?

Nowadays, parents trend to send their kids to study abroad, they think foreign education is better than our country"s, so most parents like their kids to gain foreign education. After college education, some choose to work, while some choose to study abroad, will you prefer the latter?,现在,家长倾向于送孩子出国深造,他们认为国外的教育比国内的好,所以大部分家长愿意送他们的孩子去接受国外教育。大学毕业后,一些选择工作,然而一些选择出国深造,你会选哪样呢?,On the one hand, study abroad can enhance our English oral and we can learn the native culture. When we are in a foreign country, it is naturally that we have to speak in English, in the long run, we will speak good English. We also can have access to the local culture and get to know more about the country.,一方面,出国深造可以加强我们的英语口语和可以学到当地的文化。当我们在国外,很自然地我们要讲英语,在长期中,我们会讲一口流利的英语。我们也可以接触到本地文化,更多地了解这个国家。,Second, your parents have to spend a lot of money. It is known to all that study abroad is very expensive, parents have to store for many years. You also will feel lonely in a strange circumstance. When you live abroad, you have to leave all your friends and relatives, struggling in a different place.,第二,你的家长需要花很多钱。众所周知,国外学习很贵,家长要积蓄很多年。你也会感到孤单,在一个陌生的国度里。当你在国外居住,你不得不离开所有的朋友和亲戚,在不同的地方挣扎。,Study abroad needs to be measured, if your parents are rich, you can choose, but if not, you have to consider the scholarship, the work you do and so on.,国外深造需要衡量,如果你的父母富有,有可以选择,但是如果你的父母不富有,你需要考虑奖学金,你的工作等。,

请问To study abroad 和To abroad learning有区别吗?

abroadadv. 到国外,在海外;广为流传地; adj.往国外的; n. 海外,异国; To study abroad这种说法比较常见,没见过To abroad learning这样说的,确定To abroad learning的语法是正确的吗

帮我写篇关于Studing Abroad的英语作文

Nowadays many students are thinking about studying abroad.Going abroad to study furder is a good idea.Because studying abroad can make studens know more foreign culture and develop the communicating skill.So that students can learn more about the world.And also students can make friends all round the world.But there are also many disadvantages of studying abroad.For example,many families can"t afford students to study abroad.Atuding abroad is really a big pay!And studying abroad is not fit every students.Some students can"t be accustomed to living abroad.So I think students who want to study abroad must think twice.And studying hard is very important.打了半个小时呢!!!

题为why study abroad的范文

Why study abroad?--------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 reasons why you should study in a foreign countryHave you considered studying abroad, but are not sure whether it"s worth your time? If you ask anybody who has studied abroad, he or she will most certainly tell you that it is a life-changing experience and one of the most rewarding things he or she has ever done. Perhaps you"re not certain what benefits you can reap from an extended stay in a foreign country. Here are 10 very excellent reasons why you should take the plunge: 1. Study abroad is the optimal way to learn a language. There is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to be immersed in a culture that speaks the language you are learning. You"re surrounded by the language on a daily basis and are seeing and hearing it in the proper cultural context. Language learning happens most quickly under these circumstances. [Read why you should learn a language.]2. Study abroad provides the opportunity to travel. Weekends and academic breaks allow you to venture out and explore your surroundings - both your immediate and more distant surroundings. Since studying abroad often puts you on a completely different continent, you are much closer to places you might otherwise not have had the opportunity to visit. Some more structured study abroad programs even have field trips planned in or around the curriculum.3. Study abroad allows you get to know another culture first-hand. Cultural differences are more than just differences in language, food, appearances, and personal habits. A person"s culture reflects very deep perceptions, beliefs, and values that influence his or her way of life and the way that s/he views the world. Students who experience cultural differences personally can come to truly understand where other cultures are coming from.4. Study abroad will help you develop skills and give you experiences a classroom setting will never provide. Being immersed in an entirely new cultural setting is scary at first, but it"s also exciting. It"s an opportunity to discover new strengths and abilities, conquer new challenges, and solve new problems. You will encounter situations that are wholly unfamiliar to you and will learn to adapt and respond in effective ways.5. Study abroad affords you the opportunity to make friends around the world. While abroad, you will meet not only natives to the culture in which you are studying, but also other international students who are as far from home as yourself. 6. Study abroad helps you to learn about yourself. Students who study abroad return home with new ideas and perspectives about themselves and their own culture. The experience abroad often challenges them to reconsider their own beliefs and values. The experience may perhaps strengthen those values or it may cause students to alter or abandon them and embrace new concepts and perceptions. The encounter with other cultures enables students to see their own culture through new eyes.7. Study abroad expands your worldview. In comparison with citizens of most other countries, Americans tend to be uninformed about the world beyond the nation"s boundaries. Students who study abroad return home with an informed and much less biased perspective toward other cultures and peoples.8. Study abroad gives you the opportunity to break out of your academic routine. Study abroad is likely to be much unlike what you are used to doing as a student. You may become familiar with an entirely new academic system and you will have the chance to take courses not offered on your home campus. It"s also a great opportunity to break out the monotony of the routine you follow semester after semester.9. Study abroad enhances employment opportunities. Did you know that only 4% of U.S. undergraduates ever study abroad? Yet, the world continues to become more globalized, American countries are increasingly investing dollars abroad, and companies from countries around the world continue to invest in the international market. Through an employer"s seyes, a student who has studied abroad is self-motivated, independent, willing to embrace challenges, and able to cope with diverse problems and situations. Your experience living and studying in a foreign country, negotiating another culture, and acquiring another language will all set you apart from the majority of other job applicants. [Read about careers in foreign languages.]10. Study abroad can enhance the value of your degree. While abroad, you can take courses you would never have had the opportunity to take on your home campus. In addition, study abroad gives your language skills such a boost that it is normally quite easy to add a minor in a language or even a second major without having to take many more additional courses after the return to your home campus.

求一篇关于should students study abroad的两人口语对话

A:Nowadays,chinese students are suffering from the great study pressure.They have to undergo countless exams.They have a large amount of homework to do.They also have very little time to take a rest.They are all occupied.B:Yes,they are really under huge pressure.Especially those who are facing the college entrance examinations.They have to learn a lot of subjects.And mostly they do not like these subjects.So i think they should have the freedom to choose the subjects they want to learn.Thus,they"ll have less pressure and more interest in learning.A:Yes,i quite agree with you.If students can choolse what they want to learn,they certainly will have more interest in study and be more self-motivated.As a result,they will trully learn something from this process and get something apart from the marks from the exam papers.B:This kind of study has already been carried out in colleges and universites.Students can choose they own major and courses they want to study.They do not have to learn the same subjects with everybody else.They can use their own study methods and arrange their own study time.A:i quite agree with this kind of study mode.If it can be carried out in high schools or even middle schools.i think it"ll have a great effect on students" school performance.Apart from the curriculum they have to learn,they can choose to learn something else that they regard as useful and interesting.B:Yes,that"s the way study should be.However,among high school and middle school students,the basic subjects cannot be omitted.Because they are the bases of studies of other subjects.If they skip this part of learning,it"s hard for them to learn other subjects well.A:yes,i agree with we have to choose the right subjects and right way of study according to our grade and own situation.

某位好心人士帮我写一篇关于study abroad or not的作文啊???


1do you want to study abroad?why or why not


求关于why do some students study abroad?英语作文

I love learning foreign languages.Especially English because English is the most widely spoken language in the world,it is used by countries all over the world.For example,if you want to find a nice job,you probably need to be good at English,and when you surf on the Internet,you"ll see many dialogues and keywords in English.If you don"t know them,then you"ll have to spend a lot of time looking them up in an English dictionary.Therefore we must try harder to learn English and improve our English,and we could learn more besides.Now,I"m a junior high student,I try to read magazine articles in English everyday.In fact,learning English is lots of fun.It"s rather like learning Chinese.Just open your mouth and say something in English or read lots of achievement.All in all,it"s useful for everyone to learn English.

求一篇英语作文,题目studying abroad

In recent years, studying abroad has been popular. Tens of thousands of Chinese students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are trying their best to apply to go abroad. There are many advantages in attending schools abroad. First, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between people of different cultures. Second, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from foreign countries. Third, we can learn foreign languages more quickly. In recent years, study abroad has flourished. Thousands of scholars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are sparing no efforts in applying for going abroad. Attending schools abroad has many advantages. Firstly, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. Thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own culture. Fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more quickly. However, study abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. Besides, being far away from home country, students may feel lonely. In spite of these, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to attend schools abroad. However, there are some disadvantages. Most of the students are too young to live by themselves without any living experience. Besides, being far away from their home country, they may feel lonely and homesick. Of course the costs are much.

题为why study abroad的范文

Why study abroad? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 reasons why you should study in a foreign country Have you considered studying abroad,but are not sure whether it"s worth your time?If you ask anybody who has studied abroad,he or she will most certainly tell you that it is a life-changing experience and one of the most rewarding things he or she has ever done.Perhaps you"re not certain what benefits you can reap from an extended stay in a foreign country.Here are 10 very excellent reasons why you should take the plunge: 1.Study abroad is the optimal way to learn a language.There is no better and more effective way to learn a language than to be immersed in a culture that speaks the language you are learning.You"re surrounded by the language on a daily basis and are seeing and hearing it in the proper cultural context.Language learning happens most quickly under these circumstances.[Read why you should learn a language.] 2.Study abroad provides the opportunity to travel.Weekends and academic breaks allow you to venture out and explore your surroundings - both your immediate and more distant surroundings.Since studying abroad often puts you on a pletely different continent,you are much closer to places you might otherwise not have had the opportunity to visit.Some more structured study abroad programs even have field trips planned in or around the curriculum. 3.Study abroad allows you get to know another culture first-hand.Cultural differences are more than just differences in language,food,appearances,and personal habits.A person"s culture reflects very deep perceptions,beliefs,and values that influence his or her way of life and the way that s/he views the world.Students who experience cultural differences personally can e to truly understand where other cultures are ing from. 4.Study abroad will help you develop skills and give you experiences a classroom setting will never provide.Being immersed in an entirely new cultural setting is scary at first,but it"s also exciting.It"s an opportunity to discover new strengths and abilities,conquer new challenges,and solve new problems.You will encounter situations that are wholly unfamiliar to you and will learn to adapt and respond in effective ways. 5.Study abroad affords you the opportunity to make friends around the world.While abroad,you will meet not only natives to the culture in which you are studying,but also other international students who are as far from home as yourself. 6.Study abroad helps you to learn about yourself.Students who study abroad return home with new ideas and perspectives about themselves and their own culture.The experience abroad often challenges them to reconsider their own beliefs and values.The experience may perhaps strengthen those values or it may cause students to alter or abandon them and embrace new concepts and perceptions.The encounter with other cultures enables students to see their own culture through new eyes. 7.Study abroad expands your worldview.In parison with citizens of most other countries,Americans tend to be uninformed about the world beyond the nation"s boundaries.Students who study abroad return home with an informed and much less biased perspective toward other cultures and peoples. 8.Study abroad gives you the opportunity to break out of your academic routine.Study abroad is likely to be much unlike what you are used to doing as a student.You may bee familiar with an entirely new academic system and you will have the chance to take courses not offered on your home campus.It"s also a great opportunity to break out the monotony of the routine you follow semester after semester. 9.Study abroad enhances employment opportunities.Did you know that only 4% of U.S.undergraduates ever study abroad?Yet,the world continues to bee more globalized,American countries are increasingly investing dollars abroad,and panies from countries around the world continue to invest in the international market.Through an employer"s seyes,a student who has studied abroad is self-motivated,independent,willing to embrace challenges,and able to cope with diverse problems and situations.Your experience living and studying in a foreign country,negotiating another culture,and acquiring another language will all set you apart from the majority of other job applicants.[Read about careers in foreign languages.] 10.Study abroad can enhance the value of your degree.While abroad,you can take courses you would never have had the opportunity to take on your home campus.In addition,study abroad gives your language skills such a boost that it is normally quite easy to add a minor in a language or even a second major without having to take many more additional courses after the return to your home campus.

求一篇英语作文,“study abroad”至少120字

In recent years, study abroad has flourished. Thousands of scholars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. Many people are sparing no efforts in applying for going abroad. Attending schools abroad has many advantages. Firstly, students who have studied abroad can act as mediators between peoples of different cultures so as to promote international understanding. Secondly, we can learn much more advanced knowledge of science and technology from the foreign countries. Thirdly, we can enjoy the contact with new and different cultures so as to increase the awareness of our own culture. Fourthly, we can learn a foreign language more quickly. However, study abroad may have disadvantages such as language barrier in the first few months or financial difficulties before getting a scholarship. Besides, being far away from home country, students may feel lonely. In spite of these, the advantages greatly outweigh the disadvantages. It is advisable to attend schools abroad. 但愿对你有用。。。

study abroad什么意思

study abroad 出国留学;海外学习网络释义 专业释义 留学 出国留学 国外学习 关于留学的利弊短语study ing abroad 留学海外study-abroad 海外留学study frm abroad 希望自己可以

study abroad什么意思

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