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汽车显示brightnessmin 是什么意思?


Brightness Falls 歌词

歌曲名:Brightness Falls歌手:David Sylvian专辑:the first dayBaby, babyI hate to goDon"t leave me alone with this sorrowThe body"s heavyThe getting"s slowLost in momentsCaught in momentsThe night is starlessAnd stands belowAnd i need you by my sideDavid SylvianBaby, babyI love you soDon"t leave me alone in this hollowWhen brightness fallsWho"ll come running?When brightness fallsWho"ll come running in?Saved by silenceSave by noiseSave by lightningSaved by joyBuilding on emptinessAnd all you broken hearted peopleBaby, babyThe hurt heals slowAnd who can believe in tomorrow?When brightness fallsWho"ll come running?When brightness fallsWho"ll come running in?The ticket"s explodedOnly one way outLive in lightnessLost in lightnessThere"s nothing left to write aboutAnd time"s no longerThe greatest injustice of allOn this new day.



亮度阀值(Threshold Brightness)是什么?




桌面上为何会出现brightness/contrast黑色 如何删除




"Dark night gived me black eyes,but I let it find brightness"出自哪里




csol brightness和gamma最高是多少



全称Acuity Brands(AYI)。敏锐品牌公司Acuity Brands, Inc.(NYSE:AYI)创立于2001年,总部位于美国佐治亚州亚特兰大,全职雇员11,500人,是一家室内外照明灯具设计、生产及销售公司,是全球最大的灯具公司。




商标,牌子; 烙印。英语(英语:English)是一种西日耳曼语支,最早被中世纪的英国使用,并因其广阔的殖民地而成为世界使用面积最广的语言。英国人的祖先盎格鲁部落是后来迁移到大不列颠岛地区的日耳曼部落之一,称为英格兰。这两个名字都来自波罗的海半岛的Anglia。该语言与弗里斯兰语和下撒克森语密切相关,其词汇受到其他日耳曼语系语言的影响,尤其是北欧语(北日耳曼语),并在很大程度上由拉丁文和法文撰写。英语已经发展了1400多年。英语的最早形式是由盎格鲁-撒克逊人移民于5世纪带到英国的一组西日耳曼语支(Ingvaeonic)方言,被统称为古英语。中古英语始于11世纪末,诺曼征服英格兰;1476年,威廉·卡克斯顿将印刷机介绍给英国,并开始在伦敦出版第一本印刷书籍,扩大了英语的影响力。自17世纪以来,现代英语在英国和美国的广泛影响下在世界各地传播。通过各类这些国家的印刷和电子媒体,英语已成为国际主导语言之一,在许多地区和专业的环境下的语言也有主导地位,例如科学、导航和法律。


brightness n.亮度;聪明,活泼;鲜艳;愉快lightness n. 轻盈;轻松;明亮;(颜色)浅淡翻译成 光亮度 时、brightness 一般指光。天空的的亮度。lightness 则侧重指颜色的明暗。只能从意思上分别了








brightness[英]["brau026atnu0259s][美][u02c8brau026atnu026as]n.亮度; 明亮; 光泽度; 灯火通明; 例句:1.Turn down screen brightness as much as possible. 将你显示屏的亮度调到你可以接受的最底线。2.The sun"s brightness fluctuates over an 11-year cycle. 太阳光的波动超过11年的周期。


区别是:trademark指的是:(注册)商标;(人的行为或衣着的)特征,标记。brand指的是:商标,牌子;烙印; 污名,耻辱。例句辨析:trademark1、The designer bars which have become the new trademark of the city. 已成为这个城市新标志的时尚酒吧2、The trademark is registered on the book of the Patent Office. 该商标已在专利局登记注册。3、Please identify the registered trademark. 请认明注册商标。brand1、I bought one of the leading brands. 我买了几个畅销品牌中的一种。2、Advertising agencies are losing their once-powerful grip on brand marketing.广告代理公司正逐渐丧失曾经对品牌营销的有力控制。3、In office supplies, we"re the brand leader. 我们的产品是办公用品的领导品牌。


你好,可读为: 英[br03nd] 美[br03nd],啵r问的。满意速速采纳并给予好评,谢谢合作!


brightness的意思:亮度、聪明、活泼、鲜艳、愉快等。brightness的读音为u02c8brau026atnu0259s,它的词性为名词,意思是聪明,活泼,鲜艳,愉快,亮度,明亮,光泽度,灯火通明。常用搭配:high brightness高亮度,brightness temperature,亮度温度,brightness control亮度控制。例句1、The brightness of this light bulb is adjustable.这个灯泡的亮度是可以调节的。2、The brightness of the bedroom makes me feel warm and comfortable.卧室光线充足,让我感到温暖与舒适。3、The child"s face was brimming with brightness.小孩子的脸上洋溢着喜悦。4、The brightness of the snow made him blink.雪的明亮使他眨眼。5、The star varies in brightness by about three magnitudes.星体的亮度大约分三个星等。6、Her burst of exuberance and her brightness overwhelmed me.她的活力和她的聪明智慧征服了我。




  n. 亮度; 明亮; 光泽度; 灯火通明;





求洛天依Brightness 言和Darkness 歌词



铭刻 铭记

brand and licensor什么区别

brand 烙; 烙印; 牌; 牌号; 牌子; 印记; 打印; 品质; 商标; 火印licensor 发证人; 发执照者; 认可者; 许可方; 技术输出方

苹果机子 brightness没反应



其最本质的区别在于:1.Trademark 经过正式注册,并只合法地限于其拥有者或制造商使用 2.Brand 没有经过正式注册的,不受法律的保护 “品牌”和“商标”的区别

联想电脑一体机器屏幕上出现个Brightness 调节亮度的。一直在屏幕上。去也去不掉,怎么回事阿。急急急。






The boy (in green) is my brother.(就画线部分提问) ()()is

都回答的什么东西,which one





我的电脑屏幕很暗而且还出现 "Brightness" 这是为什么?


纸张特性中 whiteness和brightness的区别


brand是什么品牌 brand是什么

1、普兰德BRAND公司是国际著名的实验室仪器生产厂商。普兰德BRAND公司以德国先进科技及精湛工艺制造的高品质产品,在国际市场上享有盛誉,普兰德BRAND发展了全球的支持网络来为全世界的用户提供信息和服务,并在东南亚和德国,拉丁美洲,北美建立了销售和代表机构。同时,与150多个国家建立了伙伴关系,为最终用户提供支持和服务。近半个世纪以来,普兰德BRAND即是实验室器皿最高品质的代表,研究和开发是普兰德BRAND公司的核心,最高品质的保证来自于对产品的不断改进和技术创新。 2、普兰德BRAND公司的校准实验室是迄今为止世界上第一家获得了德国权威机构—工程物理研究PTB认证(根据DIN EN 45001标准)的实验室。




天籁2.0仪表板里行车电脑显示屏里显示brightness max是屏幕亮度最大。转速表显示屏右边边有个突出的小黑按钮,能左右转,把他往左转就不会显示了。在近几年的发展中,中控设计思路,屏幕的权重得到明显提升,分辨率、响应速度、可显示信息数量被大幅度提高暂且不说,屏幕也被放在更高的位置,其他的空调出风口、多媒体控制区域被放置在下方甚至挡杆附近。与此同时,Command、MMI、iDrive等名字开始出现,厂家开始大肆宣扬这些系统能够减少驾驶员负担以及分心时间等。汽车显示器:汽车显示器是汽车影音系统的重要组成部分,其作用相当于家庭影院中的彩色电视机,能够接收车载影音信号并于显示器上回放,同时又能够在汽车同类运动工具上使用的显示器,方便在汽车运动中使用。不过由于车载的特殊性,汽车显示器除了播放节目外往往还具有其他。比如连接车载摄像头后可以在倒车时自动显示汽车背后的景物,方便倒车。此外还可能带有小音箱、小照明灯等其他附加功能。由于汽车内空间比较狭小,汽车在移动中所处的环境变化比较多,因此车载显示设备还可能带有自动背光调节、防眩目、自动角度调节等功能,以适应汽车的特殊性。

ae 怎么设置brightness

  ae特效讲解一,Adjust主要都是一些调整参数的滤镜,主要包括以下滤镜:01,Brightness&Contrast用于调整亮度和对比度02,Channel MixerChannel Mixer用于通道混合,可以用当前彩色通道的值来修改一个彩色通道。应用ChannelMixer可以产生其它颜色调整工具不易产生的效果;或者通过设置每个通道提供的百分比产生高质量的灰阶图;或者产生高质量的棕色调和其它色调图像;或者交换和复制通道。Red/Green/Blue-Red/Green/BIue/Const分别表不不同的颜色调整通道,Const用来调整通道的对比度。参数以百分比表示,表明增强或减弱该通道的效果。其默认的参数为 Red-Red Green-Green Blue-Blue都是 1O0%,其它为 O%,表示初始的RGB通道值。最下方的Monochrome选项是可以将图像应用为灰阶图03,Color BalanceColor Balance用于调整色彩平衡。通过调整层中包含的红、绿、蓝的颜色值,颜色平衡. 效果控制参数Shadow Red/Blue/Green Balance用于调整 RGB彩色的阴影范围平衡。Midtone Red/BIue/Green Balance用于调整 RGB彩色的中问亮度范围平衡。Hilight Red/Blue/Green Balance用于调整 RGB彩色的高光范围平衡。Preserve Luminosity选项用于保持图像的平均亮度,来保持图像的整体平衡。04,CurvesCurves用于调整图象的色调曲线,通过改变效果窗口的Curves曲线来改变图象的色调。也可以用Level完成同样的工作,但是Curves的控制能力更强。05,Channel用于选择要进行调控的通道,可以选RGB彩色通道,Red红色通道、Green绿色通道、Bule蓝色通道和Alpha透明通道分别进行调控。Curves曲线用来调整Gamma。值,即输入(原是亮度)和输出的对比度。06,Hue/SaturationHue/Saturation用于调整图像中单个颜色分量的Hue色相、Saturation饱和度和Lightness亮度。其应用的效果和Color Balance一样,但利用的是颜色相位调整轮来进行控制。 效果控制参数Channel Control用于选择所应用的颜色通道,选择 Master表示对所有颜色应用,或者Reds红色、 Yellows黄色、 Greens绿色、 Cyans青色和 Blue Magentas洋红。Channnel Range显示颜色映射的谱线,用于控制通道范围。上面的谱线表示调节前的颜色;下面的谱线表示在全饱和度下调整后所对应的颜色。Master Hue用于调整主色调,取值范围-180度~+ 180度。

The boy in green is my brother.这句话是什么意思



虽然brave有自己的独立的比较级与最高级形式,但是的确有the most brave的用法 例句: He is a most brave man. 他是个极勇敢的人. John is a most brave and resourceful man. 约翰是个智勇双全的人.

brightness luminance有什么区别


Josh Groban的《Brave》 歌词

歌曲名:Brave歌手:Josh Groban专辑:BraveBrave-Josh GrobanWake up, wake up the sun can not wait for longReach out, reach out before it fades awayYou will find the warmth when you surrenderSmile into the fear and let it playYou wanna run away, run awayAnd you say that it can"t be soYou wanna look away, look awayBut you stay cause it"s oh so closeWhen you stand up and hold down your painDo the things that I don"t understandMy reason to be brave!Hold on, hold on so strongTime just carries onAll that you thought is wrong is pure againYou can"t hide forever from the thunderLook into the storm and feel the rainYou wanna run away, run awayAnd you say that it can"t be soYou wanna look away, look awayBut you fear cause it"s oh so closeWhen you stand up and hold down your painDo the things what I don"t understandThe reason to be brave!O-oh-oh-oh-ohO-oh-oh-oh-ohO-oh-oh-oh-ohGo on, go onYou wanna run away, run awayAnd you say that it can"t be soYou wanna look away, look awayBut you stay cause it"s oh so closeWhen you stand u? and hold down your painIn the face of what I don"t understandA reason to be brave!

Brave-Jennifer Lopez这首歌的中文翻译

Brave [Jennifer Lopez]中文翻译 Brave [Jennifer Lopez] It"s a new day 这是新的一天, New day 新的一天 And it"s evident 很明朗 You must"ve been heaven sent 你肯定是被天堂派来的 Something we should be hesitant 我们应该多加考虑 But I"m not at all 但我根本不 Just feeling more confident 只是感觉更加自信 Just using my common sense 就是用我的常识 Just trusting that I"m loving it 就是相信我爱着它 I can"t refuse an offer so benevolent 我不能拒绝如此仁厚的赏赐 Can"t assume he"s gonna use me 不敢猜想他要利用我 And after him never call again 在那以后不再有电话 Don"t be afraid 不要害怕 Don"t be afraid 不要害怕 This is your day 这是你的好日子 This is your day 这是你的好日子 It"s time to be brave 该是勇敢的时候了 Say I"m not afraid 说我不害怕 Not anymore 不再害怕 I used to be calm 我以前都很镇静 Now the temperature"s changed 现在温度有了变化 It just ain"t the same 就是不一样了 I"m not afraid 我不害怕 I"m not afraid 我不害怕 "Cause I"ve become brave 因为我已经变勇敢了 As the light of day 就好像日光一样 Straight into a cave 直入洞内 To show me the way 给我展现了一条 That I might be saved 能救我的光明大道 Now I"m turning the page 现在我在翻转书页 Thanks to the power of love I can love 多亏了我能爱的爱情之力 Because I am brave 因为我很勇敢 (I am brave, I am brave, yeah, oh...) (我很勇敢,我很勇敢,是的,噢...) I heard him say 我听到他说 This thing movin" too fast for him 这事情对他发生得太快 It"s a feeling that I"m straddling 感觉到我在跨骑 Foolishly adamant 如此的顽固 But it"s all in his eyes 但这都是他自己的眼法 Really wish he would let me in 真的希望他能让我进入的世界 "Cause the same way you scared of him 因为这种你吓到了他的相同方式 He"s scared of bein" hurt again 他害怕再次受到伤害 It"s time to let go 该是勇敢的时候了 Let go of your heart 放开你的心怀 It"s time for a brand new start 该是重新开始的时候了 Never know we might never part 没人知道我们可能会永远都不分开 Baby don"t be afraid 宝贝不要害怕 Don"t be afraid 不要害怕 This is your day 这是你的好日子 This is your day 这是你的好日子 It"s time to be brave 该是勇敢的时候了 Say I"m not afraid 我说我不害怕 Not anymore 不再害怕 I used to be calm 我以前都很镇静 Now the temperature"s changed 现在温度有了变化 It just ain"t the same 就是不一样了 I"m not afraid 我不害怕 I"m not afraid 我不害怕 As the light of day 就好像日光一样 Straight into a cave 直入洞内 To show me the way 给我展现了一条 That I might be saved 能救我的光明大道 Now I"m turning the page 现在我在翻转书页 Thanks to the power of love I can love 多亏了我能爱的爱情之力 Because I am brave 因为我很勇敢 I wouldn"t take back 我不会再收回 Anything that I"ve gone through 任何我经历过的事情 I pray for strength 我要为了 For anything that I"m gonna do 任何我要做的事情而购买力量 Whether it"s joy or it"s pain 不管是开心的还是痛苦的 I"m still okay 我依然可以 I"m gonna be alright 我会更好的 Because I"m not afraid 因为我不害怕 No I am brave! 绝对不会,因为我很勇敢 Say I"m not afraid 我说我不害怕 Not anymore 不再害怕 I used to be calm 我以前很镇静 Now the temperature"s changed 现在湿度有了变化 It just ain"t the same I"m not afraid 我不害怕 I"m not afraid 我不害怕 "Cause I"ve become brave 因为我已经变勇敢了 As the light of day 就好像日光一样 Straight into a cave 直入洞内 To show me the way 给我展现了一条 That I might be saved 能救我的光明大道 Now I"m turning the page 现在我在翻转书页 Thanks to the power of love I can love 多亏了我能爱的爱情之力 Because I am brave 因为我很勇敢 Yeah... 是的... I am brave.






it"s a new day,这是崭新的一天new day,新的一天and it"s evident而且很明显的是you must have been heaven-sent你一定是从天堂被派来的sometimes we should be hesitant,有的时候我们应该犹豫一下but i"m not at all但是我却一点也不just feelin more confident只是觉得更自信了just using my common sense只是靠我自己的常识just trust in it, i"m lovin it只是相信它,我正爱着它i can"t refuse an offer so benevolent我不能拒绝如此善意的提议can"t assume he"s gon" use me不能假设他将会利用我and after he"ll never call again然后他就再也不会给我打电话don"t be afraid,不要害怕don"t be afraid不要害怕this is your day,这是属于你的日子this is your day这是属于你的日子it"s time to be brave是到该勇敢的时候了say i"m not afraid,说“我不怕”not anymore不再(害怕)i used to be cold,我以前会觉得很冷now the temperature"s changed现在温度已经改变了it just ain"t the same已经完全不同了i"m not afraid,我不害怕i"m not afraid我不害怕cus i"ve become brave因为我已经变勇敢了as the light of day就像阳光一样straight into a cave直射到一个洞里to show me the way,照亮了我要走的路that i might be saved那样我也许就能得救now i"m turning the page现在我翻开了新的一页thanks to the power of love i can love感谢爱的力量让我能再次相爱because i am brave因为我是勇敢的i am brave, i am brave我是勇敢的 我是勇敢的i heard him say this thing moving too fast for him我听到他说我们的关系对他来说进展的太快it"s a feelin i was straddeling那是一种我以前一直在观望的感觉foolishly adamant,傻傻的那么固执but it"s all in his eyes但是都在他的目光里really wish he would let me in真的希望他能接受我cus the same way i"m scared of him因为同样的我也害怕他i"m scared of being hurt again害怕他会让我再次受伤it"s time to let go,是到放开的时候了let go of your heart放开你的心it"s time for a brand new start是到一个全新开始的时候了never know, we might never part谁也说不好,也许我们再也不会分来了baby don"t be afraid,宝贝不要害怕don"t be afraid不要害怕this is your day,这是属于你的日子this is your day这是属于你的日子it"s time to be brave是该勇敢一点的时候了say i"m not afraid,说“我不害怕”not anymore不在(害怕)i used to be cold,我以前会觉得很冷now the temperature"s changed现在温度已经改变了it just ain"t the same已经完全不同了i"m not afraid,我不害怕i"m not afraid我不害怕cus i"ve become brave因为我已经变勇敢了as the light of day就像阳光一样straight into a cave直射到一个洞里to show me the way,照亮了我要走的路that i might be saved那样我也许就能得救now i"m turning the page现在我翻开了新的一页thanks to the power of love i can love感谢爱的力量让我能再次相爱cus i am brave因为我是勇敢的i wouldn"t take back anything that i"ve gone through (no)我不会再留恋任何我已经经历过的东西 (不)i pray for strength for anything that i"m gonna do我祈求上天给我 我将要做的那些事所需要的力量whether joy, or it"s pain,不管是快乐还是痛苦i"m still okay (i, i"m still okay)我依然会没事i"m a be alright cause i"m not afraid因为我不再害怕所以我会没事的no, i am brave (brave)不, 我是勇敢的say i"m not afraid,说“我不再害怕”not anymore不再害怕i used to be cold,我以前会觉得冷now the temperature"s changed但是现在温度已经改变it just ain"t the same已经完全不同了i"m not afraid,我不害怕i"m not afraid我不害怕cus i"ve become brave因为我已经变得勇敢as the light of day就像阳光一样straight into a cave直射到一个洞里to show me the way,照亮了我要走的路that i might be saved那样我也许就能得救now i"m turning the page现在我翻开了新的一页thanks to the power of love i can love感谢爱的力量让我能再次相爱cus i am brave因为我是勇敢的...i am brave... 我是勇敢的

车上 灯亮提示“brightness + -” 什么意思啊?


9nine的《Brave》 歌词

歌曲名:Brave歌手:9nine专辑:CUEBrave作词:Yoshiyasu Ichikawa作曲:Yusuke Kato歌:9nine谁にも云えない ひとり、秘めた真実瞳を闭じれば 无邪気すぎるキミの笑颜変えることのできない Destinyいつまでも守ってゆきたい Your tender heart流れゆく云に ふわり、はじけた涙刻まれる针の音が 背中を押しているあの日、駆け込んだ キミの腕の中挫けそうになる心 くやしくて…キラっキラに光った梦が きっと この壁の向こう果てしなく広がって 奇迹を待っているんだズキッズキ高鸣る胸に そっと手を当てるたびキミの想いにつつまれて 少女は、勇者に変わる!谜めいたスリル 迷い込んだミステリー悪梦の出口を 今日も探し続けている逃げることのできない Destinyいつまでも届けてゆきたい My sweet heartみんなの愿いが いつか、重なり合ってカラフルな世界 眩しい未来を描くように辿り着けるまで ずっと信じてる固く固く 结ばれた Friendshipギリっギリまで背伸びして 遂に触れたその瞬间(とき)!指先をかすめ また こぼれ落ちてった Jewelまだっまだ 终わらない物语(Story) 体中のパワーを振り绞って 立ち上がるよ 何度も そう、何度でもキラッキラに光った梦が きっとこの壁の向こう果てしなく広がって 奇迹を待っているんだズキッズキ 高鸣る胸に そっと 手を当てるたびキミの想いにつつまれて 少女は、勇者に変わる!~END~



boa的《BRAVE》 歌词

歌曲名:BRAVE歌手:boa专辑:The FaceBoABRAVE - 『THE FACE』作词:EMI K. Lynn 作曲:Jun Suyamaどんな夜も明ける 今日が生まれてゆくno one 见たことない brand new morningそっと 涙ふいて I will 歩いて行く消えない愿いを映す あのsilent sky远くたって辿り着ければいい行き先は自分が决めるからBrave この胸にいつでもいま夸れるようにjust 怖れずに生きてく梦だけを信じてどんな隙间だったら you&I 埋められたの?no more わからないけど yes life goes onきっと伤ついても we can ドアを开けてそれぞれの道探す もうI won"t cry过ぎた记忆いつか答えになるさよならもはじまりに変わるからBrave 昨日よりも高くもっとその手のばしてjust 愿い叶えてゆく揺るぎない心でBrave この胸にいつでもいま夸れるようにjust 振り向かず生きてく梦だけを见つめて终わり


  在我们使用计算机的时候,屏幕上突然出现了brightness 字样,还不断的闪出1024*768 字样,那么你知道电脑老显示brightness怎么办吗?下面是我整理的一些关于电脑老显示brightness的相关资料,供你参考。   电脑老显示brightness的解决 方法 :   1、在桌面上单击右键,选择“屏幕分辨率”;   2、在分辨率界面中点击“分辨率”下拉菜单,选择之前所屏幕提示“1024*768”,然后点击应用,这时候会黑屏黑一会;   3、在弹出的显示设置窗口中选择“保留更改”即可。 电脑老显示brightness的相关 文章 : 1. 三星电脑显示器设置乱了怎么办 2. 苹果电脑电池怎么保养(2)




同义词:courageous; bold; high-hearted 反义词:yellow-bellied 扩展资料 I hope people will be courageous enough to speak out against this injustice. 我希望人们能敢于大胆说出来,反对这种不公。 He is a yellow-bellied guy; don"t send him on such a tough assignment! 他是个胆小的,不要给他这么艰难的工作。

valiant 和 brave 有什么不一样的?



听歌剧时,经常会听到观众喊“Bravo”,这个词就是专门用于给歌剧喝彩的。Bravo这个词来自拉丁语,在法语、意大利语、西班牙语、英语中都有,意为“太棒了”、“好极了”。但需要注意的是,由于国外语言常常分阴性、阳性和单数、负数,所以在喝彩时,根据演唱者的性别和人数来正确使用词语才是最讲究的。严格来说,对男歌手你要喊“bravo”;而对女歌手你就要喊“brava”;如果你要为两个或者更多的歌手喝彩,你就得用“bravo”的复数形式,那就是“bravi”。而如果那些歌手都是女人,你就喊“brave”。不过大多数情况下(在非意大利的国家如英国)喊Bravo就行。扩展资料形容男的是bravo;形容女的你是brava;如果是两个或者更多,就是bravo的复数形式bravi;而如果都是女的,你就喊“brave”。不过一般非意大利国家,只要用Bravo来形容就行。bravo的兄弟单词:bravado和brave,与bravo有两个单词特别相近,但是含义却大大不同,分别是bravado和brave。1、bravado逞能;虚张声势例:Because his bravado,they lost this game。因为他的逞能,他们输了这场比赛。2、brave勇敢的,无畏地;冒风险例:You son is such a brave boy。你儿子真是个勇敢的男孩。


形容词变副词通常是加ly,其变化有规律可循,请记住以下口诀:一般直接加,“元e”去e加,“辅y”改i加,“le”结尾e改y。 具体规则如下:1.一般情况下直接加“ly”,如:quick---quickly; sad---sadly; recent---recently2.少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly。如:true-truly; possible--possibly1. 绝大多数辅音字母加e结尾的形容词直接加-ly。如:polite---politely; wide---widely; wise---wisely; nice---nicely; immediate---immediately; extreme---extremely; brave--bravely 4. 以“y”结尾的,且读音为 / i /, 先将“y”改成“i”,再加“ly”,如:happy---happily; heavy---heavily; angry---angrily; busy---busily但是如果读音为 / ai /, 直接加ly,如: shy---shyly5.以ic 结尾的词,加ally,如:economic---economically; basic---basically; scientific----scientifically; automatic---automatically; energetic---energetically; 但是public-publicly 例外。 6.以辅音字母加le结尾时,去e加y,如:simple-simply; considerable-considerably; terrible-terriblygentle-gently; possible-possibly; probable-probably; incredible-incredibly7. 以-ll结尾时,只须加 –y,如:dull---dully;需注意: 有些以ly结尾的词是形容词而非副词。如:friendly people; lovely dog; weekly/monthly/ yearly exam; likely;


You can be amazingYou can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drugYou can be the outcastOr be the backlash of somebody"s lack of loveOr you can start speaking upNothing"s gonna hurt you the way that words doAnd they settle "neath your skinKept on the inside and no sunlightSometimes a shadow winsBut I wonder what would happen if youSay what you wanna sayAnd let the words fall outHonestly I wanna see you be braveWith what you want to sayAnd let the words fall outHonestly I wanna see you be braveI just wanna see youI just wanna see youI just wanna see youI wanna see you be braveI just wanna see youI just wanna see youI just wanna see youI wanna see you be braveEverybody"s been there, everybody"s been stared downBy the enemyFallen for the fear and done some disappearingBow down to the mightyDon"t run, stop holding your tongueMaybe there"s a way out of the cage where you liveMaybe one of these days you can let the light inShow me how big your brave isSay what you wanna sayAnd let the words fall outHonestly I wanna see you be braveWith what you want to sayAnd let the words fall outHonestly I wanna see you be braveInnocence, your history of silenceWon"t do you any goodDid you think it would?Let your words be anything but emptyWhy don"t you tell them the truth?Say what you wanna sayAnd let the words fall outHonestly I wanna see you be braveWith what you want to sayAnd let the words fall outHonestly I wanna see you be braveI just wanna see youI just wanna see youI just wanna see youI wanna see you be braveI just wanna see youI just wanna see youI just wanna see youSee you be braveI just wanna see youI just wanna see youI just wanna see youI just wanna see youI just wanna see youI just wanna see you(来源: ) You can be amazing你可以是惊人的You can turn a phrase into a weapon or a drug你可以将言语化作锋利武器和不可治愈毒药You can be the outcast你可以是无家可归的Or be the backlash of somebody"s lack of love遭受着缺爱的攻击Or you can start speaking up你可以大声的说Nothing"s gonna hurt you the way that words do流言蜚语不会伤害你And they settle ‘neath your skin它们潜藏在你的肌肤里Kept on the inside and no sunlight深入最里面,没有光线Sometimes a shadow wins有时阴暗自肆得意But I wonder what would happen if you但我惊讶会发生什么 如果你Say what you wanna say说出你自己的心里话And let the words fall out把话说出来吧Honestly I wanna see you be brave我很希望能看到你那颗勇敢的心With what you want to say无论你想说什么And let the words fall out都把它们说出来吧Honestly I wanna see you be brave我很希望能看到你那颗勇敢的心I just wanna see you我很想看到I just wanna see you我很想看到I just wanna see you我很想看到I wanna see you be brave能看到你那颗勇敢的心I just wanna see you我很想看到I just wanna see you我很想看到I just wanna see you我很想看到I wanna see you be brave能看到你那颗勇敢的心Everybody"s been there, everybody"s been stared down每一个人都在这里,被死死的盯着By the enemy被敌人Fallen for the fear and done some disappearing被恐惧笼罩着,短暂性失踪、消失不见Bow down to the mighty对那些勇士们敬礼吧Don"t run, stop holding your tongue不要再逃避,别再沉默不语Maybe there"s a way out of the cage where you live或许你可以逃出禁锢的笼子Maybe one of these days you can let the light in或许有一天你可以迎来希望的光芒Show me how big your brave is展现出你的勇敢Say what you wanna say说出你想说的And let the words fall out把话说出来吧Honestly I wanna see you be brave我很希望能看到你那颗勇敢的心With what you want to say无论你想说什么And let the words fall out把话说出来吧Honestly I wanna see you be brave我很希望能看到你那颗勇敢的心Innocence, your history of silence曾经的天真无邪,是你成默的历史痕迹Won"t do you any good那并不会带给你任何好处的Did you think it would?为何你会相信那些可能会是有益处的呢Let your words be anything but empty虽然你开口说话,却言之无物Why don"t you tell them the truth?为什么不告诉我真相Say what you wanna say无论你想说什么And let the words fall out把话说出来吧Honestly I wanna see you be brave我很希望能看到你那颗勇敢的心With what you want to say无论你想说什么And let the words fall out把话说出来吧Honestly I wanna see you be brave我很希望能看到你那颗勇敢的心I just wanna see you我很想看到I just wanna see you我很想看到I just wanna see you我很想看到I wanna see you be brave能看到你那颗勇敢的心I just wanna see you我很想看到I just wanna see you我很想看到I just wanna see you我很想看到(来源: )

Jennifer Lopez的《Brave》 歌词

歌曲名:Brave歌手:Jennifer Lopez专辑:BraveBravejennifer lopezIt"s a new dayNew dayAnd it"s evidentYou must"ve been heaven sentSomething we should be hesitantBut I"m not at allJust feeling more confidentJust using my common senseJust trusting that I"m loving itI can"t refuse an offer so benevolentCan"t assume he"s gonna use meAnd after him never call againDon"t be afraidDon"t be afraidThis is your dayThis is your dayIt"s time to be braveSay I"m not afraidNot anymoreI used to be calmNow the temperature"s changedIt just ain"t the sameI"m not afraidI"m not afraid"Cause I"ve become braveAs the light of dayStraight into a caveTo show me the wayThat I might be savedNow I"m turning the pageThanks to the power of love I can loveBecause I am brave(I am brave, I am brave, yeah, oh...)I heard him sayThis thing movin" too fast for himIt"s a feeling that I"m straddlingFoolishly adamantBut it"s all in his eyesReally wish he would let me in"Cause the same way you scared of himHe"s scared of bein" hurt againIt"s time to let goLet go of your heartIt"s time for a brand new startNever know we might never partBaby don"t be afraidDon"t be afraidThis is your dayThis is your dayIt"s time to be braveSay I"m not afraidNot anymoreI used to be calmNow the temperature"s changedIt just ain"t the sameI"m not afraidI"m not afraidCause I"ve become braveAs the light of dayStraight into a caveTo show me the wayThat I might be savedNow I"m turning the pageThanks to the power of love I can loveBecause I am braveI wouldn"t take backAnything that I"ve gone throughI pray for strengthFor anything that I"m gonna doWhether it"s joy or it"s painI"m still okayI"m gonna be alrightBecause I"m not afraidNo I am brave!Say I"m not afraidNot anymoreI used to be calmNow the temperature"s changedIt just ain"t the sameI"m not afraidI"m not afraid"Cause I"ve become braveAs the light of dayStraight into a caveTo show me the wayThat I might be savedNow I"m turning the pageThanks to the power of love I can loveBecause I am braveYeah...I am brave.


it"s a new day,这是崭新的一天new day,新的一天and it"s evident而且很明显的是you must have been heaven-sent你一定是从天堂被派来的sometimes we should be hesitant,有的时候我们应该犹豫一下but i"m not at all但是我却一点也不just feelin more confident只是觉得更自信了just using my common sense只是靠我自己的常识just trust in it, i"m lovin it只是相信它,我正爱着它i can"t refuse an offer so benevolent我不能拒绝如此善意的提议can"t assume he"s gon" use me不能假设他将会利用我and after he"ll never call again然后他就再也不会给我打电话don"t be afraid,不要害怕don"t be afraid不要害怕this is your day,这是属于你的日子this is your day这是属于你的日子it"s time to be brave是到该勇敢的时候了say i"m not afraid,说“我不怕”not anymore不再(害怕)i used to be cold,我以前会觉得很冷now the temperature"s changed现在温度已经改变了it just ain"t the same已经完全不同了i"m not afraid,我不害怕i"m not afraid我不害怕cus i"ve become brave因为我已经变勇敢了as the light of day就像阳光一样straight into a cave直射到一个洞里to show me the way,照亮了我要走的路that i might be saved那样我也许就能得救now i"m turning the page现在我翻开了新的一页thanks to the power of love i can love感谢爱的力量让我能再次相爱because i am brave因为我是勇敢的i am brave, i am brave我是勇敢的 我是勇敢的i heard him say this thing moving too fast for him我听到他说我们的关系对他来说进展的太快it"s a feelin i was straddeling那是一种我以前一直在观望的感觉foolishly adamant,傻傻的那么固执but it"s all in his eyes但是都在他的目光里really wish he would let me in真的希望他能接受我cus the same way i"m scared of him因为同样的我也害怕他i"m scared of being hurt again害怕他会让我再次受伤it"s time to let go,是到放开的时候了let go of your heart放开你的心it"s time for a brand new start是到一个全新开始的时候了never know, we might never part谁也说不好,也许我们再也不会分来了baby don"t be afraid,宝贝不要害怕don"t be afraid不要害怕this is your day,这是属于你的日子this is your day这是属于你的日子it"s time to be brave是该勇敢一点的时候了say i"m not afraid,说“我不害怕”not anymore不在(害怕)i used to be cold,我以前会觉得很冷now the temperature"s changed现在温度已经改变了it just ain"t the same已经完全不同了i"m not afraid,我不害怕i"m not afraid我不害怕cus i"ve become brave因为我已经变勇敢了as the light of day就像阳光一样straight into a cave直射到一个洞里to show me the way,照亮了我要走的路that i might be saved那样我也许就能得救now i"m turning the page现在我翻开了新的一页thanks to the power of love i can love感谢爱的力量让我能再次相爱cus i am brave因为我是勇敢的i wouldn"t take back anything that i"ve gone through (no)我不会再留恋任何我已经经历过的东西 (不)i pray for strength for anything that i"m gonna do我祈求上天给我 我将要做的那些事所需要的力量whether joy, or it"s pain,不管是快乐还是痛苦i"m still okay (i, i"m still okay)我依然会没事i"m a be alright cause i"m not afraid因为我不再害怕所以我会没事的no, i am brave (brave)不, 我是勇敢的say i"m not afraid,说“我不再害怕”not anymore不再害怕i used to be cold,我以前会觉得冷now the temperature"s changed但是现在温度已经改变it just ain"t the same已经完全不同了i"m not afraid,我不害怕i"m not afraid我不害怕cus i"ve become brave因为我已经变得勇敢as the light of day就像阳光一样straight into a cave直射到一个洞里to show me the way,照亮了我要走的路that i might be saved那样我也许就能得救now i"m turning the page现在我翻开了新的一页thanks to the power of love i can love感谢爱的力量让我能再次相爱cus i am brave因为我是勇敢的...i am brave... 我是勇敢的这歌真长,终于弄完了,希望你还满意~~~~


brightness[braitnis]n.光亮, 明亮, 聪明, 智慧, [光]亮度


brave的副词形式为bravely。brave作名词时意思是勇敢的;无畏的;需要勇气的;表现勇敢的;新颖的;崭新的。作动词意思是勇敢面对;冒(风险);经受(困难)。作名词意思是勇敢的人;美洲印第安武士。 1、She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead. 她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。 2、Are we going to brave the elements and go for a walk? 我们要冒着风雨去散步吗? 3、I wasn"t brave enough to tell her what I thought of her. 我当时没有勇气告诉她我对她的看法。 4、She tried to be brave, but her courage failed her. 她想勇敢,但却鼓不起勇气。 5、He felt homesick, but made a brave attempt to appear cheerful. 他很想家,但却竭力表现得很高兴。


mettlesome是由名词mettle+some形容词化的,它主要指人精神抖擞,气色很好,给人外在的英勇的感觉。而brave指天生的勇敢,无所畏惧的面对困难和危险,侧重胆识果断,倾向于描述人物品质。除此之外,brave作形容词还有美好,壮观,杰出,卓越的意思,特别地,它可以形容事物,含有创新突破,不落俗套的意义,比如a brave new movie一部大胆的新电影。而且brave还能作动词表示勇敢面对,敢于冒犯。


Brave最高级可以用“最为勇敢的”或“最具勇气的”来描述。Brave是一个英文单词,意思是勇敢、勇敢的人、勇敢的行为等。在英语中,形容词的最高级通常用“the + 最高级形容词 + 名词”来表示。Brave作为形容词,可以用来形容人、行动或者某种品质。比如,我们可以说“他是勇敢的战士”或者“她展现了勇敢的行为”。但是,要用最高级来形容Brave,就需要把它的意义扩大到最极致,让它成为最勇敢、最具勇气的。在实际生活中,我们经常会遇到一些需要勇气的情况,比如说公开演讲、面对挑战、保护家人等等。在这些情况下,我们需要展现出Brave的品质,才能够克服困难,完成任务。作为最高级的形容词,Brave代表的是人类勇气的极致境界。它不仅是一种品质,更是一种精神,一种超越自我、勇往直前的力量。在我们的生命中,通过不断发掘和扩展自己的勇气,我们可以达到心灵的升华,成为真正的勇士。综上所述,Brave最高级可以用“最为勇敢的”或“最具勇气的”来表达。Brave是一种人类勇气的极致境界,它不仅代表着一种品质,更是一种精神和力量的象征。通过不断扩展自己的勇气,我们可以成为真正的勇士,展现出最高贵的品质。


形容词变副词通常是加ly,其变化有规律可循,请记住以下口诀:一般直接加,“元e”去e加,“辅y”改i加,“le”结尾e改y。 具体规则如下:1.一般情况下直接加“ly”,如:quick---quickly; sad---sadly; recent---recently2.少数以e结尾的形容词,要去掉e再加-ly。如:true-truly; possible--possibly1. 绝大多数辅音字母加e结尾的形容词直接加-ly。如:polite---politely; wide---widely; wise---wisely; nice---nicely; immediate---immediately; extreme---extremely; brave--bravely 4. 以“y”结尾的,且读音为 / i /, 先将“y”改成“i”,再加“ly”,如:happy---happily; heavy---heavily; angry---angrily; busy---busily但是如果读音为 / ai /, 直接加ly,如: shy---shyly5.以ic 结尾的词,加ally,如:economic---economically; basic---basically; scientific----scientifically; automatic---automatically; energetic---energetically; 但是public-publicly 例外。 6.以辅音字母加le结尾时,去e加y,如:simple-simply; considerable-considerably; terrible-terriblygentle-gently; possible-possibly; probable-probably; incredible-incredibly 7. 以-ll结尾时,只须加 –y,如:dull---dully;需注意: 有些以ly结尾的词是形容词而非副词。如:friendly people; lovely dog; weekly/monthly/ yearly exam; likely;

《Brave》— Jennifer Lopez 歌词

Brave [Jennifer Lopez]中文翻译 Brave [Jennifer Lopez]It"s a new day这是新的一天,New day新的一天And it"s evident很明朗You must"ve been heaven sent你肯定是被天堂派来的Something we should be hesitant我们应该多加考虑But I"m not at all但我根本不Just feeling more confident只是感觉更加自信Just using my common sense就是用我的常识Just trusting that I"m loving it就是相信我爱着它I can"t refuse an offer so benevolent我不能拒绝如此仁厚的赏赐Can"t assume he"s gonna use me不敢猜想他要利用我And after him never call again在那以后不再有电话Don"t be afraid不要害怕Don"t be afraid不要害怕This is your day这是你的好日子This is your day这是你的好日子It"s time to be brave该是勇敢的时候了Say I"m not afraid说我不害怕Not anymore不再害怕I used to be calm我以前都很镇静Now the temperature"s changed现在温度有了变化It just ain"t the same就是不一样了I"m not afraid我不害怕I"m not afraid我不害怕"Cause I"ve become brave因为我已经变勇敢了As the light of day就好像日光一样Straight into a cave直入洞内To show me the way给我展现了一条That I might be saved能救我的光明大道Now I"m turning the page现在我在翻转书页Thanks to the power of love I can love多亏了我能爱的爱情之力Because I am brave因为我很勇敢(I am brave, I am brave, yeah, oh...)(我很勇敢,我很勇敢,是的,噢...)I heard him say我听到他说This thing movin" too fast for him这事情对他发生得太快It"s a feeling that I"m straddling感觉到我在跨骑Foolishly adamant如此的顽固But it"s all in his eyes但这都是他自己的眼法Really wish he would let me in真的希望他能让我进入的世界"Cause the same way you scared of him因为这种你吓到了他的相同方式He"s scared of bein" hurt again他害怕再次受到伤害It"s time to let go该是勇敢的时候了Let go of your heart放开你的心怀It"s time for a brand new start该是重新开始的时候了Never know we might never part没人知道我们可能会永远都不分开Baby don"t be afraid宝贝不要害怕Don"t be afraid不要害怕This is your day这是你的好日子This is your day这是你的好日子It"s time to be brave该是勇敢的时候了Say I"m not afraid我说我不害怕Not anymore不再害怕I used to be calm我以前都很镇静Now the temperature"s changed现在温度有了变化It just ain"t the same就是不一样了I"m not afraid我不害怕I"m not afraid我不害怕As the light of day就好像日光一样Straight into a cave直入洞内To show me the way给我展现了一条That I might be saved能救我的光明大道Now I"m turning the page现在我在翻转书页Thanks to the power of love I can love多亏了我能爱的爱情之力Because I am brave因为我很勇敢I wouldn"t take back我不会再收回Anything that I"ve gone through任何我经历过的事情I pray for strength我要为了For anything that I"m gonna do任何我要做的事情而购买力量Whether it"s joy or it"s pain不管是开心的还是痛苦的I"m still okay我依然可以I"m gonna be alright我会更好的Because I"m not afraid因为我不害怕No I am brave!绝对不会,因为我很勇敢Say I"m not afraid我说我不害怕Not anymore不再害怕I used to be calm我以前很镇静Now the temperature"s changed现在湿度有了变化It just ain"t the sameI"m not afraid我不害怕I"m not afraid我不害怕"Cause I"ve become brave因为我已经变勇敢了As the light of day就好像日光一样Straight into a cave直入洞内To show me the way给我展现了一条That I might be saved能救我的光明大道Now I"m turning the page现在我在翻转书页Thanks to the power of love I can love多亏了我能爱的爱情之力Because I am brave因为我很勇敢Yeah...是的...I am brave.

Brave [Acoustic] 歌词

歌曲名:Brave [Acoustic]歌手:Idina Menzel专辑:I StandIdina Menzel----BraveDon"t knowjust where I"m goingAnd tomorrow,it"s a little overwhelmingAnd the air is coldAnd I"m not the same anymoreI"ve been running in your directionFor to long nowlost my own reflectionAnd I can"t look downIf you"re not there to catch me when I fall.If this is the momentI stand here on my ownIf this is my rite of passagethat somehow leads me homeI might be afraidBut it"s my turn to be braveIf this is the last chancebefore we say goodbyeAt least it"s the first dayof the rest of my lifeI can"t be afraidCause it"s my turn to be braveAll along all I ever wanted,was to be the lightWhen your life was dauntingBut I can"t see mineWhen I feel as thoughyou"re pushing me awayWell who"s to blame,are we making the right choicesCause we can"t be sureif we"re hearing our own voicesAs we close the dooreven though we are so desperate to stayIf this is the momentI stand here on my ownIf this is my rite of passagethat somehow leads me homeI might be afraidBut it"s my turn to be braveIf this is the last chancebefore we say goodbyeAt least it"s the first dayof the rest of my lifeI can"t be afraidCause it"s my turn to be braveAnd I might still cryAnd I might still bleedThese thorns in my sideThis heart on my sleeveAnd lightening may strikeThis ground at my feetAnd I might still crashBut I still believeThis is the momentI stand here all aloneWith everything I have inside,everything I ownI might be afraidBut it"s my turn to be braveIf this is the last timebefore we say goodbyeAt least it"s the first dayof the rest of my lifeI can"t be afraidit"s my turn to be brave


brave名词:bravenessbrave副词:bravely扩展资料:brave,英语单词,形容词、动词、名词,作形容词时意为“勇敢的,无畏的;表现勇敢的; 新颖的,崭新的;华丽的,壮观的;极好的;强颜欢笑的”。作动词时意为“勇敢面对,冒(风险);展示勇敢,炫耀勇气”。作名词时意为“勇敢的人;美洲印第安武士;(古)恶霸”。短语搭配:feel brave 感到勇敢brave exploration 勇于探索Phantom Brave 灵武战记例句:1、I should learn from that brave boy in the story.我应该向故事中的那个勇敢的男孩学习。2、Let me win, But if I cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt.让我们取胜。但如果我不能取胜,就让我在参与中成为勇敢的人。3、The value of life, and how brave you live.生命的(价值)在与你怎样勇敢的存活。


副词形式是:bravely英['breu026avli]释义:adv.勇敢地;华丽地短语:fight bravely英勇奋战近义词:1、courageously勇敢地2、valiantly勇敢地3、heroically英勇地4、daringly大胆地5、staunchly staunch的副词形式扩展资料:词语辨析:bold,brave,courageous,daring,heroic,fearless这些形容词均含有“勇敢的”之意。1、bold侧重指面对困难或危险时勇往直前,勇于进取的勇敢精神。2、brave含义广泛,指天生的勇敢,无所畏惧地面对困难与危险,侧重胆识与果断。3、courageous正式用词,侧重指在一切情况下都有胆量,无所畏惧,强调基于道德信念,经深思熟虑后所产生的勇敢。4、daring强调面临意外或危险时胆大心细,头脑冷静。褒义贬义均可用,贬义指胆大妄为。


brightness英 ["brau026atnu0259s] 美 [u02c8brau026atnu026as] n.亮度; 明亮; 光泽度; 灯火通明网络明暗; 光; 亮度值在显示器下面或者旁边都有按钮的,应该有一个MENU按键,按一下就没有了。那是个调节亮度的东西 如果都不行的话,很抱歉,那你的显示器就坏了

brave 中英歌词

all around me are familiar faces 我的周围是些似曾相识的面孔 worn out places 乏味的地方 worn out faces 疲倦的面容 bright and early for the daily races 为了每日的奔波他们起个大早 going no where 却不知要奔向何方 going no where 奔向何方 their tears are filling up their glasses 此刻他们的眼中充满泪水 no expression 却没有表情 no expression 一片茫然 hide my head i wanna drown my sorrow 我深埋头颅, 想要忍住悲伤 no tomorrow 奢望明天 no tomorrow 哪有明天 and i find it kind of funny 我发现这是一种乐趣 i find it kind of sad 我发现这是一种悲伤 the dreams in which i"m dying are the best i"ve ever had 我最好的梦境是我梦到了死亡 i find it hard to tell you 我难于向你诉说 i find it hard to take 更加难于承受 when people run in circles its a very very 人们来来回回地奔波着, 这是一个多么多么 mad world 疯狂的世界 mad world 疯狂的世界 children waiting for the day they feel good 孩子们期盼着那快乐的曰子 happy birthday 生曰快乐 happy birthday 生日快乐 and i feel the way that every child should 试着感受孩子们的方式 sit and listen 轻轻地坐下来 sit and listen 静静地倾听着 went to school and i was very nervous 走进学校我是那么的紧张 no one knew me 没有一个我认识的人 no one knew me 一个认识我的人也没有 hello teacher tell me what"s my lesson 你好老师, 告述我今天该上哪些课 look right through me 老师直勾勾的看着我 look right through me 仿佛要穿透我的胸膛 and i find it kind of funny 我发现这是一种乐趣 i find it kind of sad 我发现这是一种悲伤 the dreams in which i"m dying are the best i"ve ever had 我最好的梦境是我梦到了死亡 i find it hard to tell you 我难于向你诉说 i find it hard to take 更加难于承受 when people run in circles its a very very 人们来来回回地奔波着, 这是一个多么多么 mad world 疯狂的世界 mad world 疯狂的世界 enlarging your world 环顾一下你的周围 mad world 这疯狂的世界




brightness英 ["brau026atnu0259s] 美 [u02c8brau026atnu026as] n.亮度; 明亮; 光泽度; 灯火通明网络明暗; 光; 亮度值双语例句 1You can study light and brightness, but not darkness. 你能研究光线和明亮,但不能是黑暗。2He studied their shape and brightness. 他对它们的形状和亮度进行研究。


brave的音标是[breu026av]。brave的意思是勇敢的;无畏的;需要勇气的;勇敢面对;勇敢的人。含有brave的双语例句1、It"s not always easy to put on a brave front for the family.常为家人装出勇敢的样子并不容易。2、She was a brave woman but she felt daunted by the task ahead.她是一个勇敢的女人,但对面前的任务却感到信心不足。3、Are we going to brave the elements and go for a walk?我们要冒着风雨去散步吗?4、I wasn"t brave enough to tell her what I thought of her.我当时没有勇气告诉她我对她的看法。5、It was a brave decision to change tack in the middle of the project.在项目进行过程当中改变方针是个大胆的决定。


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