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无论是 UNIX/Linux 操作系统、还是 DOS 操作系统,其文件结构都是树形结构。所谓的根目录就是指树形结构的最上面的那一个目录( )。在 DOS 操作系统或者是 WINDOWS 系统下(首先进入 DOS 命令提示符),然后输入 cd c: <cr> 即可。(其中:<cr> 表示回车键)




abrowntiger翻译为中文是一个棕色的老虎。短语搭配:1、fierce abrowntiger;majestic abrowntiger;rare abrowntiger;wild abrowntiger.凶猛的棕色老虎;威严的棕色老虎;珍稀的棕色老虎;野生的棕色老虎。2、endangered abrowntiger;spotted abrowntiger;hunting abrowntiger.濒危的棕色老虎;有斑点的棕色老虎;狩猎棕色老虎。3、roaring abrowntiger;protecting abrowntiger;observing abrowntiger.咆哮的棕色老虎;保护棕色老虎;观察棕色老虎。abrowntiger双语例句:1、The abrowntiger prowled silently through the dense jungle.棕色老虎悄无声息地在茂密的丛林中游荡。2、The sight of the abrowntiger"s powerful physique left us in awe.看到棕色老虎强壮的身体,我们感到敬畏。3、It is crucial to protect the habitat of the abrowntiger to ensure its survival.保护棕色老虎的栖息地对于其生存至关重要。4、The abrowntiger"s coat provides excellent camouflage in its natural environment.棕色老虎的皮毛在其自然环境中提供了出色的伪装。

路径user/library/preferences/ 怎么打开

Mac OS X中是有两个Preferences文件夹的,其中一个是用户自己的,是可以通过Spotlight搜索到的,还有一个是系统的,是不能搜索到的,1、打开Finder;2、同时按Command+上(方向键)三次;3、打开资源库(也就是Library);4、打开Preferences

the roaring library fire什么意思

这里 roaring 是形容词, 修饰 fireroaring fire 熊熊的火library 书房,图书馆,文库 这里用书房或比较适当在这个句子里 library 有形容词的作用, 即书房的在法官的脚边,对着书房的熊熊的炉火,他躺着或对着书房的熊熊的炉火,他躺在法官的脚边我是加拿大人,前英语老师。

如何在苹果笔记本中找到 “~/Library/Preferences/” 文件夹?

Preferences文件夹在Mac OS X中是有两个的,其中一个是用户自己的,是可以通过Spotlight搜索到的,还有一个是系统的,是不能搜索到的,我教你找到系统的Preferences:x0dx0a1、打开Finder;x0dx0ax0dx0a2、同时按Command+上(方向键)三次;x0dx0ax0dx0a3、打开资源库(也就是Library);x0dx0ax0dx0a4、打开Preferences


MACD、DMI、DMA、EXPMA、TRIX、BRAR、CR、VR、OBV、RSI、KDJ等分别是什么指标?MACD(MovingAverageConvergence-Divergence):平滑异同移动平均线,简称MACD,是近来美国所创的技术分析工具。 DMI(DirectionalMuvementIndex)的中文名称有趋势指标、趋向指标和动向指标等不同的叫法。该指标提示投资人不要在盘整世道中入场交易,一旦市场变得有利润时,DMI立刻引导投资者进场,并且在适当的时机退场,该指标近年来颇受市场重视。 DMA:平均线差,是利用两条不同期间的平均线的差值对行情进行判断的技术指标。该指标由两条基期不同的平均线组成,属于趋向指标的一种。 EXPMA:指数平均数,该指标克服了MACD指标信号滞后、DMA指标信号提前的弱点,在计算均数时加重了当天行情的权重,可以迅速反映出股价的跌涨。TRIX:三重指数平滑移动平均线,属于一种长期趋势指标,它的优点在于可以过滤掉一些短期波动的干扰,更清楚地反映大势的走向。 BRAR:意愿人气指标,是一种反映股市人气强盛、买卖意愿强弱的情绪指标。 VR:成交量变异率,是从成交量变化的角度去测量股市的热度的技术指标,在低迷市场或过热市场中对辨别底部和头部有很重要的作用。OBV:累积能量线,它的理论基础是"能量是因,股价是果",即股价的上升要依靠资金能量源源不断的输入才能完成,是从成交量变动趋势来分析股价转势的技术指标。 KDJ:随机指标,KDJ指标考虑收盘价,近期的最高价和最低价。 其他一些指标的名称分别是这样的。CR:综合人气指标。ASI:振动升降指标。EMV:波动指标。WVAD:威廉变异离散量。RSI:相对强弱指数。W%R:威廉指数。SAR:股票增值权。CCI:顺势指标。ROC:变动率指标。MIKE:麦克指标。其它的你还要多看了。



Bring Me The Horizon的《Deathbeds》 歌词

歌曲名:Deathbeds歌手:Bring Me The Horizon专辑:Sempiternal (Deluxe)Bring Me The Horizon - Deathbeds.Eyes like a car crashI know I shouldn"t look but I can"t turn away.Body like a whiplash,Salt my wounds but I can"t heal the wayI feel about you..I watch you like a hawkI watch you like I"m gonna tear you limb from limbWill the hunger ever stop?Can we simply starve this sin?.That little kiss you stoleIt held my heart and soulAnd like a deer in the headlights I meet my fateDon"t try to fight the stormYou"ll tumble overboardTides will bring me back to you.And on my deathbed, all I"ll see is youThe life may leave my lungsBut my heart will stay with you.That little kiss you stoleIt held my heart and soulAnd like a ghost in the silence I disappearDon"t try to fight the stormYou"ll tumble overboardTides will bring me back to you.The waves will pull us underTides will bring me back to youThe waves will pull us underTides will bring me back to youThe waves will pull us underTides will bring me back to youTides will bring me back to you.That little kiss you stoleIt held my heart and soulAnd like a ghost in the silence I disappearDon"t try to fight the stormYou"ll tumble overboardTides will bring me back to you.That little kiss you stoleIt held my heart and soulAnd like a deer in the headlights I meet my fateDon"t try to fight the stormYou"ll tumble overboardTides will bring me back to you.



Brand New Day 歌词

歌曲名:Brand New Day歌手:Joshua Radin专辑:Simple Times-Mom & PopJoshua Radin - Brand New DaySome kind of magicHappens late at nightWhen the moon smiles down on meAnd bathes me in it"s lightI fell asleep beneath youIn the tall blades of grassWhen I woke the world was newI never had to askIt"s a brand new dayThe sun is shinningIt"s a brand new dayFor the first timeIn such a long long timeI knowI"ll be okMost kind of storiesSave the best part for lastMost stories have a hero who findsYou make your past your pastYa you make your past your pastIt"s a brand new dayThe sun is shinningIt"s a brand new dayFor the first timeIn such a long long timeI knowI"ll be okThis cycle never endsGotta fall in order to mendAnd it"s a brand new dayIt"s a brand new dayFor the first timeIn such a long long timeI knowI"ll be ok

No one else can make me feel the colour that you bringp这是哪首歌的歌词

<Loving You>--Shanice Loving You 歌手:Shanice SweetHeartI never have told youHow much I love youHow much I careLoving you So beautifulLoving youIt"s easy"Cause you"re beautifulAnd loving youIt"s all I wanna doLoving youIt"s more thanJust a dream come trueAnd everything that I doIt"s out of loving youla la la la lala la la la lala la la la la la la lado do do doooh aahNo one else can make me feelThe colors that you bringStay with meWhile we grow oldAnd we will liveEach day in springtimeLoving youHas made my life so beautifulAnd every day of my lifeIt"s filled with loving youLoving youI see your soulCome shining throughAnd everything that weI"m so in love with you la la la la lala la la la lala la la la la la la lado do do doooh aahNo one else can make me feelThe colors that you bringStay with meWhile we grow oldAnd we will liveEach day in springtimeLoving youIt"s easy"Cause you"re beautifulEvery day of my lifeIt"s filled with loving youLoving youI see your soulCome shining throughAnd everything that weI"m so in love with youla la la la lala la la la lala la la la la la la lado do do doooh aah歌曲地址:

污水处理中的UASB SBR与厌氧池 好氧池是什么关系?

升流式厌氧污泥床UASB 是厌氧工艺的一种SBR 是序列间歇式活性污泥法 是好样工艺的一种分别对应两种不同的工艺处理方法。。。


UASB的缺点主要是温度,一般采用中温比较好,35℃左右。而通常污水的温度达不到这么高,需要额外的热源,即提高了处理成本。当然,UASB也有优点,就是占地小,负荷高,可产生沼气能源。SBR的缺点是活性污泥易发生膨胀和流失,不易于管理,一般的啤酒厂的处理规模较小,只有几千吨每天。管理人员水平会稍差一些。不太专业。采用SBR的优点是投资节约,不需要二沉池。相比较,接触氧化会容易管理,但投资 高一些。




UASB的主要优点是: 1、UASB内污泥浓度高,平均污泥浓度为20-40gVSS/1; 2、有机负荷高,水力停留时间长,采用中温发酵时,容积负荷一般为10kgCOD/m3.d左右; 3、无混合搅拌设备,靠发酵过程中产生的沼气的上升运动,使污泥床上部的污泥处于悬浮状态,对下部的污泥层也有一定程度的搅动; 4、污泥床不填载体,节省造价及避免因填料发生堵赛问题; 5、UASB内设三相分离器,通常不设沉淀池,被沉淀区分离出来的污泥重新回到污泥床反应区内,通常可以不设污泥回流设备。主要缺点是: 1、进水中悬浮物需要适当控制,不宜过高,一般控制在100mg/l以下; 2、污泥床内有短流现象,影响处理能力; 3、对水质和负荷突然变化较敏感,耐冲击力稍差。SBR的主要优点是1、 理想的推流过程使生化反应推动力增大,效率提高,池内厌氧、好氧处于交替状态,净化效果好。   2、 运行效果稳定,污水在理想的静止状态下沉淀,需要时间短、效率高,出水水质好。3、 耐冲击负荷,池内有滞留的处理水,对污水有稀释、缓冲作用,有效抵抗水量和有机污物的冲击。   4、 工艺过程中的各工序可根据水质、水量进行调整,运行灵活。   5、 处理设备少,构造简单,便于操作和维护管理。   6、 反应池内存在DO、BOD5浓度梯度,有效控制活性污泥膨胀。   7、 SBR法系统本身也适合于组合式构造方法,利于废水处理厂的扩建和改造。   8、 脱氮除磷,适当控制运行方式,实现好氧、缺氧、厌氧状态交替,具有良好的脱氮除磷效果。9、 工艺流程简单、造价低。主体设备只有一个序批式间歇反应器,无二沉池、污泥回流系统,调节池、初沉池也可省略,布置紧凑、占地面积省。缺点1、自动化控制要求高。   2、排水时间短(间歇排水时),并且排水时要求不搅动沉淀污泥层,因而需要专门的排水设备(滗水器),且对滗水器的要求很高。   3、后处理设备要求大:如消毒设备很大,接触池容积也很大,排水设施如排水管道也很大。4、滗水深度一般为1~2m,这部分水头损失被白白浪费,增加了总扬程。   5、由于不设初沉池,易产生浮渣,浮渣问题尚未妥善解决。A/O工艺 1.基本原理 A/O是Anoxic/Oxic的缩写,它的优越性是除了使有机污染物得到降解之外,还具有一定的脱氮除磷功能,是将厌氧水解技术用为活性污泥的前处理,所以A/O法是改进的活性污泥法。 A/O工艺将前段缺氧段和后段好氧段串联在一起,A段DO不大于0.2mg/L,O段DO=2~4mg/L。在缺氧段异养菌将污水中的淀粉、纤维、碳水化合物等悬浮污染物和可溶性有机物水解为有机酸,使大分子有机物分解为小分子有机物,不溶性的有机物转化成可溶性有机物,当这些经缺氧水解的产物进入好氧池进行好氧处理时,可提高污水的可生化性及氧的效率;在缺氧段,异养菌将蛋白质、脂肪等污染物进行氨化(有机链上的N或氨基酸中的氨基)游离出氨(NH3、NH4+),在充足供氧条件下,自养菌的硝化作用将NH3-N(NH4+)氧化为NO3-,通过回流控制返回至A池,在缺氧条件下,异氧菌的反硝化作用将NO3-还原为分子态氮(N2)完成C、N、O在生态中的循环,实现污水无害化处理。 2.A/O内循环生物脱氮工艺特点 根据以上对生物脱氮基本流程的叙述,结合多年的焦化废水脱氮的经验,我们总结出(A/O)生物脱氮流程具有以下优点: (1)效率高。该工艺对废水中的有机物,氨氮等均有较高的去除效果。当总停留时间大于54h,经生物脱氮后的出水再经过混凝沉淀,可将COD值降至100mg/L以下,其他指标也达到排放标准,总氮去除率在70%以上。 (2)流程简单,投资省,操作费用低。该工艺是以废水中的有机物作为反硝化的碳源,故不需要再另加甲醇等昂贵的碳源。尤其,在蒸氨塔设置有脱固定氨的装置后,碳氮比有所提高,在反硝化过程中产生的碱度相应地降低了硝化过程需要的碱耗。 (3)缺氧反硝化过程对污染物具有较高的降解效率。如COD、BOD5和SCN-在缺氧段中去除率在67%、38%、59%,酚和有机物的去除率分别为62%和36%,故反硝化反应是最为经济的节能型降解过程。 (4)容积负荷高。由于硝化阶段采用了强化生化,反硝化阶段又采用了高浓度污泥的膜技术,有效地提高了硝化及反硝化的污泥浓度,与国外同类工艺相比,具有较高的容积负荷。 (5)缺氧/好氧工艺的耐负荷冲击能力强。当进水水质波动较大或污染物浓度较高时,本工艺均能维持正常运行,故操作管理也很简单。通过以上流程的比较,不难看出,生物脱氮工艺本身就是脱氮的同时,也降解酚、氰、COD等有机物。结合水量、水质特点,我们推荐采用缺氧/好氧(A/O)的生物脱氮(内循环) 工艺流程,使污水处理装置不但能达到脱氮的要求,而且其它指标也达到排放标准。3. A/O工艺的缺点 1.由于没有独立的污泥回流系统,从而不能培养出具有独特功能的污泥,难降解物质的降解率较低; 2、若要提高脱氮效率,必须加大内循环比,因而加大了运行费用。另外,内循环液来自曝气池,含有一定的DO,使A段难以保持理想的缺氧状态,影响反硝化效果,脱氮率很难达到90%。3、影响因素 水力停留时间 (硝化>6h ,反硝化<2h )污泥浓度MLSS(>3000mg/L)污泥龄( >30d )N/MLSS负荷率(<0.03 )进水总氮浓度( <30mg/L)


SBR是序列间歇式活性污泥法(Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process)的简称,是一种按间歇曝气方式来运行的活性污泥污水处理技术,又称序批式活性污泥法。 UASB是厌氧生物处理,厌氧生物处理作为利用厌氧性微生物的代谢特性,在毋需提供外源能量的条件下,以被还原有机物作为受氢体,同时产生有能源价值的甲烷气体。厌氧生物处理法不仅适用于高浓度有机废水,进水BOD最高浓度可达数万mg/l,也可适用于低浓度有机废水,如城市污水等。




从这几年学的专业以及做的设计研究来看,处理中药废水,还是选用ABR工艺吧,因为一般制药废水一般是间歇排放的,流量不是很大,但是水质变化大、有机物浓度高。本人从以下几个方面总结,您看满不满意哈:1、反应启动时间。UASB污泥驯化期40天以上,不宜间歇运行,污泥床破坏后重复启动困难。这对于小流量且间歇排放的制药处理来说不大好。而ABR污泥驯化期在20天左右,各隔室的微生物随流程逐级递弯,可间歇运行。(实际中我们得考虑每年过年时工厂停产的情况)2、构筑物结构。UASB体结构复杂,其三相分离器对设计要求较高,且单反应器存在明显的床体水流沟流的现象;ABR则是多格室代替单室反应器结构,无专用的固液分离系统,结构简单。3、设计、运行管理。UASB对进水要求高,进水时布水一定要相当均匀,很多时候设搅拌器都没法满足进水时泥水充分接触的要求从而造成布水死区中污泥过酸化现象,甚至有时要采用专门的进水设备,如脉冲进水器。而ABR不需要专门的布水系统,其运行管理相对简单。 当然了,ABR也有其无法规避的缺点,那就是其对运行中的活性性污泥要求高,要对接种驯化的污泥培养出颗粒性厌氧污泥才能启动运行,而UASB不管是颗粒状污泥还是絮状污泥都行。但是,这其实也挺好解决的,我们可以直接投入已经驯化培养出来的厌氧污泥(从同行中已经运行的ABR池中取),省去启动前的污泥培训工作。退一万步讲,即使要自己培养驯化,那无非也是砍柴前的磨刀工夫。 希望您能满意!祝您快乐好心情!


SBR是序列间歇式活性污泥法(Sequencing Batch Reactor Activated Sludge Process)的简称,是一种按间歇曝气方式来运行的活性污泥污水处理技术,又称序批式活性污泥法。UASB是厌氧生物处理,厌氧生物处理作为利用厌氧性微生物的代谢特性,在毋需提供外源能量的条件下,以被还原有机物作为受氢体,同时产生有能源价值的甲烷气体。厌氧生物处理法不仅适用于高浓度有机废水,进水BOD最高浓度可达数万mg/l,也可适用于低浓度有机废水,如城市污水等。

When I was a little girl,my brothers and I这篇短文翻译

When I was a little girl,my brothers and I当我还是个小女孩的时候,我和我的兄弟们

在Android studio创建一个新的项目时出现了library is not specified的错误,应该

一1 右键点击项目 就会出现任务栏 选择最后一个 properties2 勾选 islibrary3 在Is library旁边有个add按钮,点击后就可以将刚才选择了Is library的工程添加进来3 选择后- Apply,点击ok那么你就可以在gen文件夹下面看到出现了一个新的包名,新的R文件,就是你选择Is library的包名以及R文件,你就可以通过使用那个共享工程的资源了。这个一般会使用在可以换肤的项目中或者是项目蛮大,有个工程专门用来存放资源,别的有4-5个工程都可以使用此共享资源二 、 自己签名打包jar 不过这得自己导入其中 1 工程右击-properties-Java Build Path-Libraries-Add JARs/2 Add library可以导入jar包供程序使用 这两种好像跟你的不符合 三 、建立链接.so文件 动态调用

在Android studio创建一个新的项目时出现了library is not specified的错误,应该


在Android studio创建一个新的项目时出现了library is not specified的错误,应该


Laura Branigan的《Gloria》 歌词

歌曲名:Gloria歌手:Laura Branigan专辑:Gloria / Living A Lie [Digital 45]"Gloria""Laura Branigan""Umberto Tozzi, Giancarlo Bigazzi &Trevor Veitch; Sugar Song"Gloria, you"re always on the run nowRunning after somebody, you gotta get him somehowI think you"ve got to slow down before you start to blow itI think you"re headed for a breakdownSo be careful not to show itYou really don"t rememberWas it something that he said?Are the voices in your head callingCalling, Gloria?Gloria, don"t you think you"re fallin"?If everybody wants you,Why isn"t anybody callin"?You don"t have to answerLeave them hangin" on the lineOh-oh-oh, calling GloriaGloria (Gloria)I think they got your number (Gloria)I think they got the alias (Gloria)That you"ve been living under (Gloria)But you really don"t rememberWas it something that they said?Are the voices in your headCalling, Gloria?A-ha-ha, a-ha-ha, GloriaHow"s it gonna go down?Will you meet him on the main lineOr will you catch him on the rebound?Will you marry for the moneyTake a lover in the afternoon?Feel your innocence slipping awayDon"t believe it"s comin" back soonAnd you really don"t rememberWas it something that he said?Are the voices in your head callingCalling, Gloria?Gloria, don"t you think you"re fallin"?If everybody wants you,Why isn"t anybody callin"?You don"t have to answerLeave them hangin" on the lineOh-oh-oh, calling GloriaGloria (Gloria)I think they got your number (Gloria)I think they got the alias (Gloria)That you"ve been living under (Gloria)But you really don"t rememberWas it something that they said?Are the voices in your headGloria, Gloria..GloriaGloriaGloriaGloriaGloriaGloriaGloriaGloriaGloriaGloria

Laura Branigan的《Gloria》 歌词

歌曲名:Gloria歌手:Laura Branigan专辑:The Very Best Of Pop Music 1982-1983"Gloria""Laura Branigan""Umberto Tozzi, Giancarlo Bigazzi &Trevor Veitch; Sugar Song"Gloria, you"re always on the run nowRunning after somebody, you gotta get him somehowI think you"ve got to slow down before you start to blow itI think you"re headed for a breakdownSo be careful not to show itYou really don"t rememberWas it something that he said?Are the voices in your head callingCalling, Gloria?Gloria, don"t you think you"re fallin"?If everybody wants you,Why isn"t anybody callin"?You don"t have to answerLeave them hangin" on the lineOh-oh-oh, calling GloriaGloria (Gloria)I think they got your number (Gloria)I think they got the alias (Gloria)That you"ve been living under (Gloria)But you really don"t rememberWas it something that they said?Are the voices in your headCalling, Gloria?A-ha-ha, a-ha-ha, GloriaHow"s it gonna go down?Will you meet him on the main lineOr will you catch him on the rebound?Will you marry for the moneyTake a lover in the afternoon?Feel your innocence slipping awayDon"t believe it"s comin" back soonAnd you really don"t rememberWas it something that he said?Are the voices in your head callingCalling, Gloria?Gloria, don"t you think you"re fallin"?If everybody wants you,Why isn"t anybody callin"?You don"t have to answerLeave them hangin" on the lineOh-oh-oh, calling GloriaGloria (Gloria)I think they got your number (Gloria)I think they got the alias (Gloria)That you"ve been living under (Gloria)But you really don"t rememberWas it something that they said?Are the voices in your headGloria, Gloria..GloriaGloriaGloriaGloriaGloriaGloriaGloriaGloriaGloriaGloria



salut marin 歌词翻译 carla bruni的 (英语中文翻译都可)

salut marin 嗨!水手Carla Bruni的Salut Marin,再见了水手,写给她去世的哥哥的,歌词大意:再见了水手,祝你一路顺风。你打好行装,扬起风帆。我知道你将不再回来,因为,他们说星际的风带着海水的味道比信风更咸,比密史托拉风更为固执(密史托拉:Mistral,法国南部及地中海上刮的干寒而强烈的西北风。)再见了水手,我会想你的(再见了水手,我会想你的)你那蓝色的双眼,和海军上将般的神情。再见了水手,祝你一路顺风。我说“祝你一路顺风”,心却被撕裂了,因为,水手啊,和你一道远去的还有我们水晶般的童年我们甜蜜的少年(我们甜蜜的少年)我们所有彩虹般的计划(所有彩虹般的计划)从勒阿弗尔的港口直到果阿邦所有的海平线都会让我回忆起你的模样。你们这些水手啊,你们总是这样!(你们除了启程外,不知晓别的事情)你们这些水手啊,你们是多么的残酷!(你们总是爱留给我们关于你们的无尽回忆)你们这些水手啊,你们多么的硬心肠!(你们爱大海胜过爱你们的朋友)而每个港口的汽笛之声(都仿佛在向你们的母亲,妻子与姐妹致敬)水手啊,你就这样悄没声息的离去却像从前那些日子,给我们带来无尽动荡。有时,生活风起浪涌有时,波涛平静安详而我,就像我该做的那样(就像我该做的那样)在深谷边安静的活着(安静的,在不幸的深谷之边)水手啊,我想你会为此自豪的(水手啊,我想你会为此自豪)我迎着大风洄旋之处居住就像你一样。

区别一下这几个单词 trademark brand register logo label



“商标”和“品牌”的区别。trade是指“注册”商标,brand是指品牌。1.Trademark 经过正式注册,并只合法地限于其拥有者或制造商使用 2.Brand 没有经过正式注册的,不受法律的保护



bruno mars on fire 中文歌词

keep crawling up touching ya", kissing ya", hugging ya"the ice is melting down your backcause there"s a flame between usgirl with every single touchits like your body strikes a matchi"mma need to stop drop and rollcause baby girl your heat"s out of controlfeels like i"m on fire, firemy body"s a Hundred degrees every time you standing next to mefeels like i"m on fire, firegirl you make me so hoti don"t want it to stop, nooh you got me burning up, burning up, burning up, ohso turn it up, turn it up some morefeels like i"m on fire, firemy temperature is higheri"m sweating with desirefeels like i"m on firethe smoke detector"s going offthe neighbour"s gonna make the callthe fire trucks are on their waynow we"re both turning redwe"ve been up and down the bedwe don"t care so we sayi"mma need to stop drop and rollcause baby girl your heat"s out of controlfeels like i"m on fire, firemy body"s a hundred degreesevery time you standing next to mefeels like i"m on fire, firegirl you make me so hoti don"t want it to stop, nooh you got me burning up, burning up, burning up, ohso turn it up, turn it up some morefeels like i"m on fire, firemy temperature is higheri"m sweating with desirefeels like i"m on firegirl we got the house burning downbut ain"t nobody gonna save us nowand i don"t care who"s knocking on the doori"mma give you more, more, morefeels like i"m on fire, firemy body"s a hundred degrees every time you standing next to mefeels like i"m on fire, firegirl you make me so hoti don"t want it to stop, nooh you got me burning up, burning up, burning up, ohso turn it up, turn it up some morefeels like i"m on fire, firemy temperature is higheri"m sweating with desirefeels like i"m on fire(feels like i"m on) fire, firemy body"s a hundred degreesevery time you standing next to mefeels like i"m on fire, firegirl yo要采纳哦

问一首英文歌 you broken my heart

camilla的<broken>吗?你可以BAIDU搜索 墨剐扼 1笼 Broken不知道你说的是不是这首

You Broke My Heart 歌词

歌曲名:You Broke My Heart歌手:The Vibrators专辑:The Best Of : 25 Years Of Pure ManiaAlexandra Burke - You Broke My HeartOooohhhYou know that I would follow youTo the end of the EarthAnd maybe I was kinda boldYou shouldn"t know my wordsI was waiting for the time to remind youYou were in loveWhat I gave was so incredibleBut it was never enoughYou took my loveAnd broke my heartYou took my smileAnd tore it apartYou left me cryingDown on the floorThe funny thing isI still want moreIf only you love me like I wanted you toBut you trick me into loving youYou tore me apartYou broke my heartYou charm me with your little waysYou knew the buttons of praiseAnd you said I was your everythingBut boy you couldn"t care lessAnd you said we"d be together foreverNow look what you"ve doneWhat I gave was so incredibleBut it was never enoughYou took my loveAnd broke my heartYou took my smileAnd tore it apartYou left me cryingDown on the floorThe funny thing isI still want moreIf only you love me like I wanted you toBut you trick me into loving youYou tore me apartYou broke my heartAll that I neededwas someone to hold meAnd all that I wantedwas someone to show mejust what it is to be lovedAnd I hoped that someone was youOohhhhYou took my loveAnd broke my heartYou took my smileAnd tore it apartYou left me cryingDown on the floorThe funny thing isI still want moreIf only you love me like I wanted you toBut you trick me into loving youYou broke my heartYou broke my heartYou tore me apartyou broke my heartYou broke my heart

twin brothers是什么意思




differential-algebraic equation是什么意思


Bruce Springsteen的《The Line》 歌词

歌曲名:The Line歌手:Bruce Springsteen专辑:The Ghost Of Tom JoadNoah And The Whale - The LineShe looks out her window,And the stars don"t feel that far away,She watches the wind blow,Blowing all her problems away,But then she"ll ask,As she cleans up the glass,"Is this the line?Is this the line?Is this the line between heaven and hell?Is this the line where I get up and walk out?Is this the line where you get drunk you yell?"She fixes her make-up,Treading lightly on the floor,Hoping he won"t wake up,As she makes her way towards the door,But then she"ll say,as she waves him away,"Is this the line?Is this the line?Is this the line between heaven and hell?Is this the line where I get up and walk out?Is this the line where you get drunk you yell?"She says "I"ve lived my life like a diamond,Bright and hard like a diamond",She says "I"ve lived my life like a diamond,Bright and hard like a diamond".


当笔记本出现系统故障时,通常都能利用“设置→更新和安全→恢复→重置此电脑”,即恢复出厂设置加以解决。 但是,当我们升级硬盘,又或是无法正常进入Windows 10系统时,往往就需要BIOS引导重装系统了。此外,在BIOS中,也往往隐藏着很多非常实用的功能。 进入BIOS的方法 和台式电脑相比,笔记本的BIOS被精简了很多,通常只保留了最基础的功能,并添加了许多笔记本特有的选项。需要注意的是,不同品牌笔记本进入BIOS的方法不尽相同,但大体上则可划分为两大思路。 第一种:通过“快速启动项”,通常是开机出现品牌Logo界面时,按下键盘的Esc或F12键(视不同品牌),在弹出的启动项目列表中选择BIOS即可。 不同品牌笔记本快速启动项功能可能存在差异 这种方式相对繁琐,更适合重装系统时,在Boot Menu启动项目列表中选择装有Windows 10镜像文件的闪存盘,无需进入BIOS。 第二种:直接进入BIOS,通常是开机出现品牌Logo界面时,按下键盘的F2或F10键(视不同品牌)。 如果你的笔记本在开机时总是无法进入BIOS,则可从下面几个方法中尝试解决。 无法进入BIOS的原因 微软从Windows 8系统开始引入了“快速启动”功能,当我们选择关机时其实并非关机,而是将当前系统文件写入硬盘,再次开机时只是恢复的过程(类似休眠和混合睡眠)。 如果你的笔记本总是无法进入BIOS,可以依次进入“控制面板→所有控制面板项→电源选项→系统设置”,先点击“更改当前不可用的设置”,再取消“启用快速启动(推荐)”前面的勾选。如此一来,关机再开机时就能正常进入BIOS了。 如果你觉得“快速启动”功能很好用,不想将其关闭,可以通过重启的方式(系统逻辑是先关机,后重启)进入BIOS。 笔记本键盘增加了特殊的“Fn”键,如果开机时按F2、F10、F12等键无法进入快速启动项和BIOS,可以尝试同时按“Fn+F2”、“Fn+F10”和“Fn+F12”,是不是就可以进入了? 导致这个问题的原因,是笔记本键盘位置有限,无法安装多余的多媒体控制键,不得不将音量调节、屏幕亮度、关闭显示器、飞行模式和键盘背光等功能与F1~F12键合二为一。 如果笔记本出厂时Fx键(x为数字,即F1~F12)的默认功能就是Fx,那就不影响我们一键进入BIOS;如果笔记本出厂时Fx键的默认是功能控制,那就需要同时按“Fn+Fx”才能进入BIOS了。 BIOS中的重要功能 笔记本的BIOS通常被分为“Information”(系统信息菜单)、“Configuration”(高级设置菜单)、“Security”(安全设置菜单)、“Boot”(启动设置菜单)和“Exit”(退出菜单)五个功能模块。 其中,高级设置菜单中功能最为丰富,比如HotKey Mode就能自定义Fx的默认功能。 几乎所有的笔记本都会在BIOS中集成OEM版Windows 10的Key(以家庭版为主),部分笔记本还会集成OEM版Office的Key,这类产品在重装系统和Office时可以自动激活。 在安全设置菜单中,最重要的设置选项就是“Secure Boot”(安全启动功能),如果你想降级重新安装Windows 7系统,必须将该选项设置为“Disabled”关闭状态。 在启动设置菜单中,Boot Mode和USB Boot 和重装系统有关,Windows 10系统最好工作在UEFI模式,只有打开USB Boot系统才能识别闪存盘从而重装系统。Fast Mode快速启动和Windows系统自带的快速启动无关,开启后将不显示启动画面,适合搭配SSD固态硬盘的笔记本开启。 游戏本的福利 我们都知道,英特尔酷睿处理器内都集成了具备流畅驾驭LOL级别游戏的核芯显卡,而笔记本屏幕默认都是由核显负责输出画面。当使用独立显卡运行大型3D游戏时,渲染的画面数据需要借道核显输出,存在一定的性能耗损。因此,是否支持独显直连(由独显直接向笔记本屏幕输出画面),已然成为了时下高端游戏本比拼的功能之一。 好消息是,现在有不少新一代游戏本都支持这项实用的功能,可以确保独显性能100%释放。比如联想拯救者可以通过随机软件,直接在Windows系统中就能实现两种显卡的直连切换。 其他游戏本则将该功能放在了BIOS中。以机械革命X3-S为例,具体的设置方法是开机时按F2进入BIOS,在Advance选项卡的Switchable Graphics选项中,将其设置为“dGPU only”即可(如果你想物理屏蔽独显延长续航,就设置为“iGPU only”)。 该游戏本出厂默认的显卡连接模式是“MsHybrid”(混合模式,独显核显自动切换),此时在资源管理器中可以同时看到独显和核显。 当在BIOS切换到独显直连模式后,重启电脑后你会发现资源管理器中就只剩下了独显。

brown eyed girl 代表色是什么?

应援色吗 没找到 成立时间:2006年3月2日 所属经纪公司 :NEGANETWORK 官方Fans名称:Everlasting(永恒的...)


B.E.G的《Abracadabra》音译歌词[佳人]一咯大米桥内噶 哟里哟里恰卡大 哭咯内噶诺带木 内do啦内噶 do卡那咯表内内噶[Narsha]诺大萌一鸟也大 举木能do 高咯内噶哭牛哇 几桥叫大啦 够 够[Jea]every night I feel with you[Miryo]do you love her do you love her[Jea]没一诺也顾所给[佳人]do you love me do you love me[Jea ]bring bring 诺冷内给噶叫他桥[Narsha]莫拉do难哈给所 脱含高do哈给所[Jea ]bling bling do嫩那也 fantasy yeah[佳人]摸等够 扣给所[Narsha]诺内噶 内噶 噶给所[佳人]摸恰嘛脱嫩内噶 一咯大嘎穷西能 no桥内噶do带切 为诺啦内噶 内码恩没怕kiao你噶[Narsha]几高金撒几内搭 举木能do 高咯内噶哭牛噶 脱咯桥大啦 够 够[Jea]every night I feel with you[Miryo]do you love her do you love her[Jea]没一那也古所给[佳人]do you love me do you love me[Jea]bring bring 诺冷内给噶叫他桥[Narsha]莫拉do难哈给所 脱含高do哈给所[Jea]bling bling do嫩那也 fantasy yeah[佳人]摸等够 扣给所[Narsha]诺内噶 内噶 噶给所[Miryo]I`m the Boo in the lsland 诺对掐ki wi含 plan没一噶起一 咯给那怒雷 诺郎韩嘛几码step哭牛也 所能恰够 哭牛哇 一蹦嘛举够哭咯诺冷桑桑 jo恰哈ki西咯 一举木内哟玩嫩西咯啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦 啦啦啦啦[佳人]啊不啦卡大不啦大 一聊桥啦[Miryo]Let`s gouh uhuhuh! ha hahaha!内给举木能高咯吧I`m like a supervisor诺痛截哈嫩 kaiser内给所bon丝 那素哦所 内给[Jea]bring bring 诺冷内给噶叫他桥[Narsha]莫拉do难哈给所 脱含高do哈给所[Jea]bling bling do嫩那也 fantasy yeah[佳人]摸等够 扣给所[Narsha]诺内噶 内噶 噶给所[佳人]一咯大米桥内噶 哟里哟里恰卡do 够咯内噶诺带木 内do啦内噶 do卡那咯表内内噶[Narsha]cool兰qio卡嫩内噶 no啦我大一龙内噶啊你瞧 诺满那咯噶 够 够by:有钱

韩国组合Brown Eyed Girls里面有些谁?

成员介绍   Jea  艺名:JeA 3123   原韩语名: 816535  英语译名:Kim Hyo Jin    中文译名:金孝珍  生日:1981年9月18日   身高:159cm  体重:46kg  血型:O型  职位:队长,主唱  兴趣:钢琴演奏,电影欣赏  理想型:有包容力,男子气概的男人  喜欢的音乐人:Eric Benet  经历:巴黎恋人OST,bodygard等等   MiRyo  艺名:MiRyo 0301   原韩语名:350365  英语译名:Cho Mi Hye  中文译名:赵美惠  生日:1981年11月2日   身高:163cm  体重:45kg  血型:A型  职位:Rapper   兴趣:弹吉他,音乐欣赏  理想型:时尚有幽默感的人  喜欢的音乐人:SEOTAIJI & BOYS,Michael Jackson  经历:HoneyFamily饶舌,Hanna的“bounce”配唱  CF:三星SENSQ320 with 林秀晶   NarSha  艺名:NarSha / NarCia 810913   原韩语名:026535  英语译名:Park Hyo Jin  中文译名:朴孝珍  生日:1981年12月28日  身高:158cm  体重:46kg  血型:A型  职位:主唱  兴趣:钢琴演奏,收集CD  理想型:有智慧的男人  喜欢的音乐人:尹美来,碧昂丝,仁顺儿  经历:主持人  综艺:《青春不败》 固定嘉宾  《明星金钟》 固定嘉宾  100202-强心脏 嘉宾    Gain  艺名:Gain   原韩语名:257537   英语译名:Son Ga In  中文译名:孙佳仁  生日:1987年9月20日  身高:163cm  体重:43kg  血型:B型  职位:主唱  兴趣:室内设计,舞蹈,电影欣赏  理想型:一见钟情的男人  喜欢的音乐人:D"SOUND  经历:Battle神话选拔  综艺:《家族的需要》 第一季固定嘉宾  综艺:《我们结婚了》 第二季固定嘉宾  电影:《我的爱在我身边》

brown eyed girls各个成员各叫什么名字?



那个短发女孩是孙佳仁 艺名: GaIn 本名: 孙佳仁【韩国组合Brown Eyed Girls 性感忙内】 别名: 佳仁 性感魅力的°GaIn 原韩语名: 英语译名: Son Ga In 非官方译名: 孙佳人 出生日期: 1987年09月20日 星座: 处女座 身高: 163cm 体重: 43kg 血型: B型 队内职位: 主唱、主领舞(主BEG主打曲)、性感&魅力代表 家族状况: 爸爸、妈妈、自己(独生女) 老公: 赵权(2AM)(共同出演MBC“我们结婚了Ⅱ”、夫妻称谓:亚当夫妇) 爱好: 室内设计、舞蹈、电影欣赏、种养植物 特长: 唱歌、舞蹈、室内设计、DIY 擅长语言: 韩语 外号: 兔子、兔兔、兔oppa、BABY-G、猴子(JeA取的)、傲慢女王、小不点(2PM的黄灿成取的) 性格: 外冷内热、感性、冷静、容易感动、很认生(因为严重认生、所以获得了多种评价) 理想型: 让人笑得要命的男人;稳重、tough的年上男;现在也可以接受年下男 亲近的艺人 :赵权、任瑟雍、郑镇云(2AM)、Nichkhun、玉泽演、黄灿成、朴宰范(2PM)、JOO、金泫雅(4Minute)、金宥真(After School) 喜欢的音乐人: D"SOUND、朴振英 中国粉丝名称: GAIN_ELT(Everlasting)永远的佳仁、兔饭(兔指佳仁、饭指粉丝:兔子的饭) 出道经历: Battle 神话 选拔、GaIn的演艺之路也挺坎坷的、一开始是参加选秀节目、因为五官不符合当时比赛想要的大眼美女因此在第一轮就被淘汰了。又生气又难过的GaIn跑去厕所拿拖把出气、一边哭一边摔拖把的样子被当时公司的作曲家安正勋看到了、因此被选入为BEG第四个成员。 所属组合: Brown Eyed Girls(成员:Jea 金孝珍、Miryo 赵美惠、Narsha 朴孝珍、Gain 孙佳仁) 固定组合: 4tomorrow(担任Vocal、其成员:After School 金宥真、4Minute 金泫雅、Kara 韩胜妍) 所属公司: Negawork

Jocelyn Brown的《True Love》 歌词

歌曲名:True Love歌手:Jocelyn Brown专辑:One From The Heart「TRUE LOVE」作词∶吉田将树作曲∶石冢知生歌∶John-Hoon见えない糸が仆らをつなぐ约束したように偶然でもめぐり逢って心を寄せてるこんなに谁かを浮かべることいままでなかった君が仆の胸の鼓动せつなくさせるそばにいてもI FEEL LONELYスキになる想うのは仆のTRUE LOVE世界中で君ひとり望むのは君のTRUE LOVE言叶では足りなくてすべてを守りたい 爱してる幸せ感じるこの幸せふと手を握って君が仆にくれるのはまぶしい未来感谢してるTHANK YOU FROM MEずっとずっとたいせつなひとへTRUE HEART开かれるドアがあるやすらぎという名のKEY持つ君のためだけに伝えたいよI LOVE YOUこれからも想うのは仆のTRUE LOVE世界中で君ひとり望むのは君のTRUE LOVE何度 めぐり逢ってもすべてを守りたい 爱してる【 おわり 】

The Everly Brothers的《True Love》 歌词

歌曲名:True Love歌手:The Everly Brothers专辑:Walk Right Back: The Everly Brothers On Warner Bros. 1960-1969真情难收 英文版《True love》I know it"s overwhen you walked out that dooryou said it"s over you found new lovehow can you leave mewhen you still still feel for mehow can you love him with your heartgive me one more chanceto show you my loveI"ll never let you downI will be there for youI will always love youI"ll always be by your sideI will never let gomy love will only showmy true love will be with you

Can you give a brief definition of culture shock? Provide two examples of culture shock, please.


这个程序提示illegal break,应该怎么改?

break这组语句已经不属于for循环体了若for循环内含有多条语句的话应该用{}括起来。而break应该用在循环内部 #include <stdio.h>main(){ double m,n,s=1.0; for (n=1;;n++) { m=1/((2*n-1)*(2*n)); s=s*m; if (s<0.0001) break; } printf("最终的积为%f",s);}

为啥会出现 illegal case和illegal break啊 非法的case和非法的break


程序中illegal break是什么意思,哪错了


下面程序错在哪里??? illegal continue :什么意思? illegal break :什么意思??

A break statement is legal only within a do, for, while, or switch statement.A continue statement is legal only within a do, for, or while statement. (MSDN)你的for语句后面加了 ; continue break就不在for循环里面了,就是illegal...

求一首mona lisa-Sabrina Carpenter唱的, MP3下载链接,谢谢。


brad paisley the mona lisa歌词

Now there are men who make historyThere are men who change the worldAnd there are men like meThat simply find the right girlAnd in that very moment, it all becomes clearWhat I"m meant to do, the reason I"m hereNow every night I thank the Lord I found youAnd every time I put my arms around youI feel like the framethat gets to hold the Mona LisaAnd I don"t care if that"s all I ever doIt never fails, we walk in a roomNobody sees me,they"re all lookin" at youI disappear but that"s fine with meI feel the same way, you"re all I can seeNow they"ve written booksabout da Vinci"s museNow I know it wasn"tbut it shoulda been you"Cause I feel like the framethat gets to hold the Mona LisaAnd I don"t care if that"s all I ever doWhy don"t we run off to Pariswhile we"re still youngWe could drink a little wine,have a little funI could tell you I love youin a foreign tongueWe could work on our Frenchin more ways than oneI could take your hand,we could walk in the LouvreI could show "em real beauty,let "em get a load of you"Cause I feel like the framethat gets to hold the Mona LisaAnd I don"t care if that"s all I ever doI feel like the framethat gets to hold the Mona LisaAnd I don"t care if that"s all I ever do

我的C语言有误,请问为什么是illegal break?

不懂C语言 。。。。。。。。。。。

Mona Lisa heartbreaker中文歌词

Heartbreaker 令人心碎的女孩 Deceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighs 迷人的眼睛,她让我充满着欲望 She only knows how low that she can go 她只知道她的尺度有多低 She speaks the lines that can control my mind 她的甜言蜜语控制了我的思绪 Wherever she goes I know my eyes follow 无论她去哪儿,我的目光总是跟随 She blew a kiss, I swear that it was meant 她奉上一吻 Only for me, then spoke with her body 我断定那只是给我的,便过去搭讪 Her only goal is just to take control 她的目标紧紧是得到主控 And I can"t believe that I can"t tell her no 我简直不敢相信我无法拒绝 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her 该看穿 She"s a heartbreaker 她是个会让我心碎的人 She plays a game with such an innocent face 她用她那张如此无辜的面孔玩着游戏 I didn"t know heartbreaking was her case 我并不知道她会让我心碎 Her actions confess and put me through the test 她的行动证明把我推向试验台 I was surprised that I was caught inside 我惊异于我内心以被她吸引了 Now she"s thinking that I will never know 现在她的想法我将永远都想不透 And she"ll keep playing until I let her go 她一直玩弄着知道我让她离去 But I hope in time that she will finally realize 我希望她最后能及时地意识到 I"m onto her game and she"ll get played the same 我已开始认真,她也该如此 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen it coming heartbreaker 该看出我的心会碎的 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her 该看穿 She"s a heartbreaker 她是个会让我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her she"s a heartbreaker 该看穿她是个会让我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen it coming heartbreaker 该看出我的心会碎的 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her 该看穿 She"s a heartbreaker 她是个会让我心碎的人 I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about you 我从未想过我要停止梦想得到你 Stop being without you 停止没有你的生活 But everyone told me so, to stop caring about you 但所有人都告诉我不要再在乎你了 And start being without you 开始没有你的生活 But I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without you 我最终一定会找到出路并开始与你无关的生活 And stop talkin" about you 停止谈论你 And what will she say? 但她说了什么? She will say I was the man that got away 她会说我是个逃避感情的男人 Rap That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her she"s a heartbreaker 该看穿她是个会让我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen it coming heartbreaker 该看出我的心会碎的 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her 该看穿 She"s a heartbreaker 她是个会让我心碎的人

heartbreaker mona lisa唱的歌词

Heartbreaker 令人心碎的女孩 Deceitful eyes, she"s got those come get me thighs 迷人的眼睛,她让我充满着欲望 She only knows how low that she can go 她只知道她的尺度有多低 She speaks the lines that can control my mind 她的甜言蜜语控制了我的思绪 Wherever she goes I know my eyes follow 无论她去哪儿,我的目光总是跟随 She blew a kiss, I swear that it was meant 她奉上一吻 Only for me, then spoke with her body 我断定那只是给我的,便过去搭讪 Her only goal is just to take control 她的目标紧紧是得到主控 And I can"t believe that I can"t tell her no 我简直不敢相信我无法拒绝 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her 该看穿 She"s a heartbreaker 她是个会让我心碎的人 She plays a game with such an innocent face 她用她那张如此无辜的面孔玩着游戏 I didn"t know heartbreaking was her case 我并不知道她会让我心碎 Her actions confess and put me through the test 她的行动证明把我推向试验台 I was surprised that I was caught inside 我惊异于我内心以被她吸引了 Now she"s thinking that I will never know 现在她的想法我将永远都想不透 And she"ll keep playing until I let her go 她一直玩弄着知道我让她离去 But I hope in time that she will finally realize 我希望她最后能及时地意识到 I"m onto her game and she"ll get played the same 我已开始认真,她也该如此 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen it coming heartbreaker 该看出我的心会碎的 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her 该看穿 She"s a heartbreaker 她是个会让我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her she"s a heartbreaker 该看穿她是个会让我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen it coming heartbreaker 该看出我的心会碎的 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her 该看穿 She"s a heartbreaker 她是个会让我心碎的人 I never thought that I would stop dreamin" about you 我从未想过我要停止梦想得到你 Stop being without you 停止没有你的生活 But everyone told me so, to stop caring about you 但所有人都告诉我不要再在乎你了 And start being without you 开始没有你的生活 But I"ll find a way to go and start doin" without you 我最终一定会找到出路并开始与你无关的生活 And stop talkin" about you 停止谈论你 And what will she say? 但她说了什么? She will say I was the man that got away 她会说我是个逃避感情的男人 Rap That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have known she was a heartbreaker 该知道她是个会令我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her she"s a heartbreaker 该看穿她是个会让我心碎的人 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen it coming heartbreaker 该看出我的心会碎的 That girl I can"t take her 我不能得到那个女孩 Should have seen right through her 该看穿 She"s a heartbreaker 她是个会让我心碎的人 出自2001年专辑《Invincible》。 追问: 这个我看过了,对不上去。 回答: 歌词链接 复制歌词 查看LRC歌词 已成功复制歌词 look out (x3) where its at i know karma"s coming to pay me back im with the sweetest thang thats on the map i broke her heart in 30 seconds flat in 30 seconds flat now how did i just how did i become that kind of guy to look at girl and lie right in the eye my momma told me willy that aint right boy now that aint right im s s s sorry im s s s sorry i didnt mean to break your heart im s s s sorry im s s s sorry i didnt mean to break ya b b b b break it baby look baby im a heartbreaker (x6) im a heart a h h h h im a heart a h h h im a where she go i got some things i gotta let her know to fix the love now its impossible but baby baby if we take it slow if we take it slow we can make it work we just cant throw the love down in the dirt you probly think that im a f**kin jerk cuz the way i let you down it made you hurt i didnt mean to make you hurt im s s s sorry im s s s sorry i didnt mean to break your heart im s s s sorry im s s s sorry i didnt mean to break ya b b b b break it baby look baby im a heartbreaker (x6) im a heart a h h h h im a heart a h h h ima break it down lets break it down ... ooh... so so so sorry so so so sorry ooh... im s s s sorry im s s s sorry i didnt mean to break your heart im s s s sorry im s s s sorry i didnt mean to break ya b b b b break it baby look baby im a heartbreaker (x6) im a heart a h h h h im a heart a h h h ima ~~~~ END

James Brown的《Mona Lisa》 歌词

歌曲名:Mona Lisa歌手:James Brown专辑:Godfather Of SoulNat King Cole - Mona LisaMona Lisa, Mona Lisa, men have named youYou"re so like the lady with the mystic smileIs it only cause youre lonely they have blamed you?For that Mona Lisa strangeness in your smile?Do you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa?Or is this your way to hide a broken heart?Many dreams have been brought to your doorstepThey just lie there and they die thereAre you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa?Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?instrumental interludeDo you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa?Or is this your way to hide a broken heart?Many dreams have been brought to your doorstepThey just lie there and they die thereAre you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa?Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa

Britney Spears的《Mona Lisa》 歌词

歌曲名:Mona Lisa歌手:Britney Spears专辑:The Singles CollectionMona Lisa Britney SpearsThis is the story about Mona LisaLadies and gentlemen,I"ve got a little story to tellAbout Mona Lisa and how she suddenly fell(凶恶)You see everyone knew her, they knew her oh so wellNow I am taking over to release(释放) her from her spell(咒语)she"s the original(最早的),yeah,yeahShe"s unforgettable(没有焦点的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahShe"s been cloned(克隆)It"s kinda of incredible(不可思议的),yeah,yeahShe"s so unpredictable(不可预知的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahShe"s been cloned(克隆)×3She was taken under, drowing in her seaRunning like an angel,she was crying and could not see (oh no)And see everyone"s watching as she starts to fallThey want her to breakdown and be a legend(传说) of her fallshe"s the original(最早的),yeah,yeahShe"s unforgettable(没有焦点的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahShe"s been cloned(克隆)It"s kinda of incredible(不可思议的),yeah,yeahShe"s so unpredictable(不可预知的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahShe"s been cloned(克隆)×3Ladies does that make you cry?Mona Lisa"s got to flyNobody really diesEveryone, may we have a moment of silence(沉默)? Right Here.she"s the original(最早的),yeah,yeahShe"s unforgettable(没有焦点的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahShe"s been cloned(克隆)It"s kinda of incredible(不可思议的),yeah,yeahShe"s so unpredictable(不可预知的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahThat she"s home,that she"s homeshe"s the original(最早的),yeah,yeahShe"s unforgettable(没有焦点的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahShe"s been cloned(克隆)It"s kinda of incredible(不可思议的),yeah,yeahShe"s so unpredictable(不可预知的),yeah,yeahShe wants you to know,yeahThat she"s home,that she"s home,that she"s home

James Brown & The Famous Flames的《Mona Lisa》 歌词

歌曲名:Mona Lisa歌手:James Brown & The Famous Flames专辑:James Brown The Singles Volume 4: 1966-1967Nat King Cole - Mona LisaMona Lisa, Mona Lisa, men have named youYou"re so like the lady with the mystic smileIs it only cause youre lonely they have blamed you?For that Mona Lisa strangeness in your smile?Do you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa?Or is this your way to hide a broken heart?Many dreams have been brought to your doorstepThey just lie there and they die thereAre you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa?Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?instrumental interludeDo you smile to tempt a lover, Mona Lisa?Or is this your way to hide a broken heart?Many dreams have been brought to your doorstepThey just lie there and they die thereAre you warm, are you real, Mona Lisa?Or just a cold and lonely lovely work of art?Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa

James Brown的《Mona Lisa》 歌词

歌曲名:Mona Lisa歌手:James Brown专辑:The Silver CollectionRobin Thicke - Mona LisaI"m gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my babyCause your giving me the signsIt"s just a matter of time till your mineSo you stay on my mind 24/7 on my mindAnd I keep reading into every one of your moves,Every little thing you doThinking should I pursue you, should i pursue youSo i start making plans. Take you out to slow dance.Light up a romance. Wrap your hands in my hands.Then I hold you. We get closer.And I want you.And I want to drive you crazy, love. How can I just let go,If your eyes say 1, but you won"t fall in love?If I were a painter, you"d be my mona lisa.If I were a scientist baby, Id find the right chemistry.So you say yes to me, and I keep hanging on, hanging on.Till you say yes to me, say yes to me, say yesI"m gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my babyI"m gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my babySo I"m back in my room.Yesterday"s ended too soon, way too soon.Staring at the canvas, watching the time pass by.I got all the wrong colors spread out around me.My glass of champagne is almost empty.Every stroke I make is a stroke on your body.Run my mind through your hair, its only you I see.So i start making plans. Take you out to slow dance.Light up a romance. Wrap your hands in my hands.Then I hold you. We get closer.And I want you.And I want to drive you crazy, love. How can I just let go,If your eyes say 1, but you won"t fall in love?If I were a painter, you"d be my mona lisa.If I were a scientist baby, Id find the right chemistry.So you say yes to me, and I keep hanging on, hanging on.Till you say yes to me, say yes to me, say yesI"m gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my babyI"m gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my babyI"m gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my babyI"m gonna drive you crazy, untill you be my baby

歌词do you remember remember。。。when you break my heart。是什么歌,女歌手的

是SHE 的remember

阅读理解。 The British Museum is the big?

1-5 DBADC,1,阅读理解。 The British Museum is the biggest museum in the world. Inside, you feel *** aller than usual. There are many things to see. The story of the British Museum goes back three hundred years to one unusual man, Sir Hans Sloane, doctor to King George II. The doctor collected books, drawings, clothes, money, animals, flowers, things from all over the world. The doctor wanted everything to stay together when he died, so that people could e and have a look. The British Museum began. King George II gave his library, and the museum started to grow. The British Museum opened in 1759, six years after Sir Hans Sloane died. At first the museum was only open three days a week and only ten people could enter in an hour. There wasn"t much time to see things. Visitors had to run though the rooms. By about 1800, things began to get better. Wonderful statues, three thousand years old, arrived from Egypt. King George IV sold all his books to the museum secretly. A hundred years ago not only old books but also new ones arrived at the museum, and more people came to read them. Since them many famous men have written and studied there. And the library is growing faster and faster. There are four kilometers of new shelves every year and there are about two million visitors every year. 1. Sir Hans Sloane was interested in ______. A. collecting all kinds of books B. collecting all kinds of drawings C. collecting all kinds of money D. collecting all kinds of things 2. When you go inside the British Museum, you feel *** aller than usual because ______. A. the museum is empty B. the museum is very big C. there are too many things in it D. you are too *** all 3. Sir Hans Sloane died ______. A. in 1753 B. in 1759 C. in 1765 D. in 1800 4. At first, the visitors had to run through the museum because ______. A. there are only several things to see B. the museum was the biggest one in the world C. they were not interested in the things in it D. they had only one hour to see all the things in it 5. The passage is mainly about ______. A. Sir Hans Sloane B. George II C. the history of British Museum D. the books in the museum

Java文件怎么读WebRoot 下面images文件下的aa.jpg 文件啊

先获取绝对路径 : String path = request.getSession().getServletContext().getRealPath("/")+ "\images\";然后是IO操作:Image[] array = new Image[10];Image image = File(path));array[0] = image;已经读到图片了,接下来怎么处理,就看具体情况了。

Breakout (Live) 歌词

歌曲名:Breakout (Live)歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:Bon JoviBreakoutThis time girl I"ve had enoughYou"re too hot to handle with kid glovesIt"s too late I hear a knock on the doorThe game"s over baby I can"t take it no moreBreakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownPromises made me in the heat of the night (Whoa-oh-oh)Those words were broken under bedroom lights (Whoa-oh)Your lips they burn your body calls my name (Whoa-oh)I can feel the fire but it"s all in vain (Whoa-oh)Breakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownBreakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownYou say we"ll meet around midnightYou"re gonna make me feel oh so rightI"m saying oh no not tonightYou gotta let me goBreakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownBreakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownYou say we"ll meet around midnightYou"re gonna make me feel oh so rightI"m saying oh no not tonightYou gotta let me go

Bon Jovi的《Breakout》 歌词

歌曲名:Breakout歌手:Bon Jovi专辑:2 CdBreakoutThis time girl I"ve had enoughYou"re too hot to handle with kid glovesIt"s too late I hear a knock on the doorThe game"s over baby I can"t take it no moreBreakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownPromises made me in the heat of the night (Whoa-oh-oh)Those words were broken under bedroom lights (Whoa-oh)Your lips they burn your body calls my name (Whoa-oh)I can feel the fire but it"s all in vain (Whoa-oh)Breakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownBreakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownYou say we"ll meet around midnightYou"re gonna make me feel oh so rightI"m saying oh no not tonightYou gotta let me goBreakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownBreakout, breakoutTake these chains from meYou held my heart for ransomBaby, set it freeBreakout, breakoutYour lies can"t hide what I seeI"m better off on my ownYou say we"ll meet around midnightYou"re gonna make me feel oh so rightI"m saying oh no not tonightYou gotta let me go

breakbulk和bulk cargo 有什么区别?

breakbulk和bulk cargo的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、意思不同1、breakbulk:杂货,零担。2、bulk cargo:大宗货物。二、用法不同1、breakbulk:作为一个运输单位而包装的一定量物资,有时有特殊规格或安排。break-bulk有“杂货”的意思,也可作动词当“卸货”讲,在报关单的“标记唛码(MARKS AND NUMBERS)”栏会出现breakbulk的字样。2、bulk cargo:散装货(bulkcargo)是指不需要包装,散装在船甲板上或船舱中的大宗货物,如煤、粮食、矿砂和石油等。这类商品的装卸需要有相应的码头装卸设备,有的还需要特殊的运输工具,如油轮。三、侧重点不同1、breakbulk:breakbulk是分散包装的。2、bulk cargo:bulk cargo是一大堆包在一起。

Bulk fabric是什么意思?


breakbulk和bulk cargo 有什么区别?

Breakbulk Cargo packed in separate packages or individual pieces of cargo, loaded, stowed and unloaded individually, as distinct from bulk cargo.breakbulk 是 分散包装的bulk cargo 是一大堆包在一起



breakbulk和bulk cargo 有什么区别?



生物试剂 (BR:Biological reagent)这涉及到化学试剂分类。我国的试剂规格基本上按纯度(杂质含量的多少)划分,共有高纯、光谱纯、基准、分光纯、优级纯、分析和化学纯等7种。国家和主管部门颁布质量指标的主要优级纯、分级纯和化学纯3种。 (1)优级纯(GR:Guaranteed reagent),又称一级品或保证试剂,99.8%,这种试剂纯度最高,杂质含量最低,适合于重要精密的分析工作和科学研究工作,使用绿色瓶签。 (2)分析纯(AR),又称二级试剂,纯度很高,99.7%,略次于优级纯,适合于重要分析及一般研究工作,使用红色瓶签。 (3)化学纯(CP),又称三级试剂,≥ 99.5%,纯度与分析纯相差较大,适用于工矿、学校一般分析工作。使用蓝色(深蓝色)标签。 (4)实验试剂(LR:Laboratory reagent),又称四级试剂。 除了上述四个级别外,目前市场上尚有: 基准试剂(PT:Primary Reagent):专门作为基准物用,可直接配制标准溶液。 光谱纯试剂(SP:Spectrum pure):表示光谱纯净。但由于有机物在光谱上显示不出,所以有时主成分达不到99.9%以上,使用时必须注意,特别是作基准物时,必须进行标定。 纯度远高于优级纯的试剂叫做高纯试剂(≥ 99.99%)。目前,国外试剂厂生产的化学试剂的规格趋向于按用途划分,常见的如下:生化试剂 (BC:Biochemical)生物试剂 (BR:Biological reagent)生物染色剂 (BS:Biological Stain)络合滴定用 (FCM:For Complexometry)层析用0S-J1[ j;B2~(F1v7G分析化学,论坛,化学分析,仪器分析,分析测试,色谱,电泳,光谱 (FCP:For chromatography purpose)荧光分析(FIA)微生物用(FMB)显微镜用 (FMP:For microscopic purpose)合成用-[6]#f!g6M#s.u5)]^ (FS:For synthesis)气相色谱0S,~.L1t3k7`-{"E (GC:Gas chromatography)高压液相色谱 (HPLC:High Pressure Liquid chromatography)指示剂9K5R-}-s;_9t分析化学,论坛,化学分析,仪器分析,分析测试,色谱,电泳,光谱 (Ind:Indicator)红外吸收(IR)液相色谱(LC)核磁共振(NMR)有机分析标准6a1Z2m:d*A7K+x分析化学论坛 (OSA:Organic analytical standard)分析用(PA:Pro analysis)实习用 (Pract: Practical use)(\(T&e- Y5G-N%MPur (Pure purum 纯)Puriss (Purissmum 特纯)合成(SYN)工业用Tech:Techincal grade)薄层色谱(TLC:Thin Layer chromatography)分光纯、光学纯、紫析分光光度纯$v7)(UV:Ultra violet pure)

"Cambridge/Oxford Certificate in Advanced English, or Certificate of proficiency "指什么?



breast的意思:n.乳房;胸脯。vt.(以胸)对着。一、单词发音。英[brest]美[brest]。二、短语搭配。1、breast feeding.(妇产)母乳喂养;喂哺母乳;人乳哺育;喂养母乳。2、breast line.跟胸线;中央系索;横缆;腰缆。3、breast fleece.绒布胸衬;有绒毛的棉布胸衬;热熔衬。三、不同形式。复数breasts;第三人称单数breasts;现在分词breasting;过去式breasted;过去分词breasted。四、同近义词。1、n.(解剖)乳房,胸部;胸怀;心情。(chest/uber)。2、vt.以胸对着;与什么搏斗。(be at grips with)。含breast的双语例句:1、I kept the list in mybreast pocket.(我把单子放在胸前的暗袋里。)2、Our country has an enviable record onbreast screening for cancer.(我们国家在乳腺癌检查方面有着令人羡慕的纪录。)3、Fortunately, cancer of thebreast in young women is uncommon.(幸运的是,年轻妇女患乳腺癌的情况不常见。)4、Withbreast cancer, as with many common diseases, there is no obvious breakthrough on the horizon.(就乳腺癌来说,如同许多常见病一样,目前还看不到明显的突破。)

when my wife molly had breast cancer


有没有一个叫breast cancer的英国期刊

Breast cancer (Tokyo, Japan)NLM 缩写:Breast Cancer 出版国家:Japan 出版地:Tokyo 出版商:Maruzen Co. 出版周期:季刊 创刊年份:1994 语言:英语 SCI收录:YES

invasive breast cancer是什么意思


luminal breast canser 什么意思


请教Breast cancer research杂志

专业领域:乳腺癌杂志国家:美国投稿系统:是否收版面费:是分享的经验或教训:1、投稿20天左右可以发信问一问,我投的时候用了差不多一个晚上,网络太拥挤太慢。所以误以为结束了,但是实际上没有递交成功。白白的耽误了两个月。我的催问信 ,供参考:Dear Dr. Lewis A Chodosh ,(该杂志主编)We submitted a paper entitled " *** " (Manuscript ID: 5340265452290289) on October 15, 2008. About 50 days has past, but the manuscript is still under review. I am quite anxious for the current status regarding our paper. And how long dose the review progress last, usually?When can we receive your decision letter?Looking forward to yours reply!Kind regards.Yours sincerely,***2、投这个杂志主要是身边有师兄投了,而且中了。该杂志偏重于临床,乳腺癌患者或荷瘤动物研究,可能比细胞系研究有优势。当然文章要有新意,那就不必说了。3、杂志的速度不算太快。你若急着赶时间,建议稿投其他速度快的杂志。

乳腺癌诊断的Advances in Breast Cancer

Advances in Breast Cancer Research (ABCR) is an open access journal published quarterly. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for doctors and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in breast cancer related problems.乳腺癌研究进展(ABCR),是一个开放存取期刊,由美国科研出版社每季度出版。这本杂志的目的是提供一个平台,让世界各地的医生和学者推动,分享和讨论乳腺癌相关各种新的问题和新的发展。包括以下相关研究领域:Biochemical basis of breast cancerBiomarkers of breast cancerCellular research in breast cancerEnhanced survival and quality of life for breast cancer patientGenetic basis of breast cancerNormal mammary gland biologyPopulation-based biologically motivated models of breast carcinogenesis andthe models of prognosis of breast cancer risk and outcomes (survival/mortality);SEER-Medicare based analyses of factors affecting survival of breast cancer patients:the quality of breast cancer treatment and the end-of-life care among the elderly patients with breast cancer.

BRCA1 和BRCA2 是什么 有什么作用啊

乳腺癌易感基因:BRCA1和BRCA2 乳腺癌是发达国家妇女最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,据估计2007年全球有130万乳腺癌新发患者,有超过46万的患者死于乳腺癌,在英国每12位妇女中就有一位可能患乳腺癌。中国近年来乳腺癌发病率高居女性恶性肿瘤的首位,并以3%以上的速度逐年递增,保守估计全国每年有4万多妇女死于此病。但其发病机制目前尚不清楚,主要归纳为遗传易感性、内分泌失调、通过哺乳传染病毒颗粒等。研究者认为大约5%的乳腺癌是由于基因突变引起的,其中肿瘤抑制基因BRCA1和BRCA2与乳腺癌发病的关系较为密切,研究证实,BRCA1突变者40岁以前发生乳腺癌的概率高达19%。BRCA1基因在不同地区和种族中的突变不尽相同。 1995年,科学家首次克隆乳腺癌和卵巢癌敏感基因BRCA1和BRCA2。这两个基因能编码具有多重功能的蛋白,其突变表型往往具有诱发乳腺癌和卵巢癌的趋向。目前所知BRCA1和BRCA2与同源重组、DNA损伤修复、胚胎生长、转录调控等均有关。其中,尤以两者在DNA损伤修复、同源重组和转录调控中的功能最为显著和重要,因为这些功能的确定将有助于探讨和阐明BRCA1和BRCA2的肿瘤抑制功能及其机理,这正是近年来癌症学家致力于研究BRCA1和BRCA2的目的所在。 BRCA1定位于人类17号染色体q21。以常染色体显性遗传方式遗传,并有很高的外显率。自1990年Hall等发现与家族性乳腺癌相关,1994年被Miki等人用定位克隆技术成功克隆和分离后,国内外学者对其进行了广泛而深入的研究。BRCA1长约100 kb,含24个外显子。其基因产物是1863个氨基酸所构成的磷酸化蛋白质,相对分子量约200000。 BRCA1是调控G/M期关键点的调控因子,是激活Chkl激酶所必需的,而后者对DNA损伤时诱导G/M 期阻滞起重要作用。同时,BRCA1 还控制了Cdc25C和Cdc2/Cyclin B1激酶蛋白的表达、磷酸化以及胞内定位的调节,这两种蛋白对细胞周期过程中G/M期的顺利进行起重要作用。BRCA1在有丝分裂期定位于中心体,并且与中心体的重要组成成分γ-微管蛋白相互作用。p53也能反过来抑制BRCA1的表达,借此达到稳定自身的作用。野生型的BRCA1还能诱导凋亡并且抑制雌激素依赖性转录通路,该通路与乳腺上皮细胞增生有关,基因突变后抑制作用减弱而致病。此外野生型的BRCA1还能调节前列腺素的活性。 BRCA2基因在1994年由Wooster等发现,定位于13号染色体q12。全基因组DNA长约70kb,其中编码区含有10987bp,且富含AT(约64%),其基因序列与BRCA1无明显关系。BRCA2由27个外显子组成,其中第11个外显子长约4932bp,mRNA长约10.2kb,编码的BRCA2蛋白含3418个氨基酸。 正常BRCA2蛋白位于细胞核内,参与DNA 的修复。在细胞周期的扩增期的表达方式和BRCA1相似,即在静止期的细胞中检测不到该基因的转录。在快速增殖的细胞中BRCA2 mRNA的表达明显增多,且表现出细胞周期依赖性,在G0期和G1早期是低的,在G1/S期分界时达到高峰。这些结果表明BRCA2对于细胞生长的调节有着重要作用。许多研究表明:BRCA2蛋白与遗传性乳腺癌、卵巢癌及范康尼氏贫血症的发生具有密切关系,猜测其与双链DNA损伤修复有关,但具体作用模式与机制仍不清楚。 目前, BRCA1、BRCA2与乳腺癌之间的密切关系已经受到越来越广泛的重视,研究也日趋深入。BRCA1、BRCA2与家族遗传性乳腺癌的高度相关性已经毋庸置疑。通过对BRCA1的检测,可以反映乳腺癌的发生发展,也可筛检出乳腺癌、卵巢癌及其他相关恶性肿瘤的高危人群,利于该类疾病的早期诊断治疗。虽然BRCA2抑癌作用的具体机制、途径尚未明了,但是通过对BRCA2检测,可以早期发现乳腺癌及其他几种恶性肿瘤,如前列腺癌、卵巢癌等,并可选择合理有效的治疗方案。 研究还表明,或可通过检测上述两种基因突变,进行预防性的外科手术或化学药物预防。并且,据最新报道(Lancet 2010;376:235-244),一种新型的口服多聚ADP核糖聚合酶olaparib能诱导BRCA缺陷的细胞合成致死,可用于BRCA1或BRCA2突变的晚期乳腺癌女性,最常见的药物相关的不良反应事件为疲乏、恶心、呕吐和贫血。而低剂量组最常见恶心和疲乏。该研究为BRCA缺陷的乳腺癌的个性化治疗提供了依据。
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