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通过理解单词根据语义联想记忆。“broad”意思是“宽的”,“a-”加强语义,根据语义联想,“路很宽很宽很宽……”宽到了“国外”,这样就把abroad记下了!注意词性是副词。“board”意思是“登机,登船”,aboard语义跟它基本接近,意思是“在船上,在飞机上”。同样地,词性是副词。一、abroad1、含义:adv. 到国外;广为流传。adj. 在国外;海外(一般作表语)2、用法abroad的基本意思是“到国外,在国外”,即某人到或在别的国家(一国或几国),可指到国外旅游或办事,也可指在国外居住或工作。在正式文体中abroad还可表示“到处流传,广泛流传,四下流传,广为人知”。在口语中abroad还可表示“莫名其妙,完全不是那么回事”。作“在户外,到室外”解是古旧用法。abroad在句中可用作状语、表语,也可修饰名词作后置定语。Are you going abroad for your holidays?你打算去国外度假吗?二、aboard1、含义:adv. 在船上;在火车上;在飞机上。prep. 上船;上飞机;上车。2、用法aboard的基本意思有二,表示状态时意为“在船〔飞机,火车,公共汽车等〕上 ”,表示方向时意为“上船〔飞机,火车,公共汽车等〕”,所涉及的交通工具规模通常较大,故不常与car等连用。偶尔也可见与horse连用的情况。aboard在英式英语中原先表示“在船上”或“上船”;美式英语则从船舶扩展到多种交通工具上,如飞机、火车、公共汽车等。美国英语的这种用法后来在英国也逐渐有人使用,不过仍以用在船舶上为多。All passengers aboard fell into the river.船上所有乘客皆落入河中。扩展资料:近义词:board。board一、含义:n. 木板;布告板;董事会;船舷或机舱;伙食;舞台。v. 登(飞机、车、船等);接受乘客;有偿提供食宿;搭伙;用木板覆盖。二、用法board的基本意思是“木板”,多指形状是片状的、较硬的、木质地板儿,也可指为了特殊的目的而设计的板状物,是可数名词。board的另外一个意思是“膳食费”“膳食”,尤指学校为学生提供的食宿,且时间往往较长,是不可数名词。Paste down the map on the board.把这张地图用浆糊贴在布告板上。


Abroad的意思:作副词时主要意为“在国外;到海外”。作形容词时主要意为“往国外的”。作名词时主要意为“海外;异国”。一、短语搭配abroad student留学生 ; 留门生 ; 留学 ; 去外国去外国去外国院investment abroad国外投资 ;[金融]对外投资额 ; 境外投资 ; 海外投资live abroad国外定居 ; 住在国外 ; 生活在国外 ; 居住国外Innocents Abroad傻子国外旅行记 ; 异乡奇遇 ; 海外风光 ; 傻子出国记Innocence Abroad无知者无畏 ; 无知者恐惧spread abroad传开 ; 传将出去Abroad moon他乡明月get abroad消息等Visiting abroad出国经历 ; 因公出国二、双语例句She and I for gathered abroad.她和我在国外邂逅。Take me next time you go abroad.下次你去国外,带我一起去。Shall those goods from abroad be sent to you at once?从国外运来的那些货物要不要马上送到你们那儿?。


1、abroad,英语单词,可以用作为“副词、形容词、名词”,作副词时主要意为“在国外;到海外”。作形容词时主要意为“往国外的”。作名词时主要意为“海外;异国”。2、[例句]Shes moving abroad to make a fresh start.她要移居国外,开始新的生活。

【abroad 中文】一分钟了解英文「abroad」的意思!

abroad 中文 意思是指「在国外;到国外」的意思。abroad 通常只当作副词用,没有动词的型态。abroad很常跟aboard搞混,aboard 是指上船(或飞机、公共汽车、火车等)的意思,跟abroad的中文意思是不一样得喔,要特别注意! 下面列举出abroad的英文用法、英文例句跟中文意思,赶快学起来吧! 1.abroad 在国外;到国外 [副词] abroad当成副词的时候,中文意思是指「在国外;到国外」的意思。 abroad相关英文字汇跟中文意思: 例:He"s currently abroad on business. 目前他在国外出差。 例:She always go abroad in the summer. 她夏天总是到国外去。 abroad 中文, abroad 中文意思, abroad 中文的意思, abroad 中文解释, abroad 意思, abroad 用法, abroad 翻译, 英文 abroad


abroad 英[əˈbrɔ:d] 美[əˈbrɔd] adv. 到国外,在海外;广为流传地 adj. 往国外的 n. 海外,异国 [例句]He bought more mines abroad.~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,互相帮助,祝共同进步!




adv. 到国外;广为流传。adj. 在国外;海外(一般作表语)。读音:abroad英 [ə"brɔːd]     美 [ə"brɔːd]    语法:abroad的基本意思是“到国外,在国外”,即某人到或在别的国家(一国或几国),可指到国外旅游或办事,也可指在国外居住或工作。在正式文体中abroad还可表示“到处流传,广泛流传,四下流传,广为人知”。在口语中abroad还可表示“莫名其妙,完全不是那么回事”。作“在户外,到室外”解是古旧用法。abroad在句中可用作状语、表语,也可修饰名词作后置定语。abroad不用于比较等级。abroad不可用在介词in或to之后,但可说from abroad,意思是“从国外”。abroad的反义词不是home,而是at home。“国内外”说(both) at home and abroad ,是固定短语。abroad与aboard拼写和读音均相近,但词义不同,注意不要混淆。用法示例:用作副词 (adv.)He is travelling abroad.他要到国外旅行。He lived abroad for many years.他在国外居住了许多年。The news spread abroad.那消息四处传播。There"s a rumour abroad that she intends to leave the company.谣言盛传她打算离开公司。词汇搭配:用作副词 (adv.)动词+~go abroad 出国live abroad 旅居国外spread abroad 传开travel abroad 在国外旅行be all abroad 感到莫名其妙名词+~holiday abroad 在国外度过的假期tour abroad 出国旅行介词+~at home and abroad 国内外from abroad 从国外


abroad是到国外;广为流传;在国外;海外的意思。1、读音英 [ə"brɔːd]; 美 [ə"brɔːd] 2、例句He lived abroad for many years.他在国外居住了许多年。3、短语go abroad 出国live abroad 旅居国外spread abroad 传开travel abroad 在国外旅行abroad使用注意事项1、abroad的基本意思是到国外,在国外,即某人到或在别的国家(一国或几国),可指到国外旅游或办事,也可指在国外居住或工作。在正式文体中abroad还可表示到处流传,广泛流传,四下流传,广为人知。2、abroad在句中可用作状语、表语,也可修饰名词作后置定语。

---- Brad was Jane"s brother! ------ ______________he reminded me so much of Jane! A.No doub.

C 试题分析:句意,这是两个人之间的对话。第一个人说:“Brad是Jane的哥哥。” 第二个人说: “怪不得他让我想起了Jane。” No doubt 无疑地 Above all 首要的是 No wonder怪不得 After all 毕竟,故选C。点评:解答此类题型首先要理解题干要表达的意思,再分析各个选项的句意,从中选取适合语境的一个。在平时的学习中,要重视对词组句型的总结和记忆,同时要多积累一些谚语和习语。

Batocluser Abronatinal 什么意思?


Parents have to save a large amount of money for their children to study abroab

Parents save a large sum of money in order for their children to study abroadNowadays, many parents choose to send their children abroad for university education or even sometimes high school education. Although it is not as rare nor as expensive as it used to be, to have your child studying abroad still costs a lot of money. Firstly, there is the administration fees that you pay in order to get a study visa. Secondly, many of the countries such as Australia make education into an export, which means that they make money from letting international students study in their country. The international students would have to pay their school fees on tougher terms than local students. It is also expensive to live abroad as international students don"t enjoy many of the concessions the governments make for the local students. And not to mention the exchange rate issue: many foreign currencies need to be exchanged at the rate of one dollar to several RMB; this means that the parents have to pay more. It is not easy to send a student abroad, and I advise everyone with that luck to appreciate it and study hard.

bromen bags 英文什么意思


为什么在控制面板里的卸载程序有两个Adobe abrobat XI pro?有图求真相!!

最好不要卸载,你看后面的发布者那一栏不同 电脑硬盘现在一般都挺大的,2G左右不算什么的。




abroad 英[əˈbrɔ:d] 美[əˈbrɔd] adv. 到国外,在海外; 广为流传地; adj. 往国外的; n. 海外,异国; [例句]I would love to go abroad this year, perhaps to the South of France.我今年很想出国,可能是去法国南部。


n. 海外;异国adj. 往国外的adv. 在国外;到海外


美式读音:əˈbrɑːd英式读音:əˈbrɔːd同义词:overseas副词:在国外;到海外形容词:往国外的名词:海外;异国例句:1、We tend to settle abroad this year.今年我们打算在国外定居。2、Every time I go abroad, I have to struggle with jet lag.我每次出国都要费力地倒时差。3、The young man who returned from abroad was welcomed by the local government.这位从海外回来的年轻人受到了当地政府的欢迎。4、We always go abroad in the summer.我们总是在夏天去国外。

用 ABRO蛇胶密封大灯可以吗?

能耐高温是不错[s:17] 回头灯出问题在拆可怎么办?

pdf如何用 Adobe abrobat 全选并编辑内容

不能全选逐页改或是用Adobe Acrobat将pdf转换成word文档再修改

adobe abrobat把pdf转成word乱码如何调整







想表达什么?如果是说河上有一座桥 应该是over 如 There is a bridge over the river.如果是在桥上 用 on

to have a bridge is their dream同义句

their dream is to have a bridge



Abro是什么意思 《西语助手》西汉

abrirtr. 1. 打开, 敞开:~ una caja 打开盒子. ~ una puerta 开门. ~ los ojos 睁开眼睛.~ un libro 翻开书本.~ una botella 开瓶.~ la tapa 打开盖子. 2. 张开, 展开, 伸开:~ los brazos 伸开双臂.~ las alas 展翅.~ una navaja 打开折刀.~ un Paraguas 打开雨伞.~ las filas 散开队形.La flor abre sus pétalos. 花开了.

pavilion bridge是什么意思

pavilion bridge[英][pəˈvɪljən bridʒ][美][pəˈvɪljən brɪdʒ]亭桥; 例句:Wicker weaving is a tradition in both spain and china and the pavilion is likea bridge connecting the two nations. 编藤条在西班牙和中国都是一种传统,因此这座场馆就如同连接两国的一座桥梁。.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

桥梁破坏Bridge Damages

桥梁作为公路工程上的关键节点,—旦损坏,修复时间长,工程量大,对灾区救援产生极大的阻碍作用。据交通运输部提供的数据显示,截至2008年6月6日,汶川地震已造成四川、甘肃、陕西、重庆、云南、湖北等省市4840座桥梁破坏,98座隧道受损。从部分强震区桥梁的破坏形态上看,桥梁的地震破坏,多数由于岸坡滑动,桥头下沉,墩台向河心移位,桥孔缩短,墩台折断。有的由于桥墩地基沉陷,使桥墩移位或倾斜;或桥墩的变化导致支座歪斜、倾倒和落梁。5.12汶川地震地质灾害5.12汶川地震地质灾害5.12汶川地震地质灾害5.12汶川地震地质灾害Bridges are control nodes in highway networks.Once a bridge is damaged,it needs long time to repair and heaw construction equipments.Consequently,many bridge damages in the disaster areas seriously delayed rescue work.Data released by the Communication Ministry of China indicated that till June6,2008,the Wenchuan Earthquake had caused a total of4840 damaged bridges and98 affected tunnels in Sichuan,Gansu,Shanxi,Chongqing,Yunnan and Hubei provinces.The damage modes of some bridges in epicenter zones show that a majority of the quaking bridge dam-ages were due to embankment landslides,bridge end subsidence,pier displacements toward rivers,shortening of bridge spans and pier breakages.Some were caused by bridge pier foundation subsidence.which resulted in displacement or declination of abutments.0thers were due to pier deformation which resulted in the inclination and collapse of supporting bases and falling of bridge decks.5.12汶川地震地质灾害此次汶川地震中,桥梁主要是因两方面原因受损,—是由地基失效引起的破坏,二是桥梁结构强烈震动引起的破坏。此外,还有桥梁被山体垮塌掩埋而破坏。In Wenchuan Earthquake,bridge were damaged mainly due to two causes.One is the bridge damages due to foundation failure.The other is the bridge damages due to destructive vibrations of bridge structures.In addition,bridges were destroyed and buried by landslide debris.北;川县湔江大桥整体垮塌Falling down of main Qianjian9 bridge decks北川县陈家坝镇坍塌的桥梁Bridge collapse in Chenjiaba town in Beichuan■桥梁基础、承台与墩身严重变形■Bridge embankment,bearing platform and piers were seriously deformed受地震力水平的破坏,桥梁基础整体横移,或承台和墩身变形严重,导致钢筋保护层脱落,钢筋笼暴露等。Due to the loading of quaking horizontal force,the bridge foundations were displaced horizontally,or,the platforms and piers were seriously deformed,which resulted in the stripping of pro-tection concrete and exposure of reinforcement.5.12汶川地震地质灾害桥梁挡块被挤裂Crushed shear keys of bridge decks桥台后坡跨塌Collapse of slope behind bridge abutment平武南坝镇坍塌的桥面及其临时通行便道The damaged bridge and a temporary trafic pavement in Nanba town,Pingwu city.JPG这是桥梁受到水平地震力的作用导致的落粱Falling of bridge decks due to horizontal seismic force■梁板大桥破坏严重■Girder bridges were mostly damaged灾区桥梁的桥墩多为柔性墩,采用桩基础,基本抵御了地震力作用。但非桩柱式桥台和路基护坡多发生破坏,导致落梁、桥梁横向变位。Bridges in the disaster areas commonly adopted flex-ible piers and pile foundations,which could resist the seis-mic forces.However,bridges Without pile foundation and embankment protection were easily damaged,which re-suited in the falling and horizontal dislocation of bridge decks.■拱桥破坏较轻■Arch bridges were relatively less damaged在此次地震中,单孔大跨径钢筋混凝土拱桥表现良好,无重大损害,两跨或多跨拱桥破坏较轻。In Wenchuan Earthquake,arch reinforced concrete bridges with large span and one single hole performed well and had no major damaged.The arch bridges with two spans or three spans had relatively lower damaged.5.12汶川地震地质灾害5.12汶川地震地质灾害一座吊桥在地震中被扭成了麻花(引自互联网)A steel suspension bridge was twisted seriously in the Earthquake5.12汶川地震地质灾害5.12汶川地震地质灾害陈家坝垮塌的大桥The collapsed bridge in Cheng Jia Ba,Beichuan临时抢修建成的铁搭桥Temporarily and quickly constructed steel bridges over damaged existing bridges for rescuing

bridge across

the train ran ___across__a bridge 在桥的表面通过用across through在事物内部通过 over 在上方

河上有一座桥的英语翻译是什么? 是there is a bridge over the river 还是cross the river。


There was a car ___ a bridge.选择题 B.on

on 在桥上

英语问题 knife的复数形式_______ break的过去式________ Everyone was _______.

knivesbrokeEveryone was surprised.Please show him your watch.Yesterday my mother bought me  a new skirt.The teacher gave her a gift.How can I help?The two lairs showed it to everyone.Happy New Year"s Day they shouted.TookPutNo OneMark can"t start his car.Mary:We  make   a cake and dinner this Friday?Tom:OK.I don"t want to do it.I want to eat out.Mom:Ah…,I have a good idea. Let"s make the cake first.Then,we can eat it at therestaurant.Sue:That"s a good   idea. And do we cook?they will make a cake and then eat out.sue wants to cook dinner

There is a bridge across the river.改为一般疑问句

Is there a bridge across the river

Peter built a bridge的中文解释


bridge a with b 是什么意思?

联系 建立

The boat is passing under a bridge. 小船正在桥下通过

桥下通过 = passing under a bridge (桥没有门呀,怎么可以说 through the door呢)

the workers build a bridge 把这个句子变成被动语态.

A bridge is built by the workers.满意请采纳,谢谢~~

求 遥远的桥 A Bridge Too Far 百度云免费在线观看资源

链接: 提取码: j4fc 复制这段内容后打开百度网盘手机App,操作更方便哦 《遥远的桥》是一部由理查德·阿滕伯勒执导,肖恩·康纳利、迈克尔·凯恩、吉恩·哈克曼、安东尼·霍布金斯、詹姆斯·卡恩、罗伯特·雷德福、等演员主演的战争片,于1977年6月15日在美国上映。该片以第二次世界大战代号“市场花园行动”为蓝本,描述1944年欧战尾声,盟军采取大规模的空降行动降落荷兰,不料遭遇德军的顽强抵抗,以致此行动遭到惨败的故事。如果资源不正确,或者版本不正确,欢迎追问

There is a bridge over the river的意思 英语作业



They didn"t drive along any street and over bridge

there is a bridge between anyang 什么hebei?

填betweenbetween...and...在……和……之间There is a bridge between and AnYang and Hebei.

my dream is to have a bridge中为什么要用to do


用a bridge of 造句

The flower is a bridge of our friendship. A bridge of a pair of glasses is the part that rests on your nose.



his dream is to have a bridge为什么要用不定式?


It is their dream to have a bridge 为什么要用to


there is a bridge the river.

on 在...之上 互相有接触 above 在...正上方 互相无接触 over跨越 这里是 在这条河上架有一顶桥 in 在...的里面

English is a bridge to much knowledge . 后面为什么用to


建造桥梁用英语怎么说,是build a bridge

Building a bridge 因为build是动词,不能放句前,要+ing变成动名词才可以

There is a bridge over the river.这里为什么用over,而不用above呢?

above 脱离物体,垂直上面 over 脱离物体,上面不一定是垂直的 on 贴着面.二维空间 There is a bridge over the river.老外习惯这么说

walk a bridge

across是从上面通过 through是从中间通过 over是从上空通过 注意区分这几个介词,这里要填across

Rebuilding of a bridge来自哪版课文

出自高中英语重庆大学版《(必修)英语1一年级》。Rebuilding of a bridge来自高中英语重庆大学版《(必修)英语1一年级》Unit6 Helping People 《Further Reading Rebuilding of a Bridge》。以下是课文内容要点的相关介绍:So why does this saying advise us to …advise vt.建议;向……提意见,advise (doing) sth。The doctor advised (taking) a week"s rest.医生建议休息一周。advise sb. to do sth。I tried my best to advise him to give up smoking.我尽全力劝他戒烟。advise sb。May I give you a piece of advice on your eating habit.辨析:advise,suggest,persuade advise与suggest都是“向……建议”的意思。以上资料参考百度——《Further Reading Rebuilding of a Bridge》

桥在小溪上面用英语怎么说 there is a bridge the river

There is a bridge over the river.河上有一座桥 over 是正上方 , above 是上方,非正上方

Build A Bridge第2关怎么过 建桥专家第二关三星通关攻略


《English — a bridge to the world 》的中文翻译,要准确,谢谢

A bridge is usually built to connect the banks of a river so that people can cross the river with the help of the bridge.Due to the different languages of different nations,the human being needs a bridge to communicate with each other and English has been regarded as the bridge,only because English is the simplest language in grammar and it can be easily learned by different people all over the world. Meanwhile,the most important thing is that English has been spreaded in different places of the world with the British expanding in the early ages. Therefore,English has become one of the main subjects in schools so that young people can speak English in their childhood.And it lays a positive fundation for English language to become a universal language,and then to become the bridge of communication.

The island,()to the mainland by a bridge ,is easy to go to.要解析


tower bridge is a bridge什么意思

tower bridge is a bridge塔桥是一座桥

There is a bridge across the river.为什莫用across?


there"s a bridge [ ] the river.


There is a bridge ____(connect)two parts of our school .

填connectingthere be 句型后面接ing, 过去分词或者to do的结构这里bridge连接学校的两部分是一个主动关系,所以用ing

谁知道Adobe Bridge是做什么用的?

主要目的是使用类似文件浏览器的格式,管理多媒体文件(如图片,照片和影片),并将Creative Suite各个程序连接起来。它可以直接从Creative Suite软件套装其他软件中直接接入。Adobe Bridge也可以连接在线图片浏览购买网站Adobe Stock Photos。将 Adobe Bridge CS5 中的任何图形、图像或文档转换为 JPEG 格式,通过网站和画廊、电子邮件等方式轻松共享文件。扩展资料Adobe Bridge的由来图像文件可以不同尺寸的缩略图、幻灯片和列表形式。每个数据夹可以做标记,并有一个缓存文件以便加速创建读取缩略图。缓存可以统一集中在一个数据夹,或者分别存在各个文件夹中。前身为Photoshop中的浏览器,但是被作为一个软体独立出来,Bridge有很多新功能,如“批量重命名”,还有其他组织管理文件的功能。它支持RAW文件格式的编辑。管理功能还包括图片的“彩色标签”“分级”,编辑图片内容的XMP和IPTC 元数据,还可以处理Adobe Version Cue(后改名为Adobe Drive)项目中一个文件的不同版本。参考资料来源  百度百科-Adobe Bridge

build a bridge 将建造应力控制在p以下什么意思

应该是:westminster bridgewestminster bridge 网络意思:威斯敏斯特桥;其实Westminster bridge是一首诗,见下:Westminster bridgeA bridge was reposed on Westminster of London, along Borough Road, and over Westminster Bridge. It"s famous as the Big ben, Westminster Abbey, Ttheatre.一座躺在伦敦威斯敏斯特区的桥,在威斯敏斯特桥边,有著名的大本钟,威斯敏斯特教堂,威斯敏斯大剧院等。Composed up the Westminster Bridgeby William WordsworthEarth has not anything to show more fair:Dull would he be of soul who could pass byA sight so touching in its majesty:This City now doth like a garment wearThe beauty of the morning: silent, bare,Ships, towers, domes, theatres, and temples lieOpen unto the fields, and to the sky,All bright and glittering in the smokeless air.Never did sun more beautifully steepIn his first splendour valley, rock, or hill;Ne"er saw I, never felt, a calm so deep!The river glideth at his own sweet will:Dear God! the very houses seem asleep;And all that mighty heart is lying still!

It is their dream to have a bridge 为什么要用to?

不定式to have a bridge作主语。所以有符号to.

建造桥梁用英语怎么说,是build a bridge 吗


There is a bridge ____the river .

B on 表示“在什么上面”时,两物体要相互接触

there is a bridge ( )the river

答案:over 正上方 解析:桥在河的正上方,并且不是与河的表面接触,所以用over 河上面有一个桥. 有不明白的请继续追问,

it is their dream to have a bridge

这是it做形式主语,is是系动词,their dream做表语,后面的 to have a bridge是动词不定式做真正的主语的句型. 强调句的构成形式应该是it is/was + 被强调部分 +that/who +其他成分

There is a bridge__the river(over/on)


a bridge over the river是什么意思

河上的一座桥 希望对你有帮助

a bridge too far 是什么意思

a bridge too far 意思是难以实现的目标。A bridge too far这个习语源自二战时期盟军的一次空降作战行动。作战目标是攻取11座具有战略意义的桥梁,打开通路直捣柏林,但是该作战行动在阿纳姆遭到惨败。据说,弗雷德里克·布朗宁中将从一开始就对此作战持怀疑态度,在行动发起之前,他曾经向陆军元帅蒙哥马利说了这样一句:“we may be going a bridge too far”。这一表达因1974年的小说和1977年的同名电影《遥远的桥(A Bridge Too Far)》而广泛普及。另外美剧Breaking Bad 第五季第九集,Saul也说过: this is a bridge too far. 中文字幕翻译:太匪夷所思了。 我觉得翻译还是准确的。 就是就所讨论的事情持怀疑态度,不认可。

there is a bridge ( )the river


a bridge over you是什么意思

a bridge over you的中文翻译a bridge over you一座桥双语例句1You come over a bridge and turn sharply to the right.你走过桥,然后向右急转弯。2What if the innocent man was on a bridge over the trolley and you had to push him onto the track to stop the train?如果那名无辜者是站在桥上,要你将他推到下方铁轨上来救那五位呢?

A bridge is (a way to go across a river.)划线部分提问为什么用what?



Tower bridge


词根:brev, bridg词根bridg的含义:short: 短,缩短词根bridg的解释:short(短的)词根bridg的来源: 来自拉丁语的brevis(=short)——英文字根字典, 意为short。因为在它后面常接元音 i,所以可以把brevi 看成它的同源异形词根。词根brevi,brief,bridg 为 brev 的变体;有异形同义词根:curti,brachy 短,其中后者为相应的希腊语词根,如:brachy-axis 短袖。abbreviate缩短;缩写v.ab 加强 + brev 短;缩短 + iate 做 一再弄短 缩短abbreviation缩写;节略n.abbreviate的名词abridge删减;削减v.a 加强 + bridg 短;缩短 + e 删减;削减abridgment删节;摘要n.a 加强 + bridg 短;缩短 + ment 表结果 删节;摘要brevity短暂;简洁n.brev 短;缩短 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 短暂;简洁bridge桥;桥架n.bridg 短;缩短 + e 使〔路〕变短 桥


  bridge有桥梁;纽带; 桥牌 ;鼻梁等意思,那么你知道bridge的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    bridge的用法大全:   bridge的用法1:bridge的基本意思是“桥”,引申可指“鼻梁; 鼻梁架”,用于比喻意义指借以相互联系或接触的事物。是可数名词。   bridge的用法2:bridge还可作“桥牌”解,此时为不可数名词。   bridge的用法3:bridge用作专有名词时,不加定冠词。   bridge的用法4:build〔construct, put up〕 a bridge在现代英语中常被erect, stretch或throw所代替。   bridge的用法5:bridge用作动词的意思是“架桥于…”,引申可作“越过”“渡过”解。   bridge的用法6:bridge是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。   bridge的用法7:bridge后接副词over表示“架桥于…; 应付; 克服”。    bridge的常用 短语 :   用作名词 (n.)   burn one"s bridges〔boats〕   burn one"s bridges to sb/sth   cross that bridge when one comes to it   用作动词 (v.)   bridge over (v.+adv.)    bridge的用法例句:   1. It happened at Stamford Bridge one murky November afternoon.   这发生在11月一个阴沉的下午,斯坦福德桥上。   2. Britain needs to bridge the technology gap between academia and industry.   英国需要弥合学术界和企业界之间的技术差距。   3. Ahead, he saw the side railings of First Bridge over Crooked Brook.   他看见了克鲁克德河上第一大桥的桥栏就在前面。   4. I hear you had a very narrow escape on the bridge.   我听说你在桥上险些出事。   5. The Lyric Theatre is presenting a new production of "Over the Bridge".   利里克剧院正在上演新排的《桥对面》。   6. Some of the houses nearest the bridge were on fire.   离桥最近的一些房屋着火了。   7. Two men were on the bridge-deck, steadying a ladder.   两名男子在船桥甲板上扶着一架梯子不让它摇晃。   8. Jim Partridge chucked himself off some bridge or other.   吉姆·帕特里奇从某座桥上跳了下去。   9. The bridge was high, jacked up on wooden piers.   桥很高,被几个大木墩托起。   10. Below the bridge we could just discern a narrow, weedy ditch.   我们仅能依稀辨出桥下一条杂草丛生的窄沟。   11. They are both down-and-outs, sleeping under the city"s oldest bridge.   他俩都是无家可归的人,露宿在城市最古老的桥下。   12. A daredevil parachutist jumped from the top of Tower Bridge today.   一位大胆鲁莽的跳伞者今天从伦敦塔桥的桥顶跳了下去。   13. We crossed a small iron bridge over a meandering stream.   我们穿过架在蜿蜒小河上的一座小铁桥。   14. A small wooden bridge straddled the dike.   一座小木桥横跨在排水渠上。   15. A river boat passed under the bridge.   一条内河船从桥下经过。

keep abreast of with什么意思及同义词

keep abreast of with与...并进, 跟上, 不落后于

We"ll keep you abreast of developments. 分析一下句子成分吧

we主语,will keep谓语,you宾语,abreast of developments宾补。

齐B小短裤的齐B是翻译成“Together with vaginal orifice”还是“Abreast vaginal orifice”呢?

camel toe

翻译 keep abreast of use,the adhesive should maintain clean and dry to keep abreast of the negative

这是你要粘鞋么?当使用时粘合剂应干燥与清洁确保粘贴牢固 沿鞋跟部撕开 确保固定大概翻的 水平不行 难道是类似双面胶的东西?
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