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Boys Be ambitious !! 歌词,日文+中文+罗马音

BOYSBEAMBITIOUS自分を恐がることそれがいちばん臆病さきみはきみと戦いホントのきみになれBOYSBEAMBITIOUSBOYSBEAMBITIOUSもらったものはすぐ使い果たし消えてしまうからどんな愿いでも自分の手でつかまなきゃダメさいつだって梦は远い场所手强い感じがいいカンジ失败したっていいよ何度転んでも平気さ大事なことはいつも涙のその次さBOYSBEAMBITIOUSBOYSBEAMBITIOUSなにか暴れてるきみの胸のとても深いトコ気づかないふりで通り过ぎるなんて无理だよねねぇきみが生きている印谁かの心に刻むまでなにが正しいのかもなにが间违っていたかも答えはみんなきみの心の中にあるBOYSBEAMBITIOUSBOYSBEAMBITIOUS届かない梦はないって信じたら歩き出せるそこから自分を恐がることそれがいちばん臆病さきみはきみと戦いホントのきみになれ害怕自己那是最大的怯懦去和自己战斗成为真正的你吧BOYSBEAMBITIOUS得来的一切都会很快用竭无论怎样企求不靠自己的双手来把握是不行的梦永远是遥远的挑战才是最好的感觉失败也无妨不管摔倒多少次也无所谓重要的收获永远是在眼泪之后获得的BOYSBEAMBITIOUS在你的胸中深处一定有什么在猛力地冲撞别装作全然不知漠视是没有用的啊 去实现吧 证明你存在的印记直到刻在某个人的心中为止什么是对的什么又是错的所有的答案都在你的心里BOYSBEAMBITIOUS如果相信没有不遂的梦想就从那里起步吧害怕自己那是最大的怯懦去和自己战斗成为真正的你吧BOYSBEAMBITIOUS罗马音:对不起!您的提问(回答)中包含不适合发表的内容,请修改后再提交

求《神龙斗士》的片尾曲《Boys Be Ambitious》的歌词


boys be ambitious(神龙斗士片尾曲)的中文歌词 翻译要好!!



you can‘t make something out of nothing. 巧妇难为无米之炊。 es nothing. 无中不能生有。 nothing venture, nothing have. 不入虎穴,焉得虎子。 nothing is impossible to a e to the mountain, then the mountain must go to mohammed. 山不就我,我向山行。 i am the master of my fate; i am the captain of my soul. 做自己命运的主人及灵魂的统率。 boy"s, be ambitious. 年轻人应胸怀大志。 birth is much, but breeding is more. 出身重要,教养更重要。 all things in their being are good for something.天生我才必有用。 英语名言佳句_英语名言名句108句带中文翻译 1 It only takes a minute to get a crush on someone but an eternity to forget someone. 迷上某人只需一分钟,忘记某人却是一辈子的事. 2 If etimes the most urgent and vital thing you can possibly do is take a complete rest. 有时候你能做的最紧急重要的事情就是彻底休息. Ashleigh Brilliant 13 Do as most men do and men e,but idleness is pernicious. 事业虽扰人,懒惰害更大。 27 At the touch of love everyone becomes a poet. 每一个沐浴爱河的人都是诗人. 28 The important thing in life is to have a great aim , and the determination to attain it. (Johan orroorroter than ten hearsays. 百闻不如一见. 99 Life is just a series of trying to make up your mind. 生活只是由一系列下决心的努力所构成. T.Fuller 富勒 100 The road is tortuous,but the future is bright. 道路是曲折的,前途是光明的. 101 Danger past,God forgotten. 飞鸟尽,良弓藏. 102 e, easy go. 易得者亦易失. Hazlitt 赫斯特 108 It matters not how a man dies, but how he lives. 一个人如何死是无关紧要的,重要的是如何生. S.Johnson 约翰逊 青春励志名言佳句 名言佳句 1、青年是路程的柱石。青年是路程果实的保卫者,是使历史加速向更美好的世界前进的力量。——宋庆龄 2、青春是多麽美丽!发光发热,充满了彩色与幻想,是书的第一章,是永无终结的故事。──朗费罗 3、青年是革命的柱石。青年是革命果实的保卫者,是使历史加速向更美好的世界前进的力量。──宋庆龄 4、真诚个性的基石,若不在青年时代稳固地奠定,以后那基石上必将永远有一个脆弱之点。──戴维斯 5、人只有献身于社会,才能找出那短暂而有风险的生命的意义。——爱因斯坦 6、青年的敏感和独创精神,一经与成熟科学家丰富的知识和经验相结合,就能相得益彰。——贝弗里奇 7、青年人充满活力,像春水一样丰富。——拜伦 8、青年人比较适合发明,而不适合判断;适合执行,而不适合磋商;适合新的计划,而不适合固定的职业。——弗培根 9、呵,青年人理想多么崇高,立志追求真理,无论是生还是死,呵!莫回首,莫泄气。——罗·布里奇斯 10、创造一切非凡事物的那种神圣的爽朗精神总是同青年时代和创造力联系在一起的。——歌德 11、青春时期的任何事情都是考验。──史蒂文森 12、在人生的任何场合都要站在第一线战士的行列里。──奥斯特洛夫斯基 13、天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为。——《孟子·告子下》 14、你们这些生在今日的人,你们这些青年,现在要轮到你们了!踏实在我们的身体上面向前吧。但愿你们比我们更伟大、更幸福。——罗曼·罗兰 15、自信和希望是青年的特权。──大仲马 16、青年是一个美好而又一去不可再得的时期,是将来一切光明和幸福的开端。──加里宁 17、生活赋予我们一种巨大的和无限高贵的礼品,这就是青春:充满着力量,充满着期待志愿,充满着求知和斗争的志向,充满着希望信心和青春。——奥斯特洛夫斯基 18、一个人的青春时期一过,就会出现像秋天一样的优美的成熟时期,这时,生命的果实像熟稻子似的在美丽的平静的气氛中等待收获。──泰戈尔 19、有人说青春就是批判的年华,这种说法并不夸张。这种批判的特点是很高的积极性和很强的原则性。——苏霍姆林斯基 20、青年是生命之晨,是日之黎明,充满了纯净、幻想及和谐。——席德布郎 21、对一个年轻人来讲,最令人惊异,最令人舒畅之事,莫过于在一位老人身上发现精神的青春。——莫洛亚 22、老年时最大的安慰莫过于意识到,已把全部青春的力量献给了永不衰老的事业。——叔本华 23、如果你浪费了自己的年龄,那是挺可悲的。因为你的青春只能持续一点儿时间——很短的一点儿时间。——王尔德 24、要紧的事情是别浪费你的青春和元气。——契诃夫 25、不管有了成就也好,还是有了虚荣心也好,不管是讽刺别人也好,还是我自己爱情的痛苦也好,总之,在欢乐与悲伤中,温暖的青春光辉仍然在照耀着我。——海塞 26、自信和希望是青年的特权。——大仲马 27、精力充沛的青春,是不怎么容易灭亡的。——卡罗萨 28、世界上没有再比青春更美好的了,没有再比青春更珍贵的了!春天就像黄金,你想做成什么,就能做成什么。——高尔基 29、初恋——那是一场革命:单调、正规的生活方式刹那间被摧毁和破坏了;青春站在街垒上,它那辉煌的旗帜高高地飘扬——不论前面等待着它的是什么——死亡还是新的生活——它向一切都致以热烈的敬意。——屠格涅夫 30、青春虚度无所成,白首衔悲补何及!——权德舆 31、所谓天才,只不外是把别人喝咖啡的功夫都用在工作上了。——鲁迅 32、呵,青年人理想多么崇高,立志追求真理,无论是生还是死,呵!莫回首,莫泄气。——罗?布里奇斯 33、不幸的遭遇可以增长人的见解,改善人的心地,锻炼人的体质,使一个青年能够担当起生活的责任,同时能够知道怎样享受人生,这是在富裕的环境中所受的教育万万不能达到的。——斯末莱特 34、一个青年要是相信他日后必定成个不朽的文学家,他心里自然会感到无比的快慰;这可以说是人生再甜蜜不过的时刻。这种抱负的确是很高贵,然而可惜的是:根基往往是太不牢靠了。——马克吐温 35、青春是美妙的,挥霍青春就是犯罪。——萧伯纳名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《英语名言佳句:Boy"s,:be:ambitious》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 抒情优美佳句 专题。

boys be ambitious的罗马拼音歌词

Tatta hitotsu no h⴯ de Mamoritainda Kimi wo Aete yokatta Kimi de yokatta Boku no daiji na hito ga Kimi ga sugu soba ni ite kureru Sore dakede gambareru Boku no sabishisa wo suikonde Hohoemi ni shite kureru Yowai kokoro wa ky? Miero ni natte Boku no kimochi Madowasu kedo Tatta hitotsu no h⴯ de Mitsumetainda Yume wo *Unmei nanka taiatari shite Kitto kaerareru Tatta hitotsu no h⴯ de Shinjitainda Itsumo Aete yokatta Kimi de yokatta Boku wo matteta hito ga Kimi ga ochikonde megetetara Zenryoku de ataeru yo Ima no boku ni shika dekinai koto Akiramezu tsumikasane Soshite kokoro no tabi ga Tomodachi yori mo Motto tsuyoi futari ni suru Zutto hitotsu no h⴯ de Yakusoku suru yo Kimi ni Kimi no kokoro no itami wa minna Boku no itami dayo Tatta hitotsu no h⴯ de Dakishimetai yo Kimi wo Aete yokatta Kimi de yokatta Boku no daiji na hito ga *重复两遍

Treasure boy 什么意思?

回答和翻译如下:Treasure boy.金银财宝男孩。



The boy in a black uniform.什么意思


rare boy什么意思


快乐的离开歌词(vienna boys" choir)



It happened on a Monday那个周一是我一生中都无法忘怀的时光It was my baby"s birthday那天是我亲爱的男友的生日I wanted to surprise him he deserved a treat我们的爱让我不由自主地去给他一个惊喜He said he"d be late working他说他要加班晚点过来He"d call me when he"s leaving他过来的时候会给我打电话Off I went to get him something我想我有足够的时间去给他买礼物了Ain"t I just too sweet我想我一定很善解人意So I cruised downtown to Armani我去了名牌专卖店-阿玛尼To find him something trendy想给他打扮得玉树临风And realized that my Jimmy Choos were killing me我突然想起了我大爱的Jimmy Choos鞋子So I text the girls from my car我给我的小伙伴们发了信息给他庆生Meet me at Eleven Bar定好了11号酒吧不见不散We made quite an entrance我们快马加鞭地赶到了那里That"s when I got punked无心之举却让我恍然大悟Chorus:My boyfriend is gay我亲爱的男友居然是GAY!I know it sounds cliché我知道这听起来简直像电影中才会出现的无稽之谈That everybody saw right through this guy but me原来大家一早就看透了他是个GAY只有我还被蒙在鼓里My boyfriend is gay我亲爱的男友居然是GAY!Should"ve known by the way从他的所作所为我应该一早就知道的He tivoed every episode of RHOC他录下了每一集的肥皂剧(桔子镇贵妇的真实生活)My boyfriend is gay我亲爱的男友居然是GAY!He was really such a great guy, but I saw him with another guy他人很好很出色可是这样优秀的男人居然爱着另一个男人!His favorite color was turquoise and he always drank chocolatinis through a straw从他对颜色和饮品的喜好来看我应该一早就知道他是个GAY的!My boyfriend is gay我亲爱的男友居然是GAY!I didn"t really mean to spy, but I saw him with another guy我试图不去想这些事但我还是看见他和另一个男人在一起You should"ve seen his place and he cried more than me at every chick flick that we saw哦!你们应该看看他在看每一集的肥皂剧的时候哭的那叫一个梨花带雨!la la la la la la la la la la la la la la laFast forward to next Friday马上就下周五了It"s not like I"ve been crying我不应该再像这样继续哭下去了Deep down I think I must have knew it all along其实在我心里一早就知道他是GAY的Maybe it was his Cher playlist可能是他的Cher播放曲单Or his craving to be A-list又可能他想成为一个完美无瑕的人Or how he knew the words to every Britney song (oh baby, baby)又可能他对布兰妮的每句歌词都烂熟于心(哦宝贝,宝贝)Perhaps it was that poodle可能是他的贵宾情人Or those cheese filled strudels又可能是他那一流的点心手艺He used to dip into his Frappuccino grand他习惯了喝Frappuccino那样奢华的饮品Well I must have just been kidding好吧 我肯定是得了臆想症Myself into thinking我应该冷静下来好好想想I was more than him experimenting(Damn)我对他而言只是一个实验品吗?Well, It happened on a Monday好吧 这个星期一是我永远无法释怀的日子No it wasn"t such a fun day不过 不得不承认这也是很戏剧性的一天When I finally realized what I always knew当我心存的最后一线希望被事实所湮灭lalalalalalalalalalalalalala~



A childish boy...这是什么意思?


boys an gils .guys and chicks . ladies and gentalmen .哪位网友能告诉我具体详细的区别啊。

boys an gils指男生女生、男孩女孩,一般用于像学校校长讲话个年轻的学生,如 Come on, boys and girls.guys and chicks 属于一种极为不正式的说法,意为像小子和小妞。在同辈、朋友等人面前说。ladies and gentalmen 则就是我们最常见在正式场合中的女士们先生们,像主持一台晚会,女士们先生们晚上好。Good evening ladies and gentalmen希望有用

where boys become crocodile men文章

When does a teenager become an adult? In any countries, it happens on your 18th birthday, but in some parts of the world, you have to do something special to enter the world of adults.On the island of Papua New Guinea, the Niowra tribe lives near the Sepik River, which is full of crocodiles. The people believe that crocodiles made the Earth and its people. When it is time for teenage boys to become men, a "crocodile ceremony" take place.The boys are taken to a hut called "The Crocodile Nest". The hut is full of. Crocodile teeth and skulls. The boys are told to think of their crocodile "fathers and mothers" to help them to be strong and brave. Then they are beaten several times a day for six weeks and bamboo is used to make cuts on their chests and their backs. The boys play the drums together during their time in the hut-this helps them to feel that they not alone. The Niowra believe that this ceremony makes the boys stronger and braver, so that they can survive in the dangerous forest. They also say that the boys don"t feel the pain if they believe in their crocodile"fathers andmothers".And the amazing thing is that some of the boys sleep through the most painful parts of the ceremony!When the ceremony is over,there is singing and dancing and the crocodile men are given adult responsibilities in the village.


01 到底有多 “草率” 呢—— 2015年, 高中女生 吉星月兴冲冲的对同学范丽娜道: “ 你不是想换手机吗? 这个选秀可以 白给 ,要不要?” 范丽娜非常感兴趣。 兴致勃勃的两个人,又一起说服了 同桌 王小蝶,还拉上了 前桌 和 后桌 …… 就这样,一个 “草率”的女团 成立了…… 中二、傻气。 阳光、朝气。 那会的她们,万万没想到,一个为了 “白拿”手机 而成立的女团, 真的会走远 。 而后面的她们更是经历了 一夜爆红、被P图、被群嘲、合约纠纷、拆团重组 等重重波折…… 现实版“逐梦演艺圈” 正在上演。 这个 另类女团 的 娱乐 圈沉浮,究竟是 “励志” ,还是 “丢人现眼” ? 02 2015年,安徽亳州举办了一个 女团选秀活动 。 主办方声明:拿了冠军的女团,每人可获得大 牌手机一个 。 就奔着这么个奖励,高中生吉星月“号召”了其他4个女生,组了个女团组合。 至于团名,有人说未来规划要 对标“TFboys” ,组合名就叫 “TFgirls” 。 还有人提议公主风一些,取名 “梦光紫水晶” 。 最后还是队长吉星月小手一挥,拍了板: “阳光一些,就叫 Sunshine 吧!” 五个人还给自己取了 “洋名” :Abby(吉星月) 、Cindy(范丽娜) 、Dora(王小蝶)、Nancy、Cheryl。 搞笑 的是,一开始范丽娜给自己取名叫“Candy”, 因为影楼打错成“Cindy” ,后来干脆将错就错…… 然而,兴冲冲来到比赛现场,却发现,地点是个 酒吧 。 感谢镌刻在中学生内心深处的 “好孩子不喝酒” 原则, Abby从内心认定这地方 不靠谱 ,便 打消了比赛的念头 。 但组合已经成立,Abby也不准备解散。 于是她们干脆“筹集了1000多块“巨款”, 在网上买了个歌曲《甜蜜具现式》 。 通过简易的录音棚录制完成后,上传到某音乐平台。 接着又找了家婚纱摄影店,给5个成员拍了 宣传照 。 没有粉丝?不要紧,自己买。 没有官微?更简单,自己建。 没有宣传?没关系,自己私信大V。 原本就是孩子的胡闹之举, Abby曾抱着侥幸心理 私信了一位大V ,希望得到宣传,但当时大V并没回复Abby。 可后来大V发现了这个“宝藏”女团,还试听了她们的“新曲”。 抱着 “不能我一个人瞎” 的心态,大V把sunshine的 宣传照 发到了网上。 原是想嘲讽一下,结果怎么都想不到,这条“辣眼睛”的微博竟然 火了 ! 短短一个星期之内, 相关话题阅读量超过一个亿 ,无数网友留言评价,原本无人问津的sunshine 官微暴涨粉丝20万 。 可遗憾的是,网友们几乎无一例外都在“ 骂 ”这5个女孩: “丑人多作怪”、“史上最丑女团”、“洗眼睛”、“凤姐第二” …… 还有很多网友加入P图大军,用夸张的手法把几个女孩修成“网红”…… 原本热度已经够高的了, 亳州农业频道 却还嫌不够。 借助“位置之便”,亳州农业频道的记者采访到了5个 “不知天高地厚” 的女孩—— 灯光昏暗的小房间里 ,几个女孩对着镜头一一做了介绍。 没有化妆,也没有做发型 ,灯光映衬的她们 皮肤暗黄 ,再加上 紧张的、不标准的普通话 ,别说观众了,恐怕连记者都忍不住想 嗤笑 她们。 而这期节目播出后,sunshine也被称为 “第一个在农业频道出道的女团” 。 03 即便已经火了一把,但没人觉得这个组合是 认真的 。 偏偏有人觑见了其中的 商机 ,认为这个组合 “奇货可居” —— 2016年,一个自称捧红过庞麦郎的经纪人 杰斌 找上门。 还称要签约sunshine组合。 突如其来的合约摆在队长Abby面前,让她有些 不知所措 。 没等Abby反应过来,杰斌却已 “半强迫” 的接管了sunshine的工作—— 他以加V为理由,问Abby 要来了官微的密码 ,并且将身份认证改成自己的。 在还没签约的情况下,杰斌已经开始对外宣称,sunshine的所有商务活动 必须经由他手 。 为了打消Abby等人的犹豫,杰斌告诉女孩们和她们的家长,会带她们到大城市, 学习专业的声乐、舞蹈,并花重金对她们进行包装。 最后,五个女孩中,只有Abby 、Cindy 以及Dora三人吃了这个 “饼” ,跟着杰斌来到北京。 到了北京以后三个女孩才发现,杰斌口中的“大公司”其实 什么都没有 。 连地都是 刚租下来的 。 杰斌承诺的 “韩国练习生般魔鬼练习” ,没有实现。 所谓的“舞蹈老师”,就是 杰斌的女朋友 。 大多数时间,女孩们都 躺在宿舍 等待录歌。 她们的 行动也受到限制 ,下楼买个饼也得报备。 更让3个女孩难以理解的是,杰斌的公司 晚上会变成酒吧 ,有时候还会让她们帮着 推销酒水 …… 虽然在北京的一年,三人也接了十几场商业活动,有直播、代言、电影主题曲等。 但最终到她们手中的收入, 只有一万多元 。 公司从不帮助三个女孩清理网上的恶评,圆脸的Cindy,被骂的最惨。 最终,矛盾爆发。 女孩要求解约,闹上法庭。 一场官司下来, 三个女孩自由了 。 但组合中没来北京的Nancy、Cheryl, 却站在了杰斌的阵营 。 杰斌又在网上 招募了三个女孩 ,填补了这个空缺, 组成新sunshine 。 说来讽刺,“sunshine”的组合名,还是 Abby定下来的 。 可如今,她却被 踢出组合 。 不服气的三人签约了新经济公司,并起了 “3unshine” 这个的名字,再出发。 04 这是 “新sunshine”组合 对Abby 、Cindy 、Dora三人的嘲讽。 而网友们呢? 骂的更难听了。 “这颜值要能火,明天我喊隔壁大娘组团出道。” “‘国内最丑女团",目的是要荼毒我的视网膜吗?” “出丑、卖丑、炒作,这样的女团能火,我直播吃翔。” 网上骂声一片,有人却瞅中了她们的话题与热度。 2018年, 鹅厂《创造101》 节目邀请3unshine成员参加。 据说鹅厂前后邀请了她们 7次 ,都被3unshine拒绝了。 直到有人承诺她们说,不但可以见到偶像蔡依林,而且还会 保证她们多留几轮 ,给够出镜机会,3unshine才决定参加。 果然,当3人站在一群身材容貌俱佳、各公司精心选送的美少女当中时,立刻 引爆话题 。 当然,依旧是 恶评如潮 。 而鹅厂着实是把“流量密码”玩的明明白白,3unshine第一次正式登场,被安排的是 素颜 。 表演的节目从 精心准备一个月的《朵蜜》 ,临时变更为《小青龙》。 舞台效果大打折扣。 原本承诺会让3unshine多留几轮,实际却在 第二期 就将Cindy和Dora两位成员淘汰。 留下的Abby觉得毫无意义,也选择了退赛。 节目收割了流量,3unshine收割了骂名。 一切仿佛是那么的 理所当然 。 没有人在乎她们的去留,但又会发泄般的对她们嘲讽。 而嘲讽的“核心”,有两个—— 颜值 不在主流审美之内、实力糟糕辣眼睛。 Cindy,阔鼻、小眼、大饼脸。 Dora,干瘦、长脸、小眯眼。 实力 更糟糕的是,成员之一的Dora还 五音不全 …… 很多人也感到奇怪: 这个组合颜值不高、成团草率, 折腾了这么多年,怎么还没垮? 05 出乎所有人意料的是: 3unshine不但没垮,反而“起”来了! 2017年的时候,3unshine推出的组合单曲 《朵蜜》 ,就掀起不小的水花。 《朵蜜》名字出自 《舞法天女》 ,是“朵蜜天女”的咒语。 电视台词 “让我来朵蜜你吧” ,也被网友们恶搞成 “让我来辣眼睛吧”。 3unshine的制作人特意选择这个名字,就是要 迎难而上 ,用 自我嘲讽 的方式,彰显三个女孩的内心力量。 而这首歌本身的编曲也很出众,制作方面很明显是下了心思的。 在 妆造方面 ,3unshine也开始让人感到惊喜。 公司针对三个人的 特点 进行打造。 Abby最简单,她本身条件不算很差,只要妆发做好,就很亮眼。 而且她气质清冷,很适合暗黑朋克风。 Cindy是在颜值上被嘲笑就严重的,但她本身带着一种自信与强大气场。 公司将她的 “大饼脸” 打造成特点,而她也凭借这独特的气质,被称为 “C皇” 。 Dora综合实力最差,但身材高挑、面容消瘦,颇有些 超模 的味道。 尤其神奇的是,Dora五音不全,声音却有着奇特的 电音效果 。 她也被戏称为 “电音歌姬lady d” 。 学习声乐、疯狂练舞。 很快,Cindy用单曲 《不正确的审美》 ,正式回应所有对她容貌上的抨击。 《拜托!别黑我!》 ,喊出三个人共同的心声。 《你姐》 颇有些蔡依林神曲《我play》的 xi脑 意味。 除了作品不断,三人还举办了 线下演唱会 。 出乎意料的是,演唱会门票卖得不错。 还有很多 “真爱粉” 到场支持,现场气氛非常火爆。 以前总觉得她们是一群小孩在胡闹。 现在觉得,3unshine勇敢追梦、努力提升的样子,真的很棒。 06 其实在很长一段时间,3unshine组合被大家 妖魔化 了。 这三个姑娘有什么罪? 要承受全网发泄般的嘲讽? 说白了,很多人是 将现实生活中的不如意,转嫁到无辜的女孩身上 。 更有甚至, 自己没有勇气追求梦想,偏偏要嘲笑敢于寻梦的人 。 至于3unshine的歌曲。 有人说好听,有人却觉得 “听之欲吐” 。 但我想说的是: 每个人都有自己的品味和喜爱。 对于3unshine的歌曲,你可以觉得好听而反复听,也可以觉得难听不去听。 但,真的没必要用辱骂嘲笑的方式, 质疑别人的品味 。 这样并不会显得自己很高级。 至于3unshine这个“另类女团”的存在,你可以选择 喜欢并支持 ,更可以选择 讨厌与无视 。 但请少一些 恶意 的嘲讽,多一些 善意 的包容。 因为这三个普通的女孩。 有我们许多人没有的 勇敢与执行力。 就凭这一点,她们值得尊重!

Steven is a boy of seven.His lucky num

Oh,so...What do you want to say?

honest boy前面的冠词加a还是an

1.Honest发音 |ˈɒnɪst;美ˈɑ:n-|元音音发音前要跟AN 2.anhonestman/woman以下引用牛津汉英:alwaystellingthetruth,andneverstealingorcheating诚实的;老实的;正直的anhonestman/woman诚实的男人/女人~(aboutsth)|~(withsb)nothidingthetruthaboutsth坦率的;坦诚的anhonestanswer坦率的回答Areyoubeingcompletelyhonestaboutyourfeelings?你丝毫没有隐瞒你的感情吗?Thankyouforbeingsohonestwithme.感谢你对我这么坦诚。Givemeyourhonestopinion.告诉我你的真实意见。Tobehonest(=whatIreallythinkis),itwasoneoftheworstbooksI"veeverread.说实在的,那是我读过的最差的书之一。Let"sbehonest,she"sonlyinterestedinMikebecauseofhismoney.坦率地说吧,她对迈克有好感只不过是因为他有钱。showinganhonestmindorattitude真诚的;显示内心诚意的;表示态度诚恳的She"sgotanhonestface.她有一张真诚的面孔。(ofworkorwages工作或工资)earnedorresultingfromhardwork辛勤挣得的;勤劳的Hehasn"tdoneanhonestday"sworkinhislife.他一辈子从未努力认真干过一天活儿。It"squiteastruggletomakeanhonestliving.要踏实地过日子总是十分辛苦的。dishonest

rough boy是什么意思?

rough boy:粗野的男孩

steve ,a twelve -year-old boy with alcoholic开头的英语的完形填空

gender 可以用boy,girl来回答吗?地道吗?

一般来说,gender是表示性别的,比较正式,地道的表达应该用male female来回答。

steve ,a twelve -year-old boy with alcoholic开头的英语的完形填空


求详细翻译 Steve, a twelve-year-old boy with alcoholic


悬赏:求fall out boy的what a catch,donnie的中文歌词翻译!!

 我被一些想法困扰  而自尊匹配  什么是赶上,赶上什么  你永远都不会赶上我们  所以,就让我做  说是病态的罚款  到医院或美国大使馆  吴弗莱克说,我还是想你回来  是啊,小姐弗莱克说,我还是想你回来  我得到的想法困扰  而自尊匹配  什么是赶上,赶上什么  和所有我能想到的  就是这样一个进出口  谁着迷的一  谁放弃了你  谁放弃了你  他们说,船长  下沉的船  因此,当海角天涯  将神下去了呢?  吴弗莱克说,我还是想你回来  是啊,小姐弗莱克说,我还是想你回来  我得到的想法困扰  而自尊匹配  什么是赶上,赶上什么  和所有我能想到的  就是这样一个进出口  谁着迷的一  谁放弃了你  谁放弃了你  什么是赶上  什么是赶上  什么是赶上  什么是赶上  我永远也不会像他这样的最终  我背后,我已经很  保持日历  这样,您将永远知道  我得到的想法困扰  而自尊匹配  什么是赶上,赶上什么  和所有我能想到的  就是这样一个进出口  谁着迷的一  谁放弃了你  谁放弃了你  如果今晚是你的儿子?  我希望他是一个绅士  也许他wont找出什么我知道  你是最后一件好事  在不断下降,在下降前一轮  舞蹈,舞蹈,被瓦解的半场  舞蹈,舞蹈,这些都是爱的生命的向导  舞蹈,这是爱的方式  如果他们知道如何爱我的痛苦  这不是一个场景,它的武器竞赛该死  这不是一个场景,它的武器竞赛该死  一天晚上,一个更多的时间  感谢您的回忆  即使他们如此之强大  他喜欢你的口味,既甜蜜  长大,长大  我得到的想法困扰  而自尊匹配  什么是赶上,赶上什么  ps:还有一首golden也比较压抑的  我也听说要解散了,很诡异的发了张精选,但官网还未发布消息  他们解散会哭死一片人的!!!  

帮忙翻译fall out boy的歌


悬赏:求fall out boy的what a catch,donnie的中文歌词翻译!!


韩国组合Boyfriend 成员 具体资料有木有?



the boy is thirsty and he must have some water是什么意思


what"s是什么2,ha haha ha哈哈3,whoopswhoops哎呦4,whatwhat什么5,boyb

whoops 英[w?ps]美[hw?ps, w?ps, hwups, wups]int. <口>哎哟(犯明显错误时的道歉)n. 大叫( whoop的名词复数 );呐喊;喘息声;哮喘声v. 叫喊( whoop的第三人称单数 );高声说;唤起[例句]Whoops ! Mind you don "t spill your juice.哎哟!留意不要把你汁洒出来。

boyhood 与childhood的分别?

都是指童年 可能方言不同吧







this可以修饰复数吗。如:This boys are my friends.

不可以,用These 望采纳

thin是什么意思?划船用英语怎么说?who"s that boy的同义句 ?

瘦)row)what"S the boy"s name





lilei am a boy he is in class five

Li Lei is in Class Five this year.大写

LiLei often talks _________but does_________.So everyone says he is a good boy.



您好! 可以转换为:Li Lei is taller than any other boy in his class. 原句意思是:李雷是班上最高的男孩. 转换完变成:李雷比班上任何其他男孩都高. 望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!


1 Li Lei is taller than the other boys in his class. 2 Jack isn"t as tall as Mike

frank is a boy of few works.什么意思

frank is a boy of few words.弗兰克是一个沉默寡言的男孩。.-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

Last night the boy didn"t do his homework but watched TV为什么用watched

watched TV是英语中的固定搭配,意为“看电视”。_饩浠暗耐暾胧恰白詈笠煌恚飧鲂∧泻⒊丝吹缡油猓⒚挥凶鲎饕怠薄?




问这些没什么用的。我个人比较喜欢星空间。成员:汪萤铰(jojo),队长:杨凯(keven)郑凯(coyi)。李杨(eric) 李俊宁。灵魂应该是:郑凯吧。其他的energy。和sto也是很强的。不低与星空间。 国内的还有drongon style也是很强的crew。你现在做的只有努力练舞才可能超越他们。


沈鸿 Bboy Hong 龙猫 bboy solong 细超Lil Chao bboy Tonny 杨凯 bboykeven 聂珲 bboy nico 邹德龙 别号老四 汪申炯 BBOY danny bboy 楚天

关于gay软件jack"d, grindr, boyahoy





麻烦教教我怎么用,谢谢了。 你把安装文件发给我 让我装了研究研究 我到处找这个软件阿 6685976





where does the boy take the sanke after the sunset是什么意思

where does the boy take the sanke after the sunset日落后男孩在哪嘲弄了桑克。sunsetn.日落;衰落时期(尤指人的晚年)例句It is seen in the sky after sunset.日落後可在天空中看到它。By sunset we had covered thirty miles.到日落的时候,我们已走了三十英里。

求Fall out boy 新歌 Centuries(世纪)的中文版歌词、无关回复请别留


求fall out boy的centuriesMP3百度云


centuries-Fall out boy的歌词

Some legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me for centuriesAnd just one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuries(Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah)Remember me for centuriesMummified my teenage dreamsNo, it"s nothing wrong with meThe kids are all wrongThe stories are offHeavy metal broke my heartCome on, come on and let me inThe bruises on your thighs like my fingerprintsAnd this is for tonightI thought that you would feelI never meant for you to fix yourselfSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me for centuriesAnd just one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuries(Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah)Remember me for centuriesAnd I can"t stop "til the whole world knows my name"Cause I was only born inside my dreamsUntil you die for me, as long as there is a lightMy shadow"s over you "cause I am the opposite of amnesiaAnd you"re a cherry blossomYou"re about to bloomYou look so pretty, but you"re gone so soonSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me for centuriesAnd just one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuries(Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah)Remember me for centuriesWe"ve been here foreverAnd here"s the frozen fruitI could scream foreverWe are the poisoned youthSome legends are toldSome turn to dust or to goldBut you will remember meRemember me for centuriesAnd just one mistakeIs all it will takeWe"ll go down in historyRemember me for centuries(Hey yeah, oh hey, hey yeah)We"ll go down in history (hey yeah)Remember me for centuriesRead more: Fall Out Boy - Centuries Lyrics | MetroLyrics

《Boney M Mary"s boy child》的歌词是什么?

Mary"s boy childJesus Christ was born on Christmas Dayand man will live for evermore because of Christmas Daylong time ago in Bethlehem so the Holy Bible saidMary"s Boy ChildJesus Christ was born on Christmas Day.Hark now hear the angels singa King was born todayand man will live for evermore because of Christmas DayMary"s Boy ChildJesus Christ was born on Christmas Day.While shepherds watched their flocksby night they see a bright new shinig starthey hear a choir sing a songthe music seemed to come from afar.Hark now hear the angels singa King was born todayand man will live for evermore because of Christmas Dayhm hm...For a moment the world was aglowall the bells rang outthere were tears of joy and laughterpeople shouted let ev"ryone knowthere is hope for all to find peace.How Joseph and his wife Mary came to Bethlehem that nightthey found no place to bear her child not a single room was in sightand then they found a little nook in a stable all forlornand in a manger cold and dark Mary"s little boy was bornHark now hear the angels singa King was born todayand man will live for evermore because of Christmas DayMary"s Boy ChildJesus Christ was born on Christmas Day.For a moment the world was aglow...Oh my Lordyou send your son to save usoh my Lordyour very self you gave usoh my Lordthat sin may not enslave usand love may reign once more.Oh my Lordwhen in the crib they found himoh my lorda golden halo crowned himoh my Lordthey gathered all around himto see him and adore.Oh my Lordwith the child"s adorationoh my Lordthere came great jubilationoh my Lordand full of admirationthey realized what they had (until the sun falls from the sky)Oh my Lord (well praise the Lord)they had just begun to doubt youoh my Lord (he is the truth forever)what did they know about you.Oh my Lord (so praise the Lord)but they were lost without youthey needed you so bad (his light is shinig on us)Oh my Lord (oh my Lord so praise the Lord)with the child"s adorationLord (oh my Lordhe is a persontion).There came great jubilationoh my Lord (so praise the Lord)and full of admirationthey realized what they had (until the sun falls from the sky)e just can"t go wrong.You"ve got the right combination for me



The Ricksha Boy是什么意思

The Ricksha Boy!(骆驼祥子)!

rubber boy 是什么意思

rubber boy 全部释义和例句>> 橡胶男孩-----------------------------希望采纳,你的支持我们的动力!

初一英语问题: 1.boys and girls aged 13~15 这句话中为什么要用aged?

aged x 意思是“年龄为……岁的”。例子:Apple products have a great influence on people"s lives all around the world.



6.I think the little boy will _____staying alone dark.A. frighten B. fear C. afraid D. worry


meet 中文 词性 同音词 question 中文 词性 反义词 boy 中文 词性 反义词 答

hi last girl too answer he(his) telephone white these me 括号为不确定


tough boy坚韧的男孩


您好!my girl是我的女孩my boy是我的男孩






我的女孩 我的男孩

英语完形填空 One day a poor boy who was trying to pay through

One day, a poor boy who was trying to pay his way through school by sending newspapers door to door,was so hungry that he decided to beg for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so she brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, andthen asked,"how much do I own you?" "You don"t owe me anything," she replied."Then I thank you from the bottom of my heart." With these words, Howard Kelly left that house. Year later the woman became badly ill and as finally sent to the hospital in a big city. Dr. Howard Kelly, now famous, was called in. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes. Dressed in his doctor"s clothes, Dr. Kelly went into her room and recognized her at once. From that day on, he gave special attention to her, and decided to do his best to save her life. At last the woman was saved. Dr. Kelly asked the business office to pass the final bill to him. He looked at it and then wrote something on the side. The bill was sent to her room. She was afraid to open it becauseshe was sure that it would take the rest of her life to pay for it off. Finally she looked, and the note on the sideof the bill caught her attention. She read these words: "Paid in full with a glass of milk, Dr. Howard Kelly." Tear of joy flooded her eyes.

you are honest you are honest boy虚心汉语什么意思

you are an honest boy 你是个诚实的男孩~ honest ["ɔnist] adj. 1.正直的,正派的,公正的2.诚实的,老实的3.正当的,用正当手段挣得的4.诚恳的,真诚的;坦率的,直率的5.真正的,纯正的,不掺假的6.有好名声的,有声誉的;可敬的7.[苏格兰英语]好的,无过错的8.耿直的,朴实的,单纯的9.真实的,可靠的,可信赖的10.[古语](妇女)纯洁的,贞洁的adv.[口语][用作加强语气词]的确,实在,真正n.[口语]有信用的人 近义词: upright . 短语 1.earn(或make,turn) an honest penny见penny2.honest to God真正地,地道地 be honest[用作插入语]说实在的,老实说 be quite honest about it=to be honest 以上来源于:《21世纪大英汉词典》

Peter is a naughty boy.He often _____(throw)rubbish on the floor.Look!He is ______(throw)it now.

throws throwing

求王若琳《the adventures of bernie the schoolboy》专辑的所有歌歌词

THE ADVENTURES OF BERNIE THE SCHOOLBOYWhat a drag O what a boerThere"s nothing left to do but choresA fing day has yet to beginAlready I Feel GrimJust how shall I strategizeThe plan to cscape my demiseWhen everybody is asleepOut my door I shall creepAnd so our tale beginsThe night"s a waitingThe clock"s a"tickinCome on wasting time"s sinAnd one,two,three,fourFive,sixm,seven,eightYes!one,two,three,fourFive,sixm,seven,eightI want to scream,I want to pranceand I can dance a silly dancePutting bugs in peopel"s soupsYes!That is what I do!Swish and Slash and I attackI"ve pulled some nasty pranks with tacksLaughed at chidren "til I shriekaed!Those squishy little squeaks!Where does our journey end?I don"t know but "til thenWhat wondrous things await?They"re right around the bend.I say one,two,three,fourFive,sixm,seven,eightYes! one,two,three,fourFive,sixm,seven,eightArranged by Amanda WuSound Designed by Roger Fosepb manning Fr.APATHYYou don"t care about anything at allNo the Apathy,oh the apathy,No the Apathy,oh the apathyI don"t unerstand how you can be soYes your piles and piles of filthy clothesI even write your mistress notesIch werde alles fur dich tun.Ein Wort und es wird getan seinDu bist mein Herrscher,fur immer.Der Eine,fur immerYes go on,laze all day,read a book,or play.Just keep sighing at your garden flowers,And gaze at your shoes for hours and hours.Dying relativesm,you neglect them all!I dust off your littered sentiments,While I have to sigh your documents!Ich werde alles fur dich tun.Ein Wort und es wird getan seinDu bist mein Herrscher,fur immerDer Eine,fur immerYou don"t care about anything at allNo the Apathy,oh the apathy,No the Apathy,oh the apathyThat is why I worship you my lord,You are all that I adoreCHITTERCHATIt"s not her fault all the secrestShe has been told have to be let outIs sets her rightAnd all she wanted to do is toChitterchat and chitterchat is toChitterchat and chitterchat is toChitterchat and gossip yeahIt"s not her fault all the juicyStories that she hears need to be knownO don"t ther knowAnd all she wanted to do is toChitterchat and chitterchat is toChitterchat and chitterchat is toChitterchat and gossip yeahArranged by David PalmerPLOTTING REVENGEI"m plotting revenge against my bossMaybe it"ll happen it"ll happen sometimeI know when he leaves for workYes I know where he drops off his shirtsBut he doesn"t knowNo he doesn"t knowNo he doesn"t knowThat I know all this!I"m plotting revenge against my neighborMaybe it"ll happen it"ll happen sometimeHe complains that my dog"s tooloudSays he"ll call the cops, he screams and shoutsBut he doesn"t knowNo he doesn"t knowNo he doesn"t knowThat I don"t like that!I"m plotting revenge against myselfMaybe it"Ll happen it"ll happen sometimePlotted against everyone I knowThe last on the list, is me, oh no!But I don"t knowNo I don"t knowNo I don"t knowThat it must be done!THE FOOLThis is a tale from so long ago,forgotten by all but the wind."l,ll be good to you," she recalls.He stayed awl"ule, but come one dawn,nowhere was he found.Still each everyday, she only waits;her love growslike a flameThe nightingales sang..."Dear, she is such a fool!He"s left for good, for a lovely youth,but this she never knew."And with the years, she"d withered and faded,but his shadow"d never crest the hill."l,ll be good to you," he"d said.She never spoke, but sometimesshe"dlook to the distance for hoursThen she"d go home, but by nowher love is a seaof fireThe nightingales sang..."Love, eternallove!Only she knows, but truer than the sun.Love, eternallove!"Arranged by Fosepb manning Fr.ONLY CHILDThere"s something that I see that IReally, really wantAnd I"Ll take it without tellingAnyoneBut that"s ok cause I"m an only childI"ve been spoiled cause I"m alonely childAnd then I"m all aloneAnd then I"m brokePlease don"t take away what I"ve gotPlease don"t take away what I"ve gotO noMy mother dear and father dearThey must compensateFor the loneliness they think I mustEndure all daySee that"s ok cause I"m an only childI"ve been spoiled cause I"m a lonely childAnd then I"m all aloneAnd then I"m brokePlease don"t take away what I"ve gotPlease don"t take away what I"ve gotO noYou feelso badThatl can manipulateYou two into doingJust about anythingJust about anythingJust about anything I say!Ifthey don"t give me what I wantThen I start to cryThen they"ll give me toys and candyAs pathetic bribcSee that"s ok cause I"m an only childI"ve been spoiled cause I"m a lonely childYes that"s ok, see, that"s ok!I"ve been spoiled for I"m a lonely child...You Feel so badThat I can manipulateYou two into doingJust about anythingJust about anythingJust about anythingl say!WE JUST WON"T KNOWI understandperfectly wellhowlonelylamThis wiLl never changeand my dog knowswhen he looks in my eyesI"ve never been sure ofwhat I am feelingNo I"ve never been sure ofwhat I am feelingBecause you didn"tWell it got rne thinkingWhere do we go?Well we just won"t knowTHE BUGNow that we"ve bugged your phoneWe hear even your dialtoneWe hear your every wordYou didn"t know could be heardWe know aLl about your movesWe know aLl about your plansYes I"ll get all your votesThis is my second chanceNow that I"m getting scaredWhat i***et found outWhat am l supposed to do?Maybe they"ve done the sameThey"re set to wreck my campaignThese narrow-minded foolsIt"s for the greater good!They"ll do all that it takesTo have me be replacedThere"s no one else stepping inNo I"Il never let them winI BLAME IT ON YOUYou"re all that I wanted,the only childYou still would be,had I not knownWhat did you say,that made me this wayThe way you felt,it can"t be helpedThen what did you do,that made it untrueWhat did you do?I blame it on youArranged by Roger Fosepb manning Fr.THE CHICKEN CIRCUSArranged by Roger Fosepb manning Fr.CHITTERCHAT (REPRISE)It"s not her fault all the secrestShe has been told have to be let outIs sets her rightAnd all she wanted to do is toChitterchat and chitterchat is toChitterchat and chitterchat is toChitterchat and gossip yeahIt"s not her fault all the juicyStories that she hears need to be knownO don"t ther knowAnd all she wanted to do is toChitterchat and chitterchat is toChitterchat and chitterchat is toChitterchat and gossip yeahTHE REVENGE OF THE FARM ANIMALSEveryaay we toil and ache,And what is ours he robs he takesAnd ifthe man pines for a roastThen say goodbye and watch him go(Because you"re toast)And we cried"The way things are around here must be change"And we screamed"He must leave and then we"ll have our peace."Sometimes when he caLls and says,"Here,little laddie."We know the poor feLlow"s gone for good.So we raUied up allthe hens we knew,Cows, and pigs, and ducks, too."Listen now for we must plan A way to rid us ofthe Man."And we cried"No we"ll never stand for this injustice."And we screamed"We,ll never be the dinner ofman."A feeling ofuneasiness begins to settle all aroundWe hold our breath for the day has comeSo everyone marched ferociouslyFIoofto hoof, wing to wingAnd while the man screamed and pleadWith one swift stroke, "Offwith his head!""Offwent his head."And we cried"From this day forth we shall be at ease!"And we screamed"From this day forth we shall be free!"Arranged by Timotby WilliamsOrcbestrated by Timothy Williams and Drew KrassowskiConducted by Timothy WilliamsSolo Violin:Mark RobertsonSolo Cello:Vanessa Freebairn-SmitbTHE ADVENTURE COMES TO AN ENDThe boy in the barn,he wakes up every morningTo the sound ofthe music,and their laughing and screamingWhen he dances the chickens and the cowsStart hopping all around him, around himand they"re laughing and screamingBut this had outraged the farmerWho had decided to let the boy stayThe noise that they made,oh the noise that they madeIt kept him wide awake,yes it kept him wide awakeHe prances he dancesHe prowls he howlsTheylaugh and cry andjoininThey join inAnd they"re laughing and screamingThis cacophony wa.kes up the angry farmerW ho was snoring, oh sleeping, oh snoringHe went out the houseStill in his nightgownHe shot the boy to the groundYou can hear all ofthe animalsScreaming allaroundScreaming all aroundThe boy in the barn,he wakes up every morningTo the sound ofthe music,and theirlaughing and screaming

the boy runs sofast that his mother can"t catch up with him写出同义句

the(t大写)boy runs tofast toohis mother can catchup with him. so that太。。以至于。。totoo太。。以至于不。。望采纳,3Q~

英语翻译bill gates in his boyhood


above,king,come,old,food,too,reply,another,life,see A boy found an eagle"s(鹰) egg an

小题1:came小题2:food小题3:older小题4:saw小题5:above小题6:replied小题7:king小题8:another小题9:1ife小题10:too 试题分析:一只小鹰出生在鸡窝里。所以他认为自己是一只鸡,和其它的鸡一样咯咯地叫,在泥土里找食吃,他看到一只鹰在高高的天上飞,希望自己也能像他那样,可是其它的鸡笑话他痴心妄想,所以他抱怨生命的不公,最后死去,还认为自己是一只鸡。你天生是鹰,就要有高远的目标。小题1:蛋壳破了,应从蛋壳里出来了。come out出来,全文用一般过去时,所以这里用came。小题2:小鸡在土里刨食吃。所以这里用food(食物)。小题3:一点一点地这只鹰长大一些了。所以这里用older(更大)。小题4:一天,他和他的鸡朋友们看见一只美丽的鸟正在空中飞。小题5:这只美丽的鸟在空中,在高高的山上飞翔。所以这里用above(在…上)。小题6:鹰说:“哦,我希望我能像它那样飞!”。鸡回答说:“别再想了”。 所以这里用replied(reply的过去式形式)。小题7:这就是大鹰,所有鸟的大王。你永远不可能像他一样!所以这里用king(王)。小题8:鹰没有再想。所以这里用another(另一个)。小题9:他咯咯咯地抱怨着生活的不公。最后他死了,还以为他是一只鸡。所以这里用1ife(生活、生命)。小题10:朋友们,你也天生是一只鹰,想文中的那只鹰一样。所以填too。

these boys 是三单吗?

您好! these boys不是三单,而是复数名词。三单的意思是第三人称单数形式,而these boys(这些男孩)是可数名词的复数形式,如果想用其三单形式要用this boy(这个男孩)。谢谢!希望能帮到你!

these boys 后面的动词是单数形式么

  theseboys(这些男孩)属于复数第三人称,后面的动词不能用单数形式。例如:Theseboysareclever.这些男孩很聪明。Theseboyswalktoschooleveryday.这些男孩每天步行上学。  只有单数第三人称后面的动词才可能用单数形式。例如:Theboywearsawhitecoat.那个男孩穿着一件白色的外套。Themilksmellsgood.这些牛奶很好闻。

beams boys 什么意思

BEAMS BOY是日本服装品牌 Beams旗下的品牌百度百科有:
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