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识骨寻踪 bones的父母是什么身份?







Paloalto的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Paloalto专辑:Heroes And VillainsIn Fear And Faith - BonesHer bones are buried in the backyard along with my integrityI tested your honor you questioned my faithNow look where you are you"re right where you"ll stayIts time for you to know that I"m loathingYou"ll never see me againI can see your eyes have been wandering slowlyDo you have any last words?Oh no I can see you"ve been lying through your teethWho"s breathing now?I hope your ready to leave this place cause you are going either wayWe"ve fallen far too distantAll you were good for was everythingbut I guess that wasn"t enough to keep you aliveI"m horrified by my potentialI am so capable of terrible thingsI really hate goodbyesThere"s no way that I could just let it slideI did this to youAnd all this time I never knew regret is for youFor youOh no I can see that you have been lying through your teethI hope you are ready to leave this place cause you are going either wayWe"ve fallen far too distant.I"m ready to forgetI"m ready to forget you

Ms Mr的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Ms Mr专辑:Secondhand RaptureMS MR - BonesDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneBoy with a broken soulheart with a gaping holeDark twisted fantasy turned to realityKissing death and losing my breathMidnight hoursCobble street passagesForgotten savages, Forgotten savagesDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLet her find a way to a better placeBroken dreams and silent screamsEmpty churches with soulless cursesWe found a way to escape the dayDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLost in the pages of self made cagesLife slips away and the ghost come to playThese are hard timesThese are hard timesFor dreamersAnd love-lost believersDig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLet her find a way to a better placeBroken dreams and silent screamsEmpty churches with soulless cursesWe found a way to escape the dayCandy bar creep showMy highs hit a new lowMarinate in miseryLike a girl of only seventeenMan made madness,and the romance of sadnessBeautiful dance, that happened by chancehappened by chance x2;Dig up her bones, but leave her soul aloneLet her x4;find her way back homeBroken dreams and silent screamsEmpty churches with soulless cursesWe found x3;a way, to escape the day


《bones》演唱:Imagine DragonsGimme, gimme, gimme some time to thinkI"m in the bathroom looking at meFace in the mirror is all I needWait until the reaper takes my lifeNever gonna get me out aliveI will live a thousand million livesMy patience is waningIs this entertaining?My patience is waningIs this entertaining?I got this feeling, yeah, you knowWhere I"m losing all control"Cause there"s magic in my bonesI got this feeling in my soulGo ahead and throw your stones"Cause there"s magic in my bonesPlaying with a stick of dynamiteThere was never grey in black and whiteThere was never wrong till there was rightFeeling like a boulder hurdlingSeeing all the vultures circlingBurning in the flames I"m working inTurning in a bed that"s darkeningMy patience is waningIs this entertaining?My patience is waningIs this entertaining?I got this feeling, yeah, you knowWhere I"m losing all control"Cause there"s magic in my bonesI got this feeling in my soulGo ahead and throw your stones"Cause there"s magic in my bones"Cause there"s magic in my bonesLook in the mirror of my mindTurning the pages of my lifeWalking the path so many paced a million timesDrown out the voices in the airLeaving the ones that never caredPicking the pieces up and building to the skyMy patience is waningIs this entertaining?My patience is waningIs this entertaining?I got this feeling, yeah, you knowWhere I"m losing all control"Cause there"s magic in my bonesI got this feeling in my soulGo ahead and throw your stones"Cause there"s magic in my bonesThere goes my mindDon"t mindThere goes my mindThere goes my mindDon"t mindThere goes my mind"Cause there"s magic in my bones





【Bones(识骨寻踪)】0150:Profile A Shrink(Hogins/Sweets)

LANCE SWEETS平躺在自己的办公椅上,右手扶着自己的左肩膀。 即使已经过去18年,那些丑陋的疤痕还是会发出阵阵幻痛折磨着自己。这样的幻痛会不受他控制地给大脑不断传递信息,然后让他情不自禁地想起自己的那些过去。 那是LANCE SWEETS作为人降生到世界以来最初的记忆——昏暗的灯光、酒精和香烟刺鼻的气息,以及皮带抽打在身上带来的剧痛。 他知道,收养儿童一般只有两种命运——要么上天堂,要么下地狱……运气好的可以被一对慈祥、温和却一直得不到孩子的好心夫妇收养,运气差的——要知道,收养儿童可以得到国家每月补贴500美金的赡养费,而且还附赠一个不会还手、不会报警、任凭摆弄的玩物,何乐而不为呢? 他人生的前6年就是在地狱里挣扎着爬过来的。日复一日、年复一年、恐惧渐渐演变为愤怒,最后直接转化为盲目……就在他最应该学习人类的情感、体会人类的真善美的时候,他却只看到了残忍和冷酷。 他想起BRENNAN和BOOTH来请他去GORDEN GORDEN家吃晚餐的时候,骨头博士泪眼婆娑地讲着她在收养家庭因为打碎一个盘子而被关在车库一个星期的故事。和他第一次见到她时就猜到的一样,BRENNAN只是用冷淡来掩饰自己的感情——和他正好相反,他是用夸张的感情来掩饰自己的冷漠。 他6岁的时候终于碰上了一对善良的老夫妇,可是这一切都来得太晚,他感情上的缺失已经无法弥补。 社会不能容纳一个没有感情的怪物。他在选择科系的时候选择了心理学,这让他学到怎样才能更好地伪装自己;还有这张BABY FACE,蜷曲的卷发、大眼睛、笑起来还有酒窝——好像永远也长不大的小男孩。这正是他所需要的,让与他接触的人都放松警惕,不会注意到他与众不同的一面。 就好像热带动物一样,用各种保护色把自己伪装起来。 SWEETS感到左肩上的疼痛已经远超幻痛的感觉,他这才注意到不知不觉间他的手指深深攥紧了肩膀。 *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ “SWEETS!” 他的门“砰”的一声被撞开了,那个小个子的卷发男人也没有征求他的同意,大大咧咧地就一屁股坐在他的沙发上。似乎嫌这样子还不够粗鲁,他又把两腿往沙发上一搁,干脆枕着胳膊在沙发上呼哧呼哧地平躺下来。 “HODGINS博士,”SWEETS重新调整好坐姿,迅速回复到平时那个SHRINK的状态,“虽然我不能麻烦你们每次来找我时先预约,不过至少请你们进来前先敲敲门。” “SWEETS!ANGELA和WENDELL在一起了你知不知道?我心里真是烦透了!” SWEETS像平时那样拿起笔和笔记本,坐到HODGINS对面的沙发上,“我知道,我能理解。” “不!其实我也不是嫉妒或是怎么着……但是我就是烦透了!” “我明白。” “我、我只是希望ANGELA能幸福,你知道吗?其实我早就已经放下我俩过去的事儿了,但是ANGELA是个好女人……” SWEETS放下笔,眼睛直视着HODGINS的,“你只是想要她找到一个好男人。” “对。”HODGINS点点头。 “你就是个好男人。”SWEETS坐到他身旁,对他微微一笑。 SWEETS的笑总是很能感染人。他的眼睑微微下垂,嘴角则稍稍向上一挑,带出脸颊浅浅的酒窝——就是一个完美的微笑。温和、动人、沁人心脾,带着极度的治愈作用,还有不容置疑的专业。HODGINS也不由得回以一笑。 但是他很快又坐回到他的对面,仿佛刚刚他们还是无话不谈的朋友,现在就又恢复到SHRINK和病人的关系一样。 这就是JEFFERSONIAN实验室专用SHRINK,HODGINS心想。平时他总是摆出一副任何人都能接近的无害姿态和表情,讲些无关痛痒的笑话,然后你刚以为要和他建立某种亲密关系时,他会当机立断地和你保持距离。 他还记得SWEETS刚刚成为JEFFERSONIAN常客的那会儿,ZACK刚被关进精神病院,斜眼小组对这个新成员都嗤之以鼻——尤其是他自己,他那时简直要恨死这个无处不在的BABY FACE了。可是渐渐的,他们却又开始依赖他,开始求助于他。CAM、ANGELA、BOOTH、他自己、甚至是对心理学最不屑一顾的BONES,都接受过他的帮助。他们甚至都已经养成一碰到烦心事儿就要不请自来的习惯了。 然而他们中间从来也没有人关注过他的心情。HODGINS拼命地绞尽脑汁,也很难发掘出SWEETS发自内心的笑的记忆——他的笑总是专业性的,SHRINK的,能让病人感到安心的那种,简直就像就着心理学书籍里拷贝下来的一样。也许他总是做出些让人啼笑皆非的事——比如说在防护服里不小心打个喷嚏、比如说曾经穿着西短和凉拖就走进JEFFERSONIAN(HODGINS一直想不通保安为什么没有把他拦下来)、比如说当着众人的面和DAISY接吻——上帝啊那可是DAISY!凡此种种在刚开始时都只是让HODGINS感到滑稽可笑,但是和SWEETS接触得越多,他越来越感到SHRINK并不是真的像表现出来的那样幼稚,他只是在努力扮演一个类似宫廷小丑的角色,用浓厚的油彩来掩盖自己真实的表情。 实际上,他和SWEETS接触得也不能算多。或许他们会一起吃饭、一起聊天、一起看电影、一起破案,但是SHRINK却很有技巧地一直回避着和自己相关的话题。有时候他们会嘲笑他的BABY FACE和单纯性格,但是他总是会说“嘿,我可不是你想象中的那个样子!”,这个话题就无法持续下去了——简直就好像某种警告:我很危险,不要接近我。 就好像某种被困在自己筑起的笼子里的困兽,一边极度渴望其他人的关怀,一边又只能孤独地舔舐自己的伤口。HODGINS不能想象,到底是怎样的经历才造就了现在他眼前的这个人。 HODGINS想,也许在PROFILE或者是做心理咨询时,他才会表现出自己真实的一面——一台会走路的、精密的、完美的侦讯机器和测谎仪。他的PROFILE几乎是百发百中的,从未发生过任何差错;他可以从人群中挑出那个有问题的,连问讯也不用;他的心理咨询总是一针见血,轻易就能揭露他们心里所想却不愿意承认的一面;他总是在该笑的时候笑该沮丧的时候沮丧该说话的时候说话,时机总是把握得恰到好处——他看过他审讯时的样子,不管面对的是怎样的嫌疑犯或是证人,他的眼睛都是漆黑的一片,根本无法从中窥得半丝感情。 他能真真切切地感受到SHRINK感情失去控制的时刻,只有一次。 *~*~*~*~*~*~ “SWEETS?” “嗯?”SHRINK看起来好像正忙于记笔记,他没有抬起头看HODGINS。 “以前有人PROFILE你吗?” “HODGINS博士,”SWEETS抬起头来,脸上是他一贯的小男孩式认真表情,“你这是在质疑我的专业水平吗?我是一个经过专业培训的心理分析师,我比其他任何人都能看清我自己。” “不、我并不是质疑你的专业水平。我……我只是觉得,也许……我、我只是说如果,如果我对你进行一次PROFILE的话,也许我俩之间的治疗能进展得更顺利些……你说呢?” SHRINK稍稍迟疑了一下,“或许是个好主意……你知道,增加我们彼此之间的了解。” “CORRECT。”HODGINS清了清嗓子,“首先你是个有耐心的人——你知道,ZACK刚被抓进去,ANGELA和我的婚约刚解除,我当时真的糟糕透了,就连JEFFERSONIAN里的其他人看到我都要绕路走。但是你这个时候却给予了我帮助。虽然我那个时候总要把你当苍蝇一样赶来赶去的。对于这个,我得向你道歉。” “没关系。然后?”SWEETS斜倚在沙发上,一条腿搭在另一条腿上,右手伸出食指支撑着脸颊——HODGINS知道,这是SHRINK最爱的姿势。 “你刚开始的时候把JEFFERSONIAN当成自己的试验场。嘿,我能理解,JEFFERSONIAN简直就是一群FREAKS & GEEKS,任何一个心理分析师找到这儿都得像掉进米缸里的老鼠一样——别误会,只是打个比方。” “嗯哼。”SHRINK明显无心为这段“指控”费心思辩解。 “你难道就从来也没觉得自己从12岁开始心理年龄就从来也没成长过吗?我是说,虽然你有三个博士学位,为什么却还是像个心理发育没健全的小男孩一样?虽然你一直假装自己和我们一样是成年人,但是实际上你却比我们单纯幼稚得多——就好像你拍下Excalibur那会儿,你的表现完全就像个得到新玩具的小孩子。” SWEETS抬起眼睛——和HODGINS记忆中的一样,只要一说出这样的话,SHRINK的眼睛就会立刻变得深不可测。 “HODGINS博士,”SWEETS将两手交叉着放在膝盖上,“我不得不提醒你,我的内心绝不像你想象中的那么单纯。” HODGINS没放过这个信号。 “我知道。” “你……什么?” “我说,我知道。”他满意地看到SHRINK的眼神里掺杂了一丝慌乱。 “抱歉,HODGINS博士,”SWEETS匆匆站起身,去把办公室门打开,“我想今天我们已经浪费太多时间了。” HODGINS也站起来,他面对着SWEETS,把双手抱在胸前,摆出一副拳击手要打一场拳王争霸赛的架势,“我不走。” SHRINK把脸侧到一边,咬紧了嘴唇。“那你想怎么样?挟持我作人质,要他们送5000万美金和一辆车来?” “不,明显不是。”HODGINS低下头,嘴角扯出一个笑容,“因为5000万对我而言实在是太不够看了。我只是想让你知道,我,我们大家都在关心你,想要更了解你。” “我知道。” “不你根本就不知道!所以今天我对你说这句话时你才会有这种反应!你知道除了案件相关的事、PROFILE和诊察之外的其他时间你跟我们说的最多的那句话是什么吗?‘嘿,不要随便揣测我!"、‘嘿,我可不是你想的那样!"‘嘿,我必须得提醒你我的内心可是很阴暗的!"……那你到底是什么样的人?你曾经想让我们知道吗?” “那是因为在我身上曾经发生过一些事,”SHRINK的表情变得越来越凝重,“我希望你们永远都不会知道。” “SWEETS,我不知道你身上曾经发生过什么。”HODGINS走到办公桌前,“可是你错了。不是我们不了解你,而是你自己不了解你自己。” 他把SWEETS放在办公桌上的所有书籍、材料和纸张统统拨拉到地上。SHRINK微微张着嘴,用像看恐怖分子一样的目光看着HODGINS。 “舒服多了。”HODGINS只感到全身的血液都奔腾着冲向脑袋,“有些感情,光是用白纸黑字是无法形容的。这些纸、这些书、这些报告……它们统统加起来都做不到。但是你却可以,而且我们都看到了。去年BOOTH生脑瘤被紧急送进医院去的时候,你的情绪失控了。那是我唯一一次切切实实地感觉到你的感情。” SWEETS刚要说话,HODGINS伸出一只手来制止了他。 “不,请让我说完。有些感情是装不出来的,我们都看出来那时你有多么心急如焚,而我们其他人虽然也很担心,却不及你的一半。这不是审讯,而是BOOTH,是BOOTH他那个时侯很可能没命,可能就这么玩儿完了。你觉得你那个时候还能像审讯时、像平时对待我们一样完美地控制自己的感情么?‘我不再是一个冷静的心理学家了"这是你自己说的!这种感情我敢打赌,这些书里统统不会教你‘嘿,BOOTH要死了,这种时候我该做出什么表情?",NEVER!上帝啊!那一刻我都希望和BOOTH对调一下了!要是能得到你这样的关心,让我得脑瘤我都觉得值得!” 房间里顿时陷入了寂静。 老天爷啊我都说了些什么!? HODGINS感到一阵天旋地转,急速上升的血液明显起了作用,他用一只手撑着办公桌,一只手把本来就已经够蓬松的卷发弄得更乱。 “不,”看到SHRINK又要开口,HODGINS急忙说道,“那、那个……刚刚那个话我能解释……其实、其实就是……哦老天呀我也不知道自己为什么要说这句话……” “HODGINS,”SWEETS从门口走向办公桌,走到HODGINS的背后,把一只手搭在他的肩膀上,“我只是想说,我这间小办公室再也无法承受你的愤怒LEVEL2了……” HODGINS直起身,看到SWEETS的整个办公室成了刚打了一场伟大战役的战场。 “抱歉。”他垂下蓝眼睛,“太过了。” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ 这天剩下的时间SWEETS只好推掉了所有的预约,和HODGINS一起整理办公室。 “HODGINS,”SHRINK一边把一摞书整齐地放在办公桌原来的位置上一边说,“不知道为什么,我觉得好像有些感谢你。” “真的?我把你的办公室搞砸了,你还想感谢我?” SWEETS把一叠文件重新放进文件夹,“你说出了我一直想……一直希望能有人对我说的话。” “我想,有一天,我会说的,我会告诉你们,我是个什么样的人,我曾经经历过什么样的事。但是要给我点时间。毕竟,”SHRINK说道,“这不是件容易的事。” “你知道吗?虽然你总是口无遮拦还总是说错话,但是你是我见过的最好的SHRINK。” “那还真是巧了,虽然你脾气易激动还弄坏了我的办公室,但是你也是我见过的最好的病人。” HODGINS回过身来看着SWEETS。他褐色的眼睛里满是笑意。窗外的阳光适时地洒在他身上,在褐色的卷发和红嘴唇上镀上了一层淡淡的金色。SHRINK的手臂搭在窗台上,剪裁得体的西装完美地勾勒出他身体的曲线——一切美好得就像一幅风景画。 “嘿,我有个好主意。昨天我买了TRANSFORMERS2的蓝光碟,”HODGINS清楚地记得去年电影上映的时候SWEETS因为要赶FBI的结案报告一直没能去看成,SHRINK为此很是懊恼了一阵,“今天晚上你来我家——你知道,做两个大男人在一起时该做的事。一盘蓝光碟、一打啤酒、披萨和炸鸡——给身体增加几磅卡路里。” “COOL。” ——FIN——

Daniel Gilbert的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Daniel Gilbert专辑:BonesCome with me.We took a back road.We"re gonna look at the stars.We took a backroad in my car.Down to the ocean,it"s only water and sandAnd in the ocean we"ll hold hands.But I don"t really like you, apologetically dressed in the best, but on a heartbeat glide.Without an answer, the thunder speaks for the sky, and on the cold, wet dirt I cry.And on the cold, wet dirt I cry.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.A cinematic vision ensuedlike the holiest dream.It"s someone"s calling?An angel whispers my name,but the message relayed is the same:"Wait till tomorrow,you"ll be fine."But it"s gone to the dogs in my mind.I always hear themwhen the dead of nightcomes calling to save me from this fight.But they can never wrong this right.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Never had a lover,never had soul.Never had a good time,never got gold.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Come and take a swim with me. Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural

Radiohead的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Radiohead专辑:The BendsBonesRadioheadI don"t want to be crippled and crackedShoulders, wrists, knees and backGround to dust and ashCrawling on all foursWhen you"ve got to feel it in your bonesWhen you"ve got to feel it in your bonesNow I can"t climb the stairsPieces missing everywhereProzac painkillersWhen you"ve got to feel it in your bonesWhen you"ve got to feel it in your bonesAnd I used to fly like Peter PanAll the children flew when I touched their handsWhen you"ve got to feel it in your bonesWhen you"ve got to feel it in your bones

Gob的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Gob专辑:Foot In Mouth DiseaseCome with me.We took a back road.We"re gonna look at the stars.We took a backroad in my car.Down to the ocean,it"s only water and sandAnd in the ocean we"ll hold hands.But I don"t really like you, apologetically dressed in the best, but on a heartbeat glide.Without an answer, the thunder speaks for the sky, and on the cold, wet dirt I cry.And on the cold, wet dirt I cry.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.A cinematic vision ensuedlike the holiest dream.It"s someone"s calling?An angel whispers my name,but the message relayed is the same:"Wait till tomorrow,you"ll be fine."But it"s gone to the dogs in my mind.I always hear themwhen the dead of nightcomes calling to save me from this fight.But they can never wrong this right.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Never had a lover,never had soul.Never had a good time,never got gold.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna swim with me? Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural.Don"t you wanna come with me? Don"t you wanna feel my boneson your bones?It"s only natural.Come and take a swim with me. Don"t you wanna feel my skinon your skin?It"s only natural

Hillsong UNITED的《Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Bones歌手:Hillsong UNITED专辑:aftermath07.Bones.You can take my dry bonesBreathe life into this skinYou called me by nameRaised me to life again..You can calm the oceansSpeak peace into my soulTake me as I amAwaken my heart to beat again.Oh Jesus, oh JesusOh Jesus, alive in me..You move in the unseenYou set the captives freeAs I stand and singYou""re breaking the chains off me.Oh Jesus, oh JesusOh Jesus, alive in meAlive in me x5.Breathe in me Your lifeI can feel You are close nowI can never hideYou are here and You know me.All I need is You and I love YouI love You, I love You, I love You..Breathe in me Your life""Til Your love overtakes meOpen up my eyesLet me see You more clearlyFalling on my knees""Til I love like You loveLike You love me, I love You.Oh Jesus, oh JesusOh Jesus, alive in me

Wishbone Ash的《Phoenix》 歌词

歌曲名:Phoenix歌手:Wishbone Ash专辑:Classic AshWolfmother - PhoenixIllumination inside of youSimplicity is in all we doLike a landslide falling beneath youLook to the future is all we can doLike a phoenix rising in the skyWe will run into the morning lightHighly recommended by someoneWith an inclination to enjoyMisinterpret such a simple lifeWith one eye to satisfyLike a phoenix rising in the skyWe will run into the morning lightLike a phoenix rising in the skyWe will run into the morning lightLike a phoenix rising in the skyWe will run into the morning light

英语高手帮忙翻译下这首歌:Fell it in my bones

风吹啊风,我不能看见他来临,风吹呀风,打击我,冲进我的心里,停留在我的心里,什么冲进我的心里和骨里,我不能控制我感觉你在我的 骨里,你在敲打我的窗子 你很不舍得让我走,我知道这种感觉,所以我知道这种感觉进了我的 骨里 留下吧,我不能看见,你已经有了死亡的目标,让他出来吧,离开吧,让它出来吧,离开吧,离开吧,感觉到它就在我的骨子里 什么进入我的心灵和 骨里 ,我不能控制,考虑它 我呼吸,呼吸,伴随着风,呼吸呼吸从你开始,一直你就在我的心中停留,我把心灵释放,从我的身体里,我再也不需要它,把头重新抬起,我再不需要它了我感觉你在我的 骨里,你在敲打我的窗子 你很不舍得让我走,我知道这种感觉,它在我的骨头里

Broken Bones 歌词

歌曲名:Broken Bones歌手:Aqualung专辑:Memory ManRev Theory - Broken BonesWalking a fine line between wrong and rightAnd I know...There is a part of me that I try to hideBut I can"t winAnd I can"t fightI keep holding on too tightRunning away from the world outsideNow I am callingHoping you"ll hear meWe all need somebodyTo believe in somethingAnd I won"t fear thisWhen I am fallingWe all need somebodyThat can mend... These broken bonesCaught in the confines of the simple lifeAnd I am...Holding my head high in the rising tideAnd I can"t winAnd I can"t fightI keep holding on too tightRunning away from the world outsideNow I am callingHoping you"ll hear meWe all need somebodyTo believe in somethingAnd I won"t fear thisWhen I am fallingWe all need somebodyThat can mend... These broken bonesBut OhYeahI"m not coming home nowI know...I"m so far awaySo far from homeI"m not coming home nowI know...I"m so far awayI"m so far awayAnd I can"t winAnd I can"t fightI keep holding on too tightNow I am callingHoping you"ll hear meWe all need somebodyTo believe in somethingAnd I won"t fear thisWhen I am fallingWe all need somebodyThat can mend... These broken bonesAnd I can"t winAnd I can"t fightI keep holding on too tightRunning away from the world outsideAnd I can"t winAnd I can"t fightI keep holding on too tightRunning away from the world outside

我想问一下有谁知道印尼南加里曼丹岛马晨市的这个港口Taboneo Anchorage的中文名称吗?谢谢大家!



trombone是伸缩喇叭Trombone是长号这个乐器,音色高傲,辉煌,庄严壮丽而饱满。其音色鲜明统一,在乐队中很少能被同化,甚至可以与整个乐队抗 衡。能演奏半音音阶和独特的滑音。常演奏雄壮乐曲的中低音声部。军乐队中是用来演奏威武的中低音旋律的主要乐器。管弦乐队中很少用于独奏。

traffic trombone是什么意思?



长号又名伸缩号,旧名伸缩喇叭,属铜管乐器的一种,是今日管弦乐团乐器中最早以今貌出现乐器。长号由15世纪的大型喇叭加上弯形滑管演变而来。 伸缩喇叭有三分之二的长度是圆筒形,然后向旁扩张成喇叭形,发出雄浑醇厚的声音。伸缩管的功能,主要是为了产生和音系列之外的音符,这种乐器最大的特色是将伸缩管不断的移动,可产生滑奏。伸缩喇叭不是移调乐器,和小喇叭一样,有时也用到同样的弱音器。   到16世纪,长号虽然在欧洲各地很常见,但是几乎只用于宗教音乐,藉它圆润的音色来加强合唱音量。可惜的是正因为长号与宗教音乐有这种密切关系,所以妨碍了它在世俗音乐上的发展。  在铜管乐器中,长号是用途最广的乐器之一。由于它音色变化范围大,正如过去在教堂中经常使用一样,现今在军乐队和舞厅乐队中也很常见。   自从贝多芬在《第5号交响曲》中运用长号之后,它已成为管弦乐团中的主要乐器,一般而言,有二支高音长号及一支低音长号。它明亮 *** 的音色,既有加强音量与深沈的效果,在必要时也可作穿越其他乐器之用。 大多数的管弦乐团都是使用次中音伸缩喇叭。低音伸缩喇叭可以吹出较低的声音,许多伸缩喇叭手的乐器还有附件,就是一个特长的管子,以吹奏最低音,而不愿用双重号。      20世纪的前卫派作曲家荀白克(Arnold Schoenberg)最先运用长号独特的滑奏效果。自此之后,长号在各种音乐中均极其吃香,不论爵士乐、流行乐或古典音乐,不论军乐队、舞厅乐队或歌舞剧,甚至喜剧效果中,都少不了它。 长号的发声原理   长号是由圆筒形铜管制成的,一端为吹嘴(见上图),另一端为钟形的喇叭口。除了吹嘴之外,它是由两部分吻合而成,一部分铜管紧贴另一部分滑动。低音长号手则常用附加部分以吹奏更低沈的音调。弯形滑管的作用就如其他铜管乐器的活塞,可以改变空气柱的长短,从而改变音高。长号有七个「自然」音位,可吹奏二个八度的「泛音」。长号手吹出一个自然音后,保持滑管不动,只须经由吹嘴改变管内的气压即可吹出泛音。 2007-02-20 16:54:03 补充: 基本上一定冇可能令嘴唇变厚 但会令嘴唇有痳感.所以不能吹太久. 会的,亲身经验XD 1.长号是在铜管家族中唯一可演奏滑音glissando 2. 长号出现在莫扎特的宗教音乐时是代表主的声音 长号是由圆筒形铜管制成的 一端为吹嘴 另一端为钟形的喇叭口 除了吹嘴之外 它是由两部分吻合而成 一部分铜管紧贴另一部分滑动 低音长号手则常用附加部分以吹奏更低沈的音调 弯形滑管的作用就如其他铜管乐器的活塞 可以改变空气柱的长短 从而改变音高 长号有七个「自然」音位 可吹奏二个八度的「泛音」 长号手吹出一个自然音后 保持滑管不动 只须经由吹嘴改变管内的气压即可吹出泛音


[trɑmu02c8bou028an]n.长号,伸缩喇叭;变形复数:trombones英英释义trombone[ tru0254m"bu0259un, "tru0254mb- ]n.a brass instrument consisting of a long tube whose length can be varied by a U-shaped slide双语例句用作名词(n.)There are some wonderful trumpet and trombone solos in the piece.这支乐曲中有一些美妙的小号和长号的独奏。The trombone is an essential musical instrument for a symphony orchestra.拉管是交响乐队不可缺少的乐器之一。权威例句TromboneTromboneTromboneLow cost trombone line beamformerCompact dual bell section trombone caseA study of lip vibrations in a tromboneTrombone player"s lung: a probable new cause of hypersensitivity pneumonitis.Methods of mitigation of trombone routing in an IMS/MMD network



rattle my bones歌词翻译


Rattle Your Bones 歌词

歌曲名:Rattle Your Bones 歌手:Airbourne专辑:No Guts, No GloryAirbourne - Rattle Your BonesSunday dress so sweet and innocentBut I can tell by the look in your eyesI ain"t seen nothing yet oh noCause the talk of the town is you get aroundJust one touch and your dress hits the groundI got what you want you got what I needSo C"mon baby let me slide it in andRattle you bonesI"m Gonna rattle you bonesI"m gonna rattle you bonesGirl I"m gonna rattle you bonesTonightTalking sex on the telephoneBaby dirty fingers have a mind of their ownIf ya need a helping hand baby I"m your manI got the touch like no other manYou got what I want I got what you needSo c"mon baby let me slide it in andC"mon shake it babyC"mon babyRattle you bones rattle you bonesI"m gonna rattle you bones rattle you bonesI"m gonna rattle you bones tonight

BoneCP 报异常,kill all connections 怎么处理

  检查配置文件。 BoneCP配置文件格式(bonecp-config.xml):  Xml代码  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  <bonecp-config>  <default-config>  <!-- ... -->  <property name="...">...</property>  </default-config>  </bonecp-config>二、BoneCP主要配置参数 1.jdbcUrl 设置数据库URL 2.username 设置数据库用户名 3.password 设置数据库密码 4.partitionCount 设置分区个数。这个参数默认为1,建议3-4(根据特定应用程序而定)。 为了减少锁竞争和改善性能,从当前线程分区(thread-affinity)中获取一个connection, 也就是这个样子:partitions[Thread.currentThread().getId() % partitionCount]。当拥有充足的短期(short-lived)的线程时候,这个参数设置越大,性能越好。当超过一定的阀值时,连接池的维护工作就可能对性能造成一定的负面影响(仅当分区上的connection使用耗尽时)。 5.maxConnectionsPerPartition 设置每个分区含有connection最大个数。这个参数默认为2。如果小于2,BoneCP将设置为50。 比如:partitionCount设置为3,maxConnectionPerPartition设置为5,你就会拥有总共15个connection。 注意:BoneCP不会将这些connection一起创建出来,而是说在需要更多connection的时候从minConnectionsPerPartition参数开始逐步地增长connection数量。 6.minConnectionsPerPartition 设置每个分区含有connection最大小个数。这个参数默认为0。 7.acquireIncrement 设置分区中的connection增长数量。这个参数默认为1。 当每个分区中的connection大约快用完时,BoneCP动态批量创建connection, 这个属性控制一起创建多少个connection(不会大于maxConnectionsPerPartition)。 注意:这个配置属于每个分区的设置。 8.poolAvailabilityThreshold 设置连接池阀值。这个参数默认为20。如果小于0或是大于100,BoneCP将设置为20。 连接池观察线程(PoolWatchThread)试图为每个分区维护一定数量的可用connection。 这个数量趋于maxConnectionPerPartition和minConnectionPerPartition之间。这个参数是以百分比的形式来计算的。例如:设置为20,下面的条件如果成立:Free Connections / MaxConnections < poolAvailabilityThreshold;就会创建出新的connection。 换句话来说连接池为每个分区至少维持20%数量的可用connection。 设置为0时,每当需要connection的时候,连接池就要重新创建新connection,这个时候可能导致应用程序可能会为了获得新connection而小等一会。 9.connectionTimeout 设置获取connection超时的时间。这个参数默认为Long.MAX_VALUE;单位:毫秒。 在调用getConnection获取connection时,获取时间超过了这个参数,就视为超时并报异常。 三、BoneCP线程配置参数 1.releaseHelperThreads 设置connection助手线程个数。这个参数默认为3。如果小于0,BoneCP将设置为3。 设置为0时,应用程序线程被阻塞,直到连接池执行必要地清除和回收connection,并使connection在其它线程可用。 设置大于0时,连接池在每个分区中创建助手线程处理回收关闭后的connection(应用程序会通过助手线程异步地将这个connection放置到一个临时队列中进行处理)。 对于应用程序在每个connection上处理大量工作时非常有用。可能会降低运行速度,不过在高并发的应用中会提高性能。 2.statementReleaseHelperThreads 设置statement助手线程个数。这个参数默认为3。如果小于0,BoneCP将设置为3。 设置为0时,应用程序线程被阻塞,直到连接池或JDBC驱动程序关闭statement。 设置大于0时,连接池会在每个分区中创建助理线程,异步地帮助应用程序关闭statement当应用程序打开了大量的statement是非常有用的。可能会降低运行速度,不过在高并发的应用中会提高性能。 3.maxConnectionAge 设置connection的存活时间。这个参数默认为0,单位:毫秒。设置为0该功能失效。 通过ConnectionMaxAgeThread观察每个分区中的connection,不管connection是否空闲,如果这个connection距离创建的时间大于这个参数就会被清除。当前正在使用的connection不受影响,直到返回到连接池再做处理。 4.idleMaxAge 设置connection的空闲存活时间。这个参数默认为60,单位:分钟。设置为0该功能失效。 通过ConnectionTesterThread观察每个分区中的connection,如果这个connection距离最后使用的时间大于这个参数就会被清除。 注意:这个参数仅和idleConnectionTestPeriod搭配使用,而且不要在这里设置任何挑衅的参数! 5.idleConnectionTestPeriod 设置测试connection的间隔时间。这个参数默认为240,单位:分钟。设置为0该功能失效。 通过ConnectionTesterThread观察每个分区中的connection, 如果这个connection距离最后使用的时间大于这个参数并且距离上一次测试的时间大于这个参数就会向数据库发送一条测试语句,如果执行失败则将这个connection清除。 注意:这个值仅和idleMaxAge搭配使用,而且不要在这里设置任何挑衅的参数! 三、BoneCP可选配置参数 1.acquireRetryAttempts 设置重新获取连接的次数。这个参数默认为5。 获取某个connection失败之后会多次尝试重新连接,如果在这几次还是失败则放弃。 2.acquireRetryDelay 设置重新获取连接的次数间隔时间。这个参数默认为7000,单位:毫秒。如果小于等于0,BoneCP将设置为1000。 获取connection失败之后再次尝试获取connection的间隔时间。 3.lazyInit 设置连接池初始化功能。这个参数默认为false。 设置为true,连接池将会初始化为空,直到获取第一个connection。 4.statementsCacheSize 设置statement缓存个数。这个参数默认为0。 5.disableJMX 设置是否关闭JMX功能。这个参数默认为false。 6.poolName 设置连接池名字。用于当作JMX和助手线程名字的后缀。 四、BoneCP调试配置参数 1.closeConnectionWatch 设置是开启connection关闭情况监视器功能。这个参数默认为false。 每当调用getConnection()时,都会创建CloseThreadMonitor,监视connection有没有关闭或是关闭了两次。警告:这个参数对连接池性能有很大的负面影响,慎用!仅在调试阶段使用! 2.closeConnectionWatchTimeout 设置关闭connection监视器(CloseThreadMonitor)持续多长时间。这个参数默认为0;单位:毫秒。仅当closeConnectionWatch参数设置为可用时,设置这个参数才会起作用。 设置为0时,永远不关闭。 3.logStatementsEnabled 设置是否开启记录SQL语句功能。这个参数默认是false。 将执行的SQL记录到日志里面(包括参数值)。 4.queryExecuteTimeLimit 设置执行SQL的超时时间。这个参数默认为0;单位:毫秒。 当查询语句执行的时间超过这个参数,执行的情况就会被记录到日志中。 设置为0时,该功能失效。 5.disableConnectionTracking 设置是否关闭connection跟踪功能。这个参数默认为false。 设置为true,连接池则不会监控connection是否严格的关闭;设置为false,则启用跟踪功能(仅追踪通过Spring或一些事务管理等机制确保正确释放connection并放回到连接池中)。 6.transactionRecoveryEnabled 设置事务回放功能。这个参数默认为false。 设置为true时,MemorizeTransactionProxy可以记录所有在connection上操作的情况,当connetion操作失败的时候会自动回放先前的操作,如果在回放期间还是失败,则抛出异常。注意:这个功能会使连接池微弱地降低运行速度。

dog bone可以参考信号吗

汉语和英语都有一种简单经济而有灵活多产的构词法,那就是转类法。转类法简而言之就是将一种词类转化为另一种词类从而构成新词的方法。比如从“春风又绿江南岸”中的“绿”到“Have yougoogled today?(今天你用谷歌搜索了吗?)”的“google”,无不都是转类法的词语使用。这些构词无需借助词缀,原有形态结构保持不变,只是语法功能上有所变化,从而获得了新的意义,因此词汇学研究中也称作零位派生或功能转换。各种词类的词经常发生转化,致使一词兼类,一词多义。据派利斯和阿尔格欧(Pyles& Algeo, 1982)两人的统计,转类法提供了26%的英语新词汇[1]。可见转类法是英语词汇扩展的重要途径。英语的词类转化,数量最多的是转成动词和转成名词,其次是转成形容词[2]。动词可由大多数名词、一部分形容词以及少数副词、连词等转换而来,而名词则可转自于几乎所有的单语素动词、部分形容词以及少数连词、介词、副词等。由此可见,最常见的是名词和动词两种词类之间的转换。 但是,英语中还有一种转类现象没有或很少引起英语学习者的注意,那就是名词转类为副词并与形容词构成复合形容词的用法。笔者在平时的英语教学中发现英语词汇里有三个名词的转类用法较为特殊。他们分别是“dog”、“bone”和“dirt”。这三个词转类为副词后其意义都发生了变化,由各自本义都引申为“非常,极其,十分,很”之义,相当于“very,extremely,completely”等程度副词的用法。通过与其他形容词(包括分词形容词)结合而构成的复合形式常用作形容词,有些还兼有副词功能。1.【dog】(n→adv)狗、犬→非常;极其;十分;彻底地(1) I wasdog-tired after working the whole day in the garden.我在花园里干了一整天的活,累死了。(2a) Citrus fruit here became dog-cheap due to the “orangemaggots” incident. 这里的柑橘因为“柑橘蛆虫”事件而贱如粪土。(2b) I bought myairline ticket dog cheap. 我的机票买的非常便宜。(3a) After paying therents,I found myselfdog-poor again. 付完租金后,我发现自己穷得身无分文了。(3b) A lot ofHaitians, having lost their means to feed themselves, are nowleading their lives dog poor.许多海地人失去了养活自己的谋生之道,如今过着极其贫困的生活。(4) Yesterday I wasdog sick with the flu. I stayed in bed all day.昨天因为感冒我病的十分严重,整天都在床上躺着。(5) He was dogdrunk last night. 他昨晚喝得烂醉如泥。名词dog转类为副词再修饰其他形容词,这样的复合形式大多数情况下是作为形容词(作表语、补语或前置定语)使用。其中dogcheap和dogpoor等还可用作副词修饰动词(如例2b和3b),这是一种非正式的习惯用法。与dog有关的复合形容词除了上述五个,有时还可见dogheated(很熟)、doglean(极瘦)等复合形容词。说了dog,自然少不了要说狗最垂涎的bone了。巧合的是,bone也可做副词,表达“非常,极其”的含义。构成的复合形容词一般作表语、状语(如下例8a)以及前置定语(如7a、9a、9b),例如:2.【bone】(n→adv)骨头→非常;极其(6) He"s not stupid,just bone idle/lazy. 他并不笨,只是太懒了。(7a) Bone-dryleaves are a fire hazard. 极其干燥的树叶是火灾的隐患。(7b) There had beenno rain for months and the well was bone dry.几个月没下雨,井都干透了。(8a) Dan sat in therocker by the fire, bone-tired after his journey.丹坐在火边的摇椅上,旅行后感到精疲力竭。(8b) He wasbone-weary at the close of the experiment.试验终了时他累得腰酸背痛。(9a) When he departedwith his dear he felt the bone-deep sadness.他和他的爱人分别时,伤心至极。(9b) We wereimpressed by John"s omnipresent bone-deep knowledge of thecity. 约翰对该城市全面深刻的了解给我们留下了深刻的印象。英语习语“treat sb. like a dog”和“treat sb. likedirt”都表示“把某人看得一钱不值,视某人如草芥/粪土”的意思。由此可知dog和dirt似乎都一文不值,为人所鄙。我们比喻那些毫无价值的东西或者令人深恶痛绝的人,中文常会用到“狗屎”或“狗屎堆”等辱骂的话。其实“dogdirt”在非正式的美国英语里就是“狗屎”的含义。所以,dirt在美语里含义也好不到哪儿去,和dog、bone两个词属于“同党”,都可以转类为副词再和形容词构成复合形容词,在句中可用作定语、表语、补语和状语等语法功能。3.【dirt】(n→adv)粪、土→非常;极其(10) We got the cowdirt cheap because the Persons sold off their farm.因为帕森斯一家廉价出售他们的农场,所以我们没花几个钱就买下了这头牛。(11a) The only roadoff to the east I could find ended abruptly in a dirt-poorvillage. 我所能看到的唯一一条通向东边的路突然在一个赤贫的村庄前中断了。(11b) Because ofbeing dirt poor, an increasing number of children in westernChina have dropped out of school. 越来越多的中国西部儿童因家庭非常贫困而辍学了。其实,我们还会发现上述这些复合词很多时候是由其相应的比喻结构转换而来,比如dog-tired由短语as tired as adog(疲劳得像跑累了的狗→累极了,累得筋疲力尽)变换而来,类似的还有as sick as adog→dog-sick(病痛如因贪吃乱吃而病倒的狗→病的很严重/厉害),as dry as abone→bone-dry(干如骨头→非常/极干燥的),as cheap asdirt→dirt-cheap(贱如粪土→极其便宜的,便宜透顶的),等等。这样的比喻修辞格无疑会使语言表达更加生动形象,新颖有趣。但是上述这些发生转类的名词基本上都是非正式的美国口语用法,有些复合词还是俗词、俚语,所以不宜过多用于正式场合。还需注意的是,上述例句中的复合词拼写方式不一,有些是分开写(如dogcheap等),有些是用连字符连接(如bone-weary等),甚至有些除了前两种方式还可以简单地将两个构词成分连写(如dirtpoor等),一些词典也难以给出确定成形的写法。“一般来说,英国英语用连字符的场合较多,而美国英语似有不用连字符的倾向。总的来说,现代英语在拼写方面有从繁趋简的倾向,许多原来分开写的复合词,后来发展成用连字符,现在又发展为写成一个词。”[3] 除此此外,从所引例句我们姑且还可以这样下结论:带连字符的复合形容词,语法功能通常为表语、前置定语、状语或补语,而采取分开写的复合形式除了做形容词承担前述语法功能外,还用作副词在句中作状语。参考文献:[1] 张维友. 英语词汇学[M]. 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999:45[2] 汪榕培,卢晓娟. 英语词汇学教程[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997:55[3] 汪榕培,卢晓娟. 英语词汇学教程[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997:40



为什么英语叫懒惰的人作”lazy bone”?

其实 无论在中文或英文用法上 以身体某部份去代表「人」或者用于成语的情况间中可见 只系令表达时不会太单调。 例如: 一人计短 二人计长 Two heads are better than one. 隔墙有耳 Walls have ears. 以眼还眼 以牙还牙 An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth 参考: Collins Cobuild English Language Dictationary Lazy bone - 懒惰的人 固名思义 不肯动手动脚做uecb1的人 因为手和脚的骨不肯动 (懒) 视为lazy bone 中文也有懒骨头的说法. 参考: Own 可能话果个人已经懒到入骨=.=""

识骨寻踪. Bones每一季分别有几集

【片名】Bones,译名:识骨寻踪,港译:欲骨查【类型】剧情/科学/侦破【首播频道】Fox Network(美国福克斯电视台)【集数】 第一季共22集,首播于2005年9月13日——2006年5月17日;第二季共21集,首播于2006年8月30日——2007年5月16日;第三季共15集,首播于2007年9月25日——2008年5月19日。【每集长度】43分钟左右【原创】Hart Hanson【官方网址】剧集列表第一季(2005—2006)1. Pilot2. The man in the S.U.V.3. A boy in the tree4. The man in the bear5. A boy in a bush6. The man in the wall7. A man on death row8. The girl in the fridge9. The man in the fallout shelter10. The woman at the airport11. The woman in the car12. The superhero in the alley13. The woman in the garden14. The main in the fairway15. Two bodies in the lab16. The woman in the tunnel17. The skull in the desert18. The man with the bone19. The man in the morgue20. The graft in the girl21. The soldier on the grave22. The woman in limbo第二季(2006—2007)1. The Titan on the tracks2. The mother and child in the bay3. The boy in the shroud4. The blonde in the game5. The truth in the lye6. The girl in suite 21037. The girl wth the curl8. The woman in the sand9. Aliens in a spaceship10. The headless witch in the woods11. Judas on a pole12. The man in the cell13. The girl in the gator14. The man in the mansion15. The bodies in the book16. The boneless bride in the river17. The priest in the churchyard18. The killer in the concrete19. Spaceman in a crater20. Glowing bones in the old stone house21. Stargazer in a puddle第三季(2007—2008)1. The widow"s son in the windshield2. Soccer mom in the Mini-Van3. Death in the saddle4. The secret in the soil5. Mummy in the maze6. Intern in the incinerator7. Boy in the time capsule8. The knight on the grid9. The Santa in the slush10. The man in the mud11. Player under pressure12. Baby in the bough13. The verdict in the story14. Wannabe in the weeds15. The pain in the heart第四季,已播出15集,预计本季共26集。

i will fight till my bones collapse

i will fight till my bones collapse我将战斗直到被打趴下(浑身碎骨).-----------------------------------为你解答,如有帮助请采纳,如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

bizzy bone的《never grow》 歌词

歌曲名:never grow歌手:bizzy bone专辑:the giftYou better be careful where you goBe careful where you goBe careful where you goBe careful where you goAhh, you"ll never or you"ll never growYou better be careful where you goThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never or you"ll never growThe army"s on wayHow does it feel that way, feel that way, the army"s on wayHow does it feel that way, feel that way, the army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never or you"ll never grow(bizzy)You better be careful where you goWhat am i supposed to do?What? telling me ya"ll feeling meBeen livin" up in a material worldYa"ll killing me, ya"ll killing meReally, really, act so sillyTil he hit "em in the middle of the kidneysAnd he fall, all over a sinLetting it feel that way, feel that wayGet yourself killed that wayVictorious-ous-ous-ousAnd put him in cuffs, fucked him up, up, up, upAnd wake up, wake up, wake upBy the caffeine and green and nicotine and a yute ferrari, ayeCome around our way (yeah)You always wanna partyYou gotta handle your businessCan i get a witness?Mmm hmm, what part of the game is this?If we were in the islands, i would fry your whole tribeSicilian style while add enough break wideAs i come back with the vibeAnd i throw up near sideGrimy niggas i can feel yaI"ve been here the whole timeBizzy Bone(chorus)The army"s on wayThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never growThe army"s on wayThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never grow, you"ll never growThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never growAhh, you"ll never growThe army"s on wayAhh, you"ll never growAhh, you"ll never grow(bizzy)Where your friends ain"t your friendsAnd your foes ain"t your foesWhere these niggas turning us bitchesAnd these bitches turn into hoesWhere the women at?Baby i"ma getcha back, getcha backSit cha back, lick ya back, split ya back, picture thatIf you don"t know my story that"s a more the reason to get the seasonsI"m stressed but i"m still breathingCleveland, the city we come from redrumAnd murda mo i can feel someDumb idiots, hideous, fiesty, insideousSome say i"m the prettiest thingNo need me rapping?Fuck that!Wind up just like a muskratHut one! hut two! and bust back!Cuz that"s just how we do in factHow do i feel me?Fuck that touch molest twoAnd what"s that little lesion on me?Jesus, why did i do that?(x2)You better be careful where you goWhat am i supposed to do?You better be careful what you doYou better be careful who you useWhat am i supposed to do?You better be careful who you chooseWhat am i supposed to do?(chorus)x4Ahh, you"ll never grow!The army"s on way(bizzy)See, we can ride and fuck a copOh no, let"s walk and fuck "em allWe can pull out all our gunsOr we can talk and help the causeSilent weapons watch your step, stepSquad hit your set yet?Ain"t nobody snitchingBut i see one of your niggas is itchingSoon as pinched "em i connect he gonna tell "emI"m gonna tell you, you gon" get that ass wet, wet, wetWe talking about non-profit organizationsTravel with the lord all over the nationUnmasked situ-, love and trust have some patienceKeep the faithEven if satan is face to face then keep hittinRemember joe before value of gold broke, but i knowWhatever you facing keep on chasing, chasingCan"t runaway you gotta face "em, erase "emGet to the finish get to the spinach, and keep blazingYou better be careful where you goYou better be careful what you doYou better be careful who you chooseYou better be careful who you useWhat am i supposed to do?What am i supposed to do?What am i supposed to do?What am i supposed to do?(chorus til fade)Ahh, you"ll never growAhh,you"ll never growThe army"s on wayYou"ll never growAhh,you"ll never grow


《The Lovely Bones》(Alice Sebold)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码:za87书名:The Lovely Bones作者:Alice Sebold豆瓣评分:7.4出版社:Little, Brown and Company出版年份:2006-09-01页数:372内容简介:the lovely bone:让你读后久久不能释怀却又心生希望的小说、一桩悬疑惊惧的人间悲剧,一个风趣温馨的心灵疗愈故事此书在《纽约时报》排行榜上高居榜首近三十周,连续在榜七十余周。两年来畅销不衰。被美国“每月读书会”选为推荐书。并获“美国年度最佳小说”奖,入选“英国年度好书大奖”。在法国《读书》杂志评出的“2003年二十本量佳图书”中名列第二。目前读书以英、法、日、中等多种版本风靡各国,销量已突破五百万册,由此书改编的电影亦将由《指环王》导演彼特·杰克逊执导。《可爱的骨头》故事是阴郁的,它描述了一个十多岁少女被强奸谋杀后的思维。叙事者是死者本人,小说第一句话是:“1993年12月6日,我被谋害时不过14岁。”主角讲述了她的被害对家庭的影响、警局的调查以及她进入天堂后的情况。作者以14岁女孩苏茜的眼光自天堂向下俯视,像“一条在天空浮沉的鱼”来观察她离开的世界。当然,见到的不是她乐意看到的景象:母亲对她的死悲痛不已;父亲殴打她的女友克拉莉莎,认为女儿的死是她的过失。而真正的凶手是邻居恶少哈维,可警局追捕不力,让他脱逃,苏茜在天堂里跟随观察着他的行踪。苏茜在人间还有好友露丝和一个弟弟,苏茜的灵魂不断在他们面前出现。好友露丝则对她始终不忘,长大后一心一意要当罪案审判的见证人。作者最后用苏茜的口吻向他们告别:“我祝你们都快乐长寿。”故事并不着重于描写激起强烈情感的奸杀案,而重在表现受害者的内心思维。一个十四岁的女孩遭一名连环杀人的歹徒奸杀并碎尸,这样一桩案件如果见诸美国媒体,或许已然引不起耸人听闻的效果。若是以之为素材敷衍成一部小说,可能会是一个以情节取胜的警探侦破故事。但女作家艾丽斯?西伯德却独辟蹊径,倾注了诚挚的深情,抒发出一曲催人泪下的亲情之歌。作为父母爱情首次结晶的苏茜,天资虽不如妹妹琳茜聪慧,却是一个乖女孩。她帮爸爸业余做玻璃瓶中的帆船工艺品,从中体会到父亲对祖父的怀念;在为妈妈拍摄瞬间快照时,理解了妈妈受过高等教育却不得不充当家庭主妇的郁闷心情;她与小她一岁的妹妹有着难分难舍的手足之情;在小弟巴克利病危之时,挺身而出送他到医院急救;她甚至能和嗜酒贪杯、性情有些浮华的外婆做知心的交流。但就是这样一个可爱的小女孩却横遭歹徒蹂躏,死后还被肢解,只有一截臂肘被人们发现。沙蒙一家遭此惨祸,立即就崩溃了。父亲杰克精神恍惚,屡为警方提供可疑线索遭拒之后,在一次夜间去捉嫌犯时被误伤致残;母亲艾比盖尔无法忍受失女之痛,竟和探长苟且,然后离家出走;妹妹在哀伤之中一夜成人,不顾性命之忧去凶犯家窃取证据;年仅四岁的小弟在得知长姐已死之后,成长中心灵受到创伤;外婆义无反顾地来女婿家操持家务,以她的乐观豁达为这个家庭注入活力。而街坊四邻和学校师生更是自发地组织了一个追思仪式,大家悼念亡者,更为了安慰亲人。在将近十年的时间里,苏茜原先的同学先后从大学毕业,走上各自的生活道路。连她的家人似乎也淡忘了家中失去的这名成员,尽管由于她的遭难给家庭带来的不幸和悲哀始终笼罩着全家,挥之不去。……父亲一次突发心脏病,母亲闻讯匆匆赶回,与家人相见难免一番尴尬;父亲从医院回到家中,全家人再次团聚。在一旁偷看的苏茜的魂灵,这时意识到:一个家庭,犹如人的周身骨骼,即使有一块破损了,缺失了,但骨架终会长全,作为缺损部分的她,固然依恋这个家庭,大家也都在忆念中感到遗憾,但全家经历了这场灾难与悲痛之后,终于融溶和合。《可爱的骨头》的书名,点出的正是这一主题。或许是有感于当前美国的家庭危机,近年来颇有些美国作家致力于家庭题材的小说创作,不过多以青年和中年的婚恋为骨干故事,因此更像是言情小说。When we first meet Susie Salmon, she is already in heaven. As she looks down from this strange new place, she tells us, in the fresh and spirited voice of a fourteen-year-old girl, a tale that is both haunting and full of hope. In the weeks following her death, Susie watches life on Earth continuing without her-her school friends trading rumors about her disappearance, her family holding out hope that she"ll be found, her killer trying to cover his tracks. As months pass without leads, Susie sees her parents" marriage being contorted by loss, her sister hardening herself in an effort to stay strong, and her little brother trying to grasp the meaning of the word gone. And she explores the place called heaven. It looks a lot like her school playground, with the good kind of swing sets. There are counselors to help newcomers adjust and friends to room with. Everything she ever wanted appears as soon as she thinks of it-except the thing she most wants: to be back with the people she loved on Earth. With compassion, longing, and a growing understanding, Susie sees her loved ones pass through grief and begin to mend. Her father embarks on a risky quest to ensnare her killer. Her sister undertakes a feat of remarkable daring. And the boy Susie cared for moves on, only to find himself at the center of a miraculous event. The Lovely Bones is luminous and astonishing, a novel that builds out of grief the most hopeful of stories. In the hands of a brilliant new writer, this story of the worst thing a family can face is transformed into a suspenseful and even funny novel about love, memory, joy, heaven, and healing.This edition of the New York Times best-seller and a Good Morning America "Read This" Book Club pick contains features available only in the electronic version! Included in this eBook edition are a Reading Group Guide, an exclusive interview with the author, and "The Oddity of Suburbia," Alice Sebold"s comments on growing up in the suburbs of "Nowhere U.S.A." When we first meet 14-year-old Susie Salmon, she is already in heaven. This was before milk carton photos and public service announcements, she tells us; back in 1973, when Susie mysteriously disappeared, people still believed these things didn"t happen. In the sweet, untroubled voice of a precocious teenage girl, Susie relates the awful events of her death and her own adjustment to the strange new place she finds herself. (It looks a lot like her school playground, with the good kind of swing set.) With love, longing, and a growing understanding, Susie watches her family as they cope with their grief-her father embarks on a search for the killer, her sister undertakes a feat of amazing daring, her little brother builds a fort in her honor-and begin the difficult process of healing. In the hands of a brilliant new novelist, and through the eyes of her winning young heroine, this story of seemingly unbearable tragedy is transformed into a suspenseful, touching, even funny novel about family, memory, love, heaven, and living.On her way home from school on a snowy December day, 14-year-old Susie Salmon is lured into a cornfield and brutally raped and murdered, the latest victim of a serial killer. The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold"s haunting and heartbreaking debut novel, unfolds from heaven, where "life is a perpetual yesterday" and where Susie narrates and keeps watch over her grieving family and friends, as well as her brazen killer and the sad detective working on her case.As Sebold fashions it, everyone has his or her own version of heaven. Susie"s resembles the athletic fields and landscape of a suburban high school: a heaven of her "simplest dreams", where "there were no teachers... We never had to go inside except for art class... The boys did not pinch our backsides or tell us we smelled; our textbooks were Seventeen and Glamour and Vogue".The Lovely Bones works as an odd yet affecting coming-of-age story. Susie struggles to accept her death while still clinging to the lost world of the living, following her family"s dramas over the years. Her family disintegrates in their grief: her father becomes determined to find her killer, her mother withdraws, her little brother Buckley attempts to make sense of the new hole in his family and her younger sister Lindsey moves through the milestone events of her teenage and young adult years with Susie riding spiritual shotgun. Random acts and missed opportunities run throughout the book--Susie recalls her sole kiss with a boy on earth as "like an accident--a beautiful gasoline rainbow".Though sentimental at times, The Lovely Bones is a moving exploration of loss and mourning that ultimately puts its faith in the living and that is made even more powerful by a cast of convincing characters. Sebold orchestrates a big finish and though things tend to wrap up a little too well for everyone in the end, one can only imagine (or hope) that heaven is indeed a place filled with such happy endings.--Brad Thomas Parsons, Amazon.comAlice Sebold is the author of the memoir Lucky. She lives in California with her husband, the writer Glen David Gold.length: (cm)17.4 width:(cm) 11.2

fine bone china是什么意思

fine bone china细骨瓷器双语对照例句:1.Sanlu and Red Rose fine bone china belong to the former group.

杯子底部的“fine bone china”是什么意思?


瓷器底部印有EXCELLENT字样 还有 fine bone china 请问是什么品牌的陶瓷 图片上是杯子的花纹

EXCELLENT:优质的 fine:好的bone:骨瓷china:中国这是一个国产的,出口用的骨瓷杯

杯子底部的“fine bone china”是什么意思?

杯子底部刻有“fine bone china”的意思是优质骨瓷,也是骨瓷的一种,只是由于骨瓷市场被做乱了,所以有的出口商就用“fine bone china”来区别,以示质量差别。

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Of Monsters and Men的《Your Bones》 歌词

歌曲名:Your Bones歌手:Of Monsters and Men专辑:My Head Is An AnimalOf Monsters And Men - Your BonesQQ : 349777127In the spring we made a boatout of feathers, out of bones.We set fire to our homes,walking barefoot in the snow.Distant rhythm of the drumas we drifted towards the storm.Baby lion lost his teeth,now they"re swimming in the sea.Troubled spirits on my chestwhere they laid to rest.The birds all left my tall friendas your body hit the sand.Million stars up in the skyformed a tigers eyethat looked down on my face,out of time and out of place.So hold on,hold on to what we are,hold on to your heart.Eyes Set To Kill - Your BonesQQ : 349777127Awaken by the soundof a screaming owl.Chasing leafs in the wind,going where we"ve never been.Said goodbye to you my friend,as the fire spread.All that"s left are your bonesthat will soon sink like stonesSo hold on,hold on to what we are,hold on to your heart.Eyes Set To Kill - Your BonesQQ : 349777127

rag bone2018春夏系列怎么样_好看吗_款式有哪些?

rag&bone家的牛仔裤大家肯定都不陌生,非常受欢迎,这个牌子的衣服版型都设计的恰到好处,穿着就像量身定制一样,很合身。下面我带大家看看rag&bone2018春夏系列怎么样?rag&bone2018春夏系列好看吗?rag&bone2018春夏系列款式有哪些? rag&bone春夏新款 rag&bone这次带来的2018春夏系列都设计的特别好看,而且用了很多非常有意义的元素,最擅长的牛仔也在里面,很值得购买。与许多设计师和品牌一样, 美国时尚品牌 rag & bone 本季也加入不走 T 台秀的行列,品牌用媒体见面会上发布慈善照片项目的做法来代替,这些照片呈现的是最新 2018 春夏系列的 Lookbook。这个项目是一系列的肖像拍摄,包括 Carolyn Murphy、Selah Marley、Georgia Fowler、Mayn Musk 等,他们身着 rag & bone 最新设计。除了自己的肖像照,每个照片内的人都选择了一个慈善机构来进行捐赠,超过 20 个组织将接受他们的捐赠,包括美国狼疮基金会、地球正义、美国红十字会、休斯顿人道协会等,非常具有社会意义。设计方面,品牌延续了一贯的都市摩登男女装,以擅长的牛仔系列为主,并增添了复古的印花、格纹元素,实穿性十足。rag&bone品牌介绍 Rag & Bone(瑞格布恩)取自英国俗语“拾荒人”(Rag and Bone Man), “收集没有人想要的东东”。是由马可斯·温莱特 (Marcus Wainwright)和大卫·内维尔 (David Neville) 在2002年美国纽约创立的品牌。瑞格布恩 (Rag & Bone) 从年轻人最热爱的牛仔时装开始,并从擅长设计图案、布料与剪裁的肯塔基工匠艺人身上学习,令瑞格布恩 (Rag & Bone) 品牌从初创起即坚持注重品质、手工艺和关注细节。由于受到英国定制的强烈影响,瑞格布恩 (Rag & Bone) 推出男女运动装经典并带有现代摩登气质,低调而实穿。在瑞格布恩 (Rag & Bone),无论是一件定制衬衫还是一条牛仔裤,都有着高品质布料和经典剪裁,带来高级手工的感受。rag&bone怎么样 rag&bone她家的牛仔裤真的穿在身上显得裤型特别好,比我其他牌子的牛仔裤都显瘦,不爱穿牛仔裤的我,买了它家的牛仔裤后最近总穿。 第一次收rag bone裤子来纪念一下!一开始在网上看到裤子的成分就非常心动,有50%modal(即莫代尔棉)这种面料比cotton更薄软 透气性极好 果然买回来跟我预料完全一样 摸起来非常顺滑 并且有6%polyester(弹性纤维)使得这条裤子弹性极佳。高腰收腿 所以腹部和小腿都包裹的特别好 内长69cm刚好到脚踝下一点点 这也是我一直想要的长度。 这条ragbone的裤子我去年底买的,真的是从冬天穿到春天 ,春天穿到夏天,长发穿到短发,不知道穿什么的时候就可以拿出来随便搭并且有型的款。价格230-280欧之间吧,具体多少我忘记了,上身26。 很多朋友问我这件外套,本来我也是打算给你们分享的,一直忙到今天才发上来。rag&bone的毛衣斗篷外套,很厚重也很有型,这种斗篷外套最适合冬季用来藏肉了,站着坐着蹲着都看不出你有肉~担心会冷的话里面加一件毛衣仍然不会显胖,再配一双可爱的moon boot,完美~

rag bone是什么牌子?rag bone是什么档次?

rag&bone是现在在国外年轻人里面特别受欢迎的一个牌子,这个牌子的衣服设计的很有自己的风格,特别酷。下面我给大家讲讲rag&bone是什么牌子?rag&bone是什么档次? rag&bone是什么牌子 Rag&bone这个以牛仔裤火起来的品牌设计的非常好看,牛仔裤的版型都特别好,很显瘦。 Rag & Bone(瑞格布恩)取自英国俗语“拾荒人”(Rag and Bone Man), “收集没有人想要的东东”。是由马可斯·温莱特 (Marcus Wainwright)和大卫·内维尔 (David Neville) 在2002年美国纽约创立的品牌。瑞格布恩 (Rag & Bone) 从年轻人最热爱的牛仔时装开始,并从擅长设计图案、布料与剪裁的肯塔基工匠艺人身上学习,令瑞格布恩 (Rag & Bone) 品牌从初创起即坚持注重品质、手工艺和关注细节。由于受到英国定制的强烈影响,瑞格布恩 (Rag & Bone) 推出男女运动装经典并带有现代摩登气质,低调而实穿。在瑞格布恩 (Rag & Bone),无论是一件定制衬衫还是一条牛仔裤,都有着高品质布料和经典剪裁,带来高级手工的感受。rag&bone是什么档次 Rag&bone高街店不多,但在哈洛德,塞尔弗里奇都有。画风基本上是这样的。不喜欢花时间逛街买衣服,所以有那么几个牌子是每次必看必能迅速看上买好的。相对来说购物体验也会好很多,无论是实体店还是网站。虽然没有任何规范的时装业经验,Rag&Bone的两位创始人却对品牌有着清晰地想法,就是为自己创造衣服,就像Wainwright 2014年接受女装日报时所言,他在创建品牌之前一直找到一条“完美牛仔裤”。自2013年,品牌增设了女装成衣系列和配饰,包括赫赫有名的女子皮靴。rag&bone怎么样 在美国呆久了整个人穿的越来越随意,裙子越买越少,牛仔裤越来越多。Rag& Bone Cropped Flared Jeans,最爱的牛仔裤品牌之一,这种微喇的款式近年很流行但其实蛮难穿,很容易显胖,试了很多还是这款穿上最显瘦,弹力好版型好,无法言表的合身。 Rag & Bone的牛仔裤是他们的signature,无论剪裁还是质量都没话说,当然也贵。那种leggings的款亚洲人也很难穿因为不够高,但那种crop的长度就刚好很好看!基本随便搭配T或者衬衫,再或者做一些layering也很好看,这些图片从头到角都是一个牌子的Rag & Bone!有兴趣了宝宝自己去百度官网看价钱什么的哈。Rag &bone jean 新款牛仔裤,俏皮的小兔子耳朵9分裤 ,露出脚裸,布料品质高,剪裁好。穿起来十分舒服又修饰腿型。 前段时间入的Rag&Bone喇叭裤,版型好,面料柔软贴身。九分裤长短刚好,不会显得拖沓,比大长裤要chic一点,更不必穿大高跟上街了。还没来得及穿出门,只是随意搭配了一下白鞋子白衬衣。个人认为可以搭配heels,高矮都无所谓。也可以搭平底鞋、运动鞋。总之算是比较百搭的单品。



feed the baby on milk 为什么用on 而 feed the dog with bones为什么用with

两个短语,feed on 与 feed withfeed on 是“养活,抚养”的含义,feed with则单纯指用某物喂给谁,感情色彩要淡一些。

求一首很火的流行英文歌,男声,歌词里有deep in my bones,straight from inside

歌名:Radioactive 歌手: Imagine Dragons

“A good dog deserves a good bone.” 的来源 这个谚语的来历

有劳得奖 好狗应该啃好骨头, 有功者受赏. 来历.这英国谚语是长期演变下来的,没什么来历.

I Tried_Akon(Bone Thugs-N-Harmony)中文歌词。

Bone Thugs Akon yeahYou know though nothin" come easy, you gotta try real, real hardI tried hard, but I guess I gotta try harder.[Chorus]I tried so hard, can"t seem to get away from misery,Man I tried so hard, but always be a victim of these streets,It Ain"t my fault cause I, try to get away but trouble follows me,And still I try so hard, hopin one day they"ll come and rescue me,But until then, I"ll be posted up right here rain, sleet, hail, snow (hail snow)But until then, I"ll be posted up right here with my heat gettin dough (gettin" dough)[verse 1]First, let me explain that I"m just a black man,And I come from the darkside, so I"m havin a hard time stayin on track man,My mind be racin", and I don"t even know what I"m chasin yetBeen in and out of relationships, I"m startin to see that it"s me where the complications atBut I"m layin back, prayin" that, you get that piece of mind of meI thought I was right, but really I"m wrong, but again I was too blind to see,I was in the fast lane chasin my dream,And then it seemed when the fame and cash came, they just got me,Goin crazyyyy, (lately, lately) lately I been so faded trying to erase it,But I just can"t cause the drama just grows greater,And I been in so many collisions by puttin shit off till later.[Chorus]I tried so hard, can"t seem to get away from misery,Man I tried so hard, but always be a victim of these streets,It Ain"t my fault cause I, try to get away but trouble follows me,And still I try so hard, hopin one day they"ll come and rescue me,But until then, I"ll be posted up right here rain, sleet, hail, snow (hail snow)But until then, I"ll be posted up right here with my heat gettin dough (gettin" dough)[verse 2]It"s like I"m takin five steps forward, and ten steps backTryna get ahead of the game but I can"t seem to get it on trackAnd I keep runnin away the ones that say they love me the mostHow could I create the distance when it"s supposed to be close? And uh,I just don"t know but I be out here fightin demons andIt"s like the curse that I can"t shake this part of Cleveland andLord, would you help me? And stop this painI keep inflinctin on my family (family)Hustlin and gamblin, drinkin" and scramblin"And losin sight of what I supposed to be handlin"It"s hard to manage cause every days a challenge and manAnd I"m slippin can"t lose my balance and tryin not to panic[Chorus]I tried so hard, can"t seem to get away from misery,Man I tried so hard, but always be a victim of these streets,It Ain"t my fault cause I, try to get away but trouble follows me,And still I try so hard, hopin one day they"ll come and rescue me,But until then, I"ll be posted up right here rain, sleet, hail, snow (hail snow)But until then, I"ll be posted up right here with my heat gettin dough (gettin" dough)[verse 3]I see thangs won"t change (wont change) I"m stuck in the gameAs soon as I get out it keeps pullin me back man (pullin me back man)Got me doin" dirty dirt, so used to this hustlin money,That I don"t understand no nine to five workStudied on the streets, hustlas know what I meanThugstas ballin" before us I"m tryna make that major leagueSo we never leave never till the sun came up (came up)Gotta get it nope, no leavin, no grudge (no grudge) today games they play gotta go hard to get what you put in, if you fall off then its all on you (on you) gotta watch what you sign too, try so hard but I won"t act a fool.[Chorus]I tried so hard, can"t seem to get away from misery,Man I tried so hard, but always be a victim of these streets,It Ain"t my fault cause I, try to get away but trouble follows me,And still I try so hard, hopin one day they"ll come and rescue me,But until then, I"ll be posted up right here rain, sleet, hail, snow (hail snow)But until then, I"ll be posted up right here with my heat gettin dough (gettin" dough)我只知道中文呵`` 贴出来希望有位达人可以来帮你翻译一下

roar歌词英文(bones low roar歌词)

1.《Roar》歌词:I used to bite my tongue and hold my breathScared to rock the boat and make a messSo I sit quietly, agree politelyI guess that I forgot I had a choiceI let you push me past the breaking pointI stood for nothing, so I fell for everythingYou held me down, but I got up (HEY!)Already brushing off the dustYou hear my voice, you hear that soundLike thunder gonna shake the groundYou held me down, but I got up (HEY!)Get ready cause Ive had enoughI see it all, I see it nowI got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fireCause I am a champion and youre gonna hear me roarLouder, louder than a lionCause I am a champion and youre gonna hear me roarOh oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh ohYoure gonna hear me roarNow Im floating like a butterflyStinging like a bee I earned my stripesI went from zero, to my own heroYou held me down, but I got up (HEY!)Already brushing off the dustYou hear my voice, you hear that soundLike thunder gonna shake the groundYou held me down, but I got up (HEY!)Get ready cause Ive had enoughI see it all, I see it nowI got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fireCause I am a champion and youre gonna hear me roarLouder, louder than a lionCause I am a champion and youre gonna hear me roarOh oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh oh(Youre gonna hear me roar)Oh oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh oh(Youll hear me roar)Oh oh oh oh oh oh ohYoure gonna hear me roar...Ro-oar, ro-oar, ro-oar, ro-oar, ro-oarI got the eye of the tiger, a fighter, dancing through the fireCause I am a champion and youre gonna hear me roarLouder, louder than a lionCause I am a champion and youre gonna hear me roarOh oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh oh(Youre gonna hear me roar)Oh oh oh oh oh oh ohOh oh oh oh oh oh oh(Youll hear me roar)Oh oh oh oh oh oh ohYoure gonna hear me roar...我曾屏住呼吸保持缄默生怕惹事生非,把许多事情都搞砸所以我只好安分的坐着,虚心接受你的意见,此外,我想我似乎忘了我还有另一个选择而让你堆翻了我所有的理论我没有改变,我爱上了这一切你的反对声浪,却让我越挫越勇挥别昨日的阴霾听听我的声音,听听那个声音就像隆隆雷声震撼着大地你的反对声浪,却让我越挫越勇我虽已做好准备,却又受够了你现在的我,看清一切我拥有老虎般锐利双眼,如同斗士,踩着如烈火般的优雅舞步我是天生的王者,而你只能听见我那霸气的虎啸声比狮子更加响亮我是天生的王者,而你只能听见我那霸气的虎啸声哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦 哦你只能听见我那霸气的虎啸声现在我像只蝴蝶般翩然飞舞却像只蜜蜂激烈的争取所有我从起点开始,做属于自己的英雄你的反对声浪,却让我越挫越勇挥别昨日的阴霾听听我的声音,听听那个声音就像隆隆雷声震撼着大地你的反对声浪,却让我越挫越勇我虽已做好准备,却又受够了你现在的我,看清一切我有老虎般锐利的双眼,如同斗士,踩着如烈火般的优雅舞步我是天生的王者,而你只能听见我那霸气的虎啸声比狮子更加的响亮因为我是天生的王者,而你只能听见我那霸气的虎啸声哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦你只能听见我那霸气的虎啸声哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦你只能听见我那霸气的虎啸声怒-吼,怒-吼,怒-吼,怒-吼,怒-吼我的怒吼咆哮 咆哮 咆哮 咆哮我有老虎般锐利的双眼,如同斗士,踩着如烈火般的优雅舞步我是天生的王者,而你只能听见我那霸气的怒吼比狮子更加的响亮因为我是天生的王者,而你只能听见我那霸气的怒吼哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦你只能听见我那霸气的怒吼哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦哦你只能听见我那霸气的怒吼哦哦哦哦哦哦你只能听见我那霸气的怒吼 《Roar》是美国流行女歌手凯蒂·佩里演唱的一首强力流行乐歌曲,歌词、曲谱由凯蒂·佩里和邦妮·麦琪创作,马克斯·马丁、Dr. Luke、亨利·沃尔特负责音乐制作。 2.该歌曲作为推广专辑的首支单曲,于2013年8月10日通过国会唱片公司发布,被收录在凯蒂·佩里于2013年10月22日发行的第三张专辑《Prism》。

科技酷玩:Jawbone UP健康智能手环体验

  【IT168 评测】Jawbone UP手环相信大多数朋友都有所耳闻,这款可以监控我们身体状态的智能手环就莫名的火了起来!甚至曾一渡在淘宝或海外代购有过断货现象。这个智能手环到底有什么神奇的地方?它真的能调节我们的身体状况么?带着这些问题开始我们今天的科技酷玩。目前淘宝售价早600元左右,喜欢的朋友不妨关注下。(点击购买)  简介:UP智能手环是Jawbone公司推出的一款电子智能手环,该产品截至今天已经推出了两代产品。UP智能手环具有跟踪锻炼、睡眠和饮食的作用。通过对手机的数据进行跟踪统计,并以图表的形式将数据直观的表现在用户面前。除了这三类基本功能,UP智能手环简约的设计风格也可以起到了饰品的装饰作用。▲透明塑料包装盒  UP智能手环外包装采用了透明塑料包装盒,不用拆开包装即可看到UP智能手环的真身。如果您购买的是行货,包装盒上印有中英两种语音。上图是水货包装,所以包装盒上只有英文。行货包装和背面贴有北京朗万科技发展有限公代理表示和防伪标签,没有防伪标签肯定是水货。这个标签贴也我保修的唯一凭证,请您妥善保管包装盒。▲Z字形的简约设计  UP智能手环采用简约风格设计,与Jawbone以往的产品同样采用了Z字形的经典设计。毕竟手环是一个随身佩戴的产品。如果外观丑爆了,功能再全面我们也不愿意随身配搭。  UP智能手环没有显示屏,第一眼看上去有点像高中时候戴的NIKE运动腕带的“加强版”。UP智能手环并没有采用死环卡扣的佩戴方式,而是采用了交叉的活扣设计。虽然手环配备S M L不同尺寸,但活扣的设计可解决了身体胖瘦的细小变化,如果觉得大了,稍微捏捏即可。▲没有配备液晶显示屏  虽然没有配备液晶显示屏,但手环末端有个多功能按钮。通过不同的操作方式组合可实现不同指令操作。这个多功能按键也是手环上的唯一一枚按键。触控多功能按键,可唤醒按键旁边的指示灯。太阳显示为清醒状态,月亮则代表睡眠状态,简单明了。▲NIKE+ FuelBand  虽然没有配备液晶显示器,但这样简单的设计也非常容易上手。但相对NIKE+ FuelBand的高帅富的一排LED灯有点略显屌丝,最起码可以当作电子手表来看。选择什么样的外观,就看您了,毕竟萝卜咸菜各有所爱。 (点击查看NIKE+ FuelBand详情)  UP智能手环另一端在外观上刻有Jawbone字样,拨开帽子即可看到一个3.5mm耳机插头。这个插头可用来实现与手机的同步数据、更新手环固件以及UP智能手环充电作用。另外这个帽子您需要妥善保管,尤其是在同步数据的时候。如果丢失,那么您只能去淘宝花30元换购买了。▲帽子需要妥善保管  UP智能手环随机还赠送了一个数据线和使用说明书保修卡等。随机附赠了数据线,但并没有配备充电插头,我们常用手机充电插头即可使用。UP智能手环的这根数据线还具有手环固件的作用,我们可以通过官网下载固件后,链接电脑更新手环版本。▲建议仔细阅读说明书  UP智能手环上市已经有一段时间,为什么我们今天才发这篇文章呢?主要原因笔者购买的中国大陆行货送货慢的问题。曾经多次都想取消订单,但考虑到十分喜欢这手环,一直没忍心下手。▲Apple Store支持分期  笔者5月7日在苹果在线商店下单选购一款黑色L号。由于当时可免息免手续费的12分期付款,所以官方标注的2-4周发货我并没有过多在意。第四周的时候我收到苹果官方邮件,主要讲到由于货源问题,需要推迟最多2周发货。经过漫长等待,我在7月5日终于收到我的UP智能手环。官网购买的优点是可保修。缺点是送货时间太久。据小道消息,UP手环国行版目前已经停产了。至于原因嘛,你懂得。 (点击前往Apple Store)▲淘宝600元  目前淘宝水货散装售价在600元左右,部分经商家称美国散装质保时间为1个月,均配原装灰色线。手环与手机一样,自然不支持中国大陆保修,如果想要保修就必须人肉飞到美国保修。但考虑到水货仅是行货一半的价格,买行货水货就看您了。 ( 点击前往淘宝 )  另外,国行保修也需要保留贴有经销商标签的包装盒,这是保修的唯一凭证。是的,苹果在线商店提供的电子发票无效,经销商只认产品包装盒。这样的保修方式,有点像耳机的保修,笔者也对此非常不满意。▲号码上的选择  在尺寸上,UP智能手环配三个尺寸选择。L(大号 = 7.0 - 8.0 英寸/ 18.0 - 20.0 厘米)。如果您提供控制在150斤左右,建议选择M(中号 = 6.0 - 7.0 英寸/ 15.5 - 18.0 厘米)。如果在120斤以内建议选择S(小号= 5.5 - 6.0 英寸/ 14.0 - 15.5 厘米)。如果您购买国行版本,那么只能选择大号、小号可选。  通过上图或许您可以看出笔者佩戴的效果,我身高173厘米,体重在180斤左右,果断选择了L。下面右图展示的同样身高,但体重偏瘦的用户佩戴L号的效果图。幸好手环没有采用死扣设计,如果觉得大,稍微捏捏即可。▲颜色上的选择  UP智能手环拥有黑色、深蓝色、浅绿色、白色、红色等颜色可选。经过身边朋友的亲身体验,浅颜色用一段时间会出现发黄的现象,所以我购买的中规中矩的黑色。如果您勤保养,买活泼的彩色也不是不可以。  由于机身并没有显示屏,所以UP智能手环并不能独立使用,需要手机下载对应APP客户端。目前UP智能手环已经支持iOS、安卓两大平台。我们在对应的软件市场搜索UP即可下载官方APP。苹果设备支持iOS5.1+或更高版本的iPhone3GS或以上终端设备。在安卓方面支持安卓4.0以上版本的中端设备。▲APP初始界面  当我们做好软硬件的准备工作之后,我们开始进行UP智能手环的调试工作。  1.按UP智能手环的按钮、观察手环指示灯,闪烁即可。  2.取下UP智能手环柄帽,将UP手环插入手机当中,显示手环解锁即可。  3.注册您的姓名等个性化信息。▲APP主界面  一番设置后,我们来到了APP的主界面。这里可以显示我们每天运动目标和睡眠目标的进度,点击即可查看详细数据。总的来说这样柱状图配上百分数字的展示非常直观,一看即可看到当天的状态。我们滑动屏幕即可进入UP 源的界面,这里可以看到我们和团队朋友每天的进程,有点类似微信朋友圈。▲主要功能一览  我们点击屏幕左侧的按钮,即可进入个人信息栏。在这里我们可以查看个人生命线、趋势、推断、通知、设置等等选项。点击屏幕右侧的加号的按钮,即可制定每日目标、空闲等提醒。中文的APP,简单明了,这里就不过多介绍。  好了,到了动真格的时候了。由于只看一款智能手环的数据,我们不能判断是否准确。所以这里我们选择了Jawbone UP还有Fitbit进行48小时耐力测试。Jawbone UP能否准确记录我们身体运动,我们拭目以待。▲第一天睡眠(左Ftibit、右UP)  UP智能手环在睡眠模式上可以记录我们轻度睡眠、深度睡眠、入睡时间、卧床时间、清醒时间、唤醒次数这六大功能。其中入睡时间数我们自己掌控,而轻深度睡眠我们无法控制,通过Jawbone UP可以记录并通过图表展示,这点非常直观。虽然不能掌控,但能了解到我们现在状况,我个人也非常喜欢项功能。▲第一天运动量  第一天运动量我有点傻傻分不清,因为Fitbit与Jawbone UP的数据完全不一样。Fitbit显示走了6841步,Jawbone UP则走了7227步,两者共差386步。但回过头想想,我们在工位走到茶水间三个来回差不多也就300步左右吧。所以,我觉得两个手环记录的数据还算靠谱。▲第二天睡眠  第二天晚晚上10点40分左右卧床,早晨5点50起床。两款手环均能记录我整晚的睡眠时间。我没有马上入睡,而玩了一会儿手机才睡。有意思的是UP将我这段的运动量记录下来了,显示为清醒状态。Fitbit则为纯粹死记录,切换到睡眠就开始睡了....▲第二天运动量  两者还算准确,Jawbone UP的6971与Fitbit的6886仅相差85步。Jawbone UP的功能也比较全面,能记录我们的活动时间、燃烧卡路里总量、最长活动时间、活动时的燃烧的卡路里、最长空闲时间以及休息时间的燃烧量。同样是柱形图,简单明了。▲手动上传食物  能记录消耗了能量,那么摄入能量呢?UP智能手环提供了进食记录功能。我们可以通过手动输入或者拍照的方式来上传我们今天的饮食量。UP也会自动记录我们拍照上传的食物,方便日后再次使用。当然,我们也可以通过这样的方式与好友分享今天的美食,这不都是年轻人饭钱必做的一件事么。  UP智能手环除了基本的数据统计之外,还有很多有趣的功能。例如智能闹钟、空闲提示、朋友圈甚至是与众多APP无线通联的功能。小小手环有如此多功能,我开始觉得我1100买的手环有点值了。PS:请准自我安慰下。▲手动睡眠模式  很多朋友一定会想,我要是睡前忘记切换到睡眠模式呢?我要是跑步了呢?UP智能手环还有手动输入功能。例如睡前忘记切换到睡眠模式,次日我们可以点击睡眠记录手动输入前一天晚上的睡眠情况。手动输入不足的是仅能记录睡眠时间,而卧床时间、入睡时间、唤醒次数甚至是深度睡眠时间这些都无法记录。看来,您要养成一个睡前切换的“好习惯”了。▲智能睡眠闹钟  UP智能手环还有个比较有意思的功能,那就是智能闹钟,这个也是小编非常喜欢的一项功能。UP手环所谓的智能闹钟与普通闹钟的主要在于它可以智能叫醒我们。普通闹钟当时间到点的时候会突然响起,这样叫醒方式会让我们感到乏累。而UP手环的智能提醒功能,可以检测我们的睡眠质量,如果我们处于浅度睡眠的时候,手环会提前叫醒我们。当我们处于深度睡眠的时候,UP智能手环会让我们多睡一会,在指定时间以震动的方式叫醒。▲空闲提示  空闲提示这个小功能也非常使用。众所周知,长期做办公室的我们会出现脊椎劳损显现,主要原因在于我们久坐不动。用户可以设定UP智能手环在检查用户在一定时间没有运动数据,它会动过震动的方式提醒你是时候运动了。有木有感到很实用?如果您没有看说明书,很有可能忽略了此功能。▲小憩  当工作日午饭后我们一般都会选择躺在沙发上休息一下,此时,我们可以用到UP智能手环的小憩功能。我们需要将手环与手机链接后进行设置,可以设置小憩时间、最高睡眠时间。小憩时长是指实际睡眠时间、不包括清醒睡眠时间。最长睡眠时间是指睡眠总时长,包括清醒时间和小憩时间。另外,不要设的太长哦,要不叫醒的就是你老板了。▲UP源  UP智能手环主界面的UP源有点类似微信的朋友圈,不同的是这里只会分享朋友的运动数据和实物等。您可以在这里炫耀自己今天跑了几千米,也可以在这里看到身边朋友最近的运动量。UP智能手环好友以团队的形式展现,在这里我们可以与好友PK。将身边的好友塑造一个团队的战友,大家一起减肥!▲拓展APP  UP不仅仅局限于一个记录数据的软件,在应用程序里为我们推荐了MyFitnessPal、IFTTT、RunKeeper 、 MapMyFitness 、 GymPact 、 Lose It等应用。这里有瑜伽健身、跑步、举重甚至是记录体重的软件。我们可以通过这些应用来进行某项的专业数据统计,弥补是UP对于专项数据统计不专业的缺陷。当然,UP还和这些软件达成了深度合作,我们可以通过UP帐号将专项数据分享到UP源里。▲使用建议  目前已经有一部分用户UP智能手环损坏问题,出现问题的UP智能手环有海外版也有国行版,有网友表示,如果一直把UP智能手环插在电脑的USB接口充电就不会损坏,通过适配器充电就可能出现问题。  不过我们在销售UP智能手环行货的易迅网也看到了充电提示,提示显示,UP2手环充电时间不宜过长(大约1小时可充满,80分钟内为好),每5-6天充电一次,每天同步1-2次为好,不好等用完再充。提示还显示,建议使用笔记本充电,因为电流电压比较稳定也比较低,不要使用质量不好或电流电压不稳定的USB接口充电。  UP智能手环总的来说功能还算全面,例如智能闹钟给我印象非常深刻,自从使用智能睡眠闹钟后,早晨真的不会觉得那么累,不想起床。购买方面,如果您是高帅富、不差钱那一类的当然果断选择行货。如果您手头有些紧,建议选择盒装水货。购买: 淘宝Apple Store  另外,如果您对这个手环之是有点兴趣,并不是特别大,那就不要买了。因为,笔者身边已经有不少朋友的UP智能手环已经坏掉了。目前,网络上也有传言说UP2也出现产品缺陷,非常容易损坏。

求fate中acher完整台词I am the bone of my sword。。。。


求feel it in my bone的歌词

Feel It In My Bones Tiesto ft Tegan and Sarablow by blow, i didn"t see it comingblow by blow, sucker punchrushes in, here to stayrushes in, you are here to staywhat rushes into my heart and my skulli can"t control, think about itfeel it in my boneswhat rushes into my heart and my skulli can"t controlChorusi feel you in my bonesyou"re knocking at my windowsyou"re slow to lettin me goand i know this feeling oh, sothis feeling in my bonesleft hook, I didn"t see it cominleft hook, you"ve got dead aimrushes out, run awayrushes out, you always run awaywhat rushes into my heart and my skulli can"t control, think about itfeel it in my boneswhat rushes into my heart and my skulli can"t controlChorusi feel you in my bonesyou"re knocking at my windowsyou"re slow to letting me goand i know this feeling oh, sothis feeling in my bonesi feel you in my bonesyou"re knockin at my windowsyou"re slow to letting me goand i know this feeling oh, sothis feeling in my bonesi feel it in my bonesand then my skull feels pressurei feel it in my bonesi feel it in my skullChorusi feel you in my bonesyou"re knocking at my windowsyou"re slow to letting me goand i know this feeling oh sothis feeling in my bonesi take a breath, take a breathwith me blow by blow anekatips.comtake a break, take a break from youyou are here to stayi take my heart out of my chesti just don"t need it anymoretake my hand up againi just don"t need it anymore(repeat)Chorusi feel you in my bonesyou"re knocking at my windowsyou"re slow to letting me goand i know this feeling oh sothis feeling in my bones是这个么?

Down To The Bone的《Hammerhead》 歌词

歌曲名:Hammerhead歌手:Down To The Bone专辑:Spread Love Like WildfireThe Offspring - HammerheadI am the oneCamouflage and gunsRisk my lifeTo keep my people from harmAuthorityVested in meI sacrificeWith my brothers in armsThrough this doorwayWhat"s on the other side?Never knowingExactly what I"ll findLocked and loadedVoices screamingLet"s go!Come on do it!Here we go..I"ll take a life that others may liveOh that"s just the way it goesI shut my eyes, it hammers in my headWhere it"ll endNobody knowsI"ll take a life that ten others may liveOh that"s just the way it goesIt"s playing over and over in my headWhere it"ll endNobody knowsStay the courseReasonable forceI believe I serve a greater goodSmoke and dustEnemies are crushedNothing leftWhere a man once stoodThrough this doorwayWhat"s on the other side?Never knowingExactly what I"ll findLocked and loadedVoices screamingLet"s go!But I"m just doing what I"m told..I"ll take a life that others may liveOh that"s just the way it goesI shut my eyes, it hammers in my headWhere it"ll endNobody knowsI"ll take this life that ten others may liveOh that"s just the way it goesIt"s playing over and over in my headWhere it begins and where it"ll endNobody knowsBang bang, it hammers in my headthough I walk through the valley of theshadow of death, I will fear no evil:for thou art with meLocked and loaded, gonna find my truthNow I"m busting throughAll hell breaks looseAnd you can all hide behind your desks nowAnd you can cry, "teacher come help me!"Through you all, my aim is true



you bone bitting cock sucking ass licking pig fqer


《The Bone Chamber》txt下载在线阅读全文,求百度网盘云资源

《The Bone Chamber》(Burcell, Robin)电子书网盘下载免费在线阅读链接: 提取码: cr62书名:The Bone Chamber作者:Burcell, Robin页数:381内容简介:Special Agent Sydney Fitzpatrick, forensic artist to the FBI, returns to Quantico to help identify a brutally murdered young woman. But when Sydney"s friend and colleague, the forensic anthropologist who assisted her, is killed in a hit-and-run, a covert government team takes over the investigation, and Sydney is suddenly removed from the case. Certain her friend"s murder is connected to the first case, Sydney investigates. She discovers that the first victim was not only an archeological student, but also the daughter of the ambassador to the Holy See. Just before she was killed, the ambassador"s daughter claimed to have found one of three keys that just might lead to a map of the long lost Templar treasure. Sydney"s search for answers takes her to the streets of Rome, and into the underground crypts and caverns in Naples, one step ahead of a ruthless killer. Time is running out for Sydney as a fellow government agent is kidnapped. And the ransom demanded? The Templar map.



sticks and stones may break our bones,but words will break ourhearst是什么意思啊!


Bone Thugs-N-Harmony的《Vegas》 歌词

歌曲名:Vegas歌手:Bone Thugs-N-Harmony专辑:uni-5: the world"s enemyBone Thugs-N-Harmony - VegasMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)Yeahhhh(Layzie Bone)We"re streamin live online for the world to seeIt ain"t me young G, your girl all on meShe chose me when she seen your boy buy out the barTold her, "Drink "til you drop lil" superstar"Better chill, be cool homie grab a drinkCause you don"t wanna play big bank take little bankWe at The Palms where it ain"t no dramaHugh Hef" thugged out wearin Layzie pajamasHouse coat, pure silk, party hard for daysPretty girls up in here wearin Lay-gerieIt"s my brand new line, hot damn you finePicture perfect from behind sippin a glass of wine(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)Yeahhhh(Flesh-N-Bone)I"m in the limosine bus, black tint windowsSmashin on the diesel, head-rush from the indoVegas - they say what goes on there staysIf you really tryin to gamble shake "em up and roll my wayNobody rock the way a Bone Thug showWe get it in overtime but they already knowBreak out the money then we headed for the exit (exit)Ain"t no tellin what we "bout to get next in (next in)I"m on my tip-toes, steady I be floatinCoastin holdin somethin that I"m sippin on slow (slow)I ain"t tryin to pass out overdosedand fuck around wake up in the mornin naked on the flo"(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)Yeahhhh(Krayzie Bone)I"m finna hit it like Kray Jackson tonight (Kray Jackson tonight)I"m finna get it hype, Lay let me get a lightBartender, let me get a shot of Henny, make it doubleMix a lil" Gin with it, gon" get me on the levelI see you girl, lookin at me, lookin at youFeelin your drink, and feelin me tooIt"s the physical attraction baby, what can we do?She want a little thug passion, roughness, harassmentDrink a little mo", while I drink a little Mo"Let"s get tipsy and forget where these feelings is finna goTo the room - that"s where I"m tryin to guide "em toAnd yo I roll with them, but I can ride with you (with you, with you, with you)(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)Yeahhhh(Wish Bone)Gucci bag full of cash, black card and allHood star, never gonna hate they love us, Bone"s stackedTable full of drinks from the bar, come closerMake our way through, top shelf and we"re blowinDon"t worry "bout your business gettin out there girlCome here, grown man, put some thug in yo" earYou"re drop-dead gorgeous, sip "til we nauseousAnd then we"re gonna bounce, bounce, shake "emRoom with a pool just one rule, get nakedYeah you got a girl, your deadline"s extendedOne more drink to the face let"s playWe can reminisce it over pancakes - ha ha ha!(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)(Bizzy Bone)Women in the club, they focusin on the gentleman(We in Vegas, we "bout to kick it nigga)We hit the dance floor, dance floor, dance floorTake it to the medic, pack liquor to where we headedYou could read it right before that they set it to end the rhetoricThe veteran, the gentleman, the warrior, the better manAnd Bizzy"s just a thug gettin fucked up, get it?Safe sex, never ever with the same sex (eww)Yeah we at Vegas (hey) spend it like wild RouletteFree drinks, hundred thousand dollar chipsLeanin back in the whip in the night-life strip(Chorus:)It ain"t my fault (let"s do it, let"s do it)We had too many drinks baby (let"s do it, let"s do it)Got you dancin on the bar (let"s do it, let"s do it)Let"s take this party to my hotel suite (let"s do it, let"s do it)YeahhhhMaxRNB - Your first R&B/Hiphop source

Martyr (Alex Smoke Bare Bones Edit) 歌词

歌曲名:Martyr (Alex Smoke Bare Bones Edit)歌手:Depeche Mode专辑:MartyrTheocracy - MartyrCourage not of this earth in your eyesFaith from far beyond lies deep insideWith your life you dedicatewith your death you permeateFrozen hearts and unbelieving mindsWatch the whole world watchSee the whole world seeCourage into sleepLife and death supremacyA chosen soul, under control from high aboveShines here belowThe final test shall soon be passedHeaven"s pride dwells deep insideBut now will sprout its wings and flyThey see His face shine in your eyesAs the whole world seesYou take the bullet, and take your placeIn the gallery of heroesPeace not understood by human mindsOf origin beyond the realms of timeSilent strength and fervencyLiving faith for all to seeLegacy of glory left behindWatch the whole world watchSee the whole world seeTurn their eyes aboveOmnipresent end of mockeryA chosen soul, under control from high aboveShines here belowThe final test shall soon be passedHeaven"s pride dwells deep insideBut now will sprout its wings and flyThey see His face shine in your eyesAs the whole world seesYou take the bullet, and take your placeIn the gallery of heroesSpeak no wrath in silence make your markLight piercing this all-consuming darkSatl, to preserve and create thirstLife continues, freedom from the curseCrowned with a holy crown, my friendRace completed, faith kept to the endSee the millions who have faced this fateGreet you in your glory at the gateSpeak no wrath in silence make your markLight piercing this all-consuming darkSatl, to preserve and create thirstLife continues, freedom from the curseCrowned with a holy crown, my friendRace completed, faith kept to the endSee the millions who have faced this fateGreet you in your glory at the gateSpeak no wrath in silence make your markLight piercing this all-consuming darkSatl, to preserve and create thirstLife continues, freedom from the curseCrowned with a holy crown, my friendRace completed, faith kept to the endSee the millions who have faced this fateGreet you in your glory at the gateWatch the whole world watchSee the whole world seeCourage into sleepLife and death supremacyA chosen soul, under control from high aboveShines here belowThe final test shall soon be passedHeaven"s pride dwells deep insideBut now will sprout its wings and flyThey see His face shine in your eyesAs the whole world seesYou take the bullet, and take your placeIn the gallery of heroes

《Lois & Clark》《Bones》《Torchwood》的txt全集下载地址


为什么在这部动画片中猪猪侠要叫GG BONE呢?(拼写可能有误)


用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Ginger____(not like) bones.It___(like)___(eat) fish.

1.Ginger_doesn"t like___(not like) bones.It_likes__(like)_eating__(eat) fish.2.__Don"t jump__(not jump) into the pond.It"s dangerous.3.What__does(do) the cat like_to do_(do)?4.It likes chasing__(chase) the mouse.5.Peter,can Alice_play_(play) the guitar? No,she can"t.6.Let"s_go_(go) to the hall.The girls_are dancing_(dance) now.7.I _like_(like) limes.But Maydoesn"t lie___(not like) limes.They_are_(be) sour.8.Tom,_look___(look) at the dog.What colour_is__(be) it?9.Can you_paint__(paint)? Yes. How many__brushes_(brush) have you got? Two.10.__Is there_(there be) any juice in the glass.11.Where is_(be) kitty? She__is_(be) in the room.

cowbone双肩包 时尚背包休闲旅行背包电脑双肩背包运动包男女书包





读音: 扣儿 本音标:[keubeu]

horny we will get boned 什么意思? 有俚语??


阅读英语短文回答问题The housekeeping department is the backbone of a h

1.It means the most important part. 2.To see to the cleanliness and good order of all rooms in the hotel. 3.To make the guest"s stays fortable and pleasing. 4.The willingness to serve and please the guests. 5.Not only through the efficiency in their jobs but also through their heartfelt warmth in serving the guests.

蛋白结构中,heavy atoms是什么意思啊?相当于backbone atoms有什么区别呢?

heavy atoms 重原子?无法理解backbone 是骨架,也就是蛋白质的主链,那就是主链原子吧heavy atoms 难道是侧链原子?


一、获取:1)Backbone的save方法产生了一个post请求,把参数封装为json格式的字符串;2)通过http body传递,获取这个json字符串,需要从request流中读取,然后手动解析为对象。二、backbone是帮助开发重量级的javascript应用的框架。主要提供了3个东西:1、models(模型) 2、collections(集合) 3、views(视图)三、1)Backbone.Model表示应用中所有数据,models中的数据可以创建、校验、销毁和保存到服务端。当models中值被改变时自动触发一个"change"事件、所有用于展示models数据的views都会侦听到这个事件,然后进行重新渲染。2)Backbone.Collection和我们平时接触的JAVA集合类相似,具有增加元素,删除元素,获取长度,排序,比较等一系列工具方法,说白了就是一个保存models的集合类。3)Backbone.View中可以绑定dom el和客户端事件。页面中的html就是通过views的render方法渲染出来的,当新建一个view的时候通过要传进一个model作为数据,例如:var view = new EmployeeView({model:employee}); 也就是说model就是以这种方式和view进行关联的。




以下是 为大家整理的关于《计算机英语单词:Backbone的意思》文章,供大家学习参考! 词形变化:形容词:backboned。 同义词:back,backbone,rachis,spinal column,spine,vertebral column;backbone,spine;grit,gumption,guts,backbone,moxie,sand;keystone,anchor,backbone,linchpin,lynchpin,mainstay。 单词分析:这些名词都可表示“勇气、胆量”之意。 courage:普通用词。指面对危险或困难时无所畏惧的精神和敢于奋斗的进取心。 bravery:指在危险中表现出的无所畏惧精神或在逆境中仍能坚持下去的毅力。 backbone:指性格倔强,意志坚定,有骨气,有顽强的决心去做某事。 nerve:侧重指面临危险或在冒险的情况下具有冷静、清醒的头脑和坚定无畏的勇气。 Backbone的英语解释: the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord the part of a book"s cover that encloses the inner side of the book"s pages and that faces outward when the book is shelved fortitude and determination a central cohesive source of support and stability the part of a network that connects other networks together Backbone的例句: The spinal column,ie the backbone 脊柱(脊骨) The Champs Elysees forms the backbone of Paris"s cultural and commercial hub. 香榭丽舍大道是巴黎的商业和文化中心。 They are the backbone of the party. 他们是政党的骨干。 He has no backbone. 他缺少毅力。 A backboned creature 脊椎动物 These men are the backbone of the country. 这些人是国家的中坚力量。 The backbone is an articulate structure. 脊椎骨是一种关节相连的结构。 The backbone is an articulate structure 脊椎骨是一种关节相连的结构。 They are the backbone of the scientific and technological contingents. 他们是科技队伍的骨干力量。 Your especial fear is that it will be your backbone 你特别害怕这是你的脊梁骨。


以下是 为大家整理的关于《英语短语大全:backbone的中文释义》文章,供大家学习参考! 词形变化:形容词:backboned。 同义词:back,rachis,spinal column,spine,vertebral column;spine;grit,gumption,guts,moxie,sand;keystone,anchor,linchpin,lynchpin,mainstay。 单词分析:这些名词都可表示“勇气、胆量”之意。 courage:普通用词。指面对危险或困难时无所畏惧的精神和敢于奋斗的进取心。 bravery:指在危险中表现出的无所畏惧精神或在逆境中仍能坚持下去的毅力。 backbone:指性格倔强,意志坚定,有骨气,有顽强的决心去做某事。 nerve:侧重指面临危险或在冒险的情况下具有冷静、清醒的头脑和坚定无畏的勇气。 backbone的英语解释: the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord the part of a book"s cover that encloses the inner side of the book"s pages and that faces outward when the book is shelved fortitude and determination a central cohesive source of support and stability the part of a network that connects other networks together 相关短语: backbone chain 主链 backbone element 【法】 中坚分子 backbone frame 脊梁架 backbone motion 主链运动 backbone network 中框网络 backbone road 干道 backbone routing 【计】 基干路径选择 backbone的例句: The spinal column,ie the backbone 脊柱(脊骨) They are the backbone of the party. 他们是政党的骨干。 He has no backbone. 他缺少毅力。 A backboned creature 脊椎动物 These men are the backbone of the country. 这些人是国家的中坚力量。 The backbone is an articulate structure. 脊椎骨是一种关节相连的结构。 The backbone is an articulate structure 脊椎骨是一种关节相连的结构。 They are the backbone of the scientific and technological contingents. 他们是科技队伍的骨干力量。 Your especial fear is that it will be your backbone 你特别害怕这是你的脊梁骨。 displayed grit and backbone in facing adversity. 面对逆境和苦难时显示出刚毅和勇气

Backbone 不同视图 View 之间事件怎么互相通知

一般用一个公共的消息中心,不同的View通过这个消息中心相互通知,这样比较好。比如这个消息中心叫做vent App.vent = null; _.extend(App.vent, Backbone.Events);那么当你需要View1通知View2做一件事(比如这个事件叫“to:do:something”)的时候,你就可以在View2中通过App.vent侦听这个事件,在View1中触发这个事件就可以了View2通过vent侦听事件:App.View2 = Backbone.View.extend({... initialize: function() { ... App.vent.on("to:do:something", function( arg ) { ... }); ... }...});View1通过vent触发事件:App.View1 = Backbone.View.extend({... onClickOrSomeOtherTriggering: function() { ... App.vent.trigger("to:do:something", { arg: arg }); ... }...});如果你用Backbone Marionette的话,它本身就有一个Object叫做vent,直接用就行了。

backbone/key enterprise是什么意思?



在正式学习Backbone之前,你需要准备一些东西:首先,你需要获取Backbone框架源文件:依赖于Underscore框架的基础方法,因此,你同时需要下载Underscore框架的源文件:在Backbone中,对DOM和事件的操作依赖于第三方库(如jQuery或Zepto),你只需要选择其中一个下载:jQuery:看起来好像挺麻烦的样子,但Backbone的目的是在于使用简单的框架来构建复杂的应用,因此麻烦并不表示它很复杂。你可以新建一个HTML页面,并将这些框架引入进来,就像这样:?123 <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery-1.8.2.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="underscore/underscore-min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="backbone/backbone-min.js"></script>


Backbone是一个轻量级的前端MVC框架,用于结构化管理页面中的大量JS,建立与服务器、视图间的无缝连接,为构建复杂的应用提供基础框架。 下面我先简单地阐述下Backbone的主要特点及特性: 2.1 轻量级   Backbone的源码只有1000行左右(去注释和空行后),文件大小只有16KB,加上依赖库Underscore,也仅有29KB。   你只需要花一点时间,就能轻松了解Backbone内部实现;或编写少量代码,来重载Backbone的部分机制;如果你想在Backbone的基础上做二次开发,也并不是一件复杂的事情。 2.2 MVC结构化   Backbone可以轻松将页面中的数据、逻辑、视图解耦,依照Backbone进行代码结构组织,你可以将项目中的数据交互、业务逻辑、用户界面等工作,分配给多个同事同时开发,并能有序地组织到一起。同时,这对于大型和复杂项目的维护开发非常有帮助。 2.3 继承机制   在Backbone中,模块是可以被继承的,你可以通过面向对象的方式将应用中的数据模型、集合、视图有序地组织,让整个架构更加清晰;也可以方便地重载和扩展自定义方法。 2.4 建立与服务器的无缝连接   在Backbone中内置了一套与服务器数据的交互规则(如果你了解REST架构,就能够轻松地理解它们),而数据的同步工作会在Model中自动进行,前端开发人员只需对客户端数据的进行操作,Backbone会自动将操作的数据同步到服务器。   这是件非常有趣的事情,因为服务器数据接口对前端开发者来说是透明的,他们不需要再关心如何和服务器交互。   然而服务器提供的数据接口也需要兼容Backbone的规则,对于一个新的项目来说,我们可以尝试使用这套规则来构建接口。但如果你的项目中已经有一套稳定的接口,你可能会担心接口改造的风险。   没关系,我们可以通过重载Backbone.sync方法来适配现有的数据接口,针对不同的客户端环境,我们还可以实现不同的数据交互方式。例如:用户通过PC浏览器使用服务时,数据会实时同步到服务器;而用户通过移动终端使用服务时,考虑到网络环境问题,我们可以先将数据同步到本地数据库,在合适的时候再同步到服务器。而这些只需要你重载一个方法就可以实现。 2.5 界面事件管理   在MVC中,我们希望能将界面展现和业务逻辑完全分离,但对于用户产生的交互事件(如单击事件),我们却常常通过类似jQuery中的bind方法进行获取和绑定。


《杭州事变1+2》(完)小虎牙《twlight till dawn》《once in a bule moon》(未完结)《水下三十米》《陆上三千里》(未完)《night wish》(完)《长沙攻防战》(完)还有我整理了一些短篇,也发给你吧

Innocent Bones歌词高手翻译,不要机器翻译。(歌词如下):

  无辜的骨头。  Cain got a milk-eyed mule from the auction  该隐从拍卖会上买了一只有着乳白色眼睛的骡子  Abel got a telephone  而亚伯则得到了一部电话  And even the last of the blue-eyed babies know  连最后那个有着蓝眼睛的小婴儿都知道  That the burning man is the color of the end of day  知道那个燃烧着的男人有着日暮的颜色  And how every tongue that gets bit always has another word to say  但从每个人口中都能得到不同的说法  Cain bought a blade from some witch at the window  该隐从站了一些女巫的窗口买了一个刀片  Abel bought a bag of weed  而亚伯却买了一袋杂草  And even the last of the brown-eyed babies see  甚至连最后那个有着棕眼睛的小婴儿都能看到  That the cartoon king has a tattoo of a bleeding heart  看到那个卡通国王身上的花纹是一个流着血的心脏  There ain"t a penthouse Christian wants the pain of the scab,  没有哪一个阁楼里的基督徒想要伤口带来的疼痛  but they all want the scar  但他们却都想拥有一些伤疤  How every mouth sings of what it"s without so we all sing of love  每个人都没什么可唱的,所以我们唱所有与爱有关的歌  And how it ain"t one dog who"s good at fucking and denying who he"s thinking of  如果它是一只狗又怎么能这么他妈的擅长否认他的看法呢  Cain heard a cat tumble limp off the rooftop  该隐听见一只猫一瘸一拐的跳下了屋顶  Abel heard his papa pray  而亚伯则听见他爸爸的祈祷  And even the last of the black-eyed babies say  甚至连最后那个有着黑眼睛的男孩都说  That every saint has a chair you can borrow and a church to sell  每一个圣人都有一把可以借给你的椅子,每个教堂也有卖的  That the wind blows cold across the back of the master and the kitchen help  风冷冷的吹过房间主人的后背和厨房  There"s a big pile of innocent bones still holding up the garden wall  花园里仍旧有一大片无辜的骨头支撑着围墙  And it was always the broken hand we learned to lean on after all  我们总是很不擅长依靠些什么即使在经历了这么多之后  How God knows if Christ came back he would find us in a poker game  上帝怎么会知道如果耶稣归来会发现我们正在打扑克  After finding out the drugs were all free  虽然找到了所有免费的药片  but they won"t let you out the door again  但他们再不会让你踏出这扇门一步。  END.

trombone basso是什么乐器?

Trombone(-i) Trbn是乐器长号。Contrabasso(-i) Cb是低音提琴

Boneus的《Ghetto Boy》 歌词

歌曲名:Ghetto Boy歌手:Boneus专辑:Ghettoboy: Urban Soul Collection Uh, hit them with a little ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (my Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns.If I could recollect before my hood days. I sit and reminisce, thinking and bliss on the good days.I stop and stare at the younger, my heart goes to m.They tested, it was stressed that they under.And nowadays, things changed. Everyone ashamed to the youth, cuz the truth looks strange.And for me it reversed, we left them a world that cursed, and it hurts.Cause any day theyl push the button.And all commend, like Malcom X and Bobby Hunton, died for nothin?Don make me get teary, the world looks dreary.When you wipe your eyes, seeing clearly.There no need for you to fear me. If you take your time to hear me,maybe you can learn to cheer me. It ain about black or white, cuz wee human. I hope we see the light before it ruined.My ghetto gospel. Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel)I welcome with my hands. And the red sun sinks to last into the hills of gold.And peace to this young warrior,Without the sound of guns. Tell me do you see that old lady, ain it sad.Living out of bags, plus she glad for the little things she has.And over there there a lady, crack got her crazy. Guess she giving birth to a baby. I don trip and let m fade me,? wee droppin?to another form of slavery. Even now I keep discouraged. Wonder if they take it all back,Will I still keep the courage? I refuse to be a role model.I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottles.I made mistakes, but learned from every one.And when it said and done. I bet this brother be a better one. If I upset, you don stress. Never forget that God hasn finished with me yet. I feel his hand on my brain. When I write rhymes,I go blind, and let the lord do his thing. But am I less holy?Cuz I choose to puff a blunt and drink a beer with my homeyz.Before we find world peace. We gotta find peace in the war on the streets. My ghetto gospel.Those who wish to follow me. (Ghetto gospel) I welcome with my hands.And the red sun sinks at last into the hills of gold. And peace to this young warrior, Without the sound of guns. Lord can you hear me speak.


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