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bone vagage是什么意思

Bon voyage一路平安


  是:bonefish  bonefish英 ["bəʊnfɪʃ] 美 ["boʊnfɪʃ]  [词典]北梭鱼(一种长着银鳞的观赏性海鱼(北梭鱼北梭鱼属),多见于温暖的浅水 );  [网络]北梭鱼; 骨鱼;  [例句]Biology and Management of the World Tarpon and Bonefish Fisheries  世界海鲢与北梭鱼渔业的生物学与管理


一、意思是:n. 骨骼;骨;核心vt. 除去骨头;往衣服里加撑条;磨光表面vi. 努力学习adv. 非常地;极其地二、读音:英 [bəʊn]     美 [boʊn]三、词汇搭配:make old bone 长寿;roll the bones 掷骰子,吹牛,闲谈spare bones 不肯吃苦;set a broken bone 接断骨四、例句:Will you bone this joint of meat for me?你能帮我把这块肉的骨头剔掉吗?扩展资料词汇辨析:下面两个短语意思不同:a bone of the dog 一根狗骨头a bone of the dog's 一根狗啃的骨头词汇用法:bone作“骨头”解,指躯体的组成部分时,是可数名词; 作“骨质”解,指骨头的组成成分时,是不可数名词,作“骨骼”“身体”“尸体”解时,常用复数形式。

有一张图上四个英文单词分别是Bell Bone Boot Ball,这是什么意思?

是麦当劳鸡块的四种名字,每个固定形状都有对应的名字,“钟形”(bell),“靴子形”(boot), “骨头状”(bone),“球形”(ball)


anti-bone抗骨.很高兴为你解答!如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

I feel it in my bones是什么意思

I feel it in my bones我在我的骨头里能感受到它例句:1.At the beginning of the show a man, when asked why he thought some knowledge wasunreliable, answered, "I feel it in my bones." 在节目的开头,有一个人被问到“为什么你觉得有些知识不可靠?”时回答说:“我骨子里能感觉到”。


dog-bone 网络 狗骨; 狗骨式; [例句]The Influence of Dog-bone Connection on the Structural Influencing Coefficient in Pure Steel Frames狗骨式刚性连接对钢框架结构影响系数的影响

no bone是啥意思


do you wanna a bone?什么意思啊大佬们...

想不想来一发 的意思

trabecular bone是什么意思

trabecular bone [医]骨小梁,松质骨[例句]Bisphosphonates alter trabecular bone collagen crosslinking and isomerization in beagle dog vertebra.双膦酸盐改变小猎犬椎骨的松质骨胶原交联和异构化。如果你认可我的回答,敬请及时采纳~如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮~~手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。~你的采纳是我前进的动力~~O(∩_∩)O,记得好评和采纳,互相帮助

bone china是什么意思




bone sb是什么意思?


flesh and bone 是什么意思?





BONES 股份有限公司


bone[英] [bəʊn][美] [boʊn]n.骨头; 尸骨; 骨质物; 有…样的骨头的;vt.挑鱼刺,剔骨头; 剔去…的骨;[例句]Many passengers suffered broken bones许多乘客骨折。[复数]bones






bones 英[bəʊnz] 美[boʊnz] n. 尸骨; 骨骼,尸体; 骨头( bone的名词复数 ); 骨质物; 有…样的骨头的; [例句]Several people were treated for broken bones.数人接受了断骨治疗。[其他] 原型: bone


是。bone有“骨头”、“尸骨”、“骨质物”、“有……样的骨头的”意思,作可数名词意为“骨头;骨”,作不可数名词意为“骨质”,所以在使用上要根据具体语境进行分析。 bone的用法 1.bone作可数名词 (1)He survived the accident with no broken bones. 他在事故中幸免于难,没有骨折。 (2)This fish has a lot of bones in it. 这种鱼多刺。 2.bone作不可数名词 (1)Knives with bone handles. 有骨质手把的刀子。 3.习惯用法 (1)a bone of contention 争执所在 (2)close to the bone 过于直率 (3)have a bone to pick with sb. 对某人生气,想与之解决;有理由反对(或恼恨)某人 (4)make no bones about(doing)sth.开诚布公;毫不犹豫 She made no bones about telling him exactly what she thought of him. 她毫无保留地把对他的看法照直告诉了他。 (5)not have a...bone in your body 毫无……的素质 She was honest and hard-working, and didn"t have an unkind bone in her body. 她诚实勤劳,身上没有一点儿不好的气质。 (6)throw sb. a bone施以小惠(以示助人,却不满足主要的要求);丢给某人一块骨头 (7)to the bone 影响极强地;深刻地 His threats chilled her to the bone. 他的威胁使她不寒而栗。




n. 骨;骨骼;香烟;一首歌;vt. 剔去...的骨;施骨肥于;vi. 苦学;专心致志PS.建议你下个有道词典试试,翻译英语一流的




是指那部美剧bones的中文名吗, 是译作:识骨寻踪。如果只是问bone的英文单词就是骨头的意思,bones是复数形式。 我空间日记<点我名字进入>里介绍的英语网有更多学习技巧,资源,专业联系听力的视频和歌曲等等,还可以测试自己的英语能力,免费和老外对话练口语。不要钱,注册就可以了。希望对你的英语学习有更大的帮助!





bone什么意思 bone翻译

1、n. 骨骼;骨;核心2、vt. 除去骨头;往衣服里加撑条;磨光表面3、vi. 努力学习4、adv. 非常地;极其地5、读音:英 [b??n]、美 [bo?n]6、词汇搭配:make old bone 长寿;roll the bones 掷骰子,吹牛,闲谈、spare bones 不肯吃苦;set a broken bone 接断骨7、例句:Will you bone this joint of meat for me?你能帮我把这块肉的骨头剔掉吗?


n.骨头The dog was chewing a bone.狗在啃一根骨头。骨质物Buttons are sometimes made of bone.纽扣有时是用骨头做的。尸骨Her bones were laid to rest.她的尸骨已下葬

bone怎么读 bone的意思

1、bone单词发音:英[bəʊn]美[boʊn]。 2、bone,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“分配;拨出;使坐落于”。作不及物动词时意为“分配;指定”。 3、第三人称单数:bones 复数:bones 现在分词:boning 过去式:boned 过去分词:boned


  bone是什么意思及反义词   可数名词:   1.骨,骨头   2.骨质;骨质物,骨状物   3.(bones)骨骼;身体;尸骸   4.(供食用的)带肉骨头   5.(剧本、小说等的)基本结构,基本框架   6.核心,本质;(常作bones)基本要点,本质部分   7.骨制品;西洋骨牌;(bones)【口】骰子;(打拍子用的)响板   8.【澳】(澳洲土著用来咒人罹病或暴死的)凶符骨   9.争议点   10.船头浪   11.(用以抚慰的)小惠   12.骨白色,淡灰黄色   13.(bones)【英俚】外科医生   14.【美俚】【加拿大俚】一块钱   15.【俚】皮包骨头的瘦子   16.【美俚】【忌】勃起的阴茎   及物动词:   1.剔去...的骨   2.用鲸骨(或钢架等)撑(妇女上衣)   3.施骨肥于   4.【英俚】偷   5.【美俚】纠缠;缠着...讨债   不及物动词:   1.【主美】专心致志   2.【主美口】苦学;(考试前)临时抱佛脚   a.   骨白色的,淡灰黄色的   ad.   彻骨地;彻底地,完全地;全然,极   词形变化   时态   boned,boning,bones   英语解释   consisting of or made up of bone   the porous calcified substance from which bones are made   remove the bones from   rigid connective tissue that makes up the skeleton of vertebrates   study intensively, as before an exam   a shade of white the color of bleached bones   例句   By August, tests showed her bone marrow was clear of leukemia cells   8月份时,检查表明她的骨髓明显有白血病细胞   lard a boned chicken   用咸肉塞填去骨鸡   "This oracle bone inscription is a very mature system with a total number of 4500 characters, all of which have been deciphered. "   甲骨文是一种非常成熟的文字,计4500字,已全部破译。   A parietal part,such as a wall or bone.   顶骨,体壁一种如体壁或骨头等的体壁部位   "An external layer of compact bone surrounds a central area of spongy bone, except at the marrow cavity."   骨的外层为质密的骨皮质,包围着海绵状骨松质中心区(不算骨髓腔)。   When you paint a dragon, you paint his skin; it is difficult to paint the bones. When you know a man, you know his face but not his heart   画龙画皮难画骨,知人知面不知心   A forked part or bone,such as the wishbone of a bird.   锁骨,叉骨如鸟胸骨上的如愿骨等成叉状的部位或骨头   A clean break,eg the breaking of a bone in one place   整齐的断裂处(如骨折于一处).   "But picturing the flesh, he fails to draw the bone- So that even the finest are deprived of their spirit."   干惟画肉不画骨,忍使骅骝气凋丧。   When the snip and the calm grapple,it is the fisherman who stands to benefit;two dogs strive for a bone,and a third runs away with it"   鹬蚌相争,渔人得利"   相似短语   to the bone   透入骨髓,到极点   bone of the bone and flesh   血肉相连   bone up on   认真学,专心致志地学努力研读   cut to the bone   v. 削减   skin and bone   adj.极瘦的   artificial bone   人工骨   axonic bone   主轴骨   basilar bone   基枕骨   bone black   骨黑   bone blot   接骨螺栓   相似单词   bone   n.[C]   1.骨,骨头   2.骨质;骨质物,骨状物   3.(bones)骨骼;身体;尸骸   4.(供食用的)带肉骨头   5.(剧本、小说等的)基本结构,基本框架   6.核心,本质;(常作bone   hip bone   n. 胯骨   bone dry   a. 极干的,极渴的   bred in the bone   adj.   根深蒂固的, 本性难移的   bone graft   【医】 骨移植片   coffin bone   【医】 蹄骨(马足第三趾骨)   tongue bone   【医】 舌骨   bone fat   骨脂   ring bone   趾骨癌   ear bone   【医】 听小骨  


boneKK: []DJ: []n.1. 骨,骨头[C]Doris suffered a broken bone in her foot.多丽丝的一只脚骨折了。2. 骨质[U]3. 骨骼;身体;尸骸[P]Let me rest my weary bones for a minute.我的身体很累,让我稍稍休息一下吧。4. 骨制品[C]5. 【口】骰子[P]vt.1. 剔去...的骨He sells completely boned beef.他卖全部无骨头的牛肉。2. 用鲸骨(或钢架等)撑(妇女上衣)3. 施骨肥于vi.1. 【美】【俚】苦学;考前临时抱佛脚[(+up)]Bred was boning up for an examination.布里德为了迎接考试正在拼命准备。



bone怎么读音 bone的意思

1、bone单词发音:英[bəʊn]美[boʊn]。 2、bone,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“分配;拨出;使坐落于”。作不及物动词时意为“分配;指定”。 3、双语例句 He ate the fish, bone and all. 他吃了那条鱼,连骨头都吃了。


bone英 [bəʊn] 美 [bon] n. 骨;骨骼vt. 剔去...的骨;施骨肥于vi. 苦学;专心致志n. (Bone)人名;(英)博恩;(法、西、罗、塞)博内;(老)奔

bone是什么意思 bone的释义是怎样的

1、bone,英语单词,名词、及物动词、不及物动词,作及物动词时意为“分配;拨出;使坐落于”。作不及物动词时意为“分配;指定”。 2、短句搭配: lacrimal bone[解剖]泪骨; bone marrow髓 ; 髓样 ; 慢性; Bone Wars骨头大战; scaphoid bone[解剖]手舟骨 ; 舟骨 ; 腕舟骨; bone crusher碎骨魔 ; 推土机 ; 碾压机 ; 骨头轧碎机; Compact bone密质骨 ;[解剖]骨密质 ; 致密骨; Bone donor供骨者 ; 自愿供骨者 ; 骨供者; bone scan骨扫描 ; 骨头扫描 ; 骨头扫瞄; bone screw接骨螺钉 ; 骨螺钉 ; 骨螺丝 ; 接骨螺丝。



Bonus Track 歌词

歌曲名:Bonus Track歌手:Beanbag专辑:Free Signal「bonus track -冷たい月-」作词:水川月依作曲:黒瀬圭亮歌:KOKOMI満月(まんげつ) 冷(つめ)たい风(かぜ)が頬(ほほ)を抚(な)でて 通(とお)り过(す)ぎたのLight 私(わたし)を灯(とも)しだす风(かぜ)の通(とお)り道(みち) 私(わたし)の背中(せなか)を押(お)し出(だ)す そよ风(かぜ)は梦(ゆめ)を见(み)ていた树々(きぎ)のざわめきが 静寂(せいじゃく)饮(の)み込(こ)んで足迹(あしあと) 木(こ)の叶(は)落(お)ち 埋(う)め尽(つ)くしたから闇夜(やみよ) 月(つき)がほら 明(あ)かり灯(とも)してるだけど 冷(つめ)たい风(かぜ)が流(なが)れてく薄(うす)いマントでは 寒(さむ)さしのげぬと肩(かた)をすくみ上(あ)がらせていた道(みち)まあるいまるいお月様(つきさま)がほらLight 私(わたし)を燃(も)やし尽(つ)くして石(いし)の上(うえ)を 素足(すあし)で行(ゆ)く赤(あか)い血(ち)で染(そ)め流(なが)した 涙(なみだ)で朱(あか)を薄(うす)めて三日月(みかつき) 冷(つめ)たい风(かぜ)が心(こころ)の侧(そば) 通(とお)り过(す)ぎたの朱(あか)く黒(くろ)く光(ひか)る三日月(みかつき) 冷(つめ)たい空(そら)へ涙(なみだ) 月(つき)の道(みち くじけ足(あし)を折(お)るなのに 冷(つめ)たい风(かぜ)が流(なが)れてく树々(きぎ)の叶(は)の音色(ねいろ) 绿色(みどりいろ)に鸣(な)る歌(うた)えぬ心(こころ)に届(とど)く Symphony欠(か)けた月(つき)が 空(そら)を照(て)らしているMoon 丸(まる)く元(もと)に戻(もど)るから茨(いばら)の道(みち) 素足(すあし)で行(ゆ)く络(から)む视线(しせん)がつらくて 朱(あか)い涙(なみだ)をこぼして三日月(みかつき) 冷(つめ)たい风(かぜ)が心(こころ)の侧(そば) 通(とお)り过(す)ぎたの朱(あか)く黒(くろ)く光(ひか)る三日月(みかつき)まあるく満月(まんげつ) 冷(つめ)たい风(かぜ)が頬(ほほ)を抚(な)でて 通(とお)り过(す)ぎたの未来(あす)へ駆(か)ける素足(すあし)の心(こころ) 冷(つめ)たい空(そら)へShe wished the dream away from the cold moon.Then she got to know the world.It was the only triflimg occurrence night when rain falls heavily.终わり

Sodium hydroxide (A.R.grade, BDH),sodium carbonate(A.R.grade, BDH) 中A.R.grade, BDH化学中什么意思

* 回复内容中包含的链接未经审核,可能存在风险,暂不予完整展示! A.R.grade(analytical reagent grade)指分析纯,属于二级品。BHD是全球知名的化学试剂品牌,你可以上https://obi2.v***.com/programs/chemicals/bdh/page.cgi?tmpl=bdh看看它的情况介绍。希望我的回答你能满意。


“Bon chic, bon genre” 取自巴黎俚语,意为“Good Style,Good Attitude”(时尚风格、优雅风情)。同时它还是由设计师MAX AZRIA于1989年在美国创建的时尚品牌,该品牌全名为:BCBG MAX AZRIA,国内大家一般简称:BCBG。

bon chic ,bon genre 是什么意思啊


中国那一个国家释放出最多二氧化碳(carbon dioxide) ?

据英国《卫报》11月16日报道,最新的研究数据表明,澳大利亚是世界上人均温室气体排放量最多的国家。 根据总部设在华盛顿的全球发展中心(Centre for Global Development)的统计,如果将一个国家所有发电厂一年的温室气体排放量全部加起来,再平摊到该国每个公民头上,澳大利亚每年人均排放近11吨二氧化碳,居全球第一位;美国紧随其后,为9吨;而同是发达国家的英国状况则好得多,只有3.5吨,居第9位。 此前人们一直指责发展中国家使用煤发电,污染了空气,但是该报告指出,中国人均每年仅排放2吨二氧化碳,而印度则只有500公斤。 该研究的结果显然会让澳大利亚政府感到尴尬,同时也为即将到来的大选带来新的话题。保守派总理霍华德坚决拒绝在《京都议定书》上签字,他曾多次表示,该协定将会损害澳大利亚的经济。看来,霍华德在数字面前需要重新考虑一下自己的立场了环球能源网根据碳监测行动(CARMA)网站提供的数据,对全球各国的CO2排放量进行了比较排行,详见下表:美国 28亿吨中国 27亿吨俄国 6.61亿吨印度 5.83日本 4德国 3.56澳大利亚2.26 以上数据表明,美国仍是二氧化碳排放最多的国家,由于这个国家的工业化程度很高,火力发电厂较多,因此光美国发电厂二氧化碳排放量就占到了全球发电厂排放总量的25%。中国是唯一在排放上最接近于美国的国家,不过,中国的人均二氧化碳排放仅为2吨,而每个美国人每年排放二氧化碳不少于9吨。而总排放量位居全球第7名的澳大利亚实际人均排放二氧化碳为11吨,为世界首位。值得一提的是,澳大利亚的电力公司排放的二氧化碳十分惊人,此外其牲畜的排放也是一个主要因素。尽管澳大利亚和美国是全球最大的“污染者”,它们却都不愿意加入任何就减排达成一致的国际协定。他们以前没有签署将于2012年到期的《京都议定书》,看起来以后也不想加入。 俄罗斯由于自1999年-2005年,大规模扩大工业化生产,其以二氧化碳为主的温室气体排放量也有明显增加,不过,即使如此,2005年底,俄罗斯温室气体排放量也只为1990年的74%。环球能源网认为,这不仅由于俄罗斯的主力能源是清洁能源(天然气),也因为俄罗斯自2002年起就开始实施节能增效措施,如对,高耗能、高污染排放企业技术设备升级换代,以及利用自己的碳市场配额吸引国际游动资金投入专项生态项目,以减少温室气体排放和改善环境。 印度的人均年排放只有0.5吨,不过,因为印度的工业化惯性发展,印度总的二氧化碳排放量未来几年将会有明显增加。日本的二氧化碳排放量近年来有明显增加态势,其国内产业部门的减排虽然取得了明显进展,但办公场所和民用减排却无所建树,并且明显滞后。日本有关部门已公开承认,无法完成《京都议定书》制订的相关目标,即到2012年日本的二氧化碳排放量要比1990年减少6%。德国是可再生能源的领军地和大本营,德国宣称,2020年将电能从再生能源中获取的比例从目前的9.4%,提高到25%。也就是说,德国的减排将更有成效,并用近年来德国从碳排放额中尝到的“甜头”使其国内经济的发展也可圈可点。 南非近年来成为石油的新兴资源地,而石油带来的排放也不容小觑。而南非经常出现的燃烧森林木材现象也大大加重了环境污染。对英国的布朗政府来说,怎样完成其上周提出的减排60%的目标是一个很困难的课题,而韩国,也需要在削减二氧化碳上下下功夫了




韩国 首尔 江南区 奉恩寺路304号金刚大厦10楼



padc polyallyl diglycol carbonate是什么意思

padc polyallyl diglycol carbonate的中文翻译padc polyallyl diglycol carbonatePADC聚烯丙基二甘醇碳酸酯


就是碳酸氢钠 用来碱化尿液,解救巴比妥中毒!

碳酸丙烯酯(propylene carbonate)的化学式是什么? 不是分子式,

唉,百度知道上怎么写结构式呀,真是麻烦 CH2=CH-C(=O)-O-C(=O)-OH C(=O)代表羰基,在知道上没办法写出来,你写的时候把碳原子和氧原子用双键链接 一楼的是从百度知道上弄下来的吧,分子式给的不对,他给的是碳酸丙酯!

Supplementary reading material:Global Carbonate Cycle

The geochemical or long-term carbon cycle primarily involves the exchange of carbon between the ‘surficial"and ‘geologic"reservoirs. The former comprise atmosphere,oceans,biosphere, soils,and exchangeable sediments in the marine environment ( Fig. 1) while the latter include crustal rocks and deeply buried sediments in addition to the underlying mantle. How carbon is partitioned between the various reservoirs of the surficial system and between surficial and geologic reservoirs is what sets the concentration of CO2in the atmosphere. Life,and the cycle of organic carbon,as well as its geological ( and subsequent fossil fuel exhumation ) is of particular importance in this regard. The cycle of carbon in its inorganic,calcium carbonate ( CaCO3) form also affects atmospheric CO2,but by more subtle means. It also plays a fundamental role in regulating ocean chemistry and pH—a major factor in the viability of calcareous marine organisms.Carbonate precipitation and burialToday,the surface of the ocean is everywhere more than saturated ( over-saturated) with respect to the solid carbonate phase,with a mean value for the saturation state ( Ω: saturation state of the solution,also known as the solubility ratio) of calcite of 4. 8. In other words,the minimum thermodynamical requirement for calcite to precipitate is exceeded by a factor of almost 5. Despite this,the spontaneous precipitation of CaCO3from the water column is not observed in the ocean. This is because the initial step of crystal nucleation is kinetically unfavorable,and experimentally,spontaneous ( homogeneous) nucleation does not occur in sea water solutions until Ωcalcite> ~ 20 – 25 ( Ω = [Ca2+]×[CO2-3] /Ksp) . Although CaCO3precipitation occurs as cements and coatings in the marine environment,it is primarily associated with the activities of living organisms, particularly corals, benthic shelly animals, plankton species such as coccolithophores and foraminifera,and pteropods,and where it takes place under direct metabolic control. In comparison,carbonate deposition in fresh-water systems is of only minor importance globally,and will not be discussed further here.While not in itself sufficient to drive substantial abiotic precipitation,the saturation state of the modern ocean surface is favorable to the preservation of carbonates deposited in shallow water ( neritic) environments. Long-term accumulation of this material can result in the formation of extensive marine topographical features such as barrier reefs and carbonate banks and platforms. A different fate awaits CaCO3precipitated in the open ocean by plankton such as coccolithophores and foraminifera,however. This is because oceanic waters become increasingly less saturated with depth. Below the depth of the saturation horizon,conditions become under-saturated ( Ω < 1. 0) and carbonate will start to dissolve. In the modern ocean the calcite saturation horizon lies at about 4500 m in the Atlantic and ~ 3000 m in the Pacific Ocean. Within a further 1000 m sediments are often completely devoid of carbonate particles ( the carbonate compensation depth, or CCD) . Topographic highs on the ocean floor such as the mid-Atlantic ridge can thus be picked out by sediments rich in CaCO3while the adjacent deep basins are low in % CaCO3. The visual effect has been likened to snow-capped mountains. The pressure induced surface-to-deep vertical contrast in Ω is further enhanced by the respiration of organic matter and release of metabolic CO2 in the ocean interior which suppresses the ambient carbonate ion concentration and thus Ω. The greater accumulation of metabolic CO2in the older water masses of the deep Pacific explains why the sea-floor there is much poorer in % CaCO3compared to the Atlantic at a similar depth.Fig. 1 The global biogeochemical cycling of calcium carbonate. ( a) Modes of CaCO3transformation and recycling within the surficial system and loss to the geological reservoir ( labeled ‘1 " through ‘4 ") .① Precipitation of calcite by coccolithophores and foraminifera in the open ocean; Ca+2+ 2HCO-3→CaCO3+CO2( aq)+ H2O. ② Carbonate reaching deep-sea sediments will dissolve during early diagenesis if the bottom water is under-saturated and / or the organic matter flux to the sediments is sufficiently high. ③ Precipitation of CaCO3by corals and shelly animals,with a significant fraction as the aragonite polymorph. Because modern surface waters are over-saturated relatively little of this carbonate dissolves in situ,and instead contributes to the formation of reefal structures or is exported to the adjoining continental slopes. ④ Precipitation of CaCO3 results in higher pCO2at the surface,driving a net transfer of CO2from the ocean to the atmosphere.( b) Modes of CaCO3transformation and recycling within the geologic reservoirs and return to the surficial system ( labeled“5”through“8”) . ⑤ CaCO3laid down in shallow seas as platform and reef carbonates and chalks can be uplifted and exposed to erosion through rifting and mountain-building episodes. CaCO3can then be directly recycled; CO2+ H2O + CaCO3→Ca+2+ 2HCO-3. ⑥ Thermal breakdown of carbonates subducted into the mantle or deeply buried. The decarbonation reaction involved is essentially the reverse of silicate weathering,and results in the creation of calcium silicates and release of CO2; CaCO3+ SiO2→CO2+ CaSiO3.⑦ Weathering of silicate rocks; 2CO2+ H2O + CaSiO3→Ca+2+ 2HCO-3+ SiO2. ⑧ Emission to the atmosphere of CO2produced through decarbonation. This closes the carbon cycle on the very longest time-scales.Unfortunately,the carbonate cycle does not conform to this simple picture,and a significant fraction of CaCO3appears to dissolve in the water column even before it can reach the sediment surface. This has been something of an enigma because the reduction in carbonate flux measured by sediment traps occurs well above the depth at which calcite becomes thermodynamically unstable. Dissolution of carbonate particles in acidic digestive conditions of zooplankton guts has been one proposed mechanism. Acidic micro-environments within individual ‘marine snow " aggregates may also be important. Another possible explanation surrounds the aragonite polymorph because it becomes susceptible to dissolution at much shallower depths than calcite under the same ambient conditions. In support of this are recent estimates of the depth at which most CaCO3 dissolution occurs in the ocean which appears to correspond to the aragonite saturation horizon. However,calculations suggest that solute release from sinking pteropod shells,the main aragonite product in the open ocean,should mostly occur much deeper than this. Dissolution of aragonite also does not help explain how 65% of calcitic foraminiferal tests can be lost at shallow depths. This uncertainty is of concern because a full appreciation of the controls of atmospheric CO2and response to global change requires an understanding of the dissolution and the depth of recycling of CaCO3in the water column.Overall,more than 80 % of all carbonate precipitated in the open ocean dissolves either in the water column or within the uppermost layers of the underlying sediments. The remainder,some 1 Gt CaCO3yr- 1accumulates in deep-sea sediments. This burial loss,to which can be added as much as another 1 Gt CaCO3yr- 1of deposition in neritic environments ( although the uncertainty in this figure is substantial) ,must somehow be balanced if the ocean is not to run out of calcium ions! This is achieved through the weathering of carbonate and silicate rocks.Weathering and Carbonate RecyclingThe weathering of calcium carbonate and calcium silicate minerals in soils and at exposed rock surfaces helps balance the CaCO3sedimentation loss by unlocking Ca2 +from the geologic reservoir. Alteration of ocean crust by percolating fluids adds an additional but more minor contribution. The weathering reactions ( see Fig. 1b; ⑤ and ⑦) provide the other raw material necessary for carbonate precipitation— bicarbonate ions ( HCO-3) . However,because the transformation 2CO2→2HCO-3( Fig. 1b; ⑦) is internal to the surficial system and does not represent a source of new carbon,the component of CaCO3burial derived from silicate rock weathering represents a loss of carbon to the geologic reservoir. This must be replaced on the long-term,achieved through the release of CO2to the atmosphere from volcanic sources. ( In contrast,the weathering and burial of CaCO3results into net loss or gain of CO2to the surficial system) .A powerful regulatory mechanism of the Earth system arises because weathering rates respond to surface temperature and atmospheric CO2while simultaneously silicate weathering rates control the rate of transformation CO2→HCO-3and thus rate of loss of carbon through CaCO3burial. This is a negative feedback system and acts to regulate the concentration of CO2in the atmosphere over hundreds of thousands of years.Buried carbonate is eventually recycled back from the geologic reservoir. This can occur if carbonates laid down in shallow seas such as limestones or chalks are subsequently uplifted and exposed to weathering as a result of mountain building episodes. However,carbonates deposited in open ocean sediments are only infrequently exposed at the Earth"s surface,as ophiolite complexes—portions of the oceanic crust and overlying sediments that have been trapped between colliding cratonic blocks and uplifted. Instead,the primary recycling of deep-sea CaCO3occurs through subduction into the upper mantle and decarbonation ( Fig. 1b; ⑥) .At this point it is important to recognize that carbonate burial represents the principal geologic mechanism of CO2removal from the ocean and atmosphere. However,the act of precipitating CaCO3has the effect of re-partitioning dissolved carbon in the surface ocean into CO2 ( aq),raising ambient pCO2and pH. Thus,precipitation and deposition of CaCO3have the short-term effect of increasing the concentration of CO2in the atmosphere at the expense of the ocean carbon inventory,but at the same time represents the ultimate long-term sink for CO2.Both texts are selected from: The role of the global carbonate cycle in the regulation and evolution of the Earth system,Earth and Planetary Science Letters 234,2005: 299 - 315By: Andy Ridgwell,Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences,The University of British Columbia,6339 Stores Road,Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada V6T 1Z4andRichard E. Zeebe,University of Hawaii at Manoa,SOEST,Honolulu,HI,United StatesNew words and expressionsPart A地球科学专业英语Part B地球科学专业英语

coated calcium carbonate是什么意思

coated calcium carbonate[ˈkəutid ˈkælsiəm ˈkɑ:bəneit] [化] 活性轻质碳酸钙;

vanadium carbonate是什么元素符号?

vanadium carbonate是:碳酸钒:V(CO3)2.V 是正四价。碳酸根是负二价。

碳酸丙烯酯(propylene carbonate)的化学式是什么?

c H O

caesium carbonate是什么意思

caesium carbonate[英][ˈsi:ziəm ˈkɑ:bəneit][美][ˈsiziəm ˈkɑrbəˌnet]n.碳酸铯; 网络释义1. 碳酸铯

sodium carbonate是什么意思

sodium carbonate[英][ˌsəʊdiəm ˈkɑ:bənət][美][ˌsoʊdiəm ˈkɑ:rbənət]碳酸钠; 纯碱; 形近词:Sodium Carbonate数据合作方:金山词霸双语例句英英释义1meanwhile, we also provide you trisodium phosphate, alkali protease, sodium carbonate, sodium sulphide and bicarbonate, etc.本公司同时经营磷酸三钠、碱性蛋白酶、硫化碱、纯碱、小苏打等化工产品。

hydroxycarbonate 这个单词什么意思

碱式的如magnesium hydroxycarbonate碱式碳酸铜

carbonara penne怎么做

  【Carbonara Penne的做法】  主料:  意大利面 (220g) 奶油 (适量) 培根 (2条) 口蘑 (2个) 洋葱 (1个)  辅料:  法国香菜 (适量) 白胡椒粉 (少许) 橄榄油 (少许) 蛋黄 (1个) 帕酶森鲜奶酪 (适量)  步骤:  1. 洋葱切碎,口蘑切片,法国香菜剁碎,培根切小片。蛋黄里加入帕酶森鲜奶酪碎,(没有的话就在超市买奶酪片吧当然要切成碎了)还有奶油,法国香菜。  2. spaghetti煮8分钟就可以了。一般我都煮6分钟里边还有硬芯,然后放油自然放凉,最后的余温会让面完全熟的。因为我是一次煮很多吃不了可以放到以后吃,很多人会问为什么不直接过凉水然后放油储存多好呢。因为过凉水面的储存时间会减少容易坏。  3. 橄榄油炒培根,等颜色变深、油出来以后加入洋葱碎和蘑菇片炒香,加入少许奶油煮的有一点稠以后加入热面条,翻炒加入盐和白胡椒粉调味,盐别放太多了。然后关火放入调好的蛋黄奶酪奶油汁翻炒几下出锅就可以了。奶酪本身有咸味。所以之前盐别放太多。  小窍门:  如果没有橄榄油就用普通的食用油炒,建议不要用花生油因为有花生的味道!还有一点为什么在放蛋黄奶酪奶油汁的时候要关火呢!因为奶酪化了以后面就会变稠了如果在加热的状态下奶油会分离,到时候出锅的时候就会看到奶油没有挂到面上,都在底下,而面上有一层油!

spaghetti carbonara是什么意思


Carbonara / 培根芦笋蛋义面怎么做好吃?





carbonara美 [ˌkɑ:rb-]英 [ˌkɑ:bə"nɑ:rə]n.【食】奶油培根意大利面;一道意大利热菜adj.农家式的 奶油培根面;培根蛋面;奶油培根义大利面例句筛选1.Dishes Pairing: Pasta with carbonara sauce, roasted meats, barbecues.菜肴搭配建议:奶油培根面,烤肉,烧烤类。2.Carbonara with Clams in Garlic white wine Sauce香蒜蛤蜊白酒扁平面3.reason guys lie is so that women don"t get mad, " says Mr. Carbonara, a 28-year-old investor-relations officer in New York.个借口走出屋子偷偷抽根烟)。这位纽约市28岁的投资者关系代表说,“男人撒谎的第一大理由就是避免让女人生气。”



川崎向国内发布2020款H2 Carbon和ZX-10R SE,售价28.9w和42.4w

跨年在即,各大车厂也是借着最后的日子发布新车,以获得更高的关注。与光阳people250等多款新车发布的同一天,伴随着“夜店风”的发布会,川崎也向国内引进了两款“重量级”新车,分别为2020款Ninja H2 Carbon和Ninja ZX-10R SE,两台都是川崎的旗舰车型,被称为“战神”般的存在。当然高性能带来的高售价,也让绝大部分车友望而却步,国内定价分别为42.4w和28.9w。2020款Ninja H2 Carbon为何比当初36w的标准版要贵这么多呢,自然是有了全方位的升级,外观覆盖件上自然车如起名,使用了多处碳纤维材质,重量一直是摩托车的重要的指标,轻量化也是车厂追求的目标。这次更新让市售版H2和售价72w的赛道版H2R更加接近。除了碳纤维材质,在车身油漆上也使用使用了相同的“轻微划痕自修复”的黑科技。除了外观,配置方面也有提升,前减震为KYB AOS-II全可调,后减震为hlins TTX36无极可调,博世6轴IMU惯性单元提供全方位车身检测,包括弯道ABS,牵引力控制,弹射起步,赛道模式倾角、圈速记录,TFT仪表,快速换挡等等丰富电控辅助系统。当然动力才是H2的最大亮点,使用目前唯一的涡轮机械增压发动机,排量998cc,最大功率170kw约231匹/11500rpm,最大扭矩141.7nm/11000rpm,划重点无阉割与海外版一致哦,而每台H2 Carbon照例会有一个独立的限量铭牌编号。每当我们看到这台“秒天秒地秒空气的地表最强”摩托车现身街头的时候,无论是不是摩托车爱好者,都不会吝啬惊艳的目光。2020款Ninja ZX-10R SE同样是个传奇般的存在,称霸多年WSBK赛事蝉联2015-2019五届冠军。而国内车友通常昵称它为“大牛”、“蛮牛”,足见它的强大气场。外观在2019年刚刚进行过改款,这次的SE版是除了限量双R版之外,量产市售的最高级别版本。?配置方面,电子避震是2020款Ninja ZX-10R SE的独特之处,AIR空气冲压系统也是它的标签,个性顶级电控系统也一应俱全。动力来自排量998cc直列四缸发动机,最大功率达到156.8kw约213匹/13500rpm,同样与海外版保持一致。川崎在国内的新车计划在发布会中也有透露,未来2020款的W800,Z900都会陆续引进。越野车KLX系列也会增加新车型,排量有望提升到的300cc级别。而刚刚发布的四缸小天王ZX-25R短期内是不会进来了,但若国内车友对其有足够的热情的话,一切都有可能。本文来源于汽车之家车家号作者,不代表汽车之家的观点立场。

期刊carbon 影响因子

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008* 3.048 3.12 3.331 3.419 3.884 4.26 4.373

carbon friendly是什么


carbon steel是什么意思

carbon steel 英[ˈkɑ:bən sti:l] 美[ˈkɑrbən stil] [词典] 碳钢; [例句]Reliable performance is optimized for welding carbon steel, stainless steel and aluminum.在碳钢、不锈钢和铝焊接应用中,得到优化可靠的焊接性能。

carbon offsetting 什么意思

碳补偿碳补偿(Carbon Offsetting)指的是人们算出自己日常活动中排放的二氧化碳吨位,以及抵消这些温室气体所需要的经济成本,然后捐钱给专门企业或者机构,组织、...最后一步包括碳抵销最后一步包括碳抵销(carbon offsetting);投资在减少排放的方案,例如生质燃料或树木种植活动.

low carbon的读音

low 英音:[ləu]美音:[lo] carbon 英音:["kɑ:bən]美音:["kɑrbən]

carbon brush是什么意思

carbon brush[英][ˈkɑ:bən brʌʃ][美][ˈkɑrbən brʌʃ]炭刷; 例句:1.We are a member of china carbon brush association and china carbon-graphitespecialized committee. 我们是一个中国碳刷协会和中国碳石墨专业委员会委员。

carbon steel 跟 cs carbon steel有什么区别?

carbon steel 是炭结钢的意思 cs carbon steel是指符合cs标准的碳结钢

双碳词汇:Carbon Asset 碳资产

Carbon Asset 碳资产 碳资产是指: “在强制碳排放权交易机制或者自愿碳排放权交易机制下,产生的可直接或间接影响组织温室气体排放的排放权配额、减排信用额及相关活动。” ——清华大学 吴宏杰《碳资产管理》 碳资产可以分为:碳交易基础产品及碳交易衍生产品(比如碳基金等)。前者又可以细分为配额碳资产及减排碳资产,比如:在碳交易体系下,由政府分配给控排企业的排放量配额(相当于初始配额)及上述控排企业内部通过节能技改活动,减少的碳排放量(相当于富余配额),由于该行为使得企业可在市场流转交易的排放量配额增加,因此,也是碳资产的一种类型; 还有一种项目成功申请了国际减排机制项目(比如VCS/GS等)或者中国核证自愿减排项目(CCER),并在碳交易市场上进行交易或转让,此减排信用额也是碳资产的一种,可以称为“减排碳资产”。如下图:碳资产作为一种环境资源资产,具有稀缺性、消耗性和投资性特点;同时作为一种金融资产,具有商品属性和金融属性。

carbon neutral company是什么意思


Carbon 9 是什么意思啊

carbon名词 n. 1.碳[U]2.复写纸[C][U]3.复写的副本[C]I want two carbons for our files. 我要两份复写本存档。 4.碳精棒carbon 9是否可以理解为9个碳原子。

coffee carbon在面料中是什么成分


Carbon spin是什么牌子的鱼竿子,第三节断了,哪位钓友知道哪有配吗?


carbon equivalent是什么意思

中文名:碳当量外文名:carbon equivalent标识:C.E.定义:实际碳量的影响折算成碳的增减

carbon cap and trade 和 carbon tax 的区别?

carbon cap and trade 指的是碳排放限额与交易,是指为总的二氧化碳排放设置一个最高的限额,之后在碳排放交易市场上对限额进行拍卖;获得拍卖额的工厂或是企业的碳排放量不能超过所竞拍到的数额,如果超过会受到罚款等。它的优点是能对总的碳排放量做出限制,缺点是管理成本较高。而carbon tax是指碳税,是对石油,煤,天然气等使用过程中会产生二氧化碳气体的能源按照其碳含量的一定比例征税。它的优点是具体有强制性,管理效率较高,缺点是不能从总量上进行控制,只能通过提高价格来尽量降低人们的消费。

dry carbon是什么意思

干碳 双语对照 词典结果: 网络释义 1.和干碳 例句: 1. Actually what we call dry ice is frozen carbon dioxide. 事实上我们叫做干冰的是二氧化碳.

为什么我的生物书上说carbon-hydrogen bond is nonpolar?



carbon:碳constructonal:结构steel:钢carbon constructonal steel就是碳素结构钢的意思。

carbon steel 跟 cs carbon steel有什么区别?

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