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Evaportion 同 Boiling 既分别?

evaporate同boil 都可以产生到water steam 以水为example boil:所有water molecule 都得到足够既kiic energy 即系 由liquid convert to gas evaporate:部份water molecule 得到足够既kiic energy 然后 由 liquid convert to gas 另外有利evaporation既有wind low relative humidity large surface area boil 同 evaporate 既重要分别系: boil:正常气压底下 要到达个沸点 先会开始 evaporate:唔驶到达沸点 只要够kiic energy就得 通常发生系表面既molecule 将Water boil到100度系唔需要 改变气压就得 如果气压高 咁物体既沸点就会下降 相反而言气压低 沸点上升 2007-10-06 21:00:51 补充: 改变气压就得 如果气压高 咁物体既沸点就会下降相反而言气压低 沸点上升呢句错左 系pressure上升boiling point跟住上升气压低 沸点下降 参考: My Physics Knowledge 100度系未转做VAPOUR既... 超过100度先会变VAPOUR... 唔系净系温度高至会蒸发... 个湿度都会影响... 室内湿度一定比杯水低... 2007-09-28 16:16:11 补充: 系EVAPORATION 呀...小心串字WOR~~


pipes convey hot water from this boiler热水通过管道从锅炉运送到。。。。。。例句筛选1.Pipes convey hot water from this boiler to every part of the building.热水通过管道从锅炉运送到这栋楼的每个角落。

【急!200分求助】用Boilsoft Video Splitter打开avi格式视频,没图像,有声音,咋办?

我给你一个破解本的Boilsoft Video Splitter你邮箱呢?

Boilsoft AVI MPEG RM WMV Splitter怎么用 我分割了 怎么分割出来的视频播放不出来啊、




用boilsoft video splitter剪x264的avi视频,剪出来的片断只有声音没有图像,为什么?


boiling point in vacuum

更新1: But there is no air pressure in the outer space which me the boiling point of water is very low.There seems to be a contradiction? 1. There is no simple equation to do this. But you could make reference to some fitted equations on the web. One such equation is given on the web-page below: ajdesigner/vaporpressure/water_vapor_pressure_equation This web-page also provide a calculator to find out the preesure required to reduce the water boiling point to a specified temperature. For more accurate data you could refer to the table given in the web-page below: engineeringtoolbox/boiling-point-water-d_926 2. It is best to refer to the phase-diagram of water (i.e. a diagram giving the variation of pressure with temperature) as given in the web-page below: chemix-chemistry-sofare/school/phase-diagram-water On the diagram you could observe that under very low pressure and temperature (the space environment) water exists as either solid (ice) or gas (water vapour). Liquid water could never exist. In a free state water in space generally exists in gas form. Ice only exists when water molecules ahere to some objects such as meteors or ets. 你话太空好冻,咁当然所有水都系冰。

什么是 HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5 Boilerplate 是一套专业的前端模版,用以开发快速、健壮、适应性强的app或网站。 这个小小的源码包集合了100位开发者的经验,你可以将这些经验运用在你的项目中。 HTML Boilerplate 是一套具有非常多先进特性的框架,其特性简单介绍如下:(1)由 Paul Irish 首创的在 HTML 页面的 body 上使用 IE 条件注释判断浏览器版本,从而大大简化了针对 IE Hack 的成本(在后来的版本中升级为在 <html> 标签中加入条件注释)(2)HTML5 集成,默认使用了很多 HTML5 的特性,并且使其兼容旧版本浏览器大量针对服务器的默认配置,无需修改即可配置一个安全、标准的 web 服务器(3)完整的 JS 调试机制 —— 即使在 IE 下(4)大量使用 CSS3 技术,并且集成了几乎所有来自框架中和技术大牛们口头相传的 CSS 技巧(5)为所有浏览环境做了优化,包括移动版本和打印版本(6)默认内置 Modernizr,可以检测浏览器对新特性的支持能力,方便针对旧版本浏览器优化

什么是 HTML5 Boilerplate


什么是 HTML5 Boilerplate

HTML5 Boilerplate 是一个由 Paul Irish(Google Chrome 开发人员、jQuery 项目成员、Modernizr 作者、yayQuery 播客主持人)主导的“前端开发模版”。HTML5 Boilerplate 是一套具有非常多先进特性的框架,其特性简单介绍如下:由 Paul Irish 首创的在 HTML 页面的 body 上使用 IE 条件注释判断浏览器版本,从而大大简化了针对 IE Hack 的成本(在后来的版本中升级为在 <html> 标签中加入条件注释)HTML5 集成,默认使用了很多 HTML5 的特性,并且使其兼容旧版本浏览器大量针对服务器的默认配置,无需修改即可配置一个安全、标准的 web 服务器完整的 JS 调试机制 —— 即使在 IE 下大量使用 CSS3 技术,并且集成了几乎所有来自框架中和技术大牛们口头相传的 CSS 技巧为所有浏览环境做了优化,包括移动版本和打印版本默认内置 Modernizr,可以检测浏览器对新特性的支持能力,方便针对旧版本浏览器优化

有关包粽子的英语作文.提示词:leaves ,meat,rice,tie it ,boil them.

1.My mother want to teach me how to Pack the Zongzi,giving me some meat,rice and leaves.The process is so plicated that I only want to sum as tying them first and boiling them in the boiler then. 2.May to eat dumplings More than 2000 years ago,the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan in the riversideout into the rolling rapids,two thousand years later,has bee a traditional festival in May Fifth - Dragon Boat Festival,we package dumplings,dragon boat racing,hard-boiled eggs with a variety of ways to memorate the great patriotic poet. Dragon Boat Festival is a year,I would like to experience the atmosphere experience this once asked her grandmother,she taught me how to package rice dumplings. Bao dumplings,first of all to clean skin of bamboo leaves in hot water in the soft foam.Re ready to dates,eggs,meat and so do collapse,the depression will be your favorite tasty cooked,you can start a.Indocalamus long before folding,to crowded,make a nest,the deployment of intermediate good into the glutinous rice and rice,including the edges and corners.And then the subsidence on the Miri,and even rubbing together,and finally the skin of bamboo leaf wrapped rice dumplings into the shape of the corners. This is the whole package dumplings effort to work together in the final process,your dumplings packages well,it depends on the four corners is not symmetry,is not a type.When I started school,four corners always get wrong,and not bee a six Kok,is rubbing the ball together. Grandma looked at me on more than one of the "masterpiece" laugh:"This,this can be called dumplings?Do you allow fine line where ah?" I fainted!The feelings of the four-out edges and corners dumplings is to facilitate the use of fine line linked up,how this world is not round dumplings on it? Package rice dumplings into the pot with a good火煮Meng,about 1 hour later,changed the text can火煮30 minutes. In the process of making dumplings,I"m always eager to see the situation to open the lid.Because the dumplings from the pot飘出aroma,DC saliva I was greedy. Wait a long time is always special to see steaming hot from the pot of dumplings finally "liberate" them,I danced for joy.On the bowl,ripping out with chopsticks,you can see inside the soft golden "brown the meat," and a bite,taste great,I almost have to bite even chopsticks down. Dragon Boat Festival this year,I learned how to package dumplings,tasting the fruits of their labor,it is not an ordinary sweet feeling. 3.First,mix appropriate amount of flour and water together into dough.Second,cut the dough into *** all potions,roll each potion out to make a round shaped dough seet.Third,prepare the stuffing by mixing chopped meat and chinese cabbage together,adding oil and salt.Fourth,wrap the stuffing into each dough sheet.Fifth,boil the stuffed dumplings and serve.

boiled or poached 是什么意思?

bolied 煮沸的,煮熟的poached 也是水煮的意思

bird birth birthday biscuit black block blue board boat boil book boss both..and bowl box分别造句

1.There is a bird in the tree.树上有一只鸟2.She gave birth to a fine healthy baby.她生了一个健康漂亮的宝宝3.When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?4.I would like some biscuits. 我想要一些饼干5.He is in a black T-shirt today.他今天穿了一件黑色的T恤6 Blue is my favorite colour. 我最喜欢的颜色是蓝色7.Mary is a workers" representative on the Board 玛丽是理事会的工人代表8.Let"s go boating on the lake.我们去湖上划船吧9. I am boiling the milk 我正在煮牛奶10.How many books are there on the desk?桌子上有几本书?11.He was fired by his boss.他被他的老板开除了。12.Both New York and London have traffic problems 纽约和伦敦都存在堵车问题。13.What size of bowls would you like to have?你想要多大碗的呢?14.She gave him a box on his ears 她打了他一耳光。/Something is wrong with the box.那个盒子有一些问题

求关于茶的作文 boil water take out teapot prepare tea l

There may be many different teas around the world. Tea-making is no just throwing some tea in a pot. It"s an art. Master the trick of making tea that everyone loves to sip. So here we go and lay down the rules of making a nice cup of tea. First step: Boil the water, but don"t over-boil it!(Tips: Take away the jug from the fire/stove as soon as it bubbles, otherwise the over-boiled water will decrease the flavour of the tea.) Second step: Shower the pot and the cups with boiled water, then fill half of the pot with tea leaves .(Tips: Pour the boiled water into the pot. Wait a minute, then just pour the water out of the pot onto the cups. This procedure is called "washing the tea", which is said to clean the leaves.)Third Step: Fill up the pot with boiling water, wait for a little while again, and then you can serve the tea.The way to serve it is to pour the tea into the cups in a row quickly, back and forth, for the sake of having the same consistency in each cup. After the very last drop of tea flows in the cup, it"s time to enjoy the rich, savoury and unique Gongfu Tea.请采纳,祝好!

pot boils over用英语怎么解释


用 put cut max fry cook boil 做一道菜 英语的

put 是“放”的意思,例如把米放进锅里,put some rice into the rice cookercut是“切”,例如把苹果切片,cut the apple into pieces应该不是max是mix吧?mix是混合,搅拌在一起fry是油炸cook是普通的煮boil是水煮有问题还可以再问哦~求最佳~

英文这东西就是奇怪,boil表示煮沸,boil down to 居然意思是意味着

boil down to(使)煮浓成;浓缩成;归结为…(引申意思)Most of the crimes may boil down to a question of money. 大多数犯罪归结起来可以说都是金钱问题.

pot boils over用英语怎么解释

boil over牛津高阶英汉双解词典 (of liquid in a pan, etc) boil and flow over the side of a pan, etc (指锅等容器中的液体)沸腾而溢出: The milk is boiling over. 牛奶沸腾得溢出来了.朗文当代英语词典if a liquid boils over when it is heated, it rises and flows over the side of the milk was boiling over on the stove behind her.美国传统词典To overflow while boiling. 沸腾溢出韦氏大学词典to overflow while boiling or during boilingPot boils over,means that liquid in a pot overflows or flows over the side of the pot when it is heated to the boil.壶烧开淌水了,意思是壶里的液体加热至沸腾时溢出来了或者漫过壶边流出来了。

什么是tipping point,boiling point?

tipping point卸货站 boiling point沸点

being boiled 歌词

歌曲名:being boiled歌手:Simple Minds专辑:neon lightsListen to the voice of BuddhaSaying stop your sericultureLittle people like your offspringBoiled alive for some God"s stockingBuddha"s watching, Buddha"s waitingJust because the kid"s an orphan is no excuse for thoughtless slayingChildren, don"t forget this torture just because you call her motherDoesn"t mean that she"s your betterOnce more with the voice of BuddhaHe"ll say carry on your slaughterWho cares for the little children?You may slice with no convictionBlind revenge on a blameless victimListen to the voice of BuddhaSaying stop your sericultureWho cares for the little children?You may slice with no convictionBlind revenge on a blameless victimListen to the voice of BuddhaListen to the voice of BuddhaListen to the voice of Buddha

谁能用英语写oi、oy的单词? 用英语写oi、oy.比如boy、boil 要多点5个以上


有没有像假面骑士W主题曲W-B-X W-Boiled Extreme那样燃的歌曲了?

Switch On是不是啊?


hard-boiled[英][u02c8hɑ:du02c8bu0254ild][美][u02c8hɑrdu02c8bu0254u026ald]adj.煮过熟了的; 没有感情的; 老于世故; 例句:1.Each wedding guest is given a beautifully decorated hard-boiled egg, a symbol of fertility. 每位参加婚礼的来宾都获赠一个装饰精美的煮熟了的鸡蛋生育的象征。2.That could mean munching on live sea horses or hard-boiled fertilized duck eggs-though steering clear ofadulterated chicken breasts. 那可意味着大声咀嚼生海马或是煮过熟了的已受精鸭蛋,虽然避开了掺入次级品的鸡胸肉。3.That girl of yours, she is pretty hard-boiled, huh? 你的那个女儿,很难把握,是吧?4.As a teenager, he immersed himself in american culture, especially hard-boiled detective novels and jazz. 十多岁时,他埋头于美国文化,特别是冷酷的侦探小说和爵士乐之中。5.On one occasion, he falls on his knees in front of nancy pelosi, the hard-boiled democratic speaker of thehouse of representatives. His playful gesture is supposed to lighten the atmosphere and encourage acongressional compromise on the bank rescue plan. 有一次,他曾在不讲情面的民主党籍众议院发言人南希佩洛西(nancy pelosi)面前下跪,希望借这一可笑举动来缓解气氛,促使国会在银行救援计划上做出让步。

roasted grilled baked boiled fried它们各自有什么分别

roast 一般指在室内烧烤,grill 一般指见明火的烧烤bake 是烘烤,焙烤面包一类的boil 是指煮fry 是炸你的问题中的这些词是形容词,希望能够帮到你!





烧水壶上按钮boil black 是什么意思



boiled adj. 煮沸的,煮熟的; 例句: Onions can be boiled and pulped to a puree. 洋葱可以煮熟,捣成泥。 These vegetables have had all the goodness boiled out of them. 这些蔬菜的营养都被煮掉了。 扩展资料   These eggs boiled too tender.   这些鸡蛋煮得太嫩了。   I boiled her bedtime milk.   我煮开了她睡前喝的牛奶。   Then he boiled them.   然后他把它们煮了。   People like to eat them mashed, boiled, and fried.   人们喜欢将它们捣碎、水煮和油炸来食用。









为什么boil(沸腾)的时间要比融化东西的时间来的长? 化学问题


It can heat the water boil in 90 seconds.请说明这里的heat与boil的用法。

heat加热 boil是沸腾的意思。 整个句子翻译:它能把水在90秒内加热至沸腾。



boil noisy colour boy有什么区别?



boiled adj. 煮沸的,煮熟的; 例句: Onions can be boiled and pulped to a puree. 洋葱可以煮熟,捣成泥。 These vegetables have had all the goodness boiled out of them. 这些蔬菜的营养都被煮掉了。 扩展资料   These eggs boiled too tender.   这些鸡蛋煮得太嫩了。   I boiled her bedtime milk.   我煮开了她睡前喝的牛奶。   Then he boiled them.   然后他把它们煮了。   People like to eat them mashed, boiled, and fried.   人们喜欢将它们捣碎、水煮和油炸来食用。


boil,oil, toil, soil, etc

沸腾这个英语 boil 怎么读阿

/boil/ ,答案不好写音标,可使用网易有道词典听正确发音


poaching egg: (poach 温度更低)一般黄是稀得,不全熟,荷包蛋boiling egg:(boil 煮沸温度比poach高)黄是实的,完全熟,水煮蛋。




"I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat."


因为这里是"第三人称单数"形式,主语为"water"所以boil后要加s.而正因为boil是不及物动词,所以其后面没有宾语. become是本身变为: change into是指变为某种形式: turn into 是转变为,指形态的变化: grow 是长成为: get 直接变为: make 变为


boiled adj. 煮沸的,煮熟的; 例句: These eggs boiled too tender. 这些鸡蛋煮得太嫩了。 I boiled her bedtime milk. 我煮开了她睡前喝的牛奶。 扩展资料   Then he boiled them.   然后他把它们煮了。   People like to eat them mashed, boiled, and fried.   人们喜欢将它们捣碎、水煮和油炸来食用。   When the tea is boiled, the drink has a purple color.   这种茶叶煮开后,茶水呈紫色。   They planned to keep the budget low by living on boiled noodles.   他们以煮面条为食,以保持低预算。






不同,boy的发音是 [bu0254u026a],boil的发音是[bu0254u026al]


boiled [英][bu0254u026ald][美][bu0254u026ald]adj.喝醉的; 煮沸的,煮熟的; v.(使)沸腾,开( boil的过去式和过去分词 ); 用开水煮,在沸水中煮; 怒火中烧,异常气愤

We should drink water after it _______________(boil)

boil 沸腾 所以应该是has boiled。他不是被沸腾


boil读音:英 [bu0254u026al]     美 [bu0254u026al]    v. 沸腾;煮沸;激动。n. 煮沸;翻滚;疖。Give the sheets a good boil to get them white.把被单好好煮一煮,好让它们白一些。Bring the mixture to the boil, then let it simmer for ten minutes.把混合物煮至沸腾,然后再用文火煮十分钟。语法:boil本意指水或其他液体起泡泡、沸腾,也可指使(海水等)呈汹涌澎湃的状态,引申可表示感情或情绪等激动、激昂或愤怒,这种激动常使人联想到血液像沸腾的水一般。boil表示“沸腾”“开”,可用作及物动词或不及物动词; 用作及物动词时意为“使…沸腾”,接名词或代词作宾语。boil表示“用开水煮”时,可用作及物动词或不及物动词; 用作及物动词时,可跟简单宾语、双宾语、以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语,间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语; 有时也可用作系动词。


  boil有表示沸腾;煮沸;激动等意思,那么你知道boil的用法吗?下面跟着我一起来学习一下,希望对大家的学习有所帮助!    boil的用法:   boil的用法1:boil本意指水或其他液体起泡泡、沸腾,也可指使(海水等)呈汹涌澎湃的状态,引申可表示感情或情绪等激动、激昂或愤怒,这种激动常使人联想到血液像沸腾的水一般。   boil的用法2:boil表示“沸腾”“开”,可用作及物动词或不及物动词; 用作及物动词时意为“使u2026沸腾”,接名词或代词作宾语。   boil的用法3:boil表示“用开水煮”时,可用作及物动词或不及物动词; 用作及物动词时,可跟简单宾语、双宾语、以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语,间接宾语可转化为介词for的宾语; 有时也可用作系动词。   boil的用法4:boil的主语较宽泛,用作及物动词时一般为人,用作不及物动词时多为被煮的东西,此时主动形式表示被动意义,而无论及物不及物,又都可以用容器或器具作主语。   boil的用法5:boil可与表示时间、地点、状态的副词连用。   boil的用法6:boil的过去分词boiled可用作定语,表示动作完成后(水开了)的状态,这时boiled并不含被动意义。   boil的用法7:boil用作名词时意思是水或其他液体起泡泡、沸腾,汹涌澎湃地呈现出旋涡的状态,也可比喻人的感情或情绪等激动或愤怒的情态。   boil的用法8:boil作“煮沸”解时,是只用单数的名词,不能用于复数,通常与a连用; 作“沸腾”“沸点”解时可与定冠词the连用,引申可表示为“激动”,在医学上还可指“疔疮”“疖子”。    boil的常用短语:   用作动词 (v.)   boil away (v.+adv.)   boil down (v.+adv.)   boil down to (v.+adv.+prep.)   boil out (v.+adv.)   boil over (v.+adv.)   boil up (v.+adv.)   boil with (v.+prep.)   用作名词 (n.)   on the boil   go off the boil    boil的用法例句:   1. Put a pan of salted water on to boil.   将一锅盐水放上去煮。   2. I"ll put on the kettle for tea. Or boil up some coffee.   我要烧壶水沏茶,或者煮些咖啡。   3. Fill a saucepan with water and bring to a slow boil.   往平底锅里加满水,小火煮沸。   4. It is a painful experience having the boil lanced.   把疖子切开是很痛的。   5. Boil the liquid in a small saucepan to reduce it by half.   用小炖锅炖,收一半汤汁。   6. You can boil the fish fillets on a high setting.   可以用高火煮无骨鱼片。   7. Boil the chick peas, add garlic and lemon juice.   把鹰嘴豆放在开水中煮,并加入大蒜和柠檬汁。   8. Boil the water in the saucepan and add the sage.   把平底锅里的水烧开,然后加入鼠尾草。   9. Boil for 20 minutes until the liquid has reduced by half.   煮20分钟,直到液体体积减半。   10. I"d peel potatoes and put them on to boil.   我要削掉土豆皮然后把它们煮熟。   11. Sometimes frustration and anger can boil over into direct and violent action.   有时挫折和愤怒会以直接的暴力形式爆发出来。   12. Remove the lid and boil away all the liquid.   拿掉盖子并把所有液体都烧干。   13. Marianne put the kettle on to boil.   玛丽安娜放上水壶烧开水。   14. On no account should the mixture boil.   切勿让这种混合物沸腾。   15. Boil the sugar and 100 ml of water.   煮100毫升的糖水。

boil怎么读 boil解释

1、boil,煮沸。读音:美/bu0254u026al/;英/bu0254u026al/。 2、解释: (1)v.煮沸,(使)沸腾,达到沸点;用沸水煮或烫洗;对……施以烹刑;翻腾;发火。 (2)n.沸点,沸腾;激昂;疖,皮下脓肿;突然浮上来食鱼饵。 (3)n.(Boil)(美)博伊尔(人名)。

明亮的火焰熊熊地燃烧,水壶里的水开始沸腾。 (flame;boil) 的英语翻译

bright flame fired greatly,the water starts boiled


1.bake是烘焙,主要是将物品内部水分蒸发掉,烤面包、饼干、砖块 如We are baking in the sun——我们让太阳晒熟了.(哈哈) 2.roast是烘烤,烤肉,一般用在外部加热的那种烘烤 如roast duck烤鸭 Let"s have a nice roast tonight.我们今天晚上好好吃一顿烤肉吧. 3.boil 煮,通常是把东西加热到沸腾那种程度 4.stew 炖菜,焖











boil 和burn的区别

boil 指的是液体的沸腾,而burn 指的是物体的燃烧,像 the coal burn,煤烧起来了……

boil 这个单词用谐音怎么读



boil n. 煮沸 vt.& vi. (使)沸腾; 开 这是动词原型,煮开牛奶,不是过去式或者过去分词,他的过去式和分词是 boiled boiled


boil[英] [bu0254u026al][美] [bu0254u026al]v.煮沸; 烧开; 煮; 烫; 翻腾; 汹涌; 沸腾; 达到沸点; 把(壶、锅等)里面的液体煮沸n.沸点; 沸腾; 疖子; 煮沸; 兴奋; 活跃; 激昂; 突然浮上来食鱼饵


一般过去时是 boiled


boil的形容词形式是boiled。形容词是词类的一种,主要用来描写或修饰名词或代词,表示人或事物的性质、状态、特征或属性,常用作定语,也可作表语或补语。 扩展资料 语法是语织规律,任何人在使用语言时,不管他是否学过语法,但都必须合乎语法。另外,总结语法本身的规律也能加深我们对语言的理解,让我们能够真正熟练地运用语言。想要掌握规范标准的`英语,语法是不可忽略的部分。就形容词而言,也是英语语法中一个不可或缺的部分。


boil [bu0254u026al]n. 沸腾; 翻滚; 煮沸#疖, 疮v. 沸腾, 滚, 开; 翻滚, 起泡; 煮熟; 激动, 激昂; 煮沸, 烧开; 使激动, 使发怒; 烹煮

boil the milk是什么意思,boil是谁的过去式或是过去分词,还是boil不是谁的过去式或过去分词

煮牛奶 boil是原形



We should drink water after it _______________(boil)


boil the milk是什么意思,boil是谁的过去式或是过去分词,还是boil不是谁的过去式或过去分词


boil是什么意思 boil英文解释

1、boil,煮沸,读音:美/bu0254u026al/;英/bu0254u026al/。 2、释义:v.煮沸,(使)沸腾,达到沸点;用沸水煮或烫洗;对……施以烹刑;翻腾;发火。n.沸点,沸腾;激昂;疖,皮下脓肿;突然浮上来食鱼饵。n.(Boil) (美)博伊尔(人名)。 3、例句:The kettle is on the boil.水壶烧开了。


boil的意思是:煮,煮沸,(使)沸腾,(把壶、锅等)里面的水烧开。boil,英文单词,动词、名词,作动词时意为“煮沸,(使)沸腾,达到沸点;用沸水煮或烫洗;对……施以烹刑;翻腾;发火”,作名词时意为“沸点,沸腾;激昂;疖,皮下脓肿;突然浮上来食鱼饵,(美)博伊尔(人名)”。boil相关词组:boil over:发怒,沸溢,激动;boil down to:归结为;boil down : 熬浓, 压缩;boil away : 不断沸腾;boil up : (麻烦)到了一触即发的地步。boil网络解释:煮:中午、晚上也许用平底锅(frying pan)煎(fry)点牛扒,用锅(crock pot)煮(boil)点汤,想喝好点的汤也许还会用slow cooker慢慢熬(simmer),亚裔人免不了用电饭煲(rice cooker)做点饭,煮的时候别忘了盖上锅盖(lid)。boil双语例句:1、We shall drink water from tubewells. If it is not available, we shall boil water or use alum.我们要饮用从管井中打出的水,如果没有管井的水,我们要把水烧开,或是使用明矾把水纯净。2、You have to boil a kettle on your head.你可以在头上将水烧沸。3、To make the tea, steep three teaspoons of the bark in one cup of cold water for two to five hours, boil for one minute, and strain.使茶叶,陡峭的三茶匙的树皮在1杯冷水两到五个小时,煮沸一分钟,和应变。4、Absent, activity, after-school, activity, after school, after class, age, all over the world, also, altogether, and so no, anyone, around, artist, aunt, both, beautiful, boil, bring, between, beer, beef, before, cabbage.这个网站从小学到大学的单词都有,而且是不同的课本既有新起点的也有新概念什么的,几乎是全的,而且点一下单词就有读音,这个网站对我的帮助很大,希望对你也有帮助,不是下载的,而且可以在线学习。5、Water will boil at 100℃.水在100℃时沸腾。



,the development of the boiler is closely related to tha_ of the steam engine. one, ones those, tha

that= the development一般用that 代替the + 单数名词或者不可数名词【希望帮助到你,若有疑问,可以追问~~~祝你学习进步,更上一层楼!(*^__^*)】


Fault boiler全部释义和例句>> 故障锅炉

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code是什么意思

ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel CodeASME锅炉和压力容器规范双语对照词典结果:ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code[化] 美国机械工程师协会锅炉和压力容器规范; 以上结果来自金山词霸例句:1.The powerful system has the capacity to propel thousands of gallons of water a minutethroughout a reactor pressure vessel and storage pool. 这种强力的系统有能力在一分钟内驱动上千加仑的水流经反应堆的高压容器和储存-----------------------------------如有疑问欢迎追问!满意请点击右上方【选为满意回答】按钮

英译汉,不要机翻:My partner says no because the boiler co


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保险行业,这是简介Hartford Steam Boiler (HSB), a proud part of Munich Re, is a leading engineering and technical risk insurer providing equipment breakdown and other specialty coverages, inspection services and engineering consulting. HSB provides clients with risk solutions tailored to their needs and strategies to optimize the reliability, lifespan and efficiency of their equipment and operations.

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源于网络翻译,仅供参考bunny boiler名:精神错乱的女人;有支配欲、总想占上风的女人;嫉妒心极强的女人eg.bird over there is a bunny boiler(俚语) 那边那个女人精神错乱且嫉妒希望对你有帮助

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