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fair定期集市 义卖市场 商品展览会, 展销会, 商品交易会 exhibition展览, 展览会[品]; 陈列品 expo[美]展览会, 市场, 博览会


FAIR在英文中fair是传统形式的展览会,也就是集市与庙会。Fair的特点是“泛”,有商人也有消费者,有农产品也有工业品。集市和庙会发展到近代,分支出了贸易性质的、专业的展览,被称作“exhibition”(展览会)。而继承了“泛”特点的,规模庞大的、内容繁杂的综合性质的展览仍被称为fair 。但是在传入中国时则被译成了“博览会”。因此,对待外国的“博览会”,要认真予以区别:是现代化的大型综合展览会,还是传统的乡村集市。 EXHIBITION在英文中exhibition 是在集市和庙会基础上发展起来的现代展览形式,也是被最广泛使用的展览名称,通常作为各种形式的展览会的总称。 EXPOSITION。Exposition起源于法国,是法文的展览会。在近代史上,法国政府第一个举办了以展示、宣传国家工业实力的展览会,由于这种展览会不做贸易 ,主要是为了宣传 ,因此,exposition便有了“宣传性质的展览会”的含义。由于其他国家也纷纷举办宣传性质的展览会,,并由于法语对世界一些地区的影响,以及世界两大展览会组织:国际博览会联盟和国际展览会局的总部均在法国,因此,不仅在法语国家,而且在北美等英语地区,exposition 被广泛地使用。 SHOW在英文中show的原意是展示,但是在美国、加拿大等国家,show已替代exhibition。在这些国家,贸易展览会大多称作show,而宣传展览会被称作exhibition。

fair 和expo exhibition show的差别

FAIR在英文中fair是传统形式的展览会,也就是集市与庙会。Fair的特点是“泛”,有商人也有消费者,有农产品也有工业品。集市和庙会发展到近代,分支出了贸易性质的、专业的展览,被称作“exhibition”(展览会)。而继承了“泛”特点的,规模庞大的、内容繁杂的综合性质的展览仍被称为fair 。但是在传入中国时则被译成了“博览会”。因此,对待外国的“博览会”,要认真予以区别:是现代化的大型综合展览会,还是传统的乡村集市。 EXHIBITION在英文中exhibition 是在集市和庙会基础上发展起来的现代展览形式,也是被最广泛使用的展览名称,通常作为各种形式的展览会的总称。 EXPOSITION。Exposition起源于法国,是法文的展览会。在近代史上,法国政府第一个举办了以展示、宣传国家工业实力的展览会,由于这种展览会不做贸易 ,主要是为了宣传 ,因此,exposition便有了“宣传性质的展览会”的含义。由于其他国家也纷纷举办宣传性质的展览会,,并由于法语对世界一些地区的影响,以及世界两大展览会组织:国际博览会联盟和国际展览会局的总部均在法国,因此,不仅在法语国家,而且在北美等英语地区,exposition 被广泛地使用。 SHOW在英文中show的原意是展示,但是在美国、加拿大等国家,show已替代exhibition。在这些国家,贸易展览会大多称作show,而宣传展览会被称作exhibition。



英国留学生办英国哪家银行的Debit Card比较好?

可以选用中国银行或工行,他们现在在伦敦等地都有分行,好像可以提供在国内申请办理英国当地银行账户的业务。这样起码方便一些,来了就有账户可以用。但是毕竟这些银行在英国不普及,在英国生活要有一个英国的普遍一点的银行账户,如HSBC汇丰,NATWEST, Lloyds TSB, Barclay"s, Abbey, 等等。很多留学生都选择汇丰,因为汇丰的业务很广,国内的汇丰业务也很全面,这样方便家长给转学费或生活费等。巴克莱银行(BARCLAYS)--英国本土银行你可以在国内开户,在到达英国后只需拿着个人证件和渣打银行提供的资料直接到巴克莱办理银行卡。过程不会复杂,只要在网上填好信息预约时间就可以了。同国内银行卡一样,可以办理短信业务,每周的账单都会发到你手机上。另外,巴克莱的学生账户不需要交月费。该银行还提出了一个个人定制银行卡的业务,可以选择自己的大头照作为卡的封面。桑坦德银行(SANTANDER)很多大学里面就有该银行的营业厅,所以是一家专门面向学生群体的银行。平时会有很多优惠,也经常和一些商家合作办一些优惠活动。不过每个月会收取5磅的月费。汇丰银行(HSBC)该银行是很多留学生的选择,因为在国内就有分行,而且转账不收取手续费。所以大家可以在出国前在国内就可以办好。不过这个银行的证明信(Bank Statement)不太好开。

英国留学生办英国哪家银行的Debit Card比较好

1、HSBC汇丰银行HSBC是全球规模最大的银行之一,其总部在伦敦,主打的就是跨国金融服务;汇丰银行的服务质量和速度在业界都是出了名的,而且覆盖范围全面,最重要的是在其他银行ATM机上也可以实现免手续费提取现金,其网银界面简洁清晰,并且还有电话银行和手机端APP供大家使用非常方便;留学生可以办理student account,不需要缴纳月费,条件允许的话办一张Premier就更好了,在电脑上就可以实现国际转账,不过想要免除管理费的话需要事先存一笔高额的存款才行。2、Barclay"s巴克莱银行Barclay"s是英国最古老的银行,仅在英国就有2100多家分行,规模也相当大,不过念本科的留学生只能开设国际学生账户,因为没有在英国待满三年;办理过程很简单可以网上预约,填好资料去银行开户就可以了,还有贴心的短信服务,可以设置每周账单短信提醒。3、Lloyds劳埃德银行劳埃德银行是英国四大私营银行之一,在国际上设有多家分支机构,比如Bank of Scotland苏格兰银行就是它旗下的;Lloyds的银行卡设计非常美观,而且学生卡都是免月费的。4、NationwideNationwide是英国一家小银行,其规模类似于中国的农村信用社之类的,但是功能齐全和其他大型银行没有区别;其基础款卡片是没有任何费用的,而且境外交易也只需要1%左右的交易费,如果去欧洲游玩带上这张卡还是能省不少手续费的,并且也支持Contactless Pay,非常方便。除了上面的四家银行之外,大家还可以选择Standard Chartered Bank渣打银行、桑坦德银行Santander UK、国民威斯敏斯特银行Natwest、TSB银行等等,主要还是看哪家银行离自己的活动范围比较近,毕竟还是要以方便为主。

谁有高二英语选修7《zhang yuncheng achieves his ambition》翻译,急!


Umpire/arbitrator/referee/judge 「裁判」的不同?


While ____the sun,the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to earth.


While____the sun, the satellite has sent more than four billion bits of information back to earth.

这是带连词的现在分词短语 作状语 相当于 一个 状语从句 答案是 D) orbiting 因为与句子主语是主动关系 故用现在分词 While _orbiting_ the sun,= While _it is orbiting_ the sun当状语从句 的主语 与句子主语 一致 的情况下 可以用分词短语 代替 状语从句


orbiting 英["ɔ:bɪtɪŋ] 美["ɔ:bɪtɪŋ] v. 在…轨道上运行,环绕轨道运行( orbit的现在分词 ); 沿轨道运行; 绕转; [网络] 环绕; 轨道运行; 旋转运动; [例句]They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station.他们已经将一个自动操作舱与沿轨道运行的空间站并行对接上了。[其他] 形近词: habiting debiting

lunar orbiting的音标

lunar orbiting绕月轨道lunar[英][ˈlu:nə(r)][美][ˈlunɚ]adj.阴历的; 月的,月球的; (光)苍白的,微弱的; 银的,含银的; orbiting[英]["ɔ:bɪtɪŋ][美]["ɔ:bɪtɪŋ]v.在…轨道上运行,环绕轨道运行( orbit的现在分词 ); 沿轨道运行; 绕转; 请采纳


血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂(ACEI)是一种抑制血管紧张素转化酶活性的化合物。血管紧张素转化酶催化血管紧张素I生成血管紧张素II,后者是强烈的血管收缩剂和肾上腺皮质类醛固酮释放的激活剂。ACEI通过抑制血管紧张素Ⅱ的生物合成而控制高血压。 肾缺血时刺激肾小球入球动脉上的球旁细胞分泌肾素,肾素对肝脏合成的血管紧张素原起作用形成血管紧张素Ⅰ,在血管紧张素转化酶的作用下,形成血管紧张素Ⅱ,血管紧张素Ⅱ有强烈的收缩血管作用,其收缩血管作用是肾上腺素的10~20倍。血管紧张素Ⅱ还可使肾上腺皮质球状带分泌醛固酮,促使水、钠潴留,最终产生高血压。扩展资料:血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂副作用该类药物不良反应轻,特别是不含巯基的第二代如依拉普利、赖诺普利、西拉普利等1、与血管紧张素Ⅱ、醛固酮生成受阻有关的副作用有低血压,一时性蛋白尿,高血钾、窦性心动过缓、头痛等,随着用药时间延长这些副作用很快消失,一般不用处理。2、与缓激肽、前列腺素活化有关的副作用有血管神经性水肿,咽不适,刺激性干咳、声嘶、呃逆等,血管神经性水肿要及时停药,刺激性干咳常见,随着用药时间延长可减轻消失。3、与药物结构有关的副作用。卡托普利含有巯基可引起粒细胞减少,味觉减退或丧失,过敏性皮炎,一过性蛋白尿,皮肤瘙痒、发热等。依拉普利等第二代ACEI不含巯基没有这方面副作用。4、其他。脱发、男性乳房发育、畸胎等。参考资料来源:百度百科-血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂参考资料来源:百度百科-血管紧张素转化抑制剂

名词解释:ACEI(angiotension converting enzyme inhibitors)血管紧张素转化酶抑制剂


accustomed 和 habit 的区别?

accustomed是adj. habit是n.

accustomed 和 habit 的区别?

accustomed是adj. habit是n.


前者有住所的意思。而settlement是“解决和结算”的意思。 都是名词形式,要说区别,那只能是根据实际需要的单词来吧。


ban,prohibit,forbid的区别为:含义不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。一、含义不同1.ban释义:v.明令禁止;取缔。例句:He was banned from driving for three years.他被吊扣驾照3年。2.prohibit释义:v.阻止;使不可能。例句:Fishing is prohibited.禁止钓鱼。3.forbid释义:v.禁止;不准;妨碍。例句:She was shut away and forbidden to read.她被关了起来,并且不允许看书。二、用法不同1.ban用法:ban是及物动词,通常接名词或动名词作宾语;含有一定的谴责态度,只能以物作宾语。2.prohibit用法:prohibit通常后接介词from。3.forbid用法:适用于日常各种情况,或者上级对下级下的禁令。三、侧重点不同1.ban解析:强调不可抗拒性,语气较强。2.prohibit解析:尤指以法令禁止做某事或使用某物,通常用被动语态。3.forbid解析:指通过下命令、制定规则等禁止某事,或禁止某人做某事。

我办的是bank of america 的 debit card 开通了网上账户 可是那个balance和available balance好迷惑

你看错了吧?available balance总是已存额减去用掉的啊.debit card不是credit card,BOA的debit account一个月管理费也才5-6刀而已.你把消费历史调出来看看.

bank of america的debit card电话怎么激活啊,请详细说一下流程,谢谢。


急! 人在国内如何注销美国银行(bank of America)的debit card?

您好,可以电话美国银行客服注销,美国BOA 都是有中文客服的,在美国工作时间打电话过去就能注销

Bank of America(boa)的debit card(借记卡)有年费吗?



1.尽管动词“prevent”可以带介词“from”,它也可以不用介词。规则如下:“prevent” + something“prevent”+某事The soldiers prevented the evacuation.例句:士兵们阻止撤离。“prevent” somebody from + -ing“prevent”某人做某事The soldiers prevented the refugees from evacuating.例句:士兵们阻止难民们撤离。2.单词“prohibit”的用法和“prevent”基本一致:“prohibit” + something“prohibit”+某事The school rules prohibit smoking.例句:学校规定禁止吸烟。“prohibit” somebody from + -ing“prohibit”某人做某事There are no specific provisions in the law that would prohibit an employer from summarily dismissing an employee due to his/her misconduct.例句:法律中没有特定的条文禁止雇主在暑假期间因为员工的表现不佳而将其解雇。3.动词“ban”也是类似的用法:The government banned advertising of tobacco products in 2002.例句:2002年,政府禁止烟草制品打广告。The court banned him from attending football matches.法庭禁止他参加足球比赛。

the suppression involves inhibition中的suppression和 inhibition有什么区别,怎么都是抑制的意思呢?

这里我直接讲解它们的动词,首先我们来看suppress单词的词根:press表示“压”,sup-是一个前缀,你可以理解为“一再压制”,也就是“压抑”。我们再来联想记忆inhibit。你应该记得exhibit这个单词,意思是“展出,拿出”等,ex-做前缀表示向外,hibit=take,表示”拿“。现在我们回过头看inhibit,你可以理解为”将事情放在心里而不是说出来",表明是在“抑制”自己的感情。再查字典我们发现:suppress /səˈprɛs/ CET6 TEM4 ( suppressing, suppressed, suppresses )1. V-T If someone in authority suppresses an activity, they prevent it from continuing, by using force or making it illegal. 镇压; 压制例:...drug traffickers, who continue to flourish despite international attempts to suppress them.…尽管全世界努力镇压却继续猖獗的毒贩子们。2. suppression N-UNCOUNT 镇压; 压制例:...people who were imprisoned after the violent suppression of the pro-democracy movement protests.…赞成民主的抗议活动受暴力镇压后被囚禁的人们。3. V-T If a natural function or reaction of your body is suppressed, it is stopped, for example by drugs or illness. 抑制 (身体功能或反应)例:The reproduction and growth of the cancerous cells can be suppressed by bombarding them with radiation.癌细胞的繁殖和生长可通过放射线辐射加以抑制。4. suppression N-UNCOUNT 抑制例:Eye problems can indicate an unhealthy lifestyle with subsequent suppression of the immune system.眼睛问题表明一种不健康的生活方式以及随后免疫系统所受的抑制。5. V-T If you suppress your feelings or reactions, you do not express them, even though you might want to. 抑制 (情感或反应)例:Liz thought of Barry and suppressed a smile.利兹想到了巴里,强忍住一个微笑。6. suppression N-UNCOUNT 抑制例:A mother"s suppression of her own feelings can cause problems.一位母亲对她自己情感的压抑可能会导致问题。7. V-T If someone suppresses a piece of information, they prevent other people from learning it. 封锁例:At no time did they try to persuade me to suppress the information.他们从未试图劝我封锁这个消息。8. suppression N-UNCOUNT 封锁例:The inspectors found no evidence which supported any allegation of suppression of official documents.这些检察官们找不到证据证明对封锁官方文件的任何指控。9. V-T If someone or something suppresses a process or activity, they stop it continuing or developing. 阻止 (活动); 抑制 (过程)例:The government is suppressing inflation by increasing interest rates.政府正通过提高利率来抑制通货膨胀。inhibit /ɪnˈhɪbɪt/ CET6 TEM8 ( inhibiting, inhibited, inhibits )1. V-T If something inhibits an event or process, it prevents it or slows it down. 阻碍; 抑制例:The high cost of borrowing is inhibiting investment by industry in new equipment.高昂的借贷成本正抑制行业对新设备的投资。2. V-T To inhibit someone from doing something means to prevent them from doing it, although they want to do it or should be able to do it. 禁止; 阻止例:Officers will be inhibited from doing their duty.官员们将被阻止履行其职责。掌握了动词,那么对于你理解这两个单词的名字,我想应该完全不成问题。

prevents new habits form being formed翻译

Be放在动词前面 表示被动前面的词或词组如果要接动词的Doing形势,就把Be变成Being 既表被动 形式又对

Poison丶biting 是什么意思?

Poison的意思是:1、n.毒药;毒物;毒素;极有害的思想(或心情等);精神毒药2、v.毒死;毒害;下毒;在…中放毒;毒化;败坏;使恶化biting 的意思是:1、adj.刺骨的;凛冽的;刻薄的;辛辣的2、v.咬;叮;蜇;咬饵;上钩biting 读法  英 [ˈbaɪtɪŋ] 美 [ˈbaɪtɪŋ]  bite的现在分词扩展资料biting的原型:bite词语用法:1、bite可用于被动结构,当宾语是人时,被咬的部位(如“脸”),常用介词in或on引出。bite的过去式为bit,过去分词为bitten或bit,但现代英语中bit这种过去分词不常用,特别是在美式英语中。2、bite用作名词时意思是“咬”,不表示一个状态,而表示一个动作,还可指“咬伤”,即被咬过后留下的伤口,还可以指“食物”。3、bite用于引申意可指“上钩”“尖刻,刺痛”“抓紧,握紧”。多用作不可数名词,偶尔也可用作可数名词。bite在非正式英语中还可作“一口”解,一般用单数形式。词汇搭配:1、bite at v. 咬;叫骂2、insect bite 昆虫咬伤;被虫咬伤;蚊虫叮咬3、bite the dust 大败,一败涂地;倒下死去4、sound bite (新闻采访的)原声摘要播出

Bandwidth Up/Down (Kbit/sec) 640/1600 谁知道这是什么意思


GPUZ里面的 bus width 和 bandwidth 1个是总线带宽 以64 128 256 Bit结尾 1个是带宽的意思, 以GB/s结尾

bus width就是显存位宽,bandwidth就是显存带宽.它们的关系就是这个公式:显存位宽*显存频率/8=显存带宽 显存位宽的大小影响着显存带宽的大小,显存带宽的大小取决于显存位宽和显存频率


链接: 提取码: sea6导演: 达瑞尔·韦恩编剧: 薇薇安·邦 / 达瑞尔·韦恩主演: 薇薇安·邦 / 尼克·艾沃斯-斯文德尔 / Nana Ghana / Tracy Hazas / 孙芳类型: 剧情 / 喜剧制片国家/地区: 美国语言: 英语上映日期: 2018-01-19(圣丹斯电影节)片长: 71分钟                                                                                                                    该片讲述了Recently single Korean-born LA artist Sophia devotes herself to her public performance art, whether it"s a provocative Korean perspective in the park on the LA Riots or face planting into cheesy puffs for Instagram. To pay the bills, she does odd jobs on TaskRabbit. When a filmmaker reaches out to discuss an acting role in his film, she is excited to explore the opportunity, only to realize he can"t distinguish between her art and her real-life identity. Meanwhile, when a stranger makes Sophia late for a TaskRabbit gig, she loses her temper with her, only to run into her repeatedly and discover a strong connection. Sophia develops feelings for her, but it"s unclear if her love is reciprocated.Played by comedian Vivian Bang (who also co-wrote the screenplay with director Daryl Wein), Sophia is a delightfully refreshing character to watch. Emotionally open, curious, and unapologetic, Sophia"s art is fueled by unfettered self-expression. Her insatiable thirst for meaning and experience would make anyone want to follow her down the rabbit hole in this quirky, deeply felt dramedy.

着急求助:谁能给我提供Mark Twain 的the Bys" Ambition 的中文翻译?

题目应该是The Boys" Ambition啦~When I was a boy, there was but one permanent ambition among my comrades in our village on the west bank of the Mississippi River. That was, to be a steamboatman. We had transient ambitions of other sorts, but they were only transient. When a circus came and went, it left us all burning to become clowns; the first negro minstrel show that came to our section left us all suffering to try that kind of life; now and then we had a hope that if we lived and were good, God would permit us to be pirates. These ambitions faded out, each in its turn; but the ambition to be a steamboatman always remained.Once a day a cheap, gaudy packet arrived upward from St. Louis, and another downward from Keokuk. Before these events, the day was glorious with expectancy; after them, the day was a dead and empty thing. Not only the boys, but the whole village, felt this. After all these years I can picture that old time to myself now, just as it was then: the white town drowsing in the sunshine of a summer"s morning; the streets empty, or pretty nearly so; one or two clerks sitting in front of the Water Street stores, with their splint-bottomed chairs tilted back against the wall, chins on breasts, hats slouched over their faces, asleep-- with shingle-shavings enough around to show what broke them down; a sow and a litter of pigs loafing along the sidewalk, doing a good business in watermelon rinds and seeds; two or three lonely little freight piles scattered about the "levee;" a pile of "skids" on the slope of the stone-paved wharf, and the fragrant town drunkard asleep in the shadow of them; two or three wood flats at the head of the wharf, but nobody to listen to the peaceful lapping of the wavelets against them; the great Mississippi, the majestic, the magnificent Mississippi, rolling its mile-wide tide along, shining in the sun; the dense forest away on the other side; the "point" above the town, and the "point" below, bounding the river-glimpse and turning it into a sort of sea, and withal a very still and brilliant and lonely one. Presently a film of dark smoke appears above one of those remote "points;" instantly a negro drayman, famous for his quick eye and prodigious voice, lifts up the cry, "S-t-e-a-m-boat a-comin"!" and the scene changes! The town drunkard stirs, the clerks wake up, a furious clatter of drays follows, every house and store pours out a human contribution, and all in a twinkling the dead town is alive and moving. Drays, carts, men, boys, all go hurrying from many quarters to a common center, the wharf. Assembled there, the people fasten their eyes upon the coming boat as upon a wonder they are seeing for the first time. And the boat is rather a handsome sight, too. She is long and sharp and trim and pretty; she has two tall, fancy-topped chimneys, with a gilded device of some kind swung between them; a fanciful pilot-house, a glass and "gingerbread", perched on top of the "texas" deck behind them; the paddle-boxes are gorgeous with a picture or with gilded rays above the boat"s name; the boiler deck, the hurricane deck, and the texas deck are fenced and ornamented with clean white railings; there is a flag gallantly flying from the jack-staff; the furnace doors are open and the fires glaring bravely; the upper decks are black with passengers; the captain stands by the big bell, calm, imposing, the envy of all; great volumes of the blackest smoke are rolling and tumbling out of the chimneys-- a husbanded grandeur created with a bit of pitch pine just before arriving at a town; the crew are grouped on the forecastle; the broad stage is run far out over the port bow, and an envied deckhand stands picturesquely on the end of it with a coil of rope in his hand; the pent steam is screaming through the gauge-cocks, the captain lifts his hand, a bell rings, the wheels stop; then they turn back, churning the water to foam, and the steamer is at rest. Then such a scramble as there is to get aboard, and to get ashore, and to take in freight and to discharge freight, all at one and the same time; and such a yelling and cursing as the mates facilitate it all with! Ten minutes later the steamer is under way again, with no flag on the jack-staff and no black smoke issuing from the chimneys. After ten more minutes the town is dead again, and the town drunkard asleep by the skids once more.My father was a justice of the peace, and I supposed he possessed the power of life and death over all men and could hang anybody that offended him. This was distinction enough for me as a general thing; but the desire to be a steamboatman kept intruding, nevertheless. I first wanted to be a cabin-boy, so that I could come out with a white apron on and shake a tablecloth over the side, where all my old comrades could see me; later I thought I would rather be the deckhand who stood on the end of the stage-plank with the coil of rope in his hand, because he was particularly conspicuous. But these were only day-dreams,-- they were too heavenly to be contemplated as real possibilities. By and by one of our boys went away. He was not heard of for a long time. At last he turned up as apprentice engineer or "striker" on a steamboat. This thing shook the bottom out of all my Sunday-school teachings. That boy had been notoriously worldly, and I just the reverse; yet he was exalted to this eminence, and I left in obscurity and misery. There was nothing generous about this fellow in his greatness. He would always manage to have a rusty bolt to scrub while his boat tarried at our town, and he would sit on the inside guard and scrub it, where we could all see him and envy him and loathe him. And whenever his boat was laid up he would come home and swell around the town in his blackest and greasiest clothes, so that nobody could help remembering that he was a steamboatman; and he used all sorts of steamboat technicalities in his talk, as if he were so used to them that he forgot common people could not understand them. He would speak of the "labboard" side of a horse in an easy, natural way that would make one wish he was dead. And he was always talking about "St. Looy" like an old citizen; he would refer casually to occasions when he "was coming down Fourth Street," or when he was "passing by the Planter"s House," or when there was a fire and he took a turn on the brakes of "the old Big Missouri;" and then he would go on and lie about how many towns the size of ours were burned down there that day. Two or three of the boys had long been persons of consideration among us because they had been to St. Louis once and had a vague general knowledge of its wonders, but the day of their glory was over now. They lapsed into a humble silence, and learned to disappear when the ruthless "cub"-engineer approached. This fellow had money, too, and hair oil. Also an ignorant silver watch and a showy brass watch chain. He wore a leather belt and used no suspenders. If ever a youth was cordially admired and hated by his comrades, this one was. No girl could withstand his charms. He "cut out" every boy in the village. When his boat blew up at last, it diffused a tranquil contentment among us such as we had not known for months. But when he came home the next week, alive, renowned, and appeared in church all battered up and bandaged, a shining hero, stared at and wondered over by everybody, it seemed to us that the partiality of Providence for an undeserving reptile had reached a point where it was open to criticism.This creature"s career could produce but one result, and it speedily followed. Boy after boy managed to get on the river. The minister"s son became an engineer. The doctor"s and the post-master"s sons became "mud clerks;" the wholesale liquor dealer"s son became a barkeeper on a boat; four sons of the chief merchant, and two sons of the county judge, became pilots. Pilot was the grandest position of all. The pilot, even in those days of trivial wages, had a princely salary--from a hundred and fifty to two hundred and fifty dollars a month, and no board to pay. Two months of his wages would pay a preacher"s salary for a year. Now some of us were left disconsolate. We could not get on the river-- at least our parents would not let us.So by and by I ran away. I said I never would come home again till I was a pilot and could come in glory. But somehow I could not manage it. I went meekly aboard a few of the boats that lay packed together like sardines at the long St. Louis wharf, and very humbly inquired for the pilots, but got only a cold shoulder and short words from mates and clerks. I had to make the best of this sort of treatment for the time being, but I had comforting daydreams of a future when I should be a great and honored pilot, with plenty of money, and could kill some of these mates and clerks and pay for them.

想请教你,介词短语in regard to official reciept submitted,这里的sumbitted是做补语吗?

regard有关于的意思,在这里作某方面讲in this regard在这方面

Forbid,Ban,prohibit 区别何在?


Forbid,Ban,prohibit 区别何在?


登陆后出现specified resolution is not supported.(16bit,32bit)该怎么办 ,driectX3D加速功能如何启动


跑跑登录显示“specified resolution is not supported(16bit,32bit)”怎样解决


运行跑跑 specified resolution is not supported(16bit,32bit)


我跑跑下载好了 安装好了 启动时怎么出现 specified resolution is not supported (16bit.32bit


跑跑卡丁车无法登陆,出现specified resolution is not supported.(16bit,32bit)该怎么解决?在win7系统下


本人在安装跑跑卡丁车是总出现specified resolution is not supported.(16bit,32bit)是什么原因?


跑跑卡丁车游戏进不去了,就跳出来了一个specified resolition is notsupported.(16bit),(32bit)

开始运行游戏出现Specified resolution is not supported(16bit.32bit)Specified resolution is not supported.(16bit,32bit) 是说你的视频模式不被支持(16位色,32位色) 解决方法:开始-运行-输入dxdiag-确定-调到显示,看driectX3D加速功能是否都启用了 如果没启用 全部启用就OK了 指定请求不被支持 是说现在进行中的软件程序不支持16bit或者32bit的颜色质量。这种情况多数和你的显示方面有关。 (整理不易,禁止抄袭!否则举报!!)

电脑出现 Specified resolution is not supported(16bit, 32bit)怎么回事


bite at 有这个形式吗

没有.... 这个是唯一用法。bite one"s thumb at someone 对某人嗤之以鼻...

bite at 有这个形式吗

有的.如:bite at 向…咬去The dog bit at the stranger.狗向陌生人扑来.向…叫骂He bites at anyone when he is mad.他发起火来谁都骂.上当They are too knowing to bite at such a bait.他们很老练,不上这种当.不...

bite 中文意思是?几个英文例句,了解 bite 的英文用法!

bite 中文意思 是 ? bite 本身有「咬」的意思,三态分别为:bite、bit、bitten。除此之外,bite 还有很多其他的用法。 《EnglishClass 101》讲师 Alisha 在 Youtube 上面列举了bite 的中文意思及其它英文用法,一起来看看吧! 1. 基本定义:咬 例:I hate it when I bite my tongue. 我讨厌咬到我的舌头。 例:You shouldn"t bite your nails. 你不应该咬你的指甲。 2. (Fish) to eat bait (鱼)上钩 例:The fish aren"t biting today. 今天鱼都不上钩。 例:I think something bit my lure! 我想有什么东西吃到我的饵了。 3. to show interest in something 对某事表示兴趣 例:All right, I"ll bite. What"s the secret? 好吧,我想知道。那秘密是什么? 例:The new clients didn"t bite on the deal. 这新客户还没达成协议。 4. to be bad (slang), to be unappealing 不好、不吸引人 例:This lunch bites. 这午餐真不吸引人。 例:Your boss bites. 你的老板不好。 5. to have a habit of biting 咬人的习惯(用于动物或小孩) 例:Watch out for that dog ; he bites. 小心那只狗 ; 他会咬人。 例:Careful ; I heard that kid bites. 小心 ; 听说那小孩会咬人。 6. to e back to bite (somebody) 得到报应 a situation not handled now causes bigger problems in the future 表示现在若没处理好,未来会造成更大麻烦 例:I didn"t put gas in the car yesterday. Hope that doesn"t e back to bite me. 我昨天车子没加油。希望不会出事。 例:She didn"t stay updated on the project progress and it e back to bite her. 他没有继续更新项目的进展情况,结果得到报应了。 7. to bite (someone"s) head off 无缘无故对…发脾气 to be quick to express anger, even if just for a *** all reason 表示只是出于很小的原因,就很快地生气 例:My mom bit my head off for ing home 10 minutes late last night. 昨晚我只是晚10分钟回到家,我妈就对我发火了。 例:He made one *** all mistake ; you don"t have to bite his head off ! 他犯了一个小小的错误而已 ; 你不必对他发脾气。 8. bite the bullet 咬紧牙关去做、硬著头皮做、逼自己做一些你不想做的事 例:I think I have to bite the bullet and take the boring day job. 我想我必须咬牙,继续这无聊的工作。 例: We bit the bullet and applied for a mortgage. 我们硬著头皮去申请抵押。   bite, bite the bullet, bite the bullet中文, bite the bullet意思, bite the bullet翻译, bite 中文, bite 意思, bite 用语, bite 翻译, to bite (someone"s) head off, to bite (someone"s) head off中文, to bite (someone"s) head off意思, to bite (someone"s) head off翻译, to e back to bite (somebody), to e back to bite (somebody)中文, to e back to bite (somebody)意思, to e back to bite (somebody)翻译


bit[bit]n.小块, 少量, 片刻, 马嚼子, 辅币vt.上马嚼子, 控制vbl.咬n.[计]位, 比特byte[bait]n.【计】二进位组, 信息组, 字节, 位组

white bite 是什么鱼

white bait英 [hwait beit]美 [hwaɪt bet]银鱼

bite 是什么意思







创世块就是区块链所有区块中的第一块,起始于比特币的诞生。创世块是区块链的开始,从创世块出现的那一刻起,这条链就正式诞生了。    但事实上很多的“币”是没有创世块的,因为这些币本身就是由其他的链创造出来的,就是所谓的token,叫做代币或是通证。受比特币的分布式记账的启发,一个叫做Vitalik的少年创造了一种新的区块链:以太坊,从那时起,在以太智能合约发行的token就开始大行其道,只要改改合约内容,在链上存个地址加数字,一种代币就创造出来了,传说中的分布式账本。显然,这些代币是以太坊上的一组数字,本身并没有什么价值,只有利用这些token支付的Dapp真的能被大多数人接受,这些数字才有自己的价值,即所谓的共识凝聚价值。 扯的有点远了,下面来看看比特币的创世块吧: 看到这里,有些小伙伴可能会说:难道你觉得我能看懂你贴的这些玩意。坦白说我也很后悔……但是粘一半又显得不专业了,你懂的。 创世块的意思就是说有一个50BTC的UTXO发给了1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa这个地址。那UTXO又是什么?这个一言难尽,下次再说,你就当是一个账本上有50BTC,转账给了可能是聪哥的一个地址,但是奇葩的是由于这个账本是需要验证输入输出的,帐要平,但是第一笔钱没有设置input,造成聪哥无法使用这笔钱,有人说这个聪哥厉害之处,因为很多人会监视这个地址的交易记录,这样就会找到聪哥。现在这个bug让别人无法追踪,反正聪哥还有100万个…… 注意coinbase打头的字符串,翻译成本文就是 "The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks",中文为 “2009年1月3日,首相第二次对处于崩溃边缘的银行进行紧急救助”,这句话正是The Times当天的头版文章标题。是不是和现在的格局很相似?本来还想说下其他区块链的创世块的,这个以后再说吧,本文也是我的公众号xiaointalk的创世篇,当时还记了币圈大家都知道的一句话,现在看来也是百感交集啊: “ 卖币是不可能,一辈子都不会卖币,币圈的人各个都是人才,说话又好听,我超喜欢这里的 !” 同时欢迎大家在 微博 和 头条 关注XiaoInTalk进行交流! 最后我的微信号kanhaixiaofu

想请教你,介词短语in regard to official reciept submitted,这里的sumbitted是做补语吗?

regard有关于的意思,在这里作某方面讲in this regard在这方面



a bit和a bit of区别用法?






a bit,a little,a bit of,a little of,a little bit, kand of的区别与用法


a bit a lot a little区别


i have abit of money

little money 是没有钱的意思,然后a bit of 是很少钱,但还是有一点的意思. 那你去买东西,怎样也是要带一点钱去的啊,所以就选B 译文:我不能买这些东西,我只带了很少钱.

a bit 和a bit of的区别




a bit的用法,可以修饰那些次,全部。







在肯定句中修饰动词.形容词.副词和比较级时,两者可以互换,表示一点儿 例句:the speaker spoke up a bit/A Little So As TO Make Himself Heard More Clearly 2在、.定句中意思相反not a bit 相n于ont at all 一点也不 mnot a little相当于very33.A Little可以直接作定语修饰名词而,a bit要加of构成短语希望采纳,你的支持是我们的动力!

a bit和abit of 的区别是什么?


a little abit a little bit abit of

a bit 后面加 形容词或者副词 a bit of后面加名词 这也是a bit 与a little的区别所在,a little后面可以直接加名词.a little bit +n(不可数) / adj a little bit+不可数名词

abit-bd7主板 报警说明

简单的说吧 两个地方的问题可能性最大 一个是主板和显卡以及显卡和显示器的连接出现问题 这个其实不难拍出 拔下来再插下一般就行 当然显卡有独立供电的话也注意独立供电不能不插 当然了 如果之前就没用过这主板的话 是第一次用 那可能和电源的负载也有关系 这个只能换个好点的电源试试另外一个问题就是内存 道理一样 拔下来再插上 不过你如果能找到软橡皮擦擦金手指那就更好了

英语-a little & a bit 的区别


take it abit

D 词义辨析题。A. at times 有时 B. at that time 在那时 C. at all times 总是D. at a time 一次 不要立刻做所有的事情,一次做一点。 根据语境选D

abit alittle afew用法区别

a little 修饰不可数名词 如 a little water a few 修饰可数名词 a few books a bit 与 a little 意思相同,但修饰不可数名词时 a little =a bit of 另外 not a bit=not at all,意为"一点也不";not a little=very much,意为"十分"、"相当"、"极其"。例如: He is not a bit tired.他一点不累。 He is not a little tired.他很累。


a little=a bit=a little bit=kind of但是a bit of是很例如i am not a little of happy我很开心但是a bit of是一点儿也不例如i am not a bit of happy是我一点也不开心

ABIT EQ是干什么用的?

abit eq是由abit computer corporation所设计制造之以主机板为主的个人计算机自我诊断系统。 它可以藉由监控电源供应器电压、cpu及系统风扇速度和cpu及系统温度等关键项目来保护个人计算机硬件。


a bit词性及解释 稍 bit of一点

电脑可运行但ABIT主板报警1长1短时有时无 请问是如何修理??


ABIT主板驱动(PCB1.0 、2.0)什么意思

就是指特别为这几个版本的主板提供的驱动就是同样型号的板子,PCB,也就是印制电路板,通俗的说就是主板的基板版本不同,分1.0/2.0.上面个别电容的型号位置也可能有细小的不同或位置差异 ,你这个升技的


进入Pe一般键esc f1-f12 (一定有个键可以选择U盘起动)都可以进入BIOS内设置开机启动顺序.相关的主机外接端口的开启.电源管理等等.

a lot ,a lot of,a little,abit,a little bit ,afew ,few,little 用法.


a bit +形容词/副词是什么啊

我也想知道,为什么a后面可以接形容词或者副词,不定冠词不是接名词而已吗?接副词在句中似乎有点说不通,不知道是什么句型,例如a little forward,我的理解是a little组成形容词短语,修饰副词forward

a bit 和a little 有什么区别

一、a little和a bit 的区别如下:1、中文相同,读音不同(1)、a little 读音:   英[ə ˈlitl]    美[e ˈlɪtl]    adv.    少量地,稍许地;    adj.    少量的,稍许的;    (2)、a bit  读音:英 [ə bit]   美 [e bɪt]  稍微; 有一点儿;短时间; 短距离2、a little 可以用于加不可数名词前作定语;a bit则采用“a bit + of +名词”的形式。例如:Tom has a little money. 汤姆有一点钱。Tom has a bit of money. 汤姆有一点钱。注:当a little修饰的名词前有this、that所有格等限定词时,也要用a little of结构。例如:I want to drink a little of that drink. 我想喝点那种饮料。3、a bit和a little用于肯定句是意思相同,但a bit和a little与not连用时,意思大相径庭。not a bit=not at all,意为"一点也不";not a little=very much,意为"十分"、"相当"、"极其"。例如:He is not a bit tired. 他一点不累。He is not a little tired. 他很累。二、a little的用法:1、a little作副词,表示程度不深,译成“有点儿” 例如:The patient"s condition is getting a little better . 病人的情况好转了些2、a little作形容词,修饰抽象名词或物质名词,表示程度或分量。例句:(1)He speaks a little German. 他会说一点点德语。(2)She needs a little water. 她需要一点水三、 a bit 的用法:a bit 作副词,译为”略微,一点“,常可与 a little 换用,但 a bit 较口语化,且从表示的程度上讲,a bit 稍弱于 a little。故有时为了加强语气,在 a bit 中间加上 little。例如:1、She felt a bit/little tired. 她觉得有点儿累。2、Please wait a little bit.  请稍等片刻。扩展资料一、little  adj.    小的; 琐碎的; 娇小的; 幼小的;    adv.    不多,略微; 少许,一点; 短时间地;    n.    (表示否定) 微少; 没有多少; 短时间;    比较级: less 最高级: least例句:1、I had little money and little free time .我没什么钱,也没多少空闲时间。2、He walked away, his little heart broken. 他走开了,他幼小的心都碎了。3、We really need to buy a lot of little things. 我们真的需要买很多琐碎的东西。二、bitn.一点,一块;少量,少许;一会儿,一转眼;[计] 比特(二进位制信息单位)adj .很小的,微不足道的adv. [口语]相当,有点儿,或多或少,多少[a bit to的省略]vt. 给(马)上嚼子;上衔铁;抑制;制约v. 咬,叮( bite的过去式);刺痛;咬饵;有咬(或叮)的习性第三人称单数: bits 复数: bits 现在分词: bitting 过去式: bitted 过去分词: bitted例句:1、Did he give up? Not a bit of it! 他放弃了吗?根本没有!2、She found a pretty yellow jug smashed to bits. 她发现一个漂亮的黄色小罐被摔得粉碎。3、My dinner jacket is every bit as good as his.  我的晚礼服和他的一样好。


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